&-i-:vt iV:y - - r-- , fV" r- r 7- . W 47; j 1 .:7.u -'T : fV , '.. . .... . i. i i 1111 M 1 ' .. . 1 .. . 1 m ' , j. it v' r.griieVAtcjJAa'oay UereatCer be had f znit i aflVafttjAiiie w?iol.B 8'ju-av-onfe pay men, Sirill hare theInan?Mur ono year ai two uoi - 1 fn..rrMi?prii ,ri. uv annnzed. bv the l out loss or inccirentcncfi, an jiifWmationMch Ywe have spread before itoants'f -the Voohiuniu jsf rrhn n to thrn frfnn diflVrent eources, that thcrt is i c!iantni currency rt. diversity '.of popinion robnghe supporters j as iiicy uavo evef -fa eeiore of the p'esont Administralion,' as lt lc sehcse' ir financial administration by whicl v i (:i . r t t! :;'-.Lka' kllth a!ai atmaVthlj vsatn? :cks3;shalhjiat irlnch IJas-failed I shall be substituted (wilir(K4 t hns tonav in: adESntrur.; sHl -r o I 'ri.ft nrpfrpnrA r ih Kxernlitre - is now a: EiiMnara1th9 sam ;;erms Ilmt the laet annual mfss32e of C son before.;, me, t ut f cl co; as-.rtion tint ' s ioi'! ,- ronstittitefi Atihordinale offices of CXC i riorlsr il be di5inu4d .4nt at the bp- j V tliis scheme many intelligent anil Baga tipjofi thla K.hior, unlej all arrearre3 are paid j Wo,V menibelongmg to the Van Baren par ty, but who rount the interest their, ot coun- tryfor something independently; otypart? up 1 the Cli i - I . r 111 llters la ihft FMitor mnst be; post pai'f ;i t:i9rwiro incj win WV tended W.:-Ji: rr- j . -: - ?5 w . CfcW W imtaWar the first imcrlwn, ttndSli 1 'atyprtt., lent' will be'inserted for; lesH thai onb Dpi- Jab. . -' - .. -?- AHyftftikelieJls will b continued untif orders areirjecbivd jo $tpp . theha where no directions arp Jirevi usly fWen.' ; : ' v' 'f f Alili tile Itmhy the year or six months will bo dade at a! D.JlIar per month lor eacn sfjua-e 1 ; - 4 ft a U wit.h the n quarter BURY, 1 1. SALIS1 seed! 3 cts Bae8aiier lblTB a 20 cts. ; Brandy, An- pie: per sal - 1 are 1 decided I opposed. Jo shew to tnr readers tFe grounds taken by these last, we ropy fiorn the Kirhmond Enquirer J he sub joined essay, which, with a inster's. 'hand, presents in irresistable arrny ih objections tp tliis sifppleinent to the unhappy - exjeri meiii projected br the teiy S4ine persons (51 pssrs Kendall &, Go.) b ntlcf t he j last Administration. Withoot'- Wet ending to be cinoweiirs instyle, we furi little, haz ard tof mistake inascribing this articlo to the pen of Mr. Senator Rivus, of ViiL'inia. jat,Jni v.ilhtl.j ;c.-;-i ' :;Tf;-; ,! i. :. - ; f, u A tons wilU il v; , .- I' , ' ' ' ' ; ' ' j.;! 1 ' - : i - ; .,,-;.;.,-. j- -. - 5 ' . . v' ": ' 1 ' ; . - j 1 ' " ' "' ' " " "' i ' ' anJ curroncy, and the decide rec4iioiMi ibliHrpm interest as the obligation of datibnoadopt thein by Oegiation l skh ;jfheir birters it cannot beaidoubled that I fiscal agents of the Government :Um cunj &uch tions as Congress may see fit la not belleTe that the late President desigiiejisiidopt fes)cting trisldeposites m these im to tnak4 their agency merely temprdrnillsututionswith a ie ta the gradual disuse i,iiJ, n,0n, i i,;,J.nrn thftfadbbtiariHbrfbeismaU bHls."win be cheerfully icom- bf the scheme ascribed to him by tiwjt3?o eli!jhed uith; and thai jwe all soon gain, in My confidence m the candor tbd;fran4n-sa pljace f llmj Baak jof UieUnitedStates, a of General, Jackson forbid rnet :to beli velipracti at teforra in ,tie wlble piper system ' J-- bate jnainirTbTTen ' . - - J-lCl 1 ''f';i ', ' ' :: fin?-;': CJ : S.nJ -1 .1. fit! Mim, . .-U ,'k.;- '.,'' - 'H - '--i. . ; 1 ti that he did not mean what Is "expressed in thf coumryr by t 11 s policy,- we these sekimentfe r:rxnj4 ,M ; 1 U ,.. .Ui, ,! r iljtinv IF all banc! bills Vklow twenty IIIICIIIJPU IW Ullilj' W 1119 atH IIC tfcuii'HO w,jrv-;' r . -.r - " ' :- -if at g?ld and silver out to them the idea that thevwere 10 bfcnwiii 1 - iace,puu wcmubiub pnuet- vWd as ilifl firal befits Vj :' ( llt12 mediurrvin tiieommon husi- From the Richmond K.tnVer. Com- ! , inuntctfiayi The Washington Gl be of in an article be-.def Diide aSd Conquer, attempts to enforce the necessity of so reg ulaling "the collection of tht public reveimo t'l tiiv: uufiiiiiiii nwt.11 in 11 1111 XY f signed only to use ihern bnlil'he had nnl-: Ij secured the . destruction . of the Bf rjk of the United States, and thenitura the power aiid influence of his name and .administta- f the 21st inst. tion to tl eir destruction.' His high end ter forbids the idea; and I; cannot. I ot, believe it. The Globe 'hast; inisab bended Hi in ' Ifvvbat, uithe present c d it ion of thing I' reg-ird" the fchinii -scheme of. con fining the receipts of ' vermnent tb gold aiid silver conl ; bf tfT.'cied, th result would ! : i rac w 1 . , ets; CtS i; 45 a 50 cts ; Cotton wt Ibr (in Uotrv bagtrjnjr. per ydr 20 ilo 11,; fl ctsj Klui Iron ber lb. p a dis; Keaclxper lb a a 10 ets ; bationUbe amendment offered ibyuMi. .ior-1 yj bfjjGeneral Jackson is cleriy MoIaiseapeifgal.fHJ cts ails j r IbP a 10 , don to a bill pending .belore lie tlouse 01 'ust iromlhe expressed obiects of the Tr Buiterl per lib Hi cts ; Lard per lb la ; lillhi;P nositeis In the Stnte banks, reanir- ingthe payment of all public dues in gold and sulver. and confiding the keeping and rdtabuTsns of th? public revenue to agents of the Treasury. It has been paid 4u4t the times are strangely out of; joint; and it may besaiii tbat opinions in relation to public rip&snres are strangelv uncertain and un- c farmers and mecAanlcs of the The attainment 0 such a resuft fra in tli history of our coub II bo dwelt ' upi with delight friend bf its liberty and inde- hie tharny man can doubt, . Jacksron penned this para ! tc the employ ment of permanent depositories " ana that be sought " 7 , , iru--vxxs tt f . ,iY nMnt (.f whc-fAn disprove tie.seition, J wouM only ak i8 Jji m meuione wneuier iil being the orari . of j!",pi, ended transaciiona wi;u ibwr feU- present scheme sb shortly; afer tfcpres- f:?1 h sure cniincP,! mw:, . .t.M- wnea m Ari.-..vs -iVi": ineit, t urg. i ; cidiT of kw tiizzm awe wul answer ?; Ii hjh iMim. iry of (ivtrnbwfnt o sit de wheo a different riurenrj 1 provi- xptritort the part- instimiirjuf, union, and .uueuce npuii me ere m ,,puiIOtfTiiiat an aceorajnetatinw Ol thft banks, anil BiIot r.J.,.;,, . I .Cik, tV.Jl 1 r . very j-esult which has taken placed I di i rjJl grAtly mcras Uie bond f not raearv to imitate thai such waa the de-1 lren?,"n lhe ' t Fedefet GoTrnmnt. sgn.t3 ,Y 77l-.:? -v;-i-i;-' . - 4 yWreaul inwi inerautd'demmdfor a To the scheme itself there are raanv ob- " bmkt andecttre it istabtukiMui lotions. - ' - " hen Uh fcheuie hn iMrated sufficiently long 1 - '.I ii.i 1 ' t . . j "1 l' J,are ested its oiler linprtiibiliiv, acd ihe J I. 1 at t act that bankinzis so decnhi .-HitinL- i .m k.- j. Lit rT ?" -4-" I." ' . i --" is-: A - 14 ?-"iV..." 3 100 els 0O; V fISO cs r r i . i -5. - V" vyreaiegree under Its irflu-ncf as will tQevili- ncutttazclridofU Jur many vears. It : bly; be th case, then tb demand for niiao will be difficult to harmonize the action of I bank will be so sirttngas to br irrfeiiiiale, and twenty-six State Governments so as to re- J Jnen aaeu. .iongae!eavto our boasted libtrtiet! form the banking system and cetrii of its I D httre nuik that l am an nncoropro- objectionable features, much nre to des- j "T r trnv U PniirMtr Tf .k ti . u shat. as in violation i.f ibe Constitutwo. and in troy it entirely. If, then, the system is 10 j wilh lh. prinrl le!o( prevail in any form paper will constitute a' which lie at ihe twiuim f our mihutHn?. material part of the circulation of the conn-j I havi i inHre!y-kii bed tny i4.jiins to this tjy. Tcannot therefore, perceive the pro-! sji'd pcijenie. I will hereafW enlar$' ajon priety of th Federal Government requi- lhe ;n. ad prpseni oihera I am awj inn cor ring a different medium for its transactions 1 ban'fm? is unsound ad ikeuir, and from 4hat of the great body of the People. nef Js s1 M . I ar korm, Th iMn.,inn.rtf .kJ fallZ"1 t n "WTRocyjiw. I m adeemed advooale for a -. 1 inimll n.-kA Mrrr.n .rtl. ingi" I'.rTr UllTTl - I. .1 II. T ..li. .ill rl-A: " .'- . t-??rr'7; :'ii:"i.4-oh ill need ot a rne un.iiins:(f tb8'Tirisers:'andlm'ckanics. 11 aQMJ.sJf' i biud.y.irciilaunl;..rneiUnbi as ilhe Federal I JaviRjr tuik notes- khnst eniirety fr exi-nd-d another, nfwoual t Governnfent TtfeFedcial " Government I mmtcii operation - I see no way 10 el -I - ji ; 4tl -A ft ksUilSitU Vrpti3h4ll 1 lit I 50ttHiMeHl, Vmeri- ksan blistflr, pr' l. 10 cts ; Knlv h Hv. per lb SQ.'tl : CaJr dl i per lb 33 a 30 cts Sugfir toeij 117. I2i a Lit uts ; Katn Jamaica; pr gaj j 2i jYankef doKl ; AVool fclean) per lbt btSifTallbweT la. 10 i cts; Tow-linen pf yd. jl6 alaOctsfv Wlrie (Teueriffe) per gal. 1 50 !Portolgaf ,d(. jfl $0 1 $17 ci? ; Claret- do per ffal. $113 a a, 75 cts; Malajja, (swen) per ga!.M Wiijskey per gal. 45 a 50 ct sury Circular itself. ITtiat order confihf the demand for specie to receipts lands, and: simply professes 1 the CUEClCINO NOT DESTROf ING bahK Be4 0 berlb! ets";.! lb 12 !- f in ma HE RAW. j i , '- , rkettper lb, 4 a Q cts.; Bacon per 12t ck ; Ilams do. 00 00 cts ; IJeesvvax J 5 i - I n M-l. 1 .Q - tit 211 ;a Wl Ctf !; uajrglDtrper yaro 10 a SiU rope pek lb a 12 ' 14 cts j Coffee prt lti ffaii;dtLun ner IUU IDS , s 4 i'or i steady- By recurrence to the" columns of the Globe it will he tound that wnen this proposition -wa'ssul milted to the House of Bepresentalives by Mr", Gordon, il was most violently assailed b tiint journal; and among ill the members of the House f riend ly to the Administration, it obtained the ruttfv ot i but a single ono Col B.ile, of UbVUib 4:i2i f'e Luer- for public design; of issues. flow TV j to believe, haying . . that he could have ign j jniputed to him by :si so much at war with ofth ought not to aci upon the principle that buf by a Rrad-ial exclusiwi of small r .i,rc2... n 1 hxpirince has am dIt tested thai not Lion. antf suppressing excessive speculaii then can the design attributed by the Gjobe to General Jackson be true, J when there is potiung but theexptession of the most entire q oflS V"?i"'. :."?. '"'.LItiv,,,,,! The nrosUion nf G-r.lon om WannS!p?r DTI l oO. rou sior jf - , ,-iir 'i ...1 i ' .Tf " - ... In jlofoit n hill llAIUPjl alUl rO- . I.Ji. ... mil ll.o C t.A a U: i v. on imriiutu v '-" " . " O.rnoss to reflate, by lawUe pos- ;sieel A u'H of the public mo nJ' this very policy, of n,arv 1 - Xmr'-U . v I r . . ; : :: lO Ul i a cis; Salt pr on Conffress to regulate, qy confidence in the capacity & soundness of the Slate banks, and a recommendation of their employment, in all the public pipers emana-J ting iron) him, from the lime ot tno rerno al oft the public deposites from the Ban of the United States to his retirement from officer ? - :-- --' r If the real opinions; of General, Jack are to be ascertained by Jij3 owp expres sions, and ) know of tip othprmr.-i" v- $00 cy to th i th Jet t."l ilein o ie Treasury, -in his 1 of December 8, 1835, says : tment tak4s pleasure in stating money Icoutinues to be col- pbsited under the present sys effect note. tpirince has ampty tested that imiea and . dnOJilO tf C nu it i.n..fMina li..n r ill W.kt mi ..I . . " 1 ra 1 tl 1 r 0 "f " . rT vruoiUlMiunii wiil fiu II I vU great domestic interests of the People, will , hte together. The no.es han.sh the rueiat. institute or continue an unsound oMinsafe j Hence,' to inmiue a more extended meiallio system of banking. Its efforts should b to cru!;n?m, the exdusuirrof small note by law aid the states in perfecting a sound circu-is mdipt-.riahiv necessary. 1 am wiUinjj to gj lation. with" the belief that the States de- j on.nhunaiely, but "gradually, to fifty or one hun- i 4 ; 2.5ucii 'itLtystem would be hostile to the State Institutions. I his scheme 11 adopt k :ed banks, With great ease and ejvwui be founded upon the idea that the si . - I economy in al cases, anu wuu greater in late banks are unsound and incapable of some ) at any (former, period. The furnishing a sound currency a belief that iransA rs ' it to every Ouarter of the coun- will dijirrpdit their oaoer and criuole their 9 . u it i4: needed; for disbursement, effbrtsUo furnish a sound currency. It will itaVe neier been allected with more promp- retfUce their circulation to such narrow titude.' rnd have been made entirely free of 1 iST1tt9 as to render inoperative any plan tblhd Treasury these 4 v ie ws of ithe late Pres ttekcl bsi ve met alltc-iBy sought, or expected tbietl- itidn ot uie . , . ',7 iiz -p. ihA FftiTerrt be done oy 5" -l totihW Viiirnor bw the wiusioh rj-n trlrWulfr7--oT- eolation. AH be . ;,.u;io thft ico.onera Slate Governments with that m iiiprwj; y Gvernmeut, in the i.uporUut woik ot curiniT a obnd currency to tne co..m. j, r, ,...1. o,.fV,rm in their- bankina insiituttons ti .4 iHi Kmlr! nd eiilaril the tliq .. i t ..' n Uiunl vwhu h WOUJ tatltc circulation iu - - , seem to th country a sound currency;. tn I which the r may; adopt, thereby creating hostility and alienation towards the Feder- heartily VorTcdrred ; & jfor these and many ai Government on the part of the Slates, ntrrrrrT I dient. Indeed, I didillv aducate that iolicVi which will make notes what they profess lobe promises to pay spwie, and that n demand. I am willing to restrict their Hrculatioii, that there will be nHanger of their immediate ronvertibil ity into fpeeie, if Oesiied. ami seenre the coun try against the distressing effects of their 'ex cessive expansions and contractions. Lei it be remembered that we are la act, having aaks al ready, and not as we would if the question were whe-tbet we would have them VVe are com pelled to act upon the state of things as they ex ist, not a;ve would have them. The time 'do- mand the jforbea ranee of nflndjfru' piiitnii-gx the rrru "T .An KnllrUl ridicules, in' VI . . .. i ' .u Lio,,ra In Rome fcX IWrmont3krf-nrmeibaliV'akxionfir the people, p ., . L .. nered manner M M irecily bpos te eharacierThis Die sound, Wcurricy.of tl.e States. ineness wllh which the continentat f iSrioV yiuirs, doings, ooW; ; r JneSljSonre eroneobs, which i. n,r the patricians, and leaving paper (or the je Tfm has inst been married to the t;fer4 lbeia h It is an odinusdtstinctton, of tie rfg ot France : ; ; V s l S-nn.il omfeveiii . the foregoing quota- which ab intelligent people will never to - M'rh'e,.Freneh accounts oflhe proRres'-! I Ins a .iSSAxpi If o currency but specie s suffi- ..- clena are,vfa peculiarly iX bf Sencrfl the propriety of cendy sound for Hhe G rnmen none ntere8lif charttCler, She is no longer an eLandln-Kdia atld 6il-tclusively for other is sufficiently. so .iUePw ordinary being : on the moment after the ffiHub or of euug the Gov- X. The fiublie man ey wM bt ,nairiagC was contracted she became a di- ' f.hr the knee ha. proved, and it is the mx . ner nng n fg .j. 1 11 m f4J 1 1 .i irimi an 1 m . v 1 1 - - v - - - i.v t. a ninr m 1 ni urinal 1 v iinvv i7 -id .if 3 I ( fit V t; 'I 7-l.'M ira a J; Wneat pr biiab Jl 1 l; 6l6iesw20 a Oa customs, AMPS MR ri !' tl. 11 A''A rf- t. .Ji..Aiix'a-.. ' attend all the Courts WhicL-Au 1 nrinrtnle. ' 11.: I Ci..ix trr!VH'.l Irom the unueu , ... be lVJla , lands ana omcr otv ( . r ihn United States curreni 1, If this jtkTonP d;s,gne.l U.utly .; ,..u -.,tf.ill9 innuire whv it ta he.laii WOUIO iwn-v"; e.ijto recommend it in KriWCf't II t?3ill ens of tinpropt-r an:: ex-iv-rnr i .ions and ontraHioik with, 3 beerTfflicied. Tiu he pecioo 10 um . 1 . ( iUn rirru!alloO 1 1 of small ndlesbtitlest 1 fiiilaWfli;: ht.jl ;i iho destructivH ;ousebtiei ?iiai.4eal aid the iCircu.t Cou.t of the V vhy hi tlnv if th op-, itli KiatA irt the City of Ne Oilearfe. "V'l offered bv Mr. Gordon's JaM29 h,1837U2 , j.portunil oX . ,m ' lls.tisfied 1 1 1 i , r - : . evi nvii si luu r-5 . i.t i a. ! 1 1 inm sneak for himself In his message ol December, and cV .Tho broaress of -our jjoitif 1 834. it oinage ! is aiikinj! iiistitbtians of the country. . 1 lie I ; Uaad, ot i,.d,.idaU.and there needs in'ihcati-ana art exactly tbo. reverse. . u.r ar,xouieot u prove it. Lei the Government l.i!Thit: Globe skills- tol tnitiic-mueeu - i- , be fxam;iied, aod 1 venture me auu.. exiDres3lv"asserlst iiient was iejlcted tiife ' State hanUs first1 ib: Gbhlit; It? - Oj)l'7 it.ui Mr G's amend- ...tn f.,,,,,,1 that, in ur.norti'n to the a inn .'t - , I llldt 11 't' ' i 1 r I . -from a wish Jo try iM,Hint ut ,or,ey rtcved, ind.vidui " . . L . 1 1 a ...r.n ii.oi ..f iinU Where will vn iir v 1 uTii liiin ltiiii k. Bin ' 1 Illl 11(11 K Utl I 1 (1H1 air - - 1 M.r rtf .ll her savines and toings from the hour she left her obscuriiy. . On taking leave o her uncle lire Dukttof Se. Weimar, we are told lhat Hhe. parting was aD affectin scene.' The Grand Duke twice mtird his netce,- sjyinr, Auieu, my; V lill .... - - - M become solireat 4 ' t. l"' r miSINESS h as become so muu. a- U)al hJ LndedVand the niiof arrea fiolrreat that I nXust ttttle .-be Globe' is mistaken in;asciiuu g. 1 Jackson, as, 1 iniuKT rtf arrearaares nas . n..nf r - V- tl1U niltlll Ltl Ji - - . m initcst iroiu me credit bde lb the officers of the d nl nromtses jn a short period, to form - l ..i L.1a 4r .1... .,ri. null m onn ; : i i uvuauic rency.; whi.jh will niuc '?iminisl convenience t travellers d aeneral paper currency,, should tnks be iricanabteof furnishing istitutionsiliHve alreidy shown. ?i csjr .the ) -want the I it. T - licms . t . . . e .1 1 'i'. 1,1.11 Lpfn the monev iney re " . ... ,.,, ,rprp In tear;J isrtMfned I he tlesign ni iw isiese iuijt"S',1 ' u n.-i.of beloved niece. wni.. . S&i.St e 4eJ,..e, U- ? ' 3.,15.1 ? How very .ubU.c fBJ ch, uHn,,i hut 1 am I bees, or ill mey oih t.,.. ..,nnnt ..dimr ! But die French Utnemmeni JSS 1 -ourse to the terapb to tlitbeeansbtof its .utter oRrae- scheme. .Banks are not 10 be UHicW.j cate rvery lh,Ilg that occurreu -dr thos'e wboyoted fur it, WUt u ill the collector at New York do wuh . A, many of, our readers may otsome! Vgentiemen, who, liie $i5.000.000 which he recces ; ot ;ave noticed the -Wlcgr.phie ciuomu- areiuoV favorableto a ! n.catiohs, we take tins opportunity of 3 fr?ni d-otibl that How will he secure U eloylt makiiig .hem more generally kown. "L.rL. ,f,.v hP- bois? How ..rrong.the lemptation , to 7,1 half.n,,artcr pasl i Ut uup oi ivniv, ;l &.ti im fullv m . . ... nuinuiTM an: ----- , - . , . rtheceu; t rfbrl purpose. It is toM own b; General Jackson to cornpftt to purchase and turn.sn om.. r iaV 6,11837. rk the deposite of the pubhe reven , oi i . supplied Us prombt s i f " s ' -i i - - m a t- a w not 1 1 on r w in a. u.".--" i mill iixvi"1!.. ----- f ; . u; - U ' '. ,7 . i .uo Tanta and cUCUUmauv." OV IUU Din. i ; . ..l is ,i(,f hU...g V P' 1 im"" TAr " ee s ci b.-bl m seral States shall be induced, l L i I . E . . . . . I H I mm r: ill M unless toe wuo . 7 ; ' j M;il unie.8 o , I( 19, hoped, will 7 !, . 't.J. l.KtlY. : nalefoh, N. C. lc nistittgw 1 country . . i -ipnrpcsiu i v. -.."-- In his annual messa -""!i;:;QPaa - , ftr December. 1835 ill IMS MH.sa(,;-- , '! f. in Ills Bllll . , . n i 1 ; c-bSr.1 1834-mc.re ih.n a W? , u ,;c. .The attention of Googress is f HP r . I , iai j - ? W n 1 tSiiCCI. jijeci at;? u deposites in the State banks, by ; the same message. K17Wr. already 1,1?.r?.l:q 7.i" ,X ill!. IIOl ucvwa"j , ment The flLLbe exhibited at Stesville, o.v Won Uv ahd Tuvsday of Almost Court next, yciaVBlst and 22nd days of at nionth.. raf nrh an mslitution is f tl.e Govern Sum banks .re found fully W"" . r -ti orvirp which were re- periormanr. r. ed.! States, r'Ir-ira Wrth the saro. cheap-. Tl' ": e n.nl.ined bemsehes. . m - ,r it, a'3 surest aivl mooi 'f securing their desirevl , ut bf t leir belief that it idil when reduced to prac cxpiession of the Globe I xvtnU be lotfi to believe. . :iu:an party i ejected a sound, jelne. for the mere purpose of !ihA Sttfi Ranks. It can- ii'":Pflli "k hi " himself m pec ;t is, although piausit not bi'i.Vv In. i has oeen . . . , aul bv! the Globe, tne nut -?iV? JIT Middle's boast tl ,CK. i.i i ... .m i, . . . a uiui tiiiimir !,:ih in IheOtV. me uiosv ui. , 0 ClocK i ut- -7 j - ticuli st:bHUie m practice wnm u i. . down io w , iiiV lo t C'lOHuet. ; ., to'nVe.-AU "these 'luasury vvd hd ihbir places al lhe discreiion ot lhe W"1 l,r " J ..,i.,n. to abuse.would the uncontrol- o t . ,j nnl toan. led possession atnbii have he has ordered a round of - - . r u..n iipr anneilie toast and a rasuer oi -n is remarkably good. t - Seven o'clock.-Her Boya! bigbness is at this moment wiping - her month i with nn-t. handkerchief, having i.fswjmuch money now o a camwuv h has piiant T unhmid power ? I cocluded a very hearty meal She h i t Executive, l00p.i twice, and so. has tne cat wuiwi amooioua tr" vo.niii no distrust ot ir.e - ihvt hh rftal estaniisnnitni) n;ity-6". Jioa, could destroy the State banks,; fjful'v verifiedm the .system been fried, for it has not had; lime to ilelvl the importaiit fW H '1.1 ogress is gays: cTbe! greatdesiderattinf in ?fm I - i ...nxif imnn the OOWr eainestly n?,edJ' l"r. uw r k.: nventinff tint excessive issue. nf naner whence arise thosemoctuauo.? r? " r-i . , , .rwloF iinpCf t.A ci.nftsr.i ot va tie waicH 'c,,!,v, w n' .k .Drrfa of labor in nnc tain the lewards of tauor i f v H'T message; speaking of the .remedy he fjs: . hSeerrSeeniat.lwth 'III I il w licH he surges eocouiu m - w I i : i ip vvrtrk Ol lime, SSi-L! brVhelco operation of T-M - i ;si.i,rA. The re- i liorm 5vr'6jr , A ,1 AVrmd h s AAtt ha views, ana Jiau Mi-vt sufoe , iiu uionw" . i . r .l,. bai I speak ol ibeleoaeocy aim " " "y .bij 1 oppose Wi"'e rf, hlace to tne . nanus j Pl - Vwf twnrd ' are at all etnment. - : .... . r ntl iVr- 5 wK enforce i.e ;a . r - . ia ouradmiiable .ystem o, . - . tends more than States , had a corroratei .. . :L Wa-; hiuiklnT insttiulions. Mother to denroy and overturn ,e d."m y andala. of oor State Govern men,, 8fe and ,s gently snorinf W M aun HturTare remarkably placid, and ave, accumuia - L'.j,.t ilnprnment its o- ol ine r ru.i-i : HI It now a of , gre.t 'moneyed monopo ?,ic." Iy applied io all the purpose lp" Cu oenditure. It isalso ascertained: that, .m- nue e M i t- . t t - ir-;Ut- r..-a a wo G?n. Jactson t" -r, a Vr. ...molated; and accumulating tue mwum'-i ---7- . , r patronage ui tn..-. . lbc i . . tunrM m Mil f . r vorsliaOOWIIl" iuuw . j State losuiuuuiw v r - . - ofiiW b1e..fbeHgin(ldenlyac- "''"Sedt .ii .,U.;nfenresent unprecedented revni " lt'.-.rUfc.1ii President and lu,Sec- Wffi "1 iststem7sucreeded .adm.ra- ProR.w ""''r:7Ji -'..,,.tiJ the country. llt?y, vwi5 - r.u-U, n cress : nor uiu cmc, w. July 29, 1S37-H.W2 perWn indebted to An-s SVeaver for sneezed twice, and so i:ck..The Princess i. now seated ft the hurdy.gund& - popular air of Jim-ww. Highness is laughing most hearj l,l . 5 Nine o'clock. The Princess w - now .aping and preparing forced; her Koyal fiighness bU expressed ber.deiermination to say her prayers. , . 1 . .U The Princess is in a ril u uv . ; Ila7 1 there features are remarsaoiy pi-..f - -cannot be i doubt but U.t .h i. dreaming , of hU Koy.1 1!ishne..lhe Duke of Of leans.,; - , ,. TiLt-kBASSs. July ,29. .1 I o i anu villi v m - t -x j uf h n must in i .aooinown, .... piaceiiawHiV-- nsocne iqaes. Will be necessary crease in thesala ready are the expenaipea . bQl a I tion. wn.cn - - fiht . H were ; ernnt rbvergrewrf 08li odwo. A liVonr q. df. j ?feh -k sJgi gull lariner ' i . Cir vtt are far . i-rnd. . 7 -iff;f we naw ' : : a K. r in xmifu . lhe true pim-p - ,;" rM 'f 7 .f :.ik. avneridlloreS 01 rveu im . ' 7' J the season I . . i ' . 1 ...nnniM , ... .n ;,-.,. monrnH in rerard to iuc Whentb.t enem, sua.. - - - - r - - . Jbich hp.l, to be P In his annual mess.ge to Uongress .a "-"- " rrouU..on3 on the d 1,1835. with lhe aid olio,e... .rr"-. , .'.., Ielur'n T tfra " ;.:.: M. be s.: '-By the U0.pe. j r-r w TT - a ft a. . K i. . nu nirii mi uui . - - - im. Wnressioot to URIG1PI V : J In lllf A kflSCD 7 1 for ;".. '! J0.rr: officet. pibffi "pipe lihich emanated from d..frm paoiic vy ,iitr,t nre-l which snooM be ubseri "P 'n- of -peeUbe ir tt.oitviou " uiv""- i , 7- .t.p sua- o AeuUM'" 5 ' . ku jVp -adoDied, iv troro m-in n,med Josepa ) it i.rl nensic i - i specie pj ' t rf.h t win oew - r.-,,. The d iucaiiy nun. - 11 13 .1 ,.f,id to -hia iled None :wluter. revulsion wh.cn nas ,he will -i a deW.lo ? "yZt , oa inaeuiru 'v J . . t 0r tlie Mate oauKs. . ....VnonrKrv to THE CtwToMM r ' jjiy mo Brawn i " .a - , ( ti.ir rnsiiria uum h .-.-- , . . Skl pay ment to B V. Michiux, aa" be alone is I -JJ not controlled ty its authority, it is ikbUised la receive the sam du Ct Biinek " , ; W "'-i ihemoievs of W United; ,s political .gnc5. .no no. AMUo y EAVEU. j iinV dfa6t ! ' dangerous extension nd not lsusce,p cotnbuiata, c l;ia t ary ,nd ' corame'ree of the I of this exteosi ve empt ;l in all have occurrea ur - .nPr1ae. WhyT f ;-iJf. Und DuDtO hlO. .rtoi .ttir. anrJ tne.suu-i jono r."l . j hicn win avoiu - itl - .,m,v -h enasysteiacauuo wr.- litTto say wbi don't ye 4 banks fot specie may when asjstexa .sr - - 7 7. .'i-if:"' v. - :rr.7''V'A 1 7 ' t!'-:Af I P- V. .771'. 7.7 m 7 ( . 7 ? Tl ': ' i : . 7p ."v "7 :7 r v--7 17: x tJ;-; "7 y 8,1337-651 -- Xf. - kktk- .f

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