? i s ! I . i .1- s r; i. r . i ll- ! ' the enemy by; tUc.bravc Lbnitiaua ?olttn ,m mm reVnlarsr nnder ipv; command :J ... :..t3!.:i. lMtiaririhi reasonable ' t i'' With demands of Jilsiice Vo-accordapce known law of war laws which oujrfit j to f be extended & ike. to- the tro add tne f-i r obff--to the Seminolean, ato thfr- J But U guard kgainst the Pftil5rS?F :e any authority from the President. pUged my hS laot cooipsoioM in arm. nder .tte, copmand - Lit to be in Kaeioa ofa heart and Wh. : dliW to 'cooperate with me add whd aided tb?ti braV ro!?nteera from Geprjia under (ap luiIUjbeftaoaknd Bode., and of Florida under ir at.u UiiAm and Ui I." wim ana ess1"" under -Majors i parston ano uiu. .:ti. ma far a verv restricted did cu p- ;;)) '. !i erateVitn me aa lar at very teatrwteaj means wuuld allow. lioweTer mucn me omw j 4 bile, in thcr unanimous and generous reswuuw,. and Jou gentlemen,jn your acoorapaujiM k eover estimaiea raj pemw in tnese on. 'Jr mar hare ft without egotism be wrmitted to say, jf frank testimonials oi tnetrana your rtivc and my efforts bare been truly appre- when the. disasters opt the jf"111" reported to me, I not only deemed it to be il,tnymottoe ciated worA rrvr ( idt1 dutv promptly to act as I have acted fearless of the consequences, aoa wunoui iwwns ceremony of special order but I felt, as 1 f till . i .nr... mvMlf at the: time, thati should deem myself: utWDorOi the high honors conferred on me by my counlryydunnp raore than thirty years in successioitietrcj tapabUt of Hesitating or pausing to estimate tke copse quences to myself individually t or to count the number of time opposed to me, of any color or of i oU 'colors, whilst the fteUe and the hetylessjf all ages were suffering the massacres and con-flagration- of an exasperated and savage foe I JlJating when a jouto, made a pieoge umw wiu and ttiion hunor.!" to bear true iaim anus a, i 1 anceto the United Slates of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully, againt their ene- mies and oppressors, to whomsoever.' fl could; not aliow myself to sit still and eat the bread of idleoess, while any portion of the peoplej wiihin the limits of the: militarv command assigned to me, were suffering under a marauding foe. 1 was well aarare that the spirit of party might be brought to operate upon the bearing of eyep this as its votaries have bVen wont to 'seize upon any abd lever eruting or excitable; tot of sj public nature, but I bad flattered myself pat the virtouus and wiae of al! parties : woold occur inf viewing the branch of the natural defence of 1 which ! am a member, as belongiog to the Uni ted States and not to a party and whjeh war occurs it .becomes the duty of all who bekr arrmi to unite in (promptly terminating Jhe war,, by; seeking for and finding the enemy in the khortestj possible period of time. I have indeed peard-ol rival parlies having gotten op a war forfa?rty pur poses- but do most fervently hope an l trust, that this awful indication of corruption has not and may never-never exhibit vithtn trfe limiu of our beloved country I - !K I am under orders to proceed without Mtlay to the Texas Frontier, lam compelled therefore to deny my self the pleasure of ilamiHg ao earljf day to meet voulat the festive board, agreeably ii ' to your kind invjtatiuri, which however, accept witlv much pleasure, and shall apprise ya of my ( j t return to this place, which I think 1 may5 calcu ' V late bo in the course of abouLiwo month. ; j . 1; With affectionate respect I have the honor to I ; "be your old: neighbor aod faithful friend. j i EDWARD PENDLETON GAINES. k 2 General Event t, Mayor. Colonel IfValtori, a.idthe other pi embers of the , Committee of i f ine sutztns oy Aiooue. : S IMPORTANT FROM TEXS. From the: Fordattd Advertiser. JONNY BEEDLE, AGIX- Dn . Vlngley iht JURtor tftht htwspa- J'i S perjn i J?6r&nd. ' Mr. Edwardses, Your last letter makes tt ail straight. Lord I knew bow the cat would jump -Folks intermedliog all so plaqgy friend) asd talking of snake aogs aod wolf traps. - You know I told you I etas not easily ecaied. As you are so very aoja; ious to bear the story of the three fat Raw son girls,l will' give you that at once,kcdn eider about engaging in your corresponden'ce afterwards. 1 tbooght you must have heardlill about! if , it bappeoed so long kr go. , j ' - . ;1' . . Well, Simon Rawsonfs three daughters Peggy, Jtnnyand Sally smart, jolly girlsf fat, freckled and saucy, bad been to see their grandmother, Granny Golding, on the plains, and were going borne in a shay to gether. . V . I at It happened to be training day, and wnen tbey arrived upon t ha meetinghouse com mon, there stood our company all in battle array. This was a sight to charm the Raw son girls, and when tbey got their eyes fas tened upon it, tbeie was no taking them off. Tbey forgot this horse that earned them, and old Bouypart, as Simon's black was called,waa allowed to go trudging aion? with his bead and tail lopped down, and looking as if be felt sorry, while the girU kept scratching and j twisting their necks more and more at each step. 'Do took, gals,' raid Jiony. (Jf there aint Ike Runnels, standing right in the middle on'era. Who's be laughing and squinting at? I snore, bej thinks he's dreadful cun ning.' ; i ;! i see him,' says Sal, 'and there id Dolp Daniels standing at bis elbow. - Do eec! bow stiff and warlikt he holds up his head scowling) as if be thinks to scare folks, ; I; wonderl .j 1 That's becanse he's a corporal,' says Peg gy, 'but gl' me Cipt. Peter Thompson. Don't be hollar, as if be was driving an ox team? He tries dreadful bard Iro n looking this way, and 1 see his big onion eye rolling about under the coruer of that ''ere great cocked up hat.' f So they kept running on, till Tom Stone the drummer thinking himself entitled to some noticeset to pounding his drum all of a sudden, as hard as be could lay on. Now the old horse was'nt used to music, and I it put the very skipper into him. He thought it was the meetinghouse tumbliqg down a bout his ears. 1 He fetched an almighty torn" unwarda into; the went Bonny rejoicing ! gutter VJin<xnj a heap, .frightened tof death ail .buti'Fpr whatithey could' do? Jump cut of the sluy .and breakT-itheiir4u ecks?; r fTbui they were read to do for the bad Josybeir its; but help appeared when the least thought of it. .Tbey soon arrived at the crotcb where tbeoTd and new rbadiome; together nd passing the pound, wfro should they meet but Jack Robinson? e comingldoffn, the road, armed and equi edas tbela.w directs; and blazing in Iental5f TgoinJ tolate to training. His name ;was on the roll already. " Tbe gvlsjaye a scfeam.nd in a moment Jack! planted bim?f in the middle of the way, with a charge bagnet; and a Joud whofwaj 1 1 ' I : . j ! j .! At the sight of this . warlike figure, 1 the old horse stocilike arafiiL Ie neither dared go onward or stop; abd whit does he da but fetch a whirl Clear round on jfthe spot, and run back again, j The wntr! was so qiiir-k, that Jack thought it a miracle that the shay was not upset and broke all to splinters, and the girls mashed into mince meet. And a miracle ft would have j been, but for one reason, and no sooner were they turned tail to, than Jack saw it.' It was a two bushel bag full of meal,! laid; o ver and lashed to thSaleltree. T0 reason was ballast. - j ' ! j I 1 1- It was not there wtfiyonr good will and consent. Miss : Sally , and Jiith. Two genteel, by half to cajrr iheal-bas; What are we coming to? May be I don't kiiow how you pouted and jturUed up your! nose at your father's lat words 'Tell your gran ny that eggs are nine'pebce; and atop at the mill and bring home the grist.'--rAnd did you not all agree to forget it? Answer me that till Andrew Ivelley came ?ont of ; his mill and called! to ycjuj j So civiljhe was cutting off a piece of his wtfe's clones line and lashing it On tight land no thanks to you, though be bad Such a rafer for Ibis pains, to sing to slee fver night; for a fort night after, j ' J J ;; j i 1 :. Back again : went Bony at his! prettiest' gait, out not the samel way ho come; this time he chose: the 6!d;road for;a" change. Here was a long dotirnhiII, not Isteep, but one bed of loose stones, from top to bottom, and halt way down these lay oen Legg s harrow, teeth upwards; (Ben iras ; dread fully sorry that he had left it there, but you can't think bow he was worried and pushed to get off to training,) and it there was room to pass between it and the stone wall, there was none to spare. Mr Robinson thinks not. 'Old Bony,' said he, went rat- and. ew: says f to myself, was'iil balf an hour tx he earns down to the shipj; Yod you yo cheated me, says he. ! h'avnt, says II here ths Captain put ,hh finger on his nose wiokpJ yoo dan't fleece me :! Jew or r.o J The next mom h i went back to tha same olaes on ' the same erramf-fKiody ! woold "buy the gloves, as I hoped-except(ibat son ofa'guri of an Aminadab, arid he took 'em u before, below cos and was off; ? You're trapped my ; otd rat before you've says I "xou have, says he, f those gloves are all of one hand. J know it says 1. 'and 1 1 could have told you so afore you took 'em if you'd a thought to ask 'You must takef 'era hack cried he I'll be if I do, answered 'It'll ruiome,' sni velled j be. So much the better, said I. 'I know yon youvillam, and you've brought your goods' tof a bad market, if you thiok luwuasel me now give me i ' , (I named a round sum, I tell ye) 'and I'll let you have the mates.' He bad! to do it ed I out with the mates and got thje money from;) he snivelling Aoiiriadib, who looked as dumb foundered as a cow with her tail cut ofP" to pay a thousand dollars in New Orleans, a good draft for a ' ikousiod on that city is j semewUat beiterl than lold or silver. t I - ' 1 & s Of an sor Dkw - EXTRA nr i Address pirepdrtd m. J f-A:: - DJ;3 A2- M " - 1 horning' tia Trtasvry OffUe at Washuxg fonlWe poblbbed iy ester Jay .'exclusively;! an account of th arrest of a person saspected of bav insrbeeo concerned in setting fire to the Treasury 05ce about hree years sgo. Since his appre hension, we enderstaad, his wife has also been arrested in Sussex county. (N.J.) on a warrant granied hy Judge Baldwin, at Philadelphia, to whielt city she has been conveyed for examina lion tdochingher knowledge ot i he affair- i Three months since;! we were inf trawd uf all the circum s lances connected wiih thk hosiuess, but undrr an injunction! of secrecy which prevenled our ri ing them to the public, and as the injunction has not yet been entirely removed, we are otdy ' now at liberty to state, trial ihree persons were cin crned in the crime, to which they were insiiga ted by an individual jfiiiio? a hit;h station in so- cirty, Judid T.nip!, whom, our readers may recollect, commitltt Suicide by shooting himself at hisjresidence real Montplier, Veruio.il, in consequence -of a diivery having been made that he had defrauded the United States Tre ury hi an immense amount by means of forged claims for resolutions iy persiims. Kimlino that his fraod mqst ioeviiably be dicovertt. he en gaged these !persort utMler a pnmiise ,t a U'g reward, to comruit ths arson, tn the hnpe tlmt the fire woujd destroy evry trace ot his guilt. In this, however, he was disappointed; the muit valuable papers aud fvituchers of the Tit-asury Dftpartment were rescued fnwn the flimestnd amongst them the . proofs uf his delinquency. . Upwards 'of a year ago one of the incendia- ues was arrested at Syracuse, in this stale, by 3. r men, a ponce omcer oi iMewaiK. di. j. - ,-., wn:nnm. . . ii .! 1 ' . . . , I rv anu conquest ruinous to naimn. rr mree oi tue , . . . , 4 , r-"v'"ar,hl Vhen Mr. (jeorge, Whitfield was in the ie nith of; his popularity, Lord Clare, who knew that his. influence was considerable, applied to him by letter, requesting his interest at Bristol, at the ensuing general election. To this request Mr. Whitfield replied, that m general elections he never interfered; but he won Id earnestly ex hort his lordship to j use diligence to make his particular calling and election sure.". Dr. Thompson, a celebrated physician, and a remarkable slovenly person, could not endure the sight of muflins.! At breakfast, one morning, a plate of muffin being introduced, the doctor grew outrageous; and called out Take away the muffins!" fNo, no, said Garrick, seizing the plate take away the raamuffios." A traveller was talking of having seen, abroad', buys so large arid powerful, that two of them would drain a mkn's blood in a nigh Sir, John Dayle,j to whom this was addressed,- replied, ')y good sir we have the same animals in Ire land, where thejr are called num-begs" When Dr. Johnson visited the University of at; Andrew's, a famous placa for bestowing aca demical honours without much discrimination, he! took occasion to inquire of one of the profes sors into the state of their funds, and; being told they Were not eu affluent a? manv of their neiah- hours. "No matter." said the doctor, drvlv. currence: for the present the above statement must persevere in the plan you have formed, and you sumce. ou. y &nq. hcdelirereA hrfnTm & rr?i. osophical Societu of r..l . v RcrUBLICAX SYSTKM OF GoWr!? OH LlTEJUTCRK AXD THE dII Orj CHARACTER. !Vr fAnotlier advantage which it uvfti present, as growing out of thai Mll our people, which a mere Mamu-p! the magnitude and resources f 0. Mb and by !ie immense distance nf aj Wk politic of great power and amhiiionfi1 ' onr bordeis, ngainst foreisn inva.i'M foreign interference in domestic col 1 shall not here dwell upon th.il qtient exemption of our country fnitlff migniy engines ci - despotism. 0er navies ano armies, anuilie celeteritS- 2 fluerice which thes piAi,t;.,ii ? ary establishments exercise ifer the anu euergy 01 man. i shall merely S&4 I advert to some of the effects whirl? .r? : cuniy 01 inuiviauais ami stales aai,yf eign aggression is calculated ipgi oni individual enternrise ami .... k0 tlOtl. - iff' Mr on a chargebf forgery committed on banks. arPhiladelphia; but on his way to that city he contrived to elode the vigilence of the officer and made his escape. Knowing, however, that ne roust eventually be retaken, ne made, a virtue of necessity and vulonurily surrendered himself under. the hope of pardon, to secure which; be communicated to the police all the circumstances in relation to the burning of the 1 reasory otnee at Washington, admitung that he was criminis, and through bis exertions, the actual incendiary and his other accomplice have been ap prehended, and are now on their way to Washing ton. ! ' f ! When we are permitted by our informant, we shall give a more circumstanstial detail of the oc Since thegovernmenls of the woriji- ' become more regular and stable i'? 1 great expense 01 war nas made eveiy?,' ry anu conquest ruinous to nations are beziiininz to look to ihe iIpv.i of internal resources of their 7 more than to foreign conquest and nJS spoliations. The great svsiem nf imrrtTimMf in nit it hr-nr.hn .14? . 7 " . " 19 TKfrn, will gel rich by degrees. Three reasons for JVot Lending. -"Helloa, Din iena us your penanirei" "i can't 1 haven t got any! Besides I want to nse it myself" til a l saasao avr viw ar""ii w- Mf spring, jerked the rains of gintiy's hands- Ui down the bin i.ke ; thunder; and When Ihov Full ulimit nia noola ami o tuu. h crn m 1 . j If'!.. -' . . . t I Fall of San Antonio, and Massacre of th ! I -lextan lyoops! The last New Orleans Bulletin jcontatns a letter from Gen Houston giving the par ti culars ot the above horrid tragedy. ; Tbe Fort was attacked on the 6jr March, "about midnight, by Santa Anna in; person with 2000 men. They were repulsed with the loss of 500 to 80Q men! ) In tho mor! ; ntng the Texians, 15 0 io nurtioer, were call ed on to surrender unconditionally which they refused-r but proposed to surrender ap ; prisoners of war; which was agreec to. Bit ; nb sooner had; they marched out and stack! led their arms, than a general ; fire wis openj : ed upon them by the whole' Mexican force j! They attempted to escape, but only threie succeeded, one of whom was Col. Jobn on. i , i One woman, Mrs. Dickinson, and a ne gro, were the only persons whose lives were spared. We regret to find the names of Col .David Crockett, Col. Jesse Benton; and ; Col; Bonharn, of S, C. among tbjse who r perished. Gen. Bowie was .; murdered in bis bed, sick and helpless, f fJten.jCos, on I finding the dead body of &L Trairis, drejv . bis sword and mangled the face and limbs it ith the malignant feelings of . a savage. The bodies of the dead were thrown in to i heap and burned, i j j The effect of these horrible atrocities up. on the Texians was electrical. Eyery man who could use a rifle was oh the tparch for 4 the seat of war. It was believed that 4000 : riflemen were; on their way to the srmy, de- termined to abandon all other pursuits until Hi they had exterminated the monstetl Gen Houston was at Collorada with about look) men, and Col! Fanning at Goliad with 500. they fell about his heels, and away be scam pered up the road like smoke. Bonny had been a famous trotter in bis youth a ten miler and he. now shew'd that he had not forgot to poke the dirt about, a few. The girls tbey screamed the old shny rattled, and all the boys and all the dogs on the commons set off in the chaso together, haw ling and barking, and hooting a,nd hollaring Stop the horsel stop the horse!' Jonny Beedle and I were sitting and chat ting together upon the horse block. I was there to certify and excuse him front train -ing, by reason he was troubled with the nose bleed. Before I could cry what's that,' my whip was twitched out of my hand: and the next thing; 1 saw Mr. Beedle was on he come to the narrow, horse and shay to gether made a clean leap oversea slick as a fox over a steel trjapj j Mind I give you Mr. Kob in son's, word for this, not mine. He was there, and ii was noUf As! for the girls, they shut their yes and. held their . mm- -m a m . m . m breatn, and now tney reacnea the oottom of the bill right end upward, they cannot tell. I But more help was it hand. (Stop that horse!1 The boys had been left far behind in the race,and when the shay reached the crotch they were just passing John Hatha way's. They had run! them selves out into a long string, the biggest in front, and tapering off! with a full tail grow ing smaller and smaller down to nothing ; From the Portsmouth (JV. H.) Journal. , HARD MONEY Of all the humbugs in this era of humbugs, no greater one has been devised than the pretence mat it is possible or desirable to make the corren cy of this great trading community a metallic cur rency, entirety ,ox chiefly ; 1 he pretence was set up by designing men for selfish purposes. Old Hickory was tickled with the conceit, and, being duped by it himself, has been made the instrument of duping others. The various movements which have been made to bring about so great a matter hare been all ridi culous, though some of them have been also dis astrous; as a THE BUliNT DISTRICT. Upwardaof two hundred buildings are now ri sing from the ashes of the great conflagration., aod every fair day adds some ten ot a dozen the list. Many of them have their cellar op, some the first story walls and granite fronts: some; the Umber of the second flour, &c. Tbr district resembles for activity the surface uf an ant hill oni a summer's day, As soon as indus try can accomplish it, all the destroyed stores will be replaced, and with edifices far more beautiful and convenient than the old ones. Ihe streets will be much better, and on the whole, we have no doubt that business will be more flimly fasten ed to this;! section of the city, than it woold have been if tuenre had never occurred. IS. x. Jour. NiSHVILLE, March 17. Burning of the slsam boat Handol-oh . A bou t S o'clock es- wvuKvy pisy"g gunpowuwr terjay evening, as this large and splendid boat and main, tq coax her into a canter, and then it was thrash and canter, and thrash all the. way tilt tbey were fairly hid in a cloud of dust; and when I could see noth ing else, I saw the cowskin playing up and down, above the cloud. top of my mare, thrashing with all his might hooting and hollaring )n all sorts of voices; hoarse and, rough fat Jhe big: end, running down to a squeal behind clear away out of hearing. When the foremost boy saw ; the turn things had taken at the srotch be was stuch with a lucky thought. lt was only to take a snort cut across Ben Legg s meadow, Bony part. bad sense enough in bis fright aRd strike the new course in; the; sand be- to know tne shortest way borne, and instead tween yegg's and widow Bean's, it was a oi taki ig the old country road, away round thought and a jump, l and he:was over the ' . . . I m mm t a aj f i mm mm by Carter's tavern, he steeied straight up lence, calling 'this ay boys,; bet d him oit v the new one! by the blacksmith's shoo. And all the boys, one after another took up Ralph Staples was there shoeing a horse, and the cry and jumped lover tool . ' v nen me gins openeo their eyes at the toot ot Stony Hill ihe meadow was swarming with tow heads bobbing up fy ddwn among the butter cups and bachelors buttons! it was long legged Zaeh Taft thai came first, j He was In time and I had only to get over the stone wail to save the three Kawson ffirls. Uot there - was gthe rubb. 1 he wall stMd so slender and ticklish, that; it was dangerous for a bird to light on it, let alone Zach Taft. The moiuent bemoanied it crumbled un der hims perch or more, and! down he came sprawling oh his belly in-the midst, and swim minor into the middle ot the road upon an ocean I 4 THE TAM PICO AFFRAY. V - . . w,,cauo "w oi tne ist mat. says. f We are informed that the United Stalls District I Attorney, Mr. Carleton, has instituted la suit I- f EfT1 v? Jo8e Anluo1? ia- (pronounced r MehieJfor fitting out and ibf warding ab expedi 4 two timra this pott to Tampico, againstlthe Ale I lean GoTernmentand that thelatterihas been It fur tni Dresent liberated on triwlnn . iw j Ti. i. hail for his appearance in the j.Feberal Distiict nere, oa tne mira mooday m May next" I fen. -1- '41 GREAT LAW SUIT. hv nw vne&as u nion oi tne uad; nit. vo fThe suit te Ions oendinir between tba ffnirXI States and thU City hat at length been termik- wj .Ma vtctMwj tag supreme uourt at Waihingtoo. axrainat the claims tof the Grl. nnV wnaequeqoes of this decision to the V&Z?r!. mvp . natorfc!-; Thb r aom.. jof 5i,ouu,uw me proceeds of the sale of the lots on inT J T 1? w",Cft oont is now ip the Ci- iy Ttno vouimerciai Banks, will beeomelthe prop- uutB xrran -tuiscient to pay the wholejdebt of the city.and thss reraoTes -.one w mo wsiuhib oojfc:ion8 to trm' Kit hf Aioermaq Moatut uifiaipg tne city; into three was stooping at this moment, with bis head downwards, and clenching the nails Hear .1 ill?.. . . 1 ing tno noise oenina mm, ne iook a peep between bis legs, and could hardly believe fits, own eyes when he saw old Bony in such a gale. He dropped his tools in less than no time; ran to two places at once for bis hat without finding it; then wiped his face witn his leather apron and sallied out bare headed. He was just too late to get bold oi the bridle, but in time to show his aood will; and then jail he could do was to fall in behind, and join in the cry of the boys &top trie horse,7 as loud as be could bawl. j ! ' . j. - . . . Xv ever mind, here comes more help. It was Jonny Beedle and the mare. She was a clipper, I tell you for a short race. I swapt her away for old White face and a pinchback watch, and two dollars to boot But she lacked wind, and by the time she came up by the offside of the shay, she was pumng. tsui as tne girls saw Mr. Beedle, they set up such a pitiful cry as went to the oouom 01 his neart,and put fresh grease in iu ins etuow. i it was just about this time . t. . 1 t-: . t .. . mat oe woraea tne cowskin in earnest. may. cut ridiculous capers, aod yet blow his own er's house to atoms, lodeed. those intelligent men who pretend to think it a great affair, must laugh in their sleeves at the fooleries with which the flais are gulled. ! An entire metallic currency in this or any oth er large tiauing country is impossible, tn the na tare ot things. : In some countries, to be sure, the tjrovernmeut emus no bills or credit; and ou banks send out bank notes. But if any credit is given by one man to another.fbr goods, or for land, o: for any thing whatever, there is an inroad made up on the hard money system; tor the debtor's note. or the creditor's chaige against him, is not hard money it is only the evidence of so much pro perty in his hand; and if the note be taken op, or the bill paid, even it in other goods, it was good paper money; u not, it was Dao. ' Illustration.-Mr. Smith is a grocer, rich and liberal, and Mr Greenfield a farmer, owning a good place, temperate and industrious, but short ot cash. He buys suerar. and molasses, and tea. in the spring; and gives his note to S., on interest for the pay He hauls in his potatoes in the tall, aod torn them in to b. and takes up his note. 1 i i . ... nere was no nam money- n is note was pa per money, and it answered just as well as gold, lor his purpose, and tor d. also, out suppose a to be short of money also, and let him sell Gs. note to a neighbor, and we have banking, as well as paper money. Another. A and B are two merchants. A boys a cargo of flour of B, and is to pay specie fur it; but he does out keep $5,000 in specie in hia breeches pocket, oe cause it would be cumbersome; nor yet in his counting-room, because thieves might break in and steal it; but deposites it in the bank tor sale-keeping. It would be useless for him to take! it out and pay it over to A. be- doubt one of the most powerfully eJJ. means which can be devised to Imrlse' plrticrp Ttlhe cumulation of weaitb,a4i .i. .! on the progress of civilization. This and the rail road, the steam boat anfeL car, the water power and steam powtCf y suiute in lacr tne great ana character i. powers oi tne nineieemn ceniuryr-tfj the mighty civilizers of the age in'-Kv we Itye. They bind together Li hfA and concord the discordant imeresisH"! tions, and like the vascular &vsAerhf& human frame, they produce a whcS I : i . . -i i" . . fis V-. Uion; circuiauiMi, anu a vivuyingana fUis sen to action throughout the whole body to jfi walls These great improvements in'djfjf: ronts; country, with but few excentiol?fail those well defined, ought to beelijjf solely by states and individuals. Bc:if er states -nor individuals would those necessary workswuhout9ccurtpfi' ioterrnptioo and tuvasnin, 4' conseqioatMiih in trie enjoy muHT" oi me pronis uDKsiiift might yield. WHiai wealthy, indf? in our own state, for example, wouirw a costly bridge across one of our rifeB, embark his capital in the censtructielofi canal or rail road, if foe or friend fbiift blow up his bridge during the next or a war might interrupt trade, anu a treaiy oi peace mijnt cene tue c rail way to a different state? Of all the nations in Europe, En the one which has been most exeuri foreign invasion, and wo find in.thaj try that individual enterprise Jias aifeffj more in the cau&e of inWnalhmphSian. man in anv outer nation in c.urorci sjv. the prosperity and real greatness m 1 -t gland are no doubt due in a great 0Mi to the enerpv and enterprise of herrMitii. in tne continental nations we nnu w- stant liability to invasion e?ery hei and states. One of the mosf skilfully eers of France tells i us that itt-fotycf thrnnrrh some of theT frontier DroilR?!' o-- : " r ..m ; that country, he every where bemsj Pt most mournful evidences of the both national and! individual euterprjs miscrab'e roads.in decavedor fallen in the absence of canals and :turnj)fe manufactures, commerce, and even fefaf culture itself, in rainy almost deed)t gtous. Paris, the second city 10 rs? in nmn t nf nilmlipn ahfl Wfaltll. ffiJ: was approach ing this city from New-Orleans sbe was discovered to be on me. 1 be fire commen ced in ihi vicinity of the boilers. She contin ued to run soom half mile after the fire was vi- , J? ! a aa m . eibie, in order we presume, to anord those on board a better chance of landing safe. However wnen sue aiu ianu sne was enveloped in names which ootwithstandjng the exertions of our citi zens; and, fire companies, could not be extinguish ed. We learn that a negro woman was drown eu, aod a negro man wounded, who has since diedj in attempting their escape. 1 he Randolph belonged to the Messrs. Yeat mans, and was insured in this city to the a mount o 17, oOO. We have not been able to ascertain what portion of the cargo was insured, very near all of which was consumed. VVe have heard the entire lues estimated at three hundred thousand dollars. What portion of this loss is Indemnified by insurance, we have no meabr of ascertaining-. VVe believe the Clerk, witn heroic intrepidity, succeeded in securing the casji, and most valuable books and papers. i: WHO tS MR. THORN? Some rich nabob who claims to be ao Ameri can, is creating a great sensation at Pans, from his lavish expenditures and the cos lioess and ex tiuyaganceoi ms estaDiisnment. ins name is Thorn.- In noticing bim a Paris account says. I capital of the nation hitherto most pptaji 1 nd Bfr hvffi of rollin stones. Bony parte give a wide sheer, 1 cause he keeps his money in the same bank and and escaped with the!-frightif But he had no can take it when he pleases. He therefore writes time to bra? it was nowf touch land go by with I a billet to the banker, desiring him to pay the . . w , .s, ir-i . m -m , 1 . m. im r- . .r. a him, for every rod that he went a tresh bolting I specie to a. A floes not want tne money to-day, over the wall by his side with a hollar fslop that I and so he keeps the billet (or, if yon please, the horse, stop that horse!' till he came to the wid-1 Check; till to moirow; and, wanting to pay a uw Bean's; and hereto put a finishing stroke to like sum to U ion that day, he hands it over to his fright, stood the widow at ne door, shaking I him; and thus J) a check becomes paper money. her table cloth in thejair, and calling the chick- without his getting a charter to issue it. some- .a e w m - m w m - m u w - w w m i 1 ens to eat tne crumos -pidoy-Diauy-Dia- i tning iiks mis is uone every uay, row; ano it iy!" s t r; t Li By this time, squash corner was all in an op- roar. Women squalhner,, boys shoouog, aogs barkinsr from all Quarters.1 The men were all gone to training. Bat every body now ran to gether towards Carter's tavern and ;the soldiers gruuuaea tneir arms rwiin.ouqi mccora,; aim iu 1 all behind r.tpri 1 1 r-K irun. ann laii i,a m . I i . . . . . " w-y v.w, v. no ouuv uuuil life I ant niMilnni I arl.l. Arn ha thnf rfnwn in. old mare's bide, and she reared and pitch- Barbary road and was soon out; of sight. The ea as u a nornei s nest was tied to her tail, road ran down a hill that was both burn and Would be done ten limes more, if there were no bank bills, and if specie alone occupied the vaults. a a mm a Again: specie currency is no better than any other currency that is sound. i Money is, in itself, good for nothing. Ihe hen on the dunghill preferred a grain of barley to a ; diamond ring: aod a starving passenger, in a disabled ship, would give a bag ot dollars lor a crust of bread.! But old Bony heard the rumpus behind him and knew what it meant. He had heard the crack of a whin before, and thft more Jonny Beedle he went- , If pushed the mare, the faster ever be handled a snitefnl nil, in tK. m nA A n kmL-f s. am f in r . . . I I buiii iu U.WWV.W uiww, 17.4 .u Mvwt, (4 ra3 uuw: xviu iu toe nignway sut fer? I said be troted before, hill I llPrlkA j mm-mwmm W to trot. The mare nnahot him hardand all the way from Staple's barn to Jonas Uatbaway's it was neck or noth- . . l . - n..!i ' A . . . ... our ii was tne luck of my old mare, if nere was ever a bole or a rolling stone any wuere witnm reach-to findit out. And Mr. Tth would &um JLrmJ Nobody but a fool desires money, whether of steep, and at the bottom vou come to a muddy I gold or paper, for its own sake, but-for the sake i i . ' . . : ' . I r " :if I 4 - ft t oroov anu a Drioge tnat always nao one rotten i oi wnat u wiu ouy. a negro man in nay u ouys plank io it to say no more. . As soon as it; was a hat for himselt,and a shawl for his wile, of a known thai the horse had, gone the Barbary i road I yankee captain, for which he is to pay 10 dollars the cry was raised. fThe Hawsua girls will be I but the yankee knows that the 10 dollars will tne mnoay i buy iuu ids. oi couee. I ne conee is am curren cy and it answers the purpose just as well as gold. : ihe conee has an intrinsic value, but its coneenunee as currency does not depend on that, brook, jus t as sartin O misery! I mast break; right off here comes Joe Bowers all in a catastrophy, and 1 know what he is after," his wife,! thought so- and no lime to chat I am sorry -but whew . natnaway h carried the drain of his cellar there bat the devil of a glove coald I get any mi iuau. He meant to have U br all means. Kn it bit .ug uay, you see,' and there it wasJ So covered it up. but on the fact that it is current. In some parts of Asia shells are current as mon-; ey, under the name of cow lies, and bags filled with these, sealed, and marked on the ouUide with the amount are paid and received by the merchants., bis is a kind of bard money, but Well, I got it is not gold nor silver; and no one will pretend that there is any rear value in s purse of little At last -came a snetkly, long-bar- shells; yet, as they will, by common consent. The xanKce ana the Jew tie told me a trick of bis the other day. Said hej'ioncs took out an adventure of gloves Cb where I bodr to takeJ ded. snivelling Jew, and offered me a sum below buy food and i raiment, and every thing people cost, and rather than carry the jrloves back again, I want; they are money, and we see not why they I Jobb Russell. Elrxabeth Rogers 'On the day on which Mr. Tborn gave this ball he sent two bills of a thousand francs to each of the twelve mayors of the frencb capital, with di- m- -a "a t reciions that the money should be distributed ;o the ppor. Thus charity and munificence went hand in hand. The splendour of Mr. Thorns entertainments has never been equalled by .those of any foreign resident in trans, except by I ho- mas Hope. I be ball above roenUoned has been decidedly the most brilliant of the present Pari sian season, a he dresses and jewels of the la dies were superb. The Duchess of Sutherland, in particular, wore a most costly parore of dia monds." ; Again we ask who is this Mr. Thorn? merely however for lnlorroaiioo as we feel a little curi ous about one who cuts so splendid a figure and seems determined to make himself conspicuous. c ' ' t Saturday Courier. 1 A LIST OF LETTERS " Demaining in the Post Office at Concord N. i0 G.on the 1st day of April, 1836. A-Benjamin Alexander, Abram F Alexan der, M D. 1 B-i-A B B Bfoon 2, John Barbie, Joho L Beard, Moses Birger, David Bradford, John Barnhart 2. Mai D M Barrinoer j - - .T- D-Robert H Crawford, Christopher Crim minger, Jacob Coleman, Robert Carrtgan, iirs Ann Crawford, James Carrigan, John Cline Di-Barnett Ddwese, Dr George W Dun lap Fi-John Forr f G-N W Groner, Rev'd Henry Graeber, Na than! Green, Henry B Groner Hr-Franklin Hndson, mis Jane Houston, Greenbury Holebrooks KKobert Kirkpatnck, Alexander Kimmtos Lr-John Lowder, Joho Long, J F M Leop- pard John Lowder or Mr Freesland ; M Herman Meyers, Joseph McHany, Allied McGrau, Joseph Walis McNulty, Paul Misen hamer, Sidney McKmly, Susannah McGraw, Christopher Melcbor , K Wm Nichelson, Henry M Neisler, Paul Nueeman ! OPhibpOcbler REzkiel Pry, John Petry, Briton Page H Marun Rendlemao, .loses Kamer, Capt in the beat of the r,M u - I let him have 'em but I thought it plaoo v stractre are not as good as any. ing it, inch bv inch LftiJ t 8 1 that nobody else would buy. Before I left, though. If any body; wants money to bury in the earth, her feet into HatW..? j P,anPe I smeltthe rat. That Amioaeab had gone rucTod orito lay up ia a wtpkia, silver, or gold,or' l.d, ua j -; " . Ir?,nf mo canted to tn lhe merchants, iarranged it with them to or;tin is best fur the purpose. But it it is wanted r",M: H"w. over Her head, throwing et him bay at a discount! and! share the goods. I as currency, any thing that trill pass is money to I rfonny Beedle into the air, and herself hot- 'Not as yon knows on boy thinks I to myself all intents and purposes. And if a man wuhes Martin Shive. Geonr Stogt.er, Elder Sol- omofi Snyder, John Suther, Philip Shive T Seneca Torn-r VVMoaes W Wilo, S.loroon Weaver. I R. W. iLU8(XX,p. m. April 9 5wS8 fulon the continent, has not yet mw1 nf rAtr onI nlornriai. rnntrucled tnW w. ..w . i , canal or rail road to the ocean, or anv intermediate point. If our U system contained within iu bordergf thus wealthy and populous, ana t situated. Can there be a doubt thai ii long ere-thisTfcave sent its rail roads jgaf nals not only to the ocean, but in a'' ability to the Rhine and the Danube f Rhone, the Garonne, and the Med an, i This spirit of improvement, hitherto beniirn nrotection bf our ment, is already abroad in the laDd- Vrt ami Penn-vlvania have alreslf' cuted works which rival in PJeri(8 arnndeur the boasted monuraeoH ol Rome or China, and far excel cmf south and west too are moving on U same noble career. And ooro0:fi ia, the Old Dominion at j3Wiy ed from her inglorious repose, andMu ing forward with vigor her greaij m improvement, destined soon, i Blue Ridge and Alleghany fef fi tains, and thus to realize tKej lf tiquity, which represented tHe sim driving their herds to pasture! on w tains. - iifM Omne cum Proteus perns . vr. ' rrv ltlE?5r5 V lCic 'M i ? hi L One certain efTertofour 'frm it must be me i i t,rtnt our cov cities of iirmrovement must De rIi .1 L.it 1IT CWT-J larsre towns i Irnnw full well that great ,Y,. nrat with great vices. m " rfp nf the human characien oa,tJfc4 gorgeous, thoughtless S3iM wefind, at the same most virtuous specimens same busy, bustling theatre. time, wip " l-- wif ofotirracrmi same busy, ensuing m- - - j-jnfr hets opinuuecv "- "i .ft .i . nf anotberp,M .-X mi T U U k' , .u ...nnr ofanotne find all the great .P here. It is the cjties ! '."el. mi- r