r .V i 4 1 1,' f A ' . " 1 3 4 . r 1. . T--A lt . 1 4 ". - r. . St, it... .6' , - . , : - h '..it . - 'V.--. ; - e , . v j ' A . . ' i ' "t ' : i ! w ' ' " '- vl - l4 -1 1 ." A' SJ I SV ;i s .-.J. if -X, mm "ir.ji.i.,::- r- mm 1 ! is -' V ' 1 --n i .1 II HI : m f .1' (!! V"-'tit'Vi-.-i Vfi;iils:'--- i- 1 - : miuxu s.'4i- . ' i ? X:i -l.-t-U'- .v - mil- I iOe. Some of life JtoCwppi'M School-, craft's Narrative of his exploring Expedition I to b(e head t)f;th Mississippi has Just been) jmb Jished; u The following desfilption of rdsdiseot fery of, the extreme'source the rery fountains of the great! Father of .Waters js graphic and inter feting: t ty-,, f . : j . Vj I . ' A for? - nrevented oar mbarkia? until fire O'clock ir the morning; (l3tii) and it . tfas. then -, fmptsible t? discern objectaf at r distance. Vr frond the channel above theNaiwra, diminished y, opa clver brooks more deciedJy X marsh j w t he . haractei uf ita ahoies, bot)pt".feM&ttn;tQ, ite plants or trees, any thingr particular to dfetin- 4 guian itirma; wic ,wiuiguij3 ioer pans . oi vne Lljeaian I Thewater; is tillaiid pond-Hkei 1 4 It .: .;pipsn'.iotft Small .areas oMfifd i..rio;.j. i p ; pears to he ailarorite rpsortlibed tvho frequently rusa ap beforjus, and, vreretaroas : 44 agato! antfagainrby oTprtigre4Aalhoar anl a' half diligently eraplt'yt'd; broogbi ui the ; ,fxf of flsajwa Lake. - 1eialtei moment to sorvy it; , 4t exhibits a brtd border 6f aquatic plants, ith somewhat tlackbh waters. ' rlrch ' abound in! ii It is the recipient of two brooks and may be regarded as the: source oft thU &rk of cbe ' JVIississi ppi. We wf?re precisely iity rninotes in parsing through it. j VVeenteyed me of the brpoka, mnstisnuthprly io poat'tun. It possessed no current and as filled with brbad 1ea7ed plints, and a kind of yeilow pond lily. We appeared to be involvtrd tn a morass, where . t seemed ecually impracticable to niake the land ox proceed tar by water. 1 4 this we were lot xaistaken ;,f)al. Wqdibsort poshed hia canoe Joto the weeds and exclaimed, Oma mlkxuina, :4 (her is the portage. A HHMf who is called Ion v for the' first tune, to debarkf jn such a placed will look about hiin in discover Jftme 1ry spot U put ; lis feet apon. No such oi however oxisted ' here.-Ve stepped into raf her warm pond wa ter, with! a miri bottom After wading1 a 'hun- dftd yanjs, of more, the soil&came firm, atwl We '$opft-.beg)ur to asnrnd'a Kligltt elevation, where the growth partakes more 4 the" character of; a ,forest CTraces of a path appeared here, and we suddenly entered an npenkiarTurding'an eligible epot for landing. ;IIere ouibagage was prepa- ted for the portage. The cpjbJnacwus . remains ' of former fires, the rones of irds, and scattered .camp poles, provei itto be appt which had pre- yiously been occupied by thff Indians. The pfe : Tailing growth at this placflissprucev white c& v dar tamarack arid grey pin Here we brealc fasted. it ' .Haying followed out this branch of the Missis-, sippi, to its source, it may be observed that i ts e!x istence as a separate river, lias hitherto been un known ia oiir geography. ! fione of the maps in- - dicate the ultimate separation of the Mississippi, ease his attachment. She thinks because he once loved;; hori he ought always to love her, and she neglects those attentions which first enr.hant- ed1i is heart IVIany a wife is thus the causa of ner own neglect and sorrow.' That oman de terres not a husband's generous love, who will not greet him with smiles as he returns from the labors of the day; who wil! not try .to chai" him to his home by the sweet enchantment of a cheer ful room and a cheerful heart; There is not one pan in' a thousand so unfeeling as' to withstand soch an influence and to break away from such a home.-" , ' - t j ..i.,VEsimii8 This uneasy moactaio has been Jroubled, again w.th an inveterate android break h,out.,v:me.yeiysingnIair phenomena were recently exhibited there. On the 20th of May, 2 new craters were formed near the old one, from which issued stone and flame. Above ! a small coneon the side; which faces the Camaldoles of Torre del Grece an enormous fissure has opened to the width f three hundred feet, and the depth of fifty feet, around which are a great number of smaller crevices,1 whence issuen smoke, emitting a very disagreeable odor. On the 23d, a violent, shock of the mountain was the signal of an eruption oflava,whicH divided into two torrentspne taking its course towards Verana. From the 21st to the 25th, an immense column of smoke rose half a mile hfsfh, in which the rays of the sun made beautiful rainbows. COUntTY ROmPwKsf r VOU know mYimt n arch smile-,. wOh, vi?n FP11100'- -n1fil th ruw. V'V InAlkn- with hand. Many years ago yoVil61 n. an sapper thereaaid ha' 5H$v$?imfi you and he pay you now, Dppy.' k.: ; -r I,' 14 Indi- . I liV: I ! . i V'aliiablcnctil Property IN UNCOI COUNTY, j bscnber, ; intending to remove to rWlHE Sul A'SllIl'tWflSllJBTS1 Couptk including Uf one body , about Mil Cts. 16 35 i 18 4 35 above Cas Lakejlnto two forks. Little surprise Should therefore the manifested that 'the latitude jpf the hiad jof this stream, jlfonnid to be incor; xect. It was not howevejKfo be expected that " the inaccuracy shonlii be sa great, , as to place the actual source an entire degree south oft!he supposed point. Such however, is the conclusion "' established by present obsesation.s. ! 5. i 1 The portage from tmr'eait to the west branich ' of the river; is estimated tolbe six miles. Be ginning in a matsh, it soon rises into a little ele vation or w rate ceuar woo, t&en plunges: into " the intricacies , of a swampimatted. with fallen : wt?ca, wscurea wnn moss. u rom Wis, toe pan emerges upon dry ground: ilf soon ascends an elevation of Oceanic sandiaving boulders ajid u bearing pines. ; There is thin another .descent, ii and v J elevation T : In short the traveller now "V f crossing a serfs of rdiluvial sand' :' ch form the height of land be- '4: Mississippi Vallly and Red River. y 1 Mlocallydenbrnknated Hauteur des H- jtis ' crosied; fira Xac Plaie to Ot Yy -ftani which popt it proceedslnorth- . ' Baltimore. Jolv 30. Hit Golden Aztl .We have lately heard a fiict mentioned (one of many) whih is an elo- 3uent commentary on the Experiment on the ackson system of Finance, and on that modesty of pretension which claims to have restored the Golden Age. A mercantile house in this city, has at this moment on its hands, not less than half a dozen different . drafts en the General Post Office Department, for various sums, which were received in the course of business from customers m the West, These'drafts were drawn by bona fide creditors of the Department. When pre sented in due course by the holders, payment was Refused, except in drafts payable at St. Louis ! The Jackson 'crolden agre in this region means jUw payment of a debt due, by a draft on the city of the far West a thousand miles off. And this draft,, if received ! and presented there, might Jw paid by another draft, perhaps, on ftew Orleans. Sach isthe kindly operation of the Post office Reform, combined with the Jackson Experiment. They form toother a 'golden age' with a vengeance.- Patriot. RiimoT: It is reported thai the office of Post Master General of the United States has been offered to Col. Abram Bunding, of Co lpmbia, S. C. Col. Blanding,7we know would make a second McLean in that department. ' ueargia Courier . In connection with the : 100 5 10 4 8 27 125 Beeswax,- pr. lb; : I : i - '; i Brandy, Apple, pr. gal4P t da Peach, do (none) ? Cotton; pY. lb i if : l i 'I Cotton baling, pr 4d 1 Coffee, pr lb ! 1 ' t -1 H ! Castings, pr lb ! 1 u J' Cotton yn, from No. 6 to No. 9 1 do pr bail, from no9 tono 14 1 5o Feathers per lb ' ' r f- ' l - ; i Fioor 'pr bl : V. I . ".M I 5 Wheat pr bu j jj i' Rye '- j none ': :1 ;'; Oats pr bushel t Corn pr bushel ! j ! Hides Qfreen) . pr lb do dry do ; I M Iron pr lb J Lead do t Leather fsoal) ' ' Skirting, pr lb I Upper, pf side . , : ' Molasses pr galj Nails, pr lb U Beef pr lb ! Baeon do i 'j Butter do ; i 1 logs-lard do : Pork do; , Salt, pr bush. U f bteel, Amencahiblister, jpr lb rugnsn,ao qo Cast, ' do S"ffar, . do . Rum, (Jamaica) pr pal j V ankee do Wool, (clean)! pr lb Tallow, j do ' , low-linen, Pt vd Wine. TnrrindTe. Mr; rrn! MadeVla (none)'; Portugal, .' . Claret, Malaga, (sweet) Whiskey, pr gal i a a ia ; a a a 8 1 a 44 a 10 fori above rumor, which, i"vJara.r-e ought we know, is very well founded, mav bp mentioned another, which is in circulation in th city, viz. that Mr Barry is to resign the of fice ot .Postmaster Genera', and to be succeed ed in it by Col. R, M. Johnson, of Kentucky These, however are rumors merely. Whoever succeeds to the office, should it become vacant, wt 1 tmd it. under its present multiplied mbar rassments, an thing but a sinecure. National inteutgencer. j fThe following remarkable circumstance is noticed in the Onondagua Standard: On the evening of the 9th mst one of the warmest days in the season three persons in the family of a Mr. Ward, hvincr on the 0 4 12i 25v a 10 25 16 1 50 1 37 'a a a a a a' cts 17 40 ioi 25 20 5 1 50 175 SO 5i SO 00 6 12. 5 10 30 28 2 50 50 10 5 10 0 4 25 rO 20 30 121 2 00 1 00 00 10 20 .1 50 OffrearK 1 1 75 1 75 lf0 40 Brandy, peach, 55 a 60. Apple, 28 a S3 Bacor, prlb 10 a 104; Cotton pr lb Mia 13 cts Coffee pr lb 124 a 134; Flour bbJ.5 50 a $6 50 V laxseed pr bh $1 a 1 ,1 0; Feathers pribSS a 35 Corn pr bush 90 a $1 Iron pr lb 44 a 5i ; Mo lasses pr gal 52 a 33: Nails cut a 61 ; Salt pr bush 55 a 65 ; Sugar pr lb 7 i a 9 1 ; Tobacc; leaf 3:a 43; Vheat pr bush 95 a 1; vyhiskey pr gai. xu a j . ! i I I cts. I I i i 'I i . Corheaas from tbosa f R RiveiIt! finally i r Vsubtendf both branches of e jMissppi,);tit- wjting out a spur between iheeast; anjdf west fork.i ; , "which intersects the; portage, crosses the west of ;;j Itascan fork about'the pointfof the Kakabikonceir H Little Rock f Falls, and joirng the mailt ridge, v passes northeastwardly of acTravers and Ttir " - tie Lake, and is again encountered in the noted : portage path, from Turtle iLake to Red; Lake. ... tilt is, in fine,.the table landibetween the waters of ; HudsorjV Bay and the Ifxican' Gulf, f it also i j gives rise to the remotetiributaries of the riser I fiS L Lewis, j w hich through' Lake Superior and ji ts connecting chain , may be ensidered as furhiih- ;ing thf,head" waters of.tpe! St Lawrence. This i table land is, probably, te lughest in Xorth-wes-; teraVVmerica, in this longflade. j si : i'f i E'erjr step we 'made jnireadiag! these sandy elevations,, seemed toiricrjase the aTdor with v vhich 'me- were carried Sfof ward. The desird of . reaching the actual source Ma stream so celebra ; ted as the Mississippi a Itream 'which La Sal- 1e had Reached the moyth if..a century and a half 1 land we fbliqwed our rniie down the sides of the last elevation, with the expectation of momenta- ;. xj xrwuuing tur gvai m fivg journey. ,-. Hat iZQ : Tbcen Jong; sought, at fast appeared suddenly. i On tuTntngbut of a thicjee, into a smalll weedv ; opening, thecheering sigla of a transparent hiidy . '- ol water , burst upon oarfview.. tea Ilatca A k aKe-tht source or c&Aiiunsnabwf"-1''.; I ! THE FAmtLfils HUSBAND; i . From torft lately published1, There-ia no sufTerinjrjrjijre acuteihanthat h?lt I . by an aflecjiionate and sensitive mind, mournino- y - over the violatiot. of nuptial vows, This suffer j ' .. insf is not confined to unhappy woman, in the f dwelling ef poverty, who'at the midnisrht hour. trembles as she hears the approa thing fiw?teps of ' tr of' n drunken husbarM. You mav tro Into many an elegantly furnished abode, and find -J the kroken hearted wife ahd ma her, surrounded; by every external comfort, and yet in soUtude; and silence, and tears ijThere is nothing that ! Will compensate for the ntglect of those we love. ! : 'I have seen', says a oualnt writer Mhe accomh , plished wife, biore twenty mofjns had waned since she changed her name, sitting alone and eohtafy as thn sparrow m the housetop. , Per v J14,0" healih was now IdeCcate thai the nour ' -1 ishing care of her partnerf was almost necessary . to her existence; but h fas none a way! to! some political, literary, or perhips to some dissipated ; clubi Perhaps, he returns at midnight, breathing the fames of wine, ana steaming with the smoke 'Hill, were stiuck witti paralysis at the same Beef, fresh Bacon, (from wagon) ueeswax, ; j Bagging, tow Dundee, Coffee, prime srreen, 2d and 3d qualities LOtton, ' . h Corn, 'scarce Flax Seed, rough, , Flour, superfine, (icagoh) t me, Iron, Sweed. i I -v J-5 ' tA--. - lN nances, execntedfv r i if mmg lJarid.cn which is a fine r -.:?- -i s 1 ,e Lousiructea of th ht sun IT. nrt nrtrwf Fm.t i . . W T UrJ, nL.'j V"' .",a nne aste tT , P1011 ana l lrashinff Alw ,n atC4 ace. , l -i ntent out IT nrt " 1I..M I 1 Another Tract of Land. 1 I aicnman'Silyreek.containintr abdut 1 8M Acres'- The aborw property, will be sold on k Credit of one, two aod three years. In mv absence. applicatbd maybe-made to J. Forney, f ' . J. I It' DANIEL M FORNEY. May 17tf43 i H v :T: i I Coscord. August l'i, itw--) ift APTVIIENRY. GILJIS-tou', are hereby J nflirlp,t i,t innir in : Charlotte. OTY Ta- dtiy ih 9tK tf Septetnbef next," with your bubr alterneWid Privates unier yourxmmand,Equip ed accrdintr to law! fo nhe' purpose of Review ano 10. Iredell V ' .to secure ibot tamraon, crejnlineTitiorle(. cced to ,tbehil".bidd day the'JOtj stedta ne: leg propcrty,. gie , I Mi iwptcHr4, preparea wjotn weuimtui .. -o'cloel-. A. M. Bt Order of . : I . ? 1 WMi C. MEANS, Gol. Ccmd't 1 - . i i !. V i 1C. J. HARRIS, Adjt August l(?th,lS34, .'i .1 TTbw bccaplea by tU'3; fi 6n5pcribefs havfr on hands ftogetne? cinesL their larre assor t.tent of Dmjia. Med- 3ye-Stuffs Stc for sale, at the- OF J1CV ARtrC: i THEFOLLOWING Champaign WINfe; Madeira, I Old Sherry do Port i Teneriffe j. Claretj Sweet I i London PORTER: Albany AJE; do do do do do do OAERIME & GIG i !MAKIjNG instant of time There were other persons lri another part of the house who were not affected. The effect produced was precise ly like that of electricity. At the time it took place, a thun - er shower was passing at about two miles distance, and it is stated that at the moment the persons injured fell, a strons -flash of lightning was perceived, but it was not S accompanied, or follow ed immediate!?, by thunder. It is difficult to attribute th-a circumstance to the ordinary causes of paralysis, affecting three persons in one family simu!t,anoouslv; and we have never read nor heard of a case of silent elec tricity that produced the usual consequen ces of a stroke of lightning. I) I cts. r 12 1-2 H I 22 ' ,25 i ' ' iii oo v r j i4rf J . lSRS2Sffv?i (scarce! 11 10 W . U V ' htal!ine. vil 125 l i jOf v 18 110 ; 00 Halt oo. & r i Aieoium Common do. dol" do, 1 sjeRsi oi iaM Fon sale, i THE abscrrber is anxious to dispose of a ve ry valuable TRACT of LAND, siiuate in the county of Surry, N. Carolina, containing Eiffhty or INtnety of which, the frreatpr nnrt ia newly cleared ; Sixty. Acres of first rat hnttm i Newark CIDER: land, equal fertility and productiveness ti any eaI Sparf, Cigars, in ipe surrounaing couniry ; some excellent To bacco and Whet Land, several acres; of fine meadow, which produces Timothy luxunantlv. The whole is in first rate repair and well im- JI ' CrtiTftd. hftTinor n tar.. ill ' O - " - nW,j ! Kitchen, Snioke-House, Corn Cribs. Barn. Blaek-!i!l Smith Shop, f and Spring House, all of which are cntij-ely new; It is situated on the waters of Stuart's Creek, six miles from Mount Airy and the same distance from the Good Spur Gap, in the Blue Ridge, f ' r A further description Is considered entirely un necessary, as it is presamed any person desirous to purchase will come and examine for himself All persons wishing to buy, can obtain any infor mation they may desire by calling on Samuel D. Morire, Esq., who will always be found at Mount Airy -in .1 H A. C, MOORE. March 29 5m36 : .1" It. "f .3- ,'Hol!ahd G Peach , do f Apple :, do Jamaica:! RTJM; New Fno-lan! An - ! Good wIlISKEY; uavendisnTobacco; t uiwi ot common go. - finn:c.k ?.: j auwtiBg uo Fihe''cut;'"v-i-;do Common Twist do. Fioe SOAPS, and t a rarity nfPjlR - FUMES: v .TTO.:OTHKl v. - ' ....L5w,...;. "a Tract of IjANO.pal - : . '."jCrci;k . Contain: Known by the name of, the FOUR MliKSjIt! mm e A 4 WHEELED &.BURN5. SaUaryAugust 16th, 1834 ;4w 4. FOR I J5abscriber offers for sale; ! a Tracts of m Larid in Cabarrus-eounty, three miles South jVVfest of Concordj on the Stage-Road, lea ding from IConcord to Charlotte, 6n the waters of Coddle Creek The tract contains about Lard Meal, Molasses, Nails, Sugar, Muscovado prime,1 Common Loaf and lump Salt, Liverpool, In Sacks, 4 bushels Teas, Steel, blister, German, Wheat, (from wagon) THE Subscriber having discontinued the publication of the Yadkin and Eataicba Journal, offers the whole printing establjshment for, sale on reasonable terms. ; ' It consists of a first rate bnper Roya, Kamage t l.inoT. Hi Indian Gratitude and JFit. Soon after Litch Held'began to be settled by the English, an un- ftuuwu luutau wauic uivu wm tun ai uun, auu io- i ; t r T f Dio t- quested the hostess to furnish him with food and ocrew l re33 type uom r..gu - Brevier sizes : a ffreat variety ot L-utfe ttuie, Ulli'k. siaiuiu, ilia in out' r ill iiuiii- I . . : c , ; , - , ihir. and couhl Dtt niv till he had better foi- Leads Flowers, Galleys, Cases, Lhas time. The woman rJfused; cailiag Iiim a lazy short, all that is neces-saryf-ir the drunken, igood-for nothing fellow. A man who tablishraent ,.f a Printing, Uflice. sat by noticed the Indian as ne turned away Ybueall him a brute if ho breaks his wile's . - . he4i so he is also a brutevho breaks her heart! and ihow many an unharhy wife; 'sits friend! ; i. and-aronei.dufing'mll thioitboura of the evetiingk and evenof ;he riighwfienhet faithleW husi- . iuu o .whj; ui pleasures in -otoer society How painful must be he r rfleciioaa on thus find " ing her fondest anUcipitilhs disappointed. And the!lir.de,at whkk khi1 hoped. to U blessed with sympathxand socipy deserted and idesol latei That man deserved not the :TPefnnil-.i fecUons of a wife, who WilTnot inviv7her love froth the inhospitable palace, and perceived that he was suffering very severely froon want and weariness, he jroneruusly ordered the hostess to furnisir him with a good supper, and call on hira for payment, After the Indian had finished his meal he thanked his benefactor again and avjain, and assured hirri he should never torget his kind ness, and would, if it were in his powet, faithful Jv recompense it. He' observed that he had one more uvor to ask, it the woman was willing he wished to tell a story. The hostess whose good nature had beeoi restored by money, readily con sen ted. The Indian addressing hi3 benefactor. said, "I suppose, you read the Bible ? The man assented. "Well, the Bible says God made the world and then he took him, and looked upoi. him, and say, 'all very good.' Inea he made light; and took him. ahd looked upon him and Say, all very good lhen he made land and water, sun and moon;. prass and trees, and he took him and looked upon him, and sav, 'all very 2od.' Then he made beasts, and birds, and fishes : and he took him, and looked on him, and say all very good,' Then he made man; and took him, and looked on him, and say, "all very ok! 1 hen he made woman j and twk him, and look at him and he no i dare say one such word.' -Many years after this, the Indian's benefactor Was taken prisoner by; an Indian scout, and car ried into Canada., He was saved fromxdeaih by One of the tribej who &&ked leave to adopt lum in the pucof ot a son. who had fallen in battle Through, the winter, he experienced the casiom aTy effect .of savage hbppitaiity. The tollowing summer as be. was at work in the forest alone, an unknown Indian came to ban and appjimed a meeting at a Anv crentleman. deisirin to embark in tne Printing Business, cau get a gotid bargain by ap- plymof to J ; Salisbury , May 31, 1934. N. B. Postage must -be paid on le.tters, or thev will not be taken dui of the office. ICP Editors in this State friendly to onr in terest will please do us the favor of giving the a bove advertisement one of two insertions. 11. vv . HAVING purchased the tools and timber of the ! Shop Off Cyrus West, he will j soon have o jhariJ a shpply of the.varbus articles in CO ACHES J CARRIAGES. BA UOUCHES, GIGS. SULhIS, CARRYALLS, and all the j different; kinds of Vehicles from a Wheel-Barrow to a Four Horse Hi COilCH. The raaterials have been on hand for three years, and are of the choicest quality having been selected by a fiist rate workman. Bing pfovided with a Turning-lay the, and having procured! an excellent w rknnan in his line, he will have Jobs nf. EVERY DESCRIP TION OF TURNING EXECUTED in superior style and on short notice. His prices shall be adapted to the difficulty of the time$J and be such as no one can grumble at j for he is determined to make money not by the extravagance of hit charges , but by indus try and the quality of his work. f. B.i His Shopi3 in the next house below thtl Mansion Hotel, on Main Street. August; ,9 -if3 And consists of between JS and 00 acres pi good Meadow about I0O Acr s of jfirSt rate cleared Land,' the balance of first rate Uncleared Land. It Itea in the heart of of the best land in Jiho county joining J. PhiferJ Young, Col. Barrihger and others. It is level and well watered, and has the com mon improvements. 1 am deterrafned to sell, and offer a bargain for land ot the above quality. . I will take jifcgroes or gcbd notesj in payment Persons desirous to purchase ar requested to visit the premises, or the subscriber at Concord.- une Wth 1834. , tf 4S.' i- if in immediate es- I 'ir-i i , i i : ! t, .mn notrsin RlXstEX FTCRSlTt l j of evcft&ripii end all the STttey on A 3 credit or.iiizem:: vcill be giltr6si into purchase? need MIC. ANDR. N. ILLISOftl .. JOHN ALIJSON, :- August d, 183. " r - As I amjdeVnninecrto rea" West,, baying been unlortuhateo pelled foscli mf propettyltopar 1 wish ray friends and - credhc: the sale and not let rny propert Augdst 95wS X T;; EAVES thU pTacethfe dayf Jiui ana wisnes loaawe nis ac- ! I K1 by the respect and , hboojili of personal attent'ioa. It. is not-a 1 few saudy trjrikets T and rocasi6na5 freaks of fondness that cart give your wife a bin. py fiear tl and make hir home happy oe. There must be real auhltalatjal kindhess; the-un- eqoi vocai eviaeuce w lor the society and joys of home. i -'y. i r-M It is not unfoquentlr the alternated anecuoas J 4;has madeio efloii herself, to atrengthen and in-K top of an emiaence comirunding a view- of a i' Salisbury. Nr C.1S34 tfl ftat ft w iteliionrns over; husband when she ! NOTICE. THOSE! indebted to us in this County, will please call upon us as soon as convenient and settle their accounts. ; HUGH WELln. Salisbury, May 31, 1834. .' j THE Rooms latfdy ocldpied by the subscri ber as a Printinff Office. They arn situ ated in the centre of; business, and are prefera ble to anv others in this place. Mr. Andrew Matthieu is authorised to rpake a contract HUGH WELCH. Salisbury, May 31, 1334. 'IP BENJAMIN 1FR LEY, AV'LNG received the latest Sew York and Philadelphia! FASHIONS, together with the London and Paris FABHiONS.and having a good number of first rate wurkmen, he is pre pared to cut and make wen-k in a supe'rior 8Ttxt certain place, oa a given day. I to any one in this pari of the countty, warranted rhe prisoner consented; but afle-wardn.fearir I to fit well and bemir agent for some of tl im t mischief .might, be intended, he neglected the en- J fa3hipnable Tailors of Neiv York and PhJade!- gagemeot. lie Indian again sought him, re I phia, he is prepared tu teach or give instruct'on pruvd nun lot want of confidence in him. and I to aov taikr or tailors that mavi wish ursiruc- assured him this meeting would be for his good. I (ion and any tnat may not be so pertVct wouio cjucgurageu u j nis -n pareni irienasnip, ua man i ao weu iu can, as ue is reaay ana auie g1" followed his directions. He found -the Indian f satisfaction. - 1 I I; provided with chu kets, amunition and knapsacks, j iCJ" Orders from a distance will be punctual ine Indian ordered him to arm himself and fol- ly attended to according ti order vvork ana an low; him. - Their course was towards the south, kinds of cutting will be Uo:e on short notice. land day after day the Englishman frU wed. win- j He can be jfound at all times at his old stand, a out oe?ng aolft io cnjcture the motive l his j tew doora above, W m. 11 i&laoghter s i arn, giiido.' Alter a tedious journey he arrived at the and nearly opposite Mt. John Murphy owe. i: - r o v r a i di r . & WATCH REP.linFWG &C AT COXC0UD A; SALISBURY V. C. Trie tubscrilter having procured from Lynch hurcr Va the services of Mr. Bagby, an excellent workman in the above business; will have the sarnn carried on in Concord N. C, in its usual branchesr "AH work done by him will be war RANTED tit l-2 moiltll9. He also continues scarry on the business in Salisburv at his old stand. Work' done by him m h faithfully executed and warranted to be as eood as any in lbe Western part of the State sWavcries silver ware &c. kept constantly oh hand for sale by him. ; i JOHN C. PALMER. A-:g Oth 6m 3. f R' "UM,Eiwill purhaselany Vpumberj oft Ukely J Via . v v'. Young Negroes for the next twelve ! months, for which we will give liberal pri ces in Cash. Any communication addressed to eitherjof us atHuntsyiUe, or to .Robert Car son ar Hamptonville, N. Carolina, will meet prompt auention. . 3 ; , . ! I. J AUK ATT, friends of his present Jieavy stoc' And of bis mteiition of laying , v , j m' wnrthv trie l . ' A.mntloa i 1 Wil' WftrtllW tVlP and examine.- yv . He has now on hand and inr forwarded without idelay, t ' which are, offered at , WJ' TMIt-ea accom' fr? 00 If 1000 k 75 jt- 5 4 Iti: 1. It;- hi' - - 30! 30,000 geUieriieiU c bs. ,Jj;4eS.)rf Jane 14, 2834. tf 96 T. c Examination of tite r I - IS aTATESVlXU3, !.f r ' WILL take place, on the last! Wednesday in AiKrnit.t-The Examination will commence at 10 o'clock, A M. As this will be her final Ex aminaiidn in this place, Mrsi C. hopes, all who feef an interest on , the aobject ol tf emale Education, will attend. ? - ? : f J I I ' M. A CALDWELL. Salisbury Female Hard Ward His Boat isTconsu licits freight frim sue., 'to patronize him f I- CASH aavaacea on i direction for shipmeni eworkor Charlcstc He has lately had ere fppllnnfr. the use of whit sons a may i any time Cotton. No Charge wmi so remote from any hmlc danger! of Cotton being co: brfcaking out any j par . Affi.tH nu f his ex tec ' I . . i. . WAGON YAUD, ite.n Urge.number of , Waons room, i will be re- rrri M t. PTP-eises of this Institution I Imnpd on" the first dav of October The brice of tuition per SessToo (five months) ntr ana nainticff 10 CO Mas V . 20 00 . payable in ypj rj OTTRE LL,' PrhicipaL, i UGUSTUS CheiawS.p.Jolyg6f i2m txe. . 1 ire,disposrr '.rfioderlj iccotm lshed,2t- ' Sat, such F :?''eittotu;tbt -TteSbea, tiers ;isj 'Utassot f Town. I j ih. fvtno.;. ii jplenty Aug. 9 rwtir s,,hrih"r intending to carry cn a re J irilar basins ol BUTCHERING in the townofjSalishnry,;wihVobav a'amber of good for whiph the hiffhest prices, will be. given in Cash. ! 1 't v- Are notified, that he will be ready : to , supply tbemwit GOOD BEEF daw ahd Saturday of each ihM AAnton.-at the usual rates.' g ! ;JOHN I. SHAVER. Jurie' 215 tfi9 - v -.. IV have onhand neatly PUT IT TS D BLA ZIE vt contailibg covenant; of seizin in additiort to tha usual I eaUt it sihim tSbriogasuil sosoon ashedui no h hi? fihtairuv! bad title aciroT' nin.nl iiirm ae , caiUHH ue UlllbZ ' TT . - - . UCOSTE 5wr5 llATlOFTUL ' - " F 'M w ii BOOKS of suuiurit in the liew; BANK of w ill be opened Sn the I own o. rous iw iuo i rv- - i . j t funds, will W weu wwfF" :flC0i ear: will 1 for-V-CarU iryicoj o -are jy day, as tfee whole amount I V belk li be speedily Uken lup. '- ? tTII03IASL. CqAr V.v . SAMUEL REEVES, " WH. llOBAlU fl Jcce, 7th , 1 831. 4fi-12t II, Mil week, ior Tne . rest .ui i . tnmal-nimmii c I the saw aria, ic iv- TT7' 1 r payment are rcquesicu w uuv mui i r n imam Mnrpni' . Theeubscnber having p.; JIUN,; eairittcttcta Utxv9 ESrfiX fFULL ljIU he attention ot th pdDUC io is uevv 11 use of ; ')n Ceutre sir- i.t, a tew i.i South fcWl.if ; the Curt House Having I lately ttr JiHie to considerable expense to improve 't'l-jrnp comfort, and enUre the capacity of r.ig i. .f"' - ,r- until' Ine na ieen ouswauwunB jv--. .v j0it ' " -f - - - hufi has :eeei.veal.e hopeshe shall be ' jWj, U Worthy of attention m those whe ; jn H WfH"P Ti abfe to reW.rlperi saus& ettnn. Hw laMe. j, Tj haor, for land. Hi t 7 .f 01j Flil IN ili M lii. it.r -ind.iu ro farmshed in the best : n Dcvncnr v V-: "T ,73-, . t i u t '. thai" t sn be. -xtiCtwj ( jni.1 vea t4?cti o snail wax-1 ot am IN. cooceln must be .-positively time., - liA. '::y-:' Jo1t2.3w2 l'h Poi. Uifioe Statesville, N. C. Nov fa?- 1 A i. i i. 42" i r- t 1 'i--- if 1 -f ' .ii . ';! . . .. ' -;

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