- J iSfv Veliki-- ft. h ---ril.L Var.-sr-vt I tenVvledlrtl Govefrmnent, and a rigid CiSbn. regarded as fuS? iilf ! J MfClt SailiWl"' B6U81V1B W H y5IOlfttimnVmcre?8 thedttft- ilit&rl inseparable., trom every exercise cf 1$ IILtkitfiat t- was, in thlsTespecS.a-rf; iOftkussjorisTelatin to the taruf it portions most be" obvious. 'l0tt&r i caI(<e4iof increase the burdenf of WWlMvt tefc&i must fctaRo all puj iifunirycn' it true cuaracier. ; y une we are :T:Vilrr"VP,m tingufeh iM Ik nsihot b tempted to depart from those; OX : pUDfllCf pWHJt . wmicji -ciijum a jua the expenditures that are "TiilU'wseftiie to WlfiiiitiHl Economy, andarintife abitif Tlllttnrticsof tertflafcoathat are-not clearM PeSi&5utioM pokers of, the Government! isHMIef cfe 4'1rllc ev-erJ awnmution of lh iiialVIi Air rroW taxation, crive3: to individul iWreafed pf)We;r,anJ turnhes to allOie v-tir- ha'ipj 1 Confederacy now 5 motives lbr 3- TV" l . plhemto6hr)nkt ily'own sense of, thenx most cIer 5'J aj mv Tea4iriess to discharge those which may ngfitfujly fell on tn ; ,To coqtinue ant business relations with the Bank cf,the United States, that may be avoided without a breach of the national faith; after thatr instituiion; baa iet t at open defiance the conceded nght of the Government to examine its afiafrs: after it has dorie all in its power to deride the public authority ifa other Tpsects, and to bring it into disrepute at home and abroad after it has attempted to defeat the clearly expressed i wiU of the people, by turning against them Uie imraerise power intrusted to. its haud; an4 by invol ving a country, otherwise peaceful, flourishing, and hap py m dissentions, embarrassment, and distress would make fiie ;1atiGri itself a party to the degradation- so sedulously prepared for its public agents and do much to destroy , tlie-onfidence of mankind in popular Go Fernnients, and to bring into; contempt their authority and efficiency, i In .guarding against, an evil of sucp magnitude) Iconsiderations of temporary civenience should be thrown aside, "and;-we should be influenced by such motives only as look to thd hooorand preserva-; tson of The Repiibjican 1 system. . Deeply and -solemnly: impressed wth the justness of these views, I reel it to be my duty to recommend to" you, that a law be passed, authorizing jbe sale of the public stocks; that the pro vision of the charter requiring the receipt of the notes of the Bank I in payment of public dues, shall, it ae cordance Avitli the power reserved US Congress in the 14 th section ;of the charter!, be suspended until the Bank pays the Treasury the dividends withheld ; And lhat all Iws, connectinfir the Government or its officers with the Bank directly or indirectly, be repealed ; and that the institution bos left hereafter to its own resources and mbans.. j j ' ;: j , !...' ' , - ' j jiEvcnXs hae satisfied niy mind, and I think the minds of the American People, that the mischiefs and dangers which flow from a National Bank far overbalance all it advantages. The bold effort the present Bank has made' to .control the government, the distress it has wantonly created, the violence of which it has. been tne occasion in ope of our citifes fdnjeil for its observance of law and orderj are hut prembnitorics of the fete which awaits the American People, should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution, or the establish ment of another like it It is fervently hoped, that, thus admorfishied. thuse who have heretofore favored the esLablihroent jof a substitute for the present Bank, will be induced to abandon it, as it is evidently, better to in- Icur any mconvemence that may be reasonably expect- cnj uuii ui cuuutjQtraie ine wcoie moneyeu power oi Uie Republic in anv form whatsoever, or under anv re- jtinls,lbein ilakilefbrei(m : V ' ' ' . Mappuy, jius aireaay muetraied, uui me agency oi :8uch an institution is not necessary to the fiscal opera tions of the Government, The State Banks are found fully adequate: to the performance of all services which jwere requireaoi uie Dana oi tne united oiaies, quite ps promptly,' and with the same cheapness. -Tbey have maintained themselves, and discharged all these duties. pwhile the Bank of the United States was. still power- ffitk habpr Confederacy iJi.itlaii'and' upport.- t But, above jail, its mOsf( Pn'iJiyt Will H ftfund iti its influence upon thcli W-Mks mteitmytduty to call the attention; 1 m K: e)Uqited States. Crtja 4 ri.&ini, .ctl of Hie Government Uiat lnsti v m&ufi- tfie.' fee lure of the People. Its u f ;j fjrvip uie Davment oi a nortion or uie a tktiitJkfltgl retain the public; money ap- j fr "iffittioSrilW. td strenitftiien ltin 'a politic if . MihP oxtmdrdmarv extension ,artti Contrac iccoraraoaions tojinc communiiyiis cor-. .to!fibui i4:-jrmg' writers, and .pfociK HfcMnMH01!4116 use made of that 'PP : Piltiffti of the oensioh money and L, k!i'rl 4e: icltfce bf the last! session, the SilaMnlh'4s-yitefi of unparalleled curtiil from ne xsioi Augusy 3Ct '.itW 1:oraftirityvl . JTfaei grounds assumed l'LiM&aciiu in thefexfeat to wtiich it bad been Sa!MiN,.rJlto.fthe safetfoTthe Banki i T;.i2 izfAi in? morpltr tn induce LrOnoTess 4 MttlfiapioltHu Banft in ltd memorial relative iSptimfcv of !th di43aejs, undtQ give Jit new feiff ftl b-e substantially a confession that all is ral dUtrfewN Ix.cn inarviauais aiiu ,uie vuuuiry y (yeall khe' uryin2 six or eight nionths cqiMlypvMl wiUl the view f lkifctB4'i(WnM.V tiiaubject of congra tifcHtMrkn the country had the virtu '. Jt i v. i. U X li.SUSnn- thnfr fh(i on or rridfl nl' & $4$;:mnA mm ; tromUns wanion, lyranny,. itn4 iWWiostbf (heiprepiolis. .nctals from almost fsyrtofStlwIworH: liHlbatat the close of this ttibfital control 'jOoV Uvernment, the Banjc ps.vi itM$ pwlls8,Mi4 no! longer able toS loan out &uanip f be cramunky had learned to ma toia'M ttf'tijqiittitijrtaBce, and trade bad al Uji Una iietr bumltirifi : eb that aa the-firt wf Oc- irM tli4 extKiordiiiari spectacle was presented of jpani pipre plan one-nan o wnosc capital ljing ;MDpn4iueive in -its vaults, or iu the ein banters.' 1.1 I on the country since been aad- 0 'r.V'- 'nv'; VT?Sl it' ' FIAT JUSTTTIA t - - " 'i r ,i SA:tiSBURY: !L 183. luland in the. field1 as art openenemy ; and it is not distfjRsfees.. brotiffht iheilaiteesiohof Cdnjtess, has since been aod- 4thepae4;.ot1 ithp yidends:-,on the public k. w tfte aiflottot i)t onefhuadred and seventv thou- t i j'.wf.ClSljliE 4 Mp jortaoiur8,funier pretence ot paying IcyannUnVstJ upfaa the! protested French t?tMvittci a portjon oi me esiunaieu Mffi-ftfaSjf - uflbn which the appropna- HfpeqtjBtl thnj ; oir. cjollectdrs would ieeize on mom, or Uw? receivers oj" oar land offices on the iirigng troth theisae of public lands, under pre ftf claiaan tlife tFpited States, as that the 4 fogttj nave tQUmeil the dividends. : Indeed, ifl pie(ejC!,tat)Iie that any one jvthd chooses 'f aPj iiM- :ur(n4t : te United' States, may, tfl njrinl it, to payithe claim, lJfR- ?la4arncf Ihaj our. revenue will fl!;-tt Mfillheapplied;a.fter the f IWof oiht arniyl and the purser? of .our ha t!24M Mrens,hppIy to' their own use le to conceive Jtbat they will find greater difficul ties in their operations, when that'enemv shall cease to Ixist;-": ; j.. . . . . I The attehtion of Congress is earnestly invited to the regulation of the Deposites in the State Bwks by law. Kltough the power- now exercised by the Executive pepartmen in this'behalris onlylsuch as was uni rmly ; exercised through every Administration, . from fhe origin of the Government upito the establishment f the present panic, yet, it is one which is susceptible Of regulation by law, and, therefore, ourht to be so re- $ ul4tedV The power of Congress to direct in what places the Treasurer shall , keep the money in the Trea sury, and to impose restrictions upon Uie Executive au thority in relation "to their custody and removal, is un limited, and its! exercise will rather be courted than discouraged by those public officerslnd agents on whom rests, the responsibility for their safety. It is desirable thatas little power as possible should be lefttothe Pre ct or Secret 4ryof the Treasury over those Institu tlona which; beng thus freeH from Executive influ (nce, an without a common head to direct their ope rations, would have neither the temptation nor the abi lity to interfere in the political conflicts of tlie. country. ioc ueriving uieir cnaners iroro.ine national autnon tles,,they would never have those inducements to med dle in general ' elections, which have led the Bank of the United States to agitate and convulse the country fr - upwards of ivio years. -i J 1 ; TV M completed in ovr next. ' 14 Raxeigo, December 4th,! 1834'' Dear Sir: The resolulioni on Mr.fllangum's case wer0 taken up in tbetnmons tondavv i "A inotion.to lay them -on; tb'taMe lc.fpy .Tbttsibf Edgecomb, then addressed the House, in favor of the resolutions. -Mr. Craige, In reply, gare a compendious history of Gen. Jackjions jAdinipi$tr8tion, exposing the inconsistency of the President's measures with hisLPre vioualy avowed principlest the meanslie used to acquire unlimited power, and to defeat all the prescribed checks to Federal usurpation; the character and objects of the Albany Regency, and its in fluent e upon the public councils ; and the corrupt state of the public press, pro duced by the new system? of proscription on the one side and rewards on Uie other, i Mr. praige; was exceedingly animated throughout sometimes very severe in his invectives, and bitter. though just, in his reproof of assumed and abused dow-1 er." His speech was highly creditable to him, both as a specimen of his talents for discussion, andSof his in- trepidity in UMenamg uie uonsiiiuuon oi nis couniry. He spoke until be was almost exliausted; whenon mc tion, tne iiouse saujourneo,! ae wm concuiae msj re marks to-morrow. Il is probable the baijincoof the weeK, win in; cunsunieu oy uit;iioti,iii uijjs aiscussjon, as many other 'gentlemen are expectfti to speak. . It w regretted that we have no-Keporti here :-f-for the want of one,; the debates in our legislature are en tirely lost to the. People, and. Norta Carolina is consi dered, abroad, as barren of eloquence as she is de&titute , i A few weeks ago I fondly hoped that rNortH. Carolina was about to emerge frpm her apparently interminable lethargy, and assume her proper staiion in our .Cohfer deracy ; but recent events havo not tended to elevate my hope& My motto, howeve.r, is;" t Never despair of the Republic" " We must increase our energy! and our exertions ine proportion to die magnitude of the obsta cles we have to overcome, and success must ultimately ne me rewara. . in nasie, your s iruiy, . . The debate on Dr. Potts's 'resolutions' was continued up to the date cf jaur last accounts frbra Ka.leigb--but the Register of Tuesday lasexpressedl-he 'belief lhat the question on their passage would bei taken on the succeeding day, Wednesdays-Ed!. if P?.i?tthaich am- ClTcil&ViW-iiiT-:. ? mar meet the &t whkb it would WlnatW fell' lULu I'rPT""1"1 atthehandaUtheTatioiLBiiU'if notnmLthin -itt. .fJlj r' . - a ;u Jav N SUoldersof the Bank takropere 3 f?T baanwiUaothprthSTour v77TV" let Oil- sUtution merit let caH fan fiunC t The President1 not above the la W." ; .M $ vIvSH JVUIUINI ? LKUISIJVTTJREL . p .W.bc rnt 09 tlicUt lnWnt,;and soriraniU by the ; election jof CMEctW In the Senate; the former SpckejCteorge GDromgo opppsitkjnir rIntthe GraincIinn Banks, the Jbrincr sua a jnenuoi ine Aamimstrauon, was elect- r ed by a 1 majority of two votes over SeTera;E. -Parki l-Tb J Reporter mformi csthit n Bear lat Ij "r ftPI"! the appeV part of Stokes Co,-- bad made pirial havoc lua Titoty at:lkit accbonts.v -v : AN 'APMM I If 1lt.il.., n.. J tothndefuVstrokif sayj thatBevenf the tmembera; nmark the tJESr itSSmS ana;grves uie names or eignt wtio voted. tyi ilr. iJanks: 1 H wrongs come up m review Wfore him in all iuu same papeir wys uiai lucre-election ot Mr I'Leurhl : rj-TT 1 ernapsji 1 were tn rawfi ci tV-tivft minnlo ronuht - 7 n r 1 j "., m, w .wMt-iAtmr m nne i it any do, please the riew of devoting hjs unjKvided attentmJlo the fpt- keepthl?1nameg ecreti VthehCpoUicity wouW-JtobU I ritailelfira otlthe large aid mtereating ninftoUionl ??4n5.,, ffi Upoa upon.Wmpathyior I imder his care at Christ Cnurch; RowaTCounty- We 52$ tET hi5h ,ijr U,e W the Rev Mr. Speer to be their Rector; and that he has; "at.the. force of my intAiuoh wltlr Vrti 1 1 jr. LEGISLATIVE ITEMS. tvPyeJtfiiccymtry without defence. Benk' is disorganizing m lf lgMy resorted tolbyprn iTlVwbttip. nil the' land with an- tlftS NnlonI that"' no money shall .-iW W-Ureasorvibtr ? in rrai4PhnfnrP nf n SS1?iS"-K)?J The palpable object of . prevent tfle expenditure of the pub .faZll lrpi-jiatloever, which shall not feLIFP1 "lf 'tlie Representatives of the ESfeMn 0Qhires It vests WfiltTW.: M jfrn purposes foe ipublic hW?Pn!4 M 'th L5gila ti veDepa rt 4 t -v. rstul ! SMC VAUlllSlUIX Ul Uip IjAC i; ilVi)!i Ti liit Witliin theedbstitu v , iVoffi theRdleiffX Register of December 9. 4 Incendiaries again ! Our city has been again Visited by Fire, arid under &ich circumstances that te cannot shut obt from our minds, if -we would, trie horrid conviction that we have still among us livings, iu human form, vile and reckless enough to perpetrate so dialplical a deed. Yesterday mbrn ig, about 1 o'clock,' the alarm was given, and the rSreiwastdiscqvered to proceed from a stable on the premises of ir. James Coman in the heart of the t0wn aud in jthe immediate7 neighborhood wherei s niany previous jiucemliary attempts have Ibeen rrfade. The stable, as; well ; as several . other out houses, were destroyed, but the Dwelling House wjis saved, and the progress of the flames arrested b blowing up! the IKitchen. Had the wind been from the North, instead of the; South, the corise qilences would have been most disastrous, 'as no thing but a miracle could have saved the .entire square 4 - . m- m-r tbosl Department ta pay tof Action lifiVaymSti Ac- cnsi:utlqiI prpyison, thef claim Vl P ever ts pin Ivithout an appropna Pur the Bank has never asl IWMwfi. y H attemnts to. defeat the rmv Q Baiikn,in4 obtain payment witliout oi' CbnressTand approved St rWfK-Htea a appropriation for itself, arWalftoithAl JiHiirmrw in inrtion it 'ijstSS- n Vlchiicajlly been paid into the imSft1 !e:jrilfcple attempted! to be jO.. rn "f !Hluonf The rJxecuti ve and J u- iTi ncm lo Tinrrnnt and xnenrt i pjnjjoqiy oi law, oeiore it is ito! 1.TrS -!rWull ReTrt of Uie Secretary r' n " t! p nl3 Cf'rrespomience witn tne Sri - an thopmionsoftlie Attorney Wf wP find a further exa TPins of lhdBahk.:arif iiiii: the Bank, ahd the course it 1 UaiW!0 th T4f4iic njh& rtmain i i,.tJ.rr"iiia ia iim twnnr tKo a morion KSr lrpletf the Constitutipn "fent so far fca it Ka.1 tkA .! tf Tjfni ;ox; wie imic uues after the JJI M pxecut ve has exercised Sf !tth connection between imposes Mttibnariesj ef th Govern tWid 4no8t imperative cha- lit . On Saturday last a Bill was Introduced into the II. of Commons lo "reduce the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State. Sj l' ! - The Committee on Internal Improvement hive been instructed to consider "the expediency of directing the Public Treasurer to subscribe for, on the part of the State, two-fifihs of. the. Stock of an chartered Rail Road Company , in the State, vh.ere ihrec-Jtfihs of said Stock shall first have been taken by mdlvkiuals ; and to borrow the necessary money for the purpose, on the faith of the State. . T ; A resolution was offered on Saturday last, proposing to adjourn on the 20th instant, (next Saturday.) It was read, and laid on the tables i s ; 07 According to previous promise, we this week insert the Bill concerning a Convention to amend the Constitiitten of the State of Notii j Carolina," j In a hasty notice ofone of its provisions, -taken last week, we were made tosay that this Bill' proposed jto allow Rowan County five members in the House of Dele gates, j It Bhould have been ' five members in the con templated State' Convention. accepted the invitation. OijAtihther Citation. The Governor 6T Georgia has sent second message to the Legisla ture, infdrmulg j them that he! has received another MahdatRLuuiI Uie tate taj)plar;at'he'bar of tte" Suprme Court of the tJnited Sitalo-.anawer in a' ca'wliera' lpipe an Indian, now i convict in the Penitentiary, is fain- tiff pa Errojfj j The Union Governor ainrecommen a M Nullification jpf the Acas tlfe rightful remedy ' Wethinfj ihe same thing u but we see a course bv wbich Govi- Lumpkin might , have arrived at his aim'uiJ bases niUIUUI, WUJpiUIUiOJlg U19 lllH-lXUlllUCallOll principles to such a fetal extent The State ,ofGeor. gia is the party cited to appear at the bair of the Su preme Court i how i our notion is,; that tne Governor migljt have, sent he Supreme Judges word that, seeing it was impossible for the whofe Slate to appear ted them the citatiotu of course, would hot be regarded- We tlon't say this would be tlie best course for one to takeiwho had no horror for the name of Nullification : we only suggest fit to those who .want to exercise" the thing, under a different cognomen. But the Governor of Georgia, like his friend the President of the United States, has thought proper to M take the responsibility " of considering himself" the State," aird wee that his amoiuon has made him an ttttra-iXuJhfier. Q3r Shocktngi Murders. Three Of the 'Superinten dent and one (tractor, on the line of Rail-Roa be- iween vy asnmgiqn uuy, and iMiiirncre, were Jately a tacked, whilp sittihg in their shanty, or tent, by a num ber ot laborers employed on the road, and most inhu manly butchered.? Finding, afterwards, that-one of, the persons attacked had not 'been killed, ithe villains onhe next night' forced-the house in which he. Ia v. and delU beraiely .murdered him, by cutting open the hack of hla head and taking Out his brains ! Several of the mili tary companies of Baltimore promptly repaired to' the scene of these cruelties, and we are happy to state that upwards of 300 oi the laborers on'tlie road4have been apprehended to ho tried Xhothan jiisdcehoe .objecf.myjppeeitlief1 to ,V !r,"uv1" uunng- ine winter, or Plypt'wfrrapfoted machinery as if ill euaij itperrm lts'dBtwiUr 'aJacritt. ahd within the pre, scribal ijSocfi & nowJts-irreuiarity.Uiat it makes onedoubtwlofihe veracity ofaus bwn.time-piecej and r l r-"J.v.2Fw w uie interesta of all tor whom fl Ume lsinoney. :;.; s : ; mtm cast any aspersions UP? tf character of the; venerable :ntier itelf I"m satisfied that its intention rnribcisany of Itaipecies.andthaHWIoneominirs arp nucod by circumstances ejutirelj beyond iucuo trol ; ,Thisvis evident from the bad face n for facrs'i Much the Clockf jtseim. prelui lnwlrd . exies, and fnuitleaT IndewL I will firths in fits praisk and exbressAnV pnti"r MtieT.i. f'rriSJties op to-the seUmg in'of cold, weather, fhicH Wjll ,appear the- more worthy of coiriinenctatwn "nr rectieea mat iu hand have been - tied Uj . for some yeara pngt. t -4 M By Friday iflornhas Hail. 'T i THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. This' is a very long document and We have been un avoidably obliged to leave qut the firsts and ' last parts of it . until next week, in order to: give in this paper the Views of the President upon theUwfi subjects which oc cypv at this time so large 'a space1 in public attention viz. our relations with France, and! the! concerns of the United States Bank. ; i U NH ! U . In regard to the first of these topics the "Message is exceptionable. 11 he cond uct of France towards our Government has certainly; not been What we bad rea son to hope and expect it vou Id .have been ; but there From the New Jork Commercial Advertiser. , j Just', as wejjwereK ready for the presswe re ceived our English papers tp'th? Xlth of Novern bxr inclusive, brought' by the papket rship fiheffield. I :-. LirerpritJ jldrAnr, Monday Aor. 10. CrrTdx.--The dernand has been extremely ani- rntej hrouHout the lasU week, and the market cl)STd on -Friday -w .h' 'reat firmness, at an ad vance of jd. to 4d. er ;lb. ori the common to fair qualities, of $l merican ; whilst in the good and fine ; 1 .. 1.J ? ! '.' ' 1 a. aeenpnon inere is scarcely any improvement.- ncizu conimuea nrgiectea until frnaay, wnen Penarabuco was m 'good request, and sold freely ats-Iast weeksprice4;v Surat and other kinds are whbhtl 'alteration. 1 Speculators have taken 20,- 0P American, 500 Sural ind Pernambuco. II he sales amount to J7aU0 sbales. consisting of Ms4i-lslah(JJat 10d. to2df 30 stained,n4d to iosti;iiuv 'Uowea i.Teorgia,3o o iuti;too4u M6bile, Alabama, anH Tennessee, 8d to lT)idl4;- 4 Sew Orleans, 8d, to Jldl Hie imports -are 71p7.jiags.if tP'MZ Vt , I .LATER ACCOUNTS FROM RALEIGH. fixlract of a Letter to tlie Editor, dated , - fliwbAT Lvsxith, Dec 0, lcli J TheJiesolutwhsjotrixlucedJ Mr. Putts mc "the louse ofi Commons, to instruct the Jlon.'W. P. Man fum. are!still under jiiscussion in'that bftdy. The de-. bate has been a very animated pae. Members in the opposition; have brought in review all the inconsitnck and assumptions of tho Executive : Uie serpentine cowrie of those who,havingl)nce (Craw ford being their leaitleVbeen aJiiwstHh exclusive kac- vuw? ouie.iiigLis, new acknowledge, practically, the ejiisteneeof no right but tliosQWed by tLe President! m the PrbcJaiiHm'oii' and the Protect Jn re pjy, we have hear4-liltle' but stale, rulsortie adulation lo tJiClIeroof Wew prlcans,-and the destroyer of t he Monster. fV ' ', 4 ; 1 f . J i The following gentlemen have addressed the Houre l favor .0 Uie Resolutions: Messrs. Pplta, Jordan, Bragg, and; Daniel; and Messrs. Craige, Fleming, Out law, Barringer, Mahlyt Long, ana Graham, in opposi Uon to them. The discussion lias attracted agooddeal of attention, and, whatever mav be th revolt tl rfiw , . , , . - - - - 1 1 uate nas proveu mat there is, m North Carolina, & ta- and parched to the prison in Baltimore, itee host of vonX Tr tT Artheofience ' ' Mid inflexible m their devotion to the Constitution and ftnn wiiv hrintr n an annnnnt nfhvn rf 1 tWS Ot tbeiT COUUtrV, WllO must ultimately Lritimnh The Char 1ij .fe, . ' -li-tV-.'.. --Jl over thecorruptmfflinihienceof oervpriil "vo, iviu-iwucu iuuiucjs iua i. we rtfcuuwi ever e . Ir r v. jj . . r,r i 1- . . 1 i . . . . I Mr. llat wood addressed Uie Hoqsjp laftt, in-Hw? .n ie nave seen, lecowea. i ney were perpetrated by a he concluded!- the House adiourn and Zm villain named Ferguson, at Cedar Shoal, Chester Dis- of course, e entitled to the floor to-morrow. I ihere is a goodleal of falterin n iho Van Buren briefly as follow : Ferguson went tothe store of CapLl rinks ; ana nothing short of the rigid, arbitrary, disci- Rodman, and aold him a small hag of cotton : in the seUi u,e " T 7 L'eP en0ua togeUer, now, to -i r i i , , - . " . pass the Resolutions -;. tlement for it, a small balance m money was due to P- strong appeals have been made to the State pride of whichjhe insisted epon having, but which Rodman told : those who how a disposition to sacrifice one of N. Ca him itiwas inconvenient to pay, but should be handod j rolina's mo$t gifted and chivalrous sons, as a victim to fo hunias soon as chahgecould be procured. F. became the inordinate ambitiorj and inexorable vengeance of enraged, swearingthat if he was not paid then,he would ?e who has already treated her with indignity, in the sue Ri At this juncture-Mr..Walker, a respectable $1 ! TlH Ba?DWy e iu i ? a . . j i ' : Carolina, such appeals fall npon Uie impeoetra ciUzen of the place, stepped into the store, and endea- ( ble prejudice 5 of pa rlisans, like the gutle dews of Ilea vored to pacify F., assuring him that he should jeceive viin upon t; : ru rge4 granite. J . what Was due to him. Ferguson immediately laid hold if jjl - cannot! - ..ever, at present, despair of future me at Walker, threw himldown, and was severely beating' c.ss to fhe cause of liberty. The time will soon come, him, when Rodnian'inteferred to separate them. Fer.r! EJ em f private life, remote iu j 1 r i . ll j i ffOW the contagious influence of party exejtement, Uie guson then drewut his knife, and stabbed Rodman in moderate and the reflecting will pause and ponder on wo places; after which he went up to Walker, sitting j the past, th present, and the future; and reason, for a on the counterand stabbed bim in the left temple ! ; time suppreped by passion, will reassert her sway, and Rodman expired irf 48 hours after, and Walker in 24. bring back riany an honest, but rnlsguided head, to th The murderer made his escape after perpetrating his ; path of patriotism. It is a consummation devoutly to horrid butcheries. , The Governor f South Carolina be hoped fori" has offered a ;reward of $3QO for the apprehension of lit gives nje pain to state, what Tarn constrained to Ferguson hj is -represented to be a young man about believe, that the success of the Convention Bill is 22 years of age, am feet high, large make, dark skin, i tremely doubtful. au?t year it passed Ue Senate, and and wears larffe black whiskers has a downcast coun- was lost in tlie House : oow its fate is most riohhtfiil m tenance, high cheek bones, dark eyes, and heavy brows. 4 HE Siibacriber kvislies to purchase' likely NE- IROES; rom12yt9'25rs of age, " - - ; -i -i : k . w -r m m r a m " 1 .; - :v uaoi iu. t i ot tatesvjlle,iDec 3- 13,1634. i iB i. ,,-tt i lF.R(:HAN'TS.lANnVhTriFRS ti are in uie ! 1 tVa&em'nors fr are circumstances which, in our opinion, excuse delav on ber part : for instance, Uie almost' insulting letter of Mr. Rives in which hui vanity prompted him to say Uiat he had overreached Uie French Ministers m secrl rin 8oIargean award to oui claims 1 jjThe President, however, was evidently mfluenced by his naturally ir- 4 ritable passions when he penned the part of the Mes sage, relative to this-subject. 'His concluding suggestion we think very ill-timed and injudicious --Itj will be seen that. he wishes Congress io iiivest hum with discre tionary. power to issue letters-ofmaxque aAd I reprisal upon the property of French citizens, in case the'Cba ru ber of Deputies should again neglect to make the ne cessary appropriation to settle our claims ; and he arl goes; the case to show that France should noteholder this measure as a menace, and that ahejcould not, un der the laws of nations, make it al legal cause for -war But it is impossible to point out any instance in which! soch a. 'proceeding has not led to a wari if Uie nations were any ways equally matched in strength and wjj are therefore afraid that Uus recbrnrrtdation'of GenJ Jackson will have the effect to delay th action of the French Chamber, and thus embroil jus in a disagreeable misunderstanding with that natipnl f War is to be de-1 precated even in the most xtrecases of National injury ; buW when itis proposed (wagd it fw filthy I lucre, and upon the wtidh whrch :stomhyjus and fought (onri battles in' the ;..thatUie fttfena "lu,1 we consider it cruel andlnhuman in jt$j exene. We look to the good sense of Congress for at repression of our (ttr Editorial Change a Ad "Consolidation.r'--CovL- painfully convinced that, until it is settled, our State dy'Raguet, the talented champion of State Rights, and j . V the Senate.! This subject is allected bj, and aflecU, ever? measure oi importance thatis agitated, and 1 am recerot oraf larsre number of alnir aJl iquarteis of the tfni-i iea '.Otaies,;pa e.cjwnjje tiur iuv vKjoiiuiau, uu .wuuhi belau t4 baVeU4?m takerr4n ouf JiarH at; a reasona ble! prtce.r They comprisel journals 6f every, jrrade; in noiit'oT literary character,! and !of feyery shade in pol, ticsi arid would fuinlsh th buribuslw itli! ?mant a themeJ nes-monrersw the ufcfi. polilicrans.' berchautsAmd othlrstWyiolccisW for newspapers. Will; find ft ad- yanjagfoua to appiy for mem . k iiio.. w ivr i Jsaiisoarr. tiecemner i, io. editor of the Philadelphia Examiner, has recently pur chased the establishment of fhe Philadelphia Gazette, and entered into copartnership with Robert T..Conrad, the able editor ahd 1 proprietor of Uie ' Commercial In telligencer, 4y which arrangement, Uiese two jour nals have been consolidated into one, under the united title of j' Tlie . Philadelphia Gazette, and Commercial Intenigehclrf'f and f under the editorial chargeof both Uiose gentlemen conjointly. Either of them is a host h the gpod cause ; but we look for more, important, re- snlts from their united labors. Success! . t . : (r Small-Pox !-t-The Board of Health in Halifax report te occorrence of one case of this distressing malady in tbatjtbwnl The Board isayss To the end Ujat public jjxeitement may be'allayed, ana a true state ment of the fcase made known, thelBoard of HealUi re port Uiat; ohjy one case has come within their know ledgef and that the infected - person has-been prompUy removed several miles from the town. er can take her proper rank in the Federal Constel lation. ; . :' Gen. Samt F. Patterson, of Wilkes! Princioa! Clerk ! of the Senate, was 'this day elected Treasurer of the State, rtce yilliam S.lhdon, Esq., resipned. say tome President's mhnffccu, Bations'' against the Bank " For jchattcler of the stetion.-pecupies, weliop hjaLchaare founded in truth f'but,' m Uie absence of procif; jtippears to is that they .are moreen Jkeeping with t$etfnw&;uftisalis potrhooses, jhzti charactenstic oif tliej wisdom and raoderation that-shpuld exercised by the occupant of the XVataonal Palace at WashlngtonL (He direcUyxharges on the Ini'the'recent mobanoTtoeN which iave disgraced- the city pf Philadelphia -MIf this is; a fact, ; (far The Path oC Allegiance has passed the Senate of South; Carolina b a.vpje tstyes 3ues 11. It was sent to the-lfouse of Commons r ebnearrence, in which bqdy it ps$edJto its second reading, by a majori ty of more than! two-third. . . More pnnks.i-Jt will "be perceived, y reference to the'proceenings lor our Legislature, that a Bill has beep presented for th establishment of a Bank in Newbern, to be callod the pMerebantVBank.!!, .. p e1:li2ensof NoVfolk (Ya.) have' recently had a puiyc. meeting for th iqrpde of biking into consider raOon tlie twrobrliety f establishiag an Independent Bank," and ikol of triciwin the Banking capital of that Uoraign peneraJIywii.n uie view oi nieeuag uie anticipated winding up of thetU. States Branch. 0" The Legishtnre of Alabama has re-elected the Hon. WUliaW R- Cmf to the Senate oftbe States, for siyesrs froajj tSe Mnh day of March nexL - " Negrbes for Sale. WILL BE SOLD, IJEFORE THE COURTHOUSE I IDOOR IN SALISBURY, v On Thursday the 15th day of January next, Between Ttiirty-Five nn'd'Fort'- m Belonging tq the Estate of Joseph Chambers, de I ceajsed, late $f Rowan Couuy. . CCn This lis, perhaps, tne most valuable lot of. Negroes eve of5erel for sale in, this section of the country, the- greater part of them being ,yiung, very I ikfclyand of good cba racer. - k credit of 12 months will be given, upon bone? and security, with interest "after six rponths. -! SAMUEL REEVES, December j 18, 134. Ids ; AduiiuV. Estate Sale of lVcgrocs, ' - S :' 1 ' cc(i; - " ' w (&$ the frst day of January nert,'l will sell fo "die" highht liilder the CodrthotifcC in Sa- - lisburyr for csh, 1 ' - J. Seveiki X&lwMe Negroes, Belonging to the iytareotthe lateJDryfrani. ; a pa online same iwjjM"CTi,-V""iiv,'7.j po ihtf, usuarteTm t he f nnm;tig ejrroes .be ion9tn to ilo EsUte. AKn, at the same 'jimef Scvernl Lota inihaTomi 6t Sallkbtiry r '. iWUUloo Rented Out for'.one vear5.-- : ROBEI?TlMACXA3IARA , ueccmuer.io, i?. iu. ; - ;; . S . y i ft 4- 1 i '"I , '" "-: ' 4 - - r ' r : .1 - 1 -j--Oh s - Hit I - ; ; - 3. - 1 i i i": 1 - t V .1.1;! Iti V:: 14- 1 'is l-'M . t t t P i i