nYi I All I ICO V, y4TCH!"mar heretriitr be n. and KifVr Centa per year. find i'r rlof'otr1 wwicnwri who win ,,lvnee ihe whole sum it one" payment, I" .. , . f, una iMr ilTvn llai. Mil'- - - L- .11 L .eh and asionjasthe same class shah I.. I - a A inn IMPVI w.... 1 - - - la, tliusJUj .8ttJ&sJ!Kl- Siuiwoi Mt)jia " """" '- v tn " . - ...111 I.. nkarnraH .! kar ...Irtu.rl. fjMtnej win - - f 'bribers who do not pay duiing Ike year w.ehred ihree Dollar, in mil cawi. ari,,iion will be received lor less than K,fVl . will bo d'nwoniihued bat at the W P'P'r 11 rruhiM Mild L- HI letter's K th Editor moet be pol 7 tfilirwtM hey Will cerianuj m i oe i- LTor ADTmTiii-Swjf tow M lltr,qtrror each initio njlerward, k,.dreriimnl will ie loeerwo .ui fcr willbe eontlnoed until ordere friloatop them, where no direction )5reitiee.neni-by the year orali rnonthe w II Eoade mta U-dlar perroonin lor hiter. JtlAIlKl.T, SALISBURY, Sertwn p-r lb. 18 a 17 eta. ; Brandy, Ap- vt irl. j su ci ; t-oiion p-r it. (in 4f 3 cw ; Cotton bainff' per yd. Itf -25 OUtMpeno. in a ,i cia; caannys Hr 4 a Jcia ; CoU.hi yarn, fmra INo. 6 lo ! ,1 75 a 3 00 cia; raihere per ll: din; f I'M! I nr oi. " new pi oosn. l i.i b;0ata pr bushel ilO rta; Corn pr bu-h 40 cii j per lt o a cu; i4 per 10 a a 10 cu ; i,ses per gal- 75 ct NaiU per lb 9 a 10 ; Bf per lb 0 a 0 eta ; Bacon per lb 15 , U iiir-r pr In 1.1 cis; Lard per lb 15 per bunhel fl iI5 50 ma; Siettl, Ain-ri- tliier, p-r lb. 10 cia ; Knglish ido. per lb cU ; tast-' di per lb 2a a SO cia ; sugar IV 12a a 15 ta ; Khiii (Jaiuuioajperir.U ; l'tnke Jo 1 ; Wtol ( clean) per lb 30 i'JVJ" Pf' " ,0 3f jelTow-rineti pr yd, t itivta WneXrenerifle) per fial. il 50 . nuJil do. l 50 a $1 7 ci ; Claret do fit. 1 1 3 a I 75 cts; Malaga, (aweei) p!-.l j VVhwkey per sal. 35 i 40 cia. CHERAW. 7- in murket per lb 4 a 7 cia.; Bacon per 1 00 cia; llama do. 00 00 cia ; Been a 1 lb 19 a SO eta; Bainsr per yard IS a 15 ; Bale rope per lb a 1-21 1 4 cia j Coffee pr. lie a l(i cia; Coiton pr 100 IIm $I51 16 a ; Uorn per bushel 70 a 75 cis 1 r imir 0 ijon per brl (8 10, front atorea per brl. 50 a 00; Iron per 1(10 lb- 5 00 6 50 ; tsaea per gal 45 ,55 cia Naile eo aneori- per tb 9 1 a 9 la ; Wrooifht do. per lb. 20 Pork p-t brl $9 10 ; Krce per 100 IIM f 00; Suar per lt. 12 I i a 14 eta; Sail pr L IS 0t0; 8ai per bushel 87 cia;Steel A- inn hliater pr lb lOoia; Tallow pr lb 10 a eta ; Tea Imperial per lb 1 35 a 1 971 cis; km da. pr lb 1 at I S5 eta ; tobacco roanu I it red per In 10 a 15 ela. 1 FAYETTE VI LLE inndy, pearb 50 a 60. Do. Apple, 40 a 42 M6 pr lb 16 a 17; Coiton pr lb 14 a 151 ria tfceprlbliia 14 ; KUir M. 31 a 91 ixaned pr bh fl 50 a 1 60, Fealhera pr lb 00 a Cora prpusk 80 a 85 Iron pr lb 51 a 6; Mo wapr pal 45 a 50; NaiU cut 7la 8 ;SaIt btnh liO a 90; Sugar pr lb 10 al.l; Tolac; V4 a 5; Wheat pr buah fl 50; 00 Whiskey Vil. 471 40, Beeawax 25 00 Foa the Watchmak. WOMAN, 1 mind of man is wone to err. D Beauteous woman leada astray j 1 n Angel makes of her Sh baunla bis mind by night and day. tiews her an his belter pait, pKH-laims thai Natitre'e hand has form'd i aernph resent of his heart. And her With ever rrace arimnM. ' v '" ilho man who will deny pCW-lions thus to nature true ? F fW. rnnTo.. il 1,1 .1.. tair omaorto make sore of you. f'er all, thy bexuty may heartless ninny uiven; ' hwe ardent love have nass'd s.wa v . , ; .- .- r - dee Uieebut piece of I eaven. O. ' i stated: in th'e New York Eveninr- f r that a Jackson office holder in Boston failed for thw enormous amount of F hundred thousand, dollars, and that he P overdrawn eighty thousand dollars on "ieret Banke I fHlA Readinmt An natter waaasRed. a r days since, w ho was the owner of ve- nne span of hoises, whieh stood st the ' "f the stable, and w hich for conven- sake Were owned by one man in the " oi another. -Sore, sir,' said he, 'if "X" i rm Ian .. a. - . ' . ' asas,-. ' .1 . ' c - ; l I'OETitW E8 STA.TB LEGISL.VTURK. SENATE. ' Tutday,Dtc IS. Mr. Marglell-r presenleJ the 'Memorial of the SwwkholderfpXl A.vt.hiS' HTM1 tl " . .1 ; . . i n . Rateigfi Rait Road, praying the Suie to urcome iniereaieu in aaiu Kail tfnau. Read and ordered to be sent to the Com mons. Mr. Kelly, from the- Committee on Claims, a Resolution in favour of Jamca Thompson, of Iredell county, directing the Public Treasurer to pay him twenty two dollars, which he had previously paid for land of wliich he has been divested. After considerable diacuasion, in which Memn. Davidson, Jones. Kelly, Dobaon, Morelii-.nl and Carson participated, the resolution was rejected, 13 to 30. On motion of Mr. Taylor, the Resolu tion introduced yesterday, by Mr. Mostly, was taken up. Mr. T. moved an amend ment thereto, declaring that Post-masters, Solicitors, County Aitornies,Eutry Takers. County Trustees, Sheriffs, Coroners, No taries Public, County Sdrveyois. Registers and CuiiaUblea, are disqualified by the Constitution from holding seats in the Senate. Mr. Edwards moved lint the Resolution, together with the amendments lie On the table and be printed. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Hall, the Resolutions prescribing the mode of proceeding in i conteste d elections were taken up ; on I his motion the 1st Resolution amended so . as to give the Chairman ol the committee on elections, power to administer an oath. He moved further to amend them, by sin king out the second Resolution, (prescri bing what notice shall he given when de positions are taken out of the Siate.J Upon this motion an extended debate took place, between Messrs. Hall, Biyan. Morehead and E l ward. Tnu motion was rejected, and the Resolution as amend ed, adopted. Mr. Hall intn.Klured a Resolution af firm'ing that the word eligible" in the Constitution, has reference to the day o! election. Laiil on the laitle. Mr. McCormick uitroJuccd a hill fixing the Hire for prelecting titles to laud lor en tries already made and paid for. Paused its lirl reading. HOUSE OF COM.VOJVS. The whula silluig sm pent until nearly 4 o'clock, til the consideration oflhe Itivid CnJe The toll. i n. o bills ns. d their Unnl r-ailm and were sen i lo IhwnSeitite lor rurrieorrencrT viz: ConeemHtg Elwlfnnol I'resiitelif & Vice Pre ident lo ledoce into one act, tha. several Us relaling to I'llois-providing tor the ap-Miilmen. of Notaries Pohlic Coneeimng the Hiitveyinj of Focusing oi low Uuis Ciiiicerniii)! Corpora lion Couceriiinr. Treasurer of Slate. Cuurer ning Secretary ui State To prevent the abaie meni of Hutu in ceiiain cases Coitcrtning bail in civil case 'To pruvenl the uVsUuctmr. ' tytsers Concerning "mail dinjt Prexcribiug what shall be evidence Cuiicvrniug VVaidtint of the Poor. The bill to incorporate ihe General Nlining and .Manufacturing Company, passed Us ilunl reading. MrJ V Lane moved lo lake nn the res'ilu toin from the Senate, fixing the 2J day of, lau vary on which to aljmrii $iue die. hit M'Neil audMr liraham opiuispj ihe mo tion to consider, on the ground llial no iosnib!e ' good, and much probrthlti evil would rnli fnun Ihe adoption of the resolution. The lljuse la fused to ciHisidcr, 6S to -14. Mr Kayner irtiived to semi a prntosiiion to the Senate, proposing al 1-2 o'clock lo m irrow, to go into the election cf a Solicitor nl the 1st Judicial District, rice J. L: U-uly, whose uriu of olfice expired. Mi StOlUnga moved to lay the motion on the table, winch, alter some conventional debate, was areeti lo. 1 SEN AllO. , , Wednesday, Dee. 1 4 Mr Baker presented a memorial Iroin the citiz us ol burke and Y ancy , pray ng tbti reeiitiii ol a new couniy. Uolerred. kitporlnjrom tononUlett : .Vlr Mont guiut iy, itotu me Cuiiimiliee on Prop at liuim 6i Urtt vaiices.rt ported the bill lo erect new county out of' a part ol .Hontgom erv, without amendment. On Mi Kelly's motion the titliwas lard on the tabV- Mr Carson, Irom the Committee to whom the petition of sundry citizens ul Lincoln &L Rutherford, praying the erection. of new county out of said counties, as r lerrvd, it-ported a bill (or that purpose. Passed Us fitst reading. The engrossed bill io incorporate the Norfolk and LUcnton Kail. UoaUt read the first tiiuo. Received several revised bills from the Commons, v iz 'i,,A bill , concorumg . Cou stables; a bill concerning Atloruiee at law.; a bill concerning the election of Senators and Representatives in Congress, (wh)ch latter was amended on the several motions of Messrs. J W. Bryan, Edwards and -MwftSWc'rO? miditdteadi mrtillttl.. - , ' Mr Mebane introduced two memorials from ihe counly ol Orange, agnnst the dr vision trt that cotinly Referred to tho com- iuiiu ol Ihe whole House. . Ou Mr B0 motion, the bill establish . ....!. i...i,..,u li.siru't. was' taken up. amended, ou his motiou, aud passed Us : tlmd readmg, 7 Mf Hall moved to take p a nesoiution ; introduced by him on yesterday, declaring the nieauing oflhe term eligible in the Con stitution . . a Bnwprecdted iho taking up 4be. Qa motton ol Mr. J Lryait,. n.etge co - oiierating in-the despatch- fcf bttne.t0''ui8d9y ext,to elect a&e.istor iri too- jw . ...s;, aud lie trusted that nothing would ue done Mammy; y; c?. syrrim v. to disturb this harmony, of this resoluiioa would ment, The discussion produce excite- Mr Hall did not ihmk it could produce any excitement; It was the mere construc tion of a word in oor vernacular tiijfeJL., lo . . ... be placed on the word elimble. to t ci- ded by the Senate In r)is convenience, and that of other memtiers. Ho h id supposed that his Resolution would have produced a ay excitement, be would ha nothing lo do with it, Mr Joyner expressed the same views with Mr Bryan. The motion was lost Ayes 22, Noes 26. The bill declaring that shares of stock in incorporated co-itpiiiies shall be deemed k taken as persmial io(erty, au.i the t.iil m creasing the liabilities of Shends, passed their third reading. The bill empowering Courts of Record lo change names, passed lis second uud third readings. 1 The engrossed bill restricting the term of C umbel laud Superior Court to one week, passed its second and thud readii gs. It is therefore, a law .-.li---iri.-, "The bill concerning wrecks "and wreck ed property, read the third time, amended, (giving the cotu-nusiouttts ol wretk 5 per cent, ou sales to the amoioil ol 5.000 and under, and 2 J per cent, lor all ws aove lb t sum;) lurih. r amended, so as to give Ihe County Court ol Hyde poer toapnoiul one or more romiiussioners for Hut oisirut, and passed ,- i - - -- The revised bill ascertaining the mode of proving book accounts. p. Bsed its second and third reading, and ordered lo ie enroll ed. HOUSE OF COMMONS D ivid Keii)aii, the. memntr elect from the county of P.txqiiulauk, losuppiy l lie va cany occasioned by the reMgualioii ol John B Muse, appealed and look bis seal.' . .. .. . - .Mr Gilliam 'presented the memorial of the Justices ol tin- Peace ol Uiuntiile coun ty, in relation ioa iccciit uioicioit ni ayatnsi tin in in tut- Superior Court, fr o-: kti pm in repair ihe Public Boilrtiugs nf Hint coun ty, lleri'crred to the Co.muaieo on tne J .i tin i;tr Mi. O.iliam. from the Commitleo on the Revised Cole, reporivd tne ioiiowiug bins. wIikIi ii le n .i4i the hist liuie, viz : u mil ronet llling t'i4j ; u lull tolicelinng Ihe Allotue) Gem rul ami Solicitors ; and a hill lit si rtluiiL' a'modtlor Ihe iiaitilioii of real auil pt lstittal Utti. A uessa fioui the Seiiute, trnnsmittin it Memorial and eNri irom tnu W ilming ton and KaiLigh Rati Road Compuii), wiiif'Ji were reel and relerred lo Hie Coui (On ice on internal lioproteiiieut. Mr. Kiyiin. Irom l no ('ominiltee ou Claims, icpoiied a Resolution in lavoi ol Daniel tii j sou ', wliich pas.ed Us liiol lead- Mr. Oranm, from the Committee on ihe Revised Statutes, reported ino lollowiuu bills, which' passed llieir Hist reatiing, ! ; A hill con c mil. g Lunatics and J.iiots ; bill concerning Iroii aauLi.t',1 U m- s , i i.,i conciruiiig Fences; a 1 1 a nim uim Weights anJ d 'asmes , i t 'i.n uiiin m tztog Allaeh.u-uls l is. e lr lo- i i.t iv ol debts, fcmi Ouvcln. Ihe ifeiediiig thcreou. T'ie revived hill roti rieng jn .Miiti n and to prevent Hie i.il.--'u ti-, ol n...i.j. ous disi ass. Slid tii oi. (- iiuog K-1 gloils yStHt'S alel CiMigit al.xos, ! lead the loud tun., pfj.o, uu i-rutreti to be sc-Ul to lite Sell l". Mr. Fisher lutiitdiieed a hill t' ii ml tin charier of tb Cape Ft-ar, 1 ...kui hhi 4lu Rd lluad CoiMpuyA wtiiiut wus reitU the lirst time ami paed, ami on in. .lien of Mr. Fisher, refer utl to lot CoinuiilUo on Iniernai luipiVvemeiit Mr. Hoekius presented the f..i!tiw my Resolution; Wtnv"l A 'read and adap ted : Resohed, That tlie Committee on the Judt lary be dmcietl lo entjnii.t ii.i' tin: expediency of anieildlilg lue I t ! I " St i e, wtln regird to the election l Lo c t rs for a Pr snu iii and Vice Pi. .suit ut ol the United SUIch, Hie elei lion of Me. .tint re of Congress m lue ' House ol !te pi-.cnt -lives, oi Members ol tin Oeuerai As ui bly, or Governor, of SIkViITs and of v. ink of tho Superior and Couuly Courts, as to cause the election for the ..foresaid several officers to bo held on the same day through out Ihe Slate, for the several fears, in which they are respectively" feqriiriid b) liw to be elected; St also to make such other uud fur ther amendments in the afoies mJ laws as they may deem most desirayh;. and that they report by bill or otherwise, t , . . A iness4ge fiom the Seuuta projiosin that the two Houses bold Evetiiug S.-asions, from and after the 141 h lost, commencing at three oV!ockAndt 'uj'tayp'h chsidcbhi b tnittee on Ibe Revised Code, ami that the Joint Select Committees have leave to hold their Sessions during the sitting of the two Housts, and asking Concurrence ol this I Ioue. The s i i d mess iga was, on motaoii of Mr. Hoke, laid on the table. Mf. Nye inliotluced a bill making corn- pewsationtothe Jurors oi Ashe pounu.which was read three turn s, and ordered to been- grusscu. SENATE 'Tiurtdatj, Dec. 15 Do motion of Mr. J.W, Bryan. n.es.tge grcss. or.cEMPim ai, t $ao, Mr. J W. Bryan, from the Judiciary Com mittee, reported, unfavorably ou Ihe peti tion of Joseph Lilly. of Martin county. Con curret) in. .. -4. ;- ' .... Mr. J. V. Bryan, presented the following ?JlirjjiJUi? nfi a. ? i Rtuohtd. That a large portion of the surplus revenue which has accumulated in the Treasury ol the UnitetlUtes, has arisen from the .s ilea of ihe Public Lands that were ceded to thety neral Gcvernment. f..r certain purposes specified , in the deeds of cession; and that the object of their ces sion having been accomplished, the said L'inds, or their proceeds, iu j isiice, belong to the I t-s. RtaolvtL As the opio'on of this Gener al Asseiuoly, that any act by which the Con gress of the United St alts shall gne Ihe Public Lmds to the Slates in wiiiih lii. v are situated, or any act hy whi.iiihe miniittinn (Mice at which ihcs. Lhi Js ..re now sol.l, shall be reduced, w.mi.l .k ii msly attitel thi prosperity ef,li tli ni l i Slates, and do great inj'isti.'e L tii.n.- Si.,i. n 1 by which they weie oniu iily ce.l.il to tne 1 n.l.!ru.-. n.. ...i j.-i.i. .i. ...i .... v..-'. miiij, inn in-ij.i ..I. .tt'i.i Mat ing U en exlingutslieil, ami In.' j cl for which the cission of the respei'tiie uortions ol the fit .He Domain hy Ihe M it. s whieh I iKijf ni.illt held tlieui, havinir thus boen hc- i comphhtieii, that such disposition of Ihe Public Ltinls. or the proceetis lliereof,.iji .t to t in iue nut--nj toe Stales ol the Uololl. as shall bn p.op.iriione.i to the resH. iivt saenrirts and expenditures incurred by tin in hi support of the ' United Stales; or at I. ast, in proptrtiou to their federal pop ul i io i Utijlvtl, Thit the power to tax is a nght couierred upon Congiess by tin Cm stlliilioii ol tne United States, and tout the sunt Congress is Uie Constitutional judge ol hnl nuioiinl .l revenue oiig.iilnho raise.t;-. -, , i. lue potiple in the shape otj r .. ... sni lo call irom tne taxes, or tlulies, m.Mo immiy kno.vinjily, than is tleinaiitl.-d by ihe wauU of the Giw. t riiiueul, is an abuse of that right or pow ur. llitolvtd, That the TarilT Coin promise Act was passeil m good lailli, and ought I" he itbserved i uud any act on the pari ol Congress lo disturb us provisions or Irus irale its operation, would be regarded ;m '.iiijusi, iinti a violation of good f.iilh. Utt lived. That tlie G ivcrnor lie, am! he is In re;.y requested, to traiismil cnj'i. s of these Resolutions to the Senators ami Representatives Irom this folate hi ll if Conuress oflhe UuiU'd Stales. Laid ou the taUh! ohtfoi 'Jered to be prin ted. Air. McCormick presented a hill f.-i the heller regulation of the town of lviv- clteville. Passed lis lirst reading ami rc relerred. The bill to incorporate tlit) Salem M n iifacturing Comjiauy, read the third uni" and ii4ei'il to he engrossed. Mr. Kot presented a resolution pro p.istiiL' thai the. two lloiis.-s al".nn si te die, on the 3.1 day ol January. A iopl- Cd.. 0 i Mr. Ilaigrave's motion, a message was si-n I In Lite oilier House, pr.ijiosmg to M.t,ij.i,e me el.'clinii of Solicitor fur ill-1-t . net, im'.ii M nnl.iy. 1 c m l to iiicor,ioiaie the Ivlcnton ami i.rf.itii Rail iload, passed its second read i in. 1L f. i rt-.l. 1'he engrossed Inli n eitla!iciiate I-aae, .. s...n , passe. i itb sc.'i iiil reading Ayes li. Noes 5. It kiS'C I 11 t'liid reading, i. in was ordcri'ii t'.i he cnr-ll-:d. i' letw i II.h.sCs j .ii. f . I this day, an ending i'i j-re eeis ...ii w ..tent, to elect a J nlge to sti !y Jiidf-i n . .nge s vacancy the iiiim.' ol U.veu llnl .tes,' I'Isq. having wen noiletj i.. I'.-ti-rtaon. Mr. M-isely m i lea nintion to send a unsaaie lo Hie House, to electni ; Monday la Judge, in plac-i of Judijc N irw-mJ re ! siuu.-il, and nominated Hon Fredrick Aash I ol ' llillsliorough. Agreed to. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mi. JotJan iniroduced a bill lo incOrpo rale tin; U"ci,fisli Mauiifat'turing Company oi r.iyiMicvihe ; winch passed its first read ing. Mr. Small woo 1. from the Select Com ut.uee on the memorials Irom cerium citi zens of Hyde county, reported a bill lo u tango me site ol the Court House and Jail :' thai county, and lor other purposes. Keat: tne first tune. ' ' A message from the Senate, proposing tULg'i utUi ait. election on Alopday-netrui 12 o'clock, to till the vacancy in the Supe rior Courts of Law and Equity, occasioned ny the resignation of lion. W illiam Nor- wood. Agreed to. - - . MrGrartam,frdm the Committee on the Judiciary, who were instructed to enquire into iheexneitienc v. of nassintr a general law upon the subject ; of legitimating per - iiavwlltMlig-wmw..wwrhid zr-trM:i.rJZ.f 1 J I u Buiyect u j,uny eiuoouivu tu uucjii jw.. vrsedStatutesthowVlh asked to be discharged from the lurlher consideration thereof. Concurred in. Mr, Moore, from the Committee oii tfie Revised Statutes, reported a b.ll to provide e... .1.- -..ii-...;.... ....I .n..,,.eme..t ..f lUt illd J.VVIItVlU'll Uevenue lor una state, which passco no first reading. ' Received a" message from the Senate iti- fonning lhat Wessis. Hprui ii ami r ox are : pleme Court; and a bin concerning ur, miiwoiited on their oarl lo superintend ill ,,.r 1 , c. " . . election lor a Juuge oi iueouperiorvA.uria,, to supply the vacancy caused by the re.lg- jjirec.prs f the Cape Fear Yadkin and , f . Mi 6fn(( nation of Judge Strange.; Messrs. Cran- rtdw Rail Road Company, piajiog aid ot ' M.rem,gjiiles of land. The said bill p herrv and McNeil were appointed " oh the I.nxilnuie in the com. Ictiou ot their . . a,Jm nnrwand ibe last-warned was k part M ihci I limse ;hereu6n dtfeou-sij I ..l,..iiA,l..ri.. it.', le t.i nn eoct. I Mr iluurkina from ihtt Commiitee on vol. y-o, Privileges and Electrons, brwltiim was re- ferreu the auhject of the cntesied eie'ftion of William 8 Harris, the ,emberv from Uaharrus, reported unfavorulilv lo the i't- i. .t,... . . . i .. . ling member ; and Mr Satterthait nxrrw tne mm .nty of tlntV Com.nilte., made a counter report. ' ( I'lte disqualification alleged against Mr. Harris, in the Reoori nf the ..r.i. Coinuiiliee. is iiii ul ,t, Zr ,.r. ..i r t ..... ...-.jm... VI ..ivj ,11111; ,ii ma eiec lion, lie was not 21 year (,f age. 'I'iie minority Report, winch is adminhly drawn up contends' that there is no evidence to suhtantiale this ullejrallon ; hul..tliut if there were, that uuder Uie Coustituiiou, it is no disqualification. SENATE. " ' j Friday, Dee. 16. The engrossed R luti.in in favor of. M ir SIohii, passed its aecond and t nut ifu.iing and was ordered to be en rolled. ' Air ilryqn inlroduretl a bill in alter the time ol holding the Superior Courl in the . wocru uiatnci, woi ch passed lis lira l I 1 he;e engrossed bill to incorale the Gen eral Mining and Manufacturing Assih ciattnn; ptissed its second reading. Air Kelly moved that the btlf fie on the table. j Rejected. Passed its third reading. It is a law. The hill to pny the Jurors in Ashe coun iy passed iis firM, second, and third rea ding. -' Tne hill amending tlie several acts rel.W live to the time of paying in t,,iry money, was read ihe first and second time, amend ed, on motion of Mr. Carson, and was re jected. Mr. Bryan of Carteret inlnnluced a hill to incorporate lheCenir.il Knl it.ud Com pany winch pissed its lirni rea.ln.r. and " -...... i,t,a.. Iiiiiirovemeiit. - - - ' . , 1 he teviMil hi concerning the I reas'r w -a, r. liM-rifl i.i iliu f :.. in .......... .... I.., .1 ol ihe hiatc, whs read tin- ii.m uud secoi.O readings, was amenucil, on mo several m. Unus .1 I: . Cars mi. so as n s?ivi t:ie I'rea sr.r 21 :.tvs i.i ivj in. no 1 1. Ilea. I in ived l amend the lull 'M.. I in;, fir. ii 't, 'v uiaHiiw tin penally ol ihe ttouu li J.djV lliilead .I' Ji.jJ 0;iJ. 11,1.1a t l .n .lio.i, Air. t'ooper demanded Ihe jea jii.1 nays. 1 hose who Voted Hi ll.c ailiiuialivo are : Messrs. Cnwper if Qifltes, D..I.H..II, D.Mliery, MrCnrmick, MiirehVau, P..il, Aamlers and r4Aiiiiier H Tuose who voietl 111 the iicgttivc, are ilern Aiorrgm;- Amngl't l, IL.her, MlTy an .1 Craven, h ) m til v'uiteret, tiuuioig, Ciisiin, Cooj.,1 ot M irmi, I0owar.ls, lx iiui, i''ox, tluder, II hi, it .nider, J yuer, J ics, iterr, K.'ilv, lii: ;ay, .vl rs.eilcr, .vlciiane, Alelehi.r, Al.M.igcuiciy . .tj i.my. .'iIiim Iv , Al iye, M. en-. , ,t , . i, U,'i'., iiiui- I i..g. Jttfiiiiiardi, IV niia us . V.iii4tr .i.i. J It was Hier. tore u. clotfd hi llix n. gi- lio Tne bill passed lis sti. o.id in. I linrd raadiugs, aiid was ordereuto oe enroll ed. I he Revised hill concerning quarantine, and tlie introduction d couiagious dlst;ates, was n ail tne lii m, second and third lime, it or. ieii d to ho enrolled. Tne R.-visuii lull co icermng religious so cieties and congregations, was lead tho hist, sr. oud and third louts, and ordered lo be oo enrolled. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Received a messngn from the Senate pro posing I hut the C.'ucral Asse.nhly adjourn sine die on the. Sd day of January next. Mr. Cu in. ul moved thai tho said message lie laid ou ihe taole. The q'leslion there- i M as il. i id.-d in the negative. The ques tion then recui ring on the passaoe ol the H. s. lut.oil, it was negatived. . Tin'. Resolution heretofore presentod by .Mr. Crawlord (proposing thai this llouso hold Evening Sissious Irom and alter the 1 4th instant, commencing at S o'clock, and lo le continued fiom hay to day, at which no proposition shall be coasidered except i bills repoiled by the Cotinuiltee oil Ihe Re- I vised Code) was taken up, amended so as to subslilulu ihe 17 ill lor the 14ih lust, and adopted. A message fiom the Senate, proposing thai an election bo in l I on Tuesday iieU iijt l"i o'cloik, lor a Senator to . Congress, liom and alter Hie 4th ol March next. A greed lo. 'the Shaker laid before the. House a communivutiou from tne Public Treasurer, transmitting t ertain' Bai.k slalemenu re Ct ived at that Depaituieiit since Ihe date ol ins annual Repoit The staieineuls were referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr .Moore from tho Committee on the Revised Statutes, reported the following hills,' which passed their lii si reading, viz: A bill to reoulale dest enisia lull concerning 9 . ' a , tie appoiutmenl and duties Jf -Patrol iua T - .--t--..-.vs..-- ....rJ.m - (,.-.. ii r v,-w uwtnn,. mwi iu winch , a8 paw. d their first readiu., viz: A mil i,, , -tjblish a fund lor Internal Impiovemeiit, twj lw t rciite a board lor the manag' ment ll(ereol; 4 bill cue ruing the r. p.-al - fatal - iV.ii ....... iu.vrf.4ir.iMi Towns: , u.CBj -iini, . - , a 0(u t0 , nauie women, in eeitaiu w p I ma in lam actions of slatder; a bill, loi regu- , j aU,,g Oidmaittt; a bill concemiog tte au- : ' . . ' a I , Mf, v. joiaan preseniea n.- Tvitnk Rett ri "d to the commiitee ou TiS lonml liniiroveirn nts. Air. iltll lutroUuced memorial of the s4 rYnurj t . . -4 ? " r ? , A ,,,,,:r"r d Company of f, , A . . lf' I"10!! "crese of V. . 1 V ' " Cook inillee on Flnaun, s " tttttnrrrtjitroi!iicwr a T resoluriofl l io vacate the hi .4 John Avernt, the me,. ber from Onslow, i,,h. gr,WOll f bit. ing bel.1 iIm office ol P.ivtm. . ,i... W"!') , bt Tore and at Hi tnno ofhiaol, I .i - , . - . . - -.- lo ibe Committee on Privileges and Eh lions. On introducing this Resolution, Mr. 0. mad, some vers appropriate remarks lout h ing tho duty id trie legislature, at this I first session coder tlit Amended CoOaUin. lion, lie sod that i .Might to settle liw prop r construction lo be placed oft that iu strumcht a( a precedent for future times, so that both the Lcgisl.tuie and the peopU may, hereafter, be apprized of it true mean ing and the fundamental Chnrler i f o.-r lights be krpt inviolate. And this ought to be done, cooly slid owpsawouat, ,,, . "1W out reforence as to whom it may personally aff' c, w ..'JLJ?-!IJIMI M pailtL artTtntyemnl i. (. r-. Mr Rjyiier presented a Kemiltitiwi to v seals the seal ul James Calloway, one of lbs meBllrs - J (Mm Surry ctMiniy , on ihe ground of his having V held ihe oflloe of F.olry lakvr of lhal eoonly at i the lime t. lakue his teal in ibis body i alw llesohlll.,n m .,,! inH tl( M.ii J.,,,1.,.. , a im-uiiier from CtmilierUd. on the ground of Lor having. at the unit. t his election, an J ts. Iku a ......a ... . .ii .... ...a . i.i una ii,.uae, qelil tli ulUtses Coftttty- Nihtitor iir Aliorney, and of Notary Public, i'r lhal c.Hinty. The Rew.lminns were relerreu 0 the C.Mninituie mi 1'iiviUges and F.heiions. ' In Hiiitiiiniing these ltes.iluli.Kis, Mr K in ilnie.l iu a sliain of v-ry severe and siii,i,, re.uarli on the count p.iis.iU by lbs Van liuo u , ri y . m ri'laiioii t, Hiewa eoiiteaied teata. lie had .-ol .,s;eeded r, before W aS Call I lo t. derby ih,- S,Makei, i..ra 11(11100 cast n0.,n 'he Uliair. tie fKimied Ida neal, suit Missta. Hoke. Cahiweii, tiilhuui, Finder, and 0. donhii aiiowssiveiv look the ll wr, but earerly-Wf tti iu.ir teaiaiks, ih .re iney Were also pronuumed aut ol' order ny ib Chair. 1'lia ta np-r ,f oi.i u mse w u yrt ally enciied and moeu CoiiliiMoii pf-voleil U a (e.v (leeuents. The "quern pa, i.f rrereinw' vas h'lvtHVer. al length pM, ami did troilnle.l iieeau beeaiue cil'it.' Mr ll-kmi presett ed s petition fren tl.s ly.i.ii.iy Ci.uri t4 L,howa, in relatiiNi i in ttKisi.i Kjfisl-r' fee; which wm i,J tid ituerftU loth Com mil lee uu ihtt Juthctl ry. Mi, Adams inir-lue.-d a bill g'vinj In Ida Count t;.ani., h.ii Horny io ati.l.sh Hit: nlliu. ..t t.M.niy I railee ami 'I i.ii.Mtrer or C'eiuii)) mne it Pulilin 1iiiildiitgn'n'fiich was Vnd Hie first Inn ' ami pitj, imi uioiiorr i.f Mr, d.Mie, reli fied I.i tl.o louiUtill on tht Judici ary.. .,,.,.-...:1.,-;-,.----v-.---;-"-"jri Mr. ii ilhngsw-ortn iiiiiuduced a. bill lareja late the uiaiuier ,."i recnvu.g liaia of taxable pr.iperiv, wiiicu pas.e.1 ns nisi reading vlr FiNiiur, Im o Hie Co.ii.iiHtun oi' Internal l nir.tveiiie..is, r pirte l a b.ll to inmionm ibe ltiei.risb Muniifiniuring' Company ot FayelM vide, with an am. iid.oeni. Read Hie aecood .me , aiHMii.letl, and paused. --- A iiicNsage fro.u the SeitaU), Inloniiing that Hiey Had pnw.sl ths eriruMed bill lo amend ' an itr Hie aiore unitoriii ami Oonvenleul admin, isiiaiion of Juaiie- in tins Stale, s-ed in h()C, ami asking Ihe eointurr.iioti u thi Ihsjae. The odi was read th M'st line, and piased. The S,teakr laid ta io e Ihe ll.aise . com 'iiiiuieaiioii i'r iu in KAt-e.leney h, Goveir.ir, iraiiviuiliriig ialeutents m regard id th Is k. ets.in several of the Court of ihe Siiih ludi cial Cirsnit. The communication was read and referred lo a Select Cooiiiuiiee. eonsislinir ul .Messrs. Hoke, Uyrd and Coo it The nvised bill concerning I'llois and I'om irirs oners of avigalllln was lead ire third nine, passed, and ordered lo be sent to lbs San aie. . senate. ::S ...::-:. Saturday, December )!. Mr. Bryan, from ihe Committee oft, Jim Ju.li'Mary, resirtd the bil( fir Ibe belter regu laiiun of the i iwii uf Fayeitille, and rseuin. mended ita paasigs." Liid'iUf the table- Mr. K. from the same Committee. to. whom, was referred a Resolution lo enquire mis rim ex (wdiency ui increasing the fees iif the County Hiirveyma made an unfavorable report Ihercoa." Loueiiiretl in. Mr. tlryan, of Caicret, introduced a Kill to in- crease the salary oi ine I reaiturer. f-astted Us mat atei "m. ir.uii.iiiu ictorrru hi tiia virtu lulltee tin Finance. v i The bill altering the terms of holding ibe 8if petinr Court in the Nswbern, eiteutt, was resd the second time. Mr Wilhama moved the in definniie .ip.memfnl of the bill. Rejected, and the bill passed iia second reading. On Mr. Reinhardl's inulion, the bill relative Is the lima uf paying hi entry money, was re eonsidered. Alter ome remark from Mesais. Gudger, Caisor. and Dubsoa, Ibe bill was rs leired to lbs CoiuiuiHee on lb Judieiary. house pFcoMMCxys ' """"M r Garv "iiiiriiduiwd a i"bnT itr7ncpnrate"ine Ruannke Valley Rail Road Cisepany, which waareail the first time, at nn MrGsrv'a mom.n, referred lo lb Commute ua Internal Improve- . HHMMV- - i-ic-a"-- .Mr Jordan preaented a Preamble and Restart- -linn (ahnusi a literal ciipy of ilnwe isjirndiieed m ; Hie Sen ile by Mr MoAeley) declaring thai ihe . following Uihcesare places ol trust aqd rm.nt t 1 ...1.,. ii,.,.ai.e..liktrfSaiilli a, aar in ,A "' niasi.e.r...Snhc IMI llffTVll IlO vriiiiBii,vT T as aBB( viry matrrrt Mf a rnl ifpetY.Vvst- hollciUu-. Sheriff. Ciirtaier. Co ata We.' 4tWni7',Survey'and;Trsiee'iii'Ab ly. v. i.j::- In introducing these Reaolulions, Mr. J. dia Ci.nnied all party or personal moiivea, I.i only inreiiii.ai being lo have the true meaning -.1 the 1 t".u.MH.s Orr Air. Iln'ebeatm niuliooibey wers nerw ' ( ihe latde sad De onnied Air. Uuihrie intiodueed a He4utioo in favor if Thumaa Dicken liad ihe flial lime Sod re ferred to the Committee oa Ciaims A ineMe from Hie eitaie intoiming lhat I thev had iased ihe f.illoi-l igengr.sed bille.vii: i . . .. . . .L M. -....... - X hill lo iiurui: omit- Ibe Oslt - . . .,,.,,., FfMlir ,he t wo. W Re- uiiriu tfliqu.W.i.ni' referted W the Commiitee on -liJaaBiav l'ho resignations of 0 wan B Cox, ss Coin J r i '. '