V-II.1MII,TQS C. nffl ion ft it.to'1 Viif sv IAJ" J9 - . Alt' TtCUMS. The Watch maw muy hereafter he had nr Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, i ClimuffouR new sub.-terilieis who Will iy in ad ,uu whole sum at one payment, lull have the paper for one year at Two Doi -(M oh, and as long as the .same class shall rmii'inue thus ll advance the snap of jflU Dollars the same teniw halrCTntiilae, r i ....II i.a nli i r.ru.l ua ..ilia GiiluiirL hf WIH6 liUj Bill no vtuv, .-VH- Jer. . . ... j... .... ,i. .. Sllb-tfriterS WHO OO nui Fjy uuiiii;; inn jcai will bechared three Dollars in all case. N,. subscription will tie received for les than tone year. ,r,,wi Ui i iha nn. I .I. . i.vi:,.., u.il.. ill arreares are naid inn ul inn 'I1 ..... iliu P.ililnr inimt li nat all ; otherwise they will certainly nit tie il- nrli'luiAr Advkstisino Sixty two fy a half Vital ver toiurre for the firstimetiion.amt Sit fia pertqtarefor each insertion qfterwarela No advert women i win ue inseiim ii i han on Uollab. Advertisement will be continoed until orders ire received to slop them, wnere no oirecuuus ire previously given. A,itfiLi9Hinentsbv the year or six months will Lmsdeata Dollar per month for each aquae ith the privilege Ol cnanstng me jorm every qaatter. , ' ' SALISBUllY,- . Bseswax per lb. l6a tl ct. ; Brandy, Ap- We. pet. gal, 45 50 ci ; koltuii per , lb. (in leod; 3 eta ; Cotton bagging per yd. to Ja tu- Cuffee peiJU. Jfi- A-ilSLl fc !b. 4 a Sets ; Cotton jam, from No 6 o No I, 1 75 a 00 cts; Feathers per lb; S3 is'; Kloui pr bl. 6s 7 Wheat pr bosh, f I lit 35;Oats pr bushel 30 ettj Corij pr imsh 55 ete; run per lb. 6 a els ; leaa per Hi S a Klets t plolassea per gal. 75 cts Nails per lb H a 10 iMill.4 lief lb v .a HI u; Ueef per lb 0 a o cts; liacon per ib 121 is. Uutter per lb lit els ; Lard per Ih 15 is; .Silt per biMhel -25 1 50eH;teel, A inert an blister, per Ib. 10 nte ; Knglih do pef lb 0 els ; Cast do. per Ib ift a S"i eta ; Sugar ei Ib. lit a 15 fits ; Rum (Jaroarca) per gal; i ; Yankee do ; Wool (clean) per Ib 30 Jrtii 116 i ffort Tallow per Ib. 10 lit cu; low-linen pr yd. a 'ill cts: V me 1 entrifie; per pal, 1 du . ortugal do. 1 1 50 a il 7 cts ; C In ret do per gal. $1 3 a I 75 cts; Malaga, (sweet) jr ga!. 51 ; Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 cts. . CHEUAW. Beef in market pot-lb a Sets.; Baroa per I a II cis; Hams do. 00 00 ots ; Beeswax per Ib -20 a ii els ; Bagging per yard 18 a 25 is ; Bale rope per lb a 12 14 els ; Coffee pr. b 121 a 16 ctsiCoiion per lOOlbs J 10. M 00 r i0 00; Corn per bushel. 1 000 a cts ; Flour idiu wagons per hrl $9 00s 00, from stores per rl 8 50 a 9 ; Iron per 100 lbs 7 0000 a 0, ulasses pet gal 47 50 a els; INaiM out assort- I per Ib 8 1 j a is ; Wrought do. per Ib. 20 l : forK pet ttn rs v ; uiee per iuu ids -i i 00 i .SutariHMi lr. 12 1 jl a 14 cts; Salt pr let J 3 23; Si per bushel 874 $1 ots-Steel A- loricau ulna' pr lb 10 Ibt TaUuw pet 11 10 Hi cts; lea imiienal per lb it it J a I 37 1 cts; 8y,m do. pr Ib $1 a 1 25 cts Tobacco tuaoji kclured per Ib 10 a 15 cts. , FAYETTEVItLE BrandVi peaelr 80a 90. N Do. Apnle.O a 75 tacui. prlb 10 lit; Cotton prlb a 101 i ts Coffee pr Id li a 14 ; Flour bbj. (8 a 84 laxseed pr bh 41 S5 a 000; f ealherspr Ib4a a SO Com pr ousli 90 a I) Iron prlb 51 a K; Mo Wises pr gal 41 a 00; Nails cut 74 a 8 ;Salt r bush tiO a 90; Sugar pp Ib 8 a 12 ; Tobacco; af 2 a 3 ; Wheat pr bosh l 50; 0 Whiskey r gal. 52 55, Beeswax 25 a 00 jTie Ctlebrated and thorough-bred Hone IlIOTT, HAS commenced the Sptmg season, and will stand three davs iff each week at the sla ' W illiam Harbin, Esquire, in the town of pi'-M die. N Carolina, and the balance of his a4 ih-atore of Wm. F. Cowan, Esquire, imtU trout btatesvilliv in Iredell county. 101 I will he let to mares at the moderate ii of Fifteen Dollars the season, payable on ' Ihi of Julv.when ihekeasoii will end; F.'irht flollars for the single leap, payable when the ice is rendered ; Thirty Dollars to 'nsure a mre ia f.ml; ibe insurance money ' will be due 'urn s it is tseerlaioed that the mare is in 1 or tht property transferred Fifty cents lo 'egrooui 111 every instance tare win ne ta i to prevent accidents, hut there will be so li- biliiy for uy which may happen. I n K r KUrltlK I UK3. I pediuici;!. lRlOTT was sired by tht famous , old horse if Archie, whose repu'.aiion as a racer and "ifder, ha, never been eq'ialled by any horae in ' United States, except his sir imported ' Din d 1 hla dmn. ihe nmnertv of William R. uhtwurti nd David Branch of Virginia, wasgot ro by Sir Francis Burden ; a dam by the im - u norae Ue.ifor.l ; K g dam by eueratist ,l' 'er loj.div Friar : 11 a prand dam b the sported horse old Janus ; ,g g r grand dam by UR ilKn..n.J I II 1. V. -l lii- - u ' woiij linger; liurueii was gotten ioloioac i-hie dam br-imtvirted"'Cftizeri"i f C by the imMirted horse Mousetrap ; she nut " "utr 'oin a rotonjaoeuiia Jolly Koger; fiitttU Mary Gy .. .... , ". Rlult waa bed by the HonorabU Adni II. fan lateoi XMorthanipton einihtv.N'. Carolina. "vnaveiiie anove neditfreii. th .rnfi.ui. C- . -v 1 ----- vbiiHVfi ol. Wood J. IlaiiiliD ol IJaliiax. and aaid e will shew.' ' : ' '' H ull ia a heiiilifiit hsv. nnw riainvAlnht f1 7 black mane and tail, and jneasures sixfeen "nils lngh. ' P"r 1. 1837 8w37 - - . Wr9. MleUij, and her JfaugH- gets, -. - a ibe north street ia this Town, will ex.fr- NZ3inZ.XSWORXL making- Shirts.: Pantaloons and istcoats, with neatnen and despatch. Wtsbury, April 1 1837 tf.) 7 JBLAinS BJQBDS POK SALE AT TUJ3, QV f JCE SAItPEDON (ImpOKTED.) TniS splendid English. Kace IJo-ee & Stal lion, tin ported in 134, will cover maze il'ie present season, (which hasntiw commenced.) at my stable, Granville couuiy, N. C. on the plain road leading from Oxford Ih Doydtog, V'iruinij.ai , nO ibe season, payable before or on the flwt of July next, at which lime it will . xpire, U)(l inrurance, which will ie denunilnd ait euon a6 tlie mare is amttrtained lo be in fiial 'or'traiiHfcf red; with one dollar c$h loihp grmiur, in evry Cae will b taken to fre-nl ew ap. ..i acridonta.hut will nol be reaixmaible forwiy (hat may nappn: rvanta boarded ainf; la boarded crauj); "nnd lias lurajje Ult maris, and whrn frd, SM ota icr day. witinb itatm mirr he paid berTire ifu' win te aihiwra u leave ib, plammion a;, tin diwretion of the aubarihfi. iSa'arcDoer iaa rich rown hor. 6 h'ai.ds lilh, filled in 1823, the property of Ceiij rj Crgsvenor ia a horse' of the (reatea at rung ih and power. Mis ba. lt unit loins ao '.rfeuiarkhly lron(; that he ia thought to be masur of J5 atone j and as a raee horse", he was eij.ial, and generally srperior, to most hn'rae of his day. as ia proved by rfrence to bia'inemoi'r ' in de-' uiyi ui iiiw iuii nrgisier. ijo ia iiif only wm of the famous 'Kiiiilnift,' known i be imp.1 ed. tlmifins, it will be'remeuibured, ia. the sire of rionipotentiary, Scipio, Friani. Kiddiawiiriri and many others, and, covers at 50 gs. a tuare. ; - ' , -.-.. s.?-- I abpcdob piieeeases moreot tlie aiot.Uira,, WoiKf, ttjan kny otner , n"re in America, and ia a dirnct ernes upm any ' V,,r na'ive niaretf. I Ii perlotiisnces.sl fliree '"' f'"1' Yr old, funtil he was mjurel ,) wtre 1 ,ne first character-beaiing rieaily aif his'eom '"'""t Kiiny b-miib oi mn.ii niii imios in "rl"' rxi hi-ihjj vaieuuar sou eporung AlaJiinie, as above ) N B His stock (Colt) are remarkable large and racing-like. SiBftDOif was wot by "that apltal raeerahd unrivuiixa niauion -iMnnntft,' oy itie rcTi 'Ur ville.1 who albii ciiwTd at 50 an . and was tier hap the beta son of Bitingbriughiitork kuif Herod mar q his dam leane, by (he r Iver, grand dam by Hick Andrews, eqial to any horse of his day, both as a racer and Siailion; .May, by llenniiwbrooali primrose, by Mambnno-Crii'k- rt.by King Herod, the best Stallion of his day,& toancer ol the heot stuck in Kngtatld 7iipfiia,riy lilank Deane.Vf.or.l Leiib's,) by Second Mr: Hanger's brown mare, By fjiangairt Arabian, 'out of G'ey by King William's N tbogued Jiaroi Mnkeleso, Royal Mare. ' . , - " The Flyer was gin by Vandyke Junior dam Azilis. by ' lieniiiuirbroitgh tiirfl ief, by llijthflyer-Goldfintr, i'wter to (jnttotbupper, bv Marske Cnlfen Aranjun rlegulus, ke . 4,p- The Flyer was a rapiial horse, and sire ul Wings winner of the Qaks and other good runner. Viiufike Junior was gnt by Walton, dun DMijek1.bytha.l?.tS.is fbrfftglillyrlr HeV, by Chrysolite-f Kcllpae. D.Vr7.VD TOtrA'ES. Msrch 1 -S61 f UWlTTUUE WlLir-tnake hia iaat season in , this County, at mv eikble in Lexington, N. C, endinaT on ,'he 4 ih of July. .The purity a'. his 01' id his size length substance and pow er lii fine energetic action, 1 think will ciis excellently well, witb-oui eoimiioa tusres. He will bti six years old this Spring. lu order to acviiumodste sil tlin Farmers who are desirous lo bteedte. horses and at, a rate within the meana of all breedeis. I am induced to put dovt'n the pries of the season of -Uwliar.e, lower than t ha t of a jyr .,huiai.,w-4h -Uaiet ttf -e -qual hlood and character. Ho w ill nike bis present season at $10 ; insmance (20. in ad dition to the yearling liily and two colts rbat I sold iu 1834 ai 3,000, (out if b'whane's daui) I refused last fall fur a y ulnig ally out of Iiik dam and by imported LuzWougb $Q0, and lor the old mare 1,000... For. further particulars see hand bills. . W. Ii. HOLT.. March 25, 1337 8 w36 Statr of Hortn CaroUua, WILKES COUNT IT. , ' January S'easions, 1837. . Finly & Bouchellr Original Aitichmeni 1 T levied upim defend- Joseph Stanley J anl''' Land." IT appearing to the santfactuin of the Conn that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State ; it is tHrefre ' ordered that' publication be made in the Carolina Watchman tor rt weeks, that the defendant appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter- Session,1 to- be held for the county of Wilkes. al the court-hi uae an Wilkesborouch, im the .first monday after the fourth monday of April next te answer or reple vy, or judgment will be intered against him, and the Lands condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt. Wiuiess, Win. Mastin, Clerk of our' said court at office, the firs.t monday after the fourth luonday ol January. I8H7. - " Teste WM. .V.JSJ'AV, c w c o atareh 18 6w37 price 3 - ; . r votiTs.uouTn .j.vii RAIL HQ AD. ?1 HIE Cars run DAILY on this Koad. Pas- etigers going North-will beconveyed' froan I ilalifax, N. C. u Jary Depots m the (Lomp. laVlai iLfai ny'aXi aches, and ' will arrive at rortsrrrouih in time for Baltimore Boats, which leate every Wednesday Friday and Sunday, al 3 P. M. and for the Washington Boat, which leaves every Sunday 'at the same hour. P aeser.gers leaving Halifax on either of Ih above mentioned days, will arrive in Baltimore the following mornjng. and in Philadelphia In the evening, without be-iog-dTried ef -shwpT' ThrEngTnea 1 oh, Ibiif road ate in flri order, and.no detention ' need be apprehended . J.- V Stages leave Halifax in time Fir Ihe departure of ins Cars al 7 o'clock A. M from the upper termination of the Road. Office Portamouih and Roanoke Rail Road Com pany. . April J, 1837 Im37 Auction SaSes The Subscriber will tell at PUBLIC AUCTION, wi Menday -evevirtf, he lath May net. (H being Coeit Merli) .at hjiur flmiw, in Salifburjj to .the highest ludder, Hie fjUwjnir ariiclea, to wit : DHV GOODS; Hani ware, Cutlery & Queens-wbi-c. flats, SUes"$ 'Bonnets, . ' in i , v illl;l r nruclea generally found in i ? '' '' cinineiic at caudle, huht. kJ "1 " " nnfr would siy o hoe ftTindeaU d W hint lo null mt TI.a n . is liuie they . shield do . , a 1 tyutjo it tt ebOLiyEn, Fir (JtTs NiiirtTi iif Waii;.m. u o . Fayette ril'le RtrDet, Ualeigh? - NoriU Carolina. are jvfjr jajemxe PRirTCr ATD sUXtrisOEa (JOOJ)S, JiTffi brn ring every thine genevui use. TflRSE UOOl), have b.-en elecled by Ihe juii. of . Partner of this Cnneers, Ml persuo. and cad ' be- Qo6hM-nily teuiiii.nended to their frietids and eihiioiners, ,lbe biM sarinieat of Goods iii tlieir line, rveropeuxj in North Curo- iiue-L Their Cloths cor, sist of Wool Drta.-of every eolonrand qualiiy, and are warranted not to fade in wearing. 1 hey deem it 'nrineeesary to ray any thiny more in commendation of theii. Guod, but only requesi lh.e, who want ooco far deinoimi ration, iu ive ilieiu a call. The fdlowrng are a part, viz : Super Blue and Black Apjl Olive " " Olive Ureen " " K fl do " Danlia 1 I Wixil dyed - C LOT It K,.uihii Frple, and London Siuuke Brown 'DRAPDF.T1 A lie ariicle for Summer COATS. Super Black and Green ml Dyed Super Blue and Bfack 'Tvet-fttrreir" J Single e ami double milted CASIMEKKS Dtuii, and various uiher Colours Ik Caslinit-rela, For Sirug I'ttiiiuliKns. -J Lndo Slimnk ailii Mriped l'l;.id DIULLINOS For Pants.. BIok and (jivcne. White Rilifie.!, S; other J Summer Camle-e, and Freiicn BoinbuZliieii Looduil Vlersiilles, Fl;J nred, and I'laiu I Figured S!k P it iin-tl Velvet . ( VESTING!) Sa.ni and ; . tiihlinjniel J And niauy other ihings iifeli-8" to mention lllgW!ilr wilh.yMietl Asstitiinent of licadv made C'lr Iiing-, Linen 15 CotLun Shirt ?. Merino Shirts, and .Drawers, Silk under Shirts, 'I enimat'f oe-' lebratcd, Storks, .'Suspenders, And, in frt. every thing found in any similar Estaiilinhmeni 111 the Uniisi. These G'lMls.will be sold on acmminodating ti mis, and'inade up to order in fetipcrioi style We, hive, io out einpluy liist rate Norinun Workmen, and will variant every thing we msnnlaotureto vie wiih that of any Tailors, N'Uth or Sniitii u( Ihe-Polon.ac. LITCI1FORD 81 OLIVER sow return thanks In the puiilic for former supimri, prun itii'g zealously lu endeavor meriting its Cuniinu ance. ;- "' ' ' ATTorarrnmT"dlstapce will meet wlih prompt atieiition. - 1-irCriFORD & OLI V . April 29, 837-4w4l State of ilortli earoUua, DAVIDSON COUNTY. Petition for tale of Laiufln Equity, April ... Term, iss.i Jt.J.ameAYu!ia,aJidrtoe4-fc-"""""" y. . ( . Maxwyll Willis and others , N this ease it appearing tothe satisfaction of the Coiifi. that the defetidanls'MaXWeH Willis, Thomas Willis. Philip Willja, Thomaa Willis and wife Jane, Patterson, and Pal eersoo. children of Nancy Patteisoo, dec'd,i4Md Marjorie Wtll'. f widow) ar not inhabitants of thirState r Ii ia therefore'ordered, that "pnbliea li.'in be! made for six weeka auccsaaily in -the Watchman, a newspaper printed at Slisbdry, 1 rerfniring said defendsnU lu appear at ihe next Term of 'his Court, at the Court-house in Lex ington, on the first inociday after the fourth mon day iu September next, and plead, anawei or demur to Ihe petition, otherwise Judgment pro coufesso will be entered,, and Ua.ptWuO.Jiard ex. parte as to them. ( Copy from the minutes. r CHARLES MOCK. cm e April 296w41-price3, JOB VMXTLXG Of every description neatly (p Done at this OlYiccp) . -". m r. - - 11 - ., m . Mfotiritr. , ii i .ii.-.:.. ... k. i i I At the beautVut feU exhibited at buna's iu . ..... . .". . -. - . .Mooniain, in inta.VMiaity, vy the joaeg Ladies or.yirs. natehl)ns School, o tht 'occaaion of erowiflig the Q.ieeu of May, fta fallowing v: . Susae f beloved, we hail thee, Q teeo I- - Amid this hsiely woodland scene ; Cf 'er roek and hill and burrt arid briy, Thee, we proclaim our Queea ol May. Each garden's pride wiih mirthful glee, And flow'ret wild we've cull d for thee ; And bow aMund in gladsmiiw hner. Our fragrant gilta with songs we ahow'r. This mossy rock aball be thy throne, ' These op'ning (lowers thy (ural crows ; . This smiling ring thy court shall be, . Tby true ahd faiiliful auhjecia, je. .-;-t . - - -- - --- - - . And may the friendship of ibis hour, - . Hnw'erthe storms of life may low'r, Gild each dark Scene Willi cheering ray, "Till sorrow's night be turned to day. .3yhtelctlpatlit Tbriiiih jys bright gleam or grief dark "shade, . Let this our owe grkat objsct be, To gain a blest ctcrhitt. MISS : BAILEY J - ' A Captlan bold of Halifax; ' Who lived in Country quarters, Seduc'd a maid who hanged herself One Monday hi hei gaiters,. His guilty conscience smiled him. He lost hta stomach daily -; He look lo drinking ratafia. And thong lil upon "Miss Bafley, Oh I Miss Bailey, unfortunate Miss Bailey. Ob ! MlasBailov.aufortunale Miss Bailey One night as he lay on his bed 'Cause he had yet a fern Said he, " t am handsome man, . But I'm a gay deeeivet." At twsNe p'chicli jhaLveiy niht . - lis candle b'irned otiiie palely, A gtlOSl SiUl'j op to i.t-i huj l...lr, ' And cried, Behold Miss Bailey ." Ob Miss Bailey, &0. " A vaunt, Miss Bailey," then be cried, ' Your face looks while nil niealy. "r fjnr rCaiaTnTSmi Hi' ihe ghit rt plied, " You'te us'd me ungenieely The Coronet's 'quest giies h.rd wilh toe Bi'.-nne' I've acied ba'lly And Paraiin Brings won't miry, me, "" Aliliufrm'Jead .Mis'- HJr.' Ob I MissBaiiey, 6-c " Dear ghost," said lie, 'since yuu n:id I Act-omits must once lor all elost , Tlmre in a one Hiund noie in my K' gniienial small cluihes, Til oribe ihe eeaton lor yi.nr graves The gbiMt then vanMh'd ;ailey, Siying,.'HIx yon, v. irked Oajiuiii S.intli, Reiueiiiher ixror Miss Bailey.' ; . Oh!.Mi?s Biilty. &-i THE RICH MAN S UAIK2I1TERS. V A LADY. ' ' It is often said that the tiairs re strange- ly alterei: ; ami t criain it is tiu; penpiu .re. i Once It was lYiuglil liourshle to l;iinr, in ! be constantly engaetl in some urn to him! ; useful avocation -out" now a-dfys it is 1 thougl.t honorable to be 'idle. There ls ; r i . r i i . . i. a....' ..inch co.npla.ul .f Ihe high prir-e o tery , necessary of human i Ximchcc; and with i inuch truth. Uut tl the aiiKoiiu oi itiii iie.-u could be calculate I with mathematical ac curacy throughout our extended iiepuhlic, ally wing the drones only half price for eer vices'lhey inilit perf..ini, whicli others are uow paid for it might nut he an un safe calculation to put downhe wln-le a mount now paid fur provisions and iuark i- !nn In il.u 1 1 nitn-t Mlulon It 1.4 lull S llltltt III i ,1, VI IV V, v - - - - inrorietstenttiT-trrsr'parenTii w frine "afroiTit the price b! provisions, while tlicy bring up , their daughters to walk the sireeis aud ex - j pehd moipy tn one of our great commercial cities their resides a man worth from two to t1irtr millions of dollars, lie had three daughters ' and he required lliein alternate. Ivtdffointo ihe kitchen superintend jl( domestic concerns, HeaLjndJtaniiu:a44 fe'elhfTW'ere thus" promoted, U-aiiiea he i could not av, in the vicissitudes of fiir- ' tune that Uievawiglit ' noi.' ere they ahowld close their earthly career, be compelled io rely upon' their hands for a livelihood, aud he could say that they never could be come wives and the proper heada of a fam-; ilV jrihtiOJicy Vnew with practical-eiperi-ence, all the economy of ihe houaehold af-, fairs: One of these dangliters is now the lady of a Governor of one of the States all at the head of very respectable families ; and they carry but the principles implanted by their worhy parent winning an 4 e curirtg the eateein of all around them. --Let the-fair- daughters of - our counify draw lesson from the industrious . matrons of the past The companion of the men who fought the battle of the revolution were inured to hardships and accustomed to un ceasing toil and so did they educate their daughters Health, contentmenLatad ulen- tv. sinileQ : around the tamiiy altar, i.ue daioael who understood moat tljorouphlydc econoaaically ihe manarement oi domestle .-nailers, ahd who vil not arrald tf) put her band into a waehtub Tor Tear 'of deeiroying their elasticity arid dimming their snowy whiieiiess.wss sought by the young men of e.aay at Ot companions fr. lite but uow a day 1 to learn the iriyateriel of the hnuieltuld would make our liar ones-'faiut awarv to labor comes not into the "code - of modern gentility. ' aaBBBBBBsaBBaiBaassaaMBBaaaH ''-' HANDS OFF f esftf damTwl wti gtsng to a party, when Iter mother charged her to keep the beana at respeeiatil disiamv. rYoti may let them n.n verse with yiM as much as l fiey pleas ,iui mske laees seep mere hands oa.' iMim went lu the paity aod saw aoiue you.ig men there wilh very pteuy UMHtibs.aml rich rd U jif wklah. cau.e vy swevrwoids. " ' , She, was, highly delighted wilh one gallant who "ld her that she Mas as aweei a "nek can dy, and appealed disposed k .give ample proof that Siiclf was his Ofilnhm, by sipping the de I'gtiiful neeiar fmtn her puuting li. He puis hi arm around hvr neck, in order tedntai her for the purpsset when at repulsed hia advances, and cried hands off, air .". lie then began to sue hniubly lor the privilege of kuuing her iftlyn tine clietk. , If,.. '0 yes-, you may kiss me as much as yoo pteawn,' said she "but mamma saya -you must keep yodr hands off." Blun Ptarl. CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. A man in. Maryland, uoWtoisly addicted to thtaviUcaviueafittg b upruarr ua the ku le en One eve iting, . bid the curiosity to step without rinicu lo the door to Iwar what was the matter," when he beheld bis serf ante in dulging in the most unbounded laughter at a couple of his uegio boys, who were mim icking himself iu Ins drunken fits; ahtiwing how he rtx led and staggeicd; bow be lMk ed and nOJded. itid lutcepped, and tutu bled. The picture stitch these children pf nature drew of him, arid v Inch filled . ihe rest' with iu much wiernuieut, struck brni to forcibly that be became, a turfettly sober man, to the unspeakable joy of his wife and children. IVtelerh paper. . A new line lias boen established from Ai kert to Greejiville C. II. via E lgufield C II Camondge", Neelv's Ferry Sic. time of ,ms- sage one and a half days. We understand thwl llie-eoittract was made cmly on the- 17th if March;"and on the 1st of April was in full operation, with 40 horses, uew, coarli- es, &c. The knnwu energy and eMterprwe of Hie owner f the line, Mr. Wm. Gos, is sufficient gjaranly that it will be well managed nd prove a great acCouituodation to the public Ttltteope. End or A DacwaaaO.--The billowing his tory of an occurrence which look place not Jong -ew'iirtrieate"trA"lsISma exeia- pliflet the ruiu caused by ualiils ol J'ein'ier- " John Mortal wis born and liberally educa ted in ihe state of JM C. file, removed id Ala., t'luuiueneed the aludy f law, but discovered a propensity for ardent spirits, which obscured a jir.K.)wl of success in that arduu6s prolession, ui'.itf "a priHinse ot anbrwty he was adimtied lo 11 cniiiiiiy siure,kept steady and attentive for months, until he wan aMe to open a grovery ou Ins own account, .His habits retained and grew upon him tnh astonishing rapidity. . For' the 1 t wo or three weeks he' had3 not seen a sober liunr dolor the maddening influence nf intox ication be sold his establishment, mid siarieil on hursehs'ek fur North' Cjrolma. During Ihe first day he travelled sixteen nr eighteen miles aud wsaaeeii by several who knew linn. In whom he appeared as tivin lu a wild aud vouiiwed aisle '1 Ins Aas ihe last day he a as been alive. The next, his hoise m found wiihmii a and- dl- &, thepresiiiiipttiiH w.-. that Morfai had been dioMiit-u in a treek in Hi at viciuity ; but in a bout a Week a do.' kohim into his innniers yard ' br iiiitm a- with him Morl.ii's rah: arm & abi'Ul- j,., i.hulH --N-rrh was imiuedisieiy made, and he whs found in ihe woods, a unle disiam, tiay mg In en deroured by wild Ih-usih (mm Ins waisl upwards His auole was tin a log. hw hlanheis ''Hhe ground ami .i .,,,K-ar as it the P"oi w reich had sleul mi il belore hn dutl I lis r fcj fc pl ,Mi Hli(iill. b i;J( ....n,,,!,!. ieiiiper- ,.(,( h.,, n,r,,er Alone be hau wrest h-d with fever and us madness and, in the end he was devoured by beasts of prey. POLITICAL QUAOKERy. The Ncf York Expieaa piopourids some jueetioiia lo iuq supportera ot the. administration. . Federal - - Thayc a few.plain questions to put to Vhp Buren men, and Ibe natural answere which must be given, are perhaps the' best answers' lo Ihe aritele of which we speak U id not the experiment eight years ago, promise us a apcciw currency, and better times? Has cot the bank capital been tripled since that time, aud the .currency made as bad as any currency can bef - Have me tie.- , paidlor by the communion merchants' changes ? And b ve they noi entirely bro- ' ken them .MP r. ,..Ao4.are,ave o near the goiuon era oi a specie currency as we were even eight years ago? Are Ibe banks safe, ; or ao strong nt the confidence of the public, negroes can be purchased on a credit.. At aa they then were? Mas the better curren-, least one-third more of coltoii wtll VMr-'plao ey co;m wbich we were f UrS. Bank should be destroyed ? Has not grati m.and the desperate struggle to jet every uccsaive etperiment upon the cur- ' out of dent. Every thing ia done upon cred rency added a mwchief instead of a reme-! it. . An t-niigrani from thia place hae fold dy to any of the paper diseases of tbe cut- this season in the village fiem which out rency ? What good has, the Veto done ? correspondent wutes, about $12,00(1 worth What good did the removal of, the dcjK.s ol gootls. at an avernge piofil f 75 per ilea,' What good the Tieaaury Circular ? cent, hi t has ne t received $400 in cash. What good can oow be doOe by setting thii' Ptuintsapr y iMHea f h quentlyr serve as a cir mioU i luriously to work aa is threatened -in I rulating medium, end it is not uncommoa the first of a new serine of experiments to , for a note to pay a dozen debts, ami finally which we are to be-put, - i fall into the bands of the maker, without a l it oot curious enough that a f w pC , rent of money being paid in any of .the htical men in Washington, not educated to i transactions It is a .bad tune for men to business, and never associating with busi ness men, should Ut. so much vwt the all put practical men.?. VVbti taught Mr Beutoo of 'M iMouriy the -way and uieaua of Com- merfeP Whrfri'did Mr Bullet becda mi? . intuitively skillet 111 finance. Who edu'ea ted 5feesrs. Blair abd'Rivt rW febamrrer when' there is not arnecbsnie who wall ; oor street, or a sailor whoever saw 1hea a f that does not inr.w more of the bourse ol ' trade thah bulh of Iheml .y We ask the people if they hae not hfid ' enough of quackeiy T Jf IH Tbompr n should sweat one of aTsmily to death,wiH.hl ' they frost knotber in bt hands Wh;i f . (fnod bas Ibe adtninistration done os wub all its experiments upon Vs. as if we were V dead dtigs? Eight yeartr vf 'eifwrlTienls'a V Imve bNHight ue lo the vege of' bankrtrptcy- where the country stands rxiA TeU.Ms then, if we have-- leot -dedh quacks, and -tf errmmhn eenee" does not " show its the aecea'sity of a change Time ' has showed all their exptrimente to be folC ' ' ly, and aif ibeir artf to lead lo lorn.' Coti Ion is now going down; real estate is falling, , and thousands if laborers are thrown etil of employ hv lrkmrmiimanagewieetof the- routrtrv. If the People h' ui 4 enough' of iurfi a sweat, the experimenl ' must" yet goor hut rely qpoit it and inal tbeeo l thtnge the Whig presaMuT .piewotda of ' ' prophecy, the experimeiii upou- Ibe patient V wilUedlndhWriUedeatbJ - THE TINEeWVe have f. It it wr dulr '. Id keep our readers fully ilviae4rf the. mr 01 viings both al Ihe north anrt Soutli npnre in, tnts and -eevetaLprecading Qunit Im ra wmh Ibe particulars.. It is happy for us, "that the people if our Stair are trot -in a sriuutioii lobe aery greatly injured, and by carefully studying lite igus tif: the times, and sVtnd til now riHitracls until ilm alarm MisllUe tiiowu over. Ihey mav escape Ma 0 woi si r Boris They caiiniK li.ie, bowevor, ; ftr entire exeinplinu . A fow merchants in " . ditlrieul Nirts of tltnState have ' already TTu been nunc); the pluuleis. In whesuj hands '-'"X" Urge pari of ihe. lattt rp yet rei&vns. wilU '-f nH reanzn if aa much for it s they x r peeled, or as Ihey coiiW have done if -they . had sold it a moi.lli or two ago; the value of their ni griM s.ie gr. tly deprecialed; - rf TurpentiotvLumiier and Ttler. in which this pirl of the State is very largely in,ler csled. bsve fallen nearly fifty per cenl,een ' (irovisions have heen afficted," 3 tey vilt diHiUlesa soon comu down lo a reasonable slaiidard. lu short every thing will A eUilij ioAiijuwm nt 4h nmBallr i.rrKin a -4' . .. .... - f- w - ... ..WW) T year or two to come, The only way lo counteract the aril ii to keep out of dbt aud live economically . , have no faHh"i.ihe.prcitht $taf of 'JJixJiomiix If'Uimioun l. There U a 'phlhorio bloated (oe oPtor! oar rent prof ini-Un; hut 'hn.tluhleti rewrite will thru in 'our witoie Money concern! nia ffrsuaee able eonfaeion. Tht eurreney,b'ofh iff 'M 'Great Ihrilain and JtmerUa7 w9 never 'before ia , to critical a condition? rhe above remarkable sentences' are front a speech of Mr. Calhoun, in the. Senate, Vi a the 23d of February last, only two short -months At that lime all was apparently prosperous. The lahd epe'eulator. the "ni ton buyer and the eotturj gel lei, Hm mej rhanl, Ihe inerhanie, the pfanttr all were " rich -4-llos aid art? the event dtlysu i two nmntlisl What was then pi edict ion is now, history. j The hch arc now pour,, and tlio poor poorer.' Ai'"' every bjhtipsoI' ptr'p- , erty ha depreciated fifty per cent , and the end is not yet The conviction forces iUelf nnon in. that jf ,g w l4 had llifj nisdrtnT U. see tie)p prOHt h f the etorm, had Im-hi hi powefhf i g vernwiil would not ha v e milled it to fill Willi toll us des'ilaling' ynlt-iice upon In u prepared connlry. much lees have ggr vitt-d it hy tie mad polio, it taunts, and its t milinti' ii. (tut the malignity oi the folly ol the prM ':it, i'd nin rati ui has eer ti .1 all its Mwer to add lo the evils of the tunes, ami ft remens to consiiinmnle both,' and involve the whofe country Biiike. indi , vidnsls, and all,' in one general ruin, by a Withdrawal of half the money in the conn try, and its depoie in the Mint I Surely there never before was such a government on the face of the earth. Faut'tewlle Obter.vet, ALABAMA: ,4 A letter from a genii mn who went front this place to Alabama a few months ago, x gives an mien-sling account of the state of things there. He aiya a general pnuic pre vails, and II there be m l a re action in ihe Dt'ice of Oonon, one half of Ihe plaiters-& commission merchant ill-eruind. There is still a great deal of cotton to go io mar- ket.but that cann.it nfjorii elji-rwi. it Jgto before it ii galhered.J The Slate is at least Hweo crops in debt, and nothing but prndence aoo economy van "save n. ah ainoe ot property on the decline. Still, lands and cany their families there, at least until I hey can make a crop; provisions being very high. Corn at $2 50 per bushel. tc " ' FuqetterUte Ob-la ver. . .A: C . t

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