II .ill e C. bvr.l run i. . tMNUt h ri ant a b. il all to be Hill n ay nvbout ES. tYII. etwees all near 1, a fcw : touait r vmrn, JTT. ;thV at ale J. frckl)ii M haftK lav 4 Mitct- : acouuau.1 5'. ' llcin. C ta tkiniif rY ES. 1 haiid,no )ES, well lie lolerwr, tnriefnii t Citj k- I, and finiskj qiANK. ua29 ate of Hen ed to rnk ,tms againsl nt inem il 1 k Law.oJ rirrwwl S. Adm'r. tb. :nd -JiW Mideauw'' .llthost1 irieeov' IS. A''- 1 ..eomnie?! by iMAmiros C. JOMKS. IJltl UV, V. Of SATURDAY JUNE 24. 1837. VOLl V-XD, 4a-WIIOLI2 WO. 257. From . Saturday Courier. NifoLios Madame db Pcmon It it not generally knon to ihe wi.rld that beforo that asiotiiKhing- Conqm rur, at whose .'1 'HUMP.1 thuRViTriii .n-y hercatter be had er tff,i l"M.r sllbscri!ers who will Ol t" 1 .t nna nuvmpnl ' fiHIflt. ' ill after lllr. Mlm tt nrl.rf irnuu n-l. ml P,v . v (,;M).-r fur on year at Two Do..- whhI ami won th factual, sj J.ejttine, he "'" 1,1 i . . o.. ...n nine cliali I Ilia Jl h II "lllFl f of nimrimiri 111 ltii ulu tlaa miis"1 ..,., 9,ivui,'n ihe snir of i I'kf Josetihiiie.a widow, ami who' (nuilv. bv 1 1... i!ii. terms shall continue, Iheir eoin.ecii.i.i if h nun of hi generals. Jn-mi, F.iijh'l ' '. ii i... M..Irrii a , it hr tiihscrl- ! became c If va led auiurnrBl I lie liiiniiiarifH itl itiM IhTS. S wit 1,-rswtij do not. pay dining tSe year , three Dollars vn all cases. vill ii received lor leas man ri,iu.rt ti i - r 'V. ' i'... ft litur, unless ill :irri'..jca arc paid up. v ? i ji;.ir's in 'Ii .1. I! I'' "" ' ' . ! c.'.i.. . I,,!' I- J: in i1 n'tiirf f (it me ,.-,,....,....., I Kinper.ii'" court. ar I Th laily wbh Mainm de Peruiun. ini.tln rof ihe L)uchen l'AIranu, and widow M d Fr iimii, a ii m Iftii m who acc.;inuiiii-il, in an uffi rial ripr'i'iiy , ilit forces Kfiii by France lit ihf Utotfii i iii's, diirmy h- war of ih Kvoliuiua. M.e as roimul. rat l Ider ihan Bonaparif. In ikej hIk lull li en n unit- Willi Laclilia Kitmu Il UH'tl;' t, HhJhEesyMHf-ilWftinffrir i))riirt'trTn''r"sl'f "a" " ,lr' " ''"f"g n unhand a abs-nH ni iMisenri ; .i i :.i i.iiiiuw 06 ferinon tiaud in r latf ih i( hI.h i. I ,'ii-n laki-o the infant liri on di'i'Vintinnpil lul at tlie op- !'! i limsl he iotl iritr.'i will iuintiiui afltrwardt be inserted for lts tnwillHn i-oiiiiiiup.d 'trrtil ordi rs Mt, ONE "uLI.-l" A l.-.rl . i - . j: .. ..- ,r,.f(!. iv,-(l 'i Hlop iricin. vvin'ro ' tit-.iri' ir(. pn'Virusi . ,..,, V!r.;iiiie.il'iii. v iif xar wmi laijll" llil' If HI ' !'! ' " ' -)T liKl',pr iii. privilA' I.'' 11 iiio'iif.' ihe fonn eerv SALISBURY .... Bueanax p-Alii. hi Ii (!-; Brandy, Arte ftV'M-r ja' I" r 1,1 (,n ' i Cu.iM U.iai'.r P- r y.d. It-25J ,s .' per In. I t H ; CJ ihiin per ., 'l 1 ' . G-it'it y 'r:i. ir ot No in No fir.-K.o ii pr ul 9U 7; iVh-ai pr huRi.l l-ii I .its pr husl.el in . u; Cru pr UohIi 05 eU; IruitVf " a ,'"a'' 'r 8a ,0'"' ' M..l... - p-r jjiil. 75 tti ; -Vt.U pej lb a in 11. ih .. I ... . n.. v In l.tl HS: !' I pi'l HI" n ".!, 1' U.iitcr ii-r , Ii) tiJ ew ; t ard , I (i'i fi'Nicr. ppr in. i" I rl- , 1 -I 1m i .i I !i a l-i ; in ; .1 r,i! ,i.r I! I'.ii J JiJ iU.j rr 1 r .ti r Pi IS ill i; siif', Ano n , Koo'ili 'I" pr lb pei ir. 1 1 i 4" ! ; Suj'ir ; ; U i 'i 'io iM-:t pi r 3.1I; I -f V . .! ( -I.- i'i) ih r lb i l'l Jit . Tow-linen pr . V -r-till'-) iwr u'.l 1 SU.- h 50 11 Si el ; t:inr t di) T -.I. St r 21!. l T 1 "it j "f, Milija. (sweei ; Wiii'i. v per !-al 4" a 50 . la. CI I KIM W. Reel tit nmUvt pr iU 1 et ; U.teon per V.J a II ( is: lJiim-'i fi.M' !ii ; U'-iswav -f) i' a 2-2 TU "Bafu'!'n7 per yard 13 1. Halt r.ptr perl!):. Ii U ; t. . pr- 12) a Ili C;Coiou rr I0r Pi ?j 8 l-l'f (H- Com pr oiisl't I mi KM 1 is , i I- r m .viooii f Ui l f7 IMK, frmn stores ler (i .Hilra.. per 100 llw A3 04 a O; iiuwti.i per jai l. au a vi iiuisshi wwm- per iu 8 I a a 9 cis ; Wnmahl A. er lb. 20 Pork pet lb 1 Umv pr iuu ! a 4 iOO; Sujar per lb. k! 10 I i ci. ; Salt pr k J,1 25; Null per bmbei a71 fl el ;M eel .1- iFiein nlmlfr pr Id 1(1 16 !; I hIIuw r In P" IIS c'S luipertHl, pertti tl ir a I 34 lie; lysjit lo pr liil a I el. ; lttrtrrt mant imod per mI0 1 la eta. fayrttevhje" Rrandy. pea--l. 7 i a SO. Do. .prdf. CO a JO iHifBiS TO '; l-trttton pr ID i an na r Hi l-i a U4 ; KI.Mir hid. fa 1 6 l-.ei pr o!l 1 IMP a "U", ri'itint-rs j" l1Ji M'or . prmwl I 1 MVI; Iroi. prlb j a ti. aio .-rtpr oal H7 40 a IK); :allvcul Man nit Wn 75; tiJ:r jr lb 74 all ; T'1""''"! kf I 1 i ; Wo.' it pr bush 0 00; 0 V luskey "rut-52.i5, !?. '- v ix -20 a 00 Ur bp, (1 11 1 11. jj Ii iiif.x.cy. Nlole(iii whs on 11 rms i.f ihe utmost intimacy with iIih IVriiaoii laimly, alurih.-y and ihe B i nnparle fatniiv Imd each made Va ris 1 heir real ilince ; and 11 was not long after tlifl occur renew of ihe Y'eiiPe'ii. iaire,. a hu-b produced wr rtrnnj an eflfecl umhi M d Pem.nri, ihaf he died on iheu JTUi. jlial . jVanuiai; tffefedh(8 hand iu Ihe Wdow v The circtimMaiire ia told, with much apirii, iiy the Due h his d A'lranics. in the ery inieren irp'rnetniHrs' lately given by that talented lady l ihe wurhV ' One itiiifiribgVrie waiie.l urwin the lady, a was It irjjifrj, j:ualorijiMi -eKprewed" f tfesirei birh h had before intiuiati-d o rnarry M 1 dune 4laugbti Lauretie, afterwards the wile ul General Jan'rtt, to hia brother Jeromn. He aUT aKkei assistance from Madame de Pennon, to tiring a 'out a onion between her aon, Albert, und 1i! sisier Pauline. Mai.ame de Permon Mitiheii at hia plans, and Tery naiurally dialed ;is an itliatacie, thai Jerome huh much younger Ibin Laurette. Biinaimrie reuiuiislralid, Tl;e lady laugiied at htm, and told hi 111 that be liad i turned pneai.and wish tu marry all his aequaint aure, i-ntldren and all. 'I '-iMifeas,' said he, '(hat this morning, aa I ii5 nam,- a marwg-wtd'-blew--opiit" toe ; ami to j'rovf it, my dear Madauie, I have deci de l up ill !( gn'mg lhal ihe onion of our twofam ih iuy lie chiih ninl, tiy a mainage between y lib aitil 1, 1114 ioon it can be areonipliHi.nl. with die Tevpect fUp2S--,,m-'-jovt iti Wrea'bent.' Vhi)ejayingUi.i, he-neized her hand, and killed ji jn-ihe iwtsi vtofent-mannrr. Thf- laiiy dr hi' k, aMonihed bryutid douikIh, and fiiiiliy uuritt t:hra firxif ihe uiosi fneoni roll able laiin let. Iiri'i-ivintr, however, that 11 a prudoc iivi- ol yreru iiht ifi aiiou til Bonapmle.sbe fjii.rk ly: asiiUied luin thai -the ridiculous part (ii ihe -ee.ie w Ii' r-, 1 fm t she rould nut but la nj It ai iht pattahe l.er.-e'i played. ly dtiac N ipolern,' (-aid fihe 'let n ta?k riouidy. You 1 1: it. It yi u kimw my age , bm yon d not. I wi;l poi iiienliuii it,' she -"o;ni ued, because I have a tilllu weakness no ihal scorn i will only telly m thiil I could iml u' ly ba your mother, boi JoMjili'jojirtlder bio ther.' , Bonaparte urged ilat he car d n .i lor the dw parity uf age ; but the riMre he d. ".. noire Madame laughed ; and whc. 'o- M i, i-,ne of In r, he bellied hereto; '.liiiili. l.tv- mailer toef. r The next day they met together in company, aid Mmiarue de IVrmon asked liim about some Ihihm.ikh ul iiiiporinnre lu her, winch he had pro jgpjejl J u Jsct MiMidln. kad egfee,T'd ri iSTM n T uter aoiiu. I lie lady'.4 palieuce was exhausted. and hIo rated linn oumly for lu.-t fault, before a room full ol people. I In left the room in a I my; and Ir0.1i; ihui .nu n. nt Iherr friend-hip was at end. Bui a linle while litter, lie espoused Jo fit-iit m,., ',nd 'oiiiii.eiict-d a career ol glory w hich dzz (! 1 tie vorld ' From the Motional Gaxetter1 ! THE CONSTITUTIONAL CUR- RENCY.' y . NO 2. ' I "y fi'st artiele unrler this head, hwt proved, from doctimcnla laid, hefur. Con giees hv the Secretary uf Ihe Treasury, thai, two uf General Jai koon'a 'humble ff.iru' tn rPRlorn the5 CoriBtitiilional rurrciiff of Gol t and Silver.' namely, hi war agaimri the Bank of (lie United Slate and his re noal of the public nVniini, had in the seven years which elapsed between the-first M January, 1830, and the 1st of January 1. An aiigmcntalion in the mm, lor of banks Irt-m 3-20 to 677 heinj;,in mm-ase of three hun lieii and jijly-tevtnbtsiln 146 iirauclirs. 2d. An angmenlalino in the hanking cap Hal of the. United Si lies, from $,143,192.- 2G3t'i $3-24 240.292, hemg an reee lu preferenre to silver, whenever the course trade should rail for a transmission of the piecious metals from Europe to the United States. This is no place to relate the histo ry of the attempts previously made in Con gress to effect a change in the relative value' of gold and silver, which were commenced in 18 1 8. and continued, at intervals, for near ly sixteen years without success. Until the powerful influence of General Jackson, in voked by tbi) gold millers of ihe South, was brought to bear upon his party Suffice it to say, that a more unfortunate measure for the country scarcely have been devised, as I will now tndeavor to make apparent whilst, at the same time, it enabled British capitalists ti eilend relief to our merchants, ; by the acceptance or bills of exchange, or j by shipments of specie. By ihe Gold lull, enacted on the 29th of June, 1834 the relative value of gold &sil verjwss chaniedo as to render an ounceof gold the equivalent of about sixteen ounces of sifvei. Another law was pained on the same day, declaring certain foreign coins a fogil tender, one of the i ff.-.-ts whicU was to rAnkefhe Btilisli sovereiuu. or 0oM 'moind stetlrnsf, equal 111 value to about $1 ?47 1 of of justice weighed nothing in the scale, vi;lien npposed to the glory of the cnat. 1 t itional currenev " Ordnts were sent to France to transmit the amount of the four instalments of the indemnity paid in Feb ruary, 1830, amounting 'io near four mil- .. lions of dollars, in frohL To procure this v quantity of gold, a draft was made upon the London market, which, if it did not , . create, at lelst assisted to augment, that pressure up n thvf!iriiish currency which cifninenced in April and which every on metal on u- ore astous where niiporlntioiis of specie from F.urnprt were caPnd fur H I lie iiper illti.iH uf corn in tree. From the date of the passage of these Itws, (he ship merits from Iviropo w r nlered to- he made in go mstcud of $Ut'rr. ami the cons' queiici" was, that this demand reach ing the eoffi-rs of Ihe Bank f England, the great ilrpuailory of .gold in Europe, pro.tiic- Vd airimiiiednle effect nponlhw currency f Great Britain-by compelling the Barks to By" Ifii) mint regulations of 1791 the rel ative value he 1 ween pure gold and p'lie sil ver w is assumed to be 1 to 15, that is, ono ounce of pure gold was assumed to be the quival ul of fifteen ounces of pure stiver, and according to this proportion were the jrold ci ji.' und silver dollars and their IractioiiN r giiUted. For some jours our rtrrreiicv who i'nuiniMnH n..rttu ol 0.1I it nnd ' ui tio-,r,is ol owe Hundred und seven! ii-1 .,,v V but it so hardened ttl.it on- nmt.mV9-M'. 101 ioli,- ve.r 1818. the relative value uf i. An.'exparriou in the circulation of hank tbfS' t'o metals had undergone a change 1 cotnrai I their issues. Hrncn we find, bv Hie b. rrelary 's table, above referred to, that a contraction look placo tri the circulation uf bank notes in Fnohnd and Wales, so I lial , tin the Ji 7th .Scplcuiln il 834 tho . a m i 1 0 1 was reduced tojC'iH .ri!), H; and on lite 'jt.it uvcembcr to Jul! 7'29 H ' ring a diiitinuiioii of upwards of leiwvi millions of (lollitrs From thesn facts supptirtcd by thn docn- umeiitary evidence tf the Treasury Depart ment, as wen us tv smin.i reason, 11 is knows his been continued, wi'lh occasion American """r II nil lhn i-int- 1 Ifi 1 1 nft"1 fl""""lt"T'ra"1l(r1;r tlie 11 tri orfarrTi, t . theTwo was to render gold llie preferred ':,7. the date of ihe lasi advice, ana , wiiien lias neen latterly aoiinemcil hy tho , holes, Irorri ,)jl, 323 898 t H5 7ii .- ; m the .1 n. ial market of Europe, so that :ing an increase in the p.,pvr ino J )ne ounce ol gold could readily bo exchang rMj -ff thV -country of upwards of one , ed for more than fifteen ounces uf silver. hiwdftd and ticenly-fiur mullms ol ooiiiirs. hank ,'iUU,lol.Jl4 5. An extention of the amount loan and discounts, Irom to S9d,89-2.6GI. trnir : r ot 1 upwards id three liuadied and n'meli milliont of dollars, a mhii only iw.lvc mi ItioiiM less than the aojjn gate ol the inm-ased capitals, circulation, jo i liepo eites With these evidences b(ore the Puhlf, I assumed it as admitting of 110 dispute, that ilu (it ncral had signally failed ill theso LuiuLlc AlToiUi.' rni-frotmspdin a future The coustqii.-ncR of tins was, that wheuev iris ' r. . 11 . . t . . .. -.1 4 An hutrmentntion of the amount of de ! , 11 " seni w .-1ts.VJWWMf , (,n,-,Te, ' Irom' "I " " x f,orlu,1,,,,, co"""u,nS "' 559,928, to $151 5 11, 81M. being .-, ,. ! tllB ' ld ro'n was'al crease of near nvuty-tunc million of : V"" ,HI , 4jtijars j gold ''!ii h was subsequetitlv produced in 1111 ri iiuii'iii oiaitrs vtcui auiuau 10 avaivii of lS t Ij'VaU lit. Py this diapppnranceufgold.the currency I 01 1 lit- t :ii'cu states uecame viriunuy a cur- rem y of hilvcr. Silver dollars and their Ii K in i;jf patts were the coins universally i mploii'd. As the liasis of abankinjfsyslem, they had all the value of gold; they were far mine t tnvei.it nt than gold to the great mass uf tlx- ptoplc m the ordinary transactions of nl'. B it this was not all. Tin- currcu cy of tin? Uo-'ted Slates was placed in, a H.tr ntf ir.trrik..ri.i'r...i na runnrda tlio .'iirren- pup..r loa.wntcrttiiii r.ts ur liTi Lt U; r y 4 f . ; pvl Kr1 m , h 1.' Ii was of gold, so By thf Gnvrrntir of Arorfi Cur,liia 0200 RSJXTilRD. T HKliF.AS it ha rwrr msde known to me iiv the ver iii-'of rn inunest held hv the "Hier' that A Ii Kit's, of tde etitniy, i.f 'iif'in, was reciilly murdered in s'tid eoi'n'y, nihat uottige I .inofn. ('l the conn l y and ;n :ifiirfsaj.) Hlamls charged with ihe coin' i-:siuii ul il,p SJjH f.-lony . and whereas it is 'titeil that the said Genrjje V Coburn is M iiiM'.. irom l istiee. N' v , ilu r. fore. i t thf 'end that Ihe mid tirj.'i vr (7burn may be spun-bend and ''''ni lip inal. I have Ihought pntr lo oaue "iv Prucl.tiiiaiion. off. rinij a reward ol two ""'red dollar, to f.V "rson or persons ' p.reiif tid ami coon Wsr bltnlrt lite Slf r. UlMndTi...!......!.. ,.-.r ll ..111... u l.lt:..! ."'fit:, t-i i.t-lT-uj I'll 1 lit I - , ' . '1'ir military, wnimi i'.ih sinif, in use il.iu 1 exertions to apprehend, or cinse rob- ( tended, ihe fan' f'ii'ie ' vtrv Given tinder my hur.d as Governor s w,. & nd til Great eal t N 11I1 C'aroli 11 financr-al 4M-fwes, -dnugntfd'to ur-com plish the same end. Theso wetur llmGtdd full ul the "titli of June, 1834', by winch (lie fI 111.I in) uf the gold coins " as changed, and ilu itiijrtirtution in gold uf. the Frvocti. Spar.isTi and fStdpoliiun iridfinnttics. Ii is ptopi r here to state, that one of the 1 , ell. i ts produced u llt- panic, wincll com nienred with Ihe. n tiioval of the tleiosit.s in Oc.loi r, 1833, and foriliiiued Ulitil Jul) , 1831, was he. i-upoiliition ol somelenmillions of silver '!' dlars from Europe & other coun tries, which would not have been imported in Ihe ordinary course of trade The Mes surc for money throughout tliu United Slates was so great, that the prices of foreign mer chandise, domestic produce, pntdic wrun t ics, and liitla of exchangu leil so low. tint tho importation ol com into the country was most profit 1 Wo oper tiiuii it r our own 1 citizcdji clf.-ircd to gel them limn.', as iy !1 as foreign capilaiisls, who ilesir-(I to r nut lui.!s to this counliy f'f Ih'' pun Ii . tsr- uf cotton, or other pri'duce. 01 i r uivt'tiliiiei,! in stocks. 1f 'i'n.s ii.ttux of cim,liuAtvcr, w us no put ol (it ntra! J ukson's scheme. i was an inci dent resulting from the pressure, which he lid not foresee; for, wo v ill do tlu rn ili justice to ,i),that we honoflly hole vt , tlt when ho r mon d tho deposilcs, Uv Ihoiiylil the efffet would he merely to tiansfer nine ' tir te-u trillions of dollars 011 lo.'ii Imm tin ! 11.1t kets of Jn.s political iiiuiiierl s tt 'tlio;n of" his frit nils, iiii 1 to hf::k down the B.mk l!o woitid. l!o lelore. 77i llttudrid iMrgest Cities in the World. A m.ii (' .iiian publication givts ihe liilluwing cunuu caiculatiun lespeeliti the. hundred most i..pulous euies in ihe world : These arr Jed d.i. in Japan, 1 680,000 inhahit.iiits ; Pt Nio. 1 500.('(Kl ; London, l.ddO.OdO ; llan I c'uji. l,.tW.(o0;Calen ta.J(l0,000; Madras, sll.irO; ; ;fr. , ,, , , s mil . tt m . i ' i. .!,.. aimnnj, 1 ,. i " "" vieti ..once ... 717 i.m. wJL, n..,w Kiwionti lwnti- ! had the impoitation of H is con. item ,u " r.HT 'm. . u-. ..., sa n'oo i:... s'.ttt I duuivi i l hfiit I't to (tie i oiinl!, Inve been ! llllltJT 1I1II,' w f ur'iair, .r,."". 1 ... . j Oi.tl; iiu iM'hen, 5! (),0i o ; Jiouiojl. t-v: f n ' ci:titk.l to no c, f tt as a fiMum i t (or Imv 91 t 1, OOO ike. '1 he fortieth in Ih" lisi is Berlin, ii j 11-ei1 il )o lak-- pi m i ; ; ioi (oi lii" simide .A . I Ii . I Li ' . . Ill o.siiaii.ing llij.tsjo ; an'i iiie asi ortaiui, - n . re,i-. u Id it lit; doi noi d. .-it;" noon -.v. tHtO. Aiuong ibe hundred cities, two couiuiu 4 j ,llt n ,lir i,nr li 1 . i "'.o;i.ie h '" ; - the iiu'l.i . f tl;t- imp. . I iImiii id li'.c ll that ouch cotiutiy. iu lUa management of tti hoiking i sli m, had only lo look lo ilsell. An xpaiisuni or coiitract jon of the paper currency of enliXFiuHiury lrtd 4mt -a -tnflmg lud.ieiict- upon Hit- currency uf the otlmr, &. the coiijiio-rei tl piospcrity ot n-iluer was placet! ..t the mercy of the other. One renin kanle proof ot ihe truth uf this position is to he found in the well-known fact that, the great paint and pressure for money, which, in tlx-year 1825, brought the Bank of England 10 Hie verg.t uf stop ping specie payments, and absolutely com H,iled eighty private banks to suspend, was not fell in the United Stales as a general pretstire for i.io.iey, although many cum njtm .l disasters resulted fiont a fall in the price of cotton, in w l.ich article heivy sp. c nl lions had been entered in'.o Another iiLwi -M -4w-4"otird tn the tin ii Britain during the period of (j 1n r.1i Jackson1 panic abovo relcirtil to WinUl iv o drew lioin her nearly f ur millioiis o( sptcie dollars in the course of a yi -ir. 11 I ridt. .'ell 110 pressure for money 1.1 the I. 11 don m uki t. The wnii r n uiemln is uoti ciog lli.il fact at iho time of its oc urn. in 1 , 111. 1 he is fortunate in ti-4n' nhl' t sii-l;in. it by evidence which will not he disputed, iluliu ijttt ol th-hecrcrary of ttio Tra". vtry, which Ins heer. Inn : lot ore arwtiuitd ...j authority (or most o! Ins calculations, Micif i a l.ihle oivihjt "it" iiV:;"' aiitonni of . i.oief. t' ir c 11 1 . lei in l'liglaud and U'.il. -'. I,v Ihe It.ii.k .1 I'.ir.'l in.), iy private I. nI.s ' .11111 m ;-ii:.l stock 11 ioks ii Hit II hrulo llfJ.' at the oa 1110 d il' . '.28. I H J3. when ll.e a mount w is JC 27 G-'l .1 'I '-'.1,11:. I. . In n Hiu a- uiillion and a half, upttards uf a million, nine 1 r.nii hall a million lu a 'million, twenty -three ttoui two hundred ibound to five hundred ih.N.san.i, filiy six linm one hundred thmis onl Iwu hundred thutisniid and nix tri in t igl.ty cvpr ihoiisanu loune hundred thousand Ot tliest- v,,l,iane hundred cittes fiv eiubi are In Asia, ihiriv.- iM bun in J j,Kn Europe, of which fur arn in Germany, (i" .f Mnt 1 eoiibty ; and Ui,i in Fraueelfite in Italy.eijlrt in England, i'tfii Knee in (Spain ; the remaining leu ate Uivi ,ie.l 'tettreen Africa and America. Drc. .'.larch 1 .lime, ,Ter .1".' il Ifi ill- !i) oi a s'"p. i, n (- catcli a ri r. 11 r. mi' a some ! I.tl (1.11 llf"!" Ii'- l tl'- . sal 'ul '. .10. e .1-, iij ..I. tin' loTii.iM ,n ''. I' I u" illl1 lioid. loll n a. j,iijj the deck, to lino Hit i :H 2i is.J I. when I ho a- 11,11. ut was i'.KSUi Ofl. The I'uporta: ions of dollars li'.n. Eog I --: tul to tin- I'micd - Slates coinm. m .-tl in Ntjvrm'.cr. I-)3d.omj umnln at'i.-r tl." re manifest that (he passage of ll.e lipid bills identified the British an ) Ann-ru-an cuircn Cles, uud rendered each forever thereafter lia'.ilu 10 h niflucuied bv ihtt other. Ex pansions and contractions can now hardly tail to be simultaneous, and lu-nt'elorin, more '.han al lhr period when tho senieuee was first pi 011 u need by Mr UoibaiO in Congress, uiiisl il be true, thai 'Iho bar itjio tcr of the Anierican money market Wtijs up nt the-iiock Exchange in tiondon.'1 O vir-issues by the English banks au it -ld to excite ovei -issues bv the American banks; for as Grex! Britain i ihe country in which almost all our exchange transactions with the world aie concentered, if the . British standard of currency bn depreciated below ihe m.'talic standard ol the Continent, we shall feel its effects in our currency without iicing able to tletect tl. 'Shall feel.' did I say i We. da already feel it, and there can not ho, a quelion that our present jfcunisry embarrassments have been greatly augmen ted by the operation of tins cause, resulting from one of General Jackson's 'humblu ef fwta' lo restore the const ilulional currency With ihcse cvidnuc.es before him of the practical operation of a law which wits car iiahic of producing the most disastrous re sults, G'mTid Jackson had he understood the subject, would have abstained from any active participation in rendering ilauori condiTiiTr'rt''f'Tnr,W " ' ordfnary oteraliolH ol cuinmerce wouni nave reu- l.-red it Hot nol so. (ViiiumI avv.ty, 111 the pursuit of his .'iit fa'uUH his troiisti tiitio ial currency I"' itn ti 'ted lo liiiusell the iiihi, by ll.e iiilulr iVy exercise of hi Etet'iiiive mi'iority. idimposiiii! a lux op 0 1 the own. is of the French indemnity Those cii Zeus v ere cutl' d by treaty, lo 1 ,e full a ii'tpul of tSe t.i 11 .t'..l.'.,.il til.hu ;nfif t)yFr.rnce,"' wiiiiotH any iledii. li.m whatever, eidier for the puroosc ol glorily ng (teiicr.il .1 1'-ksiui. or lor t' e purf.t.se .1 ehahliin.' !'im to pursue In-, f ivorite Javk o' l.imtrr i. They w re. Illso entrll .i to 'I .-ir ii, .' v wit'ioiil a moment's iiiuiee lc-arv .1 -v. :n 'l If'e 111 -utift -Il v plain 1 . ,,,',l-i' i. p i!i'li..'lit ll.'ll.:illlk'l lo he jcii-Mied v 1- ' 1 I. u e I'lven e.ich el.iniiant 1 lull upon I' nice I't tin; ammiiit of his 1 U'li, to he i.cgot i .tied or collei led in. the modi w Ii ifi h si- iiniil.t suit him. .Tins i'iiiir-e was iirm-d upon the Sccieiary ol 1'ie Tfcasury hy some of the clainianls, who proved il lo be the cheapest and uiosi irnmpt mo le hy which they could be pli ce I tn pfssessimi of their property ; audit i evi :"H lliat had any of ll.e ctaioisnis, n idi' imal dtinnnd lor nearly another mil lion ol dollars, the n mount of the fifih in '' -staltiient'of the indemnity p;ti(f by F'ance 4 'j ,', io February last. Il is not' pretended that V that the whole pressure on the EngltiO f " money mirket witluti ihe last year has oeeil occasioned by the last mentioned ,hwHtdTs- efforts" t' restore the coosiiiutioul cur reney." Other demands for gtld hard existed, amonjstst them one by the lljtik"bf , n; America, the principal deposiie bau in . J New York, and one by the Banl'of iho -i. United Males, rendered expedient,, by th0 rapitl return of Iter notes for payment lit, the early part n8Jbw.ini tji.ihft8ull! suiuitoif 7ii7tTieir pUe,thr.iigtit the) Wea' "J lorn and Southwestern cou'.try, f lh, 1 , notes of some of Gen. Jackson's three A hundred and fifty-seven new hanks,' -"M y.;; t)f die practical operation of these two 1 hi.mhle ctforis" upon the imtnediste iti terest- of ihe citizens of the United Stales H behooves us now lo spenk r .1 . The eoniraciioit of the British currency,'' a every intellient ibservcr knows, has been id create pressure for inoMey-trt rr Eiiiflio. I, which h m produced the follow- 1 tt sf results ; v" . 1 The market rate of interest has he-en ii. ainaoce t ifou v i i to a per cent. per an mm on (ir-t-riite commercial paper, w!iclii.J his hrrd a i.rinlency to keep , uiuueyriiv -1 E'lurnid w ileli wuul.l otherwise liiA'o s tojilUJjjJttyU.Hi4-lw 2 Hr1it-.I1 inercjianls are prted fmrrr "' " accepting with their seeuom ! freed rtnj v, th bills of exchange drawn u;..ti slup : "; inonts of A mericau produc.it 13 7;i."),s27 t'r EWlWHDli ltUULr.Y. I'RisTopiiEn 0. if ATI l ft, P. Stcly "w"' Co' turn a ttoui 30 aut il'.v. ahoio. i 4 ttoui JO v a's ol ijre '-''' S tiir!ie.a tuffli,.ildekt-i tna 'aiT'ln s'd Wiilit cu'natimtion, e-imVibx " r in r fi-'nid. "a' e.vueaks short and p ,ZjjL-&mnrtnr!r;r- ii g believed lull- c.utt wil'b: vw- we-on-leaving, a li!. I - - ' 47 v,s-.iitklr i',.t;,r Ilu nC il 9 II -S-i ea I -'.-- I' liSTiVBLlSlllEX l ' op, UK JOURX AL OFriCFa HliNG lu the intended i-imiv.il -ail one ol lite EdlUiiatrtl'ih wiuh.ol the in Iter In de- e biuMMlf ihure exclositlv lo il.u duties nt I-.U.C.SIOH, me unde.siitrittd utl.-r tor sale Hie u,enl 01 b Worth Carolina Journal Ul ne umce is well found in Joti, newspi """"OaeiiUltvpe, he list nf subscribers iWy large.aod tbe.y doubt nut iulubiibe"ai twif i in ue exeriKHi. Ju iy per lroMaofembarkinir in thti buatiusu .1 .,Hei 'Entente not Inferior to any in ihis Siate but practical printer ihttv kfllllV ftf fill illW4.sil ra.Mnl tould maks ot his money that would yield him iu Drofilahla t.i,if, ..-' - '. v i iw HVnhl vruav2i, e lii .l I'll .ini'ii him lo lurid" lu snltiv, wiin (ycat pifseucii 1.1 onioi, atio greater modesty, declared h had done it on pUlpObf The case, howeve r, is diff -r. nt as recards Kxis rimdn s made in the beet-sugar culture ! (;,, .i . The. Piuniri!: of lliat bill, at U.iii, have established H.e tatt'ibai an ex wi,,,., ,. it n law, was m.q .iiestionahly celi. ,.1 quality ot paper "an . made of me fee- ' - , . km,je.diie.llM.t the tiTucI would bo to causu an importution of gold na, at the City if Ii .eioUihitiili-iwiivsil' the-prrl--tne vugar rs cxiract' .--MayTA'rPiM.r' eu.. M am an old fellow,', aaya Cowpr. in nne of his i-eis 10 Hurdie.'bulJ had oi ce my rtaticnijt dai tr t"ii liave now jAei I iieei cm Id lii.u thai I en. id lea'n half much of a uob.au a .... irucl mi Hni.cinir iiiltXit4T"C(TnWT"oT kliieiUJ'tUkia4rrlirKSrCl i.nm-1 urhor. I muU-nltaerVM tiH I havtmir at the table, at the fireside, and all Hie trying circuinsianoes ul domtsiic life. We are all pd when we are pleased; but she is 'ihe g..d woman who wants nut ihe fiddle to, sweet en he'.' , . Tho total impoiH .of i silver coin, end bull ion. between tlie 30tb uf Septt -mbcr, 1833. ..nd Bie 30lhof.Sc peats by Hit Treasury report, were as 101 iowB - ! - ; Jr KiiCOirHic .VeWr.-Tbe fnlluwing hlyli .111(111 11, -nl Ahspaid lu .leihodism bjr D. Fox in bis F'nsl.ury ledurf s. "The first cir cun.siBi.ee ttbich I ihmk nperaied to ihe amelio ration 0 ih poor of ihir country England- Was be rise uf Aleibudisu ; and Ibis waa a heart stirriiiK influence Wha'ever flaws Icrliic itiay imd in llie h'ippsed aims eeeuiags or joint esley , mere can that be d 'M .ves In fai .ure I'inong the iuokI illustrious btn the mi oil ' Fro'i. Mexico Fiotn ail otlter-parta of the world ' S7,tl5i,508 7,090 95-2 $14 143 4J 1,'Jbb 57S.578 The exports were, Which leaves $1.2,748,892 aa the balance left in the couotry Of this amount, ten millions are crtain- n.i viil uf ll'i. doposilrs, and 1 Di.tinm d until w-i-hcd gold for Ins share he could have im- Jnlv. 1834. wlicn the uvs of ihe pumice; onricil it upon nuiie as favuravle nr. 11s as ' . . - . 1 . of the gold bill reaeliej Hut country; and yet wo ' find ' that, b-'tween Iho 2Hl'i of J). . ere her, 1833. and the 28lh uf June, 131, the currency ul En-land, so far fium having been contracted in tonscrpieiico of lint mtpoitation, wis posiiivelj increased more than seven millions and a half of dot lars, estimating the pound sterling at 4 80 This arose from the circumstance that llver dotta9 ' v-erec in Eir;dand; rnere "articles of mcrchandisn, and Ihe abstraction, jdierHore, 4-frteTrTrr more clT' Cl Upon the currency of Grat B.rttaijaioan- lh'-rxpolarr'-'of an eqial value in iron or Jcad, dry goods or .hnurd ..re. : j ; '' But this was not all. The steadiness of Eniflisb currency prevented a fall from t' kuiii place in Ihe prices uf cotton and oth- J er American proddce, which w.ould have oc Icasioued a grVat loss to American ahippcrs the Government.;; But no. The demands 1 ere v the inosf that was forced into the coun- I Jpri fr(n Lj orrea pro-! ' . General Jackson's diumble eff.t, j r,Ietabil it Zl I ( i'h balance not bemg tqual to the ordinary q 1 (nations, ti 'In support of ihis position, the writer is able to siale that, having examined ihe prices of cotton quoted 111 commercial let- ' r. . - I I. .. f . I . a ....... I .. I Verpooi iiuimrti "i 111c n lound the itignest i The aggregate smoiinl of gvdd coin and bullion imported during ihe yc ir ending on the M September 1HH1, was :J.7G0, 172, of which LW'W 1100 came irom Lnguuuy and 4821.(11:1 Irom France. The ajregale ainount of gold imported tlnrjngirw.-ycar e04'g on the- 80th iif Sep temher, 18:15, was $J,a25,190. of which 955 came from France : Ihs jmivaMii lhat-eatly - tho- whole of this gold was imported within the last six eii after the passage of the Gold bill, ami before the country had recovered from llie shock whi.di led to the importation of coin There was. exported during this same year in gold oo.5,07U, probably du ring the last six months of lie financial year. " tExcflange on Pans at New. York, for a hill at.sik.iy d:tyLsiibi.. hetweerr-the . f I Mareii and t.'ic l.'nli of June, I83J, iliietu- .1 nriiiwii capitalists are icsn , .H ie inan ; before to make advances, or loans i ifio j :V. security of American stocks, wbu li cnia r j off 1 large source from which capital lia ' been heretofore supplied for'our various tn- frrnal improvements. ' 4 British manufactures are less able ihan heretofore to give credit to such of our importing merclunls as require it. , 5 Tlie prico of cotton has fallen, friqfl the first of January last, foul or .five cents a pound, in England, by which American shipper, will ns 20 or 25 ier cent upon the slocks gone for ward, uud by which our . ctitlon planters will be deprived of a eor respondinj or a grcnter a-romnt. the fall of prices al the South has already made evident. Am? now il only remains for U to ln V quire, bow have these bumble, f florV tended 10 restore ihe constitutional ,cur- r v ?" lias the import itiotl of ; thirty . .1 ' ... . . 11 1 .t 1...1 .. . III II I n in 01 L'oin ton Sliver p'l'icu bov pa per out f eirciilaiion T So far from . it, the amount ol paper has Nitgrne.tited, as we have shown, , lo . aiu incr!ihle ainoitnt. -Th" h .uki- aM seem lo hate acted u oo V priuc pie th .1 their xowei1 to eiuil -V , their notes in profitable ''circulation w jiis. in proportion l i ttie specifj- jh-y fia I on baud, and aceo'dingly we have seen that, jtc-t in the meaaure , tfiat .Gen, Jack- clain aiits vtoi ld iaverereiTed Iryood t' -.1 mount of thfir claims. ' ..It is (roe that t j k 1 xelianoe upon I'ruice might lot ff,,'. 1 ; soineifiiui; in cotiMqueiirSfof ih" incrcu ! supply of lulls, but this tolfiJ not l.ave c qiiallcd tlie los w!ii. h4ji0 cl.im - i tained by 'he delay to rerojve their in.-i tfy. I which was not pud uiitil Jii!yVud. virtith . was then "suhjeit to a ile.Iiiciion ifr.yX.'PdJ CX-r penses ol "Ireigh't, iiisur.iiicn ami Ci luuii f sions, incident to the iuipoiutiqu 'of the gold. -.,!? ;' The best commentary, however tii the f.My of these imporlalious is in he fs:ufiui in the follow ing article, which is cop ed (roil the Washington Globe of thv.Ul ' in-t. : q Nf atomtan Ikdkmmtt The last New York American contained th follow- jng : "The Bmk of America will. s!'jdraw -r the ir.hilts .ou.tlie UotliseHibU, ttf Paris, fot ' unwardtof a mdMon of fri if N Cl , ; 1 n erica proposes l.i draw tor. is w prenme.i-i nn necotinl M t!ie..licxt.-ins.ijJat(y,.t winnf-r due under the NeapoltljiV.tr. ;iy. , '',) itV-Tfmt-bank, Itaymfv ' learrRnaii , ; Jpen credit to. a large amount upon tho Uollisclilliis. nui nenig 1111 wining; 't tran 7 lability be has - . . . . esley , mere can ue u-- . no, be,g tqu-, lo oruinary 1 oW,iori8 to ,avebeen as Mlows, al the ZJZttZl oi imports over f ; -Wspectivefc ten millions near joymiuwii" vTrnv ofbi qu.aiuy : -4 -'. "." : .... -wtas .- i England, "'Jo'Vp I' I t- - fl,. I I 'l..AB,LJft. t it 1 r h ,.n,i.i... . m -m B.mm mi mm . ........ ... nn,r it.i i' . i . . W'B -1wl'. i" w - 4. 11,11- nn in wuict. 'rh,.,?.hoW"J'.':":rt; Y.,k on the lstf Fetuary, l8:!4,rio London were solrf at New stuf Febfitarv, 18.!4. .aCtwo though he sens clearly al ihe naure lime mat . ,UU nir wbtch is be I! the. only persJ-in the mnld jasseedAfei v-beUw -4h untimal P.r r bn " - ten per cent. I" low the real pr. and 101- ' . u ( . ...-ltl ltA ' . .. tinued at r beso lue-nou.inai pi To seek to soothe a ruffian by reason, is td fuilowmg.-Se N ien.pt tu bind a buffaloo with a garland zor"T.,i,KmrtiLl.i.sC 1833 October 30 November 23 December "T December 31 1831. . January. 4 , 4'ebroary 24 0 3 1831. March 22 A,.ril 23 May 16 ' J.ino 7 . July 8 d. 0 & PI 91 itself of it iirnlur existing ciretimsttnces suggested that. the next instalment, to bo paid in M iy r June, might be 'anticipated . under that ere lit. ' " Tic Secretary of the Treasury. w aro informed, finding lli tt the iriieresi of tho& clainialil84n-The-pretnit sf4te" oOfiings, would be promoted by availing" of the pre 1.I..I, .-LA i.riiviili'iiiifi. rtvet. an v cilhee a,cl, .- ...... .-..-. ... muJft uf bril,v,i)l? ,i0,ne lhe finl,i3,and that, "knur an avenue of 5.3'2J. Ijie pal ex n . . , change o" Paris is ahouta So J : that i, JM, Atm9t23i to the extent of the same, they might bo I ......1 a .. 1 1 1 a mimni.lia. -,. K 1 1 m 'wwr ' enftfranendflSi ten rues, ; .J,"(ne Meww Welles tli. it.em. for . hiiudreth pr. of a franc I he- ext'ha,; - ,t (o pay 0Tff then w. althe per.l nen t' . tt)fl lUhscK.lJs a. soqn as receive ' . ceni above par i.u hichu.hid T . M t)l r,llll),irse them for the bins drawtt f cent, winch a. bill ul t,gh , such a the anticipation of its recfpl. 1 - - Government had a righllo draw,' and pe;-.;" 1 v ,r - ; ' .. -1 haps- half per tenfv.'Air- thjtpcriot-aecHrVti It' is fnnhis sum, and upon this srrsnge-t - ty ot 1 G'oveirtimsnt bill over a private bill! ment, we presume lW Bank tlf Amcriot v d make about; larsirjper niiiit&VM ihpllJi . -jTiue 30th May 1837. -ri-r- : . . v.-' t. . ' . . it- T