fi-y"Ac tvac. I r)r"i .'v- Wf -AW --4'' h ; V -.'TAW - v v j ri f fs id, niv :-V --. TfAlLTOy : JONES, 4 I- - v-'H?iir-v 1 VOL. '-317-frtfoM a.-WE01LB Kio. 100v '6' hi i i hi III fJERMS. r L : Mk mayliereaner bet had, to who .will payment, ' i .Afl cimn rlaiSS fthal .l "ltetL shall the. sum of continue, 'rf'f?. ,11 ha chared as other subscn dfilie,riU r i . r j . nttr Hmincr tSe i Year i " - - - mm eJ ilirce JDtffcrpjin all cases. t fii. rtd for less than i ' - - ; d 1 I . s .. t bnt at, the op- ? ifciLJ.tiir'tHe E-litor roast be noai V(TAw.3:Ct 'kill.dertai'tilv nfi-be at- Htl'-f'- r'i l -1 -- fi ( v tteai wteTe; tru directions lor eiicn ptjua e, tb jfbiwhever? U:CADE31Y. 4. SUSAN D. YE HUTCHISON, 'Jii'iVfi removed froni Raleigh Jo Saltsbu- lr will open her School at he Aeadeuiy ou 4mS OfADMISiSIQiy qs WoUotPs: Geography, r-ualnar &- Composition; fir Session (ni nve raonuis 110 00 Uuouneoiiuno, . 50 SECOND CLASS. "i"'vj " kPlDsfOeuly.Uorriit's Geography of the t,3Jli$K) 4n,i1t Modem. Mythology, I J E&meMff tJritiein, Hedge's Ligic, .ieyiwBuu.eroi8irj-ana-aiuraiirii!io-. Wjld viencs tif-Christianity ,and Stjuart's 5 M 4 Per Session - $15 00 S ii 50 -1 tf)Contiriii:eni fond mmlm' pf coarse. kbiieffM. ?do. .' A atntiiKr-urater !$5 0 0 I $5 00! a- -water 4 . 00 10 'CO' trchi. oer ' :. ranrii)tl4 i tier iai . 1 $5 00 Tuit-riimentii this Schawl , will be strict! T it erDtliMU II Will OB COHUUCIWM UM iyc iuU hid d'lirnun Mrs, Hiiichis-M View ht' 3aW Eiiicjutt, alfeady before the public i( nfedocbon ;tnott r practi s ed "by t tte t ! JHieitelyjiserut .'Schdtn our Country, .ird eeft tisfi.4 proiuoUt J the ttiitUiebbOjU wh4her in a moral, pejr- -1 ,1 ywbenul p4ibft W view. -1'- H ' t- I 'r?ii,Mj trialyat jaretrespectiully j re st bdfMi tfiHtr Uaaahters anil wards wiui I- j4ioiM4'"ai4 ' tti state! hat Church they fclMrff$bl6;famrliea may be N'iwp;elon!i:'V';' '; ;- 1 :ejli bjt ilbjjhi as swm''i con: pe tie tit UK.Nl;Ko the late d-strucUve fjl ewfTiwk: jLliurcBUl, &ooilimaFq wte rerjiuVed;; to -ibeC spacious .building Si pradfay betvieeri -Wall and Pine MMpsi-e Triiatv C Hutch i for.ndrlT cca- HoferuLife $irpo(d as a Furmiufe Ware l-Vni in lb immediatp vicibitir of the aiiora Hdiftl in Uruad street. & &ke Hutel,! They will e prepared ?'4tprwijio8easop, tt offer their yollibetal vprmo n iniirR new slock i of W AP FANCY UltY GOODS ; ! I I WILLIAM G MOBLEJ M N -C. 4an. 30 1836 628 V :' ' ' :' ' : :arcyg: MMrary UUE LITERiVTUIlEi I "mN tills Wurk wna nruMit dMnineneimr. H P'pneturt, th their Original Prol- 'itiiea, their I fafeihties i were very f iMji'U4, pttblicaiido' ot the kind. ?ahcai::hae givien great satjs-,5f5-' iffefof -Sir! Jltues Mackintosh," " Character- Wihfltkfli'i llw Wiirl-il iK.t mt ika oa'ma fal fitfcreiiilhJriinft ; fric1l.titfa - VAlMnrt . 'I II 4 1'): I-'-" . ! i I pwwoariadtlitiesiwft hHmiiffd 'Iibr fiijiij-.i.....-..r 1.' r ii.. .. 'rVceiveIby C8 o fi month ?9r'AS yo4 her i dib lish e a This . , T "!' autoufw those deieivedly pop-SMyl-JUtoe." Utche- eury Masteriori," v .'T r 't'v-f 1 Abe present wolk w present wotk will - Iftiiila tiiin ii'l'li. ciuna is laid u 1 Mlbli of those beautiful ce- i ijkidenis which cuarauier S.3 JVU, t'S OFiHHNlii QITAR TRPj s nit iv. ur snu wnai. wm-n ihev commence rkw r ,ujwiu aiijiiousij icji lor i f lOIVfl "ll..i! i-'L i i i a ' - . I 4iS; -iH, 4 IfcL 1 il ! fc,! -y ''ties wtllnable ci to be; feTT -vf i"e if w tmsvand 1 iUMildutbatt.V W: Kab-i he r r ial lavWhaVea. m a f uicneu. l 4TP'?,f7 wtlicn tcWPo.j -fc.i'.V7f? wouiiu unu iue dui- l tWi'."FT c" rna oi in VSplK. 14 i ut a ri it m il l . l l a : - i . t W OCT 1 i BfP Wable in advUt ,1 rVAHEY & HAR-lVi AlGUUKY.Aent, rtuladeivhut. .. 1 " : ' I i. ! l?ffOFS rr. -mm -4 artfrum thee$i uf MrPEKTicJ Leftbein be read, or ; they are the buroinj thooahw whicb noht but tlie ixiet's icoet sohi;ied faicy'could coiieerf -in f.thew there b tfeiada iu its behest fosjfiritioa 1 , I 1 H - ' jTomMe uouuvtut Journal. t nfireu n ucm trmes are swellipnr iis the kneli 0tlendytearii fhinil Irain4 - 1$ 8ttrpin2 Past- vet. On Von 8lram n(f jrvi I 'in UHriancttufy. iignt, the rawnibeams rest n:.i ' i . .r . -. r : jSpr',wf"Ne Seasoos tt m u stand- ' Yoong sprrri,! bright suuiawr, VauiBmns solemn AndViriier wfilh hitf agIksi breatne ! Iri mournful cadebe- a that aime ahr.Al ' . S L.ikejth for wo hirps wild and ionching nailj a. iucia(aojy,9irg-etrertne dead ear -Gone rum ihelEirtfi fofe?er. 1 v H fvi -ll"-wH! ' ' ITii a time ForrnetaoryL and for tears- . Within the deep Still himbeii 'f IHe heart a spectre dim, 1 1 '' t" Wfh(el)rie8 ar ijk tbe wizard piceof Time HearUn?m thehajb or Agea; r5ntst(S cold , -And solemn finefkci the beantii'cl l ! And holy Tisiw.s ffcat have passed awayi a And left no shadoof ofheir hv? hnefss,..:; On ihe dead wa$tiJof lifev J'hit 6pectie lifts j im ixiun-nu oi rppe, aoa joy, anq ljove, r And, bending tn.uHi fully above jibe pate Sweet forms tllaf slumber there, scatters deiif; . , flowers , , j '4.; - y":. O'er what has passed to nothingness. The year- Has gone, and, wi i it, many a glorious throng -Of happy dreamy. ljs mark is on each brow . Its shadow in eahj!hearl. In its swift course. It waved its scepjtrji o'er the beabtiful- ' And tliey!.are not jlt.Jaid its pajlid liand i Upon the; strong ttKtn and the haughty form. Is fallen, &ud the flashing eve is'dtrn. ; It trod-the halt of Irel'elry, where! tlirdnged The bright and jrui attd thej tearful wail Of stricken ones is iieard where ers't the song And reckless shoUtiesmnded; It passed o'er The ba lie plain wlhere svvofd, iand siear, and . shield, :p : , : Flashed fn ihe lighpf raid-day -and the strength Of 8 tried hoat$ihiverel, and the grass, Green from ihe 8ou;ot earnage, waves above rl'he crusted and mouldering skeleton;-It came And faed like a Vreath of mist at eve. Yet, ere it melted in he vierw ltfss air -h heralei 4ts million o lbeir Ltme In the diui iand of dHiiis. I i ''HfM ' ' ( I Jl Remorseless Thing Fierce Spirit of th Glass and tcytne what iVloer ''(!- if-vf. ;.. I CanA jim in his silent course, or melt Hi pti; ! Oa, still on. Hh presses, an J lirferJ The pru;d bird, The condor uf thejl Atid4& iat cao eoar TbrougbjHeaveii'8 unfathomable depths, or . : jfraVe.'-f'l j; r . The fury oflhi nortberr hurricsne And bathe'hiM plomaire in the thunder's home, Furls hisjihroad was at iitgiitiail and sinks --. .down . ; jj xl J 1 I " - ' To rest.&pin his mountain crag-r-bot Time Kows not the weig it slep or, wearinen, And nigtil'is d ep 4arkiies has n; chain to bind Ijfs rUsiiitig pinion, j Uevulo lions sweep -O'er EaflU, like troubled o'er the breast Of dieainirig-SurroWrT-Cities rise and sink. Like bubjdes on the- water Fiery isles Spring blazing frotk the Ocean, aud go back 1Vu tqelr mysterious arerns Mooutaiirs rear Tof)eavenUheir baJdl .and biackt-ned cliffs, and bow their till heads lb th plain New Empires . v. -.riS.e j ! j i " j ' . Gathering- the strength1, of hoary centuries; And rush down like) the, Alpine avatariche, Startling tlie natioqs-Aid the ry stars, -Yon bngfitlarui burirgibl42(mry-'0 Gud,'- . Glitter awhile in itjeir ejief nal depfh, j And, like the Pleiad,; loveliest of 'heir train. Shoot froittUheir glorious spheres and pass away To darkle ih lhe traeleWsiviiid Yet Time, Hme the Tomb-builder holds his fierce career, Uark, stem, all-panels and pauses not. Amid the mighty wrecks that strew his path. To sit and muse, likejolher conquerors, Upon the feaful ruip be h4s wrought I5t 1 fludicial iiachment Le- Emanuel Shober pied on a c'atai in the V8,i Hugh Welch j I j '1 orrence, and ?nn I moned him as Garnishee. IT apnea ring- to the! satisfaction uf the Court, I that the defendant js but an inhabitant of this ttali It IQ lirrlAriVi lht hllK lAtin 1 Ka wvsAm tor.six weeka rn the tarohua Watchman, nnni ed in SalitUiurv, for the defendant to ' sooear at ou' oexl P01 of PIa& and; Quarter Sessions, to he held foi t-he county M Rvwan, at the Coon House, in Salisbury, ou tJie third inohday in May next, ana replevy anaipjead to isuevor Hie claim in the" hands of the Garnishee will be condemned aud appropriated to' the plamiifTs ifpoiand. n f Copy I 11 OltN GILES, C Ik. February: 27 6 w3-?-price $3 i i 1 BJiVWm COlWYr-FM Term. IS35 John Hyre & E&ther tTbooasoo.S -! -- vs. ' (: I --'j'' Petition lleira aVjLaw of F anpis AVil-f r tExparte. hams, deceased! ? -'!;if;' -; In this case it apnearibsr to the satisfaetion nf Tt& nitdoighb SmJy boor and aijeace' now .-:V Is browdingr J,feea gentle spirit or ' ' " Tlii ani Jolseleftf" wwld-' ti&rk f'oQ; the uer te court, that the deffndants, to wit, Theopbi jnceJ lus Ytlliams; Aleiaridr , Williams, iThomas .-.....: . r, 1 '... wunams. uavia imams, imam ureg and his wife Cupo,and George Waggoner and his wuVAIIa41are ootinhabitknts;of this State : It is thctefure ordered, tbatll publiikation be made for fiMlf wkkM in the Carolina Watchman. tht LaW aod bqutty, to be held for Davidson conn- tbe JGoort Hoose an ,exington,on the nr.t mondav alter the tourtri in March next, then tid there tu answer the piainiiffs petition,, or it will be, heard ex parte its to them, and judgment entered against them. K 1 ; ' CHAS. MOCK cm.e. February 27 4w32 bice 3 ! . DEBATC . IN Tim tT. STATbsnVATE? : Speech or Mr.YniTJ& ofi 'J i ' Tennessee, It? 0 Benton's resolutions relative to the ' "dUtribut ion of the ' Surplus - jkevehtte Delivered in the Senate, on the llh iuU tlTTZO, M 5 4 ft i'VJ Mr.WHlTE'.addrcssed. the StinAte )s follows: J. , ,jOtMi 'yu .ft . '-Mr.' President: The first orihefiesoioi tiona; eubmtttetl by .the ? honorable rSenator from AI issoun is the on I y one w hid as yet. has beoo tbeuMct ofiany .reroaikf. Ijln its originial shape it was hot very JJefiolle and since it has;been tnonihed, on the;; sug-gestioD;-of; raykonagaerit is lesaljso. pt now proposes, that sovach of the ijsurplbs revenue, and the dividend a of stocJjteceif- a'de from the Bank of the ITniterl Stit as mm i he nm.esn.Tu fn-r.thf. rjirff.e.,JlilTiitt to be set apart' and applied to the gentfalMi- I fence and permanent secunt) of the , coujit- try. -; . i. r. . nThis pledge will bo jnde5mte, il fo anil deceptive;' while we appear tojbUJe largely, it may end in little or iitliHt . W bd jis to tidj;B,how rnuHt is necejssarl' CngreBs? !T6t body, then, will hate tl poet to apply Bthe; filioIe, tm -.neatjy-ytfi whole of this surptrjs tOK any Mother- bje: leaving nothing, or very little, for thesie obi jects. It cannot be saicf that xve pledge five ihousaud, five millions or auy othersutn; Ibrjhesa purposes, it appears to ,meif ; wj give any pledge, it ought to beef miujthm which we can understand ourselves' and which the country can understand. j J i The! debt contracted during the rcy;lu4l tipnary, .war, during the last war, arid all 5. olheridebts which the United States! had contracted, . oave been patdoit; tneretore, it lue permanent defene.e and geueratsccurityj vtSHhe country require it, for one I will) led it my duty to add to our annual a p propria-: tions sucli , sums as may i bp' necessary to complete," more rapidly Pur: fbrtificaipus, which have ( been commenced; to repair those which need repairs, and to butld f jrteii ones at such important points on our fpast as the public interest may require; to :j)ro, cure ordinance ta arm them when builtjaud if necessary, add something to our military leace establishtnenl, so that we may Jljave troops to take care ot those Jort luxations, St arms, after they shall have been built and . , i j. i i prov tded. . ! f f As to the Navy, I am willing to providef-r hastening the repairing of our ships, bujii log new uues,ami equiping all for sea,whieii tiie interest of the country : may ; require. These things I am ready to do, to any ; jra sonable extent, upon the supposition Jtat thtTe is 'no immediate prosfTect of the st-ite of the country being changed from that pf peac-e tt a state f war. If m the optilin oi the Executive, thcrts is a. probability; M4t our friendly relations with any oilier nattob are Itkely; to be chucged, t hat piepraiio must be made lota sute of War, so sooit a 1 can be saliaiiiid tiiis opinion is wuil loun-j ded, I will go heart and hand with tlu Chief Magistrate in inaKing all lh prepara tions which money can maku,to meet, suc cessfully, such a crisis. I w!J ; not fvt.1 boriufj to slop with llv surplus reviuit ; I will Ibt willing to apply ail we hav:, and to ratst mote, to ptotect the honor, thu intercut, rind independence of the country. ljy the uons'.itution, VyOi!fcess clone nas the power to declare war;"u5 as, the Exl'ci iitive . carries on our correspondence wtr foreign Governments, :t is eusy t see tha the country may be raced in such a sttua Hon that, consistently with its,' interests and lis character, Congress can do nothing luj ddclaro war. I have no befivl that this, is our situation at present, and cherish the hope il never will bo ' I ! I will use every means in my humblq sphere, winch, consistently wjth our honor and interest, can be used toatirt war,whtcN I should'consider a gieal caiaintty: bt ifiinj the judgment of the constituted authorities,' it must come, let my individual opmum be what it may; 1 wd go with my county, j and ose all its energies agnns any envnij whatever. i ISut if our relations are to be rhabgpd from peace to war, (which God forbid,)! 1 look to our constitutional leader, the Chief Magtstrate, to communit ate such fv ts as may be in his power, and la rrnmrncnd such mmisnresas he may deen '."dx ped ni-oi. This the nation has a right to expert, Cni gress has a right to expect,and it is a res ponsibility which I have no ubutrt the Ex ecutive will fearlessly assume, j . ; Gentlemen are not correct when they a gue that Congress will become theffiftite tool oi the they n quire commj nications & recommendations lom the Pr Jtbr;the defbjee ol ihe cotiptry j prior He isto make his eoaimunicationsFnext tiittinl pf iCoogress;' j sident. Ue is to make his communications of facts and his recommendations f mea sures; then Congtess, from these materials, and suchotht rs as are w ithin lis power, Is to form its ow n judgment in relation to what the interest of the country requires, and will either adopt the measure recommended, or disregard it, and resort to such other as may be deemed preferable ? . ; ; ; For the present, gentlemen I who think this resolution necessary. I hope, will tevise, and so word it, that those who vote for it may know the extent : of the pledge they give, and that the country may understand it likewise r : - , -vp :. jj The information sought by the four re maining resolutions may be useful, and hope they will not meet with any optxst uon. Air. President, I did not rise sole!? for the purpose of exj-ressmg my opinion upon I these resolutions. The honorable Senator ! who moved them made their discussion ihe s ottaoaofaUlingUiatourcoiinfxv was at prrsenr naked and Zefenleleis; that this was weu, Known at home and througKoat all Europe;;at we were' threatened !With a wajtwunt ranee, our ancient ally,: who bad already, cent a fleet upon our coast to over- onr v'ti-ueuuerkuaqs. and mat the reasons why the country is thus naked and defence, because a maioritv of the Senate vo. Iteid against in lappepbriation of three roil- lrf "t"1? insericd iq tb JortihcaUoa bill of tbo last session and thuoccasioned lijelosjolibewy,!!,!,,,;, , By .the way; what becoraoof this fleet of observation? I aire seen , that it was OTf f i10 rertdezoui at re; but wheth !er,it, orthe Goveino tppieu bf baslreicb fd l1?1 Jcdies,orMur cWu 1 have iotseen jj Suppose $ tqt bavej arrived; may it rjOt ljethat (he objct isotto overawe pur:dt4ibrations, bu to protect theinter- W.W;ainst I'rjjf' attact'Sthat may be adl? f 'jeij ; coaimeVce? !0trawe Con ptxsl ?'hce, i hope, j knows the charac' p 'M 0, ?pie better, i II j she doeslnot, I i' vtsrj ab meiiber lof f eiirierl tlouse fty?'. tti N gwiiig anjr vote iVhicb can Ideioaate from the character ol Ibose ihe; represents. ' L r t."iH? tu'iso hp voted against that pprl n at"in , a ii d aga i tist w hoiti t he cbirge t i n-'aiusi iijis accusation 1 uithrH f 5 ";fl au lofual acqMiital, by the onlyj i 1- !-:' -v.-i ..f'-4, . iiiotiuiii competent toiy mp. sTnis ccu- sauou; was made in my own Slate; those to v?hont only j am act-ountable for myj con duct lierethave passed upon ltk tlWiruaani iliuifverdict of acqutluai 1 presented the qibefay, affd it how Ksmajiy ohi the? fijes of the,Senatev But I scorn; tonrelj od ihat p(ea j I have a right tp a separate trial,: to pfcdn6l jkutlty, aud give tlie special ma iter ;IdO not feej triat I. or any of those jwiUh wbntn: I voted, are answerable for the -i loss" olUhat bill. The vote j then gafe was the rttu,tf Jmf ,test jutinWnl. i lheri ap prjved ofVjt, Jiae done so eyLrsince, land probably everj shall, soug am capable dfireflcttug pn the a flairs oil tnnrlvorld. jft will tKino part of jnjr.j planfto attach iPhsiEe to airy :( one for Shis j vote; all-may nave peen got(eriid by motives as vvorthy ts I fe.roy ownere. rhe;tifneiwili soon cPmehbo.we mist all appear before that l.rl'.Puj2it-W.bere there cam be no mistake ei- uor 114 ineeviueuce or me judgment wiucn pubjt:p be pfoipunced. j To lbaj tnibunal, lhn,;Mrhefe my motives land conduct, must' ie submitted,; I ' cdeerfully leave tho deci sion 6Tl lh motives of all t hers; but it is jdtip to the country, and tP myself, that 1 shjjfe from: my own skirts that blame which J&ihjrs seek. toj.altacli to me. j t ' ' '; I tw very fplam vieivs bf th'i matter viQ.l.binIf, sri?sfy cr&ryi honest mindlliat the Senate ariA nci fan III whatever 'a i ; J he bill Aj'tauisut i ih Uouu of tteSr t shi t v: d parted j. that body in the.tmnHh It ti;:4 iouldi.. mi: i i ::jrt .inuar -. aiiii si-i.i 1m the Si ate. te Whole sum : ts- feeied;by fcxt'ctuu.i 4; the Hpuse-ue-f:rsary for. f4rtirieiii..jas!and oidiuahce. I'tii siiui mounted to iur hutidred nnd ijhirty-oiue thousaiid dollars, 'i'be Senate rpght have given its consent, to the bill , ittioot any ultetation. f it had done so, tiere would have been a grant of the; sum jpst;:meiilioned,nand no more to these ob- j Tic Senate, from the best j information it isswsed,bidieyed Uie defence of the coAm Uy required much largr apiKopriations.aMd, ?s itiutl a light to do, increased some oi toe items of iippropri.iiioui and .added oth i s ip the amount of about four hundred l'ity thousand . dollars thus increasing ty rat?l fiM 43lM)00,ilo C0,OO0, aud oh' the iJith of; February I returned; the hil! to the llpoe, fur the purpose! of ascertain trig hei hr the Kepreseuia lives would a grpe to the mcre;scd grant made by the Senate, i If the Mouse had simply agrued UithiWe annnw inputs, the bill would liave btcottic a tlw, and there would have been ad aptKopiatioh lor fortiOcatipns &.? eqimi lpliy,Qt0 The House did not do this, but letuinr I the bill from the 24th of-Feb-niiiiyf till t o'clock in the nint PI the So ofMiJn h, od hen relumed it to the Sen atp with a icw section as an amendment to thi aajcol leiilof (he Seoate. i Ji! U'hiib ocr fcetitou has (pen read so often that every uieutocr, 1 presume, ; lias it by iiifuiyi at is !m these words: Thii the sum uf three millions of dollars be, anii the SiiHie hereV, :apropriated out of a'uji mo ney iu the 'treasury, not otherwise a (ipro pnbted, fo boexpiided, in w hole or in fprt, tindei the difi tion of the! President of the United t2TiwMUe military and naval ser vice, lucludiuj fottificatiohs and ordinance, aou nicreaseoi uie wavy; rrovuita, oucn ex peuditureW shall be rendered necessary to the For one, f declare, when this new . i :- m - sec- tioil was rel, I was as much surptised as I coujd have been il it bad been diopped through the sky-Iigtt above our heads Into the bill. Tbebaiiuiaaof the Com ra if lee pn Finance moled that th Senate disagree to I te nmendrrat;& after.socne discuton, in which 1 toof ho'parMhl vote was taken, and fctood29 tli 19, mine among those1 in i At that time 1 knew not Who had propos ed tbi?: atneaiment in trie House. The President had bd asked, as farj as 1 Isdew, Tor anyjsuch 8ppropriation;bere was tio es timate sent frm any department on which to found it. fily belief was the President jid not' wish iff I supposed it bad been t-fleredibr somtf i member oonosed to the 'administration, !wbp wished a free disburse- tnent ol money about our seaport townsVtiot rlntf : what - emharrassment was occa- stoned W ImthH loose appfonriation, and ai, in U huiry and confM of night sessions had been perraiited to pass1 with- .-n , , , , . . '! ' S S I out any particular exaroinairon, ind fancied I tr r?? llie nilcma'ns argntaenf. ' ; ' : : i I lhat,BO aoon as their attention was Dariien , had wisn to read the newspaperf : f f j larly called to it. thft Hni,.i. .L.ij l..?. S information,! had inoi leisure : mvlareTvt 1 1 ' " r - ""j- 1 soon found II bad been mistaken; for presenty ihe;bill was re- the House insisted ort:t)eamendraenl3 : A jnotion wasiU-ade that the Scoatd adhere to its; t dtsagrerneotfl BePiie! Votiiig on! jhat qtiestioo I took I hp liberty lot statinffj very uneuy, cue reasons nport; wiiich my fit si was s'n, aua upon wuicn tue second would be The President had sent rio message task ing such aQ;approptattoni-stt'rnates-1 bid been sent on which to founii iu I believed it woiild have been the dot f of the Execti. have I sent such a 'message and inti mates, and 1 farther believe ie would faitb ftilly discharoe bis duly, ahai therl fhrA liinl eluded hidnot think thejiuterest off the conhtry required tlib additiofnal grant. Be sides thts. jlie question; ra$ then penling ana undecided be I ore the Frpoch Chamber relativo to the appropriation to comply with their treaty. I believed ftlie strdns proba- bihty as that it would plssj cither thenl or e nextjsessioij andUiaW tb a little patientndj good sense irefcho )d receive Ue money .without auy warlike preparation. This was not only mv own 1 opinion, but ;the declared opinion of all wit conversed, j ! ' whom I had wa 'what L professed trt'Te fand pver had been -a; friend to the Aduiinistratiou; 1 had received ; no informaidr haf the Pres ident desired theapproprtati ui, and I saw ,lhc section was so worded as jfo throw upon him a responsibility, which iiecjught not bear. The piovisi left it discretionary with him whether the Imooey should 6 used or riot I thought all jtbe interest-f e Army, he Nav ihe jarge cities andjihdse who luid ordnance to dispose of, would o j brought to bear on him, to induce mm to use the money. ! he did order it lobe used, and there should be no war, as I hoped and be lieved wouldj be the case, he would be censured for wasting this large su ml If he resisted jail ifr)ortunities, and 'did pot tise the money, and war, did orne,-he would he censured for not providing (or the defen ces of the country. : i j I I . Again; supppose the money to be drawn, whul was to be done with it" to the Ajrinv, to the Navyto flow mticb fortifications and to oidnance? The secttondoes not say; all is indefinite, vague, loose, i and j left to executive discretion; ?;; . I These reasons were satisfactory to my own mind; I voted upon them.jlFrom the time 4 the three millions was first mentioned in the Senate unlit adjourned, 1 qid: not ctin verse, as I believe, wiih a; single member oi, uio House upon mis or any otner sub ject, nor did converse with any member of the Senate! except my colleague, who joined me in the lobby behind the colon nade after our last vote. He. wns kind en ough lo sjieakfavorably of fnj humble ef fort, and to express his regret that 1 had not made my argument bef ore tlie rst vote; but neither he nor any other memtyer of either House ever intimated tliatth!e Presideht wished such an appropnatfoil. 1 ; I sincerely believed he' did not; but in that it seems I was mistaketi, nd the first notice I had o( my mistake tvijs in his an swer to a company of gentlemen in New York, who, alter the lise of Ccjiigress,inaie him a tender of their services to defend the country. Whether I would hae voted for Hie amendment in this loose shae, if I had known it comported with thd views of the 'resident, I do not pretend tb say. 1 think 1 ooojt uol. but am willing to state because such is the truth, thst if, upon reviewing my whole votes since honored wifi a seat in this Chamber, any vctes could be found which I would wish had not bein gtvcn,lhe erroi is uioie attributable to Piy unfounded confidence in the Executive! and anxious desire lo muntain htm as far as' 1 conscieii Hourly could, than to any other pause what ever, j 1 .. I But it has been urged by ihe honorable Senator lirom Ne Hampshire; (M'r.j Hubl bard) thaL on j the 28th , of February, the i ll iinK.n of Cdramittpe on foreign Kelaf lions of the House had given notice that when this bill should be taken up he woultj move an amendment appropriating one nul iion of dollars for Jorlificationit and two millions for the Navy, and that tthis accor witii ihe views of the Executive: and the gentleman adds, the metoMers pf the, House no doubt made this tlie j subject of conversation, and that Senators would prob S 1 ! ably secure the information, and also that in ihf (ilnhe. newsoarjer of 2d March this. ... , -r r r i notice is published, and has passed into the history of the country. : J ! To all this, I answer I did rnot hear of lhi notice. If aiiy memberV With whom I associated heard; this notice,; they hever mentioned it in my presence -So far rom it, one of my colleagues of ihe;er Hodse, probably a alteiiUve as any meuer mere, Le.,rPH rre he did not hear ..any! uchn assure me he did uot hear .anjfl "cii .nrT. tice ; and, when the amendm6utj was nudee consideration, he had a cunosjty to Know, whether the President desireol the appro nrintion or not; that he conversed with a i..dleanie sittins inear him, and,! neither of them knowing, he asked another of his colleagues, then chairman of tlie. Commit tee of Ways and Means, who told him the President did wish it, fc added that he must say nothing about it. He did siy nothing about it till since this discussion com menced during the present session. With the motives fur this request to conceal I am not acquainted, therefore can say nothing. The other source of information (tne Globe) 1 did not apply to; I never read it was here, my duty here, and I had 6 uite as mp m i could attend tor wimou4 teadin the Globe. If I had wisheif inrnrmntinn il v -... i- . . r ; it i to guide mytjudgment, aud feltl boond : tr look into newspapers for - facts, the i Globe j is the last place uppn. earth I aTiojiId loolc into! for, Ihe truthYrm s- 'i-J Again :Ifl had seeri thta notice, Iar ? yet to learn that the President has any merW ber of this House to act as hir subst'tuti-j 2 f"" "ge mat tntormation to the Senate jwhich wehavearight.byiheCoristitotioni :o receive from the Chief Magistrate him- -'pelf.; ; r s-.-j - , -..j- Lastly;! If I had, seen that notice, would not have supposed this-aecUon Was intended by iu Thp noUce .? waapecinc f-one million for b5coiont,ind twp rpiinons for the $avt The amehdmebt is lor every thing relaung tbithersea or land, ti g general mass for the Executive tp divide out, as well as he could, f accord ing to his discretion, i 1 iy? ji If the amendment had pursued the notice, U would have been well expressed ; but in tjie shape presented in the bill, 1 doubt whether the combined talents.of the mem-: hers of both Houses can frame a section on iUch subjects, more loose, mure general. uiu mure iiiueuntte man il is. ; . :-'; i It has been insisted by the Senator from New Hampshire that this section did make a (specific appropriation of this threerhil lions pf dollars, and wis justified ojr'preeV f dents in the days of General Washington, Presideut Jefferson, and of President Mad ison. : j , - i; - .- . ..- ,u I By the term specify appropriation! on delrstatid that we meau fA direction of Ik lam to apply a given sum of moneu to the accomplishment of a particular object in ex clusion of all others. I If this idea be correct, this section lias no .claims whatever to the appellation of specific. The object of it was tb place eveFSiling at tne dl9cr!tl'ton of the Execu tive i st. Whether the money should be used at all. 2d. If used, to annlv it to anv object he pleased, connected with the land or naval service, or defence.- , i." '''' The precedents referred to do not bear out! the arguments. The first is an appro priation of 811 6,000 to pay. tne civil list. Here' the sum must all be applied to the discharge of the civil list, and nothing else. ' . The next is $70,500 for fortifications. : Although it is not said what sum should be applied to this or that fortification, yet the whole must be applied io fortifications, and : to no other object.. The-third and last pre cedent rests on the same principles. A' 1 In the case now under consideration, er ery thing is vague, indefinite, and lef to Executive discretion and alF Ihisithdut anyj communication from the President, or any estimate whatever. I venture another remark, founded on what I heard said by a gentleman of much experience, not now among us, that during the period, of z pop ular administration was the very time we must expect bad precedents to be sell a These precedents, incautiously set, when we have unbounded confidence in ihe Ex ecutive, are sure to be relied on, in after- times, by those who may wish to use l powjer without regard to the public, wel farej 1 . ! i;.-:. Tliis section, if adopted, wouldln after times have furnished a precedent, by wiiiqh any grant of the public money ". might be made, to be used at Executive discretion. K--1 pow put it to gentlemen with whom, on former occasions, I had generally acted, to say, whether, if such a grant had been proposed during the late Administration, a singly man of them would have voted for it? No. . It would have been said j this ' money would be drawn land used, $o tor the public interest, but in jobs, to control and regulate public opinion. Upon this matter, for one, I am perfect- Iy satisfied that I, and those who toted with me, were right in not agreeing to this amendment : but the matter did not end with the vote' 'of tire Senate; the bill did npt necessarily fall thereby. Let ua pursue the subject, and see when, how, and where; the bill was finally lost. The Senate returned the bill to the House accompanied by a message, inform ing them that the Senate adhered to their disagreement to the amendment as to these three millions. Upon receiving this roes- sage, it was competent to the House to hare receded from their amendment., and then the bill would have passed appropriating the-$8G9.000 proposed by the Senate ; but, instead of that,; they took a vote, and de termined they teould not recede. (House journal, page 518.) After this (page 519) a motion was made that the House do! a conference on the disagreeing ' votes. This motion was agreed tb, and a commit tee of three appointed, and a message sent to the Senate, asking it to appoint a com mittee tb confer on the subject. (This -Innra.l - 236 , Ag gQOn ag i was ttcejrC(j the Seriate agreed to the conference, and appointed a committee on their part, (pace 237.) n the course of a short time, the committee on the part of the Senate return ed, and reported that the conferees had a- Vi greed to recommend to their respective :v jjouses.las aubstitute for the $3,000,000, - an appropriaiion ot three hundred thousand x Hollars tor arming, the fortifications, and an I Additional appropriation of jive famdred J thousand dollars for the rephr)jri eqnjpJi inent of ships of war. (Senate 'Journal, p 237.) u: ;. - -vf yrW I If eacl House had agreed to this report then there would have been the appropna ttonof S869,000.contained m th bdi ar y. rs-;' ! :-1 -.4 0 i -a : i r ' I. It j i - " ; i 'i ...5f 4 : . !u.t-'!-H i . ' ill h-l.'; 1 H : -1 " ? - ) 1 n . f i '4 v H- i!f '. hi M ? 4- i if!; .IJ I r i V- r .1

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