m.i A ' f II 10 fill y Wll I SI'J 1U, 1Mb. i Cm :ilii ll, Kit t'atul ,,. rlt I m 'H x:. '"1 si.ul l.anJ. iurl I ;. ''! it I"" to"-" 1 . ui (J' pnllnlt I W I-1" iint hi uiisfv ' 1HT-S7 . c.t t 3 it in H .L Hi" i col'11"1 . ID tilers .ui "." aeli bin jmp. ' near use, ili'l'i iiHrsoti' ;.,i,,iiii' I 1 1) eltln ill ttaq TAUll- 37. ,.i tiieni!-1 R r Ls out unr s" -it. ot M r'v' tuiv..... m:iv hereafter be had rr two Dollars md .''illy Cents per year. ACIassof K.oaSMVV subseribets who will p.if iri a.lftno the wltl ai'o at one payment, ahull havH ihe.paper for ..mi ye:ir at Two Doi.-, f I'lll Z US I lf ' I . . .1... x . . . .. . ite j imn-t-M Riiiiiiin thus io pay ad fauco I he su ir ot . . ix II . .1. . .... .... lurnu shall ciuiUniie, leacrtll il mars m" '" - --- otherwise they" will bu chared as uttier subscri bers. . .... Subscribers who do not pay .luting m y id iiechar rf l three. I) illars in all cases. X ,'4 I'H.irfiiilon will tie. received for less than will nJpimr will be .li'vMiitinnpd but at the op tion 'it' ihe K litor, utiles ill arrearges are paid ". -j letters in' tin R.litor must be post ptil ; .nnfrvUe ihcy will certainly nil be il tended to. . l'F,HMM.4r -AUVKR-TIRISU .Sixly '"" A-"" n. ... .,.. nunrrfnr lilt Hist instfl I0H . d 311 Cr.itli ier")Uirr, lor Wir.'i ntstrl ton ajlerufurtl, x.r -i .. ........ lw inserted lor It ft: 'In N'i adv',r,wc'ii' It MS than one Dollar. . Advertisements will be conlinued until orders are received to slop them, whew no directions are previously .liven. Advaitism nenubyihe year or six month will L M,l. mli IV, II A, I1A1 wWltie privilege of .-hanging the form even ipiaiter. . . HIARUF.TN. SALISBURY, Beeswax perlo. Ilia 1 7 c?t. ; Brandy, Ap ple per gal. 45 a 50 els ; Motion per lb (in ndi A cia : (Jul ton baasfinl per yd. 16 1251 l'Uo per iu. lb a ! eis ; ivasungs; per lb 4 a 5eis ; C itloii yarn, Irmi io fi io io II. r75 a 2 00 eis ; Feathers pel lb; -la. cimKlom p'l 7, ,vtn-ar huHii.JI 125 1 25;)ats pr bushel .10 .-n; Corn pr bush 55 ris. Iron iwl lb a el; I ..-ad per lb 8 a lru ; M'dass;s iter - ml. 15 M. ; .Vf's per lb V I I" em ; HeH pi ' II els ; Bacon per lb 121 cl . BntU r ii i,i I li ris ; I h ro per Hi I a C!, Sll pel .eis'i-i jl !' I jlii-i.; "steel. Amen en blister, pr I.I. 1 1' it! ' , I'.ii'rl.- i!,i UJK Hi i) 's ; Cast d i pt-.i in 2 i a .. tia ; 'vjoar . . i) . it : . . ........ i rM II IJ " , 11 i:il .i.iiiian u ; " i y i r . . . . , . i i, , . . 1 1 12i a 1.1 ; V Yank-'e ill l, '"l feieinj ir iu an r.iMow per l' 1 .41. eiTuw-liiwm pr yt. a ill Ola ; M ie l i fiinamj i-i (.' 9 ' J" PoruiJil do. l 5" a Si 7 els ; Clnr"i do v l .nl. l i a 1 7. ris ; . M iHj: . (sve I Jl ; VVhisId y ier ual. 45 a 50 i ts. C1IEUAW. per Reel' in market per lb i a II pis 1 1 1 lis .Io. in) IK' els per l t 22 qt-tfftina per,yanl l 2.r eta ; B ilerup" pefltia 12 I I ets ; C .ii. e r I', i i .. Ifi ..i. i:..!!..,, ner 101) Iba i5 o dlii' ' 00 " I; Corn per hntshel I 1 121 a els from wa.r m"s ii r brl l S 4(i.,Jr.. n stores p brl $10 a, li ilron ier 100 ItH 5 til a M .liss.., .mi ii:il li 55 i ris; Nailseul assJH eil iter lb 3 I 2 a ; et ; vVr.Mhi U. t I Cla ; Poili tier In H 1 it er 100 Iff , I a 5 00; S.ir .r n'-.r lt 10 121 2 a els ; tai: :k i i 2 i; .'i. i.-r b'lsii-1 il i si els; iutm:;! i pr lf 10 Iti ciavliMUw a Hi cis: lea I ii itiiI d. t j li si 25 ,1 17 j HvsjU Jo. pr Ut-yl n t 25 el ; Tol'O'i lliauu- i faciureJ pr ! ! a 15 eis 1?A Y KTTK V IJ J4E . - 1 "Bramly'pi"!! 75 ,. so.' D.iApp!-, fiOa 70 Bacsn. prlb 10 II a 0 ; ('i.tli (.r IU ti a H . is Or-epr in 12 a IU ; i I'M. ftii a j: Flav.seeil l.f bli s (0a -0LM' t'ritlhwsuT frm a LCtjtii prni'sfi I'I5 il 25; !' r!'i A a li, lo lapses pra ;1 r in a mi; .aileui I a " ;.-aii pr iiasb 50 ,i 75, Stiour yi Io 71 a I I JTuhaeeu; leaf 2 a J , Wiifal it imsli-,0 00; 0 Whiokey pr gal-50. '.l, Bee-vrax 20 a 00 By the (inrrrnor of Xonh Carolina. $200 HBWiiRD- ITTHKltKAS il has been rniH-le kn-'wn to me v oy lha ver.lt -i of an !noii si held - bv tin C.umner, thai A Ij Keys, of lb- rowity, if Martin, wis rer oily Himd'-re.l io wttd r.iun'y. Ifld that "Gcirire V (,'oborn. (of Ho uniy and S'aie aforesaid .lands cbarifed with the com inns'on ot Ihe said fd-iny ; and whereas it is represented thai the sari George W Jihurn is fugitive from justice. Now. therefore, lo Ihe end fhariirUe aid George W. f'obnrn may be apiireliri.t! fml briHirtii io trial I be tio oobl flioiwr mi issue this mv Proeluni -iiiim. .11. rinir a n war l two tatidred dollats, to anv p. ;on or persons s ho lll Snittfthend an. I cii.fi htm ' in ihe i nl. or ielner him In the Miei.ff ,1 1riiii couniv : and I do moreVer hen-bv remiire all , ffi' er. wheihei fivil ur military, w iil.in ibis State, m use their I in! exertion. In -inr(r.jl.rnil or .iiluA In lul ll A prehended. tin, sanl fugitive w.j, Given under my har.d as G .verrrnr. ktAL. am the Gr-at seal .. Nrlh t'ar.di- na. attbe Cityof llatcijrh, this 9.6th .May, A. I) IH.J7. KDtt'AlfD'li nunuiv. fff&taTOFHER C. liATrLK. P. Seel y 0. V. Colin r n is about 30 years U age, abuit 5 feet 9 inches lugii. thick su . ..! an aihlettc and niaacuUr cousin ui ion, cemphxiim rat her florid. ftlll f:u. o......l. . I,.... I. ! u.,..L.n -- . , Dn.ana n.e.i i n il nninrii : vvilh eves somewhat st. I; is believed .iura..w leafirigra? blTif"irlt7nr vrjaTwiT Ii ' v.-T- H cllar. ; :t-l7 THK;jjri.Ai.orrM.,i: FOlt&ALE. , I MNG to the. intended leirioval of one el v.iie '!,u,,s a,,u '"' v ih ul ihe other to di Jjjs niore exclusively lo ihe duties ol nil!' , to,u".lh undersigned offi r tu: ale Ihe fi e T,m-"t "f 11,8 "' Carolina Journal Ol Perand ffio" ' we" fuU"l ln J"t, i"Hwpa MerbHiname"Ul 'JPLthe lial of sulwcrtbWs IS 1 ' lar8.nd they doubi llol aniuhvi- trXai r il' pr 1 el. - I r 1 1 1" : Mil ' "Hie exertion. To any pt ; ul On lievoiutii.ti : uut io enaiue yu " Uurl ofembarkfngl the business n uffeisxi.shgiit em jecmre, I will :i. a few words give you ' -S' lented by . lUe ertrlig,. 7.. x -.. uul inierior to anv in this State, but 7 Practical nrinto. i. ' , , . . eoiil.l T.i ' . . 7. """ " no investmeiK At a meeiingr nf the citizen of Wilkeshnro J -. i ii ... f . . . . ... .. ' no inniny, iiphi h imp t oun riotiae In Wilkea huio', on the 4th o' luly, (limiani.) The mee-lili-r was t-fnn'Z-d by atii'iniin!jGen William Lenoir as I'reNidetii, and Ur Thomaa S. , Bou rhelle,.Sectelr. On million u'f Gen S. F Patterson, Colonel Anrle'rs.in .Mitchell wia requested lo read the DetUraiidi, of Independence, which, after some appropriate remarks from Col Miichell, waa ac cordingly done. . ,0 AfJi ihe reading of the Declaration f lmle pendiriiee, several patriotic sentitrienla were of h reiHiy ihe company, among which, were the following : By Col A. Milhell The Pie,i,lent of the day. A Itovuluiiouary Palriui and sound SlatM iiitn. t Alter I hi sentlrneni was nfleredj tiea-lentrt rme-nno oailnssea the meeling to llie'followinjj Fellow CmzKNs-Your jx4ite md friendly ailention ifitne. in my advaneeil suie of super anniiaiii.n,;elliibiia such a display of philanthro py. and ilrticular friendship toward me, tlml excitca in ovt mind emotions of frr:iiiin.iu preaible. a it apvMra to me indicativeof vjutl ........h,i.,n ..r..... l.j.ui.. ..' t ... - . e. 'r 1 iueroua public fciaiiors I hae filled; mIihIi i,, gether w illi the eniisoliition of my uwh mind, a rwiug frem a ounaL-Vniiiiiiiin bs l(r having laiiii lully discharged every 'duly incumbent en ,w under every public, ifppolniinent I ever filled, lo the best W my limiltd al.i'iUes, Hlfmils me Hrentesi pleasure I can enjoy, in !lii itraiK-iinry life ui probation. 1 bt'lee i have filled .rimre publie aiatioiia than aryoiher man lliin fate -audifany pi son ha.s ever sard that I was un' laUhful, or negligenl.n the iliseharge uf Bly uu. iy. under any publto appiuime'iii, it has never came to my. k1eil( , 'f Taking uiUi vie i.lestival occasion oR this (Movemton, it may he ' jsh.,.p( i1:l grnnl per sun woulil addrcn ui uumerous aud;enri . in the etihjerl.ul GovejnnUl arT.il,rs, and lli -pe some i' iiieiiiiii pr.'iit Vill dn il : but j n, Ip,. f sod n.ore adequate wilt ildertake n, I t, e t ill mo to uiako aoiiiH obaeriaii'iiix, to ilins yolaa ne n anil others, (f. hu. baveievi r turned thetfai tell Inn to thai UiT IIIl'l,M.in! ni;j..cl hilt in kl.l iiiJiT thai in Hie most concae nianner, I suuilr eary ihe pali .ee ol in will tnr'nriiied friend 1 no im e mi loy ueen auu iara fn imioh on tii.il pic. The ml 'iia.i'sol th ihiriVn Rriiial, i'.,i,. mes in Xinh Aui-nea, were liintr hnjipyi and, tti II cmurjiied unrfer ihe iioveLmenl il Kiur Ui .ug' the Ti.ird, an, I were 4 II eati-fi, itlJ --sir- 4 - to remain his lanMul saSjec's, until iha flout' binjr at bing atale ol Ibeconlry, sad the rapuUri.L,""! Ibuiuuney m mrt -afe.n.d only ad.in.ciu ill. ... ..I., ll. ll.,... , l' l t . I . : I I ' It 1... A . i .. - Cl'i. vt ihe noimlatiim Ibereiil'.liked a enl,.iiL illl III - VjlCW-.ll! Wmll I it .1 nf'A, I n..l l. .( L .ii. preler a Ihiuiestie (jiiverniiniliii preferehe fa M'Hiarchv.aLXkti ilia-ance-Aw)ii.ltaa;ij' .oireveul ulm-h, tiie said iv o ilaterminill lo n.Joe. us to i in ue aefvilr andtsiB .rdinaL Slate i;l" depeiMien II bin.. e'Hitt y lo tlifl ka, -re. I cuipaeis euun d into, a-s we!l ksihia. Curd iiaiioi Ojib; aid -Bsjiinst ttin-li nppri i.jii e iei iiiui.t-iraird aid tpHiiioue,, fya. but ' W rcniv.ni -lull res ail. I peTtLiiiM weie iiiibMere'lf Fleeta JjflJ iniieM sent to reduc- us iq a sill i ser4 .':iv, hi' b I'luc ii ns hi a slate of c aslema-i ti'oi. aiui l.ti no alternative b it t'i sujrnr. lo tv-l rauny, mil i nslavi. mil elnl lien, or rafale In . . ... I . ' . . H viar. vmIIi I' ;it po.veriul an. I most Waiiitniiuii in lartlij l'o vv.hu'h w 're cirely u'rlireVirrj j filing ina "cry dispersed siiua'inn, V 1 1 it .il y Hi,, ui n in v i 1 h a I'.Mirh or fillb i.art of mil ad. ViT..,irie.s ; we Were rfeslilule of erv tun . t - 'aij ii .. . uitf CT'.i.a ui n ai.ii?, ant iiui iull1t eioMiiig ti p i f u nr. iiioik y or -r-'i il i.iririiil, iiiii.;ii i .l.uvJ .J..w-e4i-Vit2-iTo1'inv . 1 ,.r l. ....... .... nr...., .... A. . . . 1 1. nets a. i. t xitip en ironi tnttiiary itiity. n ri scien ,,us pniicples nml lioineroiis Inl eslef Jiii ii- .ijj iiii-i ns i,iro.iii'i1 and nsNi-.tr, I lit Isli h nissaries : In that situation, we have s , i in ii I I eil lo lirilish i.pn sloll ilurina n live, eouio we nave uiiow m or oeiteveil, lUinj i.u ... ......ii ....i. ii .1 t.3 lift. o'i . nsiui, ....on, i'..ii- rviiii tiiii n,rn I iu imhIi i a belief, Hial .he act of llm lather, vi.uhi in a i' ri al di 'iiee. be bi I . .r on ibewjn. Mi iftinii i'iir vuliinlaiv arhuii:.sion would impair the r lit ut tes.lance in Ibe listno .j. oeiniloii, we tlk ie .,ii iny jrreai ixertion il.riinifh Ihe itu'dliili u' a. . vialloti p.ii'-r.-. I.eiog ene.ilaleu f I'glili. inirieeu i lo villus fauiv io u-w yHi;rtiii u With (dch ntber, and rose W illi ui r.l III bind of' br..Ho r-,. unit a lull .letermiiia iit prure Fre doin to p, .ii tity'or die in bi tetiipi. l ii,.: f. IU i i.i, vn.. ,d ihui eor eon-' Libtiiv was ioi. ii. b.d ot. ai hoots ol b. i anled M i b. .' .'ill ; t by .on. OiiiiMp.i. i.l and j L'reai'H i v tue.n iiien-wer" lertlied. and were i,:. uli. t;ir.,ujiii triniopi itnly, and iln I .re-.,. io li i.b Colonies. vw eonsliiuttd n j . i r n llee. Kiveleliiti an I .,, tepetidenl laJe ui.,1 as sucfi entered into Amelt-s u( Colif. di r inn., i.ndrr woied wn lived happy and i',ust" oils oi.in y ejis ; hiit on flinl aiu those ArOc.tl were inauflict. in to coeice tin several Nates in lo oiie.ltenee and lo secure ,ntr peace and haptit ness, we esii.blislied d tunic energeitu (..veril lji nl of llie Liu ul Slates; and underpaid Gov ennui in, we. lot 40 years, have enjoyed unpat alleled happiness ami pru,eriy vie now bavt I a nai dsoine Navy well fixed and oilier provi- ... i.e. SIoms lor bliip liuilillti" nave a consiuerauie Hiatnling army been ai greal diplomatic fxpvn ses,, fw Inch has p"'H urt d lo us Ihe Irieitdsbtp nl all oilier i ations,. have greatly extenoed .,r :urchuse been at very great .u V alia re erected a city Hie it bears made oilier -paid nlf the greal debts, ol lerrnorial liiuiis b ixpertsfs alsiut I, worthy ill the gf (ireHt unpr.iv tut 'T 'T'JJWJ auu ..-' 7. .e , airm utae , . -.rai pfo'v'e'iiient in iiianulaeiiirinu, and paid offal) the t. r. a.f- ,a . , A H l.n. ...,ti , - - - expenses, mill it. w l ave siicj a redundancy ol motiey ..iiiaa..1-ie'tjtfi'es "ttrr-g . a' psrsugacaiy io appropiiate it in s.ilei) ; and all tins has been doite without Dpi r. si: p any eiti- , .,1 . 1 .r...H, ai n hy 1 axa ioii. . In coiihinuiiiig ,faid GoveiuoHent inurh care was laken i bavt 'irs principal powrs well bal lanced. I- ptevenl any one branch i,lirte"l 'dii.y d. linage f .'iioiliir, or usurping power not del 1 l eal. .1 ' In ri-'t; : Bin thai, trail in human. iia'Ue, w bil l: 1, pi rans more ur leas UOvm all men, tu w ii. " ih. I.ai ioi r a man's silii'ition is. tie mure leckless a, d aspiring he will be," anJ 1 call your atieniioii to the K. v iluiionary tiioliu " United we sihiiiI, Uiv d. d we fall " It w onlo be uiiposaible forme tiMiiniclby His lory or I radiimu plainly lo your uniieisiamung iniy to- 1 .nuiiiitu pininij iu jvt,. ....... D. the liu siiuhiion or ihe people here in the, time .. .. . I I....- . ul (hi llevniutii.ti ; But lu enable yu jf-i nii, 1 win hi a trvw e J 1 ...11 ... . ia, ....Ola trive l a sa-ieh ol some ul our surierings. i wni.i 1. ...... ;., ik. ClirrnkfA some of our sufferings. " l ueneiai ifill.lirf nou ejkpeoiuoi. mjoii.si .... Indiana (belween the Declaration of Indepen iVicH and the loruiaHou of out S'ate Conaiiiu LnproKftn ! 1 1 ! Kume , .d . Wurnj ffum J ""J0 "n. I twaa commonly in the militia Wrap bere I ihought myaeffmore aafe than at ho 1 out when o. of camp, Mn nighia lay wit. ' omeahdmy onth. uiher.and bad mher weaihmaal hanif. nh . rf-i. ........... .r . J L " . ---...r.r IM.IIIH ii iiibi'k. , -"" "J auuenng ol your aneea tors in a similar un,.nn. . : .1.' . . raerinma il ihouaands ol , be8, f prllrt, wrn ,, and ihousanda ol others wb had our blmal spilt In the C..-I ml.&na v.... .. . '. biessm., ..r rzwiiz':: :.w r"J"J'" lm contrarv to it.. ..'7. 'j . , c-mirary io ihe cam ion vimn by our be ..ve.l i . Kniiii,iiii uovernment ; liut asiiiNuToK . ..,.,a ... - W IV?.J2'n4tJMi'triwTiros- IHIhidin tt.i.l k .. . ... t ' vsiqiiini me eneeis - " g'jnerany deairoycd P ree ii .v- eriimenu there is now a i mno imnv f.,.rA,t under fcxeeuMfe )su'wiag.. which il.rea.ena I l!, TIZT" " ""laM tiuvemmeni 74 men Iron, ffie, , ,p TT PtiriJH u auuWTriTgmg '"eauae winch I .... , , IS""" ua'ise, wmcn waaleslhauiwo. eaeb ye ; and ll.a ,e surent .iacknn. m wmhuI i. ti -. . , , rail, UlSllliN i.ed ll-0u,enM.olK.cd a is sum any CHiiplaini of hihI - y i.ii in 1-4111.1111., ;r neelec. ol .-a,,, liU. 811. ,.d ,h ' Ja.:KS,.,sacee.M., , ie plw:ilMir- ,.,,1JM.d 'icb a i-rieai ...H..J ... ,i... . " i up iiu-nao raei , as O.ke It s ,',u,. M,,ls,ms, H j(s 'UlOl lf, ViH chancer, xx... 1 - bii-ui.aheil ; , i i -,i.i..,. ... ... ... .. . a .... ... in hi in :is infill II.OS. j, Htt1 M H .,. , Won III be riiulL i . ....... ... . . . . . .,,, ,,, uMHMatrun. be uimlilViu m,,i , yt , ., ' ' ' , . T s i ' Same itl'dlts lie na lauen p.,,.,,, , , ,,,. . j Vei,iry .,1 tVi.a.,ry . , ,., , ' unn lo awn ve truii, bis ..un i.x ,i 7. 4iulae. i,,,,,,. , lUr ,;.,,.' ,, ' r.-.iig'.ani In i,la . h...i ill,,, w. n. ... , , '" "'' "'" rll kawv;, i.lal lie i.a.l I "i " ' "'-' "i"-:""S an. ;.!y . le I oy !!. Mtiiale uu,li ,ni ; a.i ( r I m 10 .H0 aecielury, i ,,r.ci I" le I). . ..M. s I bilialltr to lie made ,iii,,iiJ i,e n:4,.. d, .s no", u'1 Miiei.o.M xm -eiereise.l, "lily .. sp, t.la anais. in the r.-eeaa uf Col.gre,: as in lnm s of ar. or by ...her intaiis, tiV sileiv and cuve iilem e ol ina i iv,.rin,.(,i n,,,, ,eq.re i ; j,i thereiore, the aaid N ereiar !..... t. utilise and tine Uloio 'ellieioua i.inu..i...i ,i.. people's money laken l.om a place jf j,)eiv. wli-re it was advancing the p ib i revenue an.i niunu.l ii. P.. I II.. i,. . ... ...n nnrirsi ui i no tiiiektmhtrr r.f tid IJ... k-, by which means ihe usUrpati. party, h is moi,' iliuus.ii,d,. ol Irit'lida, as -very (Wan vi I... has fbais io any ol Mi( iJ.,;,, wi.eliileil oy ii uiiaot Saul money . ad ill whole Country n, eonluaieii and duuess as we are inform. .1 by tb. Newspapers tloni verv ... ctt.m, quit in uica a kiataut ouimtematioinrfhai it 'uu Jtnr-n. who ptnmwed t fo!hi- Ihe l. otl, , s ., ,m..,, alioul l fulfil his prminse in a miim i ni inner, he will find greal dilli uliy in reioVn,... i-arn ami Iranintiliiv ilir. 'Ili.liitlll Him- I?ii, V ..,- Jaukson, consthuiioiiHiiy ,a,i u comii.ni.il . t lueaworu, ; ml hen lie, hy surpniiou i.N.h aissessi.m o (he p ,;,Hc pnrsy. ar-atrd if. lnuiM-11 ilK,nnBi,..irrtr'r. deioiis.ii.aii.l hu c.ii.bine.1 iMr;y .u. :e i-h, y t pr..i.-el l,,i: ,n it, w l.uli is iiia- f!e,i,,,l hy n.,r im.-ui, t an ; . 'u j tp,my,i,o ap-,io Hi.- J mui, t-l I .-ti gr. -iy sai l pin v . I... r aita-iea. Hits I j ,.t r,.,i,ei,i . o, j. i.u js on Aool iioii it.iM. r " mi r j'Wa'teliiiMii o I .i ., ,n . ll )or pan. ,,c- is not too mo !i klstl to call y ,,r At t. ii , lim I,, ,i i servaiiotis.- It, ass.ti,, ,i, i,.,i ,.. Iior Hie Vuiue ol litis t,.,v, role- laled; and il .ny gr-a, , ,;a.t. .... Uilii.1 WofM : 1, ap ui ion. ing OWldetl ot ch-.iKi. ii lo :i,i A i , l. lllsll III! pi.. . r I I uin. re ui.iii ;i II -p,.:fsnp, ,-. f, m .,, , ,, easier In io mi .on one m.isier n- :n. . nleiulor. J"" "y i -. I 'Jl.p itioii linn s in, I l.iio ;l v1 1 . ,,, also i.W lo puli to 'n ib. ah il iie'i-esorir 'I l.i- SpVs. veil,, 1. 1 HI uTniis In l!o pet pe, :,i :i I l, iS'lo le Bui y .rioii.-iit b or .nv. i, ..iri ,1 iioti, or Vid)ir.atio, el ii.i ii ; ai.'d n 1 1, r. t. i. ie.pur.-s tlik r, iiief cl. r, e ol n;l, nee ami ireinii " . -; l ik a luinr. nheiii.,is lb. only nu;u, ,( .n : sp,o ,t invioLte Ol Ui: the merits of c, i. li( :V- are not .. !. ri. n.t . . .. . ; bui volejs -i., ,'o.'i,it ,1 ,,y p.rti.l.iy lolicr Im l.ti. and tl:. i i:,vi,lii;i mien M, (yv.r..:r pj. o .1 :e r o:ir4 io llie Irtte inleresi ol ll e ,NaUoii iiial ttsiie. U i tV.tioii) Wl.ll'li h;i, ah, ,. Iy r.itsed a ,:i-! ny '..c( llie p. r.iMn, ney i,l',,i,r e;nl insii ( . ..r,: eiidaitg. iimi ; and in in,,,, , ' .. u jn,, i and pt jih. in down at ilo , rp,ir.s llie ureatast e-Seiloiis ul . vi ry n ina, lias llie b a.l sj'itk ol patiioirin in e.,i Hiiliimmcs this our tikirioUs and In. ,iiii,aL,:e (iu fiiiau iil. U l IllnllOII, j:e.tohi$H. I'hat lite pr..ee.liiia of this laetiuig be v piiiilithtil, nun ihai die S rt - l v oltlain frnui tllt-kUn .sl.leiil a ei.i,v nl ns ,i(l,',t t'3, ami bii pikflnMiril Willi the ro- Un mutioi '.lie Hireling hilj.'iiriicd. WILLIAM LEMUlvwi'r.Mdcnt. Tuos. S. Bm ciiELi.E, Sf'iriiury. . THE LEMLDV. Wo. I. . .. jY-vm 1tf .Yudouat Gazelle, May. 17 Ll J.U- tiitie- tf jreitrimg' ttiC aiinle hi ail aiu.-uiiiw-vr-pciiiiuig . iu-.- iih ie in ti-1 I i.c Pruspfct biHoiB us,' w Inch appear- j , the lbih oiM4..ti pi; tctl'ttr,ithdra Iroin iiie fi. Id lor a L . , . .. I i 'I ltr-d'ttr"ithura tl. until a new stab ot thinus should mid luitiish fresh Un uu s lor exau.i , winch might, lulf n si the Public. (.iw. indeed, a au.skeusiou 01 specie iiili t,y the banks siimre likely lo. b.l'uie than alieftuV hist t-l July. cVrluinly had 110 idea Wl its bi iny so hand as it proved to (uV Ad a proph- tore. hu made a uairuv escape, lor in letf han two hours att. r tu fit si copies nl theS'.f.,er 111 which it ai.ntaili bad been , Birm K II, lul. I I , . r..yV. , r w- Birui kr, news reached Philadelphia i f the -.... 8upeii ol (hu banks ol JeJoik lo vuu iimniaia . ,.i. 1 imvniu net n mrutit, isiieo uu.v.. .in... " - ' ft ..." S.r I xm.UnH. n day; the measure was ojluwed utat f-n nay: tne measure was miuwea 1 . . I .',' . , , . . ,. i- - . Dy HUJStful , uuaueipiiiB Oil IIC n, auu - . . 1 j3a,la.ore and boston n the ' ,1 ,-... ,,.lv. .i . , .. 1.1 . . .. ... 1 ,t. l-1 to a, of Va.h,n,too of two .mail b.pka, C"P"'" ""''i f Icm than 000.000 f "" hirh PHwd. ar upheld h ihr Gnyernmenl, ami one or two others, !h'rh Hand a n... for a few deplored. ,he f,et ha. latelv become knin. 2d of May one of the deposit banka at Mtrh z rlpped pay meni in specie on a Govrrnmnt itrft; and is known to the wri ter that, on the 3th of May, claimants of Ihe Fieiieli indemnity in lliiacity, for whose sole and individual use gold was untried uy orner ol ihe liovcrn ,i.. . oyoroer ol the (Joverntnent. but ul lite tx- ' y wir iiMiHiimw, were rtiiiieC-o- were riluaed - i . ... , . T m U,'P,M,' iw '' the u.lllnn.unl .. . I... , I i ' nu ir nwn g"io. or ill any ''""il but bank noka not redeemable on de- . In reference to tin, last transactions few American Uovcrnmeut, early in eh luaiy last, am Mint i no lo iiDwanla of 'a mil i: it. . ' . u-'ii ii notiars lis amount was aiwcihi - . : .s mii.wii ,0 me uovernmeiii. so that , lives o no individual, or body of men. I no iltllienlty could have f aisled in aseer-'l s,M irk ol humamly as we all kii'iw it to tie. taming the precise sum to which each . and as all experience teacbi a we may aUnys laiiM'tit g enliili d. Had, then fore, the i-xpeci to timl it t ,s naluial fir one wiio course been pursued winch justice and a is in want ol iiioni.y to think that in short Hue teaMl ft it the interests of the claim- tune he will he able to repay it; that it is ai Is dieuted, each ..uld have "en lui- ! not to be vnin.Ured at that appeals to bank hh'imIii. the monili,i March, " .a the directors lor tlu.ir .id a.Kiuld bo siicecsaliil, fHi'-V piymeiit at Pans-was '.. n at I specially win n tiieie appeara to bo soine Vihiiiotiiu. with a Treasury dial ior the j thing ao .mule and generous in doing what ..ininii i ol bts sh ue. At that periml, Hid I is culled 'itlieviug the ciiinuiunilv ) It ia ev i since, lulls ., ex. hung, at sixty das I on I ,n is imve bt in at two per cent above ai, a.i.l there drafts being payable at sight, ami r.l ini.luiible.l serutily. would have reinlily sold, in the mark, t it ll per cent Ii lli l , oiih . tin ref. re, would the ; el no. nis Juvt; m.,j a profit i.ir their "drafts .k I '! lit . t.lll ihf'L U'lilll.l nnu Imlfl I - S j " been hi puss. kiuii .. their (inids for two mo. 'ths, embracing a pen ,l when some of them perhaps bad to pay 2 to 3 pei cent, a month lor oilier monev Now , what wns Ihe coiuse piirsuei! ? Geiierdl Jaiksoii,ie-Itirt- lie vvt in out of i tTj. e orilcred tins a mohiit to be luioyilu iu gold This he riftfiTot iiiiiy witiuHit Hie eonsculuf alt Ihe 4aitnirnT?j I. nt in spii of the remonstrances of tuune of llieiii ll was dHte- ostensibly tOi Tnir benefit, ami tbey wcr accordingly t n. rg. ,1 jfitU the freight, nisuruiice, coin iis'.siuiid,f nd other ex ieiises attendant up ti iln? iiiip.inaiion, and, according all ims of justice and equity, they were enn ti il lorttVye their iiione. at llie unlit Tn ili: nleniii ul g ild which was I heir own prnpf'ily, or at U:hsI in li equivalent in old t r specie. A iiim-i'Diiiplisnee with i Ills re -q iioiinm is a b fetich of lubitc faith, and i, i i. cm be no noubt that the s itleura have .j .sl Intm UjVoil the Goverti'iii'llt lor ihe h i u.i'i- iliey Imve suKiatneil by its ifeltn- q in), winch, including 10 per icnu, llee ..il-t-mr-bTrwren' gold und p iper on the . tMnale,) tuy, llie ,.a on the , xchailgfr. I, i iiil.ei.t lr.iii.Jilaj-il t M-ir; -nni Itlf" xp. uses "I i i.pnii, cannot be estimated ut It t-.i 1 1, an Id pef cent Mini. Ilios lar cm, fined his rem irks to the caiiMS w i.i. n have broil ht the country' lulu s pi.. s. i,t oi-dracioi cniiiiili.tti, ami loaoiiie .'I l!.t I mi in, li. I.; i if i ts.li,i,n: r. It i 1I4.I lit i.tir now pro, in-, s lo 1 ll'. r .,r the tunai.l- 1 raiii.n ol tot. til- I'o. die. t! Goyeriiine.ii I c K inks, snd v lew s w in; b aniicar t.i laa, III "HlLV M J I Of 11.' .nllt.,1 lii.Lln... ..I ulT,,., 11 n ('"I"""" v iiuuiisi and in Migue ' h .1 ho eonsi ft is to he the :ily in . .''li. In Ihi se SllggestlolrH.ite.cW- ikl ipi t 1 to iiiei-l wild (lie on. nrrt-uee of :i bis I' lion -cili 'ti.s. t kniiyys lb 'I llielfi are In, tils w l,i, Ii su pow cilollv 1 tilillo I with pat If ,i joilu-t . corporate ii.ILn iu c. .ii'l private illleit'ytslW44rssr--rililivlihia,s can In ur lo hear lln ui ir.nin'gr !; and that ii. M lio pr.ic ii.ns llie 11 1 alMK.l 1 x j,ci 1 tuc.. apt . t -ii-uie It. ui' one qiiHiter or rfrTl r A nyinl ft r pt rMui il ease unglit. ihen It r . d(ii tale mIi nee, but there iirn rlaiiris rj, un III .i. who hue it in their power locrn tiil.uie tow jius tin-common slork ol knoul eiige. hovt y, r trivial the rxtejil may be. Sin. h cannot he'iiverloiikcd, and the writer ll, ert-lor. ft ( Is liiiugt lf eiilleri upon to leml rns ! t liie aid to an important cause, eu j at tin- hazard ol rebuke. , - 1 A g. 1n1.1l su.spei.piou of specie paymenls by ine banks, if hyng conlniued, rannot fail j iu l.-ad to results even more disastrous than j tb.. se whit li havo been witiirssed for the. ( last two iiiontl; and nnu ks public opir.ii ii ! c&iilat once be le.i 111 a pi per direction, all I llie anguish and distress which so many thousands have lulely experienced will be visited again upon a fiesli .get of f rctfma, thereby reucennij ol no effect the sacrifices that have thus tar heeu made ; .Tie Ciiulatyf li iioriowitrg-Tiinire'y iiever fails t etigender ' me spirit 01 speculation; and whether tins erai ii .n,i n,niejn tpint bujalisplyed 4tjr 4mbwjii.MiMBmXikv trni dtVy relaxing tff.irts to es-j gcncyVdthe Fe cape Iroin existing embarrassments, the is-1 hTted SfHtes, wh . . . , . . . ....... 1 7 . .. . I ine spirit 01 .spt ruiauon; and whether tins A I (.... ii A. .. I . . ... 1 ape iroin existing enibarraasirients, Ihe is- sue olilinarv eircuinslanci .i. that oblim sollirienl to protict the Put lie acainst ai iiuiMiant curreuiy. The moment, howsver, it be remtved, by a general suspension of 'Exchange on Paris, : as. qtio'tp in as' tiie fol ISew lurk i'nets Current, vss io ys. March 15, l37 3 20 to ,r s?.) 15 t"i 3 l"i '" -"' to. (April I, do .V. do.'.1c10 to 5 15 15, ill).' 9.15 Id 5.1 1 Specie DBVmelhtfl. therou . depreciation for, however prddeiiCand cau tious one set of banks' ma; be. they cannot counteract the effecls of expansion mads by others less prudent sad cautious lhn tlieni selves. The less depreciated uiretirr is sued by the former is involved in the great er depreciation ol the latter, iiu'lom, indeed, the latter should be suttpei ted of being eventually iimolveni, and on that ..ccount havetheir notes discredited by the rea!. If, therefore, one half the hanks in any iven pi ice were so f.,r to contract their isi-s as to have only $1 0f cihh liability to $t f specie in their vaults, ad Tim 111 IT lltl t 111 La) able at an eirtJay-joxfji1J1a,i lt,.tiw HsriheiT notes would circulate ho ITeHer than those of the other ball", wko'had four dollars ol liability to one dollar in specie. Unii'ertnl prude neo and ca'nlion arn there lore necessary for the public seciihly; and how can that bo looked for in l,,r.,H .(.. where perhaps maiif t the bank directors coininodHtions, or have customers indebted to (hem fur merchandise, whose ability to pay lb iu depend upon an augmentation of 1 1 ... L I . (. 1 I .. . ... , .. i"a uicaii iu impeai'ii I lie imi- U09 latal idea winch nu llireuluus the ha;)pihess and pi'penly of our country, an. I which, if lono indulged in cannot fail In plunge us deuper lhaii ever luto wretch edness Bi lli VlilU Ihe cooiiiinniiv Im un ex.iutisioii of Ule oCTrenale ailiouiil fit bank " - .. - loans, is , recis l I he .sum HOn id relief ltl.lt 11 inilll. uoll'. r..... I... ..... . - - i ..u. u.i iiuuci inn iiiiiiiiiiiiuii of a limb, would txpcricnce if llieaurgeon should hu induced, ty his entreaties, to slop half way 111 the operation snd bind up the Kotiti.l, im.ior the Certainty that he would alter wards bo obliged lo cut off ihe limb euine in another jibico. -Thi is harsh and iingidi. ful analogy, but it is a aim lit true out-, and tu call it . li. f 1. ,u..iii. .(-.!.. .. . ... . . ' '.'w...v ti t I Sinn - - Among tje directors and officera of ih banks in Philadelphia, tlieie is certainly a uge puriioii who eulerlaiu views ol the subject in 111'c.irdiitice wiiti: these, and tiie wriier hnvwt mat souie ol the banks bate already im-difeil themselves to unite in mi- ibjtavoring in bung aliouian erly rcsuuip ihui 01 specie namiiiii, uct& result. however, would be ol eiimn.iralivelv liuie beiu lit tn tiie country at' huge, utiles 9 all the I1.1 11 ks ol the other cities anil St ties woirlil tii) c.inie'iuio the measure. i)n niig the suspttiisn.il nl tiin cie t nyun i ts. Iruin Augiisi IH 1 1, lo 1 ebiuary ISI7, s prrmdriif alitiui two years and a null, , ..t u uy aim it.yvu Had ila local currency cadi !c predated 111 u laiM tmiuututtthta--xti i xU ni oT ns ttiiiib issues, varvi'iK Iroin 5 in 25 ,t r.ym., with oeiMsin ual ll.ietd ilions 111 eaeli. Mill a panicle o rum was any Ivle re lo he f-t ei.yi'id llie t-inall 11, tes, Vi'lm ji were ibniicil liy bteits, O'.ipora'ions.aiul in tl.v iih.;,-t all nver the II. Stales. I01 anuis a .Ifiyy , l!ic s ix 'Ci nlli pari of udullar 1.1 lasl bec.omu mi dnyiisuitL' 10 the Pulilic as to render the evil alinnst iiisnppnitalile. I. nl llierc Was 11.1 rcim-iiy l .r ihe disease li,l 111 tl e i. Ml ol iln, ti,., eial (nivein. un ul. Tweniy I ni hi.tte J.i ihlaiurt s ettt.bl not b, ' iunugi.t In lllille in any one system ,,( 1. ;',,ini. Tin: muks f.ni.nl nfnr H i 11 n il ii . st In keep iiji the 111111. mil t, llicii li.iirts, .nil) we si, io. I.I prtili.iolv h.Mt' en. limn tl as tire.it It 1 1 1.1 1 11 rice did ',r twt uiy -six years, wnln.nl :i sp. cn c'nvi.U- 1 11.11, liatHrr nu been fur chartering llie I I'. ,i,k . I Ihe I hiled Nt:,t, t S I ijlO , rov i.i: wow or rue; i;enkul , G' VI. lift M l.. J' ALiiAI., . 'A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AN .NAVIES. AM) iT Ls FOK I II-; IliUI'O'sK OF LNViiKIMi Ml. VI,' : i'oui;k j 11 a r tiil j'kenEiN J' ap- ! I K vl. IS .MADE. v Jin iy b'nly konws llial tlieie exists with .1 Vt I V lu Lie Oorlloil nl the i t'iinln nl' 11, e Sn uih, as well as others, couMitutional oh- .....II..MJ ....... .IU, . ...........I I.... I. 'I. . . iit'i.a ii "..? 11. tityi 11 uuiik. I Ual III- iluence ulwsys lias existed 111 Congnas, ;,ud will probably continue so to 'do for y,.ars lo come it is perhaps siilHciently sir..ng 10 prevent Hie passage of a Bank charier wiiIk.iiI the concurrence " of the actual President, who is understood to entertain the saovu ctinsliiuti.nial scruples, ami who ilitrefuiii can ndt bv txpcctejl to big 11 one. I tie mea. tlierelore, ol charter ing sucli a bank, wiiliui lout tears need tarccty" "heTiiteriaiiied llo'wt (hen, (l may be linked, can llf . DO wcr ot the Fed- erai ii .n-i noient be rjrou;rii ju neat rujn .. . .A.ll -L. " J.."..- .,7- l. . , j - 0 . 'eiiui-ylvania Bank o( the 1J- u isri.1. iiutiuvil llll' M mted Sratcs, wjicii Deing already 111 dper erinm iits to uil..w her to esiabllali hr u fr a sti;)"' "'"" "t to avrujwitieeiii- f.uj l0 , wiihiu their liunis. Bui even s,.Wing "" "I HJ'''"- if.--bis not i i,..i,lace with iiiLVefusal, '7,teJ wou.111 f fff BSluMiahU ' of those whnm.Vhl be so bhiijy their nwu interesl would be. nrhtliielfve ol no y' ... in. ' i.. ,1... li w, ..... rr V US viniiTUii it lu.e ' .tw vjt.r..i.,M- s.. crednois. Plie dishurseioents to "Hde rnent Lilt lbii'1liMW rTfiVlfrr-tlff' tie fT'-." ,n- ilrll. liut hank - rilliadei- ... V ; a,- toney under the existing laws, so'' long as ' he does noV pay specie for fief notes f monei lu The answer is plain enoughs Lei a. pledge M ilivaii In id. D... la ........ ... 7 wifTerinurni patronage as to all future collections of the revenue, und ' she can resume specie payments in les than ninety days. Upoq the faith of such pledge she could instantly negociate a loan -in E'lrope for ffn inilliona of dollars; & hy ' selling bills on London at a fair and liberal , , rale. iMtvabli onln in her aum maIm ,n specie, she would al once raise her not eg -Ui specie Vi'l.te. bv dimlnl.hinA, ,l,., mount, snd at the san e time jJILJier ot Il XS wiu f j- T . then he cnllfcied, and its disbursementt " , made in specie or notes of the bank whilst' the power of iSe Government united to ' that of the hank, would form a rallym ' point for public opinion and for the bonelt ' and sound portion of the banks, which h Would compel xwJojihitjuiumm4iaih9 aaitreTirWTi i discredit. In this suggestion I specify the Hank of the United State, because, in the . present state of affairs, it w.auld not be possible ta raise a new capital of equal amount in ny State of the Union. The reason why i hunk of thirty five millions could, he erea led in 1810 was simply that there wm -then a large ainnuut .of funded dohr'T.f ThB -Uniieil I Slates incorporated in the capital; reiuJcriiig it necessnry for the subscribers " to raise less than five million. ...in. specie, before the hank went ininniierali. in. There ! at ibis liuy im funded debt of the Uni ted Htatei, nor indeed any oilier stock of ' which any hunk could avail ir elf. of cre dit sullicieuily universal lu render it a pro. per ha-is fur such an institution as is called , Im by the present crisis. ' Yesterday, alter writing the' foregoing rem-'iik-, a Ctiinnr reached this cily ' froiri New Yoik, ihe purport of which was, thai the General Government was about.to make an elT.irt to place the BanksNif Ame rica and Manhattan in n capacity to resume apoeip payments, for the purpose of ie ailopting tliein as the denositiiries of ihn public rcveiiHit This ruinof, in eonnex-. " '' I ion wild Ihe fart that the Secretary f.the , " . Ttrasuiy hadiestierj a circular, lo the Cil- lectors on the I9.th inst., and that the V,U master General had issued one oilflie!sarrie.il.i-i dJLto.ihe. J'tmMtersVtiT TeeeTie nothing' l ' 11 payment 01 duties or postages out gold and silver or the notes of specie-pay. ing banks, excited much interest an live public iiiipiiry is on the elert ttssiser'fiai i7 Fhoufd The rumor prove to bei true. -vyiMt would he the effect of the measure. Mf i e nnclusion to which the writer of this arir-i.J etc has siriicd is, that nny siicli attempt s wneld l,e atiunili .l with the most fafaLrjiu- 1 sequences, awl he--trdti""ifTgJiMa.t - souiug which ha? brougUi him 10 thai con- . 4 ' Insinu ... . The c.ipii'd of the B 'i'kof Aiiinrica is SS.OIMI.oga iiiuIawiti hwliriiio"!"-7-H ink 2,0(10.000. ( lo llue 1st ..t Nnveiu- -her last the liabilities of the two were as follow s : . t -'' . r- . . j. - Bank iiOVneriea. lIanhttantll iue 10 tut; j rea, surer of the V niteil Siaies, Due to public of- 2,3l8,J'232sb(r,SlU aaa oOi i V 23.1,202 " i.iir.tttJUjtollOO fieers, Due in oilier de positors Bal.iio ei due" to other harks. Other liabilities. U.''-'l' "ivC-,,.'V' i 3,88l.4Sviy,7l8t' Totals, dVJ.VI8fl fO.Odl.SDl I 'u se two nm. iiiaigpUierciC'tg.' L're. a-e of lia'ilhtlcSLanifcnU'ig W SlS.-t''. .-Wit) 770,' . . ,7 T.rnmet tln lia'lMie's, these tiVi.k's hail llm loilii A iik . res'turciM, besides llieir loans atnl il'si'n ai. hills )f ex change. " " . .. . Bank i f ,iii'rica. ,Mii irrj.i.Man Slocks, 15.001 ' ' 'll Other inves.'nis, 5,llil,8ltJ Balanei s due, Inuu AMU' .- iff. 741,799 biiiks, iNoles of other hanks on hand. 49(i,'2aD 717,739 1.017.156 Specie 011 hand, Totals, These two ft7.8tti3'2l -4 1(11 fttu imp r t, . . , ,-t - " ,w . suiusr .t injur. im iuM . to . 10.378,'208 dollars idvi2 , rr , . , . limes, to the extftufefS,!-; LSC-dol "l ! ab lars But it will be her I ySaveitn. Jfrces qp- returned- f Racier., of W of the ; - ;h Wn ' 'ri tfre in. ciided in this estii Wards of five milti? as-'other investme'rb which does uoLnnia at.. oflij'ial doenment ff rJers) wed ffiv! which. ter .n :jas Vl'slmi'iit ititi miira diatei)aymeiii y ,t1n liilii-a n omiu Vynn-uiH-ji j; oian ulf) and iIscoiijmS fwe -j." ini- fie lsi of ,'Winher lsUll tiJU ,.Urtged, -hut enoi'lT,1 t liWii-w- hm ..rret to jnlo.'i) us to Ujiecd'"lihe fin" eniiifl-iiicitiiiot upliMtlUiuaei Ai k..t h. ure. both as rega.liiy pij a f - "H , wr.i ..vii,.i.' . - . .. x.-' ...SJVrr-.. 3 ' . lout ll.i. ..Jini ..... .i : ies of li. v 1 . e rt - - j . , s 1 I ....... - ....,,... ... lrsoiiets IOI lbat' ibe ecfelary of die t reasury Sball.-iA.V . , aneeie r,,llele,l il the tH.l..lr.k. ....... .v. .a ... ' .... - "' in tiiesa - inst ipecte-piyi(l bmk$. Tut suck a,u,T - eon iinua iotv.au long as ihey ia, prepared . -to pay their wtss and rloniu.. "I a., .f ' V. o adinitwthai, with ibis, puhlxr -pnn ti . ' " said br.U are enl. a .a HZ. ..tr 1,. ' Ji ,,'!? . 1 ' . , I -1 ' J I I- A, - Is t V Wv.tta.il.- STRANGLE. iiui unit 1 i ir Sl'O inen. he an T ' . i . i- . a a i i. auU there wsre uui tew real 9iauai, r7 l '

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