r i P fc 4 3- ... i . i .f.K. State lo Fvetievtfi. wliils M 'II Snih ciK- ' my H.anionJwiil prove a f ,h. o-de Hi ii troe uin " W " il F.veiievill H 1 ndkin. is. that fed bv lb- PP"" ... N'xriowa of the H i "h.iuli ruii rd westward from lWgh. wimh . probably run and lake, say ihe ve- l. ...II ii in' -iic be I hulJl'ir Fayiinvilleasonr commercial town. ' ... ..Lima ,i.re i more jo-mess in m i u.a..u, ... .. .il ih. ih iinn uf oitr own nil' UPHIIIOH i H" v" . pu j tue-efwe do I wish he, o Uke MjrPn d-.l grasp wilh her ro'1 '3 Can 'dTi.. mhabiiania of F.yei.eville shsoM wid awnke ' autul-for I b. l.ve il to be on on wtiicn n win -wo I am willing f.r )lfi,n "' '"' . .k I hv i.nlv touched lipi'll of the iMlliam of what m-ght be said in its la voor. , I am very r-poc-iftiHy , are .ought,' to b purchased for .hi wn use, and not in trust for .ale or .peculation ; and ha he h- made no contract, written or verbal, to aell, lease, mortgage, or otherwise encumber the land "any . . of it ; that bei. at least twen. ty-one years.oi Bge, ' -- .rcUd or entered .under - anv 'public t maim, by the way,' that Joes not! mean, as be supposes, that if a mad be " crime, the supposed criminal ahall not be arraigned and tried, but iimply that he ihtii be punuhtd, until his gorn is eaiau...- Lnhlie land, which, togfiner win. what he nowwiys, wouiu - - He ' must then pa "" .' S whhUie conaenl of tl.e Kegi.ter ll.,nn w.-leon tolhe 11 , 1 , ., -i whs new questioned by .Ml j.n iVhr thm'. araatha President's hor for of a 8paniaS Inquisition? Were,fi. his indiffnant denial of the obligation of a p,rty accused to furnish the endence in aupport of the secusation? I Then, indeed, hm Dartizans, not on of the Bank snouiu uo committee which .1 U...L it.uir nr them for proofs of their gnlltSThey mHrey ask, 1 that, ireeriaiii aituses n mir -- hSIl DO aia'n'it w - thereof. Il none of these tupposea. aouae- isi, ihen a simple dfclarstioe w usi would bare t indicated ihe DepanmenU from uiiiciin. BnUbe refunsl to answer, and the iuaiificaiion of this refoeal oft the fallacious sod arrogant pretences set up ay the Presided, are equivalent to a wen aainiswou uiui iui. abuses, ihe. exposureof which would subject the guilty pariiU to the condemnation of the people if not-to the punUhraentof iho law. Ii ohnuld not be forsrolion. too, lhat this MiTes tiation U not forced by the I VHg, bul bv near- e unanimous ow w io wimi" hi ly ihe a u ........luisa sal ft wsnrrrsMi4wBisii iiia sa ihpiwi.i ellUor-u ... ,rn.l.,-ht that the comm.iiee snou.u - MnM of tlie Ml)ie . 2. Wiihin five years Trom the date or . vaninn iiA books sad papeiMod " !s ' , (h8 v, Buren s receipt he must prove, to the l8, ,r-, ,.arirv ,hem to tboir own rooms (where in- t, f ConSie would wihject Ot-n Jaek turn of ihe rcgisier snd feceiver. by '" , r 'i,,,,,,,,, nj erasures ni$A haves bi en , tud fti, Executive offlwis lo a sprutiny liW omhs of two competent and dtsi-iti p-mp.1 . he pnipo9e of rendering their Uiat 0 ,h ,nih loqumiim or tbat a cum- .!.. tlmt he has eroctet! a dwi-H'tij- .k..,..k anH efft-ctivo. Ifev- mitte eimstuut4 et a la'w mnjority of the II': I laJ' nde.e.rc.d.ndei,...- gcneril ...o- the U!!?' IIZ le.l at eaal one-toi.t.. o. u ; or w. ... . weakeit n tht. wa. the case.. n- ,, Ih; rke , ltw resided on it on. year of h ve-. 1 e .( dtmanJed b, Genera Jackson answer f J- Xv .ball N. mnv -then set his paicni. n o" t-,nMf il.rouirh his friends, and the wnuio . , with ibe suirii ol Twentv-Fourlli I'cmgi'oss, SICCONO SKSSHIX. ' Tiuruav, Fkbri-abv U, 1837. in si:nate. rum.ic LANDS. ' Mr Calhoun, hy le?ve, introduced, in the form ol a bill, the a.... ndiiic..t, he had la.l cventni? projuwed to the land hill he- thiM pr.H.fhe forfeit, the purchase money. electrified with their indignant II he d.c within the hve year.. .. ... death nh.ll he proved within six )ear. from the dte f the receipt, the pnte ' Mill to ine. Any .ale, leaKe, or mort g:iKe, .-r .-(...tract for sale, &ic. before the iatcnt is void. 3. Pre-emption i. allowed, on proof as above, that the applicant has actually oc cupied and result d on any tract of the puhr lie laud before the 1 .1 ol December, 1830, aiidhanculioiivaiedany parlofit within the vnar 18H0. There areeevetal guards to ihis fore the Senate, and which embraces his I 8rt.llo,i f the' bill to cover reserved tracts,' -.(.. .I... mihlir IhikIh Id the i i k. l.r.,1. i., urlnp.li ihfl Indian nroiMisuioii i i;t " r - . ieau iimivo, mi. ... - . outcries, when the Bank, slways ready to afford proper facilities to the investigation ordered, refused to commit Us hooka and papers to the custody of a committee, con noting for the mot part, of its malignant and not overscrupulous enemies. There is s case, however.more exactly in point. We refer to the celebrated Retrench ment Committee, appointed during the ad ministration of J. q. Adam's, of hich Win. r i) ... -.ii4riirnoi.9 member. In Sk III, CO WW m " freeroen, or submit to the lash wuh the douch ing servility of slaves. Hut if the Executive officers of the govern ment may shield themselves behind the plea thai they art ut bound to turn is eidrce if their owu (juill, theo they may be g .ilty without dresd of punishment fr( in the very nature of tilings, id their offices alone can ihe evideuce gfi.tratty be found. If this were so, Postmaster Gi-ueral Barry was a aiicpletongto nnveilthe de linquencies in this department, which disgraced as weM as disgusted the country, snd drove him from the Cabinet. And Aim Kendall may nil Stales respectively " " ",rJ "v It was read the first time, and by unan imous coiiM'tiN was read a second time M.y its til's ; but after a desultory conversation on the disposition the hill, the consent a reconsidered, and the bill therefore renins at iW first reailioj; ; il witl proba bty te read a ecud mne to-morrow, and .i......o,l on uioii.iii to refer. The vole on rCcousiJcarlion stooJ : Yeas tilt, nays . . Mr. Calhoun then ne in his place and stated tli.U he had .been honored with a communication from the Chief ...Magistrate in reference to his course with regard ti the land bill, which he should lake' occa sion now to bring before t)ie Senate. . I It then scut to the Sscrelary's table iho fol lowing letter : rWe reeret that we are not awe ai pre title has not been extinguished, anu lands beyond the bounds of the Slates and Territories. 4. The owner of a farm may enter any -i. . . , i i " . i r A,. ilia duties of I hiseuovrs irom a piunuereu treasury, ana ibo what essential features did the dut os oi r j ,,.. In one word, if ibe position assumed by the rresi lhat committee differ from those of Ihe In vestigating Committee which the President now so sternly repulses, in the discharge of its functions, and which he insultingly sttg malizes as a Spanish . luquisition ? There was no diffeience. That committee, upon dent be true, the servanta of the people are ilieir ruasiers.and speculation, fraud and corrup tion will be a universal as the field of operation is unlimited, and detection impossible. I he President, however ,mt strangely ol an, . - - " . ' ' J. '":.. to the two TCOUhiric,its.bis rfuty to re commend the same proscription, in the oiw ease at be had: beretofort recommended in ,bstfd indeed wftcf ii cheVrW confidence, however, lhat Congress will ac eept, at the hands of the President, the al ternative which he tenders, in bis Message, of 'some other course,' more uaeiy io n than to rendtr incurable the hearl-burniog which seems to have arisen, on ine. p .. ... the Executive of tho United (States at least. without the People ol this ciwniry ikj... adequately informed of its existence, or.ul this Message has disclosed it So entirely .. it... ir.i. lhat we have out doubts wheth- r th,n mill not consider this tni, a. an iranosilion. attempted by soi.i. ii.genms humorist, upon their honest credulilv. We have said, indeed, lhat it has not surprised ! but it is because we have learned, in the course id's political lif f il.irtv or fortv years, to be aurprised .t nothing But. ibo'igH it did n-t surprwe t.s al firht.tbc more we think of it.'bo more dif ficult do we find it to believe the tvidi iu o of our own senses in reji.ird to it. And, however little snfpriso we in.v ourselves have felt at reading tins 'Message, wo be lieve it will be received by the P iblie, not with surprise only, but with amazement For, so far war on our if there be nl who know even of the averment of .my iluinia of ours ontl Govtrnment of that country jibe delay to satisfy which is made the ground of this belliger,Mit recommen dation of the President. Thus igiKMratit of the existence even of any serious difficul ties between the two Q ivn-nents. we can well imagine the amaz-d astonishment sjith ' . .. - .....i .i...n..o ,.r ixLpHllift vmuud. that the House ol tleoreseO' i: i i ...:..! i.. n,,M enirv i .iiKniriim. anil in mo io - ; - . . . aajo.ning .-..u. .....j. y..-"-". deo.rtment 1 ta Ives fas no right to direct such as invesug. mtt eseetMitrtff t.mrcvTHn. nu niuuani , iiicviiii. v"aiK-" i ,. reuu.rcd that the land is aouithl to enlarge I his farm, and not for speculation, &e. and the wholo must not exceed two sec tions. 5 A parent, being a citixen ol the ILii ted States, may enter land for his children, but not over two sections hi all ; and no .... . r ' patent to come till the child occoiuus oi 0 Purchase may be made in quarter .)uarter sections ; but no one -shall enter more than four quarter-quarter sections not . . i i. . ii. .... conliiMious. All lauu io ue laxju.e oy -I " ' . I lion, oe.aiNe ii is I lie iiuiwscninv uuwri, -and iii their Report ponrlrayed s.indrv OWWHluenty ,mFach whomever this in-pc-cadilloes, msgnified into monstrous .aims-: IMlljtllull 8bowatobe guilty ihe very position es, which they said demanded correction, , UMIC demonstrate, both the right and duty of and which they promised, if the people , House in make the enquiry. The House is would onlv clothe ihein with ower should ihe grand iuquett of ihe nation. They occupy, be corrected a promise which not only in cases of Una kind, towards the Senate, (ihe , I i . ,i;. h.... I.nt ia in nvinii puwor.i a relation not aissimnar io n.oi stands uiireoeeiutu v ,.... - , , f. J ,...,... mihccrowlh.onder their own a grand jury to the court - From the Cinclnijati Giizette. gEXE6UTiONCUIME. John Washburn was executed on Pridav m iti-in Maw last for the murder oi wimani Beaver This was altogether an extraordinary Cue. Beaver was a loreignwr, uniwiiat ad,,,, ed in years, who lived in the vicinity pf Cincinnati, and kept a grocery, inclmlifl. drink by retail, and provisions of every description, which he eold in a small wv He lived alone in his shop uihI t civil industrious man. On rnonday mrn. ing, September 20, he was found tuun ec in his little .establishment; nppMtuvW beat to death by blows on the head, mfl,, ed bv a club which was found ou ill, pre mise's. Accompanying circumstanwi h dicated that a robbery had beou coimecy with the murder. Tho club found in the house was reengni a. one that Washburn had been' known toeirrj, and up'ii inqiiry, H was asc-ertatned that Wmi' burn and a laJ o1' suspicious cliaiaeier, nin Mo.'Vcr, bad lwn seen toyelher on Sundij j. t. rnism. Tht-y were both arrest-d on Hie (,,,,. noon of Monday, and Umiver ctilVirSrit bis ju and implicated Wasliburft.' Beih wi re inuici 1 fr the murder, and Washburn elected toUehmt I titb ..tricdv-iin- the - Court of Csiihmw Ptm; I ll.mrer elm-ted to take his nul next May, iu ih, I Supreme Cuurt. In October, Washburn was put tipon hi, trial. from being alwnre of any cause of and Hoover, with his mother and isier,iwn. n.rlsainst Mexico, we 'doubt amine.) as wiineiwa against bini. IV partsgainsi mii f0d mar the murdered ma., wa. id.nnfi.d u one in a thousand of o.ir reo- U aijhburil,, Blld a cniuinaiion of ciI(-u,s(lncf, If, then, tbej sua- 7. Tlie law to continue to the JOUi ol June, IHU). ent to give a copy f this letter. Uler- jtue authority from ihe day of purchase. ring to a repoitol his spcecn in tne t.io'.e, Mr. Calhoun is charged with having as ri ed that the President has bet-n concerned io speculaiioii in public lands i that the re moval of the deposites was a preparatory measure, and the l.mil hill its consumma tion. Il contradicts the truth of the asser tion, and calls on Mr. Calhoun to retract the charge in the Senate ; in case of. bis refonal to 4I0 so. the Prcsidcut threat- J'ram ihe lnehbmg l'irgiitian. THE PBKSlDENT'jJ LEITEK. The letter of (Jen. Jackson to llio Inves ligating CominiUer, to which we adverted 10 out lat we- Mrform th painful duty ol laying Wwwr readers this morning, to- t .1 iI..ui.iiiiim i.f.Mini il ia lliair fhllv to uspices,of the very evils ibr-n so excited, ,(re llie facl8 and, l( lhey fi.d. by x- airlioatioii, three suspicions Ub well-founded, to brin in 'true bills' anainst the culprits, and serid lt.Mii uu fr trial. How are lhey to arrive at facts, but by investigation? And how are lhey 10 in yestigHte, if the culprits are proioeied from examination by the broad shield of 'Executive influence' thus living' impunity to crime, and 'umJeriuinui!! our free irovernmenl ?' We leave il lor ibe President and his friends to answer. ... 1 -i' 1 : .1... ' . 1 .1 1 . . ens to publish his icucr ociorc leaniij- uiu gcuior wnu tuo resoniiiuus ui 1110 cuuimn Clty, I lou lo which it is a responso. Il is a pain- The letter wm acrompanied by a eerti- j Jul duty, because we had hoped, th it dur ficate of a person present in the gallery do- i ing the brief period which yet remains of rins; the delivery of the speech, and of Mr. 1 the President's official term, he would do Drake, a reporter for the Globe, that the nothing to provoke tho animadversion of report in the t,lohc state, correctly what his npoiiciil's, but that, on the contrary, he was said hy Mr. Calhoun'. J I would sigiiahz.; tho close of his udmiinstii- Mr C said it w is not his intention t ', ;iuu by an effort to tranqmlizo tho public pouvneni o' the extra irlniary contents of imud, so long kept in agitjiion by his s.uc- thi- letter. It ex'imdi'i his lio'o n mi cestive enc.roacltnicnls on the powers of .emotum but pity lr Us amlMir, cmiteinpl co oidiiute departments of the goyerninoul for its in '..a -c. :ii. i ti'iunln'i t'i tii it the sn, Upin the right, and liberlu s of the people. . Il is a painliil duty, because we Chief l . 5 1 -1 r .t" ol in.- i,. men mate .ho.i'il p o i hi.inelt in Sin n a-i attitude. Nor was it In iiiienti in to ak protec tion tier? as tiie representative of a stiver ei:-n Slate : he w i eoiu;pienl lo the tic fpM.-p iiflns own r-iniiiiio'i ami so irn.n hcin-r i-iii.iu t it.-'' !'V such a foininn nicatinii fr.-ni the !ts.-lt.irge of his duty its only efl'n-t was to embolden him the in.T'Mii ieii'iiiiicing corruption, wheth er in high or in low places. A. to tlie privileg'. of thai body, he ohotild leavo it to the bndv tndef'.iml its own rights. .Much -lew ww -H-his-iteirU-- to - comply witn the demanil of llie President. De- 1 ...i .i.... . u u. i. i.. iu :..n . lwB 1 li. il tile ictiiinM li-ia mill ii.w lilljij- ence of his name to a lioctrine, (and there. maun wis a ttrin which uKiti.igc.i io , Hsver al nM For, ir Congiess has no right qtials In ihe pohlic relation be sustained j ,0 m.ngjie the condition of the pu'jlic a. a meinher of ihe S.-nat. he lelt himself I om,.,.Si low,t.r s,r(,ng, and well-grounded at least equal to the President of the Cm- ; uuy hu ,1(uvt.r91t bt,.f ,, ,H puujc ted States. AS a oeniuor, .1.0 ,m , e co.llln(. ,nJ lhew ,,,, ,, by secured a many reception lor it in the public mind,) which we believe to he utter- l,r I ly subversive of the great rOfitwpIo of the rfspnri.-ilnlity of piiolie ofliccrs to the peo ple, and which const qneotly not only opens the door to widespread alius, s in the ad ministration of the government, hut gives perfect impunity lo peculators and rogues, lis enabling them to set at defiance every effort to detect snd punish their delinquen cies."'" If the are never to ans wer but in upecific charge, then they will never an their alarm, and .gainst which they laiincn ed llteir fiercest thunders. Then, 'EexecO-! live Influence' was the great souice of ler lorto men who are now s -calm as a sum mer tnoming,' though that influence has in creased to an extent which al Mai flay ne would have been regarded a lunatic who bad predicted as possible., Mr Ktves, io hts Retrenchment speech; adverting, to the ne cessity f Economij in public-expenditures, now a theme only mentioned to be de lided, said, " i is llie great instrument fir retraining that daniei.w pnucipteot ftaecwiive Inflirencr, which is p. rimiu .lly undermining and assailing ibe fabric of tree Government every where, and our own mil less than utheis " " B-iIieving this immense force nf Executive patronage to be dangerous to the public liberty, ami as ibe disbursements or pnMic money must necessarily bo made by ibe Executive brunch f ihe Government, lhat every increase of expen.li ture lnds directly In increase the influence of that Department, I am lor embracing every lit occasion lo reduce the public, expenditure to the real demand ut ihe public sir vice. It is with reference to-lbis great pohiic:.! obj. ct, tl at I at tach so much importance to a wise economy in the a.laiinistraiion of our k Hairs." Ecnnnmy, though one of ibe cardinal virtue:). in i. .lion, as well a. individuals, was not deemed by Mr. Kivessogreat a blessing in Hself. as in its it-n 'ency to diminish " EXECUTIVE "IN KhUENCK," which be then I ld u. was " perpetually undermiiiii g and a-suilmg the fab ric of treo ifoveramerit evry wio-r?, snd of oer own not less lliun oMiers." Ami nov u-ii.t ! niiri, tlie ebniiiun id" Executivo influence, t-vc in Uic pnMi.rion of legislilivc indewiiilence ! I nnseiiiiini even to oin! llie Senate the delc- 'i a 'Wn ol tt. State aovereigiiiiea to the car of ibe iiiuinpliai.l conqueror of Stale Uigbts ! And we doiibl ii"t that we shall anon hear hi. voice, am! mat of Ins friends, raised in vindication of ibis new siretcb of arbitrary po wer this heie lolore uubeardrul assumption uf . ExmcoU vh hi siHinsitiiliiy this atiiking t'oinmtinlary on bis which this War Message of the President j .rt.ncl.ided io make disclurea Bj ii,,w coiistdering luuinaiiiam cd by nine hundred and ninely-nine out of every thousand of our lellow t-ituens It however, lb- Senate has no right la express any iipu.ion of Executive sets, because it is to try i.i.pe.auhi.ient,a. is contended hy the r-xpunger, a. i.l il the House of Repreaeniaiive. has no right lo examine into the conduct of JExecuUve oiu cers, because il originates impeacYimeni.,or.ih o- Iber words. I ramus bills id indictment, against public offenders, we would ask, will, a sincere d aim lo be informed, what cluck is there upon the action- of ihe Piesident and. hi. Labinet r Are ihev not supreme in power unlimited in author ' . . . ... . . . .v. .... iI.Ia .ii ti.i i imm i w itifinno'- I.J IIB,-....,,.. ,U, ... ..- Where is there any longer the .lighest w-curity (or ihe faiibl'ul and bones I disharge of 'beii du ties ? Where exisl tl.e power lo ariaign and punish tbcm for their crimes ? Ilencelorb, il this doctrine be true, however glaring their of fences however Corrupting to Ihe public mo rals, inimical to the public interests, or snbver nive nf ibe public liberties, lhey are free (Mm ..II check and restraint, and will .i " unwliipi j.istiee " Is this ihe government for which our talheis lougbts and bluu r From the r itu'inl Intelligencer THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO s 1 In u nv.s.-Toe to the to Houses of Con- jir.s on 'I in--.'Jay, the Presmeiit of the U mttil Status his, wo stippos. we may say with his constitutional prorDptitiide, reco.n meuilcila contingent War upon Mexico! A Our Washington correspondent under dale of 1st Febrssry, informs u. thai Mr Prll lia. cm plelrd an excelleni speech on bis Bill i secure ih freedom of eleclKMi. He shewed lbt our government bad ondt rgai an enure tevidulion ; all Its power, being now coi.cenuaieu m m. Executive and thai Executive acting only as tht head of a parly. He shewed the clftcls ol in creased and abw-ed patronage tht abuses and corruptions uf all branches of the government the inefficiency of the army the ignorance and neglect of the Executive departments--ibe abu ses of government speculating agenta and friend., screened by the President the corruption" of ihe press the degradation of Ihe Senate the appioiiimenlof a successor (a base and servile flatterer; to ihe Presidency, and the interfer ence with and control of elections. .MrGraveshas the floor and the debate will Ka ..niinuiMi i lint lev will not be, given 10 bring in the Bill. The collar men dare not as pen! lo any thing from one known lo be. haled by Jaeksowv The Senate isr engsged tn the "Land Bill. The 'Government Money Bill. is opposed by the opposition, on the ground -d" being ! loose, and leaviug Khi much lo Executive dis cretion ; and i hough it pai-sed io a second lead ing is now in a bad ay. Clitu lesion Mercury. Another outrage A roan named Win. N. flii-hop his been appoin'ed Teller nf the Central Bank i t i-sogii, a Male insiit.i'lon, ana man aged by Ihe party The Augusta Chronicle de- 8cni.es htm as "A man without character and without capa city ! A man who has retidwred himself li.la moos by crimes of almost every degree .ana v. no now stands indicted for smite, h tore ihe '-pen or Court ol Murray cooitty. which would aob jecl him to degrading pnnishnient, if convicted and irom trial, on winch he lias unis iar escspeu. by preventing, as Clerk ol the Superior Conn, it.e orjauiziiion .d juries lor tw.t r tnree cais iiikl ' A vile blackguard and (I'lliJ'i, Who as eontmander of a p-'Oy mili'sry ftn-e, known a. the tienrgia t,uard. has bullied onr higtiesr judi cial tribuua's, beaded nnJis in their otitrtge up on private indii meals, and violated the sacred right of auilrage itsell." Iow we would ak. n-hal does such a cnarae- belligucut luirpo.t-is, it is line, disclaimed lei as ibis weigh against the fact uf being a in t.'imt'i bnt lor all practical purposes, the "Jackson Van Uuwn man ?" Noi a feaiher. A nis is toe i,ii i jr itibiiii. B.ioit lor i'i.i.;n in nirm- times, and the po ster the tcouudrel the belter issuing of Li tters of Kcprisal, by one Na tin,i ngiuist anutber,.. is actually making War, and making war under the disreputa- chance he has oi promotion. 1 may judge him, he cannot judge me. I rise to reiterate here in my placp, and to the fullest extent, all I before sai.l, and to afford lo the friends of the Administra tion an opportunity u correct- ibe- error, if there was one ; in which case, I am ready at once, and on the spot, to retract the er ror. Mr. C. ihen went into a recapitula tion at large of. the substance of '.haf part of his speech to which the President's let ter had reference. .Messrs. Grundy, Walker and Clay, suc cessively occupied the floor in speeches which we shall present as soon as lhey can be written out from Ihe notes of our re porter. LAND BILL. The land hill was then re id a third time and the question being on its passage, Mr. Davis spoke at leiigili ill opposition .. to it ; , - Mr. Tipton, in explanation of tSe grounds of his vote in Us f or i Mr'Ewing'and'Mr. Clay, in decided opposition to it on constitutional among Other considerations ; , - W hen the question being at i lengtn olw tained, the bill was passed by yeas sinl ' nays : Yeas, 27 Nays, '3. (Messrs Brown and Strange, voting in the affirma tive. " - - -"" - The -title; wss -amended b-r uddtng- the words "and for other purposes."; The Senate then (at a tilde past five), adjourned. - The bill prorides-in substanee- " " 1. That no person shall bo entitled to 'nter by ehiry, or at auction, more than two sections of the public laud ; am! pre vious to entry or to purchase, must make and file with the 'Register and Receiver of - the land disirielairaffidavit that the lant!s own broad maxim, that from, ihe hxecuiive ble circutustanco t f pretending Peace the oranen oi ine government, in una as wen in an I while free insiimiiuns have every guiuy oi mai-practicps which a scrutiny would expose, they may go ou in their ca reer of crime unclie.-k. d. because? it will he impossible, wit lion t .tii-h scrutiny, to ascer tain the exact nature of lh ir ollences, and cons, querilly to frame a specific accusation Bgaiust ihem. Do we err in saying, that, il this doctrine bo recognized, official res poitsrhtlity-tfl an empty name? , ' But this assertion of more than kinglv peiogative this claim of infallibility and nresMinsibility both for the monarch and hia minister. not only repugnant to com mon sense and irreconcileable with the gen ius o( our institutions, hut it is in the di rect con Ibt l witli bit precedent, both in the state and general governments Does not the State Legislatures every year appoint comumtd s to investigate the condition of the Banks in which she is in terested of her treasury her armory &t other public iostit nl ions? And what is this tor I Sunny not because pocih. charges iire made against those who have the super iiitemlence of thec institutions hut to ss c. riain whether uny of lh.;(0 have abused the ir nuts confided to I hem if they haye.tn apply a speedy 'Corrective if they have not, to say lo ihem -well done, good and laith fill servants When thr Bank of the United States was in existence, were not special committees of investigation, time after time, appointed by Congress, upon the vaguest possible sus picion of mal-practices. and in the total ab seoce of specific , charge,:' turrr ascertain whether it had foifeited its charter, or been guilty of any act which rendered it worthy of condemnation? IfWe, hen, was the maxim, now , so pompously quoted by Gen. Jackson, to shield his officers from a l.ka sautiny; that all should be deemed juno-. cent umiT they are proved to be guilty ?'( other countries, thing io h-ar ! A j ay we quote the authority of another name, once potent in the Jackson ranks. we mean that of George Kremn, " honest George.' he was called, who aloud side by side wuh Mr The Lexington (Ky.) lnltlliu;cnctr, has the following from its Franktort Correvpondent: FitANKPOItT, Jan. 2S. Col. Blanding and Mr. Forney arrived here was adduced in evidence, w Inch reu(( ln tne jury Hading Washburn guilty, in the ti,t j,. gree. He was sentenced lo ne hung , Njvca.b? 25. In the mi 'antfiiieV HoiWef Wcnteo tit statements to which be "bad ietifld tut Wasbbuni, in coi -eqoence of which a i-.p, was obiaind fr Washburn to January 6 Ibis respite was, apparently, of a-aoer advanbg, tt public idstice. Washburu nniimg uociniic-rf a juanuf she nailie juLfii(Vid-JJlL.Mt.atB cated, who waaireUd, and eonicssea iniu,'f( participator io tne iiiu;uer and roobeiy "ft, mother and sister of Hoover were also iinpliw as receivers of Ihe money obtained tiuiu Btnt by the rtibbery. Thus the mrrer. hern daughter, ate involved in litis atrnrum, m nuaiioo, and are all in out prison, aimin g tag iiisl. If reliance can he placed on the disclosure ii Washburn and Davis, Washburn a ronvirnwa attended with ingulr circumstances. He a mii'iy and riuhifullv tound guilty f the umrdn . - . w r .. -ii- and robot ry, and yet ail tne maieriai un, swori lu against h m, upon which itin verdi.-i was f mnded, were gross falseltoids, or uhklh- ceptions. A confession, or narraiivei has been rrWsSni, ss coming frwn Washburn, Mtiing loitli a nuI nt theft, and murders, ss I hold aosoiui-i; :nrr dible. He represents himself as only ih, un til tee years ot ace. being bom in Noitk t imliUi in 1813, and yet he appears lo hava bun rl cerned in soois llnriy murders, ana mem M ruliiertes innumerable. An.org tne aiarv,n,i, siorv, that be. with others, made an expedit. to Metamoras, fmm which they reiomr a Orleans, in six mentha, wuh 1 f.lV r. llL.tl I) R F.t 1 H ( U AN D DOLL A RJ-.1S OlM AND MLVER, which lhey soon diswpm iho oamblirir table, and in otl.erexirtvi.niH This is the must exaggerated of his Ulrt,M though on a smallei scale, they are mostly name character. ! In the close of his career of villainy, be iN the saint in a :nt saintly manner and cumar-4 himself to the charat of I wo respeciabl" rl'KI men of lb Meih.slisi Episcopal church Ttnf two clergymen officiated, al the txrcaim. simi thua far, gave countenance to the rei maul jneiies of a io.t desperate villiaii. win. tij'! denlly dh-d as he lived; an iiiipwii.r.a liar, ani reproach to humanity, ID lis worst awutuin) chvracier. An immense cmwd attended the tW' Could any possible bent fit result loany kings- dividual 1 My r. spool is. I believe it ii Ibe le-imnsn ol every ir.teltioenl man, ne:d ihe ec-ne, no bemjil but iHMcnMH ed if. Let us bul count IU. w-sieo( iiib-'!' exhaustion (cVa-ioiifd by exciieaiement tbf" sKure lo dic8e the leridency to rentw is mind cvllous lu crime and autffriosf ihe (f j nuiitv and teuiotalions lo new cniu.4. 1-P attempt an enunumeration of evils? -,lKf Legislature now in session have wiiii'"!'l fiitire. scene, I mil persuaded lliat they fail in h nui..n....l ittih I he necessity i K""! i.... ih...YL..h.....r V- A rfW nd Vd ..iu ii. ni.i.n,. ff.iiilnl nnntnhirientH IU a edond. itbe lns)ect.in of a few puSllcolDOT the jail yard and oui of public vivw We cannot say that we are surprised al this Message. If we are not taken by i . , i vol . Ulan SU1" WU' wvW, w -Hprciinu our Ml wiinfj. Tll(,re seems to be a favorable ....... I. ,..Ll ,11,1 I l,U A.nA,J.BM n . I I n n n . m. I ... ... iu' iiiluii nJ nxiviivau L.n&ci.B IU rin- har InuiarH ll.o Noiilii I ..lm ,.....A Mexico will be, tor it has certainly come ments to the Greal Rail Road charier. I am of llivea in the tamous War of Keiretichment, I upon us all ss unexpectedly as a clap ol I opinion that so far as the aiaenuWaisdo trot -re whicb. alas for human infirmity, has yet to he I inuiider from a cloudless skr There "'' viaVlgard trie conferring of Banking powers on the hmghv! -Hi. remarks, thoutfl. ma.le in 13 -ome teason to aonrehentl violent measure corporation, there will not be a formidable will be a sumcie.it answer to the s.,ph,stry nt . f ., . lha Umte, opposition to the.n. As for the Banking pow uen. JicKson, nis great leauer, in iJt Listen c , . erg, understand lhey tmni or may not be adont- . , , . I ij.au,, imi.uDc un-ic l.ai uccn IUIIIUTB IU , ... - . r ,"" I I ea. wnnoui in inn leasi sneeii.n, it.u ..ih., np ....... . - A . .1 !...! I. ..I I. ift ... - ...,U.H U - ' - A IWI -Ann n as it come io inisr Are we to ne i "''i ; wnom me i ..dMM ... mna,...,a t .i . ... .. i ii , .1 "" -' .... .'.i.rf. . uv noi iw wnv told there la no corruption here f Mr. n is httle n acn i any orumary speculation, alter the ,1(iee member of the Leirislaiure. who are soltc- , U .. t Ma a."" . . I I r ... - . i I. - . -mam- s,rai viiuim r r one, i proicssious oy mis uovernii.eni ot amicsDie i loos lor a new Uank, may mil be induced tuoon- wiihuwi.. .,,r ,,..... r,r,, -.mpe ,iu I leeiincs ana acsiuns in regard to Mexico, sent to lay aside Weir scheme. f..r i.t.n u hi-i. I Know .nai ine monsirou. exiravagance ... iale conciliatory niiiitn. Hmi ih promiw. so much sreaier & incalnulubL hen. fiia . . . 1 ... . 1. - .... . , ... r resident would so very nromnllv invoke o mo country, i ne ivau n..au uanK would be ihe i-iiini nf wir-mabln,, nnu., m ii. based on a sal e capital, furnish, d mostly bv oth- v ar Vl a 1 L.a mi. A I. u .1. 1.. . t. .1 t. I lations between the lloiled Sl:.l.. und r'" ""' '" " weann ot Government. form. of the contingent lund, and such a vast amount uf secret service money don't comport wiVi the character ot a Republic. What! Sir; secrets in Republic ! secrets, air, ar.rt in limes of peace! Let aie earnestly urge il un all the friends of re form, lhat although the measure is ill limed. and although we can't reach the bottom of this stinking pool, lei us go as far into il as we can ' Ah, honest Ueorge ! " the slinking pool." to us one of thine own homely but emphatic ex- A thought has just come to our mind. which perhaps may be the true way of ac counting for this message. It is this: that the President desires to leave behind him, several ot them pledged fur Its solvency snd the redemption ui lis notes, pressioiiB, sends forth at least as fusiid odours I on bis retirement from office, the character now so B ecuifve Influence the ruption III.IV to a touched, except by thus who have filled Jt j 'h M,e Government ol France, the Trei. wilh eorroptitHi, and who choose that it shall I dent, tak'ng more offence than the nation. r, as when (bine own huge nasal organ was I of that pnpdrtutlily in regard to, foreign na. iricvuusly offended f . live l..fl..ence w..ierrssMd then in prevent Address of Wasuinoton on Ai retiring i insertion of the probe, snd whatever of cor- r,. ih c r . itiin exUted was dragged to the surface, je, from. --- Chief Magistrate. In k " the etinking pool" ia deemed loo .aeVsd '!r Jatle "nhtW7 but transient difference stagnate and send forth its poisonous exhalations at the delay of that Government to carry out tn every qnarier of the country, lest in agitating the stipulation of the treaty, recommended .7. i ,iw Zl JT a 10 " ,"una to ugre contihgont authorization of nit of those whose sworn duly it it in ,i. 6 , -nyii , impure! Rapid, indeed, must h.e T U.,l,e country. pr.sjres. lo the gulf of despotism, when Jow,.,1"ln- "Undrawn ithe Minister of the I its aliiny. waiers.aoineevidence should be f.,ua to Conoress tho ro.u.rii -..ih.i,.. r ifth mil ll.iflh.fcrt whiMA aw.un l..i. ve,- ui b - - -j i . u Keep i nem hflen utir a President "nay thus, with impunity, .interpose '1,rte State from Mexico, on what lUK nis mandates, io prevent ins examination nf ibe gronoaine whole nation must, with conduct oi me people sservauis, by the peopU's representatives ! If this be " ds.nocracy ," ibeu the multitude has bul one head, and th n is on the shoulders of a tyrant call bini President. miiperor, iwmg or ouimn, as you please. A rose oy any other name would, ameil as sweet." look at the character of the resolutions a us be at a loss to conjecrure. (since it was not in consequence ol the departure of the Minister of Mexico from this c..n..ir. on the ground of alleged injustice to the uiiiu-fi oiateson the part o that Govern nicnt. the President has perhaps 'thought h0 r miumnia - f " -"-'EI iiinls-fi ht lliA ffeainmallsajs 'lhsasi .l J , l I (HII(1 Hllfkltf llA still. I. n r..H.' iu : . I President sfn, mii0 Uitt the Kxtuuiive of I thaii" lieretofora orruroil ii. i.m. In tu fleers aie guilty of malpractice.; and called upon of Fiaost ; and that,to be slnctly impartial ub duce corn lor food. STEAM POWER vs. HORDES. It is evidident that in a few years, steam power will be applied lo such a variety of purposes that the service of the horse--ttr irl...,-'-ii-"-"-i".l,''l."f;"'',;r'. '-r-r'---. ," ,tt A. vvi.i tiw longer os requircu. Lr. Lardner, in his excellent treatise no the steam engines computes that there are a bove one million of horses engaged in Great Br iuin, in various ways, , in ; Uans porting passengers and goods, and that to support each horse requires us much land a8.would upoa an average, support -eight j men. ii tins quantity oi animal power were displaced by steam engines, and the.., meana of transport drawn from the bow els of the earth, instead of being raised upon its surface, then, supposing the above calculation correct, as much land would be come available for the suppoit of human beings, as would suffice for lyi addition al population of 8,000,000-4or what a mounu to the same, wouiiT increase the ...cans of support of the present population by about one third of the present available means, "The 'and which now annnnn- I horses would then support men, or pro- ExTaAoaniNARv Piece or Goon Fosmt S.m. twLi a.. . nackel charged with h" noamaA tana r .! veil here bV B nun in kl gtnt circumstances, named Lefebver. !'' not able lo pay Ihe postage, ami nis ' it was after wards nfleied, ss ..onjh'J refusingTi; when "a"fel!ow workman ot ... i !:i. :j i.,o ..annot let .ri, ..fluiru -.ic, mil v.. -.- gowl fortuoe it may bring; I "ill ad' n..1.... i 1-k. nb.i uiu, mii'iied ana "" tonishmeiil of the poor man n y, I 1" w hen he lead a decree of a French l" liee. inr.iamin. him ih.l bi. fslber, l"7' was the sole heir of Marshal Li-iebver, L' Dantxic, and that he had only' "xr cive the eight millions ('. 3 0.0(f) ttl'", illiistriotis relalive! ' fcet'ebve'. J mediately set out for Paris, accouqa"1" vwi l,.icii . , . Uruft-teictj1' Tilt.' KTF.nv niti an WHEN COS' a mi j ajwi aiv RUPTEU BECAME THE V ILEiTi OPFIANT. Ana wntin a oouinern man . v , phr.tr he b es the eotdei nstartte.n far bi-hind. The tollowinj resolotio" ( dueed into the Alabama Legillurt " Saunders: . "W hereas, information has reaches .' ot lite rieciiun of ftlai U A s -f" P.ACIflnnnw ..f lliA 172, KtAlMt! i. i ... . aa " i nereiore. nn n resnivea. i r talioh of our pleasure un the happen'1'? 1 .... ..;..;.... trner he sis,i illtiiniiiate the capital on Wed uesd ay ,.!-' at 7 o'clock in the evening." Surely something better than a H"? fltfe is expected for such xeal and dsvo'i uouui oauiineia iiiiiihs ii iiioii' t r , , ,t. iittore tv- Whjr should we-be:'-serprs m k,u..,l., uk... ik.u lU. nroDi-' I will;,,. picu .iivy . . a ; t... . Y.. o r ' 1 . t. .V., A BiKCDOTB ' We,inut he unnnin'O" ved Haneock on thetcasiuo of i-igl,in)' 1os1mlltsm a. I iA4a-ivAa.a4j.bW4.aBi w iriuriroiiuvui . --- . lWi ling diffcrerit w Syr t-wruiostrl haif Y.s, sdded Fiai.klin.Vwe st ' , ; heiher, arattlv. i..i.:. . ..... '.i i. ... .I..1I all'"'" ivTiiirr, ur lllUBfl BBWtirrwiT w .( ' ",4 ",i