M -II-I! . FatjettciiZlc atuJ 'fScslern - , itancinj2BnATin race iiorsc, 1 1; . i 1! 4" New. Bicb, $ Fashionable- 1- iZfi&orlment jfj. or gust JLUeeibexr, - - J .BBBBBBBaBaBBaaBaBl Tl hnilfi Subscriber has just returned fromPhil i JL adeiphia with very R Assortment .1f Watches Jewellery,: V - v CONSISTING -:v -Gentlemen's &Ladies fine G dd, Lever Watches Da. v' fSilfUa. -do. English, French, and Swiss j! . do. Fine Gold Fob Chaios.and Kejfi. Ladies' Gold neck Chains. j -SnII Music Boxes. 11 . . ' A very rich asrtraent of BreasVpins, Ear-rings ! and Finger rings, if, Silver, iated, and Jett Belt Buckles. A large assuriinent of sir v er Spectar.res with con I cave, dividing, green; snd double glasses. Silver Combs and Battel Knives. Silrer Frail Knives and ThimWes. i Do. Pencils and Tooth Picks. - A f err superior assortment ;ot iiazors, maoe uj j ' Rogers, Shepherd, and WadDutcher. Also rtogers, onepneru a., iww.mw. - I?-- nL- pl.i. hd'Fn Knives. 1p..& Pi.. ani PaDur Calkra"and Candle- beriaio SilverXabK DeerU and 'Tea-spoons j. .warranted supeuor to silvf r, ana cum per hlWiher wjth Parses, Steel Chains, Keys, and ; Fine Pistols, and rereussioi caps. ... H invite the People to caU !a.nd see his as SoriaifthC" Those Jiving at a'isiance, wilHiav their orders filled onas-good lerius, as It tn-y were preseoj. f j.-.- . . ". - john;c. palmer. Salisbury. NrC.. TWS, 1 836. v a-k iViiV iV fruu th subscriber two nesrro 11 lavs. viz iT0NEY4d JOHN. Toney is dn.,m 33 yars of a, five; feet nine or tea Wh h.jrh -dirk eoinDlxion. sqoare and stunt whn he left, a bright drab P-iAr .hm nvprrsoat. He as purchased by me of Mr. Richard Bradley of Vtlmiogton, and calls himself Toney Moniasroei J;hn is ,abHit Wenty yeais of Ige, of rathef lighter cmp!ex-. ion than Tone yi about fire feeCIO inches high, tad is q iiie stout buih-has a, full round face, ...t h. t ii two frunftireth above and Jelow, shih id hit nvist Miaiinffuishine mark. -He 1 had on when he left a light grey woolen round Jacket and pantaloon. fl . V. .The above slaves left the camp of the subscri ber while on his way Urthej Western co miry, eight miles above Lincolnunj an 2Sth oflast ni'intb," nid will no doubt eudea vorio make their way back to . Wilmington, fl he ,aoove rewara will be given fur theifa'pprehensioiirso that I gel them again. , fj. I ; ; JAMES. "MOORE." Dec. 10. 1836tftl.. jSclliiif? oil en cag tor i vasn. M - 'H'.IilRlffi.T fTHHE Subsciibet having 'determined to closo Ji his business u this ilacfl, offers hi stock ef On band leading articles I excepted) if a very L, ; small advance on ew xora cosi ana eiarges i casn , and casn omy ai ; mese prices. i ne sioc is iarseand : fresh, the wmv ot i , bavin? been 3?r yT0 Ins to boy, will be sunpl'tad ' at a very small pro- " f !CjP All those indebted ,me are(S requested to come forward and settle Ine same, as no Iqog ertoddlenee ean beetven4-ahd all llffuse'liav Tiip w..:-. i... .V will' keep boagbVlasr Fall, and is well tssdTtHi.AgTeal eonstant for ale at his shoo to Salisbury Ni C. bargaia would be gtvea to iny pe W -wishing i . ; i t.nhdAiiM lntiAi BLiioir: ano ItlM I arms 1 on main streA,ali the next door above me ; f-"X-V 7T Tr"" iT" r .- w- - i . I be made easy.--'z; U ? v,7i oi oawuei amij;c pou, t -1 r. i ... !CiV..t- P31.M l.k -at. SPLEJfDlD, ASS UU TflUSJ V"V. in kia I'ida Af buiiinMUl. amon? whioix be wooia en numerate the ioHowing viz: i . - - ? ? Patent Leref Watches, (E-ogusn, Bcia Swiss, snd DuUch, ; tf Gold and Plated Fob Chains, ! Gold and-flated Watch Guards, Gold and Plated. Watch Keys, r:.M n.t PliiPt Wateh Seals. Gold EUr-bobs, Breast pins, anif FiDgeT-rings, (latest fashion,) - : ' . Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases.and 'Leads, r" : " : 'K. : -i . ' . Silver Sjlectacles, and steel frames & glasses, Fine 'Pockei and Dirk Knives and Silver Fruit KnWes,-t j ' 1 ' Pocket Pistol8and Dirks Breast Buttons and Musical Boxes, -Gill and Sieel Watch Chains snd Keys. . 'lie will execute erery desciiptjon of work in a workmanlike manner and promptly ;i j DAVID L. POOL. Old Gold an4 Silver taken f in exchang foi.articlea purchased at his shop, and in pay. men r for workdone and debts due. D. L. r Salisbury, June 25, t49 I l nL.trJ r SnWri ntUtfi to the Stock of the Fatetteville andT Western Rail Road Cmpny. wtll bebpehed in the following . Counties' and under ihe'direction of the Xollowing nanvd per sonsai snth places; tn.said Counties, , and , at such timesi as ihe said uommissioners iajr . lecCuAn tnslalment of Two Uollais uo icn Share will he'reqoutfd al the lime ot sunscrioing, K CMnmSssioners are requested to foi wsrd the r nitit, ocnoonera Cahl;- 1 " il Steams iViirirWineCaU. except that very lor ouested tooreseht 1 the Comm ssioners are requested w ioi wsro in H f ?rf? money as paid, and the Lists of Sobscripuons, SalisbuiyMarch 18, 1J37 tf35 inz claim? against me, are free mem wrpaymeni. - ! ;? m vj, . i ' , - ij. f - . Wlntaw Favetie - .i ; : wir t iiM vifTiiuuv I as the v DiosrcsiS, to I. Li -t W tnsiow, r ayeiie BRUNSVYJCK, i. Blrs; HUTCHISON'S JLL be re opened io Salisbury , on - the (first, Monday of (1c -iber, when she will, I RLADEN1. oy leaye w rrorioence, q avse l ner principal dub- i s i iness to promote the improvement of all the pa- . ; , i pile committed to her car ' Having during the j SAMPSON, prPHeqi oumuitr.uao a iuo ea jipponuniiy iuoo serye the pr jgress of Education at thn Norihhe pledges herself to the public, tor conduct her COLUMBUS, school! (whether it respects . its government or instruction) upon the most approved system and 1 -I.- f eLV C I w. n r. A S.T to 8 pa re do pains loiuaKP in oausoory oeoii-i KUBHiotJi, Dr. F. J. Hill, URobert McRackan, mm! nary, la place of instruction for i'feihale, equal to similar inslitatioos in any portion of the Uni ted states. ,r tj-;- i - TERMS OF ADMISSION. FXZIST OZi ASS Comprising Mental, Moral arid Na'nral Phi I . m s ar - t . oophy, lhmitiy, -lsotany,iLr'pif Khetone WAKE, CHATHAM. BENJAMIN FR A LEY hislust received AstroomyvHislory , Composition, Geometry, Al- MOORE tne latest fashions from Nw Vol k and Phi- gebraf&e. &c. i H lartelphia, imprted from London and Pari. He haaj remo to ttie-tare tsncn uuuoing.-on the 8ootb side of ih Court -House fipposite the rPost-Office, here he is prejJaied to do all kinds of Tailoring in a very 'superior style, durable and fashionable, and warranted to fit well " All or ders from a distance 1 will be nuwt faithfully exe-: cuted, I agreeable to order or pronjise. All kinds of vork will be done by him on short notice. . C2 Her still continues to act . as agent for some of the most -fashionable Tailors of New Vorkand Philadelphia, therefore, any Tailors wishing instruction in the art of Cutting, can be instructed by calling on Biijamrn r raley. Salisbury, at the large Brick Mouse "3 Jandai-y 21837. S A T the anneal meeting of the SttKskholders XA. of ihe Btnk'ot Newhrn, held this day , it . m , . "la e--x a ' a i - L w, Keived. hat ari'W Jtiyiueau oi ail me m . - a : - a . - itO- Add that all holders of - Jiv in November next the Njtes of aaid Bsok, an all persons having fany claims of any kind whfcisover, against it. ;b eardesily 'requested by ptblic notice, to pre !siit the sm; for DavmeniSto the '.vlerchaiits' Biuk of Newbern; on or- blfiiriheeaid first y of Noveoabef i Jitext otherwise they will be jarred. " r , V orderotne ttcKnoiofrs, -t 3m27 OllN V GJIOXf Cashier: Horace Mi.JIietrU9 Per. Session $15 50 Second Clans, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, urammar an Geography, ' I ,. i ' Per. ession . $10 50 Extra Branches. Music, oer. session i Professor 's charge. French Language, 'do $10 00 Drawing and Painting, do . &8 00 EraHrbidery -Lace and Ornamental Work in Silk and Worsted of the newest and most beau lit a 1 patterns f per session i $5 00 Parents are respectfully solicited to dress their RICHMOND, i ANSON, " e8nectfully tenders his thanks tothecitizens churcfi they wish them to attend. All. "of Salisbury and its vicinity lor the liberal Support hen as heretofore received in his business. He informs the public that he still carries on the ! tJTM &OHMYGBUSIJYMi S IN ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND VA RIETIES' AND ACCORDING TO THE LATEST FASHIONS FROM Faris and London, Vid New York and Philadelphia, - - "'ii - ' I .. .-? He assures his customers thtth.eiz woxlt shall be doo faith folly and according to promise 1 .Hot ;. nt what everv mechanic can say: A fiti m ij . l . - east tls not what they do j , ' . Salisbury, April 23. 1836-f tf40 - daughters with plainness, and to ROWAN. RANDOLPH, direct what GUILFORD, CABARRUS, IREDELL, SHOB lNU BOOT N.iB. Miss Hermance, from the vicinity of Al bany , will assist Mrs. Hutchisop. septemoer 17, isju-iw j I For Sale or R'nti 4 ' - r ; i TWILL rent or sell on good leTmp, my estab J-fisbmepit a few doors east 'of thej Courthouse DAVIDSON, m Salisbury, on Main street. Il has been occu pied as a Tavern for a number of vears. and might be made one of ihe best stands for bust I Meckxxnburo, nees n Town. 1 will sell the House and Form ldr ogii.cr orseparaif.lv Alt , inWusiri.m attentive person can make the mony out of h-1 LINCOLN, House before I will require it. - 1 I i j! ; JOHN JONES. N. B I will still continue to entertain my old friends and customers as usual. J. J. The Subscriber will sell tUat valuuble L I fs k u the Town of Wadesbor-jgh. for several years jpjt in .his possession. H can safely ; recom mend it as an excellent tland for the -. . ! I -Terras will bo acomtnodpting to the purchas- 1 er.a'nd can be known by ajipljin to the sub- : acriber either by letter, or privately. I w - ;THpS S.LlTrLE. !: Dec. S, 1836 -tP20 J -' ! ) TheEditor of the Greenboronjh Beacon will insert the above six times.t and forward his ac puiint lo ihe Subscriber at Wadesbirmigh N.C. - THE Subscriber, is now prepared to execute work in this line of business, in a neat and a" ' a a a9 durable manner, ai nis shop in mr. towans' large Brick Building. The public are invited 10 give his work a trial and then determine as t its quality. v. DAVID KERNS. April 23d, 1836 tf40 1 , casn ran a t HlHE Subscriber will purchase any , numbe JL of likely young NEGROES during the next six months, for which liberal prices in cash will be given. , I wish all letters bn business, addressed to me at Gerraanton, Stokes county. TYRE GLEN. July 18, 1835 tfo2 1 m . II IF L OPFBRUD AT PRIVATE f T Fffi 1W MflnnTO . m. A.ff.Mj.iir .Vi.lrio flil H Oa.F-a.li JUtXJf it U A M M I " prices-annexed: r A LARGE Mahogany Sofa cushioned with jOu curled horse hair al $80; tWo ottomans at apair of large Gilt fraqied Mirrors at $50; Ivvo Auhogany folding and Sliding Top Break fast table at f I3ach; a fijie lahogany Spring steel RjckingChair.al $iQ; a fine large high jpost Mahiaoy Bedstead ax$30, Refer to II. C.Jones Esq. Salisbury. I : : U JME$ MARTIN. L Saliabury. October 18j6-tl2 " 7- i - STOISIB CUTTIH G. elVES notice thaibewilir0xeuie at his foarry seven miles South of Satisbury,' all 'kiud3 of work. in his line of Iwsiriess, in as cor rect a style and at as cheap a rate as such work ban -be donatio , itis cou.htry. The superior quality 'of nis grit atrongly recommends his, work 'to Millers and Gold miners in particular. He premises the otraoii pun tuhlUy in nlltng his en enjements. Onlers directed to the Post Office r . . a 1 l a a a. t aaiisoury vrn e prompuy auenued 10. Salisbury, o. STATKSVILLE. N C fTTHE undersigned give notice,' that they Ju. have opened a House of At the East end of the Town, where they will bn happy to accommodate such amay favor them with their custDrn. - - Their Table and Bar shalj be provided in the best manner. There Rooms; attendance, Stcl are good, and their Stables well supplied and at- JUST RECEIVED ! - , i At THE ii . , . North Carolina Book Store. The foil owing interesting jutt Koielt. 'rhe Farmers' Daughter, by jThe Old hailor Tales of the Wars i of jMonjrose by James ! Hkt?, ' ; ' ; : Peter Snouks.a tale oLthecity, Fraseate's or scenes in Paris, I Mi. Midshipman Easy by Capt. Marryat, Asturia, by Washirigton Irviiig, 2 vols. Nr' Works, cninpleit m l vi l. Lives of Cardinal Richelieu, Count Oxentiren j Olivarez and Cardinal M alarm, by G R I III i , ' v James, . The rambler in Mexico, by Latrobe, xoung Man s closet Lirrary,j Young Ladie's closet Libiary Yuiing Ladie1 Annual,. Young Man's Annual, Kelghtley's mythology, J Churchman's maniial, ! Ealy'years of Hobart, Protestant Jesuitism, . Mi-.eizies Works, , Pompeii, bv Wm Gell, Cunningham's Cabinet Gallery, elegantly j oour.a, j j ; 1 j Rogers' Poems, elegantly bound, Kogers Italy, elrantlv bound. Illustrations of Scull's Works, elegantly bonbd J vols. - j j: - ! The Rambler, by S Johnson, e 3 vols. . . Mi: i Sentiment of Flowers, Friendship's! Offering, . Thd Union. Annual,' V loras Interpreter, j I The! Flower4jf Loveliness, with beautiful en r A. Baker: ' .- NEVV HANOVER. Jamea Owen, Aaron Lazarus, Alexander Anderson, . James Burney, Joseph Gillespie, John L McMillan. ' m W. McKay, W, Faison . Ollen Mobley. A.Troy. ' Josiah Maultsky, Augastus Smith. John W. Powell, Archibald A. T. Smith, Richard C Bunting. VV. R. Gales, W. H. Haywood, Samuel F. Patterson. N. A. Stedman, Charles J. Williams, John J. Alston. John B Kelly. Charles Chalmers, C W Dowd. Alfred Dockery, Walter F Leak, C Thomas. A Myers, ' John A McRae, j Jfjseph Medley, MONTGOMERY, Dr. F J Cutlar, 1 Duncan MeRae, sen,. W Harris. Hamilton C Jones, Hon. R M Pearson, William Chambers. Alexander Gray, Jesse Henshaw, A B rower. N Mendenhall, Jesse Lindsay, JohnMorehead, Paul Barringer, WillUm F Phifer, George Klutts. Thomas A Allison, G F Davidson. Rufus Reid. Samuel Hargrave, Henry Dusenberry, W R Holt. Samuel McComb, John Irwin, Andrew Grier. David Reinhardt, Alfred M Burton, M Hoke. RUTHERFORD, Edmund Bryan, 1 John G Bynum, John Mc Entire. Roderick Murchison, John Hardin, J M Nye. Robert C Pearson, Isaac T Avery, James C Smtth. Josiah Cowles, Nathaniel Boyden, R H Parkes. William P Waugh, Thomas J Bouchelle, WCEmmett. M R Moore, C H Matthews, Peter Critz. It is confidently believed, that the gentlemen nafned will take a deep interest in this work, which, by its completion will unlock the riches of ihe West, and regenerate a large section of North Carolina. py at once securing the subscription of the the State, the construction of the Road to the Yatdkin and the two branches will be rendered certain, Tfte time for action has arrived; will the peo ple of the West and the Cape Fear, forego the advantages offered 10 their acceptance? let every every man do what he can, and this work will go on. E. L. VV1NSLOW, President, ILL5 stand the . ensuing season, at my M V stable; at Spring GroTe. Brunswick Cu. Virginia.iwiihio;2 miles' of 1 La w renceville,' 50 miles south West of Petersburg, 22 west of Bel- field, 4tiofth of Warrenton, NC-randi will be let to mares at &35 the season, and $60tnsur- ane'e payable as isopn as thefact is ascertained, or take measurement Goods fc lo Via 1 l the propjrrtj is in any way changedwith $1 jn them -at Fayettevme atM ' Mi e'aeb.Mrase: ui the!groom.-Ma'ie8'leftwithrthe' free of all other charge, ewt4 h horse, will be pastured gratis, and fed with grain Heavy Goods wil beav ' - - agreeaoiy, 10 ie ownera oirecuoos,- ana . oa ujoo- eraie. terms. -The season will end on the -10th -ji' . - -..'-. ..IV I T " "III tMt ailtn Carolinian has just claims upon the . public J .roe steam and tow Vatii . "taJI as 1 nose 01. any otner norse, aemga gnoa racer 1 ucnonnoiKrhi draiv.-.e nimseii, ana me eeuer oi racers oi grea u is- u uejjooasat the owners ri I I taction besides his puritr of blood, being descen-1 the hands of forwardU J. ttsJL I de4 directly from the very best racera in Eig payableon deliteryat Favafc5 land & AmArin. II ait hnastof the nncotiimon I i All Dersnn ctiin.. r v stoutness; lastingness and abilfty to carry the heaviest weights, more particularly on the side ortis dam. which traces directly down to the impor led mare Kilty Fisher, by ihe Cullen Ara bian, her dam by Cade, out of ihat famous mare Bald Charlotte.Vihe yery best mare in all Enpland of her dav. which ran a lace of 4 miles t they will at iSJn ! subject tn tli Z inghich We trustViu ffl at New carry in Grey I fc Market: on the 1st da? of May. 1727 8 stone, 288" lbs., beating V Washley's orse Swinger, carrying 17 "stone, 272 lbs. for 200 guineas, half forfeit. N B This is the highest weight ever carried by anv-horse-what ever. .For cornoration of i his positive fact, a reference may be made to the Ust Vol.' Pick's Turf Register,, the v'Eoglish a fttciag Calen dar. Alsothe 1st Volume of the Abridged E- ditioc of the English Racing Calendar, at page 53. Carolinian's Dediffreecan be traced by a reference to 1st Volume of the American Turf Register. Sportsman's Herald.! and" General Stud Book. The most scientific and comprehen sive woilc ever published on the genealogy of blood horses, page 140. ' For further paiticulars, see hand bills. . ' ABDRUMMOND. Febuary 6,tf 31. ' - State of JYorth Carolina y MONTGOMEKV COUNTY, Spring Term, 1837 .John Bird, adm, ' '"7 ' ' ! vs. - In Equity. ' Margaret Graham others.3 T IN this case it appearing to the Court that John McLeod, admr. of Robert Graham dec. pue of the defendants is aot an inhabitant of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for 6 weeks in theCaro hna .Watchman the- next Term o Town . of Lawrencev September next, &. then and there pleadnswer or demur to complainants amended Bill of com : plainant, or the same will be takeo. pro. coufesso as to him, and ihe cause eel for hearing & heard exparte as to him. Test, JAS. L GAINES, c. m. b. 6w36 Price adv. 3 ah persons shippin2 L B w;i! please hand ;, 11 I MessVHalleBSfi WILLIAM DOrirKiN WILLKINGS September S, 183&Lif7 TlieCommissioners cf boilding, for ihe Cpoi of Di.i." lie bo a, - - -- Auction, o pon a credit of :tm Mocfcsville, on the 18th day of A J f?rH ALLTHE LOTS OP sea, Exclusive of the: public SqoaW.-.f & atne time and nhiM . Pi) AnV..? a T. ' . received Lr bui COURT of bricks : Plan Store of Thomas McNeely,sj rt!N. Bonds with approved i&iJQ ! required by the Cummi&biooers. Irf1 Or UJtl.lL. U. JUVES. BQLdJfD VRU.MP: THOMAS RJl'fLZh Mocksville, March 4, 1837 -Jfl Stntr of ilortti IREDELL COUNTY. kas io him, for him to appear at Court of Pleat and Quarter SttsionffrJ of this Court, to be held in the Ses$ionsTlSS1 -Ji f nceville, on the 1st monday of George F. Sloan ") Original1 Kui &. then and there plead .answer vs turned iMi-rf ASHE, BURKE, SURRY, yILKES, STOKES, (PPoeket-Book Lost.0 ffl IHE Subscriber lost on Sunday last his Pock JL et Book, some where near Rocky River; on the road to Salisbury ; the Pocket-Book is of leather and closes with a clasp il contained about three hnndred and four dollars, in South Carolina money, Cheraw andPlanter and Mwhanics' Banks the money was put $100 in each bundle- a strip of paper round each bundle., aud the it folded up in a piece of new paper j it also contained Notes to the amount of near seven hundred dollars, several were given by jUorri W Hunter of Darlington Court House, South Carolina, and one on E,D. Law for $100, with Jeorge Terrenes i several other notes I will give a handsome re- James McKuight wara io any one wno win give me jniormatiuti on the subject iniurmation directed to, either Salisbury oi Darlington Court Houe, wilt reach nie. 1'.. :f- CHRISTIAN TAR&. Salisbury, Dec. 24, 1836 tf 23. ' , turned .4lBfid(i J Barnabas Torrent) i boy named AtUsja A - IT appearing to the satisfactk oftbe f J that the defendant resides out tfthft jh is ..rdered by the Court that publiatwflirV f r six-weeka in;rthe baroliqa Waittii. ted in Salisbury, that unless the defnki nabas Torrence, appear iltbeo'exteitijJ and ' Quarter Sessions, to be held for tbec of Iredell, at the Court Honse io Stt!at the third .monday of May next, and Ven properly levied on & plead or tnsirerjiktt . OT !H L . 11 . If. H tin win De neara eiparie and tire!j-. pro coniesso. i: Teste-J. C.mPBZ&Z' 3w35 price $3 " State cf llottft iSiWiti: IREDELL COUNtY Court of Pleat and Quarter Seitfalffc VCitWHM 100 i. Str ia State of iioptft Carolina; MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 1 Sjiring Term 1837. Wm. Harris, admr. of 1 Bill in Equity for the settlement Moses Steed, deed. vs. Agnppa Steed aod others. I i of an Estate. In this cause it appearing to the satisfactian of the Lourt, thai the following defendants are not Inhabitants of this State, to wit. Setbf Steed, Collier Steed, Elisha Smart and Tabitha his wife, Lihon Steed, Purnal Skean 4 Adeline, I his wife, the Children next ofkihof Mark Steed deed,. Harris. Russell. and Leah his wife. Agrippa Steed, Eli Reeves and Nancy his wife. Burrell Cotfffins and Palla hia if. Fayeltevilh and Western Rail Road Company. Lvby Steed, Elijah Bailey and Lundy hia wife, February .11, 1837 tf30 Ewkiel Bailey, and Polly bis wife. Lihon Steed and Martha his wife, and four ether children of jegantly bound ! : '. with fine engravings, l , i tt frrainora. o- tended to. it AMOS WEAVER. PE'ITJR CLAYVVELL. Clinton Statesville, N. C. ? Feb. 25, I837,ytf32 It NO East and .West, by I be author of Bradsh&w, The; Pick Wick Club, I Harry O'Rearden, or illustrations of Irish pride, j. , j I. The Priors of Prague, by the jaluthor of Cay Delphine. a novel, $y Madame de Slael, The Earth, by R. Madie. i TURNER & HUGHES, L Ualeigh.N. C. NOTICE. THE Subscribers to the Yadkin and Ca tawba Association for the improvement of blooded slocks," will uke notice that a very lib eral amount has been subscribed. It therefore becomes necessary to organize the proposed com pany ; fr which purpose the several Subscri- urfv am rut-Hiru luaueno enner in person or Hill Steed deed, whose names are unknown. Vestal Beeeon and Susannah hise wife, and Mo see Siee) jr S T is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub lication be made for six successive weeks in the Larolina Watchman, as 16 6aid defendants, for them to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held on the 1st monday of Septem ber, 1S37. in the Town of Lawreneevillei and plead, answer or demur to complainants bill, or by written iproxy, on Tuesday evening, 16th Judgment pro. confesso, will be taken and May next, kt candle light at the Mansion Hotel, Salisbury, N-C. As the matter is getting to assume an important aspect, a full attendance is Feb. WE RLSPECTFifLLY INFORMS THE GEXTLESIEX OP8AL r ISBlTKlTAItlT4 VICINITY j I tf29. desired. R. roil s.Mr, n upwards pr W. LONG, Sec. Pro Tern. - IN. B' All persons holding snhseriminna , desired to forward the same to me immediately: auj laic ui me wue ui meeiini?. March 25 8w36 i' tered against them, and the Bill set fur hoarin and beard exparte as to them. f Test ! ' JAS. L. GAINES, c.m. k. -76w36 price adv. f 4 ? ; ! ITOTSOB. en- or. 1 i ") Original Kxmitf. turned, ' levied m 1 Barnabas Torrence. j gro bojBiml IT. appearing to the satisfaction utl "thti that the defendant resides out tf thtt W, ordered by the Court, that pobliwiioai k for six weeks in ihe Carolina ViteK(ia,rl ted in Salisbury, that unless the deftiiti nabas Torrence, appear at the wi e Pleas and Quarter Sessions to lw ml county of Iredell, at the Court Hus ville, on the third mondav io mjJ neOrV nlevv the nmnprlv IavipH on. Dlfti 1 i j F"l j . : J. swer, the plaintiffs will : be oearl1 nA ha.M inArrmont nrnmmftxien : Teste J . 6w35 price $3 :l "aar V V v.r wilkes covsn; January Sessions, 1S37.I1 Peeden &. Kelly vs. Joseph Stanley IT amearin? to the. that the defendant is not an lulufe . "a L . a Slate ; it is therefore ordered, idw. be, made in the Carolina w weeks, that the defendant appear itW Court of Pleas and Quarter .SessiJprJF for ihe county ofWilkes,atf tbe Wilkesborougb. on the firs monday fbuith monday of April next, to aosv , yy, or judgment will be entered g!; ibe Lands condemned to saiisff '"C , at..in I'Urk ell' itne, , vw. ry;-a Court at Omce, me nrsi mono-j monday ef January, 1837. Teste-fJ. .yMSTlX'V March 18 &35 price p nritrrDilUi dt( fendanttU !- . i f. tifcfaetioD of V f BOOKS are now open Watchman and at the has commenced niniS ct lebrated Jack - fl Sntn?r season, ai the stable of the pn tor. and will end, on llh June next, at ttie raies of $2 cash the" single visit'; $ 1 the sfaspti, tu be r paid in the'eas.m, and to insure a . nitre to I be in f nl, w hicfi wlll be Uimd (when the fact i is ascertained br, 5 lhefnfirtyA:changed. 'All xnares brought tu PULASKI wilbe" ciwisidered as pot by : the ieawn an j charel accoraingly ?i unless rotbrwise orderfd at thejfirat visit. f Care i will bo taken to! prevent accidehts1. but 1 will not about 2 k mi les from 1 Sat isbui f. GRlSlf 4' SJHVMILL and in . i. fnllA,T hh ukf heoffioe formerlyocco- borboodTfor custom. - i : jl. piHi oj r. is. Aiejtanger. isq. oirectJT op- I. I ivn rge ien;Ja carrying on the Miatr Ctlttinsr ana. SItftKlnsr and all itne pesooai property attached to my Jivuuuy, m M. M.M-t, SI lUO. be liable for any that tnaf hap'ieru'; JOS. FarmvlUe, fredell eo.2 March 20857 CHAMBERS. ISustnessj Having carried on that branch of business fof the last Wiv years io New York and Boston ,; he flat er imntrlf ihat his work in the above line will oe mlt-rior to ntiue, itheiiin the Northern or oiitnin eoantry: Genilemea nre respectfully iQTiieu iu can anairy. : N. B Razok set to order. fvoveobber 5, 183li XflG a good neigh wwciiuuo ur i vj r , . on the nlantation uf th lata .1.Ank D . sori, in Davie county. . !A?,n8-1(38 JUN rOD.ABmt. at the Office efthe Store of Geo. W- Brown, in the Town of Salisbury, for subscrip tions to the capital stock of Favetteville and Western Rail Road . under the Acts of Assem wy of ISSSand 1837 THE COMMISSIONERS! State otSLovtix WILKES COUNTf. January Session 183 V Samuel F. PitersooiO"fjf ys Jllefied rM Joseph Stanley ni'a U IT appearing to the fSJff ii Sute ; it is therefore vlX J 4 bem.de in the CaioHaa Uatcb" , weeks, that the defendant W,r? farm viz; Grain. FurnitureU of king Toofsj Sus. &c l( the ahrtve property is rot sold privately, 1 will Sell thelsaroe ali auction, on ihe premises on ihe 10th day of August jfcext-i .. ' f ! U JACOBTRAVIS. Salisbury Febuary, 4, l857-i6h.29. I TOTOTICE is hereby giyen io Jeremiah Fielde myjhosband, and all other persons, thai I intena to ppiy to tne.Jodge of our Superior Court of Law and Equity, to have the proper it that IS Wllfpf tn tns K r.V.. r.' ST.T3. . otr in the hands of William Daviai R- u.or, aecurea u my own use, aod have the came setueo on me. Court of Pleas and Quarter 'f for .he county onVilke,, Wilkesborougb. on me u"' Jy i fourth monday of April rl vy.or Judgment will be i and the lnds eoodemoed to say rr 1 f '4tt ft FOR SALE iATI HIS OFFICE TS?'- ! PPinted CommisaioVeV to make a Tuu i,tlun Pf ?" nKmg thenextor kin of Fhilip Howard, deerased. I willeeU on 24tb day of ihw montb, TirO, JVEGROES on a reditofsiXmontha. The sale 10 uke place at the residence of the said deceased. p T : r n. L. Willi a m'p. rJn-- AjriI8,1833-3w38 ' - ; MARTHA FIELDS. Sorry County. N. C. April 8, 1837 6t38 . I JOB FEINTING Of every description neatly 03 Done aC ii Office toKi . J ttf Witness. Wm. stia'dter court at office, tbe firstly ; ; , Monday of January. I W'5TD; l este - --t v atareh 18 6w35 pnee K - aW -.w r nt.VTJ Of every descriPl ' AT THIS OF1, 5;! ill: St aif h :-.if .v 5 3 Uf i t ":41s . i aplSBjpaai m Hill . m Ull 'pJiaJI'i"' - , - 9gBaa,,.r-w''