I TEU31S. ' : LnVtvcutf ma hereafter be had I' t ivjun ad, Fifty Ueuioper jear. J IJIJ4W I. rUMif nDI MW .IIUMIIMn VM ill I i iJito4 the -whole som at one- payrneot. r ikt him terms shall continue. f;2!rUaihey i be cUard m utltor subaort ic r.siharewhe eVnotrisy doting the Sinners i,, .H .,,,. will awoM'g in"" '"1"" - i . .1...;. will h received fur kss than Vpioanwr"" ar f ' ... 1 , H J kill ttl Mb , ,ihe Editor, eolees eirearges era paid 3A1I lertera to the Editor must be posf id; otherwise they will cettaiuly ixt be al- LAA In - F . .. nn. n i. - fsjius er Aovkbtisiso ioe "V,. - leu pertwtari fat tc insertion ajurwmro 1 . - . . . ill a. i ..-.. J ft.. rata m r " w-w a No advertisement win m m amb rVn.i.ia. Advertisements will be continued until orders rMdvd in etoD them, where no directions Advettiaeinentoby ike year erelx months will ,! at a Dollar ner montn lor c aqua ith thepriTileje of haojinf ibr form - every hiailer. FROPO0AL0 Tnr pvhUMng m arJk Journal tn f4 1 ar it m AT TO BE ENTITLED tzzo xxzasxssmi star. iJlHE Rapid and iiicreaiiig f rowih of thia 8c 1 Mlkwhber Ui MtailMh a weekly Journal at it plaoe. It 10 well knuwn that whilct uther rtiiMituftke State are aiuplv kuuulted with tree of pulitiel iifunuaiHHit tiiii ia uf re MuiinaUiio. tbat thiarioh and lriil( iliuiigU arwly p.puliun eeeiitMi la wiihoul a eingie gm; eut-q vnily ihn auucwaa f a Jtntraal, nuiwbirtJ eiKier aurb oirotimnaocM, in a hiI dovrtm, Joiwnil mix mi the merit of n cua- bciur and the eeiiring vtf fta iif his frHMida. Ua2 ka rmiilr:4 it Wiiiiirr uu I he im- Lcumuf puW'C JHirnal, bHlWa ewerim. aiiuo leu Ju iH. lugr an ttMium of their puliti- kliMMiia, ana we frel nu hiuiioy in auw- g var amiiuiMtN'e. eilhrr bwauHe i4 their uu- ifNilar irepi.ai with ili. in rower, oi the liuara bich iri..e-)Ml their conviction. inwl IIii.kI Uo rxNiiorin hi the laak. In the Irmeni pa3lero irf out Nitiuu aiMjwa aee dcM tuvuirxfA the lutereal and exerinm ( the lim.dtuf lrmte;rriiineiii ih preeent criaiaM B? .f Hk ea!rr. &purtenda iluidMiuuoUuw 4 a rlrdiva fuH-thien anil the ot'erthruw ol lliimo ktt(il-ajm wtitoii piitdUr f.vtruiuiiU ale iim, ait eNi vmon alor.a, Kpu)ilie can hiM VVeare dundailly umiok1 lu iha iia- uiM4ii Hi tf tue Pe nile' aeniiinauia by Cau'ii ,iimiii!l f d.eulirul md iriiiutf, and bo- I'irt i hit tM iiirt'hMi at each a iUnnMi tntrf- imw with ike fMHiile'a llngUta will m iirouc4- ut the w:trMeeqiitu-i, and whiui ho Inity iwht of tutii Hiirrmldliu with the iiiIiuuhhm taT Irtwrnau, we nut anlemnly ujipwe v iihIivwumI wImmh tke Ualtuoure LneiiiiNi th-Htyht lut-dieiil lu iiMiuinaie aa Ike aue InH 4 1b pfttKtiil liyiiibeiiNl the Exetmlive n.iir. It w uuiixtnMary lu advert hi iii van lui rrf which mubiiaii our upKiiioii in ike uMidaie of Hie U tlilitiorn lonveutiMii: built j tM well ! aiy, we li , nu iMin"i:il in con- uimu with h in we believe bun committed on lie .iij ot 4 elaVery.enlMtM hi receni letter i lull and eiq-ialiBed aeltnowlnlga.ntnl id bta be i in ibe j Minx ot ti uancipiitiiui and AUiiiinm. ' ihaiHimr iw-icandidatea the Preauleney. laa but tuile to aay their nuluical h.MtMy kml tiriiiiNia ileooriin'ut in puWm a well a in lri.a lirtfvea uinlubll ible eVideu-n id the 'new tlf therUim nhieh thev hidil uimmi the UiAlem-ean4 aff-enuua oi the (xile 4iut b een tluuh U. Wbrteaml Wiu II llirriwMi, K liall tibMi 4ke farl defeat .yield intr far let tuppirt and onliiing cseriigu ui the el- f iiUHl id th " Cnl'i ! rat lenneHaett" UOII LAWantl WII1T W.tna.ri.lMnt. Ij Wtea tn hi un irtpg pi rHrtnt and Mh-ere lutiin hi ike imereata ot the S 411k, and cm I'Mer kiin tally adeqnate t ihauincliaiueol the ugh fuiii3tiHu Hluoli that Orfioe wou'd i-nicnte: kiui iiid nuiMttHienily. he will reeetve Hum tht aupp.irt, la winch Ine private virtuua and viaiiient amiiiiH au jusily entnln him. I In adv tat inf the pnuciple we have avowed, I it reaaunible to oiuect that not uirHieui ill paaail uk; but whilst we ehall atreiiuuimly adhere F" a digits d and tn-ideraie ouoroe, we leel per ly willing luuiMl the adv.ateof Power up N uy auljeci iuvidviiig the prmciplee of ranuual iiieeumu, wiieuever ibey may chiame to open neir Datleriea uivmi ua, bntertnu; the arena a wed.., vt ith no iilt,save the jikiice id out caiiae nd feeling Ike full reapmiaibiliky of the dime "-TinTinir noun u. 11 aiiait be our ana to ana am lliecauaiid the VVhltrfartv and Wlim P1111- eiplea wiib all tbd Seal and ability we can bring The 8Tfl, eriii be publiahed neee a wki aon, Noxuty e umiiiv. Aiiaa.. iw a neat iinne Ma rial aheet, at in tu vat.ee, or tf at ba end of ui year. Newepanere friendlv In the eanae. are reanea led in publish ike above Prup. cu and rtceive w'ecriptiona for the earue, 1 he iJrat Number ill ha iaaeod early in Uiionmber, if the nialeii a oaa be orucered M-ibatttine-. . JO. U A LES JOHNSON. ; Stop the U una way. Tf AKAWAY from the unhscriher liiig near Lihertv ilili. iu Ired. II couiitv. N.LVa aegro man psmed JWmetly owned hy Jauiea tiniuiiigham. He ia wweea forty and fifiy years old : i.ta yelluw 'uoimplexiunnaind face and small eyes. He raaraad with a soar in one ol hie ears, which aaa sot grow faajeiher alao with a sear on the ndereide ol kiaoetd, which haa not filled op : aae a' a auiall scar on one of his cheeks, and h about fit fa, five or six inches' in height. pj, woe tiKing 4ip thH-negro and todglng Dim a jailor del vriig him to me, stiaJI be reaaoni UJ eumpenaated. Liberty HiH; redeflxoN.C. - . -Juis"lllhiI83rJtr7 f SPEECH OF MR. BELL, or Tbhhbiiib. 031 TB HEW II4RDOB BILL. J (Contioued.J - Burrwrnheiniealiave gratlv chariged inre- General Jackaun came into pnwrr. The pptril of tb age, nH content with the womlerrul ad vance in the intermediate pe riod in all the arts, baa infuaed itaelf into politics. The inventive gentuaof the times has been bile in this , department also. New and improved plans of party organisv tinn and dirripline have bepn started, end new ronreptiona formed of the uses to Pwhich the spirit of party maj be applied. The idea or the existence or a party in the cuuatry of undefined and nodefiuable dan ger and designs npon the eoo6titutiea is made at once the raw head and bloody bones to' alarm the credttloua and ignorant, and the pretest for a vigitant, rigid, and eiclu sive party aseociation. Thia dangerotfa but visible party may be, not inaptly, called the Devil of llits new political system. As tins new party is assoruled up(n tlie, alleged principle of Reserving ibe country and the liberties of the People front that destruc tion which awaits both, jf tbv should. fU into the bands of the arch-enemy, h ia plausibly and conclusively argued that all of fices, emoluments jobs, contracts, and agen cies in abort the, whole revenue of the Government, should be distributed among Its ' members. Thia party may change or shift ita pi maples of policy or adininistrt. tton with the changing seasons themselves, but it may still maintain its original giound of being the only defenders of the lilierlies of Ibe Peopli f It may adopt and iMactiee upon principles of ultra-federal policy to day; it ma) practise upon the most latitu dmnriiQ doctrines to morrow; it may follow in the narrow path of the straightest sect of the State tights parly; it rry re-eoai.t Hie alien and sedition laws; it may commit ev ery abuee known in nhe administration if Ihe most corrupt Government; hut atili it will claim lo be exclusive champion of the constitution and the liberties of the Peo ple ajfainst Ihe unknown and unknowable, designs of a .dangerous party; and this is suffii'ient to rally Ihouaands to lis wlanilint. Who does nut see that all lliat could j'ulily party divisions in ihe rtNintry is wh.illy dm' regiinied; that a new party is forming, mm Ksed of memb rs of evif y M.htie.ij hue and complexion, and whielt niuM. frnnriti very nature and cnuipoHitoii, en 111 h mere association Aw shariuK lh spoil; and (tint the profesiMi of any tartiriihir net of rin ctjdes is nly a den to d leit i Sir, it ia not Gen. 'rl JrkHiii, men, tt hia chami e.l, au much ik 1 ho f ni'lln H,.iriH of that party whieh now i iiu in his en l.Mive supporters; it I thu infliienre an I oowrr of this new prinviolu ol pirty a.i.-i itcui. vtlitrWM'giu t'i op'iHie at ti r)s f thia siliiiinistrHtioii, and win -li n exe-i .'l to itnroiluve and gxveru the course .of thu next. But does there not extsit at this time, or IS there in t Uideru,nit lb" pro.'es .fr gnnlX'.tton, a jMily.oue i the fuioU ueriul 111.1XK11S of which is, I In! ill !h. ol!i e. Iiihiots. and euial.itii-iita all ic-lieil to p . lin eal (Niwcr belong .I nulit to. and might in pririetr to be aw.irdi'd t , llic vicIhii.mis in all pirty coiiHu t; a putty winch .Iimm not hesitiile to uvo tins to lie oiiu ol the pun- c 1 pies upnil which thi'y as H'lile as a pott; party which not only aos this nu-iple as One ol the iniiit.nirKi 01 nieir i.iture action, should they conquer 111 I In- pr..'nt c meet lor the control of the Fed nil Giv ernoient, but whirh, whenever 111 miy Si oc they have hretifre possessed llu;ms lv x of the reins of power, U actu illii pr m-Ih-ed upon this principle 1m this not trie ot ihe jmi ly no w iu power in .ine.3i.ae mIM YiKk. and is not iim parly now ii power in that Sl'ile Ihe d lui and ii.k I. iim .round which it is proposed to form a ore it nation al parly? I aUirin thul it is. Air I is there any farm ,tif military diio iplmv, ll'idii in, Prussian, or AiMn in, more d gr.hni2 and tuexraile. and at the same time h lt r l i ii luted to suhjuct the m iss- llie rioK and tile of the - people to Ihe absolute, eiuitrol and guidance of a chief or chu-f', thnn te mule of Mirty lat in s and discipline enforced by the dominant ply in New York? The epitil of frisedoiu and of free di lrli. r.ttn. auioiiK the meiulM-rs of Ihe, p.rty, is eup pressed, IliH indeed by the bayonet, but liy a system scarcely less elleliv and tciriUle. While It holds out the lure ol olli.-e ! Hie obedient and frtiH1f.1l, it ord inis cut roiiin lion to Ihe actual or alleged and rhitirily prnai rilied off. ndcr , Aoiiin wIiosImII 4i.ie the indeieadenci to tut Ihe devices of th'! parly, however obtained, whether br lh fi at d. a awglo head or3 th" resolves ol a rret iiinlil. at ili-fiance, or shall refusn to iiiiimrt them in Ihe nriinnrv assemlilies of rf v the people assemblies r filled ti'd j" JTi' maia'iu '4ellbef .in.iu.diai..i 11 -i.ll.-d lant in council in or derail lalifv what h b"n already deci m tn tall I alM ii. who d ire to onpose thn ....... - . 1 . acli.m of this svstem. nom ittnrlo what un juM or-4nichievoiiaexir'ines it may lead,. is not onU .trioned cf all his privileges, and iS u l.ii..-r luiriniii of the sooilj which uia'v have falleii to his lol in former tri; umiihs. but he is to be latloed--lo have a black line drawn around hnnin nne, 10 be shot as a desert ei! I know of no paral lei 01 anv analoirooa nraclice iu the history d the count rv. but ia recorded of the poll of id Indians, who m.M finirl tKc-ir rxkcllsa And fttftlnWCt III thm country which now forms the State of New York,' dictated the conduct of the subject tribes arotind lbemv extending, at one time, nearly , a thousand, miles to the south and lo lbs west. Those cnqaeiexs of xW rorest or .Lined mUUf144 the i w h ine nimu ana woandextcrminstion wrte the Jot of the unhappy inbe lha wn itiingly or otberwNM btmiened er dared to nare, 11 seems, in a spirit or fHjnl address and comprehension of design, esttblisbed their law of the Aunt, but not the bant of the buffalo, of the bear, and of the beaver, but of therwi, Those who hare drives these lavage visiters flora their haunts nkve profiled by their policy, and the subtlety and enterprise of ihe Mohawks areiwitaM and surpassed by their white invaders. But let them beware, and let those who regard the success of this system of pirty dtm-i plme with the same apprehension that I do, take couragn from the historical fact that the Five Nations, terrible and powerful as they were, bad bounds "t to their ambition and their doMinion The Catawbas of South Carolina, staid the torrent of desolation in Its progress along the Atlantic bordivjhmigh they were well nigh exterminated in tlw conflict; hut when they were rotluced to a ,,ep3r-J!,!l 1 ,9,ln Ibwyr U MaaaM4d'-MawaHci rich repriaala of Mood upon their numerous and haughty foe, and utiT triuiiipiianlly held llieir country ( But these conq-ierers of the North wetesiiccsiifully met, beaten, and driven back with ala.ighler, in frequent recountera in another quarter Along tba whole line of the couutry running east and west, and conatit tiling what moo w the Slate of TeiuMtuce, the ImluN proprietnrs inain tamed 1 heir grounrl m a contest of half a century, and still bid d.-fiieoe u the bun lets of all the country to the north and the north west; ay, sir, and they were icady to submit to extermination rather than politi cal slavery. The analogy might be traced further. In this war for national indepen dence, waed by the natives of this iiohle tract of country, they had lo encounter, not the Five Nations and their allies of the North and VVest only, but often a combina tion of otAof the tribes of the Soul It lluir own natural a I Iter, but still they at tod and foutflit undistiuyed, and were fita sll viitorixii Sir, I Ix-lieve I have not misrcnt sented the (..ln- ami discipline of lb pirlv now in powtr in tbu Slate of New Y rk I mean, in nffirmiiig that all tlie offi. ea ol lh- Sl.te, are regn';d aa the prop-Tty. 1 -ouise, of the victorious Hi a p;irtv coiit. nt If I Hin ii'd iiiitlxken, it ts not '-r. t th it hucIj 1 Ine csUbUshed - policy nnt.'Th" iT MC.itiely any man of any potv (' wll ''' Hriiiiitoniiy it mis svatein t-ujraii.'.i iK(i I he - pe. j4e of tlt State) -e er tttttk te? questioning ot oppstaing it ft tts r'-j.r.icl as a thniK not only Kelt led, IimI ioltiii4 tM- and junlirlable, by tm pditiriaii ' 011 ii.-.tu Hlde.4. B it It la not ill lfe Si lie of New York alHM th-il llim aysie'it of p.rty M -ii-x lus lound fior. It Hev.iiln. in -.m-i 1-;ra-liia ettenl, in Pejtii.iilvam r. in N rtm Jer , Milne, and it lit h...I.ii- r ! .11 inw, nn.i it ill!. H 111,.- .'. HU 'I III New llifiihire In Iilv tn my oiium i u--11 has m ido a r-uccessf.il lii.ig ii.-nt, lii i iw tid. I am awrc tn .t it m , , .nk.-il.'i it danger there 14 in all III Hn r f im- pr -i perny or liie li'n-rt:ei ..f uu-en oiirt? 'l; ia precisely till' pi.lu! In Urtiii'li I inmk - I I" rioM iitl'-niiou of id Mt 'i ir m . " I Wlll I could exl Ml I 01. ii-.' 1 . t 1 ll 11 n boiiuilsol the couutry lu I a . 1 . rS u.i- nil Hn point. Without iiiteiidiuii I 1 i n i'. ii.-r.-i'ii -irv inoiv.' to all Us ne iin r n ,ml mi l. . au.-U a parly inu-l ie-c- - inlt uol i -v it-.lit liec.Miie 111 ici n-rv, nu.' u'l -n, ic.nr.il- n.4 oi all couM-neiiev ( wM-ut pimriiile. In wh ilever St lie lln-i n.ii n.-i n.ii.- lte e ib llnheti pfnli.'e.f ll.e 'tu in i nl r of a'i t .yoiiHi p .rue: Hi. r-- you dl ti ol ihe.n H liirunt lUHt iiice ot- n hJOhii i 1, in '!. n.d only 111 tin- . ..ure of 1 'li vt. f 11 tin, but of en lite ptrlK'rt. iin.rv-r p.rty iitteresila are iiO'.i or l n wort -C5 nToTf'liMei'i;!!! lil; uu ill.' ad 11 ii.Hir ill m. .he ore.iti-.st e ceases, an I -.'.u-ie-i iu e 11 MU,f llm 'IKimI j dedi'ideil M.ile ol p .li.i. mm n These al I r.iiulea o 4 ci.ff ipi i 1 t vi.-.eia p.'lv as- so.'Uii'.n ii m"re , Miii,t 1,1 , niriki.i( in t-vi-ry M-it- wn.re it . x m, in proeniou lo the amount ol b 'cilive pilioiMg-'. In line btaies. Ill He'll III.' j. lca hT-- iiiiik'HI led I. r hii.kI t. ruii. in.-, ire c...ii;i' lle.l lo ll.ile llie l.ile of w.-iy .-llicr olti--:d ineuiii In-lit. U'l How 011 any olhi-i iimlive or utcresl 1 1 111 1 nit 4 of iim pirly bu nion the lea 'I i an I It'lvi ruin ml -, when very otli't 1 01 Hv Slit.- and ol Iim U il- ted Slio s, Iro'U I in liitfli.-l !.i lli' lowest; HI Hl United S .lie. Iroui ile head of a )ep .riiiKiil .1.111 to a pHy ponliu is'er. of Kinder 1.1 Hut cos o n; and mllie Stales, Iroui lie I iiit' Ml a court down loiiw clerk of .an iui. r..M i:otil. or ln'k-kef-p-f nixm a caiiHi, 111 u "t b.i reni'ived to give place to the Iniiiiiry ptri sans of a new and triumph:)! p.irti? No leiilll of service, no degree of lid. lily in me dirclnrge of -olhcial liutie. noHt.de of dependence upon the receipts of un olUi'e.howt-versinall.cans'ivethearelc.h- MdTiu:ui1mni from the general law of the Aii if. I'M fate of the eonqueied. Besides tiirtgeueial servility and hypoi-racy whtcn s icti a practice c.innot fail to . introduce, a lon train of evils besides is obliged to fol low foul the success of a political combina tion-tf this nature. 'Incompetent and un- folliful olliccrs and agents aie it-rust into ihe most important public stations, the pub lic service and interests suffur accordingly. Subordinate officers, instead of rely inn up on their diligence, skill and fidelity to the ditcha-M of their ollicial duties, for their continuance in office, compromise with their consciences for a neulect of duty by eontrihotinff Isruelv to. the success of the parly in the management of caucuses, pub lie nieetings, and elections; they look to the chiefs of the oartv te connive al their de- linauences. and to sustain them in office in considsraliua of tlteu leal and acuitrta the general cause, fc bl'nwt, ; ihesunnled aiaiOAiaA Iwia.tl a kak aCaaal ..lltu ail. . ' s3a, - . I wif- sviv, uri wihm m iti iii at f afl .1 aT a I ! 1 - a a S I a . Goweral ('overaiaxoOs are liable to be filleil by enea equally incom;ietent and unfaithful. t-analtersDot.wbj.ta Governor f a Statw or President of the United Siarea, whtt may bo, his principles, bii .'pefsm( unpolitical chaacler pfovvdod be niawses what, , ia eaMe( pirly KJelify, aaa has lacl eeoufh to wield the patronage and wfl.ienee of bis ojfioe aecordiag to party law and wage, ami so as to advance, not ike cause of toe coun try, but ol the party! .' If it be true that any patty avows the doctrine that lot he victor a beltings thcsM-i!s of office; if it be true that it is the tractic of that prty to put noun into olfi re hut those of their own prty'. ant!su(f.r none to remain in olfice but such as are already, or may be willing to becoiiM,prtisabsd Ihoee in power, ran a President eleefd by such a pirty chose to do otherwise than to ue the palnmaiie of t'e Government, intrusted lo um by laws and constitution, according to ihe s-itne rule? Must he not, in the first plae. so drstribule it aii la' secure Ins elec Iiini; fur a second term; and afterwards, is be not bourn I by the laws and usages ol the puty of which ho 4lie official fcesdf to nse Ins whole- influence, and the entire means in bis hands, the election of that man for his sticcttesor whoshall be chosen according to the same party usage, to wit, a national caucus, .wjuch briMiglit him, inlo powei repeal the q.estion, can bu do 'otherwise than interfere in elea-tmna, and employ the whole patronagi of Ibe Goveinnient is con trolling them, if I am ul mistaken in this, a President elected by meansof this system is by the act id his induction into power,by the veiy terms of his engagement with his Milittcnlis.M-utes.lMund to prostitute those lireat powers and that imnense patronage intrusted tn bun by the constitution, to be administered exclusively for Ihe good of the whole country, to 'objects of aggrandise ; ihenl and ambition.-' The steds. then, of this misrhii f of Executive interference are Siiwu much deeper than one would suppose iiiou a snperficil view of the- subject. I'hev lie deeply imbedded in this new sys tem of parly tactics aad , discipline . which iltr atens to fmleu its deadly andciKruuting fings up u every Side of this Union. Whatever Id one, therefore, may attach.' in lb un I of any, lo the course of Ihe Pies ident jjp iu thia subject, let the rcsouiibili Ty ! attached to Ihe sources of ihe evil let 11 tin traced to its iroper hd. lilting mImwu- tUit thi practice of Eieeutive 111 iwU'f em'-it is a., neteisiry rsul t of . a irinci (Vie of pirly ussmMal ton, let any oon atte'f ! ir on lus f ncy to conceive all ihe cm if q lences of -ihe success of this S. Stem liie deyr i.IhIiou id the national eharacler. the iumii grade of ein'iilion whic-h .n'lit li!f 1 n'iKlt tti leidiiig mun of ib cxiutry ib.t itcticiil corrupt tu.1.- Will any 111 111 h.-reirier aTi' n tSat llKone imu'lreil il.i'iind oitio s h d l.-r, aj'ita, iiru'liira. all I deMlldulits UtoH the QoV ern 11e.1t 111 gmn') form i other, are n loiij- ... .... ... r f er to ies.ii-iv iruaioii wnn ii.eri'm 01 nui- Ir i i" in t te elect too of a free oul. ? Sir. t'l't f lei. of IliepuntV ail I (ree.lo.n of the eleelivu fia icbil III lilH cmu ry nh Mild i .k.i e less-m i;i'n ln s 1 t li.en tlw urictieH of a G ivero ui h lofm less free Hi 111 our own I o-aii Ureal Ibil uu; and I bei leave to l' f'-r lo hei ataHites, nd only for depriving the om "111 fe-ud inU lip'OI tie G miiruuieul ll'i'O vidlod. Hut M.dilluiiig, ll.llel Hfrre p- llllll -a. tin-, alid it"Sl lilt 1 lereliee d" o-liillC fffi vrs III I' Cll. HI. The stilutei iclerred u are Ihe l.dtowiug: 'Jin t bt '' ,rw!hr ttntcted by ,'k author it a or mi J, Tinit from anil llcr III. HIiH-iteir iweolHlb dav of 8diiiMlier, one ll sand st-veu hundred -ud one, no com minno'i-r, e.IU'tor. com tioller. aearcher. "iir1'dlieridfi.!tfld"'' cerue I or eoipTiy. d in ihe charjiutf. eollec liui. levyin; or m igm inc. euatoms, or anv branch or oiri tn. r.ol, shall by word. in. !. or writing, or hi any iHle r nun ner a baloM-ver, . n l".inr lo le-rsiMile any elector In give, or diitsiude any elector fiom ifivuiJ, hi vote fm the ilions of any iter s ui to lie a kmgbt of ih shire. rMiien.hor ges-i, or hiroii. id any c-anil v, city. horotih ia-cHiq ie port, lo serve in P .rliam.-ii; and every oihvi r 01 oilier ier.ou otleniiiiiif mere iu. nh til forfeit tbo sum of one bundled poii.ids. one iiioirty thereof to the informer the other moiety to the poor of the parish where snc:i ofl.-uce. shall he comrnitted;to bo recovered by any pm-son that shall sue for lb sain by action id debt, bill, plaint, 1 informal 11 m, in any of bis Mijesty's cihiMs ol leciKO al o inHiiiniBiri, m which no . 1 . t,r.... . .... .. L. . sum, wolectinu. or wager of law, of mm thaif'one impirtance, shall be allowed: an eveiy person convicted on any such suit ol . ... ! . . 1 . . . the saM onence, snan inereoy oceoinn uisa bled and incapable of ever beating .r exe riding any if5 -e iw place concerning or re liuuff to the cuido.ns, or anv otner otu ,e or place of trust whatsoever 110 ler bis U ije. ly. bis' heirs or mtfxessorsnl 1 and 1 3 William III.C. 10. o And be it further tnacUi by the f Aorty aJortaid .. That 110 commissioner, officeror other person, concerned or -enr- ployed in the charging, collecting, receiv ing or managing any of the duties granted by this act, shall, by word, message, or writing, or in any other manner enueavor to persuade any elector to giveor dissuade any elector from giving, his tote- for his choice of any person to be knight of the shire, commissstoner, eilisen, burgess,, 01 baron, for any county, city borough,, ( or cinque port; and every.nfficei or other per soa offeodinir therein, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, one moiety thereof to the inrormer, the other moiety inereni 10 . . a. - a .. a the use of ihe parish or place wnerra aucn offence shall be coamiusd to be reeavsr by any pern that shall sue for iht . at . a. ... . . a time, nj niun of amu mu mttlnr. or in- a a . T - ' i.nnaii.n in any or her s Mnjnety's eottrts of rennrJ at Westminster or lheLeiuiijof Exc1,eq ier In Inat part of Great Bruln called S.'otltnd, in which no essibn,' pro Stion, privilege or tfager'of law, of more an one imparuone, shall be allowed t and every person eon vicied of anysadt suit shall Uterahr beromn diaablel ami incapa ble of ever bearing or executing any office or place of trust wliirtsoever under her M jeary, her heirs and aucceasors:M--10 An ne, U. 19. " For the better seeming the freedom ol elections of members 10 serve in Parliament, be it enacted by the King's moat excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and eon aent of the Lord 8pirhud and Temporal, and Common, in this present Parliament, aisemhled, and by authority of the aame, that from and after the first diy of Atigusk one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two no com 'nitsioiier.collec tor, upervior, gau arer or oilier officer or oeraon whauoever. concerned r emlptye I in the rharring,eol lecting. levying, or managing the duties of exuiae, or any branch or part thereof ; nor any oorrrmiwsioner, eollecior, "comptroller, searclter, or other officer or iersoti whatso ever, eonvemed or employed in the charg ing., collecting, levying, or managing the customs, or any branch or part thereof, nor auyjrommiaioner, officer or other per son concerned or employed in collecting, receiving or managing any of the duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper; nor any person appointed by the cotnmis. ainners for distributing of stamps; nor any commissioner, oifi wr or other person em ployed in collecting, levying or managing any of the unties on salt ; nor any survey or, collector, eompiroUer, inspector, officer, or other person employed in collecting, managing or receiving the duties on win dows or houses; nor any imstmasier.orpoat muster generator 'liS or their depu ty or dep uties, or any person employed by or under h itn or them in receiving. nor any captain. master, or male, of any ship, packet or oth er vessel employed by or under the post. master or postmaster gereral, in conveying the mail to and from f ireigi ports, shall be capable ' Ktviug his vote for t.'ie election f any ghl of the shire, commissioner, ciiixen, burgess, or hnrou, to serve in Par- li nnftiit for any county, stewarty, city bo rn igh or cinque purt ; or for choosing any legate in whom the right ofclcciiiig mem hers 10 serve in Parliament, for that part of Great Britain called Hi-otUrtd, 4s - vested A'i.1 ifanv tierson hereby miile incapable d voting as aforesaid, shall nevertheless pr snuie to give Sis vote, during the time e shall bold, or within twelve calender tu. mill nfier he shall c.eaae hi hold or exe cute any of the offiee aforeaid, contrary to the true intent and meaning 11I . Uiu-aol. siicii vote so given s'i ill tie held null and void to all tiitet.ts and purposes whatsoever; ami every person mi offciiiling shall forfeit 1'ie sum of one hundred pouuds." 2J G tortre III. 0. 41. U 11 the nbltgaiion of parly service whinit atU'-hei. to all office holders nnder this new sysieui e mentis far beyond a mere espousal if llie inienwis of imrtv 10 power, licii one is hound lo show himself worthy his station, and tu render a full equivalent for Un offi.'e hy his seal and success in controlling the sentiments and politics f his particular district or community Hut this is not the full extent of the danger winch threatens, fmm this source, the free d... it of elections. Besides the corps or uciu:tl incumbents and dependents of al Mnrts noon liie iovernmcui. mere am 01 . i the United Stales, prolmiiiy, one nunoreti . - ... . tlioiiHand men who lire either actual office seekers : or who mV he induced to give their influence sod their -votes in'-fsvor'"Nf the dominant party, hv llie promise , of o fice.tiowever deceitful that mi be,lu thou sail. I of instances. Let anv one attempt tn calculate the force and inU lence of a band of two lion ,r v . dred thousand pnrtisans of any man or anv nartv in ttower In this country, uniieu . . . - ... and roailedou by the hope of reward, or feetiutf of dependence fir their places, snd in many insiaiwes for the very subsistance f their families, upon Hie stii'ceas 01 men efforts in s common cause. Who will un dertake to estimate tle effecis to be pro diiced, not only upon the spirit but upiin the very foruis ol tiuvernmeni, ny ine in trodiiciiou iuiti ihe service of a suceessfu! pany, and for its protection snd suport, of a guard of one himdred thousand men, who hold 4heir employment by the tenure of party service, aiid'UMwe distributed over the whole Uiion ; d iff used, among the whole people all acting by one - impulse, ami with a view tn a common end t Sir, these are, hereafter, lo constitute the Pva t.irian guards of America, wralifjt the ap pointment of a successor by the Executive, t bave read that 4br Was f time, sinte 4he R v.d u tion w hen ihcre was danger m Me sscendahiy of uionarchieal principles hut sir, never ha any thing tended so directly a I . I ,1. . ...k raueal aaal vkStt to aupn s reauti, anu iuiti ! oAri.ul. a the countenance which is now given by a large proportion of the People j to the doctrines and practices of this new party. In one view of the subject, it would be just to denounce every Supporter of this new system of pany tactics as 1 nsotiarcriisi I ior 11 is noi tue iiiiDutein, " ih unulcncv the result of measures and practices which constitute their supporters inoiiarchtsts or otner wts& . , 1 nateaon up ceasive President ill appoint liia .sueces- or if ihis.svsiem shall once be nrm IT " . w a . taili!ieu 111 practice, snu isinv iia noon all the States, is ae certain as thai the aun shines this day in the ' heavena an 1 j this will coDUnue. uuiil by some . terrible akocka by soma ouua.e, most sommouljr Ihe Wsuh'of Aa long esjaaMaaeVsirweT; I 1 n ina aams nanus, US paopls, Shall be -roused to reaistaaca. , Even irf a sen now, when this hydra las ahoi forth t less than half its mnnsireas-progeny, does -not every member of this House know anil feel does not every sharp-tightsd ef5ce. " ' holder and office seeker tliroughoat the U nion know and feel,' (hat the only, road to v Executive paimn-;e and favor lies in an 1 " actual or well affected devotion tn the ia teresuofgpariieular eandMlatatui the Pre . " , idencyf And this has been the state of tilings fur more ihsn a year, and yet there . ii has been an effdftaal titiag of the people 1vV urn eigni years agiH ir such, a slate or things had been understood W txisl, such a burning heat would have been suiMeniy kindled in Ihis land-reach a censumiag fire would have raged io this Hall, as to hava left nn veaugs of a party which would then have dared to pvacti ee upon saeh a principle. I entreat, the Hoove 1 conjure the couutry to look to the futare results of this etauv of things, N ay, airi-1 eonidra litem to look lo present resalu. Ilsve not the power and influence of the Executive been felt in us slection of meraSors of thlg House 1 iiew bmg will it be before tha. prauiice of appointing the presidinc offices of this House by the President shall ba ripened into usage I Haw long before tha Speakership shall be but an appendage of Executive patronage, to be disposed of lika every other office or sUtion, for the benefit or the party f When these things shall come to paas, where then will ba those di visions or the powers of sotrtigaty into separate departments, which have ever . j been regarded as the greatest safeguard of t-, our libertieaf Where will be your eepa- ' ' raiv inu intiepeiiuvni iegisjaiive afparv' ment where your Judiciary, lor that tea 1 must soon yield under tits sressnt DressareL Sir, with iha powers and influsnoe of tha , ui niwvra ami lutiosnne os mo x-MiL present -egeteised, tMa-j t -irnl is aa - electtva rsonareliy, J- that wa ma loeger deceive" ' . bxeeutive, Goverusirnt is wall that ww ma loseei ourselves with namesj Ii bt'thls'dar f an elective monarchy. The sun 'of Ex ? , scutivs patroaags J'wUasa thU'apfeJa-",, iion. 1 ue cousiueraiton anuetrcunisianca , of aute conceded to the presijent, jttiufy e tins new coguomen. 1 org Uavs to refer. ,, lo several passages of the report mads hy a - leading member ol tha party in IS. 3, lit,' Beutitn,) in the oenale of the Unite Jf . Sutes, upon the subject of Executi va puw ' er snd patronage, a btrodgly cofuL rut .'.' . . ! ...-.... . . . ,s-.: 01 uieso views, ry ., v. ATtbiMiffk the Iwrnua wm nnrf v enl vsv- J a)ikai a(omeuiMtoftowseiieriic.hMctcr -T bad Dnasae iMMpsioabiy aecear.yet,ra ee der ike iiiflwrnei f tine exif hitlmi suck was v "- tha dread ul pwav aad-eat !(; H it tJ.s J states with sxiieme reluataaos vieMcd telr as .. . . . seat Itf JkeesuahabMNmt of Ike Fadrrsl U.i"ra- T A meal. Nd was thia Ibe tBet of kla and v. sHSiary lira re ua 1I10 part of an laoiant multitade ' wtih.Mt knowledge oTlbe aatare a4 tendency of , - pawer. On theetmirary.il reautted from tha utoateslaualvaaad erofuund fliurw kmiwl - ' " fpsa tke bead of atatesmsn aMurpasaed iaf 4 any a-, ia aaxaeily and patriodsra. Nothing ' oaild fesues le ike great mea of Ibai day Is a Con ( aiiiuiiun m ai muva power, ran ins guards waiea ware put ap.j ll against ike abuse of sower. Oread and pakaiay of tkia a boas dwplayse baelf lliron)h.Mii the iiaiirameMl. 'la thia spirit we are indebted f.rr lbs treed. an nf ike prtaa, trial kg Jury, lilieny of eiNwcleiiee, freeduqi f debate. respatsiMiny locamiuneeis. power id Mpeaca inetit.iiis ctdHtof tyf ike debate ia rpulalaveals la ' lifflee.' ' ' I'he act.M nf seek a andy of awe, aesMnlng them tu be animated by one saint, Meat be Ira- . inendiaiata an rleoiroa ; and thai they will ae an anima'ed, is a prep eiliut tua plais to seed .leiwMMirai ne. rower over s ana's mibport haa alwaya been krld and admillrd to be imetr .er his aeitf. Tke Preakhut haa ' pwf ' ever ike upMi id" all lbee idfiiwra ;aad Ibey again - -have suppat of debus? nterckasta to Ihe sewaat is ten with. sis idd'dlars ytf snrntevaSS uvutks . daily autpirt 4 tn Iwiimnmw aasibsr m ladivia- . T k ! 1 . A . . -1- - nai. pr.seaHMai,Bieeaairai, aaa try lasurmr lo lean ihey saw and will exiesd at Stray a vaU uahle private a evil aa public patnaiags. aeeurd ing lo ihe pan wktek ibey shall am is Stmtt ae well as in FtJtrut alert sis. 8tiH ikh) is only a branch, a wens lueng, of Ksderal fslsuasge in the etty id New Viek." V Every vikere, to ike eitresM froailsf af tkefeuioles: hiateer M-nltury, Federal saifua -t( will be found, ia dgra sad fbree, pfier -lienaui In the p f uUtkajJ of tke place, sad ee- ' ver augmented auk the biereasing auaerufge veinment. Duiiiaeiii of riruoage is u4 .., thought of ; Ibe state of ibe cast.aa tH-a in, . N'Nlidk ia already aregnaat pp4 of this. This puw ef id pelt., unless chevied ay tke vigidw . mm uiieruwdieia ul Cimsre, bmsi g on fa- ereaiMi.ge.iiil FraVral mfl iesee, ia aiaey pans JT ihistJ.Mifedersiiue, will aredumiMiS ia ke ion a oaupleiely a UHii-k kiffdetiee pvedtsn. ianie 111 lbs efeemsw of bVuilaiid ahd. lrrlaiMl, .. iu ediea dtMgh towi.s. and is lbs' jrresi aavtl Stalioi'ia id Put tsmueth sed ' PljAMmik. la as pirt of tke pm;iical tferatiua a lbs Frderal fin; '1 veriHN-al hare Ike predicikHM of its ablest adr. c eaies bere uior ewapWlrly tsleiflvd Ibaa US Ikif euhjo l t.f psir.ataife.' e wUlu id this gteaf power will centre's ike President. The Kit g ol Entftaad is tbs hamtai f t ee;' lbs Preaidrat 4' tke United ' Staira it lbs aoa'S tif pa't eiage. lie presides a ver the eatirv syatera 1 4 federal appuiaiuieiits, iy, and e mtraoia I Is has sower ever ike aaiHiori' id ihe Individuals who administer Iks' aieiu,'' He matte and unmakes leem lie j e oea Irian 'ne ciii ie u aie, imnru ana vep- piMters. snd af dtumiM iaem. and. epim an Ihe p meiple ol kamae acikai, wi'fl aie.ba iheiM aauftsn as ikeyddMppsai liisetpvcvaiks'S. . llis sj im anlieatea ibeir actions is all tke ele UiMia ' w tta and1 FaossAt iffe-ee. laera nty ke ex-vptseis, kel ike irath ot a general ruirt is pwred by Ihe exceptive. 1 "be iniended aiieekkSSMied id ibe 8 aa-e,wilbnut ftvweue-' uiaraial oaminry erevisaswi wtlfream to opera's'. Ptnit.e will pet euae ihb) baly ub du it eapatrty 4 fre.isnce,eklB it to j be car of no, t. aiutctiaWethe PieaiaV bl to rule, a em-. , . 1 .1. : aw. V, ai d Htm wun- -npn-y , una wnavti. j n.i.iiial eheib id ibe Senate.- 1 j M w imint iken k ieward to the time Ohen ibitpiiblicreieiiMvtwillke d.aihled Wbeo the eivd and mdtiary idfleers ol Ike Federal tio. tisMMsitt; pill is ua4rnU4 waaa its iiJa

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