3 i '' : mmw wrm aav 'i .. i. wr arm ar t .mT.' sia- terms. The Watch m as may hereafter be had r.r V Dollars ana r,,v """B r" Je- advance the whole sou. at one payment, ,T. " . .... nnt for one vear at Two Dm , :tine thu9 topay' advance the stun, of kt flollSrS IU' vain1 v.... man ..luiaiiiuo, mi II lis chared at other Kubscri- rwieiv , . i rs. , j . iv- - Habscribers wnw p-j ""'"is j' bbchnr!jeJihrpeD'llTinallraM. Nu subscription will be received tor less than Noruper will ! .li:c..ni,nuod but at the up J ilia B i ""'"' -tl1 a"eara''9 afB Pai1 . .. 13 Ai:iniTnv r . . 'J - a.,, IIIIIIIl l'. li'ITIIIFIiani' 1 . An aw , v . q - at once he creited. Take but ihm arib-hs , ih but a few of these were in operation, mil SPEECil OF Commissioner from South Carolina, before the Senate 'of North Carolina, on the Bill to confer Banking Privileges on His Stockholders of the Cincinnati &. GlmrKs lon Kail Road Company, delivered Jun. 2, 1837. (Co!5tta)Ct.) Still, wherever tbe"V:heine is presented ' Zin", Lead and Tin 0. which are said. I anew, it is but nttmal to expect opposition j this region, and the demand is faat Irott, Una quarter; un.l it th.-rt-lore bcroniea ll -rcaajd. If; aa I am infW.ii-d the Tin the iiiort- nercssiirv. that fvert man l,.,i.i Ores in thu wpitern n.in i.f it. i... i.. niaown opMiu.n. AlUr all. when the iiiuttei ia oiic t xpUinod, thte is no girat myau-ry about it. A bank ,9 n more than an asso. ution of induidiiala. (.. ....(. tltt errenry thtfrsby B a uawima. aounn..,! demand for rapital lhnmtt(ht the h.ii. r .k. v.... . ' ' .... .. j : S H, ... .w. , .1 vwitwinvB ", nt- unn iuia- ticrini. ..'""j ro.n. instead ol tfe dimiiiutivd esfiUiah-l n l,.Lr" a.-. menta Wlm h now exist, worka of . u . 3" M'TW"" bibite,l the means ts- Isrjfeo rbaraetor will be .coiMtourVd, and it " VJ 7' ettrre7 K1" PMi ... . '.,-mii 'viwning riiiKnrrauon.Mre lion of dollar, could soon b rin "?ThU V'- fon,i'Spl til l-t eer a doubt. B.-f.ra the Bnk ean be rrVatad, eiitht million must firit be auhierihed In the Jt'Mil. Tuen, the road miHt not he abundant as any abroad, and within the i ;""l,,,'l lr vear, or the Charter of the "" iaufnriauoii; ner at once is a nurce both of demand fir capital and in conrrivabl wealth to your countrr and L: l .1 f a a .a 7 iouareor eoek LuttLioti qlltrwurd . iii'i 1 1. . . t . ... y. rf metnnt win e mnerwu icss ..vr Dill.l.AR. wriise'nna will he contiaued until ordera j HI :icr l'i tn sailor must ne ppsf - .ii i j micd to. - ,. n.,K n...,m money in wre. agree to add n T nis Kail Kond will ocnctraii! tlu, . ri.RMS or ADVKBTIsmn oiiii, toa. ili. r. lol t he mirn.,Wnl l..j...- :. ' pion of it n i ,oWrefor '!'tZl I - who .,. W. Z i -he, v,t"m.e'oT woaUh , itt couuimd to Ibis ohjert, caii 'do no sort of ' ,,c "' nip raised -n your tiKiuritain ihstrirts, nnrtn to the ommuniiy. On the contrary, " near th route of tills 15 . :id, Hs .id to both partMS are Im ih fined ilm l.f.rr-,..r be rqiial lo anv in thn wiirl.! Tl. ...... Lre.-.ie(l to atop them, where no directions j uy ine accoinmodalion, the li-mfcr by the ol Buneombe, Burke, licdj l!, Lmcolii, V previously stiven. e" si ne rectrf s in return It not un-! '"''rhl' n,M,r)f nd those up , n ine... YUikin ''l?,,??J,'e45rT5." ' j 111 V1"1 9HmPan .to wwenoleii.w hu h a aoH peculiarl urt .pted to its cul niile at iti11ai perWmtn for earh sqnaT ,. a8 tnon r ,.,,n h lf .... tivition TLu hm. ia.i,,,i i i ..Iv'the pn.leSe of changing the oi tiery Ml(,lc eC(,mt.8 iMwnt in . i vanin, of man-ifu-turina C.Uo.i bru-r,,,,, riiere j thna danirer thBt the unwniv nm ' faster and better than tli.it imu.Tt.t b be taken in, if the coinuauv isstfen iuor nf, Europe Tins, at once, will ensnrx ii a these notes than they are able tonav and a Market because tin.. Inii of n.il..n In iiib coutirigtnt danger may also arise, that by 0'', by wibl. the adJilonal wi-mht of the induung the people to take their Notes ' bWn8 " the planter's arcuimt. Sl.iht I.,. -ij a 30 els : Cotton uer lb lin hen liiey have no actual nifd i.f m.n,.u tins advaniaae would seem. t wonbl oive Id Jew ; Cotton bairgiiiff per Vd. 16 jj the company inijr, as the me'rehants callit! J"!" VJlSjfei"1" iwitl.traird rVPHT'TO8' lo thTRiVlR ad, but li ir I ''--rrFiar-S,'v; '".V " .1. )... .itn.i. ..... l.A ... . . t I .Ij.. . .1. 1 ) I. A... I i . . iin. Aim wucn ii ia ooerv nter SALISBUIIY, BMwax per lb. 16 a 17 eta.; Uramly, Ap- . p -r tf al . Lj a 30 ets ; ivotlon per lb (in A, J et ; Cotton bt,gu'i'K per yd. Jti fij I; vitiee per iw. 10 JimX&-nH9 tnt -teq.nsiiie thai earo . 7" "I" lhal iho coiifuiiiutjon of th m- v tt-s--' T:m.n T: Inun H i X.. . l . ...I i L . . C L. . . . . .." 1 j- ; " i BiiiMiin ni! laKen lo tm.irn innwi id. .l . oouin amoiinT loationt two mi' li.,i. ..I vr.U an. I it til presentiy be seen in the case lo- , J"'" '" at '"'r' "ntiiher source of ni fore us, that the precautions arc amply anf- tre,'8'"i dennnd for nuit.il. ficienl.' , But suppose thu the enercirs of your But inasmuch as this Bink fiiarter is pro- co"",''ymen are oneo prop, rly Iir.- u-.i lo posed, merely as a muns and inducement : t'"1 Wil,,'r xwer. so advaiitaueiiHlv located to the making of the Rail Road, it further ' ,n ,,, Hll"y a" lemli! rgnns throuishout becomi8 us , ;l 7j a Si imp ma; realhers per lb; u. I'l iu pr nl. ;; vvlieat pr bush. 41 H i.)JaU pr bushel 20 els; Corn pr bunh 40 eia; . i pvr In li a ets; Lead per lb 8 a lOcis ; .ie, pr sfai- i d cts j maim per lb a 10 ; Href per lb 0 a 0 ets ; Bacon per lb 15 , U HMr per Iti 1 -2 a eis; Lard per lb 15 ; SU pr bushel $1 -25 50 ets; Steel, Aineri- i ihsier. r lb. 10 els ; hnjjlnh do. per lb i ; t, st uo er in t.j n an els ; sugar l'i li) a 15 'is ; U'i ii (Jamaica) per ipilj ; VaiiKe di H VV.miI fclean) per lb 30 ; Tolow pt-r lb. 10 1-24 els; Tow-linen pr yd. i2iuts; Vine (Teiierirfe) per eal. 50. tru.'ul do. l 50 a ill 7 et ; Claret do lifil. ft 3 a I 75 ets; Milaa. (sweet) $1 ; WnisKej per tjal. 3j a 40 eta. . C1IERAW. Bnef in market er lb 5 a 7 ets ; 11 aeon per li cis; lit nis !i. vW OP ets ; beeswax tin 19 a '20 ets ; Itainrintr per yard 18a 25 ; Balu hpe per lb a 121 N ets ; Cnffee ur. I2i- M-ewt-U-eon-per 100 fm 5t3 T515 (Ml; Lorn per bushel Jill a UO eis ; r'liair i vavons tier brl $9 10, from lures ixr bil I 60 a 00; Iron per Hn ifn 9 3 no a o an , jMes per gal 50 a 621 ets. Nai scut assorl- iw lb 8 I i a 9 ets ; roulit .lo. ier Ih. 20 Turk pei br! ; Kiee per Ill0lis4 1- Vj' 1? 1 - 1 v 1 1 4 ,,;-fall pr J S a; Sah ovr bnahof at .w...i f r blister pr b I0e WblwZ 0. a 1 as ets ; Tobacco uiaou B.ink is losU Moreover, if an rxneii.liinr of three millions must be not mtdn on the Road within five years, and of 12 millions within ten yeats, the Charter is forfeited. But besides all thto.the llmk c ipiisl ca inot be increased heynud 3 inillinns, 1111I1I a" a nionnt eqiiivalem to any outemplaled increase shall have been firt called in and expended on the U iaJ. li eatinut even then ie increased beyond 0 millions nil til lire U i.l ieachi-8 TeuiKJo'f ; uor lie yjntd 1) nl 1 1 li mis' iiutii the R ial reaches Kentucky ; or can it reach 12 millions fulil the R.iad is constructed lo I.'-xiug-iii. " The Riil R.iad funds are put in charge ola eparnc. Board of Directors, and the payment u! their instalments by thesuhscri birs 1 secured by their being subject, -in ewe of default, not JyJ,o.XlCfi'ituxajf) ed.ilMf in the commencement the payments n mare in the liana, will he twenty ed.ilMf on ie doll,s arVitfiw I.. ik. . .1 . 11 j vr, ma ianveatioa it Knox- We sti-tenninM npmt tbe route ahn.ugrt your State, asd Soath Carolina, aeiimr in gnud faith, Mw otT ra 1 - r-Hlfc iM, pM U fm f ihl Lifer, .lie h no alteraative lefiJanrf the K p4 through your Slate ia toat forever) It la a ?' a,,N dw,b. "heihar.-ln adt event, Ua bvgla route to Memphia would, not feat aon mtira adantag..us lo ,.uib Candlni. -At JTT b'Jb Georgia la pursning her Rail K.H...,.4 ,he hr;..Mlh Mm tea has just made to ihem.Tiidieai,, ,hal wl: N Mailed all heT eflUw' llh SmiUi LaMma, Knit tl, 0ftVr MeamallTR; .irr ifsirn is now mid ,) jin. .nririi.rH lMiue ur IiiUt.kU Hull v each mad H.. 1I....1 ''M-.t..--,M'J, and ordered lo hengrosed. , ( . , , IiilU rj,c'td Tbe till to eatablisb 4' county by tt.e name ,.f Ci. yelaidvHit tl ' " F..a ..1 LiiiM-uin anu ituinfrlord, t9 lo I7i J the kill to incorporate the Roan.tke VallcT 1 Rail Road Company. : 7 MfMoiekeaa. uieaehled thtetizKT KlllaL. arKl'.k 1 1. - . ' . . S) uuro nines ana or- Am9 1 .. 1. a. . . ... . . ' wiw v woiiosiiea: n uni to alter too ,( tKiesof hoi dm j Iheonttiy Courts of , weK; the bill lo . Iter ihe lifha) Ol SMtlatian Tbe rlami up- the Superior Courts for the cooiitios of SioAcs ' .wla U11I. ...! If .. .1 V.i -. .7 ... ..... . ' "- iiiii WIIIIIOIU. "me ii-nior, aim acquires H M,rhmh ,,. .. ., . , Ify... re.se, ,,...1., ...v.,,'"'; 'V; . Mr 1., lor presented a Reiolution gi r a aland desiroy ,he fl ....J. X nw I k,",l ,l dul' f i'"'Pal Clerka oK lerred your all. nice. -T,,... ,n .Hl(. ,, 1 10 iiousi a lierealler Jo LiipouintibwEo? u.1 ..1 j .. ...... . (-mi-ii. i.,jirt:r; 1. 1 ..i"!. . 1 . ... u:.meii aavaiiees .l U.Hiioia hnseeaimi.lit.ni ihe cause f Internal Ln pro..ii..i,U,asj 1.1 pr,,vel,'.,f N rtli Car dma. who will by y.mr refusal, have evinced an apathy Urn ,i repelluip;. revulsion of nub lie leehnpf will l the result ; .11 I,,.,, , Ml,in witb y.H, will be ahaudoii. d forever, and the ..lden tide d cimimercH will oe lurried l.rom your .rea -to leave them yet mora waste and desolate. randy, peaeb 70a 75. Do. nnp. CO a 65 ,cor. prlh 6 a 17; Cotton prlb 121 4 5..M lirnepr lb 121 a 14 ; Flour bid. $Sl . . 91 fcxseedprbhfl 50 a 1 60;Kealhe.rsprlU45 a uutii prousu on a s i; iron prlb 5i a 6, Wo wpi- gal 4J a 47; Nails cut 71 a 8 ;Salt Imsh 60 a 90, Siijinr ur lb 8 alii. T. i. 31 a 4; Wheat pr bush ft 50; 0 Whiskey yd- i5 57, Beeswax '21 a 00 'Uy Gnft Cotton Seed, r received per sieamer Clarendon, a rl'iiiiy of the above Cution Seed, and for C.J.ORKKLL. fir irk flit Hit inr m V- J " -", 4U V VIICCI, uVt3. 19J7. 9 To Cut tun IMiinters. intMdiifiiKii i.f ilns Se.l I III. I fvn... I 4 would uudoiititedly be id irreat benefii Jur Nifce, boih in iniprnvinsr tbe Siaule. anu trasiul ihft production ot our Cotinn. he plot itself is mo cli mere luxuriant than f ewiiilin green S.i'J, iiimm more prolific of ju. ml throw a iiself so widely open, (when 1. 'iii a nami mat cimi,i pick 75 lbs. uf Ihe r-Oouff readily Mck 100 lbs of ihe oihr rnr (Mtaple ia so superior. Iliat ih.we fa mi I 'init allege that with their eyea eled caieasily distiniriiinh it from ihe common '"V My motive for orTerinir this Sediii the ffr.pfiir Hie ex or ess unruiise of imnmvino ''vif our Cotton ai Aoiua.and cluirncter ,rvid, wbioh has been reduced 101 tn ; and justly ao inn, by ihe very Inferior lly generally alupptd Iroui this Stale - C J. OR R ELL. !Hill .N't S. 1937 - Sw-26 lo provide that, while on tlio. one hand.suflii-ieut advantages must bo of-' fered to induce itidividuala to make the I'oa so, on the other, precautions must -bo taken to compel them, while enjoying the profits of the Bank, lo take tlio burthen of completing the Road. This equipoise, it is bought, ha been fully ailained by the pro vision of Ihe present Charter, as will ap peiir by a brief consideration of them. In the Hi st place the Bank can have no separate exigence, and an interest in it can only he obtained by first subscribing to the Rail Road. Eight millions must lie actual ly subscrioed to the R.ul Road, before the Bank can in-oiled into existence; and then, each subscriber lo the Rail Road can only have till doJI irsin th KnL- F. ir tiiinru Lint st j nun drod he has subscribed to tho R n Road These subscriptions are then made insepar able; so thai a to. kholder cannot sell one without the other And although Ins R iil Roi.l Slock is made I1.I1I0 to pay the debts of the Bank. In: bus n,.t the corresponding advantngeid" making the Bank liable for Riil Road Company, t-ven by forfeit in" wlMt he has paid them, hut ho must also but. it his Bank Si.M k His interest in tin Bank cannot be increasui nmil il... n.....i your Stat ; an 1 then I hsk. mch capital could ho oil red ih...n. There is no leason. other than the want of resour ces snd outlets, why anotoer i4.l may., not be erected on the Banks of ihe Catawba. Hero the advantages presented by niture are superior to those existing in .Massachu setts and yet there, the have built a town and have set up m.inufuiurics, whose uni ted capitals alriady exceed ten rnilljotis T dollar. Stir, ly it cannni be contended that, id a country from whence they have to send to your shores for your cotton, and after in advance of the payments to the K ul Koari, this lorleiiure will be a serious c'u"'i. Then there can be 110 sale of Bank Sloe;, unless the purchaser charges him self .ith corresponding Riil Road Share : t. . . . ... wlietiier too 'i"11 1'10 lw, ihseparablyrnniled. W a a la cotisumption, laden with the exp u s of tin se various transportations; that 111 sucli a country, they -have a( .vantages over you, who, with one hand.-can pluck ihn cotton from your (i Ids. anil with the other, can ol fer it to the consumers around you. i is obvious that with the smallest exertion on yo.ir part, in Ihe most ordinary slate of things which llie.s; roads will produce, there will be a .lem itid f ir exceeding the power even of this K ink 10 supp'r. ' are taken Tor tn., y ,llL. U 1j. nn,, the p ty merit of its notes What are Us means of piy merit?. -First, its capital must he nai. I 10 Si'..... ..r .1. thesJ precautions, it will be impossible f ir tie Omk to get ulong-wiihout uiakiijg the 1V4I. Hiring thus considered ihe various prn visi.ws of the Charter, it is liaz-irding lit tle now to a (linn, that the public can suf ler Stitbing frorrr lhi t.aiik, and thai the advantages presented to North Carolina bv me gran Inn! n 1 . ... . . iviiaii, urn cneapiy pureri.isen hv a ol the Hanking privileges now asked. 1 am prepared to advance one step r, and assert, that ihe ('barter ileclf woiking it into fabrics, return it to yoo for , j passes-entirHy through Nonh Carolina, and " 1 ' "c vaul!.; of tin; Banks of if within five years, three millions worth of Uuv Slates where snli.HjHioiiM are lHkn xpi'iniiiure be not mado on the Rn.-id; or, I ft,,u ,'l's "ital fu'tii!lies Us primary 11 within ten years, 12 iinlliona worih I..' l'',,"!, of l'a nl,'", d. i.ts as inH etH'n.led, or the Road finished to lvei. j - ,,m,'"e o rt. itb t!ie profits an.l tu ky or Ohio; or if the work at am lime ",l,vr aM,s w,"eh J " "."'M ill b beaiupended a whole year, the lL,nk los.-s j s"1,TS,'n,' These are all 11,,. afeenrities itschirtcr. The capital wit which tin-! ",,,,J',y I'TmHert ly oili' i U mks Mot this Lhi Ul iMltMfM I.k.ilir I.. Iha O...I i L - " ...... .....pj t J net) 111 f ........ .1 .. . . .. 1 . , ""ii-ihf, vaoaiiua ivouuiy i. K, Sl ' January 1837. -Jane AWxanuVr i.rnn'j;.,lli,cWe,dw W Frcd -t'lerk of SrTm..;..- n , , 1 a..i " " -r""wi . w;iii. iiaiin-d t tmiiiii I s TJ1" 2-W1 """ Cul? 3 v Cla,k -puvm K-avan : jr snd siju . - ::r"T"',f. '-. James P. Gray. ih il.-. ..""'' "" u. jiarris, r. Jordan. Me- -Uvid D Lauder John Lambert. JWPsWit.hi.-bfr. William - lie la. A. I . -- A Patterson, Charles' Philip. John Philip Ridenhon? V 1 & Sbinn, Re,. Sulcuwa Sni. -Tt ""r aiir.. J.7''C Vail. KLUTTS, P.M. SALE AT -THIS OtTCE i . 1 uni. may commence, is to no about a mil lion, to be increased as the Moid advances, ,nd .!!.eMt I xpe ted beyond six inii lions until the Road successively teaches Tnaiimt riui Kiru.ky Uuder thesv provisions il would seem to mo not to be a question, whether RiifhYioni precautions are taken against the Bank, but whether, with all these restrictions, individ uals can be induced lo tako the Stock. I trust that the anticijiaiions of (hose who foimed the charter may be realized that the Stock may be subscribed and the work progress. Be that as it may, the question for your present determination is, whether the charter such as it is, sufficiently guards a- gmnsi me lonicitons ol public evil, and en survs the making the road. Or, 111 other wortis, whether for the sake of tho road and its advantages, this State will charter the Bank. " Satisfactorily to deck'e this mattr, it aecms to me that three considerations re main to be settled. I Will the capital to be created by this Bank, be probably ubsoibeo by the actual wants of 'the Stiles in which it a6ks a char ter? 2. Are sufficient precautions 'taken to secure the public from loss upon its not. s? " S ' I the rx isle nee of (Tie Bank made" de pendent upon the Vconstrucdoa of the Road iilld'lifFloeTMjtirlc Miificienify assured lhat the Buutk carnot abandon the Road and tx- The I A poin t appears to me to be settled by a mere statement of facts At . present the tiadn over the route of this road into South Carolina and Georgia amounts to threeNnillions of dollars. The whble,cir. 'eiil vtioii of this 'region is that of Southern Banks, and if (be Banks now contemplated were merely to supplant this circulation, (which it would certainly do) a demand would at once be established beyond its jwiwer of supply The Capital of tbe B ink will, at its commencemct, probably not ex ceed a miHiori of dollars, and this cannot be increased beyond two iiiillious 01 there abouts, until the road itself lias made con siderable advance, y Whoever is acquainted with Ihe subjeift will perceive, th it this cap ital caa be, tbaorbed in South Carolina a-lunc. knnjvn lo all the Senators front the western person of the State, that the present circu lation along the route of this Road, is South Carolina and (Jeoririst Bank Notes The coure of trade always determines the cur rercy ; and as the natural channel of this is In the South, southern paper must fore v. er ciiUMiie to a .Turd the cheif circulii nnir inednuii. r or this reason, you have here tofore been unable In put your ISlate Bunk Notes in circulation in this quarter ; -.-and beco"u'8' will therefore he between the the' 'nVJiVK. proposed to be chartered, and which" now supply the demand. Is" it ni'ii obvious th:tH Jlauk Inning :i Charier i:i several States, "and whose JS'oles are as sound as thesi will I.e. must supplant all others, ami furnish :i preferred currency to the peojde ? A ul how vast will lie ihe gain lo your Nute, 111 ilius exchanging unknown and iliiuoiliil paper over which you can 'l ive 110 control, for the .Notes of an Insii union, with a branch in your own Slate, -iit'jecl to your own Mipcrvialon, anil bascil I have ihrrs; Mr. Spr-nfcrr, nanvasse.1 all the views which hav oeeuned lo me, touching ihe Hul.jeei of jour deliberations. have disrbnigeil my duty. i is now f..r y..u m act. 11 mi man m.Ktiike the pf .si turns 1.1 which he stands. The v.nn ..f this Seimie miisi now decide whether your !Site shall advance or recede. Up.m-ve-ry Senator there is an immense responsibility ILuj! uk,si.,MrtS'Wwt TrntrrTrr oning will be deinsnd.'.l at his liaml llir.M.jjl, his l tuidiiy or indirl'Mreiice. ih mii.lr. id" riM.r Suu.al.all U .Wprucd of Ilia bei..fis which Ibis U .a.l offers, Im greai will be Ins rtsndein nation ! Desiroy ibis project, and what hop. i, Itiere lio.n any .sb. r ? Jipon tbm ihe enemie ... ... ..,... mtFi'nHrn eisievniralrd fiibhc o pinion has been directed toil from ever n., ier ; and if it i,w lad, 11 will be (mile u, pe.,e " ,r'- " iiLi"wpr.irlpi, iinriutte, tt rnternai luiprovernenls will f.r us be n.fre vis mi of a dream. And tyben the i.iiihsI. II arrive if if 09mr alinlJ It.. k..ij.. .. " in-m)j mouwu imnii nils ill. am. we snail men awake lo ihe discovery thai o,. lbet.de of eniigrallon has ebbisl away lbs if,. bhsid of the .Sl.it.. lu moisten and frtlliBd ihe soil d" .air neij.hb.ia. Then perhaps we will content ourselves to sit down 11. d.pair. nnut a common ainscj and lupinBiieMabatl inure u lo our condition. ErmstngCIeika uf the Legislator; wfiicli ou his molion, was laid on the table. HOUSE OF COMMONS-.- v On motion, of jyir Graham, Uttoletd, That the committee on Inter 04 JiuproH'tnents be tnstrmted to rnqnirs whether the Cape IVar Navigation have ttghtfally retained the aiim of $i:7 631110 from I be Suit 's Aividerds on her Mock IR said Company, a .d if not, lhat they rep.st what steps are to be taken lor its recov ery The bill to incorpr.rate the Raleigh) and Colombia Rail R. t 0,1,, any was read" ll. . 1. M.m ... some length, and Mr O.ah on and Mr IMo I'lenahnn advocnte 1 us passage Mr llol lingswurtb moved to amend the hill o as to lee tho couipauy to go by Kayellevill v ..a..-. . 0 i ot-viMiii an tins, me daintily .l 1 upon me iiriiiual re.-uniy ui: wiioic l.ail !ltpauxJil, ntnininli.ig to t welve mil ions of doll .rs, win. all ibe prop rtv ol (lie company, and the personal cred it id it individual stiM klioldirs, us far the) .ire hound under the charter. Wle-n capi j tal o tbe li.ink increases us not s are still j further secuicd by ia Rail Boa.: with a doiH'lo track.tiie enlirc extent troui Chat b s B t there is still 'another important hen. lit which this hank w ill confer upon your ..eople. At prfscnt the iradc nun S.mth 1 !ir..lliia ..u I ...... ... i' I . " a.iio oriiiri: ri-.icries lliree millions of dollars. As this trade- is not a mere barter, thn articles vol. I - musi of rourse be paid for in some kind of paper. A. ..ri....... il..... I... I .. . 1 .. .. . nine ..i nii. no circuialiix' ;ik Mr. Speaker, I read in the expressinn cf your roimienai.ee, lb .1 il,i shall not lie. see you are ready jo .r,r... up .n t. murnent, and advai. 10 oie struggle. t.niH ib hi tis, wuh ueilml KlX-'Jiglh-presinVrwsrtf irt ruiliinale "ihe CeiF M.....a ............... ...1. 1 01 out is uiers, ami tbe prize 0. .1 1 . ..,, ,Mle j,nz u( ,-IOjj eM.,,MlMi nr bappina and. powperny of .sir coumry. So. weAaveall r.ml u, ll.n sch.ails. Dial 111 loruier d.ys there was. people, ai whose bauds an e inerge..ey rMjatre la public, work lo connect then cny with the sea. Wnh uislani alacrity, the wbole iHipubijon mulled forth women, chill, and man. There. ihj ma ipiei.ces ihe rich caul into ihd p.i'ihe treasury in. V'Oi.. me pool mo o.uto m'an eft.n .a... ilu-ir ciiiniry asksl and it was dene glorhsis ly, nobly done, fsir, lhat ciiy and that pwiple have ever ainee stood l-tre.unsi in ihe annals ol nan. .its. 'I'liu-iM wero dayw iu which one mighl live and proudly eUno ide name ul man. These .... .ly. man wlill lilte hlOllltcd Upon llliS Ills ory . haraeT. rs s.. fo,i,w and uidudlng. lhat e ve now. by ihetr example, we ami our children ir- ii.igl.: lh infancy ihe gr't le8Wbs ol o.ib lie virtue. r Sir, lei us n..l now f-rwl t(,e ,.snns ; let us d. vole ,.v, ,y )H,r , ,(, nn,,,,,,,.,,,,, of "r eonrnry 4 ao.l iei .m, tviihoni hesiiaiion, in--lai.ily a.lv nice lo slay tbe wound, under which -i.h , i,w bleeding. J hen. al leas., if our if l .rl prove unavailing-il ..yy remedy in ui.r H.w.r Ih- nppli,., 10 vniii-if the final jUjiumu . eoiiie, ...nl uux .M.Hry triusl .n.-euinli - vr s, vedo.u our uliii.Nl I., avoid ,J ;"we liall have u.yehargeil our dm v. and wix.bi.ll ai all pvents, , '. allowed tbe niello,, h illy KaUi.f.elli.11 of de ! ':.iri.,K. ibis is uu Work ol ninio "ihou raiiai no: h.y I did 11. J OS ion lo tne I i-nnessee, fvi'i.tui kv and Oum I ,t...... ...n:. ....... c. .. 1 , , ' , ..,., ,, ,,L pnri.ose me vrea rr lino successive y; toget .or with all the real J ,,.,,1 ,s laueu ,., bills of excliange a, a en., Estate, Dr pos.tones, Ivgines and materials ol -something near 1 ..er ceni he-id.., , b. I of interest lor at at thiny d.,ys. Sup- pose Aortli ivar lina to furnish one turd of appertaining thereto. It may saf.-lv bo af firmed, that no Bank in the United States can i.fl. i equal security. ,But Us bolvency is still further secured by the precautions taken to prevent over- nan lung, lu issues sire liuiiieif oue-ihird liclow ihoso alloweil other Banks. It is denied the privilege of lending, eiihernpon its own or the rail road stock.--until three fourths of the capitnl is actually paid in, and then it can only lend to t'.e extent of one-half. It cannot permit the R ul Road company to overdraw and if at any lime it delays paying its own notes in r-pccie, it is liable to the exhorhitant interest of 12 per cent. . To frustrate any- speculating schemes on the part of ihe officers of the Bank, they are forbidden from acting as Brukera, aud the Dueciors can receive no compensation for transacting busineM for others with the Bank. - '"-'"-: ':' But there is yel another provision which is particularly important, inasmuch as. it not oiily operates as a restraint, hut con sults the digmiv of each of the Slates gran ting ffie Charier. -The i Act requires fei pons Le, the Parent Bank, but of all l.'ie Branches. This - gives a supervisory power to each Legislature ; and by requiring a Branch to JITI; laKCJlShA riJUK, Mi ATE.. Monday, Ja in. 11. ... ir...... . ..... ........ ... .. .. .mo ii.w , mc .oiiiiiai 1 ense Uu'ii upon her citizens m-rely f.,r this exchange, would exceed Ten Thousand Dollars. This tax will almost enliielv be jiavedbv this Bank, becati so its currency will ai.- swer all the purposes of exchange, in the oinerent sections ol the route, and will thus facilitate m every respect the opera tions of iradc. Gntl what at list is the boon asked at 1 your nanus lor hem his so vast and endu ring r Ii u to grant that which you have given lo ihe oilier Banks in your Slate for a tax 01 one lourtli per cent on their capi tal without deriving from thein any public J'nt fiior any other contribution to --the im provement of the State. Compare this pu lartCAutviUi even the ertarn adVahtages .of fered by the Bank now propoted. JJcru you Iwve an tlajrjlJree.uUioiiiMg your'citizens a road fastened to the soil, whicb ' itself a source of wealth, and up on which you have reaervedtbe rigbf to ris to be made annually to the respective r, 'a,-. ;, ., , , 1 '.. . . , ., f ty which it will , certainly produce the gs alures, not only of the cundiiioii of ;it, , .. ' . . . . o i..i. -i... . If -ii ..." D. ..,. agea Ui which il will ai certainly give birlh-lhe saving to your citizens in fur nishing their exchanges ihe substituting a aound and stable currency for one lhat is doubtful and unknown besides all the wlncu was negatived, audtheolho lull imss- ed Us second reading I he lull lo gr int Hanking pnvileges to Ihe Charleston and Cniciiinsli I! ail l...,d Co.i.pmy, was liken lip si Us tlnrd r aiii g. ;lrl. A (J.nn opposed the bill m a snort speech, with much earnestness and st.iin.i mm. Ilewtisrepli.il to by .Mr Moor., of II ilifcix, who went at larjo int.. tbe merits of llu whole Hiitip.) I. The q.icsliou Ih lug put on Ihe passigeof iho lull, Mr 0 nn mov. .1 lhat it ho on ihe lat.le until the 3d Monday of iSovimbir, iHiM ; which wis -decided 111 Ihe negsiiv , 5." to 49 Air. 0v)ii then moved an a ii'-o l.niiiii lo tno bill, providing ibHt if .my singe , tho char ter, the subscripiioii should be greater than is authorized, tb so scnpiioua of non-rest- 4intl those -Mntea-wliic'li 4iave, or tiisy liernalier a.iiclion tho charter, shall be stricken iff before any reduction shall be m ule in iho subscription ol the ctiizena of those Stales whose sim lion ia nq ,,,, ,) ,y the charier. Av-rced to. , Vrs 8:1 IV.v 1 -MrC x ' Mr. ( wyn moved to amend the bill, bv adding the following section : i)e 11 itirincr enacteij, that no (tank cor- oratiim sh:M . "y-uraiaaa.i . n us Uank. either ess A.T. Nays 3D. Mr. Irion moved to amend the bill hv adding a provision lo compel the Bank to redeem Us notes with gold an J silver, of the coin ol ihe United mates;- Mr Or bain opposed lliejamcndment.oii tho ground tint the charter was snfliciontly guarded in this respect. Tho amendment was nega tived 61 to 40. Mr. Gwyii' moved a further amendment, giving Ut any succeeding Leishiture full power and authority to alter, amend or re- peal the charier. Mr. M'n.m opposed "trie amendment, on the ground that it smacked loo strongly of the Dallas dnctnnis. The amendment was negatived !.') to 11. Mr. Irion moved lurilu-r to ameed the bill by adding a provision that Hie Leuu- j l.ilure ol ihisSiaie shall have full power lo repeal l.'us eirier, at any time before the J Ni'es of TeiuiesRee ami Kentucky have given their sanction to ihu elnrier. Mr. Graham opposed the amen, Intent, and shew ed lhat the charier .now expr essly provi i ded, that il should be forfeited, unless as' ' uted lo by those Slates. The amend ment was negatived. Yeas fif. N.vs 40. I he question now recurring on the pas. The following engrossed bill and rem. lulioii werereadlbrei. (m,.., passed aud or deied lo to beeuroUed; To 111 ..ro,.r town of Rolesville; In fayor of Wm, Thomi- ? "'e b,,l, "" ,h,f', r "ff. M' L A sou. 1 1 wyn remarked thai, believing by the oas- The Senate proceeded .0 consider Mr T! !T n ' T b'"v "'''i1 'i" 'w 'tilt Edward b, ,0 prov.de f ,he Z, Zl , J " -vriS vft and Ihe safe keeping of ihe surplus revenun accruing to North-Carolina;- when Mr. J. W; Bryan moved a substitute, embracing hntwn.fiflh$ principle which was nega lived 24 to 23. Mr Margrave moved lhat the bill In on the table. Nsgalived.SO lo t 17. The question then recHrnngon the passage of iho bill its 3 1 reading, it wis decided 111 the affirmative 20 to 2-2. and il. 1. .11 1 1 . .. i , aniiiu. iiu 10 do eugrossou. its passage. Mr. Crawford said, if it were true, as de elated by the gentleman from Caswell, iriat ine sceptre had depirted, be tru.ied tii-ii i.i..ii. i..i K SS that Tho vote was ihfep taken, and Mood luiiows : For the pattagt oj the mil Messrs. Adams, Bedford. Brummel. Byrd. Camp hell, f Tallow, v. Canada... rvlal.Y.. flA. . Jlijrf .Vlessrn Arrington, Baker. Bar. lC.jvini!on. !ox Crswfoa-d r?o. P;:.. ? neti, Bryanjr.f Criveri, Bunting, CowM. of, Farrow. Flim nr. (J des, 0; ady, OrKloun! Gat son sand Chow-an,Cooeiofaiartiii.Dd.-f-qs . Edwards, Exuro. Fox. Hawkins, llo.d ' ll irris, VV II der. Ilussey, Jj,,.f, Kerf, Marsleller. Me- lMnavMr.-M'lleiryt " Hloy'e, Morehesd, iveinnaiiit, Saunders, Skinmr. Spruill 20. M'' Albr ight, Bryan tti Car- aw--toinn7'"Guthrie. W S Harris, Hill, Hoke. Iloll.-md. 11 t tv ... . -w..?. 11 orum, .oicrwri--RrltfrJ A K 1 i;g, W B Lane. Lindsay,' Loiidcrniilk, I Mat thew , C ll Maltliews. K P Miller. V J T M Uler, MiMH-t McAlrsier,' McChinhahiiii," ' teref and jones. Burney. Carson. Davidsoi,,, Mcltae, Nye. Pati.m, J A Perkjna, Pun k he in each State, the laws of each, can be made efftciually to operate upon the who e oUier ndvtnla u wolclj j ,ff , Auriuiruhikii IVlllwuil & Kruikfli. if .' Uailllll : . 1 ... ..... ......... .r... tsrr- 1 . it 1 il p oavsjiiaitjo IWii W UILU C f Ml V II Ctt- f"" """cKu wimld gn fu,,ytcJ,edr Ca you reluse be difficult foranrof theSlales t.i act op- i . viii ...... ,L i.-:-i.-. on the l.islitutioii ; but wih that provision fc( of Internal Improvement . wlucll has V '" " th co,u,niUw on not only process can be served, bul can in ' unitn KlatA . ' . I.nprovem. nts. ; . Uockery. G.11W: - Hall. Hsrffrave. Jiinna. Kelly. Melchor, Moore, McCormick. My ers, Polk. Reid, Reding, Taylor, Williams, Whitaker 21.. Mf, Dobson presented a Resolution. . sn I Ihoriuiug the Board of Internal Improve. mi nts to csuse Mirvcjs, etc. t- be made by competent 'Engineer' of a Rs.f Road from Fayettevilb' to the Y idkin River ; which due course be enforced by the Courts Another salutary effect results from the es tablishment of a Branch within the State. A place is iheraiby provided within your reach, at which -the motes may he redeem ed ; and in case they are received at Ihe ever beamed upon your State ? A refuasl at thia tune on voor part. Mr. S pea kei, would be particularly union .mate. Il can The bill providing for an increase of the capital stock of the Bank ion Rolierts.Suiierthaite. Simpson, Smiil;, ovrin, 1 . lomas, .warn -03 J'gmnit the postage of the BUI JIes , srs. Avenil, Blouni, Chamber. Coor. Cot ten, Daniel, Dunn, Faton,, Faisnn. Gary, Gee, George Oillesp.e.G.lliam.L Gwvn. Hanly, Hawkins, Hei.rv, Huinrfswi.jb. Hooker, Uowsrd, If iwerinn. Ifuicbisiui. on, tm. Maultabr. M.Ve. McNeil. A PaarLt... N Prilcbard, Rami. R ivbuck, Sloan, Smail! Irion, E Jordan. Jndfc rns. Kenan, Kenny I W Lane, W A Lea, J F Lee, Mac Maultabjr, Moye. McNeil, A Perki Prilcbard. Ran.' R .chuck. SI...... S. icrease ofthe woocl Spicr-vSialliiigs, Stockard, Tomlm- ' of the tslj sou, Tuioii, IVat-on. II , W little V, K Whtt 1 to betaken, ley, Willi imsoii 50. . ' v noi have escaped your oUervatton, tbarSt,uth i wv(V uo 01 which to betaken. . ley, Willi imsouSO. ' S uarouna ass a ch.nce 01 iw.. ryuies u, the cm ; ) '"".'" " ind.yi.iuais.J and I So the hill passed its third reading - meroeof th West-the one ihroiigb V.r fttate Ihe b.ll providing for the l.ke ,r,cre.e of was sent to the Senate' askioir &m sinL' '1 i. t ,1 i T t:'Tj,...Vit1-1"" -A