i j h -J i r. V M l 14!- V i v v :''-::' XJ' - J i i -; V 1 1 -'. l it ! ! iiiiroN;;cjp;Eg '4 Umm -ULt i,fiihers Who IWiH . . i i. nil i- lit v w - - . - - -j . V iffW t, Atie wlialestini at one paji r; .!ihm at onelpayment,rnmc Wr for h vear at fwo Ooi - j W w-a ny litper tor tv; 7 -:Liti iny in i advance ibej satrrrof w vk-iil be cnatgea asvpiiiBr.uwcM- 1J? net pay .iciiflsjae . year the n 'VW ! .;ii htt iAceived for less than mon, Vinifi J-a- !.'-?. :-jtal vi! i . - .... i - r - . ii .: to'diottn: bet ;it tbejop- WflTOU. unto Ml wrtaraesj-tw-paid 'A to tfU aitot-must: be pol iVpRT4?i vrv 4 Mefur -tkt lint ,nicniwi,: V. :nr It continued until orders where no directions n' it 0 N?'l "c'" 1 afn!Dillaur4mthf.r ?rh square Uifa ill f "!l ;i Yl' l ll-' w - - - -r liter ; 11 H- U en. ; ranTYf JVP- : tMilut rfr! lb ff. 18 c.s :. -C acinars rf t.i. 1'roin N-. t! - -iio !: riO Vhra- priUriH&l 13 1 IL jl f: I a I .if ; Stel.; Amri la. Hijv ii .". .. .1 .In itir pf r tb Sur-4r t) -2 i - 3d t-rs funic t Li t t t f - llftti pr Jtt i ; i - n ; hi ft; 3 t 7 ci ; .ClsM dr. . " r i ' i ; 1- -ii 1 75 ii 'CUE u AW. : " "i ii a 9 cts ; 'i3- per li 00 00 s ; H 4' l4.-ct llfi if-;!C.''.'l-! . r o 4 00? m i.ufi. s. 0O, r.jui si- r4 pr a S-H-5'JIl' ill :i3 L troii I ur I ur (u r! hJ i r J, -7, ' .... tiWta Tt'M'H WAinjfbv du.4r lbv.-2P , iyk & 18 0 t. Ricjt per Iff) las 4 iilrT-l rpjer IP I 2 irsalt pr sifw; p-r 'Ii 1 t a 1 1 5 c.) i r.vtrivrr.vir.LK ;p4'U 75 a S . JJo. Applej60a 70 KjbslUa lilJOj (UoUon nr. IU 6 a liria 3 I 1t3i vt Fionr. bW. a 6 f.jr bli 00 a i 000; Kealhers i.r lb 45 h to oush 1 ,4 000 trot; prtb 5i 4 t; Mo hr al SJ 0 a 001 ailscut 7i a 8 :Salt i .! 7&; pU'ar v ;ix ji;,VhktJ pr 5,1 ?r lb 74 all ; Tobacco; sh S.0 00; 0 Vhrskey i i. . . . LT.aa&j.'ifei.s.was "I" 1 ; . i 3 j nu 4 t P01f i, r (f . 1 r 'I f . . I . i J m 1 i ."t. i itdj V hnseh ma tip kn n to mi? : : - i : i.fi Irjqoesi heU by the -U',iAJG K KV. of the cuo!y, f "'.rr UlhiT-ed in Raid! POUfHV. HfJfV- - , n f yt.tM rn ; t ;ihr-. roUnty and i''ir-d with tbe ctiiii Hid whieiis it is -MtfT-s4idi4 an! w ll W-f ;ii.J oburn is t ice. r.V V. Ubl tin the end that . A I IKaAftid i fibhfh city be. innreterdand J W!k I HatV Initittht nnifSor I In , i.ii M'naiaiiioa; oflVring a reward of two t,enrijOf .Martin county ; and '' '7' herfb! Hnre air i-rSeers j w hether V y,MfUbif. ibis Siatp, m use their v i ns to a. mi-oli.rl -.. i f uM ihlciill : . rl ' i I r - . . i I. - M I i " t M 'lriiH'i. 'Je Ciiv i.t RnUiah. ihi Qfith BBirJlW B DUDLEY miie, P. Mrc y) " A t : 'iSl'liWjhiKi;. i.i il. . ' a .J.' i W, -J.Tl' "M-i. ::oi an aibieiie Kd; , n7u' firaphXMa rsihcrhund. iH fM.S-irk. wt.4 siioUn vnat do' 1 1 ik belipvpd bli.M vloll ciat lu ii h vt. t 1 . U7 .bi' i iqieoteo l-movili ot one of io libe iwrbh of the- ukhr i.i t pxfclu4velv to iLl'dntiP jftdetSijned i.CVr i.r o KorihlCaT dioa Jj ajinaf Of wen louna in.Ji if. osia tvoe. ilie list uf ttinhr- i, . ' . . . . "i.iii i, iai - - m : t To aoy per. 'I- I 1 - r.'Pnru'er 1 & STRAJNGE. & May 1837. .1 fa u pt h .nnSprL3& cts ; Tobacco inanu f i i I V. I ' llvi' l ! . . . ... iv.-i .. "r lfcl'6p!..''; '!'. itl-f tl - j Jikin-Jin h hnini.iiMi ..ff-..1-'..-,Mra u tain uoouis ins uwu uiuucicim-i i Ipo.m- ii., iN t..i,-w;.. usottfftt he set eleirlv tv the n&mt tune that v . " , t..v.(. 19 1 . . . ... - ... . ,-. it... - TT s lhv knu i,f f.nii..wV,.i.i . 'iB'ta the onlv vtrson tnltne vorld possessed 1 per ?'Mi,hiU.ihti ili ...ij .of it.- - . - 'v;e 'uiii -i " f . I 4 . ----- i BAtv'l fVom the Saturday Courier, ' ' .Napoleor Madame de Feemox." It ut oot generajfj known i tolhe vworld that KpfirA - that fltnnifih?nr CiiriffTutrnr.Tat whoe in atlfcr lite, Mhe ror,d grw j.i mer, - -and won th facinatirg j4epUjnef e rr vt . .. - , - ; I ' proi fcHm eleTawd'amongst the Jumiuaneof the KLnnerar court. i 4 ' . : ' 4 rfa"jj was -'Aft Jane rfe PcrmoB. mother rGpW and trer,vnamelj hre war against Dnehesa X,Ab'rantes, and vidow M de'Vei a gentleman who accornpaoirm,an -ctn. capacity, ibt farce sent by rranc to tfie United b tales, durinff he war of the Revolatiop. J?be was cotvsi! ras.1 f'blcer I harr Bonaparif. Ip Ued she ha been inumate with Laetilia Rainco lina, his moiber, while feeding in Creicfl,whi iher she had retired during f er husband's absence iff America ; andMadme de Permon, used to re laletl.4 ee had -often taken the infant hero "on hit lap. during his infarcjri a 'j .i " rj Nspoleun was oh te ruis of the otpiost intimaey wilruiheTerronn family, after ihey and the?Bi naparte fainiff bad each imade , Peris their resi dence; and jj was not lung after . the occcrrences of ihd :l3inVneemiairoh so fetrunjj n jffecX uponj M.o,ePernoni tbafhe diejl on ihe'17lb. that Napoleon' ofieied his hand to the w-dowt ; - ' '-' 1 The ctrcomstauce is (old. with mncK" spirit, hy the Duchs .rfAbrantes,'lnfihe reryinteres'sl ii-g 'memoirsV lately, given by tba !s!cnted'hdy t the world - -n, One luorr tnVhe waited opon the lady, as was his trquejit custom, and expressed a di-sire wliif-M he had before iritifcaud 'o marry Mx JantH a daaghtfr Laiirettet afterwards the wile -1 G-:-ri1 JuhoI. to h:s broiler Jerotne. He 2-b SiSiit-j assistauee frum Madame de Pfrmai ..) orin? lbout a union beiwVeri her 6-irj AMeii Hb-A K'.? sister fan-iine yiaa.oe o' fernion I ri,-,) at his plans,. anil, very iai6rallt f-'f :M .ii; u-siac'e. that Jprome was tnucn yotin' t ;a liaurt tte Jionaiane rem-ustratwl. Jl n Udy faoghed at h'm.and Uidhiin th.thevhr-! lurdbti priest, and wish tu marry all oa acquaint aiir; children and all. i - 'Ieiinless sun 'that t. is, .ntfiiiitrf, as 1 was rising, a marriage wind bl v u n tnjft: aod to provi ii, my dear Tiatnp4 I tinv i ded epun beg;ii;g that the anion of .r fan-' ill1? may b coj ntd, hy a rcair:bJH bet- r yuo and I, as toon as it can oe aciomj!.-?.fi.-wuh due reipec'; m the Teciin growing tii o your recent bereuv.C'inent.' 1 Wiiile raying i is . he seized her brti.1, and ( kissed it in the irot violent nainr. I no h!y drev b:i' k, astonished beyond bounds-, v.'.d fiti iiiy hurst tutu a fit of ihe most ineontruttab'e !nutrl let; Perceivinir, however, that it j.-.odi c live of yr at.'aT!rlifiratit)n to BorTap:jr-.vhr qu ck ly assored hruT that the ridi:iiJous art i the srene.whs hers, that' site eould not but , ladih at . ' . ... . . .' the nail she herself njaied. :ly'iier Nhpbleon,' said she fet tis talk se riously, - Y u iVnk yoo kr.ow ,iy age , but voq do not. I will cot mentien it? she 'rwitiji oeiT, oecaose I hae ;a IiiCIh weakn orf that is-o;e' 1 will only telly ou that I cStlm not only he ytur mother, but Josjth's, your, elder bro- li'-n3 parte urged jbat he cared pot for .thedis- more Madane laughed: aod whenhe look leave of htr, he begged her to think the matter ,over. ' The next day they met tpgether in company, iid .Madame de Permon asked him about some bnsimss of imporiance.to her, hich he bad pro .:...! ..... ... 1 1 . 1 1 mwu 10 sewaner. iie naa neRiec!ed it over and over again tvr aoraiii. I rf lAnv'-a rn l mneo cx? 03 ovhi na!uH Tl and she rated him roundly for his fault, befov'c a 0 rHm full of people. He left The mom in a fury and from that moment their 'friendship was at a.n end. but a little while a ftcri he esvwused Jo p. une, and rommenced acireej'of glory which dazzled the world. The Hundred largest Cities in the World A recent German peb-ieatiou pvs vhe iiiowuiif ctfrious calcolatior iefiecting the huudied -m-t ; populous cities in the w. rid : Th.fe are J. i-j 1 ! i.500,000 : Lok n. ..li.000. Kni .. I . 1 . 1 OOiOOO: f.ia iau it . 00 ono- l,if. Ci? nr n. ankio; 80f5 0t)0 Congo Isc'hen, 8'o'o0f ',i ' riK, 7 17,iH,; Weist Chans, 600.000 : t oo-a?i : . -r a v ' W UMIM II. I V f. 1 i W . t U' AffYt hundrt-d thousand, fifty -mx from o.e biindredlhr.usaod 10 two hundred thousand and six trom eighty suv en thousand to one hundred thousand Of these one hundred cit;sfifiy eight are io Asia, thirty, two i o"Europei ot w b ieh fqor are in Grrmany, fouHn Fiance, five in July, eight4n .England, and thtee in Spain j the remaining ten are divi ded between Africa aod America. Experimen.s tnade itbc beet-sogaf-culture at Uim, have established the fact that an ex rel! ii quiiiy ol papr can be made of the res- f duuir. ot the pulp, aft er lbe , sugar js extract-1 ! "l am a'nj'oIdfeIo.';daysl3ovri)eir. in one of his ietrers to Hurdis,hut I had euc my dancing J oa s, as you nave now ; yet 1 eevei could find it.ni 1 couid lfaxn half ''macb' of tz woman's uaraiHtr oy -ancirig witb her, as by conversing wiiii her af to. me, when"! could observe her be havioiii ai ihe iah!e, at the fireside, and all the ry ing eircuinsiajices ot domestic 'life. '" We are I all o'od wh n we are please.! ; bdt she is the eu her.V .Ifr Foa;artdfce wUeiftedafjMThe fallowine faMThe 1 hiiii ipitaent was paid to Methodism by Mr. Fux i. his JCiiisbury lecture" 'The first elf-cuio.-taoce which I thinkoperated to the abeltn' latiorr 6i the5 poor of thi cou n try Eifa land - w?s he rise of Ielliodisra; and tbis was a he&ru stirring mflutruce: V batever flaws, a severe - . . . k 1 , l severe r.PPVeu fiu,s ur ceaii.gs or jourr vyestey, there cto be n douDt factors amung the most illustrious beuefactors vf the nation.' - i .... " .. .... , 5 . . . - T.-V- ' " i . -. w - v." - c.w ir, ' .i. j. ri..-i.!:j tt.ui. ji" ,To seek' to soothe a roffian b, rmaotv it. .'t; nd a buffaloo vith garland of attempt to bind .'flowers,--.; li nopie 597,000 ; Beoari s, 530,000 "rKio", :uii)- j Ouctivn ot i A n iu to ihe ...ountty, have hken 0t0; Su lbchen. 300,0(0 ; Hootch lsci-eti, Ltititd to ni creoit es firnnri.plL; mm -i,,U.L.i..J..;.:.,. rvatK-W tt.t b- i:io oefdv-tJ.. it When! million aod a half, two uowards ofa mibn .,.i..e , ll"P ,t'r'' ,! Tr l,,e Pt:-uiS; extolling hhas trnm halt a mdu.n o. it.... i the author f tile irtfKeta:.of d tDeso 1 H From ike-National Gazelle; ; THE CONSTITUTION At, CUR: L v . . h ; jn my Jrgl artice un(je th,s headt was ( - ed, trohiflocuinents; -lata -s betore uon- tr.f. to - rfstore the Coostitotional ctirrccjrf lae hhtk -c tuB p n ilea ;. stales ana flis , TP rnoval .'of ihe public depoftites, had ip the seen years; which elapsed between ,thf first of January ,11830, and the 1st of January 1837, produredthe following results t,jv 1. An augfnentation in the number -of ''banks fromv320 to C77. being an merease ; of three kunxtrcd and jijly-sevenuwJei 146 branches 2d. Ar augmentation, in the banking cap ita! of the United StaU-from f4o r3se f u f i i M t cne hundred and sets tnty ntte million? of. uolNrs j hank . j'iG-i. i 3. An t'Xjjariiou in f ho rtrcolatton of . notes, froiii $61,323 393 U' $185 506, being an incrense in'thf- pipr mo. ttcv of th- nniritrw of iihr r.w ( f nnrea hundred and' twenty -four tnrflions $ ot dollars. 4 An augmentation of the amorinj df dv i amonn; ox nv . prisitej. public ind private, lr.u So 5. crs? of "near ntnely iuie millions t . ft r v , 5: AtTtextcniion of the amount of j '..;: .k S loins siVd discount?, from jp'iOU.4 51 ,214 to 59"' 895 061. n j n in. i !.-ks;' ol lij;v ir'!s lit t rrc il 'lined and ii'victy tnillit f i of t" ' uis a Mim r 1 1 i y tvu lve miiiiot.s th;n tho iggfT-g:tc of the iiicrcnsed'jqujiitals, circuiaJsonj and tl-po- sit- L : . f With tbcscj evidenrcs before the Piibli?. I yvuoied it asj ftdmttiig )f no dij.iit; that u: CftJiW.-tl j itad sioolly laiied n these iiuinWe libiitis' and prornised in a future! pap r to c-x.'iHjoiie- into the ni rts ot his o'di n fi' Hljri;ii " fii j'l nicSt dcsfOfiC'd JO bCCTTJ' olish tliesurni i-iid- Toes vvere, the Goio bill of lhv 2piU of June, 1834, by which lhcSt;.i.dard te gold coin cnM.ged, Miwi tne i.i.pofiaifoii.10 goia ot me rrenciu . Pan,.8,;- HUO MF .nooinmi,. J Jl Z pi upr-r. Ml I U IU CIUT, tual Util' l Hi'; rff: "'.. prodfuinl by the panic, whicii com menced ivith t!;e roinoval of the deposited irk Ociouer, 18S3, and continiu d until July. 1834, was ihe tiojurtUtion ol siwue ten mil I ions of silver dolNr lfoni Europe & other countries,-. which Would not hdve hci.n imported in the ordinary! courso of trade The pies sure for noni?iyi throng bout the United Stnlcs cbandise, dotjriotic produce, pii'viu poruri ties, and bills of exchange Nil s iirwfhti' the, luipoitatj.!) of coin into the country was leost pjrofiutii'a pp. r uioii lrour owo citiz is ;viio h id funds abroaf', j and 'jdesfed to gt' them home, as tv. il as foiMMi . ! : capitalists, viho desired to r nilt im s to . i this country 4foc the purchase of cotton, or other produci-. or for investment in stocks.j: This n ti'x eoiu,howevcr, was-.uo p trt o jGencrai Jai kjsn's scheme. It was an tun -jdtiit resulting front tiie pressiire, which ix jdiri not foreLe for, we will do theailthe iutice to savl trial we' honestly be.lievr, that hh .1 i.; reirj.;v.' 1 ifje 'upoiies, he thoijgb the tT- -t woiil- I brU n u.dnois U be inert lv to it .n- V 1 , loin 4i'o;i 4 '"V ' H-Pttca, .,,.,.1..; to i J? '' tVlco.V '!' br-.-.k Ut.wii litt- B! ,Ik 'j! i'! "iid. thv. ,Jie mPdi 1 itj m of i ir; .rt 1.1 bee h as sil? Ver dollars, it r-iniiis iisiol the sailor.tvi.o lp displaying soino-IHts Vipiui rhe.; topmast ot a ship, uiLloitunately let oohk; held, but . ' . . i - . . . - napptinrig, petre reaching tbc deck,S lo catch a rope Ijijat" enabled "him Jo land in sa!eiy, with great ptesf.nco of mind, and gj-cater modcsiy. declared he bad douo it on purpose- j i ni t. -.i '. , wihich made fit a law, was unquDeslicnably influenced' by a knowledge that4 the effect would fro to cause an "importation ,oi gpiu 1 The total imports of silver coin and bullion, between the v30b- of September,' lipranu the autn ot detember, 1831, ap pear by the1 Treasury report. were as fol- jows:;- f v From Mexico j H-" ' ' Fiora all ot Her pails of tbe , -, i - - - -. . . i i $7,051,d03 . j worza 7.090 95 Si 14 1 43:4a ie ejport were .1.86 5 78. S78 .Which leaves Wbicli leaves " 12,748,882 as : the balance left in the coaDUyf, 'W .ii.-LLiN- .iiTa,- w-Li1 . i . i.. - -j. . - - . . . lha mnMilh.l u.-ia tiriort lnft I Kk w. I -j - n .1 . ; ....i-;, .L:;.kkii D, s "J -"r" r' 0 I,"" "fV exlcess of import ovtr experts,-) nd ol this j iJ. million near four millions m a frAm I j- ii. '., MVIU Erijlaod tel. - x L; J T,.r wfc----1 . . -r h ir nnis- on uocoon were soia at Wew k on tih li!f i Fctit Uar? . 1834. at "thro ceht below" ihe ttturna 03r: which1 i J tei pVr cflt, bejbwthv real jtif, and c6aA tinuyii aibelow the miiu. par tintil the 22i of Wafcb fllowii--Seb New York 1 CocJineraal and shipping Liiu II pl.tV;. tn preisrence to stlTer: whtnever the cnurs t jradrf f !:oqH call fpr a'.trarsrni'ston: f lth J fc5Sa 3 'I iostlvetU: Another 1 brought io bear unoo his narlv C JufrtA ii to SSSSS ! i UT tne-oitni regm ' r w r I stive vatne W was'B! ou neb of "pjtte ffiId) ; was nesumed to be the fnd iaceing to Ubsi proportion were the I gold izblnd Silver dollars and thetf 1 i ' ' ' ' I ' . ' if l- - ' currency -was composfid.p .ri(y oi gold and partly of silver ;uYit so happe ned that prt- or to triehyer thesej twoUlsiad iti tbt; ticnftal market the rt Utive value of f undergone a cnange t ot"' Eiorscv that one dUDceof gold qoul i teadiiy be exchang lor moithaii hlten ounces ot stiver, rot l - Tlie consequtnt oj Ttfisiwas, th whehes- let cofa, was f requited to be exported to f Europcgtid I was sent in preference to sil- iL-f- ' iia . -L . r nrl this ornoMiOnn sm 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1 ft rr until 1 , !irt 'i "V . i ' i ncir 1 ft 07 orrfiitstaln nnlil rtirk' u)a at , . , r ,4 T ., , t fvmch was subsequently -produced in i ne cn'uuiern oiaies wuiu aoru.u in searcn tf its:cqivalent.. j , -j ' ; 6y 'ihisjxlikappeari nee of golddhe currency oX, tiif Uniteid St&tes belrarae virtually a cur rjeccjji of (silver. Sllvel dollars and their jractbnal parts wef n thb coins universally elbpiyed. As the b istsjof a'r-banking system, theyimd all ,thc valti e of gold; they were lar more convenient than gold to the gt eat mass of tlii people in j the . ordinary transactions o" lip. Bi this was not all. The'curren cv cf the! Uiit 6 S atc was placed in a ' i . i i s ; dependence a'sl rt'-gards the currun- ry oEGrciHt Bnlaui, which wis f gld; so tSiat M'h cnUntiy, in thd managenent of its f.- m!( V.it lil.irn. liad ktnlv li look to llSfclf. I . J..J, rtP L: St inn I of thn n,r,,r rurr jjf 11;,,, u lbf, cJrre icy of the other, lhe yIKrM.ial proerity of tKither was plac ;t ihei nir-rcy of the other. Ofe reoiurkablt prhof of the truth ifthi posijoh 1$ tobe . foiirid in the well-known factoat, 'thej great pijnici and p'ssnre lot mot) y, which, in the ykr 1825, brought the pink of Enjiland .tojtlie verge of stop pin sjiect payrnefitsl arid absoluteiy com pel d eighty private' banks to suspend, was hoi ft it in the United Statesrj as af general pr re h't money, aitpougbs niany coi-uuft'-ial toasters resulicd front' a. -fa If in the 1 1 prir, of cottqr 1, in 'wtjicl article heaV.v spec aoert efiterrd into , lAnotiier uijtioiis had !rof is to be found in! - r ( the couditiori"Ok diVaf Brit iin jdu'ring tpe benoa ol uenerai f SAT . t J'aiiison'sloiiriic abovd referred to t Whilst wo, drew fioin her neaiilv four -millions of .speue t-oiiars in me iij;ot4'. ed (U0 pressure course , ot a yuar, 11 tir inoney 111 tfie fion- don market, i The w iiter r mcmbws coti- cing that factjal the time A its c and he. as foil iriate m jln nig able occurrence, to! sustain ;tl H vvjdenc which Jvi!ijt.ut te disputed, jfn tie import of the ecretary of the 'I'rea- svrj, wbitijh jljis beer, hereto! oreassumed a utiifiri;! v tor most cjf his calculations, i hole i i bie givjng the jiggregatOffitnomit t lions cfiroub.ted Ei in Ei iulaud and Wales, he B '.i:k U Engl id by private banks. & liiur branches,' M'j by'jjvijt stock haiiKS ai! ie;ftiViig dutcs.1 a I)c. 28, 1833. whed the a j ' inount was - ! Mphtp4 March, 29T, 1834, when the a- M .-.' ; v.. oV4uni!was . 28 735327 tiiap. 1 !Sit4. wheri ihe a- V: , i.'iont.t iwus I I t 29.4o7 682 .jThs ibporjation3 of ollari fiom Eng lahd tif thle lUnited vSthtes mtueuced . in ralavembu 18.33, vne hipnth aj(terjt!ie '.fe-; mitwal oftj& depsitcsJ;ahd continued until J ly 1 1. S 4 ftj b e n tfiV nfws of thepassagej bf: Me gohjl bill 'reafched r thet country and vlet'wb -find thatr bfrtweenlthH astli uf Dece nbcK 1S3. atvdi t fee v 58th irdf Iune, tuecernocr. ido. i!onr--WM bosftiveiv -increasifd oiore 'hxdAseviin millwrts and a halt ofdoP dfststtmiiibfe the poujnd sterling at$i4 30. J .- L-Al f.ilL. it."- L.J. .lL. -" l i nis arose km" turircoinsiaucu tuai. silver dollars wjere,t m. England,-mere articles of mcrchandtsej !c nd the abstraction, tHerefu're. of a few millions of the'ioi could produce no more j effefct u ppq the currency f f Great Bitam than ibe exportsjtion of an equal vahie in iron or lead, dry oods or bard- But ihtsr waa not all. The stead, ness of Enaliish ictlrreacy prevented a fall ft om ta- king pla6einUbo prices tf, cotton and otb- i erAm-nco produce, waitrj-would naveoc- infiin TiC.li a itrii.it I no a , r, m. nmtmark c m rnmrm -w tW ' :: V' i:'7V ' Iti appori of this position, iBcVriteris able! to stkteT that, having eMmiried ihe prices uf futob Quoted in commercial let- . MJnpoI boasts of the greatest trespectibititVH he has Ifound the highest qiwftiinsj uj ihavebeenj ps follows, at the diie fwpecuvelyrhentioned, for oplands ,U ,;tic ocl 1833 A. I 1834. ilarch' 22 April 23 May 16 lune 7 July 8 "October 30 j)OTemberj23 j December 8i Decem$er 1874 "'January Aw 4- i Au2u5t,23 September 30 9 o i whilst, at the j capitnlttsrto e same tim. if r,'.t.! t r::... . ttend rrhef to our rn, rebuts, W3 Di.l nn I ii ,t. :t -j . -"V."- W r-5 sltliasqual jrjinlue to b6nt 4 87Uhows has been Lnt.in.l. itK tiwo was to render void the preferre'd r hfi -, : r :- . date of trie passage of Aese la wsrijifi ship -tsents from f Eur ope" were ordered tV be maie ltl gM .insioad ofiyer.f and the consequent? was that this demand reach-, ing the coffers of the Bank of England the greaUdepository of gold in Europe produc ed an irntniHiat nfTdM i.n. i : ' rr Great Britain, bf cbmpihnz tho Banks to coutraci their issues. Hence we nd,;bf theSecrelaryV table. abo?e reterred tp that a contraction nook olace in ilm ieirrulat ban . notes in- Eiiolamt An.1 w.i, that, on the 27th ' September,' ISrthe- mow nt was reduced to 28,59 1 vl 1 2 and on ihe 28tif December to X7 729,828. Wing a diminution ol upwards of seven millions of dollars. ... , r. ,rr ; From these facts.' supportedd)j -the docu u merit itry. evidence of ihe Treasory Depart im-nt. as well as by sound- reason, it ia manifest that the passage of the Gold bills ideilt I llrd t h Rrillcrt-n.l t im.nn 11 T MHIIfM BUM .lltikl 0.411 vunrj cie?;hd. rendered ea'ch tVirtterlierMflter liable7 to' be tnlfuenced "if tfiptker.Ex pa nsions and contractions can . now fhardly fail to be simultaneous and .henceforth more than at th period when the sehtene? was first pron uuced bv Mr: Gorbaru, in Coigns must it be true that tha barome ter of the American jnoney market hangs up at the Slock Exchange in London.' O verrissues by the English banks cannot fail to excite ovei-issues by the American banks; for aGrett Britain is the country in which almost all our exchange transactions with the world are concentered, if the British standard of currency be depreciated belov the metalicj standard of the Confined, we shall fe.ej its etfects in our curretiey without i.'log ible to d. M:,.t It. 'Shall feel.' did I s?v ? WV rio already frel it, nd there can not be aqdestion that our prsnt pcuni try einliaira'S'O- ids have been 5rc tly augui'-u ted by the operatioi. of this cause, resulting from one of General Jackson's 'hnmblo ef forts1 to restoro the conslitutiona! currencv 'With these evidences before him of 'the yiractieal opcratioa of a law which was ca pable ,i4f4rrducing the' most disastrous re sult. General Jackson -had he understood the subject, wouhlhave abstained from any active participation- in rendering it more mischievous and fatal than the ordinary operations of commerce would iiave ren dered it. But not so. Carried awavyiin the pursuit of his ignis, fatuus his consti . i . j. i irrtended.to restorci the c. tutional currency ha arrogated to himself , ;r . tlte right, by the arbitrary exercise of his Executive authority, of imposing a tax up on the owners of tJie French indemnity. Those citizens were entitled by treaty, to the full amount of the sum stipulated to be paid by France, wilhout .any deduction whale ver.-either for the purpose of glorify ing General Jarkson, or for the purpose of enabling him . to pursue his favorite Jack oLaniern.t; Hhcj were also entitled to their money Without a moment's unnec essary delay,' and the manifesily plain course AvhiiiliMndgmei't demanded to be pursued ..was- to, have given-each claimant a fii If uon France for the mount of his claiih, to beviiegociated or collided in the .-mode which b-st inight suil him. This course tras urged upon the Secretary of the Treasury by s.otnc of. the claimants, w!io proved it io be the cheapest and most prompt mode by whfcirihey, coulee pla ced in possession: of tbeirpropertyfj and it is'evi'ie'Bt tliattjiad any 'of the -claimants, wished gold for fiisjsbaj-e he could have im ported it upon qnire ms favorable ferms as ihe Government. But no. The demands fTlieiagffregste amoiint of gold coin aul pul'V imported during the year ending on tlie 30di September 1834, was $3,706,172,' oCwhich Sf ,922960 came: from f England, and 824643 llrom Frances w - ; v The agregate aUGtint pf goldTTm ported auring m year eouingyn i:io vuui ii,s3rp- i,09, 1 06 came frprr ii!ahd,afrd.'$i4dtt 1)55reametfroxn'-Friihce r " t It is probable' that nearly liiew hole or this gold -wag imported last tnoh lbs, of lhe year 1 834, under ordew gir ef, after the passage of th"C;GoId f biD, and before' the country had recovered from the shock which led fi)Tthe importation iff coin. Tbero. wa exportnl duringtiiis same year in; gold $325,679, probablytla ring the last "sit fnouths of; the financial year,. tExchange on ?aris at New Ynrk,-.ira '5OTeu'51: bill at sixtrdaysl sigh$.lbetwee5t:ihe fjW J a v ."i .1. er.i-. r.f..- ildoi would he pre ljirch and t.'ie lain ol June. jo4. nactu - jted f...m what ''"..g hoiae the funded tf. AiUK - a- - - - b-v.:-.".irmic"tr.,i;.; v- n nnii - ill" mim. l a i a. Air r riiiwi ib one dollar onD CttireDcy is equira- - ied KQ u.e nirge.tion.rdi!:? nt to 5 francs d 35ipcu.mes, or one re thVMePsW ,WellwllieBtV'-tor-hundreth p,ur rmVhe "J receiving the indemnity ta paowto. HAn (VD'4f lha VliMul nju.li.nid kill tiff T : i . O . r ' . J v".T-- "w..e ,-v.t . uN,n; iii,itrrhild na soon a receiv 9 4 cenU above par which added. ta one per 'mwfam&nf ;he.njhe billtwnr w ? V, 3? : in'anticipatttri of MriUf v 9$ Government. had a ngbt to draw, and per- , " . . 1- ill ; 91 haps half per cent for the superior ecari-, It U for this surr, and upon Uis arrange 91 tV of a nnvntneht'hniovers privaterbilTfv meBe.ptesome,: the .. Bank fmeric ' would make about two per etntr.ihtf .. . :r " . .- " -1. tv!ieQ n r f!: - - - i'H ,urreoct';: .Orders' yret V -: 4fop MUr;-ino,!. -Tr rrtcreihw 'V,5l!'y r i.tid;. a dru w: mdu - ; rrS!4re.mn, thVH 1837, the dale of the" last advices, nr.d- aTiiif U . 1 - . . " - ' t....vm ..as i"n,e uerty augiueu'ed ItT-lbe addit tonal thmend fnreafly 3tnhcriia-' fe lion of dol'ars, the amoQnt'Vf "ttie fil in- stalment of the i?Jemnity paid b Fxm e V 1 inJ February last. It is not pretended: that i1' 1 pressure fin "the EaglUh money-market withio the hstyrkrjtis been1 ;x occastoced by tK last metiOf?eij"huW4e -' fibrU" to resiord the couSlkntidHaf uiit rencyM Gtlier demands tor "troldt have existed, apgst them nevithJJank of.-'t? ATnca tliPpTidHparp df jHte-btk irtV ffe'w Vnrt'.- nrl nha l,W O ,. Af. .f'.L ." " u nitert jstate?, reDderedwexpedien W by 3to rapid return of her '-i hojeg Jpiiient lb!! I the earv part nf l8f5 H:v?tf oUie Vnb ' stiiuttnii in t?reir plathroujgurtuj Hie AVes- ' 'v, nos.Vf some, f- Gen. vJackntiirfca: hundred and fifty-sere neV'pnks.?;!: Of the practical nperaWrm f ir4esV;tw:o i humble efforts? upon the" jmuTedfaVjn-. terests of ihejrftizens of the. Wit' '-J?; it bebiwves us tnow fy s pek Y? The contrahioo rl'ihe BnsbxwrreneV. ' a every nnellieitUi Wru knovt; rfi'r heeix to create ?;a, pressure ; for m$ey' n' Eiigjand. wnicli has?pr.;ufted tfie ftT w- Vf inrjH-ult. ; .i'-'- . j ' ' .V' 1. The market rate"of interest jJJeoB frJ.ir advanced -from' 2 I i ' 5 per ceTitPtjakf I 4- ' ... a . ... 1 - V 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mil 11 I n. 1 .r'j 1 . 1 1 ft 1 in d vf. 1 111 r.Bi .1 . M r, ....... , ... . rv . "ii(iMtn l.il 'iJJ-" TTlli- i has bad4. a tendency t kVep' i;io:jj la. biigland " winch would TilierwiKe. ii'svo -i songn4 investneht in th United ..Stiites-. feH 2.1 British "mercbatWre prejentH 'froM accepting with theiracisieU frdoi iheJtilU of exchange drwn upn shfp ments of American pr,locc if ; 1 . 3 British' capitalists are lesg able" tbari befre to inake advance?. tr Jons ou the eeiirity of American stocks, which cuts ifT - large siinrc from which, capital r lias Heen heretofore suppled for our Variotii in. tfir;t;d improveinents. . 4 British maiuifaeiures are les able than herebvfore to"; give ere!it to such of i iur,.i'iipiirtiiiw iunoaiH as rrquirc i, 5 The price of cotton has fallen, since ihe first of January last, foui f five . entf, a pound, in Et?glnnd. hy w'li.-h Aiuericii. -shipters will lose 20 or 25 per iet.jiipoa2 the stocK gone for ward, aod tj . wnicu our cotton planters will he deprive! of a cor- -responding or a greater amount, as lot rdl of prices at the South has al read y mre evident. . ; ?. 4' - And now it only remains ir u? to ' inrv quire, how. have these f lMimMe efforts' .n;tittoji ciir rency V Has the tmportathwtvof thirty millions of gold and silver pushed any. pa per out of circulation t Eta far from it, ine amount oi paper lias iiiiginrinru, a wo ,- i have shown, to an incredible amouru-- Kv 1 The banks all seem P have acted uop the t principle lhat their pow tbmir kej' rv their notes in . profitable crn(aiioti wift -i ju! in proportion to the specie they hv 1 Ir i on hand, and accordingly we nave see i that, just in the measure that Gen Jack claimants would have rt teT id beyond ifc amount of their claims it is true that ilb: ... ' exchange upon France mi'' r ae' tfb f, vv; soinefhing.tn consequence of ii ini -ai f ; supply of lulls, but this couid - : buvce quailed the los which the cl ninot sus- ".. :; Ui ned by the delay to recline 'l eir ft;".ey, which was not piid ufttU ,hy-. w! i-b. wnl then subject io a de leciion ftr :h- ex- -penses of freight, insurance: a.'id e.Miifui-: ; sio ts, iurident to the importatioo ct:the vt 'gnhh ;. i , ' " - Thebes', commentary, however utwo tbe -fTlly of t'jese ih:"ortatiAs 'it id f -ond in tfie fullovi inff artiele, whO is p ed trom the Washihgton ; Gloiie of tlie 1st iust. : j: : .v v lNin)LrTXKlKiElttiT. -Tt:.e; Jast - NeW York American coniaiived the nrflow- s ing.:.'-t ,w.!-" ..." 1' . fl?The Banlrof America vill aUo drw their bills n the RothsrhibN, o,Pari, At ' fupwardsof million offraji.,r .- y tTue above sum, winch the.f;k rt A j merica proposes toMra w for. is weprei.rjey drv acconnt 6f thetiext instImct't fatltp due under the Neapoliunuii zey, - I'That bankhavJngV as w; learbf ?o o v pen credits toa jJa1rge amount bpid the ? . RethsehHosb'oVb?in"-: Inn wilfnjgio'r fi.F itself of .itf under existing, ctrcumtariees, suggested that the next.! instalment o he : paia iu May or j one. 011301 p ihccu under lhat ere Jit. i ? ,4 tr he Secretary of theasury. we aref v i ; , 1 informed;tirifing tliat; thejnrest pr:the ? in ine preri yf- .-;'r,".v,Bt : - ...I,1 fin .loiltllfr nf (tia nr.. : . t ic; ' v -':o. . . ni mk .IhBV- mt.rl.l !lm: limine e. , '!",7',,."'v: :. a i nsed-ta rebee the co mm unityf1inheit8 : rropesed to pi the bill oo Pari- . f N VI - I- l 1 ti " r , i . f - 4t - t-' A, a; s '"c. -1! IV 1 I i .l...-:w-4 -.! -ri ! J . l'