SPEECH OF AIR WEBSTtK, (of M .ssacrmseits.) On ths Specie Circular. The Senate hiving again proceeded to order"' 'n ,",h "? Ih' '"" the nrm . tjI ,.i '"' .... . ... i. p vivn r n .,if.ire movci-iv v, ..... erf' . , ... o.... ..j f .. Jtesoll't't Olf me oerno o ui , j iti Tnal the Treasury or r . , . .Iuh (if I, lit;. Anno omini one thousand eight hundred and a 1 .lit I life fll lijla 1a 1 1 It' ll C III I alii hirty-flix.a'S' ' , ' . ....Pivable in P'ivui. nl fiw public hinds, be. snd ihe same u hereby, rescinded. Itsolcei, aho. Tint it shall not he law ful for the Secret ry ot me treasury to delegate to any person, or lo any corpora tion, the powr of directing what funds shall be receivable fur rust cms.! for ihe public hods; nor shall be wake any fliscritnina- Un in the funds ao receivable, between dil- Verent indiv iduals, or between Ihe diileieiil ranches ol ine public nevenue. Mr. WEBSTER addressed the Senate as follows: . ,,,,.,.'...,,.,. -r- lijPatwtifT:' The power of disposing f this important subject is in the hands of entlomeu, both here and elsewhere, who e not likely to be influenced by any opm- . . . L r i,ns ol mine, i nave no on uit-reiore. or ddiessing (he Senate, but to discbar .m V public duty.Si to fulfil Ihe expectations of lhasewbolooii to rueior opposition, whether . . . . i- - . killing or unavailing, to bt-Trf-1 believe lobe illegal or injurious to the public inter- jests. Iri both these respects,! he Treasury or Iderof the lltti ot July appearsto meohier- lionablo I thmk it not wirrinted by Uw, and l mu.K n aiso picvicaii pr.jn 'i . hal. I llnnk-it has eonlrihuleii nU h liil'e i Ho the pecuniary dtiTi. uliK-3 un b-r wlu.-h ' he whole ro iutry lias been, an I stiff is l i- jLonng; and thai its direct effect on n. par ticular pirl of Tlie country is still more de- tidedly and severely uul ivor able. The I rcssury M.Ir, or Treasury circa- har of the lltti of July last, is addressed fby ihe S"cretsry to the receivers of public jiBOftey, ami to the depo.ite hanks. Ii in s'fiiits thet-e receivers and the hanks, a Ur'.ht 1 5 A day of .Jirus' thm next, to wire ii pai,mfit of Ihe public lands Ulhinfr txct p irtia' is lirede tfi ertslin' Jiti- r; fr 1 1 ana silver, an i, in int prop if cat$ f irsritun l in t script; provi 'ei, hat Ul the L5Ui of Dftmh- H neil, ioaMe in lu g nce her t jfe t tended as ) the kin I J , nonet receive I, mm be con UK, for a 11 qu iiitilij of land not ex- filing 32 ii ucret to each purchaser who )M actual stt'lrr or b na file reMtnt liAe S'ale where tlu nalts are made. Toe exception in lavor ol Virginia scrip founded on a partiml .r act of Consress. nd makes no part of the general question. is not necessary, therefore, to refer far- tier lo that exception. The substance of e general instruci.n is, th l not'iins' but 4d and silver shall be received in vaymcnt "or public lands provided, however, that tual settlers and oo la hie residents in the utes where the sales are made may pur- base in quantities not exceeding 32'J acres arn. and bo allowed to pay as heretofore. Bat this provision was limited to the 15th My of December, which ha now pa.-sed; p trial, by nrtue of this order, gold St silver vi sow required of all purchasers and for ill quantities. lira very glad that a resolution to re fund this order has been thus early iutro- fucer'jsnd I am glad, too, since the resolu- POtl is lo be opMMed, that opposition conn s '", In a bold, unequivocal, and decided The order, it suems. is lo be defen- ' d is being both legal and useful. Let lU f ( nee then be mide. Ihe honorable member from Missouri Mr BViiton) objects even to giving the res- mum to rescind a second reading Ilea - litm-icll id his light, though it be not ' 'f 'nig to g. ii. ral prai-lice, to arrest the gfiss 'f tbi measure at lis first staue. P'iui, at b ast, is open, I old, and manly war fare. The I ionorble member, in his elaborate (peh. founds hie imposition to tins resolu P"n ..nd his support ol Hie Treasury onlt r. f'i bo- iieneral principles repcctnii! cur- ,,rf. luch he is known to eut'Tt un. and f '''i d he Iihh maiiilaineil fur fuanv vears. piS Ohini.ins i..iiim rif iii tt'trutA m nll.iifi.il. nltia aint impiaclicable; looking loa slate 'tiinys not desirable in itself, even if it ri ticahle; and. if it were d sirablp, ss being far beyond the power oilbis Gjv fnn.ei.i touring about 1 be henorable member ha manifested "uch perseverance, and ihundant labor, opin 5 e IS understood, also, to have had ounien. re frtun high places; and what Im,Ps of success Ihe present moment out to him, I am not able to judge, " Shall probably soon see; It is pre .7 on these i general and hng known -o-""n that he rests bis support of the TOU7 oriler A question, therefore, is "nee raised between the gentleman's pnn1 Pf and opinions, on ihe sulnect ol ihe rsi.. . Fjrrr-ticy, and the principles and ojnnions ,l nare generally prevailedin the conn 1 "d Which, are. and haire henn. enlrrelv apostle t, . ThllI (iuestion la now n '" to be put to the rote of the Senate the Progress, and by the termination of r'" uianissinn. sua .1 . II .1... . t " ".. i. iiii wiiei.ifTr ,115 ""eoian's aetiilmenia ... nn, t Til'U Bo far nt m r"d. Thai - .11 i : "y v i j win rejoice, am sure, "te some derlarntion t.f ,uD :n,. ,.r fr. - - rl,.,..,9 . uptk .rt ?' B,1,,j"r about which so h48 suid ,n(J wll,ch ia fo WJU cicuUted, by ita perpetual agitation, ti oisquin ana disturb lliu confidence of soci We are now fast BDnrnnrliinii th A Zr T',H -d.,lver,,o denonnn,,eCWuc,:I,!k n'Z u ! k , i T. " "m,n M rm" '"'' m,,ney'' """ "'"J rftfd then b..t reree.,h power and ptronae. ,s to should fl,,w onl, w.th Kld d silver. If l of II e same objects and the same acheu.es, I to be resided a..l Mi.,.at,z,-d a8 lliere , . siH-eial , ,,, regard to the currency. Tne per ,ey.' the sooneJ the c , r Tn. 1 order of the Secretary is prosective, and, on the face of it. perpetual. Nothing in or about it (fives the loast appeal uuce of a temporary measure. On the contrary, its terms imply no limitation m point of dura tion, and the gradual manner in which it is to come into operation shows plainly an in- lenlion ol inakiug it the settled and permi neut policy of Government. Indeed, it is but now Iwginning its co-iipl, te existence. It is only five or sis days since i's full oper. at ion has commenced. Is it lo stand, as the law of the land and the rule of ihe reasury, under the Administration a, lock is to ensue? And are those n,...ons of wauaewroerm Tr " , f , "T pC"e "y. ") o.s.l.Q 10 an ohjiks. on which it is defended, to be esMMised and maintained by the new ad- ministration, as they have beeh by its pre- decessoi? These are questions, hot of mere fur..,ty, but of the highest iuteresl to the whole cotimr rZJlLn ,lanA .1 c . . in loin.uerinc inis oruer, the rust thing '?l!,.'.L,..!?Jwk.J....IIe caus whicU led to it, or are assigned for its promnlgi - tion. And these, on thu face of the onler itself, are declared to be 'complaints which nave ucen mane ol frnM. speculations.and ...... ......I,... ....i.. i r .l .i monopolies in the purcluse of the public I .nds. and the aid whi- li is s n.l to bu ifiv. n to elf-ct these ohi-rts hv l..nu credits, and dangerous, if not partMl, f icili- ties llirough bank drnfn an l h trik depontrs, and the general evil n.ll ience likely to - suit to the public .nt. rest. and especially the ! safety of the fcreat amount of ovuiey in the : Treasury, and (lie souii'i condition of tne corn ncy of the country, frout the s furtfier , exehane of the inn mil domain in tins manner, and clued foi bank credits and paper money. . 4 Tms is thecalilouuue o( evilsto tie cued by this order. In what these frauds consist, wbat me the monopolies c.ioil lined of, or wli it is precisely intended by these inj nious speculations, we are not informed. All is I. ft on the genfral surmise ol fiaud, spei-u-lation and ukkio)oIv. It is not avowed, or intimated, that the Giivernin"uf has sustain ed any loss, either by th" receipt of bank notes, whu h proved not to be equivalent to specie, or in any other way. And it is not a little remarkable, that these evils of fr vnl, speculation, and monopoly should have be come so enormous, and so notorious, on the 1 1th of July, as to r q'tire ibis Kxeeotive interference for their tmppu-gsio'u. and yet that they should not have reached such a height as to make it proper to lay the sub jeet belore Congress, although ('onrcss. remained in session until within seven days of the date ol the order. And what makes this circumstance still morn remarkable, is the fact tint in his annual messai.'e at the commencement of thu same session, the President had spoken of the tapid sales of the public lands as one of the most grati fying proofs, of the general prosperity of the country, without suggesting that any danger whatever was to be n:prehende! fiom fraud, speculation, or monopoly. Hit words were: 'Among the evidences of tin: increasing prosperity of the country, not (he least gratifying is that afforded by the receipts from the sales of the public lands, which amount, in the present veir. to the unexpected sum of 1 1.OOvi.OOO.' From the lime of the delivery of lhat messagci .liiiun t.. ll.A .lul. Mf lliu rfr...ailru .r.l.f there had not been the least change, go .fail as I know; or so far as we are informed, u the m-anner of receiving piynent for tin public lands Everv thing stood on the 1 111 Jul. SJ1, as it had stood at the openiuo ol the sossion, in December, 1 8 S 5 . How so different a view of things happened to he taken nt the two pcrio.ls, we imv be -hie tii learn, p. rhaps, in the further progress of tins debate. The order speiks of the 'evil influence,' likely to result fir. en the further exch ini'e of the public lands into 'paper money.' Now, this is the very language of the gen- tlemin from Missouri He habitually speaks of the notes of all banks, however solvent, and however promptly their notes may be redeemed in gold an I silver, as 'p iper mo ney.' The Secretary has adopted the hon orable member's phrasps, and he-, speaks, too, of all the hank notes received at the Und.ojftf. redeemable in specie, n demand, but as so much rpaper money. In llns respect, lso,'sir. f hope we may know Hnye as we grow older, and be abb to learn whether, in times to come, as in limes icccnlly passed, the justly obnoxious and odious t hai acter of 'paper money' is to be applied 'o all the issues of all the banks in all Wit; States, with whatever punctuality out funds ass.gn.ed for its payment , resting only on the good la.th ami ine iniure .mn.y ol those who issue it. Such was the batten Siicn was uir. p....c.i ,n... of o..rrevol,-,onrvtl n.-s; and such, peihaps may have been the truu1 character , - - " - oi uih jiapiT .H iMw.iiriiu.i..r-".- .. r I a ...,rA I But ine notes oi iihiiks oi eoinp--.- -r- . . i ... i ...nr. w,n ; luls, limited in amouni to such capitals, made tn gold and silver, and tpj a due proportion payable op demand j "". -""V " r SAIXSniTUV, c. HTURIY JiyUARY 21. inr. Kit I'm itii i ii ii 1 ' ' G-um, are p,per money to no sense bntf one; that is to say, they are made of paper, ' La i. j circmaie aa money. And it may It the better. The miMiber frotn Mmumi, chimes those who wisb to rescind the Tr-i - iry or d r with two ol.j. cis lirsl to degrade and disgrace the rVsideni, and. next" io over throw tllci I'OHSf I I II I If 111 'i I or .. .... ..C ii... ' country. 1 For my own part. sir. I denounce n..l.n,U- i seeK toucifra.le or disgrace intodv Hold- .. . . ,r . ... . . ., tuj ti'e ordi r illejj tl and unwis., I kIiiiII cer- laiiilv v.ilo to rescind it; au. in Hi-ln- ch iri-c ul Ihis dot,. I iioo.1 1 ....i t. d to shnnk ba ...... ... ih.n.. -,i.;..i .. ... ... . i j I . I ..I. ..I , i . . 7 t .k j V " " M,"f' VVMUSM 4m. hsU pay hw saes f T Vii?YWttMA 4 , t;..cn..n. nt.and ma, make one ,ul. , And nope tint so nuch of ind. , .f,. , ' f..r one ...a., and ano-her ,ul J..r -noiber. We as may bo manifested by fiee i.sc.mtoii Si uouhi as w.ll id.nitllnt ihe Sm-renry had au ; an honest vote is not to cause deuun i.tion """y ,u " ' if 'i ihedein of one. while - from any q nrler If it s'euld let ii come 1 t'"'"''""'l !""' ni on ihe other j As to an attempt to overcrow the co ist,' ! ' d''',,,- "" ' lh- M'ns f """ IH.o.mI currency r thu countiv if I sri-n. ff"" ""' "' h" l""""" 0"", ST u" 1 r '"is pMpMU m. lh it Oiirress, havutif dy the !' center into such, design. should . CHHt.,lt.H,.u,h,Hi.y u, d.sn-H. ot , he phl,c ter be b' Liinnm.i rather ai luin d:n : war arust lliu t Ifoils of my In.le polin ' csl lile. From mv very first cone, ru with ' nuhlie aiTnr I i. .un i.u.i,..j h. i; . ! currency as a matter of Hie Ingbi-M piliilie n'eiest. , nod hope J havn given s'lircieut il. .liN l H .i!s ol a i .. , d.spoMiM,, at ill Urn to m .mlio. sound and secure, against all alta' ks ami all dan- In; ii has left noirroiind. not au inch, for Execu gers When I first entered the other House! live i i. i.-rx..-ot ion of (Congress ihe curiency w is exceedingly1 T!o only .n.stj.in, therefore, is, what is I lie deranged.... M'sl of the b-mk.liad stopped i !' '" UM ww-UsJaw, wii.in -4ite Sjormary piyment, and th cin ulannj medium had then become, indeed, p ijer money,. So s ou as a st it- of pet1(-e enibled us, I look put hi an elf ut. witli others, to restore the same ciiircncy lo n better slate; und success fniio.ved I bat- -ll"..ii.- - Uirwha' is nieiini by ftip' eon-ilitiiifoiial c:irr. iiey," aKmt winch so uineh is . h I ? Wli ii -. c is. or I inns of currency , dor lh. ("oaslitu-J Hon allow, ami what do's It lorliid ? Il is plim , cnoi.gli Ilial this depfii.ls on whit . i . . . . . we uu.ler loo.', i. siaao oy ciirrntcij. uurreiiey, in a Iierli iii3 in a i i-i! seusi. itii-i.nl. s n.i only ool.l ai.tl silv w an t tiT'tk notes, lint hills i cxehauge also. l ui4y iiielude all lhal a Ijas's r-xeli'oig . and settle lial.t.nv, in the o)'T..iiiiiis ot Ira.l" ao I ii nmes-. ( ii if wh nii.lersi.il .1 oy r.ir'eney I ihe ri in 'itc ul lh" country, thai whieh cm- ' su.oies a 1 1 viii icn lef or .Hits, tuni is the KWaicmeasuof r .loH. lheii. oit loti.t.dly.ii.i ; tluii.r is ineliiileil b ii gold an.! .si Ner Mo-.l un , I...... . ii.. ,i il e-.l ll.llllV to re is tl i lo ' i! teiMur, un.l ihsre i ca.. u- I......I .. ,J..,. U lUUVasiuiry. sinN the i aiiih orny of this CJ .v. r itnetii or any uiher. Imi i sf.il I ui.d Ailver, entier eoiiiauoot tmr iirtiioniiii.. i r loreign cnii.s, al tales regulat! ty CwiMir.its. ' tins Is a Ciiti-.lltotio'iitpri,iei.V. i.-,ii.eiy iiaio ; and of the very ln-hest . nnortatn e. Ti. .s.ate-. . a. expressly p.oltcH.ed fr.sn mtU-t, any di no . mi j-oiu a in nivtft a K'u.ier in iv ikmi i .i.m.: an l, alilioooii iei such express prohilmion is ap filled lo (Jongiess, ye(. as Congress has no pow er grunted (o It, III llns re-H'el, iul In (an mo ney, and to regulate lite vilu of ,,ri-i 40 nuns, 11 cltarly has no jtownr to siih-Miute r, or hiiv thing else, for coin, as a tender 111 payment, of dt-his, and in discharge of cniiiiiri 0 0110 res, has exercised this power, lolly, in holh its In J 11 dies. I'. lias coined uion.y. and shl! coins il ; it has regulated the value o I' a. ion i-.,im-, mii.I ;hi reuj lies iheir vabe'. I'lie iej d tr.i.l. ', liit-re ..re. Hie colislitlltio 1 l! sla nl 11 I it v.i!: , i.-. l"i laolisheil, and eanii il iv uvr-rtli'.evti over liir.t.V II, Would Sluku iW- . 'n.l- sy,n i. Uu; ll lie: (J.ae,linl)..u knaAS only oold an silver as a legal tender. !oe-11 fill..- tdnt it, Cousiilution cannot lolerale ihe v.ilauijry cirett t u i Ion ul 'vt'iU in,' ..it v.'fiii:!.' ..; , , i ver al Ihe nill'ul 1110 Ii ..I.I r. a. nifi ..! th.' .te tllrll iiii.iimV lif itlp. iitrt ls .in... rvi.l .tilL-J lo lie. cnlitlej to de iian.l gol il h lverfor eve ry delit, but is he, or shou he he, oliliijetl tn rfe maud it ea all -s-tses ? ' Is if, or shnnM liovern- - 1 ii.-iii in ike it, unlawful to reeeive pay in any i 1 Ii 1 iij .is. .' Such a -notion is loo ali-nird in be si ri ni!y in al sl. i'lie cips:i uil.in::! it; i.t i die 1 1 1 1 1 la 1.0 pre-R. v.i.l, ami ll oiih: In Ii.' pre served sacrcill v . 11 1 er aM eircumsl inees The 11 si re ii.iins for j-el ci.i i learU ion by those who have cnuipi t,. itl aii'iM.nly . 1 have already sti'l.that f'.ingre Im-j never suppised llsell aulli.aie.l lo liiukeui.y ll.taa Im I coin a lemler, 111 ihe pay men 1 of .leli s, tsl.veei, individuals; hm It by no m.-.uis loilo.ts I:. mi 11 i tha it ihay n ' authorize 1 he r ceipt of any thing an coin in piyment of .leb.n title luilie L 11: il 51.1'. s. I'iieso powers are distinct, and fl.iW from dif ferent sources. Tiie power of coin ige is a gen eral power ; a portion of s .veie guiy. taken from Ihe States and ouierred on Lotijjress, for llie sakrt buth of uuifonn iy and of rr.;it.- securi ty, (t is to be exercised I ir the benefit of all ihe People, by esublisluug a letfal luiider aad.aUutl ard of valiie in fcll iransacinsis. Hut when Congress lays duties and taxes, or dispo'sBSuf itw 'ptillc1ands,it may direct payiin nr to be ra:ide tu whatever incliuiil ll pleas, s.i The. uiituoriiy to lay iax includes the power of deciding how mey shall be paid ; and the pow er (rained by the CuiistituiMii to dufpose of the territory heJimginj; to the Untted Siates carries with it, uf course, the power uf fixiiij uoi only lk price, and Ihe cendiuons, and turns of Pay meiil. but also ,uie ''iu'" pay '' in respect to duties and tax and payments for ill t .a .mil y ihe constant iirac- lands, it has been acco y , vlje(or ".. .. .ll t :j.. ....1,1 ....lull, i .ri-! mauriivr,... - . iu it.r innH H411.1 - .ue . e,nl8 at l'.f ""T ITnh.hlt double ! prupurmm. '- ,,flce ,4 purpose in view--the .. re to ,.l r.r .. - ,i.- the pu :. id slucus, anu ... ...or. . . ..- , .,..1 Jul i Uinitni ill ITlt IIIUf. 171 HOI w (w , ke lt!C.jwWe. chafactsr to iMts ) i.issippisiiTs,anii lo. trguna laiu -'-i- . ........ .-I.. . . . - Vl i reasury nuies weio uwu lra-i...w . . . i :..a.,a Ymii .....h should now : llld UKm ; tnd, indeed,-if any sucti swaiu : be fou.id ..utsianding. I ,'e,i- i .. . - n - nt. wher f;rr duties and tales. U lands u.. .r,r,, W.,,i pytn-nta for Unds. C :irre-s hM not Mt ,bB wilh)K1, cimulcis eval reiruliti.ni. Ii k. lv ... .. i i- .t . . . . full irvr. I'iih staiules liava .io!.r.l vh.i should bs received, frmn dobuir and I'rum pur ehaaers, and have Mi n ground whiUtwr It this inieiff rei.ee of Kxcuhvt) ditwreiin, or Ks cuiivs eonir.d. S far a I know, there has been no period when Ihia suujeH was not siil.jert lo expr l.ui provision When tlit duly art and Oih tonnage act a-ers passt-d, at the firxi session of the first Cmiifrrss. an act was pmMd al ihn same Sfs-nm, ciHii.nnin a "cti.m wtiich premrritx-.i lh. uins,and n ibeir value, in wlu.-h III..,. Jnne wf-ro lo Ih Mid limn loilii th ..,.;.,... e STIttllS lllfll public ili lils anil thin, has been a inansr ot fix. ed Icaal risflii. and ii. a mailer ol Kkxiuiive dimrrliou at all. The Sc. ruiy of ih Treasn ry has linl mi in if inwer uvr ihfs. laws that over other laws. Il (Mu no m,.re change the I. "a I iiio.m of payui.r ths duty than lis can , K. cliiingflhe ainoiilol ihe duly lobe paid ;oral ' lerljie ljal naiHof patio f, lands, with anv proiri-ty ihm lie can alter ihe pries of 1 e ,:"l,,s 'einselvcs It would be airaniis in ! ''' ed, -if this were iiol s,. It Would lis ridieuliHi i: .. i . . . . ----- J . m .,..w.. . ' .1. NrfV ' I. . I M f 111'.... .III..-. . I Wu ... . .il i ,aw'- ' Ke.-ouve utbeer mar .say. in what ! iHil -er;lsws which not only hav. fixed ihr l,r',',' "! p"hho lad, the uiaourr m mles. i au.l Hie iime oi imvui ot. but whi-n have tied ( '.. mt'itiji'il piHcttu tn, the iit.il, or kinds ul n hi. v. or ol uthnr ihiuiis whieh shall be re. I . i . ... . -,iv. ii in rnyuwni. n nss neij ecteu no pai oi ; l(s ..n. .Mt .rust : has d..l"..a.ed no Ln ol ,p.-'. i. tw,n 1 1 .1 . . The Swcreiary considers that tliat whieh has bxeit omt'iniil v done t n 10 yearii, that is to ii:iy, :tl- renewing HV lieill f ir the pulllii! lands in the ills ot speeie (iiyiii naiilts. is annum law. He eiiU it an ' iudutg ue..." ami tins indol ience-' ihe or-ler iruiiiM-s i.i c.iniiiiiie far a llmiied ti n1, and in fiv.if .if a prtieul tr ctiss of purchasers. II this w.'fi- an in I. licence mi J against law, one luijt'ci well a .Ii. h.' Iris it hiii.iu.il tllat il ' sh mM hae e.niii,n,., so luier, e,H'i'iallv through r .toil years, iii irke.l Ijj ! and s.-arc'iiii r iH u a ' .iich a soirit ul ihorniioli . 1 1 : 1 1 1 !) a-.ked lin. il this iw illeoil, a:,il in ioiliihfeue.i Hily, hy euiituiiie it looker, mid esis-i illy why tiilioo. ii as .o some, and ref iso lo cooLlnue it ui lo udiers ? 15. it. sir. it is tiate to turn to the statute, an.! t s-e what Hie legal provision is. On !'.;:: , ,,r V -.ril I H I It. . n.uJ.ius. n. ..ie ,., ,oih H..iim-s of Congress. It was in .. c . i . i 'lie eouitiiuii loim id a punt resolution, and i . , ., . . '' 1'iusMlenl ; and no "m? I suppose, tli.il. lor the purpos. tute I'lcd hy it.it was as authentic and va- lid .is n law m any. other bum- It pro- vide., tfl.tl It. mi and. alter the 2'Jtll (lay r l-'.-1 .rti :r y nc.xl 11171 no duties, taxes, .,..,Sf of , ,tu,.. uwruitie r .. eiuiliilg pay t'lli: lo the l iulctl Mites, ought lo he collected or received otherwise Ci in 10 lbs legal currency of the V . Stales, 111 Treasury notes, or in .notes of the It ink id die U oiled Stales, or in miles of banks vvhicli ;ire payable in specie on demand in the said legal currency of the 1'. Stales." Tula joint resolution aulhorit.Hiv cly fix ed t ie rights of parties paying, mid the tlu ties i'f ollicers receiving. So far as rcs :ecls itie miles of (he It ink ol 1'ie i.'uiteil j Mates. 11 was altered by 11 law of the last I session ; tail in all oilier particular, it is, ' is I mi jiu-e in full force ul the present j in. mik 111 ; .111. as it expretsly auilinrizes the l eeij I d slit h lul l, links us lira iiy.alr.c hud iali! ml ileniailil, I call- t'U iimcrsl mil (iimv t!ic receipt ol suc'i notes is a mailer d " niiliilcciicc. He may as well say Iti.it to he aiiowed In pay in Treasury notes, ur in I .reign nuns, ..r mdccl, in our own o-dd and silver, is u. j 11. linliile;eiicc, since 1 Ik- acl places ail 011 ihe same y 1 ij ml . 'i'lie lioilntalile member fi mil .Missouri lias, indeed, himself furnished a com 1 It te answer to the St-crutary'a idea ; lhat is 10 i .ay, he odditis 'ue order on .the grounds ... ...... L uoi only (littering Irom, but totally iiiniti- ' ststent wiih, those ussuiiied by ihe becre- 1 tarv. He does mil consider the receipt ol bank notes, hitherto, or up to the tune of issuing llie onler, as au indulgence, but as a lawlul right while it lasted. Uow hcj proves Uns right to be now lerniipated, ami tcrminuteu oy lorce 01 uie orucr, 1 snail 11 i r .1 1 111 consider-piesenily. 1 only say, now, that bis argument entirely, deprives the Secre ts! y ol the only ground assigned by huu for Uie Treasury ordei. The Secretary directs the 'leceivers " to receive iu i-aymeutl of-il4e,..-Jiud nothing except what in. directed bu the ex- j tiling laws. viz. gold and silver, and, 111 the proper cases, Viignua laud scrip. " (iold and silver, Jhcn, and, in Hie proper cases, Virginia land scrip, are, 111 llie opinion of the Secretary, all lhat is directed ly.be re ceived by the existing laws. 1 he receipt of bank notes, he considers, therefore, but .... i...li.l,..inA llil.t.. u rjlltul lulu' I.I lit, Hiuuijuiw, ...g "j.... ... - . tolerated a little longer,, aS to some cases, . anil then tit be hiiu.lv with this t ie eround uooii ,..... i-.i nr,ir must SiailU, Uie llieill- ..... i. . ber from Missouri, nut only abandons ll altogether, but sels up another, wholly int .-, i. ,,.. ... ,1. ., y ..j -".- ":-,"- ' C). , j- llKfll i. III IJITri If rill it.a--a uu HIV 0f ifae onrder itseif, btU iustiu that the j Secretary of the Treasury, liau a rilit wj ' I . . .. 1 nelect on. ami a riithl ol rejection aistk ; ami lJlfl a,f,OII, t,e varioiis modeaof payimol wwideiiW-4liWuUtTst if-. ..-.--..,........:.-..---": VOL. V- SO. I all focwI and lawful, nil Z ,i " - - mwww P J ,hd make some af the,,,, otherwise vet "' oinerwise, yet l", nY T,r'" power of selection or rejeeimn, he iniht at any time strike one or tnore of them out of the list. And this pow.r of selection or rejection he thinks he fin I in the resolution of If 10 itself. , 1 incline to ihiuk, sir. that the Secretary will be as little smiM'ied with the footing on which his friend, the honorable mem- ... ..in ...n-aiiuri, tiitix pinces tus nrucr. as that friend, is wiih ihe Secretary's own KHttllld. ur uiv part. 1 llinik Hem ...t I. I J ' " ' 'Si'" I IO III Bill . II1ILIT. Ill III 1 i......t.l : .. . ' . J mcy u.s!.! aim .I..-!,,.,, the reHH.,,lttf Ol each oilier. jt nie fUIUniH an I uiul.r. . I . i J - "".n iw. j mn 4 stand it, Hie bouoah.e meuihcr argument 1 "'uie, t.. be r. .a!ed or iihkIiIiI only by in.ah It is, that the law M" 181 Olives llic See- ' r' ''"''i" No l-mger ago ihaii ihe J. of (,t ret.iry a selection ; that it pi ivnl. s four ill Herein modes or media, of pa incuts ; that the Secretary is lo collect t.'ie revenue in one, or several, or ull these modes, or media, al his discretion ; '.hat all are in the disjunctive, as I think he expressed it ; au i that the ie oLtion, or law is net mandatory or. iuucJustVe in favor -of aity one.' Accor ding to the honorable, member, therefore, if ihe Secretary bad chosen la say (but tmr own eagles and our own dollars should no longer be receivable whether for custom, taxes, or public lands, he had a clear light to say so, and to stop their reception. Hefore a construction of so extraordinary acharseter be fixed on the law of 1816, numbing like the appearauco of argu ment, I think, might be expected in its la v.ir. But what is there upon which to found stifh an implied power in the Secre tary of ihe Treasury ? I there a syllable in tne whole law which countenances any such idea lor a single moment ? Then clearly is not Tiie I aw w is imeinleil in provide and does prov.de, in what sorts ol money or other means of i.ayuicnl ilmse who owe dents to the Uoverumenl shall pay those debts. ll enumerates four, kinds of money or i.iuirr means oi payment ; ami can any tiling he p liner than that he w ho has to pay may have Ins choice out of all four? Ail hem;,' equally lawlul, tic choice is wait ibc payer, ami not with the reeeivci. J'Sis wnuld seem lo be too plain eilller to he argued or denied. Oilier laws of the United Si iles have made both gold anil nil ver coins a tender in the payment of pri vate debts. J)id any man ever imagine that in thai case the choice between the coins lo be tendered was lo lie with the parly rceciving 1 No one could ever be ;Mii!iy id Mieh an absurdity. And unless there lie Knuicthing in the law of Id 1U it- Melf. wlneli ertber exprwssly, of by reason able inference, confers a similar power on the Secretary of the Treasury in regard lo public payments, is there, in the nature of limits, any did'emicc in the cases ! Now there is nothing, either in the la w d 18 1(1. Ur any other aw, which confers any such powers on the Secreiary ol the treasury, cither dirci ily or indirectly, or which sug t'Cbis, or iiiiiiiiaics, any ground upon w hitdi such power inilii b"1 implied. Inc.eed, llie statement ol the argument seems lo me eiiouoli in coul'.ilu ll. Il mikes the law of HlCi not a rule, but lliu ilissolution of all rule ; not a law, but the abrogation of all exiMiui: laws.. According lo ihe aiiiiiieni, the Secretary of ihe Treasury hud authori ty, not only lo refuse the receipt of Treas ury uoles, which had been issued upon the faith id st.ilutes, expressly making tbeiu ; I'eeeiva'ilc lor debts and l u lies, and notes if the M ink of ihe I". Slates, w jui li were ilsnmili! rmciv 1I1I1; ivthefaw cre.itlllL' . . . .1 llic limit, hut to ref list; also foreign ciUus, and the coinage of our own Mint ; putting ' inns il.c b gi-laiioii of ('.mgr. ss lor five-aiid- ' iwcntv ' ears at the unrestrained and ab- j solute' tl'iscrcllon ol the Secret , IV uf Tn -asm y. Ii ;.p;n ars to me tpute nupos siLle Jb.u niiy v't-ntlcman, 011 icfliiciion, an ui'ili riaku to suppoil such a construe 1! it the gi'iitletii 111 ru!i"s on ;i supposed j 1 r 1 -1 1 1 lo 111 0 1 1 1 la 1 11 hi interpret ilmu of lac law. What practice .' ja any Sec retary ever refused lo receive the notes of specie-paying banks, either at the custom 1 house er the laud ollices, for a single bourf ik: ... ,.Ver. Has any Secretary presumed 10 sn ike foreign com, or Treasury uoles, or our own 1-0111 out of the list of receivables? Such un idea ccrta.t.lyr never entered into 1 , , t . , . ' il... lu-rnl of 11 v hi-'-relarv. I hA irioill. demaii argues that the Treasury rno.Je tlisi riunnalions ; but what " " has dis cumulations I suppose tho whole i truth lo be simply ibis : that admitting at all times llie right o the party paying to , p..y in notes of s-pccie-paying tanks, ihe r f, 1 f ' 0 . , 1 1 1 I collectors and receivers have not btcn ludd . . . e ,. . 1 v bound lo receive notes of ' distant banks of jutlge, llierelnrt, wliether 1'ieir notes came , jwiibiu the law Thse collectors ariose ccivers were hound to receive the bills fi t9eie,ariuebaaU.,-ba,;a.-4ta rose from the fact that the notes tendered ' , , , . were the notes J specie-paying oaiiKs, inai , tact, il iiol notorious or alre nly known j to them, must be made known, Willi, rea . ...I.I........ r lw.f..rn ll... ill.lt til reil Wl boiiiiiu in t.no.j , ...... .... iwiu ,t.t-aini impeniiive. 1 suppose there may have been Treasury orders, regulating the conduct of collectors add rcee.ve'rs . : . .I:. . 4...r onlers which went in inis ar. t-o... ",..,, ... lnA im uMUAut .. . ivoo'i t "V . , - - 1.,..., o.-oi iros wfiiirri toi otvoiiti .tie idv. The honorable uiemlier . quoics one of the bydwof Ute d-te .k of the Ui.tted . hl (l!1M f..llt. , d will, the 7. ' , ... member tbif k lat lh by-laws ol theate hank- 011 1 'I k "s-- : - were taws to llie -oie u tne unuru . .. " . 1 . I U - I lie liana was unuer no .oo.iita.nin rc- . . .. . i eetve any ootes .mleposile ex eptiu own. , make just auch an ar- 7 VIHiM: Ml. 35. aiufeinent with the Treasury as it saw fit, if it saw fit to make any. But neither the Treasury, nor the hank, nor both together, could do away with the written letter of set of Congress ; nor did eiu'itr undertake so lo do. Uoi. sr, what h ta been then-buns". wn iipiniotis n ihia suijeci l.mt..fi.ri ? , ways been lYopuiHHi lhat the Secretary tytyrx tins power of M-lf-cilon, as he new call n. , der Ihe law of 1Mb ? ilaa he lierHoh.rr L. k..l ! "I"'" "," "f,ous prut isii-ns of that law only , B pan., w tw iliruwu into (rear and out of ucar hy ihe nitrn I i , ... w I " ,n- "riary a haut t t.rtainlv. eir. ; , hw ,iSM,t W(lld Kl. ' tenl . nm... i.,.L.,l,. . i.l. (hn ho'ioralils iiiemht-r ntinsluied a rtsi.lt.- " Ho ihe ,!iu,in the lolioMinK words. ' Uiuthtd, That, from and alier ihe day "' ' year IS.to. not lung but ynld anil silver .-..in ,iuln fa received lit pay nun l r polillc land ; mi.l i,.t he Couunill.e on ' 11 hi 10 Lands be iiLimutrd lu leport a Ujll aocording And nuw.sir. I ask why the honorable mem ber iuovd hen- lor a bill and a la, if the li.da mailer was, 111 (os opinion, Hiiliin Ihti pt.sei of 'he Stcieiary of ihe I'reisnry r '1 lie em:sd.d uoi adopt ihis resolution. A day tn mu alier us introducimn and when m, hlileilisciissiuu h id Immui h id upon u, a molioii in lay it on Uih uiiIm prevji;tt hir ily opp,, ,!. lliiuk.aacepl by the gt-ntltinan'ii um n Vole. A ek afiia ihwUtapowtiMwhtd been nVauV ot this rrsoltition, ihs seasioii cHioe to a close, and. seven days after the elinm of , re.itn, lite '1 reasury 01 del iiud m, apHaraiiCe. Hn ihia is mil all. I hole is higher aullmriiy than evui lhatol ihe hoiiomule m. iuber. Lis.k 111,1 10 the mpirati.sia. the 1 luil.r 1 1 lln U-T.k I Uiu ll. .,,e I'teMiii nl, n. Im. uniiual un a. .e In Ut i eiuU r last, said II was lliiuuiheut ' 00 Lunar, i uiacoiiiniue, by lav Hi, nrript "I Hi.-, oil Is 01 ihul Lank in piniuelil i. the publio t. v.inie Now, us I l.o rh.iri.-r wjn luexpor un inr 3j of Maicli. ihite as iioihi.j lo umke jls bills fee. ivable alier ilial prrluU exc.pi Ihe law 01 HH). I'o sinks Ihe provn.mii lisNClll:r notes ol ihe Un,h .ml uf lhai law, anolher law jtj ni'eed iitiatMiiry, awordio 1,1 u,, umf. sijii.iii.j. : mu I ii., i,i (Welve how it .hmil.1 b ilioii(.ln 11. c-ar), 11,011 tint eoiisiruoiou ol b Imlioialile 10. ml,, r. lloth JIoum-s taliig uf opM. i-m.buwtivM, lhat the Itiuiff coolu mu be done Ain.nul taw, an acl wasps-mil In ihat ;.uriHc and was approved ny llie I'tosnleiil . r, tlten,' air, la llie jj. inl. man 011 atilhorii) , i,r au hor My of the i'lemdnui, and Uih h 11 . li..ri'y of bulk lioii.es ol dinar.-.-, lor saying thai uoihuig con tain d ta the law art I3HJ ,. ,fUi. u(, t)f j( oy any ulwt power than in., puviei.i.f a aule. pieiii iiue. I am therefore ul opim-n Hut mu in.aw.iry wdm u' the lnh July nt tatfittaa tiie plain words and nieaiiu ( m h ul tj(i against lh wliule piaclics of llie GoVeriuie it! aiiUer lhat. law ; agaiual the hoiiun.bl geaile man'auwu opinion ,a sxpruased .11 lor resoluiioq of the 23J o A nl ; and dot uc stcibaiila v. iiq tlie nciarty which was aupposed iy xul tut the pa.sagu of the acl ol last session. - On this occasion 1 haw heard of no attempt 10 justify ihe older 011 ihe Kruuud "uf an other Uw.ur act, bui lhe ael uf t. When tha i,f. der was puulished, however. 11 was accouiiiied with an ripusiiMi, apparently half oliioial, winch looked to tho landa Mi ilia Secretary a sourcMiif power, and which took no notice al all ol ma law ol Hltf. 'iheUndUw referred Ie was the acl ul ISiO ; but 11 turns uul, upon - annua 1011, li.al thure is nutbinu; i , (lk la lo support the order, ur kiv 11 any ts.unle itanun wUatevsr. I'he unly clausa in 11 whfck could be supp ,serffft.at) ths ilighimi lelerenea to ihe sulyeti is Ins piuviao 111 ll.e fn, ,.cii. 1 nal sec 1 1011 piuviats. lor the sale ol miu, ,I(1J as having been uucv sold mi cretin, should revert or uecotuii loll. tied tu .hn L'uiled Atales Ihmui'h lailuro ol psyio. in, and Ihe proviso declare that .... ..,..1. 1 ...... ... ..1 1.. .. 1 . . ( .... .u,.u ...... w: .g.iui oiw uq jny oilier 1 terms than ttiotu ol "ciish payuivni." 'I hesa WniUs. 'cash luviiienl.' Iimwh lumn . .-.-.I ........ fjsll p. us it in. v had ...... 1,1 - ,.1. - , - 1. ... ... . pormiil pruii-.lniio.il ili law ol Idlo.and altrsuy eslauliaiicd an exclusive specie pay iiicut lor la nils, l'e st 11011s lelaiaiion. n J1'" ,irl l,Uw,,, vv'" le '1-m 'be sdy to "''" hnt.s i Uul .he ll.tli, is. Ine lelui 'tnsl r-j j .-..j..., ... uvp h. uecJio4. - UIo.tHo lo Clt Jli, wlol-li hud foruitily been ailow. 0 ijntil as llie sau.e .irds in tne i.,r (f autolJniy, I&J2, inea p) n.t nt ouw 11, ii.sn.d ul pjyai.nl Miimu oy irt,tefiTiyjrrtjaT" llie uutles on ee11a.11 alleles sliall Is- p,d in easli.' As lo 11 .'C .uu siclloii . f die lainl law IIJ tf lll.-lll. ...Mil... ...II U l.l.k ,t jl.. . oi lb JO, v 1 ul, v-assti Im .i wuh rt ul U iios li ly in im- ,. .0. it 11 1. v..i. h I navi in. ipd, a. f.'iiusiiiiijj iuii.uii y loi mt o.eiriaiy -..uo. r, llleie Is Iiol Word in 11 liS'ltig toy such ten. deiiev ; not a syllable wbieti lus any aiiaiicaim '. ' to thu uiatU I. ... Tlial. m cii o simolv- elrM.- Ihat after ihe tils' flay si Ju.y , iu mat yeai, ev ry purchaser ol laud at puul.e sale shall, n Dig iue eowie payment tlnre- ivi , ..iu . lfui. nasei d .111 . sll-tli. l " . ' . ' ' ' uucs a receipt lor receipt lor ihe aiiiouiu ol ihe purcluue ro.if y on any tract, before he shall unci, ine sauitj al the land ufllce. '1 lus is a I I .iis-a j nut a huw ihe puichsser sh 11 make eomfitte payment, nor m what cumucy tim puuhue ""m7 "a" 00 received. 11 is qmie evitieiit, u'-, u'.hal ihatseeiton knda iba Mier ,10 ' support whatever J!.. - rt.-...i 0 .. . , J he defence of rtis order, then, stands thus : Tli. SlHrH.Mr ,..,, ,1 ,1.. ...... aide, and that lbs retvipi if bank mils has been all al.m(; an "indulgtuet,' aainsi law. FoT 'his opinion he gives im reas.ia. Miaa.rt :iji2 Ibis d.s,ir,oe , he admits t. receipt, (.tlao k not. 10 have beeu lawlul until mane untawlul ()y fce oHef j(r(.f . iitsisis lhai (he -reta- , W(.r ,lf ,.,,. lhHr ,r tt t risuiJtrth la, ItJIfl, and ie an Huihtfriiy .1.... ...Ii...... It Iti.l ll.u.. .1... I - . . Mr ... . - .um. . u,i nno ntn uifieul rp..ni..n which actssnpani a il, puldii i he order lias no faun inin law (, llb s a .uree ol ,Hiwer, but makes a flada " 3 " - """J mw,r""m eotm. ... ... i so tola V licilisisieni eatinot all Oe Sound. I...1 hey ...ay bnall u.itasu.d iJmd ubethar 4e-y w to or n.s.ia a S'M leave to the uicsmo ulany nian . f g.asl , ho.,-al joiiguunt and tioii'Hl jat;giii. nt. taka leave. 4 thispuit ol. the case. Ku: Hie presi nl. j uuty tsiuat leasts i "F- ".If ".-vi ,,a be turaarerdon what amund to nia e H. v.. P...!i..i ih ...... .., . M impur ai.t. i delicate,, an4 in. my jua . "i t fcuriuuiVdud-.avttio present rouuieuT, with so unxfi: " 'I li'l . ,. . ... y--t- 3. ' 7-

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