H fag ; I e In, I Ilk, l.-lfct m'r. OIL of. till h-l-. .-TW ifrtp eeeiM eft Is P"W IdC to toll i,ih r fn Kndtk. Mines; IWitrt, UFA i!Uk JillftlM ikii S. laker.i '7 (le.tiikl airiclli ally pact t,lvtk LS. in .Ik ows. teial,1 .tiera I1 ER.1 laving aft am. H"1 ,.f ajeH Mia.ak rar .. filled i a hV be rrt ighaM 8. illCf! NO. raw ' 1. 1" "1 a sorb H he snf1 II"", J .,J-J-rtl 'TIS,'.'; .; ; 'i'' f, j. flTf M. 7.-tt" ' . ,, iHM,''!.1" "H"1 ' '' ' f'"'1 JiifNiiMlnof 'im (' i ' .. M , , . . . . . i VMa.,V- NO. '23-M?I!Ii; fro. 3o; . I TKRMS." L. vVtcMiiiir may tieVeafW; be had l-wj n Fiftt Cents per year. ' ' J!1 - If -Mr new ? eabseribere who: will .. ..,.,. the whole um at te payment, ,! V.e th HpeC year at 1 wa pjo- "" ...... in advance the auir.oi , ' ,h5 a.n terms .WV continue. it1" " will be charged as other nbseri- .hn do out pair dming the year three Hollar m aH em; ; bechar'ieu feu than II troinvvi. THE PHILOSOPHER, ANDTHJE Subscribers II. ...k,..mlll(M Will UO Ljfar. durBt imied bat at the op- ?0Par,,. ..al all aireawee are paid 9 a II U(UM 111 the Ki fC-r V . - cu'.tl certainly n t ihe Editor moat be post be u- mled to. . . siriu heo'Sr a half FZZZ mM be inertd.o, la llinn-i- IWlll. ' l .. 1 . fell Hi . l!nn(.J until OMIT iMf4 tu aiop. , , I.Ue.H-.neotry r , - bailer. SALISBURY, Bwiwax per lb. Ia 17 ds. ; iiranfljr, ap- o. r ra . wi ei ; p' "' t,n 4 i 5 fts ;:Cottnn jarn, -fntm-No. io K . 75 a 1JW c'a,; Keatliefa per 'ty i -Mi Ki i I pfbl yym Ijr bunri. fl Iil lS Oatu pr biwhfl 10 clsU ornr &utn M) cis; ' j ' ... . i .-.i . IK h. inn. ' b m-r ir1- 75 ct NHiN'ir lb 9 a 10 I,. Bwf pti lh "W P,I Baen per lb 15 r . 1 i . . i il it I UiiMcr pr 10 I'il nia ; i.nro fi in u L ShIi p-r euslml $1 &0 da; Suwl, Amri r. ' ii m . . . v i. k .... it t !'' i MEiKUtl AIM 1 . ' Wiattom ia the eienre of tife. In the capital of ari eastern kinirdoio lived 'rhany ae ainee ,eid AIU a avar. devrrifl"tto enertrev that he neglected every thing else He had made many profound anil 'impor tant dieeoveriea, of which oiliera had a vailed theirtpelvea to nlvtain distinction and weulilHwhilat ho was passing the meridi an of life,1 hie patrimony spent in experi ments, hia healm impaired by study, his temper aoured by reflect. He had for a neighbour and acquaintance GliuUm Ilussati, known throughout the rity by the name of the honest merchant. Hassan had begun the world with very little education an I no money, hut in leeompense, he had a airaihil'orward undemanding, quick ob servation, a very agreeable frankness of manner, and a heart without guile. Con sequently he was universally courted, and though much given to hospitality and 'the performance of very generoua acts, -he hard amaussed a considerable fortune. To him, in Im extremity, Seid disclosed all hta griefs. When he had finished ' - 1 ha ve a frieiida- coming to etip with me this eveoing,'' said Ilas&un ; "hi of the party, and wlien they are gone, we will talk of your i flair. In the mean time, take this purse for present exigencies. I will emble you soon to repay me Then rising up, he gravely,ad!mlw I have extreme satisfaction in this op. portunit of presenting to iua hiehuesa the vizier trie philosopher Seid All." ' The MIC RUtfH.....; ;'...,,. Vl4 Among the mnliiind of flnturers and avco- phanis, Uut a Pr(luifondl flnteiy.nl' wha rewnrds it. has sunned mioeawirnce id hhh vermin; Richard Kusfi la uiKjiii-siiiiimljIy e- tiiltHf id tne tad pre eminence. Uihers mm be u- import ii nate in aolicitaiion.and a servile in olWqniortsneAs to ptmerV'bOt ihese othfrs have 8orprileoT ll4.lw was great, au.l the? pleasure mi)tual'' t Ksan tiieti related the history of the whole, affair, and it will en- ' silv be supposed that from that time amide justice waa done to the Writs of his friend 1 not I ma Mr. Uush, beif sneeeMtTely, Attorney and would have been done to bis own. but hia reply to the vizier's intimiuioi) wa, " Whatever your goodness iuicudrf Tor mc, bestow on Seid. lie deserves every thing and 1 waul nothing." From ihe Nhw York Dnily Kxprrsa. Tllri CIJRRriNGY Tlli'L KFLUS R15VKNIK. Now tbat tha Freaidential elt-mion is nver.and we cannot besuswcii-d of wniinv articles for an fileclitMieeriiig purpose, we ifll our relir inal J it is our firm runviclioi llul Mr. Vim Huron cornea into tlie FresidKiitial i)hair under aa x pru.4 uiiderstandini; with many of I tie capital mi ot llin City and lite Suite of New York, lo keep tliu aurplua revenue at ilieir diHNiss,Ko thai il.ey may diMniunl uKn it, StsLnvm in in ai itmluue olilnrly and loity onr cent (x-r riiiiuiii I lltMice llul Ould and inaulr avowal f .'un, ih.U he la op xm U lu Ilia disUlbuliun of tlna revinu mii a vowal to aaahoaiw and forcr ao-nnijlw ru rha racier, that il sli"oti loiia as ilixnitly on 'kind Iht soliiary innteor tit lnclumiy IiIk . li. iuxort. niiabtly uiajoniy in the iir ul N- Yuik. wiiiuli is not ooaiilvd by huuiri4 is.t lw? wlii.re. but bv Ttftn or THH hM'h ! The How : creiufall itna ik money, Moacy, XUM'.Y not it is to he done. I will endeavor to devise j in the itaud fali of jioiu i lot ioli., um m o'iirs ..j )ll JS i.i lu avy i.uv a. M I. II'MI llll" ot ..Iii... iiir la. il tfliw. . p , f ; Cast do. 1U. ct.t KogliMh lo. per lb before v meet airain. Only keep up your spirit-, and all sliall be well.'' Kind intentions" need no prefice-. Tue moment the guests were gone, Hassan be- gan inos You see, my Iriend, yon have Kept yourself so much in your study, that yours is the fame of a dead man. You have caused vast benefits to be derived to the world, but the world has scarcely seen you, aud, of course, never thinks of re warding your merits. To remedy the er ror I have planned a frolic, if you are not l4M proud .lo phy your part in it ; but I have observed, almost-every man most stoop to rise, and happy he who can do so without' dishonour. . You remember, our going this lime two years to my littl couii try place, near thai singularity amongst us, the ancient aqueduct. I cannot leU yoo how much 1 was strue.k .wilh your cmiji?h urea as lo. iu origin, and your observations on its construction and in iierials. Now the old man who used' to occupy my house, and accompany visiters lo the ruins, is UteJy lViid"whatl -jmmotie is. that you should disguiseyourself and take his pl.ice. You know what an extensive acquaintance Hiavei and the terms upon which I live w. lh litem. I,wM take, care lo make par ties lo Ihe aqueduct, and. you m a homely garl, shall l their guide. Every ilui.e sirtkvs by (iniraat, awl a man of your at. per lb i 5 a 30 cts ; sugar i ft .J a 15 el ; Rum (Jnuaicaj pr gnl; i . v,;.t..p .1.11 W.iol (Ain ner lb 3o S:Ti(!'iw prr th ! Hi ctr, Tow-linen pr ytf- i4 i is; AVtflp( lerifnnej per pai. oo . mueal d. n a l 7 cl i Claret do IriraL il S a 1 75 cla ; Malaga,: (sweet) Itr g. l i-Whiskey per gal. Si a 40 cla. V CHEKAWi Beef in market per lb 5 a 6 cts.; Bacon ppr l a I!) cts; lu;ns do. OU CH? cla ; u.'eswax r It) 18 a 20 t J Bagging per yard 16 a iO i; Hale roe per lb a Hi 14 cts ; C'.(T. ir. lilt Id cts-, Cotton per 100 lbs $171 Hi a . 00; Corn per buahel 455 a - TO t i Hour a wagons pr brl $9 10; froih stores per brl. I 00a 0 00; Iron per 10(1 lbs 5 00 a 6 50 ; lsse per jal 45 a 55 els j Nai! c assort- per lb 8 I a a 9 cts ; rouiint no. per in ; Pork pel brl 0000 ; Rice per 100 Ui ft B 00: So-ftr per lb. 1-2 12 a 15 cts ; vilt in tit ii $0.10; Salt per b.islie' 97 C9;Me.-l A- Win filisterpr iu if c.s ; ... nv r'-J'l ,...., i such a SlUialioii eamiolbv nos yn Jo. pr lit l a I 'lo eta ; lutiacco uianu :tured per hi 10 a 15 eta FAYETTCVILLE Rrandy. pea-i 50a fit). Do. Apple. 40 4.' ;icif, prlb 16 a 17; Ction prlb l.'ij 111 i ulli-epr lb 121 a 14 ; Fhrtir bill. j,J a 9i ixseTj pr bli $1 40a t 5l);r eatriersprlbtHia SGorn prousb 75 a 90-, Iron pr ft ii a 0, Mo iwspr gal 45 a 50; all cut 71 a H ;.SuIt. rnh rSO a 90; Miliar r Tb lOinl ii, I oliaeco; U,,. ; WtTfit pr brrwh -I ftfrr 00 - Whiskey I jat. 471 4 1, Ueotiwax '-'5 a 00 l OOII AT THIS. N E W FI R M AS X) " " tEW GOODS cn t, ss a hog in:, V ENOUNCE lo their friends anil the pub lic, ttial ifo-v lav formed a CopartnerNliiii M re now recfivioit front the Northern Cities uttidsouie tfstioriiiit-iil of fall and winter GOODS, romiftthig of Sluple and A X f J Y I U -Y-tsi O ODS 1 roceries, H'Rrdwarc, Cutlery, 'His, jsonneis, oauus, oau lery, -c, ijcV ic. '"f wbich they deeni nnneoewary to boast of mn-r so very Cheap or piinhased eatirviy 1 ''"..uit are diaooaed. to sell aa cheap and I1"" an acniniinodaiiiiff laiuis, either for cash or l to j ctual dealers, ssany,Uood can be I'i't at in una nart of North Carolina: al least. P"J wnuld reinject full v invi'e their friends and F' H'lulic generally to call fit exaoiine fur proof of lacyaa ih will Ukr ji.Ksmiii .to.exiywiiog ro gnujs t nil thow b'u.lavoi tneiu wmi can. , f, ' . j . i n 'ri.ru pu piaauib i -i ine imh qnnniyt ift Anchor Mib toi'i" ill tfiapiswut H aT'Ml lrms., Daniel H. Cress, telirtera bis thanks u hi 'nds and the public, for the liberal patronage wt,f0,e extended lowlrila htm. and hopes Ihe Prtio mcoiiragerrH'nt will still be continued to. faida the above r inn. Salisbury, Nov. 26. 1835 4w 19 ' Administrntor's Notice ; flllU'i SubHc,filier fiaving taken out letters of r-. adinmisimuiB with the. will annexed, im eaiate of Mrs JSaiah llmideraon, dee .gives F'Uce to all persons indebted ..to. the aame, lo "ua lorwaid and , make settlement : also, to ua hav'ultr i;inia oil the same, Jo present I bain l"oM-il,, tutbciitioated ).MUhia.Ihe.tiiuit jpreW: y MW . .. . .t - -r-.t.-t i ... - L . A. II tV.NDF.lt SON - epv lft 183 tf - ; virility fail moou to altract suluctetu nouce to accomplish all you. desire.'.' ' I di not know " eanl iJeiJ despon dingly 1 dare say Yu do not," interrupted Hussan, "hut you kuow this, iii:ti.wnh iiiy lililtj knowledge I liav gamed a lor tuii! nod thai wil l al' yours yon have hist one In uiaiierH ol scieoce.' ..conltmied h t)-inlnii low wall uiialli i te J homage, " 1 ktss -.tlte very -gnwud you-wald upon; : rmr in practical matter you -musk put ta,lu me. Wfll-grouiuUd faith, my Iriend, lake the word of a sut ccst-lul man, lias great virtue in oilier things besides religion. 1 o- morrow 1 will arrauge every Uiiny not another word good night, aud may hea ven give you your de&em !" . JixpcrMMice suows, tlwt tnose who rave fallen into a wrong train, Irequeiiily . meet mill iinil iiu lul an unhrokcii hous ol ail- w a... D ' I verse citvumslancxii. Lei tlieiu hut change their course, and Hit ex;ici revtrso becomes the case ; every thing turns to account. Jul so it was with fcLtd. Ueing duly in slalled ill his new office, his allured way ol life quickly produced so gteal a. chango m hia appearance, healili, anu spirit, aiijv ok scarcely iiccdcd any further. diegu.se i and he felt moreover, a great degree oi conn dence in himself, of which previously he- had no idea. 1 1 assail made frequent par ties on his account : and his fame spread out so faJJhal.a visit Ui the aqueduct soon caine into great vogue. As gotl ltrlune would have it, the vtzscr mmsiii, wno from time to lime used to pass an, evening will. Hassan iu the disguise of a brother merchant, sent at this conjuncture notice ol his approach. He found in Hassan a com pany an agreeable relaxation from the cares of government, and ihe sophistications' of the world ; besides which, he had looked in ain f.)r any man, upon whose inform tibri and integrity he could implicitly 'rt ly. Hassan availed Mmself'of the oppoii'umty to fritiuccfthe nziet hf a'ocompany ' hlrnon ati earlv day. to'' his 'cpiinry; .'pluce.; .and ItSformeti --tSeid ' tlrav he was r6ringihgua fttehdi'itlris horire:.rnte.j t?rfshed Wirt' to be well. The Vfzter tfiiitigh not si eitiific. delighted ii'theconi'i'rsati.m of the M-iPHiifie Wn'.'mvd he hal not long listen ed to Setd, before lie remarked to Hassan, - eiiikes mtf this is a very ext'raordinary petson. ' ' We' are .ibne ; la there any oi jmion to his sopping With its?' ' ' " If il W Vohr pleasure 'none," said Has- ' fi.i J'-iJL il.o t, men ,ns fovelv, a lie ei-tnc, nrounu in.c n"- acniallv pliitTHCitl .till i tu It).-nit ynut msui 40, or 50, iMT tiO MILLIOHS OP DOLLARS t ."Hllli.ed an Ui make rnul unit in ii- v. i,vi ii i ibeir di'sjMisal lo shave iin'f at 40 " r ctni,ii i an nuiit ! Thin, lift (Jl tie i here um at- n l pirl mi the imgtity cntv,, b .trd t ihe i ai imn uliT in pull ti" lsal ul to Oe t-iiiliroin d in Wasii in j .mi l''.vry aiuuii is uird lo owki iliu dn riliuMtiin ol .hi'surjil M tue uiiil lar. W cuiipl tin thai liank Dirfclont create asc irciiv ul iiioim y in ortlcr to' cicate osuiiutit latesut uileresr The tilotw puis H ti'.' r u;i on tue dtiritii i Mi lav, and uiiis -ui that i ihe cauMt. We vliow dial soiim', ul the h-1 biiiks lt4Ve notot in or ik rs' lnp iinhi the its tj ptpt-r Uir-y icltis" to disci'tnt ji. lufir. desk Tins tiloiH-says Dtsiii'jimtjii U't i lb cuust iVe sltuw the i-miuium rii-fg- "l lite fiet bjiik lo -carry mi du.uesin i-xclmnin. 1 lie Guitt a gain lays all lliti ioivliit til )bu ilo.ir of Ilia Utw inbiilioii law. , 1 The unwelcome truth is this, and ihe smonei we f.tCf K the better mr coumiy is i;ii ii g ui i i.il Hiiiiiij;, and in l s ;ii ami Kireii" It liki all o hers, il l groaviiiK diropi J lie' r.nr(ui- rev.--nil", mi l8 jitthniiMily iiLinajli'd uii'l Jo-'' V lilbule.l, will Do tint an eiinMi'MM ion-hu h rse lliatt ihe national d. til . it KiigJainL. rveo .ibotiirh ii sa.ldlcs eveiy itiinsr, with a tax 11 n ue um tlM.Ui tliebttuKiatrtstattsB us it mur id, cor npilun will fas".;ii it It iiihmi the very vi,al..l wur Mm ul giin-roioeitl ; lr lb" .banking sys lem, oov umeiulaleJ and above all c-.n t r.I . U uscil (out ui all cis, bui alas! too often) lirt io c irrnj't the (Hiii icniiS nf ilie cuunlry, hi d otoiK-yed nin, and ihuu tu rub ffoin IikIu'i iri"u-i(orcb-4iin r ueiebaioo in Uuca f:inta ..'Hum.aitd nrxi to wr. brmby lis miatoy potei, tf It a dart spcik Uuiidred of wesliiiv lien, ihis aeiy day, luve in frwri a iri-u-iiril slct p. .m l have p trade.! Um niiceis, with all lite r''i'- senlaiivts of wi'aliti III tln-ir li.tnd-. (! it u; : a id schetiillig liuvv In get .1 V to pay It" II !i "'- esl drills. The o nik -' ml I hem in the I.p-m i--. tii.l the broker (as tin-) liavr a lilii I r il i Itieir tiade.nvre'ii'li lrnu ihe n what iliey can J. I ; I lie ineiehiinl ) ami 1 1- nit rliuoic eVMt e II" ' very paif relused litem. tlis.Miuur.il iiinn when! po seined in aiiuther ay ! Ami jel i!ie iiici- chants and tlm met Uamos an i hiltiaiej. inai ! irtliey spijakr; tlo-y i s t y,1 1 t i ii 'I e ' 1 " ji Vt r s" . . I "m1 'a s'u.gle iiwnil'! A m-w .i .r nrunj up a- ; moiig us,' which we cannm s. e, I Inr it tin ; spleiid-ir of tt pil-tce. or 1 lie tu innifi.-.-nce of lis ipiippajte which apiars not ul the polls, ami leatN noi an army ; 1ml whieh, when ii lays n ; iron liaml Uu a uian; crushes him to iiiuins ; whieh li'iloa iu I' cotf-is mir property and otu Ureait atxiill wliltfll e h.inn; jwili bur ami' ireiiiLliti". u hennars en ii, tu lore ihe dinirs nl ' Una. of the Unimd Suites, Minister to Kufjand, ami .Secfeury of the Treasury. These hib dig niliw had not iuioaei upon them superadded ob ligatioiis-of self repiTt,iiuf are their cases like thai of Mr Itusli, marked by an spnstacy lo par ly'snd polilicsl runner inns so glaring, thai not ooenf the p,ny to hu h fie bt of office too altHcliMil It mi that w have sent, has underta ken lo defend ihe purity ot 'nuiive which pr. ei piloted a Secretary uf.l.d.n ti'iiney Ad-on into the arms ol Jackson, Van buren n J K. ik) i'l Reward trod so close on th heeh ; ci. ,nini the inst obaritabla et'iild m' i! ihe muoi cion,tltal the chxn(e wa u i 1 . t t lie ii?,(,e of reward ; and flatiery .il t.-c followed fltliery, in sm'li rjn t i, I hat to the iiiiini hbei il i l.'. ' layinjj Ihe fnundaltuu ol l ui.nr t.ni Irnui ue iilji-els i.l h'S .licence Uu-h is not in Knijland a It ii'lin t i lite uiiliM'U I.i Bitcy , mm (iiTitfitci hip h 'un twins in hi tia lt- Ht ijittery. The Dtjaa.ire Jniuuai ''wfcwZnTiim 'm ttie article below, no doulu J '.-tl, id ti e jallmit)lii) nf c rlatu .ill?jUsll:ij tt lu.re to the til "ibe, an l te have hub' juesiiut ol his he )ijl tn ai.'il in (I'iblisiitiig U Van limou's It'ltci iii KiinLml. s - i verely expmed . In au at tide t xiiai ifii imiu. lite Ma loual lll lie. Mi Hu ll Is ni i Hint ne,esslinus, t. ail s- ioe t! Itl tilu p ii'ii'W iii SHilniiy - lluJimond iPig. - "Uiehard KukIi l in KiiKlaod taming ie'iei ti. the lii-he titled wiili Ine nmt nirvile llt'.erj .I G-'intal J icKSnii and Uie b tr hpimnu' H.ni .lti-el.eiii.il ifin'H rauiHl Slariiu V'tn l)i.r. -u. iint itr-t.iUe tinuiil Huh have Deen t.u Ku-ii aril Kn-i'' ! l lo li'U'i'H'if rit'culnu par.isfraM, IH Iimh s Inner .tlilll'ii'i 'l lu lilin I vIIikiVum Bureu'-) ii.iksi"Ii here inaile tino advaulaie.ia,ly fon to some of fjnglaud s ri.n. luen. A tu may orniis'ity nav heard, ti a loi soii;e tiays a pimaie i;uesl of the King a. tVuittsor Castle, a rffioiociinii thai his uiien io i lie lot ui no oilier minister nf nirs, as far as I knuw, ami thai lie owed to the r.'oel en ten H ned lor In nil. mi. Ins aliracivciK hs as a yetriie niiH,itd u? tKijhut IrealiHtui h hod from Ihe .Sf'iufe.-'' tier.-1 a ttpecunen of i'ie danarracg of the uii. rn sch'H'l ! N-t public jt-r vice in rtvnnleil nl Maiun Van Uoleli .lori.i' ois residence mi Ko i.'tid. No uewptti h, on IiiiiiiiiIiiiih argtioieiii d.'-l.-mllt:ji the rijlils ol Ins eounlry liifsmM lo.' '.jn lifiiresloi , isitlltiil.il lo lull b" tva- he privai, . . i. . . i . . ..i .. it.. i o,iM nl lite rviu! : ii" w an itin iiiui'tt.' in ti i .11 ace ! a ;!nncimi 'ttver belore accorded 'o an A 1111 liiian Vliios i r !!! And llii etrus.ou ul n.e .u- lejiradli g s "phiney , of the m ist nr.ivi lh, ;i .i.lio.liitlf i'I.iii nl loyally, IS poldislieil m ltm.it fit liit aa a reNwj!iteiitlalion o? Itte .Inn er .t -can tll.lale te tl.e 'reMtle4H-y ! -- Tlte- taror w tilt h .j.iil he cunf- rfed upon a nuf ner nr.. I ti sy.M pit Hi' , are l.er - eXUll'lud Its ornoll'l vf lejir h ugaltisl Ittti A.'teiiesn iSeiialli t..t miI :I r 1 - til nriluvlnt i K-racy ! I'l.e A""i i." . cs'i dm nut c i.tl'it M tiii'i V .o ii" a i'.per t' ii.iiive ul tlu fin., t , 10 1. -nvir.d. tm of rail road, it i Jt.nl y necesssry u refer tu tke exoavagant cist of uSs Liverpt..!, and Maucbes ter, Ualttiuore and Frederick, Ooiupaivd w Ub the Ulica and Hie Vincheterv !' Sth That the cost nf rail fnads nh'e third 'e1fapir11iifi'eWet' thMirreiit'-lr4Mftt.. from two or ihrep consider ituins: tsi: Tfce naire level suriace of ths itouutrt .; $l The softer nature of lbs soil. 3d, The greater cheapness of the ma'erinl. From all theft faetn'tii mny be safely inferred, ihal-K.iil ItnatU thrMij(h rich couiaries are destined lo prevail, anil thai ihey inoKi othl tbe greatest iiiJuceuienls to public entcrpiiss. On Saturday last, the Hon. W. Pres tos waa without oppositioi), rc-elcctt tl lo represent this Slate in the Senate of the United Stales, lor six y an, from the lih of March next. This is a testimony of the approbation of his St.ttP. lo winch he cannot f.nl to he wnrin'y ensihle ; ami whieli will, as ccr- couimiltee of Claims without smeaduicn'a pt d sod oid ted lo be vuolltd , ,.. .. laiiilv. K.Tie onlv In Ktiiin.hitf him lo exer lions if possible still more zealous tiian Ihe very -hi hones which., have won his pres ent, wtli deserved distinction. Cufumtiitf TilcHcope. AI ih'i'in is the oi ly Sout!icnj,.S,J.ae.,f Xs.. eei'i y.rn-'l ,1 'that I tli'e'.lci'ly Jm V to Il'irvo 'I'n ' pet'rple of 'ti'p'se lwt Stales tit vf- lieeii juSi -.r.nled Hint tin cry of aboli tionism is a faise amrio ; hut when they sh;:ll le iru that in ihe hue election at the iN'.r'h, not .isirij.de a'lolilion county fultil .t five In .11 :t iii:tj.rit w In o ihcy sh.dl ..rcf'lte llial hi warillt'sl lrens in C Ol-yri"-, are im f.n-t itinli.i.iiii-is, re;iri"-i'ntni'; ali.'lilt'm coiinviiil'ies, M'td it: it they have onlv "iij.ri n'i,d their r'.tl otiii.ioiis out of V 11. ISureii t interests at the SENATE Saturday, DttS: A measAge, wis iecfied from the Honse fif Coiiim ms, p.ioHinK that tin, two lious es vole this ilay at twelve for Srriatnr to sup ply the Vtcsney' occssioiied hy flf. MtTl gum's resignation. " Agreed t and" lion. Thoiins Settle, on TJl 'tioii of Mr Bryan of ( 'arterel and Jones, was adued to the norn uisiion. ' 'I'be prtilinn of Dmiol McDomld. prsy iii; the Li tfisUlure in .raot him warrant '.or . ml, as msenl:d by Mr. Kelly. Ke lt rretl to the CtMii i.iitee on Claims. .Mr Carson ore nU-d a , Hoaolution, ati tlmriMiig I'm (itivemoi to draw uullie Public Tit isur. r ftr money lo d;fray (hetonli gent inpens. s ol Ihe Chioce Laud Saks. Ke lt rie.i to lite committee on .Claims.. , Mi. Ltry an, of C olore t. pr . seiilud hill lo give to lessors of laml a lien upon the erpps of their Ussee for rent. Passed its first rtiadiniLu. ,. . t , ., . ! i.Ari!Q?ii?iiR "rtclly and Arriogioii re Hpioinled Jo au- perinl ,tol the . 1 1' clioo , ttf (St tiH. ;Th St ii.iii: proceeded to vote-r-and the rtbullja dS Imliiwr: . j , , Fur Judgt Srri'igs. Messra. Arrmjtlon, ' 11 tk'T, ityaii ol Ciaveo, Itunliug, Co per 01 Jhi s, i 'oopei, ol M irtin, D iiMiMi, Bd w .mi-.. Ktii'ii. r'ox. li d!, 1) 'wktnm, llool dr, IIiik , K' tr, l.indsej. Mar-tetir, IMe itm. iMoselevi- MrC rinick,: Kud, Hum j hurdt, hand rs, Whilaker 14. i . ForJititr$ SvUte. Mr.Seaker Widdell r 'nard l"r M'r Si-uth that thi v are now prepanl to come i Mcssr. Albricrht. Brvsn. of LViect. Bur- net. Carson, Davidson, Dovkery, Unrfger, owl i. Ui. ir true colors these states, witti rest of the Slave-holding. Slates, will t . ry probably soon he found in the oppos ition. Their position is an unnatural one, aud cannot long continue as it is. Lincoln Trtmscrlpt. SI Vili LKdlSI.ATUUK. SKNATE. FijiLnj, l)ccJ. Mr. Montgomery, from Iho coinnntlee on 'i opoMittms aim tinevsncts; made a report on tin: ptuli nl ul K eit..er I't tllifW and t.iliiis. of Tyrrell eoui.ty, uhuh n iMr .Mi.-tmiie'V illutiun, was laid OO ihe tslile The Hi soluiit.ii to red r so nm h "I ihe Goveriinr's M s-agt; as l IhIih I Hie ri jMfl ut the t"otilic TiMtei,the II' vrimr laws, and the I it tisor r's lx 'lid. lo lite roinunltee of Finance w us taken op and adopt' d. Mr, lit) au, ol t 'aiU ret and Join s, pre- st itti il u toll lo amend the act authorising llararave, Joyner, Jones. Kelly, Melehof, .Montgomery. 'Moody,' MoyY Morehead, Moors, .My eis, I 'oik, Redding, Skmner, Spruill, Taylor, Williams. f25i , ' For Mr, Mottle Mr. Uarnett.of Per von. . ,. - , A mess.igo wis sent lo the Commons, proposing tit ballot on Monday for a Comp tiolhr ami Public printer, but; ue, answer was n turned. r M - HOUSE OF COM MON'S. Mr; t'iMirts, from the committee of Pro positions and Gnevancvs, made a favorable report on ihe petition ol Miles Howard, of il.'lil'ai. Concurred in. . - i Mr Jordan, who voted yesterday w Kb the maj..rity "on the q'o s'loo o rtjmi'ig ;llie hill lo divide Oraiitp-, with a view to Ihe c reciiou ol a new, county mtivd for a re- roiiHdirntion of that volt . He said that his vtAe mtainat ihe psseagu of tin; hill pro Hit Uovi tin r to appoint Coiuinissiom rs to 1 1 etlid frt'iiCyi.isKtuiioiial objeclioisj but. relil. ttie Klt'J till, erao. ue w a - t-.-rBn-rr..' f"4'!"4 ami urns . - . i ; niiii' ief and ceuincrai ! 1 hit is lite:, to. .Inb.l s Injll. ." IlAil. MiADS. 'TV 'I" 1 '' 1 1 1 1 1 1 t . I I.iUl. -..I I tl, all : .j , in i'ie ; .,1" r i Ir. ife nt l! i rve a v ( i:i."in, Ul tlirr.r, ! ! i lie i n;m:tt i j i - - I. it p ill, r inii.. t i.ijr jiu'ins : 1 .i I: a ft-K Ilia' fid .!.- .kiiiiin ten v- .ir-. tv i 'i iti.ooe o n'e r.i.i.niy , in ICiin laiit! Hiiini. 2 1 It is 9 fiel, tbtt lliii lliulii I ..,ii. I.'il ml tin- ben ' ot "e lr "0 -neiis I.i h- -ilthe anil the slut kl n'J. is. t.l Ii k a 'act. that in ii-i'ecl to tin .in i.l ( I. in . lit of ei.lliiiieree. velneCy llo nlli' i ,in nf li:.n-'ti.itiiiti can emepeie .uli lb n. I 11 II I- I I . I.tlmt llieeil-t nl fill l"H tn-eii coin. tin. illy llininls)li', aa e spi ileitCi: lia ill'T' Rsetl. 5ih II i a f.ct, llutl llieetwi of rail r I- in West ami Nmlh is ittci.iy live . i tent. ih.r... net, .. im r tl.e san e i l.cuin t. t'asinu fl . I a I e iln rind c.'tn ji;i.iie haw. ti fieati.tn i- pr if .bnl.i first t the Turkish Sultan, ami whu-h. win n M s..-f makes the body Ireinl'le. and ihe bearl iiiiake. ' ihe 4k...... .... re A tii nen n nt lie Rtirvc.eil llielr.f lis- lli.:n tine-.- rn't i ..,i ...l,ii. ,a ii.n hni i,v Iniid. ci.nl.l stiincesi in Hie JViril.' rn nutfs. " ' -117 - - . . . ' ..... , n.l.c- ,1 II. lll'1-.ii'ii'' ui'" -1 " il A to Hie I X nlnn multiplication "f rail mm!. The Hiius'n I'.i'lriJIirnl l.av.' jn-l elml I. red eleven I ill. -.1 m'ns nf rail ri i ud in' ilia' I,,.',, iclm.il- .1! rr i ii fMHtihe lo the Ctni Ii'ii.ie- - i i lilalniiitr Hie cri. r - w . H 1 the eertalnly ekehiiin With eviUalimi. "Who will, heaila mid eyes ('ijilld walk where l.iis'riy had been, our ace 'f'l.e sliinuin fwi punts ol her rli.iiy!" lint if the many mm lie dorm nil, a ml permit nil' raw to emir.--' all ;he earinnns In euorinniis l , rales ol interest, tl.e Jay will rapidlv erne n-l.-n tb.-.r eve... ton. Mr. nm. .as na jom . ,.,..," . the lew w ill rule r,i.,l, slmd t.ver thcVnuy. and ; .. d a nil road ir.m. lliu-eN o se are u.a.i, when an arisl.a-.aey. br. ker hem.l on-inush- mines Idled .. canaU. and whera g-e... ,.W.n-wl..e I-atent, of noUlh.V is bank l-gs. ! t-lf are urrt. to imh.-e a i-lod H.jH hieu.., m. wmeH,l ml'...'.. i WV"- - hv. red 'Icaipiey .-anals .sill answer Hi- pmp o nd roads. In ... . . ...... V - il i . .4 I .... I .1.1 ...t.e it i. nnli.rlii.is tiW ar-'e Ihe limn 1 Cd. It-oal.Z 1, win inmiij nor lumm e-g '- . j .?...i ,h- ....r It.M... will m. the wav .d" ber,t'l cbariers ootauied, bot H w-) t- cj all Iheearl-.-with tJ.-i. the sopor'... T'orence j ly km.wii li..w vasi a el.-m , I I. j I flrl mill llm ! 1 1 1 1-. 1 1 It hi is fill" rtllo.1 rtn' '10 U,B0 ' . ". .'I " a. I.V.... It.,,., to New York, touet, l U'.eway tne cniimiK , i , ,., 1'h.Ude.h.hta. but u small link Is want tretut'S oi-wa. e., ... ..- v:..v.:, - -- , ... Kri,n, ohluacl..hu I. ..r il...... l.nlli I he ll. ma . III'! Ill couunetr tt. ....... . I ike the hckliowkilgt-ilient and proof ot iit titls nod t.isti omenta .jindur stial; and rle-jiiiMiifi.-j winch paiseii its lost U'dilinu aitd. nil Air. .M.'.st liy's oi. 'I. on. was made, tot; or- ' tl. r of Ho day fur lo-iioriiiw . 1 lice it .1 a Mi So lie Iron, ihe (jot er nor ir.i siiiitlnn! I he lt p'.rlof A II. Iliy wood. .Inn too t'iui'i'i.Moui i j.i.iitt 0 l. i.ijj;o . i it a li'iin of fi'iir linn In o I tonsaiMl did , I is ft r Um .Halt , whil Ii was read uinl or- ; .ie.,! it. ho ti..s..iitk j to iho -liottae of: t'lilllll'l.ll. I r.MiAlea-cd.-lo.lhi..pr.p.i(i.tw. ot t j !.; iilli.-i : Itmsi' lo raise a j nut ctuouniine I mi rill. Iw l.llllilll.ljs. tVC pit "lllrf HiiwrT- , i f, ilmt s.inl t utiiiii.lii am.il consist of five i i. llm oart ol i ten II. oise. j he uult , Jo. nt liuhs. Amended Cn dittitio.i el li.e Stalu. and dniistilulioii of the L i.ii.ii Stales, were otdtrtd to bu prui- teit. .Mr. Ileinliatdt inlrodiiced a IJesolulion in-Hii. i.no the Judiciary committee to en . ' ... t i i... ipnre iiii.'liie t xpetiit in y ot umtuuunj Jl ail Jaws. ' The Senate proceeded to the Orders of the day, and look up Iho hill ri goUtinfi the i.tkiiid of SliirilJ bonds. Mr. Do.kery piopos.-ii nn ameiitimt nl then to, wln ti the. hill and ami ndnient were n ft irtdlo Ihe Jiitlu litry nniitiiitlt e. A report waa made and adopted, on' llm .. .. ilittolo! ion iii tuvor ol S. iti, rmiiuwica and ihe blank tilUd with 40. on mure mulucn r. ilection, h had chuiigerj to opititoits.'and whs now prrpaTerf to go I it The Mouse, however, nduseij tore Vnti der. Mr. S lterihw site introduced a hill lo de fine wn.il is me tut y ibe word K tu.as'in tl.C (aniMitiition of i'ie State, in It.e cUuae w I. I' ll treats ol llo election ef Unveiuof ; him!, sib", to comrieiisli' Slieii It for alien oiiio .i the . lection t Gov rnor, Sic Mr. Si xplaiue.l Iht. ol.jtitiH ol the bill, when it ..... . . .1 ... .. I soi us I'.si r win. I. ii lie cipiai i f r ill rn.nl t'oliituii i.n.l c.iusliuc'ed le.ti.lv aatelii'J e goiifres in.rai's, w ith wo.'ds in his iiiouHi lu nuKie i the ears o: usiis, bum um, .-npii.i"".! - -i har4, with g-od-fo buy. willt bag to promise, with POWKK loawe.' 1 ne cuise.u rree K eraiuent tlepeuds upon lh mhldle'Ha irte ac live pierohsni, whose enlerpTiso mreteties sit 'o vef Je globe, ihe sturdy rrtechadio w ht builds up our cities aud our toii as if by uwpa. and the fanner, who makes ijie wiltlerues bloasom. llktha rte.,w Upon .their. liruad fthuul.lAa 9'and ' the' fabric t" LtbeTtf,-EqirttltyJ- - arid ;La s They ttitM'M ! tf ey J wish vto ptesetve them- fc--;;'-;.'---''''"-';'i,,Tr ""'' " The ,tinioroii8,-ll.9 abjecl,the men linked in ii.a ot.lnen chain.' crv "llasl..' 'Hush,1 nVu,ii" Mm welll All's well! All was well upon the night vf the dreadlul fire when the Park bell was tolling, and the city was a fclorld of fl mm We speak not o creaie,. but to allay sjcitement ; fur the only safety wlven the iiHiendiaty lays his. train, and blows his torch, is to iae b alioitt-trf "KifeT jnd Io-s.mi.k1-the-raiila. Vesuvius iafe enotiffb. ! ihC otater opens for the santke and fl'"e i b,jl I . ' m 1 a I f . . . a. . a . i ) u to n.iltiinme -II I all chartered anil C..nsiro.Mtii. mhiii uiiro e'r.in. Italiimnre to I r. di rick aui.plele, and to ! ci.ororM'd. VVh',eling. .s now Co'isiruciil'H. jr nun VMiet l iug to the Ohio canal is noiv chatteted, the load, we are considering; laiwebnk ' lhh ,',"," which is lo iiniie the cUteine Noiib wita hy Otiiu and with the exir6.n SoulB, iroin nn ilOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Sh!tertliaite. frnn. the romroittee on f Uaim, to whom was referred the ' Ucsohi iif.o oin ctii.': the Treasurer ' to receive ce'r lain descriptions of money for the pnrchas'! t.l Cher.'k e lands, reported favorably to us otfsafl.; whereupon, it passed itr? second reading, and waa' orderea to oe Mr: Joiii...,'fio'.i the Joint Select com- inilteeti whom was reh rred Ihe olu lion directing them to repiwt a Itifl for Ihe scneptai.ee of that portion ol the . Surplus Revenue, which may be coming tu North Car'dina, under the provisions ol the Depos it t; Act, reported a bill for that purpose; which had Us first reading The bill di rects the Governor forthwith lo ooiift tlie Sect clary of the Treasury, llial the State BC cc put and our Public TreaMiifff is ii.blrucied to receive It, and tiepofite iua same tu suc.i 15 nka us he may select. : Tbe commitloe were also instructed to report on the best plan for investing tho same, hut from this doty the) ht'ggt'd 'to be relieved, rn the oroiind that ihi re were somen conflicting opinions, as icnnereo autioBi .i.iiumiw.s I,, aoree. The co.umittee- vteie aprordiog y .Us. barged, and t.at h member, therefore, will Mihmit hiaown dtsuiici proposition on tho suhjecl, and leave the b 4t LegiaUlure io reconcile and harmonise lh, conflicting scjtt mes. ,1, - '' Twelve o'clock havini arrived, the hour fixed on by a jmnt voto of ho(h lovcs,for going siitu ao olectioo of U. S. Sonatoi. etee Mr. Mangum, resigned, (he House., procee ded lo that business. , The result is u fol- ows I -Tho bill to divide Orange county, so ns lo form a new county by lh namo ol Jet I fcrson, was read the second time Mr G.ra- barn noticcd.-atorhfc length, the objections . -a a .' i a . I a. sl.A nn (.tin f'.tCTl.W.. ,tt ...a n. South, we shall J orbvistort f tl.a( instrrrment comes in en caand tbe'jU(u.i. and Piovi'h-nce. In the Mid die Malelp, I lie i Unn.bia th'e'alr cb'ol 'ahd fragrant, the repast simple wo id ihe uavelh-w who l.atords al.,tarepoi. I s but nfidattd wiUiottl any state, The' Bides, - w h en the v e" 1 ' .... ' w . i i a i- viziPr wua ih thb best poss.hle l.umoyr, : ..k..-5 -"V:"-" . .. , .! 'u h eke emai.t 19 to alficK tne rung ami Seid, pleased will, so ?ci.teamJ pol ah-, " ,ls,ici where Injury e&'Mlb&mr. rbse' above rtim'seir. IUI al last Ltf ;te j tenw hold the has been .Jju-ihia- limManfz'immgejmr-r--ui: ol r. t j, BIBjls jlW)r.ill they do n.a laioThter. CTtetl! out t- " PurdiMi me( but I can resist no long ... ... ......L- ilnu. eKeilen.elit MOW IS OUl Vlioone ... nn.n, . "the. Iii'tle: vthirld wind. vl the hurricatie that is ' come. ;.''. find iairr.ia.ia . vf uuiens..'fWSU Ji t"1" IhrRWSfon ,01 . .XWmfni.Mx., prcaeniation not bring at an i ncreascu ..i hv. '' . ' Mrr Moore, of Halifax, conceded 111.' B.ndnff.9 of the Consiitutiohal doctrine advanced by Mr Q hot opposed the t ill on grounds of expetlien. y The grievances CoinpUrhe.l .f were not, he Said, of thai charaelM which justified legislative relief in the maiun r prat ed. On tho question, Shall the bill paw its second reau.ng .--the Abb ana noes were stoiid ai fellows : fori Against it v5. Ho lu tbe South, Iron. the Potvm tq to Fretleitt:kbnig. hence lu lUcb ini.nd, lu Peicrsbuck. I" Wtdu to Raleigh, a distance of one hundred aud fifty tM mile in a continuous line, of which he greatest partis completed'' Prom Charleston to Amjusla-froin Athena lo Augusta ; bo coiisiruc.im(f.-wh.eb will make, two huueired and filly miles in one line. .! ;.:' ' . ' . , . . 2d Thai "these aru made under the belief if .7 . . . . . .. . .1... . .... Mnimil reml.nu r-llie rtio mi" profit ia-evide.it. Iron, tne iactiui"'ii-t - - w - f .... i'or ,k0 I . . . .. i . .1 It. it . i.,.nilvi inn ihkI 11 In OWS . r oi iiiu ii.rity ol tliv.B,s lor eaai.iu.n. " " , u. ...r . - VOTE OF THE COMMONS.,. , For Judge Stronge.Meegti: AvereH, Blount, Brasswell, Bytd,Cldwell,Callday, Ca nslcr. Chambers, Coor, Cot sen Courts, Critt, Daniel. Daets, punn, (leorge1, J; W. fi.nna,L A Omhn; Hanlcy, IIakirai,H wood, Henry, Hoket Holjand, Wcrflirtewdf th , Hooker, Howerton,'' Hutch ison;' f ribtl, Jar., man, I). Jdrdai; Jiidkine,' Keaan J;,. wvrfcwiss MdSeiir Weahv y Perkins, RsnoV: It iebti. k, Roberts. Simeon, Sloeo, Smith, Speller, Sp.ers. Stalling Stockard, , Tom hnsoii. Tuton, WajWer, Ward, ; VViUoaj,. K. Wbiih v, K Whitljy,. ' Willismsoti 61 for Judge SeltU.- Messrs. Adaros.Bed foi.i. Boon, Urnmiiieli Camphell. Cfsytbni CI.Miieht, Coaihgton,' Cot, Oawrorrf, Pav eiMiort, E ift.n. Erin, F-ison; Farrhw, Flslf ei.. Fleming;' Gales, Gary, Gee.fJ.lfiarrt.vnt- Providcetifj.V.Vfitca, ibe New Jersey ..and all passage ol the bill 43 ihe Souil)ei rati natja are na.y w " the oni wus r.j. cjeu. , dividends than, any ineorK,iaied ou.pany m A- j Mr rla..,w ,ttMlwc , Resolution in mertca. - . T ..' '' '. . '" I r .V.'- ,r. ...i.-,.,. ii.iu....wIl..iuMdLto,-4lte". Aj i-Mmmi.lmi. j.wteaessa...j tawm? jm-wt-.. tu sav, that .Wit do and ill pay higher loTCx.mmtriee on Claims ui tiiat ihan. any other means of coiuu.e.ce.. and 1 R,K,rt'.I.t fvvor'of Eliakin Cox K y L?.-2 !l ut Ud r Is furnuih , it to any Tuluii,ft. Vestal, was report! from iho Thomas.-59. tit, uranain, umiw'jt " ' Hairis, W. Harris, IH. HHrton Hoskias, Howard. JefTerson. E Jordan,' J A.' Ktng, N J Ktrltf, W. fl. Lane; Unrisay, L.ouner milk I Matthews, C II. MatfhewsMattlts-r f-i4rarrM J H. P t'i ns f tty, rincasion, rrirc.wr.nj u Satt, rt watte, oinatiwooa. ownv FICt. I -