and il DU Uua. hex. htt ill U tl til o be sill T llhuut EST" II cuu- ieMe4 living prr-vi-Mitrh-counl. i if IImi- lo iriakt agamrt hetu ut Law, oi rovcry. Idm'r. ce cf 'ha u.- VV' suUciia- AsNmrl ERS. atac'sKtl on Dthi. tha Co Uthabtuwl Jeied, Uu1 the Cim- appeal It it Sesasrt a, at v; I? 131 IB v U. bli , C W C 0 roUna Scsiions, altarhoenj on Laud. Court ik lin. V''c (wki null': r brfoit ' next .use in leu C ri Sepintl lead tows against hit to aatisfy 4 ur said Cu'J s, 1837. Jv.JS jr the xaik a fff ns while M tber pattit" , Tbe iraii). II, iUl' ttttnn is of nu ! on t Lf it wH 1st of AC 15 50- Pld .niaJef"'0" fter tbs sv ,oderata F in neaW flicC.M B YiIlilMtffOy C. JONES. TKU3IS. The Watch ,naI hereafter 1,0 u,t tWl,DoHirs and Kifty Cents per year. CUotK-iuR - uiscnbvis who will 'plfinUan- h vv(. 1- u n at onej.aymenl, .P! Il th. P fr .hi year al Two Dor , ins each. and an lou r as the same class shall r mtinuo thus to (lay " advance the. suir. of Kiirhl D-illar ill" mH continue, oihnrwiMthey will bo chargeJ as other subscri- ' who "1 PaV Jol" le jer will bacharjefl ihrco Dollars in all cases. N,i subscription will be received for less than ""fffpiper will he discontinued but at the op tion ul he lli'or, unless -til arrearge are paid "''Vj letter li lh Editor must he ;nW pttU ; elmrtv'ne they will certainly nit be it WnAd to. iv dm or ADTKRTlsisn Sixfu two V n in '. ocriri! for , ea urmauw for euri iauertion afterward V, advert Hi;iitil ' will he inserted fur less thin onb Dollar. m. Advertisements will Ha continued uotil order are revived to slop them, where qm directions are previously given. .-' Adveitisemenu ly ihe year or six ninths will b made at a Dollar per ; month for each aquae with I lie privilege of changing tbe oniteverv quaitar. ,..tjf . SAUSBURY, 0,-eswax per lb. 10 a 17 cis. ; Brandy, Ap- pie per eal. 45 a 50 eta Cuiton per l! (in seed) S cts ; Cotton buiring 'is- CiilfHe per It). Iti a 19 per yd. 16 25 cis ; Lasting per lit. 1 a "5 eta ; Cotton yrn, froin No (i to Ai Jl, 41 33 a 2 mi'ct ; feathers pi IS; .15 cisiFlouf prbl. ti 7; 'h;at pr imsh.$l Ui I 33;Oat4 pr bushel .iii ctsj Corn pr buli "j els. lMnperlb.6 a eu ; Lead p rlb S n'lOfis j MolasMt K.t:L cu ; $'U i r !b 9 a I" els; Rrtl pr IhO a o rts ; Hae.. " p, r lb Hi cts, Bitttar pT Iti Hi eu ; i.iirJ ,m i ill 15 eta; Silt pei l i i ?! i I j' J; I, Auk n cin blwter.flr tii'lW ci ; I'.nyl. k ; i t lb 20 cts ; Cast pel lb. 121 h j ; Yankee d. 13 .-is r I., r. :Ui..n I1 1 ns ; Suoar 'I !!, IKT iJ il, ' 1 jn i lb '3) . -Iiiii-ii T yd. i i-r yal. l 50 . ' i I .luct do Mi!:io., (KWeel) I 4 a 50 i U. ln; Tallow p-r lb. 10 il .:- 16 a iOrts ; A'.itu ('!' hit Portugal do. il 50 l per ifal. l 3 a I 75 per ffal-fl ; WliiKi y vi C11KKA IV. Beef in marke-t per.pj t. a S ct ; 10 a II era;" Uu ')U -'I' :t Bacon per ; Bet'swax peril) i0 a il cis ;' t" 1 "'' et pi5alrope per lb a Ii 14 n ; CH. e pr. lb l.'i a 16 cts;Cuil4m4)erJl)taba-5- -Wtf flO-fJOj Corn per bushel tJO lOil a ni Fl or from wagon per brl 7 H (Kin. frotn etort s i r brl.flO a 13 tlroti. per I'Ju ! 45 61 a 0, M luej pof ial 45 50 i eisj Naili cot .iss.m- ed per It 8 1 2 a 9 cis; W roiK'ht .ds. jvi i -M cts ; Pork pei lb 9 ; Kiev per 100 Ii s . I- 1 9 00; Nj.rar pr Is. II 10 I l a eu.iali -p saek fSHilrpiir b-w i 7 J 1 oisjiel - i merioan lilmler pr lb 10 lb es I il..w p-r l.i n i 121 eta; lea liop- rut p-r lit ,1 '2 ia I J71 ns llyaoii Jo. pr lb 41 I 2i ; Tobacco luaiui Itaciured perl:i(t 15 er. , "T y irrr k v i i.i.v. Lrnlv, p:u'i. 7iH0. Apple. f.On 7n naeor, prlbS 10 a ov'; Cuiion pr ii a H ii Uo!fn pr II, H ' a Ml ;H.Hir blj. .5 - C Flaiise.'il pr !h i INM HUU, K, a(.,s ,r -4 00 Corn )f re.-1' I 'ifl't; Iror. pr III 54 a ti; .Mo luswi p wtT "Hi S W, "Xalls eriTTl s 8 ;Sall prbnli50a 75. o;ar nw la 71 alt ; 'I nUieco; leaf i a WSPat pi 'i.mIi ( do, o Wiii&lvty prgal- 52 55, Hi a DO By the Gowrrior of Xorth Carolina $200 USWaRD. WUKREAS it btnli.-cn inidek.iown to me ' bv lbs veH'V of an !no.i. ki Ireld bv tin- Coroner, that A t K-y, of the enumy, if Martin, was recently murdered in said cnun'y, i nd lliat U'VJrge W (Joburn, (of the county and i State afureaaid) tian.t cbarifed with the com isiuii ol (he said and whereas it is fpre-wntod that the said Gmirjfe W. Coburn U fugitive, from juatiew. Now. thftfeforn. lo Ihn mnA that the (.aid urge Y. Unburn may or sppreiiend and Migbt to trial, I hav iboiifhi piojier in' iHSim "ia my Proclainaiion, uft-Ht ir a reward oi two aadred dollars, tu anv pers-tii i.eison who ill appiediand and confine hurt in ll.e jsil. or Oliver bim to iheSbwilfof Ai county : and I Jo morever hereby reonire all ITi"er. whether il or military, within this Sim. . m use. their kes.1 exeriujiM to aoorenend. t.r cause 10 be sa ' Ptcbeoded, Ihe said fugitive Given ttwler my har.d as (J vernoi, S sfcL. I and the Or. at veal ef North Ciroli "''- n al Im Ci.t nf Haleurh. ihin 26lh May, A. D 18.17. I) B DUDLEY. CHRfsTorntn C. Bati lc, '. Srct y U. V Cohnrn is about 30 V ears of aire, about 5 feel tf inches high, Murk set . i t an athletic and B,acular constitution, cntuphxion lather florid, face, speaks shurl anil uuii-k when sixiken J", with eyes somewhat do m- .si. i i believed ore on leavjqg, Uuu tloih xi wiib vH- wji?-7;r:'' - 047 USTAHLISUMENT Tiir.JouiiAiJ.oinci: FOR SALE. VlNG loth intended lerhoval of one nf tha lUilnra mi lha wink t ihn nthnr lit dr. voie himself more exelusitily to tbe duties ot us profesmioo.tU n..,liuiane.l i.lTer fur sale the -stablishment of th. N,.nh Journal Of fice. Tha IM;. .i.u t i I v w(wo 1UUHU III irw, n w e A lirriiul nii.,...i.i .. . . ri l -.!-!. :.l - iumi i lype. ins list oi siiDscriuera is IiiIm,uI.Im l. ,. .' ... k . 'jls"MWM tr doubt noraigtii be greai T k-neoti by a little exertion, any per- -.wiroua oi embarking in Ibe business iifltfer 'NUceinenta mil Inlnri v t 1. .l.i. Vi.ia km - . ... u .... , w '' J 1 1 Mil" Ulll-ll. ' practical printer lby know of no investment "'ld make of bis money that would yield bim ' Hs profitable return - . . .HYBAKTit STRANGE., yetfavill ft)lb. May 1837. - I " ' ' " - - : 12 - 1 1 i N iwmm, 7 .. - . T . a 1-.-V . Lf . NEW FASHIONS. Milliner and Mantua Maker, INFORMS (he public. iiMmIia U re cmved Uie.t'f VORKfr PlULADt'.L I'HLl jirin and vfummer rVsi'.ioxs and will oxeni iv.irk inilitari mi tr inches her biiHine, in ihn most t'asbiniialtlestyle, wilt fidelity and pnniiine8. Oiders finm adiatanee will besirirkl) attended lo, ami articles of Diem, eanlully pack ed and ent ofTaiteordiiig lo-dmetiini. ()ld Legbiiinjni'il Straw ll.iiniets bleach ed, cut and trimmed in the latest Style. HrsJbUiJfc-- FiiTslvli', s stork f D-'onfis, Caps, &c. &e Mis. P. n'turtis her thanks to the citizens of this plai'ii sikI the adjoining Counties for the liberal ni ouraieiin lit she has received, and pleilg'-s htr.t lf lo renuwtd exertions to please tlicd). . Salisbury, AraiL 15, IS37. Private Tuition in Music. jTIS$ BAKER Mill give hasons on the lvJL 1'iaiio Friii lor q iarinr 12 ' weeks, at tin- (evidence f Mrs. Bak. r. The Q.iarter to commence on M. July 3rd. I ir terms will bJI5 per (jiirteV, or $1 '25 per week, Li a aliortcr peii.Kt. alibuiy J'tiy 1, S.?7-4w50 r tHK A.NNLU. KXAMLNA'UON OF Ja Mr.. Il;ii. !irson'Ni o..uar), uul iMitnii. i at Hie Pin i) u imn tnir. li, in .SjIibo.h) , on mi i5ih of half paai 9 'cbn-li. A.' Al. The fricrifs of iIih I'upil. ai d ol (Lis bui ry, are rrsj.ij.fiful.y iuviit-tl lo an. nj N U-SId itutc(iHi, eniNe'imf (Uy leave ..I Icin i;,) lo nsll l. r 'ln,ifin l.umi iluii ly utter lh hxuNiUtatioii-fl. wilt ri 1 1 oldio.-.l i., sneh ol alrom ,m may noi. ).-) I.ave eii,.i ib.'lr bills ,1 r-jiiiiiij, L,t i t), as s.H(i) iia liiay b COIIVUIIUlt Hi lhr.l.ves In . IS 17 - 4 i 50 V' i i". 'li.M.ii I h J i i, ll.M i i.l.; ..'ll ill mm-'ice uii F.mI.iV. Ilie s2S,I uieli i ii t-ai- of jim li-jy AL-A-1 dsti. K-cior rr. It' v (). IMrii. lot ii'. on (..'. i.i il He I... jiuilil .stile 'il Ii, lo-.ihll, ri'sio ii-il hlr rnuie II) old T ol III" fi -aril nf I r.K'eis, . K H Fi:;- F. AN " iS.c i llaU-srV-.L.-i : f'.T .t.-;r- ..." iriLK.. i'l'.vi r Stiperwr i.eio.' of Laic . rd 'it tin, lo. il. Mm Mary O r v John Orr; 'on f : D. vor.'e. " I F .ippi-ariim lo li.e i-.v.ifartit.n of the ("oi.n. Ibat tbe ). ten iai.t is imt an lobauilaiil .1 lliis Slate : Il is orderi ' Ibai liil''ical ,o't be iuade for m i week in th-(:. - In.a W ai. l.m . . I ill Ii inlaiil, .lolin ()rr. B.). aral ll.e or ( o'.ftffr La. lo :-In Id f.r 1 1.- . . . . .. (hat said next Se peril co.iniy ol t lilts. "l onii i. ... s.-, ii Wilkedatri.egb. i.PMie h. venlb inoioi iy at'. the I bird nun. lay in August next. U.m a-i, lln ie to pl-ail, a'iswer or lt mur to the t?ni i ' lili.ui, or Hie bauie will br l iken pio co..l. -.. and Si t (or hmnrg ixparte. Viins8. William V I'eden, Clerk of n aid coiirl. at nffice. tlie"7lh moliJny -after 4l. iliir.l uionday in Ftbruaiy A D. IS-17 V - U . FEDF..V, c s c July I C 50 r ( L' i, - -ttf flf T) flftll tC.trnltll.L H-lLkKS LOU.VTr May Sessions, 1837 Colby Alexander, ;v Jos Blown, l Original Attachment v Levied ujum Land I I appearing w ine saiistacimn oi tne vvuru l " that the defendant la this ease n.,t an m- ... . t .1 r habitant of this Stats : It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in (be Carolii.a Waich man fur six week, that the defendant appear al Ihe next county court, in held lor Wilkes county , on the first mor.ddy after Ihe 4ib o.on day of July next, sod answer Ihe Plaintiff, or Judgment will be eriicred against him , 'IVsI-Wm. MASTIN, c w c o 6w50. 5 0ENTS REWARD. RUNAWAY lioiMl.eJubj "if-STiT ipjirvnMce Try, by Ibe' name ot Radem Z. Graday or R Z. Wi.jg.iiis. He wd certainly alter Inn name lielore he goea fir : He is about 5 leet 5 or 6 inches high ; -a cidtbiated gambler 7 a grear- uian in a gr.ig ahitp, and a grea1 man .w here be is not knw n.-lille will try 'topaiX.tva 'BWlfcl atid always goe wall armed with 2 or 3 pistul' and one bieasi dirk unkiiown to lue lie will make fur the WeM I expect The above reward and n thank-i will! given In Ibe man that will . . . i . i I : ... iM lake upKSl.l apprentice ami leien nun " Concord. North Carolina, I forwsrn all persona lriinriiarh.)iiiig said apprentice in anv wise what ever, aa I will put the law in Ml force against imiu. - Wm. M. II EN0ERS0N, Esq '-.Iirty 13w5r 7" "FOR SALE," 3T "H'RST RATE BAROUCHE, with a JfjL fine set of harne, mu a credit vf six ur I inrll eq lfJI -, , "f" v ' . ., if . ......... . i .' '.- m ..... From (he National Gazette THE CONSTITUTIONAL CUtt KENCY It i really amuniii; in we trie e ipedli'-nta to wl.irh ihe m, .. ; ,n . w ... . n , witu ii uit writ, rs in Uio Washington Otobe i tie eniiMiiulional nurenc' ; 'murine and lo prote.rt Ueneial Jiiksmi fi 1ft tfte jiMtniin wliu h wtl inetitabty att idi to liim, I as soon as th iub!i.- mill ' shall be ilis'lnis- l as to In fiiianrml Pkill. Kiuiwiiijj that j it is iti'pn9ilI to iur:i tiin of sound liiiiikrifl, with even .ilib shew of rea , ,1, i . , l e Zr. .r,jo.. c , haf , addilioiul the.r remteis, a ,d endenvor to f.,reslall ; !,, t , iec, ukett fr(I, 114 b, E (), b, tlie, ment of rpi.h. .1, ,, . ' . H u J , . ,r.,,n 'f.. . . i n.Diinjii lira ruonirv nee- Hon, ran hiro little mfljeure when tbo grrat intcret-t of ihe country are at s'.ike. Mi net instead of attempting to disprove the lar lliat tlm disalci uiid(:r whi.-h tons of thousands of our cihz. iis r now wri llniif, have bn-n duertly pnxlnred bj ihe ' 'fforlH of Of nenl Jackson lo re store the ctm.-Uiiilional TUrri'iicy,' you see denunnntions of ncpogiiion nrtuls in the following Ktraiii: The United Statu (old l r .Tl,,, -Ami iko (the upolotjist (or Jaiil'te. 'Tl, An.. ,...n ii... t.L Ibe Dartmoor fiiss&tcre of Ainencan prison ers ol war.')-rie Lxpress(Hartlord Convort lion Journal;') and 'all who are under the influence of the Biring and Biddle press es,' 'sre anxious that specie should be sent to England.' and the idea is held out, thai the Bank of the United States an d the Bank, of En j; land have conspired together to tun.-fer General Jackson's forcing pumps from Europe lo the L'niteo States, and thus lo undo the glou-ms vork bich he, haO acromplished 'i 'he rluldisl- hbsunlily of an allegation like this, sc re. ly merits lo be In u . . . j . . . . z . l. ... ........ , f oi".. i .'la,',i iiimii an nil .. v., portanl nulij.'ii, hut a-it i one of tli gintixt ' iii a i ' - arguments upon wln. lillio A 'ininifclraliiKi, if il can be judged b tli lairjjiiao of its lh tal i.rjj in, relies for adhering lo the spe cie nicolar, it is enlnled lo notice. The slijht'st a qi lint in "i" With ihehuvs by winch ll.e pre. n us mi talsnrc di luitii , li-il ll,rouolioiii ih' cinnnierci.'il wml.!. is j Kurti-H-rrt tor s-itiaty any wtin vd or nimr t in ii II' . t. that n. itlu i ili Bank ol Fubiiol nor id" Bank of llif Uuil' d Si i'.hk. imr fll I lie 15 ink. in l. tb minings, with the fi- n.iuri .1 Aid ol 0' iurif J ii ksnu i Ik uI, i-ool.l liuveuny ll'-'-l m . rinanriitly nl'.irino ! those liiirtfl Wheii a i'liiincy is il raugi il bv i xllaoidinary riiloi Umy cans , and ll-i-level Vi one country is raised al i-ve lin ol Hiiulli. r, lb. riiio dv Mill he? applied by ilit iip la'l hi. of conniM n-e, nnd lliosf op.ia li.ui ire llie iiiean. winch are now in pro ores, mi if which if :il ill- ti.'liiks lhl have 1 1 rn liuiK.I Hire .slunk (lit if cxii ( nee. will assiinillt ti.siore th" level. U .rdi iifi'i ie ..f mi r Ii h.N Mlili'tili il to F" "j.i . or ini'Hpof Hion lit !!) specie at unu.i nl ff j.,r,"t pi'ssilfe, in - y postpone r i while the i r i ns in isUin The Hi'.xiiiy f tl H.u.k f E il:ii.d Id jct buck a part . t id. pi. Id vi.,i Ii ivinloiciil out of In i dir. r.s l tin' IMiHie n.eij.swi . 5 of General .hrkson, 1 1 i -. iii. the otiivt h in.'. hiie lttldcncT-t"t liilfifrfj "jf ; T.Vi7n hi' hen I potV-i-r ui.iy pi i.i. llie slri'iij,'. t fin the incilient. llie coi.ii st Viiiist ti.d lu that Iraoj-oisiHii. 'I Ins n .suit 'In' w nl' rs in the i ' t" t hi cm eii-jiij In f joeriilc, a ml licnc I ... - v lone 11" II 'il tli"elf Uh.Ii mIiii Ii rr h iinlill,-liel. hv way el (lilottinij ilosi I llo ir riM.I' is. I wo stiiliMllcal Hie eal. iiluKnl ?robsly lo inis- Ic .d 'lie public mind. 'I'lie firhl ;.hi' oives S Stalonieiit of the polo mid h'vi i com imported from, and X porfoii Jo Fi'!.' and, smiiia'iy f, (mi Of-lolu-r. IH-2H, to 30th ol Si pu-iii' rr." JH.'lti. In. in winch It appftrs, ih.kt ilur.ifo ilo w hole period of sixteen years, there irn poruil, $H07H(.72t And exp. rtcd, 1 l. Jdti 49 Leavings surplus etporlcd of jp 155,7 Jo Statt merit of Gold snd Silver Coin irnpor ted from, and exported ! England annual ly, from 1st October. 18'JO, to 30lh Sep tember, 1836. IMPORTED. IVrrr. 1821, 18-22, 12-23, 1324, 1325, 1836, 1827, 1828, 1 829, 1830, 1831. 18-12, 1335, 1834. 1335. Cold. -SUver. Total. 911 I 1 282.8 2i2 119 lti l 82.2 nf) 120. 79 :i3.57 2i.972 ' 141 :;2,i 130 ."' 44 .9 il 81 fo.j 5 716 2' $.384 4,X60 2.7 OS 8.200 63.123 40,990 3i no --. IS 90S 1 922,l)d. 708 I )(J 2 316 645.- $81,816 116.433 33.573 H,a7 3 1 626 9l 109 83 MO 2:!!l I'2 995 B?.4 vt)S 2(!i52 '"a,- Jl Li;., lSIIT .,SI.,Jtl Ml I 959 EX.POII I KD Year. 1821 1824 1823 I&24 1825 l2(i 127 1828 4449 Ib30 18.11 1832 133 18J4 1835 18 Jo Void. Silver. T"tal ll.9U.k-65 -7ti7 970 HllS tiAl - 3 1-2, II 2 297 762 555.26-2 178 21 1 2,20.775 . 297 72 572.531 17,271 10.444 - 12 000 13,655 2.29-2,775 l-a-.Mrt twyci.jj ""TO .446"! 27,216 27 237 13.779 244 270 b.i 291 (92 23 I 711.792 90 507 2 089 ,7 0 1,730571 . 244 270 3ff,OJ7 12,500 39.037 12,500 2CG,87i 7,590f13 To this table the foltow'inir r)itoriai maraa aw ippnjeci; , t 't will Waeeri by the foregoing table tht England ha lakanfrom us, tinea 1821, " ""''ion oi (lunar more man ure ha .t-.. r...... l .L bull a million of clollara more than we three q i.irlet eie in gold, Sud made by Ihe ha of the United Slates, as shown j 7 Ti Own statement No returns oi the I export of iinduliahle artirles weroj' ipade a. sih - . w prior lo iSil-Uould we hate embraced inthe, i,i,0 tperations of 1910 and ... j.. . i . . . ... w' "w iiih uoudi we snoiiid wave so It l well known, that them has Iwtm enlti M'liitly liru sinus m uuld carried outXjr p;i8.-i iiii r, in their trunks, .which was fti i i-r .leowiiud at tlie custom housu at all;whic.t, lt.'illir. duriii the years of eiport, prp h.ilih Ii..h amouitted to soino millionsp dollars. Tins miiHl aUa be added lo tW. sccooi.f. So that m place of England Itf." Kinj; in.m us, they must seud it to us. to b.u.ui. e the account i ",'"'n f i-nn ss sud candin and ikI.- o-c;onomicHl views ol iu- 'Globe It Ian m s is perccptmle in Hie atlempl lo bal ance thium imported during Ihe last three years, ihen ihe current of rpecie was run ning in nuunatural.cuuniMd, with the sum . exKiird diuMig the 4rst -ibtr'leen y ears. when it ivaS running in its natural chan nel, and hen, from ihe pecolrir position of this coutiln , tbe United States was Ihe route through w hich England received spe- CH- from . xico. lis caii toi is shewn in t e hKsirrtii.ii -ilut tliere b'.s leen conbliiit- 1,1 ,. . ,. ' 14 i,u bii.119 in iiii vrtiiiT-ii eui iij pas sei.jers in tin-ir Irimks which w is never re. .i.i . i .ii.i. ...iff, ..I ti ,1... fiiutnni I. mid., lit 1. 1 1 ' u.llll.lllt , ... . ... , . .'r istatinjr the addiiioiiil f ol, I tint foi evcrv iillar in gold enrriert out by p'issi ners, there weie pr tial)l t.'O Ihousriud dolLr brought into the rouiitry m thu trunks of I'liiigiants and its know'ivgo of political ermiomy is discernible in Ihe aage remark. r-TI Leatl tb .. in the place ol K.iglan 1 Ukiug -..ajryr 0f r,hru:(ry . H7 At ihe o.kI Iroin u thr y mustseud it to us to balance the account But the main object ol the publication of ibis account curn nl was, evidently loshew from authentic iko'iiuo'iii, that tins oiin try bad ul drawn much psjm cie from Fi g land nnd thai llier. f .re the Hank of Eng- : has no right lo ti y lo get much Irom is it w as ir mis r. a-on tiiat the state. in. nt o( ih- imp. .its was i-oufined t.i Eng h. rjd and not extended lo France or other pari i f Europe, ltiio.ygji..fla:iy body who H iViijoiiiiiled with the specio operations of )., knows that (he Indemnity money u-ei-ivi'd Ainu France itoring the Inst year i. iul irw preocnt, wi.s chiefly procured in Fuji 'lid. From a table p-iblishcd lu the Li'M.'oo I'ublic Ledger of gih of March, shew nig the quantity and vabio of the pie noo in e .s exported lo foieigu counties in IS iU ' ft urn Fnolaud, it appears that during iii .1 jear the value ol the gold exported was as liolows: Fo France, jCfi3,70 To I!olicrilam, Sd.'JSS 'Fo llimi.iiro. 303 "Sbi Fo W'eel Indu s ajld Brazil. 70.!)() To New York. 41,4-21 To E Indies & other toiiiitntu, -220.3 1 C 407, 092 C.'aS.aul Equal at 90 lo I II' re A il bImicA por ted m'k r (of t (in Ii .'': I Iti tvi nl lo Fiance, ) Mukinp a total II I the 'i.iiei: s mark : in.. ( X'!)C0,743 4,fiH,536 . f , 1 1,809 9 17 .i-ceiieil ly ihis re ..r It-- (4 HIS ilCCOIIDIS, re:-sii;,s I n'it ous to require explanation, , do mil ex tut tie sctoal exoort of ..rc i .ns I. .... i ... ltfil...o oni.oi,iie 1. Pl.,i , hv iner, .,.., - ,.nLlii.ff laieelv." hv iner. ti,.i ' exportii'g laic It wiil In; seen "however, uiai, if France spue. I its" 1 -.rl i. fher gold currency, she repl i. eil i hy nlver from England ; so ile,4n -pmnt of facTV nearly all the specie, we r'-i c.ved fniin France, was diawn from tlit- coil;-, - of IT'iglaiid. I hit nvoiii I table pulilishrd by Mlic (ilo he, shews ihr; total import and export of silver com' and bullion Irom 1821 to 1830 From this table it appears, that du ring tl-e first thirteen years, when cJoin-iner.-e flowed through its natural channels, here was imported . $87,128,450 And exported,.. 89.82 1,738 Leaving a balance i .the . , .-' . " " "-coiiiitry of V $603,718 During thu last "ihree years however, whe-i commerce was forced itito unnatural I .diiiiiMi.,-iherr"Wtt ItiJ fVoried ': a513.209.45 1 , . . ,, .., adu exjiorieo, ...;-:-. -iiiouw,ii ,uf.,.w..iA"-"i'",' "" Fable of Imjsirt and Export of Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion from 1821 in 1336, each year ending on the 30th of September. lrs. Ymiwrlrd. 8,064,H90 3,369.318 5.097.890 8,379,835 6.150.765 8 151,130 "7,f.9H 7.403,6 1 2 ig, 1 55,961 7.305.955 5,9(17.501 7,770,363 17.911.632 13,131.417 12,166,371 Expitrttd. 1H- lu,47.06i 1322 IH23 1S-24 1825 1326 ,H J7 1828 1829. I33G- 1311 J833 1833 1834 1835 1836 --'- V " '" rTii ... .. km i 1 ' nil . nf the iesult of Gen. ii J.eksmYv,v humble ef forts" to re-store the con- rljliiti.iu! eurrerney, , ! $31,319,201 am! not, Ayr millions of tlolfan aa'had been prfd aimed front one eiid of tlie couo H to the, other, t " From this table two 'important facta msy be deduced, Grat, when coin in err e is left o take care.of itself, . the eport of specie U ery j,ear equal tu the whole sum import ed ; sud the, second is, Out the amount which e n'tust part willy, in order lo res tore.our correiiey Id its jinturiil level, is not as, aref it has cyiuinonly heca sup posed, . f. ., In rsference to this document, tbo Globe remarks : ;Th followinjf tnble of the import snd export "ofperie, for the last sixteen years, -vriltatiHesl the most impoitani reflections la all pers'ons Capable of coiiiliniui causes tnd efrenlti), will beeeeti that in tbo years;. S3, there was a great export ol specie, and every, person will recollect that thai was1 a period of bank stninaffeai.w' L,I5i:JiJwtwrei money, stop laws, pro perty laws, reiiei laws, destruction or debt ore, And harvest of usurers. The table below shows the reason : il was the ex cessive exportation o( specie, arising from the Bank of ihe U. S. draining ihe Vst and South of all their specie, and then snipping it lo 1'hilsdelphia The last pes rtod that of 1833. 4, ft, 0. shows Hie irreat r oupoiiaiHHi o. specie ever known in the United States, and accordingly it is the period ol ihe greatest prosperity ever known in t'te country." . : e . If the former quotation proved a want of , . csianlmh its cl iiin to a bad meiiiory. I he Iirilfi4 III tllH fililllA llil. ...... ... .11 years 1821. 2 and 3, was not " a puriod of hank stoppages, diprecMted' paper money, stop la , prt.pcny la ws, reliel iawa, des truction of dclif rs, and harvest of usu rer." The general sue jieusion of specie payments of the bank Miutli ol CoiiiiccIi cut. wliifli i no doubt .alluded lo, took place in ugusl and September 1811, uud 'I Wlttf llirilllfi:tl,ll ItV I .IM.llllitllVA.., n nri,.;.... mentioned by the Globe, the coun ty bad recovered from the sliot-k produced by thai event, and the fxtra irdTnary exportations winch tDiik jilinT" in 1821 and 22,' did not arineTmoi the Bank of the United States " draining the West and .South' ol all their specie, but from a very different cause. That cause wan the reflux ol the specie which the Batik (il the United Stales had, in violation of the sound principles of cur rency, imported frirm Kurope two or three years before; and which was precisely, of the same nature as the reflux which is now about to lake place. So far from the Bank having been instrumental in promoting it, it coul I not have prevented it,, any more Hiiiik any measures of ihe- p'roscnl adminis tration can prevent the present reflux. As lo tlie prosperity of the country, so much loeistc.l of by the Globe, during the year 1 333, when the deposiies were removed, the year I83L when the gold bill was pass ed, the year 1833, when speculation in i.iililu: lands, Ntock-jnbhtnir, inrii-ouis, and Lynch law were rile all ovVr lite land, and Akr year 1830 when thti.ctitreiic.y of Great Britain was revolutionised by the importa tion of the French indemnity, and our own turned topsy-turvy by the pecie circular, I shall say nothing These evidences of " prosperity" are too fresh in the recollee tiou o( the reader, lo ucud a particular re capitulation. Il'tt, says the Globe, the conspirators sljell not prevail The epiu-ie which Gen. Jackson puiiuigd up from Ihe Atlantic ci ties into the interior by the Specie Circu lar, shall tc main there. Il is necessary thai il lu.i.l i do so, iti order lo prevent the h.mks in tin West and S .ulli-went from slopping I'a'.'iueiit. Indeed ! Tins is a iiiiui ulf.ur ..I lli itiuller t..!, luiLteitll ili. ' ' . - . l"'' irciHr to atop tue saic. '.i.i ;.. ol the pt.l.ln: Utid.s. and he lai.c.l iii the at That .-iiclar was issued in July, and the sales which, look place alter tnat pi rnwl, and up to llie 1st of March, 1837, auii'oiiii d lo upward. o scvlu. uiUloms of ii.ill rs, or one jnVlion ju-r inontlj. Mr. Vui Buren continues it to prevent ihe Vcit-rii and Noutlt-westcrn hanks from Mopping payment ; hy which the surplus revenue in their bands Woud be iii danger of being lost, and the Slates ihcrely de prived of their rcsticclfve shares ami llio Government of its popularity. But can ! such a flimsy "barrier prevent Uie laws of: irado from having tlieir due coiirse f Are! not the merchants of. the interior, indebted , to-the ineri haiils of the sca-hoatd lilty mil-1 Bona of dollars for itMsrchawiiae.of wlrtcli n large portion is now due and payable Most not colleciiou be made during the present year by agent, gmWf whIi or- 'drtlihhy cannot procure undoubted ..bill on iheEasi, to bring with tiioui the specie? mmavuaav.wii iw, wii-y.iwT ww . dt innud upon the banks for coin, and if thiV iltt8llflituat.tu1ic2 refuse to pay one demand will there not be a local run upon them, that may drain them ol their last dolUrdV Just as certain as that the specie left the inierior iu-1821 - and 18Z2TTn search of iu leveL so eertain 10,810,180 j8 it ,iat it wi CiVe j. j i8S7 ,nj i838 7 01 4 52 "" li Wllh the co,,,eo1 f lne '8J97!i)55 j n'n'tf'on H w" ne wKouV Aud jasj'beside tkis, iris difficult ; to imagine how , 8.014.880! the Executive can retain a dollar of the a- 8.213,176 mount collected in specie in 1836, after tbe 4,924.020 In of .October next, t)erday"ortli6rrasi - 2, (79.773 quarterly distribution',' aeeing ; that by the a'r-fiain 1 ,aw of ngrta, tlui residue f the fund al 2 6 14 952 ' tlat PenoJ w,tl 08 trai.Vferred le the States ; 1IJ75gJHHid ettrelyihatTartftbm 5,748,174 i Gerieral Jackon, in In solicitude for the 4,4321,815 public good, directed tube collected in coifl VMuVCt'1 CI ""U'liiil r aii ..iitf . . v -. iiiiiiik Aaii. Jim. . s itiuat, pe idta tha State - in eoin. The mot therefore, thai, ran be elTecwd by aa adherence to theapeeie circolaf, will be to postpone Toi a little more than fife month the r.efeas of thai amount in coin which -is held on special 'deprttoiej it being clear, that the amonniwbich is not held orr spe eial de posite will be drainer? away by the ordinary ami necessary operations of trade, before that pciiod arrives.. Silver can ho brought tn Philadelphia froin .as great t disiauce as Missouti, in fifteen daya, j at in expense nov exceeding one per eent. (. dd can le brought sis lessxpeniie, an j those merchants ofth West and Soothe -west, who have not become-embarrassed . by speeulntion, will come loaded durtug the . ensuing summer with coin, as (he surest mode of obtaining fresh supplier o goods, upon advantageous term. If would, be wise, therefore, in ihe Merchants, ef Uia Atlantir, cities, to look to themsfltre and not to tl e Government for relief, and not " td attach more importance la a repeal of the S peeie clreuljir. lbaxillTyf:ia wTTafionHhas received its death-blow. The sale of the present year, wjlh jh - revenue arising irorn Unties, -will not bo . ra ire than adequate to mee the appropria-: ,'" lions of the year. There ean Tie' no '"mora ' Government hosrding on' special depo'site, and if lands are paid lor in specie, the pub- I lie disbursement must he paid. jn .specie, -and lhaulic will snstarh no evil from -perseverance in ihe folly.,. As m Hie vain b.istiwg nf th. nf the IStff ?f instant, in aaaiiu-ls whmh senma Hi have alarm- ' d some ednois, it is mere empty deelainf iiooll . ' . j ;'4,.- 'l.t'" " I'reeiderrt Jaekaon ia rmn, but the anlbor '4 if tbe letter tu Sberrul V illisms is In ihw Pre. , si.biiiil wal; and lliiecm policy ia M las' r ii ll.e day. The public will readied that ' Idler, ami with hutv much MiupliaMS il rested . ii jHMi Mm increase of ih. iibl and ail ver eireiila-S J- iiK llie auppfwsi.m nf ilotea node! twenty 4u- ' . ,. Iar,an,l ihn c.imnge .at ibn three branch mini. WeVHuitirn lo pre.lioi llnlllio apeein will gm iner.isuit al the rale of several million per ' v bum during 'he whole of Mr Van ButMt's ad iiiiiiisirini..n.aiid ibat gold will be a conuwon-ear. ir r rency ad. ih Ins time in i out, JnsUlr4(-kwctaVs uitnts w ditto o wnrk this; Sii.iirn-r.ari Guitl Z grs basput a Wly m tbe power nf ihe timn- T nitration to keep ilo-m al work. By a a act ufj he lal Hessioii ut Cuiiecsny lb. SUI ef im. mil-" Ion nf dollar may be kpl aP the mint to up-"V ' ply it wnh no 11 ; a4 by an act nf triTjprvi. r out session, an uidim.iml amjuoi tnay be Wans- , ferred lo the mint and it. branch for lb. sam purpose. '1 bus, ihe nupplma of uiiatl will beam- v pie, fur it will be unlimited ; I rid th. publieroay ' f ihki aasured.ibat th auoc-tiir lu President Jack,- "' m.B.ibe author of ibe leiier loMierrue) Williams, t. ' will ni.UuiTer lbs limit and it. brancbs t sSd. , idle for want of material lo. wuik ato-A j,... .j--r- liy rnfeieni:. to tb. Report ,ul ihe 1 rector ef . J the Mints of the 17th of January !asl. it indeed appears thai Ihe bra.rb Minis auty be in leadU;. urn. this hummer lu coin money, but where " ; l bey lo get ihe bullitw? Tb oainM tf Ihe Sth- ? eru States mils furnished tbe Mutt ln-4h. yt 1336 with t467.O0O, whick Would eol give em. ployment lo ika two Mints steeling at Cbarhitte ' and Dablungia for two weeks ; and. a l the branch erecting in New Orleans, lb. quantity of gold which reaches Hiat city from Mexlno iso small that it might all be coined in dayor wrf.i : j' Surely 'ihe am bur of tbe Isttef to Shrrsd Will iams' would sot 'lake tb rpomitiliiy of send ing (fold ami silver coin, from e York-and I'lilladelpiiia h NoTtO Carolina, Georgia, and t Louisiana, merely to be coined evf-r s;;ani in ( - der that the branch Minis should no! aland i Such weakness eould not he expected (mm auilmr in question, Ar iiwiOiaiandin 'u,e i . whicks the Gl.ibe holds liver hint in i..t- i r -The truth is that (be expenditure im-nrr. the erection nf three Rranoh Mints, at a , t b!e cost of half a million f dl!i'i, wlnm do 1 1 was one mint llreadf in exi, ' .i , , !l cian all ihe bullion that the cuiiii'fj I t r ne J was isie of How. sbaineful ' in.!. to Hie public .mouey, which cbarae , I ' c I diuiiiiairatioo, and whi.-h ba I lor i tbe buying sp of local inlereKt. th ci. aii, ... siiiecurcij, snd the Rlotiflciiioii . f.'i i ' .! t k eon. i Aro tbernltm'ted supply' n :, I t il will never h obtain 1 until Kuulan.l .iy i the biil.mi which, br the Ulobe's p..'iii,-.. coiiioir.y, sheoeea lis in genersl account corn ; for lei it Jie4eni"mber.J that 'after the f. i f f) I ber nextuot a dollar of tbe spc-tc c..:,. ei. 1 by Ibe OnverftuVnl dnrrng'tb" fear lS.iii . Wi.J ' If at ihe disi'Osal ij'fh antT ul ihn h 'ter t Shc-rrod W illu.i.s., . x aS' EXAMI' of .Thuratlay gives the following pom : j of a citixen of thnt place who has btcu up-, pointed by the General Guvfrnment to ' a highly important and responsible office.; . , ; W. B. Donaldson, the Indian agent p-, poinled from this place, peddled out the 1 rope a inat was hung with, last year, -got " tlrunk he could nol walk.on the proet-e.l,' aid then bragfed f ihe 'xritoit.. He ha-' d an lioncsi rnm or a religious; one,' as ' ft 'f h'. ovrn baseness. ; Wat alwaya drunk when hdcould get nedil.for Ikjtior or ni mey to pay fi it, wa iieer,kiiowri by those who knew!, UMlter lwor -connecied sentences in which there, was''-' . eiiriiemplible,' iciouwm neve Jtfiere rjrMi"6"l7a7e lutelyajlepraved, a he js. . He declared be- -fore he Btarled Air Washington, that lit -wquldget an appointment, and he did get- ' it "The evidence- of reckless depravity In' the administratlitf i has changed the vietlr ' of some of its honest former .uppors r''Jr heie. and we believe it , will' do the same wherever Ihe lllow .goes, a a . United State idfieAtrr:, " j" , ' ' ... r Golden fue. -I resolve.' Mid" Bisndp , Beveridge, 4never to jpfk f i rati'aJ!ir--tiie ot fore bis face; not of bis fault behind - ' hi. back.' .-11 , s--::-r-Xr&T JOB PRLVTIXG OF every description neatly 'CTVottc at tlus Office. - . ' ..- ' . , . V ,, 1 j. ... . . . ( .... . rrrr :"'.'.". i.. : .