... , f . . j M t ' - M j '-..-'T ; - : ----- t I i ! ... 1: 1 .1 - Hi- tf iB;fIAIlIIIpI . -PONES. It? 1 ft TERMS!. 1 1 "The Vatcmaw may hereafter Jbe had for f two dollars' iid Fifty Centsper yar.-i B J ft A Class ofrbiuR. new subscribers who will 1- biV id a J ranee! the whole sum at; one payment, f nan nave ma paper iur wiu jwr w u -ars' feach, arid . as long as the ame yclass shall lohtfniae thai -jto pay in advance the sum of EHiti Dollars Ihe ; sarrie , terms I shall continue, will be charged as other subscri- pthervfisa fcSubscriberi who : do hot pay in tKo year 3T7111 J3i;u3xc unco tjvii !.. vmui , r. . t Nokub?e;tgti3ti will be received forf less than lene yezr. - '':'-.- -' i . v".t;v I, i! jN"o j-p,r will be dtf3onUnue baat tbe op-. flobf the Eultor, unless U arEeirorea'are paid i m. II V.tl... I. ll.. 17 Jifn imntf -,1iA-'iAf paii ;i otherwise ihey : will certainly -nrt be aU Wendell to ;: - I . f If EttMS of Aotkrtisino Statfj two a Ral Cenl,per tqwtrefor the first insertion, and SI Peisl)er7Utre or eacA ttserio qflericards jf No advertisement will be iosertefd forces3 than oire Dollar. ' . ' . . ji AdtrWtisements will be continiied nntil order? are recti red to stop them, wher0 no directions' ie previously given. ! : lAdvtei.Usmetsi by the year or six months will e nnie at at Dollar per month fqr each square fvith tie privilege oT changing tlje foftn every quarter. ;--'y: ... J j. ' f ? t SALISBURY, 'Beeswax per lb. 18 a 20 cts. ; pie per gal. 4 a 50 cts ; Cotton Brandy, Ap- per lb. (iri SfwJ; S ets ; Cotton bagging per yd. 20 25 t.f.; Uotlne pee ih: lb a 18 cts; Castings per lb 1 4 ts ; Cotton yarn, from Iffy. (S to No Tl, $1' 75 a 12-00-cis; Feallilers per lb; S5 Ui llmtt prbl i6 00; Wheat jr bash $100 S5;0ats pr bushel 30 cts Corn pjr busli 65 els; rln iwr lb. 6 a cts; Lead per b. 8 a 10 cts ; M!aises per 'pal. 624 cts ; Nails iper lb 9 a 10 i(s(; Mf rwr ibO a 0 cts ; Bacin pi-r lb 121 cN, Butter "per lb 124 cis ; Lanl per lb 15 Per 5ujiel 25 1 50 ci;siett, Ameri ai busier, per In. 10 'pis ; hugliiih y,o. per lb ' THE UEilEDxvT?iKv L From Ae wVatonal 'jOtUeilifi I Incredible asit may appear, iere are persons of jke Administration party, - who maintaio Ubat the General Government sbdoldnot trouble itself tboot a restoration of specie payments, bat should confine Us operations to the simple object of collect - I ng its revenue and paying its debts ia coin, eating each State to manage its own affairs to its own way, Had this policy: been prued - W Ihejy ea183jl , it wodl-1iave bad something !o justify itbut at this period its ad roiacy conies with bsd grace from that whose party leaders have brought th coun try into its present condition. Bullet us examine the proposition a little, and see to What it will lead. J There are now eight hundred and twenty-three banks'and btanches in the United States, Holding charters under twenty-five States, two Territories, and one District, making twenty-eight independent sources. According as ach of these banks is con ducted with more or less prudence, the ex tent of the depreciation of its notes will be less or more extensive, and it is now quite possible that there-mayL he several hundred local currencies differing from each other, and all of them differing from the metallic standard. It is true that in cities and large towns arrangements can be mad amongst the banks of the sjme plare to check the issuer of each other by volunta ry . engagements to .pay interest for daily balances, and to limit theamount which any one may owe to another under the penafty of handing over to the creditor party the choice of its bills rcfeivahle;t hot combi nations of Ihij B'jti trtlncfn atP thSi hanks of one State, or between-those f different States, are not to be lr,ke. T i, and we may therefore take it for granted, until a general restoration of specie payments isef feeted, the currency of no tvo pUcs vill be precisely w. satne for any length of a the State GoverBments had tlieir cloth mea 1 C3 1Q 1th sured by y ardsticks oiily two feet long. But ltbisqch professions bf delrolicn the m terests of 'the democracy of numbers,9 bow jn measuring its own cloth jwitb a jj metallic yardstick, and leaving the people to raw euro theirs with yardsticks' made of -gumj-et tastic ? The idea is inadmissible, and. nott withstanding that a powerful inffuence wi'l is:1: I. - Is.., ... '' oe orougui to near upon us oeiioera by tblose. who flatter themselves that -3-tAatea who.' together. re cetTed andathafamoant within tbe'last year, jwuhoQ aiing any noise abouliit tnd without lelieg that their operations? those of the - whole com- compared M nunnj, wercpucn more tnao a drop in the bucket, v 4 1 t-i ' ': - I If, hen,l J national .bank; possesses no dovverito c4fpel he Slate banks to resume ice wi'l ! ppcie pay tn fits, through the collection and Htford 1 d sburfemecfe of iher ptublicTevende let Will Leal : their.- financial; vvounds; yet rtM j wht cftr poiwee jt could possess. JJt t t B t & m an i les tKiti i o wenfj transactions, f no country has a right to expect that tho cAurtt f .t P0 ; the power of coercion but ;of that body .in September next wjllj tfe hfyll ttiamijb nattottal bank cts Cast do. per lb 25 a A( cik ; Sugar time together. That it should ie so, is in pel f-; a.. iP cis , riii hi (.jaipaica; per gi; ine nature oi things, anil n;thinti ran irc till I T VantPA rtA. I VV.h.I -U-ill nr ill Stl j Ctsrallow perilb. 10 124 . -.;'lW-liinpr yd. j; ltu1 ajSO cls; 'AVine (Teneriffe) ir al.$1 50 . fortdgal ; do. SI oO a St 7 cis : Claret flu mediatetf t directed to the creat obiect i c restoring specie payments. I P 1 -j m' Attain B tav, sf i ne writer naa careiniiv wairnen inn or gan of the Administration at Washingtooi to see what new plan jfor tlie relief j of Jbe country was likely to b proposed. JSibcOthe prcijeet of receiving and paying the tpublii revenues in gold and silver, examined j inj my last, and which appears to be abandon td as a measure adapted to restore J speeiej payments, nothing has yet been nBci&lly thrown out. The sigris of jhe tiai, hojw-fi everi in numerous other quarteisf irMrficjentf . .1 .1'. A iy indicate trie gradual concentration ;ot public opinion in favor of a great frank at the only remedy for the existing evitv and it cannot be uouhteo thai a national i insitlu tion is now a favoiite measure with a large party wno opposeu me recuariermg oi ine late Bank of the United States. Consider ing it as certain that one of . the first! steps taken by Congress atithe ensuing j ses5 on win oe to discuss the merits OI sucii a ,Man, I will venture a fow observations in rettlon to it. rtM ii couMa selling fits notes, tecrl .The charter of a nitmnl brink will roeejt Willi i opposoiTnTVom fall tuowTjoliolHij such a -bunk to, be unconstitutional, wli ich is no smnll party in Congress, as wfll as from ' those who may bold it to be inexpe dient, 1 i ! Should it pn?s by a majotity of hoth Houses, it will meet ith tlje veto of the! ing that. the. General iGoTernment and ft?C! e4ligbtestlrontro f their operawuf??."-would have n A roottve ta hasten tthe contraction f loans; which can aiont render them capabh v r"4""" auu wouiq in all probability expand thero, as they have unquestionably done in some of our cities since the 10th of May; as is evinced from the diminished rate of interest and the augmented price of peci. kThe conseuense of this - iwuld be a turner depreciation ofheVcurincy', Awacene of ibirtrading;! Sad; a the end, a reDetition of the Axfr Whw have ao recently overwhelmed us. - If these positions can be rnnirnrtp,t T should be glad to see iCdoneU - If a new national panic can be set in motion with powers to coerce the State Banks to resume specie payments, I would be pleased to see the modus operandi pointed out. From what reflection the writer has devoted ; to the subject,. he is not abte toieo how the country can be relieved bv anr new bank: EIren if the expedient ; were resorted to of applying trie whole capital of such a one as he lias supposed! in loans to the different banks, which would be equal to about ten per cent, on the total amount of their loans. it could extinguish but fifty millions of pa- Iltn n.i.t! I . t " lv v-iviua ciisuug In inB lorra oi notes in circulationand deposites. How a general curtailment of bank loans throughout the unitea aiates to such aji extent would go to place all the banks in a situation to re sume specie payments may be easily con jectured, when it is known that the aggre gate amount oj loans beyond the amount of capitals, art the 1st fJanuary, --1836, as appears by the Secretary ofhe TieasuryU r.?pirx oi ii ol January la$U vas vurtrieniiobhs dS'Co. otter a note for $205,630,788. And, besides, what guar ten uioubami uouars.nnu oilier people oner amy. could there be that any stipulatiou for woulJ.there fprei hive ir become a creditor of the Slate bunks, beflrs it could j coerce them. This .i - - ll ft, ll m' . . impusQ jniovr. nodes, "ftm,- by ?de: or stocks for: Statel bank y jbytollectinij the,! public revenue in iich notes; thirdly by receiv ing, on dCDlnte state bank-notes! and. fourthly bjj Icndingts specie r stock - to individuar U)rrowers,f and ; receiving I from them m payhent Ihe notes of Slate banks. it wouio ifa sorry sort or trade f or a na uonal bankiu carry op, to become posses- J l : ' 1 I . I - !.J - .i . ' 4 " . " ea oi tiepra tatec notes lor the sake ot do ing what rltviduals would reluctantly do ttat is,:ithebank. ll might even be a very "fifitabfe gam; for, in order to make uie ru'iipiioa general, ii would nave, to get holit! of the notes lof air the banks or at least nfja tnajonty of tbem,-which would be a fiazu-dout as well as ex pensi opera tion. I tajce1 it for granted that no such fol ly Cfiild be attempted!, and therefore dismiss t Ms-view of the subject - But it is certain that iflbe bank was re suited lcarrvon the business of banking lit r 1 : ..' i - kii woAiiu nave to utscount notes: L,ei us ' Iron LU JVcfwnai nffrnco-r EDITOR'S CORRESPONPCE. r ; Jier gal. $1 3 a I 75; cig ; M i jpelr gat. $1 i Whiskey per va'. 4 a 50 cts .rr- ijra CHERAW. peef in market per lb j a 8 vA 9, U Haai il'K 00 00 cis all cts; per lb 20 a 22 tela ;J Bale rope lb' 122 a lb ctsjCuffyn per jDO 00; Corn per bushel 1 5 ! '. I. . . - cts ; Bagging peryar' per ib a 12 (sweet) aeon pen Beeswax 18 a 25 CuUe pri 5 8 OOP 1 121 a ois : Fluur from wa.m-j ptr brl 7 8 000, 14 ctfe too uy ll a cis j , I'fo.u stores per brl. $10 a 1J j f run pr 100 Jbs &5 C4 a 0j , fVisjIasses; per gal 455 a cij NiioVcut assort-; ' H per lb 3 1 2 a 5) ct; Wrought do per lb. 20; fcj? ;Pork per b 8 9; Rice ! pbr 1 00 lbs $4; ;.0a;'-.S?u'irar ber lb. 10 121-2 I ct; Salt pr icperican u FAYETfE VILLE i ft Branny, peah 75 a 80. Do. App! vent it, unless the t wenty-eight Govn ntnents which IiiiVfc created the hanks should all a gree to enforce a rnsmnption. SmcIi a course, with the recent examples befoie us. of the States of New Y oik nd Coimeciicnt sanctioning by law the suspension of "all tiieir banks, t!ie former :' evt-u aniluxizm them . to Biiyinent their loans, and of the Stale of Mississippi granting tvvo nnv 1 1 :i r -tejrs for tanks ith large capitals. i. not to be expected ' Indeed, when we look at th enormous amount of dhts exisring at this time ihrougliout the Union, which it ia for he luterest of so many people, and nmonust them no' smnll number of legislators to postpone, any tliina like a concert of n tioir amongst the State Governments is not J i kf it tf h oru nt n r I ; v rnt'44 v ' uona irti 1 1 ; ii poti, sue i a n v e n i w i i I vnr o e President, whose Jionor ami integrity so irrevoc.'ihly committed nba'mst such hank, -in his I. tier to SH"rr6di Willnm. t it is hI t rvtjjoi Imr nipossiHIe thai he ejU a charter, or connive1 ,at its becoming ja law iiy rctaiiiini the bill ten d . i session. ! nre a hat sign i y s in his pos In the case of a vto, it is both t liarujy j possi llousjp? can be nded General which cae it a law. ' I WZet iir lb XtS f ociHThIiW P7iTl 0 -Ja? 124 cisiTea Imperial per lb $1 35 ai 1 874 cts;!i to be uttertv lutile. .' A deoreciatert po-ie 'Cys6n' diipr lb$l a 1 25 cts Tobacco manu- currency, therefore; ' la'just as ctrtitn to l.e Jactured per bjlO a 5 cts. &lened on the country; should the! Govern- i It- cu vninTmrTT? 'if..- " r -L . . e. 60s 70 dacorr pr lb 10 it a 000; Cotton pr lb 6 a 8 ets1 CofTee pr lb 121 a' 134 ; Flour bb)J $64 a 94 Flaxseed pr bh $l 00 a 000; Keajlhe'rs pr lb 40 a Corn pr oust . 1 15 af 25: Iron, prlb 51 a 6; Mo-; glasses pr gal S&40 a 00; Nails cut 74 a 8 ;Salt .. l i f ' nr. . it m. ' . . i rr i - - . epr on -in 3U a 4 o, ougar pr 10 1 1 91 1 ftea 2 a 3 Wheat pr bush $1 30 j 0 r gajg4L&3, lieeswax 20 a 00 j IjJLW JYOTlCMi. J I 1 AMES MARTIN and R. If. ALEXAN DER, (late of North Carolina). At lurneys at! ment remain quiescent on the Occksiop, tjas that it exists, and it is for that reason that I have thought It worth while to offer these remarks in addition to those which have been alrecdy advanced. : The currency of a country isi for -t.be time being, the standard measure of tbe pri- ; Tobacco; ces of commodities and property somewhat iri I. il . vvmskcyj m the same manner that a yardstick is the standard measure of cloth. So long9 there fore as the currency is coin, or paper ex changeable on demand for coin, so long is the standard invested with a degree of fix edness; but the moment that the converti ble th tt to-tltirds of found to pass the lull. Unless Jnekson should ap,irov of it wouln oot certrtiiil) hcoine i j l l J : . For the siikeol argutnenf, ljowejer I Will snpptWe ihat m -h--wtr ji'or a u ttioij haiik should he gi.jiHeil, wijh a t;M,!t;1i "i fl'ty imt!ion5 of dollars. Tins Oapit ii ( Ivil! . i i 1 It suppose- to ' ii i.le up (if Government stocks, P'lhscn'ie.i .mi (he unit ol the Uill LiSixXCS. ot Stte nri'sj r;tldi'-iH'reTia" ihe part f so iie or all of lh4 Stnleslor iv individuals, or parl'y of onn and; partly n( the other,- lo tin; nnount of .jforlyj lUillfoiis 1 ! 1 1 f dullars, aut the balance of specie I create the capjl il in this way, lor'tli pur r- . . i . i i " pose ol-ouviuni th common ohjection mill Law, Mobile Alabama, attend all Ithe Courts! 1 bility of )apei into specie is gone, that mo Ibolden in the chy of Mobile, the Supreme Court ment is the fixedness of the standard gone ai a uscaiuusB, aua ine vyircaii iuuii di ine u nited States in the city of New Orleans. July 29th, 1837J-6W2 . . j S T -Tr-r ? BBETTIST, I TNF0RMS the public that he will be at Ash ! JLvilIe, in about two weeks trim this time I and at the Warm Spring?, Dumcbmba Couuty, thortly thereafter, J ;)Juiy29, 1837-Sw2 1 also. In such event il resembles a yardstick that can be made to shrink at the pleasure of the patron who is measuring with it- project of. receiving and. paving The project of the public revenue in specie, while the . . t.t t II i . . I oiaits ano ine pepie coneci and pay tlieir debts in paper, is precisely the same if the Government were to use a true standard yardstick at the custom-house to measure cloth with, and the States. and the j people w ere to use others of .as many different lengths as the fancy of the makers of yard dotes, atnouniing ill the whole lo '.,.. ..rI.vlilL . .... 1 . . nun 01 M"ujir, wijioii ainuuiii is eiuercu to their creJifi iiji their, bank books, with an xpre?i iiiderstaudiftg,. that,; as the lian jvas iii hard money itj is to be . repaid in hard ,m1iiiefyLc Bi fkr so, good. Dobbs I TO.1 Py Simthree millions of dollars. having the (or o.ie nousanu uo ar, and lor that sum . . . i .5 1 .s 4 , jv i i . . . . ; . expenence of twenty years to guide it, they givtlhe bank which is the depostto- : - - vr i ,.7 ' ,. " , K. f ' ! rTt I iJt' 1 A .u possessing a dotnesUc credit, which com- tv. iif th,idr.blic inpueya check. One thou- L'ji. r: . . .u 1 1 .1 - Jt J j iii . . , manas forjis notes at this moment in the Sand then leave a4 a bn ance in jhe- bank o ;;,,i,iCi,k- ..J. fr I v 1 .t - it -I ;-j . 4t 1 .r 1 oouth western .coontryia premium of from atduielher eight thousand they draw am i;, ..jv . r . . i. .,T i - 'if iii'-'t" 1 r . three to ten per.cent,and a foreign credit e- oiit ..Mil n, es of the bank for the pur- , to iny:aathat might beTeasonably ftwtfrPH? lervdehur 13 ,1 in Pa iyw operation of tlie n V, T 7 ' '1 General Goyerriraent, and the powerluffn a t mil- I reSUinDtion would h ireneraHt- nnmnliot I - -ww avawv VVItl'OVVI with or that the loan would be properly secured? . :S' 5V The writer does, however, see, how an old bank, having the State banks and the Public already in his debt to the extent of that M capilnl of fiftv hall tliM amount, cMild individuals, either iri.t rope ' winch app'eais'tijj le th ion of intt'liiientmen ! In i theform'T n itionl banks, it ns. or eve h it uot hi obtained lrOn lis country or! in E'i- general optu- ie case if wit fou I 1 1 pr would oe worm in the marKel trie twicelil sec;ie, being redeemable on de- Jin I irj cojn. Dohhs fc Co , would, heniref sejl thein fr current notes, with jivliici tltey Would pay their debts, and in at; few hours the notes would be relumed 10 jjae i 1 lion a I bank lor payment in coin -UVie suuVu iltintj would happen with all the specrie capital W'Mild he drawn out. Its holes would not circulate as money fpr the Very reas.ifi llitet they would be more valu able than the currency which creditors i J . . . -- would be content to lake, and for the very samo reasott thai the notes of ihe Bank of the MiMrlno'ilis -were'jUll returned, to tliat 15 mk when sIih gave ojii, on ihe 12th of Miy. that she woulif not suspend specie fl ience of the- stockholders, which could be exerted in favor 'of a sound currency, accomplish; thevdesired result. -1 k for that reason that in bis first essay entitled M Remedy No lhe pointed -out the Pennsylvania Bankxijf the If nited Stater as the only; in'strume'nt which can be employ ed wiih'fenctThaTftieExe ernmeut and the Globe are. too deeply com mitted against JJiddtVs Bank,";.tQ Jisien to this suggestion, he is 5cllaware ; bat hetterahings are tbbe fioped-lrom: Con gress, which will hardly risk the danger of a permanent 'consiituional currency" of rags, w'len one-ol redeemable paper and Next Yoaic, July Cl.TJ The arrival of the Ilavxa J and Ports. . monCi packet ahips gives us newt from Pans, to the iieihl nd from London to tne 14th tilt. nvhen the.newa of our-ana- - " -'"'jiusiiwi auu mo ,ak Rgr of Congress, and the New Y or kT le galizatioa -r act I- cf the "aiianenrionvltrcTe well known ia th&V jrect csiula of the wqna. - rrl ;. - . . ' s. . - The worst being knownf the icimtioa was not near so great as was anticioated. The Journal da Dtbals, and the " London : courier, wnote manors iiave beea;,infA mericavand know; something of our, poli tics, and much orrurj character,- reason correctly, and-infer that the American mer-' chaau will pay heir debta now that they can. x ne XfOntHra 1 aes.T the Cmrrn Globe, and the Macclesfield Conner, and other jourhalsthink that onrl tnerchanu intend to follow the advice of tb Wash ington Globe, and a high functionary in Waahingtonj to swindle and to kob, - and are, therefore in a rage t f Anon they : will learn better, j American merchants ate not swindlers nor robbers," even though the Government 'organ advises them to be, and will pay their debtsand are paying tlieai daily, even though it tikes all the property they have inj the world : and anon all the European journalists will learn the differ ence between the advice oroorrupt politi cians, and thepraxficacr libnest mer chants, j . .- ' 4 ' ', - The political news from Europe , un important, eiceat that on ttto Itih ntt. the King of ' England was dangerousjj ilf of tfie same diseaie of which George the Fourlh died. The fetes Verfsillei and in Paiis in honor of the late marriage have beervexceedingty brilliant. Franca seems to be about quieting its war in Africa by a treaty. - , The House of Welles & Co. of Paris, well known to all. our merchants, and to all American trader has not failed. The Bank of France carries it aafely through the storm. Velles is a Bosionian, and gives brilliant soirees and grand ; dinners, famous even in Paris. - 1 The Whigs, of Mr. Jarvia'a distric (Maine,) the easternmost end of the; eaat ernmost State, hayo carried the district by a coup de mam. The Whig member elect is Joseph G. Notes, and by 500 majority exhibiting a1 gain, since the laie.trial in this district, of 11300 votes and over ! "This means , aometnmg ; out mat 1 am many thunder we aent on the other day 1 see, is consist f public StOe now existing no such Federnl Govern'uent. would be obliged to hecome ihi iii'iinnonla a a i'lio 11 j ii b i I t h o Mrirlliprn ai. i f bHtl 1 lies h id dune. The $fmple faci tliat there m Mm i is noi now a ces?ary to make lout -fillhs of theVMillt;N ks, ai ! as Ithere iarei .nouui inScirculalion. is conclusive proof locks issued bvifcl Uf. what tiWsert. ! fi s true ihat Dobbs & those, of- lh 4Stalet fK ai,d (he other borrowers, at the end of would have to bo substituted, or Orinirss 11x1' t da vs.iiflhev could not t?et their notes i . i i' ' m -. - j - . - v m me ihe !hef fc-f fenewed. ould liaveito pay hack in coin, prietor of the hankbi Treating .a;4H I the suiusihey borrowed, which thev would the purpose. 1 will hot rtop toil exUmiii the constiintionality o( a Government bafikk I wouid Iiave to leiid it! awair'i to somebodv or me machine cause I want to ctne. (o the 'main opi once. form stance much more terrific in Waahtngton. Mr Websterjs iir Utica on bit way homeWard.f In .Western New York he was . received with the most1 eathu Pl astic : demonstrations of public approbS' tion. '-v :--'vr:TTf! - 'Notwithstanding the shock in London of American credit, the Monster's bonds sold, 13th June, at 931 to 91l. When the otn can be securedby a little sacrifice of cotton operations in New Orleans 3re known in London, they will stand better than ever. The stock of the bank is to day in this city 15$ per cent, above party, pride. June 17, 1837. AN EXAMINER. 1 writer in the Globe of the 3d of June under the signature of An Observer," asseits that the amount of the loans and discounts of the Pennsylvania Bank of the of lhe Tammany Loco-Focoa here, and To-day they are 'jumping a' -m par. lion t this break your neart dir. Globe T The Globe's endowment of the Tall- madge letter has dashed all the high hopes United States, on the 1st of May last, was hereabou'. $63,552 952. aiutmuiiaiiiy vjotc miir ni, , would ;uave; to ieiio;it! again 10 souieoouy expediency of Treating sji laicaj Jse who -ivViul 1 go lijrough ihe . same pro u of immense !puniary porrj Lef fcesVthe effect o! which would be to keep i. T 1 1 ' I 1. H l win suppose; sucu a nanK, j n eid iri any lher riiannerj stichj jrorlmi ei, as the bank projected last jyep,irl iyl'St jlipvtcifeulalitSnl of specie beiween it oiiej bank and the brokers bui nowhere el the Ise. M become Y BUSINESS has become so Inoch exl slicka mIg.hrt suggest In. such a .case, it is Stiles: before it could nmence operitjolis But it is clear that pobauk could he con it zif itril K nviilit tKtii it i 1 1 l nnnfinii ifa l - P . . t I . il: l , L 1JUL.LCU ' IV I III ll kllOl DI1UUIU VVtlUllU I New York. Upon the Security OI real ! estgte ( A,n, trtlibi amrtiml nf il sopi-ir nanital. io i)6 orgsiuzeo, ina icaay.MO transact business in nine mopths from September next, allowing the same time that wasjiotind necsssarv by the last! bank bf the 1 United From the National Intelligencer. EDITORS' CORRESPOJSTDEJSfCB. New Ycrc, Jolt 22. Stocks have not varied. The rates of exchange ou Europe are about the same. Specie is not in so great a demand as it was. Many strangers begin to come into the city, to make their purchase for the autumn. The Globe is turning, and twisting, and . tended, and the amount of arrearages has '?ery manifestly lo be seen whatlclasses of ft may be established in Pbiladelpliiolfc ae so great that I mast settle. Itwill bo persons would be most injured, riamety, the New York, or Washington ity, and ofsy neatest io justice to require ce to tjpavel U ignorant and illiterate, who, not being as have at its head and in its riirectiok'.ikiuK 1 tlrJrt a -e lo .ge 89 fte,r intelligent neighbors ,he best financial skill. What cout l rtt d6 who owe me will I p ,u a(T...- .i." , . I ... 1. . . . , 1 J ! k hv r;m!ttinD-" ni -u- wclwcc" u" ruc towards compelling he eight hundred and whh$ ?nd the, fa,se measure, would be cheated 4rijtwcnt-tli?ei SUu Tbinks to Iresume ie the greatest r ihft rnnntrr for 1 this DurDOSSw hdped, therefore, , that those who owe me will save me trouble and expense does through the Post Office delay. j way 6, 1837. II. c. joNes. .-ir. imposed upon every time they bought or sold That the officers of Govern ment,and the thousands of persons who live upon fixed salaries in Us employ, should all be in favor Of heincr naid in rneciA i nntur! unnnnh TOE timeof holdifimposed :,tf(oriat Tuey would jikQ to haVe their clolb mea i currency of the country than what ii Editorial Conventioii payments? Not one jingle thing; and 1 will undertake to prove. . - . It has never been pretended that th . Cbneenfton in this Cny, hw oeenchaoged from sured by the metallic vardstick. and thev' ferred upon it by the . the 1st Monday in September, to' Wednesday, T , i luo url5',lc v.rasuca, ana tney tbefirstdayofiSovembernext. Thisaltlratii prpbably would not care if the officers of jnd hatit may fair! r eral Government has! anv control over the con-. this Nr. V ,i ineo baa been made because of In the inability M sev eral of oor bret hern to attend in September, ow- JTA communication in the bower 'to coin money y exercisein the receipt St disbursement of its revenue.1 It cannot plo- . i--' ,' : I bibitlhe Stales from ihcorpoiating bankisiiiidr i .' m i-iiiiiiii ii ii ii-hiiiiii w aa m iriH ar m iiai -- -' v r - i ; n i . ; ioff to previous indispensable engagements! No ,1 . : "ZZ V7i n U? impose any restrictions upon tWlexf! r ralttab e results can spring- fromaa'a-ineetie ." a"" 71? tent of their issues. 4 Its pdwerSlberifor Is. .. . . r P. .-..-.L. . . . 2 r Irrnund. Ihe writer . m -rpurnr ilrt I . ..; . - . -.-r i k L . u cniess me wuoie rrest oitne oiaie oe represep- -L - . - . 7 -r.r-j- t, is a limited power;' and 11 a national joanit ' - . a'- a-! lIafttAk VM Ml ll a ahMaa.ll. Ma. a. Ja La I . - ' V I- it' I 1 i t l ?r tvd, and the postponement oi it, it is nopeu, win i ow fuMu, i, pajiucuia uuuau; uiuo uj 1 tare the effect en part of tkose and thalUhe bank in question, by the loan of its first ten millions, could acquire nd pdwertPv coerce' other batiks to resume specie payments! Its whole power would be limited to the borrowers of that sum, and coull be exertedj no further than to draw irf the sum it had loaned out ; and it might een be questionable -whether in IUUCI IIHC IIICSC. 1V0 wmu us "tout . . , e . , , inch certain knoWl.dge of ihe solvency of 8''. mother of emp.res, uigh ; h,w 6orWweis ,oold enure to the b.nk the pok.o l monlhs; Pennsjl.an.i, the ke,- punctual irenavroent of the ten millions. Jim Crow," and they will turn about, and w wheel ' about,'' till the Globe tetls them what to 6e about Quarter to 4 o1 clock The St.-James, - the London packet ship of the. 20th is res graphed below, and we have been expect ing the files of papers by her for some nine. She will give ut more commercial newi of importance, and the stave of the bealu of the King. P. S. The Kimo oy Bsolind pied on the 20th, This is therumorfby the news-boat men, in airprobability correcf- rs and get is now, 1 see, coming out against the metal- i have not time to read the pape lie humbng, and is for banks, bank dem- mjs iller mailed in season. ocrats,' 'bank barons.' and bank robbers.' mmanif ie bMrd. I mid . hoi th nth. QUERIES. The following queries are er day that Tammany never speaks in vain, addressed by the Alexandria Gazette to ifce Nor would the mailer be mended by any subsequent loans! In order to augment its business the bank would be obliged to convert its funded debt in' specie. - New loans oa'discousi would be followed by a new drain"of thi specie, and after conrert- Tbe rag barons1 of Tammany are, after all, Washington Globe. They are, we iBspecti the roonarens of the united states, vir-l . - . . . ,Lgn .j-.-,... Hss the idea of establishing 'a new or .mo Stat-. r,r var. and have snoken in I can at the seat of Government, the Madi- biuiiv . j i I b ,v " vain, but to Mr. Van Buren, a hint from I doniau been abannonear - 1 t i J : t' : !1 ! : " J I Raleigh'N. JOS. GALESI&. SON. C. , ' - IV-:' V The Distinguished Morse - i " ; . - - "w t land otnees could dol without a bankij Jo ",,'C. "DL"lJh????8U,,n: Remea, No.:IV. it W., cleail 3tof n Has the introduction of Sir. Sandfordof New York into the Globe establishment been made to obviate the necessity of that or a similar publication" Have not the views cf the Globe within the last two or three weeks, do some sub- been modified? Is il expected tint u st esiafnt editor of the Globe Will 4 W W ,aafiaa,a - . i A ILL be exhibited at Statesville, on Moo- V y ! day and Tuesday of August Court next. jBMoj uut ana zwaa aays ot mat aiootn. ? . . I WM. II. BOLT. y 291837 4w : vhatmode the oeoole of the several SutMlnrir':! f . . --2. . . - , , , process, lu mo ici. or umiv iuuiiuus ui mayxhoosetpdeal with each other wheth- dollars per annum, would have no more efr - V lhrSh lh8 med.lutn of otd wigs,' or fect iri restoring specie payments in thd ?r?I.rienCy,1SJl.?0nC? ,PPeinl: ney transactiomt of tlie communitymbunt.1 IDS to themselves, and the States to which . .L , --u i.it I . - r r , : ; i ing w vuo bdduii bubi oi nvo inousaou bmi! iripv nrinnrv - t This arrangement, it is said, was adop-l m bnckbats. Receibts lndroaT meats! in tl ted in Philadelphia immediately after the year to the amount of thirty millions of dolj suspension of specie payments, and, if uni- lars, sound f ' ears iinaccostomed :toIarge yersally adopted.wo aid lead greatly towards sums as of eooroioud magnitude: toa ' Vet a rextorauon. thero could be named six coaaerciil qObs- the bricks and mortar of. Tammany is sig nificant. When a few men in Wall street, potent in Tammany are earnest, and when they speak io Tammany, Jupiter omnipo tent was not more powerful when be shook TZZZttTV: "Hfarrrr r; bis ambrosial locks.' New Tork humbugs. discounted notes and bills, il would not be b?t never permits herself to be humbugged, the Ii able to keep a Single note out in circulation Massachusetts never Jiumbugs, or is W jects .- 1 O . . - ..... Z. J J naaa. fiumhllirt hilt ! l&B ll w.th.th.lexcept.on ofthe count.r.ct th. n.tnr.l prl...t, U H p ; .J-.i i of leading Slates, which- lit. Van Bareo w.s it known at Washington, that Mr Lt -t T.tl- v.m.:..a . m.-iA well understands. - Rives. Mr. Tallmadee, and plbers. were be i-'juuie - ivuiici , vuau ; a ibuuiwgui, hiu , i ; - - i . . - . , e .t, rca tne nearest spot wneretneir reaemp Be.e,fcneir,Ia the history of all noli- c"""H lirfnoreimoortant movements than have -OT.c,H,"Ctt: r?! " " I. ' j....' h, eoihsonio'tbe State of New York pedient to ni u to ? for three weeks past Tbey affect the des-1 jf the Globe relarses intpjhe aims of, tiny of this whole country lor years. Lv- u. ajjny Regency Bank party, trui noviis t ert man snooio waicn mo ocwiis wnu "ttfatore Course give gica. fwuw V . . a. a a - a) a.I . aw. ft ST 1 . J I 1 4 keenest eye. -Thank Uod" t and l wrue ui r;iend of Mr. Uenton ana sai. jveauaw with the devotion oi my wnoie soui,;tne rrhiteeu of ruin' no looser reisn. Satan tl in specie could' be .demanded- Two cvnencietof different valuta cannot circu late atlthe same timer and - to alieiapt it vpuld be "rank folly ,f- . ; - . .r-' t - iBut there is a most important subject which presents itself at this suge , of the argumentlThe Tloans of this ; newbank, wsuld be most probably tn addition to all the existing bapk Joans, and,in such event, would afford facilities for new speculations aati enterprises, which would not fail to hive a most pernicious effect, and to post pone still further the general resumption and hi idols are tumbled down. A new rirn. new men. new times, are to spring op. The Goths mar prepare to quit the Capital. The Canitoline Uill is to be trodden by otb- ei menj aod tbe way ol the crimiD&is is if it sttemots to steer a middle course St please tbe Bank party and the no-Bank par tv. will it not realize the fate of the man a ' a .. " between two stows! -We should be glad to see these queetioas answered with Uuth arid sincerity. of. specie paymeQls;, The State banks, downward or er the Tarpeiaa rodu s:V ii o t (0 (o - U- . - V ! t I ''Ml "iri "i '. mv :vt! ' . ;4 IS.

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