TKUM8. i.l.Witch" may hereafter be had Dollars ' i ii'j v.....r, ;r. A CUv4"' - stmsoriaeis who will . I -. ...twit.. Bill., I . tn muin . P. ' imMtr foroiie Jr al Two l)oi hull n"' ! , . ,. . , . ... i 1 ..4 . . in Ibd v ma ..I .... uliu li H ' ' ... mm In Bill f Sa rtJa ka ml re. atf I VII) llU thus I'M'' , , . ... iV.llurS . I hi' same muuis fiihii eouiiuue, " ' .i.-- .i.ll ha nkarvad aa other aubscri. Iherwwe "c.r iSiilHcriberswho do not pay dining lb year l beclrared three Dollars in nil ease. itwCfiptlwt Wl " "r"" W.Tnii.r will b discontinued butaltheup- r . i.' 1:, j ill arrearres are naid I lie c in" hi i.mam lo the Editor moat be pout i f otherwise they will certainly nil I u- n.W . ...... TKitM or ADrRaTiaiMo r ! per qmre for the nwi t.iseru. - a , . kf,W-ireV eaeh ineerlion ajiermards F". '. 7. ...hi 1 f.. Lu Na advertisement III ORB DoLLAS. , ... 1 Ufrlieiniitsillbe coUnaed until orders .recived to slop them, where 00 directions L .....tfinal V iriven. ATuTmamta by WijeifntittinMihn will malsta Uollar per month ir earn w,uw ih lite privilege of changing the jorm wry aiW . itiiit tars. SYMS31MY, ; (JiWUie r ill. lt a l ma; loating pr 4 a 5 to ; C'iion y.trn, Ir-ni N.. 6 10 No il 75 a .2 00 ci: Vnilur pr IS; In btwier. per lb. Irt .. m ; Knvih do. per lb 'Bre H P'" without stopiutge ol another firm 1 et ; Cast it per lb 35 a SO trie ; Sugar h l il a 15 U ; Knui (Jamaina per gal; Ytiikee do. 1 ; Wootfelean) per lb 80 foTalfow per lb. I'l I cU; Tow-linen pr yd. f a JUplS , AVme (TenerllTe) per pal. l 50 . irluil do. l 60 a l 7' etx I Claret do tjfil. l 3 a I 75 et; Milara, (sweet) fga!. 51 1 Whiskey peral. dj a 40 eta. CIIERAW. Beef in market per lb 4 a 7 eta.; Bacon per t' Bit eia; Haws do. 00 00 nls ; tteeswai trlb 18 SOeU; tfafging per yard 18 a 15 ; Bala rope per lb a lii 14 ota 1 JHT-e pr. lit ajl i oti H i'Umi per IOJ lt HUM Id t 66; Corn per bimliel 70 a 75 imh Huur n wae per brl 8 10, from au.res per brl. U aOa 00; loot per 10(1 Ibe f 5 00 a 0 60 : t-mm-i "per gal 50. a 75 eta ; Nailaout asoi.ri- yi lb 8 1 a a 9 eiw ; V roojjht d. wr In. 4(t ; Pork poi br! 8 9 ; itu-e tM.r luO i 44 00 ; Sf ar per to. li I 'J a 14 ct ; 8alt pr 43 ib: Salt per bushel tl fiajMeel A- ncao blister or lb 10 eu Tvll.v p-r Ib 10 a i cis ; Tea Imperial per Ib l 25 s I 37 i mm; ywm do. pr Ibf I a I ASets ; Tobacco inanu plured per In 10 15 cts. FAYETTE V I f ,LK Brandy, pea'-li 70a 75 IJ . Apple, 57 a 60 icur. prlb Id a II; Cotton prlb lii t I5ets sH,e' ,,,,,f'r act of Ci.iin-ss t- ro ilale flriepr lb 121 a 14 ; Flour bid. $41 a 91 iaxseed pr bn l 50a 1 oO, heathers prlb 45 a OCorn proosli 811 a 85; Iron prlb 51 a 6; Mo net pr gal 4J a 57; Nails cut 7i a r ,Salt t bush bO a 90; Sugar pr lb 8 a 121, Tobacco; af S a 41; Wheal pr bush i 50; 0 Wuixkey fai. o l j 1, ueeawax i4 a (10 , . Petty Gulf Cotton Seed. ' JUST reeelred per steamer Clarendon, a " quantity of the above Cotion Weed, and for ... ,. . V, J..OKK KJ.L Brick BuitdiitLi, I lay Street. J:.-srS.IS7. ;Tii Cotton l'lunters. it-', 1 In umii uf th a Seed 111 In o-ennral 11-. mIiI . . lonriidly be 4 great benffli ' i.iii. (iini in impioving the Staple, and ig he iitxtiiciM) of our Cotton. k.x' plant iaelf is tnocb wore Igxuriarl than L . i 1 . 1 a , 1 resign.itton 01 ine non. jonn n. Linnti r rwnui,jn tfroeu becil, niuub more prolific of 1 , , , . , . f.t. ami i.iro. itself so widely open. hen " Ju,f" wf the Superior Courtr, which of 1 lie if .-..aid readily pick 100 Ib. of ill other (per "V I la aiaidw is so superior, that Ihuse fsmil " i'n it allege lhal with their eyes eau eiHily diS'inguUd) it from the eomaion jjluiii ly motive itt "ih l.j id.m mxnr pm mirniMu. ol in,niiina . . -. - 1 - - r r r 1 1 foil funf our Cothat a Aoms.and dUiocfer t uhrwtd, which has be. n reduced tq a very p ami juHtly ao 100, by the very inferior h'l'y generally shipped from this Slate C J. OK HELL. nyie.m.. S. 1S37 r-JQ A m tellers re n uning in the P.mi O CX. flee at ConcH. Caoarrus County N C NtolJannary 1837. A J;ne Alexander a-H ram Black el lei or Fred Wai her. Ro w-Hamoger"""'-"""'-"" "-"""''-r" v"TVI,,k Superior Court, James J Craton. Cnpenier 2 , iAiU Cul? 3 C Claik U 'peakman Dowunm. K-Niuinel Kavans jr , r-Frn ti. add Siill. . J?iJtdiitb.G;ljBore,. Jme : PGMy H-Andrew Honey euit, Jase L ((arris. E wrii3lr vargareih Uaggat. Loon- r H'rtx.l, Jane . llauler-Jexamiab 1 Hawey, 'Jia HndmsKa. -John Jordan, --David D L.nder,! hn Lambert. Jfeld,,n.BsiohimerrW K.Wary McKh ly, John Means.' " J-Kli Newel, ;V , r-J.htt Apaiierson, Charles Philips, John .,?t,0.'',, R,"l hnRriin Esq. EHu eh t, Kuasil, Philip Rldenh.Mir. o-Seewary St,k.w Lodge Vm C C ""rs. Jauies M Shinn, Rev. Sole man Sni- w . . . . -Rev Geotge ft Tally. T h.HllaS 0 Vail. : ' W- Alermitd; t 'r Q. Kr.fTTTS. P. M. OH SALE AT-THIS OFFCE f- ) hat a h ind ikal could pick 75 lbs d ihe "ao anu acccpiru. MOMIM. i MOiiLE.Ja. 4 f A auit at hw of moth pobiio interest, an.-eiiugih rVletioiia between ibi emintry end lexae, 1. peitdit ,n wq uf lijo t,,, yj.Lm,. latta. i'hi Texiao achnoa. f Liberty, wbich brought ben. Iiikmiimi Uiew Orleans. niimihm uer M... Utu law ut that State 0 rufmcv pay itieiti tor lepuii, lM mm,.,,,! luru.ahed by Now Urlean p builoer.. ei cliaiidleia. It is plead J in bar ii.i,, UtH Liiry i (toblio oaiiuoal tt'i,'. and ii,errfltf ant liaiil o wisnio M Una Crfua. Tito ouuaatl lf lh hUi uiib alirga Utt '!, u. of iho H ooblio are iu 10 al aiii ut bv rocjguMoU in wr CuorU, unlil ui Kuvruiifwiti- hH re.iiisel T. jut ln.lpn ttMHto fllicially. On ilir unirrid. it w ulliim- ami iIh orfetkni.piM- U,iwfii r. Komyih "ii Vlf i ij ,.)ld an ine avitlrnr, ibal our uvfrii.iifiii h 11. iiiitiiiiiMii tli rxirtivoeii ol civil Mar n.'irii Vjii,.. i, IVsae. and d-ar-d 4 ,m. 1 iL-unaluy. ami ibai ecruii.(( i.. tht: d.n.iriim .I ih. fj Siipr.u Ciwiil, io ro Miioii 10 nimuoa A)r in Hi ag. ut H Uoiis- Wiiia iiiuiUaJ. Ixii pti.tic -s.U enuiteo.iu all ibe ,,l' ntii.nial .- seis. ' . ho doi ision of. tha Piiiwb .J.udjfo.Jjaa. nu yet bwh jri. Flie Ajsxand Africa, haro bolb ben ld at Ky Ural, tby , in Hie itHr. 'l'i for roei for f 1,025, lUu Uuei l..r fti'2.1. JANUARYS. There ia much indijjnaii.m f. It tn ihm my, n oo gMM piiiggKralMl auU lujiiuu rpr.iu liii.H rfHvliii)i; I lie ruuuiMmsal )reur liern. oiicuiair'ii at liih iiria tin IimmIIm .. oott. 3T el; T-otl.ul lif "1T"Ti 11 Tu iTorw hair prim rd aUnil ua hvf imp. 1 i .-is ; lyotlofi b'.irizinff -r yd. lb Ii5 , ouid no imlrati in a wrrtched eoiidiiio Tliy lll d broken bank, inrretianh, tnnkrupi ay w n, auu a general weaKinjr up ul crdii all iff which are greatly inda.iMd by a itamc I Uj P I'M 1 proi. a-; heai prHush.rl l-2i rot lanny.ana amne are puro lavenimiis. i'rjhx pr bush. I id cisj Corn pr bmh !) ciu; ' VV hare iiu bank broken or likely lo bleak frw Mpprlb 6 a eta; per lb Sa lOcis ; i only ..four mer;iiania have failed lo meet all jUwi per 75 cn t NuiN iter lb 9 a 10 i their engagements on ilia iiisiani, and ihere are L; ftref per lb 0 a 0 le ; Uom per lb 15 n'M,e aoded in the list f ujeoM..iis lor some K , uui(r pr io 111 ; L.arj per in ja t.w ...a iuiui'hi hub j externa j, ine L ; Suli per bushel fl 35 30 w; Sieel, Anieri-! hejrieai day known hero lor inanyloug years, ani it is ine general wpiniun inai ibe crista ub poMftJ. . - ' The capital and prosperity of M.ib le has flood safely through ih sli k, and will gnaalVy ihrooifbtha addnioiial prila Unit aunb t!.nger eua luisrepreaeiiiaiioiia are calculated lu a.'it to the olhe( difficulties which heiiet un. Ji is liowevrr aaubjeci al painful rt flection, ilit any nould be lound among us s rockleaa. as to spearJ abroad these alarming and misciuer.Mia re port. STATE LKfJlSLAi'LiUrt. S EX ATbT Saturday, Jan 7, .Mr Moye from the committee on Pru pi9iii.iis and Grievances, to whm peti tion uii the snliji'ii h.t.l been r.f.-ire.l. tr Hirted u bill lo prevent oltdtriii'liiins to I lie pnsaige of fish up Ki-diiug creek;--which pMuU ltd three roiding4, and was ordared to l ei.grotfstd. J Mi Edwards prescniei! a bill to provide for the iiireslment and saf.t keeping of tlic monvyit which shall be d''oiied witi Ifns the deposits ol the public monet; which was read the hist timu, pismid. ordered lo he printed, and tn-tde Ibe order of tho day for IVs'lay neit The lollowing revised bills received from the Common, wvre read three tunes, pas ed aii J rdereil to be enrolled: Concerning ibe. action of replevin; concerning marriage; concerning court -homes prisons and stocks, concerning boats, &r.; concerning gtitr rllans anil wardi; roncrrmnj bank notes; concerning frauds and fraudulent convey sr. ces; concerning estates; conreining registers; bills, bonds and promissory notes; county trustees. " ' The engrossed bill supplemental to an act of the present session, lo lay off the coun ty of Davie, parsed its third reading', and was ord' red 10 be enrolled. Tho Speaker presented to the Seoate the . ,- t 1 . t , .1 l u r 11 his usual lorce and comprehensiveness, il ngn. lion of ihe Hon. John K. -Dnnnoll, , . ,... ... .. ,.-.!... ih.. was Mr Burney moved that the Senate do now reconsider their vote of yesterday , by which the bill lo confer banking privileges on the motive Woffermr thie Seed tathtdetockholders f the LouiBviHe.CinrinnsU & litai icbiiiii ai au ' 7 , a j led; which was decided in the affirmative, ayes 24, poes 21 and Ibe hill was made the order of the day lor Moii.lay uexl. HOUSE OF COMMONS. On motion ol Mr Gilliam, ' Rrsolved, Thai the committee on Edu cation bo instructed to enquire into Ihe ex pediency ol establishing a gencial system of Free Schools throughout the State : "-- Mr Hawkins, from the committee of Priv ileges and Elections, made a report of facta in relation to the contested peat of James Calloway, of Sony ; which on motion of Air Satt.tbwttite was laid, on the .table.. ..Mr B)rd introduced a bill for the distrt btiltou of the Surplus Revenue, amongst the several counties of the Slate. Rend fiist ume." (1 . The hill to incorporate the town of Greens b(rotigh,.ia Guilford county, was "lead ' the second and third timet and ordered to be engrossed. ,.. Monday, Jan. 9. Mr Moy, from the Commute of Propo silious and Grievances, to whom petitions on Ihu subject were referred, reported a gainst the eipediwncy of erecting a new j coonly out of parts of the counties ol Buike, , Lincoln. Wilkes snd liedell. - -Concurred t in, r .Mr Kell, from the coiomitles oo CJaima, f roporied resolutioa - IOC- log ruiliury land la panie Mo oaaM;lM the tngnmr ruluiioa in uror of J C Tum ntino ; win. h p d ttieir three readinjta, and wero ofVr.'l, the lurmur to be eogroawd, and the Utter to be enrolled. Mr Moy reported bill (root the eo'n rnittto on PruMMiiiona and Grwvano-e to nthofise, W10. L Bloonl and mliera icimrt bridge tiroes Ureal Coiitenmei Crtek Kad first tune. The engross! bill toinroiporate the Mu oal Inwrance Company of F.rttterille k the bi I to am, n- tbo rhvl-f of the L.mtt rille. Lincinnati and C,i... .1 .. . Company, wore read the third ti.n w....nnwn lAU (Ulia and ordered, the fount to bo eniollod and Ihe latiei to be engrossed. 1 be levised bills concerning the patrol; concerning prisoner; concerning write of s wHrrnnio ano mandamus; and paesVri. lung the d.-,Mis,Hui. ..f ,ney rem uning in the hand of . ani .her,tU ittne. w. ,e read three-times! passes and or 4lere to Imtnrollerf. : ' " ' The bill t.. imorporale the Itcanoke and Valley Kul Hoail Company, was on motion of AJr J..Viicr li,id on ihe table. Tho S. n;ite tlien entered uj.nn the orders of tho day. and resoUed itself into a com Nniitieof the whole, r J W B-yan in the 1 nair, on ine -jiii to conl r K tuking pnvi Cinriniiati and Ch .rl.-ton Kail K..d Ctnri pnny; and after some tune spent I Ion in, in which the lull was ablv Hityornted bv Messrs. Wad.lell. Crsn and Moreheail. nod oouos- ed by Messrs. Kelly, Keid and Co..p r f Alarlin, the CAiniuitt rosoand reiiorieil tho bill lo ihe House, with various omrii.lin i.ts. and recommended it pasisiye into a law I he hill thereupon passed its third reading, 25 to 22, ind wis ordered It be engross- ed. : - Jueg. Messrs. Albriabu Baker. Bar net n Btyan 0 Carteret and Jones, iturnev. Car. wm, Davidson, Dohson, Docker, Gudger, Itariavr, Joyner, Jones, Melchot, Moseley, Morehead, McCormick, Mmwe, Myers. Polk. Kedmg, KLinhardt, Skinner, Spriiill, Saun ders 25. " yuuim Messrs. Arrington,.Boiiting. Bry an ol Craven, Cowpt-r of Gales sod Ch"- wan, CiMiper ol Miirtin, Edwards, F.xoo., rox. HHilder, Hall, thwkiiw. Ilnssey, Knfr K'lly, Lmdsity, Mantel r, Mu'ane, Moy Knd, Tay lor, WohaiiM.WiiiUker -11. IIOUEOF COMMONS. The lull to lay off sod , co.isl i-t a R a 1 from tiio town of Fianklui, 111 Macon cooii l), across ihe N nlihala Mount in. to Val ley ier, and thence to iho G'HKgia line w is read the second time. Appropriates i9,00 I for this purpose wh ......n U I ne qieation he-1 inj 011 il oasag.-,Vi ICvujOU dciidudfil llio Aye ami Noes, and tUu bur passed its so cnd reailing 51 to 41 At tho hour of 12 o'clock, the House proceeded to volo fnrn Jodg.Mif' I'm Supe rior Court vice J It. Dmim II, Missrs Koi .rl ll.Mth, J L U.iley 40.1 VVnglii C Stanly lcii4 iu iiumm ition No choice ih made. Mr Kaud presenied a bill to I'.n-orporalo th.' town of Kules ille, in VV..kc county. Bead tii tit lime; 1 lie bill to encourage the culiuro and maniilacture of SiIk and Sugar, was rend the second tune. Mr Sailciln ine eslaiti ed the oiijects ol the bill, after wh.cb :t pass ed its second reading The iloiisB then entered upon the orders i ol the day, and resolved itself into a. com 1 iiullee uf the whole, Mr VVillmmson iu tin I Chair, and t'xk up the II' port m.l ported from the couimiilee of Twenty tic. on the suojeii of inveating North Coli tis's ehaie of the Surplus lUvenoe. Mr Graham, Cnaiiman of tlie couiinilUe, took the floor in explanation oi the olans ino- .... I ....I .....b.. f..m i,u.fla . u... ...... ,a u.h Ill nil UtOlJ ajtsar mM wiis'ivw w aafjs) si-ht'iiK, and showing lhal it was the in mi lil:ral wn.cli could ho got through ill ? com mitter When he com lud d. oil m.-tioii of Mr Salterth nie, the committee of the whole i. m, r. jinlcd ptorcas, and oblau'au leave to sit again.' SENA I E. 7'urn laij. Jan 10. The bill, to amend ibe charter of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Bail Road Corn pa ny, was read the second ant! third limes, passed and ordered to be engrossed. Mr Polk presented a bill concerning tho Fayclteville and Western Rail Road; also a bill to authorise ihe CommjKsioners of Salis bury to borrow money; which passed their 6rst reading The following engrossed bills from the Commons,' were rend thiee tunes, passed & ordered to be enrolled; The bill to author ise county CourU to settle disputed btmnd irtes between counties"? tire bill erapwer ing "the tHalifex sod Weldon Rail Road Gowpany'to sulcnb their stock to the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Com pioj ; the bill to amend an act authorising the entering of tbo unsurveyed Cherokee lauds in Hay oo.l and Macon ; the bill conceruiug brokers ; and . the bill to repeal an M-t ol 1830 for the better administration of ioaiice iu the county of Haywood. Sic ... - K.rt rvisfed bills " ere" read three- times, passed and ordered to be enrolled. JlOUSE OF COMMONS A message Irom the Senate, proposing to j g mtu an election lor Judge of the Superi l t'.u.H- i II o'rlWk The pnmoeai.i or Courts, at i, miMMJSill.Ml i WM agreedlo, and tho name ol Wright O I sitn. was withdrawn from nmninaiioo. - - i Pii. House procttciVQ w ?no wiiuww i I .l-... king t choice. '-, O i mottori of Mr. Hoke, the Houee-ejaiB 4red iuhII ,nto . eommittee of the noi, nr wiiiiamtoa m the Cbiir, and r linen ine roiiaiderMioii of the bills report ro y line j.nni aiett committee oq Ibe oorpiua riifnu. larAifNeiii.or Moore, took the flxjf na spoke lor near half aq hour in fror of tu ech.'mo reported by the rommittoe, lbo wmM m more noeral plan. Mi Speaker IIw.hkI neit addressed the coinuuttee f..r irxwe than two hours, and ith great force and eloauenre in nniMMilion to too whole scho n reptntod by the com ruiitee, 00 the grouu.l tlut oolicv.whifh I ' prP"'t n temuoriainir and abort. erontiute in abortion When be bad finished, ihe commilleo rose. reported ptogrewt, and obtained leave to sit agaio ; and Ibe House adjourned. SENATE Wtdnetday Jan. II. f..Tbe folios, ing engrossed bill 'passed - its last reading and was ordered to be enroll ed, viz: To Hivoroorals Ihe town of Greens- borimgh. The two Houses voted twice for a Judge of Ihe Superior Courts,. The bill to authorise the Commissioners of Salisbury to borrow money, passed Its ed bit engrossed. A ttumtterof revised bills were read three tunes, passed and ordered to be tnrolled. Mr J V Bryan, from the Judiciary com- ai nice., to whom was referred a resolution 011 the subject, reported a bill In amend an act concerning tiio election of Governor Ut Membeis oi Assoinbly. Piovidos compen sation lo SuenSVi lot lUMkiug rt turns of Ihe eloi-tiou of Governor J Head three limes, passed, and ordered to be engrossed The lull bereiofote submitted by.Mr.Ed wards, to provide for Hi investment and sale keeping o the money which shall be deposited with this State, under the art of Congress to regulate Ihe dcp.jiies of Ibe putiitc money, was read Hie third time, and, ihi niiMion of Mr McCormick, laid upon the taMe, 2Slo9i Tlie S uate 'spiMil some time, in commit leu of tho Whole, Mr E Iwardam theClMir, 10 Ibe consult r it ion of the bill to lay oil & eaiaulish a hew county hy ihe name of J. f ersoii W.ien the comoiillee rose, thn bill M repoiico to inu Jiou a to, and r 1 itiod, 44 lo SO. UOUSK Or' COMMONS. Mr -Uu.ynr, Own the Cot.nioee on- Clainir. reported tavorutily mi the ReMiUnoii in favor nl FUlwaid Stanly ; ihe IteMiluiuma, in la vor ot ihe .''ibendi, ol K oidolpu and Cai.i'leii ..i . 1. . I : .. . loieiniiea, auu on 10.1 11 -iwiruii.til, ill iaor 01 jMfg it,w rf Jdm, sMu,Jt) dee d. JI he naiif tte-tofotfonit pasaed llo ll rccuod and IU110 reading, ulld wci onlured to be engros-ted. Mr Crawinrd presented a bill coiireriung the oouiy of Davie ; which passed ihreu reauiiit, and was orierd to b.i eiij(rused. Mr Ililiiug8vuiih pro-cnl.'d a hill in favor iifll.e Fayclievill and Western Kail Iliad, wlilcli pished ilaflisl roailiug, and un ncillou ol .Mr Vat ivl'.rd, wai ref-rred lo the aiiinuiiti e o lie V hole, lo whom were refcried tho bilU r purled by iliHConiiutitee on ihe Surplus Keve nun. I.Vuthur.teaa sii!wcriilinii on the part ol tlie Slate, ol f-lOOjOOO iijual to two fjflfes of ibe Si c ( . dr Calloway prexeoifd a hill cnneernhig the irial of Male pi. aiecu Minis by Justices of the I'cHce ; and Mr Henry, a wll eimcermug the an I K neifii Rail Koad 'lUad lie tirti 1'iiie and p.ixi:d lr il .lo iiiirmloced hiin.liy res'.liiiions and tiiisin- rrlaiing to the Suplua He venue, and 1 her I iu la. if tin- Slate ; which were oideieU o-- (irinii il, and reiened lo the Cuiuuutiee on lii Surplus-Revenue. Ji ljnli-1.11, lf.1111 1 lie committee' on Education iurinu unfavorably 011 the luemoriai of ibe l'111-v.w f 'he l).maM-.m Academy in Kayette vile, in J prayed to ox Jicharged lbrof. (Jon .:urr-ii in. Mr l.rahatn inirihluc-d a bill directing the node l Friva.e Law which wabreat. twice and passril. A n.anjo Ir.nn ine enate, Mnloiaiitif: thai. tn.-y lud piased ihe eiigruHited bt'U V ciM.icr I If Miik privilege on the Sojekhohlers i.lii.e Chirtesioii a. n Cmcnmaii Rail Road ( ooip.iii'7. on eeriairi and, and to uiu. i.u Ibe citarief nf -tj il aaking iii-t.ui-cnrretice of 'hl. House. The said bills pand their .first re.iiiny ., aod were made the order ui the day for to umrni . On moiion irf Mr Hoke, ordered that a select eomuiHiee of two mt uiuers be appiHiiod to waii on Col. C. G. .le1nmin4er, Coinmih0..ner front South Carolina, and invite him to a beat in line Hall, and inform him thai it is Oct pleasure uf this I louse to hear his view on the aforesaid bills, if he desires to present them .Mesars. Hoke sud Williamson form the committee The engrossed bill making spprpristion fur carrying on and completing the Capuvlr paased its first reading. . SENATE. Thursday, Jan. 12. '- tm T IV R.tran nrannled the lilllllW aBtteitiOTsrirbiet . O . . ' . ;,.:..,-,,J4-,:-,--W-r-i,Jiail,.,-l. dered to lie on the tabe . I Hetalvei, That the surplds money of Ihe llntieii Sutes, to be deputed with N. Carolina, ougnt ma. tu be kept useless snd proflilesa ; but that lbs sans shall be iue sed in such massrf as 10 secure the capital, and also lo advance the great laterast of litis Stale. . T II. Retubed, That ibe moneys is lbs State Treaasry-and all the stock belonging- to this State, and debts um to this Stale (exospt the bonds for. Cherokee Lends, not paid; shall be restored to lb Public Treaeury.not wiihsianding they iuay have been herehaors allotted to ibe Biwrd ol loterual liuproveoisat or the Literary Fund, and lhal these, together with the surplus money uf the Called Sutes aioresaia.u'.sn ca - . . i . i . . i j - . I. ,n. I uiha riHiulalAl ud aia i 1st. The State debt of 400.000 dollars, shall h(, purohMe4 j,, tod aocn provisions atade by in u iuiiwpwiHfemi ',wm"w " Pi IMMJ9 IN 1119 VCi'le ajjwvcts sstsesovi Htflut saw ". . ' VOL. V 0. eesaary-oa I demand ty the General Governmeer, . - - ' w.i,iwi.rrniirtl, it-7LPVl,MTt ,b,""F'w asoney.depuslied m M. 1 ha Literary Fund shall eonaist of the ow-tnp larins m liua Siaus, sot berMbre H. 12s 'o ilJ",du'U M also Ibetollowirif 6,000 shares of the stoek in Baak of the 8taie .... . . () fHOCOOO ' S.I22 shares in Bank oTCap.Kear. (eusi) 4U.J00 , , fSU2"0 Cash lobe immediately in vested in Baokatock, ...187,800 tan - l L M"1"! tl OflO.OMO Wbich fa lo accumulate as herei..r.. r... purposes of Edueaihsi. - Sdv 1 he laternal linnroveiBent Fonrf .h.n eoneut ol the Cherokee bonds sot yet paid (as is now required by Lw) ihs Ch-rk lmU not sold. Ibe JeDlS owing to said Hood, as cina.i.uwa, or lu lb Stale r..r funds l ui'ied from he lulernat Improvement Fund, and one mil ium an I fbrivt thoawand dtdtara .J r hereafter to be reneived into ih e 1 u n- lil otherwise provided by law, ; . 111.' Retoleei. That the Preaident and 111. rectors of lbs Literary fund, shall be author ixeti to expend not exceeding 200,000 dolls, lo reclaim ihe Httamu Laadi heluiurtno l. ...h fund provided the board ibink it can be benefi cially laid out. It ia expedient to provide by law frf re organizing the said buard.Sl lu clothe them witn power, by themselves or tnelr agen(s,tu en inron ibe landa of other persons for the purpo- itotveytfMrto.--to devise rivifein rir q "liable aaaesamentm the lauls belonging to in dividuals, which may bf drained by their works. no loeut'troe the payment thereuf with proper reatrictiun, to eatabliah rulos by which individu aia may be allowed to aid in their works when prosecuted, and be exempted from any assess ment, 4t such other constitutional power as may be needed tu put into execution the greai iut provemeni herftio eomieuiplatel ; and also lo sell the lands which mar be reclaimed. Bui the ca ns! or oaoala itut uiay be executed by them, shall in no wise b- auld to iudividials. I'lie B aird however shall drin Ihe Landa, by cm, iraet with otlieM at Speoiflad prwoe, ajn-ed en with oisiiraeiur, who shall givebnd audsiun- ly, to peifona ihs oonino s. under such reatrio iKMia anu upou such couditiuns as may be preecri itetf. a IV. Jtenolvtd, That the Board of Inter nal lutptovt ineiii ought lo be re-organised; and tliut ihey be authorized lo subscribe tw.i-uT'.iis ot tlie capital stock of the Wil- mingioii and Rtleiglt Rail Road, as soon as . i i . . . - .- . .. niuivtiiuais ianie to pay il) sliall subscribe tnree nitris ol the said capital sun k, and lhal they subscribe in tike manner lo the Fayellevilts snd Western Rail Road, for the construction thereof from Fnyellevilia .a ttv a. - n - f loine I aiikin Uiver ; provided, however, lhal the Slate will not uke slock unless in- iliviiiuals .shall subscrihe.aMire fifths uf the whole aiiiunut of ibe capital, which compe tent Engineer shall report lo le neeoisary,. to compline these lloads. I wemy-five per cent, or more, ou the shares ol in .i vidiuls, shall be actually paid itu before the Sute shall be called on to pay anything on her suliscripiiiui, so us lo prevent any nu position on the Slate by individual stock holdeie' li r t expemli.ig the money of the public and then failing to pay their own subacriptioii lo enforce collection from de linquents. ' V. Jiiijlved, That the interest and di vidends accruing on the menial Improve ment stocks !)uil be appropriated lo the fund for VI. Itemhrd, Thanhe foregoing reso- lotions (after they are approved by ihe House) shall be referred lo s select com mittee or committees, with instructions to prepare bills for carrying the same into full effect ; and said committee or committees have leave to sit during ihe session of this Hotw. The following engrossed bills snd reso lutions pnsMed their three readings, and were ordered to be enrolled : The bill eonecrui'ig the county of Davie ; and the hill lo lav olTuint construct a road from the town ol Franklin, in vt.itoit county, across the Naulahitla mountain, lo Valley rrvcr, and tlicnce to Oic G ttrgia line ; the rea,, I li tmus, in favor ol ti iwsrd Stanley .' Geo Hiu.ver si.d autliorisiiig llio Governor to omke provision for receiving the surplus revenue. The bill Introduced by Mr. E I wards, to provi Je for the mvraitnent and sale keep ing of the surplus was taken up in com milice of the wnole, Mr. P U iu llie chairj ami lift' r some time (ciil in Ihe consider ation there, f, the commiiiee rose, reported progress snd otitaincd leave tn ait again. The Senate then adjourqed until to mor row morning V o 'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Kavner from tha commute on Claims, reported unfavorably on the reso lution in favor of David Fiiiton sjso. on the Resolution in favor of J as. Cauie, and on that in favor of Thomas Dickens. , rl-e first resolution was laid on the table, and tlie two last postponed indefinitely. ' n .--"V r,i U1 mounn oi xit. .vioore. ... I .1. . Cl 1 .f ik tlitM M Fsim, te and the Speaker of ihr House f of Cm roons be, ami they are hereby- author-sl lo employ iwo compeient persons to ei smioe lite enrollment of the bills, passed' by both Houses of the "General . AsseiuNy at it preaenl session, for re-enacting arid amending the Statute Laws of the Stnif as ' revised ; and the persons employed sliall 1 . . IB be paid, not ex.ceeumg. nve uoiiais per uav. . 'Rteolved further. That the Acts afore said shall not be ratified Until they are ex sminei! snd certified by the Couuiiiitee on Enrolled Bills, snd also by the two per sons employed under the foregoing Reso- ' luiioo, ' ' v "'"' "i- These Resolutions were read 3 times, pBssedrand ordered u be engrossed. n.m lliuiai. than nroeedtl 10 th Or dsrs of the dsy, and resolved itself into 28 -virvii - M J . , 'i I f eomrmik ,,r thet Wb de, Mr. , Hoskins la) the Chair, m b:'l to smeod lbs charter .f ine CMicinnu. sod Charleston. Kail R ad Ulpsn, s. d in confsr Bok- .y I he Hon., Mr. Memmium, of &uth tlsndina, who had been ii.vit.-d ia ..nM. beftirs the House, rose ao addressed il Committee j lenarth in sunn.ut of il. f,"Jr ,,,,i:h '?' nmminee rose, reported prugreaa, anu uowineu leave to sil again. ' SENATE.' "!K- . m" Friday Jan IS. ; Mr. Reijyfrom ihrjoiut Selecl Com- niuiee on the subject, reported it bill pre scribing the manner bib which contested e leelions of Governor snull he deiermined iu litis Slate ; which passed its first and second readings. ' . Tha Resolution in favor of Wm. Merry, was read three times, passed and ordered iu uv cnriMiM, . 'flie protwaitiorr of the llouse of Com m.ins, that the joint Rosolulioii to adjourn tine die on the U:h inst. be rescinded, and i.'ist the Legislature adjourn sins' die on the 18ih insu, was read snd coucutred in. s The tHenate was engagvd the remainder4' of ihe day, m Committee of the Whole-' iillUji:iiaiaa.tliaHlMir-irtila'rTi;7Tr R ..... V..B ... -. V IUU VI HI, 1 1- f 1 vestment and safe keeping of Ihe Surplus, V "y ' dec without cowing to s decision, ' ' In support of lii 1 Resolutions submitted s, by him un yesterday. Mr. Bryan of Caie- ri and Jones, delivered Ins views al length, itisisliug that il was our true policy to en gage in an enlighi. ne.i it liberal svsiein of ' ' Internal Iittprovemeiiis Mr Kelly addieaaed the commiiiee also, enforcing tho same policy. .HOUSE pEToMMONS. The bill to slier Iho dividing line be- Iween the counties BJjden and C iium. bus, was. ou uioiioo of Mr, Giiievpie.iude finitely postpoi.etl. ' . , Mr. Farow presented s hill lnpr ,vbU for draimug Mattauiukse L'.ke u Hytl country (Approprtaies 66.000 f. r this purpose Read first time. ' ' lr. McKe, from the Coininittre cf In teriial ImproveincntsVreprirtoil the Residu um! in favor of the Ocunalol'iy Turnpike Company, with an ameuduieiii. The re port was concurred in. Mr. McRae from the same Commiltss. reported unlsvorabjy on Hie resolution of inquiry iulo ihe exjtedtencv of the Stat 8urcban.g opthrsUM-k lh' lfie Tiiriijuk load from Ahevtlle lollie Tenuussoe line. Concurred in. The House then resolved itself into s Coinmitite of the wools, Mr. Hoskins in Ihe Chair, on tlie hilt grniiiiug Baiikinr privileges tit the Charleston uud Cincinnati Rail Road Cimjiai.y. Mr. Speaker IJav. wood took the floor, in leply to Col. Mem. minger, and in opposition to the bill, and spoke lor neatly 3 hours. When he con cluded, the committee rose, reHrted pro gress and obtained leave to sit again, lad and the House adjourned. SENATE. Sofurda, aa, 14. The engrossed bill concerning the depos itions of persons couf.oed m Jail, aud the engrossed resolution in favor ol the Ooon- alulty Turnpike Company, were read three times, passed and ordered lo be enrolled. The bill prescribing the manner in which contested elections of Governor shall be ' determined tn this State, was resd snd or- -. dered lo be enrolled. The bill prescribing the manner ia Inch contested elections of Governor shall be deiermined in fiis State, was read and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. J. W. Uryait, from the Judiciary commiiiee, leponod ag nnsi the expedien cy of alining the times of holdn g Ihe Courts iu the EtlcnUm district. Concur red in. - Mr. Baker presented resolution. In structing the committee on Litems! Lb- , provemenis to inquire inm tfe expediency of making ao appropristioa of dot- - Isrs, to complete the road mm Morgan ion -- - - - - across the great Irou Mountain, into Ten , -ressee ; wbkh tu adopted. The cngtossed bill to incorporate the Hi wassie rumpike Company, was reject-i ". ed on iu third reading. ' The remainder uf ihe dsy's sitting wu taken up ia the consideration of Mr. ' Ed- ' wards' bill u provide for ' tho investinnl aud safe keeping of ihe'siirptus The ques . - lion pent I. W. Br ysu, iu strike out all oxeept ine enacung clause, ana insert Noauuie which was negatived, 'i Other uefiocluai ' propositions were made lo , smeod and to postpone iBdefioiisly ; sod the bill ru A- naily laid upon Uia ublui ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. C - The engrossed bill to amendlha charter ' nf tlie Portsmouth snd Rosioks Rail Road Company, was read jhe third time sud on motion, referred Kn s select commii iee, consisting of Messrs. ,Cary, Gales, and r atson Mr. Gales presented s Rt solution "pro vidiog for the psyment of the eXjOMSee ln curred in burying George W. Moutgome ry, a ipember of the Legislature,' which passed three readings sad were ordered 10 be engrossed V-Vj'1..'.. Mr. Farrow submitled a rrsoluti'ftt In fivof of Johu B- Jasper. -Referred to the eommiitee on Claims ,' ,' ,7 - '" , ..jI " Mr G iles introduced bill sutoirixing snd empowertof the fj urly Court of the .Slate to appoiul Special MigislriiUf .1 ; tion pending was on lit proposition f Mrw ,, 1 ? i J . f