V'-'.; -r - v:V' ( V'",-"' , -'-it -'. .4 . DV IIAI!IIITON,C!. JO.VES. SAUPED(W TERMS. The Watc h m a a may hereafter be bad, v two Doll" and Fifty Cente per year. A Classofrorja new aubscribera who will 'in advance the whole auto at one Davment. iball have the paper for one year at Two Doi - . each, and asiongaethe eame class ahall cnotlnwthaa to pay in advance the enrr. of Kivht Dollare the same terms ahall continue. otherwise they will be charged aa other, eubacri- bera. : - Sabscribera who do not pay dm ins-the year w;il be charged three Dollar in all cased. No subscription win do received for less than one year. Nooatierwlll be discontinued hot at the on- tion of the Editor, unless arrearges are paid BP. 'xy VII letters to the Editor most be pout paia ; otoarwise may win cenaiuiy oil be at tended io. . , , TaaMS or AdvrrtisIko ftutiv lino Ira halt Cent ver tauarefor the firet invert ion, and 3 1 I Cento per qiare for each inttrlioix afterwards J adrertiwmenr will - be ' inacrted for ttg, than or DoLLai." " AdvertianMnta will be continued until orders arerecfcired to alop them, where do directions are previously Ktven. Adveitisninflnubv the year oraix months will bs made at a- Dollar per month for each aqua e with the privilege of changing the form crerv qaaTtef.:"-"''"r"". " " V jfiAitriirr. SALISBURY, Beeawaz per lb. 16 a 17 eta. r gal. 45 a 50 eta ; Cut Ion pie pm mi) per lb. fin teed; 8 r.ta j Cotton bagging 'per jrd. 16 i5 ?i4 ionoeper iD.,JO.a l els; Uaslinira ixr lb. 4 a Seta ; Cottony am. from No. 6 io No 11, 1 7 a fiOO rta: ,ISffmmnMiM eatrmf pr 81; Wheat pr boah. l I2i 1 35;Oata pr bushel 30 clai Cora pr bush 55 ctg; lnn per 16.6 t eU; fead oer lb 8 a lOcts M'laMse per gal. 75 cts i Nail ner lb 0 a in els; Beef per lb 0 a 0 eta; Uaeon per lb 121 ! eti, Uuuer per lb 121 eta: Lard ner Ih 15 I ewiSall per bmhel l 5 50 (;l; Sieel. Ainri. I can blister, per lb. 10 eta; Knglish do. per lb an . f1.. . J a 3 v n , isui u pur id 9 a au ela Suirar . iu ui .is...-, n...- . . . . P' w " i , nam (Jamaica J ter irl: ii ; Yankee do. l ; Wool rclean) n li. an , latiow per io. iu 121 cw; low-linen P vd v eoerine; per sal. 50 Pwtoiral do. 1 50 a t cls , ij,ar(I, do per gai. II a a I 75 era : Mi m. fi. . i . ivl,.. ' : v. " -- r" s f ui-j per gai. 3 a su eta, CIIERAW. (Imported.) miri..i..ju .. . ' I ""i'-nia English Kane IJurae & Stal- nr-. r7 ; Wl" wer mare, the J-dleadrromOaford fiO theaeasun. payable before or on the Aral U Inruianee. ki..k u j . . 1 the n,.,- I. "".":'" r". " ----- --n.r, iniiinu iu oe in lual or lun.u redi.wiih on. .i " "n" ' . . 4savii iu trritiajn in c.. Ca,e .ill be l.fcen , prerT epe. J aecldent.,but I will , ,,1,,,, r!S7i.! "If. Which chant m., . . : j . a will b wiore the mare a Aarcoo iaa nob wn hone "is h.nj u,enori. horse of the greateat ..irenirib a rong vuiarfceuthoagm , u, millllfr of ,5 ne; and. aa nw h,u t. as fa proved bv rrrnn. i n iiiruiuir in a OttEENSBORQ AJERCIlJlXTS '.""wuauon Lino or pap r of Mexiro, the 'Diar JA nLi U another .trikinfcomriieourr H,Ha h..' ".""t veracity and nonor. h is .J, I tlreoaej to the Minister at War. Your ExciLLatTCvI .i.t a , I txaa on the 22 J at fV.....i i ' , . i urn, an oi- noiai cooKDunicaUim tun II Mm 1 1 m ...... k -vww.i.g wi, m " -""wii iu ilia rMi vii.ii ,ii. u : Uhert) I w.a .boutt vi.it l,e United u,"i ana snoulil eml..rk n i.: after having visited the capiiol :(lV.aLil,.. ton. . . o SEATSiakenin Oreensb,,, to Bl.kelv rotTTr u""" ,0n 'nd PaiBful amirroin UUb.i. ... nJn "'""'y. oygf following the alena f .k... i... . . vli rv-a-iiaira, kai v a a . i ai w Ww Time; r,, GreenrJ .TT wrompanieiidLLW-- 'V aakM''t'.'f''Mr?' -i. ' e -" am. v av. .Ja - - btoo roaTsMouTn hail roads. nmS y other day, in precise con. nectton with the Une from Greembo. rough, Y. C. fo Raleirh JV O w we Beef in market per lb a 8 eta.; Bacon per . iiaws uo. w uv elm : Kmmw.v par lb 20 a .2 ci : Bairimr ner ward Ift A i-rope per id a ia 14 cis ) Uofee ir. r ivciaiuiion per iuu lbs ll 134 OOe K 00; Corn per bushel 90 a 95,cia i riour fwo wagons per farl 3 50 10, from sioree per pi. j w a wj iron per iwti iim $5 00 a 6 50; 7 P'gai ot a ot eis i.il.Mt aaoft prr io a i si a ois ; vvroiiKhi do. per lb. 20 ; fork pi brf 8 9 ; Run per 100 lbs 4 ' per iov in- j a t4 cm ; Hall r tcl( i s 35; Salt per binhef T1 il els;Sleel A jfic:in blmter pr lb 10 16 i-; Tallow pr lb 10 i lit cm; Tea Imperial per lb il 25 a I d71 cis; I)m do. pr lb 1 m U3 . Tobacco maiiu iciured perlolO a 15 cis. FAYETTEVILLE Brandy, peach 8 (la 90. Du. Apple, 60 a C. laeor. prlb 10 a 121; Cfitoj prlb 8 n Jofleepr lb 12- a I4;rt..nr bh). tfi . a gj 'laxseed pr bh 41 25 s 000, Feather pr II. 15 i OCorn prmwa 9' a I; Iron prlb 5i j 6; iwespf tfa) .19 , 4..; Nails, cut 74 a 8 ;Salt . to a Jin, ouar pr lb 8 a 12 ; Tobacco; wf a 4; Wheat pr bust, 1 50. 0 Whi.key ' wtf , urvWB a I'll il k. . MiuuMiir in oe UU. WOi.-h mav he seen in the July (83) number of Hie Turf ILi.Wii J! '...V ,,; 1 W r " "Mi anj TIIIV5IllIMrs4II I lo ai a.. Brand .F,eniw,Vi''y. S-ipH. Fria.n. Kiddleswonh , Brandy, An- and inanv oilieia. ami ....- a ii ,i I - . w.wio mh .iu vl. a mare. - - SafiMii poaseasea moreeT the atmit. .Mam -....w .,. ormnngwouui, than any older horse in Amefic.,SBd m a difwt cr. up..n anv ofv..,ferTFl.fj0 M T."k M' r"nli'Ke "W'nJ-'relJ were l Ihe first eharacier-be.iig nearly all hi cum pe'it..rs. giving sone of U,e. hiirli .-Id- in weijht. (See Raeinw f3. .fitirkzina aa tik.awA U.H ok (Colls) are remarkable lurge ajid racing-like. f rKDIGUKK k- SAar i po was got j;y th.i 'capital racer and onrivaMtallion -Emilma' h .h .... ville.' wU also covered aSO gs . md wa ,.er hap ihe best a m, J BenninBt)r..Ug,(tH,i 0f Kmir Herod mare. 4c t hisdajnVLane, by ihe Fiver granrf dam by Dw-k An.lrewL etllial In mnm Ii..m.. bis day. boil, as a racer and Smllbm; May, by llHnnini'bronili Primrose. "hv M,i.l ariai.. 4 ..L ety King H rod, Ihe best Silailioi. t,n,j8 d- founder ol ihe besl a,a,k in En1rlai,d-S..llla.)y Blank -)eane,YLor.l Leiuh'sby NcondMr: o iuii iii.iirr. off nianfrsii a im ..... ..! l ir ... . ' . r. " " """" at, i. l ...i .i - mm ii.r-it-., ivyai iare. somh a.,d w-v... ::,r: ' . r-'g"" .... i -ill ailU IIII8 L,f to Western Lines, -AVest--,"0 SMe,,,, N (;r,.h. na, and Wythe C H V,..i. .. ' J " " le....e-R--.-aH a;A " . ."'""'-. hoghati." -..an oh no cat, In envljH f.Teu at tuia port tday , Ul(ilet, Siatea national veaael, which the prasi- v.eeral JM,n, bnt iht, kill(l,.Sa to p ace ai i my disposal, in order tlmt might nuke ihe passage aafcly and coin- ; I leave to-,nnirow for my conntry re idetice at Maujo de Clavo, where I expect tt ho imiinl .. f a j. w uniicu iu mv lam i iv. ai iav1i.. I'L -r-- .-" - ""ww oimn- and there l,on 1 have ninly ignorant for the put up thin Jc"r H- ' mat peaceful retreat, which not contracted (her the dence. manner, that he h any enranemeni to fur fecoguition of Texaa indepen Letter from Colonel Almonte lo' his Excellency Ganerel Don Jose Maria Tor nel: ' Vera Croi. Feb 20. 18.17. Much Esteemed Sir-I Improve the few M, auorueu me hv the .i.:.i. v w..ir . going to set out. to info,..,. I , . " 1 ' .mi v t p.rUX. Hw ih. ;. uke.as lur S,l,-to.y or W ythe C IJ. Va rall who oiay at any tiu,e be crowdl out. ' Lf.I iii i i ' n Wine ; Ji will TP As J'hftl'il-etwa golliy Vandike Juninrdam' 'Iih. ' by lieniiiirbr.Hih IJill.rt k1 ll.i.fl.,.. fin,!, i . r 1 w " i . ....u.ri vioiuuii'ir. a air-r iiT i.m... . ......... by .Mfske Colfeo AriibTun Regulua, &.c .4-c! I'lie Fiver uas a capital horse, and nire .,i tiini;'.-winner 'ot the OaLa and uil.ar o-t i runners. Vindike Junior was tr..t hp U'.ii..n' D.ith hitk.by the PolSoe Drab, by Highflyer Hebe, by Chrysolite Proserpine, li.-ier to Erttpse. EDMU.VU roIWfiS. March 2 36;f. Ueltn flit Celebrated and thorough bred Hone HIOTT, I? commenced the .Spring season, and will . ,Dr,"e daya in each w k at the sta w William Harbin, Enquire, in ihe town of 'H'eaville. N Carolina, ai.il in balance '.,f hi it the atora of Win. F. Cowan, Ei-qiure, from Stateaville, in Iredell c o..ty '10 1 r will be let to niarer at the moderate iof Fifteen Dollar Ihe season, paral le on 1st of July ,hen the season will enl; F.'ght ixilan fur the ngle leap, payable when Hie I "W" is rendered ; Thiriy Dollars to insure reioioaii tbeinaaranoe money will be doe ""silie ascertained that the mare is in . iiif property transferred Y my cents to efraom fn everyThsiance "Caria will be la prevent accidents, but there will be no It i . .. i. . . ri lira.lhhaw.SaNi-1 CriiM,.- r..ii "... proAiLAMU U.own, U.o C UraoJu.. Uutuin i ruijre 5 """ '" ""Md. An. Ire w t.ruw. ( vaunie, Jnues . V nr ..- .1 Cuilicrei!. bauit I Lborriei, UWIIA1U13 ? ILL make I, in lasi season in f v Una County, ut niy sublc in Lexiigion. N. C , ending on 'he 4lh ol July The nnriiv Ins blood -ins leneth iibiiBiic a.i ,.. er his flue eiieuc action, I think w ill ri exeeiien'ly veil. nh our coimnon mares. He will be six years olj litis Spring In order lo ncTjinrnoilate all the Farmers1 who are.lesiruiisio biee.iyii horses and at a late .Within Jlie jneana Jii Ui,r,Jwn J . am iMl-ed -lo put down ihe price of the aeasoi, of IU lii.r.e. lower than thai of any horse in the Union of---qua! blood and character, lie will mak- Lis present season at $10 ; insiiMiice J 0. In ad i dltlon to the t'earluiif fillv mw' .. .. .. .I... .i. .. i flttM in IHj'. a ri .r.' I-'"- "-.""''! ""'.KlHiard Mains, tie. i riiiioJi r.Ii t-.ii V . I . i- llt' v'y " ii'i"r.Ah.Hiier ii.. v . .. . .... ., j, ,,,j, ,,, , nl8 .5i r, Zi:M.ir, n-,,1,.1, It' I. . . 7 " e uui i,n thia s ' eauieaiiiy In evade thai iu,.i., ,. I ilu. ; '.i ' " prated vltKentUn:Z" Tr"""" ."" lo 1""- lax. ...d purely , ""ui :.A me Ue,,"e'1 -ouiit of S-mhero fueiin, k,," " I ' " ' ',ve", D7 Plad at the p',,ce ' I "'"r'"'""" ol the ereiny, and all that has Id Gentlemen t. . .,..,'.. ' transpired durinf idv Mi.iit hv. ....i ,i..i. or eilern Lines, a i i. . . l 'Ian mneh culinnnu .n.l . . .. uVll'" ",h-e.r ro",,' ""-y''"" go to e,,d y ?H the docuuienu upon that sub . ii-ugevin. ua , in the same time anii uv I Jl. tliroiiub the inettiiim iaf I ?.al. r - v winnici af Urlll i. Almonte, in order that ii.a. Mr-;. cleat ad inieiiin mJ have knowing, of tiivrni. I the interval, I hall devote my tune in leave Ui,.kley ihe odd, days in April. May. co",p, "n1 PM'Mng a d.H-iMnenl de- ?i rh 4 1. r "d Ue,mr ; u. w it ; I, t "'"f rtftirly the circumstances f ihe uii- -.. ,, .,, inn, ate , tnd on the even "'ruinate campaign lo Texaa This sten r.-. rci"erinir Ilia reilUUIinn: mil h. 1. 1 or be ever rea.ly to give the people all account il his cojiUticl, and place it in a veritable point of view; more esneciallv almnl.l i.. do this, when passion"nii .enlisted against him. i shall also lay before Congress what I conceive tli must efficacious mean to terminate the war, leaving iln-m to a- uopv- such measures a they may judge iic-i-raiir jr. . The. ui fortunate situation in wliit:h the prisoners of St. J;iciiit.fiud tbriuiudr c5nt iot me compassion of the govern ment, ami I implore that rompa-nMo for llien) in the must anient manner The lit-,,-l:n.'.?Zsjtttt-.fi-WJclAja-. ainiKier. them by the way ol New Orleans, enable. them to subsist, and procures tli vet meuia which are indispensable. Those unfortunate men have lost -their lilurt), and if we do not come to their iii.l w hen thry are iii such great ilisirt-ps, it will re stiU in discoovgiiig il1L. ui(it.l firtk'iii tlcleii- J.'raoi otiriffiHiiiirv's rniii r Ar' : t. "'J Jecj"roMliolll VXH9, I W'lg 111- forined by Mr. jyimu.-L Houston t" vvIiom kind procceUfgLl.a:ii fleht.-.l for my lilt- auil liberty, fnal jt! his i nti.oi to place all ttie prisoner at the disposiij on ol tlie .M'.xi. aii Consul in New Orleans, in order that be might ,rin ,,, y'era f'rt.x. But, aavaii.ther expoilition ha been spoken of. sine; that lime, muler ihe eires that through the favor ol n.;..- u.,?' len,-e we have got out of the claws of,,e a-BoainnA . olSer, and you shall know our long chain ol MilTeiinirs. I beif you to forward iinniefli.ilv ,i. Himexed lo my house, ami ,end ,e. I you can, the answer to Manjra da ClJ The President comes sick: .;ii . h able. I th.nk. to re...,:., r " dayo. . ' manJ Your every afTectionale friend, JUANN. 1LMOWTE. MEXICO. w' lla New Orlean. n...:-. - ' u H i a secret sun on i ii.- a long account of - - - ".on mine , a tvuviiiK master Amiaga, Jagle and Itiirbj le engaged I -rrt'ied yealerd.y. Twa police an uai.Elt.( secret s,..ig.)- Feh. 3 it. Carina liisim,ii nr...-.i .i . - . .... IIICIWOIOl- lowing inil- ,0Cl,n,n lha 1WMIo X a b maciio la uanda, beuiiiniiia wok n..c'. . . limn ... " i -raaa, aau Iiao in wcewMu., paaaiug to ,h, , wo k. , by a irair o gunpowder, iincb w.a so, frf. culated that ,be Urre,. ahoulo not go ,tr A once, but one after th ,,er, iu ,, ' inclining to th right and Mmx he44 wider range, aodahu. rtr.ka tbe. ,nm ' Bhotl, he eacap, tbafconaonlal lange. I ms exitlanation ia.a. i.. . 7 Champion himm-U, w ha sllerwarda stated the manner in which he propoaed to Jt. Ploy tbe narbia. ,11a wa to obtain a baudcart. and hll w, furoJlJle; lt .4 w removing from bia lodging,Tj w- ' e.'IIMMei lhaa liaitUsaf raw Uf ill f IaaJ a . . -- .., . concealed by mailraas. he hand-carl on the road to Waillyoear tbe .pot where .Im, King would, pass in h.a , carnage, and i the proper moment, Chaia Poa M.u, pu,, thw.ir.ng ,d E,a ibe m,. " chine. Champion ibaa already beeojmpria oned 1 for Uiree r four atoniha for be.ng ea K"r d ii ihe riots at the ti,a a lfct -Ui uiiiiialflra f Charl. X Ilia mialAa. whoae name is Saget, baa been arreat..,aod ja i cluw coiifiuemeui.H lhh. ,,u had freq.ientl, declared, wl.ea talking f ' Champion, that if sbe W lalieil A ....un.i on him, she could tell aim. ihin... ... ..... disadjiantage. A fencing nater aanuul Veraaillea.. . was rday. The police are active io priwecuiing luitbef i,qtii- SUICIDE OF CIIAMPION t Another of our French papers jjipj? the following: X" ly engaged rics. l1Sh:. fJKItS going f fietersburg Klcliuioiio, will ii.w il,iSIIHlr lir.,rr foule JAMES SLOAN, M LEAN & KAiN KIN, PiiiliK ADAMS. McADOO & SjCO'J'T, JACOB 11 UHBAKD. II. & J. LINDSAY, J. A1EBANE. C. TOWNisKNI), JAMES AIM VEU, John a tMrmerf, " HM B. D. LINDSAY, Orcenshoro,Marcii 21, 1837. 4wa iMopoaiiioiis s iirst. ili.i fi i Santa Anna -houlil be required i.. ...t... an accminij to Congress of I us conduct sub sequent lo action of San J;,.-i..i .. .i k.:.. vm.....w v, nuioiiiir anv ciimmnnH n;..i ... -ri. t . - 'li-ry, ...Mil be '.UU - fall V U sVifi oV i. '"i! Z"'?" tfc. proeeedinirs. Secoo.l. ), "JV" wi, n.H be unnrtcr. whatever lln -a. a.a " "" nmedi.itely aftw utMiiu ijiiiiirirfitin iiivuniu, i or indirectly to the dismemberment of the ..auoi.a. territory, slum Id be held aa a trai lor. and punisbed accordingly. ' At the re. quest of their mover, the second reading of A List ol Letters .remaining m iK Post Ol fiw ai .SaiisiMirv. Noriti Carolina. ,. .1.. h.si day ol A,.ri, 1837. A- PeJer Albright, Samuel Allen. K II Alex. Mer. (i ', Ailen IJ Aim U omii Josenh Rmnr l.. k n. .' ner.. nomas W IJain. Ailei. Blown! l II ,' I, IWrt-it Uftiek. Wrlliari, Brians, .f .i,,, these propositions was dispensed with a',d, jrwarrwl to the co.ninillce of Ibe affairs of Texaa. Feb. 8. Secret sitting.) The Txas -omrnittee presented their r-port. recomr itriiiiiiiu ari-ia i.i.iii..... a aa a ; , "'rrniueiii ne railed on to Inform I ,nnlir. ,.r ,k- -.. - dcra issued to the aiilhontiea nr v. n.... and Tjwipie. teaprcting tbe reception of oHiiia Anna; and .also, that it should declare its opinion upon the propo- 'xrw iiusiauienie. Feb. 11 The Texas committee pre seined a second report on Buslamente'a proposition, which reeommenced that the following articles should be naaae.l .m.. law. , e,.re 1 l.,.l.. M...... I'. ii-. ii . . 1"' I, ""."l ' "iu.rii,,t,i)ra UIOSHl, (. hillhs I) ran-, Ml I ra von, Levi f I illHn Uiaulord li - .1 .Im ' IJiekensnii. J ihim n I.... fi.. . D..k. , ilium p 1,k,s,,i, ' F'i lioiine. Foster, William Ful'z. Somre eerier, -win rwTK, Fer:iy tiH-iiry1S fjorman, J,is.ni G G il "Sally Ann (jniore II Willi.ini fleailwim. William ;,,rjR ,s C il-Mlson, llannih Hill, lin-hanl II i y, 'i i. Act 1. Government ahall nnln r.. G.-nerid D Antonio Leper ile Nanla Anns', .o.o.e.o.c.jf on ins arrival in the irpublie, a documented statement of the motives ol Ins .journey to Washington, of Us results, and of w.'iatever engagement may have eontraeetl since the battle of San Jacinto, detrimental to the integritt nf tbe Mun-an i rriioiy. and to the honor and ."Ttitereaia of tin- nation. jJ , '2. Govern innla1..ill ynm?liatelv for ward sai.l stemtjit to (;.Mireas for'imio- I... arr.-l ... u . w-WIS nuniiay morning, Ah was conveyed to Ihe Frele. lure f p.dice, and placed in a aep. arate cell, under the care of a special keen. JDt Uurillir lllo whole tnnraonn femed Ibe greateat exciie.neni, and loudly and -repeatedly ex presaw tM Tegr.l iriafle had failed in fna design ilia jailor, who Ir. quei.lly entered the cell, and at other Unit watched him nnrrowly throoglJ-ibtJ wick I, endeavored . . aim fua irritation. Cbaiopiou exclaimed: . lma shall gi; to lha PlaceSamt Jacques, btrt Aad I It Aa a m..a a. J . A 4 w - m, .nt,,, ,r) , siioiud not nave spie dam and by unpolled I.uxburnuh 00, and lor me oi.i mam l,Utni. CJ" Fur further particulnrs see hand b'll. .. W. K. HOLT.. March 25. 1837 8 w36 "ty lw any which may happen. THE PKOPRIETORS. pedigri;e. WIT was aired ny ihe famous --urr, wnoae repuTahon as a i bia old horse racer and horse in imported Din dam, ihe property of William R Jfr, has never been equalled by any Utted Statsa. except his sire import Aanw A r . tr. 9 ' - X -- ana uavid uranch of Virginia, was got- 1V.8"'"eiaBurdeti; a dam by the im fl. i t dB,n y Federaliat .JT?' to Jolly F,mr . ,j g granj j,,,, by the r 0??",dJ,,u" V J? grand dam by i '''i Wwde.il was gotten a k-' di,n by imported Citiaen ; g 'f the ii0ioried horse Mousetrap ; she out 5jac Ti VfZ4 bJ Honorable: Andrew 1 1 . "'""'Northampton county, N. Carolina, j J aL"!?. eP'igree. aa the ceriitlctes , "new, .,..,.;,:. StJitr of SlovtM Vavollna, WILKES COUNT Y. JtUHiary Session. 1837. Finly & Bouchelle Original Attachment .K!lw'?:.d...uj!iadefeiidz. Joeenh Stanley 1 ant's Land. IT apiearing to the saiHlactitin of the Court that the defendant la not an inhabitant i.f this Mate ; it is therefore ordered, that publication oe mane in me. Carolina atchman for six weeks, ih it the delen-ant annear at our next r m i t . . . . . . . wwn ui i teas aim wnarier " ssioiis. In be hpu r... .. . r ..il . . . i cuiiijr o. iiaes, ni ine eotiri-nouae an niikf-sborougli, on the first monday after the lounn monday nl Apii next to answer or reple vy, or judgment w ill be inlered against him. and the Lands condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt Willie. in. AJaslin, Clerk of our said court at nfflce, the first monday after the fourth monday ol January, 187. . M , Test- WW MJISTLV. o w c o march 18 6w37 price $3 III llll li-. I), , nl- I l ir. ns, Oougiaa i- 11, Jen, llenrj Hill, iljia (i p i Iiid-pi th J -Saimiel Jones jr 2, Samuel .losey, Am.y J sey. U.vi.l r William' Julian. Kl,aj Joius, (ieorge Jul n-inn i 1 K At-:iliri k'nox, Lcnnarii Klutts, Samuel Kerr unii oiiieis L Jain s M Litter. Da alt I.en-T. .M,.r. Lyerly, Kl.zibeih L, -ppuu, peter Lung. John Lunn m-F W "'Kliifificaf llur" wurM ir, . II M.semiailH f, James F McCulluch, A M Mitchell, iiar.rurei Mcl'hersoo P Main.-w Porter. Thomas Peryer II James liooersotl. L. VI Roadis. James fi ltoe S Peler Siniih. Charles N Sterling. Wil. Ithjton Siniili?. Or A Smith 2. li h t iir..use. spt-clion, nnj for siirli leirislulivn i,ik. 1 ..r i ii . . " u.'iiuaui !H.ia. ci.ifui;ucy tn- eeoeral d u H'y lw- proper 4t adopt thnrnrt. (Itviaioii, Don Ni.-holiis Bravo ;l ia proba- 3. In the it)iiriin the said' Gene tile that Houston o.s ebamred bis mooi and that. I ni vell. Would nm iilVe been placed at Itl-eily bid I i'i fi rred six days longer, my d purlurc, for the lower vlastfcs in -llial country arc very vio1eit. Tbe pleasure I feel in aguin treading upon my native land, aficr the many out, rages and lobulation I ,aVc euduretl; that j.leasure, I say, was coiinltnitl y 'diiinn, irlwd Iwlien I wan informed that there were sonic individual, believing my is i-neral ran in no one rose obtain that leual reinsiaie nniil which oiirCoilsiiioiimul law as well as that ol natnms, regimes; inori.'er to re stni.e the exerefsa of any coinniaud, cvd ..r intlilary.'tf' 4 I So diftlaration of nullify (..fall San l a A ina's JctiTMile prisoner) ontaineil in the 3J article of the laws of Ihe JiOili M iV of last year, is renewed and confirm ed. On tbe same dav, tlmt the above resolii- gr.ice was so much the greater, beianse J '""'.were anbniitifil to Congress, there up- naii nitrated my roumry, and conij.ro- I I" r " n ollicnil nolo Iroui ibe Minister of miseil her linlcpcmbvice. What, beliay j "" '"'''"or, ainioiiiieing the liberations of an obieel so dear lo mu lnnl I ...i '.. Hi f.'j-ci limni nr il. . it .... 1- W l k l. ' V ..w... . .in j - ......v... vf xacrcu,ic. ' ..CrrTMuK i7".-.s: ,"", "rTraTiTc! WoTIToHTnoT be betier that I sbou.M ! I.l-py vent to be published wj,h all ri... perish in the midst of my eneinu'sy ban that j ""'mnni'y ! The Cninpuluc remarks Ish'itibl be the mark of so serious and un-1 ,,l;l' ( we atteml to the report and resolu just an accusation coming from my own 1 M,,,S Texas eoinunLice Santa Anna fellow rouTitiyiiien: In this case as well ,,M'1 '"vf"" a Mexican t-itiz-o. and if to the as in (iiany others, have been the victim ! "(ficial iiunniiueeiiieiit, be ia tbe riRar cifi of calumny, ami in order to place minl'''zen of the Republic. beionl the power oj tkote. charge, I short it g'on rsru urn .t.Yi ROANOKE! RAIIi ROAD. Sa tn I Hrviiil. I . A4...:,i. I i . al . . sil ii Z ' "w'B-i """"'. prolent In your rxcel enry, and in Ike fate msit. lloralKie m Swilier. Samuel Seaforrf .-.t 3 .. .. .'".-J". I bmnsa or Lewi. Allen Sinker, F.liz-ibein S wisher or Daniel Jainibs, John W Sin.iiiona i . . ',i i ... . u.'oroe u j arm, .-sushi J timer. James 1'n i n mi If 2. Isaac I'iunur. Wm 'laih.r. Ail a in 1 rouiiuun. Aaron Terry. Dr Frederick Toiusoii W Itev'd James E Welch 2. Chas Wllle. Calvin L Weir, Philip Wrigh', .John. Ward- won, Anderaop U lilts, llns.-o XV -irrn k 1 S33 Jailor's IS'otice. L .aaawf&wvwwsw f 1HE Cara r.iu l)AILi..o this Jioal,-!P Ml senvera PHntf North will he conveyed from ji .i.,.. v ... n ... .. i.. .i.- r... u i, eaul'fl,l '"y now rising eight years ! ny'a C aches, and w ill arrive at Portsmouth in aL B,D' a uA OMawuf : stxieeo -i tinrnr JJalnmow Boats, wbicb 1es vew very Migh. Wedneadai, Fridajrand Sunday, aid P. M.and W l.'l8STHaT if. .k. iw .l. 1 ...k:..k . i. ' " i- ..... . I I'll un B.iiuuioii ua., wii.oii mm ibii , i pi, .. J ...-J - .k. 1 :i r !Snndayat the aama,.IUMii. Paas.ger UaaingU ll.lif.ion either of ,h. abov menfioned da,. JJ.i ailltei in It. I in,.,, Ik Ti ..uinff iim nn """. " - MHi.ei, an.lin Pkii.J-lnki. i ik-...intt iiht h. ? In,t "he belongs to Robert -King.' and ln-ri.t .rf.W . Th-ICa-lnea .a, lhi J that Mr. JXing purchaaed ner of Mr. Howly . ' . . . j. ", j . k- near Washington city. She slates- that she mo apprehended -' ' - - -Stajicavtr-IMHiiTtimcf f it the nepwiure of the Cars at 7 o cl.K-k A. M. 16 Bortb atreet in this Town, will exe- EELDLEWORIT, "-tniUing8bn-lnrl60na arid PKOJECTEO ATTEMPT UPON THE LIFE OF THE KING OF FRANCE. From lite Gazette dee T, ibunnux,Ft,, 21 of the enttre world, that I obtained uiv lili erty. without ubirr!btfr In am conditions whatever; that eilitr bifore or since that con juncture, I hace not made with anuo.ie. About 5 oYltx-k on; Sunday inorninr. M let him he who he mat, am contract, that Vassal, ibe commissioner "of Police, attcn mighl oritur reproach upon the national in-, deU b. '' brother a peace officer, & sever d dependence of lwrtnr, or place in jeopardy '-'l"nl- ' to Ihe lodging of Cham- mm tmtmnrnl9t f. , . , . I .. lllork. misaed my blow; I should have managed ihi flair butler Ibaa Fiescbi, dod 1 should ba succeeded.' . ' . -; lt-tvaa then it o'clock: ahorlly afleF ward, the jailor want out, but was ahaeni only a few minutia- on bis return l.H hu..,A Champion suspended by hia cravat to tha uar ti me window, in order lo accomplish Ins purpose of anil destruction, be bad not on his bo J. hich h had allarwarda push- d away with bis feet, bm Ibat lb weight of hia body intghl immediately produce atrio- gulation The j nlor hastened to cut him down, and called for as-isi-nct: bill not. withstanding all the tlT ilaof Ibe assiatai.ia. and Ihe surgeon who arrived imnieoiau l alter warda,alie vital spaik was tKina-t. From the York tiirprttfT THE SURPLUd REVENUE. The Evening Pout, Globe, and older e fi nderr yf lhc pirty iii oiing lo create an impression (hat Ihe Whiga ftvor the creation ol a surplus rev- una in older to divide it among the people .Tina in the issue, i be administration orgaua wish lo makt wilh n. Hold ha. k. uenilemen. and toy. aha I havn in Ilia reminiscence uf our Oouirressiottal hiatorv i Im aaihikliiuri. of our creed Who laid the foundation of our present surplus revenue in 1818? AI trim Van Bu ren. and ihe Regency of the St ile of New York. Who voted for the Ta.tfl of JH1. and who instructed him so to vole? Mar. fin Van Buien and the Legislating of New York Who. after pretended, arid in al ! mpls on Ibe part of the administration, lo -fenrrw tmrv'vr?nwrm pnpi lar bill of rerfu. lion in 183.' and r. rtedil triumph intly, Silas WriKbt toliag a gainst it, and all Hie N.York parly throw tug obstructions in ila way ? Henry Clf, an opposition ie,i. r, and whose lab-ma uro wormwood and gall lo Ihe Glr.he and Posft 1'h K of the past, and now for Ihe pr t ut limn. We lold Ihe Evening Post the Post theo called us to account in .lauuary, wh. i. Jlr. Ca.nbreleiig ( our Commercial Representa tive!) brought forth his look report and Ml of reductions, thai he was hut fiahiii for snt h block ht ads as would nibble at his l a t in the Sooth, that Ins pntty had no idea rf reducing the revenue,-lhal Mr. yanH,J.u l,$!SBJLhJkSmUfUiaLa PtoMAt&lUi4th--t0 Vifle, to 1 ren had great objeeia in view, thelmVVns ' tordu'gly could have pvm no guarantee 1 ,"rh obedience lo a w riant ' lo keep up I he revenue aa high aa posad in ' ; whatever to any individual or gore'mmeut j ,M ,he P of Police. On seeing the j fw the purpose of creating a large svip iiH., relative to thuee pretended stipnlntion$,'- Comoissionary and bia aoBiMaiils, Cbamu- 'antUheu of aeixing theaurplualo disiriiuitf' before ' consenting', either will Li gib or I WM" "'zed with a violent nervous .rem- ; aunuig iho de(Mitn banks at Iwo per on. throv&ft fore: "lit ..aJ--.-J--.-rfra-x; : ii.MMaIr 1 r a - M - ------ - Br Hh nealneaatnd despatch, bury, April 1, 1837 (137 " WlKUi M-I'u" For bale at this Office from Ihe upper teriniaaiioli of the R.aid OfBos PurtaaKHitb and Roanoke Rail Road Com AprU 1, 1837 lm37 away from Mr. King near the Yadkin Bridge Jj.oXPtLhurliuna la, lora .last iiiniaiwaa aa man appears lo be sboul 40 years old. J'he owner is requested lo come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges and take her away. jUNJr .v. invMjas.jmior. LexiPffton. Davidson Co. N. C. 1 April 8, 137. - j"tfJ8 . would huve tuffered a tlioueaud -death be fW.1Mk!ilibumg.J4utk tmey, -yX.-- - I our excellency will be pleased to make knowrrall these facta to the President ad interim, and to felicitate him on account of lheeacr.WMurei public under ibe auspice of ihe new fun- . uamentai laws which the nation has ertact ed through, the medium of their represen tatives. " e assurancfe of iuv hisb consideration Sl profound esteem. God and Liberty! Vera Crtu, Feb. 20tb, 1837. r ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA. At the conclusion of tin's letter, another ne waaJnr some time unable to answer the ! per rrmn.br-.and thns to brinr-lhrnM qm eto.m pot to feim. M Vaaaal immedi- b-Ji.t under obbginW to btm ftfMn whenn ately commenced hia search. Finding noih- J ho: even exjH-eled a quid pro quo i Tbe ' ing in Champion 'a apirtmenl, be went up I 'oat at Ihe time rebukec ua. .We reiterated to lha rcNiuw snrWarr. ts above, and there ' ibe oroubecv. and baxarded ihe faith ,r M, iouoo ronceaii ina dark eorner, the half Journal upon it. Now who waa rmbt. the nAi.alak..lJ A ... - . 1 a ' an. . t M k roiiatructed machine. ' It was in the abae oi a ciin.i a commode or chisl of drawers; a bout e ven or eiglrt inches wide, and three or four ' inciua deep. Instead of three lTJ!Xjr.au'jau i-dx-.wra4tJiMl-ihiea-wpartmenti, which extended tbo whole lergth of tbe commode. Piwl or ihe Express But to the farts Il is but proclaiming a fart tvery body knows to say, that Mr! Van Buren baa greats majorities in both Houses of Congress. If he wished to reduce ibei-evenue. why did ' he not i The Senate ervunzed for ihd' In (be first rornpartnient were places for Chief, uoder whom it wss gb.ry enotioh ,fo' eeven small pistol barrels, trht: ranged Inw- J aerve The House acquitted Whitney, and izontally; the sttcond' waa calculated to hold bid him in effect run wild upon ihe Tie v. six barrels in a dueiiiou inclining to the sury Tbe bodies which wonlrt doWil:cY rigid; aid tbe tbiid was to bold Ihe same of these things, are ready, we would, thijik, I . , - r . f Is

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