WY, tin I,, '..Aoud- Wd "great u u :vr l i c ' i y . a p ort ejujlu- evtr ,H,;ked- ' :at -all ! dur. with tl public J" ney ? (lorl i& the words fn.ii memory ta I V ) Shall U r ,.aw idfo in the vaults. orratru r .ar;J;- t th- corstrfictb'n of 'rqoJ and 45 L vlThe two greatest .doctors of the age. are a -4 - , ,t r. . - .....". , ,1 ; T 1 Italian fLVXrutnr Aiadi i Dr. Jacknu and Dr. Uitcnie. are . measu.i? i-y . . ... ....r.rLt I l;v awtods.-Vrriey hiva"entered4lbe arona,and f " there mast be a " fi ht or a foWraee t Dr.; Ritchie swears with character! iilT fi?-r strike'ihe nVjttVng as there is any Vprospert awcceiLMii a'declafaciim - vssureiutfiat read ta.-- heait.f; and uld. ; ; a lo fret Tint the 6 a bv, a tconir -liaise k; -Af.hf DiSfack . jaome forward; ithJ t his'strong aca'rceifiir hnn toVescape- Uithjutoine , r... . .. . . .... i . r. . . u . ujifc .' H!T CKJ"I' il9iiums wwiirik jr. v.tu... 7 .- . '. . - J -r i rJacksuTi' hefuia dMctfiW hJS'vn"! piJb'an- protests i hat hit iiMfey4ifi8'oactM f " I I . Hflrh-iM the ,fo(Iowio iboiJiaodt'erT?rielic Ut& l'he hist inch BASE ury of the woildhasfeet teebrdeJ I) V ar tiasl ben ioru iiiit tel V Vyjifa Depysi w . Ik I " it 3 i .rti U - n; ,.iv.aa I snil 'mini -i m : rr SnM!i0 Pa, v tmmt tleff ra?lr .isoiDa rra8.a mi. j'1 itfrm IB.THCT roirr.Ti-THElRS OWrlf 6-COU2TaT5 Cfor ibeaelfih vieAs ul iakHg large proatslby , T ihrbwiiiii out millions f Jepr-Matf(I p?pef upon the pMiplSKUJNG THEIR SPKUIE AT - 3 r aijri.' Pi At 1 1 1 MS! VliVt; IIP 'V. . : C0F FRrUi5 I'O 5a-6r cent :ianl howHuul s ' for veajiociiieftK'(ureiheyjresuaie sptia'payf r:0rT lit Ichle, whbr:' notwithstanding Abemi f haJ st 1 11 ad fer e red ta luce l? v r iy f ors at the aar. 1 5 o , white. ;r''.qayibr. i4..w. r-iicy'cr tuese aSanls hereafter. c!iota to adopt we shall not hesitatett I tLsni with ndij--! iu.it. iiatmn; for. ho been the course 1 ' f" uftrr i; i, a lid tvv, f'-lll ihcr men v; . r. hi in r wiivv. vulpablc taa; 'have ofia.ifnV Whig poIiUcuii3,U t passf U by hir.i vi?'. nobo !y j the stiraof a vt - ......x . .... . .J .! . .... ? If. ti n . way , ffiu when'. the" boat ?nc:V ! li"b Py h2 believes, saved: r.onr "of t' ? run u.i - 'l n.rct!it 1 1- j,h ; h.ts -leeve io i 'win cians ! Generals Hi : i-uci-i.ut...' so fur f.,r WHO t V-1 i itrjustue population foi-an -tcip.j. 10 ueci&rerinaj h aDoqtf that is, thos: not al T nrtrA hirth.minnPil. JmilorMrir nH Vnihlir. t It . . . '. 'r-J",6, . -i - -, .i r? r4 j lyu.iougn to Keep a boat on tne to Diri'tedixidividuaISv- areCnot tor.be. fiundof the wiC;. ti .Vl:- r t prcanit bejnecear faoyirand-?!! night, no't knowing that the-hhnd BJe jdurnala oIaiide4 lb -tuotal WM;Mnfiabitedra"nrl s - ? inthe Lieht Hons? sort had tVboTf.uw3heliiiwif ufoogres: af ter h h t na u (to rat ion i u pport t tie,tjroTer o men i, two, tniltians of dollars! hd then : j prepare lur th e-liriu-ih war.c'. --- ; ."W-. " ' Gn Jackson ".removed "4heC deposites, and TrVijfht way'put therawlipfe? they could ' La te-j iiiedfriim him, and uu act.of .(Jonorress could; fe&iplt, and ke astlmiiigaU rtbeyupohsibUity;. t M 4 1 ? 1 r i 'P1. ' I h o U o 1 1 e 13 1 a 3 s rid put co jraVffd, WiesuH. pner; lo-.tbake. inonetpjaot T i Kte!thepnceoCIand, increase fJreign and do lueHic irwitJirMj wnenanj "aaveuf i ycu iw 'PuolicTacc.'rdi narl'ta orders, sr!r.pnJindMr Vtanf Sorena'Iection picured h tmaslied the!twhoIe' I concern ny a rasury .yocjii if 'uau sr?f hfn1deyfe pni uus jsroootng raui ra. RajiHLVi'U'i 1 prisedr neither, Uvwe-snpuia nereatierunqeai: ireiunan. rf n:r; -yU 'v "i ii'PTdper:tQicarw..jiAelitfar.w croprhave snffered i much by the w. t . w ; . ., -I's-ift' T. . urt.i uic Edict iiiai wiin ine krvptr firninrni. w i ' makeoairoWrt ameas ho re, naiieif fiavj ngtor e 4i i s tothes ffwhilstafloat? th'ar the isesTnigfitiqt 'egcouraVement ; given by lhefffctoal inlcreck-4 haVe'sb niucK'hold of hirhi and thinks that meprtsb! bim!fTKEsl;anil W?? w gnesas is ab graphically described, and Tin., hi overseen Air. Reddingclothed him and tw.v rr Ko (.rA.iL- tnmv thA h.nrorwan debts. Iior t . i . T ..I 1 - . ' . ... - , .- ... ss- i s . - .-i- . " t .TL- f : : f nmlvFnniinr5rt in lhi tcllliiwiitar arlir.lh , triina l T ' ! f : rrtnrni' T lo, ! ii'iws iiu io iefi lur 1 party'Jc2ier.ana;,-;v-r. c .r'-i c-tntry t'nver'wp. their diserW t; ' '' " r r -v 113! .1 once a ;Vritam nf" .... w i;.try, aad nothing but ... u i ; - :un ll,3;?uPs3a1idblew to ..ki ibout pari pc!'Lst i ' qe and passsnger? feellaV-lai1 " sro-ill, -id f.Hiji, ""ftud- to.ac. -i l-wbeti hc heard-tiha i titirer'J M rtiinateas himself Ar piipouqcaipppnenwi ur u of t and finding Hifili ntsty ditty ii.On nrcs u uau-junto ; etiiaivuflu,viaiuiij yt" 'TF w'auuciieu . iitowti; vOiij llie sound, oies appear. ni, i . y,i.Hi.., ,f.u-o inHr; i.iai ior tits part ne Wa . - i r.ruriwi.if-vv-vr?,tM 71 "jiivpaauiii oeiaunu on ttieDtnK, . t laru 4uurrenr .raper -uur ruticj , l,- w f oca,! sawtyin stfam engines : V sBejri2NeWTfqiybirt pr6udaddjed;ihi6e)f;;a pLoyr noblStaieutiflaaknallel floo :ude;indiandel ner AlrV t 1 niast;tiorixUi Vi x Alon--puiy AfitirAioiiopoiy injiu inyana j ineic-mismanagement if ft v -' ibyisrjbMlU.!ipi4i8ieW Ant-riiniiuundtUudH Jdlhua anatHamaaa2iinti,t)iOr1smof tlie3ejr)u-J come asKoremn Jhe beachofirethecl with ouies-nnxd uir hkeaball; of J as Usia T.f1W 4 are mohsfesr 4?JtistaWrfci?., all; -the fprema?tr broke, bojwlelcapilte j frojniSt. Captain hT4 wl. made anpthUjacle fcams bankie mgnt whatVlse htVtccic could be jhad, ?)yVhat if it duns ho to EuroDe.; iit-i8 like water seekinz .its leyei; ano-u oarcrcuu uc iiwiu wuc 3 sieamboal tuncOunier. 6-iekVgainI.Bot. jfe I said on?B before, that "it f i,bm a lew tninoies ibetoH jcarriagH uf bis - riiistru rtv? I- his et stem, and bad taken iiH postiiun before he j : -irao nearatruia nia.ciieagoe, urgu dj ina vani tv,ahd f elf cuhci, the ptduailnant' ingrediehis in ihe-Cotnpi6iito, tf -$Vi& int"pbaierf'feays - he- canint subscribe to tnese cnargeHagandiin taofece'ign panacea,' a'nd:ivowsLewnever ''tf'tKe I tie flmg." V" '-i-- t Ve .win see a fair fightr-There most be no foul play-nb backing' andfiling ? Vnd vWcret throfcJs, Dr. jRitchte abbluster .and.; bravado, lb an ill :windthat, blows ncTrbne any, gobd"- j wnen 11 is Tiara hwm wiin unci? osiu, uruiyer tJonathari fares,biier:rhe Government has to jssue cnecKs topay .lia' onjcersy puiine inaians anduEufopeanCwitl nut receivel theui as.currtnt moHtUil Biili'vl'ie jStateredj i.is good and they can now parryon oetterineir iaiprovemenis,ana jast!.pclel Sam 'would; ihlrbw no part of the public UUTUClia 11 uauuuai.ucuk; uu uoti-i iwc People ofrthe woods, ihin it no more than right, acinose imptrtanuhatt-r8aro discarded by the toremJeni,.inai me otaiea.suuuiu auiue worn, that our cAifdfen should at least bear a part 01 those Durqens, as iney win receive tu me oene . 'V I -'From the Yew York Commercial Jidvkrlcr. X 4 i HOW TADTHfeTX'R'M-?r -f We to k the liberty tf asking iheri.tsyeis terday:. tor itsopiniod iouchine the letters iui ' T - General 3acKiun,Mi8 teorniuhe "great, Apiilaud i t .of thefioaTfCiarpfqjeetaher6tnadv6rausd -with i . s' 4 sucn omer aua JeioeiouaunciioiK-A ne-l irnea the Iew York Eveninn HUr of tne 7ib inst. On Saturday after live, tbe HigtilanW 8te!ug the iSurWilA- or Aloauy, at the dta-. steamboat for SeA burgh uiei ica s wi I tly pVssuig oy lance of a few bundredyacda.t qmckly looeetjed her moorings and w ?in 1 ian instant, like ian ariow f:um iht ' M elc.with lht . tnlentioii of contending the iuoted huestion which of th se iu maun 'lonia un me ivef is enuiieo 10 un mastery f r speed The day was beautiful, each boat had at least Iroin 00 10 250 passengers j The North America; whicri at leaving waaia- bout 1 wo of her lengths' ahead, vras jr ovrja LKeo oy me nignunder, ana tne ooais i-oiaitiueo head and head at the dUtalice of only ab-mi 50 yards apait, the firemen of each like two Viil treated him with great kindness. We learn that one of the " passengers was: a Clergy mani from Charleston. ' . --s rv- s Telegraph.' iff f j o n no nvviJYGi u TO HIS FELLOW CITIZENS. stock i ancr a 1 ut oV t CTno t nurb a ri d tb I . .v 0 -. Ji,'';i-t'"I-i3-'vJr'-i.ei.-.t. nritigs us auuo ne uniy ptnw;wojriu imuii- iuiur ami uuer navng tinU ingbitaft'disave yQ rt f u p i Ibri story ,!l H pp:a1 AoTeVe rn Wt E ta r nai,nTa say all enjinl' 1 BORIT AMERICAN CiTIZE(tlie,liiyfi are" to lallt lb6irt aod UI Ttm f notc-ntfht, iwi tivem ten jto JUjeswburthis U Wrere arild now T Imrongi C PpresennUn;! seeall ountriesicCi Dsur:renjterS San'dWtcfelsUndsilndi sia and Ilcan aay IhaOliaveis an j iai'! " trc nnrt no nonn thAt can linlil .1 ranillnf lo.. IO uniie. So no m(irn i ... and all u that is waRtingonouri part t iSrtow. inenu .ana; leuowctuze 4 to feel and . t. a. ? L. 1 - .... . t . n .in f y." w I Vil i w inr uia r in l utc til iu V,,,i u,,"-l Vi shackle hrrneU- frorn.al! nasty. part Tpreju. ' dices and look totlhe good brhisbuhirj as he would to hre own good aild thatfof His viiHr v ': t " Jhe country and of doing the work, without any j rapidly' as the quickly uonsuining cords of pj or ibuchlpribility of ieceivingany great bene j wood could be supplied j The boats went at tl fit?, from . i h to.,-., So .thiokS every old man as ! time at the rate of abojui 18 miles an hii f welj as the.mari who is ' -T- - J v' 1 HE MAK IK THE , 00DS. AtousT 4,. 1837. AN IMPORTANT MANIFESTO. ' t i1; -, i uas iioi erej uirecuy, iii iiih specinc lonn of reply fo4ur requesf, butit jias gi ven-its'Eng Jih r firstly arf e'di tor iaf paragraph, add aain by v uwerttng the fjeruatks otTa correspondent, without a Avyrd jofdisautyor lnsure. wcc , BT TUB EDITORS. ; Among the nume ous evidences of nwblic o. . . . l t i i n u i j . k. ; i . i : n i . i . . . . ., jjii luougii w? nau ii ue uaiusiu in ocmiug j cans, uusiiy teeuing inpir respective turnacesiaa ne this iur, and buch was the exciteiUent with which all were animated by. the j interesting scene, that tbwy seemed to forget entirely the impropriety and danger, with tbe exception of a few elderly ladies on board, who could j hot. exactly cum pre hend the necessity of such an exhibition. Jtist opposite Bull's ferry, or a rajile or to below the llojmingdale Asylum, thej tlighlander being the left, und but a very short distance (say t boats lengths.) from .what are called, we believe, the" Hariaeui Flats, to th wel of h-r, the Noih America appniachd, struck i of!:j iciy upon the iiigiiianucr, wnn an evident nnnitlon, as we believed, to drive her ou the ; Flats, and cut a er..ss her bows, whioh,' uiilortunaiely , owing tu .hft-NewWorktTinies of Friday has a leading arliclev entrtled "Our City and State ' It isintendedat a forntal denunciation of the Globe' arid 'Virotjier "presses that hav; fol lowed the cue of that Journal in bitterly oenuuDcing ine mercnanis ana nierc.aniue i tyrnmuiiity generally.,. Wegiveihe erttcie I entire, inasmuch as, we loolc upon it a one 1 - a ' i i . I oi. tne uiot important political artti-Ks tnat ha9;appeared in the piess for this many a day; ; The. course of the G lobe is i n dec d on wo I , . uemocrauc journals ratrtmus. and calcuUted V xcite tbe SDir- - throughout the. unions otithe danr! which r r JT ,s- - - ' , :, ' i- -must ever ass.nl our free, institutions; when m,n,J' , j : moneypd mtee!sof Hbo jwfttnetyre placed i-HJtJlHio be;8eej,!wbctbef.or noi it will I , itily'w thecuiiroitthe J)fficersof MheiPer!?0IU ta course of, mad tiess and vitu- 1 . General Giveroan!lhe,foi'liiwing extract from"praioniPAt. Inqp i 'i ' ;-a coiftmjjnicftn'receotjy pubhedliriJielircb- J ri0''?iiiT-JSr VTtm. - , muiid liiqairer.:fle8ervVa.cnto1iicooos .statiSn. . ?fAf .' Tf: 1 ,wlff i u. a & is .from its forcible dmiealions oiT tfie enecrts1 ih2t'U.L .OUR GITY AND ST A TP.. i Here appears io dc a settiea uetermina- r-t K l would' fl w frfm he'a Jopxitm rfa?sclj i transfuhn the 1 rHasurv'UHn.irtdient intu a inithl L Mr mpneyed euoine. wieldiiiW au certain I neiioaa i lonAm cerUinarters, from whence better uiewuoiemtfviiiiOi eirctuaiion -of -ine country;?) MilK1"Ift,li-,,,ve ueeii expecteu. to tnrow it p ? Si, ii aj1" "ff41081 ! the citizens j ;? i k . ; uels of busing. -City and State. . ; pw,y and;iferng?W prftgg. -. ' people te iMwer.lo;feciH ibeir;3iu tn X, i ..yui'4udhighMnuWedrepuVi&u have i V Vn "j" i ' t . UnrraXunglxpa thdfrP tlie ranks of wf tins systewitl.'iii be den.iiV tfc'atr fbeyT'"0 2.' SPfe ' s - iwilljconnnue i-itiVir;ipptoval' whe'n -coiivinced'j londirecledawa 1 L i V? daogKrousjenueii.cjf ..iscvtifieiiilyotsbe ' cbantsfJewT.oik?ppiniijaiisf,and - institu ! p 1 1 lieyed.1." ; v -V.- fc i tions. rAlihough not professing to be spe . VT. TE.cbRREsPoDfiKT.-,, xr ciallynn the' confidence of the President, t ? tr'V ThjapUn ekth.de,iotiiThe.roaii -we know that 'these assaults are made" with- S V I-"V; " ,,17- I'S. nis approbation? tof his attach . .U' nave all the gold ami silvet cuMeucv. wPiiteMha. ' iT t . ., t"Z-ii-,- ; . "S'm banks aodlimtuerciarciM 1 . , - ihn bcoad .'en8e.of'thKidan;lir.-i.J,r W.Hui?an e,view with any satisfaction the ' I but, jhevLneu Foco Eu-ial Righis pajy 'ut&d UMnyJ press-orcoteielto hold np tbV ment to State nor efTtHts'l tije greater speed of the Highlander, tho' lo.wkd duwti with feighi of carriages, cotton bags, etc , cuuki not be Cunveuientiy i accomplished. l'he . . . L. . .. J f . I SB.;.! . - Kiaruoira oow oi me ili.iiander fbus tell. 1.410 the leli wheel-hous of ihe N. America, whieh it stove in. Ieavin4 the rotary j raachuitry nakfd. ana in tne same crash the llighlnnder smashed in also, the boat of the North America on thai ii . . . ! ! 1 . . . . 1 nere was some seft.saii.ij in the conort ated masses thus brooahif Into tVarful contact but euch was the intense Hbsir'ton of 1 tie sce that the vry aflriyhied country vionien, reiu ing with their empy but r firki-i, firr.it scieechior tall in hysterical while some of the male sek on ooard tue Hicrhlander. mor ti nt k oc janion during the collision ! to pass in.1'- t!h Nrth America. Not a vvbrd or shout or x, ace wa$ heard nor a frown seen from either. the belligerents. Both' were 6tion separated, and weiit sullenly and proudly on their respec tive courses the Highlander a short distanceta head, say 50 yards j and sttippingat Caldwell's a minute or two, the North Am'Tica, it now be ing night, shoi ahead, and the race was aban doned. 1 - These spectacles may be and are very inter esting jto behold, but we 'must in candor de nonnce them as eminently "dangerous, and use lessly jeopardizing the lives jot innocent persons, who have placed themselves under ihe protec tion of those that thus wantonly violate tbe confi dence reposed in them. M tl ot ,cfti- AN0THER STE A M Bp AT DISASTER. and to4itisbHteentbein iii. thej o.Vnay, py Emporium asjustlyolctrb political (le- Mobile, August 16.! vj. ureire,able piper carret.ej th oldbe.bg htthliattoWlrfdetcJit olild he absurd. I STEAMBOAT EXfLOSOIN. I " l put m t'.nih.ittoibv'tlie GveitfinHnt '"t ii'-lL-J."'.'V-r'i- tf- . . F " L '. f Ji i ' t- t "-To sosb.,Vd'V,:f.rc;' Vh" p?.S? flhl ; Jf lhe orig.nr ,rhe garner Carol;f , 1 Captain Griffin, on i ' KirU 1; uT;r ccuWy 'I And '6tiL ?""?t: tf nhe favor- her way from New Orleans to ibis, city, burst !" .'I - i I whole Uniooare.caJled uTi-rtunUeboptinJ ofNw -yo?bwh,ose politicaLee- h'oilr, near the Dog'r.vef bar yesterday eve , " i v these measure, that they a:.nHver - ha.venny tioji.w as, the result oMhefdeep-i ooted.at- n,n?S ?'Tla ll$ne!!yichA messenger , pother cutest wiiihe;,attstecTVcyUtSe 4ew7 tivnenthercitizeW through a? long TlTS k'aVu Ti? v ! shdji.R niioHr rrHiritBirBi. Til' V- t i. Miiit--... u-- - 1" .that the boilers -had botH bursted.and the clum- r:Ue ylT Tiie steersman was terr,. : "Tr"wbarl1r, WlH,; J not expected to survive. The What 'vllii'n It U'kifn.;"...' i V.i-l ..'-. 'l.t r,rf V ' 'Uipn jook had not been fonnd The.s.eamboa. Fox. , ! C '-bappu.eVoT Captain Gayle. went down about six o'clock to I ..i i. ii j t;- ia -S" ' V'5J' Continued nllpmnla In hrnnn H.l v.... .... tho sai4lnno nf ih anfTpria 1 i ;(tcnl8rafme.blowJ;ltleyrediiyStem; P ,QOTe.mI?WWr,,!en; lLhe fr ,'hePevplerely toreR their aUhrprol nline has reached the cjty, K towi of the Fdx, ; and.happ.nesS, aud io eiting - . bolts hoi irtJ lneruriifccex3l- thi hlan of di'Rirn tTlt C learn vne-io lowing pa jicuiars , jr . .r Mo.,vfcwiraTiterrbii HPar?u-p' Pi M ; 1 MistingofshedmidAJb1 lV IrTt. jhenginek ! iafhu4iae;nitf are .leagued -iyjlmifn? 9-JW . ; fiJ-lce shall iireeW5 "-v mllh' th,e 8Hersn1an. while coi- 'and tlverurreniatfiAf fmmthirnnicf'ki: n2 ttp.il wonegrtiesJ dec! passengers, -wee j... T. 'Viirlw 4rnr fni.? i. flr-rr.ii , Uw). z: . I drowned. I hprH WHmhiA rihm nanirf. 'V.' immaeuUta, a,eiuWlhetir rronejrfom Received any injury, f-ive fire- , hl? McC,t t,"v"s aw 4v .wiiuso. iiarui e . . ; . v r I JL9PgIur0VMU andjndu not bointtfnpntr !phnt rpPM r tvpoj over it. I then began to feel Mg qst k X ' Pi wamblecropd, and.d ooThelp thi yiwv wigniK:casioneatvideiaiM . ' , oi tne time wnen liwas a bov.f and w i i b .. - - - t i jb ar . '''.. ; . ...... ... ?'. . . . - . i i - - . . .. Mirougiuiui.every secTiru'oiahe, Union? ils il,c"4u, "4vwreM ni wiinjine ioiiow- j th.e great p!attei ot Ingin dumplins; stood irnot enough: tbarotisblpsihe. idle at our ,nIKJealn3MtI!?OT.Jr ViC smoking on tHelableTiinil' the'familakin wbittftnatfifofigli, thVacfiou of uuraer- citrat present and substantiates .the aif- chairs all around ltVand jes wb'en mVgood Attention all creation! eyes right! face front! Maj Downing just returned from foreign parts, addresses you on 'great and t weiehiv matters.'- The 4bis suns' of Biddle, Hamilton, Adams, and Tallmadge and others, hainu bten discharged, it is now of high importance lo know what the illustrious Mtjor has to say. The Major promises in his next to take up the subject of the currency, and to go to work in earnest, to do his best toward putting things in order again. In one of his conversations the other day. it is re ported that he said there was but one honest political party in this or any oth er country, and that he would in "good .? j .. ! .1 tune uemonsiraie ims. wvoaa vcrrons foie, lo show The -M'jior now can parleuvous Fiench I we are now we dare say; having returned from his travels in foreign parts. wV. YurkJEx- press. Mabine Pavillion, Rockaway. L( I A . . . . . I r . . i . l .i ; August ij, ioo, in s.g'u oi me j W reck ot the two f otlies. 4 To the People of the United States of North America m general, and to the'Greai Democratic FannU in pirticular. Fellow Citizens: T-ui have, all -by this tune heard tell of mv return to' my na tive land, after an absence of over two years this grg, and how nigh I ca?ue resting myt bones along with the T.wo pily&y on thi bench, n.i '.'I mninlv owin to a notion that. f iptain Jumper took that he was more know in than other folks about his latitude and longitude and sun ines, and to wind up all, was willing, riaht or wrong, -to take the responsibility ' Well, the long d short of the matter is the 'Two Pollies1 went a shore, and there lies now, right off and on the house I am now in, and as I am in pret ty good keeping herei ( mean to stick by St. wait for ihe high tides of September nftxt, and see if there is anv hopes of getting this vessel off. I don't mean toq-ntso long as two sticks of timber of this vessel hang tooeth er 1 know she is worth savin, and if. we can't save all. we can save part, jest enuff to presarvt- the model, for there ain't sich an other craft afloat or on shore in all this cre ated auth. In the natral coir?e of things, I suppose that seeing it is now more th;in two years since I wrote my last letter from France lo my old friend Mr Dwight, that I ought to tell where I have been, nd what I have been about: but this would be a long slorv too long to be good for nothing, and 1 have no time now to finish it if I once begun it I'll Jeave that nil I get thrmgh more important matters. I did not intend writing any thing j till the 'Two Polhes' was off and safe afloat again; but seeing that all the great fulks ; are at work; writing private letters for publi cation, i thought it was high time to begin, and in doing so, as the Globe says4 of rny old friend the General's letter, dash it off in ihe broad hold hand of the venerable .chief, without the slightest care' of punctu ating or correcting, Sec' , . When 1 left home the last time, on mv f . :j t i: wiy:iu,rTance, loBioin peeping tilings right there, I sat . down at .tbe stain .of the Two Pol lies, Jand vkept -my. evepn .. In some countries wherUhaveerih will or wish ofnemai' fs'lhSViaW'sof-.ibVjwH laodwheirhe'wbisi!esW8a hurt 1' U it Irt hn ilhii Ar en llrpae(4to!i;WoLv independent and free peoplrj and vol io bV: npril? " ma see man is the puzzle now before us? ; WrelalliH0"1"011---at odds and ends. Party tbal selfisb dt Tf beal .ao,nH's ceitfut monster, has been at wMkdt ted us into a snarl, and it is our busmessto iUjthelQXorn bllond the f untwist it wind off the best part Ihp our i; Vanquished.1 iTte existina prK own use, and throw the test ; to, the. jdevill United iStates is'not the first man iktfl wh'-re it came from along with those who, j Ui an elevateds Ration f:bjr unworihjo .) wicke tly strive to draw lines between Ihe he subject ol hisambition when;t Si;t people, and set one class up agin another, unworthy, ihe strugale.it hasitiil jest to S,rvH their own prty. purposes. , 1 6uVi conwatice, thai t Nr J , ... . r J: r y, - i more.onhannv ruao in ia ITinW It would be a useless task,1or.nie to at lhe 5lh f AUfch last, tbaa ahnr. temp t go in to al the pauses' why where- Xceptin2 afwavs those b i I w how we gotrintU the scrape by v'the angsvof bodnyj disease, of r iu it is enuff to know we are nnder tbev financial blunders J tbe 1 .and I don't know -a shorter ment T , alain it than to say. that if a far- In taking up.a volarpe of 'Sirou.idl , - . - . ii the other daV. Wp. uncinprttrlli.l. - , J J sage .w hich ,we - thiakistrikinjpjr;; Cir. Van Buren's past jvilicj tod pjUii 1 tion The verse was nrrittea mo f years ago, and now took zmvst trnkt .. . .i . : i. i . . i quoio- ioe , passage. . ii appjirs.w fci.ir. in a scrape way to expl tier wants' to see his farhi welT tilled: he won't take a watebuiaker to till ii -if a hat maker, or a shoemaker, or a nail m aker, or a carpenter, or a mason, or any jkiud ol manufacturer, wants good workmen to as- sit him ''he won't -employ personswhd l well as physical 6laveiy, AtwelOi& Ikin'l know anv thinir ahoiif ihe trade. Very Which ties a niaa ocg, -- i ship-builder won't employ ahalter or a ? u 7- w,rawVA,?Ti i f- ' i -x uajfTJ. iiibii iwiuius a uiau iu iwi mi ui itllt in building' a ship; and f V- ' - a ; .. rrL'--r I 5 ... V I prefer. and in tnatteis of Uniucrstic'M wisy-wersa. oome miKs can am ingms ihink and for hirostif.aiiaHii"fci anil some can manage n nances every; whicVconstrains a bamao being to feft man to his traile ; there is atrade and cal-. bear at,the unconlTolled will incept ling Tor. every man hut if in thCurse of. masef-ye comtnend'tbe extncttoA f party management a linker 'aays-heaiicut !or of a , paper published io Nt-y H 1 a coat better than a tailor.irwo'ulftnofoe' Tn;.pl4n:' 9Wte)W strange if sune of us had a' tin kettle lied " to the tails of our court flaps and. so it in matters of more importance but what grits agin the grain with me, is to see some L O 1 1 f i iv r 1 1 iin-ii put lllil j iiii'&o by us the people'' and paid by lis but of onr earnings twenty-five thousand dol- strained To say .under tba, pretend cf'?'. nig,'' nublisheVa great roarij'pUfffP But iothe extract. , ..i'. I p Noiady eVr h ogled by a lor j j . K rse by a biajkleg,broadtlh Ui : fee i by amnsejrf!nn,by a jii!! AVis &tlaik by'hVTntfnJedllluej ( . .'i-'-1 . .i r,.h .vw i"is pieasani pxircnasvtg nu f""- :irH a year or about seventy dollar allay ' T.ind aU r.Vobe Tu y? " ..i .....I II UU i. mm www.- . ( side, house rent and other clijfpuigs turn round and tell us their masters -C- tures . . .v t hr i lr Jim what in want done, and whaTwe must do ; gofne. bya pyCCt as iheii - ' u i r o because thev sav so 51 v Has it come to this then, in this country The most by ready cash tot all m: of laws, made by the people for their own ; FromcRowKato kicks, wconw : r i ii j i . vtfeo " f ' ' 'Don Juan, Cuni9r P-l What a'troe pidlure in UvtUlw) good, that any man in office, and well. paid by. us for his services, shall dare to. dictate In no mir rt ii t 7 urlio.t lue Inter i a e i rrt r ! r tn l -' ; V i J J . callydmtnisrrauoo; Itwannj - follow the laws ohuse to make through -f Vii became in its pnrf our representatives for his and, our gui- faiSftt baJicoropIJealuulnoolt, dance ? Shall it be also that any man wtlo ffiTiienlan been in office and well-paid for his jsuluteimWenceAndbiw ces, dare to presume upon ins .lornier t y wuic : . ..1- ularily to dictate to us by'iiispinions VJ rmro0 K ' s what we should do. when it can uiri't' without spectacles he has made a KrfMr.,,roe;eli.innrtiH; aid. has servi PP & notion be seen gross mistake, and, like tlie. fbx that Jost fiheeIstasacijen8sBUif his tail in the trap, now wants all oMis tp kcbutd''DuTlotu:a', kck'positiM; JA cut off our tails so as to coverbis mistake;) fSfThh author of thV Letter to d , 4;ly,w'X.M pIcu aypwaTof 4ts secessionlfi I . the 'brines uf the late President (ibS From it; has nurued in iiiia Tnt.r. . m. - - Niai r iit.riiiiiuiii m ly; and beejmfn tne gooa "!yih?lMhe successt of hlr my , native lulls Till tbatopof; jbe highest one wa ro.HinCa fog-cloud, that hung considerable nkihg hen we are slaves Ham.; --.-:'--- . ' , to fall into these notions, then I fbr "one '-Tbe follower; in.tha footawps w r say, 111 scrape off the nails of the Two 48!JV.' "'Lurm htii ' n ii- rr mi f ff ' t he man of uncompriBjisirg f Po hes of Downingevi He, 5" " paint on her - . ' . - r. - "t starn! ' Xhe; Nigger of Arah' and ThgVhV anv man who wears a collar may command f,IOrf 'but at 'the living jsckisl,! her. V J ;.( t?i uifon. - t rr i.Awt..,Mn ..2.-i.rrvikA r.?toa-iii.'iiHKtiSO X V-IIVf A - dllil III li:V IIUUIl'l; I OIIVO UJ , 1 I n ' r i asnin-jujii , anu in - . lust now to te ILVou the fatal error vou are J a laooring unuer. 1 am 'one oi yourselves, -!------.-- beaten downishiowxeckedrand hnrnbuffged r'?, uu'l w " "i tii ml - g . u i . ' i '-. -"- jnindas necan surainon w'm-' v - almost ashamed to say how it Juts comelr.iffi5u!u. , ,t 13 f0 bs :hpf about as it lias because in telling you the have not given bim the dyer!'; Diuit l icu lk iu an vicauiui, aiiu i.ii 1 JlfDJO Deiier rail . oC vy what loon t like, t 1 ? would rather .keep white mustard teed oiir familv Ouarrels Within the walls of the 1 i old liomdsteao i 'and that is tlie reasHn, when jlwas aBroad and among foreigners1 ttlS it' Blackwoud, fcipis,rarl of , . expenditures f Irieard:Mnt lopd Ihe7fia6e. and otlier ntaitiingnatters,pwas tJerdina.y rules of iccooniarHM; would hiy. thai t Gbibe' was: published a- WndiiureW inrinces Jirl a 'J, way dowiiin South America,1 an lillIVS IIICI C KC ail A!uilkoucii aniiiiiMiig i niftBUUf, ujaii-ixp,. ; mtT- KkTl0rr,;tor0S nl Mnnt VTir,wjrhThr Prirteea CitafI.t i; almflertermT epencetoben -'15tit as i saui list now,we-areio,a scrape nns r3iiia t.r n,hiU l.,..:' count., if . . rf Vj t T - . e ! -.1 j ... u if. "Zxr it2.I-- ! : tl General raco,TpiqQ - A sailor by the naraeAbrihani Call zTtiiQ W fand turn 'em ;out - 1 - Jng v dowih Oirioiverr boar iS 4t.,PPrudenl!rrondiictedt moneyed! -who says that he is, as be believes tbeat)a away Vd scud,, and wTiibt runnirig I 8tfa;oj-Kt.) ;aiKl, striking1 hH;k to su?pend-for a Iv surviveri.of the :StVAiimatinr packblV'Wrfkecpir.Hhinking of them duraplinsV riinrnen nr: wner cupakmn nhnif; .u .,i...o i;ijouf"ii(irB ii ii)r.!i"iininrp?ppn r riari.i c c. t:u ..r " 1 niiMiaiiiManti,hi tairo i.i,a amnr. ..? ' --- - rr muiiiiis i . . - ... 1 cvuuwiiri ij. .,1 1 1 s. 1 1 ii-.ii j inns, niinipn. 4. .-- ....ivg v vi aiuuii!' 1 tij Knfoa 1 coiiiict nntv tv ? r in a K r Tl n f - . , ... :riinii ? ii.ni. -D ..it left the" AuraiuwrfibKi li fcllow S e-titc!'-',ilJt ufcje-t.i.f.piiblic 6lh Iflst. ab it I l-o'clock in the.. bWB.;MfeiJ.,'kV'.W. .of;!"" id.impltns.'and .1 Two Polliii'is bul -e liave'riol gSne Retting ?M .rf '.-'. "' V' ,.S 'V h.S. r; -c-; ; "MpfCty ,,.,itical and socul circle. I'iicre &ere.oii hoarJj5 tn aM.umofehetf 8"tnS 'eep ane, ?lis, (iliua by h ,-,. I s J. r. fiin 1. ;infff; ndyniii.,n l!ie ,u anmsing ia all.:!rrvrned-.in ;t!.tf JcabinMr. ftfnthWl hi'afore I git'ta"ck-lo.ilv.e9. '1 hae kn'owjr pilot' in .mf tliy; f'?.'-!' ' ,Tj ,t V'lf- ;.1V C! l t'::,.('..'-! 11 !Pr''.u"J"-- ,,v;' ""n .""Jiiaiihble course, arl hour after sunsel,i)h .par". Tlie lasl I I djn't winttounderrala. .lurnplim.'f.u 1 tatc. w J.'eery.ol!.er.r)ilol would do. the'! U id-dX.lr.oi B.ePov I ,1 v-"-f ' T'-1 :,ate-l'--LWot,erh!?llkli'ptuieot:toei litpd oa VmjilSh tuU'wrUrs- but-1 rn;:st : same tliinSr:'I liave ict'a a cfok" inoil' a.soaCfni.ct.hha;vtiiUhjitif-'. : ' t i '" Ii'-. ... 'i '! ' . : ' 1 V- ': J V in it