D. ton; I mill dibxl Cm- ,HW beul to ' txpii-j N. Ulerk. fit liars' XT idemj- .iiuii lip SAIaLSnUltY, . 8 HIAWCII 1 1, 1837. VOL. V-AO. 31.-WHOLK NO. -TERMS. The Watch n;iy herea-Vr be had nr .n.l Fiflv Uenisoer vear. t0 W'"'-4'", " fillKsl.rlbf ,a Who Will a cm " . : ltfan5 the whole sum at one payment, P.1". !" i? L naner for one year at Two Do, - titan " ' , ..,.. ,h uina class ahull , ,m. anil, anu "'" ------ - iwnnuethoB to pay in advance the sum of othHrwiselhey will be charged as other 8iibcri- bh,oriberswho do not pay duting the year Vi khir retl three Dollars in all cases. W NowSsnpttoitwill be received for lej than i onv;Sfper will be dhenntlnned but at the op. f J , of the Editor. uulea U arreare. are pa.rf UP tu i.ii.rttn the EJ i tor irinat-bs--post eMf oibarwi, wil1 be Ce" P Vfor In- fa UwK; fWs ierJ'um for each Uteri dlyuwrf. C 'Si ffiueme-H will 1 .Inaer for .s oeiUb. contintiiVrder, are revived to s.op.ihern, where .no.direiKo, ' are previooaly gT-n-Adveitiaemenuby lhe year or al months wdl i be made at a Dollar per moaih for each equate with lhe privilege oi cnangiug m- quarter. . . jV T .- . .,. ... i i - -' 1 i ! .; . BeeewartMrl& ireia-V Brandy, vAp- Li sli a 30 ; Opium .tier ibv W swd i i Gut Km baggliijuer , jd- le,(-5i cts-V JJoffee per Wv IqJ ,J8 cta;v Laatinxa net 3 CIS i VOlton Tarn, mmi tvu v iw-o hh i a 5cisi Cotton Jftrn-irom o n io-i n. 1 75 a 3 OO.ets; reamers per in; h i : Flout orbl. Iff; Wheat pi bneh.it '124 I . . . a.- L ' 1. a.. 1 Jj;Uat8 pr onsnei jnu p oiuai w umi l,..,. omi- lb 6 ctatn-cad -er n h a hh-ih i MolaasHr, pet jal.S 3.3 eW (il9r lb a l(. is ; lief I per lb 0 "?D U Bacou p-r h li 18 ; Salt per Dltsnei l a au cm, iwi, aufn an blister, per lb. lU.cie ; Jiiiglih co p?r ,b 20tlsl ao. per m . oii-jnr pei H 12Fa 15Wa; Kuin (.Mn.a1 p-r mi; )i ; Yankee do. l ; W.ml (cImm) p-r lb 30 di Tallow per lb. 10 lit- tvTiw-linen pr yd. Id a. 40ctVVt ttwrtnej i.-r oat- si ou . IPorimal do. l a 1 7 a- ; Olaret tv l 3 a 1.35 ctj . ljiia.' laaeei) , At ) Whiski y p-r itai. io a 40 eta.1 t fMl IPr!i p-t gal pur ai CIIERAW. IWf in' market pt ib 5 a 7 cm.; Banoo per It li cm;- ii as rttf. 00 00 ci ; B.vwa pr lb '20 i2rir; Bi)igikt peryar ii iris ; Uih MlM" pr iii i -- b lii a t Vet Coiloo pe H ItM 1 ' L i)U; 4fpr twrml to a -fTet , ri.ui u,i .v.t.r.iii pxr brl p8 SO 10, Iron a.oru per I. ,13 tM 00 Iron per 10'Olbe $5 00 a 6 50; luimm i..aral 50 a H ctat M ails cut aiaoxi- ' ... . a IL Art ,r pr tl t I 4 a eta ; VV rougni oo. per io, u P..rU im. brf 4 : Rico Per 100 lbs f 4 .'.in mi tmt lb. 1-1 1-2 a 14 on ; Salt pr -:S,.U ner bushel 87 tl etaiSteel A- . i. mn 'I'..!!...., Ik If! , LI I EUAUY PltOPHllTY. The fiillouing in a'eopy of Viii Report lalcly ntrtile in the Senate Mf. Cl.iyi upon the Memorial from a number of Foe eign Author, together wi'h a mpy of the lill w hich accoiupanicd Ue report, and whirh is now depending in "the Benau-; . The Sfletl rommittce to w! our" were rc- ferred the address t.f certain Britixh,"aiM. i the petition of certain American huihor, have, according to order, had Ate same un der consideration, and beg leave now, to report : " , : - That,Jiv the act of Congress of 1831. beinj ihf law nown foree regtliiriff co-py-righta. tjie heftrfiw of the act are restric ted tnriiixehVor reMdents of the Uuited- Siatea'paQ that na (oreigner, resid'ui&v hrovJ, en ociiro a copy-rijjht m the. Uni ted Siatea for anj trork efVhiclt h la" the atitnorrttowever iimibrtant' or valmme it may faThc object of the addreia, and reminn.r ineti'iore, is to remove tnta re- Itriciioir-aanoWrlliah authors, and ta'aHow tnem to emov the befiehu xif nurTasti;,, L That authora and inventora have, accor ding to the practice tmonireiviliZed nation a Jpropertjrttt the respticUve -proihictioiis of tneir irervtat, tvinnon;e8taburi anu TTtat this property-shohttV be rpiiected as eflic tually as-anv t)thert5r6ix;rt is. bV lawt; foifows as legit1ri)ateConiieqneiipe.vr Authors and inventors are WBrheaTegt!binef jrtri ief mnUiiili nTheyiare often '(le-pehdnt,) exediatvely, Alport their om mentar laijora ir the ne'aiTS vf subsistence ; and ore !fre aiMintly,- front the najuro of their ipnr suits', or the conmitiitinns of their minds, jmsapa hie of applvlri fmt pifov"tteui are to, Wi.rldlv affairs wfiteh" other cl:wfs of' siti ciety are ii .the Itiit4t 'fef bestowing. .I'Waf. ronsiicraii'ijiciTe buiiuioiihi swengt'Tw iii,'i r i ii hi line 10 me r.roiuctioii m ine law. I'" bring tstabliTied. tfiat literary3' (Vrope' IV is eiilliieu Kf legal nroicgiion, ii ream if Uiai thia prineetion iiugm o Pi'ja'M wherever me I'roperiyis fituaie.i. a"i i.d nwr-Knt bnivoa or transmit! tolJie U mted Stale a bale of inereuawlwfifnirjnif nrnmrntll eouies wiuiin tjie juriamriion our Ihwi, they throw krouiid ii efiVciuat sei-urny. u.n ii tne writ oi a urinsn au thor is hroniflit1 to the United Sl .f , it njny.' be appropriated "by any resident here, and. rejiirilished, witliooi any compensation wluiever being made to the" 'author Wo shouM be alkaluickedJiC the law tolerated the least .4iivH9in of the lijiliittjuf property, in th caseof llie iLeit"diaer wbilat tliohe which justly-' belujig to the" works of au thors are exposed to daily violaiion, wnh- out the possibility of their invoking the. aid nf the laws.V The commiltee think that this distinc tion in the condition of the two desc-tij- linns of nronertv ts not tost, and th tt i - iuUi the hands of the. purchaser at a' stinalll "ijfoJj- ind oiyfUripusly is growing rich," ill boJdinK ov.-r. B it whM mxiiifi.'S private Vutfa laaxrt..il r ... II t. It - ...IjL f nut auJ lltlnoJ Lm, iL. 1. i . ; . ad vance beyond .what would be its price, if mere were no sucn eiinre ; but this is oy no means ccriam. It is, on the eontraf y, i highly 'probable1 that when the- Anieriean' publisher has adequate time to issue care Cully an edition of tne fore'ian' work, with- out tnurfingrrtieeojrijiiiary expense which h aow.lis iir;usUita to make a h'uX rjed u.o.bltcalim of itand Ui guard himself aj-iinsl. dangerous eoropetitiun, he. will be able to bring it inuile inacket H cheaply asift'iebill were not to pass.' But. if - that should hofrirove to be the case, and if l. i .-i.i- a . .. mi? a'uci i n ri uuf r ppouiu nave lu pajr ew ctjnts to compensate the authorlor teoinp.rs.ni a work)y which he is m-tiucu' Tli jl of the .pubW- sbm4 nuver Lei , tr,nwnl. l N pev outward tilings' are signs, the monarch or i tut rest, in oppttaitiou to tho oublic flood. j .. i it .L . n i. . J 1 ' vifiiii muiuai aim go. vain is too ii uaii. fur. teinpt loclunge the isatie, snd to carry hi in I - ' off in the cloud of V,ise and Peyton's trial. ' Ctirtespundenee of the New Vurk Dlly F.xpresi. Grant they -hate been-rash grant all y oil Washinoton. Feb. 'U. n .1. ..a ft t 1. a ........ - . ucwomijuut iu s juu cm mi i, m il w Asi HOUSTON' ltiu ru n VV IS WASHING I'UN. There is not tint least doubt that litis is a hi lls of the buli country Irom -the tlolieauit's hoiile lo ihsall.in ol Muscat's UosTlom. Tlte lovti of bberly and principle has led to c-usnhte error. - One truth ia " rlcar, a win of. uspxon character nhould ntrtr finger tJifftubiic ttiid. wrter him invliio c;s- toui bouse, if . you plvi-se; let hint- bivouiie j ryon coiiiracls of pape r aud twine; pismre hin and bid herd ta tb" Post OiHi-e. if you' will; hut' ptocul;, 01 yntMrttl," ittt 'profanl lriii ilia i re-rjiy ol tti Unitil aiih-a r dr.ll ih woolsack is drull omhops U.sibiU r pr-a a id rsiwdttM luir tit drull why.lbsn should not Aiat ncan cle4iraie Him biilli day uf llml greatest of huiimtii bt-iDgs over upou t-arth I n-ed nui say H is Waxhitmlsii t n,pa by tat iu thtttrf Anssr tne, it juu tun. , J'hif final uf I ins ch. ! y, which the Presl Is i has g n us, I did not. siop to s. tie i Jf-k-iMi i wry feeble, &. hs rsiired long ue I Ts the in ii 1 1 itixle e in liui few saw trtoi.uf he ina ilmi came. This is the last til bis p (warsiiCH iu ilie nisusinn bIIHU'i) lo llie President of tne United iSiates I wiOibi.i. a ewprier and ,a. iHUHKt imrne In the llfrioitiige lUan lie e0 ' in. I ill . I . I - l . - l . . . ...I u rouiw, porWlent naht MeniMcrscyJ our UoV I 7 . . . . . , . o ' . " eimneni against tin- mihIiIT inn1 liifih tiny, you know, old' Uo n-Jis ll.n.ofdi.uo-:raey. aild lliv tiriwk prt teudid sniielbuig in ilitt way. ' Uui f.ir iiif ; edand in tit.i wmi rtum be i;;si iif it seil ! II s any reader tie rirfht ! tl-1ie.' wil'joilt reiuuneruttoiN of intellectual pro ductions whi. rvhave'Kot yi t Wi't ii brought inioTewstencv, !nt liejiiri'd in the mind uf genius f The eominmes ttlmk not : louc-oed'hy auiio'ii nnds snmncions on Diik puiiit c'i never ke'loo acute, Ly)ix 'eyed t-tiritipily nr throw jia.ki'i'iiest search es hi re. B ii . huft tho whole Treasury of the Hiiii'itiy is ll ii- when wc Imve millions ami' uiilhruis (4 su ril us roenui ; when ft aod they-believe tha no Auteri'Mo -eitizo uttlf hoifci 4tn4 T.ffin ntiijnei sas our wiuiu Hut ii ijirtnai Tripisi, in ri'ii-r- ruiimni nuu irSis uiwn nr. ninny aiiu v Hisn st,ie Uh mkiiiU J i- mem, titvs cil li-d tl hy esilirj- a big Cmh:si:' The Piei duoi's Iiimio was thro wrr open. - The jmilinuile sfannd in 'I hs- tMlnate ul the t'irileJ Matrs aoj'Miroed. The ScietnVs uf tbe various ) pamoAnis tnrnml out K'priwwiituiiviis hi lad Yioh Iwfl the CaltoUBiul sUluMftti rm'rw f ilnj i hreitfl Ves, allr 11 ftuntntc ij ent- ma cJtctn! Mind ye, I unt Isuuti at iW VVlio nlf 'This is W a In j 's to lilm-d lino, and in bleed His .Puopja nudeir w, Tlis prMs.,Uuu, 'JLlX p3yirX lUrw w.n -withiwt Jau6i. V-i.l 'tie,mJt..r'"',',,i"C""!: ""t",,,l 'uingiy.rana .ur v mil lut u ill utt... r .i.U uu.iibi.i L.ftil Ski llK.OLm I sa Iw.fi. .t .t.i -.1 i ... I. enceto future publt.;tti...K to ajroprmte ! ults the ie,rtr try shuultl nug loud "J all the wio.U e can get. and as otlojii nibble at of Viniiki? WiMt Uw vested (tin wuli tbo high jt r igiive of the money attocral of the J ? Wim enthroned huh kiog ol the '(b pKsitu liaiikb? Why does be dare lebuke lliu bunks iilrtrnis eoiitrgf, from the hills of Wriuout to thb const of lite Mississippi? U himself their use, without any coiisiib r1-i . vi r lull ah vllej, pi'ocul, O! procut ation being paid to their loreixn prnprir-je (e pr juni! - i Nic'lmlsa Buiflie, ; man tors, s be would lo take tlip bale ojiner-1 u . i nsriM'ter-whoso fune as a oin cliandUe, in the ense stafeil, wuhout nav- , ev.ru tbe lift alb ol ri iiroacb obve,ulhed- ing for it t andfie wouUl tUe-iiiMre reaiii.y pf 7isWrnCTjft.;r'f Y on in soTriglitful, mak.n liuArtui-coitfrnTttTri, wfir-ii it e wnu nis o iiu'ia- wtip is tins wniiney, cared to bint, instead ol lite nn,iH!'rt. an ! ' ttmi we i , jui.i st i.q-ch uiio.,iih ms snores sloveiily biok-"nov'often issued. nVat anl yahiableVork.worthV Vf'tJrewi vation.' .Willi rsjipeci to ihc'orsfitution.il pwi ef,to pass, the jropw8e.a Mll,t!ie coinnnuee eiiterwnn no doubt, aud ('oiij'irss,. as. be- fOre slsied, has acted on it. Tae Coiinji- tHtiin: authorizes ' Congress to prnnftiie' j vVhai g ive tits baud sttch a twible signili- kerurViig,' frtf fiiniled times, to nulhr.ahd pp-i, iiieii f wealth ewn tieiiiuled at tlio tnvietobKsTlhe exc'tisiVo "tig 1 1 their res- sigo.? Tullf of persecution? Why, tins pecUva-Writings and dis.'OiKries. fuere J int.iey bus been the tlnel bJI,J ' Pis. no limitation ol'lliu, power t natives or ,'Wn ki;d (xpeniiu-itt hicii.so luerciloseiy residents-of this couutry. Sueli a hiuiL-i-lioh would have been hostile lo the o'ije-t ot the power graniidi"XhaM,1,i'-''t wa prvrnofl the r6wtif scieuce and useful arte'"'' They belong to no ' particular coun try, but to mankind, etterally. And" it can not be doubted thai th'e. tiimulus which .11 r t-W. '.I'. I .... I ......... was tnienuen 10 eive iu iniiiu aim trui'i, in 6lhe'r Word", the' promotion of tho nt- 011 Mil to be remedied by some safe can ly the ij.ucos tins vounliy. While the bonustihur i-iiuiit is 011 tbe rack lo pay bis debts, fever isli -. tiiitt, uud oud.lcned by dyv-de-muftitl o usurers HiKtextoriiom'rs -tneaj(J prey o. lishriltiteil G .'veunueiif, white tbe iiiiin-M iai urer is sluvctiiiit in his shed, aud his aim vine's uti is gathered around liiuij nun . 1 1 . a 1 vw. ., . v .... - lulling iu In n itllsrs, ud hundreds are grcss of Axteiice and ftie "arts, will be! in-1 lidinviBss tii me atteels, iiiovi. tuni of frighl rrraseil bvllie'rnolives which tlV-btUuf-1 tul cunipouts uu n our currency; llie jcr- fers to Great Britain and France. tieuleJ Wuhncy la revwuiig 4n 4ft spoils Tie jejuisuUeo eom4thr yJrskinr ! id olhce, ftud Ui-izmj5 irt 'gold, as it weit: puvo ui introduce tho bill which accomiu-! I be'gaitlo!i ir w.ir ntli, 4 can utvtr loitctt upon (bis ejbject Willi mat coomcss leave nies this report - , v ' m' I . ' - A BUX arjemL4ioarjLtuiiile4JtAivaet """' ir auieiul ""tho' severnl acts re)eciuij cory-righis.' . ;.. -r B it rimcled. fyr Tliiuihe provisions of the act 10 amcini the several acts res pecting copy -rig'.iia, 'Which w as passed on the 3d tl iv of February, eiehteen hundred it ticiuaoua "p they wbocau. B. nricui .'WW pr lb to Ib cts; lanow rr ... ,.,-vr ,K ", allied f Imperial per lb 1 -23 a 1 371 cts; I rrT.TlT'" .u' Y.. 1" . ,.,a ,b,r,v .,.. ahall be ex.cndcd to. aud hi i.. n. Ihtitl eta "lobacco uianu-r pnncioic n . "v i'" " f . . .. . . ....t : n cured iwr 1610 a 15 cts. laws, of extending their benrfiit m f. iftctured per FAYETTEVILLE Brandy, peaeb" 80a 90. Do. Apple. fiO 63 Jaeun prlb 11a IS; Cotton pr tb lit a lrn ICotTeepr Ibid, a 14 ; Flour Mil. fcSi - a 5M iTlaxseedpr bh (I SUB 1 bO;e camera priutJ n 150 Com pr ousl 80 a 35 Iron prlb 51 a 6; Mo passes pr gal 40 43; Nails cut 74 a 8 ;!Sa1t TJf btith bO a 90; SuaarV lb 8 s12 ; Tobacco; ih-af 31 a 4; Wheat pr bush 1 30; 0 W luskcy Jpr gal. 55 67 , Beeswax '44 ft- 00 '.ireion 1 the beneii s thereof tnav be et joyed by any . . ...i.: ...o.,!....! ..I' ii.., linn... I Km nliiin invenlions or improvement, it is niu car- sn-j. ui i. .... - rving out the same principle to extend the ol Great Hr.uin ..u.i iieimm or ... rt.t,.,,-, f r.,,.v.ri,;i,i l..-s to foreino an- i in ihe smue manner .sil they -were eti.zcns ROTATION LX OFFICE. This in' 40 tlotv-'"1 phrase and full ol meaning to that uomeinus mid respeciauo body ol men tslio Itsvo iLe bappmesJ l . J.i ... -V .' . I V- Hold til c unot r in-' n iKrai uuiuiwihih TnVV ttave VtrWtfv;!i ii inaiil'ully furoligii fit veil yearb' wui ir't, ol coosc, to biiugl the pnudiiuge of too Guncrjl Uovenirnenl in conflict with-the IreeC'im ol el. cuons me i reasoiy, v. ny tin eaiui simuid nut we iit peivle nibble at the big eliensv. XTr Van Burrni Was there to esl dir. Mr,. Wotef; -sw liefs-14 elieesSi-ti : "Woodbury, wall Ins most auuabLw Lhly,-was titers I-h-vsi cbfc. Mroeert-iary Oickmoft uiiliipy man, ba ban no lady) was thus to eat olu--i.o. 'I bn uallnnt Colil' ruw.un waseaiing cbe Tbe Coon, tbe r'asliiiil., the Ui-kuly, u Vsshinglni tne all taiiuj cbuese. .Utlleers in kliintiiii, Foreign UrprvsuRtaliVus in stars ar.J kiIvih, gay, j.iyiMis, us-ilil.ig and gorguous . women, in sllibe pride, and nanoily, aud piuMi w-alin, were there eating eliHRso. ( in-roe, ciuihc, cheese, wasouevi-r buily's bp, aud lit every body's inoulli All yuu li.aril was chee. A.I you saw was cheese. Alt ' u suidl was i-lifi-so. It , was ehsese, tln;Pc, CUinrse. SlHMni ill cbsesn wrt- going up m tbe Avenue in nvery budy'stisls. Balls of chaise wtire m a limiiliuil jhicuets. K,vry nanukfroiiiti siuait im eineso llie wliuls atiuuspbtre for bait a Mile atiuiinJ was. luttH'ttHl with rbuese. Uml'iobiedly you f.itiuy that ekairirnrain b- , cause you find it ililllciili. iu b-lwvr ilmi a it 1ml.. city, tin-. luelmpolM ul tins vast Lvlna. wbtii crowd the mighty ol the land, cnula all bi. -n- gsjrru lu eaiiiig eineriti, Upon Ui) WyTQ I Icll yjii nut nail the luhv litnictonn, and Alex ainfru too (toured lunb liieir ctnwiiSnn purpise In -t ulic s Tlu' N-naie of the"1 Utittcd H aiea. Where Webster t minders, where (Jlay bails bi bulls, where I'reslnn fliubot, and Bunioa roaiii, aljouriied on. purpose to eat oheee! The ll'.use ol RprHSiiiatives, the o-fuaenf the piplrtB BO'telgllly .tllill euilHiit.l-.ilUH. b lwjrn UiUr-wHit a4innn,'Vhere Adsins sus like Uo ras, and Anster, or K.nrus ever rages, lo day wan boshed ad cjIiu,. fr sbmisT alt lis mem H'r rre oft eating cheese t.ln.if lic. was whelm .l in rhecsv. Tho strife of words wa, ijellsd in a s.rif.- lor chttes. Alss fur Mr A a in, nd Mi Cl(y, nod. Mr White, and M Ca"'oun, uinl Mrlb'll, that ihny arv on sued o nus vnli th President thai iliey cannot go in Willi Ins ohAese. Ah,Mr Calhoun, ifynu had only bwn s sly. as a nuuse as Mr Van IShipii', yuu would liivi-biiiin lo day uiidor lh PriiJuni wing insinad si bnn. tiibriling chensn. I c.io nut ieo llns nnHiHirtius cities at all. I inel it- tiair am, Uf will iMVt-r giv. ms a hoi be r bed at cbsescy O. P. q. m VVashihotoIv. TVulh is t ranter than f'icf ion. Under lbl J.l...fi.lld I..I..I lltu llUia..l...n tl ...lla " .(! MU, 1.1.1... I,.',. ijiuuiislieu at MevBosburgb, Ind fives tbe loJlowiog narrative : fc Iu June, 133, thoro arrived at Stevens burgh ft Isbormg man, about 33 ycr of age, who S'voo alter hanged hints- If lo IhAra. i". ;. .l.;n i. i,,, i o m-. i tiriiitcu CilV ! me iiriiani itnii i. laiiv. , i i . sure of reciprocal Justice ; for, in boili ol those cottiitrii'S, our author" ni;iy enj-.y Hint i nrolectioit of their laws (or li'i r try pm- ! I. , . . ., : . ! On uol bul to secure Hie eiociioii ol 'tbo S., upon dcpoiinf ,tl.ll.lCrUiiC'Csiofiil.ilo tu tho' Picinledcy. I i nrmiril ciiiiv ol me Uuu oi t!ic i miH ol r,, ,i :,.. , t iiu.v il moiU uccu'lipltsbbil, in other work f ii w nun a i-..iy-fi;iii is dc- j ilt, , ., . , V t'u feu an, ibitNorl") Ihod mpm), tn the clcik's ofli. ; i ibe ilistru i b , o.ild "seVui ' lu'hsv .somtfriglit.itl Hit- tike ehsrgo of tbe farm of ha m I Jaiuos, Fq. of this Viltsga Tcpresenterl km- s setfto be from Orsrigo county, N.- Y., by nimo Ab-xsudcr Juksoii. After living with Mt James until, January, 1934, be purchased a" farm about nine nubs frouilbia place, and shortly altera srds oil. ted his buitd in marriage ut t young woman who resided in Mr Jaunt's Isjnily, an adopt dnugbur of Airi j. in (act sbo went by the uatne of Sarah Jiii)i s. and no peisou ia this vicinity Lnnw, until rec-ntlr, bui that she wss h natural ddiijinier oi that gentle nn. Ai..Juis nbj.-:terl to I bit match, but Jackson icHcseutt-d bi'iis. lf ba rU lion of Hie Prosiileul uf the Um'ed Stales; ind being a god looking, ami witbal an intelligent -jit rsiM), MteS J was pleased with bun. !d ulgcd bet lather to : COnst-ut to llitui insrrisgo. In the M f Ilowmg they were maincrl, and Mr Jsiurs gave Jackson a hundSMne fsnn, adjDining bis own, as Sm all's portion, on which Jackson built bl.osll a boose, and they hvod very happily log. ther, Siucft llioir marrlago Mrs. J lias borur b- r bus band two fine boys, tho younjest being at present but two months old. 'Build us give the history of J kson, a now -oWnv ercd by bis own confvSMon, and by tbe ap pearance or a person in ibis cowuiuntiy, who has turned all bis doineatic joys into ft cup of tnlii-mcss, aud rendered - bis poor wifo hriArl broken I Iu the first place then, his tit i no is not Alexnndei Jackson, (and for llie pmsent we shall sopprnss bis real name.) During Ins boyhood' be. became tho fstn.ir of a female ch.ld -the mother being of respectable parensge, and as it new appears, a relative of our respected towns man h"vo J ieksnn has hitherto called fa ther in 1 1 lie anon li ft the scene of hie disgrace, which is in Orange county, Nest j York, and afterwards, . many years lived . 'K n- ii1 '-Vi 'ill d S. HEAVY CITY AND POXlEXGaM HIDrSa rilllE Stibst nber has enni'snilv on hand. anH J recemntr daily. HKAVY C'T -Vf rt ..f anv dtslrtcl 111 U-c I 'il'-i ,i.,l ..rnvilviiiir Willi the c-inr n -i .lie tienv wmcn is ucitieu iu unai-u.-jti... -. - . , . ... i n.m.ia .if i it; sai.l act . I i'".;o.J. I ii. i' I .III HID ' j". Liitertaining these views, the commii.ee ' an shall r" 'J. have been anxious t.Mlcv,se8..n.iu-:i!...re! enumerated in the f e-a-.d ... i. wh.U i l , eh without toogren a di.-lnrlnuice ol j Miall J.ave beet. -etched or en jrave.., o or-intoo .r,orJy X .ncnis which have ?mw of I e P . . .. J , sent state ol ti.tiiiis, tony, ' ! V' i ... -....rj. lhe eoi.v-ritrbt shad be stil enee, I . - , , . .Till l. 111 1 1, CM Ihrt. t.iSnfiiXl nniH iu the interior, nave neen ayr-7 r " -7 ' al.ieli he ..ffura for sab at the lowest prices aim Iniiisi scoimuVHlalibg enn for cash or. Jily ac la-piaiices. . " Also. Leather of all kimja oa hand, and fifliab sd lu order at the shortest bonce. . , ; , fr CRUIKSIIANH. ChatletonStO.Feb,4.1l75m49 . I . Ii a long' and arduous ciiiip'iign. io.g..'ut pbasaut wiitf-r q-iart.s, and to n.,11,1! iinui.'.irst.-J, aruo.'ig'.l'vir tl--sli pots. i .in 1110 buiil- is u- eAinn enucd and tho j uiory wuli. iuii b;! there ia beard,' all a- -t,.,tp iii-Si.uinio.iS crv ti rotation in I ..lib . ? A11.1 it ,'r to bo Ibe -will I .1 ibf p.-oplo'llml the Holy tbousaiid sboubi disband, i - lr. it, cut dirt, as llnv sajfig is, tattd- b ve f in-ii rvr7iTilorubli; qui ter s t o t bo occimiii.cv ol ol! i t folly thousand, wb'. 1 . . -1 uiij,h 10 many nils umn tlio avenue, n mi. down I siiuff-d 11 in urcrj br.-ao. 1 ruslieil iViili ibe wfnivd to g.-latiii, and ev.o Willi a lick I -ksjld liave In 1.11 cuntfi.t, but al.s. urilmp jif ru' f I gil no cheese I xiii ikIi.iI my hai in aui pnsbvd over n.'grii, Slid jammed up bun nets. I tmsliMil and wrr-slled. snd slrtii'ifl- d in l tii.i. 11V1I, viil luad.iciied at InmI with liDtpers- uiiii, I iii.ionieil the very sbuiilib-rs f llm innbrt for i ln -e, Bul it wss gnnr! all gnlief Nonbl mi 1 l.'.v h. rf 4 li nv s.isiiiluus.e.ioiiilis ie bit- Alien I reaelied lint table nn winch il bnd b!i.i. s,r..;iil. Cnl Ib'U.nn bad a Itjiiip, on whieh he is expa.iainig. Ob bow iy muuiLi li it-il I .r that isinu ul eln-esn. '10 llie d:iy il ifiy ilflslb I sIi jII rilieiiib.-r, I got noeliis-. I il iMsay il' .Mis Trillne. ibst wickeit o ii.sn, bad uiujj!iJ!!!,bigt.w:.toyrswiif "ha 'e. mail.! a icrhise .imy ot this ihihih ui cenv in the virimtv of Alb.inv, where the indi vidual who now exposea bun knew buu by Ins real ns'iie. His name was also well known to Mr Jsiuss as tbe father of his ft dopO'd daughter Jndge tfien the agony ot fttt parties when it hucuiii- known thst the beautiful Sarah J aliu s was 11 t a naturul daughter ol James, and Hint she had diseowred 111 her hurbaod her own lather I Truth is indeed stranger than 6ction, for tins is -but s simple na.rft tivu of fuels. So attached was tho dsiigb tidr to her own falbt-r. that i. was nb mach dill'uulty she wai persuade.1 to retern to the bouse of Mr. Jl'liei. .Jvko beott biro"n rirmi snri does not sbt-w himself ia the v ill aire, ihonuh H is believed that Ii liy uy 1 a1 'II,; elleeS" ted States ; U'ra ar.eji) a' proirress ol re publication, laoa:-snierilady have been sietotyped. (l;nipy-ftcbt law; .which t j.. ...... V,ri.,..g u-i.rl.a. miirlil sliotliu eoi'virs. ..'V y. "" "' Hurjou-iy affgql Amvyicao imhnslirrs, and i'ead "coriisioujnd iTaWou between liieui arnl iigiaj'lhorr.i v -) . Ailing Ibe 11, un the i rincirv.es of pnt; dene ami cajtHMO, by wbieh h corwmrK tee bare iliobgnt lf;1'l'8i tu be governed? the bi I which Ibe eommtt'e hiiuitu ron.S.MEm upwards of m w mv n rirt t: a ivin. WU AVisaW.y sx-asa-.sw, v y - hir se- 0 50 0 5S3M ALSO 8 NEGROES a4at ib. psowsl- PtZ.V unnl fsrm v.x: hOUSES. CATTLE, HOGS, Grain. Fm.ur. Working I pois ave. cmj. .i, .k m ai.td' nnvately. 1 will n .iM.r i.iuLmiii'ii' 7 r ; " Sell the same al .anetioo, on the pTemrees 00 tbe ,"ia jl,y.ofJ?2u8t MX . j jrjC-B TRAVIS..-; Salisbury Feboary, 4, 1857-ytimw ..-Jr. 1lH8;8ubaer0jrs3ir ;- frem thiinanuCacloriestn Europe, ft large taKiiimeat of British ' T ' DRY GOOBS .10 isrtfrl , the;8'fl bury.'- hn-.,. ."v ' t. the niece or package vi.U. 1IID1U IU. "J - . I. , wJ. ito,i. ...... .. ... tfnrnvr of Fiaxier whartand ...... I,... tAi B,v. In Charleston. Oouiu v....-. ral terms for approved paper. , . SHACKELFORD, BOJG b CU, 6w29 ; t. .i'-i i;..imI hi the auhieels ol Great i 19 I0W HUM V Ria; mid France t io ouier reasons. Kra.uie- the ominitee ha inior.oau.i. .i.. k Ko. laws. American aui.nwi can a.kiA tiu.ru airnteetiuit lor tltr pro'u tioh ;'birlncyrwyo no 'owrin-.ow. ... IcH is the case inn other foreign conn frV. Bat, in priociple', lhe committee per im. "n hhiectioiv to considering lhe re public pf letters as tine gfeat coainwintty , Lnd j lopiing a y atein of proleciMM for H ifS EriVbTfc "The b.H-nlso provide. .-j. ;.,r .lip turpi rn i. iaii.rir.it euuioi. v. Miat sir . ,.., i,i ,...b fiirwh ch' art Aniencui. Vj yB - hasrtMihrdhttepubhsl ' ' 1 a '.L n.vAM.Sa. Ifi 1.4he.n.brbipa-.i-F .v - Hiis country wou.u on to - .- - - an Us pa- joB.riimTixG ev4rurdccriptivn ftp Done at this Otlicc.Q? BLAAiiiiDSiiDS roil BAlfi AT-THI3 OFFICE wS u anydt.rg.for cnpr.ght, in iferary work piionsi... 1 .ly the ere eipn ciMiDlry, or widitn one no'iith . alter .lepitsiiiiig as alotesaiu uw mm ti.t....... ... lhe Clerk's oflicu of the .IrVtUiOt co 'r.U tli. huii tUs .ifcojiy-riglit hereby allowed aiiall. not lie enioyed as losueli work.. . '. I . rrirrcftoon.lenco of t lie new l.rx ua.ty 1 v - 1 - 1 ti Exprerti. -THB WHITNEY FARCE. Tbe crying mirruitieft-here hive been ..ouimitied-lifirK tM.rmft irig a e.ijprit jii Ibe bar to put on tnaTtwoof l.is jinig sin lhe House for what svasjlone 111 Piscoiumii'-ro. ol which Peyton U a member. to prove in n be is in bodily 'fear ia -notner coeimn."-, of which Peyton is n. a me.ubrr; and the uthrr, closing tne toii-ioiiy w"' Slie would havo held us ill. ruar uf nf biati ig tb-i-(ib o'ay n lln Father ol Ins ! tt visils Mr Jainos family. It is ssid ' t a 1 .... . 1 .11 I" . . . s art il uolTiiuie btuiry fur the spoils, ci r- UA a ijm ( nnle.au Is. ', all ICukiiki 111 a rwar o iMi'iit Ki.-re lunb fioia im- p:op!r.'' ltvo- , :..-.l'..,-r ikww a,M-,,,bl.-.. in the mansion ir . . ' 1 w-,.,,1 .., tlui iiinl. ..ur btlov. I IV. i.nl. ni toeul ebee.e. I be lei i'.as urvr, e 111I4j, ' ,.UI..sdoi, b". lude hum th..fncnil an- ,, o.iwar,u Im holttfti. ol -to " ice (( , Ueneiat Governuwbt must retire, upon ; t llk ul ..j llllIlk 4'4 (rfcB. '1.., Ibe two tern, principle, ana yieiu o. .. t.lti -t-w.vti wns ui.tnruse. fk nvl usnlert as uni ces to iAhers, wbV ijavo lough! ti ihu, ianj bl, stea in ;b Pslsifi- ol hi James, when unb.n..:il cliiiialfvl and tbu-lar wtllioul K:im William irivissleveo, I'rim, blacks an.l M W(if(j , wbi t-ssnd inuUtioeH, and boys in tags snd n.-n 1 .1 -..ki. .,..r. ..f I-' m ri'gimenials.'u.iiigH, a ap ckb-d encnurs. As a sion t f tha .11. viiablo course or t- , t tnt ., s , fr ,,,,.,1, r-.o Vetils, we may inen.i.oi" tbat the democracy I IloWj .T.iu,-tb'Jya-eiorni-1be1Cal Rw. of the First Coi)gre8Siou4i DoHt f Penu-1 ,,,.,, Ws,lls outside, and rolled ihrunuh sylvaiua hive' iel tu ball in .motion, snJ tuJ midr wiik Ciny bt at.r Tnrksy carpets iwriaiw the jjdn s.ip,...rters and oelen- were there renc-ied m Parisian mirrors,- ti.W A large . lespeciaoio - , y . Aliwrlr.... ,,)UV U u , f,,bl.aln ihed. mocrancritizcils of tnat 1 listrict was . v.e - d n e,8r. piHiy Kt.ghah n.oulh that all the parties will soon leave tins part - of tho country, so deep is liieir griet ana disgraae. Mr Jsmea is ft Justice of pence, snd a lawyer of some mr.iun..' e, thoiii-h be IX not at present m full pracu. e. Wo am induced tp give these sorrow ful fads publicity, in coneequenro oMiVeia unfavorable reports in ciiculation boib ft- gamM Hir esteemed leltow ntaen. nr. James, as well as Jcks. n. I hese reporia we will not repent the -nttve-abovsj 1 . . ... ... .. I a . .1 . n. given being an suincwui tbem." " r i. u,hf.rn ibn secus ilioii ol t bit- .. ... l....-a ff. and the defence of Wise and the ...... I.... as off. and the defence afc '..-C-- ' . IPI I .a. .1... ..liltlA' 1.1 Fi.jton Dt gtnsi t ina, J , ....urt uf llhadamabthii!.! To 'tell you tho truth, I l "". f-'r " -.it. Van tturaft oartv thus rallying w '"' ,f this K. uben l i ...u..7- . .. .t..it.mte hti tliTH "fcfv 'be:- WTIF over smjiffifc wnh cfesese-bul tbe .cheese a bn tine, and JenVTtlon mere nau a cneese, unit ilm second Jefl'nrson also st.ould do the same i v.,,1 knnw. At all these thiiiBs, undoabiedly, ' a . . . 1 II. l fL . Ibe llfilish Aiiiiisssssaor, r inw v ieiicn ynurgc held 'oil tile 0lh lust ttl wbll II o. o"- 1 HoMPM.N wiiH iippointod'Prfsideut, ISsjs- lod byMN Vice IVesidtmls, liod at. which rosolutfon- weie p oed with great unanmut . , decl iriitg.t tt.'U ol vi(litii)ortatic. 1 1 me m tt-rrsts ol tbe oem pie of 'fotallon u.il,..r. .1 nvi.u.li sun-aslnn me cimitiiu .u yi w,,,.', IbVmeetnig tlidt ve y gi.1 tlc'nocwl will h you kwrwTli!.jf bejast 'iur J i.i.i J.. eiie lwrnTnTrii ., ,1 ua emn irtve 10 jatmnu, rYtwTV" .v v.. t.r' .r". -.it. ..." i.i...r..hh.aii bianaui...' scnliu lollic HI I'lVc i'i iiiifnn uureB,nwi . ...... !,.. .,nn arial.Mirsllc uose. Mil 'rusts uie .cf atte, navty ..na. too pr. r-'-tr ' -r . vv. , oil.. l.oUbl 1 be n , U(m pu.'-Thls is ft biutrynVa -n..i;h t .w 1 ir leans vv e searrs i a 1 them aotrn t - - , t terms, as r.-seiiiiul to.n.e in c..v '""-,' ' V.r..o...).y.kTl." pai'y, which bo....ts ol you know. i,nk-ttto corrcsVo,,.,nco of ( -hp f Jr J rltl,a ,... A- f Tabeyw,tbKeU:i OioiOr-tue """"""" H-' -iu Irnil -ebeesa! rbeesel 10 great . ... ..Ifl0r WLIllin, l.v tbescieneand l..eraiure. .f ih? o mass ol rid ; My ; baols. my my bead and bnagiuation-are so iniect-d , ..... ...' .i,.n aim 1 im k. " ... ....... K.. I...M W M Cli-l'ie.. u - - .. tton lb olHiH nil l '.eriiis, i llnl I have an arguineut.ana I must ns w o in nocrai , - rt.Mise. I lif n-iwn in posiuon use in j i.jil(.,, ,H.akiugand thai w. that beng a il. r.,li...i i. ul. -not 01 IV n 1 '. in pronic. mo . : . . I . 1 1 III -11 ...... v.-"- -- - . ' , . . ..... , ...,o lU IbM PHeCM'T B . sutiauio persons iu iu v-...- r a, .WMjium. as Col Benba say lortay. isee pinnuttee, but not answereo-oi t, - funtU(rt.n,al pn. ipl-.s vd m dp J.n to Canada, and of bt. -p-tjury in r .11 , ,(J Ulft tl.,.lll)g reco.; . . . . c- ur k,aiii uiiiliin the fiiol inn- . r . ' . ... ....1.. ,i, ,,, aI In na - ... Fron the Seotuh (Jmrdian. Mn. Mc' Donald, ont hundred and ten yean of ogt Mrs. M DoitAi.n. irsi'iiog at -Coc h rane atrei.in this city. comple-ieu her Iimh yeai last month, having been b.ro in -AKti, 1737. 11. K..1I. -U tvas tha llnj-flle in US Det'sr days ; but abe was removed in her infancy from t;iasiuiw to Msybob. wbnrs aha ape nt the prime nf hie, and re'urned 10 this city abnai fony-nvft ywsts ago. Sbs was then in comfortable cir-t-iiiu8ianr.-a.WHs if i uurriodnd gae S.rlh to fiMrta,cbiidiwfcal.wbohv'irothV In 174V when Prince Chsilea Kd ward arrived at M.iybi le, in rtts retr. a,t, afifirLJi expeditwa to l-'mjund. he was 0.10 iroong many wm pra seuied him with a peace ufTeiiog of tbe produce of ber kitchen and her ()iry4 anbenig, loeao her Mwa-iiii.. ' a-;gda .hisaetVtlM bning a p.-foiial intet'iew wilh lbs Chiva hur on llie occision. who paid ber housewifery witwliigb eouiphniMiU in bia Fierch.lbd Er g linn, which hs Bce-.iiipaitied with a hearty Slap on tbe shooldor ths remembrance uf a II which I .ti'sup'hn veaerebla wou.au's flns fealur-S won suibusiasiu. A lit' I me scieiico anu ,t .mhnr only to the benefii of copy ricia in -respetl to works Vhich, may be published wbw. quent to the 'naaage.oUhe.biw. -he oominVtue eannot nntirtpate any reasonab.eorjust.ot,,,i."toa - thus guaraeo ana resim . . , Cd contended, and .t ,- P-J'JJ the new wvrK. when chared wt Uteex penae iuciUenl to the copy-right, may come et, o fi'ltrng European pr.nce-n . n -' . : -. ... rohnex ion with tne LJ banks, will startle this community, when all .re dm,dayed-.nd ' no power ,nl .r,f I .. I -1.1... I .'. il..'. lh-1 lIlP ywiuil..-.'. I blS SP"'-'I .11 to.- uurF- ---- -- - Another eign, we observe that me uemo- Klj,wh wear b w tgs. aau isj oo.. . " a,...Vk "i-JTtUU Nofheln Liberties I ,.!, to, sacll trifle as stars and g.ri-rs, e niun-v'" . . . . . ... : . 1 ... ...... ..,.1,, i ... in mi' Pa aC- at Intfh of the Brititk .ational Debt -A fuiugu io.unal oumpotes tbar e ghi hued.e millions .rf -..veretgrs. tb.- ainouni uf lhe XvatKm al Debt of Great Uojisi., il piled one epoo aft A. r...aA mm iI.mc cuIuiimI of simile1 B-es, v..... . "..- - . - . 1 . ano as iunj luiiinn1" j-r-j j on' ..r D;.i.a..l..h,. Uvn at o.iletl resolutions , nave an m.."- -- , woid ittmo iw " Veil I Ul IIIIU'S-S a a 1 is j .1 ... . t.. is. . t ..-1.4 Jbull fHfm0 IJTfllU I - V- .- '-I'-i'" :...T.l ansS Sb --.u a on nP llie IHfirift I . . , . Afinhm HiilHllim Wl-n nCUWi wiim wvtiw VJ - T.fi f n, ui hi' ft tfl HttfH.i.ri uim w - ftvsaa. 1 . .i-.u.,,,' tnanv a couni' t i", i;.i.v vvM . .l . c .u In Ibe iione,,ic " t..ii..iii-" . - - - t '; il' uut i.y da, lo have a nascent m . - j-V raTtea-t-for " ) dea'rTy beloved, from the thr retiWto the 'patrdh.geof the General ( W.-ftiunos AlbFiauc.. Tbe elaill i areb'e f uul.m.ie and ' Goverianent ,-Tbe nience.' h.ft. -gone . .,, IH lhe at..,.p.d asssiaaia el manol , m ressin- ' l be" ims lZ" $1 Lb from the rigln qoarter.and it ie.rrevo WlBr To wea r a ''' ', .Ji'''i 1 !! j ; a to si "k , and .a r.r,.c,Urly s,-Hud 4nt

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