-iff in mm m .,:.. m i iin & . mv a r ' 1 i i . . ... .. ,, ;. ., ... .. ' -. . - '! . 0 4i-miO.U: yiK asjy; ; -TERMS. Thrt vtchmn may hereafter he had nr . 1 1 ... I I.' :.... . two iMiurs aim c niy t-.enis ppr year. , CI i il kuur neiv subscribers who "will piy in i lvurnie' the wliole sum at one" payment, shall hive the paper fur ono year at Two .Dot i.ta's each, and as long ai the same class shall otittriuo thus to pay in advance the mnT.- 0f Ki 'lit D.llars the aiu terms shall eorttiniie. 'otherwise ihcy will b? charged as other subscri bers. Subscribers "hi do not piv duiimr the ver will becharrnd three Dollars in ull cases. ' X.i subscription will w leci-ived lur less than one year. Vi pap-V will h .i?c.in'iiMiei but nt the op- lun lit the iviitor, unless ill arrcares are paid up. J VII l'lers 10 ili.- IMitor mnil he post, y l ; oMiur vi-i) uiey win certainty nit lie u Aended lo. Tkkis op Akvkktisino Sixty tiro n hall kCenl irr iniinrrlbr Hit .'ri in rliun, mul J 1 1 M . '.. . I . .. . . . No advertisement will he inserted lur Ib It in i-owe- IJoi.ta '87" I Advi'riisp'iieiiis will be continued until orders Ve reci ived to stop ihem, where no directions r previously given A'lveiiise nents a.., ,,.,,!. l n v - - ......... r ,,,, iui.ii. mi uu h with the privilege of changing the form everv ii ;n ier. of last month. T.'IE OPENING. MR. Ca.rma and FE,.tow-riT.zF.NS: AiS!!? "'o.fcVi tohVin tk row circumstance under Bu roiiari)ifi. ,ii , ""ociiieu land wit I. i,. i... bat., ,n ,. s.8,i Mmrz:ra- m. n,. k. z: a" it sachusct,.,. delivered NATSlfS I of ffi '".M Ullllon. I V. k-.f 'S - """1U '8ireioibeirrnn.i.s,!. '."7- . ' " "V neyer mat e anv. anrl U . . ., II Waf i . -,".wu ui wnai me mih. i wnere. iiiur.r.,. -v i iic soon rcauirea ' ... IV -T n' ,n Pnlt"? here Pn the .l fro.D (he bat., m ,1,. a.B,r:;rr. eu ,n rm r ,ii . r "v,,c years Itro. 'iiTwin 1 lisli-.l ,i . , "UV" naurea UiffConmitin ,,i ,ii.. r . ' "P"i I iifclifU their litln i -.,... . ,,SM,lly0n , ... Wlt7c iHiKia j am as an apwooriaiirtn .. :s .. 'e Keviition hai !,.... u . . way be pfi,ied whoul Imping .m-h jlf , 1 ' - 1 1 li wni nil ftAM i I . . ' 'imuflP(.(i linger whirli Jci- .!.:. r """ V" iqn !M. l navo nniv Hio ... . . ! J ' win:n now no imk . ... , iiniiiir Bii.iAj..... . - - iiiinri'ii ma rmirk i naiiiiv I find nU , ''"""y ' - W d -chiuVno . trie inuioi t t irv nfiuiM ht i ... i f .... """iiai auinnniv iniihi How I,,,, u,....Ll .... c. " " . 'VP , Ufi.O . ,. 1"" iaie IllVf pv nuw. I .. . .... . .." -- now letitfd from rr ai air efi.f !i.;i ..: , i ireaurs wit i. ,, .....i c... , .n-,,,i. i,,.!., ' " i,,.. .. !T:.n" 'T" .hi..i r. ko ,..,, .....,r.? """ ' i.,. i . .. .' ----- iiarii o iiiia . i . , : i. - - - ii fe , rorc,,oM. tnd Uljrsuiu of lilies f)W e.ht ,es. kw now Ift(t(.d An.l von I.... k -.. J J"" " 8iion. I pursue w,.j. .; vr n CHIPI. nAn WlkllQ I r.II 1! Ww a ;.rn. ..,.1 i i . , . 7 mi ru lias alais exia ed n f Boy IUMv in Jli.... ...... i..- .. ' ' ""oiai wcu-otne in " f"-iiU oron. -.i.... ' . " . i.n-ivn., u ttie uovcriw - i- " " ' y. I fert tnr full h"rvx.8ted. .IZUM tax ll,e, w " ' ' the (io,,,,. reBoluhong which invited me hre in 'i'1 rrrrf fn n,!t . a? pleased to. re- rep-ciabiliiv of thi .... . u V .j . ' t ' , "V" """gni-r uniiniiortaM. t imy in 11)18 fadlWUlllllKhi (if rnv , 1 "yW 'P-'ak of Llill le1,7., iLll j- - ial.ueauin r.. k' " ...cii if itovci ninent. :nui ..u. .i . Urrauwa!er, i the ; f. -." " nu rt)K,ilai, are national nro ri...t . . I DerlV. rnul.ul I.. .1... II..:. .. .. "V the K i ln-se ar rumeutii. irpniU...a i ' - . . i "nuiPM. ami i? .1... i - -1 A . .. ientrtyihe yearors x months will her. . " rusnon and Kounrr : as one. who in tl..i.A us wilh rr.... ' " u ",r'KP Dollar per month for each Z J L," , g.T V''' W',icb '" 'h " r 'mnn- rrWr. ha, do th m l. wo 1 freat Pw l the ,,re.0, day. 41 i.e.e changing ,he fona Ten k'M?" profoaaad ffraUW --M.uvf 1 ?. rr.r. ".V?" Kne.'nd lii- '...l.i ' .a " l lf'OI V'??t ' SALISBURY, f,.i . "i i proiouuu and grate ful clnoMgeutent b i o. everv i i.ti... I,.. t mat that ..L.n.i.j . I',!7, sm'nlcino of Uvea, movinir mi it. unu.. ,. . . e,y OB. f with hands WnH tiveS ; K.":..M,,'"rH,,', "''CHt' . Y of rOovermnent greeting , resale frIwod,J ' hia,," 7 . l' "! ! . !. ehiMg..way nilll,- j.i. r - on mi riui Kii4 au ''iiaiiuiin fii mi uj . a good wishes. , think, ufl... ' r'mr "a ' - """n a Kinufiit Hie. neeaw.xWrlb. 16a 17 oia : Tir.nA. a e" Irer.prarate f 1.1.......... i i . ;o ..... "'' respect and Bood !.... r1 isiuMin per ii). in i d .. 7. - r - ill... .... n . i.i . . .i.i . . ..,rv. fc.. v. , vuihih prr f I o ls, copper ib7i7r.7 c7 -ii:, " l2 of ,ou, . ' T" T ' "T. : nZ." I." " i '7' '-'y eV" --";y water c1,nwu(-:r( Ki.-4ciV(frV I -.... V UIB HUU IC III, wiir..- .1. ... , . .!, ic inen s..... uranug a( t, .l. r v, i,t r,,, or,, - w ii.... ..mi, 1-., , ,., i,. w ..it- ...no. Ilia ..l... I i, si una ihicm rra isn .. tc ronuiiorriai ...... r .. ... - ,.: Kl nr hi art! 7. V. .-J .... .1 ' V""H."" 4 HtlngS l.lcll ex - ""verildlfHl llS.'f i ucaii i?r nrran. mi 1.11 inrarirr aiat .4 : n. . J5:ats pr btiohSO cist Corn rtr Ik ITS. v.'a r""' """"nnf, a- ; . 1 to arc, howtver. some loi,fi l . r,.r, oer lb o . eta : a " ",'"r""u ,u T,ew "Ctnity ,nd a. new d.-ur.-e j "'111 ,r.se..t ,,lii' ........ Millar per gal. o ta Waila in-r lb 9 , if! I .J. ' hVC in,nly contrihimd lofill ""'. ujv.i, WeU f to 8lV . lew Heel P4r lb 0 a 0 cl, ; Baeoa per lb 121 " . , rWlJ U,e ball,i- At ' ' ' ,n ,or 1 ' wln. h ar Hitler oer lb 141 .J-. "rnl ! .:ffi.-.tllv and f m,.,.i. m..rB ,,.,.i ' . " " are , . . "'ii "n o ij .. t , ' n.inii -- ..ii., niiinc . will) IhH nro. i:lt ner biHht, 4 -2.-. 1 r.n.....' i- you'rome bre. . IV h e tj v ... ' a..'r...i... a ...... . .. " tn pre. - -'rr,, nulKn. , - - - .., i, rW I I.IH.Iil "I'"' SJCU Bl.lie III milllTS 'an Mister, ner lo. Ifl t IT nr. TV i, j.. iL . meet mih n li, ,..,.... . . i . . ' , - - .."Bi.-ii uu jirr in i ""i'l'iiw 10 n tmninj to !U 1 N ; Cast do per Ih 25 a .4(1 . s. Vou bv fcei I1) Hi a latila; Kum (Jann 10. 1 n, .i . limni. ..! , .... . Lt& '''-"LamdtVai, a iOctarWiue lTem riS;) I, TJ' -l r "nn''y r .-rumpl, 01 ouro.j,ct. Y., arl,Hthe-V,lill. Hon t.l the ryuniri. 8-a,n . y ,y Hrt, hr M.e union of (he Slates, wram . Y.n, ,re Ih equal in p, mr 1 he etjual n-'l.ls of all mchifor rAiwiMytiunal and just restnm.s r. . . ...... J .1 r-ncr; lor me en hsla lire and i,..i il, I t . " a n lUMii IHlji. I. H wnl, turna and delle xiona. lf(JtJi etDrorh.hy Willer comumnieauon. the .. 1 ' now innl ihefr ' nr.w r ' :,,al ".n.. I am of p! ,. , ;'! ti.ataiM; up,,y il,Tr..r, ttw fie7ZZ bo..e. bjrorun lab,. .d lhan 4,? exkni.our on man-faelufea': T,et7 aWtl. J lhai ptie which theent condilii of thit ""tour reuuir.. . ,n .V.... ,u"01l" L Iba. queaii.-. wbl..h ... ..7" " -'""-" O'ritB i" ... .. - "-'-ii, iniw-avenia whlah jonugai do. 41 5(1 Ml 7 el,- ;XJaret -d toer-gal.-t). 3 a 1 75 cis ; Malaga, (seei t-r jfi..ji ; ttnisKt-v peryal j a 50 i i- CIIEliAW. Href in market per lb 6 a H iia R.A.n , , . "'"H iim i - - anu (nil l( I a 12 cts: I lam. .I., nn nn .... . i . . i shailnu'v i.n.n.. ..-i.. . r , . n .). . . . o ' 7 ' ' ""J i popular iiiMiti.n..(,s rio.o a i-l m ; Bajrginir pervard 18a 25 for a Govern meni wtii.-k i... i.u.... t. :. til Hleroi.e nerlba U ia . r-.T.- 77 1 . . v . '"""- ",r "s l.'l a 16 .:,a;Coon pj- Mt. 5 l . I r " " ' " v " T 3S "3 00; Curnoer biwb'id 90 S5 a ci i Fh n, T. " " .... V XJ' ,r- tn wrm pan, value of the union". 1 e?r,'i' .d hijiidy . valued friend, (Mf. Odeh.; who has addressed uie in,. ur hch-df, I, ,3 en kilidlv pl-dwd to speak of ; M-H.IHica) career as liLiiiff ni cked liVa fri.rWooi Iroui Incat intcn s-.s and .jirejodires. ni.lailevoii .ii toh'txTjl and comprtiieo j sin- views nf hiI,Ih- ;,oli. y. I not shv il,.it iim .', n(i!i n.nt h dp. : f n'c I. I wiM i)y s.-,y u,-,, 'i,iVl. ,.;ii,K-i-I .'.(.av.in d to d.suve it. J.iot !,:,, , ti.N t hi nun. !.t, to li.e i nl ..f ,u' ,iA . JMnt.,il,roug1i a region ol vaat exiem.ran- 0,.c, , aiiei.tio.1 ..( any one who ;yk Um.,i th map. Tl, l,e'0,mmtJj bo variiHialy placed. a, (rilerapcraed as ,f with swdtiid vanely of for,,, and direction y. u..H .,.irl 0, ,f)e poun,. . for uu,,, al,d admirably aiaplod for ' s use a,1 covolii,.ce. liOuklUij, gp,,. Ie.ih . ifver our wl,(,e country, .,e. neiiuiii? in our Hiirvpv il... a. i " -.- v 4iiiioiie coast, perty. ri..ieJ to .h I. . . '-' P U the iWlegf ihe Untted sia.ea. 1 he idea. Uiat when a new Stale j8 cre ated, the nuMiefart.U l.-.. : . Ma,ie in consennenee of hr ' " "'VS WW t7 r I IT II 1 V. Ill loo preposterous for ,erio,15 u(m 9 Such not,, have heretofore been advanc 4 Jh Cnrea,.. fut nobody IB8 ...,.,... " , ...u,...lgn one cart..,,: 3y whether ",,,'d 'he (,BP '7 . ) ..ut ioi.u m lin.i.. ...... ......... - . " av. bee4 ..r r':r"' mm-mumuisamm - ' r.iiii.Hni. .r..l il... i...... , : , 1-ouaeo.iii'ncL1 admitted o . . ":w NlaU'a are ''- 'l..e ,. - .... v,ii rn.-i ia III. .... . to the rune., extem u;;; L'-iUd tStutea to ih. rTuM.c , .heir borders ; and is no ,nre ' We lo contend that ko.l,.. ,.i..c.. ; . o, "our mca ill - ..r.igmy override, all these ,. I.Hiona, and in:iL i i . ' f the Stales, amuis! the .. . ' , p .wr )ncir "wu LonsMtiuioii.audthe Comm..,,,,,,,, (), ll.e Un.ted .Sutea.tlian-il uouhl he .I,.,, late IWdenr jn.uwdiatelj.1 a. aim w.ti. , thick pnpi,i, r : '-..r. -. -,.,i ur''- xte,,do, commerce. ,ts ,?. r " . ' v' . . T enUX ' "f New turcs and .iieclu... ... .. .., ' "... ' " ",4"e coll v ui iai iui i .1 run uia i.i tn.ct n t-oinimiuication, us wealih audits general n .va;..n!. per brl $7 H (HM, (rmn ai.-res per io iiron per i uu lbs 47 00(10 0: .. ..rB. ,(- execiilive ,,wer i in ll.'r ,ui.,1s disling.iii.hed for boldueiM. for ureal ... ' ulasses ner tral 45 50 nt.: ..' I Si-Jor iMVseverem e nr.1 .i.,,, ,...i... . . I L O . a ... . i. 1....I. . . I (.rriDtj i a acu; Uro.ijjat du.perlb. 10 " B,,,,ir "' imda slrotiali. there i II a. a m n . " t , urn pni or: n J mce nr loo lk e Oft; Sut, pern,. 1 2 1 0 -j a cis ; Sail pr k iJ 3 -iaiS.li nr bushffl k7. ii ..i.i.-i I fcrican ulMef pr lb 10 ia.eJajtT4IJSR.!f Jha v.o, im imperial perm SI -ii a I 371 cis si.n do. prlbfl i iicis ; Tubaccu raanu' ktured per It) 10 a 15ct. -FAYETTE V1LLC nrarnv. neacl. 80i flfl n.. A lair. pr Ih H 10 a 000; Coiion pr lli a H Ha ..(T, I.. . -. . . ., . . . . " I" " a i4 ; rioiir Wtl. 5 61 'laxseeil pr t.h 5 1 00 a 00(1; KValliers pr Itf 45 a iK oni prnu-ik 7,5 a 80; Iroi. prlb 54 i H- Hi" Url 0 4i; Nails cut 7i H :S;ilt auliO a 7a; Suar pf lu"7 all; T.Je..; - , n.-al pr ihihii (o uu; u Wbihkey 55, IJeeswax 23 a 00 UitiOliil, Il 4 n il r .I.J..II.1 .i.l .i iH .ufcr e oil Hii' p.uvl'is l'i; .v -nt O -Ml:,, eoiilrar), it id di l.;j u. d, mcfl. Nt? . tly limiie.l. . Ii 'I o.hvi rs il .fa Itllikl dtf if l.i. a. ii"l fir ;my .irii if ir ii i ll.) Ji ri. . 1 1 .! I P. rt I M'"" '" flmngl,. then- i, ' f "M " K,r ' " r;l1- -"'V 'tid ..r Aj? ..... gentlemen, we are. one in ret. rti.ffer of .Waujrement .,f the p.,wcrs o) ( -' Il x i-n fs oni a v;isi ( maw, 1 icit t (lM.llIS XJonKtitut,.,,, " .,,., Uovernn,..,,,. diiiitfr.of a new (Irmn ofi and !., Si..i. wilh hv',,,-1, u-; .'a aW8. a;l , . Jhose powers, in whi. h the, Kxeroiw lirety-tmn .fTv.-i-iflvd, but c..p.iM ( houajJ..i.J,, j;. , ,;,. ,l,n!ilr, ular braiKhrs .( ih G,rBmrn, ii.rtead ' w...l ,d,U) ..-fins r,.,rm... j mi!..i,.; tl,, ,a Kl.,u.,.d (J1)lUl.j 1 : or bein? ttllsr,,t d MintAj, nM i(i li.v t sum-,., whole ri M. ,.s n l ! n-;.ts. w ri).Jls .tll. hv l-t. ,eati., i Rllrrmu'linunu .. .;.. . . . - .' ' Im.Ii. .-nr km i.iii.reliu ... ... ...... .1 . ..i . .. I ... I r, ' . I . . " ' ' I'liproveaients ; and looking to the interior in the immense tracts of frcali fertile, ami rhea,, lands iiojimled ,y so many lakes, "..I watered ly so many roagiiiOreiii river, 1 I, me :ifckM uch h map was ever l.eluie prenem , i,, ,. ,.ye Jf ;lliy :ill.sm:u) On- thc ui, f ,r exercise o(I,m u, s,.n'1 r;,,r,"l ? And Jul Uie'aJ., loo. -, aj: ,:,..,i Jit to aet a part, on such a lliea irc who ,u not comprehend me whole I wi'hin the sc..),,.. ,,1'lns pmV-y, and cm "rare It :di as ins cwunlrv f ....I ... .i , .... i . . . ' at me CIH- " ""'-" " IS CUV . 8(Mce j, j, ,, incons s eni ten . - ., Torvigiuy Unit one .ov. rnment should hold laml, for the ,,r. Nt' Ill u-.l.. ..,.,1 1 . I " - .t.i, me leintory of Hiioi. r. lhan it , il,iU it ,,,,, , - anJ nJe ( ; am. aini.ca will,.,, such territory. ' " vor ,ravag:.,, pretensions may set ,, h. rcti.fore, there wa, " l1, . 8",,',ose' :a, .'nUgham.rd flllH1 in th. " " w" nV such ! n!.t .,, ...eSia.es. when th, ,,,,,0 I , ' ! la,,,U KlaM was made j . m.c session or t'ongrc ,,. 'i'he nub- "c i.imu. therHore. llm ,,', , propepy 0fl the people fn, Ir,e Slate, l sliall never eonsifii in .1 . .. , -i' a. . v in. lu-twy m iilury wi.i t C .1 . ... ,ere.,H-e, 0.1 the oeraaion JtiM alluded lo. U teaiM, at the threshold i .ropon,rt ,0 cede Uu, ,,hli,.:ifli;d. ... '.eNMles .,, which .hey !,, rpM;li owUf Hons. I very much regreiied U,,. .,. irmluction of such a measure, as its, IT,.,., '""M '""' I fr, .u.ly , ,1(U,e w(al wai 'U.rd, and V disturb ihal course ..fpro-'i-lirgsiM regard to the ph. .i(H, whicli for.v years ,.f ex,.er,e,'e .ave llown to lie ! wise. !..! .... r. . . ' " aii...l.'iirv III 1 le-People ol the old .: i...Hnimeni 11 on, the EK. utive. r-Vk ratn. r, su, port from its pi.tri.nip. saf.-tv : gainst lli foini)lajta of ih P..,.i.. .ts ampin and all protci tms favor, and rn I ' 11 urn in iir oou...r r..i ... 1 r....i .... . 1 ' . ,-- -.... ii, 1 sir ii'i-i :i 1 1 1 1 . , . IMMfPOSALS carry tnir 'Uf. unii .it th- I'mt. Saiai.. K (he loliowing p,i rome, will he received I il.ia 11 i.i . . r .'. jwruueiii uiiin tne 1st day of June H 10 be decided on the next day. fie contract Ivi bw executed by lh 1st of Sep ' lieu, and lllfi SHrtino w l I - "I "-uvuia VII If 1st ul Jul,. I he contract will continue in force unlit ihe II nf Jitn a.ilb'5. -. Kr,n Sslnhnr 'V V- t..'t 2 Spring, Mount Lebanon. Hill s Siore.lSuifff $ riS. Caledonia, Mechanic's Hill. Pr.KpHrify, '"hag, Puckel, and JolinHoi.ville 1.1 Faveite- 1. 1 i 1 ...1 ... 1 1 . . . ' ij mnus anu uark iwice a werk iu sia- 3 ' Uava Salisbury eveiv W'ednful.v v., j wi. . . . 1 I II Bl . . . f. .. I I v .... biiitc r ayeiievine (,ext divs 10 ii n. . I.eie Favelieville aveiv annrnt.. r.A TI....J ( . - J . IIUIO 5 a in, arrive at Salisbury next days bj NOTE. 1N0 milTVaBial Wilt Ka nonoi.iainil Mnk,A la I.- . "iv- P'llit'd J)V-a uuaraHiV.swiied bvnne or m..r ' . - d 'l.ji. .k!. . : . . e 1 1 r-'iniuir ...'ISOIIH. ID .IIR lilll.iw.liir luru. . . 'tin . " lie UUUelslBIUia iriiaramt' I If lila uj 1... ..' Ill frm ",u ,ur ''" e ",B !.. 0 . 10 tw accuuted j P."i..,awet General, shall enter imu an ,r, F"r iu ihe 1st day ol September next. 10 good and aiirt....u..i . ... . --...ni.mirura, ,U UCIIOIIU I IIC anu!d be accompanied by ihe certificate PuSllllkfllr ... .1 ' . ' 11. -" wuier saiisiaeiory testiiiiuiir lllS.gWaitllIBrB.-k.--iU., r hi. 1 .urn ,i. uiuiieriy, anu a It. 7 w .persons wliai'ver J, . . ir.L, , " "lr"'a"'1 audresse.i Urst Assisiaai l'ei,iKr Oen.a ' fUmcc Dkpartmknt, 3Hu March. J7. C . - M 3U6 .V.19 p.ls wi-re as interesting to himself .isi!i.. ..i.- lo i.ih.-rs. atnl ill, tint generous, pmri 'l)e (e..iiF. io-!ip;,-r ,1111. hi tt.T, r'.;in i . c 'lure dutitiM , rl ruMm 1 nn to embrace Hie whoir witi. !. , 1, ,.,.,1 have felt lor eight long and anxoiis m ir,8,,r'1- ;'s rotiiluuug. ..lu.ji i1,. r, thit.ob You In lieve ilmi a v. rv i (f, ieni n.wt ' V'1 l.e h' wiWi l....ii,d lo rVsoe.t. powi-rlul cause. il,,. .ir,,,!,,.., 1 ..... .,( ! no. aou lo lovi hia . .... ... ... " 1 w.i. which now mi ,m Ihe in,li.siMm,s flni roinmecial classes ,.t id,, filial mi 1. it n id Ihe derangement f, ,1, , rre,ic) , th.. de- l mm tl rv'n m. . . auuKKT S I II 1 Vi: lr ... . it t f"-, is lo deliver ihe Annual Ad.lresn bVlo.e .r?fy s'cielies, at ilia eomuini. H. l'""or umversiiy. 6a2 alri...!..... r I . ""BU' ixeuang.-. nnailie unr,.ii..ial and uniieressnry misplaci 11. . () of 1 .0 .,... . ne of the country, by un,i..ih..rized ,,rl V legal Tieasury ndern: So iirt ' k, !., , I prtdicleil all this from Hie to ijir.t.i,. :, , ' from before fhe lui-iimi 1. ,,ri.., 1! all. Iat epnr.g.when tliil iv;,s i.ticnpi .., 1,, be done bv law,' w h.ch ' wis alternant". In l-.x. 1 uiive aiifh. rity; am! Iiomilr iTm -ment-orihp'T'ierus.rii' th .t Fa", ofu. atlt horny, to the pr. s. nt i,e, ni.. foreseen ami svi-ti f," regular p.iy. . .1 thinjis un -erit, from in'onveni, ,t..,i ... nit-Hi, 10 pressure, liu .. loi.ji denee; '-disorder, and bahkrupt. ii .. Gentlemen, I mean n' this ocJ-.sjnn t' sptak my" senium nls freeli, on tl,. oje.t topics r Ihe dav h ,v imihnij. to nm ni;,?lV,nd 9l,a,, tiietc fore conceal nolJiuig. til regard Iu political sentiments, purpos-w or objects, there is -nothing in iny h -ari wk4i I am ashamed of; 1 shall throw it nil" open, therefore. ,V, . " .... .... i.ii 1, 1 1 hat is right, said some one in the crowd - I n- . --'-t- -. : " . comitrv. Wt iifiiiiiu! iw. :iti i...,n. i.. . Ili- i.'uce hh I pn.tv-i 11. i,..f ihe (j, ,). , al j Cl.-. M-ii. nt, an I all the ere it inter. -bi ,,(' I .i'ri.-ii!ior., ri ivi.rnnon, ffemni to-, iihuiii ;a. n,r. s. the liih. ro ,.. ami t;,e i. ,-, lln, r'.s I'lie dulii's f tl.. tiov.'in oe,,t, lli. u, ! ''','.",v xlt nf.-d all ov.'i this Uiriioiv, , 11 tl .iilirare ,ni these v.tt ln. r. its , ' Iiiivi. u .............. i . I . .. ....... i n.- 1. i.M 1 , 11 . nasi nr tin- ,: ''"'On.iuI mil.-s'.auil while no one donhis I Ih..! It IS the mitt ol (itiVeiiiuiiMit l.i .1.. !,.,,,! i ) s ill i'iIc mini 01 pre),rilllMU.v i .11. 1 1 1.1 r ll... :i 1 '.i.i .. ' 1 "" " i.'liniw llllll 1. ,i wi.ii, I i.iii.ruiirij, .,r ; Ii, . soiled s.-!r,-:11,.s.. r j,;. j , ',, cs ten t,n..s ten li.n. s l.,iJ, , -- .I I. ..! Miyol ;,, ,,(. ,.J: art.. il,e . ..uuiy as .Min,,;. and a I . e 1 1 1 . - The bolem.. frutl','inorever, is I.-i.ih 1 1 ii .1 .ooui.u 1, lio..-.; I.,,,. ..M,.,iJ I saw 1,11 otiifr-i .,, re.l.., ,,(U,, ,lk (if, . in,',.. ,he ,M..r, VI eva. fa, 1 uj -i " Kw-ri.iiisei ier (lit-m. rei hle pri-Aabli,,, p,,,, . Pir.., S,. bom r a'M. ii 0flflTn 1 Lis "ovtiri.ri,, hi ih. 11. ((rm. . , ' ... Il 1, a.. I ' 7 " VT . " .ii. . V'" " af-bstan. .il.rv ;;;'';;' '"'-n. i..irii,g,,. w. r "-h .,Ti,.,s. disimet.nZJ: ow pr,eip. , hhnlf iJt , Urn M caon..lbe..lt.riBe,t. .j,,, . aeNire, or Mn ,iiif.in,ii . .i..j. , . . . ,,, ..i.-.i"w ill...lir-SIP( In annex l . xaa iu t. . I!..,..,i . . . jen.,1 such ,.,.Kl,iy ,nanjt,,,H ,t n,,,, .,, , J ;.. ihe . unite aiti noon la draw n j ' I s . .add f,.eL ,,,..- wantiojr ,M can.lr. , A did not express mv eimmir. .11 " Z 22 "i" ,,"e,"",n'" """PWel should. e withoui some-pmhui, ...- 7. n, jtr l 11 !er -lie .icsent ronsiiJiiji,,,,, tf1.y '"'I ' '"'l-:!ia;.!y ;e!ii.n,si,.n.,. 'a ;,re Iiw-.j.j , ., l i-. .,.,!. ',,, . .,.,,.,.,. ul our CMiiiry's llllt. ,-,v (;, ., ur hreas s !'. h fame en.v.i.'li (... ,11 . her -.atheii.ir,wiraK",r.rr:"'V" ' "".; . ,111 so ituiKne. iti.. I at'S .ihippiiiiiiH. i ,i, .. . ! V Ttra 1 ellr.T iiIhi IVi.... a... . formed, 11 is not nr.ifmt.1.. ih. ...1... . . , . 1 i.in-r is irauiers. (a,as,,o ,.e Vnum, ex., , snch hs ihen .7 e.d,, ex,sied.and such a. should 6 humid i ,f . hjriiiariea iheu already bel.,glff , ,h(( V Swn r iliean years after t.,e adopt ion f ,he f ;.,s,i. utioii, however. 1I1. ... .J 1 . 'ui.i.iii arose, lii.iiisana ss ,.b:au.ed b) treaty will, Frm-e Win lia.l recemlif ul.. .. i . f.i v i.-mo o oain; urn ih, n'jTi of ih .. aeipisiuon. certainly, was not mera exie..N,.,,d-teu,y. Ot,er,gte.i pol.tietl ,,,te s.a wera,,.,,,,, Wllh . .Spam while sh. pow sessed I.uniin. 1...1 1...1.1 ...... I . "'" "f'ti limuilis of the j aicai rivers whu b rise iu the Western Stales , II. IU, til ... ll,u .,lf.. I vl . iiartake in fur glory, il we i e iiii . . ...j 1 ii ir.i.'ivr oiiwar.i to iw tnir- destiny. svsiein i umiien, iis Iragiuenta iuUMt I ill alike on- all. Not only the c.nnc ..f-t. S'a :es apj limn? of (he new. I ""W ,h" S"lf be had disputed l,M,m ",,"","I.V to (uev.il Sticl, "cmma-id ef rivel. 11," .ei w 1 a in. 1 11 ) 11 -is 1 I'... ' .it , w 1 mini m. am ti. ks lueii- ale llli.se wilt. ' .iiiioui. 1I1.1 ii.. 1 r. v . ,"rrj ni lt.iv. in..iRt.t step at this poiai 1 ' LiiLiif InaurKHii iM'ice. and u. 1 oproii in, nt, the, are bc)oud our r.m , : : i ; 01.I lim.ts I iiavft evi r llioiijjht ..th i 1 Ooi.jiio-s has a riht, no doubt, to I ! -i i. w .r, in. I to ram Hrmies arid navies; :ui I it has in i j .rid (herijiin to build or 1 t Ii' :tfiiii- :ii l raltt:ri. to iirolect the coast (run the ( Il . n of w .1 H it Cuut'ress h-.s .ii)tlioiit),'al.s.i, and it is Ha duly, lo regulate couni.cn e. an.) it InslJ.e whole power of celleriin" ilnties oil 111. not is. HIlH Illll.iUtl r Il ni'i.-l bave pun aiK-OirrrnTry,-and rfm k tar''!, m.mi, tor n.s oaiH'.s. t ... . - . ... merieaii ii-crty, 1. 1.1 H:e e,-..nd c.iuse el'!,!.- 'J tllUJlii',lUt lluJ. W.iiol e.lrtfr'Tritrh, m a "rent mc:,-nr.', ;n b i I j . 1 1 ( 1 i 1 , y ,V f,,,,-' siitiitioti am! uiii.ui nY ilic.e Si n. s. Jj sha'tcretl an l .l-tro ciI.im ;ua.fr !.v what cause, the peculi ir and ' cfierislicd 1U1 ..f muled American lilieriy w-'ll be tJo more h'lTver. Ti.r(. nr;v'l)t' f.ee States, it is . I.I ... .1 ..... i""'"""". wuen mere shall be ae.,;.,Mh. . -" 1 Slates. There map he m-.nv l....c . 1 1 -,. ior oojeets 01 tut r...i. .... , . . ""' ;i:tl-i nal improvement connected wi.l, er.l. . lint the noble r,.a u,iVt A,T- " "".gh Uiese laii.ls, fey ,MIUUimt . lean liln ry. ol our lilierly, -mh-Ii w - n'-i lairm-TiK; K. w,ei lands .riittw value have' f .'I'll nluli!,. I.n.l :. ..Ill . 1 I .'fl lnl.ir In t... el . 1 , . 1 i" iii'ii 11. 1 1 1 tin nv 11 i.iH.i..,,! I ' I lilt illlU t Sll lllliiKl , , I I 1 H'IIl' as I .nn .... ,.. ..1.1. . 1 . ; ,, , ; " 10 junior nie , Ibf main ol.j,,.,, , r,., ,r, , ,!.,. ;l! (N ;;;'.",':f,,,l::"7:b-- jo.j-.'.L'iiulu.im ..a.... i, , l'"' ::'. ,, ,n,r j..-: ,,?;,!!.!,.. and ,is .. meiiia.,oii by fiiiiraiu;i.. may enable usto scl'le llioiti. . The lands, therefore, should be sold at a low price ; and, r ,,o. I havs never doubled ll.erieln ... i: r. 7 . sua ei.iiie -rs of Ihe lands ,h .mHelL's. .r . f T ! , V" '!"1" h 1 ...... . . . ' " 1. mil' L'lams 01 iiinnee .... ..1.;... r 1 - - j, ...1 .i.ijci-is 01 mier- -- ..in WHS To rel.ua, loegwal.-Aiect auiiel.ri,, Ik. gu.,iu.uxd ..esjaiia KuMl.ai acuiiiMium ,v nessur br.H.j.1,1 lem..rj. along HUh ,t, .d "l.r. e .Siait-s now exisi furuied uui H at ancient pi eVIM.-e. A snr ir rnfrrv.- imiiI . i...;i.. i.."Tn...7:.' . . - "...i.itt. i'ri:r.n,iTa . , ifi".,;,,, peflis.H, ,,, emi,,), M h , ,((J t - I ar.nuiiion ol I- l.in.ia. Now 110 i,,.. 11.ce-a.1iv, no Mirh p.ihry, r. .pure, il.e s, , exl, "I lexsalom.r t.irnniv is nt ne.v. ... .).! 111 1 ...... . , ,y 111(7 - Iml and eompb in enjoy ,,.,, t ., b If wh , t, wsj.1 rea.lv (smsesa. Her case: rh.-releit, t.,t!s Hrly diMerMiii.tmni tbar ..1 !.....;-.. L'. -v.. ' loa 1 here ht inu i)...n . t. ... , .' .. . " 'f. - - i, .... , (xiesu. og "lie limits 01 ih Union in ihai diociiuii, wt isight, I ihiiiR, fur iiuinerouiianit p..weifu lessons, lu be con lent will, our preiaiui bouuda- . 1 "i .i. iim 11.1 w.i TCt Ua tiav i 7t wu lr mr -non -mm u. ui-fT Yes, my Iricn.l, (continued Mr. W ) with out nbii-coooi.iiul .r i-vasinn, with iui bar ren gener .hti. a or mpi, phrase, without if. or bin, win out a eiiiiile t..m h. in ll I n bearing tin oracular t liar.i. ti r of an lm..." cural, I shall, on lliis ci asion. uk ..m mind p''l)j. fnply.jin.i inuependemly. to rm n who" are" ji,si as jreP i, ,.unrur( r" lo concur, in fflitff tT"' 'Yiyiluy iiiiiriM' ;tiirt"icl ttrTTcaT' run ...I.... 1 a 1 vj "I'u.i.'iis ir. e.y ami iranKly spoken Dul I Ire. I) uckiiowi. dge Hint you are still uu lam diiTi'r, or ajree. a oh Vri. caily m iheTmVJ.irv of thr fjo't'erii- meiit. It was decided by C o.gre-s' 01, the ri poitcf a highly r spe, t ijala r..mriiiliec, that the' transfer l y the States to (,'onjir.s ol the po .vero! collactipo tonnage and . th . it duties, and the grant of the authoiity to regulate commerce, charged Ou.oriss nei oi SSJrily with Ihe duty of maintaining such piers, and wfi arves, and light house,, and of making siii'd- i.nrov.-n. iis as miyht 11 uiey i.ud r. 1, iinen tn ..iisuurmeHns. by 11 ' . 1 ..... 1 . . l.nltMim... ii . 11 ... ..... 1.. ." . , ' 'i Intiir 111 u.',rL..i .,..1 .... 1 . 1 n..uuk..i 'i'. ......... : .1 . loreverw- Fraginmits and" severed e.d.tinns . mhVTr" i.iatity ar ,,m hkefjr Kr coiumauil the ' :"u,','; I Irankly ayow m, entire unwilling- F . L 1 : I'llllllllill, loinu I I . I 1 ...... . . , . ' 1 . ... f ' . ' "i me eiiin.'e mav bo found rem:.;..;.... .".v.. . ,... n...a.jeeiu.n to a leduo- 1 ''" any tmnfr wi.mK .11 rairnil-thiv -and nit l.un Imly and niomnl,,! ruins" willful'! , I" ')!!'! '" "liU'";'ia-' TP1? . A.rrlca" rac" ,"1 'w"euniinent, or Uiey be; the au'isi teaipfc itself ivili he prostrate i it Uie dust, (.'mulrincii. ti. iZfns ol tliis IlepuhlM- cannot sever their fortunes. A eommon fate awaits us. In the honor of iijVl uldiiig, nr in ihe liiserace ... ...lUKrruiniiig uie i.-iiiblitutliin, we shall all necessarily pariak.cLet u - . . - ...... j mil I ' ".1.. . . ouii.iiiriii, 11 p.is into, pfiviie owneishiD. Nor H,. I I...I add oilier klaveholdimv Siir... ... .1.. I!..;... ...j.eili.i,. io ,, u,(fce r,.g,faj)li w,1(Jn )(fH . When I say that I regard slavery in itself a, a I ve,,t ihe . tans from taxing ihe lads, lor five -'r"Ml )l "d poblical evil. I only u I yearlter they are sold. Uul while 111 ihes. ' l"K8 whitb has bern a adupterf by d.slin j an.f all other lespecu, am not only reconciled ! S'ed men, ibe.uselves cilizent of slsvehotd.- to a hberal puhoy, bill ei.)ouse it and support 11, "'R iMaies. I shall do iiething, thertlbe, ,-f aud have cmisul.itly done so. I hold, sull, the ' ,itv"r "f e'.i'oarago lis fnher exensiij Wai oy the Constitiitmii as it is and eountrv us it i .1.1. 1 --...-..in. ai hi lull iimt - ton . re lei it be borne on the Hag urTilcr wii.-h iv laimi;g Uie ,e.ei of collecting duties on l'""'"' e''y eXig'-ncy. that we have impmts. The Staiya,ltwas adniiM&d. had i ?5 Cov-KT"Y ost CoSisrij 1 riox, oxti Il we shall I ' cmiaut.iily done SO. I hold, si, ,tm Mvor or eneoarago us further extensioj ilfeo mml-H'"1""1 'U"naU 10 lMWN--nthiiiTT",Vff -MrfwT afr a.ly ai.saQ us TW Ci . m- isi3mt rtoeci.Hify.euntiu to tee care of LWre-a "'"" n aiming us ; .1 rewgmsed it, "ii t.j ..or J mi .which Uontfre is wleini.ly bound lu i.roieei ri,v ""''"'U garane. To the luLUvU lii'i- ?'JU,,X-i'u'J iIHII-iWwswto ms aittsUauasd in hon.j O J 1 a ... ..a.. W .a I . W J L I. re . 1, nrli , niaieri t irlaiu, and -mam- , tl.,,, ' Jri inese means Had passed, along with ibis! Gentlemen, of our interior administra- power.it.io.iih.f hands I have never lies- turn, the public Ian Is constitute a hi.-hlv .1.1. r .....'I' 1 .... . . c lliis is a subject ol great attract much more IM4 Conttl. nised it nA frnar.iiliA 1. .1,. f..ll irumc. . . ' ..i- iwiium n - .. t wcw.irjnjSMMM we aittsUauasil in bos. i,. I lice .V lit III a I i ... ..... in . L. . !'-lMi...tlbl.ua. i.. .1 ...i: . . I 'ice . Itf the Cotisiilnti.in All ih. mi.:.,.i.i ...... . .. , Ki-.i.r.. ..oia- .1.0 -puuiie' lanirSTT . ,r.-.vs.v.'r:.T':t."!-;''"" ...11 I.. i . ... . ' ' ..ii.i:i.iii'i( in ill. I . - .'.t-j " V ' I. .11111119, ,1, IdVl.r oi mo i . . ... at'er a iu nn. ...... i. .i . . . . ,ni on- ii,iiiKi uetfrei, ii. . ..i ,iiD enj.yeil by I hose .i ... buv I lie .....! .ui.U I -' ....i.i.n.. niai.s wni.l, t,m alreSdv m llis 'ben,.. 'I , ri.iiiaf ,,,.;M.. i.. . i:....f. ' WllMujie AlittUML4-4a::de . .i.r.n V.rV ..f ,i;7,7..... i ... i , T P-"" ,,, nwi- -snall be lullMed. in ihe fulnea ..f If I si I ril .i at I liimon ' I i. . f I" a . . .. . ............ . . rCoH .- power. it.iooiti.T nanus I Have never lies- tion, the public lands c. Kat. .i n,t. relu.q ishment ol Wy seat in the j italud, Iheiefore. hen ihe stale of IhuTrea- nuportaiH pari This ii amiat.. for. tlh r.st.. ue if the term, nowi sury would a.).i.it,.lo vote for reasonable inierest, and it omrlit to two years .for Win el' I wuu elinsen Tlii- I n ........ ." r. i. I ....... ...'. . lM ... ', I n Partnership ,,f priors Miich-ll., k na t ; " " dly-dissolved by con- " OR SALE At tiffs OFFICE iwn n i. i -I - . - - - - - ......... nh'ii r. resolo, niosen t ins j app.opnai.ons. lor bresk.waters, l.gh. hous- aiiei.tion than it has hitherto received. ,.' ...e, Z" JZ Z?. ' ." "' f ,Sg"S.'' "r i ,,a,1,.r5, a","""1" prove,,,, ,, ts. pecially from llio People of the Atlantic -1- tniS '"bu n-ht exateH4h: tbrG&rt.f-M Couis- perty. Tl.ey belong. theV People of all e...& . 1;,. ;! !T -.W: s".i "TUr VVn' I . . : . . .. .. . .theStates. A vast portion of ihe.h is com- viiiiDim f.ii, i. ..... .I, r.h.i .. 1...... i '.. i - .- --" )'... ui Mini mi uui vaiue. I rir liriuieiJiaie rise In ihe value, in i,e hands ii Miif seiner, gnes lilin euinpetei.ee rlex ercisea a power of select ion ovetja vasl lerriltiry, all on sale ai il,.. same price, and that prtee an exceedingly In one. . !SeleMiou is n ,1M,pr intie,cillli V ilnni Is no Si.mer fi rfm, m.,1 il. ... birow tuM.ed, than be already limls bmisell a '. II to power no act. of par- ...-..si ,i.e,ivmutti.. sol . I hems.' Ives to i ... i ' . ' ur Mi.lllllltllllk . P'T uisiouraiieiJ. a 111.., in in aaKi n Hie I uontn In a i.al ihev deem nle u'l.un iliu u'.lh. muwi ... Iw, ..ih t I. ...il.... 'l'l.. l.i.. . r . - j ' . .......... ....... ....i "i- .'.i.m no iiisioi y oi incse cessions, ul(l I , . . ue daiigrrttuia teiidenry of public measures ilo they exist, in full vigir, on the shores the reasons for uiakimr them are familiar .. . "l.''1n' VI P,av-. g''ilcmm.. I -aarsf ..pinion ue not crowned urillt loiniate loccew, III of these inland seas ? I never could doubl Suute of the old" Thirteen posted lare r , I.. . u" J '''rK,i. ,,, .heappi. lot ir.pirii, and to ihn exaclness of their Irller Niavei,-, as ii i iis in il.e .Stales, is beyond the reach ..I Cimnr.-ss. Ii is a cuneern el' the States themselves . 'I,.y l,,ve never submitted C uiiiireni IUIH Congrt'-KM has no rightful iv,:i ... j Mian concur, lliereiurs. in no measure, nu iheiiaiice. .o inrfi. .i.i.i. inanuf property. M.s,. am the ailantares ,,r P 4V,,1ch ''"all interfere r ibjeaten lo inter- J .vrsie.H eiiii.'iiif.is, ami wnslern. srltl. r. " ?ia'JS'.v.sLaiujwttj.si mie eerBr - . wiihin ibeir lesjHM tiveiiiiuia- All this appears lu be a matiei of plain and unera(ive duly. ui w nun iit-.iw ,w amuuuog new iitlellfKne suTjei'V assuiiies"ai) en'tireiy different asi't. Our tiuhts and our dutios are then boib drllerent. "' '.". " -The free El ites, and all the States', aie thin tlllberlV loaecei.ror reject Wlmn it i iimiiii. . . t r seu 10 Diii) new ineuilNrs .r.tu this pulilica ever tielore afi i.iled iu her Oil ivana 'I'l. ... Ihn in popular Govern-j lan i. ' the States. A vast .mri.on -,l' il.e.w . I p.rtuniiy.id ..nr. has ami sin...'.. ,i.i. . i t; hot Anl. f iliHinwIvca to . Bnf Iiqw stands the inland frontier? posed of territories, which were cedeuLbvJ la""v "'"baced aXojstfU-4WHIWI,Ji f .rrHWi:i: "v - orx-a?ipnai , ,no w is it along Hi. vast lajves and . mp.., indiFtduaLiSlale, 4 tlai Uwiwd Hales, nf. 1 U!rs sitaa-mii,aiii Wealth, all P!.iival bwleqiiinism, or uiiuhiy rivers "of the N-.rlli and West? Do ter ihe close of the R;vo,utionarv war and 1 lY'n 'u' ble8H,"-ru"hP V . d ahbotoilr (heir i llorts ourco.i8.ii.,o,li,. rights aJ duties termio- before the bpi,o r ihe present Uihsii- wilhes fiTr'ibe"'i"l!ii U"y '"MVe mf br,jr Tuop., t uri :,hey deem ate when the water eeaee, la be sail T Or tutioi, The h,s.ory of these cessions, and Vi,M lU" -0, p.-Hec. e.y.,,,eni. - f to uu i.icj rii, in inn viyoi, on mo simres uie reasons lor iiiaiiing tiieiii are lainiliar o -,. K......i, cu .u ...n's new .iirH.inirs h.io mis poiincai p.in- 111 of these inland seas ? I never could doubt Some of the old Ttiirteen posse.sed lare SiiT ii!!!' J?uU,T' ',s,,!'lk',V,'7',',! "-'-."p. .i.e.d.l .nembenhav, . right i..,ay uu - - i 4 3C'"ru ""o tai.ou yl lite well-med piiuoiplea ul dutituima-, hal uiius uclv new patlners aie to eume iu,

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