v. - j 2iRC5iiKscoaeno;r i - Mt r.i I it TERMS. TjUWVreiiMAtf maiy hereiflcr be had lor : twJ PoIUrs aod Fifty . Cents per year. i it Class of fouiw new subscribers who will Hpiyi in advance the whole aaia it one payment, isha thare th paper fur one year at Two Doi- (onaa the same class sbaH contmie thus1 to pay in advance the sum: of i lEit Dot!ars4ha samw lenn3 thail continue; MothlrWSe " 'burs .''"'' ; r4-a" rl":; ; ft SbWribers Jwho not pay Hounj the year HUl becharged ihree 'DoHar? jo aliases. ' i J 4 sdhicrioti willf be received fbc less than ItijSrwfe Jbe"d&ontin but ktffc W it'ilonbr'eEdftoriaoie ' 1l'le ters to thft KditoWirnust beposl pall ; -vh9TW se ttiey wm cenaiiuj u . tiTrSvADVERTisisdS too a half - U- i h first inttrtion,ttnd3H than oin PoiiiR ; . i , ;.. , AVeriise'rSnts winbe contintied unUl orders recbW toptop them, where no directions aro fevioasIy given . " , M " i Adveittseraentsby the yearoriix months wilj be made ai a Dollar per month for each square With) the privile of changing Reform every Quarter. . f ; ' . ' " I - - ' ' ' ' " Iihence; and happy Indeed wilt' he ' debate 5? I sell, shoo id tils pages, Dyujiujj e; lb 4 U. 75 r MARKETS j jSALlSUURY, f Beeswax peHb. 18 a 20 cts.; uranoy, ad- tilflber iraL 45 a 50 els ; UoltOa-per id. (in eeed) 3 cts ; Cotton bagging per yd. 20 25 I cts.;i Coffee pdr lb. Iti 18 cts; Castings per uoiuir jarny irom io. o io au 2 00 els ; Feathers-- per lb; 35 jts;FJour prrbi. wi; v neai pr ousn . pi w J 25Oats pr fykhei 30 ctsj Corn pr bush 65 ctsj Iron berJb.6 al cts; Lead per lb. 8 a 10 cts ilohsses per gal. 62i cts j Nailsjpcr lb 9 a 10 Beef petj IpO els ; Bacon per 10 iz Butter pr lo 14 cis ; ara per 10 u 1 j i v . : k-.' 1 A .... $1 5iD I oucis; oieei, Aiuen 10 cts ; English do. per lb per lb 25 a 30 cts ; 5ugar pel l?. I a UD CIS ; XVUlU juuiaiua yi -2 t Y?nKee OO. I : VVOOl fCieanj utr iu cisj Tallow perJb.lO 124: cts; Tow-linen pr yd. 16 20 cts ; Yfine C 1 enenne; pr pai. i ou Pnrtworal Ho. kl 50 a M 7 ctsh Claret do cts ; can b cts; Sail per bushel ster, per ao. 2Q cti ; Cast do. pei lb. Hi a 115 i per $1 al.$l 00 a 1175 cis ; Malaga, (sweet) Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50. eta. 12 cis; iCHERAW. rniif in market rer lb 4 a 6 cts Bacon per ' THE WIDOW AND HER CHILD Oh I motherj dear mcther, what dreams of de- lighi. '' " d - ' ' Have brightened acd gladened my alambers to r5.2fitgbt !.-.'.. , , - - Methooffnt th kind fatter we mourn for a? Had retorred to bur "dwelling and itoodby my V bed. . - , . L ' He questioned .-me much oa the paths I had ; trod, . ' , - - I Of affection to you, and obedience to God ; My answers he seemed quite rejiced to obtain, And said, 'Soon dealest boy, I sliaii meet you a- gaio. . ", - ' " The mother felt faint and desporiding at heart; She Iuokrd oo the child, and she knew they .... most pari, f v - For the flush oo bis cheek, and ipe light on bis ' ever- I.- Fmetold that her sweet one was destined to die. One murmuring thiMight oa her trial sh,e cast, But she sank ot. her knees toe leinpiaucn naa nasi. 1 . : - And she sobbed forth while clasping ih hand of her son, H . The will of our gracious Creator one! Niht came the fair boy was reposing ia sleep, His mother sat near him to waich and to weep; Tho vnlumn nf lift her sad vi;ils beguiled. And she turned o'er its pages, and looked oa her ' child. On his red iip a smile now appeared tomse, And he suddenlv opened his dark 'radiant eyes Ma tfrPthH fnrth his arm.s. as tnousn cajitHi iu his hurae, i And softly he murmured Dear father, I comt?1 Life fled in that moment all cares wero in Tain, Friends came at the tidings, a sornowmg train : ! They wepi for the sweet playful child they had koown. ' ! JJutmore for the widow deserted aid lone. . .. ( Yet not without hope her affliction jdepWe, For the God who has taken canlone fcteo re store; ' " ! And the desolate widow has trust In, Hia love, i Who can call her to join iier dear lost ones a bove. tial dcfnree to dispfll thai lowering clouds nuw. ihrf attfn the ueace of ootn-. - ana if V and itrrisilien the 4acied tics off raterr&I lov - The Suuthei n ! Literarylcsscager his re- 4 ; ' tha fihW Vn' rtf i'ta ihir! iilnm.' How f ir U I ia'ma-jdu. 00 00 ts ; Beeswax ner 1U 13 a 20 e Bagging per yard 18 a 25 eta : Bale rone! per lb a 12- IS cts j Coffee pr. W a 16 ctskCotton per 100 Ibf $6 9 , OOp 00 00: Corn net bushel 1 000 a cts 5 Flour frkm wao-ona oar brl G 7 OOO.froin stores per brLiliO a I2i I Ilrod per 100 lbs T5i Gia Jfy TVlrlistt- rtftf Ml 4U OU a cis, iiana w peHb 81 2jrroo acted int,th ideas here uuered. it 1 n edi lor to say.."1 He beIievC5,how e ri r , t not further short, of -them- than heii". arst thing we see is ' tho ?o6e folks t haiat been separated now for coin on over S years from a good $50,00li Til a yenrcf I'he Government, round riht cfi uii auouier pig nas goi noil, I :non r like to see a tdafr'oi.a 'pig-lose tslulesa hn desarvesiiVandif l can find out 'tbat f S i tl Globe lolka dont desarve to lose theirs. I : ' -.I- t,-ll KU .1. - ' .?: -" , ' v. . u; ,j y.iau iav me rriuiiti oi an mj'" letters new.nsuallyaklp ,1 iic next mistake is iri ulkin t o severe "'Tr --3 !iv'v"V k'gtri the Banks and trparatin all'. con The Messenger is issued monthly -eael. n -1- , , , n ' " " j"" beruf the iwork contains eMr-ar Ti . f I J "''.ftpm jm, ges, printed lin the very ainds-wnisv mai.?,i u ! 1 ojiM Jike to kiio w;,now, who first new typejnd ohlpaper p?a! at iasi:ta ibic ? Hass ttd. pe;onfclfa--fwa it "the Go- wbich any jctherllwriodicklis 'hrmtf d j ;i " 4 1 .Tsnient Pfc1)r; the Ba$&8 Alr.'-'Ki ddle. country, ,:y.t, tjl'H:: ' ''"'Sitr Pep3 can! answer this, (and tell us who iNo sulmriplion wili bo recei ved fur M--i:; j seuf lanv'roundraong tlife bankB-some 4 1?; af.1 cf iufiice w un,t" " 1 veLrs h.i The , bShK-' to he Hre, rency of pri rate banker at Aosm fc a6road. 1 aon't know, sariin. but that is my notion ; anifVadl thmkheGorernmeni' is mis taken in cracen upjmati fcnkin, as the best, and I would Advise -Uncle Sam,' io separcle from allahat kin of curtesy, r I haveony one word to si t. ITnoU .s... and thatis, noito Ictifre Government talk too much rsenaratio it dii -n. l uff;EPloribus Unum fnm tbe new.coio : ! unrnoi iiko inatem;i inoflght ir wool stop there, and not try it in other tna;tfi -The fact is, 'ILe Gveinufni aiot f Uc! Ssi alone, ple property;. 5 and no matter Jbo wmncK t Ut& cle Sam try'.ta separate himclf, the pcityli wuu iei mm for wuh.iuiUipojIe,tbe boll in "ait cats a t the tae of VabscrL. particularly-ad vetted toouw to akid tstkvp Uension, or future nmuoderaUf'd a n,i 14 vnil hereafter be attended to unless aceud "with the pxicd of aabscripnn. 1 be' potage on.the Messentf ts r.x eppt v nd and away went poor Towser, and me single o. tji aibiaucra uuuer yp- Aire if got roomi me corner, the bdvs a 11 If (iriff llm Willi Sliclra nnHBtrtnos-l-tmart txiatiltpg.; and the folks scampered, and the (ihi w men slamM the doors shut ; and it iy ki.if traty?bad nimejisow)---jisr8o' vUtH neari the loss ,pf h is ltfebyjir ; his iu:-!! rtsteiid -e would not! kill hjrr,but I'll It g-e twe'abad ;iiame : Uad dogbad dlg,' over 100 miles ihi cents " ; ' AM communications or Utters, relative Messenger, must be addres39d to io. THOMAS W. WHltE Southern Ldterary Messenger OfUce, Uic V. , - . 'l(tiflT;d, IN PROSPECTUS OF TUB southern JLiicrarn lilesscn- -from tJie Veto. !or& Ea'jjjjl'l;1. -j.; MAJOR DOWING-ON 'VURMt 1 SAtii.,- If the Micr Icallsnhis 4onv tdkejir lb- bark on" oa't,' w:e donH know ""tvh'afc wil.i be left of the -hai ber by the lime he 11 as ' "i. L .1 j not the 'sa iare ou'i' but we will not. ! b r , f aa :, !od a vm f.gn upon an over wan poor lowser. It .itatt jit been for his gitttn to the river, ancis jisoon as he took to the water and e a duck, every body stop'd and well that dog haint got the hidrafb Andjistso it will be wilb our Banks; ?UI 21 1 afloat to rights, and then many folks will say it was a great mis jfcbuseejn so. I uont think if un a Salnl cots sich shines as he has of, late, -! T 1 it W rat he win nnu a oaiiie or 'a natural per- lni' uk .ft I r. V 1 1 1 hi B:iva. rfaof'v f r lii L-p urn any remarks of vonr own. detain, our ff Pf ler fin Q any uayespeciauy its him, without re coparlnership,' as P' A hp did a spell ago, with the United States SI thejg;ireatest mistake Uncle Sam' err lyt is .when he talks if separatin himself iAu any classi or norlion ol the people t war'i t Kir uhe people' of all classes topand -friiiai :h have k shoe to his foot or a shirt to his ys and i'4:rotiiiiTwWho-bne -ailrh is Uncle Sam on I hiowp hook -unless he meaqs to put on j.itXd.htye'Bouarifw some sich 4 Kiltr. uf :ii ksand &ay Ie; ia;The Govern j tad fcfe hivord iLawso fohhhrr-& dfal he f wliUketJii" iJiis own 'mdnlv.Htii, -wont 1 laeu re man, anuriare nt lotitiry tu pay I debw, and nqotie.vva'd .fakt hia boi ; iberefu J saytUncle Sim,Vd.f syt aoyrvthing Lruf iv4t uui ucit . IO 11 E Plttribu3Unum ;vand if y. ders from o production the perfect fl Jf isl when jt guit! iemer af which is only eq-ialled by,. l3u.. agreement of Nigh the wreck of tbe Two Pollies. i , Roukaway, Septi il, 1837. J J O UNCL-E SAI. .V irtencf: -I have been re.4ifi the Ales?aae over from to topx tc bouonjftjua Irum biitiom to middle oiri boUi. wa over jest as a -carpenter ones a j iog,y a.i drawM chalk lines to git tleqq ktepy end shaipenM Uy ax, and leciu -V jou otf It is uiitc tjiria d - 's job", . . . ' ' - " UiM.'t know- tui i : can uromie,..H-imjf . it people. and uotMug but the ik.:lt. tUVv that 4 Uocle Sam would:sn become a rir' ami ragged Wloan', and Jiv nt tutxiry tu - pay hU ure, the old s'to board. rou want anrC fur- tber idvicegtt sich kind of fofks about too. as you or abygopd citizen "would like1 to appoint yofexecutor3, and guardians of your estate and children,- and t take good care of your widow you leftne; tbese kind of folks are tofejf, iho' thy may not be as good, politiciant ; and don't discard a man tho' he may own house lots at new land, aod.'paid his neiglibaur uio much for Vm ibis business at home is better (as bad as it is caled) ihal speulatin round Cape'Horn, or any where sbroad, fur tb 'profit acd Ioes' ia all at home. If A paid B toinuch, it is no matter .us nil at home, and these mistake soon cure then-, selves and depend on 't, a man who owns a 1V lie lacd.be ii a house lot or fariniatnew toica or vu the skirts ofanoJoie. tvoo'tgi a worse vole fur ihebest interfst of his country .than if he lived on the pay of an ofSceror speni his earning talkin poliiirs and driukin whukey at an election. This is sound doctrine, 'Uncle Sam,' and, if you u'ou't find it so in practice then I aiot your j iff? 8Cen 4fi)rt-od aich frt.tic? !l and all his id cronies as busy aabe wtsU-i mong etn, till soma folks begun to winklSt whisper nhal Undo. Sam; was to Meral to had wives cnuf for himself and Iriendt Things went on thus' forr about three 'yrf s, wbea Uncle Sam' began as mosUbiki do when ihey git too much ota good th) to atnelland feel trouble; and jest then Ip-t back from forcn parts, and I Tct, UncJa Sam, and if it had not' ben for his bein mV Lqwn blood rehttnn and knowiht bitnand' lovin him,. in any sbipe, a ; I domy own f iher or motbar, I never would have known htnvat all. Wbysays I, Uucle S thisirou f' aj8 L I don't know, Slaior as nairuLas ever ? M)s he. And thcr ba stood holding his breeches 4i wahbmh hariils.'and his elbows both lorn out atid a! dirty shirt sleeve peepin through, and hoie 'i 19 r Y'i f "--rf friend. J. DOWNING, Major. Downingville Mt!iua,2-1 Brigade. From. the JVha. IrorA: Express MAJOil DOWNING. JVlofi the -Wreck oj the two Pollies KockawatX I., Sept. 1C. 1837 To te Editors of the JVew York Dally Express I got one of your papors in which you printed rn last letter t4Unclc Sam.'V and when; readin. ont it was fori unite for you that you wa3 twenty milfs off, for J never did see sich 't-irnal work as you made of some parts of iny letter. However, all I've got to ay about it 15, it lous who read my in hi3 stockins, and his aim b plastered i orer. : Why,' says. I, Unrle:Sam, jwti&t onH airtn ails you ( Ccme:8ays 1, give mM your hand my old fuend, and let os talk it all over, together.' J am sorry, Major, . says he, 'leant shake bands with you jest . now my fiandg are busy,1 says he VVbat,U says !, hold in the money aye. Uncle Sam : Soth hands full, as usual, siys I. Not exactly, M?joi,' says he; and with that he cum;'p clcse to me, and whimpered in my";: tar, ! am in a -bad Major.'' says he, 1 inve got so many wives, 1 ain't got abut-' ton left lor my 6u-'perjders they are ill o(T' 'Do tell now,' says I, ! want. to know ! ! !' Its ttue says he, 'and yOu may eee for your self 'and with thil UcJtkM and aureenuf, there never was a nun tnsich a pickle. Well, says 1. 'Uncle Sim. this comes from folks givin you bad advice r rather by your not takin good advice. You for gft, says I, one fact, and thu is, that it w 13 inteiwied tiiatyour family in attt-is should be regelated on tho same plan of every oth er wcll regelated family ao-l that tho' yours is the. Gen Government family, it was intended to be regeUled jest 00 the same plan hs the faintly of the. humbttst of vour masters? and there, says I, was the mother wit of tbn thing in tho beginniii.' What piasters ?v says he, spunken -up and try in to swell (but takin care lo hold on to his breeches) v. ho are my mastcts? sayshe - Your masters ?' says 1 Why the people and 1 am 0110 n 'em .Uncle Saoi and if you had stuck t the rule they maae lor me rcseiatina 01 ymir lamufiou jwur prea oi condi- U. ! T,. 5J a ov sn rer basher 04 9 ' 7: 'in Back 3 2o,unp" cls. Ta low p-r lb 10 Orill per lb 1 25 a 1 374 cts; liys m Jo. pr lb 1. a 1 25 cts f bacco man, iyJ.,L. ner lalD a 15 cts. ; - nrt Ann e. 00a iu Bacot pr lb J ' J-L it. . n. Brandy, peacu . - - . 8 a 8i cts Coffae pr lb '? . t '. . Wrs ur lb 35 a 40 Art f II lailH LU 8 ... J 3 tcai a w - Flaxs f!nrQ 1 1sfta Dr saV35 if bit5b 55 a 85; .Pkf2 a 3; Wh k.rr.il.60 65.B hot . !!H i-.knnf.ui Sugar pr idi a j t or bush M " j eswax 22 a 00 , in K V3 t f .T. Lj.i..M Mill farnishilJeel i U let - . nMriliaiTWli1 UGH CL;LUtL.iuiw- Mar- and Satntday I . I n ': r" '5 t ' r " . - T ; v. . - ' r. I I AI I A Kl,rl V8. Ihlr T ' ' - - I . - 1 - I. 4 I U ' . ? - Al -1 r Bi - .y 1 1. 1. ii. I w. ... .i If ...I . t ..-v as m J I n L L L I 7i 4i& I 8,1 8,. J I II t A. iAUUi1 - . I III 111. . i ' ' . . r i m a i iinrp i t ir.iii ii i if i i i r -. ii u n i tiii'iiinr? ivvvu if . iir" iiiiii il 'in. rill i " " m- i "jup - s t . . I li . iiiu ...... . i ii - nniinv i t i .j , . . . . -. ;- r" i t t rf miirtwiii -fttiiv. l , . ii u m i . ,.p i i i i in i-irhub . t?.. .. kuw. . 1111(1 1 . j vr . . 1 Uqjratur 'i - T tn lou to " - r ; hi . ' f....,,,.!.-).:''"' IM ri- i(f'innrniuHT,Tv-lt-w';tl'1" , t . -. . j -tit-i nt. U K'le oaiii a .. 4 1 Calomel in toc j i Jninft I 7 ... ... .t rt1 1 so ii. .. .It av ; . . ; . J t - ' " i . from wtts ai -ki-v i Mci-v. - . remembers in;n , tiw Foihecarys-ru onft?t,.Dui V " .irrytia- Ri ' i . 'j.i. .xJ.'Jtmi: Luu"ii 4 r . . i TTn-ijfsnua . . . ,-, ! .. : i, sou.u" .-r. i i Liaiorotii aHw,, r:" 7 .,;.t wnrn'i the t . 2 f.iM I shall nil si8 m r h iu i but whenever that happens, -"d Aunl101 i H, .,,.,4 - fe aaa lf-'y,: '"J ;.fl,lf wlfo are an" v ' n.ftfce on't so long as 1 do lhat unless you c. " 4 7 ' I !, StrSv: .lift lieviews- aou v . i-, i j itMr8 1 II tile J'uSho3r' DUv- '.'"in"' L -A:iti of -them ioiks w t,u cauets among ic n . lUrle Sam. "ni - .' uon 10 owm -TV- . .! . ..kSm.mftV dd siian "V T . ,:l iif-n. i-l nl :iiadirK-'k)?"T . " ..ir.i nv on 'em . . iit. Ho. aiorc ,lin(I more aoouv ... - ,. t. 5 i U - 1 .. .i.ociiniT 111110 auu """'j.Ti . ... w-.i.; nikii :i-v;is "wah. " 1 i . j - t ....kur iiiiiiiis i . k aw iiutM iuio i um" ... ..... in iiu uu . i j i win. 4" 1 , rmw. Hn i .11 i.n j I Hvinff 206d Beeves on ,n that targe number, which perj W?. b ithisaffe of --.publications, that oy uui 11c w. c . . ,- .nil nvfr- wne mevciy .y t-views jst hand, partial criticism, -1 and mentioneo, , - - - . iuJ wUo would do well 10 gi - ch iral pri-J indispensauie .-j - ing,to rcha?reWanu MbrwhnL J lQ discncnun r V. f D.oi.. . . .1 .Hiciorical Keicuc Kemimscenc i -ln(J its interest- yJthsiaple of th mav be regaTaeu m u""--'o . ---r- , m.k i . N. U. nof6! m ""&! we are want J"- . j. n ihtitfl uJ a can, 'T. . . , WOUIO T ! Cfcai iU be given in ville callM to a -tfm . ffOTWr ctN 'Jackson-partrouiunajo- Uo the CoiiwW esontrpartyir, 4: But as soon Itel 11111 tbe rale n,eain gZ 0 .1 : .-o .rtv the uoctor y -r5"v i 'T:iTJ I Salisbury sJpt. 16. is37-3)i9 TO Press and rs ii,;rr,nri Press, 22 1-2 by v v uau4M0r- . ) - 32 1-2. PBlKfTEBLS- TrAn SALr a fiist-raie Washington f res TF? oUU2 I 2 by 32 1,2 inches, an Iheplaie-. t, J . t ape oi ne r -m;" new. ' Any persen re time, an A77. -nU be betier up- 1 i-.:-.. m ui iui . 1 .; al'cost deliveiett .o t pv whlch ' Uuo : . . hnrt credit. The" I y pe nave uu f i . . a t -1 c hJl UH i t.. .U ...v :io,J0-16 H 1 . .. e!o.' in rail roaus Aft AM. lftSt't ...,K t. . . ! rir;.i-.Voi. in. -1 UMOMrr-r-. t won't cai-o hntl.tr' 1 1 'kTCH 0V-"'-J 1.'- t 'S t" ... I 1 U w""' " Gmerai wrg m irnHtW ati8W ? .T'l.. l.in' ick nros 4 fi worse liir;i'-,t'"h i nti2 inai w. ... I - "ia:AA ;ivr in HIS I U . .. t,, tnnk U -. l a. m I U I I ,1 1 - 1 K 1 1 II I I I 1 I I 4 , (lflt make i take care 01 nm . plt inlo : it n f 1 . lie - 1 . i . v i 1 1 1 1 m iiv. .. .1 .... sin kei p. -"" ... n,,nr irvin va- nous p'.aus sctin a gimm cue 7 " '" ' "..rKd U. . . ami 'k " . ikvent? years egv ,,!- lished-gometirnes oir " . A if A worn. , A copy r , des r nu to on ?he typen" wholly use m mw . ; ii 1 half work and to cultivate the growing ipoe and lalents of our country. s Nrt W ny. w """T-vf-.i . .trifps : The sou, .till, from .recent, pel ucal a nfef . 1 r to assuasive, influence 568 alia, that -fever, and soothe thmaUo " -.1 r, jl ar riotms aoruau . . j - . e:'iVle"SSoror people, to- U'C1 . tt . v,,;1k'i-aroflse iuc . i floa in iiiukiuu ery spring snouiu - lheir mber ; o "-'v . . ,: -- r , t . .-..ii..,1!- no Word ataiU"i i-4J-Tt LJL- -rrl.r.totlrer. ' ' - . J smo ,th q"'tt q'UKci le Siim was i..c ,f do tars and as Untie """ . . . i ...r h wav ne o" m ccnsirtt ra'ile tto"r. . - - nol tl.ef.ot.1, stock - tt wUUe .-rrnvW. Dv.r, u,nn eu d "f ihn B r thR rfr iwr, or Ibtj II bnn f roiir11 And by 14- 11- J kcro jnu was i's and compan bought very Pcua!I .rwihPr. it can .be less 10 iuv - 1 cheap. Apply by JygJ TERRY. ... T J. I A nl !SO YP , Bl k . ; k . dm as io.oiie c - taitt t hav leu - . esl ar ConciuuBu , - loMod "lme watco j u. -iTt . f.vlka would not Know lanff uage-aud il hasten a lcijott r ; tf u: Jolksjn w ever since. ; Now a3 1 lo 1 .1. : - Xk cm rrp. " every" . bod y anu. . . i I. ,i o what li v IllCdiick. thinns ne rv. ----- - rtf .L,, . (Con irmi lias any ,y -.v. . - , . . it .1 . rf-V smrar u " . J'i the bcsmnin or that had A i a 1 - J . . C 1 IIH UUbW .n.if.f and soon Stfi,iftoysi'l5Vn3.,f well. 33 . . . . J r- tn .kr IhPff 3U .UJuir.s was dirk .for snooiii-u .a triv Bodt said, I there never was a .u, - anj lbo- .1. nil Will ' 1 Sam73 wue uiu - . , untie - t r,4u.j. , .f-M aich tuav c ana 9". for' twenty I If DauvUle;aAog:24fl83-Sw7 r , V 1 TP I -..v that pan on i uiai 1 -n- nrfthOUt 11 18 SO - .I 1 rnvr o iiciTr', lib ajwfc- - - -.. v j a 1 ..w i 1 I McrTif that pian u r"1-:'V r ,i iv nind then iff I tmu-1 i: 111 more aboatiui.-r-.,. l; wbattl-2JKKhi at least twenty five u&ALindpo lh 1 " -" "... W . . t KaiI v savB. 11 W . I t . - r - . I. ia a lnnir Bior V 4v. MrSnuaat :iustine4y;: or - mini :.: -rr ,ir.nt. or the 1 nf the Southem , nnr own. ue 1 Th hrst misia&u 10 " i-l . tt IO4 WING Wthe intended OlVEditoraana iUM f"M yond all doubt aflU ey en- himself kriore exclusively ior- i.tt The Office 18 well lounu iu .r " - ; fice,. nc V tc., list of subscribers is WSSiiSStVSi might be great- toieraoij - - ortM, To any pe , augmenteuin,. o - idneslroQS bl emwis r s 1 rf harms. - ",fr""o n i "Tr:,. 1 : - .ml nart 01 , caucus v. . " , At-i Sam. there y " teinesina m vno k j-". glick .,v ?i fKw 5 &along 3T i f " hen galls .all hav as ern 1 ".iltnns. wen, - . 4 m T no trifle: and things wem nigh upon . athomeand abroad. wmnle. Uncic 1 a while, 4 a w-iniii- uw ?rfc4 en kent ShK'F " hen ne K . . am mil 11111 a WW . :. . nr1 . cr W UU 8- 4 .IaIi'H '8118 uui j w11r.11 u Sam among nut Ol rauuy ! - . , , ou . V.-v. :r.Aitance naa A r en mncu luiy""- &a I man vi ov -- .. .... hawe as munj to SicW; -',,J? Uicle fSim.'l'm a E W r r. :.' ..Jin riaws Ulk'd to oincr wr . . lhen .un- the galls got tne n j f ,le !U griT; ? the Jls Wouid sound auoui,aurrv; ack( 8aa bad a . n I .II.ir.lt mm fmlic. and tnis i , i,ii- . aiut it ? fiad change, s) . - , 4 . . n , w h41,d. hover,' says 1, my - ... ... , a .a m &i iriiiu o. 1 aaI1.1 .11 8ll& -and putty ,ndi9Ce what I lllf B J 1 . . . - .Aiirin IS t" bound eays ! w - "hfJ1B- abeiter ikn urnisO tor hi n was, anu u. - - f P.nnsifanf i'U. ..11 natlVtt aiaic ' - - . , ,, 1 . ner u fi auU ten ot can be done aha i -i Uocle and . a a . m-m 4ti n v. aaaw ,8"r aliri inh,s;head .Pi1 Kmhti docUines, that . n't ougm ffO n rjr. .n.rpaJv for you. ana , good n.lm'd li lf 1CM iu" J " she is see all happy T - -1 can to proviG you f for he ! leis wasirom m uc oc..- t ibat the word &outhbe w . . intm ami nameol tnis fmuu.-. , - to- advocate si2D to nourisn o F' TrftfT1 80ch ibis local want, engrafted" on-lhe o- . . ... - - - . and not with aoy o- . 1 . seem now tBvvf--r j. -1 i rlonW - - - - e . jar tvfin a. ecu w n vnaTin 111 tints m un'i w r anu - urnme uacM ana and sure in got W isednp'Uncie.-. -.1.1 niiaker wiic- - WI44 V Jn'l iftllin what mey ; re's noiviuu " -. . t other tbings tbeT Ji r F ' 8 I 1 -ki . A T 4l 8181 Illd " . -a r r ti liiiiii mm mAtm j m ine , prmvin. 4 rr. . , - ThV next nuttake is. it jays a thaii anyo . wui i.iiiinerei , . . .n., 8UFr-r,rT;.v: ttnr-8 fcrveut wish; toi uroro be gs, Sany in this State, nuu i;rtr lhar know of no invesoo i - . fn UimI9 of moiua tor tne gnu, .--ye- v4.v-f r. . lK,t woald vield mm - formed toa.pracucaip.-' -:.K.f ftllidield 1 . "i. s, m,2 over licuw" i,,nt.' 8asoend paying pec, rf -mn2 o ,:be .oand ,44 e.er r- ?; j . SimH . - WM ,d thai if ony!one.w'S - F,ew ! ! yoo ""'"', v.i. tbe M 113 " & - next thing we Bee of " jele r0and look'd s hue as -. capartn both' eends of ms fof a -peu, hae been galavantin fntn o , and tbeiu wys, I u net s0Wd ilick'd uP,&ou Hind 8JMJ. If, you in krtock down an 1 dv to welcome a WaJ" f .ynHe Sam - And itn vnj Ruuu4 r - . : - together. . , - . . , ril tell yoa tho balance o other time. . . v . ' " Yoar friend, . . . . j DOWNING-MJof , Downbiv.U.riiti 'l -Vi Si ; i ! r - . .it .ivr -but tne . . ... " l ik rait among ia r" .. IJ. rtltf.9.ilVf 4w wW al meaning Eds.' . . ' l .. l ' J I ,tin line and see how that w , , a wore prontaoio r iu V. , STRANGE. t- . . j n w4 : , . . . rayettevOle 50th "May : - r. it-' 4 1 41. lit- V "l. r-.v; d iS-K'-SSrwTi-rfrU hopes

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