Vl' uf lb' V - . 1 Ad M 1 lain The WATCH:sMi may Iwreatler L- Dollar nJ rmy "l'7 A Class of four ne """ w"" w" .u.. ttf hul Bum :tt line naviiient. Ul have tl PaP,r for 0,10 ypl,r ' Two Do' ' . in -.1 irii riRH " . . -.. - - J - - - Lsi each, and 89 Ionian me same Class brum Uinne thus to pay in advance Oie sum of ', ,1,1 0 tllara ! s31"" na" continue, Lrwiseihey will be charged as other eubscri- Siirncribf-rs- wh do not pay dining tSe year ill charged l,,ree Ll,ar8 ;i" a. ,MiihriUon will be received fur less llia'n P" J11"' ... l j: I u i. Vitvuwr win o I "r n i.r I 1A l'. IHLr. Ullirw ill inra.gro ..a.u 1 ..II Mvrn-ir.i'an sa aa mmA i v ,.. to the Alitor m.mt be t,o "i i . ... . . . W ; ..Miorwiso ihey wui .-.eriuihiy ni . ne . Inded to. W. o At..B-,lW - ftff C,U.p- .refor I. Aral 1 1."'' tUfir4lre tor earn I7wrjw..jyv.i.r(f- m .,,.. ........ ' adwtfihetitT'will be inaerted lor less an oiB Dom.au. luVr.Metnmitswillb- confinoed nnlil order. ! V recbited lo atop Ihera, ;.:Ll.ti..ion Ihero. where no dirmiona ! h prrvNioMy im. vioii"!-''",-" ........... i I i .... i. hw inn ipir iir m i m in iik w i . ih the privilege of i;hanjin the on eerv latter. M.liniFIV,. SALISBURY, Beeswax per lb. 16 -i 17 eta.; Brandy, Ap- 1 wtral. 45 a 50 ci ; Lotion per b (in ; ksi) 3 ola ; Coiion bgginr per yd. 16 25 I ; UniTee perjb. Hi IS ets; Caatinjrs per I jL.?,:J.IAhiuiiV'anr'Nw:'- fn No" l 7j a 2 OO cis ; feathers per lb; .15 Kflour pr oi 7 oi; neai pr misli. tl IH ... .1 . U D I . I.TI . . . ii;0al pr buuhtl 30 cis; Corn pr bu-ih ai cisj n per lb 6 a rt ; Lead per lb' 8 a lOcis ; Irl.irs per ?5 els ; Nails per lb 9 a 10 B-ef )Mr IbO a 0 cts ; Bacon per lb 121 Under per lb Hi d; Lard per lb 15 s; Sillier buslicl 50 cts; Sled, Ameri- n blisli-r, per lb. 10 da; Lnalirh do. tier lb ets; Cast do. per lb a -JO'cia; Smnr li I'j liJ a 15 cts ; Rum (.lainaival iter khI; Yankee du. il ; Wool (clean) in-r lb 30 ls;T.ltow per lb. 10 11 cl; Tow-linen r yd. a eta; Wine ( I enenlle) per yal j 50 . ..rlU'jnl do. ft 50 a 1 7 cts j Claret do trgal. $1 3 a I 75 cts; Malaga, (aweel) r ffl.l Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 els. CIIERAW. Deef in market per lb a 8 c ; Bacon per 11 a li cis; lla.ns doi 00 IK cts : Beeswax rib -i a ti cts ; Bs?ginsr per vard 18 a 35 ; K.le rope per 15 a l i 14 cis ; CfTHi pr. li a lli. cisjCoiion per 100 lbs I I ISi 00 r l0; Corn per bushel a 95 els ; Floor a wagons r brl 50 10, from stores per li ,lMU0i Iron per -100 lb 5 in) a 6 50 'jsses pernal 50 a 6J. cis; Nails cul assoit )ier lb 8 I i a 9 els ; Wr.iujhl do. per lb. 20 ; Pork pel brf 8 9 ; Rice per 100 llts 4 00 v s"''r per Ih. U I -2 a 14 cis; Salt pr kfj Hi; Suit pr H7I $1 cls;Sicel A- Uicjii blister pr lb 10 16 cu; Tallow le-r lit 10 U cts; lea Imperial per lo 1-25 a I. 17 id; yum lo. pr lb f 1 a l 2a cis ; lobucco manu Lured per I'tIO a 15 els. FAYETTEV1LI.E Branny, peach 80a 00. Do. Apple, 60 a 65 iHcor. prh 10 a 12); Iwtiioniirlb 8 a II ris inlfne or lb I-2-' a 14 l Flour bid. S81 - a 94 lavseed pr bh 41 25 a IM)0;Kealliersiirlb45 Corn prnusb 90 a 1 Iron prlb 51 a ri; Mo ispr r is a 42; Nails cut Ti a 8 ;Sall InwIi till a 0; buuar r lb 8 a 12 : 'lMiaceo: hi Ai a 4; Wheat pr bush f I 50; 0 Whiskey jai.D.i, l tees wax 2a, a 00 lie Celebrated and thorough-bred JJorte MOTT, IAS eniDmeuoed the Spring season, and will stand Ibree dava in each week at the sta l'l William Harbin, Eq uire, in the town of ixiesvuie, in. Carolina, and the balance of his at the store of Win F. Cowan, Esquire, ules from Slatesville, in Iredell county 10 IT will be let to niaret at the moderate rend Fifteen Dollars the season, payable on Ul uf JuW.when iheheasoo will en l: Ki'irht llurs inr ihe single leap, payable wheu ihe Nee is rendered ; I'liiny Dollars to insure a f'fo in f.iul: the insurance immev will be due pwimasius ascertained that Ihe mare is in o r the nroiwrtv transferred Fiflv cents lo fRroorii in every instance Care will be la- "0 lu prevent amidenla. hill thore will he no li- luiiiy tui ku. hich may hai.n. n. THE PROPRIETORS PLDlGItl.K. . "IOTT waa aired bv the famuna old horse P" Archie, whose reputation as t racer and rr, U, n,er hcn eq'ialled by any horse in '' Li.iied Si.)M ....,,1 ;.,irf n... a 11 tn out iiup'ir -'r Hi dHIII. iKaa ..r...it ..f ll'.lh.a.n II a, . ' VM'iirni ai ,if iiiiuui av "on and Davi.i lir.Li.Ti i-;,;. .... U 1 1 rail ll I ih v tl j( ' a, waio (jwi- i ?" f?ncm Burden ; g dam by the im borae lL.ir....i . .... t.j 1:... Mer to Jolly Friar ; a grand dam by the Ij-'ieo i,ore old Janus ; g g 2 grand dam by 'UesyuURiitH' wis' ""fot'left r..t.,mac ; his dam by tmported Cnixen ; g " By the imported horse Mousetran : she out Selim, fr, a Putumae .mi ..I . I.. II- l mt oi Mary Gray. i'rtt was br.d hv the Honor.LI ln. 11 n laie.of Nurthampton oounty, N, Camlini, ;M. A4 "J-r Hainlin ot ll.iit... .,i a..A r'B Will shew. - tl.LI la k... ...;.. I I 11. Id uosuiiiui y. now rmmjfeigni years 1 " ie auu 1411, auu lueasures sixteen Ns high. yiM. isaTHwat:-.. -. Kelly, and her JJaugh- . terg.' north street in this Town, will exe- NEEDLEWORK, miikinfcj Shirts, Pantaloons and routs, with nealness and despatch. Hy. Apnl 1; 1837 lW7 , fOH SAXE AT TltlS WF1CE 8AlPEDOiV (Imported.) F11HIS splendid English Race Hoi- & Sul 9 lion, imported in 1834. will cover mares the present eseni season, (which has now nomine need.) ai y .stable, Granville county. N C. on the main .r.uuin, uiiiiiviiie rouni j, rn. j. on tne in:in rsd lending from Oxford lo Bovdton. Viririnia.at nOibeseason. payalle before or on the first .,f Jly nexi, at which time it will expire, t flOO inriirunce. which will be demanded as soon at. llie noire is ascertxined to be in f, or transfer , , , C""P; " ,"k,en P'-ent escape, o, ' .'"idents.bot I will not be rei.nihlfnrn. ih-t , s rf ' '; ""'. " ' " I Hirave for niars nml vh.n tA .... 4y, which char,. be pa d Url themare w.ll he ,!d u leae oUnut ,h! Sakpicdoi is a rich rown horte. 16 hands "J Z.t T.P'"J " tiem''l mirn, l.lef in ibi'i. the ii.,uerl oi Chii,.! " T .V" "m. 01 " gw.te.ar Mrei-h j and power. His back and loins so remark .My 8,r,Hlir ,hit he w tl.ouahl to be noonr f li t(4j gg . . Ijorne he was eoual. and generally arperior, lo nut horsea of his da. .n ...... u uy iriricnce 10 itis ineifioir 111 Ue lail. which, uwy .be wen in the Jnlr tlSSn OJ ia 1... ...I' . . ' ti.iino.-r oi me i on nerisur He -is the only mm oi in lani'Mis'milMis, known lo be ioipoii- ed EinMius, it will be remembered, is the sire i.f PleniHiieiniity. Scipm, priain. Riddlesworih "d ,uny others, and covers at 50 gs. a mare. Sakpkooii possesses more of ihe stunt. Mam ',MMf.aiigjb bhsjhoauiiw. "","'!' America, amf is a direct cross npin any ,"wn11 wares, nm perloinxnees st iliree and four years old, ('until he was injure--.) were id 1 lie first rharaeier-bestiiij; neaily all hi com ne'ijnrs... irivioir some of then bioh .-ids weight (See Kacin Caleudar and .Snorin.ir MaL'sZ'lie. as ainive ) . N ii His slock (Colls) are remarkable Urue and lacing-like. PEDIC.ItEE. SARPenoit was g'ii by that capital racer and unrivalled Siallion Kmilins,' by ihe g real 'Oi title, who also covered at 50 gs , nd was per haps the bei s .nof UenningbroogliMM of a King llerod mare. 4c j his dam leaite, by the Flyer, gram! dam by Dick Andrews, equal to any hnrso ol ,his day, bold as a racer and Si,M,- .Jay, hy Benniiufbrooh I'ri'iiroKc, by Mambrino-Cru-k el.liy Kng IIckmI, the besi Stallion of his day,& founder ol the best slock in Knjland Sophia.hy Blank Deane.'fLir.! Leigh's,) by Second Mr: Hanger's brown mure, hy Sianao's Arabian, out of (iipsey by King William's N tougued Baro MikelesH, Royal Mare. The Flyer was got by Vandike Jiior dam Aztlni, by Beuninx brunch -tilll tluier, l tligbfyT Gldrtlldl7"!ii:ileTto-T Grass!oiJ.cr, by Marske Cullen Arabian Reo-lu, i.- , fy; Vhft Flyer was a capital dome, ami nr. ol ingH,' winner ol ihe Unks and oilier goon runners. V'inilike Junior was got by Walion, dam D.i'x-hick.hy Ihe I'.ISos Dr ib, by ll:gbfly.-r Ileiie, by Cbrybolne Proserpine, sifter 1 (Eclipse. EDM VXD TOII'.YfiS. Mnrch 2-36tf:. UWIIAUIK JSL D.L make his last se.ison jr flQ-fl lb in County, at my ibl in l.exi-igion, N. (' , endipo (,t, Ws"waitssa "I'b July, 'j he puriiy of Ins oluod his size length substance and pow er his Mue energetic no 1 ion. I ihmk Mill cns I'Xcellenily well, Mlib out common tuurus. He will be six years old lliis .Spring. In order lo ac'sjiiiin nl.ile all the Farmers wlio are desirous lo breeiiyiie liores ami ai a r.ne wilhtn the means of all breeders. I am indue, d In put down ihe price of the oe.ison of Uw h:irie, lower than thai of any horse in Ihe 1tVhhi oj' T qual blood and character. He will mnke bis preeent season ai l'i ; insoiaiiee s-il) In ad dition to Ihe yearliiia (illy am! lo colis thai I Sold in 1S34 ai jj,000, (out .1 L'whane's dam) ; I relused last rail lor a yearling h ly out ol Ins dam and by imporu d Luzboruugh J00, and lor Ihe old mare $1,000. iLJ" For further particulsrs see hand bills W. K. HOLT. Mar-h 25. 1837836 State ot liortn eatcUua, WILKIN TOUNTY. January Session, lt37. Finly & Bouchelle Original Allarhmetit levied ujion .. defcod- "" Joseph Stanley j a"i's Land. IT appearing to the saiisiactiiin of the Court, thai the, defendant is not an inhabitant of this Slate ; it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in ihe Carolina Watchman for six weeks, that the defendant appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for ihe county of Wilkes, ai the court-house an Wilkegborough, on the first monday afier the fourth monday of April next to answer or reple vy, or judgment will be intered against him, and the Lands condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt Witness, Win. Masiir., Clerk ' of our said court at office, the first monday after tbe foorih monday of January. 187. Teste-' ir.V ,IWmV, c w c c riiafb48-6wS7 price rottrs.filfutit .t.vi ROANOKE RAIL ROAD. f 1HE taw mrr DAILY on this R ma:-Pas-M. sengers going North -will be conveyed from Halifax. N. C. to Gary'si Depot, in the Comp'a ny's C. aches, and will arrive at Portsmouth in lime for Baltimore Boats, vbich leave every Wednesday Friday snd Sunday, at 3 P. M. and lUr-rW- VVashtngturr Boar;- which- lesvm every Snnday at the same hour. Passengers leaving Halifax on either 0 the aboTs mentioned days, will arrive in Baltinere the following morning and in Philadelphia in the evening, without be ing deprived ofl sleep. . The Engines on ibis road aie m fi" order, and no detention need be apprehended. ' Stages leave Ilalii'ax in time f 11 the ueparture of the Cars at 7 o'clock AT'M. from tbe upper termination of the Road.. Office Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road Com pany: , AprU 1, 18i?-im37 . - , . w w 1111. iii.-irrinr wt, ..- , QREESSBORV MERCHASVS Accommodation Line of DIRECT FROM BALRIRM toti.d JCJN0TI01? OP THE P23TERS- suna poxiTsi:ouTn RAIL HOADS. Iiuning ,ver,, olher day, i precise con nection with ihe L,ne from Gremsbo. rough, X. C to Halrigh .v. C. SEATS uki'n in Greeit8b...ojih to Blakel v. at.dlroin Blnkely io Gte. oh.,r,mtr. made v,k Font aivs ojvia'h vL,J,: N-iiih and Vei of this ill find lli ,m , ; 7 " P-1-r.n:,. & , ".'- Salen,. N Carol, 1 f"1- a,,d Wythe C II V ir? i-a. to kr,nlu. eiiJiesaee... ad will do ineU to pan to Grernm- borough oulufor ScalLiku bt4 . un Llie, kcl ke a certain umut, AV.ril.' J. I . . "" ' ' " eiintr uj; ; .way oJ . fcieiBbore or 1V rofWuriMirtC """ w aNAU.be fJUOD not- and there ",a" w'f cootpbiin. We pi.t ri this j t"1'"' f X"-l eeude tluU imposition hitlu-rto pract'utd on gtiUUnuu one. n lilrorn 4, Jltf ! " "d pim ly lo nrpvent ..nr U Southern friends IVo.u. U-uig dU)ed at either p'are oor Line, and wishing lo tail inio itic Pied ni, or Weviern l.im ., at lire, :il...,ij1r h . nccil uta rVr delay, for by either rHe they can go i MilledfPTitie h , 111 ;,,e M,m nmaiid we pledge otitsel j . 10 lake.ai lur as Stllsbtiiv or Wythe C. II V'a , all Mho may .1 any time be crowded nut ICP i'he public will bear in minn the follow ing UEUUIJITIOJSS on 1 luts Line : i will have Blukby on iheooVi dys 111 Aj.ril, May, Auvusi, NuveiiiUer and December; u wit; a.l. 5'h,7ih. 91., llm, tC . and on the davs in June, July. Sejitcioln r and October ; u wit : 2d, 4'h. 6ih, Hth, loth, 12ih,8., 4-c. Ii$SE,YClEllS going to Petersburg or Rieliuioiid, will liinr ll.isiiir po.pi route. JAMES SLOAN. M'LLAN A KAN KIN, PETE It ADAMS, McADOO &. SCUTT, JACOlUlliBBAUD, II. & J. LINDSAY, J A MKilANE. (J C. TOW YSLND, I J A VIES AriVEIt, JOHN A iillrrfHR, V 1 R. D. LINDSAY, (Iri'Piislioro, .M.ui ii 'Zl, 1 p;;:. I38. A 1. 1st ol Letters feiiiiiiiio 111 tin' l'otl (l J.M. li.-, ai aii-iMii, N 01 lb Caiulinu, on ihe 11.. si uj 1 Ajirii, I J 7 . A- Heler Ai'origiu. Saiuui I Allen, U II Al. x 111KT, li '1 Alien tl Ami ll'iAMi .l.isi pb Bniiii-r .1. .1 11;. b B,u 1. 11, I I.Oiii:is S II 1 11. Alien II. -vii, It m J). 11 belle 4, Kle-ell'BlocIt, V I ill.lln lil lio.s, J,,n, U .sioii, Koli 1 1 Hiii isbi, -v. Sain I t. ru.-in- Ur iiM,, W 01 Brown, Ail ed liiown, m C Litardon, Burton t. r.ii,e j ' l) I'lmiiids ton rail. Andrew ( rnie, (fHoriie Cauole, J.iiiies . Ci..ih. . J S t I, pit), titut I I'aid well, Li .11, m, I Clitiis, 1 l.ii, , ulliercll, '.ir.ina.iti C ravoJnit Cd.rell. i..ml Chorrier, I'iIIiiioii ( ii.iilord D'-J,.bn P I lick, 1 son, James l) iiii,li,e, Gen: l ik. , William V Dorwon F I liouias F.ialer, William Fill', Squire Fixter. ui Folk, David & l ialey, Tlioman F. my G -1 leiiry S Gorman, Jnsrph- ii i,Btr.jue. JSally Ann Ij.iture M Will. am H iilhrran, William Harris, .S w'l I... II ..III. II ii.j.js.,11, laniiau 11111. nienniii Harris, iie. llar.raves, Win It HijjiiliMir, Alexander HllV n a. rlii!.itelli 11,-iilHii, Win Ilicks. Ueeey liar ris, Dotira4 I' Hiden, Henry Hill, 1111a I' llu.lspt III J Samiiil Jones jr '2, Samuel Josey, Anny .losey. Da. in or William Julian, Eliza J.neb, (jeo(jc Jolillstoll k Aitsalom IvtioX, Leonard Klutls, Samuel Kerr aud others I. James m Litter, Da,(all l.en'7., Nanry l.yerly, Lliiutx.ib Lrpptid, I'e: r Long, Jubn l.iitiu M F W Meerbach, Michael My lick, Georgi-V-i.rdCHij--Neele McNab,---Ang'rt--M"rgBn or AIlN'rl C Moruao, Ji'ksi-May, N II M.sieiihaiiier, .lames F McCulloch, A At Miicln ll, Maiarei Mcpherson P Mxthew Porter, Thomas Peryer R James Koberson, Levi Roades, James G Roe S -Peter Smith. Charles N Sterling, Wil Itngion Smith 2, Di A Nnl'li 2, K b't Spr.use Samuel Smith, James Smith, Get rge Smith, A SmiHil, lloralice M Swiizer, Samuel Sea for i), llimiius or Lewis, Allen Stoker, Elizabeth Swisher or Daniel Jacobs. John Simmons T Ginrge O Tarrh, Susan Turner, James Tuiniiull 2. Isaac Tionor, Wm Tailor, AJal" Triiuiman, Aaron Terry, Dr Frederick Tumsi. W-Rev'd James EAVricli 2". Clias'Wille." Calvin I.WTir, Philip VVrigln, John V ard well, Andeisun Willis, Brnieo Warrick 84M'L REEVES. P M 3w38 Jailor's .Notice. f f'AKEN up and committed to the Jail of I (hit. County, ihe 17th of .March, a Negro woman, who calls her name SALLY JONES, she savs thai she belongs to Robert King, snd that Mr. King purchased her of Mr. lo near Washington city. Sh. stales that she too sway from Mr. King near ths Yadkin Bridge some abort time before last Christmas-said wo man appears lo be about 40 years old. I be owner is requested to come forward, prove pro peny.'pay charges and uke h i away. MIX M. THOMAS, Jailor. , Lexington. Davidson Co. NC ApnIb.HJ7. JS sstssl v3 NOTICE. PURSUANT 10 a decree or the Court of R. quiiy fur Rowan County, made at m ireb lerm, 1837. will be sold at ihe Cou.l House io Salisbury, on Tuesday, ths 16ih day of nay next, a Trart of I,and. r obtaining 159 ACRES, Belonging l the Heirs at Law isT Francis Gib son.drc'd, adjoining the Lands of Michael Brown, Mlolia. I Baker ai:,l oilir ..n . .,..1:. ..r twelve months, r quiring bund and security for the purchase unmet. There is on Ihe pre 01 i ses a good Duelling House and out houa., all nearly new. 1 SAM'L SILLIMAN, c m a Apr;l 15-5w3! JOISTU r. Ill Of ,1AM STATE LOTTERY FOll THE 1IKNKH1' OF Till! SAI.lN- nritY ACADEWV. CLASS Nil 6. you 1847 To be drawn at Elizabeth Cily.Xorfh Carolina, on Saturday 29 ih of April 1837. 75 No. Lottery, 14 Drawn Mallots S TE rEXS O. V Jf. POIXTS, Manager, SOU EM o- 1 Prize 1 Prize 1 Prize 6 Prizes 10 Pltzes 15 Prizis Whole Tickets Halves Quarters of 10.000 Dollars, of 3 000 Dollars, of 2.000 Dollais, . f 1,000 Dollars, of 400 D.ilUrs. of 200 Dollars, ffl. a. To he had in the greatest variety of numbers either by package or single ticket ot WHEELEH Sr BUllXS, Stii $!,ury X C. A ccrtiM ate fir a package of 25 whole Tickets will cost 50, Half 25 Quarter I 2 50 MORE BOOKS JUST JIECEIVE) JIT THE .V O it Til C.I KOE,i ,V.I J$oo4 (tlorc, viz : The Life of Thomas JerTermtn, with parts f his coirp.iiidiicc,nevei before published By Geoi'-'Twek",;- ; Historical mi uinits of my own lime. By Wrax ail. - A. r oll's Elements ol Phyeics, 2 vols. A I'realiwon Laiiifuage, 01 tbe relation which Words le-ar in ilnnos. Hy A B Johiibiiri. Hurl. Hi's Anal y ul Melancholy, A fine K.ltli.in ol Shakespeare. 10 vols. li 'Swell k Lite of Johnson, V inhII ,!!.'. Juuiuk, i nls. I'yilei's I'oiversal HisHry,2 vols. Fanner s Register, 3 vols. M.iimirs ol Court of Charles. 1st and 2d . l ' iliicc.ipeilii Americana eoinplete in 13 vols. Memoirs ol (iiaiiiiiHini, New Ivliti.m, Hon i 1. ml Wrlliiiiis By l lios Fame, Lnrdner 00 Steam Kogiues, with plates, PnmiHtnrnn L icymolive F.i.gmesiipiHi Rail ll.iad with pi.lleS lirc-er's HeaiCiet, of Ireland, History of England, b II note, Smallell k Mil let, l vols. Scboolcr.ili's Tiavils, I laiemloo's Htst. iy i.f the Belli llinli, ( Vol; Aineriean Aiinniil Keoistci, j vols. Mrsait'a Wori.'s, 7 vols Kill IMvwnair Reserrclte, Mislvru Traveller. A l'.,pul:ir Description. Gengraphleal. HikIoiichI and -1 opi.i''U hieal ol Ihe various countries of the (in. I.e. l vols. Wa land's Political F,i-nn .iny, Delia'esin North Carolina Cunvrnlion, I niiosiiies .,t Lileriilnre, Baker's Livy 2 volv. Cuiiiplete si-tts ul ibef'tinily Library, and a va riely ol niiscellane.oiit WorlvS lim ledl.nis lo n.'eiiiton, lor Sah- by ToltXElt lirGIIES. ILileiul. N C JOHN RANDOLPH OF ROANOKE. ' Ty E pr-qit'iiy ol Riclmrd V. MiclUuv, br.. JL by .ne late Hon John Randolph, will make his first season in North Carolina, at ri n stable uf the Su'Mcnber, al Ihe Union Hotel, Statesville, Iredell county, N. C. MAltULIEU was sired by Monsieur Ton Son, (the Ajax ot Ins day,) dam Jet, hy the im s.ried Bluster ; g. dam Suttra (imported J by Alexamlei ihe Great, &.o. Cj For lurllier particulars ace hand bills. AMOS' WEAVt.li Not having immediate access to the Turf Re gister at llie imie of publishing the Pedigree of , jVlarblteu in BtHs, and finding it 10' truth much better than I had thrtrghi7 l.iake lliis "mode of giving il more extended ly. MARBLtEU waa by Tunson out nl Jet ; she by Bluster, out of Statira ; Siatira by Ali-xan der the Great, out of Hite, by Sweetlirier ; Rose out of . Merlington by Suap ; she out of Miss W indsor 4y Godolph m A labia n (see T ii rf ' Register, Vol. 5. page 488 ,) Bluster was by Orlando, the son of Whiskey, out of a ILghdier tnare, gialer to Escape, by Pegasus, hei daui, by Squirrel ; Pegasus by Eclipse, out of a Bphn rua ware, sister to Grecian Princess ; Orlando was out of Amelia, by Higt.flyer ; her dim miss. Tims, lislertd Itiiden by Maicliim ; Sajtram, a sun of Eclipse oat of a Calash mare by llerod j her dam 'Iberesa by Maichem ; Regulua by . Uodolphin Arabian. (See Turf Reg. 'Vol. II, page 51. Besides lbs above, see reference in Ihe Hand bill to lbs Stud Book. ' A. WEAVER. Statenille,Jlpril 15, 1837 4w39 Having been requested by Mr. Vaver to ex amine the Tirf Register (which I own) un the subject of these Pedigrees, I did so in company with bim, ar.d find lis above siaieinen entirely accurait. - H. C.JUNES. Extract f.oro a 4t.i i.f Jnlv Oration. deliveiaHlatTftikerville. ; OENTLtartN-When I look upon the rising glories of this favor- I conntry when I see the spires of her Chnrt lies, &. the grateful industry of her native born in habitants, I am swallowed up in a continu al streams of alteration to the great giver uf meat in due season. When I take a prospective view ol the heroes of the Rev olutionmen who went forth with their Kiiapsacas on meir tearless hacks, their hriglit swords firmly fixed in titer ei hoinn -cabltanU, then primitive d.,s. arranecil inure ior coiiiiorraml conveint 111 e tliau for ilisj.lay, the prayer of the MHtr and nectty that call alud W soccmir, and w hen t ken inio otisulcraiioii with the present Messed freedom which we enjoy, the g!o rioys institution which have descend! down upon my knees, and pray that ihe r " . " arms which -wrought this j-reat deliverance may never lack lor bread, but may receive fiom their ?rieful couniry that considera tion that diatingutstic every inagnuiiimi 11s child of freedom and liberty. This j. the d:y that is full of glory to every American.' This is a day so sacred that every man is alu. osl afraid to breathe, for fear of disturb ing the repose of his serious coiiieuiLr lions. As 1 said io uty wife. when. I jot tip this morning. 'Susnn say. 1, Mills is SjJi'XJl'U aur.aftee.wy mnei he-tsught o remember ll was on tins day thai Hie heroes of lite Revolution poured down from the Grampian hill, destroy mg ttic Hoik ant! herds ol the eiteiiiy. Tlierefure, Su paii,' said I, we will this day kill the pig and invite the neighbors 111. Ye, the pig itliail he stuck helore I eal iny hreak.tsl I will oiler him on llie aliar of my coun try's glory! Gentlemen, w as I not ri ht. I felt Convinced that I was in Hie rigl.l, Ik. wh il say she I tn v sr cispuie. li was on Hum pn.ud a id augu..l day dial the vali.nn men uf auinp.it y lonht lor lln ir eouoiiy. lite Lbasls ol mariyis mun piiuied out like wa'ter'inaouring the fi. l.is ol Beoiiiiijjiuii V Bunker Hill. The greai L.Uyei e led on l.i, lowpiiapU band ul French berot 1.1 lauglnr the English, whj r in I'ku nun like chart scaiteied ny a tain storm ! Tne brave General Scot 1, lien. oaiuntiiige and lite un.lai nted liem ral Hull lollowed. in ll.e aur UurMiitg like tigers lor he bliMt.1 of the various pi.ipls that had come over the broad and It iitposluous w-eau in take . wa"y your liberties, loes anl'sb a regular sys tem ot anarchy on ihn sitore winch ecln d lo ihe song of Ihe pilgrim fulhers the la.ij which Co luioooi .liscovtd in 4h year I4K-2. It m wtrll known lliat the F.ngltsh aie all isiwards. I hey ran before our annum continually. W asliiuLiu chased iheiualluvur Lnig Island, all through New Jersey -ami at last penned them up in New York eny, where he capimedj Con.wallis, ami hung Major Andre on the spot. This Ala jor Voow was Hie uiaiiUho litl ii.renled l.lsjK-8. spy- Have yog read ihe history of our country? D.yon know tbe gloniHis and warlike Je. 'da whtcli Hiiehas a-co.nplisti.'d ! It you have not, 11 is injfb tune I'.at you knew someihiog about' it! Read the bisiories which has been handed iiown 10 us the accounts nl ihe UhvoIuiiimi, and llie first settling id ibis vast wilderness land, whuii tbe proud Indian ranged alone, sole lord l llie V. real, wheu loe voice 1, 1 the while man vas not heard 111 all our borders, and the savage scalped women and tl.iluicn al In. pleasure! ihe b.mks that would roccommeiid .re those winch irea: ol tbe Pilgrim lathers, who first wrote the declaration ul independence ,Hf sealed It whii il.eir lii mis I.I.kkJ f Alt aetouiil uf llie.e ibitiL's may be loot.d lit a Umk cxlieil n. IM. oiim's Progitss, and Hi Fun 'a Book ol Mar- lyis. iNow I ' turn from lhese spirit stirring dmianci- aiioui, loa.liiress you, ye vulnerable ohl ineii.wliu s;t un the b' urn uieler Ihe ptiipn. You have vi:ie down lu us from another ao and gem ra j 1 nut Ye are patriarchs in whom there in 110 j oiiil.Ks You wre preMM.t when till these ihinya J were r?one, and you know Hial I speak the j irulh. oii ate a l reinaiuiug heioe. ol the i KeViilll'loll, Who Ii; . lel yi.itr ploligll Shart:S : Mini your pruiimug le ks to b .present nu this august ip-casioii. ihhc of you have conic (oily i tM miles lu hear me this day, to blossotii and tiling lor. li under the eloquence, which one nl ; Join country uteri l appnuiled lu reiteat Did I norislKN ihe cllihsic eluill.-nee ..f t.nwri.1 .Ih..L... or Martin Yau Buren-had I the oraturial pow- lUX'Ji l''"r--'re I as.le.af oc4Lamakii tciuaul. ; oiasfer and as pious as the worihy taaiur of this : v I nge, I could n it ft nd em .turns to ex ores, the words that swell in my bosom! Vulnerable men! Some of you are old enough In be my grandfa 1 lier 'I see il 111 your gray locks.yout bald heads, the wrinkles that are on your cheeks, and your 1'iolliless ja ws Some of you laid down your live, on Bunker 'inoiiiiiani lod.' Others ol you dikd ol various ilisienipelrs, while other weie hung for plundering the inhabitants, and for de sertion. But a gratetul country grams you a pension. You tin objects ul charily, it is 'ru. You are supported by our country. 'Bui I regard you in a very different light from coramon street beugars Y, I have the independence to de clare, fearlessly, that though you are pensionera ano uve-jM.iiHiyet itjatrae. a (I'Merence be tween that and street begging. Ids nut, regard you in the light of common vagabonds, and never did! ll is, Iheii fore, lo you. Valiant heroes of the RevoluiiiNi, thai we look fisr 'protection 10 the hour of danger. On you dep -nds Ihe future glory of nor eountr.:anid lbs pneNy of her ti.ne honored insinutions Herb close, declar ing lhai a long a. the veins circulate in my body; as long as the Buoker Hill monument con tinues 10 rise, and to ascend like an eagle, I Will stick to ihe docinuea of patriotism which 1 have Ibis day avowed!' . SOLAR MACUlwE. -Ftom tk JVte Fork " Xew Ero," To those who are curious concerning he phy sical constitution of the mysterious orb which gives light snd life to ihe planetary universe of which our earth is a member, a" favorable nppor luniiy for investigation ill now afforded, by a re . markable cluster of macuhc, or spots, at present visible on us d;sk. It not nnfrequc'iily exhibits similar phermuieoa ; but Whether tl be that the task t observing them with hourlv and dailv ! care baa proved too ledio-.s.nr that the attention nnxeno osvoieg lvin.m nse proved lou unpro - - - - s- . WI Wivenf sa.isfaeiory results lb encporscs lit Pei persestranc. they certainly sreeoosif. Ky me, ,4 science t,, tfrraler oegleellbsa hen p,ut,r importance deserves. The mere htel that ihey f.nn ihe only avenues bj which we can obtain a..y k.towledg. f physical nature ol ,ha, g.sl like Ion,,,,.,, npoB which .11 r, .-.rncea ue,tei,rl. enlllle. I hem lo lb deepe.i homage ot.r c.iri Miy can render. Tired lpay, alike of politic, nnn,s.lin, paper cor rency. and patipeaM.n. we will tell ,', ,c,dera, all we know abiml these exalted mysteries, and some of tbe well ase named f.ris which we shall taie anav apitear both new nnd m.m.larfnl The dark objects upon Ihe face of ll e sun. as Is held throbuh powerful lelese-.nea. which r. 1 "",i'H'- "". c-lored glaa to mill- . ' VP h", IH-r feci lv siid " .."', in uicir central parts, ami arc sur round, d with a border or penumhrs l a fsint- i,.iu. .! V.I...I. .1 . . . ' ' r, ...u more anartowy. aspect, which seeins to forma profound snd precipitous caem around them. These spis and shadows change their sixe and shape alniust everv hour, and some inn. s contract or expand, or otherwise vary their appearance, miring ev, n a much shorier prnsj orubservatiim; V the same spui, seldom continue in any form longer lhan four or live weeks. rhey either cliste op. and entirely van buY, f are Itstt to sr view by ihe revolution of ihe s.n upon Ha axis, which, it is belie veil, is performed lil the period required for about iwenly five diur nal revohilions of the earth. This laller fact, Jm wever. is not so well established a. is niinmon ly sopissv d lor a the sun's son's supply our ihiIv proofs thai ii has any riMaiion upon ita axis, flllSl niatnaw - ikwu ..af a r .rw .. ct y . s aisiaw 11 yr y sj U rai on.the precise lime in which ibis is acciin plished has mil yet been malhemeiiesllv demon - asMi-fii(nie'"rtf rhi'faYger's iMsmnaliy divide asunder, into twndisiinci part., arid thus render it exceedingly dilflcnll lu deler iiniiK ilietr oriirntal idemiiy. But 11 isih.-tr asliHiislnng minnude,pd ike limnense scale of their op.-rtioiis, hu h niveau 11 " an much grandeur i t ihe red etmg .iniol. The astronomer. May.-r, observed, i.nn m the year 1758, of which he says h.gens inaenl a in sole cutspicielHiiur cujus di .met. r l-iOdiam ...lis." which woo Id ... fa auras : h fl 'ny five tl.ou.and imim in Jwnwter; and oms poi. have Is-ert described by olwrvers, of infe n..r amhority, as Is n,u yet of greater inaenimdf . Indeed, 11 has Iteen pieily charU established' that no object on Ihe sun uf a less eircumlerenca than l,3.)j miles can be discerned by us stall; U ll Me compare a scarcely discernible (Mint with 1 hose spot n ihe sun's disk which are familiar 1.1 an wnii nave 'been in the pra. in e 01 ihe so- lar telescope, the 45.000 miles diameter id mauiu of them will not be a diuVuli ere Vuduiu 1 11 our astior.isnical creed.. Since mat y of thee largest sits cl.ste up, contra. i lo a poim, and entirely disapitear in two weeks, il is evident that the borders of one whose diaiueier issufhjM we have stared, tiiun travel with a ciincenlra'lng sp,.1 of 6,000 miles a day, a-(m day for each !. ojqi,)je auction of r errenmference ; which, we may be permitted to say, is pretty swift travelling in the sun. Ths region ol Ihe solar surface on which these large mat iilaj appear, ia confined wiihm the thirtieth d. gree I rout its equator. The spots which are now apparent are said to he midway between its 01 nire and its cilcumfi reltce. hut we doubt the accuracy u( the s'aiemenl. Yei ihe e,ri,i Lit be one, ia ol Imle tmporiaiice : for in truth, every region of the snlai area is ever cuvned wiibap..ta of greater nr lesser dimensions ; il is en plelely miUtled with them, thouoh hey urns' ly appear as the smallest perceptible point. And, what are tbsv.one ami all? Lalaude suggests that ihey sre solar toniiiilaim.. pr ijeetti g yund ihs luniinoiia atmosphere ; nut ihe uinfoiuiiiy uf tha shadow around Ihem displaces litis llieury, and givea rise lu Ihe more pruhsble cm jeclurs that ihey sre openings Ihruitgh the unuu nse surr Min ding medium, revealing ihe opsque body uf the orb. Tbe fluci nations uf thai aiiparent rhedf iltn.the funnel Ilk cniii.,s u in, tl,u . shadows which 11 inilicaieN, and indeed, all ihs HidescrihsMe teciiliariue n appearance, tend to establish tbe coiiclii.ion thai tin sum. a dark tern stri.l bisly, sui muiide. atari ni.iuense uia lanee by an ever active firmament of light. And now we will adventurn if rand aecrel In four readers ; we wtH prestine to anc wer qui " -ti.cn an matiKiri'l have aslt-d, In.m the birih of their race; winch 'he ancient worshtp iers of the sun ak d i t lis priests, (1 in the enrliesl erssol their Ins ory. By what means d,s s this go al fo.in'in id fxisie'ce supply 114 incessant, us neverfalling fl s-d of l.uh' ?-4hy what means supplv n without Is nr .l .t i.t.-d? V e answer, thai Ms vi.denily sgiiaml, 11. , ag liiticeeilt ojuralivi finiiamenl 1 ever luaciiUo turing l.glr. lion. ,h e eieriial 1 luiiems of ihs npiveiKe Iroiti w Inch all things weir Srst cres ted. We behold itai work in every change of its macula; which we observe. Tin, .much (or a loietably scnntilic view of its ext. rual nhenomena i nnd if mi WwiaTTu1F''to amuse'tbemst-ives with a faneilal view of its internal scenery, inhahitants, and so. cial eisiuoiiiy, we wii furnish tin in m . a few days Willi a volume uf as veritable .lea- ripliuo as hsjIic I ice mm- can be expicted lu afford. FROM THE SOUTH. We receded hy the Ei press mail of yes- . lerday from tbe South no New Orleani n A . 1 - r .l. . .r. r e ... n .up .Hint 1 110 oincn in i.ne I'l rne Mobile pipers, under date of April 1, states lbs! a meeting -was to he held there (at the rourt-hotwe)--tbst -dayr iu consult' upon measures 'to improve and boiler then con duiou.V The lute shock to mercantile cred' it in New Orleans tec. teems to have fallen with .J) tin immed.ato effect, of m 'AcmtAml "" og vsiaiiiny upon tne city oi nohiie; efl which the feeders may judge from (fie fol lowing Hamploof.tbo language held by Mhe F press' in exliortmg the cttizins to a gen- f nl lilllli-'tlia aal ilia makaiii.- "j r:;lr.v ,:;:v"?r.v,"..Hi..iui:wMijj fV'iftttr fwir' Let no titan May fron. ihe courts house, because an idle rumor has reached his ears that Mobile, is to be declsred bank rupt. Such is not Ihe case. We dt strtt to prove and sustain Us solvency Let 00 man rt fuse to go for want of confidence- in ihe result,. Nothing can be done without hial. While there is life there is hope. many minus sre oetteriDaa a.lew,and if wa) can only reviv. hopes of our people and re-. new tneir energies, time will workout ihet SilyalK.n.' ' .' . 7 . fa f . Inte-ll tgenert. 1 '- ';iT 'i..