Hi V AM f v rfc . I.- if' .! itii ii ;i 1;. V -a' S . I' hi 4 -t I wi j ijl M i i tv gh to note thi instant wfe tfrcadfuk infinitely loader than any thunder I ev- . ., ., v i heard nd I have been in tuaay tlinnder-sxorms ri the summits of the Andes. Many poor peo- ie lost ineii uvea, ana au gweiw urronndintr desert: to seek safety in distance of walls and bona- L pit If- MtjVWM -g - 'He.' ':t J ' ' . .$ . ':: , . Onthe evening: precedingthe two earthquakes Lf whih I hare nokeo. atmosphere; yvas ve- f fry dense, an.ominoas inexplicable stillness seem j., M to: prevail, broken only fct i intervals by the Inbreathing of an air of windjwhicji appeared to : jhave no determined direction, and was Celt with the same as in th e Street, j ThW atmos I iKfTA inneared tobein a highly electrical state, and many people takir; notice of these .things, t hyere in some degree prepared lor tne coming ca- limit v (nr wafi tne nowiin? ot iu uu auu KrsTinr of Jack-assesdormi the niehrdisregar ded. In countries exposed to earthquakes people acquire a habit of obRervingany thing considered as arr indication, as welHasfi delicacy :nlhe per- cption, of the slightest shake, which afpeara to a stranger no icaiuus iimiai. x wu wucc v carasunces came under &y ovTi - observation, . . .-i . . - -t :s i : Jp.:i which.' seemed to prore ini soane powerpi sgcu i3 at work in the atmosphefe besides the hidden one below the surface a gteat number ot empty 9a&3 phials, I found next day standing where I -ithey had been left, but theStoppers were scatter- in tu nirecuons aouu iim. x.itc um ers, containing different liquids, were thrown from tne enelves ana xfrpn, auvnu eiiiinj ouc had even fallen on its side On" a highly var nished new table at, whi0h3 had the night before been reading, the varnish became so fluid that it passed through the boards 6f several books, end the next day appeared as i): glued to thie inahog any. LiFroinseveral Jar frtjsieri jarnsunk in theetb, the watej wEj thrown tn considerable 'quantity, over th tnoathsaihough innohe of iheowas it nearer the tDjlhan iroraS'to 4 feet. Mne smgraniy in tne aog is remarKeu iieie, anu It is, ihat "immediately &ky a shock ror.g .or weak,the whol4 digs Sofjthe place run to ti rink at the; nearest water. 1 . V-,: ffy'- I iad got thisjlength when a messenger arri ved fom Aricato in fb chil iw, that the vessel which takes our letters i to F-nglandf positiir'ely siiis in the morning, aad they west leave this imjWMhately. t proposed giving a short Uistor- 1 ical VlfeW'- of the principal earthquakes which, have bappeued m the obaH of Peru(!since the I conquesti, along with a brief ndcsnripUon of I the principal volcanoes ta out nehborhood. I This i shall dojby the fr. opportunity, in the J hope that it may not prove!; altogether? unioteres ungi Ihave greatly to regret uienaving, ma this Very day. lpaid . Jtftrror. SAGACnYOF ANEW FOUNDLAD t ; l nnrs 1 were there an v balls suitsd to the calibre fl tu. -. r.L t . . -v v San (musketi) fThere wre . seven ; perforit I h Ai n mi r.rih foctoat cmilinrr chine 1. V . J . r : ' mm sings 01 lead. i i ' warn lorseverai mues uii a gun uom uie com- ,t y j. ; rIuluu:4r . c,we- : . i!T" carder, O'Conner stated to one of the wHne UUbUiUM Ul llltS UUL. UUi WIS BW A KU-U r bUUlfll" 1 . 1 J . - - - a -. r : o skUL tnd es. le witnesses then save the atanBitfiaitai shall he nidlctouslv applietsim tne !- neighbors collected and arrested the prisoners fJiageif an able and beaatifoi writer,) she will The gun which he fired; belonged t j one I me day be to the country what Cornwall the witnesses, and when tfiey left the housef EnlatidTpreiSeatpf prodigious industry, and the boat tkr hmira hiWviniisi it ffM not ljad. i.SnirrA ofinAiiiioxi aid national wealth.? t . In earfiinr trt this conclusion. I do. npl loose le tupe ; prior toj n one of the wHnej oui we saw s suaugeftcnuuii- ,L,t . rt. r i... ,k:1,1 er, Yankee rigged,Jhat was standing towards . - . v nicCfo.Ii to'fl loped that if, the long-boat ..di.L-i- ' . there would be a chance of her being picked up by the schooner, though the i the rocks, and we hoped was yet in existenc . there would be a i luug-uu beeaft tvritof arhitratiouassuedby the asst&l hth superiotemieht of the lead mines to'.setrj&jJ rerenco tetweencijuone and U Keeie, tw is the csual means adopted ' wni--purr was also Droved that dure? all 1 the time o. riance between O'Conhorland the decease , "conduct of O'Connor; Upwards O'KeefeH," rouh, abusive and disorderly,- while O'le! '.VfcnittlV tThe Almshoose is t Wfcsent qcFbv lr,T two or 1 three persona who have k&SH fJrbn-'! tne general idea was, that she had gone down and every sou) had perished. We had scarcely wore snip tor tbe purpose of joining the convoy, when a dense naze obscured them from st?ht. and as evening was closing in fast, every officer was stationed in different parts to keep a, look out W1 1 . I .i. l M WO Ay UU WIWI V0 nnrt TOtmflrl KAnt ImU inn iictena n1 tha I - . t v .. nuuuu... m. -"""-- "'"-I treated U'Uodnof wrtu reat forbearance passengers were conversing u meiancuoiy mooo miWneas. bat no oaarrelhii taken place heir them on the dayrbf the itarder. It wasf 1 ny( years ago broken my barometer in the interior, 1 but! am in daily hopes of.'yeceivtng lone I long fcince ordered from England- oaeaieni servani I am sir your most John Keid. EJfwf oaflng: upi te liiae!. .It is not . necessary . to be very particular on this lead, as tho; rules in respect ? to the deport ment of the elegant tourist, in steamboats, will sufficiehtlv sddIt lb the S'pringb We will raeicly observe thai great vigilance and ich rif is necessary; in both placer, inas much Piho viands hac !a hbit; of. vanish ing ' hef ore jcaie ' can s3iy; Jack iRobinson. One special rule, whicbf we cannot by any means omit i rocntionirtfr, isytnever to lose time in considenni? wllat vou sliaii eat, nor upon the events of the past hirht, and the jnoba ble fate of the long-boat, when a noble; New foundland dog that lad lain sleeping on deck, suddenly raised his head and gave a short groivl. The captain was pacing to and fro with the chief mate, but stopped near the animal, and address mglt. said, "ilallooj Nep! what's the matter with you Old boy ?" The creature wagged his long busby tail at hearing his master's voice .and then composed to slumber again ;but in less thaji a minute he resumed his growling, and raited hitnselt upon his lorepaws. "lie hears some thing beyond, our knowledge, exclaimed the captain : Up Nep, up my boy, and see to'emi" The animal at first rose lazllv, stretching his limbs and shaking his coat ; but in an instant he stood immoveable in the fixed attitnde of atten tion, and then sprang away upon the poop-Iad- der, running from side to side, and barking most vehemently, tilj at last he took his station to windward, and seemed-perfectly furious. "We cannot be within six miles of the fleet," said the captain, and yet I am confident there is something near us. ; Weather cathead there do 3'ou see of hear any thing to windward ? Silence, Neptune down, boy dwn !,J and the animal became perfectly Iranqatl, waging his fine tail, and rub bing his head affectionately acrainst his master's hand. The officer on the lookout replied in the negative,as did also several others who had cau tiously looked iound. and attentive?? listened. "I'll stake uiy existence on the dog's sagacity said the Captain addressing the chief mate. 'By heavens ! it may bp the missing boat.' haul up the main sail, ajnd square the after-yard3 r keep her course, quartet master, till 1 tell you to luri to the wind, and let there be silence fore and aft." The orders were immediately and punctu ally obeyed, and then the Captain, patting the head of the huge animal,exclaimed, "Now, Nep, we mnst trust to you, old boy ; look for 'em, Nep seek 'era out I" The dog whined with a languid ph)fulnessr a3 if satisfied that he had a wakened attention, when theie arose a low, hol low moan, that seemed like a heavy groan, issu ing from the very bowels of the ocean. The ship, though moving through the water, was greatly retarded by the shivering of the after sails, and the dashing noise occasioned by her ve- l.icity had ceased. "Jb olkstle, there," cried the fter a sessiJ le loiiowinJ i . i I Kttick"lt proved that O'Cohflyri og( Ite .same eAenjl the'murder, said he was jgld tie had killk Keefe, and wished he had llledoneor twjrj but, after beiriar spoken tot aid reprimands sacn expressions men exppeu a .r the affair had happened, i 1 he Jury then retirecr, an bout two hoars, returned diet. ;:i i"i We the jury selected to nor, for the murder of Georga O'Keefe, 23th insu after examining thdvitnesses on and attentively hearing and ccsideringtn iimouv usraiiihi me prisoner; : ananimosf gree that the saiij O'Connt iauilty of rit in the highest degree, and are t opinion tftv said U'Lonoor has done an ac whch w I of laws would forfeit his lrte. Ad inasiiti the security of the lives of thl-ood ciazi the country, require that an esuiple slj made, to preserve order, and cevinco lev posed peisons that this is net a ce j lives of men mav be taken ; wit(iTouii are of opinion thdt the said O'Causr, thL carefully secured un.il theOth ui bf left' at the hour of 11 o'clock of said Vy , JtUfc . . . . execution, and there be liuoff o til hs is dead. rA , WoooDurv iMasey, iu. . w. , A'sol Smith, Jesse hfA. Harlson, iJanA Nicholas Carroll, J.B. Webber, AlllM lins, :i iio; Child, Thus. MrCrann Dubuiiue, May ::80, t$34. r meeting of the citizens was h the exeeuuon, at iwnich the snena pt apDointed. several committees nouiinji lect funds and superintend the execf) guard selected. . ti. T'ho 'nKi.Vo ij" KriioF nirrtii-ir riff?' cumstances relating to the tnfortuh't Uuouque, which terminated the Uit nor, on the 13th instant. ' At twelve o'clock on the da7 OUin the prisoner was taken from hist place t mem ucucr a guard or a company oi commanded by L'. WbeelertMbd P cution if here had assembled about 1,5 ight of die great natural advantages which ir- gmia posseates over other mining auucw m Fnitad .StatieS. and throushoot the i world It wille seen by the map, that by a Utlpmore than half a day' ride, any one can be transport ed fxojn 'the aty of Washington; the Rotomac, to th ffold mines oh th Rappohannock on the Banks of a' beautiful River made navigable by locks and dams a distence of tea rmles to true uter anJ tMmlvttt navicration. oommencins at Fredericksburg, which is a busy inland town, at nWtiful market And to thb the very low price of provisions and labor, te Yast abuhdance of wood and timber, the great number of water powers easily created up on tbe numerous streams, the peculiarity ui uus sod and. earth as affording facilities for excava- tion? (since sutam is now applied to aii Kino dinging) and finally the beautiful devehjpement ot iLericn coia veinssaiu uy muse oosfrvers in ttoth couniries.oy iar io enjoi . i- ioi S.vith Amiif nr pvnn ilussia. SO mucu 'Wf kVAU & j ' - - ll ' celebrated of late lor her eoia minesi Like rant pentns of tnJU iuiT l"n' uoi, i oium njn w i ' jaoded, and m J 1 cha health impaired. bv inaction of tu et,A and 1 i ooweiaawi as w oe nnaer wi ""f of -reson- l . . . i. mg to medicine, principajnX' iajorde i 'f . v' to enable.our readirt perfectly to-applfhii If Were 3 UreTti of op 6! -4 lam aDoat to say pi a remedy ,m suwe r bowels 1 hundred and nweniy memf : MetbuJisv, 15, U alwayiiiirsooael dree-ccoxnpahied ! Hih t a Episcopal C$nrch in thh lfl.'oo.ho3f are . ' : ( sense of striitneffi of the chest. I andlbesi, loome of flverfurty yearn am lueied 'K.. S' general uneasiness, and lassitude. with the Lj; the Communion t3fithatcli; blbonse- I v I ache, or wine degree of pain in te region of , jqaence of what theytconkidgilS aTbUraxy aad, liver. It Seems to me a recurrence tbol pro z- called by'oty physicians, a Tiver! complaint, t c8ea-'whiertled ..to trhaeces, Ui4 csa If which 1 haw bein a good deairaubjecwe pCpaAtiob.aad wiaifehT h- .;; I , appeuw inltead of beicg keen incomes itaper ; rttr. i'tfil r frt?t. with & nn!i;r tst:Wihr mouth, as.' If something was M-inting in Ahe functions of J di gestion, to W.stitiute health for; which catnarr tics are only a ternpararv relief! not a remedy. Thecommcn Tomato, used itwnakmg gravy," at onoe removes tnia taste or tne roooio,4i - -tie time aurekenslthe action tf the k liver, and re moves all Ihe above nbticed symptoms and feel j ings :1 regard it as an invaluabW article of diet. : or, if you please, las of medicine or of medical j diatetics. i Withj ine it has always been an ob- i ipntnf suliitnHft in find nut Kuril diet, as should These ciirvay.ip tho np.4-itw iif meieine. exceot in Jmg ontiq, rum, "general iwpj fAd-lr-" se one of the enemfsl nfkbvaubje, liberatejlm, to destroy -j' rixi U veias kre composed of quartz, commonly called , picyej wiicli I Cannot U3e, I eat jhe. Tomato, in white'flint, from one to four feet in thickness , every iaiaginafe mode of dressing j. and 'find it generally perpendicular in the earth like a wall j perfeclly adapted to my wantsi Tri the hope of no concern1 of mine, said thetteaj :r u you think proper,' order one of xQl x$ take the - feUowT ofl Dodge, j our position,' reiomea mo w4ottHtt 1 i are a dea4 raanlj wilHnWi. nor quit ' iny post,' replied tbe. jW the consdaueoce what it raay.'V i . i T 1 .4 4 D S ! J 1 CMiTrv .tk4 r vuff uisai Jv" w "" - extending fiiom the surface to an unknown depth, luisoot uncommon to find gold in the broken fragments of the tews at a.e srutap,jana it nas tlso been found at the dtpth of 160 feeHncreas ingly rich T The gold district lies in.that pan bfiWiruaj between the tidewater Hp! Blue lerrRido'e. where the atmosphere is dry anti exhili- . 1 -o . . . . . . r ; u n- nt nir. ths imate mildanu asireeauiw.uo well tasted and 5 . Si sr.. THE COMET OF , fffoin the folloi Dutch! paper, in the it wouj 1 I i pUDUSnea in a JLuicu; paper, uiiuo y-Qfi delphia, that the Cpmet, whicr so much kalk abodt ;i some.nimeJ make its appears ace j during the jJj 'fl L mm. Mi.jl memnHc - i mer. mi nuo wcii u wuwu 1 j. 1 ' heino' same ne to others, these facts, are Sla ted. The L'omMo is of great use to me. It is raised with less jtrouble than any other vegitable that I have an yi knowledge of. It was planted ! six earsa2u. droos its own seed into g.oand, , aud has nfwluced bushels every year since, with nn rvthor Irr.nKI than the same i ground iti spring, and one or two hoeings.on a lv missed Meir calculaUons one yea O - . . . i j i rnniinca Kill vot Ko ran I whith lie was elM yl fflfVin, ' fV so lonff and justly tamd lor their hoswtaiiiy ana lhe labor land Iroubte of an equal quanrj o: , me rtw-- r . . w o J , . r I .1 t t ' . i - . ' t U ' tvwnntini ?nrf urHturnff Itai till. j refinement, and tor whose convenience u.o gi. ; cucuuioers. uat one other oojecv reuiwm i w j -- -,17- r . T7-- ri Stated ' ' l flt W1UWII BCCII IHCSMV j BVI 1 incline toth'e opinion, though without l,av- er wil soo make iti jbrilltant aprx j inaTetfullvtrledit.that the' Tomato mar be . starry world It was expected h.j mx.u intii ri.K (ar mat. and be :ept however by Astronomers, out throucrh the vear'or from seaJoti ta seasuo cithe . imposed upon by i,. correct report. i 11, in th httftst this uomei erenerauv oears Sii,lMiov,Cicu "".. , . J.L:f Lz. ite mild and airreeaLiiw. ihe waier , 8DOtof perhaps six feet square. ; It makes a good ( urocKeii as services pure, the inhabitante ofjthat class ' fi&fo and U raised with one hundredth part of form the ddlies tor lytamd lor their hosrttality and lhe labor land jroubte of an equal quanUT ? t the Presidentto i National or Southern Rail Road is about to pass by them as it were ai their thresholds. Still with ail these natural and extraordinary advanta!s. 1 feel it my duty, continues Mr. Shepherd, to give my friends and fellow citizens nf Now F.mo-iani4 fpw words of adviceby way of caution. That there is a very large amount of o-old in the -areai state of Viroinia, and that this r ! . iry-u k nvtra'tpn sn as to large amouni 01 vjoiu maj w. ."v . atford a hre profit, is clear to a demonstraiion ; and I believe that this section 01 our- cyunw j worthy th aiteiltion of northern entferptite ana canital. Yel it ifremientlv happens i that many rrr.. . , -j , . truit. lhe irrdw. weather 1 in sammer will keep penecny w changed;ior several days in a common open iish io a pantry ; and this I know,; is my cook loes not like the ariacJe, 1 have contnyea 10 e. over when shel neglects ray directions. If DrJberlv Prepared, bottled and corkec it would certainly keep good in an ice house or a gone maiKi We remember to aeenJi 1 ! have sprnce John Bull,': who, frora liis carrying a mem nrantliim book, and .making frequent notes, was no" dduuta forcer of books of travels. who. tlie first morning he breakfasted at t Concress-hail, afforded lis infinite diversion lle-had olaceu his altecions iostviaenity on a jolly smoaking . stlak, that to say the honest truth, was the jjOct of oir own se cret dcvtirs and stooji leaning on thei back of a diair directly opposite, waiting tor that bell which excels the music of the spheres, or of the veritable Sgr)ri;na,pnilli ar of a triie amateur. At tlieifirst imkling of this delightful instrument, i rlimble young lel low, from the purlieiis of the. arcade, with a body no bigger than i wasp, slipped in be tween, took the chair; atd transferred a large half of the steak to hisjown use j jl'he Sig nior John Bull looked a wf u !ly dignified, but "said nothing, and deprted n search ot an other steak Jin a paroxism of hunger He . Had swallowed eight juinblers of Congress that morning. In thejmean while' he had lost the chance of getting aiiy slit at all, iuntil hewai accommldated at arsitle table where we delected hnitJmakiDg several notes - in his memorandum-ibokf iwhih,s without Captain, 'do yon see any thing on the weather-beam ?No, sir'' replied the officer, "but there v as a sound came down upon the wind juA ...... n tui . n j s n n fin atw ktered sUeh airroatfiar-sr-- -bb--- hjat, Nep I" said the,t;aptaiort'T,vm5 'look out for the boat sir, the animal raise his tie wasuiacedoot a sea fast to) the wayrifi ?ltithe rope Xttearjy persons have an idea that wherever gold isist!v- perhaps in acfammon cellar, ox under water, or ered, if thoy can but gel possession of the lands, At juW and uniform temperature -At any 1 1, no matter at what price, their tortune is maue iui lt founuV' to be as use.ul to oiners as u is w ti a certainty. This tbolish impression ha3 ruined m 1 n it n mnn fTh tjmnlation is SO ffreat that where a person wishes to sell his bod as gold lrw nnH ,nnrt finrl rn d UDOn it. I" orutri m rftect his olnectl he will sometimes j bring gold csinrJahd nrft from a distance and i bury them uporfhisViwit crouuds, which the purchaser finds nilL LOtlla cWrOW Wlieil lUU i.t-'" personsfiadljfa few grams ot gpi'V!" -eioosXiiVui masses and blocks,. H is need TLitiadartsnch viomnarv day d'eams are vi - wi ... ' i. rtrplY teawvi still manv are sanffumts rjuii VnursueihUfance Atb ereat ardpr. Vithuse PSVjus wWentranre in this business :0ispeco)awir would : say they vespense ot Miners, will be fluite desirable to find out how it iiy best be preserved tur use. Asa pickle keptm brine o vinegar, I could not use it, 1 am inch ed to think that us good qualities would be miai diminisheo.fof-anv one. bv tins mode cl prcsr- , j j . vation L It seeins to me. thatof all the articiesoi diet or ttiedicie that have come to my kuov ledire,tne Tomato cts most ;directly upon tie liver; (and ttius on bile. Publish this it y i15ica and Ipt othpra irv it and make their oH . , . r - j ..Kcarn nne I L-nmv ihnt several persons Ii mv acauauitance have derived hke beuehts lrta the use ottt.-kV. Y. Fanner. PiupE of Axcestry.4 An anecdote s told of Mr. roit'hshire,! fiirnlnnws. Utd them ;n the rail, and cruathin his head upon them.lookeu mteutly to windward, ciaXroeen comiiiiUef moving nis ears rapidly. In a few secoods,Jje , sipWppfvious io;thejibotj crave ashrill 'howl, and then harking, jumped yet aken cognizance!1 of !tu down, ana men iawneaupon 111s misier. "1j3u- ; mere exist any legai jarisuif tern3 in the fore and main rijin shouted the j try ot hot, may! perhaps beS Captain ;"clear away a gun there, forward ; and if there exists no means of af Jft -.Mr.- -burn bine liuhts,'' when, caressing the oli that region, it then fcllcffo? do-, he added. ' Thre my good Neptune, su ; safety ; and preservation dejButi4. to'em.Ud look to em' .Nrptune.apiX'HKl to tht-ir jii adoption. vtrcutneea nrnnrAhnd whit w;ix .-said to him. for. inmri:? iiuhsoeasibie to out a checkthi ! on a coop he snuffed the w.nd and fixed his eyrs , cri.uM hich the; vicious ,.ps tho steadfastly about a point abatt the-weaihar baan. The lanterns w-ere displayed, and bla ; lignis . sent forth their clear blaze, when again !hat hoi- low moan was heard, and trhe dog, .with loau j barking, leaped from his station, and fawned up )n , the Captain, who exelaimed, 'liraca the yards j sharp up aboard main tack ; and quarter mas- j ter, keep her clean lull aud by; at all events,! well see, the end of this !' The sails were nice Jy trimmed, arid the gallant ship upon a bowline Dent to the breeze, and dashed the spray from her bows. Blue lights were still burnt occasionally, the lanterns were shown abaft, and in half an hour the ship was hove in stays, and suon was reaching away on the starboard tack. In anoth er half hour (for the captain timed it with his watch) the mainsail Was hauled up, and the af ter-yards were in the act of being squared, wher. the officer at lhe weather cat head exclaimed, A boat to windward board on- the weather bow Every eye was instantly directed to- AUhouCk -ill ana ejftPenan, 1 RcKTpr. of Werndee, m ftiot whtch exhibits tlje pride of at iM of view. 11 lev. becausi this trreat astronomer ui natcst observation of it, and com most accurate reckoning 01 its si belongs to tfie small) number of C J ir.U k. call uvuuwic)cu nu muui.i A. U. 100U, it was first discovered time on it Vas regularly discovered 1 i 4, lour iiiaes eveiy ; iwicu the last time first after 77 ye&rt. ' Since us fast appfaiance m A. yeara nave ilea. 1 ne calculations j ers are now pnanimous that in uie ct piesent year, 1834,:it will again li to the inhabitants of the eaitrwi If we mistake not giveaoUce ot this would take pecaston should be led from a contemplation of 1 lira whq called jiiis majestic b: ence ; and not iiKe ine superstiuop the herald of 1 lis wrath, but as a 1 elevating display of liis wisdom pov. . ! !i It will appear towards the clos the year 1834 , n the Bast, about tion Tiirusl, but vejry Indistinct. . itsdiscticefrbm the earth will be 4 miles. 1 On the ISth'of September,! 'j oniy twny millions ptmiies crstari jiw I,- Kir weareairfoBg 'V ; llf-f myioirs s' , , ui to remark, tba- 1 V: .'"Jv-rhf rjaor, A l j yuvu mj aa nere taverns olVcompanies and J doubt bore hard uponHhe Yankees. ' It is astonishing hoer muciithd tone of a u Wa nnL in! fVoU ,;.. wards the spot, and there was visibla amidst the -wiiBBiiiiM-ia mm mi m. m m a -u k. la & m m s. m lii aw mvaasm ai m m .uhvu.uw... t - . -7- j, 1 cna I 1irLr cnuot fint rt is coma m on Ennlish book-maker! by tiade,: who .occa sionally read, pot tionfi of his lucubrations ' to usj and we alwayhad occasion to no tice this singular conn&tibn of the brain and the stomach. If he; fjot: a good breakfast. he let! the ! Italians Jiquite esf ; if his : dinner was satisfactory", ho grumbled out a little praise; out 11 ne.got a gooa supper ana bed, he would actually overflow in a down right eulogium- But 4":ot6 Italy if his break fast .was scanty, his dinner indifferent, his supper wanting, and ih is bed peopled with fleas ! Ye powers! how he cut ind slashed was no iaw lo punish. AJ la V c iu.ki.rv emanates' rruiu the ie. r f itt.vi certain rules of -Y$by Die a-jre! to be jjqverhedilia'flfl uieni'aai'uiii the people ti Stif the crime ot uiurder, rendt vc all intents aud purposes. world are so ueuuinti thev ever, 10 my h art a lose their tender ihnir p shtrht,how .su.atl, how ti beloved one from oblivion or close to the heart;, es No thought is so insnppo total, biai.k i torgetltiln ihat once laugheduad sur to our side, Or in our anus voice, her tears, her kisse and thtan all swallowed ulU ness of 'the dust... in at keensakes. me dearly, most de.Otedly, d' :oi 1 Ii t .ct f jOW iJwred it 1 tlhere very nu less I; pvi- 0an40d(4 fir ie actiou Ul to i ! (arv 1 do ?ye, low yCTiunsafeto! s- k&S' iifrso many jIlVldua!s' TifiW milling ; . frift i - v 6 ,a oa "Mim an ari or de run UiWin?. VV hat nnmn,.,,. .A would Undertake to gel iin Jtbe And wha: would h ,." ...... i. .,. ' ' pi'i-auie rediiu 01 sn"h taming r tv nat w. d t f . , . an this uient was heard the sound of many voices simul taneously shouting, and waim congratulations were exchanged among; all classes on the deck, hair: and oh' when th as there now could be no doubt that it was the 1 long mouldered ih the dd: missing party. The mam and mizen topsails the unoying glossiness of were thrown to the mast ; the small cutter was lowered from the quarter, and sent away to tow the Jong-boat along side, and in another half-hour seventy six individuals, who, in all probability, would otherwise have perished were safe upon our decks. r Leaves from my Log Book. v 1 a SJ Ion illi s in trus )sakes. nor to tanns ! emorial, i;3 a 1! on he Ver; it .hey biad is; thai oi a the cnue wept to tiosc r tier smr ever oeeu e dark n Ire 3, ielics.st of as is a little i it beautih spiritual e remain!- iou excttfel ous iriiri'fcf clouds ai an a . . ZkZlZ. ' ""y should urAeruUu, j . iiooouot you anticipate th rami 1 1 pnrro.l I r- unacriairing to get gold. Sorne , a ... i-ijvii ignorance suppose that if tlit v expend a hrge au.ount, or venture a law sum hat they .hall certainly realize something in re-' urn. fcucn visionarv rnw. f..c .i.i- n any ; we-reas, m the hands of a perienced .nan, every cent of ihat monev. like ih. oildirecSed blows, of the armnin 1.1 . (,.r..l ... ii . !" "UIUO- .0 aoo(i:acc.unt:and ini4 ,.f - . .'.v"r c"dru,"aD hundred foM- rJ ? j ,raT Known a man toexpend terr i.jndreu dollars and get ten thousand dollars of .go d . or h,,r; ward, and from an fatinZm whs lands. Oikeve that he might labor all his wle m the same prudent way, and with the same gooo ?ua-ess Again,! have known another ma..-, ja :!:e same situation nrpri.U. 'v-j 1 '"wJ ac'u uje e proprietor 'gi Under UJ sion, Which he 'J -a 111 vem.- " strah'TRr. n;h. rM---ue-y-; nrt fir X . cciaentiy met at the foot of the Skyrfrd, made various inquiries res- nSf iC0Untry' t,lePPect.,and the ne.ghborlng houses,and) 4m olh agk usW TKSf 13 thM ant,ue mansioa before honl r 1 S'r' 'S Werudc a ry ancient fe:? P"1 oht hearls of Pern. hr if r T nrSt ':ne and the Earls of Pern or keof the second line. il. !i nr,ia ti.u erts of fJhrrbu ry, the Ueebets of Coldbrook, Kamsey, Cardiff, and Ynrii m J vuij,urc !-ari ot. Hiinaili l. 1 fl.-i . t ----.., ine UUUSC8 "vuim, aiia ianaHh. rtnA ..11 .1. - r . i i . an tutj l ow CHS. Ollt OtlfhK. f -Tr . .. , . :n : i ' "wuc' oy trie lemal vaujc.iqe jjuke of Beauorf V (ir ray sir, whohvos then hen pardon ine. and ar. - " L.LniI(f I 1 1 1 1 ill 1 a. If It. 1 tl e; CL mil. It proa Hens wandt gain vi linil&adontheillst ions oTmilca f cs. I t i - at Uear, wher? it m van Julunce ana f PPseBt-. t d.at.the pighest -jber, it will fstsid Ha rhUlion3of miles jistiu J beginning of -thenar lhe aim; beams aitf! ai 'the distahco of iO nitb, for the sexm t jand on the 1st d 5 ,.15 millions! of iniea . fede from the earth, J and in the year 12 f i ons. H - J -1. corne out ot it vnur.r m soon ho ....l. rr,w.., ... ju it - r UUi.u in ine ruma nr it tJCCESSFtL Appcii inlll - e . I V rti yi ons. U f- rom thie tvesten ONT UK& AirT-taker. , 5 I T away! Tue country tfasjiaughtj the men all .thieves and beggars the women no bet ter? than they should fe-ihc morals good for nothing the reiiMorj still Worse the monks a set ot lazy fdogs and the pope wis sure to be classef with his old play mate, the devil ! Of $o much cbnsequence is algood dinner to th4reputation ofl nations. It behoves, thereforeall tavern-keepers to bear in mind the hcMorj of their country, and that they be careful to stuff all travellers . by proftssiorv, and jail professors of the no- . ble art of puffing, wijji the good; tilings of their larders to station a servant behind the back of each of their chairs,' With spe cial orders to be particularly attentive and to eive them the best&vds to the house. So shaflltheir country flourisli in immortal books of travels and diurnls, and taverns multi- . : ply and prosper everbore. f , There is no plac tn the orld where this rule of feeding people into good humor ' is more infallible ihcfii ai the springs, where the appetite become sot gloriously, teasing abd imperative, that it is creditably reported m the annals of the jbori ton, that a delicate young lady did o'ncel!catup her beau, in a :ral before fieaklast. Certain it is, From the GaUtnian, JuneZS. TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF PAT RICK O CONNER. On the 23th ult. at 5 P. M. report was that Patrick O'Cunner had killed George O'Keefe, upon .vhich, by agreement of the citizens near the tragic scene an inquest was held over the body of the deceased. And the verdict rendered by the jury was, that the deceased came to his" death by being shot by Patrick O'Conntr. O'Conner was arrested oy mutual consent of all parties, and, on the next day was duly tried by a jury of twelve citizens, taken tram the mul titude, rrivilege was given to the prisoner Ux object to all such as he chose not to be tried by, and he made no objections to the mode of trial. He was allowed the privilege of choosing a friend to counsel with him, and assist in conducting the trial. After the jury were sworn, the witnesses were called in and testified as follows: On the 29th of May, (a rainy day) George O'Keefe. the partner in business , and resident and joint owner of the same house with O'Con- ner, acd two of the witnesses, alsa residents of tbe same house, came home from the vdlage of Dubuque, and found the door of the house Dohed. On asking O'Coaner to admit them, he (O Con ner) refused them admittance. They still aolici ted admittance, but were as often refused. Tru rain falling rapiaiy , they commenced pusUiug the duor till it opened. And, on the instant me door cams Open, Q'Ccaner fired, and O'Keefe ail else gone to nothing solt, smooth i)urnishtki and the apparelling that once shine over ah angel's brov m i t . , K . I . . : Ayei a locKoi naii, is iafjeif?i man ai ture Lus part 6tl he belold Object he belongs to the tresses that ken. .on, 1. mav nave been dissheveliei U sunbeams, over your beat solemn thoughts saaaen inieai4 so rduisreiit ; the loneluu iijjre and more it sterns to 1) , " Atepest thou no mo a tear true to the unpens all natuie seemed; to r!ejo lhe bjsU to wh.ch i t j ten.' niAV thai nhe has many long,-weary oaysI jnihs, ytauMt she was forg uteu ilariudhour ii atUt came like a passing ; sietWeea i . t- i m sunsnine oi our uviu Jtmuo i.uibal sa .le sum and get nothing hut a load ufdebtup.u . nuoers instead oi gold. Now wjill you say old at exorbitant priced UX t..at these mu es ought not to be worked ? Ka. into hi tr 1a?"C P100 came r iet: them be worked by honesC phlet of less lhan ad piudent met. Let this be done I u t ,, ,1 n list will find his monefpSlv fc" J "I sav let th "Xj ( need, aad r ,' "... i:.. ... var.i..sl una ma money profi tablv r.vlii,j,f-.van.T ine millions fgold in Virginia will be made to circulate and gladden the hearts oi millions ot lhe human race now pi n in r in want and 'periahintg for lack of knowledge ,f dunri therevIntiohary waublishep num ber of pamphlfcts,and somehookS wLfc at exorbitant prices. A pWso hit store one day, and asked for I don' I A.U I I a .n' i 'i baccofchewer. . uwi . I ll - J , street int e 8 QY 8 . i uiuicasui "o? out on i i ; c i a in" ment on Sun fcooks which he dav galUnting l A w I ' . , 1 ?4 I don't mi e a snu;i rea.-.t ! HoY ace sA i-iZ on lie .BO?l Upi0- orlops a Mded le a.itctiuns bears wiuit?! A is no trior l$ao lor Soil fit Hie Ooid Re .iiiel We learn fronivUr.il-rc ot that the undue excite c A-h,.;k covery of gold cieates 1 1 hiu4is is i;uvv at an end in v .... petting !ruld is assumi character. The lar farming, and the x ning.and m this way the other As lo the richness has eiven full satis them in a tnuriai an in ir. wesence.! wh 1 r nri.rwrtlrn lit nitrtai r"r"' 7 ,wi WAntifui rains , ; t j : i 1 wnica; oao uu s tru The following is : fl Mrihepncra The Cokjt-or Dr. Moses, th ounhed in our, town previous t0 the , evolatiii was a reputed conjuror. One day a market man csme to him, complaining bitterly that some or had sfolen from him a box of butter. The Dr mounted his wig, and opening a large folio vol' u".,rFia snort time in ravsiitinatinn i .ii . . y " ""u ,jun turning ta the man, sternly tola him tu foi 10W him. Hft wpnl Hi M .the. wharves, and went into tbe hjold, an.; poiuted &ut to the man his idenucal ot but ler ' he man, tearing to have any th n to do with-butter w hich evil spirits had, as he suppjs d, found for hiin, gave it to t(ie Dr. as his fee 1 1 he Dr. had that morning been at worli' on the wharf, and sttn a mau depusiie the boi in the vessel. 1 . ' -Aniniaa neirrhborin? tywn bavins lrt articlejicame to the Dr. who houIh n..i to look intp the book of fate until the pern on whont.strong soijpicion resred. was ornt th nifijf jSahi-ifticrt'!'l,ltft 1- : : -ft- .. ' t 1 , , " - B 11 iiMjmrea ir ne was gmviy-iiis man t denied the. 3aia inei ur,, we wsll see and a nam- . . one nurjfired patres for a hard doilari wherpaj a aojiar wnniH hoA i n ,llfl Srp. ) - UCCU US mil vaiue. ; i he nnrsnn wa . .-.i -.i . . ri . ouF"5ea af me wvw.u.u uemanu, to which he made some wuj,. netook the pamphlet from - was about to replace it on j KiMuvu- auu ...vojii aiitr-roir, tnis boote W3 n,,. t. ffeiienin. Ilia tickled the vanity of the purchase, who, not to loose ; his claim to that proud title, threw down the dollar, and iuo up ine pamphlet 1 : Knickerbocker if body ug. . I idonHlika like them to six do. IdooUhketo I don't like! to I don't like to HUM Si K diameter of. UiJ L10 Puet mrrm J !' I 1 donllikei.!! I don't lit kn cTl n2 86011 Uverndoor UT"raaa I Hnn'i lib.. .. il .1 i: -.. . ftfto jhj icil 'ftW ;, .1 , , ou hvair !. Che lidiea all .be imeri as 1 ST i 1 I . 1 tl-n.1 mUnni o.n Uftu. trv-Jlir i ).tv.li 5olmoTe. cigar . hartre Weil, Campbell - he poet, was made Lord lector of Glasgow by theifirm impulse of the youth oi the V4st h was i. der.p snow when he reaced thft ... , -6 g'wi iqe students were d4wn up in parties, pelting one another: Thp poet ran in imotheankl M.,cw -cverai anow-oalla with unerring aim, en sum.npning jthe scholars around him in the hall; delivered a speech replete w.th philosophy and, eloquence, k is needless to say how n wasi welcomed. I jlon't hke keep c4m & 1 I don't hke i sea I Wjt.i Of A vili rv V occopa; n, I ;t:Mi-ii u .Birr. ml r i Fl ai.niwa'olli-" rrl moJily. Jlto : I -I: . i H f i Y i rf i rf ore .IK . I -:4hv fciwv wfifT. ! fllnff if at I r ft..Hs .11. i v ouxr'- ,ii Otside, M I 'I 'II ii ..-;.t ! v HI Iiail'.IIlIDr 3 cr... of napri.said Suv. sir. hJrf ihii fc... iTou ae an inaucent ir. tt w ill remain blank: fyoa. are guiiH yutir Haw will appear Up-ju fire a lew aiinutes; his hana ix?an io trem-.. .is'inj sav iu i.aum lppeariog juiit was i..ao-ift-i&d m i'is roilnieiiance, he acknuwiH the crimiP, and wad willing to any riurn tu have ULb tpeil 1. moved, i'i tie 1 1, ..i,., I .. wryten the man's name with c juice on tlie 'np-J - . . " . ! As tbej light 4 'science is disseminated inur.p I yiOrid tfee int ct supi-rstiuou diappear like rmtanw. ye learn that an'! attempt was made to fire to tlj old AImouc.oe bp'uee treet on 1 hurray ight Wi. I the course of wie evening i tne attrtj lion keepers waiarr Ly a noised ihe" ffiS o rhis gaia-toese; 4ad immediatelr hiS2? fortJ ?tSTti f u, one who hap na visil 1 tiOOt like tA he dunrii' J dontt like to hear ladies alwa boot dress and bothinir t r don't like to see U 1.. j 1 don't like lo hear vriinl !..: ldonHI,kei4see .loox ' . Idonthke toW ladles lW IIiketbjseereW ww uie tos be acctked oil pnntw. Til Jjon;x Iike l4 WW i Ijlonhketo.Bgp ant CO ii, wail on tefr uasteninii I tort? more rhfnh Li... i r rv. rf t.. . i ...... . - :rM' uicui snnmr I i.oii.mrr .ui u-b ! L- ,.tT rwi , L Ij . """ne, and I WU oy." n is resijectfulia xUb I Ii nd a bric had beea ihrowo iium Jt showa aj wat i fr - the roof of the buildin OWtt even a sava FnfLn "lfj6 freir tiie xnornsn de . PerUnmitfji mra i liiogppjy of Jfiseplr 15oc2narte has made iti appearaoce. -v, ; i " : . , - ;uQiiun i . - c . uu ran rv.ee " " waff ndiarje, fearing the ' donV lit- to sj luiaHti red hst alen,pt fuighl pruve .occ1,1 l.l I don't fii--i tlnrli .... ' iujt: -ri i..r ot cae&e tm wperj I'm iJlfaap ti.d a mi iiiflr ti. ih i.Kt, a,ta.u ... f ooject oforaM i, Oo o. aod inak ? tubsequMi wkam, thay r ward of fifty dollars Tm Pai 1 1 if ir n i i ;s .... I "v , ill ' J l -" " . ' 'i ! i i f- - : i . . - r -Ir f i ' , I . -.1- . - ,' ii '-f' .j ,-. , , - J..- I ft,.'... , .rj. , , .. .. U.ft. 111 ' . - . ftftflkftHftVftftMMM.

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