It ,1 fe 'if II NEW $ FASHIONABLE jtMBortment of I. JEWELLERY. TUB Saoacriber has just returned frem Phil adelphia, with a f erj rich assortment of Watches, Jewellery, fyc. Gentlemen k Ladies' Gold Lever Watches, Do. Silver Lever Ertgliab, French and Swiss Fine Gold Pub Chains, Seals aid Keys, Shall and Tin Musio Boxes. do do A very neb assortment of Breast Pina, Ear Rings and Finger Ring. Silver Plated and Jell Bolt Boeklee, Gold Plated. Gilt. Fob and Guard Chains, A larire assortment of Silver Spectacles, with concave, dividing, green & double glasses, Silver Comb and Butter Knives, Silver Fruit Knives and Thimblea, Stiver Pencils anl Tooth Picks. A very superior aaaortoient of Razors, made by Rogers, Shepherd, Wade 6i Butcher, Also Rogers', Shepherd's. Wade and Butchers Dirk.. Pocket and Pen Knives, Fine Plated acid Paper Castors, an J Candle Slicks, I - Germsn Silver Table, Desert &. Tea Spoons, cheaper and warranted superier to Silver, Together with Pistola, Purses, Chains, Keys, tic. &.C r He invites the people to call and aee his aa eottiuenU Those living at a distance, will bsve their orders filled on a good terms aa if they wen present. JOHN C. PALMER. Salisbury, May 14. 1830 tf43 Tailorin BENJAMIN FKAI.F.T hia just received oe latest fashion from New Yotkand Plii-la-'eiptna, i.nrirlexl from London and Paris He has removed to the large Brick Building, on the Sooth side of the Court II mi ihe Post-Offine, where he m prepared to do all kinds of Paiioringin a very euperior siyle, durable and faabusiable. and warranted to fli w II AH i - ders from a distance will be rn.xH faithfully eie r ented, agreeable lo orHer r promise. All kinds af work will be done by htm on short notice. '' C7"He Still coniiiiuea to act as agent for some of 'the moat faahionable Tailors of New v York and Philadelphia, therefore, any Tailors ' wishlaf iwetnictton in the art of tuning, can be inst reeled by sailing on Bnjmtn Fraley. f Ssludmry, ai the large Brick Hme tf8 Head Quarter, WaJuHbsraugk, Sept. Uih, 1836 FTlHE Colonela Commanding RefrimenU.if , , M. Zlonm tsnnna Militia, are hre hereby or eV'ad lo'pararle their respeciive Ktriuirnu si tb aaaal piaoes uf legimriital nmsier4 for In- j-Mwe and H-fView.- The Soinh Rt-giment on thi ISih of November nxt the North Regi meat on the I6ih. By order of Brigadier Gen. HORTOX. P. HENUEKON Aid . Oetorher t. 7w iitjii; tj.iiuL. fTl'IK utMrriiwr Kispxciiullti inlorme til. ' " JL pontic, that lie has, by eii)j:igiiiiii, lcainl hiuuelf iu Salihdury tut tV li.r ( Vioofe. II. :llifive ma' ructions mi ihe Piano, the (uiiar, & in Singing. !! imeiidn no rnVcdoii m oiherk. W mn hn aaya that be finds the stale of music in tbix part of the I'oumry very iroperfp ;t Tins . . be believes is noi owing; to want of muatial tal enis in theymilh of the Country, but rather to delects in tlm ataiema of instruction. The Suns-Tiber having been inairucieo by the ablest Masters in Germsny, and music being not only his profession, bolhra study, and delight, hf nuiiere htmaeir if bta puiila shall have talents, to ba able to cali-tbHiu forth, and imparl -kill andtaaiein this moet beautilul, and much au mired aceoinplishmenl: -an acooiiipliiliinent which not only elevatea the mind but refine the feelings and improves ihe heart. Nature haa riot bxakiwed upiHi all equal talents for niu'ic Do more than for any oiher ol ihe arts & sciences, the eacher cannot therefore make all eqoally proficient, but he promisee to apare no labour in properly cultivating that share of talonie with Whirn each ol bia pupils may be giitii, and iu im.vrave their tastes by making them acquainted with the moat admired pieces of ths best ututoc Coi ii posers. Ilia Terme of instruction are Thirty D-dlara per fusion. Me will furniai. thenaeof Inxtru meuis to lake leasona on . F. W. MERRBACII. Mr. Meerbach.Vgs leave to refer to Thomas L. Cowan, and CUarleaFiaher Eqra.aato his StandMig MUItimmr'"1"" We lake much pleasure in bearing testimony to the good character, and professional qualihca tione T Mr. Meerbach. Mr. M. ia a German prmVeaor of music, but ia .now recently from the City of Ne York, where he as expressly n- Saged &f the situation in Salisbury. When 4 tsw Yik, a abort utue siooer we took peine to make onqeiries among hia aeuaintaopea eoinerrn log him. ' We also have in oor potMeitsion writ ten teettwonrala from highly respect sble indtvid nals. f orming our npint mi irom lriese aourcea of information aa well aa from our personal ob ervBtions, we feel no hsittion in reoommen. ding Mr. Si. aa an Honorable gentleman, and aa a Very superior Teacher ol Music Indeed an a per'ornvir, and Instructor ' in music; all who be come acquainted with him, wll soon see that,he baa but few auperiors an v x where, and ceruinlv Do equala in this pan of the country. LHA8, FISHER. THOS.L COWAN. Salisbury . June 18, 1836 if 48 JO!! Pni.YTMtVG A Of eter if description doe AT THIS OFFICE. ' r" ' ju ! . t V " " L,f. j.., i 1 I -- gri-j ' .1 '""Ur a V-V s A ft I .v- t r , fit . .. utJ - C irJj. " - ' - 1 I ' iTi-S Z-i--'-l jLiwawi The tflott Elegant Style of JEWELLERY, GOLD AMD SILYER WARE, JtC C inc. nuoseriDer nan oa band and will Keen nunwniij iui wmtw m. Hi nivulH oaUSOIiri Vt . V. on man at reel, at the next door above the a tore of Samuel Lemljr Ik don, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE ARTICLES, in his line of buainesM, sinon- which be would enueraersts the following vis: Patent Lever Watches, (English, French, Swiae, and Dutch J Gold and Plated Fob Chains, Gold and Plated Watch Guards, Gold and Plated Watch Keys, Gold and Plated Watch Seala, Gold Ear-bobs Breaet pins, and Finger-rings' (latent rastiton,; Sliver Ware; Ever -pointed Pencil Cases, and leada. Silver Spectaclea, and steel frames li glasses, Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Kniveo, Pocket Pistols and Dirks, Bieaat Buttons and Musical Boies, , :,Giii aad-Steei Watch Cfaaina and Keys. He will execute every deeciipiino of work in i workmanlike manner and promptly DAVID L. POOL. C7 Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange fbi articles purchased at hia shop, and in pay ment fur work done and oVbte doe. - D. L. P. Salisbury. June 45, 1149 Horace 11. Heard, Respectfully tenders hia thanka to thecitisena of Salisbury and tta vicinity for tbe liberal aupprt hehaa heretofore received in bia business. He informs the public that he still carries on the T.llLOM.YG ill SMA'fiSS IN ITS SEVERAL BUANCHKS AND VA R1ETIKS AND ACCORDING TO THE LATEST FASHIONS FROM rnris and London, fia jVtw York am Philadelphia. . He amures his cunioroorw ihxt th-ir wink ahall be dun. faithfully and aeeording to promiae. I and iha ia not what every mevUnic can say: At Umii it ia not what they do Salisbury, April 23 IHJrJ tf40 Taken up and committed to tbe Jul of Cabarrus County, some 'tturJo Hie miNith of Sepu-niber lasl a negro man. Nan. an who says ha belongs to the estate of W. P. Si.wkion. Said negro is about 5 feet C o 7 mclif-i high about 45 years old.swue guy hair: has trt several ol hht front teeth. The own.-r ia r.(jui-ted io come lor ward prove property and pay charges and lake hint. WM. H ARCHIBALD. Sb'ff. July 30i h. 6m3 Price b,ii5. WAV JOI1M HI'RPiiv IS now receiving from lh Northern Cities au extcnaive and general assortment ot SPRING, SUMMER. FALL & WINTER GOODS, ttViichhi offer tor uuit on good terms. He deems it unnecessary to enumerate the different articles that comrxw th. as siNimenU which upon examination, will be found large and complete Ho tendera his sincere thanks to his riends, fiw the liberal patrooage heretofore extruded to htm, and respectfully requests them and the public generally, to call anri exiinme his Goods, believing Ibattlmee who in so will not rtgret it. will sell 543 Acres Isnd, one t.undrtd of which is exceileat meadow, 31 tnii from Salisbury. Salisbury. September S. 1836 m7 1VI0IIB NBW B0O2ES Just received at the North Carolioa Book 1HITP Via. Barnes' Defence and other Documents Chalmers Works, new edition eT1nil"Uifbl UB ttel,K" Subjects, by Rev: Ths Hebrsw wif. or the Law of Marriaye ma" 10 11,6 ',fo rf dU'", d enl Records of a London Clergyman Christian Brahmin , Riwamond.ora Narrative of the captivity and enfferin, f, tn AmBfictn Kenmle ssder the p0Nh Priesta in the Island of Cuba.wu', a full disclosure of their manners and custom... written by herself, embellished with numerous "PP" plate Engrsvings Wiliimta- Peno, k a Geography and Hist.y Xernoir. of M,. Mary at Elhs. with a portrafi Andrew. .d Susldard'a Latin Grammar, for Ihe use of Vhools and Colleges Penny Magazine, bound and in Nox. Saturday ditto Penny CyclopreJia The Kiblical Atlas, containing 36 Beoariful en. lored map, by Richard Palmer, rev.sed and comiwred with the most recent aulhoritiea, by Oeorge Rush ' New Manual of Pri vate Devotion Bishop White's Memoirs oT Ihe Protestant E ptneopal Church of ihe L Sutea of America lem.nrs of the Rev John Stanford, D. 1 . l.tks in M......I .j n..i... - - --r- K. rbha.n's Essay on Elocetion . r or sale UJ TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh, June 33 - ST0NJ3 OUTTIMO. JOU.Y itOLMIOUSEit. fiYMfm..toM k.willstesr'''1iM jl.iuarry aever miles South olSaliaimry, all kinds of woik in hia line of buninesa. in aa cor reel a atyle and at aa cheap a rate aaeoch work can be done in this country The superior quality of is grit airongly recummfod. his work lo Millers and Gold minera in pann nlar. He promises the utmost punctuality in dldnar hia eo gazemenU. Orders di.-ied to the Post Office a Salisbury will be promptly attended to. Salisbury, Nov. 80 Jif For Sale or1 B' ht. I WILL rent or sell on good terms, my estab lishment a few doors east of the Courihouae in Salisbury, ea Afain afreet. It has been occu pied aa s. Tavern for number of yeara, and might be made one of the ! beet etanda for busi I oeas in Town. I will sell the House sod Furni tare together or separately. Any industrioua, attentive person can make the money out of the House before I will require it. JOHN JONES. N. B 1 will still continue to entertain mr old friends and customers as usual. J. J. X 0HOB AND BOOT MAKING. fTlHE Subscriber ia now prepared to execute M. work in tins line ot Duainena, in a neat ana durable manner, at hia ahop in Mr. Cowans' large Brick Building. The public are invited to givohie work a trial and then determine aa to ita quality. DAVID KERNS. April 3d. I H36 tf40 ccrrroGLss SAMUEL FRALEY. has on hand, and will .xmsUoily keep H aale. Steel and Iron Plate COTTON GINS, containing fnn T'HIR IT to FIFTY SAWS, which he will Homrnt to nerlorm as well aa any in Ihe State. , He will also krepfiir sale Gin Saws of Steel or Iron Plate, of gopd material and woikmanahip. All persons wishing work done in the above line, are invited to call at hia Manufactory in Salisbury North Carolina. Orfer from a distance ahall be faithfully and punctually filled ai the most reasonable pricts pt a. rersiHis having repairing to be done in the above line, are requested to aend it in in due time. S FRALEY. Salisbury, N. C. July 30. 18J6. 3m3 iutrlUtntcarr, t hinak Gla9. IClJVIOVAL. THOMAS) J. DAKBOW 4 CO. HVE reuK-vcd to No. 35 Naseau Street, ' York (next door to Messnt. Doremus, Sunniii jk. IVuon; whole they offer on aale, in Hie original imesirc. or repacked to en it the country trade, large 6w 'eneral assortment of CHINA GLASS &. EARTHEN WARE, omnjiiisiiig many m ei 6uiitul interns Selec- i te1 wnh great care bv ..neol the partners now in England The attention of pnrchsseta respectful ly eu'icited. THOMAS J HARKOW&. CO. No 3V Nassau New - York. New York, II July. I Sib 131. JVOTICE, fri'lEKE ill be ...application niade to the XL I..-XI Geiirral Assemnly of North Carolina, to erne a u County out a pan of Rowan. Thai pan known as the Forki. uf the Yrdktn. MANY CITIZENS. 17. H26. Citizens of Lincoln Count ! We have ririved a inimiuiHtaon fnun hie excel leocy. ihe Governor . f the State ol N. Carolina, (in compliance with an act ot the last General -AswutUly. iitcorpitatirtg the Charlext Mi, I in- cinnali and Lomsvilie Rail Road Company,) to open b'sikalor atibscription of slock, on Monday the 1 7 th day ol October i.xl, for bt),00" shares only ; the hare tG0 each. r.very anuer should subscribe tor one or more shares and all w ho eu afford it ahould subscribe liberally. Onl j5 is to :ra iaid at the time of suhecnbnu, and this will be returned, if there are not 40,1)01) shares sulk-cubed in ail th Mute ut Sooth ami North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohm. . i. . . . . Alter paying tue nrai D on each aliare no more will be required until 40,0110 shares are la ken. . if the pUn succeeds, then payment are to be made only in small tniiis, and ai such king intervals, mat no autwcriher can He put lo any in coovenienee in uwking his Mymmis. , Belom the amount can be called for a sari of ihe R.d, perhaps laUi this county . will be made, ol winch every one will feel the benefit every man will be abl to get hie produce l market. ana procure uis supplies cheaper and quicker than at present, as only 95 ct nts per 1001b can be charged per 100 wiles; this ia the bigbeel price the company can charge. The money sutwcribed will be expended at home there will i an increased demand lor ail kiud ef labor. iih gsf wages, and Markets alimatt ai our door, Lauoa w ill row in value tow us will spiing up along the road, and the whole country be tericrito the union of the South and tlesi, will add to tiie wealth of the whole oountiy Cottnii eaiuio be raised much higher up than Lincoln County, which will command a good price in the Stores ol Kentucky and Onto, if l should not, in Clmilea.on -It will loriu a bono ot uutno wnieh will give saloty to properly, and aecuniy io iur ins'iiuikx.a, and perpeiuale uur happy form uf Uovernmeui. Let Ihe people remeuiber, Ibis may be the last and only opportunity they will bsve to gel shares every man has no a chance of laremg equally well, in all the beiieoiaanri prufitsid the company. II they neglci tbe present opportuni ty ,ihey may never be able lo procure Stock on Ihe same advantageous term. Any autmcriuci, if he cnousee lolorleil his first pay aien p hie -aobscnptiun. The rwkof loss ry small, while iheiraiii may be verv ereat-bv ! advancing a 1 00 a man will secure t hnnif u.- privilege if securing id smiiH m mo oo.npau y which may eventually enable him to realise a clear profit of 1,000 dollars or more. Weteepectolly call on you, fellow citisens I s d.t...4 -.J .s a ' ' " .r??T:..?FwsriajBB whteh will make yuu, Sute great, and prosper- oua, and enrich your children: L.el no inun Mk,. el no man wh. ntwvm coawj ano wianea to improve hia own and his ehildrena interest neglect to enroll Ins name, on the Iwi of supporters, ui this patriotic work, whiob will hand down bis name m' aires unborn. The Books will be kept open Sixty days MICHAEL HOKE. D. REINIIARDT. Ciwsiosra. Lincolnton N. C. 19th Sepi'r, 1836 i 3wll jqn iristi.yg Of every description neatly fJJViioue at Una Oliice. IIVE OP I PACKJ3T3 TO THE Schootiere Caroline an.; Caleb Nichola, Steamer Wilinimrluii. sod tow boa la, Will take measurement Goooa at N. Y oik and deliver them at Favetleville. at the eslabli-bed rates, tree of all other charges. Heavy Gooda will be taken aa above specified except that they will at when the river very lo-v,l aubject to etorage and labor of stor ing, which we trust will be seldom required, as the steam and tow boats are of the newealcoti siruclion and light orauht of water. The GinhIb at Ihe owner'a rik. the same aa in ihe handa of forwarding merchants Freight payable on delivery at F ayetteville. All persona ahipping Goods, by the above line will please hand a liat of ihe Goods shipped to Messrs. Hallett &. Brown, a as to advo me. WILLIAM DOUGAL. Proprietor. W1LLKINGS i BELDEN. Agents. at Fayetteviile. September 3, 1836 if7 FOR SALS. The Subucribtr uff'eri for ! in the Town of saUnbury, on which there i a good with tbe necessary buildings fcc and two per manent springs. If desirable, the water and ait ualiun would be very suitable for builc'iiig. eilhe a brewery or a distillery To any one wiohing to carry on the tsHuing boaineea. thia property would be valuable If not sold privately before the 1st ol next January, it will bo sold then ai publto auction. l'erma Coor! notes at - one, and two years, with interest from the dav of aale JOHN BEARD, Senr. Sept 84. 1936 tflO OTEKTUB LUIOLNTON COURSE. ASVV EEr&IAK S lor colts and Allien ihtee yeara old fast Spring, mile heaie, 50 tluiiars entrance, 35 dollars lorteii, three oi more lo make a race, will be run for tbe day preceding our regular races, which will oouimence on Wednesday the 26ih of October next. Gentlemen wishing to subscribe lor Ibeaweep- siake, can address the aouscnoer at Aiouut Mournt P.t Office, 1 ridel I C S. B. V ALLS. September 84, 1836-5 wlO NOTICE. finKEN op by Tobias Crew, and entered ' JL on the Rsr.ger's Books lor the county of Ca banuson the I bib instant, one stray stud Horse. A sorrel.wm, a while mam and tail. with a -mall atar and amp oa the nose, the rigbihind loot while, tnarka of the hobble roond hia leus. The owner of said stray, ia hertbv notified tort forward, prove his properly, pay tbe charges and receive hia borae JOHN M. MILSTER. Ranger. Cisvcord. Sepi 34. ISS6 S Joseph VV . Klutts i A I LOW, Ffy vKE. this meihod to inlorm the ciliXena JL of Concord and ibe surMunding country , Hint he anil continues lo carry on the I alluring Business, and Hereby atdiciis a shsre of the pal roiiag of ihe public. He confidently assures hia former customers, and all those thai may hereaf ter favor htm. iha' their work shall be done in an-improved etyle having lately received the Faxhion from New York and Philadelphia ac cording to Mr. V ilaon e a siem. and will war rant any garment made in hia Shop to fit. Produce of any kind will be received in pay ment for work Hi customers may depend on his punctuality, the quality uf hia work and moderate cbargre. JO W. KLl'TTS. N B Cuttirg net oi all kinds of garments done on ihe shortet.1 notice J. VV. K. Ctmcord. Sept 10, I8S6 98 Cash for Negroes. . WISil to puichase 40 or 50 Negroes, for . which I expect foua, liberal nricea. Am person di posed to sell, wonld do welltooive m a call, eil'ier in prison or by letter, which will si all times be punctually a tended lo. ,. , SAM'L REEVES Salistmry. .Inly 9 18361151 as Mi m on .YAiitoi:s. fflHE Subscriber will purchase any oombe M. ol likely young NEGROF.S dori,.r next six moniha. for which liberal pricea in cash " sea arvfjiii, 1 Wish all tellers on bnainosa. iiMmuJ me alGermanlon.Stokeecoonty . , , a TYRE GI.RN. July 8. 1835 tRfl TURF ZIBOZSTBH. . 1 ..J" ' .' "Wf pasit tbe same st v" ' aicnmaa or nana ihem to W. LONG. me. R. June 11 tf47 Stop the Hunaway. It i iC,,,. u. ."Tl ,n'irer'b' "Mr . I Z " Sl'Ml lVIV''larwal -MalBreaj'-'---- -- PBTBIl, formerly owned by Jamee Conningham. He ia between forty and fif.y y,,,, M . f , .(uw inh cimiplexion rwmd fare and email eyea. He ia marked with a scar in one of his asm t,;k h? lSf,?"J.lllMi with sesrnlw. underatds of hw hl, which haa not filled op he ha also a email sear on .Kie f hia cheeks, .nd k about five feet, fire or aix inche. in heighl 1 Any one taking up thia negro snH Kging him in jail ordel vering htm to me, ahall be reasons bly compenaaled. ., . . "L'GH CUNNINGHAJb. Liberty Hill. Iredell . N. C ) - June 11th, I836tf47 J BLANK W ARRANI8 F or bals at ttrii Office am LIST OF LBTTZHIS f)E WAIMNG in the PtxtOnl est Coocord J.I. Cabarrus Coenty, Worm Carolina, uoto Utt 1st. 1836. ' 1 Afin. William Allen, Wm. H. Archibald, Benjamin Alexandei t Dr Abram Alexau del f R Mia. H.rah BrsdshaW. C Mies Susan Childera. Sitae Conine, Clerk of County Court, Ibtan Cannon. D R. F. Davidson. E Win C Etumitt. F Jamee Fart. O Rcvd. tiraeber, George Goodman. II Thomas Hjdgion. K -Peier Keppel, or John Keppel, Andrew Korriker. i i;..r7. Little. Levi Lndwkk lM,..n lHeali. En John W. Mearta. Miss Elisabeth Milaier, (jamb Alilion, Edward McCarty. N -James B. Nolly. P Robert T. Plunkel. R- James Riatch, vSsmnel A. Rotlgers. Dsn irl D. Ridinghour, Wm. Rudder, Uavid Iters, Ihua. Ksilill 2. S Tbootva Stephenson, Samuel G. Scott. V To Veitdera of Medicine. W Rev John Wilhoti. James Wallace. C. L Wallace, J. R. We.lH.gton. Y Catherine Yeoman, K.-bert S. I oung Ol las Young. UfcUKUC kli tta, r. m. 312 . LLIsTof letters remaining in ihe Piet Office at Salisbury North Caioliua, Oute Imi 1st. I83C. A R 11 Alexander, William Anderson Isaae Agner, B George Bright, Ann E Prenson 3, Hana ble Brown, Peter Birtleii, T.ce Barring r, A Baggarlv, Kieepb Brown, Sarab J Biuwd. Dr Buigis L Beali, Miss Elixabetb Butler, Jobo Bohiughs, C Elisabeth Cresset, Jsmes Co-1, John Cteroeta, M A Cartia. Joseph. CUffio, barab Cruatp, Geotge Clodlelter aen. D V iliian, Deadmaa, 'l homaa Deadman Gconre Duke 8. J Le Ray Davie. E Cap'. John Elhibe. Joahua Edwards, Dauiel Earnest, John Eigle. Christina Eller, F Fulton Lodge 3, Jamrs Filipa. Lewis r rah-j, G Jesse Gillean, George Good res n, H Chriateoy Harris, Henry Honk. A lex an der M. Haden, Anrtrew llarnll, Thomas F Hampton, Samuel Hutialcth, William Hicks, J Jamee G Jeflr y, Joeeph Jonca. K Francla L k iii-iinun J & Keimoihy, Ab aalam Knox. (John K Keaih, Michael Hiclaik.J James Keatb, L Mra Margaret Long, Alley C Locke, Robert E Love, Mat ha B LorLe, Peter Loug. Samuel G Linn, James Lvnclt M John wallro-jr. I'iiacal Miner. Wm Match, Mrs Ellen HcLetid Janb Millr, Rev Julio' U atyer 3, Nelson H jaiseiihamer, Forest mimuk, Japtha Morns, Lewi. McNefly, J j Miuiheil, Mr MacKmxie, Carol me McCuooaiigbey , O Jane Owens, Y William H Phillips '1 homaa Preston, Chaa J foMsni, R leavi Roads, Ellen Raxtee, Green B Red win. W illtsn 4 Re.der, S Alex SnyaM 3. V illiam T Sturk, Nana E Sollian, George S Miaw' Daniel Smith, William Stewart I hi mns Smith, 'I H Snow, Jacon Shu f bmr, John C Smith, William Sims, F B Sbep- pard T Frederick Thompeon 3, J.sse Tatnm, loha Troti. (Abaalam or Charles TbomaaJJohn homas, VVhitson I ay tor, W-Anderson VV.IU 9, C W Whtttemore, G-orge Wilhelm. Zll VNilliama, William D Wwsieoo, Hugh Welch. SAMUEL REEVES. P. M. Look iiere I IV i.VV GOODS! ALLTEKY CIlEtP. A U SlUKIIVt fhg lave to ml rm his friends and the public, that he has just opened laig and handsome stock of ATetv and 4 heap GOODS, FO THE Fall and Winter Trade. The above goods having neen purchased in New York, and Philadelphia, entirely for cash, and from the very latest importa tions, will l e sold fof cash, vt on snott credit lo pmictnal rustorneis, ss low ss any goods can be sold in this section of coun- HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF Fw J .VI V A W Oa?l E TIC DRY GOODS HARDWARE AND CUTLERY Queenstvare and Croeerie II 19 friends and the public are invited to call and see. and judge for themselves. All kinds oj Country Product Sought at th market price My Jrienda will receive my grattful thiinkt tor pael tavomti and r.j . . -ii . r -.pumm win oetparta U a' continuance nj thote favour Salisbury, Oct 8. 1836 4 wis : potns will btanartd jZ-' I - . .. 'wmwmr- Sft. IISll seal Vi ANGON HOUBB. Jtnes O. Vash F ESPECTFULLV i.kM .k.i r m 7, - - "" '"" to ZTJ'm J,,b,,.r:. lb.V .? bM 1 i , L . " "Ml"11 " 'bove Ea- tauleuInen wnit n oe has placed under tbe entire msnsgement and eonlrrl of Mr ::rr rPhVm who ... oe nappy , , o(J lowers of tbe Establishment, and Ibe public generally IVaduborougk Sept. j, mtuil T'ctJs": Germin Bollini - m., ytotne ol n very superior nn.i.i. a .-i. 3Ump ) W - M .. . n W-HAEL BROWN .Mibury, Oct. let 1386tflO ' ' m ipsiiyTcnsoN WILL be re opened In Salisburt- - by leave f Providence, stake it her p:iiictt!i mess to promote tbe improvement w t,niH pi Is eomiuiiied to her care. Haviu lrewentSsuimer, had a 'ne ved oppnriUuni 'i serve the. pr igrew uf E luuation at tbs N M pledge horselfio the public, Is -essWl school (wuoiiier. ireMpecta iu gofr0il'5 lusirucliou upon ihe must approved to spare no pant to make the KaiwiiJTrJ'i nary, a place ol tuatruction lit feoialee iuf to similar iiisiuuiiona iu any puriion uf tti li ted State. N TERMS OF ADMISSION. TULST OZJLSS Cmtprising Mental. Mural a.,d Ni.m.t t J llthv. Cheilllell. ILrfiin. f n,rH Astronomy , nistury , UompoatUou, Geumctrrii' lit bra, &v. lice. Per. Seasios Second Clag Readinx, VVriung, AritbmeUc. Gram.. . Geography, fer Session flO Extra Branches. Moaic, per. session i'rofeanof '.ek., French Language, do a to m Drawing and Fainting, do Embroider r Lace and Ornamental ,U-i J beautiful palterns per session 5 wf Psrents are reepecifully solicited lo dn. iJ oaugniers mil plainness, ano to dilecl k. cuurcn tuey wpta mem o auena N . B M iss Herniar.ce, from the vicinitt Jul i . ma ij muy , w mi assist mm. nuicniauS). September IT, I8. H9 Administrator's Notice. fllHE Subscriber tsvug taken net bums' - aommisi ratnt w-tri tie win anniirti .i . ........ . r i i j . . i oe raiatv ui ..lis. csrail f leiloenKUl, Ler nonce loan persona mdebtes lo the mm. come lorward and make aettlen at : situ, J thiwe Having i iaime'on the same, to 'ieetiliri (property asirtcultcaied,) within theuas :i ..j i i j. r Wiiotni aj law, A. J I EN PERSON ... Admr.tvm 2 tat eviiM Sept. 10 1836 tlb . 'G3Vlio will go to Texas ?J 31 siirs a . I i it ii i s wis it j it rtjtnnr . i LHnq hsi ii an'li i s.d by n.e. w.'h h mi. of Mhj GEN IiCNI. anagin ir cniern . nun ties in rm i auiirs i i n and enroll voluntrer mi rants to 1 LX ik will conduct such as n ay with to to y.!' that Republic, about Ihe 1st of Ocu.xr liel', the expense of ihe Republic ol Tt xaa PJNC K N EY II EN DERM Br g Gen. of ihe Texiao Aia) j Aug 37.1836. Look out Tailors. fi'IlERF?. ia a fiiai rate atiuaiMm io tba Mi Jl ol V iikesauru , N C, for a first raisbs lonahle Tailor who understastls bis busea.' snd who will note well tectnmesded atb s man of indstr.ousand abstemious bahia. ml who m ealenlatre lo carry on a shop. . Tl n at be bowse snd board gut on omi terms Fur information, apply at Pedes aiid kl;l Store, V ilkesbornogh, ti C. Oetober I. 1836 4s 11 ife. Julia 4en B'ln.-le, haa left st hed and 'boaril without any rrv lion whatever, snrl ha been fi tnitiiu; abimi Ins placeiopUee, (snd part icularly among Missj tellers) Now. I hereby forwsrn all persnet ra conveying her trout place !u plae, tradinjr aia her in any reap, ct whatever, barburiiif, fry ing or einfaliiig her in any av, sniler tbe p ally of lbs law in such cae made and pro'-sJci CAMPER BRING I.E. October I, 1836- 311 SALISBURY, Beeswax per lb. 16 a 17 cts. ; Brandy, kf pie per gal. ii a 30 ela ; Cotton per lb (a aet:d 3 via ; Cotton bagging per yd. U su.; Coffee perib. 16 a 18 cla; Caatmjpf lb. 4 a 5 cts ; Cotton yarn, Imni No 6 u N II, l 62 a I 87 eta: rVaif.ers per k J0 cts Floor per hi 6 4)0; Afi heat per busk. W vrata per MiMiei xu eta Lon per bosh 4v cs Iron per lb 6 a ets ; Lead per lb 8 a 10rt Molasses per gal. 75u j Nails per lb 9 i M ets ets eis Beef per lb 0 a a eta ; Bacon per lb H Butler per lb 194 cts i ard ner lb Ii , omnyvr utisnei bl 23 els: Bteel. A01r csn blister, per lb. 10 ctei KmtIi h do. net' SO cle : Caat do PetC lb ib s St cts ; ff pei eta lb 131 a15 eta : Run. .t.n..L.. I irnl aanaee an si Mil rUn iter lb W Tajluwper lb 10 eta ; Tow-linen PfJ 16 a Sill eta: H .i it 50 Portuiral ,),,. i 50 a ft 7 cis i Claret peigai s a I 75 eta; Malaga. r" 5- 9 i vvntsaiy prr gal. 35 a 40 eta. CIIERAW. RuaC safe 'm.I.. .. Ii m . WW uf . ' Z "T IK I FTi l, 14 C'H: llSlns du. 14 IK nil. Uf per n 18 a 20 cu ; Batririnir ner yard l cm ; Hale t per lb a Hi 14 cts i C pf- lb l it a 16 da, Cotton per 100 lbs 1 l vunr prr niidhet 7 a fw ela from natrons orr hrt 4M nn a t.nm ...... mr brl. 9 OOa 00; Iron ir 100 lbs 45 f)0 a 6 ,H Molaaees per ga) 45 a 65 cla Wsileetrt aw ed per lb 8 1 2 a 9 eta : VVmsght do. per lb "1 ijim M l WW l Rice per 100 II r . 00; 3u(arperlb.. lS . s lietaaltl' ,r ? '" rmsier pr b If) eie ; Ta ri ' " l Tea Imperial p.r lb II S5 . I 571 c, "y pr Ibfl a I 35cts : 'Jobscco ma"- 'cl0ro P"' '"10 a 15 cts. . FAYETTEV1LLE Brandy, peseb 60 a 60. Do. A pole, 40 a Baew prlb 131 a 13; Cotton pr lb 141 i 151 Coffee pr lb 131s 141; Flour oh). 1 3 4 ' r laxeeeo pr pn l 85 a 0 00; Festhersprlb"" 45 Corn pr ouab 65 a 70 Iron prlb 5 a 6; M laaaaajAw net S S am. . s , . si ..elaTt . "r u; nails cut ,7 a o K awlioO a 80; Sugar prb lOlaltl; T les 8 17; Wheat pr buah $1 th I Whisk p ' t,OMWx a 33 BLANK DBDDS JW 8ALE AT tUliOFFlC

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