I ! . Si -ir- ill Hi- ?? il If I! i j in ; LI-J ..-.A faw vear back. fl!. suw ;. f ,:Cif.M. anil wm ensured aW inen lor nearly a lortnigui fin f ,,h- Li he J4Die field; but. without success. .' oriffina! depogfler bad describ- 'W. bat nut with sofident accuracy to rtrirt3iw l.b-.atiWuM that - farmer ba rwttfrf the jBeM hid forestalled mm ll galb April 23, 31836. ' . iV.i..limin I what Af (hn nurht ? t r . . ti'.r.hTiiiti answered Mall is right" CV the morning comctMUv. roar W hit!! in i ------ - - - - . 1 TIIB irUIG T1CKE T. .1 For President i CGH LaWSON WljLITE. Vr Pic President, for Governor, EVXlWnp p. IP VMPJLJ3 1 XoiiKiTf Officiai. Dictation; ! ! A- kujrtT CAicirt -NoMtwAtioif !-AoArNsr i fiiircoTiONi t,o QriJfiows pa ! ! A- MMlrtAf AOANCa ANlTCoRituiPTION ! ! s i rSTUWORSHlP-ABOUTlON AND riVetre requested to state that aU trace ii f-imail f4a jUsldisappeared from, the llSecomesi jqni tery unpleasant dntf to notice toot Editor of this paper in the last tiiuto, and crimiftatiog iwicter. irhii;e should not feel at all bound jo jo, taihr artslf stgned A Slave holder" is fi(njBwoa; bq.t jii Its formal recognition and luKbao by the ter pf that paper. The pur-; fto tnd tetideoeT of the article signed a Slave yjff.kteweaKisji and disparage the tnflaence il (be yatchman nd to do, this, that eternal ;UTain has been disinterred and shake shis' gory jocks at mel We iire lUgat tbabattle and we are well satisfied fitMbf resaltof it : that oar'patrona are, most fitem.nUaEiPxl with our course, is apparent mia (aetuai u0y are pnr patrons still.-- ciaf, ti odu&t ixa ti having voted for Van Bu rettur Ties Pteaidat, is likewise paraded a piflfUss, ' N01V this iffi perfect trash; Who Van .Bares 'jp opponent f. P. P. Barbour. ; Aod can any !udi hlame as for voting for any one -soler the ton in preference to him? Be it re- wasbeiei that be was the candidate of the Nul- litn, tnd a ilTong hope was entertained by the pwjiri Nonb iCaroItna,y ihat by connecting "im me i popuiaiiiv oi jacKSon. a noint nude, oh which thev could form and p2fithetiost ingloriously desetfed them m U tefction by withdrawing from 1 elest- tha I chortly thereafter be received jvr4, and bo Ioog aihee has received anolh f&mii iafeping the fruits of this j ingloii Httoiwo j jr'a BaenV abolition predelie-. f?itnflii)B);at all canvassed i in fact, flila bid ai toat time 6eeo thought or said a mtte j We never liked Van! Burenj Jub at thai time stood, we thought him TO preferable lb- P. ' P. Barbour-and nrav llhe difertnce between them yet 9 While W&pqrarj was.rakin;g. .;up charges of an 4ite, it tali wonder: he'did not point out flartof thej transaction which' was much f afuoasly cenaomble, and which we have nuDg otas iaat as we can, to wit, that "a a-1. . t . , . :. . . v.. t - M M , t f T 1 w (onqrew jacKson ror rrtsiaent : in 1 mi . . w . v m k. K : . 1 r l a L 11 1 'CartjljDiari sinned as wefl ias we. But U,0T and done, aod wa think it ill-timed j 1 "T.ww 10 swr 11 up HOW. j ralReutions. We are jcharged r Mora4 well as hia iJorresnondent with tbd desertfnn nn f tit an yzijriip"" wuuny-w naw eiw ii I-8S fi.iVlcnw- . jyJtaring the absence of the, regular rf . r -j aaawvav aaaju avaa i iwu- atnfriJa sawfpaeafa aastl aaAatviPMSi feived and poblithed joining fn the 5t ikM AhsQ tr?6' tnicl, 1 l triL r lit V 'V - - ri4.?,i ,0TW deIleJtIIIl . Speak. thb Mia-r.j: j -T .r : M: ' 'i r . '-'. I . rp wa 3 iarnaTiMi .a : a. . a ij M4Mii ana coainramoas i LXA T t t appeared in this paper - j i j - : 1 1 itllf in j . ; : f I j i. -T t wb am. mifren I rftjBM II-lii : .. . I t v ui bd. im nnt bif mr a ipet more difficult to be , n. 1 wiv euacuiite oe recon-1 I la, a "uw another nnt J:-uu V. ; wav.a. . - . p I f tli'V f laithlul sentinel 1 a1ibcundto watch over our l a tor our annatarv (alack! the tender ofthe most 1 i f hrMleel profound regret a regret only equaled by J me peroral oi nia uur; arwvio accompany- i iner the bublication of a part of Air. Pi nek- I neyV defens'now it so happens, that in Pihckne's dfeoce was publUhed, we hid titi articUdi all oh that subject, and if this icbmpassionate:! Editor had! taken a little pains ioi joor. at wnai we uia .write ne would haVe safed himself guch rat useless tiZDendilnre o reprct-At least: he ; would har avWfl hiliplf fVnfTi f irv nir di ihoi wiAno.nu : n . What we have; paid on the sabiect of Mr. Pfnckneyfs retinlutions. we have well con-1 sidffred ahd betirve every word correct I re;said that wk did not -bellete that Con-1 fret have -anyGoh tittitiohsJ riffhi to act up- ojiUheecfjdaveryin the Distiictof VoJumbig that Mr.Pincknev s resolution. I . . j - i .i i i i - r u 1 1 ii iiati saiu ii; wasunconsiiiiiuoiiaii inai 11 1 i. .. ! i : I waft eautva ent iiiaavinir it would be a ratt- 1 (tto an 1 diiUfonett evmioriot the ciinstP very: am!l finally that if Congress should ?ci iirrt-'iniiirt; inakesuchan interference it would Ife a io$l cause for the South io sever this Uio ll ii ie iruiu-uicse ecu timents Uie Car linian dissents, we are wil- In making ttfw replf as will be perceiv- ed, WehaJeeanenortto avoialit therlirritaMonJ Iand it certainly did re- atiirean erfort. for it is no small matter to have base jjnd unworthy motives attributed to us and tbe wole 90 (out ot 100) South-j ern members ofiCongress . who have ex- I pressed the, samel sentiments; But we for bear.! Wejbavpia common cause to main-taiu---we have j common enemy to put down an enemy to the constitution and the best interests ol the country: for us to fa!l out andl waste our energies in despra-ging-each oklierf motives, is a miserable fore say to thefaJitor of the Carolinian let poncy 10; say me least 01 11 vve mere there be iHeacfe between ua. 1 And to .u quiet ; the anxieties or our coadjutor on thif matter eill assureMiim" thkt if we do fiot, as much! is the Carolinian, to re- press the mlichinstions' of the fanatics' as well as the Van Uurenites to put down Ahhlithin'. 'ParifT kfonrrrtlionnd qll Ino other iodiods riolicv of the North, it will UITe us your hnd on thal! And now jsee he forthe. wan bf equal ability1 but not forwant of eqtoal keaL- If an thing were to oe gaiiieoi eitner to ourselves inui viuuai- v- iT. .HT. caufB we!wulu "V? no oojecuon ia oreaa a sianco wttn t a ; lanco w our neighbor VVhen ehgazed in a just ust cause we fear not the power pf any auver ! - : .1-1 1-5 - ww i sary. But the spoils men ; are steady laughing at ps, sa w again say, let there be peace between; us. THE;GOVfcRNpR vi: THE PEOPLE. . The last SuWtfrd. Governor Spaighfs offi- . r .. L . . . , ' . 1 I ll nnniinKbb Ihb f-At lh! h. will nnl nril.r I : . mi . an election in fthej ilh Cungressiooai District .u..wWUv,p ...v .-.w., ..... ..... , before the elections in August. 'We were not i V hi sav altogether unprepared for this intelligence, for we had learned from an undoubted source, that Mr. New land 1 wiioby the bye, look Raleigh in his way home, said: to the stage coach after lea v ing that place thai j lie did not expect the Gov ernor would appomt a day until Hie August E lectioni The Constitution of the U. States 1 1 r (section 2nd, clause ;4thJ makes provision, that j whenever a vacaneyjf hall happen in the repre- sentation of any State, the Executive authori ty" thereof shall issue a writ of election. This Constitution. Governor Spaiffht has sworn to 8upp)rt, and the pjs pla n and obvious requirement an election as soon after a is, that he wil( order vacancy may happen may coosist wuh . rea- nUi .im.fiMicb logo .0 J m,- ! I less therefore, it ;s clear beyond a doubt, that such an election wlould be nugatory, he is bound to issue the writ. Now. in the very nature of things, such a bin ; cancot be clear during the present session ; for jthey can sit as long as they cboosend if the latest experience ion the subject is in the least rpl ed do, -they will sit till some time in July, tor w - a mi such was the length of tho last lone session. iTi i he end of the session must therefore be onjenown to him, and he Was bound 1 by the highest la!w of Jmis country to do his part, that thA iWHinl.nii(fht for th with brovide them 1--r-T. -T-o - r- : Bciveo a repicBruiuvc. 111 suuiii vuiuuus, ew i t c -.1. rii: sacred was rei 1 ; r garbed the right Of ALL. THE PEO- ple to an equal voice in Congress, and so impe- rative the duty jj. . i , " ; - I 0 issuing writs of election, that aboat the 10th of June, in the last long session, I an election was held )to supply a representative in the place of Gen. Blair, dee'd. : Mr. Graham 1 . ! was ejected on !29th day of March, and this was thereafter, say st or Sul -of April surely it cannot be-pretended that notice could not have gi?eo and $ decUon held during the rrmnth nf A nnl"! fihrtuM the florvrrooo oil o Nl. e AiA ;n iAA iK n emKrM k, than two wholi months to serve : and if no writ the mainaer of this sessionj for two irri. rf UKni imnnH.nt rinl nf the session, thi peon'le ofthe 12th CongressionJ al disttict:embrkciiiiri6li)00 souls known nr hearH rir fait When Mia PTAollAn. I ? be - . l . r . . : . .. J . I VJ wvsaai 7l W7a UC 9rdbinJ flUWU WO IIUW AJ- I aw aaaa Ai mm i. m. a. . kA n i copies a writ of election was sent by the State -V. . .4 .1 ..1 J 1 011 - tona waruima to provue a new senator in 1 hia nlace tar the mnntv of Craven, sltkrtntrh it 1 r I "T ' , r r : T. ' t - " 1 mi trtmwh that th Asnemnlv mm tMitrtA in I riaehetWe the ist dav of Januarv and although ,..'..2.AL-Jl ti-. m it U19 acimuiy ooeuorB yorisunas 11 was ine 1 sworn duty of the Governor to issue .his. wnta let ihe vacancy; have happened ever so late da- I ring the present unlimited session, Tor he had no . .. ' j - i- I t s. . 1 tujnuojoogooi ;uun u u w.. u,.- . -: - ' ir :. ; j U 1 Unee it miffht be to the people of the JJtsUict itkr i .. .L 1 j- t... 11 UUSB-P? on ls,,B yery-iauy, iuijiuiu 1 iateresui to thie section of the State j might be acted on add cdmpromitted for the want of a re presentative. He is left by law without any discreUoa on.ttMa eubject,and he has therefore with- - -i noiaing me election. And what orav. were his reasons for ttios d- regarding his i plain and obvious j'duty ? moath piece, the Staciard, ayt that ;t was to save the expense of a special election . After the soia which the tiutioa cf this contested elec tion-has cost ihe nation, not leas than 2W0 dyl- lars a day or eTe'ry day. that it occapledi and the still farther amount of 1000 dollars given to Darid Newlaadas a cbmplimnnlbr bftrijiDJ ibu Dirif.it taenia HEfl Mreucea mocuiT UI aboatthe few. dollars it woaw. cost tneoiaxe tu hold a special election: As to the 'inutility of the measure we hare already remarked. ffWbat then washbe orernors reason this most UMt'iUr&i '.ndl inninii rr8rit TI& wilfaiivbrfod c.n notbelo seein? lis m . , . - - .- -l-l. s.L.M-lr 1 J to. ne Knew ironi emj inuiwiw.iMtki m vroilld Deal ueD. rriewraDIl DT S TUI lUlKliJ 1. . . !. v . i vv m'2hl benefitted by thej sysfem ttf ed on the people of this district between this and August. Bat be knew -another thing which moch more ' imDortant' to Richard -? DobbS Spaight than all this-Uie i knew that a atrjopgde velopment a this t Congressional District iti iai be a . j ' . . .wj,. rest ot the State at the next Agu elecuonaj VVe have never heard ofaiwreAAmiW flagrant abuse ef power fur a more shjnufuUy corrupt purpose Congress has deprtv the people uftneir . true and lawiui repreenuHive, and the Governor refuses theiu all opportunity of electing another ! Was ever more grievous and.' multiplied wrong ioflicted on any people ? NEWLAND vs. GRAHAM. Pbilo White, in his blundering way, has stated a truth. which he was not aware)! of , I w Atm nti r.Hni kava in hl is Standard of committed aa on t rage on their rights a April 14th, Jf Mr. Graham, asltheV byj!J - AIiJj - . Vf -T , , t a ? Newland must have been, .as by our laws a plurality of our yotes elects, and it j was not pretended that there was a tie between tbe i..mn. k v Agreed I sir, where we will put you. The same House that decided that. Mr Graham was dot: j elected also decided (bat New and wa4 not, S aod we will read Mn White's logic tbt)4 if 1 , U 1 - ' ; ' ' J rj"- 1, bave been fee' It is plain then that Con- " . r i l ine parposo 01 waxing a puoiic, solemn, dediea- gress did wrong in rejecting the claiinsj of.iinrtof their incipient designs! to Almighty God. either one or the other of thra Gentle&len: 1 Tbeimorninff being pleasant.a large and respec- ' i , ., ; , , - . ; I , . j .a uV r.wVvv .m, ...ojv.t., ;wutu I go against their own feelings and interests If and refuse the seat to Newiahd, unles he . v I . i. .. f ' I was clearly not entitled ergo: Coil its a case: WAo cieariv not enmind cran' Graham was elected, and it was a rascally thing to turn hi rn out, and st.li more so, to keep him out by putting off the flec tion. WJitg and Tory Loss and gain in Virgin xa. m The Tories thtisfar.hsve sained THrtEE. I two in Albemarle, by old Mr. Bob Rives' long pnrae, and one in King 5c Queen . by the apathy of the Whigs. The Whigs have gained FIVE one; in rowoatnn,one in f ranK:in,one m risppaoan Bu lwo IU VamPDen But this is not ail. Thev have pained in the Donuiar vote in everv ronntv. pyppoI I A bemar c: Thev will carrv the Siatii j in . r-r - . . - j 1 rrr" i Norember, , t18 despite of Toivismj? the hhirlv m.lbon. of revenue, and the doO office - holders. The Republicans off the State will make good this prophecy. ll htg 10 tins we add 1 in ratrick and 1 ; in Henry, stated in the Lynchburg Virginian. Whig Earn 7. (Ed C. Wat.) f-Tho Whigs of New York 4ire about to commence political operations With" the utmost activity, and strange to sayspeak with confidence of carrying the State for Harrison. Westward ol Cavtiga bridge he has a conceded majority of 8 or lOjOOO. I W W V: . t the rrver and soutticrn licis ot counties give Van Buren no considerable majority, ,Rd his reiiance in cijeft ig 0n the OiiU 1113 IWIOIIMJ III UUICI IS Oil IHtJ firiSI vote lD the city of New York. Thiaex Irish nlaius his letter anil hlarnev in the Holy Father the rope. Richmond Whig, GREAT MATCH RACE. This day came off the great Match : tace be tween Jlrtnilt, a brown Bav Horsn. 5 yea'rftld. by ' Tonson Dam ' Thistle ; and John Bokiom, Sorrel Horse, 4 years old by Bertram; Dam .i a .r r V. ! '--r Si racKDMi. over ine auitusib uoorse-. i i mh . It will be recollected,-that at the late meeting I ba&eandthe promotion of religion for their ob on this Turf, Argyle was matched agaiost Cut Iject.They he generally proved, therefore in- Crowen's Stable, for $17,000. against S15.000. The SiaMfl of Col. Croweli contained at the same time of makinsr the Race, noi onlv John Bas- 1 com, bat alSo"BiU Aosiin, Idy"Nashvilleaid Bolivia. The bet Was deemed; injudicious in the I optnion of many Turfites, because one liorse 1 L. .f .J.. . Lii I T r. 7:.l , L 1 - a.www. " .m wv, r 1 was nni nnamniA inn uinr wa irwcxa waaaikin raav a Wooe cqaalated with the powers of Argyle seemed to fear the result if it were certain that - u u .- . j .: 1 . . v -wtvvim vi m Mtukl wnuttiwa , Navar n iha nil n( liumtia mn. . - wwmr w,v v ...k, and there could not i have been lessi than At thousand Spectators of the race. From Lousi- lanato New Yurk there were visitors from everv jotarrening State. The coarse was in splendid order, and the backers of Jlrzvle confidebt of sac-1 r were thev without friends to back inniv nna n aaTan m nai a m m nni vMABkM i a m w . ui oa, ; eoa were eooallv ennfirient Knt nkmi tt,;. circie, ascom foafid few to back him in eenaJ " 1 j - - , uiu bets. Two la one. wars crenenllr rennir In i... ... :lL. 1 . b I After Saturday but few bets of magnitude. Were m I concluded. The friends cf Bascotn had already .uvsi cu hi eigu uw wn to seven. i enweu neinj iiuw. ! ; ; At one o clock tbe horses were brought to the post, and the track slotted to Argyle, being fast as. t - 1 ooented. The start: aetpod, nni the first , 1 mile they i were locked near It , throoorhnn t A S fie being a liule ahead. f In the second mile, ascom pa&.tM his opponent withl moch "eaae; weu mneaam reacmog ids post which space ' was gtadoally ; but ' rapidly 'increased larocgTiout the heat. It ; waa evident Argyle M t heat,ind at thelcotoraencement Pf tne loorth mile j it . was Iikewue evicVnt he would be potted. 'A Thn three laat attsrtAnAf k. fourth mile, Bascbm run aoder a heavy pall, not- xtuMWHunj waicir A.rgjie was aistanceu. and fThe. followuw ia the correct. Inne of Mrh mil : First mile. lta. 55 -l-4s-2d do.( ra. 55s o oo ,.im. 55 l-2a. 4th do lm. 53 !-'. 7m - 44 i-4s. r:i ? l u . i. 4 Fiunsjtba timsi mideln ihie hm It U mai jonn isaacumf! would have. jualli or- sor pjissed the time made by Henry ami EHpse. in their celebrated ennteet. Here we another evideoee of Uarolipa blood. Buscotn being in the qireci 1100 irom: stocks of our own; breed ing- tiine 'thati ever was Uascoth baa made better (uide belore on the Augat Ciure, nay betier tnan aoy that ever was made in the Southern niaies, and is now j pmnounetKl by all who wiV nes the race, the beet Race tint in tho irn;tt te, Post Boy not excepted The bettim? bwgh Urge, waa not ae eonsiderable as wu atrcipated. ) f Charleston Wereurv, I We learn, that ibis celebrated Horse is now ot bis way to the Norrhr where it is thought he will nrore a tr6obIeMne customer 1a ttima rf carcejinoTu. ; it. is, thought he will eiige Post; Boy to the scrape: The! frie Bascoori Were the challengers in the l&te race. and rather forced it on the other side! He cer tainly has risen higher in one raco, than ever an cure horse rose before io so short a time. i Eo:,C. VVat.J I MESSRS. LEIGH AND RIVES. (J tit Is stated in . a Baltimore paper that wnen ur. Leigh hsd concluded his! nreat speech on. Expunging; his colleague Mr. ntves wejnt to and congratulated-nrm, ad in?i however, yoo have not convinced me. JS?ced ify? replied Mr. Leigh, in 'T:.-.' ron the, grave won Id hardly con ti nee Mr. Ries, or rather induce htm to admit the fact. K gletton of a fellow was dining at a hotel who in tbe battle of knives forks jiccidenilv cut rhianofcr; which was observed by a Yankee j ik- er suung near oy wno bawled out, "l say, friend, a on 1 maxe mat are hole ini vour countenance arijNlarger for the rest of us will starve to death. r, " , ' ' ' ' b. J! ,;v .vur. A lie triends ot this rising insulation will doubt- less ce grat taea to .near 01 fits progress. Un rbv,e,J wf h!,dat theite of.lhe Colleur tame eotwreation convened at an early hour to vHoeR9 ttte solemnities ot the occasion, . In c. nfoimitt with arrangements previously Sfni TXv and invocation, an. Address was deli veted by the .! ; . .. . . J &evl R.L Morrison, which was succeeded by tP&T oflfeH theRer . Dr. kha appropriate Hymn selected by: the Rev. Dr.'McCiee, and the Apostolic benediction. k the interesting and opposite position which Mr. M. selwcted as the subjctof his remarks, Was; that ; True Religion is the only Basis of no tida prosperity giving this terra such latitude of iiiianiiig as to embrace he welfare of learning. agriculture, commerce, the mechanic arts, and ivhatever else is essential to true glory and bap kness: The general tenor of his discussion wasjjKJ; directed as to give a two-fold confirma tion i 'his proposition. This) was effected by showing" in the 1st place, that in no instance, - a at a ! . wnen vital godliness nas Deen wanting, nave tjie, blessings of lioerty and learning, and nationa weanhand happiness, to any considerable extent urd'iration prevailed: and 2d, that Whereeter .2.- 1 j-.ee.. Vn' anJ oeen oiuusoo ana preservea inns R"!!" ' ' ,"01""?'''? c"r' Pf SSE uTZTSTi liberty & of the bltse'ings of civil and Social life. 1 he iliustrations which he employed were chiefly derifjed from history a source as liule, liable 10 exhaustion in its proofs of these positions, as in reference to any other lor which its aid has eiverbeen soug' t. The annals of the world of every na'doh and of every coontry teach us tha the If jw ledge dod the fear of Gd are tbe exact measure of civil freedom, anJ all its con comitant ad vantages. Indeed, it requires but a hasty glance at the revolutions and downfall of empires, and the causes which have led to theiu, to dscern that a reverence for the Bible, and the practice of true virtue i alone, can secure to any ffi ; 1 : 2 - - J .t i... t .1 .'. . I . people happiness and the perpetuity of their In stitutfons. It would be a reproach to the wis- dom of the wise, not to have learned, from the uniform Jesson of events, even if the truth had nii; biased on the pge of inspiration, that 'The ITATION A5D KIITGOOM THAT' WILL. JiOT SERVE GtO0itfAt.Lt PERISH. j I rAs'he advanced towards his conclusion, Mr. Mi argned the necessity of a pious and learned Minietrlrto the success of religion. He also cuinrneaded the wisdom and munificence of the venerablrathersof oor country, tor the Irberal provisions which j f hey early made for the educa tion of tbe-young, and especially of those inten ded to be heralds of the gospel. Ine institu- tiooa which they founded, had religion Tor their yaiuawe oiessings io tneir country, ana win nev- erJeease lobe regarded by the virtuous And the wise as a? precious part of that most precious w- britance which it has feen our felicity to re- etearoai our ancestors, uui can tnu oe aveT- red in tmih of those seminaries which bave been .tiM.torlinian.nHttniU nf rirytnn? 1 ! AVherav UTZL; .f ii tZl aiLU .-.i firi iif luran Bcaaa ui icai aaaai aavra uiinvuiit: XWW been A: proportiona'-e tendenc --s i . a a a a at a 1 nMi;M.w Bh .k r... ! I mvwriMl.ill tha adTiatam of tikr.t arbi eadaw- w. r jr j I mentis 4 ; 1 irr' v t nr ; The address was replete with dignified and 1 wehrhtv sentiment. While it was suited to in terestJall, it imparted special encouragement to those who have volunteered in the noble enttr- I nrfse of rearing a College in Western Carina. mm - , n m mm m a a. - r u mm. z .i. . worpj iaeT voounue loieei loeimpoise, mm I ii f,...,! I,tj J !i j.i.t i pu: u,.w uuu uiuicwid" tisui auu mucii Paideaealin theerutino of their iiroa - Of I PMiMriBJ D.. k. r. djmw. h i I .-. . ', . . , . , . . 1 terUtic simplicity, appropriateness, and fervor. It awakened the devotion and the sympathies of 1 auracieu ny tnat u wad ocerea wun co&rmc I the pioos. and aeaoied j to move I them, aa wun I cue heart, 4o solemn work of sacredly; ded icat- 1 ing their enterprise to Jehovah. JUere forms. i are, indeed, of bat titil t- . t L fs. in ..w.u c-rp leeung tuebeart and the atr f! lUet 0t foonder of ? thb instltatioa; that HoLnrxsa to thsj lu,- be writ! n f9andaUjf ad the topstooesofite . -s -Jcera ana fftiartiac oft SrJ18 C?T-?ment inflaenwahaliua- niKZyuT.1 w,lit ,Di entimerit. there most then be ample ground to hope, not only for lTSirritJ,b?t ft0 tht it "m ldm4tely be awarded some honibla ahire of th u ..J- J u trementaUly in having spread the knowledge of ucuecuun- iore, -and proxjoted the salt aUun of mi rwinea world. r - J The following atanza; priocloded tbe Hymn selected for tecioa ;nd which in fits ap plicauoo 16 the College; Chapel, , within land T rouna wnose roundationS theasaemhl-r w i&en convened, is appropriate ind expreesive : - Long. may this builditig basuin-d,j . A temple for the God of Lots ; . . j And children 'a jcbildren ;here bq train'd I F ky in the world above." , i Atwtx tue . concJusioa bf these ceremonies, wnue the rresbrtery were in session, lhev re ceived whh sincere regret; ;rom Rev. Samuel Williamson, his non-acceptance of the Profes sorship f Chemistry and Ahtljematict, to which he had been previoosly appointed. The neces sily of filling the vacancy iihos onezpectedly made, aod also of electing j-j person to the Office of Stew-rd, rendering it expdient.that the Pres bytery sh.ould convene asairiat a time not verv remote, they therefore adjouiod , to meet again at the Bethel Church 00 the first Wednesday m June at 1 1 o'clock A; Mlf They deem it im portant, also, that the Trustees of the Colh-ire. should convene at the samefume and place; lor theporpose of duly onraniztng their Board,- and execo ting some official bu&ipecs, w h ich , i 1 is be- iifcvea, will then be thrown iioon their hands. 1 1 4: . 4 All convenient expedition in these arranare- menta is orged by the sanguine expectation that the College will go into j operatiou early in the ensuing t U. II .1 Charlotte, N. C. April 12 18S6. , j M At his residence in Albemarle. Va.lof a lingering disease, PEAClUY R. GJLMER, Lsq, formerly of Bedford! county, a gentle man of distinguished reputation in the legal profession, a man of unblemished character, and celebrated for those rare social qualities which made him the charm of every circle in which he moved. Hi ; Near Camden on the Ipth inslsnt. in! the ,65th year of his age, BENJAMIN BINE HAM, a native of North1 parohna, and a highly respectable citizeiq. mmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmBmm Commercial Record. FA YETTJB VltLE. ARRIVED. I April 0,Steamer Henrietta, with full freight, for sundry Merchants in Fayetteville and J. M. Coffin, Thales MeDonald, Michael Brown, F & J. Cowan, IV. Underwood, Smith c Ray, Mebane & Moring, J. cjr R. Gilmore, and Lindsay & Brothers, of the in terior. ' 'J f Also, March 30, steamer Clarendon, with tow boat Transport, with Goods for sundry persons in Fayetteville, and for Win. Mur- a T w mmm V j M eT a a w f.' a pny, J. rJ. troy, 1 roy, ;p urake, Mi A. London, Evans limes & go., 01 the inten- or. Also, on the 5th inst. Steamer Clarendon, with her tow boats Commerce Sc Ann Pink, with Goods for sundry Merchants in Fay etteville; and for J. VV. Lindsay, A U. Lind- a i t art,' a rare sv ; a say, Kooerts sc rinckston, 1 roy ol uraice, Meroney & Bailey, E. V Pgburn, E. w. r..u.. e. i v r t e. r-', JV till I 11 iX VJU.I .1. IJ. M I LV. 1 IUT Ok JViaAiC. J. & H, Gilmore. E Sr. WJ Smith, Wise- r j . . man & Packston, McAdoq & Scott, an &. Rankin. A Stnont. Pidckston erts, J. M. Morehead, Armstrong, Mebane cy - a - ----- w - Co., Mebano & Moring, Fpard & Ellis, I V. C, Ploht, James Purify VV c P. Gilmore, J.no. C. McLaurin, Woodburn & Shelly, Winnis o; Pailey, Mrs. S. Hill, J. Uill, S. Johnson, G. E. Badger, of the interior. Steam Boats Henrietta, John Walker,and Clarendon arrived yesterdy evening, all ful- y laden with Merchandize for Merchants and others of Fayetteville and the interior. f articulars in our next. II ULrAKl tAJt x April 1, Steamer John Wslker, with Cot- , tie M i on, i ooacco, Ltaru, otc f: . Also, on the 6th.Steamer.Clarendon,with boat Transport in Tow, vith Cotton, To bacco, Sec. Going, Going Cheap ! ! ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY. TSTTT.T.T VTVr WTTTRPHIT W J.iliji..lVVl Vf fat note receiving atmiS Store, in Salisbury, A FKESH SJOCK OF ; m' - i St - - ' i SPRING & SUBjlOrlBR GOODS, Which have been selected carefully and attn tively, and boogbt entirety, lur iub, m Philadelphia and New York for the "V . r 7.:. . jhi un 5prirgof l30,ano win ac . niv i as low as any GOfJDScaa be sold in this part of I the country. His Stock compmee every Article general ' keot in Stores. tr-7AH kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be bought at the highest market prices, j - Mv friends will receive my grateful thanks for past favors, and may resf assured that no pains will be spared to men a conunoa i Kirby's irurtory, llahtta and InstxacUons of Aoi those favors. 1 !I ' I mala beior the 7th No. cfthsBridzt water Salisbury, April 23d, 1836-4 FOR SALE Al THI J k list i melancholy newa of Oie death 4f Ea.,-5br H. G. Barton. He died on 21st lnst.at CealUs soru xPCKa oanry ?i --v ? ii' 1 ' TT1URSUANT to a decree 0 the Court pf fi. Ji i qaity for Rowan County; at -April terra. 1836 f the Clerk and Master will all .i-ik. Court House in Saliaiwry, 00-Tuesday, the llih j w ay nexi, - a -: - flanging to the Heirafat Lawof MnKmer. dec d adjoining the Lads of Peter Kerns' aad Vthers one euntainin? - - r JLS THE OTHER CONTAININO A credit of twelve monihri will be givae, and B-nj wnb approved a4cerlty for the parchase money reqairad 00 the day of sale. ! - - ' S. 8ILLJ UJr:r.A Apni S3, 1330 iw-90 a ?t ea,AA" i w THE Clerk and faster in the Coartof Eqaitr. will sell at the Conrt ffnoM ir. Salisburv.oo the I7lh dav of Mav next, a Tract of Land containing I i ' ' Adjoining the Lands of George Frfek. Georze im uiunm, oriunging 10 me xieirs as Law of John Elter.decid. 00 a credit twelve months, requiring bond and approved security for the purchase money 00 the day of sale. o. SILLiMAN, c. m . a.- April 2$, 1836440 KTOTHOBv i BT virtue of a Decree1 of the Court of Equity lor Rowan County .made alAnrilierm 1M6: the Clerk and Master I will sil i ik. r.,i House in Saliabory. on the 17th Ala m.xt- on a credit of 12 months I TWO TRACTS Oli LOTS OF LAND, belonging to Rosa Waller, an infant, descen. ded to her from George Waller, dee'd her faihr wno 01 adjoining the lands .of Samuel Reeves, Alfred ijupie and outers: the iother of adjoining the lands of John Trailer and others. tiequinng oonoa wttn sqtncient security lor tha purchase money on the day of Sale. . -1 t- " ' SAMUEL SILLIMAN, cm. a. April 23 1836 4w40i Horace H. Heard, Respectfully tenders his thanks t?e citizens of Salisbury and its vicinity for the liberal support he has heretofore received in his business. He informs the public that he still carries orr the IN ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND VA RIETIES AND ACCORDING TOHE Port an4 London. Ha AVt PbriraiM Philadelphia. He iMnm hia matnm.M - shall be done faithfully and occerdwg teprotaiie and that is not what every mechanic caa iiv At a aaaw SW I AI. I least it is not wnat tney do. oauaoury, pni xa, 100 imu SHOD j&JD BOOT MAKING. I ! . M . .. . i i rJ!H, &ubscnoeria now prepared to execute lava iiriev if in itnrv a a-, a his works trial and than determine uaaualitv. I aa to quality DAVID KERNS. April 23d. 1SS6 tfiO FOR SALE, 500 ACRES - " . i ' ! OF LAND on Fourth Creek two miles Northeast of Siatesvijle, whh good build ings, good meadow: 0 or 1 00 acres of ciaaf land, iu a high slate of cultivation, either with IT. JTA1 ' 1 8cnoer bas determined to remove to the i South- west, if he has to do so 1st tbe expense of a considerable sacrifice next fall. The terms wilt be accommodated to salt the paicbssei aod the Land divided into two tracts if necessary. JAMES SIMONTOtf. April 23d, 1836 3 w40j ; Temperance Meeting. rUlHE firttl annual Tecnpennce aieetlnir fa- JL lhe E3lrn cct,on Csbarms Cenoty, will beheld at Moant.Pleasani, on Thursday, the t 15th of May next. When and where Several gentlemen of literary altaihmmenta aie exnecled tuaen ver sadressea; among whom will be the - . i . nev. ur. uooioaooitev.acr. feiuck, iiav. atr. Morrison. . i . GEORGE tJARNHARDT, Secretary, April 19, 1836. . i JYtxv mlrriraUm AT THE WOI1TU ckuQtXSX BOOH stoiIh. ; I Japhet in search of a Father complete. - i aTS m-mm Av mm 0 Ik mm mmm mmmimm The r irate and uie inrve yuHci, mbiw ' Aatbor '' s'-m-.'.- Cbaireles by the anther cflPelhaa -' One in a Tbousaod, by thej author of Rtehelutv Scenes and Ubaraetenstica oi nioaoaion, wim Sketches of Soeietv, by Emma lloberta ; Gilbert Garoey, by the aathorU SajingSjand - 9JPm rf.,. T I n.p,t Knowled?e. Phiendbr. br ilra.. ajUi4 . ,;..--,f '.. .Tkeatieav For sale by TURNER & HUGHES.- April 16th, 1836. 33 Rakish JY- C 3 "AT if- f A- s '.- 0 '1 Ii f Ti- ; IK t a l; I : t . i '1 it It fctl re . ; i ; S' : N. 1 .-'$ - Mi r i" v j - i ."'':i- - ; ; ii I ;.. : ,. . l- i .

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