-lit km cits fJ rd.i wsd ai'. :l I. If.1 r. his p- tl:f I' bfUlll U fl I. uiedij; m tit. sell. rf s appi'l ard mi J,UraJ n 1. 11 , held ik.jia .1. eaf d 8hisnvtiY; m-y. &Tvnnr, march 4,11337; vol; v- WO. TERMS. fir rsy hereafter be had! .V.l nd Fiftf Cents per year.. ..... I mil ' t . . U. . b .11 rt a auinmuucia iiw win A ol"r"-.i.wlioloin st owe payment, !hlU'T! ..uknfu tlx elans thds ViJ June mi of iey will I charged as other etibscn- fFr.un ike Desultory Man 1 HOW TO APPLY LEECUES. 33WHOLK M4 241. .hurtwhe do not pay dming tbe year P i1. -ill hereweired fur tea than be duwontinired lint at the op- l. Mir ljyC &liMir,Mletll aircargea are paid ? ... u,Wf to the Viditor west be oJ ftT&tm they will certainly nit be at- f autre for fas ?ral mwHmh, flt " - - a Ian OK W"LH1. J .ntil orders A wu7 dirlio. MreoMw t I iadeTa Dotl.? per -k for each aqua e ith the privilege r dunying we r SALISBURY, BaeawasiMvlD. II 17 arte. I Brandy, Ap- L per fal. 4 SO it s Cotton per lb. (m Uj$ "els i Cotton bafff awr id. 18 ; UuDMper IB. " , yaMwj. per . Seta 1 Cotton tarn, rrom n. 41 )i I I 00 eta , . Feathers to i pi U; ITi.hii DfbT 4: : wlwat r boah. ftl I2i ifcOata pt DoaheTSO ej Com pr buah 40 cwj ihi per lb o a ew i i p1" ,,M:w J.W. mt ral. 11 ate t Naila per lb 9 a 10 Bfef per I a u eie oom per in to Butler per lb H- dat Lard iter lb 15 C Salt per buahel 11 S5 SO eu; SikhI, Amen- a Mtaier, per to. iu t-ngmn ou. prr io teta ; Caat ao. per id s a so eta j sugar lb. 121 a 15 eta; Ram (Jamaica; per g I ( Yankee do.f I : Wool fclean) per lb SO ai Tallow per lb. 10 lU WJ Tow-linen pr yd. a SO eta : win itmunr) per sal. fi w . Ittrtaxal do. 1 40 a 41 7 eia Claret do kr pi. pi 9 a I 13 cia i Naiaira. (aweel) t gti. 11 $ tuakey per gai. 93 a w cie. CHERAW. Beef in market per lb 5 i T eta.; Baeoa per k i 1 eia; ' tlatna do: 00 00 eta ; Heeawai. rib SO a iieUi-HaKgtngper yam iui xj ; Bale rope per lb a I 14 eia j tnee pr. Ui a Id etoi Cottoo per 100 Itw I4 16 75 r 00; Cora per boehnl SO a 90r,taj KkMir U wagnne per brl 49 50 10, from atorea per Lf IS 00 a 00 Irim per luujt wao oi iliaaea per fal 60 a il ctaVNaiUcntJwewrt- m lb S 1 3 a V m ; y roajjai oo. per io. u ; Pork pet br! ; Riee per 100 Iba 44 nn u.w. M Ik I I l.i k 14 eta : Halt or K)i9i5;4att per Uuihel 871 1 oUSuel A- incio blister pr lb 10 10 eia: 1 a now per io to ill eta; Tea Imperial per lb ft 1 25 a 1 971 cu; I mo do. pr lb ftl a 1 85 eta ; Tobacco mane tared per into a i eia. FAYETTEVILLE jBrandr. oeaeli 80a 90. Do. Apple, BO a 65 lax. prlb 11 a IS; Uotlon prlb Hi a 15 Hg btfoeprlbU a 14 ; KW bo). 48 - a 91 laxeeed pr bb ft) SO a 1 50; r rathfT8pru43 a ICorn prmwb 80 a Si lYun prlb 51 a 6; Mo Uwpr (rat 40 a 45; Naila cot 71 a 8 ;Salt biiKh tfO a 90; Sucrar pr lb S ali ; i ic-o; it 5 a 4; Wheat pr buah fl 50; 0 Whiskey gal. 55 57, Beeawax SI a OO A French Jii,tedoU.-'Eiwi one haa heard of IIih mania lor ieecliea wliich hae laielr pre- t ailed in France Like all oilier Uinniaa, ibl dtd anf lung infine iiaelf to the eapi.ol or ii tu- riroiie. nut npMlly apread to eeir nrovince and ery department : and like the blnod which. liiiHlled jty tbe heart, Ande ita way Id (he in4t tnmuie erneis and remote extreuiitiea of the huinnu frame, he doctrine of aniveraal leecliifi eateie jrradully .InHinnaltd riMlf iw the al.linalo enla mI hi m i Chriaiiaa tujtjy'a dominhma. Not a eatin aoainall but lead the work of Mm n ut BrmMei ) not a tuwa ao iliuiinoiire but had Ha regular omieutnpHim of lei-rlma aveiaged aiming other article uf first neceaaity ; imM an apo'i.emrjV Miop ao inainirlnint but pmaeaaed Iim ) or twu ofjara arplete with th little bliiek Iwm fucntfs vl' hiiininity ; and not a p nd m a di.ch -vlier.- I.e mighl not occaaionally te aeek him iiiilnrtuiiaie wigbi up to hie hand io waiei. ttith a pi tMiliareuri of net In hit haud, endear nrlitg i t-niap 4 he aqoaric practltiiHier t3 eome apd peilnrin phlrbotuiny yraiu. If a man bad a pain in hia head, ha waa uni.-red bi tptiy lercbea ; if be had a (tain in hi le.it waa all the anra tbinf. The gmii, the ipnpleiy. a dmpay or ounxnnnption, the' 'headaolie. or the heariaohe, or the abmiacb ache, were all treated after the aaiae faahiiMt ; and ieechea were voted turn . eon. the anir eraa I panaivi applicable .Ja ' Twenty-Fourth Congregg,. SECOND SESSlOIf. . TnuH..t,rbruarVa: V. - Tlie Senate being about in ieaitmt tb conaideralioa of the Laorf Bill Mr Calhoun aaid: I have received, wilhi in lite iasi liartp eight, houra, a eiiaHaiinica lloo f rm 4he Chief Mapittrete, rtMineeted mlU the hill now before the S nate,4 Such a nature thai duty to .17 -elf. aa woll as In thin body tender il neceaaafy thai I aliould lay it befora the Senate. tier Mr C. sent t the Srtcreiary the let- er,wDica waa n ad, a lollowa.j , 'i.J.-- Waahingioii. Feb 7. 18SV gla: In the Globe of the 6th mat. finr! inwrepwrr - e epewrtr made by -) on on ' the 4fh opon the Land Bill, which cunuma the fullowing pasaK a, riz. Via it imK ii.nono.is that ihe Preaidenl of the U lilted Stdlee hitmelj had been crun rrcled with tba purruaeo of u public lamia?. Yea, Ibw, fapertiotni' ( Vlr rll.ii lially ihe ane aa teporletl ia tha Qlobo of (Signed) ARTHUR CAMPBELL v "(Wo-) , Waihinglon, Feb. T, 1837. Sir: In answer to your inquire of, ma heiher Ml Cathour, la hiarranarkt oo.lKd Land bilL tit Saturday last, need flia wotda fdacwd by law, and whet Ihey war oader rta aafeguard and protection.tn baaka which wet under the aula and ontimiled control of jhe Executire. The effort waa a rail farroaae of Executive proaiir,aud the peniag a field of epeculvdon, in deacrihingl wbicA, io anucipalidn, I pronounced it . Io he ao ample, thai KmhachilU him If anight emvy tba . opportunity which it afforded. atti ibuted to htm by aaa io the report wfhich . Such H baa proved 10 bfl.; d lighted ta H,i-or warihe ratii4?r.f everydieem whirmiafnfctapiorlillle hu.oa.11ry. t ul itionin p.it,ic lande; u i il thia ImII la abort, the diwiora were eaVed a great deal 01 ; elMmld iiot lie paMcd, spcculiitioua could tfoobW the palieoCa were pribaMy 'none the . not go tn. ahd thu prtci nf Uie puhl.c'laiida wotae. the apo'hecaria gfew lal as well aa ..onstucntly bo Ml.id. lie coo- Ibx leeclMta, and many a ma a rViade'a lortunn, , .lHji . m.' ,-,., , ... who, if ii had n..i rWn for hia tuwiu. would ff", , llw ?V" MW" C"U,IM pr.bly hare Uu. ' , ' ' b-" rutnto those whohad At the time ibis worthy praciiee waa beoom I n7 " epoculale in laildis il th log general, my worthy trit-ud.'aiid landlord, j ayatwrr' was not to go on." In a loitnti part oiwiiaiear le dueiuer, waa amiiten with ihe de ! of your speech, as reported, you ay 'Tlie etre of sucking his paiienUbkiod-Hiut personalty ; speeoltftiofr.w hicha partreolar stiiteul tlniiiis j j. imi an im mpfo nui " nto grven rise to, bad Uem orotliioed b - . French academy permit the nam made ee ot, and which whan I hit ihem consisted of thirty two inoaaaud reran hundred and aiaty one md m huff, the word moat frtooeuity ia tbe uoutb of UMjoaieur le ducteur at- aaugatie. "My worthy friend reMiticd at Quimper, in La Baee Bretage, His fame waa liifb, and nut wnboui cause, ao that if a ruau falls off a tree and broke hia neck with fifteen mile ol Qui 111 per, luonaieur U ducteur waa aure to be iu ai the death . ' Due roan bad broken hia leg, amnher bid . dntitied his' Wriat, and' a' third hiu a aora throat To Uiia laal without hiaa of lime. hn d ctor urdered the application of twenty leeches, aeeuiingly sorry thai he could not preaenbe ihem for tbe tHbera ahi and baring deapatehed bin,. botineaB aa quicklr a pomnWe. we. remountct , oor boraes and returned loQitiiuper. The road waa a pleaaanione, and two daya alter, when monaieur le ducteur propoardylo rvviaii Keieili- nac, I waa not uiiMillinu to aocompany him. After having hkkad ai the broken leg, and ur dried uti eampliorated aptrit fur tne di l a ted wnt,tbe atx-u entered the hnoa ot hi euro tlirualdau ut, the first jH.ce of win. gouda aud cbatiel that preseul iiwIllK ti ghm wife." Well, my go,d woman, said the doctor 'hnw il your husband Io da better m di-nbt.' "Oh yea, surely,' ansarered the woman, 'lie la aa well as ever and gone to the field." " I thought so.' continued M'Htseiir le D.fteur. . " 1 be tecchra have cured him ! Won- tttoeu iu pier. I her had urutitled hv that stale of thiols; and ahould ibis hill be parsed, it would only coiiduii.niate their Wishes,' StC. . . Knowing the liabilities of rep titers to err, 111 Ukiug down and writiug out the spt'tscties of meinberi of Congress, bate mide inquiry 111 r lutiuu to the accuracy, ol thia report, and hare been furnihed with cern rica les i41g- jitJerneu wh hrard y 6u7 affirming that it is huublaiitiatly corrtrt You cannot t aware, air, that too iinpu tHltons which jour language- convey a are calculated, if In-lieven, to destroy my char ai't r at a iiiho. arid Ihe , 'harg$ u ouc fcbich, if true,' riugnili. piuduce my mii eachuient and mnijinul as a public otiut r If 2 c.iib(I tin r.in.vil of tbe deposit's fr the base purpoae ol tfiiichmg myaelf or my fiifiitla by any ol ihurcyulM whit-h inilit grow Mii nf thai ui-asuie, there is no l 1111 of JflfojrU winch I tH not deseicve. iiinl nw puniahUK'iit kitoaiu lo tne iws wliu-)i wight rail to u- inrlii'ti'd n me Uii the con-liar.-it the-wiile-nnj'r-iti,iii, both as to uitrtivt- aad fact, Ik a Moiiciliuii ai.d a ra Itnuii), lite uiioirili'iM nt Inch l4rt;4 to iue, if guilty, ia to uiilJ lof biUi wlm wil fully luikes it. I am aware, air, oi th' rnstiintionhl privi lege under which II11& nuuut itiu is cist apuearad in 'the tilobwJif vesterduv. iJ Was it not notorious that the Preaideot of the Untied StaU himself had been rmiasc ted with the puichaato of pub!ie lands P ' i would state that I hare refefred Io my abort band.4es, and fMd that jucb waa gfi'ige he used, arcotding to the bust ol-af knowledge. end aeiiur; , (Signed) . . W. C DRAKE . l ccrtny that. No T-and Mu:-trate triie copiea of the original. Teat , . . A JACKSON, Jr. v I do not lotead, (Mid Mr O.,) in what I propose to nay, lo comment 00 ibe charac ter or the language of Ibia extraordinary tjMtterv Jt haav, txal in mf bosora) lbe :iiHigled feelings of pity fi the weakness of its author, eontempt fm his menace, end humiliation that oae octrupyiog the office which he doee should place himself in a iinati)d ao uu worthy' -of -his Hailed ata tion. Nor do I intend 10 invoke rhe inter pwaittod of the Senate to protect Jhe "privi lege attached Ip a Senator from one 01 the sovereign States of this Confederacy, which baa been outraged to any -person. '-"71 aeeliuo aid to defend tny own privilege; and so far from being intimidateJ, I shall be embold ened toeiurees "myself with greater-freedom, if possible, to den'iunre the 'corrupt ttou of the Adminttratios,"or the violation ol the tans and of the Constitut ion, in con sequence of ibis attempt to restrain the tree exHttiae o( the right tifetpreMug my opin ions iK0 all suhj xta concerning the pub lie interests, secured lo me by the UonatHU The Adinmiatration has profited by this "vast pntronagod the prejudice which il baa excttat) against ias.ean ss (be means of juatmnipg thrmselvea 0 mwet. It M un- f abort J rteceeaarrj to repeat the n-ejiarks in illuetra the Un ' luto of thia. The truth of the sMemeHt w known lo all the Stenatots, who hare dn y wUdesaed tn pHy 'Wea which hare bee draws) -from Jhta fruitful source. I thun lemarked that, if raiuor were to be Uiurtod, il was not only in a polrttcat pMnl oCvtew.lbat. tbiMM in poter bad prohtedby tbe vast aaeasmpiii'm the hands ot the - Ex eculive by Um eiporiuterrt; they irad poht eat in a pecuoiery. as weH as in-n ' political point of view. It" has been freqrt"rt ata. led, and not rahirad tried, thai jiiauyja high I daces, are among tlta; srruJstors 10 publie aoda; sod that even an individual connec ted with the Preaidenl himself 00a ofbis HEAVY CITY AND ronuiGN BiDrOa Y1HK Huhaeriber has enmrianilv on hand, and 1 nceivinr daily. HRAVY CITV JVET hmb the attention nf Tanners in the interior. KWi he idT ts fir aala it the toweat prices and t aecomioodating terms for cash or City ac- ilao. Leather of all kinds on hand, and finish- I w order at the abottest notice. Cbirleaton, S.C.Feb. 4. 1837-5mJ9 derful eff.ol they have! ol couraa.' "Ob yes. monaieur le dnst nr, tlif-y did him a deal of good, though he em.-'u uui lake iticiu all." " Tako them all." cried our Iriend. ' Why. my gud woman, how did you apply Ute.n ? Oh. I managed uicrlv.' said Hie ife. i.r h ing quite contended with herself 'For variety V aake I boiled mie half, and u.de a fry of tin other'. The first he got duwn veiy i ,hm the second made him very aick. 13. n whiti In look waa quite enough,' cnutinued ahe, seein;; aome horror ia the ducior'a cuunienanca, "fr he waa better the next morning, and to day lie is quite well ' fUuph!' said the doctor with a anpient ahakeoflhe head. 'If they Invo cured linn thai ia sufficient, but they Would have been butter applied externally.1 " The Woman replied that she would rfoao the neM ttine, and I doubt not that if ever fate throws a score of unfortunate leeches into h i power again, she will make a poultice of Uiem.' OU- f...ii unit 1I111 1 , in..,, u.l.ij.1. 11 i...l.r.M uu gut the leeches, 1 ' . .. . . 1 ii.ii iniiiirji- il ia iii'uii'i' iiiv iniiin rm n enosanj misunderaundinfehe had noth ing to do. Us should father any, with Ihe " , jrost,. .,;.. ,.'': . s- , . ' - , ,1 Non nohls tantas enmpooers llteai ,?; ' lle fegretted greatljr thai 'aejr'iucri jnis- .. , uddersUnding sliuuld exist, niMf whalerer the Senate might think proper to say or t!o ' t'ri the caae, il hiri jlgment approved n( it, ,"" . he alien Id cheerfully aaaent .fcVimetliing" i- eortainry was due injustice to tlie. Senator ", rrm notith uarwluw, vir. U.Jdid not so nudecaiand him as he had been represent- t ' rd. lie Kad liaiened atlentiffly, and tud ' nt heard tthy thing front that genOcman . which induced him to beltevat ihst say i,n- " ti'iiaiion in has speech was dirrcied aiawt -the President; personally of . irMlindnatly. ; '. f Tho charge had been of a general ffutrae-iJ. -ter, ami much in the language now Zauted. That vrhidi had cfiiefly aj-rsaurd h4rlet "r tion in the recapitulation nnvr made .vs -the connexion between MrV, M:Lemore , and the President of) the UhivtmI . Btatei. ) Mf, Mcfmitw waa one of Mr'. O.'s nearest ' v jj? neighUrs. lie eould not asj. that ha VM U. ' Intimately acquainted wtih llis naturtW that , gentleman's busineas, but he Ii id a general - liuprrasion as to what itwua An I 'be might venture jrery aaWy to a y that .Ur 1 .. " 1 1 ,2 . epiM-we. was aa exlensrvo- odveuleref M j 'wv- nau nui norrowtai miwear 10 thiaiieid of .IM.enUi,... l.o4 .uu ..ea.l pwenlatt uH,n siuoe iho rembvaUf tho . . . " - - I .i-.a. ti..,1. I urihiaiwiii 11 .iub,'i conaiiiiT. man 01 great wealth, he had enough to do to pay Itia awo debts, nor wia it in hia power 10 hun, but I now fed myaelf called upuo to do mi. I mean Mr XI LemtVe. " Having esjabliahed' these poinu, I next undertook show thai Iota bill would cou snmuialrti these specuUtruus, and natahliah the ptdiltc! aawodaincy which th4 a x pen men 1 had given to the Aduiiitietietiou. ' In proof of the tormerY l availed w.yalf of tho declaration of the chairman ui the Com million Fubli-Lands, whohad staled that tJie specutbtxrs had already purchased and held a vast amiuiul of puolie land, not leas.' as I understood huav than Iweuir-flve or' thirty million of eeresvend that. 11 ihia bill, did not pass, 1 be enonoa ol the last two years would be repeated id Ibis and the coming ttoo I leave ioIM Jkuurte-to-r front Ihe . in ID " FOR SALE wptenrdM of ;oo A0RE3 or l and VWi?I miles from Saltsbuiy, with a good RSTaV IFJUlLLandin acuod neigh- frhood for cuatutn. . AI0 8 NEGROES, W ill the ppsonal property sttaehed to my prm rix: HORSES. VJl l luti, Miuua. rain. Furniture. Working Toole Hun. &e. It la above nniDerlv ia not sold privately, will tall the same al auction, 00 tbe premiaea on the Oin oay ut August cexl. . js'.uu iiurio. Salisbury Febuary, 4. I H 17 6m39. hat P,th1 ,rd f; I1IIE Subscribers ha viiiff imported diree from the manufacturiea in Gurooe.- a larse Fwnimeni nf Brititih GOODS, Rexcu silks jvrDsmssms OCfef them fi labi he Ihe nieed of Mcfcatfe tjthr Store at the corner d Fiaxir wharf and l Bay, in Charleaton, South Larulioa, 0.1 i lerma lor annroved paper. SHACKELFORD, BOAG k CO. , - " 629 BRUNSWICK. (GroarjiA ) Extract frm a Jelter written- bran inteHHrent and eaperieneed ship maater, dated at Bruna wick, iu tne State of Ueoiiria, to his friend : " You will expect some deacriptinn of this place. Il is cer ainlv one of the most beaotitul attualions for a eiiy that ia to be fiund in tlm Southern counirr. Itia a as nd bluff, about fif teen lo twenty fee, burn. There are. of course. woods and awamoa. aa M lo be expected r ana round io all parts of Georuii but when tb swamps and ponds are drained, and the wiayU cleared. It will be a pteaaani ana 1 nave no uou j a very healthy place. 1 have no doubt of iu aa- ubrtiy at present ; should have no mora nenna lion in remaining here through the summer than I should in a Northern coy. The luner iia.buis ia a fine straight reach ) the Academy creek m a bout a thousand yards wide, and probably one and a half to I wo miles Imi;, giving aum.-mnt room for three bundled to lour Hundred snt 10 lay in aafely and with convenience. The) outer harbor lathe most maguilteui eneet 01 waiei mi uur it ia formed by Nature for a capacious- maa-ol War hsrbor , It is a matter of eurpr.ee lo me that it. has been -overhadied -ao long by ihe tiovernmeui, who aare seen warning a ,r hmttuit on the ISimthern coat. 1.. iha Sound ihi fleets ol the united world ...... T , . . - , tLi. htuU-ha-ked. I eiwenm.no, iroru inuo wnu n,m .i....iHil ihe bar. thai there ia etkhteen toe I si few e ater no one ever rjnsi, 1 pave nearu.re ,t.jj1L..t..,..tt uf Ina than aevenieea.; The tide riaert N. lalla here, si common iMiies.o wei, u. bar iiiioiil be deepened lu aimaji any remiouauw depth al a bumparaurrly triBing expenae. to viouie, however gross aud w i k.-d m.iy hive been the aim-oil it. Bui I Llcr.no only the common right of every citizen. I w heu I int'iii in you Hut the imputations you have t'MM 0Hui iue are lalao 111 ovi iy pir ticiiui, uoi lisving lor the last t:n y cms pur j cttuSi'd mit puiiiic land, or hud uiiy Iiilci-8 j 111 tiut.li piirtuia.iii. The whole vhargt, uu- lest, eituirieil, must l ronsiilt ied, the ull , S'M..g 0! u .IturolU till IIU4llOII Ulbl 4 sleep less iiialico. I .k you, sir. as an act dun to justice, honor, uiid truth, lo romcl tins ctiuige on the n-"i ol the aeualu iu .is uuulic a inun iter us it hts oeeu utt rel; 11 beinc. ihe most appropriate mode ly winch yuii can reptir the injury which iiiight otherwiatr flow Irom it. But in llien item before Hit, II iiise ol K presentattyes. t that what iiieastirerf the picservstiun oftbeirown privileges .emands. . iluch leas do I intend to comply with the if-aiieHl or demand made ofine; demand baa 110 place between equals, and I hold myself within my consnntimwprmtegret least qibl to the Chief Mnitral lu nst lf. I, aa a legtilator, buv 1 a right to investigate and pronounce iiKn his co.tduct, and to coudeuin hia acts Irsely, whenever I con aider Ihem lo bo in violation ef Ihe liws & of the Constitution. Iras arSenalor may judge him: h can ueu r judgu ine. . . . . . .1 . ii r .1. . . illy otiject is to arm ray sen 01 iue occe Mton to reiterate what ! t-aid, us broadly and lully as i uttered them on a turner oc'aawuir her in my placi-, whrfie alone I am respon Mhle, .ui J where Ihe friends of the President will have anopMwluiiiiy lo Correct my state ment, if errhrieoua. or to refute my couclu sinus if not fairly drawn I opoke without ooles, and H may be tli tl I m y ouiil iini thing which I said ,o .-the frmer . occasion Hint m ir tm dneined inatertnl, or expreas myself-less full ami strong than I I hen did. If so. I wilt thank any senator toretmni mo. b that tuy stateuieiil uow may be as strong ud as full aa then If my memory serves me, I opened my remarks, when I spoke l riuurly,hy stating that so niuov and so aiihllii were the device. by which those who were in power run in, in these tiu.es. Ueece Ihe reopin, witnoti ttveir knowing it, that it was ittuoot enough to mater a lover of bis country despair ol its IttH-rly I then stated that I knew of uo uieusure which could better illuntralu the truth of this leuiark th.n tho one now be fore us Its professed object is lo restrict the sales of public land, in order, as IS a vowed, to prevent speculation; aud, by con sequence, the accumulation of a surplus I revenue in the Treasury The showing of Ibe chairman himsolf, that these speculations would prove ruinous without the aid of thia bill l had stated thai tbe annual dema.id for .public land, resulting froia our increased population, could . not exceed five millions of acres. iNoar aaauwing that the quantity 00 hand is thirty millions ui acre, ther. would be six years supply in ihe hands of speculators, even if the '.and offljos of the tinned Slate be cloved 1 and that if ihe bill did not paw, according to Jhta shvwoig, tl would Uke double or treble the line to dtpuse of ike lands, whicn, in mat ease, win be in ihe hands of speculators. All meat see His certain ruia, io thai event, of those who have burrowed money w speearste ia " land! par ticularly, It the salee of publin' land should be free and uien lu every one, as it now is. In pur iHiii" iu ib extent ol hi meana. I next show ed that the corneal was bet enn the Uoveram-ui aa a dealer in public land, and tha sp-edwa ; thai thej held ia maiket el least an equal quau tity in value 10 that which the Government now ttaa offered for sale, and that every raaitioitoa imposed Upon Ihe aule of 0 ve'iniient Imd must ol neveSMiy lucreaaa in. anvsuiagva 01 na rival dealers. I then showed thai rery onerous and opprea sive restriction, of an odious eharaoier, op th ale of. he public UiiAa. would He luipiaed It Iba nfll should pass N mm thoreafier oould pur rhiiSB land uf the OoVernuent without a liceuae a license, iu my "punon, aa utTanaive and .mIi one aa would bu a lievnse on the prnaw. Tu ob luiu this lieenae, Ihe otth ol tbe appticam waa icuuiied. and then 11 eould niy be ubudned on psyuienl of one dollar and twemy Ave ernta per acre, lot which tbe citizen may now receives grant m fee simple. After he had made his purchaser, under the authority ol hia lioniiselhe puich tae has to comply, with the condition of wiilniiu-nt and cultivation, .tnd muat. wilpm Ibe perrol wi five year, prove lo the aatndaciHM af obtain as much seen in no latiou from, the banks ae-many other of less property than bunseir . air U. did no believe filial he bad any interest in the prireedinga refer red to. lie had been a locator of laul for nthera, and Mr O had heard that he wna iu the habTt'ot ohlaiiiing $iiM) f-r eyry tract of one mile square win. Ii he locaied. Ife did not however, SeakA thia from hja own knowledge, From. all he knew, wfjllr Mi'Lvmore's alfairs, he dil not believe that the operations of thia, government were looked to by him forjiriosea of-specuta- tion. The remarks of the Seoator fnn . South Carolina, whinh he uuderetood to V1, relate to this - eenileman. ronaniiitnJ ihe only part of hi speerh which at all affect.' ed the President. ' To he sure tl waa im possible for Mr OjH Uin ttme the , Senator was speaking, not ! Ihiuk of certain, indi viduals concern ing whom he had besrd re ports in regard m speculation. There were individuals high in office who were said to be concerned, but Mr O had not understood the Henator IroiU S.-uth I7ar lina as referring individually lo tho Presi dent. ,., -.. Mr Calhoun made some remarks, very imperfeoUy heard at our reporter's seat, in which the name orAIrMcLemore waa meii lienod, but what was said could not be made out. Mr C was undersiood lo .iy Hut he had not read the report of ius re marks in fie Ulobe, or ut any other paper; he had often doue so, and generally f.Hiiid iliem verv in:iHreelly given. .iNocwaar this aurpriairg ; the situation of the repor ters, and tlie noise in the Chamber, ren dered it almoal impoaai'de thai they aim mil diatiiifllly bear at! ttiul was said. Toe ru- Krter w.10 had certified in thia case ant. believed, immediately behind hi in ; nml the reioriers of the Globe were nyrer 111 the hahii of suoinituug lo.hiui tny t( itieir reports for tension. Mr Grundy said that Mr McLemote was no relative of the President by eomauguiti- ity; Ii bad warned the daughter ot j0iiii Donelson. Mr Csllinon did not impute any hlame for w hut had been reported in Ihe Globe. I he 1'resident however, had thougtit pro per to take Hp that report, and, in rxmauien tin uiKn it, had used language which 00 the regiHteranu receiver, -7n,"" f geiTiJeiuarl Was in the habit of employing .1,1-1 ..lYl. aft salaia.IlaUa taVllh lhaMal Asflall i lafa Uiviltll IIIUI CI", -innm.-i" " I . .. . I. a... ik,UuJ tiiey inn .iisiitulethenu'essiHy proceeding l as"rtiiu the ttuiii or lalsehood ol your im putation, with a view to muh tuithcr tuea aurcji as justice may requite If you will uutrier do justice yourself, nor place tho matter iu a portion where justice may be done iue by the representa tives Ol the People, 1 shall 'w compelled to It-Bort to the only reoMidy left me, and, t e- tote I leve the city. gvu publicity to tuts leliM, by whtch you will sUo.i atigintized as oue who, pr IcUed by 01a coiiatiioitouai orivileursis Ica.lj to slab the rtputution ol others, without tue , jn-tgnajjirou u uu them iusttco, vt the bouorio pi, ice theiu in a siluauou to rec tve it from others. .. . Y mus, etc. ' AN UKEW JACKSON. The Hon. J.C Calitooo, U. S. Svnate. . .. P-S, IJiereiwith enclose yon the - copies ,.f 1 uiu notes, rertfi inir the - correct new of cliu report of your speech in tho Globe of JOB j'HJN TJwVG Of .ercrj; description neatly b Dune at this Office.0) BldiiiUHOBBDS r : FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE . EXPUNGING. Mr. Rarsid has weseiiUd Bcsolutions of Ihe Legislature ol Delaware, dtrecliog the Senators of that State to introduce a icsofu lion to rescind Mr. B uioii' Expunging re solutionrand to ri'slor the joornal to Ihe stale in whieb it was beloie this violence was rommitted on it Mr B yrd said he would introduce such a resolution at rvery session after tbe prtscnt utml it af adop Febroart, 1837. .. (Nov 1.) - -Wsshlngtop City , Feb , 1 8 S7i Al the reautjet of the Prcbidtsn't ol the IJ. mted Slab', I hereby certify that I was pre ..., , the o.illerv of the senate ol lh U nitcd States on Saturday, the 4th instaBU .iiirin. discussion of ihe Land Bill,, and tit-urd vnme ol ihe remarks of Mr Calhoun upon that suojcct, iu which the President was charged with, tong a spocoUtor in public lands - On coming out of the- Capitol, the su je, l was mentioned to mo by a Iriend of Ihe Vr.eident. And my recullection of the words used accorded with what be under stood bad been said, and vUich is subsua- measure is the . vent lhat you tail to do o. I (lnnerslHM lo jh, Administration inea nl thil you plnee your chure me then stated that, so far from re retrungSjculdlioril would, in fact, but unanunnte ihe areateat speculation wuicti this country had ever witnessed a epernl.v lion originating m a state ol things ol wnicn 1 tln.ae in powM were the authors; by wnicn Ihev had prohtcti; and which this measure, should it become a law.would not complete. then asked what had csnsetl such an , ex- tr iordtnaiy demand for public land, that the sales should have mora than quintrupiso within the last throe year? end said that, imim foliirc li nan receive his title : and if be failed lo comply, by areide.nl or otherwise, he forfeit uolh his ustney and ihe land I ataltd thai thin waa a virtual increase of the price of the public lauda lo the actual lljer aonuoh 5i7 tliiraiiy would prefer to Kive the spet-ulai'ira two dollars per - acts for land oltbe same quality, w giving me uovern inent one dollar aud twsniy fiva centa tut a li cense with these oppressive condition. .' Having established this) point, I then tin- dcrUMjk to show that it would increase vaailv the power of the Gorernment- in the new Stales, if they ehoee lo exrie this patronage for (Niliiicar purposes. I nat they would so use it we have ample brbof in the pas' conduct ol trie AdioioistraHou oaiiswerthis question, we must look to 1 MHd io the principles which hav-beo o tlie state of the currency. That il was ow- uiff to the extraordinary increase of bank W . . ... . - I . I .11 a L. paper, which bs Oiled to repieuon an o ciiannfela or circulation. oe omvwj 1 had estimated this lucrease, within that pe riod, at from six dollars and fifty centa per individual to ten dollars. I believe tbe in crease to be much greater ; ibe effects of which have been ia double the price 01 ev ery article, which' has sot been kept down by some particular cause.- In "tho mean lime the price of public land oas reraaiueu 04iaJAtrfatUUt--o cento tho acre; and) t bu natm t conseq.ionce was. that thia excessive currency ovei flowed noon the Duhlic land, and has caused those jri,mtwAinMt auMClkUllOflS -Wbicb- it tllS wofe-sed obiert of Ibis bill to prevent. I then asked what had caused this inun dation of nauer? The answer was, Ibe t-x r.r- - . peri merit, f I love to remind tne geotiemao of tbe word,) which had removed tbw only restrictions that existed against tne issue 01 bank paper. The conaequence was pre dieted si the lime; it was foretold that banks would multiply almost withooi n nmoer-ano oour forth their issues wttlioot restriction or limitation. These predictions were at Ibe time unheeded; their truth now begins to bo realized. The experiment commenced by a transfer of the public iuods JfesisaiU&I-ASJI itenlv avowed bv its friends. A former Senator from New York, high in tho con fidence of the party, and now Chief Magis trate of that Bute, had openly avowed, in his place on this floor that to the victors . . m 1 ' ft. ,. . ... eeiiHig iue spoils, lor wnicn no ww mpn ntanded at the time by t!te Senator ftom Maasachuaetta (Mr. Webster) in a manner worthy of hia distinguished talents. ,. As aumiiig, then, that the powur would be ex erciscd with a view to political Influence I Showed lhalil wouM prscn''--TBt,;'tioB ber-of the ntrzerur iff thrww uotws, proo ablv not less than one hundred tliousand.in a condition of complete dependence oa ihe receivers, auu o easaatairv w ment ut snotlier, and which, indeed, waa more worthy of the purlieus of Billingsguie than of tlie manner of the Chief Magistrate of a great nation. ., - J M r-W elker eawl tie should miirrnrw.- marks on the difficulty which had arisen between the Senator from South Croliu and the President, lie bad bem an at tentive listener during lbs speech referred to, snd had trot understood the Senator as making any charge against Ihe President personally, 1 he -charges bad been of a grri. eraliuatare.eoBiHMting.4he removal of the tie .1 .1 r .. 1 . .1 ... ... a posiiea wiin uir eyaiem 01 .pveuiauoo utm with the introduction of the preseul bill. Mr W would say few Words ss "- w T,F manner in which this bill had betrr inxru duced. An address had been delivered by himself iu 1830, in. which the propwiiiou. now embodied iu the bill, was subetea.ii( ly proposed t the address bad been pub lished, ond 1 Mr. Calhoun hero ioterposed, and di claimed any imputation whatever, on the moti res of the honorable gentlemajt ia in troducing the bill ! hod Mmrdoabteti for a moment that they went. oonee4 an Datriotic. and that tho honorable Seastor's whole course lu tlie matter was prompted by hireatfor whar hd'underalood to bt the interests of the new Slates. . , . '," v Mr Walker went on to observe thai tho measure did nol originate with (ho Admin istration t but had in Die first place been i .-..-.a-..! !m slkA - - waafatawaiami) ' rw easa4 Tliese are the aenUments which I oeliv- uggvr. ... - red i n f"mer occasion, and which I now ! bd again been called up to rblie nouce relteMte to the full extent-omitting ooth- J",.g a severe eanvaw ,0 his own Bute . . .e. - r.- - during the Vesr 1S34 j It had no connex- iiitr him -material. i-i . . . ion.whatever with the removal of too depositee. That, on tlie contrary, was, he believed, the only AdminiaUauon I measure which he had felt it his doty to L! oppose, not on grounds of eonstitutional with the letter of the Preaidenl and for the delivery of which, my privileges sa a Senator, and those of this body; have been . so grossly ouirngoo.-...;..'... ---'-"- '. J-i I..-- I.I.I .1... I. . i.. ..n tttt Bat. urunoy saiu inn 00 iim. iitoh " . - , r .J.. . v ihe letter saw, however, but on Uu se of expediency of 4he feeling, of the Senator from South Uto bill, contending that it Car,di.u.rd, tlm P.eaident. or of 'the T tf Prudent towarda thai tfe.illeman. ,WiUi ween oreu.v ." ,tbUirioBg0ttsd.d 'vf. ,1 .1- ted. V- mill - (WasW.-. ,'i.a...Mp.-yi. 1

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