... uiiv hereafter be tiad nr rhn ... t Fifty Cents per year. , I) . IJiiM , subscribers whit - will holeta at one payment, iV" J. ..aoer for one year at Two I)oi - dl-" " .'.llon.rasihe Mine class bhal .... .!.. " r. . .. -t t thus to pay I" advance urn biiit o; rf'1' 1 . ... be. charged as oilier, eubscrt- ),rhW " P ,lHRr .1 j . hree Dollars in all caws, will received for less than p )'er' mi u .r.apunl'iniied but it lb on- fc f the EJiwr, oiile- iU arrears are paid .,i (.tor to tn" Editor most be post 7ol.rie they will certainly uU be at- tipw flurebr lie firl Uerlwn,andSk per somire ir e- y'.adrwaiseinent will be tnsertedTor less ' IV.. . . m Advertisements will te con.inu.-u ..... Wived to stop them, where no directions L previously given. Advetiise.ne.nls by ne year meia. -riIWl..fjBik-fof'.!-.iv th the privilege of changing the form every Li aiter. . .HARK Km 8ALISHURY, BMffax perlb. tfia 1 7 cis. ; Brandy, Ap- L. o r n il 'ij a 3 1 eis ; Coiion per lb (nr h-dj ,i -w ; t tutor. ti)i .'2' "2 V yi. H lijj CnlW per ib. 10 a n ("is; asiinsfs pc I a iris ; C iI'.mi yam, from i i 7 3 a 2 mi eis ; F. -atti. rs in p. i per ll; , i- ... 1 1 it ul '; 'n.ai pi dusIlI l !i J.'V hN pr bushel JO rli; tjorn pr Hush 0 CIk; , jir i i : a ul ; l.eail per lb 8 a 10 ct ,j , mr gal. 75 cts j N:nls per lb 9 a 10 , ri .0 u . r.S ,V.-or per p ,o . , Tril. a, lVl, ',,, L, 1') I'l a 15 eta ; Rum (.lauuica) per g.l; I ; J'aiitee da il ; A Kjl(rleiu) . per ,1b, iO filluw prt lb. l' I 21 I nv-linen pr ii. ennlTe) per yal. i 50 . SjiIu.'ji nil. i jv a vi i ' t vian i i.i Lrifil. il .1 I I 75 CIS 1 Mjilana,-'(sweel) kt 1 i vVhi-ikev per jal. ij a 40 cts. CUERAW. IWf in msrket per lb 4 .i 7 et.; Bieon per j 0) eis; II i ms do. 00 00 c's ll-eswav Lr lb 11 a aOrt ; Biggins per yar.l I i 25 l; H.tliiMpe per lb a Mi 14 els ; Lolfee pr. i.M l cm; C I't'in pr ion it ji I ih a M ; (-Wn per boshW 7 -a 7 t'tvn a 'vag.iiet per brl S 10, from siores r brl. ! iftj 00; Iron per KM) lb ." 00 a 6 .V) ; nrs pt (jal 50 a 75 els ; Nails cut assort perlb ) I X a 9 ; vVnniaht d . p-r lb. 20 'T Fork pt brf H 9 ; Ri- per HK nwt 00; Suar per h. I I 12 a 14 eis ; Sail pr f -f T K per tl :siie si cis-.ieei .- inn nhsier pr lb lOt-is ; Tallow pi-rlK 10 a ci ; Tea Imperial per lb $1 45 a I 371 cis; k,n do. pr lb (1 a 1 '25 cts ; tobacco manu ured per In 10 a 15 eta. FAYETTE VI LLE mramly.pea. il 65a 7a, Ui.Apple, 55 a 57 m. prlb 16 a 17; Cotton prlb 1-21 a 15 i ts fee pr lb H a 14 ; FW bn. $81 - a 91 ieil pr bh $1 50 a 1 tiO, Feathers pr lb 45 a f i Corn promib 80 a 85; Iron prlb 51 a ti; Mo- es pr gal 4a a o7; INails cut 74 a 8 ;ftalt biwh i0 a 90, Sugar pr lb 8 a I -2 1 , Tobacco; 3 a 4i; Wlwat pr bush $1 50; 0 Wbibkty :a.50 5J, Beeswax 2f a 00 VLI.SP of letters remaining in the Post Of fice in Salisbury on the 1st of January, - A-R1I Alexander 2, Samoe! Allen. Wil- m Audi-rsoe, Michael Anderson. u J J Brunei i, Kliz.betb Ann Brunson, !a Brov.ii. N Boy den. Peier Bartletl, J. fin a'JJf 3. Ellen A Bales. Gray J Bvnuiu. Ii-ib flraner. Elvira Bran m, A Hagarly, Klizt- m H.i.ler. Mi rise W Haley, rvmch Brk. .. . t' Lrt-vi Carrel, Daniel Corner, Krunson 'fn, James Cook. U Canidy. Kliz .tx ih I Charles Culhesell, James Clarke, eiHiard ( lulls. 0 Julia P Dickson. George Duke 1, J Le- J Daria, Win P Dobs m. E-Jolin Elleri. Wdhaiii Folk, Squier Freezer or Man.ne 1 1 Serreiarv Fulton Lodne 4, Lewis Fra- '.Jauif Filiiis. hnirge Gi.oitiiipo 2, T C Graham & Co, Sal Am (jusor, C Uiuello Guhspe, lleiwy S Gut- tan. H Henry Hill, Daniel llornSager, Alex Benjamin Howard 2, George llargrave, ' V Hnn,s. William B Mightower," Dulass LLidei, VVm. Micks. Andiew Harrill, ETiZi- I. II. .let,. I-I)avid Julian or VVm JulianJust pli Jones, u.l Juvy, .nnv Jusey. 'v-KK.rr. . , Pr Long, Margaret Lung, Robt E MG W Mordecai. James II McCnll. ,eh, J "I'ci.ell. A tieu i ''' buel .Mvrih, Jepiha Mowis.A M Miichell, ""ruacri; V m March. I) .lane II. - t -Wm Philina ,l''i!o rr.-vi..h-t t.-l Vir-Ue "Wis I'nryear, Mailhew I' rter'. JaCnb I'.N.l'. H .lames G Rowe. Will hGRinf,:,., .J. TJ(,, Shavr. A Smo.t Wm v,,n Al "'t, James Smiih. S.niileatori.i'hM Smith. ;,ai4i:'-s.wiTrwrew '""fls. Gnrge Sh-j w. T Jl.iSiww.,:. Harriet M Swisher, Isjuc Seel, Win. Stone, F 'WiU'mm Tavlor. Whitsi.n Tay!if, Aaron "''y.Nisaiid Turner. (e. r'.' U Tarrh. Fredrick ".'winJ LJiilin Watdwell. Biistur Warrick, Philip Wlul.i 11 .. ,. . . o--.. vjcurge iineim. iSAM'L. REEVF.S, P. M. r0Uriftnni wif.. irr. .r tvj- A Ion - ... 1 . 1 i. ...Ml U.. ij... , - -.....,,.., musuuii iiiva Will 00 tuivrii F1 hftm iku 1...1- 0 1 Wy at lh 1am rt rirf1r "flit Ll J inn naor lliA IUir ' ' Sllibury,73w25f B. F. FRAEI.V Mr. Jones, whose history of North Car olina has attracted mnrh, attention, replies in the annexed paper to some Critiques on certain historical statement yf i To the Editor of the Nem York Ameri can. The !W articles which I herewith en- clow appeared the .me in the American. ,l .. , the other in the Evening Starsome thiee weeks am. I .1 nt u . j- j.iu will IP-JIU1I- Jiah them, and thai you will allow me the use of your column to vindicate " y as sumptions for .Worth Carollia. From the Aetc York American. The last Mirror contains an article on the .Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence, from ihe Memorials of North Carolina. I.y Jo. Seawell Jones" from which 1 xirai t the following sentence, to reply to which I beg ti e use of your coi uiutis : " But it is not nnr revolutionary annals only which have been misrepresented. The name of Sir Walter Raleigh, so imi nmeJv connected with the '-'arTy'-"'" history ;of Nr.rlh Carolina, is familiarly claimed as one of the Stars of Virginia, and so very generally has ll'is impression been stamp ed upon Ihe literature of'the age, that a dis tinguished f.rreigtier Mr. Tyrone Power in his notices of the town of IVterslnirsj, enthusiastically pxclaini'. ' this is the Kl dorado nf Sir Walter IJ.ileigh.' He misfit a well huvp pronoili,. ed the i "river .Appo m it . x the river Cuphnie. and the coim ii y .iroiin.l hiu) ihe Mie of the garden of Ivien. Sull .Mr. Power is not to blame. Tli'-' illiterate scribblers and ora'ors of Vir ginia have boasted a much of the name ol Sir Waller, as if he hail actually kept the . . itiM.r p-r lu ill cm; Lard Mr lb la v ' s ,l,rr bushel l J5 50.is hiecl,.A.neri -I t) ')V) -M,r- t"r. that Jamtxi.iwn was ..'ulisier. pr lu. 10 eta ; Bugle!! o (ht II. ; p,'u"''1 ,,,"1,'r '' immediate auspices of NiCust di. wr lb 2j a 30 ds ; Snar ; fuller KalciM, and that the country was c;iiift! by lino lirguna, in hiitmr ol Hie virginity if Queen Eiiz.ihcth I never heard denied helore. Mr. Junes, whose character I sincerely respect, is entirely at lanll in this matter : St he will find llim scll in hiu assumption fir .Norili Carolina at war with Irvine, I'aulihii!. Hud al! llie learninjf ol'the country. A fcjiBstiiiBLR. Frmn Ihr Evening S'nr. MR. JONES OF NOR I'll CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. Mr. E litor, your proverbial afTi'clion f.r the charatter and inn.-iles of Mr. Ji-I-lersou has uliaolit-d lo y.mr nam,' the be-l I'cciings of ihe Sniim, and I thcrel'r send yon this l'.r the col.imna of the Crentng Star vwvifig nrr douht hot that ii will inc.-t your appr.H aii'in. 1 he name of Jcllcrsou ! pas hern nl' late years the subject of so' much vituperation, I'ul many reasonable ! people wvio never examine fur thein-elcs. i conclude from the number of his iss.iili.ui i that some gieat sm hi hi lTe -h-,s fn-nrbtn I.. .....,! I: .1 . -in... i . . k.t r ' ini.c.111, im.iouv in mi;iii. 1 lie ia-i iti . 1 Mirror contains an extract from th. Mt'inu rials of North Carolina, by Mr. J,.ncs nl thai State ; and we ihcre sec that mat oen tlciiinn coiiiiiiucs his abuse of Mr. J. lH-r son, under the guise of defending his own State, lie hates Mr. Jiffersoii for his ! principles, and hates Virginia because slid l,IH. ' "og ar ', r 1 . c e 1 r.ig-niCi" and 1gu.1r.n1ce. II, v tm-r ifoaiioke in is proud of her native sur."' of freedom.',! , , , - 1 1 i . .. r , , . ' .. .. . -" 1 the iit,,te o. uiin,.' I wotldrr 1!i o, nil,,!,;,,, , d Ai-cording to linn, Mr. Jeffci;sjm 8lol.M.?,ll ,.,,;, tb,. h..-:,.i-.- il . Kenavba theoptnuirtB and inuch of the language" nf A tiappen. 4 m let in Virginia. Toe ir.til.fis it the Declaration ol liiilei.viidence fr iu the Hi.- reader ill reh r to ibe map ol Virginia he Mecklt'iihiirg Dccl. nation. Aceiinling to lumSir Waller Raleigh was not tin- Lord of the sacred shore at Jamestown, ami ac cording lo hi 111 the name of R aleigh ih con nci lci with no other territory of ihe Union.! hut that or North Carolina All these are new and startling points, ;uhI contra li'-tnl by every liistni lan of any "note ; 4'nd "this historical iltvolalinii ,t cminol expect Vir-j ginij to sit quietly and witness llie lt'i'ra-i dation ativl insult of tier proai'.cst l'i:i-liiios : Mr. I. mes sneers too at Mr. R mdnlpli's title of Roanoke,'" and says he purloined it from the annals of NoitH Carolina. Mot , how this is. he docs not tell 11.. The river1 Roanoke is, in the State of Virginia, and : sweps over a much wider extent of that .State than it docs of North (Jandina. i he estate of Mr. Randolph was directly ! 1 iiiem its Imnks, and there he was bom, and : i , , uii 11... I. . I ,r'M" '"ere he had as much right to take a name, OH MX Jones Hail to take U ; name (l Wi.tH ,t;u..l;iit iu n.is ,N i aoiliiu. If ol Shocco froin the spot of his bin 1 Tne lrt,rt Hlt9;tiu a, ever nclm v. d vbjt,h a in ht.iril with which Mr. Jones assails Virgin-! utnph over the laws of nature. A Virginian' la. and every thing connected with her his- j lory, convinces me he must have some la- tent, coocealcd reason for his bitter hatred; ....1' !..., i- diu.. not misrenreaent dills ' i'miij; mw-... ..... f - " the facts of our history, he may justify him self in the eyes of many, but I could not permit his claim t Sir Walter R ileigh an the founder of North Carolina to pass 'utt-coiitrattiacd..iior-iei.tiien-.iliU.-MeaUiii-pass without saying a word of defence lor the liwnenUid Jefferson ami ' Raodoljdi. - "'"''-:;;;!X::Z; When I first saw these two articles, it did not appear to me as at all necessary that I fhnuld reply lo any! thing they con tained. In the first place, they were anon ymous coiiimunicaiions, audi did notcon sider the eilitors of either paper in any wise responsible for their contents. Besides, too. t had 1 11 unused that if there- was any point nf Aflitricrn Hut .rv sr tiled and altogether , ' j beyond .rontroversv, it was the fact that the ' . e -vt .1 r. ' 1 1 1 1 i. ... 1 rod . --.v t. Mmvinww ,.-t.. icyoniieoniroversv, it wasinc i.u i m.ii mo lU.vid i..i.:. . . .. : . p "vt . 1 . 1. 1....: A a" g'-xi vvotKiiien iune omers , coasi .... norili varniina ttai '' .'I"y. . inner lie ainsotces o Sir U alter lvaieigrt, nnd lhat the Koanoke and the conliguons . - Uitds ut Jfiat -Slatewers the name of Virginia, for more than twen- tv vears. before the settlement of Jatnes - town. :u'l it . seems that I am not to -bti f ' ,m . . 1 permitted to reposa upon this conviction, , I am denounced a an Historical Revolu tionist, bucaiiHe I record the inufoiihted e vems of the history of my country, and be cause ihe mere record of iliote events as sails the originality of the hiMtory of Vir ginia. With an enlightened public, drtnun ciaiions of this nature have no (T. ct. If I have assumed too much for the history of i i.iu.ii i inn iiy an appeal j t . the iiuhorities of history ; and if .1 rr: ... ' ' r " Virginian," wishes to illustrate his own ignoiance more fully than he has alteady Hone, he cannot do better than to devote himself to sueli a task ; and as his primal effort in such a cause. I challenge him to reply to this communication. The only two points involved in this controversy important for me to notice, are 1st. The claim of the late Mr. Randolph to the title of Roanoke ; and 21. Was Jamestown settled tinder the immediate auspices of Sir Waller Rileigh; and was the country adjacent thereto called by him Virginia, in honor of the virginity of Q teen F,liz 1t'th P On the juhjecl of .Mr Randolph's tfatitf to the title of Roanoke, it is necessary to stiiiftthal the river which now4 hears 'the name, was known in Indian history under the name of Mora tuck, and that it did not receive its present appellation until at least a century after the first settlement of the is land. The meaning of the word Roanoke is Pear!, and such was its renown In Indian tradition, that the main river which fed the Ocfam r AlWmaiTe Sound, by degrees reei ied the coinoliuicnt of its name. All ihe glorious associations of ihe word how ever belong ( xclii-tvely to the Island. It was there wto re the pood Indian woman, the wife ol G niraiiaineo. euici lamed the first voyagers of Sir Waller. In its w ters the generous M inteo wjs hapti-i'd a chris tian ; and it was on its soil w-'icp- lie w is invested By the command ol R'ii-'!i with ihe title of nobility, and created I. t I of Koanoke. Ii was in the deep rcccsos of I's Vipi-clad grmes that ti e first A qlo Ameriean saw ihe light of lie ivt n. Tiierc ihe foundation of the ancn nt ciie of R i Ici''i," wis laid ; ind it was ilnnc where an English people lived sulF reil and died. Mr It iinlv'l'b na'l enuijli, s . ne vague j.'ea l i!i i .mie ul Hi rtur-l in ln.lian r oil i i.mi , an. I ig ofiranily sii;i iiiLr ihiKin.ill' Klo ain si loa i , or m I. a liijl purl ion uf ill- u.u n I v. i l ln.-li lli- In 'Jo- siiii, u Vii.. uilclil I lie lieir 'o all kIs ijImi ions iiv . ,i latioi.s. ho olO l ot m Ih p! ;.A l. iulupl -ji a- --t - hH futtt nieiii'Ti ( t ii.g :b ;!.! i 1 1 1 1 r , l It . i iii n- w some ii'u'ii'ile c.inie .- ; n bet ween hi- am-, si )h (line .' i ll bi lHii In- jiiici i i' :oid ill- I'earl Mm. I ,, ihe av .uf ,,ri h U itevu,H, t,,r lie t-iline il lo f-ecneeo frooi in ( , 1 1 . . 1 1 1 Piimeji ; and i it be cr..7.y 1:11 nrtou lot iteepiy si, 111. .1 ot a trtle, he embraced the tpp irtum'y T.i Coii,dile f, 1-4 nhn ijjiii, ,1 pi-dioiee, Oj purl lining 1 1 1 Ii I'.K- p. Ci.aoe hsi nl .Ni.rlo t ar . i, ibe jlino.t lino., lieu iiuU illy ol one ol her nail e sav-m -s li.it tthai does the eorrpspor.tlent nf the F.ve niog Siar mean i v n-seri'ii-r Hint " ihe river 11 iinnki: IS in lie- -:i,lle 1 Vl. a I ma , and thai II S'M wider eMe 'b HI II il es 11 .Solltl t. iiro.'llia ' d i lint state I l is be ever nil Carolina ? nnifii as luokeii it a ma, lot N i I is lo; evel v,i ped ,u.- nl 'lie si -or, IS In' ever .i s -lln-d at ' iliiii r.iie s.-ri i!i. 1 ' i 11 in Ii- 1 - .- (if Virginia ! all ? A neil. t ll II I H lu ll' bi i.uin 1 ; and 1 i.i..tii v. ry I'l.-f.-vmr Tucker biuisell in"!., li a b'-lher ! v i'ii 111 ( is forihi'oiiiii.sF ,'1"MIS J' ll 'ts ill., will be td,e to exblhtt any Mill fil.d llo) 1 lie lt-.anoke. Hi II sl.uls fioin the junction ol liic D.n ami Si. ml. .n, ilm s 11 ,1 C'liiiouie 111 iln- s1 ile .f Virginia f 1 inor,- il,,u. lor'y iiides, and ih. n, entcrii-g ofih Cnr,.h 111 Iheciiiniyol n r--n, it v., , n ,,v r a f - r ; I -si-i-t'on of ln:rl ""t'OP of more than oiih li.l.iitied and I i 1 1 y miles in exicnl. So ni'ii- 1 I r lie- if.-o y) rsjilin ul k on l. i'ire of " A iiolnian " l.il us iiii.v try lieu .ipon anoiliet poiiil ol Ibo local tiltii.iiy ol III on 11 MUV. 'Mr Randolph's pljiita'i'in then was dire, tly upon lbt bankv id this liver li -anolo-, n Inch lv In Ine St ite id VitJ. Ili:l. Ho. I villi. It sho m u'iIj in i 1 -1 1 .d.r exo-ni ol ih. I si .ti . I.ai I ' '. v .,1 ,V.tl , C.'ae.lni.iK Xi.w, with all .1 1I1 I. 1, 1.. 1 , I liinik ibis I'm IRS uil.lake, line.;, 1 11 ,1 ., ..- nl 111 .i-iij. 'ii.iTiaiiC.l.is 'A Virgin' oi 1 s.i iy iii iI. . Wr ICimI .Ijiii liv-d in 1 i-n'muH oi 1 n- rloiie, wlneli, I ii'ii sor.., is soin-lil: y ..nil s I .mi ihe junction ol Ihe Han and Sutnui- ti, 1 .v:iy cp to- "rds ibe inonn' u iiiv, aim 1 am v. ry s ue the " '"' J1' VP . ' , Siiliintoll h.lls.iill tin- way to Air, l...o.j..!pt. e ,a(((, wls g ,Uf (. s. , ,.. as would have been at least in the neighborhood t truth m aAseriinir ihai il sweeps over a wide, extern of Virginia il.an ul Norih l, Mr. Bandolph's plantaiton, ihen, as I III, .oil aroliiiB not up on Ihis stream, and rememlwring his ridiculnus sqneainudinesa as tn the litis of lluauoke, llie . or 1.1 inuv well exclaim, where then w as H V ll was on screek wbieb courses through -men etitt the coun- iv l l liarlolie. etiiD'VH'7 i" wni. ts u.. tt.e J r ' " . . W,idwlsid-efi with 1 ho name of Liitln Kn.moke nivei. Air. Katidolnb's claim to Ibe title ,iMii-he-saiifn1r: trd 'TrtlKWaarr'wIir oof fair tn reMiehibsr tlie smry of the 4th id July Orau.r in Rome, New York, who boasted hat the vil latre around him had oeen the city of ibe Csars, nor of ihe Lunatic of Sparta, in Georgia, who in sisted thai he1 was the countryman of Lycurgus, and ol the heroes of Theirm.pylas I will now come to the second point of this enntroversv, vn: was Jamestown seiled under Ihe immediate auspices ol wr Mr vvaner iim American ' l. rters : a , ...c..u.. .-- .-v - . ,,,-mai ! leriers : and her personal, as well as iitcnia , ; V,,,,,,' in ...f vievv. llllirc than puencal. charms re, In my view. 1 '.',,....',.... ..i ,1,. Liinmmul III ah man vi'iu 10 nn i.i.s . 0 1 . . , ,, ' ,nii-. i,i o would be uiiuecoining lMf-einhusiasui uf my feelings. ' She has eticlo Ud , , .n extract fnm, '"l'',,!,llc-t';'";il I Wasbingiun Irving, which . Juhy .uaum etgh.and wasibe countrv advent, inersioeaur.. by him Virgteta rn honor uf ihe Jvtrgtoiiy. l Queen Elizabeth ? 1'he cofte-smde.,t of ihs c hi.lv rLslino-iiishraJ lor in r ioe ... her m the pnsJikw she has taken iniiiuu, i and it being adverse l.i my iinciis to wr a gainst a bxaiitilnl woman, wnall accepi Uisub tiiuleah baa otfvied.aud thus wvlcwme the strife. The extracts fr .m ihe work i.f Mr Irving Is ihe sfcood (arsgrapli of lli Crude Village enntribution from h a p n n ihe Migixihii for 1837 and it .is MLwa; 'In ibe phras.ol , rf New Knglsnd tn'gm be found many in nld En lisb pMviuoial phrase Imig since alwohne in the parent cquutry-. with some ipi.nni tel cs f the roiiitd beads, Wi.fc Virginia chcnalm pttu liarittcselmrntterutieifthe dnif$ if quten V.. lizitbdh a ul Sir Wutttr llaleigh Mr. Irving aiiglit as well bava said that Vir ginia cbeilsiied peciitiariiies ehsracierm:ic of the j . a . ... nays oi nerooiaa. and .loha the .UrsU. fi if she reiaius any Meinniialaid Q ieen EhaiiH-ih, a.ej Nr Waller, it would ptiul sven Mr. Ir ving', prof.iund reading lu iHl us how she obtaini-d lli-m. TbeQieen died on ihe 2 Hi of March, 1003, and the tsry tint expedition lor i he seiiieiiuiil ol V irgniia. Sailed from K't land on the l!),hnf December ItiOii; earlV toil, years aHer the death i,f .hat famous IW. . (seH?iuiiha lliHiury of Virginia, v., , p. j0.) til Waller Kaleigh, too, wasenurely mil ol ihe way ol iinpairnig any peculiarities to Virginia. :.i,b.e datcnf her, ear het BHkneiiitof h hd b-'e'icoiivtcted of I reason on the I7lh uf Nove:n ber, t!H3. and was sent to ihe Tower, w here he remained, (it in pnliijeul durance, slid in hleiary glory.) for i be space nf twelve years. How then l il psiMe, thai. Virgmia should have any inemoriaU of ihs days of Q'leen Klmlieih, sod Sir Wi lier, in cherish?- A inoie oris ssssull i.n.,n il.e ..r l...... .... I. i tbau in this Stmrt Hentene. of Mr. I,.,..., .h...h .k ...u.- i .. :. ..... ....j rj.vu9..uie in iiiiu, ii mo me iac. luai be devoted rainy years i.f painful study, lo the cumpusiiion ot a work which has linked his name with the discovery and settlement of the whole continent of Aiii. rci. and il is ailfieuli to conceive bow a scholar of such mammy re s. aieli, could have siudied so cl.isely the history ot trial age, without retaining as the fixed stars of his ineutoiy those great events i i the life of the ii iiil" Sir Walter, which have indissoluhly ni' ci-.J his l ame vv uli ibelnslory ol llie An- gl i Ann i can race, Il Mr Ii vieir is curious on the subject of ne ! cnlijrni. s i-liaracit nsiic id llie davs of Oneen E'rz tH ih and n Walter Rileigh, he sa.mll U i i.. North Cnr iimi I will iiisurehiina ricii .ft- I'l f ir llie "x -ui in -it Ins ainpuriaii zeal: and mere, 'i d. tir can .ip. rale wiihn.lt any apprelien sion ol iiiisi Uut ihe if ite of EllEitHth's i-jits I nee, I ,r the sierra's of thai Stale were ready 0 -,-iijiii-d in Hie n'nne ,if the (Ju.-en and of Sir" Wal'- i on (I.- to b ..I .l. ly . l;81 .-See Hal, :ii)t. Vol. Ill, . i2f. If, thetefofe. III ll.e ei'titse ot hiv rev. :,rcn. s, hehinild ierceitre an, favh'oiis Hanmo u.e people i f N'.irih Carolina, b. ann i be n in.. 'i . i ies rn'ilance o ibe age of tjm hi Ui'sj, Iih iiiigbi verv plaiwibly set them no n-us -'pweU-tme-s -ehitrnetrrTstie,' AiC - f.it in llial Civ Hie ji nl (aei n u.,iil.i mil b,.ve Is-en .lead M.iiie foill je.,rv. nor llie gallant Kni.ibl in ihe l'oei sniiie ibr.e years, previous lo Ihe ve ry existence ol ar .'onv. The irnlh Is, Nnrttt Carolina is full nl feelino t'..r ll.e ineuiniy ot ir Wllai ad it wimhtb- 1 nipossible lor the iind luailMi.liVH traveller Ii pill his I .ol i.pon ihe shores. id" lhat Slate, ivith nt heaniio Imiii the lirt ishi-uh r he iniibi en eouliler ihe fjCl lb-it ll.e country around liu.t :J sacred lo Ihe services nl Hah-ioli Tie would ! s .......... . renin ded of it by llie thousand iraditioiiarv vo , nes he would hear-by -he v, ,v ,, ,,f , liiitu-. titA Vuth.a ln,f lha tr....., -..iiorl ht.nl bills, the vulb-ys, and ihs htreams ruutd biai die) 1 may venhire-lu assert, tbai there is mi p..r I Ion ol the wilnle Union, so 1 1 1 nvi nous in h oiii dary lorn, as Iloanolie Island iIIusiiioiih in leed tioiti the verv tact, -lul ll is linked with llie ma ;jic name ol It.deigh. II s lu- iiiory siirkle8 o' r the fount tin. Tin- nieaiosi rill the irrglniest rivir ' Ri.lls-nnngfcd wttli biv name forever. There is the beautiful tradition of Sir fVVr IlultHth Ship; which has di veendea fr..ui lite earbeai history ol (he Isl-onl, and which is sip cht-ristied -vph llie relioioiis veio-ralion It v ihe 't niii ma1 rolls i f Ibe .'and Tin re v ihe eapral ..( ih.- S:aie si ma' ed 111 lb- c. im n- of a r.,.1.,1 ry M ine I in 1 lie b in. i id a irauulnl woman -- M .ss K -lb' r Wake eoiis'iin'.-n p. ill ij.s l,e in.ii 1 iipr 'pr ate in-:n."i il d In-r f.i in ie. ; -in.l t' -. V-,li r himself could rev il il.e e.-uih. a:i-l he I. -Id .In- iiiHmlic.-iii osbe-e wliii'l. iiiw crnu us llie siiiu, nit ol ihe cii) ol lov 1 i 1 : 1 1 . , In- .nim 11 1. i i he rcmoiii .ered it-, the U-unuiu.t4 i pe piu would be lull v r-abz-.t. JU si. vv;:i.l jiiM.s, of Sli ,i co Cm ri,ui 11. -The l-'lomla pipem fnmivli it 11 .it. mill .,f a Ph. dn- l'i roiven in Ifiio. I i.i! Mi m an L (,'i.im 11, I i'e ul the A'my ' ol .li" 1 1 ll ."stall's. 111 ii'siliuniiV HI IliCIt IiM'i 1 is.- ol uis worth as a private ctni.-n, and 01 a,s -liviiiig.u.vlied m' vices w I11I0 in cniniiianil ol tne IJ oil -.1 Siaies force in the campaign agamsi ibe S.'iiil'iule Indians. '1'be loasis, regularfn.il irn-ijtilar. were gem-rally patriotic and jiiijimul The following are a few nf ihetn whlcil. Will rTve I be reaiier 3 Lisle of ibe wlioli ; The At my of ibe I'nit. d Slates H'rive, cs pablc, anil faiihfnl ; junly erntilsd to lbs graii tudo of the People, and highest patronage ol Go- vertimeni. The Navy-Ii has ilhuninatr-d by its achieve menls ihe dn'p ot,eaii an. I llie shallow; lake ; the woods of as well as ihe waves discourse of its glury, and accord in the 11 .te of victory. The President of the IJnired Slates, the Heads of Departments, and " all the powets that be" It la a becoming duty In rt.ijtccl ihen. as - the ennslituled auoinnlies of ijo land. Our affeC tioiu msy be reserved for an itrtrishictioti: V lien we know w ho they are, we shall judge uf llie priietyid-efilrTVimrf ' General Duncan L Clinch Our worthy fel l..-.if .j.iiioii ami reK.MTleil oueal i tiiav lie- nrver I.M -Wah-- atiaille.'fi '".rrfndr"" , Tiie Live Oak. the pride of Florida Torest---May it never shade any out Ireiucn, or bear a cannon subversive of liberty. General D. L. Clinch Willi a ibotwand'as brave fellows as those umlet his command when be received the Indian bullet itine gii his cap, he would have saved the Govern men l 'lie iron hie of a court of Inmiirv or. , ibo failure of the Florida camnaitrri. r.. . ..I j. 1 . .. iL .ril..iuii In. i . .1 t.i...i ..t .i. i.. .... hi.ti. rrei.i:il mill witu inn uii mu s iiiv . - - - -'- on mill silda her valleys, and a meilovv heal h- reinoving bietze eti'l floats v r ihe waves of barbarous war '. may the renmnera ions of a ji;i roils, protecting Government soon resiote her rich haivesit and gulden fruits. IJfceolasTiie great oniakenianp' iriilf iineiilt 1 quered red roan ; wouJd iba bis aspiration j wi6-lis unnoty oiaii iimj.m ....T.a bis burning ground, his kindred, aud his kg ua- wer Jess unholy lliau nicy ar: nan 11 -itf uu bin, how know w, ni lunwnMy is n blessing his cause, wbeo the Ursal Suiril i giving him victury ? , ' , From the Bihimore AiiicricanrDec.lil. . Ainonir the pasiijjrs In theSuu'h C"""'"'. frmn Norfolk, were iin Clinch, Uol Mc.,nb of the (J.. Vlilnb. C'apt. Drai.e, V. N A 'mil l.i. ul. ..n:ie, U ,S. . Tbes ucuileiu. ii are oi. iheir way in Kednck tu aiiend ihe Military Court ol Inipmr. ' r Mr. Dolors was electrd l.t. Governor of tv Caiolina. The health of Gen. Call is sai.l Ui lie in a ve ry precarious hh,ip, n,,d it iKsa,.l ,, .h ihe Givenuii.-iit ol Florida Toe term m vt vice nl iI.h Teiiiiesveein Vohinie-is expired mi the Ittlh Nov. as they hud Mniri-d to (i n f ill lli. ir inlenilori In go home. Ii im iIi..i, that In I Ins ihy were deii r nio.il ,v (h- , ,., uiiaaii ot Gen. Call, lo whom i,ey ,,-ie ntiini atiaehed. The loss uf ihe Indians in ill - s 'M ini a,.. ls I 7 Yu , , .'"iv " " '" "" i dr"'' !".d ,h" ol U,m U h,,,'H' ' " "u V' : . i. . . i wounded A deiachinent of Fl uida V l int iers, eonnst ' i.iV of two companies, bioler llie eouiie .nd ol Col .Sancbes, had cn unlei-d jo .(.rj u..w t tiiT.Mlliike, where I'hihp a ,l inv I i i Y have ti:i . j Uilillstiirtiert jmM,in ,ire llie I l-I co.j ii in r It IS doubifnl, however, wlieiln r Hie'y will b abletoelfecl any Unngl, 4 .e Hvnl'ist small. I The U.S. StrNhip. Relief, Lieut Thomas' A. Doliiln, Cooioi n.d.-r ol llie Sort. Si-1 !""" r.pui..ou arnveo t .rl.Uk on t (i ' L' J.. . v. ut lU,'u " " . ueiaware. ST.VTK LKUISLA VVllb.. SEN AT K. Tutadnif, Dec. 27. Mr. Polk presented a bill lo ensure 4 i .ir valilalicn of lands, wh.11 jfiveii in lor lax 1 Hon. fti It-ricd to the co iinnttno on ibe Ucvenuo The amendment of the Commons to the hill aolhoiisiug Courts lo change names, were concurred 111 also the ann-nilrnent lo the eiigiossed resolution in favor ol George Williamson . Tin) following hilts were received from tin Commons, and severally read three t. nes and ordered to be iroe , viz: Con. i 1 u.ofj vjainin iineviuiii i aaic tjon cerniiig Courts of Ivjuity. Ttie revis. d hill l oiii eruing Revenue, was read Ihe first ti n.) and referred to the com- miltce on the Itcveniie, The Kes.-ifntion in fivor of i'ie Itoinnlce Navigation Company, passed its second and , .... . ... ., , .,. ...... ,iK ,rr nnn im- morality, was lakcn up U,i Mr I aylor's inoiino, the. wh.de of the bill was Ftni ken .011, 1 xc p. me ursi sei lli'll, Mill Hit) lull pasNi-if as ami nih il ) lie nill in i i. n ih 1 thoinode of survrv- ,mJ j,,.Jjllltf, U,,. Ijt4,,3 i(( ,, ,lri!.J fu,t ,l4J 1 ,. , 1, 1, . ( 1 . ,t.li. rnkei -,v is taken no in m-ii. cn.p'i.vsi d its .. . , . ' . 1 'h'rd reading ami wasordt-fv-d lo be engross Vii. IIOUE OF COMMONS. Aft. r the rrn.1 ing ( a I. v It. vised Si, it oti'K.t'i. t'. 1 a!ilish a no 0' .r. -nit lit Ih. t 'si. iv . l iki i. up for n. .si.ier.itn.il. an I o-i 1' 1 1 vi- to tin HUioi ili d debit.-, in uhtt'h Messrs I lk'. Grihiiu, S.itlt rth wallc. Ilty o. r 'iiiil Mi-i ri- 41 .In i..osJ. Tin- bill lii ally p.asfi'il its 3' readioy C-2 10 it is vi- 1 to Iln- th-n 1I1 for its on- eiirn ii'-e. lite I. lit. as pis-e .1, poiVKios thai all the J idgee ..f I In- Soimtii.i I 'onrts vlnill heieafler he .-. I iri. d Otlii i is.k receive I J .1(1 ilnl. rs i. r iiuiim, in lull ol alt du ll s uhii b tne L- aisUtiiii' m il, di-vulv up on tin ui O'' corse, if Ho S..naie hihim In the Munnliifnt an adtliluniil Jtiiljie will hive lo be elected t messige Irom (he Senate, ir.fortnirig . ( , u,. j v. Bryan. ja kins sn.1 I , Skinm r are npponiK d on tin ir pun the joint 1 coni'i.ittee on ihesohje. t of fining up and 1 (tri.t-htng the Governoi s House 1 -Th 1 remainder of lhetuiiini was occupied wilh '.he first, second and third reading of ihe lulls reiM.rled from tho con. milieu 011 lie vised fct.itulis. SKNAIE. iVidnetdar, Dec. 29. A mcRsngo wns received froth the Com- nioois. proposing a c.nnlerencu liso on llie part of each House) on the disagreement of I lb" two Houses lo the anieno.ii ills to the ciigriwscd n solution relative to ihe money lo be received from the sales of the Chero kee Lands. Concurred in.and Mr. Edwards and Mr Carson, were appointed the Com mittee. , , The Revised bill concerning Procession ins w as read three times and' ordered to be II I v enrolled. , . Mr K lly preaented a Kill to eslablish the B 1 u It-d "-.-N ortlr Cwcihni' Inch pdssud its til si reading I M ll,. ,.n fr.m ktiA I.irlieiarv - i-iiminillee t . I ' ... .. " reiHirted UIi1.ivi.Mldv on tin- II solution ret- alive to giving SoliCltms a fjxetl Sa.ary. Con r -. . .. ... 1... 4 curred 111 ( Reci ived from the oilier Hons" two pro- positions to risciin' lb;j. ml order,, to rh-rl a Public Printer ihu Utl. r of which was a- . greed 10. - ! 'The Inflowing r vised hi I Is vi;:'Cncern- i itig lands of d. i eavc.1 debtors, concerning seamen, coinniooil ib'Sceiils. were rt-id : The r visi d Hill Uiiici-riiinjr .Mil.ssna 1 " imiii rn. was imcnih d uu its thiri rt aiding, on mo'loll of Ml Soruili. so as lo iln lo-ie Mini Mills. Mini no as lot X nipt lh keep' is id mills liom working on roads or otivo as iwntf. "TheSi nale proceeded to vote for si v n Ci.iineilltirs i,f Stale The couiinitlee a,-, ( - , - - - pwmltd to boofcrttirctid th volti, reported ine i,.iimiug ,i(,,. Biwh. e 2, Joors2f 9 . D nc 2 2, lt,.g, rs 24. f) ,vu 3, A.he S3. iI'DiarMhu 4 T.e ju,t vote was si follow: Itosi-e. 7.VJj.n.s ;. JahnMoo 78. Pe.rr78, MclV, 77. Kilisru, 78. Co.dwiq 81, Watt 8 J V t 8, ,)4 n R.-gers S2, (). h;. ,si 79 and Mcp.ar ...id 7JI. Kighty y,d s l ,g , uiajoriry, Mussis (.1....IMH,. Viii.V1l,,fl)9n)UBtt ii" e'is vre Hilly Still to be li.ren. eiCitm.', leaving io , 1IOU-EOK ,UIM0.V8. Received froiu the O .veni.ir. n rommn nu i.iion irioisimtting mpiis ol two Acfs f llie l.on. rul U- ioi.lv id ,S.rtith (Voitna. ie. emu p0,l. lMI l(, ,!.,, (hi. charier d" ihel'i.ar), ! :mcinii an o Road C llllpaiiy the i.lh. ; rimf B.llrflHg l,ril''"gcs- he St... kh.ddf rsnl sud Cimii- p.in; .Is., j i.it ft.-s,,!,,,,,,,, tit rt Sll'-j" "t "i It .nt.M and an A ! Wie m b,.,lv tit e tract trom an nuke aii.roor in. I lllll lfr.fl.ll.tl...l. - . .in.-, Wllfl a piOlM. t toin Ihai ,e !, A.'ta he .tr,( ,i. A niessagi- was s-lil to the S. nale inform' -ang n.it i: .rei,,H ). d oi Do i Cinlrls ire i.i niHinn i'i o. f'.r ih-' i-ili i.- I "hlic I r.-asiin-r. ami Ib .t M v,rs. Choi. srs. l lot. i slid li.iliuosworlh an- iipiiiuleil lo anoci luteiid Ibe ebeli-.n. ami lh.il I'llM I.I lit . 4 u. . ruady 4- - pnren m tn rh cti-oi jTheo 1 1.. list a thi-reupin proceeded V j llH t)n million of Mr Hub hem ... the f, .1 i 1'iwiiitl ii. mi s were silhoriwii Iron tb " uatn.n f r f'ouuci l.ii, ,, St.,,., ,a; v: M Combs. 1 1 Tin. ir, in - J.iIhi i BO. I Ibe fli!(i,M,,B ;I1J , ,1 , , ,,,, ,r viz: James Wall. Franci. L D j, :.i.i. A. II. Davis ,M, ,srs. II li li. . oi X li ,,? WCI appointed l. ?'.j.erinicii. toe e. tio i The House then pun e. ihu In wile, n f-illows: Fpr JolinM.m Unsn 51 vi.t-c. ( . Alfred Jones 53. f..r C. e.. J..hu,t.... 5:. l VVilli,. IVrry fii, c Melt c 55 ! . .: KUls.in 5d; for Allen Goodwin o ', 1 i .' Wj a 7. lor (1 Williamson .Vsl. I. I' I ! Dancey 55, f..r Alien llnrcrs. sen &n f. ; A II D.ivis 57,Yor WeS Aahe 50, for A il. Diarmi. Mr. Iluii h-son rpportctf (hut J ,mes 'Vat'. George Williamson, Allen Rogers, eon. A. II iMvis, ami Allen Goodwin had each r ceiv. d a m,iji.rity uf ibo whole imotln voles, and were duly eh-cled: and lhat in' older person h id recntorfl ttucb major 11 1 w" ,"",",n Uiitclicson, nirssiig was sent 10 tn- v,, n pioposmg that tl 1 joint llesoluium lo ) ,lu tn faction ..!' j Pub-it. Printer, Ih.s day. be rcscimkd. A gll rl to. A u ssnge from ihe Sen ite, informing ilia' that House do not concur in the ami ml oients of ibis Hitnse 10 the hill nuthorisinc Courts of H cnr-l to ciiang.' names. Whern iipon il was resolved, that ihlS: ffouM lllfliet upon 1 h- ir said amendnu nie. Mr Silti-rliiwaite iiitrodiiced the folhw ino K. solution, winch was ordered to !n on tn. tahle: trnulre.i, That the committee on Priri- leoi s in. I 1 licli niv hi- Oiaehurir. il fi.iin (ho lurifi. r I'oiisidi'.ratMwi-uf-thr Hi snt'itnm re : (erred In Iln tn. v,icalnit llni sttut a ol CtftalU ; mem Otis of this Hoiisd, SEN A I E. Tlmnday, Dec 20. Bereived from the Co, in onus, a llesngs from tin Governor I it certiiin Doctun. nts, ittiii uis.. proposition I punt Iln-J wo art. ol tin Li'gisl iturc ol .South Crdini whirl, H 1 i.up.iui-l il. Agn nl to, and ordered In 1 1 on the liihli- mill he' uisife Ihe p( order for Mombiy next, at twilvc 0'- rhe k Mr F.dwtr s moved that the fpeak.-r ten der a seal in the Senate tn Col iMmiiiiiingcr of South Cit'dina. llie Commissi.. ncr, ap pointed 1.) lie it Silicon f Ii. sitj-'.-: of (he ('hath vion and Cie.-imiili Ilm ffoiif. and thai Ihe Senile will h' ar any exj.lana lii.iis, which he may think prop, r to make. i.. i iv. 'l Irom the C-'i-uiiriiins a bill loin C()JMirale Ihe ISo.tnokc Vall.y R, Jloid (.'onip.iui, whit h passed its first rtading Si wos r. l'i ritd. Mr Montgomery f.om the committee on' , Propositions and Grievances, aski d to be discharged from ihe further const. leratioii of the petition of the citizens of linike.oo the ground, that the county court had jurisdic tion . I the oialtCr I he committee tr& dischargid. ... t. A m.-sk-age from the Commons, proposing lo adiourn on tie1 lGthinsi si,,r. dir.. ui ordered to he on the table, Mr Edwr;':i moved to send a messao'- pr-ipusmg an a joiiriuiieni u ibe 9th. Decided tii f5 "affic- maiive Yeas " Ti r 2tr , The Sein'e prtii red. V flirt coiisi.'era tmn of Mr El want's Kesuiutinn. whiai it 1 .if.. rrti'.1vi(d iirill in !.o TrTuri-UmmhtM-i-,,. i Ir 'J y ner in iiio Chaov- - Mr 6r'(iii rm- ' nn ni ed a r.piv to tiwv Speech . In-reiof. ife 1 .... -. .... . . . 1 liMioi i.y nr 1 . 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 j, a u 1 at r -p.- k ' g : an hour, he gaw WSI , befor" fie h:l.1 e'.-o. cluiloil his reui t' K.s arm. on .il' Xl-oilo-., -ery's motion, the i-omnii'l' rso, n-it.uei prooriss and dit.utle) lent- ui mi .i;iij win . 1 the Senalo 'aiij.iuriit.-ii uowl 3 o'clock P.M. . HOUSE OF ( ivlMOS The lull lo ineorfsiraii' t Ui' ( .ollv. Sw-aoip Company in Bladen ii 1 . v is ro.i tn Hunt time, and, on fiiotii n ol Mr Hi swell, postponed nid tini' Iv . to , ,: ...... . The off to tnroi ii'ifatetiie Alaiiulrt jliwir-- an e t'o.i.pai.v .ol'Feiteil!e was riad.and. on n'oti n of Mr Graham, rdWrcil Vo the .. t.-. t 11 ' couMuiitce oil I iiVaJ.e bill. , . . . . ' . ' '1 . - . , ' j,, ,-. . - ---.. - 'jj- j i.-,..!,i... -;iy I -7 Ji