II, fur M imitte tend 7'rtnH much f ragf k will ravel ia-ia. me l iitini i w'ubii )NES. b?tw ' US r.all n i mills' WI.H itles l C0TI TEILUS. Thj VTcnM!i may hereafler be bad i'ir Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. A Class of roun 'irtkv subscribers who will iy j advance" Hie v bole sum at one payment, ghall hi the pap-'r for mm year nt Two l)oi : MR4a"h,and it l'n as tlie saoie class shah eaniin-wthus ' 'o l,:,y. advance- ihe sum of Pi ilit Dollar ! m terms Khad continue, other v'ne ttief will b charged as oilier subseri- Siibscriliers who do not pay duiing the year M (mcliared three Dollars in all rases. Vusub-icriptiou will he received fur less than one i yar. ,..w,.i k,,, i it Nnpnper win ........... .v ji (ltuf t,e KJitor, unless ill arreargcs are paid B','r-j Yll letters to the Editor must bo post '. . thev will certainly nit be.it- I nui ; Tea of ADVERTiswn Sixty two fyahull Cent Ptr 1"nre fr f' insertion, and 3 It Cfl,j,rr!iv"trc fa' each inierlion afterward b n aiKernemeui win ue uiocucu iui icm I .nan onk Dollar. A,Uvriie:ne'its willbn ooniinued until orders rp.tective,d Ui atop them, whewrno directions ire previously soven. ilvelliseifienis oy inn year ui hi a nimuns wm t made at-a Dollar per inontti tor earn aquae with the privilege of changing the form every quiter. ' . ;.y HIAttKETS. SALISBURY, Bees per lb. 16 a 1 1 eta. i Brandy, Ap- slepereal. 4j a r() cis ; 'Cut ton tier .lo. (in gerdi 3 eta ; Cotton baggmj per y.. lb lJ VunrtA per mi. m a io , pi . . V l ... .A ... - 1 . . . . ' b 4 a Sets ; Cotion tarn, lrm No 6 Jo No II. II 75 a i M ma ; rrajjie.ii,Jies.4bT'At;Xil''Mi Oixirtkt J-trnn ... m.. f mfryrm:tn:.rui . HojUata prbuabel 30 els; Corn pr Diwh a& els; , Iron per III tf a cts ; Lead fis ; Mulasf. per gnV 75 cts. , 'Vails per lb 9 a ! rls; Benf pur IbO a 0 els; Karon per lb 124 r. Butter per' ll 1J cn ; Lard iei lb 15 its; Salt perbiulirtl il l I 50 s; Steel, A:uen- oan blister, p!r 16. 10 tils ; LiiIhIi do perjii iOris ; Cast do per lb 23 s an cis ; Mir Mil1) 121 a 15 flu ; Ra.u (Jamniea) per sj)l; 12 : Yankee do M ; ,sV.l (eleju) per lb Sti Ids; Tallow per lb. 10 12 eisTow-linen pr yii 16 a 20 ct ; W.nie t p enrrilliv Pr al. f I a . Ponuaal do. il 5'-a $1 7 e.i ; l Uret do per gah fl 3 a 1 75 ta ; Malaga, (sweet I lp?r gi:. 91 i HHK y per. ji 4.1 a ou cis. - m r i c ft CIIERAAY. Beef in market pr ll i a rt els.; Baeoa per 10 i II cis: lima lo tillUO cts ; lleeswnx porlb i0 a 22 rib ; ll iioir per yarJ 19 a -25 rls; Bale rope per In a 12 II ci i tvnee pr Ji 121 a lfi nsitJoiuin iier IO0 lw ijj 74 Wf V10; -Aifttyi 1uftiT 90 95 a cts flour i ari.ri4 pur Jfl 7 H OOi, from siores per 10 . IS ilroQ per 100 Iba ). a 0 jl tsafts per ia4 15 50 a cu; N n's eav a-wori per !t 8 i -J 9 ota ; vVroughl do. per IK. iu i Pork pet brt $8 9; Riee er 100 l f 4 ) 00; Suvtr per lb. Ii IO 1 1 a cis ; Salt pr 3 3i5;Salt per bashel 81 i USi&alk4 mWfrW-Jafi -tj ; Taltowr nT lb 10 Hi cts; Tea Imiwml per lb 41 25 a 1 371 cts; lirin do. pr lb f I a I 35 cts ; Tobacco manu tared per lolO a la cts. -FAYETTE VI LLE brandy, pej'-li 75 a fJO. Do. Apple, CO a 70 i.iei.i. rlV,S 10 a 000; G aton pr. il 6 a B rU oil pr :i u a Hi ; Flour hid. (5 - a 6 lax -ed pr bit 1 00 a 000: Feathers pr lb 45 a ,H.,.r:i prrnHlr 1 i 000; Iror. prlb 5i a b; Mo or ri n , ) Nailti cut 71 a ;Sall M.inh -jilj 75; Sujar pr lb 7 all ; Tobacco; if 2 a i ; Wlieal pr b.ish 0 00; 0 Whiskey i. j2 3., lleeswax -20 a 00 Wanted immediately IVVOor three Journeymen Shoe-makers, of Mibt-r nil uiead v tirt iiu, to whom uood u Ifs and cuiihiaio eiiiploymerit will bariven. II KAKF.I.S tOV. Clntrtphsville, N. C May -25. '1SJ7 "d45 fJlIlK Co-par nersbip of Doctors Mitchell-& II L! i i'h'.ie. is this dav diasulfrd by con Item if pa i ties Ai1 U'-isoiis indebted to the firm, are reqoesiei! P'nllanil seiile ilieir a'-couins. Those liavine Imi im will nresrni ii.nn for seitleieenU . " Aa-oersiTnS tii'feii'eir io IV Mi cheH. previ l'o iTie Coparliierhhip ot li in helle fy Much l, aisnqueled lo call hii3 cliwe their arcuniH, "av20,h. 1837 't 1-2 ' Dr. . .Tl noUVliiut.tsE IV' ll! conliuae the luaelica ol Alt dlclue. f. ' in Ihe Town of .Saliniiui v . and Us v u ioii y ruiins are ai i tie end of the iSoith Eal wing Us M ans'nn ILitel Kotice. flAHE Subserioer ai February Court, obtained I let..,. Papt.Wtlliam G B arldon, dee d.. and hereby ,ire uoticg lo all i!ne. indebted io said estate to I8'" payment immediately ; and all ihow iiv- Claims will prfesuui ihnn pnierly auibeiui llea oi. ik;.. .l: . . :i i i. i... ii,; "ie will be pleaded in bar ttibeU-tecoswy-4 - "iiiiiii liih tiniR iiiiist-riiira ui inn ...o RfCIIAUl) HARRIS, Adm r. "T 20, 18375141 I Ion lnnc ot wti iw: I.' ( ... 1 1 S. 7 ' .uuc.lt. VI lyw jnuuua, J,U li o, .... Ta Literary Stfcieties..ai .it.rtlllWlwK!ei, tao u a.a. a I aa...ao i,ui,i, P.orour.nivreiiy;-w -'y NOTICE ROOKS are adw' open at the Office of ihe WftlftlimnM an. I .1 lliu V,.., ..f in VV (. villliaU UN ,.U, - VIHIV vi -. - - ,aw"t'1aiha Town of Salisbury , (or sulietip- Pinioiha eapiial stock of Faeltevilie and Western Rail fio-j niljHr .!, Acta of Asscm- of 1833 and 1837 - TIIEJIOMMISSIOERS. - Qf etery description done AT THIS OFFICE. fBLkS ItiJIV A R RANTS 1 For 8al at thiaOBo JJl EMtV WM " ridentl' Writ I before the suspension of perm nay I ten ments by the Hanks was immediately in , contemplation. But its teasoning is not, on this account, the leu clear and convinc ing .Var Int. FROM THE NATIONAL GAZETTE The July Instalment oj the Surplus Revenue : OR, THE PROSPECT BEFORE US. The Washington Clone, for some weeks past, has been making almost daily 'attacks upon tho Bank of the United Stalls, Willi the ruanifest design of casting upon that institution the odium which is due alone to the financial policy of General Jackson. The (ilolio cannot but be sensible that 'the humble efforts to restore the constitutional currency.' made by the individual under' whom to have served was 'glory enough' for hi successor, have brought the country, iri-l toils pfcacuUMraeteid cridiio'n ; anl it is also sensible that three months cannot elapse without a convulsion, which will convince the most stubborn adherent' of the party in power Ihe entire fai'iire of the ex peri merit frohjcH'dmsifmi ot'encelr' resulted. The conyul 8ion . q. w inch I rtfer is the faUwt of the Government to pay .over to Vie Statu the July "intalmrnt of the Surplus Revenue; or, w hat would be infinitely worse1, a gener al suspfiiaion of specie gaymnnts by the banks, arid the conflvqiieiit substitution of depreciated "jt r : money not convertiblw into com, for the mixed currency if coin and ronvjtjj:We.,w DOWe. anl whlfh n wouI(, h,V8 conlinil0(l ,,,,. ia . tn . . . - . . " " ' ' , , : BMwl by court syrOJiliani3 lolo lh brlief ii or; (wiasi wreui uy iniuiiiyn, a iepiu oi fiiinnial knowledge, which all others luve only hcii able to ai-qnira by ti irrl and 'U iioriotis studv. With such a prosjM-rl be fori? ihfm, of a stoppage of pnyment by the Treasury on Ui one 'hand, aod hmj cur reriey on the otlur, it is not sorjiiimg tlul Uiotii- who have brought a. tout the (iiln:nma should tiso tho colmnns of Hie ofli i d pa- pJflo Kntt.ill pu'dic opmi.in, by attempt mg to imoo tli illiiM disasters Inch are now stalking ov r tlo- land, and winch will sonii Knock at lite ifn.,rs o the 1 reasiirv. have wholly rcsuH ui ,roin i!m operhliong of lltn Rank of Mx United States. Vain ami fulile, however, mual be Jueu-aUtwpt-.- Par ly -lemtTonr w'lien in spoils of vi'-rv' r held out as a reward, becomes part lutrnl when poverty states one in the face; and to 8iiop.e that political, leaders, whn they have nothing to give us the price of S' rviii t, can maintain their inlluence with thosi they havu ruined,betravs a want of .ic the dominant party together Bince the crea tion of the sin plus iev'4e. All this, the Olitbe well knows, and hence the dwjy'ra li6nhicK its leadjnj articles havo latlcrly displaced. . Wlih all its violence, however, that jour nal renders the Public some service. It has a happy knack ef furnishing the very aiguments thai overthrow its on positions Thus, in the paper o( the 4th instant, in which it bojsti of its own prophetic sagaci ty, by quoting un article fust published in Match lt3 J, in which it pronosticaled' the disasters wiuct: would result from a mon strous,' an 'unheard ol ' expansion of twelve millions of rinllurs in foui months, by the Bank of ihe United St iteg, n very simply iris us into the secret, that this very bank, winch had produced such irenir ndoiis con si offences, Ifoin an a iiuv utaiion of its loans lo Iheexltiil of twtltte millions, (sub- s qoeiiily iinr-..8cil n. twen 'i.)li ad. ieiween O-toiler, 1830, mid A;irii 13 12 expauded llsell to w uhiii a frai tioo of IhL tij millions nl iioliars, witliout liaving proiueil any disisi'is whatf ver, as every our ma, recol lect who looks iiai kjo ih.p.j'ioti-whK'rr'pTr-" 4-rrd'fl " ITie" r noval the (le"ii s. But j is it not singular, that whilst the Globe as- olio Mirii mistily ettects In an cxptnsHin ol Im titty iliiMiniis o! dollars by Ihe ll.nk ol tin Uiiil'-il Si.,u s it should never breathe a jllHii of the elfcrts produced by the expansion of (iiuieril Ja.cksou's new tianks, whielu tiurnig tlie year, 1835. alone, in em jodv tion Willi tho others which existed beloK. iue.rasei their loans gj&titttelU'Q 4-millMHtaT o1iar,vTC8t3ey V&c Vcy? ls Bileiire upon the lutu r point is ot)i h tit to convict it of iiittfuiioiul eo ice.il U"Ut ihtrc-fouith parts of the evidence in the CHS., and tho Pui.lic may iherelore judge 4 of the lairncss ,of Us slati ments, which is certainly not 8iicbs ought to be expected in an official journal - " The (iruiinil noon whirli the inability of the Gi i ver me n t to pa v civer the Ju !j4Dt4s i ...... me-iir of'th"Surotusr"evenue-,iwts, 18 tbe known embairassed ucond dioo.. f .. some xtt the deposite banks,""aid the general de rangtljM. n't: of -tho pecuniary - affairs of the counliy rectary of tho Treasury made a report to tha Senate in compliance wilh a resolution passed bv that body on lb" 20th of tbe same month, calling lor informat,ron rela live to the Mransters cf public moneys, or dered sinre theSSd ol June, for the purpose of Nwimno the- act of that date fi regula ting Ihe depositee of the public itioney In this report, the S eieiary staied thatnearly stated ty "lth transfer which .. hac " 1 r ki-L hart'Vtarae aum Buiiir iieiuriwiiKr'iii,ii.ii.x - - - - - . " . . ":. , r . , n,u, on oepoeiir man me .iaw iih'slj, w...-. l,.,.kH V the sam phce or m other States, : but tb-Mib pr.es. sJHrmfett fir th .p-. .por..onro.nt7th. d.pos.tes among tbe State tntbsprewaited proportions, so u T b "iahUr '""W ready for I 'pay ment to each Si .i 1... .u j V"1"!? thereafter durin ihn ir A. durin? the ver. Aa 'made but Utile orosrfuts kinci . k meai'S of tr.niflfers lo il. ...-. then deficient, and, has not Man thus roni nlAlnil in 1. . v - . nlele.l in ..u ' T.....- 11 V "T W unle" .r' " " e d?fi,Jent ? l"'r proportions - - imiB Biaicnu i nooT. k ? .S M,U,50,00 Sl60,- uuu earh, and reamrinir m ilm h,l. t.i ; r ii.uuuuuu more, to, -uw paia iroin other States, besides about Mn.ll.irL. C al. 11 . , ,,, nvn miumps in tie reserT' ed next month to defray current expendt tures That this process, would be alien nea wiin ditncolty .s thus declared ip , i j , " ,. I i.ui, nowever difticull the apportion men r " c ' usl ua ,,en " a11 wl :B'. een if ihcr could bpiocur into final effect, merely for. the collection ed? Can they compel payment from then and paying over such immense sums into debtors who tMuHurr''u9t ;rt,BM? will gre that to a what euibarrasement some of the none ; vry great extent, this must be impossible. musUin the end. depart from the usual j Can they e'xtenrllheir issues, so as to pur Tliar.nels of commerce and of our fiscal chase bills with their notes, without ren fer opcrations, the directions of the actio this mg their situation most precarious?' Tois 'respoet, as staled in myannual repcrtcoold.4.mll. hardly be pretended by Jiny one who JwLwitb prMpriety be neglrciod by the De- i reads the following table made up from the part.nent, and are in the course of comple-1 offi. -ial statement of their condition, as it turn at the pioper periods within ihe enau- ! stood on or near the 1st ol November last, 'ing jear. I as given in the appendi td tho journal of I tie total amount lo be distributed a- ! the seltct committee of the House of Re tnong the States ws STCSSQ.' Of , presentatives on the ageBcy of the dcuoaite ...... .......i, , i,muui was me propor , lion tailing to Hie eleven 8oulhwcrt'rn and Western Slates, namely, Alabama. Missim. ippi. Lmiisiana, Misouri,,;T AofHyjtjoio. Indiana, Illinois, Arkausas.and Michigan The amount of public mono, in the dep wile banks of those States was", oi) or near Hie 1st of November last, as will hereafter apposY, S20,232,9 JO; so that, alter deducting tho eniire sum to whicti ihey would beentnleil for their whole four instalments, they would be under the neces sity ot transferring !jj,3 CH5.456 between Novemoei, lust), niiri October, 18.17,-lo the Atlantic fill's Thai no part of this vast l"iorjt In si ui:'. asuill p .u of it, ran (live been up to Hits pi nod transferred, is uioro than piotiaf.in Iro n tlio lact .th.it. ns there existed in itie Atlantic cities a luud adcqute to pay ihe two fif.t instalments in January and April, no iuiui'di.ite' necessity exited for Ilifr tTansh r. Torse deposite batiks, as a whole, if ihe stat. ni. nis d tlie Globe ate coif i-i-t, amn.it v ry orttuml tn tJjxlLilurtetr1S Wlii n uiouey ix tit ,e p u ). I IMS IIIUIllI' Slly iipji.-urn tioui no .Ute'le i i-lisli'-d nr that p ip. r of tin? Hlih 'J.ino ii v. I 1 S 37. it winch it w ,s sin i. up hi fliil! a'liuont), ihai ihe loans and lild 'OUIllS i.f.l all lue dep sile bank's were ........ i, . .;... ,2L.d hi i n ijiiit;'uii(.'r Att'iJJLJ lgljt.W!ilfrWrrr,,7 Otr-I'V 73 Tln:s showing that t'o-si! banks, lost' "I f curtailing llietr loan-1 it isr ooitts so asio be prep ir d to tn''el the msi ,in ni -i"! ii '.lecmn. due, artuallv aiignti'iitrd i h m to tlie exi nt of n-'ar two millions' of dull im, ami by Miut means rendered u imne dillirult to inn t the subsequent ones . I say. willi such evi le nee before us, it is morn thoi probable that no tiansfcrs from the U'et lo ths East have thus far been made; and toe question very naturally o.-curs, how can lii'isu Wes tern and Southwestern banks rolled nnl transmit eight and a half milii ns of doll us to the Atlantic cities in Ihu pre ut em bar tasked condition of ihe iiioncy market?' Evety body conversant with trade knows that theie are but two modes in which ie mittances can be made from the West to the East one in bills of excii nig;. tho oilier in specie As to bills, the supply through out. the whole Western and Southwestern country is extremely limited, owing to the ! cessaliou of demand at the East for the pro - j 'Apportionment amonit the several Stales of Ihe public money re naming m the Trea sury on the IstJauaarywlSin. excepting five inillions of dollars States. No. Elcc toial votes. Amount to be deposited din ing the year 1837 Maine N. Hampshire Missacliiisetts !lhode Island VcKilont Ooiiiicnicui '10 i i 4 7 $1,274,151 02 8.12,113 71 1,784,231 53 509-780 41 892j.lia.2i- 1,019:7)1.0 81 5 "52.(i:)l 28 1,019.56'i 81 3.8 23.353 06 382,335 ill 1.874 451 02 2.9 )1 237 34 New Yak 4Z 8 30 3 2;i 15 11 .11' , .... 7- 4 5 - 4 15 Iff 21 9 5 S : 5 - , New J, rscy f nn-l Uania D I aware Mary land Virginia North Carolina South ('aroliua 1,911 676 53 1,401 89!) 14 j Georcia 1.40 1. 806 12 - l. A UHma 89 VI 15 71 Mississippi Louisiana Alissoun Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Indiana Illinois Arkansas Michigan . .!) 7S0 41 f87. 2'i'i 51; "'509,"73'i 41 j l.DH (176 5:i 1 91 670 &' 2.67614-1 14 1.147 005 92 637 225 51 3,82 335 31 335 3 1 tfs.rifi.8.859 97 ' i . 5 If it be obiceted to this ihat a part of .. '. . -.-.iti .tA-.i-thtrrYhMbv - IJkef land, will be more i tlhir from the sales i - a - . . i , ,i,- o.ipnuate for this object We are in . , -- . f ,i,0 Treisorv formed bTthe that tharteTCnue from this source in Jam, ty, FbW. j-d March, alone, amount dttW,Wl4'J- due of the former, t. j. '" 'T ' upon which alone hills can be drawn; and of that limited ipply, the apprehension of a similar fate to thai which has already atten led many millions of dol lars drawn upoo New York and Pniladel- -"."' general oistrust. II. ""deed, it was ihe deposite banks alone that pnia, must produce a general distrust. If. m 'iiri: Hill mis IS nOl me hanta who are indebted lens of millions r dollars to the Eastern cities for goods, tb h..LJ h,L .. . j. ... wnicu are indebied to eastern eorri'suon- denls, arid Eastum stockholders of South western banks who desire to make sale of their stocks on the spot, are all competitors in me uni market, and their united demand ---- ...v oiiF.ij. oui nana iu deposite banks the abilitr lo purchase bill must tar exceed the simiilv. Rot h.va ih mnus, Maieuient u DKP0SITE8 TO THE CREDITS OF DeUe Tieasurer. Ala'ama Mississippi l,uii;-iijiia, Tennessee, K niucky, Ohio, liiiliaua, llllllnls, Michigan, 1 2 Bask, $2,052,515 $1,335,553 do. Sl.943,5'29 1,958,307 i 7 3 I do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1.989,759 4.002,307 2.422,953 a.600.02fl 2.239.675 7 1 .967 940,193 4,705.1j5 777.391 1,399,942 5.130,875 2,257,895 75.320 I.GIti.113 3 29 $19,103,131 $19,253,850- Dr.F06ITES TO THE CKtDIT 0T ' Deposite Banks. Public Other Depo- Specie on (lilleers. Rltorit'H $654,537 1, 690,93 1 1,215,514 C94.302 033.970 I.1OU.085 19.161 6-13,168 hand Ma; 1 Bink t28l,t80 $282,015 860.218 6'Jo,03O 211,501 9)0 ,6.!i 1,379775 t,12T,D'0 do. 21,407 1 .18.3 10 40,258 1OO.3K0 IH9.779 18.815 I. u. 2 I reyii -2 k.i 7 Ono 8 lnd. 3 H. 1 do do. -do. do. do. do. do. 30 18) Vleh. 3 231.495 378,751 29 $1,029,101 7,128,271 $5,927,966 Vikaiisjs aod Alioauuri none. 1' iota me luretrmn statement u win appoar a. it I tie Clnll liabilities ot lhu.se tweniv-iiine Di. As were as lullows iiM'tiw"'li-- - $19,163,131 ,. . ,a -a-.a QMS t a uvin, orinioit. a a i mj .lMo, t ,(.' 101 20.182,960 - 7, 128,'.! 71 Oilier depositor?, "flaking 1 total .f $40,574, 362 To meet whicji tliey jointly held a stock ol spent' '-qi. il to less than six millions of il.ilirs. Iiri'ii; hi proportion of one metal lic dollar to even dollars and lliree quar ters ol 'paper. From this view ol the case a must be evident tint the ability of these banks to purchase bills by fresh emissions of paper credits will be impossible, with out, the hazard of being brought to a stop page of specie payments. That they can not pay eghl and a half millions, or any considerable poitioii ol thai sum, in specie, without the same hazaid, is equally evi dent ; and it may therefore be fairly as sumed that the transfers cannot be made. u Out, il is to be noted, that the defalca tion in the transmission of funds from West to the East is not the only ditliculfy that will be experienced by the Western and Southwestern deposite banks. The settling of balances betyycett--thwe"of (nf iierwiv "tStaVBsi'St even between those of ihe same State, roust he ...attended with great embarrassment. The same remark will app'y to those of the Atlantic cities. Ca ses have already occurred in which the de posite banks'of one city have not been a bio to obtain the balances due by those of another city ; and it is known to the. avtU iter that drafts '-'drawn "by one deposite bank upon another have been protested from Mrtii payment, and that already a Treasury rafVirpoii' "deposit" UnC' nas been dis honored. Under this condition of things, it may very naturally be asked, what course will the Scctelary of the Treasury pursue f (las he the power, and if he haw. w ill lie bring suit against the deposite hanks who may be unable to pay, and tlieir sureties, in order to coerce the fulfilment of their contracts? Should he do this, hje' will most certainly bring about a "snsrpeiisio ti of I specie pavments, which wpuld gi ve.ua the uemiine rair ctirrcncVin dace of General Jack son's long promised gold currency. Such an,event, perhaps, would hardly be hazaitJedimd il .is therefore aiorejUhan probable that the ' Secretary'' would content himself with quietly acquiescing in'the measure, whilst out venerable President that was. and vet U. as far as the consti tutioual currency' is concerned, would find consolation in ihe result, as being a defeat of the bill which he told the country he had so reluctantiv siened. i Bin wliat would the Slates, the benefice ar.ies of this mtjWtgliteii millionsay rtrf'suhli a defalcatianJJBApOft! A nmA fori j purpose. J Internal improvement. Mis souri has pledged her share to a new bank at.$lIu&M lend theirs to the counties, dr. to. the town shins i and it is more than probable, that, upon the certain ealculation of receiving this money, contracts, engagejnents, and enterprises to a large "amount, ha v been entered into. Pennsylvania, by a prudent foresight of her Executive, has escaped from the disappointment, which must be severely felt by some of her sister Suites, having made no disposition of her share, and will therefore be, able to meet the cri sis without, any derangement of her finan ces, Perhaps party devotion in .some Stales mnv smother the ebullitions of an ger, which cannot fail to bo excited against the ' pcf institutions, and I at the Secretary, for not making i!im ' I' .. t I.I II .1 . . r . .'. .' . I fulfil meir oiingaiinns, but in oi'icrs a clamor Will be raised against all the aiders ami a bettors of the experiment.' for having m grossly deceived tho Public willi their quack bnatiriering. And now let us inquire whaLjuiluaiwt tllis, MJtcaaure wwld; tl S ve "lu jion t he state of the money market, and how far it would ?o towards relieviug the existing rircssure? answer that, if the deposite banks should default in their payments to the Govern ment, and be thereby relieved from the- ne cessity of a rapid reduction of their loans, without which no payment can be made on the 1st of Julv, the indulgence would he immediately felt by iheir debtots and by the community. That portion of them, ttieretore, whose pecuniary embarrass ments wore of a, nature lo 'be cured by a reasonable extension of time would have the chance of being saved from ruin. But there would be great danger i)j at the banks might be imprudenC aiid extend their is sues, in which case a suspension of specie payments would most assuredly follow, and bring with it a train of disasters even worse than those unJer which we are now writhing. The greateal evil that could befall this country, not only as regards her prosperi ty at home, but her honor and character a broad, would be general suspension of spe cie payments by the banks. In t.'ie prevention of such a catastrophe, ihe Gov ernments of the Union and the States, as well as the whole People, have a deep and lasting interest ; and it is for that reason that I assume it as certain that the Gener al (iovcrtiriieut would pursue the course which I have above indicated It is in deed probable that the Secret try of the Treasury, judging from his ellii ml notice ioftlie Im instariT, in wTiich lie ii.tiniates 'ossibi!ny of a diminished revenue, might, if he had the power, voluntarily withhold from the States one or both of the instalments yet to he paid, upon the ground that the wanlof , the Treasury lo nit'el appropriations demanded sueh a course. Bui he uossesses no such power, lained. ana alter being once trait! , Can only be recalled by gentle instalments, not ex ceeding two hundred and forty thousand dollars in any one year from tho Stale re ceiving the largest share, and from the oth er Slates in the saino proportion. AN EXAMINER. The words of the Distribution Law of 2j"J June, 1836, arc these ; Provided,' further. That whrn said money, or any part thereof, shall be waul ed by the Secretary to meet the appiopria tions made by law, the same shall be call ed for, in ratable proportions, within one year, as nearly as conveniently may be, from the different States with which the same is deposited, and shall not be called for in sums exceeding ten thousand dollars from any one Slate, in any one month, without previous notice of thirty days for cveiy additional sum of $20,000 which nt any time may be required.'' TLVKS r. iS't4JW) TIMKS FHKHEAT. om..4Aer'l'Wllr'Kecmng Stat. "' , - We have had occasion frequently to recur lo the writings and sayings of various individuals, who wrote uml spoke of eventsliat were lo lol lovv in the oeni of viirh and such coutaes being adopted B8 were mgitd at the period when .they thus wrote or spoke But we have rarely met with any production that seems to cover so much ground, in the shape ol prophecy, is tho follow ing extiaet of a letter written by Major Jack Ihrwnwo his old friend, iheGinf rat.' as lunir aroas September, 1833, now nearly lour years ago 1'be.Maior. it seems.- had come on to New York from Washington to ascertain for 'the Uineral,' how things would work in case tbe ileposttes were taken away from the Lnited States Dank, and given among sundry ntats banks. He fell in with his old friend Zekel Big elw, and they together entered into the inquiry, and the Major thus wiitra : Z'!kel gays there is jist about ao much hard money all the while, and its keeps goin round and round and all about creation, and they git the most ou'i and keep it, who are tha most m duuwarM -ctite in Inventm things. He says that paper money is just as good, and a leetle better tiiun haTd rooney, if folks shelJ.. st,-Uia much on'i; arrdrt if the hafur of paper-money makers to git off as much as they can ; and if it warn t .ur mjiucviiiu hj wt jj a, aawr; ww s. .aK! a.. f.jtsV il it aarnii tf siWkn. nsa aa biff, at old continental il.nes. .,,.-,,.,,..'..- v5'lfc'biiio',.in Ka hiitl. that monsv matters. and banks, and trade, are all as curious as one of Peleg Uissel's clocks, and folks hadn't ought lo meddle or alterin on't without knowin all about it. 'Aod now aays be, 'Major, J'mof good mind to give you a notion ; I know1 it will spile the old watch, but I want to show yoo ray notion why I think trouble will come, if tha Gin eral inaisia on knocking d jwn the United Slates Bank. '.'-":'',..' Zekel was one of them sort of folks, and eK ways was, who are deHrm.ined;'t).Bika Spaviii or plfa norn, nu wiiii mmi ao urn mm old watob. ninh upon aa big as a tea cup, and wound her up. and then elapt her to his ear, and then to mm. he Is as lru,' says he, 'as tne tides.' He then opened her. 'Now.' says, he, 4JkUto.-doaiibwrW'bul Oiiliihgall tha while? and then do. you W a grist of little wheels and springs and acrewaT Well, then, louk here : on top is a bg vheu, that is alrthe while goin rvuud nuo way and back agiaraoi' jist ao fast and no faster tint fsay he; r What I eall lhe fticer,and If il wara'i fcr taatyoa wouw sa trouble in it right toT, and I'll ahw you; but I know it will tend the uM Waieh all lo fcinaah.' However, hs twitched out Ike klieker orbalaace .wheel, and tha old watch did wki for a spell; I MH yuu Soroeul ihem little wheels went so fast yuu eould'nt ee nolhin oo em lot a spell One ai lt W,,., ,, and another got Its leeth knocked out hn si .p'j ( ,pe, tfoa a spring anap'd, and sh. t. ',;S 1 n, and ihe vpiiiiiera n-w, aim i) t.y ii s u II nciapa rn stop'd. Z-kel alick'd his kew dowa auil hfc'd ine.and aairs ha 'Maior. km ;! . 1 1. ia -.ii. i..., i j .'. r, .L- . r. . - J . v V I . NW ..la ..il. I.... I .1 .. -Ii .l uui muni mo ion on nan atom, seeing i hat you have gut a notion by it. And with that he scrftped ii alirgtther and wrapped it up in the WaMnnton HloLe. There' tys be. Major. y..u end that to the Voter iktnent. and tell the Gtturul thsre is mors tbaa some lulks thmkoit who wni to dMuUlrilt ata " andmsrejmaTteri'wiuioul kouwina all about . ,A ...III .1... . . i. , " ,. . . . ... , anu min tun mm wok giasa a awiusiiai and went to bed. " POI&ON BY JAMESTOWN WEED.' ' During the past weak. Mr. James Mcpoveny,' of this village, had several of am family Jmrlial- . ly poisoned with Jamestown seed Tha cir cumstances were as follows: Mr. nloGovenj had raised a crop of buckwheat, ainungvl wbioti Ibis poisonous vegetable grew to stu iut, and waa mowed and threshed with the wheat. Apprehanstone were entertained in regard lo lb safely ol using il. However after passing the grain several luces through a patent whnl Ian, and also thrwigh a ftlKtMU-wawwrwti" ebrsn.- or'lafncieiiily so lo venture lis hm ; therefore a grist w as sent lo mill ; im lbs te luin u( the flour, the family pittpared soiuwufit " for the table. Five or bix of the Vauuly at uf ii, and were in a short time a'aimed ly synq toms of poison ; aueh of the Inniily vaa had ow d finely of the bread were seised with dtlirlilui, or crazy As; suuh as bad eaten hut little of it were only .i cted with singular or uiicouiiuen feelings, liy the aid ol medicines, principal ly active emetics, the p. is. it i wu eo,va Oas or two of th cases-seeiued lo require all the aid that medicine could affoid. and then threatened tor a while ii in: fatal We have been thus par licular in relating ihe firrouivtancs, io put "per sonaun their gusnl against this vegetable, (Com moiily called g) lupson,) and to lemind tnemeuf the necessity, in cases uf the kind, o apply a t speedily as po-'Ula itiat kind of niedicm t hat will operate qmckesi in cleausi:ig or uuloadiug th alomacii ' , This Is the four ill or Jtlth iuatanott'olT poison by Jameiotii Vir JaauiaUiwn seed --WBtcn"'haB come to iiur knowlidge one of the cases having .proved fatal Tins was a lilile boy seven tif . eight years old, who bad chewed and swallowed a quantity ot the need sufllcieni Ui bsflW the aid of medici'it. It occurred in Belbiook, GreeMi eotti.ty, Ohio, abuui sixtween .years ago. Vrt$, ' " ' ' ' ' A Coroner's iinpieai was bald, on 'iuradnj af ternoon, on the body ol a person wooeJ Jawin Thompson, aged apparently ihuat tlouy live yens, he had ielt his lodginga ami wLkd olil -to the iieighborhoiid. of FairuioMnr,' li'.oe he was taken siek; aud, outng oberved Ly sumt ptusuus passing, ihey assisted in muuve imu to His Robert MorriM Hotel, wlieie a piiyiecnii una called, aod the gentlemanly e pin;ioi (... iseal every attention to be paid to hi in; t.- !,-.. vr continued lo gel worse, and eventually uiec ia much stjonv. Previous to bis death, he slaied , that he had purchased, the evening previous, at H a drug stors, what he supposed three cents worth of eraam of tartar, which be had taken io tha morning as medicine. Theiury waa not ealiufied as to the exact cause of his death, and would nut render a ver dict until n exaniinavion should be had by phy sicians; accordingly, uia. likens, llnoadvs, anil Penoock. wie called in. and aftei a post anor lam examination, pronounced that tha death of the above-named individual has been caused by tha effscta uf arsenic, and, from appearances, .' ha mtijt have swallowed near hall an ounce H Ihe verdict of the jury was, 'that his death waa caused by taking arsenic by mistake for cream i rf,.i-- lariar. . ' -r V. ',"" - 1 V. S. Gazette; it - - .;iL;Vi.'i .i.. i. i...... M W.I. t... t ..i..- . aill'OC Win IIBSWIICIO Its IMS Bill if IVUIGlla which tfniicii iiuiii i.ow iui, iui juiyuii uil 4 Thursdxy, is the veteran (Juuiuiudre ItoDOtiis, ol the Navy. .Yttl i2. Manufacture of licet Sugar in Franc$. The French Minister of Finances stale, tins lo be, for 1835. 668,030,762 lbs and lot 1830, 1,012,7 10,580 lbs .-The value ef i tb raw sugar from the harvest of 1835 waa j 30,310,340 ffancsiiid of 1836, 48,908 803 f. ...... T linro-iSl'J( Tnniiiir,ctorie at work, and 30 are being erected. The Express Mail of yeaterday after noon,1 from the South, brings luformaitou thai Commodore Dallas, commander of our naval squadron in the Gulf of Mexico, has thought jl his duty, 'pn examining into the circumstances of the capture of the Mexi can national brie Gen. Urrxa, by the U.S. ship fihrcsM.W'- xm' mediate release pi tiiecaptuieu vessel. JVal. Int From further returns which hare reach ed us from Florida of the election -lately - ! a-m I 4" .. . !a - t i.am lOf UclfEIIQ IO Wlinvrx iruilf UH4 k tT&ltrle that ' Col. Dow ning has been chosctt to exercise that important trust. tb. i i i . INFORMATION WANTED. ' A year or two' since an advertiament waa re-printril in the American papers, from the English newspapers, Inquiring whether Elizabeth Lee, daughter ot Benjamin and - -AvftJ'ee.r olwSetmtrwWrTtti ItiCT, ifiierwamu"" Ui place of her residence, it would be ol ad vantage to her. Any gentlemen of th press, or other person, who may recollect such enquiry, will very much oblige th fnf wqntred torygiwff ti-ai8 of ( lb Conner inform aliosC Our exchange papers will pleas ' notice ,tli above. . . " Phibtdtlphia Satm-day. Courier, : "4 4 r f1 X pk ' . -1 .-.' -r

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