nv TEH MS. Th 'Vatcmm! mn.y hereafter be Tiad lor . iMI.ir fH Kifty Cent per year. P.i.nf Kfm new sitlweri rs who will L H1 s,v-rwe the wbole suio at one payment, r ' 1 1 a h'lVO the piiper lor oim jrr at J wu LMII - .1 ujliirttraa ihf, ttinA rrluaa ahull ym ;".. !--, -: miintie thus i y 1,1 - " HU' Ol i rfii I) illar ih t'n" terms shalL continue, i"irwise they will ue charged as other .nbscn- r. . . j...: . Subscribers no no no pay nj mo year ill Iw.-Mr '"re Dollars in 8,1 " N,..?ri",two will lie received fof less than In year. .ij- k k Nil n.itrfr win on ui--'i' - ..--.... -.j.- ,,, ut! ilia E'H'or, unless til -marges are (aid J'" 4ii i.,i. I,. ih K.liinr in not bit nosl Jr lr 'r,,1 ' :,. '.:. I . L.: ' W' o- . . . I I, Tbhms or AnvERTIsina oixi iri? 4y n nwi ?( er qunrt fur Iht tint iatrliun , ami i 1 k Nn Jtreriii',miit will be inwrted lor ! Ian onb uot.i..a. ereive.l to slop ihern. where no direction L previously afn. . .. r ' . . l - MnniL. will VM I.IS'nnia ly nn yrrur iiiwiimiv win Uh the privily f ha;.v1JtWfyfIK, HI A Mi I TS. SALISBURY, Bcuw-x perlo. Ida lien.; Brandy, Ap- ep.-rifui A3 a a" i oiion p-r id (hi fccdi i ; t oiion bi Ili (' tf"i: J''f lt. I (i j H rtn ; ('.mintf pi 4 a uoiion Trn, inim ixn i o 23: )ia r buhfl U -lsj Vrn or bu-lt jo ri. ron iMr lb tf a ct; Lead txr lb 8 a I nets . 1 ja per jfl 15 c ; Nails prr lb 8 a in h ; B-ff put IbO a 0 eta ; Bsroi. pr lb lii , U nu-r per lb HI ; bard tier lb 15 ,s; 'iii per wwi i i jii'ti-; .iieei, Ameri- hn blister, pr lb. 10 et ; Kngtioh do per lb Orit; Cant dn per tb i' ji ti ; huar let lb lii a 15 el; Kutn (Jiuiiica) per ffili Ynnke dn fl ; Wool Mein) per lb SO tin; Til low per lb. 10 Hi ctn;Tuw4iiien pr yd joa 2)t ot ; Wine (Tenerifle) oe sal. $1 &ll . uriii'ral do. fl w) I ill ei i Llarel do W-r i,ril. t-3 75 el ; Malaga, (aweet) ker li!, 41 vin y per irai 4j adUcio. CIIERAW. Beef in murliei m-i Id ! im ; Bir-on per I a U c:n; ill us .to 0f tH en; rWawnx rl) i' a pi-; B hfinx per vr.i 18 a J5 i; linlw rpe er lb I A I Cotfe pf Uf 16 fi;C.Mioii irr 100 Mm I0 II 00 f OjOOf 4Jtm per hwr,r 1 OtMt a mat Kloor turn afn ter brl 0 K) Oi. from m.irea per I 0 50 9 ; Iron per 100 lb 17 0000 a 0. I:iune pi g 1 y) a ets; NitUriit assort per lb S I 2 a 9 ct ; Wmuji. pfxib. 20 ; Piirk pei brT9 9 ; Kice per K0 lbs 4 fKl;iHr perlo. It 1 i a H ew; Salt pr Hr i 1 j; aljt per bunnJ !71 fl eUi!Sieel A- "iivtn li.Hi. r pr lb 10 16 i-ts; I allow per lb 10 111 e'S Tea Imperial per lb 1 25 a 1 371 eta; vhi Id or lb ila I as eta : Tobacco ma no actared per lolO a 15 eta. f p a YET"rE VI LLE . Brandy, neacW JOa "O. , Do. AppU, 30 a 75 WH.fyU 10 a 000; Cotton pr lb 6 i 8 ets CofTeeairlu 1-2 a 14 ; Flour blj. 5 - a 61 Uxtu-ed pr bh 41 00 a ' 000; Keathere pr lb 45 a OCorn pr oosV 75 a 80; Iror. prlb 51 a 6; Mo- iw P'jal 40 4; iNaila rut 7 a 8 ;Salt k bush 50 a 75; Sugar pr lb Sail; Tobacco; if t4 a 8 ; Wheat pr bwih fO 00; 0 Whiskey Ir "r;il. 52 55, Beeswax liS a 00 She Ctkbruted and thorougk-bred Horu RIOTT IAS cotrinieiiced the pribg season, and will laud three dava in each week at the sta ; o( William HaibiqJ-Esquire, in the tow n of tatesv)lle, N . Carolina, and the balanr- of his me at the store of Win. F. Cowan, Esquire, 0 miles from Slatesville,' in Iredell couoiy lull will be let to mares at the moderate ice of Fifteen Dollar the season, payable on ht 1st of July,when the Mason will ea;i; bliht j"ulara lur the single leap, payable when ihs rrvice is rendered ; Thirty Dollars to insure a niM I M Auli'tt.. i na.. . k n &s ..... milt Iia .1 . , A " i. iv.ll lv iu.ui.hu. III. Ml. J win wtt unc Paoon aa it ia ascertained that the mare ia in f'l ur the properly transferred. Fifty cents to 1 pic groom in- every instance. -Care will be ta- 'n to prevent accidents, but there will be no It- F"iity for any which may happen. i- 1 tie; f KUr KlE, 1 UKS PEDIGREE. nIOTT aa aired by the famous old horse 'Archie whose reputation as a racer and ttder. ha never been ea'ialled bv an home in fa United bum, except his sire imported JDfio. Vts-(iarrr, ine ph.perty of William K. ohrtsoo and David Branch of Virginia, was got7 pn by Sir Francis Rurdrtt e-Jtiam nv the im. fwted horse Bedford ; b it dam by Federalist 'r toJoll Friar ; o a orand ilam hw iha 4ried horse old Janqs , g g grand dam by " imported Jnll Uimr ! It.iriieil ovaa irnll.n 7 f utomao : h L." me imported horse Monseirap ; she out r oeiim, irom a rototnao oat of Jolly Roger; l oat of Mar f?rav - f i Riott was bred b the Ifonorable AnH H '"van Ute of Northampton county, N. Carolina, ;Wgave ths above ped.gree, . the cernfiustes fUl. VVood J. Ilamlioot Hajifaa and said ttiuu is a beautiful bay. "r"Mail7 man and lil. anil uwKura. I . , mn Itoda hlerh. . April j, 1637 9 w37 - MVS USINESS has become so much ex. ded.and the amount of arrearages has pcnine so great that I in us, utile U will be greatsi Injustice la require tue to travel a) '4MJJU4-4W.arr 'M, therefore, that those who owe me' will t' me trouble and expense by remitting ,ny J throaoh the Piat Offim anA 1I..1 '"lit,..;; juy-6; 1837----; : i. :;"" BIj AI71T DBRDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE lAtercfiant STai&rt. Four doora Sooth of William., Mwo ,d. & Co. Fajettcvillo Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. ARF. OW RFMVIXCl A SP1.KNDJD UlTPPl.Y OP SPRING AND SUXlimER GOODS, r.mlrocing errry thing in general ue," flllESE(iOOI)S h bien aeWied by the M jnn.ot, I'unm rof ihi Cunrern. in peraon. iinti an be ninhilxnliy leotminiended to their trimd- mimI -iiHiiHiixrH, a the best ortnent td UikhIh tit ibir liue, everoiiened in N .rtb Cam Una. Their Cloth rooaial ol Wool Utki, uf eery e trior arm qualify, aml.art.waifuud iM nun hi ji-anng. i ney neeio II oiiQecessary loeay any tbtuK ni.tr in ruluineiidaiion' 6f their G..rtl-., hot only r qurgt ih, f ho waul ' occo lar deiiHNiairaiion, in give them a calL Th- f'tllowitif are a pari, tia M'nlUa .tUmmUlL.y-ljmi-JVu't'''rr'nn " Apple Olive j " OitveOreeo , h Wool dyed Mi hiif do r-CLXitue DaUl.a " KiHuan Purple, and I Loudon Surike Brown j - DRAPDETA Snnu RIL ..J 1 I A lie nrncle l.r vavi a ieV viwil SM'fim.r COATS. y -WoiiiDfrf uper Blue and Black " si i Mued " ae v " D.ao. and tariov 'oiifr Colours I ' Single and double I willed J- CASIAIERES Hl Caihiiieru, J For Spring . . hinuiotiis. L Ion Shrunk aiin Mnped Plaid While Ribbed, & other SoiBtuej -Caintr , 4iul Freiieb L uliit-n Loudon MerHailrs, Fig ured, and Plain Fixured llk Figured Velvet Skiiin and C kahiberet DRILLINGS For I'ants. Bl-k Md Gtoeue. y NESTINGS. Aud oi4iiy other things unrless to mrntion together wrth general Aiw-niiiieiii (,f j Heady made ('lothing7I'iVcn Cotton Shirts, Merino Shirts, and Drawers, Silk under - '. SliirtSj-'JVnnaat's cc- " j ' lehru ted, Stocks, Suspenders, And. in hex, every thing found in ant similar Eslatitmliini'tH tn lb Union. Theae G xidi wiiji bA;'Adi.0iiaiXowiuudaiig-.' t-riiis, a i) 'I mate iulo order in a superior siyle. We, have in our employ first-r,te tn-mtieio Workmen, arid will warrant every tiling we mannlntiire, to'vie with ibat of any Tailors, Noith or South of the Piitomae, LtTCHFORD & OLIVER nmv return thaoks to the ptiblic fur former support, prim iinf zealoosly to endeavor meriting its ouuiinu ance. I All order from a distance will meet with prompt a.tention. - v LMTIF0RD& OLIVER April 29. 1837 -441 TO CONTRACTORS. rWlH ERE will he Vi to the toweav bidder, in iJb Town of R'Ckinbain, kiehrnond Ci on ThuriMty, the 1st dv i-t' ' Jine m-l, the building ol a COTTON FACTuUV, til t. ei by 4-2 leel, 3 stories biirh, with a haaeineot s o by 4-J leel, 9 stories lngh, witn a tiaaeineot s o ry ol leet i the basement stiuy will fie ot utone, f which nan he prnruied within one mile uf 'lie site J the balance of the hboit'e will be of brick : the 1st story 2 feet thick ; the id story 2 (et t, and lhe3Js'ory 18 inches lliick, with a ;i:cli nl II feet; the britk anj stooo Uyed - wnh time mamr: A the same time will he let oat, the niik'no nf 300,000 bricks, one halt delivered al the kiln by the 1st of September, the balance by the li ot October. . The contract will be either lei out entire, ur separated lo auil uudei takers. Boml with security required lur tne perlutmance or the contract, and the cash paid on its comple tion.' , The building of a Saw Mill will also bs let out on the II ih May.' Board in the Village is cheap, and good clay and wood can be had iaa half a mile of the situa tion. It is th'ioht unnecessary logive. a miuute detail of the Bail ling; a drawing is in .he posses sioo of tbeJiobwtrbefsr-wltiett-wiH be Bbown on the day of letting not ihs w urk . ' SeaUd Proposals will be received for the whole or any part of the contract. THOMAf STEETLE.l W M C. POWEL, S- Committee. ROB P J. S I EELE S UWIIARIE Jk T ILL make his Jast reason in f rr this Cwibty,' at rat suble in Lexington, N. C, ending on piAU.4IUi fl oty- J he . pority m . . .... his niond -i aiae length substance and F'WP"!"1!! Ji' J.'Si ,-rloe-'rrire-aWnTrr- guinea- ; sTsuTffi ; slsoaTltiO ; also iOO; ... ,. ! . II. I.. I JTI mluA. Oflfl In. inn- kluil fill earn llenil ell. with oot common marts. ..lie will be six years-old thiaSpriog N 4n order to aeeomiwidate all the Farmers who areoiesirnus to bleed Jim horses and at, a rate within the means of all breeders, I am induced to put down the price of the season of (J hrie. lower than lhatol any horse in tne union ui e- jj , .. i ureseni season at SIO i insiiianre &20. In ad dilion to the yHa'line fiMy and two rolls ibstJLDieier. liinJL&44K;to dam) 1 i'iusen last Fall fur a' yearling fiily out of his lam andJiyouipuiW. Lsaborougrr )r 0th and for the ui " mareai.OOO. ICT' Vot Tunher particulars see hand bill - W. R. HOLT. March 25, 1337 8w3 (Impoiited.) n fl'IIIS npnJiii KMgl.sb Raee rt-se 8i Slal I'. n. imported in 1X34. ill cover mares 'the preeen. s. as..n. (h hicb has now emnmenced.) at my MaNe. Granville e,Hin.y.'N. C. en the main r:.d fc-aniiif rwna Osford to Buydioa. Virjrinu,al MiihHHoo, payable beSsur on the Aral of loly ni xi,at which lima u will iuir. k. ainn joruia u. which wiH demawled a aoow a te ui.ru is itenrt mned to be in- f.ial ur transfer red; with one dollar cash to the groom in every ea. 'Ca.e will he taken to prevent earn pes or aocdents.bot will not bs responsible for any thai may hiippen: Servants buarHeJ ui.i rsefr mars, anil when led, 3 ctmi. m-r will be allowed to laavit the plantaiioo at lb uw-,f mm iii me Kiirwriher. v ; . Zt VtD0,rJi a'fieh'rowrj fiorseTl Sbands hih, red in 1828, the property of Genera! Gusventnv-is.ahorae of tho greatest strengib aud power. I lis buck and loin so remarkably atronv, that he isthiMebl. In be mint.r of in sort g. iiHfitiiv si periur. ie muat horses of hi day. u- is proved by relerenee lo l.d. mentoif in de tail, wbieh uy be seen in the July (1834) Dumber or the furf Regter.lU is the wily "Wyf i"'am.jus'J2mlUua;,knowa p. betropor ed EmiliuH, it will be remembered, is the sire -f Plenipotentiary. Si-ipio, Priam. Riddleswunh inn many others, and covers ai 50 mare. ' gs. a Subpedoh pusaeases more of the stost. Mara brino and Beiiiiinvbrouuh bluud. ilmn tw huae,jo Auwriei, wd W a direei m. upon any of our native mares. Hi perlunianee l ibree ami I mryears old, f until he was injure I.; were l the first cliaracter-beaiing neatly all bis Com rie'tii'ir,-giving some of tbe.ji hih odds in welrfbt (,. t,inff Calendar and Sporting Vaqzin. as above ) ' N. B His stuck (Colis)are remarkable taree and racing-like. PKDKJHEE. ' Sarpedo! was ftni by iut oainial racer and nnrtf -itlnl Stal inn ''Kniiiina !iv ihe ,rr.i ri.. vtll.' wlmafiu) iNivereit at 50 uh n.rf u n.r fin the bsl onnf H.-rni nchr.itioii mil i,i K,nn Herod mare, ; hiNilam hane.hv ibe Finer. jjraud iIaiu by U.i-k Aitlreis. equa( lo any h'urso "H y. won aa a r ictir and .iiuuu; May, by li.-iiningW.Miib Priiotie.-. l,v MainbriinCriek- -.' Kinjr H-rml, ilia otstNkhl'hm of hn day, & 'nni.ir 01 Me ttesl KliK'k in f-.nulann Smil.ia hv Xv k I )ea..e,V i;ini LeifU'ty) by Serimd Mr": llinjei H hrowit mire.bv Stamran' Arahtan. i.nt I Gip:ev bv. ri VViHiam'a N Wrutd Bai'o. M ikeli-mi. Royal Mare. I'he Fiver was got by Vandike Juomr dam Alalia, by lienninnbr. "jjh Gill'ffner, by II Ijtidyer Giildlioiler, aisler to GraKtihimoer. by MarHke CulleiLArsbiau .RguWi itr-, e)-c. I'liw Flyer wsm a t-apital hois., and sire of 'Wing,' winner of the Oaks and other good runners. Vnnlik Juninr was gt hy Walton, dam Dsie-hi-b.by the P,8 Drait. bf Hurl. flW Hebe, by Chryiuliie Proserpine, aioitr to Ellipse. - ElMVJmTOtr.Vi7 Msreh 2-S6if. The High Wooded Horse, YOUNG BUZZARD, ill be a LexmirMMi o'l Tuesday day evening 9;h liunlranil rnnain until Th ore da li 0'cliK-k : lie will llieit go to inj. G-..r(e Siinith in DiviJson, aud remain i bf re ull Fn day lOVcfofk : then lo Jacob File's, and . re main all dirySatornay : "On'.Undsy he will at Salisbury, and remain t litre nil Widme-Jsy i o'cloek, and at each nf these pl:ice wnbm evrry 1-2 days tlierfadrr until ht ol July. All bt iiiu" lo be tnade up. .1 6--.3W42 ( " TKUMS Five dollars and fifty cents the Hu lj Iru l"llaf Ibe sism.u, it p;.l in ; Twenty dullar i h(.asoii, )lt n,s,)rt,. ', Hi dollars on i WILLIAM DUNN. Al. the r...nesi.f WtlliaTirDonn, I have ex-aiiiiio-d ilm 1'nrf R gisier fir the Pedigree and IVil' 'finances nf tlx iiixirtid ltlivanrd, (snid lo be the ijrmid nirf nl Voong lli.zzaril) and certify the tnliowing lo bt truly uuOe uut Imui I bal li..,k. ' II C. JONES. Bi.zztird was by WiHtdpecker nut of miss For lime; Wnodre.cker was bj llernd, he hy Tar tar; he by Croli'sJ'arter ; Pur'nerhy Jiyg. son ot ibe lauiiMis Byerly Turk ; llernd's dam by lllate, son of Ktyii g 'CbiUb r Dux was by miucIidiii, out of Dnicbcss, by Wbilene ; Maichein was hy Cade, and he by the celt braled 0 dolphin Arabian, the t'rent piogenilor of the laHliioiiable rlciiu sik of Fgland. Uuzz;d m J3SStv--ai,a.-eirt---iTWr- oesr-wrr Fox's Hope 3 yens old by Flnntel, for 50 guin eas Nov. 2d, be beat Mi psAsmi's 5aikjr 3 years old by G'trrirk, out ol Sportsmistress lur 50 guineas In 1790, he beat Nr. Vernon's Trial for 100 guineas In May, he received for feit Irom Gallipot. ' In Novemlier, he best Mr. Pantun's Ostrich lor 2(H) guil eas : same day Mr. 1'erlMiii's Craiy Cf 200 guinens In 17SI, he bea. O.ii rich :ur 2 50 guiiieae each. Ai the first Hpfirrg- tiretng be beat Dpke uf York's GTaucus for KM) guineas: At the 2m) meeting be receiv ed 125 guineas forfeit fiom Lord Deitiy's Prince Lee Bui: At the July.. Hireling he beat mi Panum's Grirtin for 00 tt a)-as . la.. Augvst two 450 s i Clriiste rfl 'd-T riii .1792, 5 years aid h wnri 9.00 ft-ulneas : ali 100 ouineas ; also also 471 irumeas ; also 200 , aim 100; also 50 guineas si New Market ; ; lu I7:)3, he sod the Craven Siakes.VlM). 200. HO. HWIaiwItiO gum easal N t Maiet : In 179 1, :tie Craven Stake 50 guinea-;'lhe .lieiky I inb plaie 200 o-iiineas". alvi ; l"0 cnineis a' New Market, nmkii.: mall il rjees. niiiniii 3,672 was i lie .... ,. , u.,.i....,.., ii..,.,.i Pa. sire oi a i.. iin i 'rz,Z..'-" Vnr-imjT riU' iienn ' -euro. &,..iiiMiii liliiuinu. I) i embet. . I'.f 1 1 IJuin, F snny, (,ri.hy. lurs. Lfltle P :iiy. "1 wi.l P4ntttTS-.- H Inbtr-. kinjTi't, ICunaii oiid. S.phivTw. V ri-'V. T' ot ". tenraieo winners wry Lunt l btit -ftiuxiid wa6 brought to Ament a in lo04. and oied iu Ksu lucky in 18(l,aeJ2 l. r f . i , Fob th Wathmin. On the death of a young lady in Daia CdBn t, on lbs 4th 0f April; 1837-Sad w the. vent " S. A, U are the initial. ot her name, Knwugt, -'TaLithi com "4T)aiMel aria -8f Malk. 5 e. 4 w. r. Vet, she shall motint on Seraph wing Hsrspuilas spun shall arise v From deaihaiid endless alheme nin j ' f?TT Mm who reigns'abuve the skkys. " " 0 she was beaotiful and bright! M had not eiifhleeu uinlUBrs k nnwn .,DJUMleed.-aitff r'ei1itrtfff hT - ui LfealUhtm$elha$ bUh o trthtou. -The beaoteoos, virtooea. learn'd. notaaghk, The indigent, the wealth jajl, . However righ'teoot Wr naught, . , ooiod to die by Adaiu's full. Our lamentations all are vain Fur those who meet this eorainon fate ; .,.T!"'"8n. Prll gwaav i a1alpa1ay:"K, 1 bat parting most be soon or late. Thnuh good and had must pass away, Yt none without a tear, depart ; And they who friendless live to day To umrrow rend some kindred heart. When youthfid bloom and beauty fade. When virtue insets an early doom. The iiiiwjI obdoraie droop the head, - And rumitiaiD uMi'ri the tomb. O sbe was beautiful apd bright J Yet by lament her early doom ? ILipe Wafted her to endless light. We all uiusi follow through the lotnb, " Grim King of (errors" though Death be, tie is the xulirr fa t fie slitus None ran eternal glory see. Tall by hit oreaoed hand he dies. O Selected for tlie Watchman ' I Love knocked at ihetiour of my heaM tb' othtl any. Kail mails a most dreadful din, 1 ha wandered,' says he lar but of my way, On pray, bir, do ltii uie in !' , - ' You viltiiiii,' I cried, go away from my doir; ihiii-ii vnow yourtriokauf uldj i4eider'tiremrtihenyou And tne same sad story told. , -- - . , . - - - - Thsdoorof my heart I then opened 1J, Aa I never ) el was ruOe, And set you down by tm warm fireside, And what was yuur gratitude i Yeurspiriis rising h-gher an I blier With tne good obwr yto (nund, Yus 8t Uih cuu.biiKlihlf dwflling ou fire, Aud lliuu laughed sod dalictd all a uuuj. And when Reason came, with hiyc pile of snow And piuJLMdber w intry aid, An arniw keen you boi lioni your bow, Aud iukedl s.e the wisu uuid. 1,'ale Grief came nrx', like a friend well triitd, bile Ihe irars o'r her ebti kdi mil, But ytiu dnsb'd down her pail with lis cupioua tide l So the msusion wsa burnt to a Coat. . And now the pmtr llnue, whom yuur treaclieroiis guile ' . .. .LbILIimsii'iiS)TMI boint less llien , lias relumed ami reliuili the ruinous jitle, A n. I In it up wiih her radiant smile. Do you think to deceive in agaiu ?" ' What ! is llupe returned, aud now your gueat? . Ob pray, sir, do lei me in I She's a sis tr ol nilue, aud I eanunt rest Till I fold her sgam Ui my broilterly bieast, And her gentle pmdou in." So I lifted the latch of my heart once mure ; ' Deuetvidby his guiletul phrase And then the treacherous Love, rushed in al the diHir, Again a imst dresdluJ fire did raise, And set my poor heart in a perfect.blaze, Aud buiu4.4t down- werye-ihsn beltre?!""""1 Rich Man't IVitgei . Two neighlsirs met, orient whom was exceedingly rich, and the oili er in modeiale' circumstances. -The laller be gan lj ifigratiilule tbe firs' on his gresl pnsses tion,aiidoN the happiness which he must en-' joy ;. aud eoded by eonrrtstrng fl .with his i-ii condition. My Iricnd,' said ihe rich ihsii, ' let me ask you tne qovstu,n- Would yoo be will . rng lo lake my property and lake the whole care u! ii for your board and clajhing ?' No ! in deed.' Well, that is all I gel ' anJL wwnt'sf be of sarsmmra'fjKer. . husband, tn boaiiness, if wearn a cheerful smile con t injialjy, jajSinJKWtHBiiUwtaace A man s perplexities and gloom mens are increased a bun dreo fold when his butter half moves about with a continual scowl upon her brow. r A pleasant, cheerful v. lie is as a rainbow set in ihe sky .wjien her husband's mind is tised with storms and lempests; but a dissatisfied and freifol wife, in the hour oi trouble, is like one of Ibiiee fiejisjsJjitijLJMfi epulis. rtart t?U0Utty- Spriiipjitlil, Ssngamou county, has been se cted by the Legislature of Illinois 'es the fu lure and perinaneiii Capital tif ihftlJSUlf -JCuis nn the first ballni ; HpVingfield 55, Vtindalia 17, JacksiHiyille, 14, Alton IS Peorisn 16, Scalier. ing 14, On the. fourth trial Springfield 73, V audalia Mf Jackaonvill 10, Aliuti 6, Psuiian VQt. V-IVCV 4 M I S S B E F O R E T. E lijJf 8 . - r oilis n'ooiooim. ' Mamma will ytiu please to spread . lA- '-W sugar on m, bresJ, " . And mamma, dearest, if .oii pteue, To cut a lmU bit oC cheese, . ; Just very little bit; - i It . i m grown too large now to be carried. Tomorrow ma, mtyti'l I vtev wtrted? Come Hejcii, said Mi Henderson to her .laughter aged etevennn up your hVri and trinkeia, and pn pared for btd, it's si must eight oYlork. Indeed, ins, I "cannot sff.-id to Ho any such thing as go to hi d so swm, rt plitnlihe vtMitig l.dy, p, t,iir,.v toft j , bv lg!k. ed to in such vliililish langnnge, atiil hcaidiis, Mr Kingston is to1i1ii.r Qf-past' eight, thert-'f hi card in the rat k now. Mrs Henderson was dumb in astonish ment for a few moments after her womanish daughter had done siH-akiiiu and.UMfcih owwfty;rpniTued Tb card rsck, and sore enough, the 'cnmpli nenlsof Mr George Ktogsion' were there in old English lelltra on beautiful enrhossed Card. Mi George Kingston, 'had; just luroed his thiileenth year, he wore a trttK k.and flourished a silver headed cane Mrs Henderson amused her self s short time with Ihe little cmhlttnn of Ihe children's precosilj, whe.i replacing H in the rack, arid ' Mating; heratll .Ly Mi llekor she tekdoicd"nio""citnvcrsttlioii, hy saying -and bo Qeotge Kingtinu is to be here it half past eight o'clock is he? 'Yes, ma, when he sent Ins raid up this morning, the message act-oiupanviug it was, that he would be here at thai hour.' 'And for what purpose?' 'Why, ma, to talk about everything like other ptople' do.' What sort of everything. 'Why the balls, nd the theatre, Hanning ton's Dioramas, tbe Ravels, and fob, child, hush, and bustle off to bed )ou are a pretty m.nx to talk of i-ntertaic-ing a beau, with balls snj iionseuso, come, oft with you.' Mux, tua, what do you mean' by thai Do you remember that I have bten to a boarding school?' Yeivchild, Iremrmlicr trTsryiiu've been to a danring s hool, there's where jou met .with-George Kingston I suppose.' 'Yes ins, you know there's always a fow moment's leisure i:tween the stts, and then the ladies and gentlemen promenade and talk shout the went Iht and a jhousauJ prrtty things. v . And whut sort of Pretty things do you and George Kingston talk about?' Geotgf Kingston! Ma, il's Mr Kingston, he's as much rghl to be railed Mr aa any hotly. Ho ruitaiiiied II -nry Colli t rl fit slighting me in the...w.ittjrsjtd JufWMdte to hear In in spoken of disrcupectfollv .' -Heiglily lighly. Miss Henderson t and so I soiijioso we may expect a courtship SOtill !' 'Courtship, indeed! we are noi so fttolili as to waste ljir i" eourlship. I cil tell you inudain and if you must know it, we have been engaged this! two months?1 Tins was a seen I worth knowing, and Mrs HeiitU rson as soon as she rsct ivt d the HiforMSlioti proinpleal 'by' curiosity, dett-r-miiicrl lo awHit the irrival of Mr G -orgC Kingston, to lie "how these youthful lovt ts would demean ihemselves in her prtseure. In due tifuc Ihe little hero was' announced and after a ft w handsome flourishes ol his silver loppe d i sue, he seated himself snd begun lo play the man. How do you like the manner in which Miss f uslian behaved, Ihe other evening, Miss Helen? asked the infant woer, At Ihe lull O horrible, she's the most ill-bi:hvfed-yMg-4ady io the world, and sin's to be nmiried in four weeks, if id you know it. Mr Kingston? 1 heard it al tlet theater last night you hIioiiIiI have been there Miss Helen tho play was excellent, and Miss Enstire muled. You cannot conceive how interesting she looked. Fainted' O my gracious! What nude ' hct taint, Mr Kingston? I 'She wis sn'ected nt Virginia's being stab ' bed Ity her f.tther, Miss Helen 'Well. I don't wonder at it, any thing al the theater, looks so natural, sud she's a chicken hearted creature. Did you ever see any one so frighteued as sbe was tUhe -lewrsms?' . T 'She was very much frightened Miss Hel-en-and (ore some bf the billions off M Wise's i-oat in flinging to lutn lor support. Slie is to be married to Mr Wise ia the spring . 'To be married. ia thev spi ing and so young, Mr Kingston, Why, tna saya I shan't these four year.- .- 'She's a fortune, they say, Miss Helen, K. Henry Howell's mother says while the irou's'hol. 'The yon)g4Tf wn$ coarted yeari ago, Juf .Kingsfciti.-aiid her first lver died she's on. n4ibtdjs-evCT-tnwr.-Trmr she's in a decline, 1 wonuer if its true?' 'I dont know indeed but the Ravels, the Raveli - Mies Helen, ihey'ie going way next week, and we must see them before they leave us, when van you go. Miss Hel en?' ; iTiTMonday nigfil, I'll ask ma', may he she'll go with us it will be so hue to have go wiin us. iii y o go roar .. rn M - nvTrST-ifffiiilMitg nhout cbild!' ask- etftfie irioliier, 'lifting her eyes from shook which she was pretending to reail, thoiiglt in truth she had been a listener to all that ,lidbec.aJiuLvud--ttit-t-w,i 3. - ; WHO L I , NO. r2 & 1 21 i 11 1 rn MWM i 4 - . . - 1 1 '-! i i Cf jfc 4 ' preserve her gravity, Jun"n yerV 'sAp.' mauid and interesttog discussinh : o ? , " why said Mr. George Kingston; .J, . have invited Miss llehjn to go ind see thij , Ravels again; and ahe requesu thai you will eeom?any us, madam will r bt o kind I - . ' ' - 1: - - 'Oycs. m.do, it will be so line, ron " " on one ! of Mr. Kiilgston. sml I on tie . other, I goats' Miss Fustain, and Mirsb'l . Luf'.sce would feevery flatj. both - their " miitftefs forbid their beaua coming u their house ny more, anrj thev are obliged to ' meet away from home d j maj go with us. will you V " t ' Mrs. Hemlerson had been erceedinglr amused at their friendly chit chat, and slie ; could seareely suppress a aniiJie when she remembered that 'Tfwjr had pcen ngsgrif llus iw4tionihf Jiry1y, ihongfit she, Idey ' ' will make a lovely- couple, he ihirUtii'l and she rUvcn. ahd they conversing with ' as nuirli interest and freedom as if ' iW " .rir iwrnir i sue l.ild l:cr luuk . a ..- ...... ii , flu auiirr w mwr iui,nii i. t. " Well wondet what this world is coining iu v . , : . . The little lovers were enmrtletely itirowq- S.' off the track of their tete-a-tete, fur it' was r rviurni inai tne surprise of Helen's raolhi er had arisen Irom their conversation, and her movement had .too much meaning in it fur them Ui be mistaken. Miss Helen looked at her inlberwtULjLiWrvfmwTiTr 4iJ Mr.' George ICuigiliHi1 shrugged ujV 'tis shoulilers and looked towards his list. Dis .reii.ui On his part, was doubtless the bet ter pan of vaJor. For he that loves snd runs away, Muy live to love another day.. And after he. had flourished his silver hustled cane, snd pulled Ins wamh from his pocket, and adjusted his stock sou col lar, he arose la tike his departure. Mi" Helen, after suyiug l.c.need 6 be -in a liurry , it was not (ate. and so on. aei. , id up the only light in the roam, to illu-- mmate Hie dark hall winch Mr. Kingston' was neeesaarily obliged to ohm throuirh to reach ihe street door. 'ami a war u.i. walked, leaving Mrs. IhrndersoTiTu' to- ' tal darkness, where she wajted until aha was tired, for the return oLJUiss - IU.-, en, with "ihrTight, aud then fuMoVtd to the door til ssi-ertain what iha l..;n Miple were shout, and ihey being tho-- - mr v uim roughly, absorbed in , the cstar.y- of afTec-" Tw timi did not discover that Se was look tug at them, until she hsl seen Mr. Kings -if ton kiss Helun several time .hia ''' were atout her neTtfraiiiTalie was recli ning very affcc4ioneIy -arjrtjsVilBuijar, wncn tne eyei ol tne young swam chanced to raise uywsnls and encountered Ui gz -i of the astonished mother; Y ' ' . It is needless to say that Mr George ' -Kmiiton Fe-imiM-ii-d off jia-conwrrpistirii "' gWe, anirjfms Helen returned tnortifjud lo tlie silliiig ninm, where her moiher Tiavinv reaehoil before her, was wsilinir with a Ana pair of cat-o-nine tails, which alio put in ' tiporaliou to the no liulu ilisromfiture of the young lady's arrangement. Tho poof ' " child thought it very hard tlul she should ' be bo treated for being in loe," and as for the kisses why she imagined Limy were perfiHlly ui plii-e" Tho mother thooglit otherwise; and from that lime forth Alms- Helen was futced to reine to bed. at ei"ht o'clock. ANOTHER FIRE IN HAMBURG We learn from a gentleman, who came passen ger on tbe Rail Road last evening, Ilia) Bomber file " broke out to ILiobur; on 1 uesday iiiorning, be tween the hours of two and threw u clock, in the store aijjuiiiing Messrs. A Sibley & Co , "cou pled by Mr. U. A Wttlums, as a diy ki..- arid CriMieiy store. Tb fire was diooovered bursting uut from ihe roof, and befure aianee emild oe obi allied 'ihe whole bulbltng was swept in Amies lo aweb an exienl lhal noinlng eunl.i be saved I mm tbn prsmise. The building adjoining, being all of Wood, Ihe flames soni extended oil each side, & before they were arrested C est toyed the corimr More, uecupted by Messrs. A. Sibley & Co snd the lower shires, occupied by Mr. Cooper, as dry goods and grocery, and Mr. OIivcm a clothing Shire Thegnods oontatned in the three lalier were partially savd, but their loss will not be heavy if uOJrformaiioa.JS -corn et, tliaV lbey wtre pariiully or wlnylly iu sured. The store of Mr. Msyson on the opposite cortter of tbe street, wss saved after much exer tion, owing lo a favorable change in the wind, as was "also the store of .Messrs A Sibley " li -Co. on ihsjpojta cojpei tu OUver sr " tVe also learn from t bs same source, tbat let- lets were received la Augusts, on Monday room ing last, hy Express Mail from Columbos, giv ing the intelligence of ihs closing pf the doors ul the Farmers' Bank of Chaitahouchie;! which institution has sfispeodsd payment. ' . V' CharLuloA Cornier, j It is stated ih the Guernsey (J)ljio ). Times tJ Btsriiwhsiirtt; ihs friend aiid oot pa u ion of Aarus Burr, is now residing on the Island of . . 'i i Guernsey, Europe. It Is ss id tbat his accom--he uiuststnko i ........ .. e '.,.,.,. Ui (. .,. .. piinilCW u ,v.iiiiii fj . II. 1 f. j-LKIf ttiougtjL.lt. in-advaucattaget """'r' lit. DtphraMe fi;; UTtpricEVrnileJTnr which threatens to crush the country mny he understood from ' the following incident, for Uie truth ol which we vouch : A gentleman onr year since having two hundred thousand dollars in cash, purchas ed real estate to theamrmnt ol n&1eIfi an inurest al seven er cent, on the purchase.;" Now to renlixe the hundred thousand dollars. i which is due, he will he sacrificed, as He I eurinoL lieiaailelv-isehe ainoiriif Tivmsr ket, luHwilhstauding the property "is pay-. ; ing a higher rentage for this year "than ev- ; er beltre anil altnougn t!ie putilic Itave j the fullest confidence in the Solidity t,f at r o