sii K. t. VA. HIE ork lUtt nam I lirte.j P by n4 stall bscti-l Pilw luni" ' msi EH. 'A iy ml, , III c e 2;in ful I Le C nrnitiN off. ft, end wj t. Vud' will ivel 1 10 me 1 linn ES. 4& llii t 1 t- kl .1. S. con' .tiff '-I . r E TEll.MS. The VVtchmi m:ijr herpaTter ho-had itr lV Dollar and Fil'iv Cenisper vfar. J ()f KOUIl II HIV Suhscn!el8 who W ill , ;,, ..Ivanc Ibe. wIioIh hiiui ill une payment. ill ha'Vrt I11'"' ' 1 year ni i wi I Mil - 1 ...!.,.. a ,1... , ..I I I. I 'll, Bull as !"- ' aill' i, in- snail ' .1...,. l.illllf 111 mlUMIll! llir cm. advance. I ho Mill llf Dillars "1" wnnr leruii -ii:mi mni 'Hie, ,viie they will be ehargej as lll'l nlllllTI- Si'wcrilvrs who d 'Kit pay .ho birr the year ill Vr-har-jed three Hollar- in :il! .uses. "vni'i'iplll,n vv ill tie re.-pivcd fur less than "vMii,r ,VI" bill at the np- 1 1 ol ,t. Ivlilnr, u ri i-.-. in anearoes are paid up -i VII li'iler o tli 'vliior inOKt be pnsf I'liorwt-i'' iliey will eerluiiily nr t he U i.,',i 1,1. 1 . o . I . i . f f ,,,,OF iiitmriM-i. .-"iotii iirn n half Ci uh urr 7'""Y "'f iwrlfau, ami 31 tV,7 prr f tar ttwrtimi ''r''i V,i rv("r'Mi''ii'' K .!,,.. nSK I)oi.l.n. will be inserted lor luss l.l;'prlH nni will Se eontintiPil until orders. 'rpr.;-H to stop them, where no directions " I.. jr.. (irfviiiiisiy "ivrn. VI .viispiii oy lie year or six month will dp n 1 1" St i'"'-" i""r iiioiiin nir eacji sqna niPi me priviier " iT'iaiiiiijr mr urm ferv CMlllT. ::l ..r..i : . 1. - SAUSBURV. lW$wx per lb. 16 a I7eis. ; Brandy,. Ap p'..- (vr 4j a .ri) eis ; Cot loo gfitV i cts ; Cotton bajfiiiff per "N.; C'uJf'ie per ib. 16 n IS cts ; Casting, per i 4 :i i-is : Cotlui v im, troui No 6 to utitn-n y.irn. iroui rvo. to An -4L il 1 -r on l' ik. fi;.,.blti.7iVheat pr hush 11 i! 1 i Ms pr bushel .W ,:i Corff M iLissefi per gal. 75 ei ; Nail8 per lb 9 10 : Sirii of ver-tndiiig seizes upon the rom c:s; Beef per lb 0 a 0 cU ; It icon per lb 121 I nrmitv, andurchasea on credit follow in is , IJiiiter per lb 124 cis ; Lard ner lb 15 . " i" ' 1 "-' i" ij SS,I. p,-r Uujiiel l y, I iO.ts; Steel, Ameri. "I,s,e.-Tr Jh-!" ''J": ;io-r ,l Mills; Cast do pei Mi 2 a JO cts ; .Sug'if vi l' 121 a I5etn; Rit.u (.1 uuiiea) p gal: Ymkee do. SI ; ' V m' f -lein) pur lb 30 lilt' I M us; i iiiow p-r in. i t- c: -i i w-iinen pr yd. lti 3 idols ; Wine iTeuennVj i,r 1 . Vinurd Ho. $1 all i M 7 ct ; Claret do i-f gl. 1 3 a 1 75 dx ; M ila-ja. (sweet; n-r gal.jl , Whiskey per jal. 4j a 50 cia. CUE RAW. ' Beefinmarketierlba ei; Bacon per II eis; Mi, in 00 00 t : tee-Max'0' " ,,r points, oui all over prb -20 a li cu ; lia. r-t fart ; 18 a lb s; Hiln rope per lb a 42 II " i .ffe,- ,.r. i-i a ,0 cisj. iioii r 10.1 uis fj 5 t)i -r 1 vuni w, iti-iir-i ci, ni. a nis i m vagona pr .r $7 -i K , fu n amrea per i I0 a 13 jln.n iik IJKIlba-Vifii-iT I 00. 17. .m 1 U..I wil 1.1. , L' 1 1 pliTnwea per gil 4" .r' 1 ci-; Nailcul asMort- per lb 8 I 2 a 0 rtts; W.oht do. p.rlb iO Pork pei lb H9: Riee n,.r l(,o .,w Ai ! Wt;"tlgirprK- 12 Id I -2 a ets; Sail pr I ii & -3; S!.Liitr-buiM. 7 -nrerrtTuTr.iIiiukrup tries and mrri( .t- -fteiii blisu'rnr In IQ 16 t-u; "J'!lw-p-'r lb-1 t 21 cts; Tea Imin lb il I t a 1 371 cuj ,.n do. pr 1 I -Vols ; Tobacco nianu, J -lured per laid a l.j p,a FAYliTTKVILLE ' Brandy, peach 71 a S l),i. Apple. fifa "0 Qpor. pr lb M 10 a Oilii; t.' .ll.i i jr lu li a 8i i flprlbl.- a 1-11 ;.'!niir hid. fca a n axsiapr Bh $1 0' mid, eYailn rxpr'Ib4j Cornpr oasb l a V; Irn. prib 51 1 t; Mo -e pr gal 40 a 0.). ; u1h cut 71 a S ;ShIi idi V)s 75. S.ijar ' lt 71 all ; ToUeee, ' 2 a 3 ; Wheat pr Inwb 0 M; 0 Whisk.-1 Til- 52 35, Beevwsx 20 a (0 IK "PltRinnv ivn IN r; iisp ' mOM THE NATIovai, OAZETTE. rrrhG tub iiidm: on the RIGHT HORSE ; OR, J TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY.?' 'iTW " constitution! rnrreTirTrimif rs: f vir the United Stalfo, scnaible of the r'TV urhich lia- Hpmii hriiuvht i.nnn i!i wtitiy by the unwise measures of (Jener- rkson, and anxious in ave their patty hm the consequences of the re-action of Wi." opinion which must ineyitablv take "e. when the presumption f their Ica.l- m medil'ing . with things they could "niprelienj shall, be . full v exposed. 'f inrfKsanlly occupied in the endeavor itake it appear that the st orm which s v raging throTighout the laud rs solely ascribed to speculation and over tra i. In this sentiment it i1 to be regret- filial many respectable anJ .worthy eiti im of flie . opposite prtyi)oiieJwJm, "Qm taking the trouble o trace back the J ' ils original source, are disposed lo laiisfied with reere tteondaru causes, plo flitter their elfbve 'y contracting eir own extreme pru 'tnee with what JP' b'im the wild iiii iui et ce of otherjy there has been a great excess of ni-ee- H"on,,aii inordinate ilc r. e ofovr r-trndn g 'Wide unrein! svsli 01 of rredils. en. fly bt.y ond th.- hunts uf ordinary diM-re- 's not to be l.i;iuted. "Hut the 0 es irnirs,.. and Vm is Ihe whole rrth nf tl?'(.etL.o-MMev-tnbl su,-r a (-pre of ""S'.fiflye 'oarwHweH- )itri'n''ir'otT 'neu his hand at vri its " l-'inibl. i f- 1 In .i. ....'....-.1. .- . '.1 ' 1 . . iirmir iiic ,-u.ioiiiiiiiiii.ii correu-' i' 1 answer t'nt ir was impihsible that m 1 win noi iiiitieriaKt' to prove. . "u tirat, I will suppose, for the sak of ''ration, the- following ,,, case : The 'kcr Rothschild ajrives iii this rtiuiilry.. . 1 i'o'ntlin his arrival that he has 4.. , - - " ... - ' - . lne o settle here, and that ii is his inferi- m.1" dr-w bills upon Europe for forty of h4ar. fc,r th-runr owe of rend- the proceeds amongsA,ihe.gOTd peu - j - FihrlThiied States, tie proposes io I rhiladelphia - have five uaillions. New r ten million. ' fi... c ...n...i.J I ft w.l.wWI, U1C ll.lll.U.IO, I umhern States ten millions, ant! the rn country teo millions. .lU fiiidi' I the merchants and people of the United Sutcs hi the pursuit of a regular business. t'if harks in sale and with :ililiiy tn discount . jiaprr is offered j with an ahum!. on e of money , lend , the rent or on l.ui.led sc - euri - market at six per ; ty ai lne prr cent Nobody i : .. . - r . '. . . n reamy the ondmary opera- in whiii fii mi nnv i.. i.u -. I ' ipii an at oneo a erv is heard, I have t million, to end, who . I he novelty ol tl- .... , I want to Imrrow ?" sound In the people wio generally Ind to i rue after immpy, instead of hnviii money riinuiiitf lur them, could not fail , to , set the Sperulaiive family at worU to fittd ! out tiiiine mode of employ-inn money by win.-ii ii nre man fix per renlum could be wi iiie t.y it. it i soon ascertained that Jtllliosl eierv hmlv is will i'' Jioihsjchihl ijuikf hut wi ke hia loanii f.r an in with an undprsiin.TiTi that non-ililv he n.v n.. 1 1 . i I v j iii tuciu nr i aeveral t i-mii a in- i .. im"s , ""V n aee toe ' linnieoiaie eneel ol Ihene mn. An arm r i . . .......... f ; " "rnrm i, nnce raicen p - i muniriu n,iiiis wnrro ue loans are mace, with cj in hand, looking out for ofjrc to deal in, and bidding. a gain(eacli other. The notoriety of this fact ..Hlnnffl JilJuce;'poiv' pesea any' real elte,-ortneks, merhan dize, or .other property, whieh is sought after, to raise their prices. Sales are niHile. per lb (in ; the money, changes hands, but in the pos yd. 10 Jj eession of its new owdws it is probably mhi a capital seeking a Iresb investment . 4 -iilsw.vflASMWs na.nrew we tnrrrjcctetl.and C j . . Pl'Ha.,ds applied for. The prices of ev- migiuruu ami, as prices rise, a imiverNnl a u iv vreat extent Ii l,v ,m a very greai ezteni it is lv no means unreasonable to suppose ihita'loan of forty ! """r, might i.. u.0 course of 2 ye.irs create debts in the shape of Inoi'la, . mo'tgiL'eS, proinisorr noin bill of exchange, St.... m the extent of four bundled miHimis i,f l.t;rs beyond the n sualjirdinary ib t'in iiflthe r'.miinini(y. At length, Mr. li. diM-hild. all at once, and miile uiiex.tviPily to his delnor, calls f..r his money in lour annual instalment':, for .1 m . . u,e l,,,rl,",f l"nJm? it out again, not ? Hted Stttes. a- as many -poin.s a, ..there ure c.Minlies or townships. ;What tniiiK yon. reader, would he the tiled of this . . : - . ...,........ '....1.; . -c 1- muii.iui.uu,.,uiiHii. niniii ui i iiL'iai 1 nut. I lie. uvmaua lH2oiiey to ineel iiirius mr ine lorty miirious ul dollars due. lidlhs.-h.l.l wmil.l on..-.,ln .innn ll, I., .li . . . ' ' " " ""'""r-'l . iniliJotis..iid-up. bII -iHlrerr- 1 inng eomraris pen-lea. rfu-e. w,H,ti ty would lake place all over the ounrry, 'i short, we would fee prcciM-ly the Mate 0-flings whinh we have n,nv lif' our tilings w urn we nave now 11' our eyes, restiliiug from the b inlnig a n I col leciu ol I'oriy inillioi.a of ilie oublic mo-. ney. '''..'. j Butrit may he- nske(l. h.y coull :G Ti. 1 Jackoo'have prei ciiteil this sta'e uf ifiinsf 1 If forty tnilii'vis of dollars of public reven- j ne had :i 'iiiiuihitt d 111 ihe Treasury, - .) it -jut b. iff t;i:uit sliould have been ln.-iicil ' I out, iliu t!iat it shouli.' have bet o Im keil i j up I The Miifwer to lhee questions in a j ! very simple" one, and it is this : Hat the' deposit not tren rrmoreJ. there. couU lutce been no eurylus rcrt iue. It was ihe ! act ofseiidjlig part ol tli.e deiiositi 8 to 1 the western Slates, w'urb furnished ihe j means for the first adulations in 'publo? 1 . 1. 11 . 1 . . I I indis. 1 lie public money was lent to per- , 1 . . ' . 1 ' , , . sons to boy land with, and .he same iden- ucai money, oeing rciurneo 10 me ueposi.e I I. 1... .1... J .1 i . mii" oy- intmrr-rrrrr- m mr iai,;n inrp, 1 tvenf 7 uuiifim i't ilollars, will). ml .r . i iiv ol was loaned ot.t over and i- r aj-ain until available aecnriiies in band.or. MirauUu..Bi the annujut arifi-g IV n the i'es w as up- ' even had the am "i.o been a great as lifiy mil wards ofu tit fun,' mi'lioni , f l-llars in ' ai,ln 'ss-rted by u.e, what m- three venM. heir... ttr.n milfi-.H-of M.'a,; '-"" " fm "' bn ., .... , , !ian In .111 that fact? . jine whatever, Br more than the amount Jia.nbutal .among! ,,, unprovemenis i-f. irade, the London the Stale, aa u.ay be sccm particularly . U,. ,.r .lVl, lun isbed the Ameti.-an impiriiiig ileia'led in an article furnishei: by the pre- j m,-rciiiiuia wiili the means of purchasir g Ihitiah sent writer on the of March I isl. I m .r il icini.'s w nh cali, or ai a t,hnii le.lil, at But it may be firt'ier i-kcl, coul I not ! . - I the 320 old hank, which ha l been the growth of forty eight years, and whirh GencraJ Jackso.i toutid 111 operation when be eauie into ollice, in conjunction with the 357 new ones which were lr night iu t.i ex by Ins siven years' " humble f ff'jfK4o restore toe conir. vinn: l curren cy," have eflWded'ai'nilar facilities f r o-vei-truding and sp en' lion 7 T.'.e a swer to this qdestion t,firr, that of thoc 357 new bank", 186 were the offspring of his first hunilde cfloil." namely, his declara tion of war ngaint the Bank of lite' United Sta'cs ; nod, ttcotidly. that the remaining 171 were dircciU1 engendered, by his sec ond ".humble cffori," . w'.4t'e removal of the deposiies, a part of them 'being de signed in scramble (or a share of the pub- hr oionejvnnd a part o ila iu being biiiU ... -r T"hc following is the amount of moneys received for sale? nfthe oubhc land- n (be i.. - . . 1 .1 : .1. o. oiiiereni fun 1 .inca in rifones v, i.tb;!i the .year was made lo Congress : Ohio : Indiana Illinois Missouri Z . , -,H'V . I - 8O3t867 - 7 - 1.971.083 29 j 2.093,5-6 03 I . rn - vtu - ., Alabama Miaaissippi Louisiana ,,r.o ni liehigan - " Arkansas s'ri5TTTTr25' O.OJJ.i 1 1. .-. 1.131 358 43 Florida ', 62 151 79 755.400 03 WHI,IWII,lll $23,983, 192 18 n mammy, y . s vriUtiUY, juk i o; i say. Upon the loans of the Snrnhia nn. 'Mkl ... ,u"rtmre, as t new banka r con l mr rircim-tancpWWcerne.f, no facilitjM ertnFd 'l.ave bwn; nf oni S(l the e'Hl rel f .r'c.l l.y them, and for the -imple rau.n , m ilnrivntprapilalints that lhau would no U,,. 1 .2., ' ' ece; .fimiliSOT M?' , evidfiiire of near half century, with lb Tnt NAMEt lX A-ilhont- jingle reception or a period of war, toahow that wit!, all the temptation to expand their i .... . ,. . - J i . on uiiiiiii? rsit-ni, ,in wntm liilnKf isauea loan undnp pVint .. ,t,:k t...i.- are af all timea JiaMe, dfey did not do it up to the removal of the depocilc.. For this owever, they deserve no ored?! They wete not -ble to do i and foj the following very plain reason : . ; Where tbt currencv of. Pnnhi,. I. L.r," disturbed by the action of fio-ernmeiii, it in not possiblfl.ln times bf peace, lor bitks to ansrment ine.r issiiPs ir any irrwt.lpngtb of time, .so to fffeci a Uepreciaiion .any great extent. I '1 v..iiifc j 4 (i hjikj . qtMtCi-U ov .ilie Irankihirtinit a.m n r..: ' .. v. ,,, ....t-ijjh couniiiep, uccasiona the ii turn uoo the banks of their noma fur p v- -.ami i ii ii uiiiips inrm in pontracl the'r ta surs. The fweicn exchange ia ih A, ,.r . currenriy, ami will n certainly poipi out iiex ces or dencieney, When out interrupted. 'by di. iiirliing causes, as a fherrnou'eter duea th pre rfonerance of heat or culd. . h iaowimr i ih well known truth .f th.s axiom in political e J'iiiy. Mini in oNJinary. :t,wibe opwrawmsbf he bunks iittbrUmied Slates have been ; ear riednn without any ."Misasirm. (Tutiiaii.Kia, and tbey wnuld haveeoniinurii jn ll.e same career haitnbl THEMtaicAir Nf.ckbr derange! the whole macliinery of eoiiiineree, by fuicing the w heels to wurk lh wron? way. ff I baye not in the foiem! sriie'ea fully Prose4 M' measureH nf General teksrm to have (lecn the trne eanses uf the disasters unddj hlehiheconnHy is.LJpMlwJ''b?-r"-tfrisr'e'soine uf luose very prudent eiiicna i ho ieimiinc all who have (.v, rintded, as if tlu-y ere willn in pxoiiae, anderiake to disprove my piiIioiih, II iliey ciunot Wo ihiN, it would lie w.-iM'orlhPinil"thrvW, I fy ..quire v.hethM,iheyh,.nott!.eiiipesbpe.i -.n i ii n i ii pi iniiiu guilty of ihf) Dice of sueeiilalion. it not by fcilujr pmpeuv. stock . or loo'thy hiita ing on lor higher pnes, ihorrby aluiu ing tiiat i hey had ilieni-telves hfen delii'led, at u t-1 1 as tlieir ncijriilwir, by the falsi! np'nrane 9 of hai (je. eial .J.ti-ks.iii, in his fritvueil liixully, ealltid prnxperitii and Imppmits. And il iliey Ik. men ol leeling, I wmilo like 10 ask llirm it' lhy shoulil nee a fiieiid. not ttl.'-fc.d wiilias k.en a Night us llienist lves, wa'kui'i aim -.g Komi slieei ai mghl, ani f.ill ihronoh affile into a e. Ilif and break las neck, would iliey (..nnj.-mii huu loK IiIm U'nl ..f hltiirfi 1't.w ui..l lui iii.. ... ..j I 'had ,,,, .j,,. ? ,. 1 ,.ll0 aluye.ber .n ,.rr t.a.l.,,.. .,..) ev,:.a,vr ' . .e.-ulati .1, ilu- ,;iw rH b...i. ,w rrr 1 .1 ..... . .. , ,. . i 1 ' j " i-.ii.i'o-Miig. ii. iniiiaaii.111 is 10 8i,(i.i in .11 , m r- ing .- ,vr .rroate amount of H - " r-: ' " " o-ii" .ui j-i-i.!, F 1 'OiSeh es 10 l( j. rthm I ill lh IPO- aoire. ; ,.i i hu ... ...!.... i' i.i. ...... .. ed p..u i.y Hie p..'ss. y UmAis,..e i.i hu - iv i . v i r juii . j Mr.i.. ai 1 1 ui u-f is- a 111.-I1 lin- 1 Im iJ II O I1M It Mi l. li. .H. S I -v-r.r iK lucrcson, in .it,j.-r in iir.iw .,1 .,. i' i, l c ;i.. ii I'.i- Hup ,r-!.i ; and a- lne LiiM..: . I ; if ni in.iae Journals .ii,'e rsrci4l enre t.i ji-r ilieir readers fee m n- . (' i be. argument whieh go lu pi-.lViV ibe' rdltpMLs leiideiiey ,d in i .ir.;s, they ai'tnuth o. nip liipir Mront.u:s( sop ji'irl 1 1. hu tbt a(Ui'Ri.'iis nf ib.-ir pi-'n-.-uis. i'li'4 vvoibeWerl ri, ;y d iy in l. -culu'uua i. t'lij" i.lH ' p.. h-i ".-ii Walni'i.ii.n, n I.i' h U'in r.'i.i) uiiiiisji.os it ( la :ll par;s ..tit,.. I ml. d Si iii n l.n mi .ilu- i i ;i, r. Is cnn oj. d ui ik.' laiM' in.j.r in- .m llie pi bin; .iioid If. nil 111.11. rials Inriu.iied ny hk v?ry I'll-HU- .. t'.vi-n liii . hiim iI ,,f Ciimi.h rep, id lh- i-n n in ret ii ci.y i f . 1 (irk, lino uu auiliy ul ibe ..I iiivinjr ciu ti i'aue ul 1 lie . 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 e dial no iM:ier e.auae .Vmir. lor the dis- ir,. wi,.i, ,,, ,i.-r,a,l,uh.-.-,m ,1,. n..r Ihe e A In spirit ol spuenh. and ..v, r tr'iintr d Ii 'Uericiu rnercliniU an I lne h mjIis'i b.!ik.i attempting loo. 1 ak ihi Appear, n ih. .I..10 "a! "' ,ilh A',r''' 'b'' a,,""l,"1,l '"'"-'-'etio,, ha la-en coiuilllllpd ol efeaily rxaoiefaltnir bps- . f . ' ... , imnint id .ii'ciiiniii.Nl.llloiis e. tendril I.y Hil iHe , ,Hb i,,,,,,. him, I lean. I,...,, .,.., ..o a ihetnic sources, bus nut ixeeedul Ibe !...... ...r- -.-v. ""- Willi .ui ' " r'"'"c'"m ""' "Ui 7"' u.i I hi' ll.l i..l...ull...i .;ll. .... r..l.q..tL 1.... Iiua ...... mi I by ibi- operation .ilir 1 j ri lmm. have bpeme, , in Unlisb hank- rs insirad of iki'if'i in a nti f-.i.-l 11 ri-r.H. The cuinnii real d b of Ame nea in Ki gland has nuiiiherehy been aiioOipnli d, and if d. faleaiiiina in riMiiinaoei s have taken pl t.-e on ihe part of 'he Aiuejican uij rcli' nlfii-ieiit lo einbarrasR iIip Lundon banker, Ttiose di falcaiions have .resulted I'rum ihe d,s lerv which have l!ikn plarte ihi ibis sn.'e id the A 'Ih'IUC, oh ing lo ibe reinco l of tbo depepitPS and iho se-ie circ ilar, which havesiopp d re mittances hum tin; WtSlt ru counlry ; r. on the oiher siile nf ibe Ailaidi. owing lu iIip fall in ihe price ul 'coimn, conscqaenl upon ihe jnld bill and 'he ifnpnilali.'ii of ibe Frerch-iiub-meiiy So that, vn iv ihe niaileraK we may, the sntiree nf the evil is to be lound at home ; and like the poisoned ahirl uf ,N casus. M mi uln-k to Us an 1 Intra in spite cl a! I lhf efl""s ul lb. ( and Juuuiali f ouimiT e In hh'-ik" il i ff. Itui 1 iL.iiul iauiiiw bal i!" r yalory lo the hi'jh er eiiaiaeter ul the llti.,..uiK, lo-- bta- lamoa m.l"W-' Mi-K vtiton,'i--u4.lhe-"-'HlbVll rpptP'r- j iier, aiiimiyicii.g h's lewNiiinn in retimve he de. iiMie,. so feaiiesily declared, " Its r- i Ibe faliil conseaoflices act. There was no mher responsibility -which ,0 cou'il have assumed. unleasK were ibai iif indemnilying the cuuniry and individual lor the lens of million ol dollaia losses which ihey - tis - ii -1.1.1. .ri... I hi: bis nu-Hi-urs. w hich w ill hard h- nreic.iiie.i iv ins irienos. ami is iiieirime . .'' . f - . dispaiaging to htafame'an ehtvalio pre'ensions ! ..,.., l ,i,u iinl..rlunal- nipn whom he I to t'hruauforlh the unlor.iiuiai- mpn whom he . has ruined, lo sand betwe-n bun and tne i un IlO, and thus fiuleavor msmeiu nun uuiu o.n J.-..ll..n .. u Kid l-ltlllira-kl havM so richlf tt . . . I... i- ..... . . 1 1 . - r . u .... Uiim'ii'U ,ip n iiivu ,i . ... .. - . j en tilled him. AN EXAMINER. .. i t... "I" usioony una m . . "" , w. - iiuroifie, bv order ol tne . It : : " num: r. ueei ..a, ..- .u s nra,mstances unlawlul thjiajaove looo, so ii ,L Mrun shouiit si4wiHajrr,m s. ,T fl,.,.. ... L,v , ..s w.:t,.i-'"vm .. .I ... 1 li .tu.. ! " ' " ' - iii coiiBf-qnence oi me u oiuo seoip ! mel" ""m 'T" ' .. . ::i i - flowed by m. sinister, perversion or hIn riintlire(I ,,, xrMicali bri, f Zll Z7, :::. :ill, bear h.' of all LKUV'r' "'!. a ""M'. ,n - General line, on the 17th of April ' .05., ,4;o il lumamiiees which should follow the I accomplish which desirable and juat re- A f(bcr(tlcj u,0 evenin :F PENNSYLVANIA. Proclamation from Governor Miner, r PEXjySft VAVL1. iii of 'ommonwMlin or FuRnsylvania BY JOSEPH KITNF.R povtrnor of Hie mU Commonwealth X VlltW.V.K i I'riiiV . , I ,h? pn',r'' "ns,on of the f pnymcnt of gold and silver, for their jioies, 1 "a" 'f the Country. ra-senta a cri- ''8 "! Puniary alTairt, hieh demands : 1"' nio8 serious consideration r i And," as where", it Iihs been represented to m by A i ''! citizens, that the LegmUnr should T& 'yBuonlir'wInlr pl'4iauJdAgXyifc,-,'g facilities Id promote and accoin public mind, and to.obtain relief nnderlhe , inTidateTnTeinaftrffire rinrT.uieMria !is- suddeo tmuarraBsmeot Ibatlias fallin upon .Therefore, I have thought it right to ig suo lb is proclamation, for thr put pose of declaring ainnnir mher lliinnn. noon matura deliberation, I. have come tnh Huston that tt i, inexpedient for present, to conv.-ko the Legislature : , Becauwtbe evda under which ihe irood Jl T, l.J.b .V : . - - - - not been produced by .be ,clon or the On - vemmtn. of tins State, but mainly b, the ol tne uenrril uovernment Willi the cur : . - ii - p - - - ,flnf M .n I ..i 111 ..Tin it'tVfl-fr 11 1 if in. ,C K.. a.. ry, and therefore, the constituted author,- ties of rennsyivanta cannot now, by any 7 7 adive meanres arrest, or materially mm- mle Ihe midnitune relief from winch muU ' r. ;.i. u ;.. i i fiiic infill tiin ndina nuuiLD hiiii inn iiiiii J ' ' P.ecntise all the measures which have been propost J to be adopted by the Slate ' I-, git.1 tiure, to meet the etm rgoocy, v.tnTIiT, in uy opinion, rather uiciease than iliiniu- ih the real diihculiics of our condition. Jli''!ior!ftj lo 'he Banks to issue notn of JrU'nii iaalL'ii less than fire ilolltiri. would I.".- the ii Jlii'.iiott ol a great permanent evil; ' lsiaii.M..l.- a iem,,.,Mr,,enioarrassment. and ! w oo!,! ouh b. toe substitution ol Ihe lower dcu iiuaiun of , cireultu.. nonbum f..r 1 ll..' Iiijli' r di'.iooiin .it ions of tlii satne.w ith (nti withdrawing 'any of live latter hum cir- 1 rlli'ilK n. or i ivinil I 1 the one nnv lriiunr . r . . o ' 1 i t.'iii !! on puliUc efoiBjE:fCe-thliriiie other. i.:ii k.iKit( t n it!(ut nil 1 rising the amount "' 'li' ?l',..''"l "r-J'f-fP'"y J' i'c- ntedf-anfJ ttrj" tw"""""1 uepreciaiin Ihe actual iiIir' 1 1 tUu exislmreresMitative currcn- I I he )$ .o;.- , it I w to sate !he. forjeil ure " Iht rlmrl, r.if lu u Inch tho Hanks wi.l i.eome su'ject. hveoutiuiiiui! to refuse stn cm for llo'ir imlc-. would only itiereaso m'ft reiirlrrnne list in I'.e nils"hnf. The ifistanf ti ."jfr vio'.M in ;If probability be a va.-i and riiMious inen iisu o tho hank note circulidiou a rorreapondent diiniimtion of its real vil:ie a il.ingeroo. ficilily f ob t n 1 n 1 n tf bank loans a. aiidili n use in Ihe nominal vlo of aH kinds ol ;,iOerly n further increase of (he mud spirit Jof specu lation and finally, the inenrring of a real amount of debt, which must afterwards be pud in hnid money, dolhoior dollar, lo tho ruin of thoiuMnds. The passage of a lair for the slay oj ex erulion til !hr rase of itlt.'. l s apgra aiiiij ilu evils just named, would HCi'ii.-luin or titizi ns lo a .h regard for the ohliaa- uorm of la and for punctuality in their irfealmgs, and " wontdf0fgt ra TiiTm iTT.TfiTji" uilli ll.i. d..nrl.' nm nf iii.f iilf.ln..d u ii..l ly inconsistent with the charaorr of lYnn- ; svlvania citizens.- j ' Fur th.e rontons, I deem it inexpedient for the' present to convene the Wmla- tlirc . I The main object, then, of this pro lama tion. is to address the patriotism, tho good sense and the interest of tlm citizens who t direct the dilleicnt Minks of the Common wealth. Iii their bunds ire placed, by liiis ' t,ir.iuj.u .in.. -P.I.J.... .. . .. ...... ..r... , . - ", xtent (he present rontiol of our proapen i 7' .1 II I ' . a DUMKiliHwiri, .... j lorienor1. (T 1 1'liiiiiuuiiiui aii i.iv iiiHiirisin iliosc insiitutjonii, will depend upon tho es limite which public opinion, for the next six tnonths, will form of the use which shall be marie of the power that cirrum- slanres have thus given. Il a rei kless p.ii- suil or profit and a disregard nf iho wtlfaro of society, should lead to a sudden and in jurious increase of bank issue, 'tlin next meeting of ho re presentatives of un injur ed community will undoubleillv visit iho full penalty of tho law on the faithless a- -xian armed sihooner lod i:petidciicj-Uav-ge,,ts. f on the .-tlar (landman honest jg on lJolir( Mr WhaTon, late Ambassa and paliuxUc appLicatioa iO- the power now -dur rtotn tJ the. Umted Stair a. The pf!S5! i, 1ie ornl,g of the l emb d evils, and sh .11 at the cailieM pos- --,. Al,ril -uJ ia rai.tain and mate was sible period, restore ihe currency to Us re- t suit, no exertion will be spaied by iho Ex et'utive at tbo time. - " in the meantime, I shall t-Lo care-thrmigliTeaae of Ihn Ann Eliza waa in consequence tho.;iuthori.ty vested in the Auditor Ueneral, ; of in m-ti, in,, iiiiuiic ot iuo uciimwumv-Hweii - I II.. ,..LI I I :. . 8,aj meet.informed of the am )unt of msies, j r . li . ..!..'. in(i 0f tne 0,tfcr transactions ofthe Hunks. i -ilu bib ill-., iiiiiii-i in iiiiiiiin . aaa ... Bank hnuld. afier the susoonsi.n suspension - - j , . aoeeie p11 payuients, increase ils amount of notes in circulation, it will be most tin portaot that the people's representatives, - . ....... . . : , v6l. viyo who il have before thorn the question of .. .. ..i,ing w connnningtlieUharters.iIould be (ware of the fct. - And, finally, it i the object o?the Proc. lamation, tolemnly to cull upon every citi zen, in the name nf his own and the puh lir good, to siit.iin the honor and credit of the State and of J,pr institutions aTthe pre, sent rriH Let prudence and firnness bo exerted by each on hi wn sphere nd there ia no danger. The'tfanha are believed lo be alundantli4liletoineet all thi irjliabil ities. The only danger is to lp found in riishnesa and excitement. It in evident that the present difficulty ilocg im arise from i.y great inherent jlcfeel in our currency, but Irom an error in its uianagi inent. I'h N iIioiihI Uovernmi bt, Willi hii unpiralleled snrpli.s ol ineaiiN, cannot p;ij na dubts in the legal eum ncy of the country Our own Siate wild unfad'in? resources and in appointndin fier reasonable expectations of an increase m tlm ii.coine of her public worKS over lliul ot Mat year. Our ranneia. 1 mechanics, inanufn Hirers, and merchants, in Ihe full tide of nrofilalile indu.4irv and ' . ' bo., -lift, t....i ...ii -..i .....i" " ......., in i . " "rtWU" "" """"" Pwwnw ' ' ' , aw""Cy " "njr m"''' - eign cal y which , d i usnawv- nroiinces amh resu is. It moui . ! .,,,., WOf jn ,e ,, r th. rurrn ,,,,, , J L .... . j-.?:.. r- - . riTOniy - iiT anu'traiieiiHi oionoi ril ; Ins oro- . 1 I , Wl w fM(d (hi - ,.,. I ..,,,.., ,t ' psifioiisin of Am. Mean rnizens will soon a.,xi,. ,, ... ,. . .... ... i . . . : "i ..w rnrieven rt mj : . a .1.. . . , i'" uotnint is in the power id rnn I SVU'limu tint sleailv l?.Wlln..hi ftnrl.i.r ll.A nuig"iicy.- ' occasion w ill not be without ils jood f "".;cli4, aoiong which will be the opportune IV prcsenled lo the next L- gisl iture to im pose un our bunking sy-lem such guards it" v . ft-ti iiion, iia present experience will point out for the benefit of Ihe fu l'4',,:' i . .... lV, m, nfl,,mr' ' ! kf f. on ,"'"Ut "Pl'ssmg their debtors. " 8' tkin ",ul"e '""U Ut " ",9' l", in i.-.iniu 1 111:11 iioo's in c.ircuiaiiun; ami Ii4 a teneral and geuerohs conhdenee in thu solvency of the Hanks hochciiahcd by the citizena, and H will 1 Given under my hand and the OreBt Seal of Ihe Stale, at liamsburg.thetweiiticth dav oi 51 4) r- bear ;if :.0tir..I-oSe- thousand eight hundred and tliirtv-seven, and of the Commonwealth, the aixty firt. Uj the Governor: THOMAS 11- BURROWS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. - There was a rumor in Baltimore,, on SiiudiH.of hcias" having been received 111 this city of the Reel a ni ion ol War by Mex ico ag iinsl ihe United States. Tiie news of course iiol'lruis 01 our readers niihl have been poisesaed of it as soon as any body Is'- Il is not only not true, hut we hope there is no reason lo apprehend any act of u h"soveM in folly ui Ihe part iif iho au thor idea of Mexico Popular feeling in Meaii-n is. we have leuson lo lliink hluhly ir.fl.tined atf oust Ibe United Stales; but the new I'residciil of this Kcpuhlic. a man o( inti Ihgcnre and experience, will aurely acl more wisely (ban blindly lo follow os im pulse. M exicu, we believe, is apprehensive of wnrhunii made bv I hn (Jnii.-d SIhIpd. --nd-4i-huwtrTt -bv those " precatilloniiry measnn a. w hu h oui readers have been from ,,v',,,,l ,,r n "nnie-si..,, ,s' 110 '""-,' of bei,knmr a "T' W' U"A 8' " n" P"r" be ur' ''. l" M" u ",?'" '"'' d mercenary or jin'iscre. 1 noli v'hIu .Is ol ner ow 11 country, linn the I ciilw ol tin ('lilted Slates Will sillier Ibis Govei lion lit to b involved in a war to gr i-y h feeling, 1 ompoiindi d of personnl interest arid polit ical antipathy, whit h i xisla in great force at New ()i h uns, ami which to indue uf the limn ol ihe rn -wpapera, m not confined, in . knot of aperuliitora. but pervades the mass ,)f lil0 pt,UUM0 0f iJ,. rjy Aat. Intelligencer. FROM MEXICO The hark Ann Eiiz i, Captain Riscoc, ar rived at New Yoik, fio.n V;ra Cruz, hav ing Icfi that port on tho 2.1 inst The Mox icau sntiailroii was then at Vera Ciuz, con sisting of the brig Iturbide. of 14 guns. l.ilietiailor, 14 gtii.s, and Vincidor 13 euns. Thev hnrl hr.Miirlif in 11 nri9s lh k yd tUiLAlexican brig of war ptol Commandant Hist "m slid tobe Natch- war Tho g of the Jat of-May. Letters from Vera -Cruz .say that the re orders from the General Government. 1M - I i. - L rf f . iw rcimn hi ine ucnerai urrea. uv Comtiiodore, w Hd nU.. yet known r ti...- , w ii r iVal. Intelligencer. The Devil tempts every insn; but an idle r.ian tempta thu Devil. f'i l. P"W -ftSlrT rxU. M niacin ner, ofZ' SLSTJ 47. - whole mi 255. jTlie New Yrk ?tar aometlmoa oflert mott valuable hints to tba inliabilants of our cities upon di nnestio life, ...The folhiwinjr ia, true plo. puieol many laimliealo New York it Philadel phia. 4. v 4 ,. ..X'- RKTRKNHMEVT. ' A DOMESTIC itCKSK t ' W!fT .n'ck ' hiul ia'n Nhatterly to bis roe-.d Abe! Druggwt. while a anding io front of lh Anor flo.nB'Vl.y I)i,k. eurae ineifyonr eoat atpl aeoorcl,' pxoniiiini the article closely WHb his eyeglass. Ve.,' MJ(4 Ahe( .jt u J i having naaily anuicd my book and pa peia al 1 he eouiiii'ng houw, and compromised wnh my cre.diior, I deiermii.edio bold a cow- ' in n ion over my tvardrohe and other domestic niafli-ray a id Inriied o-il Ihree irnnka, Ihe cap 4 aJ ol be'ier and more extravigafil' 'diya, and ovprhaaled ihe Invoice, which proved to be quite H.,fltahle, I auMirpyen here, it is I roe, a Coat wanted a end -1 here, a pany required a boltoe, and what wnh dmtting, brushing, acouringnifnd- ing. darning;, and s.Klrih, I find myself provided f"r holtwelyJe.tiiwttih,. and- more, ' wb'ep ' 1 " hnpe r.Tre5u ne spei-ie pay uumia.' Well then, win ueaii nnaiieriy. 'yim have commenced on ' 1 iif ruiiirin att,.. v In beurw I livt cursed old Jackxon until -I iir..i.k..uj "rn heartily pmypd that mmdp patriot woajd ? 'v"ch Kendall, Ulair aad lienion i and when 'red of suffering, cu-inif. raminir. ravinir. &C... I I '.. -. - . ..winniiiai -ru rnnarp atl nmnrnit mMTIDOr DIV- -.11 i. ...... . . . . .mtL . " .f w " ' 'T.r. '""a-""'. nen. lue M'TI" hav 0 w,,u dmdnUhe.1 eargu and a weather -I b.?,en ship, i, i, .,,. hu witn, th. nd. - i"t 10 pay all, .;'bin, ton will aa waa-ia wis,! deteruiiuuilon and we almulJ all act uJo - !Vl,....:...,:.,v..,,,,,..v-,..'- Ti. ; inr.... ...i ... uT:..ii n'liciiuriii, x jn ran n, 1 ait I. . .. ti 1 l ... . 1 .. ..u..ij i,u vinvni, uiu i iw riniiiniii;pi;ij inc mvenieni to oa gentlemen. The dpul;0f aay wilii cut tun . and riim puneheunn,' aW ail .eh guu-M, at haaiij, whicli c.inip.1 us to wear . a KiMuraii "ml, m 1 lunch our hai n ibrt jirti va una id tlied ty." Why A lad. now bink d it, . ' wb.-n I diind with yon lasi uu,ay.Phy Walts. the chambermaid, waiird up u us, ami ynu gava - . iiHclarlat per d l-n, uilead uf Gil Davi' siiierh Napnal t ha-ipnigne. Why BwrrlUis f ! ia f irly caning nfT all nupplies.' i i J Aha, ymi found thaimtt did you f ' Yes. It la all imp f I drammed up in, troops and called an insjieciimi of abp li-pa on- flu sunny ninin- " ' iiurlasi w.ek I'ullv fSmaltf; v. mvk I talk' ' cook, what wage ibi y,,n receive f 'Ktvl't Jul- 'i lars a moulli. and ibr.e lor Filly, Bcolliul:,,i You imiai take ms, Polly, aay a I, amMismiss the frmllinns 'loan'l, r.o how svinever, nks less Then- ymir imrvicea ai aw-bwiger-te-'r- -quired.' 'Miiiuny, huw much do you recuve aa Chambermaid ?''Ste dullarav' 'Yh meat -cmne lwi to five,' - ahan'i d no such thing, , ' ' air, unless you will find me a silk dress, a cap;; - ."" imda-Tnsoan bonnet J 'Can't duU. iMimiiiy." 5" soyunmust gn . 'Dick.luwe yu a mmilb's 'f wajrea aa caachmani hers it la. and recuninea- 1 1 daium lo hnneaty and wpafiity - JiVV'bVv yoff gfve uu ids eanh , 'Yes, I keep an om uibuaanw 'Bob, the waiter, you are a jnnd fellow, but as you have managed my markviiiig fr six years, and maJa all my purchase. I lake it for granted that you have bid up, 8 Miug it tie sum ; you are what I call eniufor table.' Pwl-' iy well, air, to d.i in ihe w.rld. Polly Kmallfry and I talks uf eotiing up a Welch rabbit buaae. in Thames slrne nel Alay. 'J'huf 1 weui . lbiou4b; my h-mvehol.f tfop and sunn plac d the whole concern on tliw peaca eMiiib'ishiiieiil. wife and I mount ed to the garret, and under .the e uvea of (ha hoiite we loiiiul Sun huill. uf Madeira wine, thirty yenisuM besides uiip pi pa ihalbad been twice to l.-.dia ; 5 quarter cask of pale atiprry ) '2 "I old Port, and jrtcise, i.f Lvnch'a Chateau Morgeatix,' which lay ainig iq (h euunter eellar. Vrt'erstys T. this istiMi much id a fine artinla io kepp in ilira (imeg, so we'll send foi Duncan IMI to tasle to arranwe io set on. and knock down and it was done. Pnraniiur our . rpli for superfluiiies, we onwumtered lots of sdver A forks, silver turevna, silver wallers, silver pla-- ipaus, silver pilchPis, maanifioenl China dinner- , seta, exuuiKite cut class, siijiiiiij paintings, b, ' A U aphai l, lluts-ns. Tintorcitn. Sic ae. &c. ; pier '?. and oianttl "laases, al ims( as large and aa Jon? -V ' j.t a Church di-JU-., Olary rya I, iy-the--wtfir,,''T; rI can ynu part wiih theie Ihinea without B sigh ? , . ' Willingly, tbeerfnllv. said sbr, wirb a amile,a J ' kind hsik , and a sque- z of the hand. -" ' II ov patheiie,' said Iniicrly, 'why really, fne'id Abid. I most lake a lesson or two from, ' y. ii when I ful. fcpill in...' ' r T , "W. lake tour eyea nlT the ladies, will f 00," ' and liuK vt I bin iii-inirandiiin of the a'irn total ' . ' " I IhciIhips rais.-d bv llloe muveahlea: ' . Caruaire and Pair, 1.200 " 1-0, i llnjgy. Sleigh, Pi.npy, Coach lXgt, ' Wima, Plate, China and Glais, Painlinos, . Lisikinjf,ti lasses. Tidal, 9,990 'Horn's raising the w ind fur vnn, and wi houl inisHtng it, my flnp fid In ; and do you wish In know what 1 have dune with this money t bought a snug farm of sixty acres, neat bona', good gardhn, uuihouaHa, -to not many miles from the eily sen bid n on my wife and young oiips, and shall plant my own corn and potatoes raise, my bwn piga and poultry milk my enwa ehnrn my better bakV my bread, and lay my own eggs and wban Iho aiorm la over I snail, I hope, b found -gain lu my founda-toouu-lffly in gmdBTrtTit7ar 'ifiuri,c"red- " iis, and sure pr.Hu So Shaiterly, my boy, bold up ymir finffer to that omnibus, driver, and hiinlakii me home to early lea.' A . -NOBLE' ACT. ,. tcTT Prior to the recent Presidential election a bet ot one thousand dollars a as made by John A. Bryan, F.d. and Cm lardmer,"n..w di ceas ed, upon lb result of the elecH'in. The money waa won hyitrUiyan,-ani ine-ptymrmt-erTtiB sum, fully secured by a chpek endorsed by one of the tvealihieat ciliseas of Columbus). A fevr days alter the death. ' f Col G.irdt.ier.'.Mr. Ury- . an addressed. ft puble sola to tlni w'.niw .if . the- (boiMse.l enclosing a brief Im.sIiim of lb transac tion, and begjru.gher lo aii'-pi Hjo sure, It was acceptable, we iiave bnen informed; and tha thinks of the bereaved kmily, leii.iercd to Vr. Bryan. Thi may well be called a noble act., r - Doyfoii IJcratJ. 100 60 70 " V; 40 "S.200. 1,500 500 , 1.400 boo 2 .jLiJ 4 r i. r 1 l I l , 'I' I t V V I 1 A', t. :1 ,' h;-rw,. h: vf. a-..: f -y-e-l1'- T -Jj:.,.. . ?. ."-n .',-..X -.. ',-. .- . ' i. . .'..'- -. ' . : ". b i.F:7,,r- -v-n -f .-'-77 k- -- -v - '"'.- :-..-.. t-?' , ,: - I, ' -- . ' .1;' """"'.J-n il.M--

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