rr5 - : 'v oy&i uuuaYi ll a i onto v - r " TERMS. fh Watchman may hereafter be had r Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. Ulaso( koijk new subscribers who will T in advance l" whole (turn at one payment, U hav.i the paper for un year at Two Doi -m.udi. iii'l a long as the dame class shall niinun llms to pay in advance the surr. of ,1,1 IMIara the same terms shall continue, .r.vi ihey will be charged as other snbseri rs. ' S.i'isrincrs who do not pay duiing tSe year l !mnharfel three Dollars in. all cases V m i'i-i.-ripiioii will be received for leas than in year. .t -i'T will be discontinued but at the op- i the fvlitor, unless ill utrearges are paid -p VII letters to the KM i tor must be post - . i :m - i . i i . inirwisfl iub) win cenainiy mi ue i- in. Vrms or nvEHTisiwn Sixty two fy a hall . nrr iouanlnr the first tiierhon,ainl 3H ,ih ' si:iiire lot each inur.i t ion afterwards in oils D"i.i.R. V l.-rii-' ih'iiis will be continued until orders reived lo stop them, where no directions . previously S'Vn Vlviiiso.iiPtiis by the year oi six months will ui le at a Dollar per month for each srp.a e ih the pri vi li'or ot changing the Jurm everv liter H llrhi.r,mn.. 1I 1 kOUi t coo i Lies SPEECH SALISBURY," Beswx per lb. lb' a 17 eta. ; brandy, Ap per;al. 45 a 50 cis ; Cotton per lb (in d; i an ; Cotton bagging per yd. 16 2b t'olfxe per lb. 16" a 18 els; Castings nei m 7 j a i OO eta ; feathers per lb; 35 ..Pliiur prbl $61 7; Wheat pr busa-rfcl 121 Jjj'Jats pr bushel 30 claj Corn pr bush, 55 clsj hi per lb 6 a els; Lead per lb 8 a lOcts , jlae er will. 75 eta i Nails per lb 9' a 0 ; uVef per IbO a 0 cU; Bacon per lb 121 , Duller per lb IU uu ; Lard per lb 15 ;S.ui (vr busiiol H 25 1 50cts; Steel, Ameri i Ulster, per lb. 10 eta ; English do. per lb cu; Cit do. per lb 25 a 30 via ; Sugar i IV J U 1. 15.. cU. ; Ram-.Jamaica per gut; ; Yankee do it ; Wool (clean) per lb 3(1 ; Tallow per 15. 10 121 ct; Tow-linen pr yd. 20 uts ; Wine (Teneriffe) per pal. f I 50 . lugal do. l 50 a l 7 cu ; Claret do gut. ill I 15 ria; Malaga,' (sweet) a!.$l i Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 eta. CIIERAW. leef in market per lb 6 a 8 eta.; Bacon per ill eta; Hams do. 00 00 cia ; Beeswax ID 20 a 22rls; Bagging per yard IS a 25 1 bale rope per lb a li 14 ci ; CilT.-e pr. iS a 16 ctsjCoiton per 100 lbs $51 7 00 ('i Corrjpr-buahii-90 4)5 a -eta-, f'lmir i nagona per brl J7 8 0(H, from stores per IOalJ;roo er 100 lb $j ; a 0; Liases per gal 45 50 a cli Nails cut assmt ler lb 8 4 2 a 9 els ; Wrought do. per Iti. tJO Purk lmi lirf 44 l i Ui.-u ' inn n. a Su.rarperlb. 12 10 1 2 a cts ; Sajt pr H -2j;Salt pr bushel 37 j U-Uul A-UMO-idiHWr-pr 1 1 1 0 irct's; "1 allow pr lb 10 U cts; Tea Imp-rial per lb l 25 a 1 32 i tii im Ho.-pr lb T 'i T 2 5 cis ; Tulwcco mirrm ared per lo-lO a 15 cts. t .. . - fayi:tti:ville Irandy, peach 75 a 80. Du. AppU, 65 a 70 iWptlbS 10 a (M0; Cuon ir lb 0 a 8 i ts rprb4 IU ;'iMir IW. fj.5 t 6 xseed pr bh't 00 n 000; KVat h-rb pr lb 43 a uirnprousli T a 80; Jror. prlb 54 a ti; AIo "r -."' 40 a 41, Nails cut 7i a H ;Salt "fli 50a 75; Sugar pr lb7l all lobacco; ' 2 a .i ; Wheat pr bush 0 00; 0 Whiskey 2 55,. Beeswax 20 a 00 Concluded j EFFECTS ON THE CURRENCY. But, gentlemfcn, it is the currency, the currency of the country-it is tbu great subject, so interesting, so vital, to all class es of the rommunily which bus been de. lined to feet (he not violent assaults of Executive power. The consequences are round us, and upon us. Not unforeseen, not unfor.-told,have they coue,brinBing dis- l""ci, ami tear ami alarm fm U.e future. If it be de nud thai the present condition of things has arisen fioin (he I resident's interference witluhe revenue.the Grat answe, i jht when he did loteifere, just such corMj.ieuMg were predicted ' It ts then said, and lepeated, 4nd pressed upon llRiil.hcQention. anSlfijiit iuter'fer- ci.ee wiM necrsaarilyprodiicfi dei ewhmmt,tr fwrronlidencc.. and commercial dis.rtss f pray rbu wntle- to reouf to the debates' of 1832, '33 & 34, and then to decide whose opinions have proved to be correct When the Trea suit eiDtritmnt was first announced, who sitported, and who opposed it ? Who warned-the country against il C4.iia theywho-eftdeaVored lo'sUylue -violence of party, to arrest the hand - of Executive authority, and lo convince the Pecple that his cxpcnoieni was delusive; that ilspbje. t was merely to increase Executive power, &. Ih.it its eflect, sooner or later, must be iuiur- 'a a . mm., ratido; .nd. jn ht. inaugural address be pointed out the wain lubjecU of consmufional h; w.s U ..id 1,. an U hd failed to d ,i that' bad been hoped r .-uiu a, m regard to the corren- In March.J829th, the banktood lyery eft. ,th4ho new Adm.nislra. ion. It waa regarded, so far as appears; ' J -muiionai, tree from political r party t,lnt, d blgL,y fc h n yeb ound no pCe m the catalogue of a buses to be reformed. Butr gentlerhenrnine monAs wrou'cht a w.mderful change. New l$hls broke forth before fljtse mTmihn h.i . .: j tl. tj , .-- MVU , HIIU 6-- ... ucecmuer, held very differ ent language, and manifested very different purposes. ' Although the banlt had then five or .. yers ol us chnrtpr unexpired, he yet call ed the attention of Congress, very pointed ly, U the subject and declared 1. That the conatitutioiiauty f the bank wntr weH doubled by many. 2. That its utility or expediency was also well doubled. 3. That alt must admit that it had failed in the undertaking to establish or main- lain a sound and uniform currency ; and i imi ine uue bnik j.i, n ions - i mi? I . It ... Gentlemen, ,t is fair to bring the.opin J isol folilical mtn.u4Jr?Tini,ld V.n " venues Htoxrrr- - r - , ana creon ol I lie Uovernmcnt itself lThe and formvself. and th. k,ol...c.l f,i.... 1 1 'rT "tt y' last nt-as very with whom I have acted on tins .ubk-ct ? ' 7.. Zr" " U,e 'V ,i. , . . r v,,ii vi mo viuvcrriineni. and man. ..ir tiurrury, i am reauy to abide the test. But,, belore the subject of the currency , and iis piesent emharraisina sfate is dis cussed, J invite your attention, gentlemen, , i . r .V . u mo iiiBiiiry oi executive o ceilings con- lorih. !!f '. I propose -to state to you a senes of fact; not to argue upon -iliem, Govern tneni. and man nged and aduitnistiTed by thu Executive, waa a conception which 1 hd supposed no man, holding the chief executive power in Ins own hands, would venture to put H ilthe fj'iestion now iwliat had wrought so lioindaiidJangi;r-1 .." i I lino irrx.it . li-ifin.. ..r r..l i r no. lo them, not to draw a,,v .i , - " l , , ""ii,""" juot n fen nce fro,,, ,U,n ; but mere y , to occ.rreil. between M.rd, r. late the case, ,n the plainest niaii.itr, as .' I thai al.ould have caused I,ab '! understand it. And I is.li. Eentl uitn.tliot ,i,i,,uj ....r..i j I. IiiVV I 7 I i r ; a" !'''". K lart up ...the character- of. ...j .ii1U menu, ' mr wut.i.M monster, and bccOine .iVMn ,.u lime mi sn oiitii iit-ara, ann wtm i 6m, in the ust Cit iit.uieiu li nsee what events were a Inch bail iiitt rvt'ui d. Crtf4 irckron was cletted in necnin lier, Is.'. Hitcriil waa lo begin hi M.irch, IS.'it. A n ssiou id" Congress toiik pl.u c, tin rclore, b tcen his iltclioli and the toiii'i.i'dc in-r.t of 1.14 adaiiiuslr iliwi. Now, gentleman, the irutli is, that dur ing .!liv..sr.-sujn, and-a little before Hie com inciKCiiiciit ol.lie.iw AtinimTstrHliou,. a feriSjtott.:wafa m,wtat--t-ypo1rRCT"h': men to ii t rt :io i w tlhJlit? iaauii;iBeiit-of the ban!;. " Members n Cmrvus undertook to iiotiiin;iti! or reco'nm-ml individuals as di rectors in liio hra.iclics cr offtcK of the bank. They were kind enough, souietnes, to untie ournbole lisis or litket", und to send ihu.ii to 1'hil.tdelpiua, c-onini.i.in' llie ii iincs of those whose appoiiit-nents would le S'ltiiilactory to Ot-ner.il Jjck son's friends Portions of the corrcspouJi-n. on the sub ji-cts have bi-i'ii publisliod in so.i.u of the volutninous reports and olio-r docuiuonls coiineitud wall t tie bank, but perl, ipv have not been generally lueile.i or noticed At Jii'jt.. lhe .baiik- uuir.y ilfcltnwd, ai Sently as possible, coinplv a ill. thesit St Mini! r 'requests. But likf .ipplicitions hc-C-ili to slnnv ihcuibi lves finm many quar td, Hi d u very nihikrd cj.se occurred as t ailv a J me, 1123. C Ham ineinbvrs of ilic iturc of New Hampshire applied f r n flung m ibcfrestikm y of the branch, aIhiIi was es t iblislo d in Unit Stale A mi-.iil cr i f ill U S S i.le wrote both to il ritsidcut i f the li ink. nml lo the Seen;. states disease, usually, in such a manner, mat. when atuied, H la alieaJj very well ar gued lift ns 'see, grnnoimen, what the train of occiii n-nres bus been, in regard to our rcv- nue ina Nuances; and when ihese occur rences are staled, I leave to every man thu rign. to Ot cute lor himself, whether our present diiTicultics hae not uriserf from at tempts toMeftd-th-! Exfrutive authority.' In giving this detail, I shall be compelled to speak of tjtejjajetffc i)Ul 1 shall sjieak ;Of h hisloricaljy "wily.--Mf" Opinion of ,:s ut.lity.and of the extraor dinary ability tnd success nil h which its uf airs a tre conducted, for many years before the termination of us charier, is well know n. I have often expressed it, and- I have not altered it. But at present I speak of the bank only as it ninkes a necessary part in the history of events, winch I wish now to recapitulate. Mr Adams commenced his Administra tion in March 1825. He hid been elected by the House of rteprfgentutivcs, and be gan bis careet. as President, under a stron" 1011 carrying ihe mail .of Hie Liiled 5iai ' a - inbeMliowiiig p ,ii f route, will oe received i first day, be was warmly, even violently, ripartriioHi until ihe 1st day of June 1 opposed in ail his measure; and this opjio- 'V-eided on the next day. ! sitioii, as we all knowoiiiiivued without a lev aei to b xeeu'.e.i by the 1st of Sep-1 baieuieiil,eilher in lorce or asperity, through Tt lifjty 'e "0,V'Ce $03,W,M,W- ' wl'Oie lerm id" fotir je.rs. Oentleme,,. IW-oniraei' will cont.nue in force until the I J " not about to say vvh.il,. r Uus buf June, 1959. , lloii was well or ill foundcil, just i.r unjosi. (" 2lti5. Knun Salisbury, N C, by Ileal i ' 'n'y state Ihe (act, as cuintcted it!i olh V,ntf. Mount Lebanon. I fill's Siore , Sugg s T facls. The Bank of the United. M-tf.s. y, Caledonia, Mechanic's Hill, l'rosperiiy, during those four years of Air Adams' uti- ilL?,tr JhirM0,Ut,on decid'd ncharac. w .u'9 ."M"K toward the vurncerorawara became the'eettled policy of ibo Government; ad the message of December, 1839Mstbeclear announce, men of that polid, f ,M bank hit r-. - . Mirwiors, inus recommended oy members of CnnarflM n i,.i 1 i - . . " f .. ,t inn BUUUIII T.i 'n1 PPO'n'wenU to the (supervisions Pf the Treasury; if u had lemoved the Pre aident of the New. Hampshire branch ; if it had, in all things, shewed itself a comply ing, political, patty machine, instead ol an independent institution; if it had done this, 1 leave all men to judge whether such ah entire change of opinion, as to unconstitu tionality, as utility, and ,t!j gooJ t.ffti,.u on the currency, would have happened be- .o mau n ana uecember. JErJ?!n Jhimoment in which the Vank. serted Us indeperiaericrorTFeMur, con trm, and its elevation abova ptirpiwes, down lo the end of itscharter.and down mo to the Resent day, it has been Ihe subject t hich the seleclest phrases of party denuociatioa have been plentifully ""Bul Congress manifested no dispojitioii t establish a treasury bank, On the con trary, it was satisfied, and so was the coun try most unquestionably, with -the bank then exisiinir. in the llimnur nl 1 M.'l') Congress passed an act for the continuing tllA ..liaVli. ..C .1. I I I . ' P ;" "- -. j i uia. uaiiK ov siroug . m;ion ,M. "ifeliLl ? MHseJji. the Hooeef KeW- iciimiivcj, i irnnn two-thirds of the members voted for the bill. The Preoi deni ave it dig negative and as there Were not two thirds of the Senate, though a large niajoiity were lor it, the bill failed to become a law. Uut it was not enough that a continuance oi me cnarter ol ihe bank was thus refused. It had the deposite-of the pubjid money, and this it was entitled to bv law, for the tew years which yet remained of iu char, tered tern,: But this it was determined, it should mil enjoy. At the commence ment of the session nf 1832-'3, a grave and sober doubi was expressed by ihedecretary ol ihe Treasury, in Ins ollieial coiiiinuniea' tion, whether the public moneys were safe in the custody of the Bank ! I confess gentlemen, when I lo..k back lo this nf; gesliun, thus ofiHM.il ly- made, so serious' in us import, so unjust, ir not well-rounded, and so greatly injurious to the credit of tlio bank,it injurious, imlee. I, to the credit ol the whole country, I winol but wonder that any man uf intelligence and character -iioulil have been willing t.) make rules, ,ny they, -concerning the com- ,T 00 of Secretary of the Treasury. . merce or currency of the country! . And i lT' U,,W-, Mt lh W W " o we have all been ,aUgl,t lo think, under X ' o ? "V" ""J or i the Pre t - all firmer ad,u..s,ra..os. But wehave ,nake 'iction. and, to .ay - HOW seen ihut i : i . . . . 1 " tnat Mner mm- U ...:. . . r1. v , - resiueni, and the rres- V ,ci;c'eo lor uents al the ut alone, does pre.enbe ,h. rule eon- S!!"?? T tl"'1 "l silver oolJ cer ngllM, c He make, it and ! t 9.T" fUte Uni AnJ he altera it. e make. rule for ... B0.w. f?r l .. ai me comma oemunt of the last umU .. , , ,e revenue, and anoihcr rule for another. He make,. .. ...... r... ... w.r nir 1110 c.ll S. aiueu of another Slate. This, ,t i. Cer- '"' ' iiiielli.rWl,i U.. ,d nnf.i , ? tatuisbne pari of the Ticasurv order ui' : ai,J .oerta Vou-linn ,..,.il... . , i lesoiuioi wait hrm.dhk forward in ih. Son., f w Prougql , it.i. order bv m7. KT ."l? n ui July last. nergwlg character, mkirni Us from , h. v in lunraiiiiairat iaa j . But at last Co,,.-, i '. ... . I f f fins. The Wi.i,,. " ?, 'mi0 (liwIiioL- i.. ....! .. .. . . lesu ulii.n. Mud U- ., - ; i . ' r . '"'S " . gui4Mj me u.-posii. s of the ,ha jkLZtZrirm,mt '"tir'. wuh puldw . watte va ---lriT5-e.l iL j .,--4.-l'l''w"6r.i. itw 1.,. lu'ii! i " -"or i anxiuus. in mm. ... . . . .. .J. ,ur pacing suhje.il under leval con trol, restrai lo make it. reail in i;, houever. tin- iirsi lines uf nn.iit..- er chapter. J saw iiii atic.ii)t was now to he ii-aite to remove the ileposites. and siu-l. an Hitt inpi. was oi-ade that erv scsijou. But Uoi'.gress was not lo bepiWitk-ttopoii to acciJinphsU Uie end by fw -OW'tt'siitliorf-' X?' " " ;19 w'l afsccrlaiiicd -thai -neitlict f t 11 1 1A tt ...... . a . av til II I ii if ilm iw. ...... .i' .i & ruwrr 111 liih i.tunii live, suhiectine ihe hai.U. ... 1 i dull on the one hand, and securing then, again! Lxecutive favoritism on the iher. Uut this law contained another important , mc.i was, mat all Uie.juoney jr, ucyonu wnai was neces sary for the current expenses of the Uov eriimcnt, should be deposited with the i uis measure passed both Houses by very uuusual majorities, yet it hardly escaped a veto. It obtained only a cold as sent, a slow, reluctant, and hesitating ap PfovaJ and an carJv nuununt . .v.m-it w array against u a long list of objections. "u u.c i4v passea. t lie money in the treasury, beyond the sum of live million was to go lo the Stales ; a has so gone, and the Treasury for the present is icliev- eo ir.-m me burfien ol a surplus. But now ooBorvc ouier coincidences. In ll.e aimu l message of December. 1W35. the 1'rc. dent quoted the fact of the rapidly increas ing saie ui uic public lands as proof of higl i.-m.iiai prosperity, lie alluded lo that subject cerlaioly wiihmue.Y; satisfaction, and in apparently something of the toue ol exultation. There was nothing said a boui monopoly, not a word about apccuia uon, not a word about over-isssues of pa per lo pay for the lauds. All was oroaner. ous, all was full of evidence of a wise ad- miuisiraiiou of goverumenl, all was iov and triumph. , Hut the i lea of a denosile or distribution r- . . oi uic surplus money with the People sud denly damped. this effervescing bappiuess. The color of llie ronewas gone, and every Hung now looked gloomy and black. Now no more felicitation or congratulation on account of the rapid tales of the public lands ; no more of this mosi 'decisive proof ol national prosperity and happiness. The executive muse lakes upa mejancholyatrain fSlie sings of monopolies, of speculation, of worthless pajtef , rf loss 1)oii of . land -ami. monry, oi me luuiuplicalion ot hanks, an.l Mie ..danger of paiwr issues ; it the cud of the canto, the catastrophe, is, that lamb shall no longer be solu imi !.:r 'ld and silver a- of Kcpresentatives, indued, de tilt1 wroitoilKMl t)V a vfrv i AM ft fTi'ilrritt- ! lone. The object of all that is clear euouirh The legislative" authority haviii. b-"i, ,l was l tlniiiiif llm . iiieoino from the 'huge, Pocket, and Johnsonville lo Fayelio 'i Hi miles and back twice a week lu sta- Salisbury eveiy Wednesday anil Sal ty it 5 a m, ariive at Fat etievdle next davg lupin ve Fayetteville eveiy mnndav and Thurs '"in, arrive at Salisbury next days by I ministration, were whole country NOTE. 0HrniWia-i1iri11kii pfinaiAr0A nnlpfla il hn ne miiiisiratiou, was in full operation. It wus performing the fiscal duties enjoined ou it by its churterj it had eslablished numerous offices was maintaining a Urge circulation, and transacting a vast business inexehiingv. Its character, conduct, and manner of ad all well known to the thus invoked, anil invoked in vain, it wa resolved lo flrelcli larther the loner nri ,, Kxecutivc I'mvcr.aiid by thai ariu"'l.i rea-di and strike the victim.. lto happened that I was ... tl'is ciiy in May, 1 833, and lieu le.iriitd, from a very auiiiciilie source, that 1!ie deposiles would be removed ly the I'lCbideui's order ; and in June, as alter w irds appeared, that order was given. Now it i obvious, gemJcmeu, tlwi ihus far the changi in our financial ami iiscul syslt 111 Wi ie cU'ccleil, mil by Congress, bin by ihe Executive. . Not hy law but hv llie will and power of the President. Congress would have continued the charter ol tin batik, but the President iieuat.vcd llie lili. Congresa was ol opinion that Uic dt-iiosin s ! rr"l'0h,t'-'" ougiii not lo ie n nn.vid ; but nU! i'riM deui removed idem Nor was ihih ail t ne piiDHij iiioni ys lieiug vii.itlravv n from ll.e CUSlodv Wllll'll the law IimiI i,r..vi,l. the public lands. But no desire tor such a diminution had boeu inainlcalcd, ho long .is the money was likely lo he buHeied lo remain in the Treasury. Bui a growing eonvctioii thai some oilier disposition inusi In: made ol the surplus, awakened atten tion to the means of preventing that bur ping. Toward the cm! ofiho last session, gen tleiiien, a proposition was 'brought forward in Congress lor such an alteration of the law as should adinii payment for public lauds lo be made in nothing but gold and silvrr. The mover voted for Ins own pro position, but 1 do not tecollecl that any other uieniber conciiried in the vote. The was ,eji cleil at once : hut as III other ruses, thai which Colnri hs re- loscd lo itu the Executive power did. Ten lays niter I ntigicbS adjourned, having bad ... ' i J m.?"T. "d H the twa.. ...uUr. uur ,u. Kwing's- rolutlon waa in. ss. 'r,' p-n-r.r.r,,gwr"io: aiuek on Lxecu.iv. H'cy j therefore it .tb . - f.ened modlfind qd.fil. ,o.d. to SnuTlW harh io the ear. f ,K lft aa.n a plausible, polished. rnotTen.ive ehaweir oT i EllPcul". w be moulded and , ' , t . asl iuiiaJ hat it a,,ght Irsve th. .l&et J , !- t ndd,g ih. count,, -U ,b obnuxioe. ord-rV.ad f -at W"",' Be Tnfalbbik: , 1 - - n..i . ,o. io b.,,8fi Wlib mH moZyii rt he saw in that .......... ' . IlilllHea. a ulMlanlial M.....I . i ' - . iwu 'V ii. , . , , ..(.., vi n oroer. " are l,.s.l,,e.,d he axpsc, n flinching j, , 3 - -you a,eh.fcad.e,H.Iy,hereSp.t.l.yon lea for carrying your oppusiliw, t. the full l,m, ; , r liiMinuble. warlaie. . . t'entleinen. I uiimi ain,.i ...... .i f H e Preaident in regard to this bill; and. cer. ta rdy iiiual highly diaa,,pr.,t. il. But J lo Ml . auih r Urn miiriiticaiiw, uf having aiiinptd to disau.se and garnish it, in urder to uialir it ao- ' cepintde, ,m ol gull finding il ,!,, Uok in ny I'tce All uut .rt.uu.ed by Ho. ,-,. ' lous, diplomatic, ad uver-coi.ro-.... ..Ji V; '"-'"iing :.ajas was a re.pu.,S friim ihe prVii- " dent AU.irnpy (i,, ih Um till in ques- ' ll.m was I'b.ctiri, lll-inMHil. ..i .j ? i. 4 ui.dersi.Mi - ri,8 biii. ,he;Bii.: r ' approved nor lieomved. . If ll had hL.n ,- pioved, ih T,ai(u,y ofder WUll)d to annulW," 7 ihuugb iu a elunisv and obineiWhU i.egalived. and rulutned lo Coi.irr-.. ... J.T..K. " it would hare bean passed by two thirds uf both - Houses, and in thai way tecum. a4wr and atx roaaied llie ordr. Uut it was n..t ni.r.....i i. w was not returned: it waa retaiMJ. ! k.a ... " W .d ilia Seuata in ii,u ; a had been sent loth Mouse in season; but tluira it um anir.,.J ii. so long w.Hioul beim called up.htt-,t.. couipleiely ,o ,h puer oflh. PieWdeot, when ...i.i.j, I.MWN1U inui oouyi mce.he is m,t btdiiitd to re.u.n u.lls, which be dues sot approve. It not presented iu bnu leu days beloie il.. end of ih. iession. 1 1 1., bill . ly,,, then.fore.and lb. ' ' ire.Hury order reruaiii. io '!..-lJeiraio. -be fepresniaiivwiii(1iePeupl.i both Uouaee. L Coiigrepjy majtniieBlinii unprecedeoted., , ySH!itetfah. thh vbaiMtwiie wjer.'"' Uay - ..aroiy any auiyeci, llideiMltuaopioiu-Wwo ' onamtnooi. either in or uut uf Congress. YaT iir uninr miiiB.iis, And liuwarHiiiltinieri.l ask vou.S 1 mk .11 who have not vuluuianlv atirriid.,i all ...... and alt right of thinking f.r4baoielv., whath- er, from IttJi lu lbs present moment, lbs Ex.- eulive auilioniy h llot .fl-.H.-tuiJy superseded r,nor oi vongiew, inwanvd the ml), of the repiesemaiivea ul the People, and even oi the People ib,,,i, and taken the whole sub je.lul llie ouirency intuits own grasp? Jn Congrea. desired io continue the Bank of Uih I limed gules, and a major.ly of the Peoida d. sired it also; but Ilia Presiden opposed ll, and Ins will prevailed, lu 1833, C.gr. refused lu lemove Ihe dcpoailes; t, President 'is solved upon a, Ituwever, and his will prevailed. Con tfresahad never been willing tu irikks a bank, louiided on ihe mousy and ciedil of Ih. Govern-uu-ni.andadinioisiered of eouise by Exeeuiiva hands ; bul this was the PreMd.nt's jci, tud h.- attained it, in a gr?. men-ur. by in. Tr.as uiy se eciion uf deposit, banks. this partio ular, Iherelore, to a great .Xlent, hi Wlh f ,a. vailed. In ll.tll, Cniigreh refused In confine " Hit- receipts lor public lands tirguld and silver; bul i li o J'r. siueni willed it, and his will prevail- J In IMJ7,buUi lluuhesiii Coiitet, hy more iiian iwu nurds, passtW a bill lor restoring the ... . i U il i ,fi 1,1 lJU r lj iti "itu hiivin n luht tl lo j ("Miirf tiutti u( itiHigfi, annulling ihe i reittu i mi f t'l inu a i V ncu I T.ciii'iii'iv I UIIIIIiA'IIIJIIIi? U V liAt'CUl V llfVV4r 11 1 1. 1 if I 1 1 t k.iin. t. . . 1 " ' 4 1 " w '1 o.m "u hi i 'ir i - , r. bailee, anil, in his leiu.r lo the bi cietary er selecu-.l nie .daces for their future -keen-; lA'8,,"B ,,w 'f:"mry order was issued j . ..... . i .. -. i . t-r . . . . I - . - " I . ia, i i it ill :i iii I . i wr lli'il ...v., it...... ... I. .. .1 hinting very distinctly- atpol ittcaf Cinlsider aiions ss ttiL1 grouud ol tlio movement. 'fwied by a guaranty , signed by niie or more Nsible persons, in the following lorrn, viz : I 'I'l. . i n . ue unoereigneu jua rainy Now.there are two or three things worthy of especial notice, Ofie is 4th it .during the whole of tins heated political controvert . '"front from 1825 to 1829, the party which was en d(viiriiixtO produce thaoL'eWf-ertnTiTns j!lMSMiirWnng--iii9 tratroireroligiit no charge of pdjtj.sy.l.jtuU! u u icixouiu--ici-nr- snarniirnriTri Ttnh uf i .a II.uIa.I If any, thing) it was W PaBtffiiif"eTtneranTliall enter n.io an ?tiun rior to the 1st day of September next, " good arid sufficient surel.os, lu perform ihe ;,c" phipused" his should be accompanied by ihe certificate Ptmaster, ur other saustaeiory testimony, 'e guarantors ire men uf property, and a- make go.l their guaranty aexeroptron from this requirement is allow 'JiLfnldotriKttwrsv'rsrod'fi JJ other companies or persons whatever. Proposals should be sealed, ami addressed First Asaisiant Postmaster General.' 1st March, 1837. .J . ". "il3-(wJ9 , "..HOBkllT 8TRANCE uf tne U..8. M lu deliver the Annual Address before o Literary Societies, at - the comroenci ' of our University. " , 6w49 ; NOTICE. UOKS- -arB-How 'ope n at the Office of the Watchman and at the Store of Geo. W n.tjttb Towe of Salisbury, fur sunsetip- - . --I-" . wvt ui r.rciivviiiv aim Stales. If any, fhinffi it was a favorite with tho party generally Certainly, the party .aa a party, did not asenbo to it undue attacli racitt to other parlies, or to Ihe existing Ad ministration.. Another important fact, is, that, during the w hole of the same period, those w ho had fcfrprii8;dtfie-eotr of Gxn : Jackson and wtui sought to bung about a revolution under his name, did not prospose the de struction of t lie Bank, or its discontinuance, as one of the objects which were to be ac eotiii(isljrXIb'thelopisicl f resolution. 'I liy did not tell ttje coo tiy that the bank was iinconslftuiioiialj ihey did not declare it biiucci-ssary; they dtd not prrtiose to gel along without it, ' when Ihey siould come inio power themselves. ' If individuals en tertained any such purposes, they kept them much to themselves. The party, aa a par ty, avowed none auch. A third fact worf Otlii't ( l.ii ins in the service ol l.te Goveru- mei.t took at. intcnsl in I'l'' matter. it urutd ! inaile, and llie nuliiuj iiioucvs were ili-iins init. Par miliar ha..U. .....i... I 1 iniiiiiiiioiiig mat very tiling to lie done Stale thainis, were chosen.' With U.esc. W,,ul! ""Uri'H had been requested to do. especial and .particular arrangements weiei made, and llie nuld U! llliilirl w wiii-i. .li-ii.iu. . te had refused to do Jusl as in the case, of a change; and the S-'r tary himself role the bank, gutstnig and rccoiiiineiidiu if The tune had cons', then, for the bank lo 1 jkc Ats.4iQSitum.. .It did Uk it; St ttr my jii Ig -Hunt, if it had ti'ot acted as tt aii, n-.t only would those who hid the catcof it have. I the removal of the dcposiics, the Executive lied in In, ir vaults. Ilenceforwaril t..ese M,w" d.. V"" ,,aHt! aUo ai"'"'1 X ic sele.:ted banks were toonerateoii the rev- h""WH! w- "i". and reccnily ex. been h'ghly censiiiHble,.Liit a claim wot;d wrtrr-ovrrTn'neT oTIaws, .anil subversive of the very foundations ol republicanism. A long correspondence between the Sec retary of the Treasury and the President of the bank ensued The thiecjjors determin ed that they would hot surrender either their rights or their dolies to the control or supervision ot toe jbxecnlive uovtruiiieuu were to operate on the rev enue and credit of the (Jovernmeut ; and Vius the ongnial scheme promulgatei iu Ihe aimtial 'message" oF December, IHi'J, was substantially carried Jnto jjlTectllere wrrcUahk chosen by the Treasur' ; all I , r l ' -i, ... wiictiu.c legislative win would nave sanc tioned the object ol' that jrder j ..probably, never a moment in nr h1cfi"anyl w eiityjndi TJaWeen yTcTdeJhN .mt.rely: i.nnsmU:.,ulJjllli..stfxgueM w,uul .. .: , ,-rr 7 ....... i .... .,- . .. . . J. concurred in it. I lie act was ilnnn will.. me treasury ; a sel ol duties prescribed . ., . , , to be performed hy tl.cin to ll.e Treasury, I uu"b "Mt "rCu8re": " gmel ll.e ...! ii.h h .L. ... 1...1.1 ... ...i...ii well-known opinion of Congress. 'I hat icl iijion it, by iimkiiig any alteration iu the . r 'd.-r; but the Pissiiieui willed, urn wuhiland- in, niai me oruer niiould r. u.ain in hues, and bis will again prevailed v 1 repeal lb. ueslioa,' tin n lure, and I wuiild piiltl earnusily iu every niieliigeiit mail, to every luvtr ul our constitu tional liU rty , nre we under lb. dominion uf th. law, or has Uut effectual government uf inn coun try al least iu ail Ihat regards lb great est interest uf ihu currency, uusu in a single liaiul ? i -. ' - G. uileinsh.l have diuie-wUb (be narrative of events and measures. I have done with Ui his tory ul ilose tuioeswive steis in t he pr.tfrt uf -'-Exeeurrre ''puweriwaaTa coiupleie cuiitrul fyss -th wuftrf -trw correCTy-" The result is now before us. The ure tended prtssed will of the representatives of the People. There never lias been a moment proceeds of llie public revenue. Iu all this, Cougiiss had neither part nor lot. Mo lajr eaused the removal of the de- posites; no law had authorized the seicafiirn ft oi deposile. Suite banks; no law had mcjuhJ iwHhxmfc?g'TBee JMo'j janj tbey wiTi';Ti'The revenues should whatever in the. Constitution, i tois-of ilieir branches on political grounds,; be placed in such banks. From the beginiug ; Uw. for this -Treasury order. ' act altered the law or the land, or purport ed to alter it against the, well-known will of the law making power. ' ' THE TllEASUKY OliUEIL no authority or in any Those who and they would not remove them on such I ol the chapter lo the end it was all an Ex-'l have undertaken to maintain it have placed grounds I Hey nau avuiued politics I uey ecuiive euici. And now, gentlemen,' I a-k on grounds not only' diilereni,hiiltHroiisir h'a I sought for men of business, capacity .Ik if it be hot ieutarkablr;'ihat'"ifii,'; acuutitry, . td-cradwtw7..--.l'iie teason .whteb delay and epericncein the nianageuierrt wf f prbfessiiijo gives another i ejects r oner confutes what pecuniary concerns. - They oWed, duliesr laws, such great and miporiaiii changes in j another argues. ' With one it isxlhe joint they said, lo the. Government, , which they 1 one of its itioat essential and vital interests ; resolution of 1810, which gave the author meant to perform, faithfully and iuipjrtially should be brought about without any ity ; with another it is the law of 1820 ; under all Administrations ; ami they owed change of law, without any enactment of j With a thud it is the general superiuteiid duties to the , stockholders of the bank, , the Legislature whatever, is such a pow- ing power ol the I'lesident -and this last which required them to disregard political er trusted to the Executive of any Govern- argument, since it resolves itself into mere considerations in their appointments. j mint in which the executive is. separated ; power, without stopping to point out the This correspondence ran along into the 4 by clear Si .well-defined hues rom the leg-; sources of that power, is .not -only-the, fall of the year, and finally jermmated in a ; ulativ'depajtmeut.L Tlwuw juai ife thy of all notice iavtbMxnioiMW4ifiod' eiern Villi UM)ln1iu6iirilgc1ata1tfu."inad5'''6t ' couiiiry taade on the' same general ground is, ihe most sensible as well as the most reforms, these extraordinary exercises ul power from extraordinary zaal fur ihe good uf th. peo ple what have they brought us to ? We have, witboui all donbi, a great amount of siecie iu ihe oountry, but it does not anawsi its aueusioined end it does not Mrli.nu its prpper duly. It neither goes abroad lu settle balances against us, Sf thereby quiul iliose who hayejlfl.- there was no complaint about Ihe stale of the ruirency. either by the couutry, prjfj the parly' then in iippbsiti'oii,1"7! v-" . - I -In iV1br..l IQt.l I.'.a1 tern H "l li x " -. ulihi, ,giir, , utn iitwii wu iuu- 1M3 and T837OD th"A?U A?U I 8uratef "" " on professions of re- tiib ' ' ' . j lorni. ' He Anoouuced rciotm of all abuses lUfi ;0MMISSI0NEIiS. to bo the great and leading object of hit fit- the directors, aud transmuted to the Secre as the. commerce of the country, lloih ( candid rcasoimr, in my opinion, who pla-lary-of the Treirsury, that the bank would are intimately connected, and built are sub.- ces tins Tteasory order on ihe grouud uf continue to be iadependently ddmtnisteredr jecls of legale not of Executive regulation. ' the pleasure of the Executive, ami slops and that tbe directors, once lor all, refused It is Worthy n notice, that,, the writera j theft. " 1 regard the. joint resolution of lo subintt.to the supervision 'ol Ihe Exeeu a of the Federalist, in .discussing- ihe ouwm ; l&ld -roaitdat6ryj "iis presei'ihing a legal tite authority, m any of its branches, in , which the Consiilution cuulerred ou ihe rule ;' as putting this' sunject, in which all the appointment of local directors and i- President, made it matter of com-' i.'!aAion have stj deep' au intereai, beyond the ca- lu sustain the circulation iu the xienl which the eirciunsiimces ol the innei riquire. A glVJht part ui li is in the Western banks, in lbs land nlliees. An it tier poriiou is in the hands tf buy- - eis and wlltrt ol fc-co; ..I' man in tne est, . wlios-ll laud uJh(!einNity to the tww aeiilerS 11 for a 'high premi.iiH-r-Aaoiher portion, again ie " T kept in pnviie liuris, tu be used when circum- ' stances slmll tempi to ib purchase of lands.' " Aud, gen I. men, I am inclined tu think, se loud has been thu cry aUiui haid money, & so sweep. -lug ih denuncianon ul all paper, that piivata liuldmg, or hoarding, prevails lusutue extent, in different parts uf the oountry. . Theso eighty millions nf specie, therefore, really do us hole good. VVe aie weaker jn our ciiculaUuft,JJiv ou duobwur redit is leebrer, money is scar- " T""T cer with us, at this uiuineut, inarr if ieoty v' milliuns of Jbl-i.ii -ere shipped tn- Ko- ropo, and general coiifiJt-nce lUe.ieby tenor- ed.' .- ' -. -'- 'Gentlemen.! will not sap tbat some deiiTM - nf pressure inigbi not have corns upon us, it the Treasury order bad not been issued, t will not say that there 'has not been over trading aud over priNlii:li..n, and a lis greal expansion ot bank cm-uLnim. '1 his may all bo au, and liio last i

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