Ill J . fa' j -tffcfc k : 5 . M7..kinit f ailKi a! Ida ntirh i ? fbtnan Ensured f alUs ffihev ti A .' it :' t - - I .1 ' ' :1 1 WSON WHITE. s for Preslqcnt, -' 'i J 1 ! si . i ;t p.onifiniMr.p. ind CimiiriPTinv ft ,,t RHV?'W- l lp Ve.oae liwc vjuisapjRquMju iBigf. H L. 11 L.LL VjL.-ie '.Ci w :" . i. J'! tioj 'had r j if liienvaicnnian anau ...inereKve, 0W wipe ka f liKiger to come 6u i 'on UMnmoo f 'pt-r F hope. JMir frienas will i Li ii birJ t$ possible if the deficiency: They ifift fl remembf r that gejPtieaaan iciau in imrne- iii j . .t '-I ' ' ' i'S.-i I 1 . i .. r- A .-;, i r ! iTORNMrVENTl ' H' ;'!tIIE1STATE.I" ' f j f trt ffi nntiaaed some I time ado that areat ! l-dixitr prevaiiec .among tne inieiiigcm ; iOoricqiaia.oipe im,. jne. propriey j 'jlifc aeitLgi8ltMre adopting the 3-5 &, 1 jpnocrplerj But -, we I bad no idea of the ,l,m d Which this iioanimuv DieVailed; -e oefltiooeidi in our Iwt, the blacritv eqd li aiih liuh the urihciole was recora- 1 Ufid b?:iije' ICbhVeittion', ": 'w.Hich I lately' if!j sat in tfus t Vv n j VVe bVe qo dou bt, liSatihe citiztna wljo will assemble at yibioVjM3iUf oX tbi8 month, will !' ijlb much fbrce on the aUention of jtli'leraby ;jTe J people every vwjhere abi up the matter with fervor : tbey Va to euibrare this idea wit h joy and 'l.-je-ilh 5oj Mutgat last a mode is pioin- fjj bin for iieif rt sc ue 'from a life of h pi bin for ei rtsc ue from a life5 of fun JtA lifilr-twitb joy that thvy can be be- p io uxK-opnn lue nome oijineir Doy y ti tleiabldid place 'for lifeand h R 4ttberhancei forfjibeir children. ! Jfllri' iflf Icpfifidence w ith tkhh The this had :4te arU on is bailed, has already J -i i i . -i : - aDle t-flict on the prospenly of t this at oi country : Property in' this tbwny id bi! hitberto oeen considered as a I . ii i. ; : i .. r v 1 : --j , pifttff, hai already fisen in value. A jiu wii( uau n an r 111 1' t i ,! ; 1 eI . ' j i.f l - ue, ordered; it out, sutiug as a leasbn. rcejyed land whs about Uuj rise in 2 T)ne House and tot in tbi4 place ,wiu mi iao,uuu ; auoiner one moiiiu cAforioJi,! since tiien SloaV was f- jot it, pweive; rjipiutis abb! almost aher jrnati in ihw ntigb'.oiiiotMl was !rbng.ibViu mJ)riii4 to t iej VVest; p j cabrcarce I liear! the subject inen- lweieshu ting bur eve i to the r,of thWs. uit to aitnbut i much if I? bole of .t iis ludden I enVficial iui iniuuio wiiicu ias oeen uiT" -it spirit of Improveineut. ft ftiereriaiilicipiUon'of a ; becinnyig, ! luch beneficial results, what may t tptd froiri :anactual coinn 'ft.'vyrk an oiir direction? i Ince- i IVhat . w?'irill be fused into the exer- tlfcringjc iss, when money ; o tojbe diffused ralbncf the: now frbm tolFayettev; ille 'thMond kaiUtbat the iide rbf wbf'ginning tb flow, and uuless Mi' action, ibr rather the su- islature, it will bear oor: ane Jii hlii uoh its swelling bosom: i t'tjiiwould 'respectively address oo members ect of the Legis- tlUjron vt ne. The crisis of nur j51!! Hit i iff j. lonlhk ands IS' adopting ea JM3t measure; which seems-eve- led by your constitu- mte your so yes and- the char- f tewhich fbu represent; you If with Irene wed energy"; tilftlnatry;ad trade almost et ra'ijM incipient i J'7p froab ottr y ouiig hopesv and . iuSffl'tMp a bbpelese despooden- JPt-r-Uan you ht.tM t .n t. kkj?VM Wo caU your attention pertinent arguments :con ?ort of lhe comoiuee that ; ii '"t.,.i ' - i i ' h A : r 1 1'i't recommended this proposition, lo oor.hto owe hi election entrrely to 'the circumstance bf C&euuoa wyarcTpubi:.Mimog the spl!inff Cttteffe - I3toe?-.i J si , 1 k: w..irt it, .Ui -'Vato.d bu tco the Vanoitw . ml tu n to the fact, thai there is little likelihood oJlibe surt which- will be in our treasmy on Igrr Januarvj peing f xiiausicu in a nura- bff w jHJi innhscripiion? ari'ljpiyrnenta 'of 2 5ihs: kf course, the paj merits from, the Stali treasury i I keep pace -wttli those of we know that these latter individuals ; and j will be only required in such instalments as 114: convenience of the subscribers wil! jus tifil Spjose 4then, that our share of lhe public deposit ei shall be only bnL million, there is no danger but that it will answer for several years to citme in -making good the pledge of the State in this case made. Should however, f individual , subscriptions and : payments bvergo ,oor , calculatibos, Utri iezperitnent shows how easy it is L tor , :ii tr i . - the State to raise any amount of money, sh ; . . A : --4;-. , t- ' Li , ' may, want on the pimple reliance of her credit. Welhave little iSo'tibt out the stoc'of itself, whicii she miiht have in buMic underta king! could! h: disposed of or pledged ! lor mien la pu rpose w ith great rea d in ess. ; If it iali -ilia anafvprpft llhnt mtt mn tiffJealtffd rrn i dv iuo general uovernmeni lor mis money, i-; '"hi , i i i ! u -? ly iuru bitiuiiu ic itj piaiu UIC rpaxrin tfifri In invpitt lhia monpv in ? Jil ! ed il for .crl.ini.r.j! nd ,r paj.og lhi de- '''lsftM'thit'fsucfi will be the character of tncsei&locKs, we nof a no wuer prima tacie pruoii inau-vi luai ; luuiviuuais uarc ; 3 51 of it j , -y- ; .! ' Itfi it.8hou W be said, we ought tb; devote portion of this money to the purposes ofed- uratlort, we?ply that the very best wa to serve ine-causH of education, wrUbe to m- ' i I' :.- . ' i- i ' .i : '-, veBtithis money in such n way: as to make -v ii v i .-rr '".". -r- ' v- : - the profits a constant source of revenue; by thicbme, they" who are friend l th4 causfeaii do much better than to bestow the mbtiev at once ou ome institii- tion which wouiii last no longer wan ;tne fundj toij liiighi last, out of which it was suppur- ten. j-jj r - ; jr - ' 4 ' . There eeemslo us no solid objection to tbe adoption of this great preliminary prin ciplepfit least for a tew years' to coiner j ' It will kind in lieu of a more elaborate sys tern iof . mterdal improvement: it must safe lcr thn State, for it wilt have the keen aightei protection of self-interest, in indi viduals which: is better security generally, than the msf pru lent sagacity in legis latures. it "will do '.Vast good for this com monwealtb,and seems to be most anxiously deraarifded by 'the people: we then ask most ft f '1 - . t- n I" - - 1 - ! emphatically, if the General Assembly can have the heart to dash all our hopes by i a refusit to adopt the system? Ml . KAIL RUAD SURVEY. F r :i i if We parted with Major McNeil in so ranch confn8iin the day after the jConven lion adjourn ed, that we did not learn from him precisely! the time when he expected to begin the survey Be tween Kay etteyi lie ''and the Yadkin : but we have lib duobt of its ttng done this Fall. Whe ther he will be able to get farther thanthe Yid kui Wfore bpririg,we think doubiful. .Hovvever, asjwe have no charter for a ' greater distance, ii will rioj matter eo moeh. i Esti mates from one. of whom GoV, llayne says,- he has. more exjieri errce Jn custrpctirig Rail Roads than any man in ihrilUiuied taiett or perhaps Europe, will doebtlefta hare grHat weight with . our Legisla ture. ' There are other cuvuuutances jvhich at tach great importance tq the opinions of Major McNeil hnsidfa his being most eminently ae eoinplifOied in fits prufeasKtn. k Hi attachment and deVotiou lo his tfaiive S'.ale, has erinced iu self in 'the alacrity With which he quit alf hi4 oiher iinploymfiits (some.. of them of. Ibe intt -Urgent, character) and hasteued hither at the very 'first . intimation that' his ' services would tie acceptable. The modesty and caution h ith which lie lengaged !in the rfeliberatiis of the Cojri venthwi at this plare the generous con -fidence and perfect freedom from selfishness irtith which he entered into our views, entitle him in a high degree ti:ur raditude and respect. He is, in s Wrd,asfpertcilyia North Carolinian i t fefini,U if h is abode was still iihe hanks of the tape Fear, where be was bornl VVe hail hitii as a .most: imporUnt aquisiiion fcr his native j State, and if sheVwill only be true Jo herself,, we could .venture tu vouch that this uoblH minded son of hers will not be wanting in the hour of hei need. ; i -m j . ! t -Gtwgia EUtticmfe have .obtained; th result 'in 71 ouuniis, which shows a gain in fa tor of iHe Slate Right's parly of mon . ihanjtwrt thousand ; The majority tor the S R. Ticket isr only about 800. iuid very probably as we have always i been iij formed) the Union Ticket for Congress will be elected, j But when lhe Presi f deniial jlectiim shall cotne oo Judge Whie is just as bertain to obtain the vote of GKrgia as he is of Te;ineasee . If it were not for Nullification, these Van Buren adherents would have been knocked! into the middle of next . year, u When the issue shall be tried, simply between I White and Van Baren, in which his anlHrn phantasm cannot enters woe's me! where will lhe juggler 1: Sotdh Carolina IfY. electron in Charleston is the )oiy! One that created much interest in the State. ;tlenr L Pinckney" received 217 majority in lhe city, which )as diminished to 145; in; pjhe parishes? heard front Jt. John's re mained ;io heardfrouj: that can give about S0O votes, find it is thought t be quite uoaninous for Legareif lhe pfobability is therefore, that Mr. Lcgars is eleciedThe Slavery quest i.n;as the only ooe made in this election J. R. Huin sett; is elected tu the State Senate by a large majority; over! Mr. Mazyck. - "''' "i ItjThe Georgia Courier of the 4i h, Wya Mr. Piocknej i is elected we think it 'still doubtfur f i- if - r' I Fcnaripanta. Messrs. Sergeant and Toland (Whig) are elected to Congress from the Jetty of Philadelphia; by a majority of about 2400 over the spoilers. What a change from last year.- Pavnter fV B) we learn. has beaten Satberland (V B) in the I suburbs. N Ttus Hon. genOaban ; lure is ajiml 3 to 1 one of the Btnetettn: his gone io and qualifier others it i3 thoahl would uke a hint fnm (he polh of their cuonties1 sod Hu likewise: J What a pour figure these anarchy men cat onderlhis rebuke of the people, i , Arkanxat. Messrs. Sevier and Fultua have been electwi to the Senate of the U. S: the first unanimously, the other terv nearly ho.PM : ii'U s:i;: ihii jpoiis! siM jM We have been for some time past fearful that' the late triumph in North Carolina had produced false security in, the tyiiig w hich may prove disastrous to our ru9;iects This impression has been . strengthed by la ter developements: we have taken no bains .to organise, wmie our aavcisartes are pre paring for action with 'systemitic industry nd untiring zeal. The j subjoined 1 tier gives us an inkling into theirj;tactics:i tbry t nave not only appointed t'teir drill t ergeauts to appear with tickets at . every election ground in Diorta Uandina, but they have manufactured per order' ' v tissue of the most grossly deceptivV stuff, in the shape of a pamphletfihd ient tfientr'abrod io itiioul sands to be. used and enforced by their lajpi yomicu aenisor uit party., , iviiiie out : m f ; a mt m : ' ' a i - ! sunning comumtee has not stirred a finger tor counteract a ruff ex ptS9t these' cunning machination: they have noteven replied tc this deTusive pamphlet. That we'jal loose tretneiidously for the . want oTsinul suvh preparation, ( and that oiir advenUnra will gain grwatly by ttiir systematic opera-! lions is most manifest VVhv was it f tfe-ttl t he upoi iers .'aek nb w ledged t hemsel vt-s bat ! eK? wny is it that many still give up ami Siiyi tbey have no hopk ? Clearly enouh itl is; tb stenl a march on. us lit November. -Teir f. - - ir- - I j is lauonous pr paraiion miows tfus: and shall be criminal if . by lukowarmne 1 apathy we Ibiego the .fruit! if the - nob victory that freemen ever won ov-r mercen 4 aries. Lt our men then sound the alarm iireveijf county: let tnir strength be brought button ldih oV November and xoe shall beat them into an asronu. lift cvwv WaruH nearieu wnig consider himself a special . .,r. . . V : 1 agent to stir up his neighbors and march with them to the polls in the name of lif eny aiid the Consti lution. Let . e very Whig Press in thejState prepare and send fort'i. tickets to the "atlioiiiing .Countiey. They ought to be paid, it is true: but whetb eror hot, we must flood the eotiiitry With Whig tickets, tor fear of the trick of pulrnr. ing one kind of tickets for aniither, ii tllft less cautious, let our Ticket be headed io conspicuous Letters thus: i !! . TlE WHIG TICKET if Against the (tArcus-iAoiNST ABOt i . i i lition Against Office HuntersOf fice Sellers and Office Buyers. M JOIL GlliES. of Rowan. W.J.ALEXANDER, Mecklenburg. JOHN M. MOREHEAD, of Guilford. JOHN L. LESEUR, of Rockingham, AND. MITCHELL, of Wilkes ! J. D. TOOMERr of Cumberland. CHARLES MANLY, of Wake. WILLIAM W. CHERRY, of Bertie. I ALFRED' WEBB, of Rutherford. JEREMIAH PEAR8ALL. of Duplin, j WILLIE PERRY of Fronklm. JAMES 8. SMITH, of Orange. i BLOUNT COLEMAN, of Lenoir. JOHN L. BAILEY, of Pnsquotai.k. J O. K. WILLIAMS, of Beaufort Here is the precious general order from Brigadier General William H. Hiyvuod of the army of the faithful, to the Captaihs of hundreds, and Captains of til lies, anti Captains of tens throughout ail North Cat-j oii: Hear it. I ; Raleigh, September 20i 1830., ; DEAR SIR : li is rrocciiuiJy Huggeeu4 you, to consult! witu eonio ot our political triejiUb in your county, and adopt a pin like the li lowing, in retereuce u iiiv i'. w una) Ewcuoii, viz : ' - ' ': ' 1st, Pnivide yourselves, at once, with tickets llir Republic:u ; Atiuod.siraiiou Eieciors of and Vice Prrs Jeii!, sulboidui fur all the c unty. ' jj ; 2d Designate some two or more respectabh persons to attend euch el ciin. ui 1 0t t Noveiu oor, Willi hjiUntifui supply qf' tickets H dJ. Let eicu penc il s . t &ioaied procure ht quota' oi tickets wunout oeiy. aud let them promise to b present n the day ot eecU:tn,k tlie place designated - and be men who will keep the promise J This plan can be executed very easily, if some inrJueiiutai men in eacti couoty miu maaei uiuvrutenl in it ; and uniuhs sinne out person will uudeitake a, we may have reason to com piaiu alter the election, tiiat tne people did not nave me oppruiooy oi uung. r - p j The opposiilou Uave uodouot arranged some such plau to circulate their tickets Thus the people may be supplied with tickets on both sides and a lair expression ot tne public will, is all thai we destia.i ' !;;..'.-''.."-'-; " t For the purpe of obtaining your co operation, this communication is audressHi to you by order ttT ihe Committee appoiuied u advocate the" e- iectioa of the Republican caudidates. Van Buren SLUd JohlSOn, , Be pieased tvseud an early answer ; Wm. H. HAYWbOD. Jr: Chairman, f .7 P. iS.' A copy of this letter is sent to tbe tai; lowing persons in your biuuty besides you, vis1 : i .liana -Monk and her awful disclosures- Col. . t fciotie of frew lurk, , ibe diUo goished Eoiior uf the Commercial Advertiser, ttiutself a Presby teriao and a suud cbrisuau, visited tiie Hotel Vieu Wumtery i Montreal, and examined lhe, premises wan leisure, aod w lib every opportunity uf forming a comet coot elusion, and ne.magnimimurisly oiimes forward to disabuse the public mind of one 6l the rankest imposttioos that modern -guliiUiitr ever, niroa'r ised. He proves that Maru Mouk neer could have been inside of this Nunnery is totally tgf nor an 1 ot every important aparuueoi i" the ouiidi ing and its environs, aud that her whold book is a liejrotn end to end V - After comirg to tuts coociusioo, tbe fnenus of Alalia Mooe insisted j on bis conversing; with her and her voucher Miss iaudge, wbicU he md : but utM ; fcterview enly exposed the fchaltowness and baenpss of j these female contrivers j the more glaringly, in a word; Col.' S mn e has tluwed Maria Alunk and her awful disclosures, with I j r '"one, in Daneemlw cbnnty, her hired txpusi facio witness, tktfhigk. Any V tln'Jill and B S j P,rier', to Earfsnlle, one who wishes nt to be ashamed f hia specii aParlnborg District, SJ. C? 50' miles and back ought to Se rejoiced at the Texplasioa f thW Wff I t ! '' , ':'" : : J i Limestone every Mondar at jfi m The spoilers think they will steal a tnareh upon the Wtpg pity and take them napping in November : so thought the Devil, jwhpn he caioe around ' Saint Dunslan's Rlarlf- raiih anon, and got .himself taken by 'the' nose wiwi a-pair oireu no pincers. f i. 4 1! . 1 - - - , e - i The Georgia Courier, a smart sort'bf W'V.n jBurer paper aays soppose either White br Harrison are( chosen, of what compleiioa will khelr Cabinets be ?j-p'aweri. WpiT. - Now quest ion for question in fa hr play. 1 Sap- fejoor Aoolitifjb candidate for President with rtHir ajnais7iuiaun IJti. Tor Vica be rhin ? p.' a---;;-. i In ' Concord on ondav ibe 17th Inst. LO- UKNZO MERRIMAN.aged about S3 years, ,miuiv-ij vi , aivivuty lODliecilCUl DO I lur SeV' era! jrears pist a resideofbl that village. 1 f' In TuscaKxia, Ala.of okiWestive fever, on the 24tbfofSeptember.!Mr.JOHN S: GORMAN. itirtaerly of fUleijh, in the 44th year of his ace. tie was an auecuonate husband kou parent, genevw reliiiive, accomuiodaiing neighbbri and waun-nearieu triend . ?-'- , t , .' i. k j , , .. . i, 1 i . PROPOSALS. 4 i f ng the mails of the United States 1 st if February . 1 8i7 1 to the 30t b 170 R carry JL'CtWth tit J t(ie," 1 HtJ! oil "the. following post routes in North Caroli a, vill be Received at this Depart ment imul thf 8th day of OeceuUwr neat inclu sive, lUb de:ided ofi.lhe 12tU day ot said mouth, fhe cn tract i are'lo be exculeil by the 16th day uf 4-fiuaij nekt.'and the service is tb com mence on theHlstaayuf Februarf, 18i7. north Carolina ! ' . 2196 Fro(ii Wminn by Gales Court House anu5uuDury to lL, Jrntoii. 5o miles and back once m, wek.r t . i I lifaye. Wintuo every Thursday. at 10 a mt ar- r i ai.rdeinjio next day by 8 a m I v ; Liye tidefp ton e Very Friday at 10a m, arrive r-WTwiou iidki dy by 8 a m j I r 2197 FrouM liHiisbur by Lemay's ! Cross R44s; VVtliott, Mcyaue s Sure, ', Wellborn V J ieeting House, Ur4 Mountain, and Turner a iilLH to .ruuu, 55 miles and back once a vetkjV ji f ;j i. J. -; J '.; . j.. L-aire Louikburg every Tuesday at 2 p m, ar- riveai.iouibourg pexjt day .by rp ia. 4 -s. Leaye liii24 .oo eyyryVVedoesday; at 2 p m, : r live at JLnuisbi tieit day "by 1 p m ' r 5 iWH e to i uiet:oa.o(o by i'homp4ooa Store 4iiu Uvui l;iH'Uiatitu.looresviIlei in Or ana e ckuui, iutlrsaiid back once a week! ! ! -every VVejiiesday at 6 a ib. afitvw at Atjjooresviiie same uay by Lp m I Leave lojres iIeery Wednesday at 2 p 10, afriv at UfcensboTo sauie day by 9 p ui ty rruiuj .union oy rgeantsville and ;Bcit Neil's store to iUwtiiisoorsr. in R.jckto- tiLitt'ci'Uitiy , tic utiles and back unce a week. l.eae uaipu very Wednesday at 6 a m, ar te at tt.t A mi bur, saiU( day by 7 p m iinave ti4vhn;uury every i uesoav at 6 a m. rrtveAi -.iliiiiii day 7pm r rom aiS'nry oy iount Pleasant, in arrui youuty ; to vcouru's 9iore,iU Aleck ji.ituig odiiijl , J3'ii4iits aud back ouce a week Jut a.t- iu Injury eiery loUrsday at b a vr- Cutoulhj dtufe usxt day by 12 uooo f -"Liave Ctii4Vs iStore 'every Friday at 2 p m, :-iive at ddUhbur) next day uyJ2 uooo TiUl Front rJuiiauiaVbioketo county, oy Vien ok'; OiMilt's I'erry and Doweiilovv u to iia.uptou- Hi) imlis dwI back nce a week ivt. every Friday at 10 a m, ar- t- d) iiuaj'iiouvtile auie day by 6 u m L.t-ae iiiiupioiiwiile every 5a tu id ay at 5 a hi rtv at Lf;iiaota, suiu day by 1pm r rtUu L.iUle X adkui, blokes county, by to v iiirt. li'tifea a auu jotinsJU VieiUeut a ii.cki.rdi flirty county, 20 utiles and back L.iitve ijitle Yadkin every Wednesday at 2 ui iriivt ai ttookiord same day by b u m Leave Rckiord every Weduomiay at 7 am. afr.fe at Lttue xadkm same day b v 1pm liK,6 ..u uennanton to L.ittle xaflkio, 8 iaiit s anu uju'iv-ouceaiweeK. IticiVK German ton every Friday at 9 a ro, ar rile ai Little Vadkin same day by 11 km ' . t i 1 ' . Leav LlttiejVadkin every Fnday ai 1pm, at OiuiunKin same day by 3 p in . r I -i204 FrUn Mocksville to Huutsvilte, 15 miles dtid oalk owe k! week Leate -tiocksvdJe every Thursday at 1 p m, arjue at HoulsvillH same day by b pm (Leave Huntsville evtry Thurnlay at 6 am, .rritb at :loCkvilie same day by Ham Williim CUVs, Buffalo, Joshua lieam's, Rushy Creek. Hamilton s Store, and Webb's, to Rbiberlordbin, ,45. miles and back once a week OUeaire Fills? tile .eyryj Friday at 6 a m,; ar rite ai Kuiherfordioii uexi day by barn ,1 lleve RJherhlrdioii every baturday al,9 a arrive at Faltbtrilie uext day by 10 a m 220b; From BeaiHestord by Sherrifslbrd and riikevitJe, tu Fisher's, S3 miles ouee a week ; reiurniiig by Eavesvilie the ueigb Uirhood ot rhotnas LJ May s, amf ttte Ury Foods.' . 'Leye Ueitifcsiord every Tue day at 6 a m rrtve at Fisher's same; day by 6 o at . Leave Fisher's" every Wednesday at 6 a m arrive ar Buatiieslord same day b v b p m : . 12207 Frun i,bmiin$ooss 5 tore to Jefferson, M ttiilea and back: once a. week i t lustra T.unttnAin'a StoA hvmit Wfld needs. at 6 a m. arrive at Jeuerson same day by 4pm ? rf ,' i"r . . : . . 1 1 Le4ye Jefferson every 'l hureday at 6 am, ar rive at Touilinsoo's feiure same day by 4pm l From Moigauton, up. John's rirer to ifohbMusiis, on WaUBga, in Ashe county, 40 milfcH and back once a week '. !, . i i . 1 Nt Leave ioigantbn every Thursday at 6 t o, arriveat 31ost's same day by p m , : : - Leave post's every Friday at 6 am, arrive at juorgaoioo same day oy pa j - : 1 2209 From Frahklm, in Aiacon county, down VaUey. river, by Huntington, to Clarkesville, Haterbam! county, Georgia 45 miles and back once rweeav 3 , ' Hi; ' - " " 1 - la'ye Franklin every Monday at 6 a m, ar ttve itvjlarksvujs nexttday by o a m t lieaya tyiarksvtilo every luesday at 9am il2 Fibm Franklin, N. C. byJametynie I22fv r mm iriayafiitAre, re, and Huntingdon, to BJaifSville, tik'.'AB miles and back imm a wMk ' i 1 I ' Leave Franklin every Thursday at 12 nooo ar rive at Blairsvilla oext day by 7 p m ; j t - j ILeave Blair viUe every Saturday at 7 a m. atriveat Frankltrt next day by 12 noon ' ; 221 1 f torn new CJastle by Trap , tlilJ, ! m Wi'iktb county; to Gray son Cooit 'House. Va. 43 pities aud back once a week l h tt-K- I flLeavd ew' Castle t every Toesdiy at 6 a m; arrive a G rayaon . Coon House same day oy a p m ! Leare Gray son Court House every Wedncs- 1 day tt 6 a I by 8 o m a, arriTe tt New Cistle eaae day fcy -f 8- rf v K Lave Earlsville ePrv Tn. c . L ar- "T woe uay ny 4 d m L.tewellin's. iisirV SLit-iii...--M.T.t Belhs the Anson Gold MineffiK' to Diamond II.U. SO u,il ack , week "'J"?aoro every Vedoesday at 6 am arrive at Dtamond llul same day by 4 p m 1 JIf Si? ,"r flursdayatiS a m r"n same uay by 4 p mf) li PhillipV. and Phans aniMcNeiP, sW, to jw (uivic to nines anu oackonca a week ' , leaveCarthaa e,ery Monday t 7 m m. ar nve at Ty soo a Siore tame day by .'11 an3 arrive at Carthage same day bv 4nm 11 : Leave Tyson Store every Monday at l p m. vrinafi same oay at 4 pof p J2215 From Washingiun to Durham Creek, 2?milesan4 back once a ' Week .1' 'J. Leave Washington every jThorsday at j p m, arrive at Durham creek the sania day by 8 p ra Leave Durham creek ever Friday at i$ am: arrive at vvasningion same day by i p 221C From Newbern to Jame4 Wew m ??s oil Prav riyerin Craven county; 25TinUea aud baci once iBww!niiiTFrT a nnrsnay at 12 noon. arrive at James;? Kiggs same day by 8 p nil; Leave James Risgsaveryj Friday at 6 imr rive at Newbern same day by 2 p"m ' 2-217 Ffm Beaufort by Portsmouth to Ocra cock; 85 miles aod back once a, week.. ' 'Leave Beau fort every Tuesday at 8 a m, ar rive at Ocracock every Thuridty by 12 noon ; Leave Ocracock every Thursday at 2 p m, ar rive at Beaufort every gatdrday by 6 p m iff 2218 From Greenville, Pitt county, by hjoho son,8 MiHs, and Profile too, M Kins ton in Leooir county, S2 miles and back onco a week l Leave Greenville every Friday at 4 p In, ar rive at Kinston next day by 12 nooa Leave Kinston every aturday'at p if, ar rive at Greenville same day by 1014p m - 2219 'From Taylor's bampeon eonn- l7 by the Piney Vik1s and the house of Lewis High Smith to Long Creek Bridge in New1 Han over county, 45 miles and back unce a week - Lave lay lor s Bride even! Wednesday at 4 a m, arrive at Long Creek saine day by 9 dm Leave Long Greek every tluesday at 4 a to, arrive at Taylor a Bridge same day by 9 pm' 2220 From ElinbHintowo bvlLenriona Crass j Roads to Fair Bluff, thence by AVhitevillej and "c i iwig si , ? wicu Hjuac. ujt,iisaoeuiiowno mileb once a week: ..; ; . , Leave El'zabrthtown every i Friday at 6 a m, arrive ,at Fair Bluff same day byt8 p m Leave Fair Bluff every Saturday at 6 la m, arrive at Wbiteville same day ibv 11 a m -k Lies vv mieviiie same oay ai 1 1 I xam,aN nve ai xuiizirjetniown same day . ! NOTES 1 . m - by p m 1 Each loute must be bid foriseperately. The route, . the sum, the mode of service, and thejies idence uf the btderibould be distinctly elated in each bid. , ; j: .' ": 4 , -; 2 No proposal Will be considered V unless it be acetimpanied by a guaranty signed by two respon sible persons in the following for in, viz: J 'The undersigned 7 'and i . guaranty that 'if h is bid for carrying the mail from tol . I be accepted bv the Postmaster General, shall entlr tntoauoHlig a lion prior to the l6ih day ot January next, with good and sullicieot' sureties, to perform tne jer vice proposmf.' j . I 7 i 7Daied; ' ' : -, ,.1836j. r 7 . . . J This should be accompanied bythe certificate of a pmmaster, or other equivalent testimony, that the gnarantorsare men of property, and able to make good their guaranty.' ONo, exeoipi Uon from this requirement is alldwed in favor of old contractors, railroad companies, or any other companies or persons whatever 7 ' " 3 Thedistances as stated in thi advertisement are believed tb be substantially correct; but ihe bidder will inform himself on that point, as ihi; in creased pay will oW allowed frimy ditfienco where the places are named correctly. pi- 4 The schedules are arranged j io. as to af)ow 'seven minutes to eaqh post oilioe lor opening aud closing mails generally, and one flour to the dis itibuting (tost offices ; but the Postmaster Gefter al may extend tbe tiiue on allowing likeextenikm to the contractors, j S 1 5 The Post uasier General may alter the sche dule and, alter the route, he allowing a pro rata increase of compensation tor any additional iter vice required, aod Man increased speed, when the employment i" additional stock or carriers is rendered necessary, j j 6 He may discontinue or curtail tbe service, whenever he shall consider it expedient-to dojih. he allowing one month's extra pay n the amount dispensed with. ' .; . k. 7 He may impnse fines for failure to takeior deliver a mail or any part of a mill ; suffering the mail to be tDjured, wet.loat, or destroyed; aod may exact a forfeiture for the pay t4 the trip, whenever tbe tripia lost, or the mail arrives so far behind schedule time as to lose connection with a dependint mail. . f - . " I I I 8 He may annul the contract for repeated failures to perform any of the stipulations, forfe lusing to discharges ; carrier wbeo required, for violating the Post Umce law, loruis eoeying me instructions of the Department, org assigning! a contract, w it bout the prev ious consent of the i t : -.. fill - Postmaster Ueoerai. ? t 1 1 . w o ir t.a..trnua (thai I ran a sta?e or other M V WMR v ww. " - i, ; 1 vehicle more rapidly or more frequently than he is required by the cootract to cairyuhe mad, je shall give the same increased celerity and fre quency to the rxailt id without increase of au iiannllun I ' - I H ' I ik t V10 Conlractorf on stage and coacR routes shajD, in the conveyance of passengers, gtyea preiep ence to those who sre brought in th; conoeciibV mail lines, over those travelling in f by other j u that connecting mail stage routes shall lorm con tinuous travelling linesV t J 'h'.' & ti On rants, where' tbe mail is transported in stages, and the present contract! -ball be su perceded by an under bidder, who- may not bate the stage property requisite for thefpeiformance f th. runinciJ he ahjll DurcbiSe from the pre- Mt -trL,.r nrh ul the suae borsca ar.d rop erty as may be suitable tur.tbe servaxr, ai a iair able instalments f Should they not agree ai ta .u i.immm f ih rnnortv.ibe terms, or the .I.i.n.m anrf mice Olfmeoi tUCICIOH 1I security, each may chouse a, persont who m$ appoint a third, aid then deciaion shall be anal or the Postmaster General wUJ name me umpir This will be made iba condition 01 any rwu uuceij h.t t'B ntvaent eon traetor and sLotJ J the er4 fail tocomply,his o.wtUuffered. hm ran traetor: bo t sooold ne oecime tne pwpo- aa! oftb undertodder will be accepted uocoodi I .a rt- Lm! tn1t Isa cnt ifittia nnae, eui sealed, endorsed "mail proposals to thf Sale of j " ."and addrtased to the Firtf Assistant Postmaster General -" , I ' AalUS KENUAXtia Post Omcc DcpaJtTji tirr, October 12, lttt6-4 14 i if t f PUAXTVanJer-oY the 5wpci,;r' U4;; ';rt . ViIkea; eeontyj 1 Will fini at , public sal, at ix ninths credit, (b.nLnnd ap r piseconty betiigjfitee) . r,eZrojxan aam. ed lurvv.eaid ibt fc,..uthtnT f .Smith nt JbMwero'SOand'40 )ein of a. tUImI to 1 uk" plce tube Coari II use, at Wilkb.r..Y on 4 next Couely Court. bring the JHt Ochber, 1836. ? ' 1 JAS. RI DODGE, c s cl Oct; 222 wl 4T- " --' r : u" ' Persuant to a Diwree f the Cooit of TrZytilyl tor Homan Couniy1 the Clrk and AJVrViY sell 00 the premisifJb0 4be 2Htbaay fl N .vi her next, the ptatatiea on which fi dee'd fUrmerlv 1B0 ACRRS7 adjuning the Lands of JchaLoegf: " Overly cash aod others, on a credit f twelve' nvmth, H reqtiiring bund and good secgniy fir the purHim money on the day ofaale ? Title to be nadYao- oording to future erderbf the Court, r Ml 1 v AM'L. WLUMAN-WiK! ? Ocbber22ajUH36:X6U "'1 Xlie Emjrnpth ofashiorii S tOXGHANGri iiattih, nearly oppusitk toe Post ortb ,aod is now opening an vuure new stock 4 ---.r -';of 1 : .-1. i-xr-''P Embracag cotJ.. Cais.Aua Ves iigi if every coltHir and qua'uy. Tbe-e Good, beott elected by the propneu ,n per ,bJ he caa conffdeutf recuuiiaeMi them TbuT u Jods and, wuiuie etobenTtrf the Lgi,.mr and others vuuuaer theeitv. u.-.i.i .1.. . . , ud examine his stock, before purchi.,g eW M uo w aeiermtned to -H cueau. Among nij good,lmay be fUind . Extra suo. Bine, llbielcl V.i a.a - do do W -mrnrn w w !vb W S 7V ft pram 1 oius Brown 1 unlden . do4 .. Greene VL-tLo " 'do Invisible do Kotoan Purple Napoleon Viofet Mohair and Pilot " CLOTH and I i- Plain Blue Double Milled? 1 00 is lack do do j do . Single do 5 Leopild Cords Polawki " do iff . Polynesian do I Zeuia plaids Clouded do J bi npes of various kinds, But! Casnmerett ! Y CASIMERES, StrtDed ntid aatinoti I Rich Fur. Velvet. - V. Brocade do Medley do : Sup. ptsiu Black Black bail a Blue do Plaid Mohair Cora Enjlteh Silk Buff Vtdeucha VESTINGS. Plaid Schalley Together wuh a general assortment of Tenant's " celebrated stor kw; euspendersfUhirt collars, -and I bosoms ruffled and plain; iik,mirrio, and Uiuo's j wool shirts, money bet;'ludia ruboer nixai,f;d J many other things kept b the Merchant l aihirs j too tedious to enumerate i , T : ? . -"ij. I have in my employ first ru Northern work men, and cau assure those who aie dispned to patronize m, that no paius will be spared to gi ve satisfaction.' I ! Clothes made to fit or do charge 1 take this method of returning mj arknowU edgenients for the very liberal patronage iure.i fore beaUiwed upon Oie., and hope, by attention 10 usiness and constant desire. to please, to in-rtt future fa tours. ' I 71 ;.i ' Ordeis from a distance ..will be attended to promptly. - THOS. M.OLIVEfL P. S. Thelateft LonddL and Autertcan fash ! tons just received. 1 j T.M.O. TO JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. I will give Northern wiiges and cmstaitt em,' ploy to two first raie workmen of steady habas. Noue but first chop need a pply i - 1 THOS:M. OLIVER. October 15 4wl 3 j 7 fWKwo or three Apprentices io -y- the Tailoring, UiisittL'ss Bja of a suitable age, well tecommended( will be received on tbe usual terms 1 1HLES& jamesj:: Salisbury, October 22d,jltJ36-tf 14 : s A List of Letters lemaining in the Post i Of ,1x fice at Statesyille on (th 1st day of Octo ber 1836, which if not taken out before the 1st day of January 1837, will b seot to the Gene ral Poet Office ss dead Letters. ;: A Ashbury Daniel, Andrew Hugh, Ander son Samuel - 17:..'. BBarnet William. Brown. Irtson, Brother; ion George or Benjamin Ddbson, Ballard Eliza! beth, Beck Soloman, j i' - i- 1 C Clerk of Saperior Court 2. Cato-rooTa- bilba. C Ion ton Rufus.' Carter Juhn A, Cavin Arraballa, Clay well William A.. Caldwell Hi-r ram. Cook John,' DDoak Daniel G Rev 2, Davidson George F - E KlliJohn W Revd F Falls and Franklin G Gould Mrs. Gray David, Goodman John, Gtbsitn Anne J Miss, (xouldjlJanief AIn H Htult John Sr. Hie k4 Henry, Hooper Willis. Hanft , John ir; Hoffman Adam.- T J Josey Samuel, Jamesl VVtngate, Johoson William S, " ; . 1 M ...' ' K-KesIerJohiiJr, j j L Lorke'Aedrew, t j 4." MMbre Alex B. Monre kary or Rachel Ar ehibald, Morrin Jame E N. usliai John.2 , Murrisoo James C, mot risoo George at c jwmccw ing Silas A. ' Hz-'- Woles Joseph, iicoomjoo-i,7 , 4 O-Ol fan l J.epb, r - Xl P frichard David, PaitJay j Samuel, Privatt -r: Kader, - .J" ' '. s ! '- m - rtfAinson Geofere. Reetot Benjamin. Ko hev John R . Ryner Micliael Jfto4emao Aiexacrfer TTroutmao Jacob, Tboopsob Wm GtLbs- Danie! Kl xdeih Stewart, ; IJpl W Weaver William, Welch Ssmael. WiV fiams Alexander, WilIiauAm!Alxander,Wa-gh John M. S; y!Vf;""' --.. -V Vandever atattbew, iv--"';- I ' ' I ;V" W KERR KRI. Bv James L.Ednad. A. P. M. . y ;,! ? 1-4 I I 1 Y I . . (' ;i -1 I ;:7 J i 1 ... l - 1 f . 1 i " - ' -" - - t ' ; . -if t, t -t " i 'i- - '! W f i 1 4 4 ft'- .. I- I

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