W, fc, nn, ,n it Km ' i b min 'irt, t an ! I'll I In i I I.! HI f II 'I Ul. 'il-I r.i W i.l l.t 4 ; .1 111 M ml ml mi: , i tit hi ii' 1 !f. r i' 1 1 ir .! da, la.r'ifi hi i f r( J ''ej ,.'J.: f 11 u( t Hell r.rt!ll'Ji , KaveH in'11 aoi Si' nJ ThuH !R it br i.iii . X lit- Wi ter. .l- iHif"' riy, " rntirs ,1 rca l I !-' l ai 't'1;' i"',' v i.dud-' on .he Phi P'''" ol CM ,d. and 6' TERMS. The Watchwaw may hereafter be had fir mlMUrs and Fifty Cent per yor. ' - A Class of rouR new sitrHcriiKMs who wfll 1 ... tUm wKiiln nn at nn tifivment. h tll hare P"P,r f"r on T ,)o' " ,M each, and as long as the ume Has "hall cAiiinti" thus lopay in advance the smr of 'iilil D HaM 'he a,n" hull continue, ijherwise they will be charged as other snbseri- di not pay dining tSe year ill MHwnwl throe D JIiirv i ,11 'ii.rjIrLirin will ! revived f,r Iws tUan bne ywr NJnZr will n dis.M-ntn.ied but m the op- pjopi par win " i r the Editor, unitll arrears are pa.d km r-j ill letter to thn Alitor muet be post ,,-hwrWlse uiej ... "J ".'tmM-U.-.u.. .nril.T. "; . " v , r cv-i:: - i...ir "r n 1. tfiili oemiuare ior earn iciui. ..f.w..w. r r . ' r. ' . ...Ill l.A inapdul lor !. w. .,uriiwinnt will be innerieaior less ,hau owe Dollar. -erlineneiil8 win ne cnniinu unui wruirn k received to stup them, where no directions re pretrtoosly .'iven. Adetll8e nentS ny n jmi umi immnis hii i made Wkr 1 th the priTilege of changing the fori rerv uaiter. SAL1SUUKY, Beeswax per lb. 16 17 eta. ; Brandy, Ap- et i 4 &tVu r 1 to ( U, 3 Cottofl basrinir per yi : (joir-ie per il. lb a IV Ms : isiuUMjf3 per 4 a 5 eta , $1 73 a 2 (K) cu ; feathers per lb; 35 ; Floui pr bl. tft 7; NVheat pr bush. l 121 a. VUkWli fiaif irriH w iu 4IF ij;Oata pr bushel 30 etc; Corn pr btith 05 ei, U per lb 6 a cU; Lead per lb 8 a 111 eta oUm per gat. . is cu ; .mi8 per lb tf a il) Bee I per IbO iflrli; Uaeun per Hi I2i butter per lb lit em; Lard per lb 15 k Silt per biuhal f I ii 1 50isli; Steel, Aineri- n Ulster, per lb. 10 cm ; Knlwb Uo per lb BeUlCist do.' per lb 25 a 30 eia ; burar lb. 121 a 15 eta ;. Rum (Jamaica) per n I s ; Yankee do. f 1 ; Wool (clean) per lb 30 i Tallow per lb. 10 lit ct; Tow-linen pr yd. a aOcta;-Vine(TVneriffe)per ynl. fl 50. Irtujral do. 1 1 60 a tl 7 ew j Claret do T gal. fl 3 a I 75 eta; Malaga, (sweet) ftl.fl i Wnirikey pertfal. 4j a ai) cu. CHEIUW. .. . r jBeef in market per lb V a 8 ets.; Bacon per Ii cia; Hams !. 00 00 cla ; Ueeswax lb -20 a ill et; Baginz per ytrd 18 a -25 Bale rope per lb a 1-2 14 cis i Clfee pr. Ii a 16 CU;0W per I00lb 10 II 00 r 00 ; Corn per. buiht:l l -OOu i irv Klmir In wagona per brl i IH) 00, iroio atureii per 8 50 a 9 ) Iron per 100 lbs 7 t000 a 0 sae per gal 45 cia;JUiU out a-iwrrl lier lb' 8T2 a 9 ets ; Wrought do. per lb. 90 fork pet brl i9: Ktce per 100 lbs 4 00; Sugar per lb. 1-2 1 (2 a If ets Salt pr i i5-,Salt pel .ther 871 AI ctaiSieel A- lican bliaier pr lb 10 16 ets; Tallow pr lb 10 ii cis; Tea Imperial per lb it 'i. a 1 37 cis; m lo. pr lu $1 a 1 ij ets ; lobavco luanu kured per lb 10 a 15 eta. v . F A Y ETT E V 1 LLE Irandy, peach 80a 90. Do. Apple, 70 n 7 3 i prlb 10 a 1-21; Cotton prll 8 101 eis ireepr lb if a 14 ; r umr ()). - a 91 iseed pr bh il 23 a 000; h eathers i-r I!) 45 a Corn pr ousl 90 a I) iron prlb Cti ti; Mo- pr gal 4J a 00; iutW cut 74 a 8 ;Salt uth no a 90; Sugar ur lb 8 a I '2 ; ToUu.; i i a S ; Wheat pr ImisIi 50; 0 Whiskey bl- 52 55, Beertwax 25 a 00 ft Celebrated and thorough bred Hone RIOTT, KAS ' forameooed 4 he bpring season, and will stand three daya in each week at the sta WiNum Harbin, Etquire, in ihe town of Mmille, N. Carolina; and the balamre ofhis f tihe g tor of Wm. F. Cowan, Esquire, "ilea from Si ales ville. in Iredell couoiy. 0 IT will be lei to niares at the moderate Pf Fifteen Dollars Ihe season, payable on M'1 of Jul r .when thekeasoo will end: Eihl fliinfur the sinirle leap, iiay able when the cs is rendered ; Thirty Dollats to insure a "is foal; the insurance money will ba due awMitia ascertained that the mare is in w Ihs properly transferred Fifty cents lit !riao ia every instance Care will be la- l" preveul aocideiits, but there will bo jno It-, ltlJt k toy w htchrmay bappen'. " " "7 l'HK PROPRIETORS. PEDIOKIE. TT waa aired bv ilia fmnoua old horse Archie, whose remr.aiion as s racer and r?', ha never been eo-ialled bv auy borsw in Untied Statss, except hia sire imported Din ine prowriy 01 1111am u. rut Hnnnli Viririniu. Ha, irnt. "T Sir r rancia Ror.t.-it a Am nv tbe im W horse Bedford ; g g dam by Federalist "usier loJollv Fn.r : ti a trrand dam bv the P'led horse old Janus 1 a tf jr grand dam by mpoited Jolly ttogei ; ; liorJeti wa ; goUen '-uUM0aC,2'-'tiiS "lliiln- tinrwkrlAil 'r!ilit. it L t . . M V . , A rJ he imiHirled bursa MuutMimii : kho out from Potomac oat of a Jolly Roger; HUM... 11,.. ' itiutl waa bred bv the HammU Anrfri'f1 ri wie 01 norinampion tvouiy, N.Carulini, .. , . -. ... riive iue bhuvc ipejiigreo, m ,Um- ewfitwti n"- Wootf J. llauilio ut Ilnliiar; .iA cwiU shew. . 1 malum mj , Ii black maoa and Uil, N high, ; p' 1IS37 8w3T is a beautiful bay, now rising eight years ana Mil, and moasuras sixteen tit . 19 Kelly, and her itaugli .mT'iaTtlw f owowili xe- tinimT.irrnTiTr' a tnakinn . Shirts' Pantaloon anl 'icoats, with neatness and despatch, ibury, April l,1837tf37 roiT 1 " " l - tciwi. 1 . . wr. miaa - a . . . - v. : SAUPEDO (Imported.) r IlMlSnplf-ndiiT Ktwrlish Itnre !!.).' St Si linn y.uwea in is.j-i, win eccf itiarw -n. (Hhloli ha iiuw rominrinrcil. inv dtnhlf, (JrnnvillHcoiiniy, N G. on Ihp muin .it .. Z r ... '? UoJ ""'.n' "m;jlt ! l'-. Pyl I" lK-f'r r ,. the Ami of July iihxi; at which unit U will i S. A100 ! """-" '" wn f,r mare w amn'ri-i ii fR(; wj(h nrmaiice. wliirli will Im di'inanie.il n khi aft m:d to b in f ir lr..iid t HI In the irr-niiii ii; rvriv f . Ill . 1 , " ' ' " . , ' , ty" p.- ui a ; iTi r- - 'iiuro y i a rn ti Hiv i ,.M titdirn nntT vviKll iritis iwr will lie allnwi-d to lrtie the i...hUii..tiiii ili dieoreiiim ofih utwrilM r. AP:DON is a rich 'lniwn htiwe. Im handu hieh, fiialed in 1823, Ihe pripeity uf C- neml (jienor ia a horse of the greatest binegih snd puner. Hit hr.rk anl loins ao remark 'il strong, that he is .though -..inawtj-fyolVi a(M;ntf;vg-''a'li!l,--iil'til( be was equal, and generally aeperior, to iul ImrM-a of bis iiuy. as is proved by reference to l.j m. nioir In le lail. wbieh umy he tu-n,, jn the Julv (IS3t) number of ihe Torf Kegifet-r -He m -tfe only son of th fani'.a 'KinilHis .' known ti he in.ix.n. ed. Kiitllios. it will be rememberr,!. in ihirH m i ieniioteniiary, 9cipiu, I'riam and many oiliera, and covers rw... Ii..l.ll... ... I. 1111 ICOTC .1, i I at 50 g. a ' "Sa kpkuon possesses more of ihe stoat. Mam brinu and BeoiiiogbniUifli blotl, ihan any oil.er horse in America, and is a direct cross uhi ny iif inir native marea. Ilia perlnmanrek h three and four vara old, until he ivas injure l.) were l ihe fird rharaeier-beaiiog neaily ail his corn i-r.i.n., Kii.,r ei'ua ih men nin ooos in weight (See Uacing Calendar aud Sptulog .'u'azine, as aimve ) N. B His slock (Colts) are remarkable large and racing-iike. - - - PKDIOREE. Sarpedon was g.it by that capital racer and nmjiralled Stallion 'Emilias.' by the jreni 'Or villc.' v ho also covered at 50 us , ind was per haps 'he best son of Denningbr'iugti.iHit nf i. King llentd mare, 4-c j his dam leaiie, by the Flyer, grand dam by Dick Andrews, eijnal to any hor' ni his day, boib as a raevr and Siallum; .May, by Brtiiiiiogtir.MiuhIViinruiiy MiftlHitiiCxnk i Keg H-iod, the best littlioi. of iilfay , &. founder ul ihs best slock in Enjland S'pliia.t'y 31'ank Deane.Ylord Leigh's,) by Second .Mr: I lanei's brow ovire, by Siangan's Arabum, out ofGipiWy by King William's N tougued U.no Makeles, Royal Mare. ('" Aiilin, by Henoiiijfbrouili Ciill.fliuer, by lliolillycr G ddlinder, mster to Grai'i.liiiitfier, by oke (Uulleu.Afi.bi.io tte'OTlwsr'r'TareT" I'li Fher was a cai.ital hvrs. aud sit 4 'Wings, winner of tho Oak and other, g.asl ronnerti. . Vnrlike " Junior was gt by Walton, dam Dai-hick,by the P. it 80s Drub, by Highflyer IIi'Ihi. by Chrysolite -Proserpuie, airier iu Ecllw. EDMU.VD TOIV.XE. Mnreh 2 H C 1 UWIIARiE J ti.L tn;ik"tim issl .e;isiin in tt.tr- (Ji-uiiiy, at in M. hlc I'Xi'igii ii. IN. C-., uiiiiig 00 1 jMaA'he Jib ul .liilv. The iiiirin o! 1 bis iH'iin! tntJ site Ir-ngth iibi;,nre iiud huv er hi fine enrrgetie action, I ia . k vil ci.'S" exneilenily ell, w 11 Ii 001 coinioon mares, lie will be six years old this Spring In order to acwiiiiiiuilaie all the Farmers who are .leNiroos lu bieeiltne horses audit a tale w ithin the menus l all lireeileis, I am imlo 'i l 1. put down ihe price of the seafem of Utt li.r.e, ! ier than that of any tiorse 111 Hie Union ul c - q.ial M.mmI ai.d character. Il! will make his present season at 10 .-. tnemance i-20 In ttd-1 dition lo ihe vearljiioHllii W i ndta Ulii I Sold in 1831 ul (3,000, (out f Uwhsrie's Ham.) I refused last fall for a ycnrtiii fi ly iit ol liis dam and by impoitrd Luzoorougb $-00, aud lor he ol.l mare fl.000. tlZf For further particulars see hand bills. . W. K. HOLT. March 25. 18.J7 8w.1 State of ilovtn CnvoUna, WILKES COUNTY. January Session. 1837. Finly & Bouohelle Original Attachment trs levied upon defeiid- Joseph Stanley j ant's Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of ths Court, that the defendant is- no -an- bihbitnf.f this Slate ; il is therefore ordered,. thai publication be made in Ih Carolina atclimao lor six werka, that tbe defendant appear St our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Wilkes, st the court-house an W ilkobborouiMi, on ihe first mmi-lay alter the fourth monday of April next to answer or reple vy, or judgment will be intered again: Mm, and the Lands condemned to satisfy iitjlntilfs debt Witness, W in. Mastic. Iwlt ol our said court at office, the first monday alter ibe lour 111 monday of January , 1 887 . ' . m m w m m ear 1 as Teste irvu. juisru, c w c c March 19 6w.37-rr-prU:e- $.t;- -r-. r : MmORTSJIOUTU .J.V1 ROANOKJB RAIL ROAD. f I HIE Cars run DAILY im litis jtiiail.aR-. meengejsfHiBg Nb will ee.Teyed ffrotn llabfak, Nw C. I" Gary's Depot, in the Compa, nv's C. aches, snd will strive at forismooi n in nine tor Baltimore Boata, which leave every Wednesday , Friday and Sunday, at 3 P. M. and f"?,. be . Washington -Bat,-'whii;h lea vs every Sunday at the same hour. Passengers leaving llalifaxbn either uf the above ineniiMied days, will arrive in Baltimore the follow in iwrning and In Philadelphia in the evening, wfthout be ing deprived of sleep. Tbe Engines on this road are In fine order, and no deteution need be apprehended. Stages leave llali tax in time fir the oepartnre of the Cars at 7 o'clock A. M. from the upper termination of the Road. Office Porumoath and Roanoke Kail Road Coin, pany, , , April 1, 1837 la37 , ft NOTICE. f J URvSUANT to ft rfecrve f ,1,. Cuitrt of R " I V"y fof ""wanCwnly.iinade at Marrl ,l,e lff.il, 1837. b M,d .1 tkk.tjmnt Hoi. e i. h i ! aIlhur. an Tn.J. .e.t. . iuin uii next, a Tract of Land 1 eontainlng 159 AC A Eg,; Belonging lo ih Deirs'at LaW of Franeia Gib son. (Wo, adjofning ihe Lands of Mb hael U"'n. miohs Bnkeran.l atLmr ..f iweUe mntrtnr, nniriiiK'Bbif''aWnriiy for ihe putchise money. There is on the yremf-s-s a U-O..J Dvllin.r Houxe and out how.: ll nearly nsw. SAM'L SILLIMAN.cm a. Ajril 15- 539 Il AWN TiOAY . vo si vit ttttujtvi CU St nin v. . rsm mm wk'hw 4W A AAJ FOH Uli; BNNr.FIr OF TJIIJ MALIS- urn i AC.DK.IiV. CLASS NO K lilt 18.17 To Ue lr at City, Carolina, Saturday 291 h vf Jipril 1837. 75 No. Lottery,-1 1 !ra.vji BaliNisys S TE VEA'S O.V .V ' 01. V TS', Managers SCHEMA. I Pnze of J O.ont) D-JInrs, 1 Prize iof 3 00i) Dollars, 1 Priz of 2.0(10 Doliiiis, 6 P'iz.i of 1,000 Dollars, 10 Pnz' S of 400 DolUrs, 15 Prizes of 200 Dollars, Whole Tickets J4, Halves -1, Quiilera j. I'o he had in the greatest variety of numbers eiibei by package or sinjle tick d IFIIELLEU BUHJVS, Salabwtf.JY. C. A rcriifi -ate fr a package of '25 whole Tickets will cit 5. Ilxlf -25. Q'tarter Ria 50 - MORS BOOIIG JUST RECEIVED AT THE .v o j: t n i.uto i,i Vei tore, viz : rhe'LlfeTof 'Thomas Jeffi-raon, with par's of bii- -nrreioi)iideiice,nevei before published. Jiy Geo. TiH Kir. llioiwurul Memoir of my IBW'B Trme7"By "AVrax kll. AriiiiM'x Klemrnta of Physics, 2 vols. A l r-iueoH I, o imge, ur the telaiion which Word.-, bear lo tliinos 13 v A 11 Jolinsun. ' poriiiu's Anaion.y ol Mfluncliuly , A fior Kiliiinti ol Shskespeare. 10 vols. lli-suell'M Lite of Johnson, W omliiills1 Junius 2 vil. i'yl.r's Uotvetsal Hisiory, 2 vols. Farmer s Uciti-r. J vols! Millions ol tuurt of Charles. 1st and 3d Vol Kncicropedia An.i'ricana coiniile'e in 13 toU. M-'ioitr- ol GiamiiiiHir, N,w Kilittun, I',.i'hhI Wfitiiiys By Tims Paine, I .Hniner 011 Mi n n Engines, wi'h (il iti'H, l'ili"OOr tin LiiCuillollVt- Eootllt-MlpilO Km) Koail! Willi l ' H I. f, llreMers Hi nolle, of Ireland, lli-.inr f Falkland, by llauie, Smallett &. Mil Ik. 4 Sctuk lci.il'i's Travels, t l.illln.i ';. IlllilV nf lh. Ill In llillll, C Vols. Aoo riciin Aiiiniiil K.-fi.-lcr, i v.ls. 1"nj" N "rh "m . 1 "'" Ui-sesicliee, 'eiiei. . a...j.M.t-i-.m. i "r.i j.i. 1.-1.1. in...i.. i joiapmeai HihIhIichI iiihI ol 1 uu vaciuus cou it iron ol the UloUe. 10 vols. Wa land's Political Economy, j )i Itiiten in rlli Carolina Cuiivtlilion, (. iiitosiiii s ul . Literainre, - ' ;il; r' I. ivy '2 vols. Complete si lis ol the Ismicy Library, and a va ri. IV ol iniscelllieous woiks loo tedious lu u:t utioH, lor SIh by ri'lLWll 4 HUGHES. n., oisfh v. r. JOHN RANDOLPH OF KOANOivE. riHE property o( llichard V. Mid. .us, bred 1 by the late Hon John K.hhIo!iIi. will make his firsi season in North Carulma, at tin btable uf tbe Subscriber, at the Union Hotel, Slates villc, Iredell county, N. C. MARULIEU was sired by Monsieur Ton son, (the Ajaxolhia day.) dam Jet, by the im ported Bluster j g. dam Statira (imporied) by Aiexanoer me uieji, BCT For further1liariieiilars see bund hills. , AMOS WEWi ll Not having immediate aceess to the Turf Bh oister at Ine time of p iWishmg the P. digieeof Alarbheu in Bills. apd-luding itinuvb beiier Than I bad thought, 1. 'take this mode of giving it uwie exiendedly. MA KBLlPiU w by Tonson oul o( Jet ; she by Bluster, oot of Siatira ; Statira by Aleaan iter ihe Great, out ol Re by Sweetbrier. j Knee oul of Meilingion by Snap ; she oUt of Mis Winds. by 4-Gd.dphie-Arsbio-ee litf R"gitter, Vol. 5,' page ,438 ) Bluster was - .by Oilando, the son of Whiskey, ool of a Hhflier mare, sister b. Escape, by Pegasus, her dam by Squirrel; Pegasiwby Eclipse, out of a Bospho ros insre, sister to Grecian Princess ; Orlando wasn-fAmeliaby Highflyer; her dim ansa Tims, sister lo Maiden by waichim Ssltrsm, a son as FKpse out ol a Calash maro by Herod j . her daw-'lViesa - by Maiehew Kege us by Godolphin Arabian.-fSeelun Keg. . . " ".. .' . . r..n. :n .ha llnnH- llesides ins annve, sew nn ... ,l. tt...t n.Milr A WEAVER- StatetbHU.JIprU 15, 1837-439 Hsvingbeen requested by Mr. WWertort amine the Turf Reipsier (which I !) on the auhjeetof these Pediarees. I did si. in '.,,pny witU him. iu.d find ibe above n" accurate. - 1LC.J0M-S. GREENSBORO MERC WW VS M Accommodntion'Line of rovn nphsi! co.rctiEs. n PIBECT FROIf nLEIQH TO THE 1CTNOTIOW OP TltS P2TBRS M 21X110 JPOaTSMOUTJtt ! Runntng a f try ether rfny, i prrnr ron rough, JT. C. to Raleigh A". C. d R ATM lalnn in f3Mynk. I. a.. I) I. J and from Blukely to tirenbrough, tmd't rtwrtts iiirt. Time, from Creencnnrnnirh N Yutk, HOUR OJV8 OJ-LVl ! lWngers I ". foducing a r,.n.,lsi in this distrac-M-siihand Wen of this, w ill find ibis Line to led coontrr.md our eiiiyna c, . .,.. .. ron ia precise connection with the Piedo.ont i if n.rf lo.. i.r- .i!" fc"f.' "'q' W estern Linesl-We.i..V, S .im M r.j.l l ennesee, and' will da well to nuu to Grttni 'boron? h o,,lif-fiir SektiluMt in Qteei,lmitgh, on our Line, ttccks a ceitai uanti-e Aorih. jww riauwyuirun. wnnoni aeiay euner by way ol 1'aiei.borg ur by j shall fa a fJOOD and there I ''" be nocau to tomphi. We pui u tl.i- r'"' " 'we w imposition nwtcrta ir (kft Jn,.,rr- tv-,:t"a " T yrwcflied 00 ffHikmn.toUyie- HWrdZ t f! . Army.isindehnn.rly jmst iratrJiid poiy iw revet,t onr Wetei am) 1 j",', u Sant Anna still rcm.iins at li . l - . .. ' Ilia I In.....l. .i.ti s m soutnern irieinis lro.n being delayed at either p'ace ICJ Gentlemen coming fmn the North on our Line, and wishing lo tail into the Piedmont, or W'eoern Lines, at (reenolminugh, need not fesr delay, for by eilher route they can go to Milledgeville, Ga. , in Ihe same lime and we pledge oun-.-1es to tike, as 1st as Salihbury or n Tim i ii. n , an who may at any time be crowdHd out. SCP The public will bear in mind the follow. ing REGUIJIWOA8 on ibis Line : . U will leave 'Jink ley on the odd days in April, May, Aoiwt, November and December; Uwit;i, 3d, 5ih,7lh, 9'h, I lib, &.C , snd on the ctert duvs 01 June, July, September and October ; to wit : ild, 4th, 0th, Hih, 10th, 12th, c, fya. , PJ1SSE.VQER8 going to Petersburg or Richiuuod, will find ibis their proper rouie,. . JAMES SLOAN, M'LKAN te-RANKlNr 1ETEK ADAMS. , McADOO & SCOTT, JACOB 11 U BOARD.' II. &. J. LINDSAY j. a mebam:. G. C. TOWN SEND, JA.MKS M'lVER, J - jon KXrmL'M'KR. VM.K. D. LINDSAY, f ! rrcflsboro, Marclr 21 , 1S37. 4 w :i8. MEXICO. The Esprrss mail of yesterday from New Orleans brought us sotno very lot. resting news froin Alrxico. Tho Utt st dale re ceived islolhv 2tih of March from Tain pico. The M' xicun govrroinmil has issued sn order ocr.liiiing s l.liH'k'iilc of all tho ports 1 I Texas. In iioliring this order the New Orleans Bulletin remarks 'Mexico and 'IVxas seem to lie sctiug over the farce of Bouapaite aud Great Britain on tho score ot block ide Tbe advantages however of the second enactment is, that iiohodi sutlers, ami in illicr ol the parlies pay the lea.-t alt. uticn to what the othi r has dcclur cil. Lsl)e ir Tckts blockaded, by pioc- l.iiiiatioo only, tbe whole coast of Mixico. ami lu ulials pursued their trade as llmugli noi lung had happened; now .Mexico likes h. r lorn, and the result will 110 douiit le just the same. I hero is about as mtii h .rojrn ty in the proeoeiling on I'lihrr p r nsllu re would Im in a luiiaUivttaornmrjing the moon to slaml still, or a watermun at tempting to retain water in a sieve. Tins i bpcci.illy is the cuse with M xico at ibis lime, which has we lo-lirve only four ves sels of war or any kind to maintain her tie cree. w hile hey enemy, whom she w ishes to restrain, piinsesses a forco of rlvo well mm cu snd well manned schooners all ready foi action. We cannot tint wonder tint a measure of this, kind should be- fesortrit to sa the consequences of imposing her block ade ran bring no positive advantage and may cause much evil. 'Nations do not recognize a blockade on Ies it is real, and wore any of our ves s Is lo be taken coining out f a Texian port aud confiscated by the Mexican author ities it would be to its s just ground for le laliutioa upon that power, and immediate satisfaction would have to be given, or thin loc-istiro would be at otice resorted to ' 1 Vy.ltl. tegat-d iw-t he stat r of tliecoirii"rry7 tbe following correspondence coiiihiook n led to the Bulletin, gives ao interesting and highly luiporuiit account. Mexico, March 8, 1837. Mr DtA Kuowrng jpur anxietj for anytbiug, W the shape of news from this capital ; 1 again. wan on you who tbe principal vents since my last respects. By the last arrival nf tbe English packet.tlio French Minister receised instructions fiotn bis Government, to demand lirtmediate rea litution froro this Government, orth.t mount takew from the French chiiCM," un der the decree of the Force Loan, and an J' ........ f .11 mitl I era in eontrrw ....... l. i nn. rooived hia answer ,naj, - ; -- from this Government. Tho Englwli Minister, 1 am informetire reived similar instructions On th night of Ihe 4th mat the Message of the Pr. st dent of the United States, wss rra ivd by this Government by express from Vera ( Cruz, trta New Orleans. II. produced a greawr sensation in lli.s Cspi.Ul, 1 ilia a any nrru-nsiance ior a long time. Conffress as i cmtrened ihe ne,t , srcrrl seM,uii. . .. i nn iporn, tho action was any hoi r.vora l.leio an amir.l.le adjoa.ci of the oflinal nlatiiMM between the two countries. I also hear, tl.M t, chamheis were diseiisa ing the projinely of iMiung Pritnfer Li crnses.and send.ng them n(,ihe Mediter ranean; by an agent, fur M Thn (o. eminent and people cem to treat the AUs sae with lh utmost contempt. I em ftxinmsii l.u.kln.. i..." ...r. frii.ii Washington i cny. Qui ritiz. n with nipital consider their eiluuliou at Ibis eiwis. ci nn ni diMi uangirou rommotion hiiS boen spoken o in ,u Coy for ibm,, lw r lljree nights, in cons, oj i. ore of the di ore- VI.UOP yi i no copper eiirrt-ncy, which la, I ! " l,,l' ,,,"'ay per flenl, d i e' WIS no dOulili of thi .-i, w-a una iihm; ill ,M.r .,, .i.a,.,,,,,,,. nj Ihere wis no Joul.li of th. . . a'.ZZSZJS mWtmmi'Hw-- t ifiMi, oaiii excite Ihelice Dtious ndsM,H.fginiB prw, 1 "iwiihhhb ii'inunt , lfcnnip -tttuttAepf tlu poiMilotion. "Jm against foreigners, attrihutiniV ISipLl.o 7'" ; en. Busunnt sod h.a -cret .llwtuL 1"l"i,m,i " Mnga ae Llavo, waiting me result ol events, iml il,., - v ' Hi w Villi II IB olsus Amigo. Tho tide of public feeling, uodert.ii.iul, is making in bis favor in every quarter ; in the mean time the portals are lUidco with hand bills lor snd ajnmi hub and s j;aiiist Extrsngeina. Assainiioos and robberies are tilings ol night, ami daily oc cuncnceaVaa ususl. A more l.menuhle al.u i.f ,l.!r,n. 1 .rr jHOHBuiy, never was prrtenced m soouauy, snd daily growiiii I worse, . .. ! ex. You may expect passing evedbj from, fre quently. Yours tiuly, W. Mexico, 10th March, 1837. My Dear Sir bd ihe pleasure of addressing you on the 8th insUJTampicoXliVAliRoroing of Ihe 9tb there was manifest dkstrust through the capital; about 10 o'clock the govern ment published a Bando relative to toe cop c'lnrredacing 90 per rem discount. . About 1 1 o'clock the whole city manifested etrung syjriptoms of commotion, collecting near the palace and maiket placo, the dense mass of poor mis erable I. proa moving about like tbe waves of a troubled set driven lo despcrat on by ibtt deprtciation of llm millions of value less copper currency the Government have issued, lu a few minutes after a 1 1 there was a general rush Ihiou.b the streets, and all doors instantly closed and barricaded, expecting a saqtioo. lo Ik mean time the Hoops made their appearance, and caondTi were drawn out in the plaza de Palacio.and about o'clock, the military succeeded in restoring tranq.iilily, and Ihe Government issued threatening band bills through the city against soy persons who should refuse copper at ine sued value, and the Governor of the city another, ordering .ill doora open ed under a fine of $300 to those who did not. A regular patrol waa established thro me i-ny anu Kepi op until una morning AI! is quid, but by no means settled down si . - " - Salurday, lltli. 18 o'clock I walked but lo the Portal, met a Mexi can gentleman, who told 111c the cuuulry was on the eve ofa bloody revolution, and 1 hat nothing roul 1 vct 11; the wrcirhed polity of ihe present Government (,;, brought the country to line lamentable cou liilion, which be run uked, 1 1 xpm t every inomeiii to see hurst forth oul inio violence from the popul.ice, who are driven lo des peration bt , their miserable condition I passed on io a merchant's store, and had boen Ihere but a few moments before the boon tide came furtiiiisly by, evcry"rfoor was instantly slambcd lo aud barricaded. I aided 10) frioinl with his snd passed out the tMirk way, passed through the turbulent ciowd to the 11 7.a de Palacio, before which, opMisiie the President's apartment, were several thousand lepros crying out that they could get nothing in eat with Ine copjicr. I pasgi'd on lo my i.flicj from the wiudow I observed the oiaiket place one mass of peo ple, lu a few moments the troops charged and fired on Ihoin ; the scene that (oUowed JjivaaJ.ht.tlUug-iiHiiH were seen flying and acreanung in all direc tions In the mean time thousands wore collected near the Cathedral in ihe Plaza, anil about 2 o'clock the Donulace commenc ed throwing stohes at lbs stores ut the noithl corner of the PrtaU by 4le pr ian and broke in all Abe windows of 90 or 90 stores, French, Knglih and Amencan. Having no instruments to force tbe massy doors ol the stores or courts, the military suffered (his with impunity, pleased that the attention could be turned from the cQitseuf their Oiis ery, A L'ormiiMcrif , to the foreigners, a gainst whom they cried out with every op ptobtons epithet All' it appaiently quiet again, sttong -pstrols. esvalry ' and foot pa rade through the city; but can it last? tbe poor ragged wretches have bad nothing to , et ttr-dy all shops are closed ; it is now ; 7 P. M. and there ia no prospects of any thing furthciv ,' '; it If a dreadful saquco does not take place, will be by interposition of a meictful Piovitlcnre. II it tloes take place, tho foi cigtiirs will be the irmriul victims. , -1 , , sag f Gen'l Snla Anna .t.Iiw Harieorf t ongresa have been in srrM ras'io ever since the inewage uf the President Of th' otii nit arrived. I Uli. 6 P. M.-The Rtg hat just ar nved from Peiihlo; ll.nt city was yesterdsj in ihn revonlionary condition, of the rspi' tal. There they hav a more degraded Kp illation, if possible than Mevicn. Ymt may well sympnlliize fr your countrymen now ia this unhappy eoui.tr. ;y MM.Co.March 15, I8S7. I Dkar Sta-l W Una pleasure ojiJ9aUi t u Vwntiy' tnofiiing, ' fatf ' rfco.ii.,ttir, mnvemrnl. For. igriers ! wr alisi ke by the popular and ,wr,r '"ws broker. In .., houses in the Portal tbey were not tisper(Hid un til nome were killed l.f the s oldiers. On Saturday many were tloH end lance.!. Though much egriicment pirvaded the MtfNi.iP Sn4yhey- wwfrlktit" down bv the Irooua. ' Oo HKturJsy . duff.cii,Ki n.snifeste I its. If . - 5 mong ihe aner as ihegi-vernmeni were jo a 1 rears'- Jo them;- ibsy, sneeeened mi pris-aring fnmhi ; from the mernhanla and id tbeiir off. Oiher wise they wosl.l in a!l prohalnliiy have Joined h the myrid of rohbris sod murderers, which -coinuoNM about three fuurths of the p..puajiftM--w Jul and merciless aa.jueo there s pot . .Mckn. . heemi.Mis piiputaiion In the world as in this iiboe .t d I uebU.and Uirir prejii.lvw'tand hatre.1 - h X tramsi estraugerus ia daily oeoulaged by the Pa.- On Mmday night II was nmlersied ihst the itisije) were lu proclaim Gn BiKiamtnie Del, lor and beldes the regular oil til in all the strain, riiia guards were at tb corners of lbs Hlreeu. r . No iierson wu allowed to paaa without being over haulled -f 1 1 at night iheofUceis wailed offl lbe ceneral-for his assent, but he would not yield to their vies They have demanded iha ,0lH,n'i"or nr. Curm, the President ad iui. 1101. and I hear that ba sent it to Cunsiea lew- rruay, uu. my couin imt i.irm a quorum, and I have not heard whether Congress acted 00 ii l-day or not. It is aitid tbey will mil accept l, as 11U fanalio principle am', lbs parly who bsta a tnjmttv' w CiwgreiM General Moran was spiken of as hia seceea- , aor, but he is too liberal, Aluman aims bei h wont suit the triH-s. The piieats will not give up while thi-y bv any hisva! and I learn that ilis iwer class ars now beginning lo apeak a buot ihe eonfiioatiftg ol iheir immsnse property, -yet nil the charm .4 supersiiiion, broken ),, tbura, ssd Ihefr baneful, accursed influenoe is lorevar gone in this eny , and emit tils, Mexico" vlll never be redeemed from its fanatical,, and -ii)We-vsssalagr ' Texssand Uniied"taieroaiieMarna!l aWab lowed sp, and France in lbs bargain, in our do meatie affairs, which are daily gmwiag worse. Yours truly, lie. . t VV. " There are more than 9,000 mechanic sf eariiMM trades out of eruptuyineni si present in thin city, These laboring men begls lo feel the effects uf Gen. Jackson's measures " Aiw York Star. No portion of aociety coniritHiied nior- hrgdy to ih elevation of General Jack son aud Ins creaturs Van Buren, than ihe walking men of the country. Tbey are now reaping ihe rewards of their eroduhty and misplaeed gratiisde. The one declared thai all ,.who traded on Ihs faith of a gyod name, ought inbreak in effect that the man not born of an inheiiiance, deserved not it Confidence of his fellow men snd lha oib continuing a policy which -is daily Ihr. tliuustnde oul ot bitsin'-sa, and denying n vao ihe puianoe pnsluueil by honosi Isrs 1 red the beans ol ii yeomanry wveiflw , .. gratitude at soeli striking svid uoea uf paikfoal regard and aflec.tioii t If such results occur in New York, tba s,al of eulepns- and asrsmeiia, what must we hsdc fur elsewhere If hig ' , By reference to th - aniel. a, in another eo Iniiiii, fn.ni the Nw York Express, it will be si n tnai llm Jiuuiber of ine. huiii.T , Ibrowa out ul ciiipliiyiiM.nl in 1-oiis.ipience ol the pe sure in lha' city, (ihe result, as tbe Star ob serves, of General Jackson's unauthorised and uiislnulionril a) tempi lo control ihe commercial operaltons of 'his eonniry .) on baiurday inght last auiounied to 5(KM) Yel I he honest hard wufkiiij iiiei haoicis ssked 10 i;ive his support lo llm adiiiuiisirHiinn ol Mr. Van Huren, who promp'ed and supMirt. d the first ailempi on the pan ol ihe Kx'Coiivs lo regulate the curren cy," and who now refosos to rewind the Tree aury. circidt , lUoogb btn brim-res i f Crjngrt is," by overwhelming maj.irities, reqoired its', re peal. 1 lie .vitiate, sua ine House o Kepre- seoiatives, find their tpmi.Jtis ind wikIhs cimi- lumeh.ni.l, disregaided ; whilst the President is by his " i)igaunn held up lo public adiniiatiua as " the lo ad of the sruiocraiy." i"f Int. An act passed at the, last session of the giiUture ol Virginia, exempts s certain purl ton ol the property of pior debtors from execution . and o.her liabiliiie ; .authorizi1 tauh white per son in Ihe Stale, being a hu-bind or parent, a gainst wboru an exeoulfort .naj beJfte.bMjHMki- upotrjtnrgmntritfwli of action aball atise, aft,er the first of August., to scv s part a eow, tdslead,Nbed, snd half dozen knives and forks, six pieces of" wood or earthenware a loom and its appurtenances, a spinning wheel, pair of cards, ax., five barrels of corn, one barrel of Hour, '200 pounds of bacon 01 pork... and five -d.Uf1 wtmb ot hay or oiher oiatfs.or eii -- toriioe ot theseartiofns as ttteTniay bave.lvhicli' articles are exempted from execuliisi ; provided, all personal property is delivered up to the uffi cer.and aflidavrt b made bfcfor a magisiraie, that there is no utiier pmpHriy owned, except such exen.pi.d articles ; and provides, that where such poor person shall die intestate, the .: same articles shall be set apart fir his widow or infant child or children, abi be exempted from "j execwhio ,s akresd ; and declares all' mortga-'L . ge, deed of irnst. and liens upon any aoch pro-, party lo be null and void, aud gives the- Circuit Cooris and the County at:d Corporation Courta jurisdiction lo grant injunctiona againai the sals uf any property exempted by ihs atjt from'exs- ouiioo. Connecficuf Elect ion. The whale' Van Jt u ; ren ticket tor Congress has betji re-elected.' ' The majority for Edwards (V B) for GovenjorX; will about JtOOO. , . . ... ; V . , ... .t ' ' If ' ', '-I .5ln29 rfjpl

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