' 7v TERMS, i r. Watchman may hereafter b bad nr . n.,. and KifiTtnw per teaT 1 . -- . .. . null' BIlhseriK-o a whn u.,11 a fjUv-soiruur ' -".- . . '. . I. whole sum at one navment. . m suva""" ,.r ' 111 " . f.ir una VA.ir l 'I'un ! . i...i have in" r , - .oa.:h.sn.l ashuvras the same class shall hsr wise they will be charged as other aubseri- Uib-tcribrrs who do rtnt pay dining the y-ir 1 Mended Ihree U.H ars Voiiiwritiwu win Ifl i jpar- Jiarxinliniwil hut at Ihe nn. .' . .- i:,... m pa ill arrearoes are naid ul tne r.ui" " ',-7 letters tn the KJit'ir must bi post .; mlwrwUu they will certainly ml be u- ""' l- . ' . C- ... .... .!!, nays or AovETiirm oiiii " at, per towre fiMtmrffiH , W,u7 H 1 4 ,M orrifinr far enr.h insrrtiou aj'lerwunl V.i advertisement win " inseneo lor itss ill ORB I nil. -.an. 'Alveriisene.iis will be continued tinui oruer )p rect i veil to si op 'hem, where no directions i previously given. tm Hse-nero by the fearer six mil I ni le at a Dollar per month for each squa r ith i lift pnv.;nfe oi rnanffing ior i'er. ... 1 SAUSUUUV.7; Pfwax prr lb. I A a IT cis. y Brandy Ap--ril i' a 3t) ctr; Cotton iwr lb. (in jmu ; (Juitun baaginj sper yd. I(i5 Cnllrii per ib. lb a Is els; Castings per g j rift ; Lotion yarn, Irom INo. 6 lo No 73 a 2 00 cts; tVathera per lb; 'U; Klour pr bl. Wheal pr bush, fl 131 j;(at pr bushel 20 rts; Corn pr bmh 40 cis; nifierlb 6 a cts; Lead per lb. 8 a I Ocm ; lasipn per p.. lo cis per lb H a 10 ; IWI pwr lb 0 a 0 els ; Uae.un xr It) 5 , Oxiter per lb 121 cis ; Lard per lb 15 iSiilt per bushel $1 25 50 els; Sie , Ameri h hitler, per la. 10 els ; hiijjli h flu. per lb ch; ( axl do. per ib ..9a a 30 ria ; Smrnf IS lii a 15 eta ; Kuiii (-Isimaica) jier ;liiitee do. H j Wool ffitein ff lb 30, ; TiMow per Ib. IO UJ etc; low-linen pr yd. a Jrtrta ; Wine (Teoerifle ) per gal. $1 50 : irnwal do. $1 50 a $1 7 cU ; Claret du g!. l Viiisk''j per gal. 35 a 40 cu. CHEItAW, aJfpf in market per Ib 5 7 .; Oacon per li eis; II i iih lo. K) III1 ma ; IWswax lb '20 a ilcN; Unttoiii!! pervrl 18 a 25 Hale rope per lb a 12 14 em j C-itTr pr. .'I :i lii ft Jol Ion per 100 Itw all lo" 75 f 110 Cirn rwr bushel b a" SO iu t l.mi Sinjomrpfr brl 8 50 10, (Von si.ire rwr ii MAJ&Qilron fer lt0 lb (5 00 a 6 50; rter aal 5() a bit eta; Naiteeut ansort- 8 12 a 9 et ; Wrought iIm. .tr fh. 20 I'jrk pei br! $H !) ; Ku-e r (0 Urn ff I nO Sn-rar iter In. 12 I 2 r 14 '-is: Salt pr jUlV.Sali porbtis'il S7J 1 -N;Si,.0 A- in lilisier prlh 10 16 cis; Callow er Ib 10 1 Tea ImDerial n-r Ib ! 25 a 1 S71 rls: m do. pr Ibfl a I 2j cts ; lobacco inanu red wr lolO a 15 cis. FAYpTTK V 1LLE ramly; peafb 70a 75. !). Apple, fiO'a C5 a pr lb a 13; Lnitun pr l! 12 a I5-Is r It) I 2 a 1 1 ; Kloitr - a 91 1 r""'1 l'r !,h m n 1 5- Kea'hi-rsprlb45 a j ..Hi pr n's" ! r'"' ! :r,.rTV s ' "l T . -V . ; ! -li .,( H Su-j,ar or lo 8 a 12 ; I o'-aeeo; . il a 1 Whi.ni nr i.nui. r.n- (i iVhil j. 1 1. o ni'iit pr 1.1NI1 .in, u v nisUey 1 j) )T. Iteeswax I a (lii . jiji,i).-h.iiiiu ....... yn je. I- 11.. r. 1 -. i'Ofi v.lf,J HittrnfriH of PO ACRES OrLAIDi J. milesi fnnn Siis!).ii v. with a g.Mid neigh- T Sf S. 11V. MILL and ih H aiJ lur custom. ALSO 0 NEGH0Z2S. ill ihu peso.iNl property a'laehed lo my x: 1IORSLS, CATTLE, IIOOS. i. Furniture. Working T.s. Is &ic &.;. If itkiv property is not sold privately, I will ilipgime al aur-iion.un the premises on the 1 of August next. JACOB TRAVIS. Wary Febnary, 4, 1937 -0.n29. 1EAVY CITY AND ' 0REIGNHIDF8, 'iK Nubscribsr has ronsiauily on hand, and living daily iiFJirr urrv, jyeiv VK JtiFn FnilKlflJV IIIIIHS. well ! HieaiieiLliiir, .1 l ..n. r. in the interior, i Me i.nVi-t ft ault- at the lowest prices and ccnmnKUiuiir lei ins for cash or Cilf ac "et. "'. Leather nf all kinds on hand, and finish- "hJeranheshoiiesi noliee. ' s 1 I'lllKMIANk'. h'lnloo, S. C Feb. 4. 1837-5.11.9 '!U ion rwTTfl.v. RMl r purchaaa 700 Ralei of Col iiin for P"""h. 1 am wilhr-o to nav the Favetteville r'. nj if thosa. wlui I bin k proper lu-selliua rmiTHi Tnint h p-ice is ml big h enough rS. !) ll.a in..n-l In n rl tt .lll'.'Ji.l'.U -li. ' .v .uw ... ..il. .'. . M.l price any time between no and next HENRY HUMPHREYS. 'A borough, N. C: Jan. 31. 887-Sw29 Suliscribera having" in p. rted diree' "m the manufactories in Europe, a large ""nt uf British GOODS. pCl SILKB JlXb SWISS MUS- '.' LLYS, nhern fof sals by thft piece or package. ' Store at theenrnrg of riazier wharf and '.!." ,,,Chaile.lMti.,Seih 'Carolina. Vea ',n fr approved paper. . , - SHACKELFORD, B(k1G CO, ' extract Prom the SPf.ECH OF Mil. EVING.'(or Ohio., On iie reaohttion to expunge a part otht journal fur the teuton of 1833-1834. rvjiverpd Junuaiy 16; 1837. Mr Po aiilent, every thing inlriniir & ei Inimie. all that ran calch lh poiiulnr ear.or enlist one vulpar paaaion, nr matter how low and Iihs is reanrted lo ly nilemen loanstam them in l(ie rommission of this e. The Senntor from Virginia ( Mr j myT ,nn 'eason and judgment. Rives.) remld oi rredit it. sir. savs that I Ins ' ,he '""j""'? of thn Senate who nre mo. S- nte. v.hii h is one of the riiHtiiuttnnal ,n8 on- or P'haps, more pro(ierlv speak departments of our Government, an I with- l"11' W,OT' . to the destruction of the oim whu h the form, as - e as the essence, j"rni,,t "g't to eonsider well the act of our Government muld not exist; thai whlch "'elr r ah,M" P'tmhvdm this Semite. ..f ,-h hhimserfji.meinWuUOr-hich--and are sworn to ler. tt(l i. hiT'h rro.nmon;T.iit very homely, ",,.ulur1, rt ltil the Senate almll kicp in.verli mii.1,1 hitn he ronld not drs- liaaiar proceedings tU uae- lionnr wiihout Self deLrad.nion; this Si-naie, 1 le"mff was expended upon this word he says, is p-senlially an sr'mtocsitir body. ; Bllhe 'V know Us rivalling riding upon the harks of (he roplc. f)o ""ut ronsuliing our dictimiaries; its pop e hear thai here, and from surh a source, u,i,r aM" '9 ils irnv "ense. The raioers or was deceived? Who are Uiet fhul , of l,,e -fct.jr:..te,k-'' rompOse the aristocracrof Ihis hody? : Men ' X : '"''',',," "f the word, but under i lerti i' l,y the Si t. s, 1 disehnrge for a S,"" " anl 0s'"'' ,l ,,s l'li,,n nnA obvious tune, an important trust: and who. when tililt IrilSl I lll.r l.url .1.. . .. I . t their si rvire ended. return .,n, in ih m - ' " nion niasn Irom which they wer tken A rit(n ac! Where w ihe daajrer. where is the possibility of art nristrvnric order ris ing up in this Union? Lk ahoot von ev ery where: men who hold the highpst st- lions, and wield the irn..i Infl,..,. .i ev.n wraith, spring from t,A eno.rnon tanks of the People. Their Dower and their influence they cannot transmit; and, as l their wealth, when the hind that gather ed and 1 lie hands which hoMs it shall moul der in the dust, it is scattered to Ihe four wints of heaven; tl goes to build up and enrich the son of the hard handed yeoman; and Ihe children's children who counted his gold by millions become not beggars, but common laborers in our streets. Where, Ihefipff the danger of aristocracy in Amer ica? There is one Source from which it 1 ..... may now in upon us, mm one only. When our niihlir offices become transmhrrahle by the wilt" of the incumbent to his succes sor; when the men who liold station ci 11 !i 11 et the line Ihroogh which the succession to that station t-hall descend, whether by birth to ihe son, or by appointment to tliu favorite, we have, in substance, R monarchy, an I we have an arixtJtrary, in ihu .classic language of Ibe Senator, 'riding on the backs of the People? nay. we have worse, a sti.Hiieful, corrupt ,uud cwuirtirtg oligarchy. The gen lli man from Pennsylvania (Mr. Ruebanini sis that the Senate is uuroly rail. -ii ujioo lo r judge its own justice; in other words, to determine whctl.er the o pinion it expr ssed was correct or not. But is this true? Is that the act to w inch the majority of the Senate is now proceeding? It' so, it were but an expression nf oi;ih..ii adversu to omiiiiis heri;U)fori! expressed .by former m ij uity, and entirely cons:- t iit wilh gf nt.emanly lutercoiirsu and fei.iing lint 110 ton h thinir it is iilace.i. hud 11 ,s lr,.g!,,.,i HS a vote of censure and oooro- b....n upon Ihe former in.ijor.lr. Too ; tle.nan Irom Pennsylvania, ,1 seoms, once 1 ' mt iid-d it should Hssume a lor 111 consistent w ith the courtesy and ptopru ty ol legisla ' j 1 . . live hodi s lie pto.niseO tho striking out 1 of the obnoxious word 'rxpitngi'f and so the resolution was to Have ..ss u; and what sliong motive, ot strong .ft', ricrv, coiild Have IikIu. ciI the Senator to ahan Ion his concill lory course, and again poison tho resolu tion wilh insullandrepio.il.? '.Vnat.thiuk' ) 011, could have so Ori.en him from his propriet? XV lis , truly a Seialoi from Mas sai husi tts, some two years Sitae, moved to j lay the expunging resoluti. n. when so a 1 mended, on the table; that was Ihe insult: a motion lo lay a resolution 00 the taUc is the mighty insult w h.ch swells the heal is ol giu'.leiueu almost to bursting Willi patriotic indignation, & which justifies all Ibis harsh and ruthless violence. I lence Ihe woio 'expunge' in the body ol the icsolution. Hence a recital t-barged with as harsh an.r injurious imputation as gt iiilciutn an ue towards each other, if not more haish and more injurious, The S.-naior from P. un-. sylvania savs he wished lo be saved the ne cessity ol compelling tho Senate t v. -la this stigma upon tnemselves, Wno, I ask, nine hh..&. those illl whom he art.s.powcr. L...I .Vlw. Ih. inuilllillv. lo fix stl'.'lll.lS. or coinpe! sli'gm 18, upon men, in all tilings honorable their equals al leasi? Wno cares for then stigma or their censure? ,1. for one, casl them to tho winds. I despise. I trample ' opon thern. S11, aince it has been ditci mined tint resolution in any form in ronsistenl with the 'resolution of March, 1834. should pas?; ami emeu there is at last a majority 111 the Scnalejjpady to oliey the mandate, I am glad once again that it con Httrs -mbswnteJntf I w ditch w ill forever destroy it as authority for the fiitnre aiifl wlwn it comes to ail i- j sue such; as tiiis, veracity, and honor, and chaiactt'i brought into collision, I fuar ol . the issue of the coulest.and 1 care-not-wilh wlial weapons it is waged. All at last re soils t,r an sppral to the cortntry, arrHcfo ture limes. And if this resolution had been couched in langtmgeof decent sobriety; il it had been in its terms cdmtjr rjispassionaie,- Strong- it wi.uld, by vutuu ol tlw names which snppnrl it, have cainedwliu 11 mucn weight and authority, but now there is no danger of this the resolution itsell and the wmerhes with which it is ushered in, show . ... L...L .- I Hi. F.. tne Stum ui i.nu. 11 ra iiiu.iu. ........ . -., ,, uv y f i.:ir'i.Xrt...-..-nn-:-MrlCTeS-ithe m. irii i.uK.e. ai a u nt nen ne-itw-w-"- called Sir Walter Raleigh ; pider of hell,' because Raletgh ws. un- huppVlj uut of lavoi with b.S80VCre.fir.;yet, HAIJSnirKY , p. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1837. no one It Ihta day eat ee ins Colm ihn mnn or Raleifth the less for this mitoouring of malignity. Eduund Saunders in the reprt one of his rases at law, says thai the Twvsden (Justice) g.ivr judgmenl It Jurore and he sddn, in hin qoiet manner, 'note rea der, this iuit)(neiii was clearly rona;' and irh has Keen the uaiv-rsal opinion; of the profession since ; and aoiJt will h tbe opin ion a priori, of mankind, as to rverv i in-' ilir'ial derision, and ever art of a iMibi r- 1 I"m!J, ,,,cn 19 'be. result of passion "";" "7 wouiu nave iieen astoiuali- ei II 11,1(1 li. I been t .Id III- in tint Hint word ever becotn.' the sn'.j.'et of envil Tint n htsoo. and lft.il it is ne w Hie cloc- lime of Hie in ij niiv. ili.n iln .IrttclioH d" thfTerorrtls imliifrii lioiinfllie i'imii-IiIii- Iioii, which riq nres lli .l i sli til ! btpt, i. a llUM'llrlllMin liy ' wliii-li (lie v:iloe ui ini-ir J lugim-iil akaiu-l the ..r n -r in irniiy .if tho i' 1' he tested ll is a .11 .it. r that , Vt'r'' ,n,,n ' I" " common sen" cn uu .4 i.-ii.iiiii nil.. ovi Mir n wen as llll. most .1 . .. .. j .1 .1 .1 . 1 learned and rn st wise; and thev can. from Ibis specimen, det-rmiuu liuw much weight is dii-lo tho oiiuiiiiis ol ui 11 who hold lli .t lo era', lo itl.it oiji. to i'.iin je, is not iucoosi-ilcut Willi tin co. innauil "T i KEKp ' ' lo winch comuiiud we have all sworn to ! dieuce. J will not tou'i b ihe miser idle so phistry b. t Iiii li 1 'ul I. men ilteuijit to evade the iHeauini, and west III.: sense of tins pi ovi vion ibe Cousiitution; it does not ', merit a rply Toe Oonstitutmn of Pennsylvania is suV stantiaUy e.ijii.'d in this pirticul ir lro.ii 1 lit Constitution of the United St it-s; like that, il emit .ins a provision that b ull ll.iose .-drill hap a journal. Tho Senator from Pennsylvania, many years ago. while a member of onn branch of the Legislature, moved a resolution Ueclanug. lha.11l was o violation of tbe Constitution lo expung aiiy thiiiif from tliii journal once entered ihere lUi is of toe mno opt urn still; and he ptoposes to (mi consistent, ami yet vme for expunging what is entered on Ibe jour nals of tins body, under a precisely similar, conslitiitioual provision. Could any man who had not heard him conjecture hoiv Ibis could be .loin ? The wotdef'Une h is, he , says, a literal, and 11 lias alio .1 ui? up inri- ( meaiiitig, and the records of the S-'iiato 1 .'lit: lo be cxpiij.ij.ed metaphorically. What ' a lirt", if its atri'cHv would p r utt us to 1'uik iiHii jl rt - a sol J et of ritlleule .' !il i n li, roulil avoid smiling, even in tho initl-l ; (' liMti'rue: i to see tlio array of aitiiunlie m , m ' JV',,i""r "";'' l" "'" l' ls ' rally in cases win re it cannot h ive a literal - . . - :i:il1c.itioii!' lie I. is shown us examides in '' . . . ' . Aiiuit cool writers siicak-o, r rouil'iitt 1 , ' , vvlil. u the 1 ritiiUe Senator addticeil to t-li.i.v I loruis ol o-ivrrnuic'it svstein '1 leli'.on. 1 ' Stl'i'' v !'( . if i. 11 illcieiily 10. H;il.iriC1 , i aL ,ksu w u al o.v! 4 Jn Iuhhus i h y f nut !-;.. j.i.'.hv ..I'th.' I, for t est piiyscil ap- plication ! lite t' tui You I'uuuot draw a i) .. I, il-..- over.nor cm 011 dr . .v l.hn I. lines aruu.i I, a -f iriii of "ce)nueit. lot caio. 01 ..iieii it or b ui le it, though "'.' I l O H mi) mar it.-.-vui'm-liy and dislot its!rrnth; nor can 11 lake phi sic.ill linigl hie hold el syiiriiM of r Iigioit or ol human yices;heuce Ihe terms you apply them are necessarily metaphorical, whether yon erpftnge, uproot, or demolish thcin Hut if yon e.rpune a writing Avhich is on paper, or uproot a tree or snruo, or uemoiisu a ouiioiug, uiu 3 j then have their lileral meaning, capaoie on- : ly t literal, pnysicar appiic iiion; aim ne w ho pretends to use it under such circum stances metaphorically, rests the wot Id Irom its irnense. and t'iv s it r. false iipplicaiton. Expunge metaphorically ! The lir-qni--i-lionof ihe learned g.-nllemau reminds me of the death of two doughty heroes m 11 fa til buttle coin memora ted in tlie '"Kipeol the Lock' One died in metaphor, and one in song." Il will be seen at once that ihe lI10.1y.lu is much better in a burlesque, poem, than in grave debate on the, floor of the Senate. Rut the Senator from Pennsylvania Ims snread cheering prospects before us ; a bright vista, opening amid the surrounding irtaoiH. la ueiigui our visum. . I fits, tie let t savs is the last exciting subject that is to 3UaB ou.rctknicils we are tit tfrftr a tiaT cyorl Reason ; all is to be, heii'-erorth, quiet, antf kindness, and , peace. But . he his not loltf' ixt jiow these things are to be brought lo pass ; whether thi , i ihe last act if -Violence that is to he perpetra- . a ... V- Z : J . tl.A j..ifclilll lea oy 1 .e major, y - " 1 turn of iheir country, and He rights of this , TrnVrf i oi whetrier he supposes thai, by ( this, the spirit of liberty is to be rr .hed. and we are to be awed to silence and sub- belter accords with the kmdbess wnr-h Ire , lilf entertains for those whose rights and i rA.lin.l.n b:.. most ou raired : and if so, I his language mav be rendered into br.cf; Dlain English, thus : Genlleiite.i, be quiet L.i k ?i,n m,.fit us with no arguments, ami Kb ralm - - dent must be gratOie, nec.iise ne . . . j . . a . . culate ; and you must be s ., a. iu, cause you have oflendetl, htm. We may ha somewhat harsh and unscrupulous, but exsnsa us, for we are very much excited i but this is the last time we will do an, art of lawlexs violence against you ; a aia he. henceforth, justice ami peace. I should be gratified to know that the Senator from Pennsylvania has that power over the political elements he stems to claim, in giving u this Mrong asnnnre of their luture quiet. W.mhl th il we could we could Mlv Hnn. I... .... . ... I. . . I. . w.j -rw .0 rrinii9r, fr iua (irruiriMMi i hut no he is deceived. 1 hose who have abandoned the standard of the ( 'ounitulioii and the law cannot, when they rh xise. rear it again, am! rally the .hosts ironnd it, and ralm their fears, ami re-miiume iticir con fidence. Thejy eanniAiatMbTt4daTfpT onrtheinsTiitliions of their cootnry, and pull down and destroy, until they them selves shall be satisfied, and then hid the work of mischief cease". When the ocean is lashed into a rage, no. matter who are the spirits of the storm, they rannots;iy to it thus far shall thou go, and no f irtlier ; and here shall thy proud waves he stayed " N4vhe in deceived there are other pow ers in motion below and around hnn Which he wists not , and wliose might he c:iu neither direct nor resist. 1 have stood up on the borders of this mighty ocean, and noted the prrcursors of ilie coming storm. 1 have heard ilie moan nf the waves in ihu ; caverns o iie deep ; and seen the uphH- ving of the billows, which will rie, and rage, and toss, as foam from their :rej, him and those those who are now his trusi and his strenuth. Mr. President, I envy not the triumph of hi ui who has pressed forward these reso lutions, agninst the opinions, feelings, and consciences of those whom he has louud means to compel to their -support- resolu tions w inch he has urged on with passion, fierce, vindictive, furious. Still less do I envy the condition of those who are com pelled to go onward, against all iIioha feel ings and motives which should direct ihe actions of the legislator and ihe man. Y hy do I see around me so many pale I'cauliires and downcast eyes, unless il be that re peiiiance and remorse gu' hand in-liand wilh ihe perpetration of the deed ? 1 hail r.nlier stand wilh the minority ; yes, I would rather, a thousand limes, stand alone, powerless but tfr ouscieirgeirre, than to wield ihe strength of an empire, 011 the hard conditions oil which it . is placed 111 their hail Is. IJfj.il this scene is ..pasting? and will soon h .vis passed not lo he re-culled ihe deed is to he done, and you nnd we muM suh mii our ae to ho enlightened INihlir, whose judgment will be a foretaste id the lii'!gm"iil of posterity To these 1 how with submission and hope, hut not wi h uu wavering conli lence of the future. The fame of these w ho have joined in this strug gle for the Constitution depends upon the liual siicecss of constitutional government. If tli it prevail aiid endure; if the elou.U that overhadow its prospects pnss aw'ay. and 11 he resturcil lu what it once was, 1 1 nil its irestiuess aud neautv, 1 verv 1 1 1 1 that we cuild cesire lor ourselves and u r 1 o'luliy is attained. M il if we still m iv on to the downward cmrsi only be passed, ami we -in the smooth hut rajii I e :: n to which we have he. u i. never t return, these '1 (erred t 1 hereafter a-i counlr v w as disltir e-l i". if 1 he calar ict .1 glide 011 .11 : do the- gn f 1. and are v .11 be re .'. l.edi . the !' 1' . "e! 1 : 1 . - - tious si)irit, an It. I - 1 1 I I sioo 1 lor th ' I 111 v scenes will I -ensure a .d re( M .1 I: .1 ti ties 0 1st man linerty was .s ; 1 1 . . , arch's i ourl and cuiuci! . r u nt and the Seu-.te c' " voice but thai ol Aujj.i-l' 110 power hut his w..s '.1 flaiterer of iis cnurt ie.l in heaping prai-e on hi-n. reproach ouihos lir.n - , l .er .I'll! 1 . u.er 1'. and j "d for .H I'isl her rlllllry , ,j buried 111 its ruins. I . n a en power J , cieuuuu.v w4 !,, l td ; all but the dark and mil-en I :.it... In an event such as ihi-. . vel) lei llio liule band m -wf '1 1 1. . 'en 1 h ir is iiy r j'rojieh a I H- .f the pride lo belong, share 111 the they share in the spirit of the U mans that spirit w hich ci hrd'oie aey eartiny power, saic i:ie r lo iiitry and its laws lo how that I We recur always with pleasure to the past services aild ellivalr -us deeds, wjlleh so, conspicuously mark, d the career o ma ny i'f our ih-M-rving i.flieers duruis the late war. Wlia't vcah familiar to every one in those days is n.ne afw r the Inpsc nf more than twenty years, known to but few This gallant baud is" Mildly ji. inff oltlhe stage of life I.iimi Perry, MeU.nwgtf,',3lold other iioT)fe"spin is w h,i conquered w bled in their coue'ry's caue, have already beet) gathered to their uair. The few who still remain-on the theatre of useful action should he ye: ihe more cher ished. Such reminiscences as we find in the extract below, published in the Rich- mond Enquirer of ilia lOth.'ult. freshly re h -,, f whe ,he daijy Me w lhe Pvenli J J , ;. t 7 , tedJan.v.ltiST. " Tlfe -exploring and surveying expe- d.tb.n.lo the Pacific ocean and ...nth Seas, a ihonzedby an act ol Congress of .be lasi session. wilL be interesting 10 the cause of mil inA wnrii'. ' t 1111 nrn n it iirp inai iiia . a a - mr . ml . I., , - - j , , j-editSoa Caplan'i Thomas Ap Caiejhy YOIsa VftO. 3 Jones, of the American Navy, Jimea was wilh General J irkson, as jroo will recol lect, when a very ynnnf offirer. at .Vsio Orltan, in 1814; and acted a most distill guished part upon Lake B .rgne, as rom mnnder of our gunhoats upon that station. He kept the llriiisli squadron of bay tot two weeks, upon thai lake, wilh his five trunb tatt, and 180 men, at a most jimmr- t int cni. luioiediumlv nn.,i,, .i.i . i T . ' , ' ' n UW ItriliHh afiny. n lilt f) cemlier, 181 1. He could not be approach' ed,by the British in their frigates, and triey hesitateij to attack him in open boats. The attack was, however, finally made, 111 boats maimed hv 1 'im-t-TnWrii"iTrr jfougTit for two hours, With his Hi) men he killed and wounded 400 ot itic lli'mh. The lioal he commanded wa UO-tmnutes Engaged in nearly close .puiiers, and inauitaiued her colors uijiil he was sh it down himself and nearly every man 011 board was either killed rir wonn led lie was put under the ha'chr when taken, where he ww fi)$0iuUl-Uk and afterwirrds ftuiTored" greatly with Ins wounds on hoardthe enemy' squadron. Such is ihe 111 in the Prestden't has select ed, with a full kn.iwlcdjje of his character, to command this j.npoilatit expedition. Yon know Capi. J lmes and his whole race in Virginia, lie is he n 04. hew of Meri wether and Siieliotf Jones, formerty vl Hiehiiiimd. Vienna s.i well known for iheirshivalry of eh uacier and Miperior in li llectu .l eudowmenis Of ilis ti mi. ihe celuliiaiml Joint Itmdolpji said thai h was al once Hie spear and s'lield d 1I10 r'; publican jiany, in the il nkesi bour of lue Atiiericau G iverniin'iit ' " -M iy success in.i lame ntend the ex ploring expedition d Ciin. Jones. He is 1 really a ui.isi gallant and meritorious clli- cer lull, of chivalry and enterprise, and will do honor lo his country and friends, in whatever quarter of the globe he may carry the American llag.". ..... . The writer of, thtr above extract might ns well have stated that Capl. Jonks had been designated hy ihe late Administration lor the service to which he was appointed by the present. Perhaps, however, ho may have thought that that fact would have detracted, in the esliiuaiion of ihe readers of the inquirer, from the just nni o ihe gallant Captain's nieriis. Yui. , FVoui thr li dlim iiyLhrxuiidc We rejie) n. , .m, thai AJr, Clay lias yielded lo ill.- ireMit; ,I,M, lions ol his Irn inis, ao-i emisehig lo ronlii.iie longer in Ihu Senate o Hie DttHrrt States. TTie b iter ol Mr. Clay, 111 winch he makes known his doieronn .ii..n in r main al Hie io.i riHMi.r.if ,1 hun ny 1 In l'.-.ln a i.l L.gislainrr of Ins iate Is ul.lmt.. d in Ilie Coin in. 11 e. iin ol liie .'jifi iiir.iaiii. Tiie loilowing is in 1 xir.icl lft" Mi Clay's h id 1 of aiH'ejil ii.ee, Witshuini. j.m if), is.n. M idi tiie lnrj.-s' ,. ,r .. a Me iu,w not .lo.i I , tta-. 'nmo Kiir.of 111 itn N.-rvo?. .i tp. S'Mir j . o.l Hie V .11.11. Ills 1 arils ul n.irty y-ar j - ' I v.. (irii it . ;..r--,l 1 v .1.1 el.-r 1,1 lt. I ei.an ol uir U -i . -.1 -vvos Duroijr Hill jw. I res .vviih short . 0 . -is. I leive iH-eo in ihe j 1 . mi he 1 1 - ol loe t.. ..erai (...varolii ul. I have ii'iiyli. Ilial .ny .nig ..i: h wiv i.ive uie Hie lo o-p e, , I i.ieli It . I ui.n.1 aeusi - . ll l.er-ll. l . J . J ,j I...I II in... iii.i . i i,i- . .I. il,.'ii,' s .... tin- l;i I be cure of my jeival iii..i. mil ilni.s, 4 hich hi n to l.i,. 'i .'v.. 414.1 m I.i.Ih (liny alfeiiiion. II . I ice l..r.-. I i re tn coiitodt exclusively mi j..' O . ll ...... s 1.(1 1. 1. Illll.tli.il. I Kllllllld Hut lies .1 . .111. -in 10 ileel.nl. in lo aec.'iil the an- j.u,.iMil -lw tai fi-uVel - mrt- Ihe gfeal" .' 11 me r ...s ..i.li'i.ii ..'in w hich I am under lo I ,. I'eoole ul K' niie k , Mud the couirniii.t im Uin my recfi.l el . iinn.of die General As s. n.lily, in r. in.. 1. al the p.t a-igned lo rue, 1 iVtl that I her.' is ... siciiic winch I iniilil not In lo.iko 1 s.io.il I liav- a less rehielance in re 1101111R1117 or. hi h'i-t, pos'ji.niuij', Ibe uratifli-a-H n ..I uiv priv.i v wishes, it I dul iiol le.r ll.al, . onsliiii 'i'ii ,i i. . 1. a!- no is. ami Is likely :. tie. I em renl. r'll . piihhe m rvires eorrespolld log Willi the ep ::iiiiit.H of ihe (aeneral As si'.el', or Willi or. 0 n hi. xi. 1. is desire All in., 1 I ...ire pr oil ih n. i, Hnl ihe shiiip Z'.iI iii'lllldUly wli.eii liav.- Iieo..iloie ai-l.ii.ed ui Nii.n ci.tiiiiii'' o he evened in a.lli unr ihe j,,,,, ,f -,tj M -or em id linn cnVintry I h.iv- lie- h 1. V 'o ii.', With Oi'' hiyhesl re pee', tut! Ucii. ral Afiemoly 's nbe.lieiii Hi rvaut, 11 t LAV . From tin-JVno York Araiig I'oit. KXt'f.DKINU KXI'KM I ION. ' Aonsii! ,the pas-enji. rs in the i-hip tueb e, from L0.1d.11:, Hh.'se arnvafwe iiol.c.n 111 mil v. ji.'i , is l.u-i.t.'iia.il IN ii.kl. ol I." Navy, t'.ti- ti u i 111 was ile-..ui:iii'il iu August last liy the I) ji.i tin. .11 for ihe u'posc of procuring uisiruiii' r.ts lor the expl' iiiii. expi dm. .11 , and ol cdleeiliio ,...(. oilier iol.riiiallo(i a iiilotil Ik of value lit piolnoling -ihe olijecis of thai if.teresliUjj .iinlerhiking. W e are iiiu.-b iiraiilied in being ante 'o It.l'or iii oor leadeis ihsl I his mission Is nii'ee.r-h.l. Lieut VVilkes has brwight with llim 1 colli ciion uf ( iustimnenls nem complete and ex'' naive than any Governnieot has biiherlo fori lli-hcl to ,tl Ullir eXpHlll'K1S, and the scale tin w hich this d.purlmenl will he filled rsit will fully equal that oi lha squadron ouW collected .al Norfolk lor ttim piipon.,. 'Vr . l l fiilfillmg; he Vibjeets of his mission, Lieut Wilkes his received facilities and amiiniai.ee of every possilde descripii$h from thiawt who. from station .ir seienliflc altainiii"iiti, had it most in their power to be servieable lu him. Aiming those in England, w ho have thus shown a snpa rtority lo!l ftaiiiffial j. al u-y.n. rom .tinji tbe suecess d an ex.pediiioo, "I w biejb, although the U. niV.es will reap ihe glory, the whore ci H a 1 orhl will partake "be beo. fi's. es-c ally rueiition. Eftti Min ibe ftri Lrfd Cw:nmwnst f of lbs AJuiiraliy. and Sit Francis B uly, ihs Presi.lt.iil of the A-tronouucal Ss'eity. Wiihool the piwerful aid of Ihessv two liiaiingoished per- Soiis.lhfl object of the mission 0u!d have been . iirniin as ..... r-l7jV..f ..,..,.-... . they have thus earned a clatio. Hi our gramude as a nati'Si. . " JO It PUI.VM'I.YO Of evert 1cevipHon done At THIS Oi l ICE. - 1 WHO Lis SK 230. A WOMAN BURIEO ALIVE. Ths psritcnlart of an is-eurienee were related U esyenienlay. wbieb wf have svsry reaaoa lo hslievs is n ihsi.-k-s , f ih. horribls rflTsela U hasty bnrul. An mulatm woman, aama Wwala. hu resided in U.rb-y atrest, and maf , piretllly in g.rad tieallb. .-iiinplahied ,.0 .Sim.d day evening nf a pain In her bead, and ,ii.a n.siaailjr fell lilW.-ss. She wasanpiKisej u, be dead, and tir-paraiions wero itiiiii.liuly mad fi her bunal. On Mondaj aliernoun r.ui 4 o chs-k, i.i.l rm.re ilun twraty In sirs after bur rn. poised dtaih. the Kly wasenleyH lo 1I.9 lioryuig grii.u.u 111 Si. M uy'a stress belwen t"Hi ami Hevrioh fclre, is. ai d c.i.m. L.m-rl to lha 'I'lin. I 'oumimiewjljuiijiai. g-r, a whne nun, prx-culed i. lus Ush ul filling i H.Hir,,.. J,. ,HJ ilfl,AB', ,,.w h.ir.felay up.ni i,h cuV ben lie ll.iHigbt ha t..v.rJ a n,a. wnlnri hti grave, hnslisieiied a l.ile. then Ihrew in few ii.rr shovels full I..11 n.. 1,0 di- mclij heard Hrwn ,.r,reed Irom i-..i,h. s,v , w if a panic, he 'dmpned lussb..v, and fl... ft assi.aiii.Tlis ci.fiin as J.II.T smile lhit)dio.le.,d and ii lid Was hmml .,. he (.anl, Uci tT. It Bs. m.n.tdi- l.l die pMHi.,11 a whirl, 11 ,a !,, pirwtt,t lurnml rounil ils.n Urn sl.le, ami .hnwiug iti,.r vi.l-.noe of having lie-n hlive while in the Ifiave II was lakeii 111 ... il.e rlimeb and kept bereniild yralrilay iH..riii.itf. when 11,1 ira f life apiieiiiugii waa-aj-aio inieired '4iWcf- won lsdj,cr AWnt the Cttrotintt ff.ixrttt. FAVETJliVILLE AN1 WKSTERX il VII. ItOVO. Every true friem! of ',b tJamliea mnat re .ac al ih-Heler.ii.uai 10.. of itie Legislature to ifivp to l' is jiroj el nueh as.isuinv aa is contain ed in theavi wlucli we iiidish lo day The ri'ijciisnf Faytliville slot vt.sliU'V eelfhraled ihe jiissng.. ..film aet hy illuiin,a.ii.os and the firing ol cann ula, and Well may ili.y 11 joiee, nt inly Ih-caiise id :1m betlefiis I hey ilien.. I ve will receive, liu iH-.-ause no ineaiure is better enlcuU ied, to ibiel..n. ihe resourwea and gtvecrumclor ami n iiiiu'-e ionic Trials. Whatever hal, may have been thrown around ib CharieKiistanit Cmnnnaii Koad by the ge .nius and lalent and wealth and rhaiaeier nliieJl Ins been enlisted in its aupimrt. by lha uiagniV lude and bohllieas of tbe eulerpi M and bj lha prodijiiiiiN aiiii.uiii of capii al necessary lur ilf eo.nul. lioll, ilie at1 vantages tu bw reaed by North Carolina lr.uu it, when e..niired lo those which the Faysiteville a d Wesleiu K ad must Inevi tably mo'iire I.miiii Siaie. are almost inslouifi.-aot. I he t liHilesiiMi and Cincuiiiali It.xd will pasa IbriMigb a aection of eouniry, eouiplelrly eneoin- passed hy 111 tains, having a. tnaikel a! biima- "-t or abmWthe'fiofi7.rTis ii.sluei, ami contain., ing search s panicle t um.r.l wilih.-Tha K..yeiievi!e R'..i.l will Irari-fse'fhe mosi f.riiia 0'irtloli nl the Slale, afsiiilidli g ' IU nrmulluml 1" an. I uiiiical wealili, and desliu.:. ,. t.noie mar -kel. The I r ner, 11nl.es I.M'aod aecrding 1 the pi cd y, c wh.eh w-re given h. i.ire unr ia'a cold le1 lednc.-d In pass the ch ir'.-r, kn. f..ra our cHih Us MMiild aoiee to c.H.li.n.ne any ihiejf from Mien ri..ies towards ns coosiruciit.it ai, 'e have bill ttlighl lio,'H'S lbat,lbose pledges will ne re,l..iii...l will, .1 il .(l.cis us al ad, bind us to Sou 1I1 Carolina; i.ho-c oij' l.in.ls al hef C"IH'.d, and ni.j 'CI our mi. .e.ia to iw. m shoee pa. 'seg we have mi voice. The latter w ,11 bj.lld up oiir own Stale and he sii'.jecl lo our own lawa. In ill.- one i'af .uir lino.a will Ik- expended in ileve.,.ioo ur own imkiiown lewonie.a.lo build log "i. cues and cone, mralleg C.lal wnhin ..wo 1111111". In the oilier unr verv life l.l -m! w.i b.-drawn lograiily ihe eiiidity ol IIiohs who have very lew hidings of aympalhy with us, srnl " ho have not one panicl-i .if regard for our iuiereafs. Can any one hesitate to decide, In w hich of these projects he will give bis support? Is luit one the Noktii Casolina project? Is It not ihe duty of every iood citizen lu prefer the ioi. rests of bis own Sitle, bis own country, 1.1 that of all lolrnm f K,,r our own pari we sup. purled Hie f 'ha'rleslun and Cincinnati RiirHoad, 1.0I milrly bersuse it would uHii.fy ihe intereais nf Ibe Soiilh and West and l.uiM a eiiminercial metropolis lur our sister Stale, (nil also, because we ihoni-hl thai if located aa we sup sated from ihe deelaratious id uiie.and Ibe pntfruional opin ion of an. 1 lu i one ol Suiiiti ('an. Iina'a filled sons, ine enierpne of wliieli we are now speuking would ! prouiottd We feir il.at we have been cheated n ibis inaiter. If we b , we hope bjr ihe Z'al and la'ni which we piomise to embark 10 sii. port ot ii-H'ayeitevile ji Western Kol H ad. tu ocepensjie fur Ihe luile evil bllla triuuour lori.iiMie lack of ii flueuee we have I ilni.e ui K.lviii-alii.g lilieral auLseti'irious to lha l, t.ari.slon and H.en nsrr If air It if. II, huw ev. r. Soiilh Carolina will redei 111 hr pledges. toipliid if riot eiri, if she will bul t-xhibit on. park othtirriihi) , boih tiler (ks n.ay ha so ci.inl.i.;!. (I as lujnuiib'r them u.n'.oahy benef). ci.il iu each uiber, and to unite Ihe two Sta rs hy ihe strongest ties nl interest ; ami yelMiaoga 1. s.y.il is uo.ihiful whet lo-1 tins end nil1 he at tamed, ahhoiigli ho etisily rearl.ed iifet. ver euiir.e . ti ers may take, w e sdall hb f for ihe iiiti r- s's i l Nor Iti Carolina first nf ell ishers ; tc we ki.o of un ine t hint 10 wl.ic.hiwr labors are tike to he oi in. ire av:n limn v 0 gnoj our cii. Zens to pin I.. 1 Hi ll.e r iil.nosr ene'iies In hLpmrt of Cape Fear and Wis. em Kail Road. Ffom the Fuyrltcville Observer. RAIL kOAD. 'r Mr. B. J. Halt: 1 leel willing lo advert lo Ihe -cause of Rail Road ing. at least so far as to writs thee on he sonjei;i ol Us ligation, which io my view, is a mailer of Ibe greateal 'magnitude. I have heretofore remained a silent observer of the subject of tb. It.. Road fosn Fayst lovilla west ward, but 11 to . bees my expociaiioa lbal there Would be an examination made of all tba-different routes, and choice made of the beat. It there fore take ihe liberty , in suggest the following r.. uie l..r examination ; that is, fritm Fayelieville lo Linte river, si or near 't'O-toaV mtgtt If miles, tbenee on ibe ridge dividing t'e waters of opi-r and lower lillle river lo TimmIi BnCga on leep river or near 11, m miles thence 10 ha Huffaioe T"ird on Deep rivtr. 23, milts; tiienca io Asbrsim'JI miles ; thence on ibe rMtfa ftiv- ding the waters of Cape Fear an-l P.h JVe to New Market, 11 nub) .hoee 10 or near Hunt's Store, on the said ridge, 9 notes i ( distance of U4 nnlefijiffrerable liuiv eslirnate. and I. to make it as cr-eel as isawible.) iti. nee to extend in a rigiii ami leu wintfay lha (,, ,,, ix,gMm v.h-buM.Bcaitie'-i IA,tf Sit! i . a right o uch rsni As u ig n bt demoetr tn a ad loahls. I he a'luve route Would pass through M s.re.a pari of Chatha.u. Randolph GudUud, ti I e roHed F.lcJlbisflaawoiiU, if carried Into elioct, draw the produce of ibe Western .-a Jf K

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