- vi v; ('it ;-7 viv ifvA; l;r f ' . .! : A :i-4,y J .mj -vW j j. .:1:v;. h1 !. V w - . ' P ' r ' iT" 111 1 iDlSllQPGPnnf!iar?nTimvniir:nr iiwr,.-!,...! ., i t ( r, rz. . . ..inimo . . - 1 . . 1 1 1 iu WfM t-i - j n n u ' 1- !-: .. , ... .. 1 -, .. . , 1 ; jv waitucu on vnnr. may hereafter be bad tor rw;r !i L;ri Ontscer 1 ear. DWK w sabscnbersjwho uill l'AVlhtteittm;a onepayrner.t Sff fter Kir on year at Two Doi - F:fc!4,5? Advance lEem of MIS'i Wrmsball- cootiaije, i ,h!0J'ir? V ui.ioH m: other subscti ciJr' L. s. JivooHoaed bet at the o . i .... r toillt r-uuvi , -tI - 1! they 'will oerauly nrt be a ,.h& to. I .'1IJ. K U owe n5."Inf L continued until ordets . t d oiiop lKn. wnere -y-- , ,iW , .w'months will Jj-ri fVht.ntriri.y the everfr SALISBURY, - :-r L ' .prlb.. ISa 2U cts.; uranay, ajj- l- . ..'(! . v ' JrCil 45 ! 53, ct; Cotton .per lb. (v r1ri?l'.Mi... ,aUnr Per Yd. 20 25 turf E J f l v V p e . m ; (7l3-ffdeVrb.'.liV-18 cts; Casun-pjr ! P BreX lb CI a 0 cts ; Bacon per lb 1 2ji ylBBttwtdr-.Jb lpl cts; Lard pw lb Ip -f i on era Vine ( lenenuei perai.i rXtii doi ji 50 lil cis i Claretvdd UWSLi il 3 a 1 75 dts ; Malaga, (sweei) LWI .!Vhisk?1 per al. 45 a 50 cU. feef'kt'ttirktrper & J cm.; .Bacoa p4r V.i i i!itsT Ilains tiu. 00 00 cts ; lieeswax 60s Corn per N ri.n jii brl $6 ! 1 000, from stores pr Uid12li tlmn net 11)0 lbs 5 6i a 0; ''Ziii, per WI 40 50 a ctsj Nails cot assorl- w setwo I ? a .cwj j rougm upri iu., m Pirf mi! lb s : nice ner iuu ids Utefperlb. lf a cts;:Salt L( p 3 ?5; SaN pet biishel '87 i 1 cts jSteel y-niUtttet Pf lb 10, 1C cts; Tallow pf r lb i!p4io.pbil a 1 2a cts ; Tobacco man&- pcijd per liilp a I5cts ; J !j. FAYETTE VILLE peafh 75 a pa Dp.Apnl60 a 70; Pld pr bh!5 $1 4 feathers pr lb 35 a JJ l a;3; AY heat pr basK $1 1 15; Whiskc : Beeswax 2 a 00 Washington Press, 22 1-2 bfc TO Plli'NT EB.S. OH SALr, a fit-Vate AVashioston Pref I tfep!ateo22 I 2bjr: 32 1-5 ;inohes, ar( tk tur tbe size bt the. largest' pane b Carolina it has the best icuprovemen Patterned it has . . been io twer a sho is a? (wd ai . new. Any , persen rf- lbs Sali IwRthprulth h T .sutimiu. Otofrver ; was- printed, low for joo a,Wlcredit.t The Type have on I Qjin osajabout two years and one half , ;a copy; ol the Daavilie Observer printed 'JPT 5a sp' by any one ; desiring to IfRase. Asthe Etahlshmont i. CU apoiv 0V lettt r Mm i THOMAS A TERRY.i O!? V 4, Ag, 241 1837 Sw7 V m NOTICE- li v ,JPto' at the Office of tbe W ?? tnJn aDd al ,he Slore of Geo. W ClWMn of Salisbury, fbr subsctip- tiJfflS stock of FaveUeville and '-"TtJv 1 i onde' he Acts f; Assem - tTHE COMMISSIONERS. ESTABJJSnIENT JUURN A L OFFICE A ! i J AV 10 fhe iniended imoval of one of ihl i?100 ,he fl'is,l of lUe lber to dev LJ' exclusively lu the duties of Te nndersigned t,ffer for sale the tSj North Carolina Journal Of Nftr!, -i8 u fuUIld in J-b new spa: MMi Tf 'Jl. 'he list of bobscribers is Jl :tin2f l!e3f doubl 001 mishibe great: cnt. ff-baAnSln -he business t ofltrs 'pSil. tnferur 10 y ln this State, but 'ii ' .' PWhey know of no investment M moneJ that, would yield him , 1 VQUbU return : ?-H?!Jbart & strange:- rlEy 1837:- - ucucriptiQu neatlii ' a- act parens I,, i s' I 'ip r three Xmv inu ra - "' T .1 iinvERTtSISO- Liver l9rnr tack us ,w . , Clt ner Hube! il 1 oUcts; 3ieei, Ainerj Ci'fcter.per lb. Ipdcjs ;' English ; io. per b U'pi k 15 'ts ;lRuai (Jamaica; per ga plrUee! 41; W (clean) per lb-) rWirlh in tit cts: Tow-linen pr t 5 a 0 fets ;- Bagging per yard 10 a so ?il Bk!a ro kriba 2 13 cts i CoffV-e f ? UI ilsdsUottor6r 100 lbs $6 9 00 bushel 1 UUU a cts 5 f loi IrapoosV litSal 25-, Iror.rlb 5J a b; M&- ft jraj 85140 a. 00; -Nails cut 71,8. ;Sa)ik a 8$l Sjogarlwllb 7 a ll ; TobacctJ rrtww mis siz, cannot be better sup-; ?J.fan by the purchase of this. The origin WtieliTeted la Dabviile.wss about 300: at this OfficQ.CS 6 f T1UE Sobiscriber " 133 eumwenced busir IL ne?s 3gain m the NKW STORE erec: ted for him, four doors north of Kershaw street be:o2 ihe first Store on entering the town on the north fide. As the stand is considered, by some, 89 none of the bet, "I hare been induced to pur chases VERY LARGESTQCKOFGQODS, to enable me to sell tu my friend and the Public at sccb prices as to roMtpeosate them" for along walk, t , " , -f ;.. vReceijed enrly in ih sommer, ami now ia"- CTOXIS, AI7D roil ' : eS.1I id JSogar, iiO Uag Uutf, 10 Ilhds . Al-'lags " -.'.-"' 20 Brls K. O. Molasses, 400 .Sacks Salt' 5000 lbsTevi' Bcn.200 p flemp B'giog tS0 Ouils BhU Kui-: IS Ci,k Lrue . - ' In addition to wt 8hall shortly recetre, CUKAP and, well selected Stock i f GxkIs pur- phased jr few days nince in .Ne r York, contain iig in pan of the following arfteles." L,Seeds and English Iron I Cuba.iRio, aud St.: Doinicgo Coffee, - . I Bale Rrtpe " . ' - ' 1J Loaf and Lump Sugar, - ' .. T j .Chests and Caddies Tea r-.Cbeee, Spern 4 Tallow Caadles, Bar Suap I Linseed, Sperm, and 'I'rairi Oil S MackeraL Salmon and! t Fib s - Pepper, Spice. GiotrerjNutmcus, Cassia and Cloves ' ', " ;! ,: ' Ilavanna Prosered Froits.Large assortment, together; with the usoal variety, kept io a groce ry store.' , . . ,- - - -ALSO British, and Domestic Dry .GotKts 1 Hard ware, Cailery, anJ Hollow Ware Ready made clothing.Hats and Caps Shoes, Sadlery and Leather . . v ' -'Crockery Jugs and Jjrs ' - ' - . ? Horn Shell, and Ivory CrMnbs ; Smiths Tools, and Mill Cranks '& Rnsh, and Cane Scat Chairs Northern Wooden Ware r f Writing Paperand Blank Books WindowXJlass 8.x 10 hi;d 10 x 12 Drags, Dyes and Medicines 7 Cotton Yarn no 8 to 12. A P LACOSTE. I - Cheaw, Sept. 27, 3w 12 EIST OF LKTTFinS R R U ,1 fJWJYf IJ5L in ihp Post Oltic ni Convrd. N. Caroli na, on the first day of.Oetpber, ltJ37. AVVTilliam Andrewi Moes Alexander B -Jacob Bostun, James 11 Burns, m A Browder :. ' J : X r. . C Samuel Cezines RoberuCocbran, W C Corum, James M Cor-kc Eq ; E Rev'd John m Emn y F Noah C Ferguson j G -Isaac Gallimore. Henry S Gorman '- H .foseph flowefl, Judy Ho ise K-John Kill'Hieh senU Thomas Kil!ourh. Natbao Krimioger L George or Thomas Long M Elias Aiisenhamer, Nathan Maryraan, Jo seph Mahaffy, Tubias Miller t O Caleb Osburn . if : Q John m Qery ; ,R Catharine Kice, uiss siariht Riisjs S To the easier of St'ok-! Io fg. N.. 32, to the Secretary of Stokes Lodge. Sk2. John S Smalls Abram Slough, Rev'd Philip N Siro- ble . W Samuel Wilham GEO.XLUTTS, PM. -October 7 3wl2 .. 1AST OF liETTEllS- B3 El AINING in the Post Office at JA buryN. Con the 1st of October. 1S37. 1 A Benjamin Austin 2. , -r Br-Sannie1 G "Brown, Isaac Barrett, Nicho las R Bridges, Nicholas Barrinofer. Moses Hps . 1 I t - IS I ' 1 . 1 jpnn DiacKweioer, ruz?ojin uranon, ur"e Bean, Lemuel Bingham, F Bul'ard, Ann E Ijrunson Daniel Ross lids j jaraest uiu'is, iamef uarr ir Krr il. .William Y Cannon, Sarah Crump, John Calia ways D--Edward Davis, Jesse E Dent, Georat- C Daoiel. Sherman Drury K Jhn m Eryin FSecretarv Fulton Loide 2, Master of do.. ila It Fox G Gillaspje aed Cowart, Jonathan Grout, Rebecca -Gosst, Mary Griffin, Peter Gaidiner jr., H-Mra Adam rlutchison 6. Jacob'HoIshous- er ir, Maria, Husk. Horace Ilendersnh. Susan Hart, John Hose. John Hilick, Henry Hill. John Holsh'ouser, Thomas Hickes, Jesse Haden, Alexander IluUnd 2 J William Julian K Peter-Kesler L Good win Linster, Archibald 'Lovela u, A- lexandr Lawratice, Henry :Lon?. Daniel Leo nard 2. Andrew Y- LiCCkridcre . ftamupl LurkiAl r - ;M John killer, Joseph II Mount, Henry C MOss 2 . . N Abe! Nichols 2 P Lucy; R Peoples, John Pitts, Jamima Pahel, John W Pope, E V Pokier -- 7 R Reddick and Bennett v S William H Slaaghter 5, Mathias Swisb er, Elcy Steel. AIoozo Spragae, WuTiam Striek land ; I ' 'vv T William Taylor. Spencer Taylor SMohn II Trott, Thomas Todd 1 S .-. - W--JohnP Winders, John Wiles: Alexan der E j Wilson, Elizabeth .Williams, George IIIMI'I . ;- : . r J SAMUEL IlEEFES. P AI; - By ILSMITHA. P. JW. . October 73 w 12 " - ' Stitc pf 5iiovtft enrottua, ; - SURRY COUJVTV: , i- Cotrr o Pitas fy Quarter Sessions ft iugus 7Vn, 1837. " t -'. corners &"Alclie " . -. w , , . , Michael McGuirs. C vied on Land - ITT appearing to tbe satisfaction of the ( Court, Jlthj that the said Michael McGuire, is not an in habitant of this State. Ordered therefore, .that publication be made io the Carolina Watchman, fur six weeks; that he e and appear at oar next Cuuntv Coart. ha l.t-rd at Rockford. on the se cond mood a v in November next, to plead or de mar tocaid suit, or final judgment will ren- -. This taIe of matchlcs3 woes -dered, and the Lands levied 00 will be condemn- - . . - . ; . - - . . ; ed to satisfy plainliiTs debt. - - ; Test, : - v v n !MTnrxTr riu QctpJ 7, 1837 6 w 12 Price Adf. $3 INCIDENTS FROU KeAl LIFE; ORIGINAL : . J - That Jife'fo not c poetry,' nor retired life always - an E j siuio ; illustrated by .iliort. story," 5 . ;;. Tis'said that life is poetrvfj J I . But efrv body knows s lis pages nut uhfrequently, .5 Are inte'rsperscd .with- prosd The venorn'd toad and serpenroft Infest its garden bowers, r And worms will sornBtfrrirs wind theajselvea Into its wettest flowers' Speaking of serpents, brings to ratnd A t I fin would tell, Of two voiinx "pers ns who design'd lu western wilds to dwell. Tbe people of the Eist you know, By fickle fort una prss'd, Find it expedie nt ft, to go And settie in tft West ' The couple that 1 speak of now, - BlessM in their mutual love, .'II &d .quite forgot to reckon bow Their fortune to i.npiove! - i ' - Though poor, they did not seem to know Starvation might take p!aie, Till at the door the meagro f4e Had stared them in the face. Then taking up their all of goods -Their all was very spareVj i - Tbey journey'd far into the woods , -; And built a cabin there. ! Against a frowning rock '(was rearM Within a sheltered dell; j ,f 1 r And near at hand a fountain clear -In playful glitterance fell. J Whilst overhead the forr?t-kiJig Ujs U'afy arms extcStltnl, j At;t fio.n the Sun and driving rain The favor'd spot detVuded.: ! A'urul, a native garden smiled i V.' hicb nature's slf had r?re.?'i!! Nit n fbe sav.g of .tbe wild Itssoil had vvcr - press' d FU.m's g.T) nymplni for ages 'there in solitude had l-looni'd : ' i Till now unhie.at!ed bv in in, the air Their baltnly breath per funked .- 'It were a ppot miht aines pleaso To hold their revels in, j Ilftd fames ever cross'd llio seas ! Like man new worlds io wjiu! ' f ' i Within thi rot by nit ore phi cod A'ppenrd a oroad hearth styne. W here soon a fire of brnsh-w'ood blazed To iress their suppers on. Perhaps they-took t lit ir !ood With wis'-nnd prudfiit caro; Or. robb'd the wild deer of i s young To furnish them with fare. And nexi an humble co irh was spread, - i Upon the damp, cold ground, , , And on that hard and lowly bed- - They sunk in sleep piofound. No doubt tbey tasted in tbeijr dreams, The 'Poetry of Life,' . - , I tor tutore torming many scnemc3 That happy man and wife. Unless perchance such sleep! was theirs As labor often knows, Oblivion of life's joys and cares, Its pleasures and its woes; But now a most appalling soond ' The frighted husband wakes And starting up his spouse, be found Was stung, to death by snakes! Beneath the stone the reptile foe Lay writhing with the beat, " Tdl its intolerable glow iv, ' i . j . - Had forced them to retreat. ' And there tbe coiling demons glide iSeeh by. the flickering light, Upon the floor on every side; -; ' 5 ' A fearful hideous sighif! . And cow to extiicate himself Jo wild dismay be tries," j S rr But all in vain, the hapless elf , . Yields to bis fate end die?r I This may be poetry to us, But doubtless they who pensh'd tbcs - F0und.1t far worsr than prose. : ' They were rattle eaakw.; r PREACHER. BY T. S "ARTHUR. 'if-; - An aged travellerT worn' and wcarv.; was eently urging oh hjyl tired beast, just as Libe sun whs dropping behind tbo range of hijiMxtat bounds tle honzoti of that rich and 'picturesque country in the vicinity of onriiineia, uiiio. it wan asuilrvAugust eteninrand be had journieJ a distance of UitnyTtve miles since- mofiiing, tits t pulses ihrobbihg under tbp i'nflunce of a burning veteran mini.-idTeU jo . him for his . M if 'r's :ke; of the benefit himselfjliidT rejceitM frm -the hand wich 4 teedelh itit young lions when they lack ; and he had jtravelledf on re freshed in spirit. Butjmany a weary mile jhad hej journied over nde then and now 1mm i U a ttn.nin. ali.lk.1 J 1. 1 rl via nit f .1.111115 :"Tr Mai liciicu arouua, ne felt ihej burden of gemi toil heavy upon ;htin; and he desired th!f pleasant retreat he had pickured toiuisjelf lwhen thatilay Vpil Igriraage should be Accomplished u . n ?w niH mi? wemre . me oiu man jCnfCACM uis uircu uiumai ai tne uoor OKlhe anxi.msly looked (br!haetj of rest. '"'A ;iiuuueaueu woaai was at nana, to whom ihe ai il flly appUed ..for accommodations for 11 m and horse Id.nt know. said she,: coldly, after cmtin zing for some time the anoearance f the prowis raveu.er, jwnicn was not tne most ng, jhal we I can take yon inT old inan. lYou seem ttrest , however, and Til seu" if kite Minister of the circuit who is here to night, "will jet you lodge with im. i . . v;.;- The I young circuit preacher soon made his apjijearance, and consequentially swag geritig jip to the old itnari, examined him forsotnp moment inquisitively then ask ed a few impertinent Questionsand final lyafter adjusting his hair half-a-dozen tunes, feeling his smoothly shavin chin as 01 ww., qonented tliatf jjlhe j stranger should share Ills bed for the nighti and turning up ijin lus heel entered; the house. : j Tfie , traveller, aged and weary as he was, tli?mountel, an J led his Uithfti) -ani- linal to he stable. vere, with his own aar amis lie rubbed him ilowri, watered him gave him food; ind thenentered tbe ibhospilabltr mansions where he had xpec ipuso njucn KinMiiepj A Aietnodisl lami liv reidfe(hl) Uir hore, and as the circuit ;t:;i.-iie- w-'is t beliere that day, great ilrepar:vtioni were mail to entertain him, a sliiuiber of the Methodist Toons' la- t4lr"S Ol J.e neighbotl(0'jd Had been Invited. thai Quito a party jmet the eyes of the r u.nur us he enteryd, not one of whom .k slitrntest hdwee of Ulm, and he 1 1 ily isought a vaclint chair inihe corner, join of flirect obseryation,1 but where he .cjiuld tiote all thatjgoing on. And his n.xiousjeye s!towe;:lthat lie was no eare ,l4ss observer of whijt "was1 transpiring a rouii.l btui. I 1 j The vouug Minister played his part with fatj tbe frivolity an; jonlisbn.'ss of a city biau, anl nothing jtke reliyiou escaped bis lip. N"wi he Wis haiteriMg and bnly ii g sensfless ror pjiraents with thre young ;M!y, aiikl now cnoied in . Unfiling . repar jtee wiili; anoiher, w;ii! was anxious to seem liilteieotig in bi-s eyfs. I The strangerraltef Jan hour,during which no refreshments ttU been prepared for-him nked to be shownitp his rbom, to which Ii? retired r.nnotieelj jjrieved nnd t-hocked al the conduct of the family and the min is'.er. Taki fc frohi saddlebags a well worn bible, bv, gfaie.! hiuiself in a chair. ajtd wnk'soon huriiid in thought, holv anil evatiuc, and had od to w.hich those ho passed him I bV in oily aud scorn dreamod not of. ffour ?.ftejr hour -passed aiyay, and no otie nie loV jnvite the old jwlorn t'iowu traveller, ta-(iaYtake of the hixoriobs supper wliich served below. ! j Towards eleven j o'clock; the minister cam t 3 . Up stairs without paiise or prayer, hastily threw off his clothes, and 1 got 11; to the very middle' of j a small bed, !vv hich was to be the leslitii place of the old man jas well as himself. ( After a while the aged stranger rre up, and after partial is disrobing him self j knelt down and re jrdained for many minutes in (fervent prayer The eafsjest breatruri out of his soul soon arresiea pie atteniioa 01 tne young preacn ertwhpj h ean to feet" some few reproofs of coiiscieiii'e for his ovO' neglect of this du ty!. . Tlie old man now rose from his knees, at d after slowlyr nrilressing' bimself, got into bed, or raiucrT bed,, for trie yea hg preacher had taken pos" iseksion bjf .the centre and .would iiot vol untarily, ' poreri iijch.; : Irj Ithis5 uncom fortable position the stranger lay lor some itiroe, inisile'ncet J ..At length ihe younger of the two' made a remark", to which the elder 'replied inl a style and manner that arrested sliisfattenjionj. On this he removed over an inch jor two and made more room. ' K (Howitar have yo(i come to-'dayv old gen Itleman ! ' "- - j-v- ' , .t J I ffThirttfive miles ; : . . VtfFromjinrhere I ?f fy'-? 1 fFrom, Springfield.' . " ; ' . ; Ah, indeed !" You'mnst fee tired after sd,long a 1 journey, for one of jyonr age.V down byUong and -constant kraVel, arid; feel that ithe journey of to-day has exhaus ted me rattchJ j y : . J: .iThe young minister mc-yed oyer ; a Ih- IffiTou do not (belong toSpririgfielA then r. 1N0. Lihave no abiding place. l have no continuing city. 4 Myhome 1 is beyond this vale of "tears.' : sun.: At b Airfield ;.'ie' had, been hospitally en tertatued byone'w Ho Had recognisecl the soldier ol. the cross, nd who had Aaother move oil the minister. - . How far have yoa travellea p.csent jo irney ? Fnim Philadelphia.' ' - prises) rie Methodist General Confer enco .was iy sesson there a hort time uftCp u brokeo up "hcn , It adjonrnei the day before I star ted. .m : -I ' - i Ah, indeed moving stilt fartherl over towards the front ?ide of the bed, allawint me stranger oeiter accommodations. 'Had Bishop George left when vou cam o4.i f 'Yes he started at tlie same time I did. r-wejieu in company - Indeed?' ' ' . ' t.r. - 1 . , - Here the circuit; preacher; relinnuished o oajt .01 tne netl. and pohiely requested me stranger to occupy a arer nare. ' . 1. Mlowdid the Bishop look ? (! is "get- ting quite old now and feeb e is he not ? '. Hie carries rnslage tolereble well. -But his labor is a hard one, and he benins tri show signs of failing strength tie is expected this jway in a week or two. How glad I shall be io ; shake hands with the old veteran of tliev'Cross 't, Rut you say you left in, companv with the good old man how-far did yon come to gether V ; '.-iC;'i: 'AS We travailed atone, for a lonff distance. ! You travellttl alone with the Bishop f j Emp-ror'a boats was snt down to tikt Mr. Yes !esliavebeert iotimatef,ryearsM You intimate Avtlh BUhop George S myi ! accompanied Mr. Dallas, fit, YesiwhynotK j r I Ufterdinijiwitlfhim Bless me I "Why did lot know that ! tw ooe l,l ? most beautiful OpVra bouses I -" But may I be so bold as to enquire your name?' - ' v :4V.;?--H rr.:i v-? After a mom0nld hesitation; the stranger .-fro George! George!; Not Bishop Ge orge? 1 -A- tiey can me nisnop Ueorge meekly replied the ol lmdu. r-.s-iVr... -Why why bless me! Btfhop George exrl.iiined the now ahinp(l nrpnhai pi inifinff from the bed Vmi hn hnA supper ! I will iniuntly call up the farnlty: runo8Uit,a-of lhe Empress Catharine; the -Why did you not tell us who vou were g'g that Peter the Great r6de in, and big - . Stop stop pv friend,' said the Bish. - oa avelv. 'd want nn nnnftr h, H should not eat anf if it were got for me. If an old man. toil-worn and .vearv: r.5ntln with travelling through all the Inn? sum- inoi iloT. tv-i9 nnl I .nncii a,t ., i... -r meal by this fami y' who profess -to- h are set up the altar of God in their house; Bis hop George surely is not. He is.at best,but a man, and has no claims beyond those of common humanity.1 A night of severe mortification lhe young minister Jtad never -experienced. 1 ceeoingty pieasea who my visit, ana nigiiiy -The Biskop kindly admonished hi inland I gratified at the attentions paid us fi- warned hnn of the great necessity there! was of bis adorning the doctrines of Christ;, bv '-fidjevuyiit(n ! iicerejy ad humbly. GeSu'ly but eariiesiTy rireV"aVceTr irj him back from his watuhiing heart, and di- reefhim to trust ttaore in God arid less in his own strength,, s In the morning the'Bishop prayed with him, long andferyently belbre he left the chamber and wM glad to see his heart melted into contrition. Soon after the liis-t p defended, id was met by the heads of me family with 3j thousand sincere apiAi- ies. He mildlylsilenced them, and asked .' ohair.and ma-lea full Report of all tb pr4 to have his burse brought out. The -horse r.i;T0 f ti,o P,it.t rii.. k J was ai-cordiugyly soon in readiness, and tbe Bishop, taking up his saddlebags, was preparing ;to uepart. ; But surely, Rishop, urged the distres sed matron, you will not thus leave us ?' Wait a few tijinutes breakfast is on the table.' , . 4 No, Sister L -, I cannot take break fast .'.ere, You Uiu, not consider a poor. toil w.irn traveller, worthy of a meal and voor Bishop has 110 cht'ud but such as hu- niantty !ires And t ins he departed, Icavingtbe fsmi- !y an I. minister in conlusion " and sorrow row, He did not act thus, for re ciitment, for iuch an emotion diil not raise in his heart, but lie desired to jeach them a lesson such as they would not easily ;(orgct Six months from this time the Ohio An- On the first day of the assembling of the nuni omerence mei ai vt.iciutia.,, am, p,a, Rnck in October Letters from, Ma young minister was to present himself for jor McNeil and Captain Williams were ordination as a Deacon; and Bishop George Jread, gifinff gnxfyinz infor.nadon W.tho was tobe the presiding Bishop. , meeting as to the character of the route. CoHierence.oorm'.nistHi heart sank wohm him j,is delerrnination 10 proceed immediately as he saw h . venerable Bjahop t0 vl'sit theseveral sfrveyinrtiartiesrith . . JSaerreat was his grief aodagitatioa that be was w V " , , " . . n 61 iJL Zl ooliged to leVe the ruo- That evening, a; vie w to obtaining theeesary as the Bishop was seated alone in his chamber, formation on ihesiibject of the ioad, and the' ttev.''Mr;--wa$ antiittnced; and be-er; Ao advance the work9 hyalleans in his quested to be showi up. ! t ' : 00 weriand -Ci'AJr1,8' SHe grasped the yoUg man by the band with a hVneces.be '"VKls. c.rdiLy'which M not expect; lb, he made carelal eraines, aad Vtbar since they had cl3lon il ; pendWhereuPon.itwastrnantmou? was before self-sufficiect arid wdrldl? :minded JlegolvedThzi the - followiug cen;fe As; a faiher would have received a disobedient men, or such of them as may be able to bnt lepentant child.lso did this good matt receive attVDdi be appointed Proxies fer.te.Cbar- their tears together; bile the j oon preache At tbe session ne was oraameo, . . i - nd"he-isoowMeuMQeiiiMiF t! e Ohio Conference JWunxunx 4 wuer. THE lNDEPENpENCElN:TUEJBALi ij Extract of a letter from an officer on board - the U. S. Ship Independence, to a gen " tleman in this city. rf i 'U.S.' ISDEFEXDWfCE - ' Cronstadt, Aug. 5, 18S7. f -- 'This day week we anchored in this place, and al abont r Vclrnk of the day, the Emperor of BusiI visited the s.np tnog , it U his Miuistcrs, among whom wa3the disunguiihcd dipiosatkt, Count iTia L " tlesselrodC : It.wM fcj3 wish to bat ti,7,,i V and left the shin without hsin rr-rt,;;,;.i lJt, tn this be a; disappointed; for it wia soon whispered a-Doog: the crow, that tLo ivnperorjMicuoLA was on board; aad, m deed, u reqMtred but little penetration to discavef in the crowd the raaa-who ti con sidered the best looking personage in all hij MW.UIUIUK3. un nis leaving our fshit. wo manned the y aids,' ran ihe Russian flig to ' tar mainmast head, and saluted him. wttij . . twgw,.wbichrifas.iotnediatcly re- : turned by the same nainber, by one of h frigatesi lie (the Emperor) cacsing the AtnrN tcac flig to be bouted. j his mast hean honor, it is said, never kefore paid to any loieign nation. . - , Sho ncxl b' fafonte Rteamer 'cme downY and conveyed the Ccmmodouc and Mrl Dallas to Ptterhoff, his snmmer tesi- denc Last MondayveningAnotbcr boat, of thejEmperor's came down, ndl took a number of . Officer viacliidihs myself, to tho ; Palace. Onoor landing fir , no the boat. wo. found JheTEraperorfs Carnages, with tplen-" did horses, wattinlfori. uSft'wtttia'GeneraL 1 one of the EmperorV iiids. 'to 'conduct. os. - ; XVe m-ere taken round t he Grdt ns and then to tbe i Opera JerH we aW;Ube' Emperor, -th Empress, and theirl'daugbler, Abe Vrarid Duteliess. ; Tbe day following, one tH the . oaa cveK;se?n, wnere, !itj was - said, : there Wfre,morjttfiajitbfeehu on - the stagu at the same time forty of thetn JTemale iHrtcers, not inferior in my opiniong ta Madame Celeste. -'A ' I A took tne three hours' and a ; half toy walk through the winter palace, and four to go through the armoryjThf iSUer place"- otiiains, iwo aunureui inoufana stand ol "ahhJn perfect order besides all tW elan- . riW!l&ken from the Turks. I saw several I 1 P cnar,ol tne cresses-worn bJ the Emperors and Emitresses. from the Ucne of Catharine and.PETiR tbe Great, tlown to the present day. I visited some of ,he mosl P,eodJ churches, perhaps in iho' I world. j H hilst we remained at St Petersburg, one or the Errf,eror's aids accotnpinie'd tis eyeryhere. & fcxtrnded to us every civility I and. attention io Ins power. It would have taken tne several months to have indulged my I curiosity. I need not add, that I was ex- k Jiat.lnltlhzencer. . ' .''"'!'.;, From the Chartitfotj Mercury, , . IjXJX) t VlLTLBj-tiUT CJH it A II etlimri-- V ,1 LESTON RAID ROAD. !" I a, i nnmnrnn mf!'nArih r.h';Ut' QnKft,pr HaU in tin. Pitv Un tnv iaA. fnr the nurnose of onointin pr0is represent theafaTtfik geheril meeting of the Stockholders to be hd.l nr number next, fieneral Ilavneth; P;L Jent ofUhemoahr. wis-calledi ift. Enffineers. since; the laitUiieeth gf ji Company, From the report iOpr :ir ; that as soon.. as practicable ifu f (be aj 21 - ment of that meeting at Kuoxvillelin j uary last, Captain Williams, - theTA'sf oci,i?e . Engineer, and Major McNeill, theChier Engineer, entered vigormisly up-on the du ties assigned to them respectively - That Brigade of Engineers, romno3d of scien-' tific and experienced offiers,,with stiitable . . assistants, had been engaged, and-were ac - lively engaged th making the ne.ce.s try irvey (wwiw.ii.. u.u.Uu,Bf . ; ,n I,,S 'aie " uexiugiua, m joiuuvKy, and. it appeared from, the latest Be5ort that these duties had been very successfully per formed, and that there was every reason to believe that ill the necessary informs thai cou hi bo obtained nd a atisfactory Report submitted to the meeting to Je held at I Thg pre9ident concluded by announcin; r, npie antl upa ners be left at ihe littomntt Printing OfScei, vt0L which, toe 1 ,V. " - - ir t- ...aitcr'invot I c,:t, utJAM .anoMlftf h earnestly invited ; , to call and attach their names. - Thp fallowing is ht of the gentlemen '00 an Hamilton. CU'Mera.ui;:ger, Tiwr.a Lowndes Claries Bearing Dr. Samuel II. Dickson,Isac E Holmes. Rich ard Veadon. Jun a? d A S W I itiion ; K ROBERT Y. JIAYNE, President. .E. II. Edward, Secretary. , We learn that Simcel Jicdo, Ej Cath fer of the Bank cf the United-States, has b er, appoiuted ilia a-lnt of the Bank to r.sideja LouJon.and Air. Copi:iituait, tr.e of tba Ksisust c:.htcrs, cleeud hs ccr; , ' 5 jDoub f it y.-:,i- 9 r, . I " -r - - t a. . ' ;.f. yw 94 1 1- - J! ' J i - r. .

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