TERMS. muv hereafter h fial . - Dollar nd tulj Cents per year . Class of room lew subscribe.! who will J, in aJvance the w"1" "0l " one payment, IlIii hive ths paper fur one year at Two Doi - , ' 4 Mch, an as long as the aame class ahal II ... .!... thus to pay io advance the sun. of ., -. WW N U. Aerety enacted by the authority of the tame. Thai IliinkO I...II . . . wmiwh, cq., niraro ttobin- on, John K-lly, William Nod, John II. Hall. Uh D. Henry. Robert Strange. Ben Jamin Robinson, Lewis Brown, John W. Saudtord, Joshua W. Cochran, Thomas Naah Cameron, Edward L. Winslow, Jos eph Baker, Edward W. Wilkings, Johri Musk. Duncan McRee, Joaeph Arey Jere miah Kyle James Seawell, Charles P. Mai leu, Ultver P. Stark Thomas L Hybart. Pe ter Mi Kellar, L- uehlin Belhune, Josiah E ns, Charles McAllister, John B. Kely, Tem or amiHi- , -j Moruson, Edmund Debenv John re.it ver tauarefor tkefintt insertion, and 3 It u nu., Jii n i h' il" K Ur 'Stfor each inurtbWhW4e ? 4.0.' DuBCH R"' J' Hardy Morgan, will bo inserted lor less '""ger Abram F. Alexander, Jos- toil Dollar. j ! ' Ymg rboa,., L. Cow.n. Robert man v , . ., , AlarnauiAr. M. ...... .11 sl Advertisements wmw conunuea unm oruers -- 7',"' fii Vsiiawoers, Alexander . . .. a Jt.:. I lirnii W .11.- ft art . - V'ahl DviHs tw , terms shall continue, otherwise wl charged as other subscri- Wribers who do not pay dating the year ... L - three Dollar in all cases. Will 'C"",VT Y w .:... r . ... ""vlinrier will be dwmntinried but at the op- i on of the Editor, unless til arrearges are paid op. .'. . ik.iv uriM nrlainlv nil L at. pai'l ; O'llW"" "M'J ' Teas or AnitlTisii'o omj iw sr -MJYaCTto Incornorat thm Cape Fear, Yadkin and Je dee Kail iload Company. ' i .Ji. Tr w ..,--"w nan n.r more than the asscssinent tkhokei ahall be bolden accountable lo urporaiion lor the balance, if bis share ten ior leas than the aawsa .."M'sa inai me clerk thereof M oerenr ifautad t nnrA i ings al full lnth upon the minutes of said ment due thernn ,;,L ; . J j "T """,",n Pn " niinutes oT said SALISBURY, Breswax pfr lb. 16 a ITcts. ; Brandy, Ap ple per gal. 35 a 30 cts ; Cotton pr lb. (in t SWr BTOIllV-fl interrsi and roaia nf ..I- .r. ; ... "a aitiirsiui mtv tided, that no aKM-ssmont shall be made of laid on any .share exceeding the whole a mount of such share or shares. 4. flsilurfWenwlW, Thai the stid corporation ahull have power and Authority lo make, ordain and establish all surb bye laws, rules and regulations and ordinances, astjey shall deem expedient knd neressa. ry, to accomplish the designs and purples, nd to carry intot ffei t the provisions of his act, and fi tbe well ordering, regula ling and securing the interest and aff iirs of this i corporation; ProtiJttl alwam the same shall not m any wise be repugnant to the laws and Constitution of this State. 5 Be UJurther mactej, That a loll I e, and is hereby granted and establiihed for the sole beat-fit of said corpoitin on all passengers snd proierty of any di arnption, which may be conveyed and transported upon sid rail roads, al such idtw per mile, j and bt tbminn or hundred . , i.- .. , sreed upon and etMi,.hrd from time to herein rnai.iuA .k.ii V i I ' " '",r",,on ,n,, or m7 0f Proper ttisned gorn (he fight of snpcaling as in other fart of jk nature 8. Bey further enacted. That lands or v.inr prom-iy or eiiales or any married woman iaJot or person non rompos men tis, whieh.'ihall be .necessary for construct ing said rolds; the husband ofsuch married woiiTm amfthe-glftYaran of suoh infant or person non i;nmnM memia mav r.U..a ull damages in relation to such lands or estate i ne taxen and appropriated ss aforesaid, as tliev miirht do if ilm by them in their own riirhl r-jspeclively. . 0 Be it further enact til. Thai if v perstm or persons shall willfully, malicious ly or wantonly obstruct the p umage of anj carriage on said roads.or in any way spoil. to bo opened for reeeieina' anhaxrlntSnna tich increase of its capital stock, st inch lime, place or places, ss the directors of .u i wrporanon snail or may deem proper; pei lb 124 a 15 cts : Rum (Jamaica) pereal; i : iinkPe aa. mi : vmi rnini iur n in cts; Tiiiuw per in ii lit el: l uw-lmen pr vd lo a " en , wine 1,1 encrine; per ui. l 50 Porlniral do. 11 50 a SI 7 ta A.. p-t gnt.il 3 a I 75 eta; Malaga, (sweet) i al . Wkiob.. .1 . ia ... CIIERAW. Beef in market per lb 5 a 7 eu.; Bacon per . . . .... IB . ..a . ij 13 ci a. ii j ids uu. mi in; : hmiwii per lb 30 a 42 cts ? Uegfins per yard 18 a 25 eta ; Hals rope per lb a I j 14 eta ; CohVe pr. lb I if a 16 cts: Cutton per 100 lbs 114 16 75 r 00 00: Corn nor hnahel fin a 00 fc'l.,,.. r - - - urom wiiriina nar hri am no in fr... oi..r iu iLI3 00 a 00j Iron per IttOJbs $5 00 a 6 50; ?1 per lb 8 1 2 a 9 cu ; Wr. night do. per lb. 20 :t8 : Pork uei hrf. 9: Rim mtr inn lha -ij ' v r- - f ----- r r L I tk . J St. i . a m . . . . a ifu : niiixmr iwr in. i'i i i ia Ala ns - - - f a - r - - ' f ' Iiki3 J5;.an per bushel 87 1 ctsiSieel A- Jmn M Stromr. Will 111 tn I. 1 1 j sm; L ts LVal Iiaiiwofr AVtuh hpiii: Jnhh n r..r ... , - vi,j( tiis-ii p.--- "imi niiu rsirillllHnrQ II w ,IJU 8lgIlls Bnu .....r u7 Hie rumorjr aforeM Tin. trans tliev are herebr marlA KnHv nniiti s.n,i niirLit sow r i""s-iiw nu -I irs )ii, in con- corpoiate, under the name of -the Cape 1 ni. Hon ol the wheels, the form of cars rear, Yadkin atidPlM Kail f?n.i i' and . . . vouiu.- , ft "mi -i iih ui i aim, mill ull ia mil k iL.i i'ii i . . .i .. ' pie per gai. a ow en , iuum pur id. (in "j iiime snail oe, and aie muners ami things r;aliii' to ilii u.k ,el) 3 eta ; Cotton bagging tper ji. 16 -25 hereby made capable in law to sue and be ' f ' roads, shall be inconfofrmti ., such euj Cuffee per Sb. 16 s 18 els ; Castings per J sued to final iuHomcnt nA L.a.1t.nn i....i nil nn.t r....u, ,....i '.- ' SOcUiFlouiprbl 9;Whe.lprbu.b.fl 124 , T OI U,, S,,;,e' " ,n i . . "" lo :r,' ,V'' '""'- l 1 5;0aU pr bushel 90 elsi Corn pr bush 40 eta 1 u",BW'frt lo nave a.rrHog rue iowowu n,tA. v.z: f.mr rmnaerfb Sa eu I Iad tier lb H a in. i. , f "0" " wnmon aeai. and the aame to Mulusea per gal. 75 eU j Nails per lb 9 a 10 J break, renew or alter at pleasure; and in els ; Beef per lb 0 s 0 cts ; Bacon per H 15 nane "ball have succession, and shall . n.ii.. M p Ik IA1 ... - I . J ii .-I IvA an,! ... I. L . t . . .... C13 , uuii - ;. , a..,iu prr ID 19 1 ll'TfKJ TL'SU'U Will) all lllfl OfW- cts ; Salt per bushel f 1 25 50 cts; Steel, Ameri- ers, privileges and immunities which are, or can blister, per lb. 10 eta: Encrlioh d nr II, I m.u I,. ... . . ' 20rs; Cast do. per lb 25 a 30 c. ?& "r7 ,,,e after set forth; and the said corporation arc hereby authorized andemDo.vercd to create. construct and finally complete a rail road, beginning at the River Caoe Far. in eitewlJe. and thence to the summit of the Narrows of the Yadkin River, lo a line lead injr in a direction to the town of UML borough; also a lateral rail road rnnnopim,! said road from Favetreville with the Pedee. at the mouth of Itn. L ri tr. and thence to peiutrute Mrcklenlmg and Lincoln counties; also one other lateral rail-way embiacinir Ashboroorh. m It .n. dolph inuty, in such manner and form a. snd corjMHStion shall deem most expedient; and for that purpose the said corporuUou are- authorized to lav out said roaiU al loaal sixtj-five feet wide, throogb the whole leiiuth thereof', ami for the Jmericao blister pr lb lOeia ; Tallow pr ll) 10 a tmus, t-inbaiikments and obtaining ston A: 11 -tk mi I M Imnaantil rutr Ik At . . a i i . . h .L .ii.7r V oY . 9 ' " c,8 8r"v,5, a,a.v tK a much moie and as mat llvann do. or lb 11 a 1 95 ela Tuhinmniinn k.. . . . iliysnn do. pr lb f I a 1 25 eta ; Tobaccu uianu uiured per id io a ia cts. FAYETTE VI LLE Brandr. neacb 70a 75. Do. AnnU fin r.; Racor. prlb 11a 13: Coilon nrlb I'll j li..i. otreeprlt)lt, a 14 ; Flour bbl. 81 - a 9 Flaxseed r bh 30 a 1 50; Feathers pr 11.45 a r fHUM a jj, iron pnu ol o; Ma hwnor tral 43 a 47: Xnik nut 7a ft -w.it r bMh i0 a 0iSu2ar pr lb 8 a 1 2 1 ; T.lcco; i u neai pr duns i ao; y wiuskcy uneswax i iiiu rfl? SALE uincarif nf p00 AGUES OF LAND, 21 miles from Sal'sbuiy, with a gnod Ul"i 4r euitr JsnitLt and in a gouj oeigh burbuud fur custom. ALSO 8 NEGROES all the nesonal nroDertv attached in mi Hum via: It OR SF.fi OATTt.R linns wim, Furniture. Working Tuola &e. &.c. If pin uut pniperiy is not sum privately, I will pell the same at auction, on the premises on the win oij oi .lugusi texi. J&VUU 1KAVIS. fUlmbory Febuary, 4, 1837 6m29. 11EAVY CITY ' AND FOREIGN HIDES KiifMUrihsr kasi Asmalanllv m hsxitl an4 , 'eeming daily. HEAVY CITY, JVE'.V ijBJl Awn FOHEicur hides h..i. .. . . ..7 . . -" Kj'u me attention ol 1 annera in Hie interior, "H h he nflira f.ir aalr al lL Ihuim.1 miroa u,A f"t scconuwidatiiig terms for cash or City ae PPHtuera. , . , lher of H kinds on hand, and finish e toordfiauhe ahoftest notice. ' .i a a ft i a, aia V ''lesion, S .C Feb. 4. 1937-5in29 VeiSiM Fnn i-t-B'T'rnjt J l'! to purchase 700 Balea of Cotton for .'. am willing lo pay the Fayetteville i!r;."hd'f who think proper to sell me 'Mtr Cotton ihii.lr ik i. Tu:..u .u Lj I "erJ they may draw the money in pan. kk k "iiio iifl.ai my own risK and i r"J nine vciwBcaauw aua nexi HENRY HCMPIIRRYS nsborough, N. C: Jan. 3l 18S7 Sw29 'J'HE Subscribers having imported diree from ik. --..(--. : v.. . j iiaiiuiaciuiica in uuropn, a large ("EATCnSILks JtMTj SWISS AWR ,?h5f'h fbraleby the piece or package, "sir Stor. ,t ,he corner of Fiaiier wharf and Iwi . brlefcton, South Carolina, 0.1 pnd terma for approved paper. ., vtuiCKELFORD, B(hW Sf CO. De n-ccsttarv lor the ororwr rnimirnrunn and security of said roads: Provided, how- . . i . ii i erer, uiai uu oani ig.-? that miy be occasion ed to any person tr persona, or corporation, by Hie taking of such Lnds or materials ff the purposes aforewaid, sli.ill be piid for b said corporation m munncr hcreafur provi ded 1 2. He ll further tnadel. That the capi tal slock ofoaid corporation shall consist ol ten thousand shares, of fifty dollars each. The immediate government and direction ol the afl'dirs if said corporation shall be vested in seven Directors, who shall b e lecled by the stockholders of said corpora tion, in manner hereafter provided, who shall bold their offices for one year, and un til others shall be duly elected and qualified to take their places as director;; and the said directors, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the transaction of busi ness, snail elect one ol their own number to be president of the board, who shall also be president of the corporation ; and mid directors shall have authority to rh clerk, who shall be sworn to the .... faithiul discharge of his duly: and a treasurer, who shall give bond to the corporation, with se curity to the satisfaction of the directors, in a sum not less thnn twentv thousand dolUra for the faithiul discharge of Ins trust, and shall also take and subscribe an oath ol of fice. 3 Be it further enacftirTIiat lhn iw- r r ideot and direct ots for the time hei nil urn hereby authorized and empowered.by them selves or their agents, to exercise all, the powers beieii) granted lo the corporation, for the purpose of locating, constructing 6l comolf tinir said rail ro.nlx. and all such nth. er powers and authority for the effectual prosecution ol the undertaking hereby in tended to be effected, and for the manage ment or the affairs ol the corporation not heretofore orantpri-.aa ma ln nereaanrn and proper to carry into effect the object of this grant; to purchase and bold lands, materials and other necessary things, in the name of the corporation, for the use of said roads; to make such equal assessments fiom time to time, on all the shares in said corporation, as they may deem eipcdient and necessary in the progress and execution of the work, snd direct the same to be paid to the trea surer of the cotporation, and to rt quire the treasurer to give notice of such assessments; and in case any subscriber or stockholder shall neglect to pay his assessment for the . a I'. - I . : 1 & I I space or ipirty aays a iter sue nonce oy me treasurer as aforesaid, the directors may or der the treasurer to sell such abate or shares at auction, at some public place, after giv ing at least ten dnjs' public notice of such sale, sod the day and place at which said sale shall take place; & the person being the highest bidder for such share or shsres,iu here by declared lo be the proper owner there of, and the same shall be 'trarmferred accor dingly; and such delinquent subscriber or iciuu ,;rion per mi:e lor loll on property, goods or merchandize, tho fr.-ilu ,,f winch is usuallyclnrgedbythe-ton, & not exceed ing 8 cents a mile per ton ol tvo thousand pounds for transportation, and not exceed ing si x cents a mile fir each pass ngcr.ontil the nett profits arising fr m the charges for uaiiKporiaiioii shall amount to a siui equal to the capital stink expended, with six per centum interest thereon from the time the money was a Ivam ed by the el ocd holders of said corporation until received hack in nett profits But when the oett profits received as aforesaid,sha!l hive amounted to a sum equal lo the capital stock expended, with six per centum interest thereon as aforesaid, then the charges for transportation shall be bv rtrguMica ny said cor point mo, ss shall not exceed upon the whole capital stock ex pendwl, ader deduction all charges n . I ex ileuses w-bafevor. for keeoirtff said roads in repair, and for other purposes for the use of sain roans, j per centum interest upon the whole capital stork expended by said cor poration as aforesaid. 6. licit further enacted, That the di rectors aforesaid toi the time being are hereby authorised to erect toll gntes, and es tablish warehouses and such other buildings, as they may deem necessary, for the use ol said road or roads, and appoint loll keepers and other agents to attend to the regulations required by snd corporation (rum tuiio to tt.ne, as Hip. work of said roids sli.ill be completed; and they shall, from year lo year, m ike report to the Legislature under oath of their acts and doings, of their re ceipts and exp,;n tiiur., under the provi sions of tins act; and their books shall at nil times be open to the insper.tion of anv com uiitteeof tho L gisiature appointed for that purpose. And if sii! corporation shall n tlect or refuse to m .ke Si.ch it-port i,t the General A.iSfmiily -in each and i vuy yiar, lor every stu b im-jiI. tI or lefii il said cor fioration shill be llahln to pay, to the use of the Slate, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars. o be recovered upon an action of debt in the name of the G vernor of the Slate for iIih lime hems' tu any Court of re cord ol this Stale. 7. Be it Jv ther enact d, Thai said cor poiation sli.ill ha holdeii to piy all damage, that may arise to any person or persons, corporation or coi por.it ion, by taking their lands for said rail roads; and when said lands cannot bo obtain eJ Iky Voluntary agree ment, the damages to bo estimated and re covered in manner and form as follows: That in case ol disagreement by the parties, either may apply to the next fuccvudiiig County or Superior Court of the County in which such lands lies, for a jury of twelve frecholdeis, who shall jro upon the lends &. value the same, or make an assessment ol such damages, as the" case may be, as by them shall be considered just and equitable, anil ahn shall mn!( cui li valuation or as. 8essment upoii oath, which oath shall bo administered to inein oy ne snerin; . tne lmrl al llio lifinA aiii-k anolicalimi la fnmin. shall order and require the Sheriff forthwith to summon a Jury of twelve freeholders, unconnected with either party, who shall, on the day appointed by the order re quiring the Sheriff so to summ n said Jury, within filteefl davs from the end of the ter n bl said Court, view the lands through which said road is to run; and in estimating the .l,ui4Mi.iliMii.iNw fl lh km : aias " tif, "- tit said lands', they shall have regard to the ad- a t a r I ilitionai vatue, wnicn may oe conifrreo up on them by the construction of said road: Provided, however, that the party applying A.r lh mlAi VDiilrnn nf anph mrv Shall fflVe .... - - - - j - j n the adverse party at least five days' notice of his, her or their intention to make such application; and the said corporation shall, .L . L . J.W fulMlMlljl .MiMHiMt ill iniure or destroy the same, any part there or, or any implement or fixture belonging thereto fur the use of said roads, he, she or ttiey, or any person or persons assisting, aiding or abetting in such trespass, shall .forfc.H. ard pny ti said eorporattofl for such offeitft! treble such damages as shall be pro ven before any Justice of the pence or court of record in this Stale, having juris diction of the same, to be recovered upon an actio.i of debt, to the use of the cornorsi- tiou ; and s.icli offender or offenders shall be further liable to indictment within the county where eJitrespBs.asu4ai4wve 'tieTWiriinitteTeontrary lo the before re cited provisions, and upon conviction thereof, he fined or imprisoned al the dis cretion of the courU 10 JJe it further enacted. That the stockholders of said corporation shall, on the first .Monday in November, in each and eveiy year, hold in the Town ef Fayette ville an annual or general meeting' but which mny be alinred to any other day by and Mockhol.ters, a majority thereof agree ing t- ihe same, and at which annual or general meeting the stockholder shall, by ballot, elect seven directors as aforesaid ; and thai said directors, so elected, shall ap point iheir president and oilier officers, as is herein before directed. Each proprietor or stockholder, for his. her or their iL,. owned jn said corporation, shall he entitled fn n A u..m f . . I f .. wi inm ,f,c mi t:verv snare n iir aa h,n and for every ive share over five, and not exceeding tweity, ihrco votes ; for everv ten shares over twenty, and not exceeding filty, two votes ; for every ten hares over fiftyr-end noteseeeding one hundred,' one voie ; ior every twertv shares over one hundred, and am excewling two hundred, three voles ; ;md for every len shares over two hundred, one vote : Provided, that no one proprietor or stockholder shil i, ,.. titled in his own right and to more than two fifths of the whole number of shares : Ad provided alio. Th ;it liolhiiKr lixri.in contained shall bo construed to prevent any stockholder in said Corporation fiom votnig in general meeting ,y proxy. 11. Ii( ' tl Jurther enacted Thnt if said rail road, or-any of its hitend m uk .1..11 cross any public or private way, the said corporation shall so construct said rail roads, or make su.-!i provision for crossing said public or private way, as shall not oh struct the e-jsv passage of s iid way or ways. 12. J it furhrr rnar'eJ. Thnt ilii. Suite of North Carolina shall b, entitled to. unl Irave preference lo subscribe fur Iwn. tlflflS of the canutid .tock Serein liefnn. an. thorized to he created and owned by said orporation, ai d in like manner shall be entitled lo two-fifis of ihe increased a mount of capital single hercinafier author, iscd by this act; and that the intercsl which the Slate shall or may own in said corpo ration, shall, al the general meetings of said Stockholders, licit-presented by an au thorized airent. BDnoirtted in such. ... minimr the Legislaliire stiail from time to time direct ; and sneh airent shall be entitled 111 ihe general meetings aforesaid to two-hfilis ol the whole number of voles, and no more. lion to thn nanilul iiiuL horoin hnfiiro a within thirty days fromsorh assessment or th.isjzed by "this act, the said corporation, valuation, pay to the owner the full amount for the purpose of extending said rail road Af ik. ma.a Arui ilia hriflTdliall renilim . anft ila' lateral kv.itliAa . r. hiiMKv.aiikA.: t I K A anmA. from the iurr a written statement of their valuation or sssessmeiit,signed by the whole of them; which statement of their valuation or assessment is hereby required and direc ted, together with b,s other proceedings bad upon tub same, to return to the next term isllt la increoaA anil aM lo th oanitnl - " .... . I . . stock aforesaid, a sum oof exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, in sharesof fif ty dollars each ; and the stockholders . of said corporation, in general meeting, shall hare, power to direct books of subscription ry may Sell such ineteaaml ahaa nfiha capital stock as may be required to extend aid road or roads, as hereinafter directed, or acquire said capital, or any part thereof, by loan, and may pledge the scrip of the stock of ihe corporation as collateral seen, riiy for such loan, or any other loan which the directory mny deem necessary to make, to effect the objects of this act. 15. Be it further enacted. That sai.l corporation is hereby authorised to extend said, rail road, and any nf us lateral wys, to such point or points in the counties of Mecklenburg and Lincoln, as shall and may be found advisable t also-to any point or points within the direction ol Salisbury. SmiesviJIe and Wilkeshoroiigh, and by any other lateral roads, so as to embrace and penetrate Randolph, Guilford, Rockingham and Siokea counties. .!. Be it Jurther enacted, That the Pr,,,"d''!. 'd directors aforesaid shall pre scribe the form of the certificate or evi dence of stock in said cofnoratiou l,i,.t. shall be signed by the president and coun- .rrxiguei ny hn treasurer ihrA..f ..,.1 ...-v.w.a. ajud shall prescribe the manner ol transferring said certificate of stock, and of makiug the nuir nKinaoie. 17. Be it further enacted. That ffWHwy-iiriry-pifT or i-irrcoi, in operation as soon ua it. a shall be completed, and semi-annually shall ueciare Oivulemls out of any nett profits, or may poriioo inereoi, a may he deemed ad visable, and the same pay over to cbcIi stockholder in proportion to his, her or their share or shares. 18. Be it further enacted. Th.it where it shall becoino neaessarv m ereci hn.n. for the use of said road or roads across anv river, said dirertorv shall have nuthoriii- so to construct such bridge or bridges as shall admit of being used by travellers and for neighborhood use. and may ask, de mand and receive toll f.u; crossing the same. '', mat trie rats ol toll shall not ex ceed the prices charged hy thn ferries on such rivers, nor shall toll he chaiged (or persuua or passengers on the rail road cars. 19. Be it further enact I. Thsi it alll h? lawlnl for said dnectoiy to receive do nations, borrow money, and secure the payment of ihe same by m pledge of the property 01 me corporation, and make and issue evidences for such loans, snd other assurances for the payment thereof. 20. Be it further enacted. That the stockholders in said corporation shall, from time to time, at the.r e-encrl miii,... regulate and fix the salaries of ihe I )i recto'. ry, ami other olln-cra of the corporation , but that the Directory shall fix the com pensation to he paid lo the agnt or super intendents of the eorpiaration. 21. Be it further enacted. That the di rectory shnll have power m call a general meeting of the stockholders, that any num ber of stockholders owning one thousand shares in said corporation, shall also have power to call a general met tin 7, which meet ing the Directory shall convene within forty days immediately after such request of the "torklndders im aforesaid, giving thereof not less than thirly days notice in ihe pub lic newspapers priiiledin rayctieville, and in such oilier newspapers as the Directo ry m;iy deem advisable. 22 lie it -further enacted, That nnless Ihe said cninpany shall cnnij.H twenty miles of id road wiihin fur yesrs fmni the passage nf 'his act, and unlets i,ey sliall c(iplie Ihe satd rosd tolheN.irr.iwsnl ihe Yadkin within ten years I rum ll.H d .Is. then this ael .f, bn mid and of 11 u efli-cl .- I'rrmidril. Tl, al anfk r..rr..ll. lire stiall nol tskeiHav Hie riirhia nf ilwnmi.1. 11 V tn'aiiv narl olsaid rianl h hii-li i,u J... k... fNsi'pleiwj al the fond of eiiiier of Ihe petsxla s- iiirf'H.iifi. 21 Re it further enartr.d. That it shall be ..a ir..! a- '7 r , tiier rual tu imersecl or be cur. nee led with this n.ad. w inch may lead to any market wiltuu the him is ui this .Slate. Ili-S'l tlireo lunss anif raliiied In General 1 ry, V W. J. ALEX Vf)Efl. S II. P. W. D. .MOSKLKY, S, S. State or Noktm CR6usjt, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy, given under my hand, ibis 20th dav of Jauuary, IW4. ' W M.HILL. Sec y. afl deducting all ch.rgss, fbr keeping saii Koad in repair, and oll.er parpnsea, fllleeo ir csntorn m.ereai 0p,Mi ihs wlols capital st.k ex pended by said Corporation. fF K"'ttJH" CTr.o,That If, upon tba examination 0f ihat pan of ihe routs leading from te point where the road shall strike the Yarfkie .k'V.k "nj,i, P""",n ,hww,r- nd exieading vV.lkssbor.MJgh, the MoeUuldeie ofseid Crr-i ratMm.in general meeting (a msjoriiy ot Hjrds being in favor 'thereof,) ahall deieiwike spon the aipediency icndaring said river, or any s.rli,ax iherrsjf eavlgaUe, U.ey .hall and are hen bf Vi.l u-.ir .11 . . . I ers lo carry if... same tni,eljVci and n.y ow . riSMseaa and nnl... .. ' . and pile Issits. ad , en ,0,ab'i.r ..-.-..j .u-aiu iiavig.iMM,;,nd ,n,jj p,. a I iha power and pi iv, li.gr. ,W pusaeaasd and elijoyed "ir ihe Caoe F.iar N..i...ii.- ndshalTals.. bs eubieei mall H.. ii..r.i' and resinetiiNis which are ui,p.rd oft the said Companv.salM aaiho n k. 1- ... . --. . L J - .I'vift-ai'iff, lit " TaT 0,h,, Y,,k," "; V ""iu ana receive I re 0 hi lot trans itu un on gissfa, wares, merel.aadise, pnaiucs passengers, ooiiveyed on iheu boats, al a rale mil exoeedmg the rain whteb they, by laai, iet. would ha en 1 ill m 1.. ir i!.'.f ..TT: ... ... . . niniirura ss i urevent in. divMlualsfnun navwutina umk .j .-.j . . n " f-'ivim Wf lli river aa is now open fW navig.n.Hi. wii.N( bin lranoe er the payment of any toll wbatso ever. 0 Be IT rcarnra r . Tl.. i. i ' i. be the daty of Sa.,1 Corp,,r..MM1 'h, ke,.p , fu a LfjtaLlT.rtJS!!!;1. fadings in P,..k provider? my part 1 a "" prison aaiu iHcurds Ihe same I ',n 17 ' ?u,V're '' hqiiired so i .llv ahull J.hr"f.d C urt. 5 it rcaTHsa nsTv.n. That if twenty iinleeuf M,d Rail Ruad ba iu.i completed wubiV fiiur years af'er the p.asagei.f tin. Act. then tbi. Act shall be void snd of no eff.-ei. -t Oeirn-RTiita ssactko. That much ol Hie Act iiiriiriu.i.n..,. 0.. is . ,r ,, and Pedes R4il IUmI Company cmr's Milhin 'H I ifl lllaau J . . . '" ' purv ewoi una Aut.be, and the same is hereby o-peaW. 9 Uk it sdbtiics trucTto. lli.t this Cor poraimr, i( t Xm fuf .,, (f n v and iw longer. u)t.M re(lewej 0 ,he f ' la. 1 11 Ttt, - i 10 1K IT FURTIICK ksacted. That this Act j sliall be in u(...e iro... aod alter the ratification j Ibi-rcof. 11 It shall bs thm Inty f,,e Mid Ciimnany 1.1 tr.ns,H,rt all pullieK ind ol,Hr eiMiim.aJniee d-livri-i at anv uli. a ... ....... . 1 ii - ' ' ft-.iit., ESiauilSIICU j by td C.iin,,,y on ,.ld HlH1(lt Md ,u ,ra , Inn Hiiiai in 1 1... ....1... .1 . . . . . , . : oiiii, ui wiiicij such pro- ' d.1. 0 and commwliiis shall have bsi, received, "1 .1 .u no equat juitii ce tu all, sad give pref eieucs lo no one. Ji B jt reaTnts knactrd. That all the prorny owned by ih said Company, shall be deemed and held. ., . neieunat Em.h, and Wall ru.l,be subject 10 isxadon fur fifieea yens from ihs pa-sage ol t'n, Art ;afiur which time, whenever he nett prrfitsj of ihe said Company shall rxceed MX per cent, per anamn, the Ueneral A.sein- blf Ol tills SbllA ma imnnAM I..' J- twenty five ceu p-, ,ltf n ihs capital slock of the said ( nuipsny is UR ir ruRTHKR csAcrco, That If U lnrlll l.ar.il.ii. u . . , .. . nan ivjan UMiiaiil Sbsfr deteriiilne in fjvor ol eonstrueiino- tLetr H.il If. ...4 . . .1 . . m or near ine naroouml Ueautort. to intsrseel and units wiih the Rail Road so thor.i -d tu be constructed by tins Act, it shall be o 1 oy f I!' Mid FJ'e'l,e and Wesiern Kail Iliad Lomp.ny,togiyea prefareuce in lbs transports cm of ull produce and other commodi ties brought lo thsir Rail Road by Ihs North Carolina Central Rsil Rad, so aa to orrsaln ,,o delay ihareuf , ,imJ jf , ,d Cwmptn- ,ht f fuss or neelect lo transmit! th A j I inwip,., othur Msunioiliiies, aa required by this sect inc. I hit aalil I .I..II t- 1: .1 . .. ' anaii aa uioie IO IDS Person ur persons sggrieved, for any d mags or Injurr -which may result for soeb ifoealoriMfleel;is be recovered before any Court of Record havimr cugnizaooe thereof. Road lb res times, and milled in General 1 Aasembly. ihhvtUo Vib day of January C A. D. 1837. i WILL. If. IIAYWOOD, Jr ,8.H. C. HUGH WADDKLL. 8.8. AN AC'IV " To aid ihe fnternat I III It flltS a.mn Sat mM al. t - '-riviviNVUt ut IHlal dlaie. I Be U erifirtrd bu thtt il.. A a. ... " . r oiwctw eYoni L uronnn. 0014 u kmbu fi- '1 ' - i 13 Be it further enacted. That the nor sons incornorated bv thia ufi r.'r n -1 -j oi-a'. oiieu iun ann raunen in lien jority. are hereby authorized & directed .to.-blyn-4li--l.li-ifarof--J'ail-u-i call the first meeting of saiJ corporation, 1W4. . miu 10 giu nonce inereoi in me newspa pers published in Fayetteville; Gieensbo rough, Raleigh, Wilmington, and Salisbury, of the tune, olace and onrnnse nf an-h 1 r -' meetings, at least ten days before the iim,e mentioned m such notice ; at which meet ing the persons incorporated as .aforesaid (a majority thereof being present) shall e lect seven directors which directors shall organize a bpard.as is herein before directed for the purpose . f opening books of subscrip tion for the recenlion of snliNcrihers ii iI,a - - capital stock of said corporation, and for t. . 1 . - 1 , 1 1 aucn tuner purposes as may aim snail 00 necessary JTor thfl .xcgJr. iirganizaiioji .of the affairs of the corporation, and of gi vmg full and efficient Alfpcl in thia ace Pnwi. ded however, ihat the directors elected at said first meeting nhall no be in office as directors for longer period than the annu al Cenerat meelino in he helil. aa renoirAl f? A by this act,T)Trthe"tsTRfonday of November MAvfl . ... k . U ..H'-l-...:..Miib4u..iiv i. a.. , at wi itn iiuic m udot cicciiuii auaii take place by the stockholders, as is here in before directeoTby Ibis act. I. Be tl further enacted, I bl in addi law I'll for the tirneral AhsciiiIiIv at ii... acini hu th, alluil.. .it ik. . ! ..... t .r . " . . - .... ...... j ----- - - -- jf r awKfc, i n immts iiereal er, toauiburixn the construction of anv o- t 'be funds heretofore a. i a part fcs- Inierna'l la. praveinenis, there shall bs added and sppmpna ted for that purpose all the cWiphis Rcveno re ceived by this Male from the Tm AN ACT tu amend ths Charter of the Cape Fear, Yadkin and Pedee Rail Ruad Company. lie it enacted 'hu the' (Inwnl H, State of JYorth VuroU, tf itie hereby enacted by the aulhttritu of the tame, That the Sulwcn bersand MtockhoMera of the Capn Fear, Yidkin and. Pjue,D Jtail Jload Cernpanyr-be iieTesftef ' known by the name and style of ihe Favettc- VHXGAND WstTRRN KAIL RoAD CoMFA- V.' 1 But rvRTH rs RHAcrce. That thev ar heresy authorised and eoioowered to eonalruet and tiiiallv jtfirnnlAiA il.ii UtA, r.m. ii. Towb of Fayetteville, toaoiua point on ihe Yad kin flVAr ahikVA tlkA Narrf.ua ll,.... k. - - " mm. . mgj , r. mg brtiiches, the one leading directly to ihe Town ul V IIKeaborniitfh. lh ulnar rnnninir imu ihm Vallwy ol the Caiawba river', su as to interned ' 1.. I ' k. ... ..i u.:l o i . ,' mio viiiiiwwitiHi.viHwiiiiiii nwr nuwrii me must eltgiblH.piont. ' S B it rcRTHca zractro, That (be Capi tal block of said Company shall consist of rwenlv Thuuand Nharea. u,11.. - Ilmutnwf Dullais each, amoantinir lo two millions of dot- lars. 4 Be IT VDTHEk tllCTtn. TJ.at h.n ika ostt pndiis ot said Company shall have amount dollars per day. ft the time hjs nay bs sj lo a sum fdual lo Ihe eamtal alurk. with aia .J ...k tKij.J n.. ' W . r- -,, . iwiii nai nm dSODenSalhin sliall ner ran lum lblreat therA,uiliuia Ik a skA I t ... . ... . 7VT . . -- inn vrn auiu ui UfV nUOared dollars In IHE for uanspuriatiuo shall be regulated, as doi to one year. v " oonars in any emcead upon Ihs wools eapiul stock expended, V All ths monies wluea are kerebr wm 1 Lnited Sfies. under the late actof CongrtaarJ to regnhite ihs dejhsiilei of The publie nhey, J after deducing the sum of threw hundred ihou- 1 sand dollars which is to lie devi led io ihe re demptioa of the public di bi of the feta'e, the sum of three hundred theusasd dollars, which is " to be nsid for stock subscribed in ihe Bank of Cape F ear. fc the poriiua of stid Surplus which, is to bs added to the Literary Fundind lobeap-X plied to draining the bwamp Laniis. acewding I tu the provisions of sundry acts of the present General Assembly. i , J II The Board of Internal Improvements shall ' k hereafter ew.sist of Ihe G. iVerimr nf ih. ii.i. ' for the time being, who shall be cs officio Pre- - idem thereof, and of I wo Cooimiaaiooers to be an- " m.: - .-j 1 1 . i f. - . r i pinnirn annnanj t ine uovernor, by and with 4 the advice of ihe Council of Slats, any tee of . whom shall constitute a Board fur the Iransse- - ' tiou wf business, and the said Board' shall have """"? the same powers and authority, snd be subject n ) ihe same duties and restrictions ss the Board of Internal I mom venutata- kerAinCM mm;.. . , ' -.wb;, .ami. ta ease of vscaneies oeraninjr in said Board, the Gnveroor and Cooneil may fill the aame as be fore directed, aod they in like manner remove a ny of -the Couiisaiuoers. armiimiad aa .r... said. . III Ths said Board may hold lis sessions,, wherever ahd whenever the Governor may dir reel, and the said - Cummiii.. . .k.u jL: - for their smic, the sum of three dollars each, Pr day, end tbeir Ira veiling expense for the " lime they maybe employed io ihs publie ser vice. "IV The Publie Treasorer shall keep the as counts of the said Brd in the same manner as heretofore, and for ihat special purpose mar em. ploy a Clerk, ar a sum pot greater tbaq three i ; ' . .. r .. , . .' ,. ' .' 7" . t jr.' "v -- w-;' IM' -Kv-.-;.