Vtchhs njay hereafter be' had or, ?. -rv,liar3 n Fifty ;Cents per year. - ' " CtrFOlTR nw subscribers who1 will , C i."1 ; i 7 - ----- 1 , L..j i do ivhnle aura at nnnnavmpnt. anil as ton? 3 the same class shall ranee the fiti m of j i the isanv termv shall continue, f '&ii ether will be charged as other sabscri- ho do riot pay dating the year .'' aft ft L' oechaf 1 ' ...Vr ; . ' . I r ' n iill hp rpnei veil for !; than l ' j i. w I iiii I'J ra in n u naa I Ill ,i t i P.'- ' j i win be disrnn:iniipi ouii me op- ...!... .." i . ' . .. . LM.,.r iinlpa -ill arrpanrfS are nail Hie iui. i --- ----- j. f If. , :!.rise Ibev, will esrlainly n t beat- J jell ffS ' HIV i..'."".. jrim feF 1 Abr'i!RTKffl-S!flfo 4' " half 'if v't 7'irc for tank insertion (iflerwards fvra h'rtiVernerit will be inserted for less 11 OSE MUbbAR. II be continued until orders 1 reived lostoii them, where no directions L pre v'ioftsly irfiffn. -'- " fr.-Ji-H? afiii 4 fry 'he year orsix tnontlis will ml at n llai per month for each square r htbetitiiiti'ielofchznginghe. form , everv i5i.ter.-f -i . t ."!-.-- ;-i - - " . T, 4 IWiRKETS SALISBURY, ,4 a 5tt , Cdltonyarn, from No. 6 to, .No li , I 7b a N OOct; Feathers" per lb; 35 L- Floar.Fpr.bI. 6 00; Wheat pr bush . $1 00 lii;03tsi)r busliM30 ctsiCoro pf bush 65 ctsj 'PT'I'T' " ' T c T I -.i f - ! ' . " f Wj jH-r 114b' ai fts ; Lead per.lb. 8 a 10 cts-; if J. ... iic tr1. if?24 ta ; , Nnila war IK Q n 1 f I t il Itof pr lb 6 a 0 cts ;, Bacon per lb-121 . - D'.Har nar V IK I ' plo ' 5 rrl ts IK 1 ft fcVitper bushel $1 25 1 5ftets; SteeJ, Ame i bkster, per It.;10 cts ; Knglish do. per lb T v, ts : liast do per ib 2a a . t . - - - 30 cfs Il Ui a. limits ; Hum (.Jaioaica; per galj i Suar ; . an s- Wtnfl Tpn.rirIVrr nil 41 -jnas31 uu ii cis , viarei tao .... i fj ji Lert - -r i r-tjK3ji J cis, ;uaiaga,8weei; ;r ril.l Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 cts CIIERAW; Rjefirlcitrketper lb 4 a .6 ets.;f Bacoa per 1 1 ! 21 eta: llama do. 00 00 to r lUawiit f!a IS a 20 cis ; Bagging per yard 18 a 25 a nun rnrw rwr in l -z. fia inrroA p i j a. i rt iiiai . mn nap - iiu i fi iui f f)w; worn per ousne l vooo a cts ; Floor l JIa Jr kri ifif7 nrm i7. 'tUn Rrt KT.ff:, ! : M tin a! 124 ilrnn nur inn lKo Ad P.l - n. .jiwjjra "a ju B'tis lalis Cul assort- 1 I per 1 1 a9 ...jAtSS hi Pumper ir3 9 Rice" ner ino lh-44 :nn. K.m, iw iftMnV.L. .i.; . .1 v kfW$5;Salt;per bushel 871 gl etsjSleel A- iD.'flMn liiiQtor ni 1h Ifi ltft .10. j ii 1 Ui cisj Tea imperial per lb $1 25 a 1 37! cts- nliit.J km kin 1 C - ' "V Jll. UI IU mi I -Z. 1 fi a I nh'inn.1 mnr... vvutcii wci i-Jiu a I i) CI a , Sj; F4 YETT33 VILLE - t'mii. neach 7S ftOi nft A !. - ?n ta farhhl?i . j'wU.K ..'a- ' LL-.t' -Vfi Ii" 8 Vo,iaii8cui 74, a. ;oalt ;., i i ff 1 . r utur -OD.-ub a 7 jpra35 a 00 iVa fh 34a SaUar jir lb ttU 3; Whealfpr b.h t ?. ,? . : 't,1 . ?co; !' lM la; .AVmskcv .00 , ' - - ' I 5T-1BA.TE I I ttfirst rate Farm on the Yadkin River pntairon is io rrobd farming nAu;nn tu ijERoi Tk' Will he nni.. vLL!tl C "t H; NOTICE. Ji-Watel are atchman jflow open at the Office of the orjrn ! ?.r r?w.D of Salisbury, for subsenp- Wa rT .?' ck of Favetteville and sio HSlALISiBlENT JOlinXAL, OFFICE thfl pJ.lin,,ended ipmovaI of one of " Wf 8 nd lhe wish of other. to de- l..r . ,no,, exclusivelv fn.'lhn ft Thi rtn Carolina Journal Of- ,..r.".OTwaiet,ultrft. .C; nJ.r. , "-'T n.l.ih nnu'cn:l :'J WriwriaiifJ: T.; ":;?wrrn 19 J liUf"iZt k I .. UUUUI UQl taigni be great--TttJtL ,i,.tle-"tii- 'To any per- ted bw" t is;fir"V gteai-1 WMoiibferiortn k prvill Prinier ,hL t J J i ? f bQt oU c?r T,,i.c, . : IIS ooner that would vielrf him ; r'uoie return ; 1 ' -. , l tiDerlb: JSa S-Octs.; Brand vT-Ap- .'T v - T. ; ... - ' I .- A mn-nf iry .M ll ffal.J45 -a 50. cts ; Cotton T pr 'lb. (iri ,r ? JT "" " 85 IX 3"ctB ; CoiU)n bagginff. per -yd20 25 M1?1?8" - 2 i I -i ' i -" ' ... - 1 1 for s W at tUUr Office JTERY 14 DKAWN BALLOTS, 1- rr n n jr r w . . - UUL,M.MJi STATE LOTTERY ' - EXTRA CLASS D. FOR 1837 - 1 SClK TWira - I 'ize of V . v10,000 1 1 . . i. r nze ot r , f ' ' oohn A I1Z.C 1)1 4 - i- rn z o rrlzes of , v--. , - J J3UU Bf J Q Prizes of JO prizes of 1 - ..w. 500. inn' vy v pfSiaea. many or, 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, - 60,.50f Stc &c for. 50 a rrrtifirMn fVi" ' - t .rklt, - Packi,eo of 25 Whole J ' tf V V; V " 65 TjO -t1 ' " ' '32 75 " . .-J , . .... " .1 "! 1 X M. To be-find in th numbers either by the pckae, or single ; LILLY & WHEELER Salisbury, Oct. 23, 1837. i r - ' aUHJt Y VOUJVTY. wuri oj ntas Quarter Sessions. An ust Term, 1837. Somers fit JMcGea ' Jusu x Michael McGuir, TS usuces Judgment le ted on Land fyo IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the said Michael MrGuir i not mi in ,i i; 1 J - T V 7. M'- pbhcation be made in the Carolina Watchman. County Court, be hid at Ruck ford. nr. ihn """ tr ami amwar ai our neX j i - .-- - - ?!? ? November next, to pl.d or de U1VW nai juogmeni will be ren - iru, airu nir x.iuus levifcu on Will De Condemn 1 J est. A V. K "'A R MSTPANR ru. October 7, I8370wl2 Pr'U Adv. $3 , .... 1 1 j.: - , - Protestant Episcopal Church. . A ;SI'EC!AL Convention of the Protestant XA. Episcopal Church, in this DioeeV. will ho nWin Crfisi Church." Raleigh, on. Saturday 25" f NrnV.:. which time Ji tation be present, as jIip e of lhe dePest interest to the welfare of the Diocese. " . Bv order nf th RieKnn nA 2. r iPlttee, : - r I. - E. LJ WINS'fcoW. Sec'y of Convention. i FayettevilJet0ct.7, 1837 U14 , " .-'y-: - . - ; FOB. SiLSiB. BY virtue of a Decree of the Coort of Enui ty. at September Term, i 1837 ,vill b sold on a credit of nine months, a Tract of Laud, containing about ' V' " lyjngon Second Creek, near Gileans Bridae.ad joining.the Lands of fsaac Cowan, Robert . V. Cowan, and others. :!'Ji sale will lake placeon Siturday, the.; 18th of November next, on the premises, and the purchaser bo required to give bond with good security for the purchase money on the'daj of sale. :- . . - ; SAMUEL BILL! MAN, o. m. e. Sept 30th.1837 7tll-i 3 f B HE Subscriber has on 'hand, large as tJL z sortmentof TIN WARE, manufactured by a first rate wot kman and of the best materi als, :H.hiebJhewilf sell lowfor cash or ona short credit to responsible; dealers, and should the bill be large enough to justify him, he will deliver the Ware without extra charge. All kinds of Job Work and Repairing done with neatness and despatch. 4. - . :A. HUNT. Lexington, N.- C, Sept. IG tf9 - ; SP. S. Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow, Old Pew ter and Old Copper taken in exchange; A: H; f ; Itempcrcmte Vof fcc . ; ff IE Hbwan Temperance Society. wilV meet Jlfat the Houtfe of Dawah: Lentz;-near - the (Organ Choich, on Monday -SOih , Instant. ,;The flldnlo nf.ltiAiwncA orb a. .nA.ilfltA..'h.i J . " , . "I v.-" j .-"""'i -Tiupa-ey. turn 1 punctoaltotbeir attendaoce-severa Addresses win oe given. r -v - v.:. , . - " - " - ' ' 'J : .nittfiit.1.rilT4f' . .s - . - - . -J I - .. Co-parlnarsmp'hwelofore U riinr nnrfpr ih e prnov p. hxvii iu; iiKesoorougn, iorttv. uarolina, is I'fl I V I- itr.Mt.'.L'. . -r t v .. . . ? Jy dissolved; by mutual consent,;and the boate. - .fper.-debt8; suods-and effects of everv description belonging to lhe said firm, have been assigned over to the subscriber as trustee, for the assigned over to .--.lhe subscriber as trustee, for the ses and purposes specified" in the deei of assign- ment. - All persons indebted to the said conceln, ...t; . . .. nrtrlAreiirnptt . unrl -all 'liims Pn. k. uiu .ue uiaae 10 tne must be presented lo him for payment, he ' alone being aathoiized to setlle , the business of said concern. ' . - . " - . ' m TH0S S. BOUCUELLE, Trustee of , PEDEN & KELLY. - TIN. : . . . ft . i . . , ' IN THE SENATE OF THE UraTED' Si -STATES. .- Rat,: Scpt..25, 1337-tf. 7V Ul u,STe noars; we can qeruketo report all ilmf r.;Jt as U. waaaid. V.e.uist content ours-lv, -uUIUiiing a tiewolrjia.argufi.ent, eoi tu m . . ..,- -. . ...... J r;iV T- ' party .vilest and previous bias, and liiAtr .. . I t .'- Ii-, . ' 1 and Jook xritiil a ..... r a. - ;-; iv D ui uur ai IClPli pniml.. i . . ' .. inooght n a fortunate nne-our presnnt tl.f ncmties are dwiiiiguwlmbe Uom former do mestic troublps.Hrwl tht .. . in one fMpecl and . he. ,p u i.iiru UIIIMTSailly 1 hey are felt, it ,s ,?UP.ln different decrees, but they reach everv scriirm. t,0r c, ..... every iuterefit. almost every man jn the Un 1CC, st-e, near, know their exist ence. As they do not array, like our for mer divis,ons, one portion of the Conf-der-acy.agamsi another, u S lo be h'wy,i ii,Ht common sufft-rinos m.ltr li.ciii . sympathies a ud common counsels, and th ;t we shan, at no Hisiarn A,, t ..ui.. ... ; Clear Way of deliveranr If .1. ... --.v u,u couniry wero produced tv thai IM. .1- - ---w .... ,MC3t., Ad ii ii r.i ihi. u i . . - - re ; u u proceeded from ineir wasteful extravagance and their mdul gence o a reckless spirit of ruinous specu Lltlllll if ....LI. , jiuouc measurrs Lid no ncency whatever in bringing it about, it would ne vertheless be the dlltV fjf(inirrnmB.,i ... ert all its energies and to employ all its le- (TltllllutA .-......-. J & " r"sio aevise an ethcacious re- maIn 1 . . . : j dui ji onr present deplorable con tlltlOll has SUriiri J from nnr r.it.. . .. ... oe Ciearly traced to lueir Hons, that ;utv l.t-coines iiifr.ithU bligtor ; an j Gav(.r(Mi,-ni w ould he faith Jetoihti higbvst and most ao'ciuu ol hu man trua:s aiioiild Alio IS It nut lo.J title Ih.t thn nuil surround us are to -st.nijl ,j t0 ,host ;! have had the conuuel of our puUic .tf .u- ? Inglnonngat the . ast, (conti.j.ird Mr O ) nothing tan be further irorn my inten tion tliAn to excite anorv ff li.v.w r t.. rir... grounds of reproach.' If o..l.l f.r congenial to my wishes that, ouuuso.u a o c auouiu iorgi.1 i.Ji i.umer uutidfio, divisions ami animosities H,u. ..r i.' o discover how to gi t out of our difhV. li nes, we must usceriam. if we can,! how w got into them. j Prior to that series of unf. rl iinnto Mites which had ftr its nhin. t ui. ..'.... thr,... of ihe Bauk of the UinttdStaii-sj and Ihr disconlinnance of ii?. fisi-al uaunk f..r .i... Goyemment, no People upon earth evtr enjoyed a better currt ucy, or hdd! i xchai.u es better reguluted, tban the People of tiu Ui)ted States Our monetary system ap peared to have attained as great pe.ifertio.i as any thing human can possibly reach The cornhinaiion of Uniie1 St4t.b and o. cal banks piesented a true im of our system of General and State Goyernmenis. nvMutu uiic as wen. iot on lv with in the couiilrv had we a Inrn! nnr! . ;r- al currency perfectlv sound, hut in o. ver quarter of the globe Ameiic in1 commerce nan penetiateo. mere also did the bills of the .Bank ol the United States command un bounded credit and confidence. Now ye are in danger of having fixed upon us, in definitelj astottme, that medium anlrre deemable paper currency, which,! by theu niveisal consent of the-commeicial world, is regarded as the worst. How has this re verse come upon us?. Can it be doubted that it is the result of those measures Tin which I have adverted ? .Wlim. D .k ry moment oradoptingr thcrn the verycon3 9PnilPnOP4 U (link tin.. I. . ..' j" 1 "v . . . rnx-'v' i " uappenea were lore told as inevitable,, it necessary no look elsewhere for i hpir on mVo 9 ' Krk- prediction more distinctly Wade ; never was fafilment'more literal and exact.'V -'. ' Z Let us suppose tbat thbsef measdresIiad - "r,v" ;". v'V'0uiv 01 me u- niea States had been rechartered.;! that Jlhe pubhe deposites had remained und star bed' and, that the? . rreasufyordePhad is sued : is there not everv ricnn ki.;. not hepn sirlryntorl . .!. ir:'i inaijwe. snould be now in tbe enibvment nf abound rnrr.n.'.i. W?6"1 -f ; v- r V JUUi oePses would be nowsafe andifortbcomih; and that .the sutvt.ninn nf;'i:U L?. Maw lac afm.M :. . " - "'i nvuiu uui uave nnnnpnori , - . The iPtesidenrsIaWSitJ ;t:V 1 !?f Pen.sl?a;. 3 proceeded from ovcr-action oyer.trading-.the induIgenceof,spirii 0f specuhtion produced by bank and other fa htfty.I think this is a view of e casa entirely too superficial. It would be quite as correct and just, m the Instance W a ho- m ,ci ue perpetrated by the discharge of a 2un.;to allege that lb 'loiV -t:itiH . . r. i . wan, ana noi Utnth0 leVCkd lhe P,ecc'as respon sible for tho murder. The true inquiry is bow caC19 tint .excessiveroveMradiD- Vnd those ext:,:re ; bank. facditiesVhicb the ON; THE SUBrUEASUUr. BILL. .g noos desireiV ofnW cfft-ctuall JfjA i period ofitl,. vetoit bad but P! presented to,corrvtjhe dilardeis-anj lfaf tf? be correacf, anJo testoro the plenty f iT, reluVfani'tr? en hunseir.flto ,iha deba? mV.V fPhT 'H f the 'itVon of ij new Bait taatbe fhe United SuteWnr-geby-thV jnedy atujd jbe-piopuse St ,hT- PidentbesitWri s support.:: Np pripil bad vVAxisted in t Vf? P?2rin of i 'wlabtwbaeiiror qiis couniry, in :Sich:ih8 turefwas cov- " ft1 fitted Sutei ; anil finding it- ...ww Kuiom. :xvone.. in nhinb itiw " " . " " 'Joiaie3,-,itrnrorecaH'irt I OTrow of bank and thi il mefnl-, . - . . a beSeoile ,''tolll.e United Si.ir.HustrWi aS I I tlH'in I, j f ' . ' - & " u5i,hcJ.'''S1u IO uff f ha fir a A t- t . . ' . vauivsj l.l no nn fen imU, il..'Li .t" I .TT."v?. wporateq lor that fnole ota tB Ilk nit rami ..T '. - - I : .-. t.l S '"ITT"1"! t lhe cpV lal 'of tne first Bant ,,P ii.. iT:.j 5 ";Vi.,.Vwlue amount ;of ten cre-ueu fcir tbo wboIUoipu r H - r Thatithe jlocafbaaks, tohicli the depo? n t 7 lransfed from the bank oLtbe Uti ed flutes, were urged' and , stimulated treely to discount upon l hem. we have re cord evidence from the: Treasury Depart mt nt. ; , . j .. : - r. , .- s - ; 7 . The Message, to reconcile us lo our rois lortuuef, u.d to exonerate the measures of our own Gyt etmncnt from all blame in pro ducing tho present state of things, refers to the condition of Europe, and especially to tna of Groat Britain. 1: alleges, that in biHb countries we have witnessed tlie same redundancy of paper money, and other fai cilmes of credit ; the same spirit of specu lation ; the same partial successes ; the same difficulties and reverses ; and at length, nearly the same overwheiminc ca tastrophe.'' . jTho very clear and able argument of the c ' f - ' -r "u "B!"cm ui Senator from Georg.a (Mr. King) relieves ma from the necessity of savina mVh un inis pail oi lhe suhiert It thin n.-irt nfih'o ...:". 1. . 1 ' . - . . J ring lhe period refeired t6 by the Message, of 1833 4 5, there was in fact, no aagmen tttiou. or a very trifling iaugmentation, of tho circulation oi titb country, and that the Message has totally misconceived the actu--d stale of tni igs in Grut Britain. Accord ing iv 111- publications to: which 1 have han ..eerss, the B .nk of England in fact dtmtn nd its circulation, comparing the first vth the Ir.si ol that pe. jod, about 2 12 niliions FJtriing , and although the joint toek and private banksl increased 1 theirs, the amoiiui of increase 4a3 neulralized t y the amount of di munition. j 1 It the st.ite of things wire really identical immlar. in the to countries, it would bo :lr 10 lr--e it to simil iniy of causes. Bui ithat tiiA ease ? Li Great Britain a sound currency vvis preserved bj a recharter of the B-iuk of England about tljo same time that ihe re charter, of ihe Bank"-of the Uni ted States was agitated he e. In the Uni ted States we have not preserved a sound eiHrene,, in const quenee of die veto. Il Gtif'Jit Britain were near the. same catastro phe ithe suspension of specie payments.) vl.ich occurec! here.she "nWrUieiessES'. CAPED.it ; and this difference in lhe cpn diiion ol the two count iea makes all the difference In ihe world. , Greai Britain! has recovered from whatever , mercantile dis tresses she (XnfriinntA wen shall we ? -All is bright and cheerful r ! Vr ciieenui- and encouraginViri the pros peels' w hie h lie nefonV Iierl4 ' iiA i Un'i'JL"-.' hr -?L e . ' ""'v uiNii ... .i.-i.-t?ii!vj'. -w .w r-'rtrnJt : rtl:; , v -.J.-.i. f-v'-'-. . Mji- y'f-aMtiron, experienced onl those jlemporary, embarrassments which' are i incident to co f 11 rriet r-i : I "r I . ? ?.4 i i. r - , '.t"' nuns, conducted: upon the scale of vast magnitude 011 which liers arecametl bhHProspeVbus and ! an verse tims, action sandeactiori; aTe Wtll filki ;countrie8.?.t But our4distresses sink deeper ltbey reach tbi t?!1 its ofs fice !of rirenlfitinn in"iria- iV.i 1 ..?.. V fice our j! ." " , gf , jcoacerns 01 1 itic r.u-f 'warrassmenir;;uropelias recent! v et oer ieri cerl "m v 1 k ? ; . 1 explained.by its trade and j con hex tons "wfthf .the United States.; f -The dfgfee vof ? ernbar-' . ,i" ; V f -", "o comraerr cial countries ;there, by, the degree of their connexion t with the IImiPr1.?iM : ah almpst alJibe great failures in Europe have been of Jtfnra-n.v4 !-.L" f" . j " ' "T " X. otu 01 lue American trade. .GreatrBntamr whichras theMes sage justly observes, maintai ns 1 the closest relations wttb;ughasr'uffewd'raosti France next,- and so on,' m the order of ifTeir great er or Jess commercial intercouise witb.us. Most truly; was it said bv the Senator from Georgia that the 11 :, ..:,w, ...... . --. r .vw.k. vujuau abouiciiLS UI . Mw.w.wsre ine emoarrassmentsof a cretf i itor. frdm . ----- ..wu,-paj,UtUl vas-wimneia oy tbeidebtor. ftriH frnm.wKnm"iU i metals have' been . necessarily withdrawn by the policy i of the same debtor..": U'; v-F , imcethe intensity;of EufTering, and the disastrous siata nf fhinn9(n ik;M.i.l. nave lar transcend,? nn i;;nwukt, : curred in Eurone. wo irs!-?' Inn'- hprasr some nptli ;. -- any - wb ich h 3 vfl Ki .,n .i - - r'..M.! ...ill ir i rii .. fif i on. -l it pa f -1 he x a r a .-' . t." r . : r . . " - ' t-s iouqq in inai series ted; . ' - ' -Cft----3- lO 'tVhiph I havn flfrp.-sH-T i an agendy producing "the'ekistin embark rassmentsThM -f 5 . . .V ir-' .,3 ,s fl-t charge 'frequenihr made bv tfi r iL - ?-': ? r." 7 5d4nf 1 laWrIi is true thaUlbarlSs having incased their remit hnA .-f.i.: - i krwUlL"lc,l l I . . - - . C . Z .-?." IJUUIIIUHR. .11 1 . ... u I f W 1 f in m xm am .- . -m . . . - ... r, - v - aiiirr in WlilCti tha i law-was executed bv iK t-L . - - . w.ow. iiiii ilia m.HMA.f:-.. l- . i is riiA.aran 'ii.-.-.t - - raentaransfernnTIP? tnj& lr ' . "o creqitoM TruonaV Ihi-cpuntfyT wilbdur regard to ih J . M" i rnnnli.i :l.. a - . ..... - - - I Wu..M7f luigiiuoavr ai?f?r a it oil -tt.f h k - . .. . : VJusiiiaa ! til i inn i Trn,ence; Bttt : wbat"donbiiftfl!i1vrt Ai.;T. f ' . " . - f3 -m IUV . IIJLUII I . iiic; law ininir,nni.i - -) - i .UI' . -. . "u t-l.l , " .'"f4-: ly uHc-ocen done With tlia-aiirnfiiaLatt.lftT.L: 1.1 ' - 7 ami ivfrA jt.il. -.r . . " . . . - I. mous ainounUn thebands th! ds. mjgieniinff to'suetr an pnnrf banks? Were lhv k. .J-i-L Jl: . . banks? lVr ,.. ,1 L j . ; , s .-'r"r. their capitals; and remain ttmre for the ben efit ot, the stockbojders? VWas ,t-'riot prop er andjustM theothex PeoplC7romhVm;S,ey were col!ected?nd ever taken iomhepositeksrwJuldi not inconvenience necsarily lianpen?!' it - , '"ge asserts that the Bank of tlie United States chartered bf Pennsy htnitf has not been able to sn noMr L wl,,cr ,,l3UiiOns,' notwitbstandinfy Hh ftiili greater Vreniitrirbaslid tM under iti nrln SP0 other n8iitu:ions;;notwUbandinJiheiU greater strenoi t. It ; I, U. J J - a Y"f nai -DftnK.2ft now a mere Mate oijoeap institution Why is it referred to. mntn iK.Vik. rj.-..-.; . --- Aia DiiLuiiuii. 11 1 v 1 .Yr ulsl"uI,on: t 1 he I r 1 ;u 1 151 VIO? .wfi,CD the .President 'fills inau,gence the uprjosiuorr . . c" f cuea againn it; Wasit I So lhan theepbank; fostered bV th , iNw?!ecte and. But ho w: rouId the .'Messageivehfuretto4 assert that It has .arealer tiron..k.. O 1 rf 1 "JV " f,'" mail Hie, late Bank oftheJnited States possessed ? 1 . . " . - """'"oiauiy ui me con ditions of its rtiunor ; v. luvmuijf ui me con- lU'JlSPoisiVttiat LW'opoh itTacul- .. ...- .v., , iv ia?iuipo9SI any single Slate could ennfpr lies to4liose granted tahettateBaikof I lhe United Siafclfi r. 'r.. .,. . 4 -i . -if i'uaKingiii uiie sole depository otheevenaa.olthe:UriP led Slates ; and,, secondlyniakinljts notes receivable in the payment of, all nub I1C dues.4 If Ta.fiahleriif r,IT:fi Srk 1- , . , . w w invcu ., ovaiea had . i;w6ol4n,aye llaC'aiinpiiiV l,ce,fthlauUion in the local hnrilrBfVL., A L . h " Sfe' ' " i vu""'f aui "y nuieiy . meas rires oLprecautioh, it coufdave nbenteu the speculative uses to wl.iib m.; applied., uch an ?insiimtioh.vouIdliave ,nenlob?eryC itspopriationsanci v"a?l0as-d to uany. oui certainiv. 'i i(.ynnMry.xi.v Jlowerer;dirirBMl-rr-T-i.Ti.fi . c --r, I I i " i " IrSi -"J '" toi'u"tuiHlV r WOUIU l.nave beenrconncntrioI r. . Jl o W e ve r d i mp r s iWl r n?o : t ft . . :2 . fi' , r yKV'kiaiune, in siead of Vbemg xveakeiied or iSstW feiffur . : vurrIs"7rf&nineiy--local ?ba PlughuUtheTritr cert '' j-Lf -.i-- .r:-i-.. ? A-tv- otnatdttnottini li H?preseut ,encp'inpis4 fefje cpuejbTuhe latCdniir,. l8Han;ts.trm grM Pof4hatct,Jn respecCto obfi ngthejlanff ;from those annual discusionS JOCongreSS'of ivriirh- it .hi A v .i. 2 fruitruUtOpicrour: manufactarersT would have"a'certaintVforftlnnrr-;,i- n.: ine.. measure . of. nrntpetinn- "avtnn,t lhein DV Hfl nrnwlcirtncr K - ."--r,"i , i,UJ " w ouiu com uensatff au v redurtmri ;n il,r,. ter.U was adooted -triNfV a Ax:i.:irz- ;anfe5tei-;a J-'sposition to respect ifT- as an arrangement' whiMi .., iTui- MeB80l? J.SlasVit!has Keen :?-Pi?js5JHVi has,beeri displayed nau an . iavwuvw9f mgajn the confide;:"": ' Administrate Houses t)!r P!ses.slVobliga'tory forced beyond i ordinarv jfrt of fpiii-o:r, . ,.m ' I, ... . ..1. .Til . . a . cpon the compromise; aid I i leisure Caroliria, especnllj-, bare uni.j....! bited la reoluiior, to adhere u ii 'A tect honor nnd t1rti;.tr iFt f of lhese consent thrift? r ' attacks, corniog ffr)fn lhoss t . , . Wl,een moat injuricus. bTI. , , ! non to iheTrnanufacturin" ir'J ,t no certain relianre vrii to bYnkrci!.--, iVsieadiness ofhe, policy if the gVw eroruent, : no Rmtcr iDnder Mvhat ,oit ;;in circurncjt W8s edopteuY Tl.aP p" teret ba, .uken . trarm rnevv .enter,:: cs , nave been arrestPiL 1,t . : at Ibis momeiu ir ,9 hm 1. ! iff : I-.. WXf Jntritiut yHWbstacleta the res,:,,, Calhrtnn 'atf rTKnt.l .,. : -, n . l. ? , -'i-oii4. -"- . wtHIUUICIl I MM frni..n . , . .ft.j. uiua reveniip ti iha i. it l i: - . i. - - .-..-.. . . - llIB : illltlPr-t . .! tl.-. ....: m. 11 I dniInjl . ' - . . - - . m. 'l-tcy. i nev v.rn " i . -quie ert by; lh great healing mRscnrl. film . . - . . . f.:ir "A 4v : '.l !Wb -tiVf d and '"Ju in a spirit of i6ot fa.ilt r. i Ai itr similar' lo tbaf'bv liini T.i . actnated.towards'lt.i. ynfv-?" li-mnla ?rit. . zi- r ' t . v. wauuuexurers. lis passe cret and ooen onnnnpma nr..M" :r Wi?aV:iaiiSled- that Toreignniebt. the rtrhlcVnn ,;p 1.::.' - - - . .a.. ...... . ? . 1 .w u u r. a r. . m .... r PtTro'epiion-of'American industry did n6C'v cause tlio Kiimlncr' r jj ' ... - . mpuntjtoeigbty. seveD inillibnt- of dollars: ' mite AiAi.iK.k r- t ... - . P V." ".-B tie rusloni. tn-: "v lie disbursement: in! iKi crradnalfv arn!r,it,,i ii.-.-. , - ri?! hack M smUI afreams similar to hose by wlifch" : .tin. andf rnctifviii-r the . whnr',,.ftL-' - : 7'!!Dtractifying: the whole country. there Would liafi hfPn nn ufiff ..,.nl..- embarrass the Government V no removal nf . "i'.voiiKorria ine liajiK 01 lhe Uni t? tlie deposite banks, to disturb' pujlineasjof. theeoiihiry ; no accumolati deposites ifrom the; Bank , of the ; United " tlic in the deposite banks of immontio P01'0 !D0"eyi Jaugmented by. the circuit it ; y,wPe.-or'll-ei-5 between the land ofiics " arSJ?-ri5 banks andijie banks and tbe land Offices : vnn nr.acinn t(i" f tio QAo.'.u.T.t.r IJW-.tot-asI iberdepbsite: banks' lfltO the "ffrant nf "innnlinno nrrmm.1.. 'on 5 randwpoSib!y there would havejbeen : Pi-f I ?pebi o paymenisK ;But ' thai bill was snonresspd hv a mrKUflri,,:. ordinary aud;dang rdinafr aud;dan!?eroiia vexer.-?Isp. nfF! uiive pawer:- . I , , - " M W 'w-"c rausF' oi our present .'difficulties ' ?i;lcin-. another wayv During . Oelale Administralioniwe have beeDt de- r prived- ofithe practical benefit oi;a .free : v Government: the firm; it iiiriio '.: . , . " ' " - - .mv, IVIUVIII- ed and ere ohserved, but life essence did ' - ". -' u seji-governmeni.' : .the collected wisdom, the aggregate will of -"l the whole, or nt least of a majority, moulds aud directs lht course-of , public affio rs In XP?l.l5.ll-e:v--V.s'ingIe individuals , ffOVernsl.In a nrantir.nlltr Crcn n.Wo.nma ' . -j u MbiiiiMVUI, s., ..v 1 ;the nation contiols.'the ; Chief Magistrate - ;iowenarbitrary.Go v eisirate con'trola the na'.ion. 'Andthaa'nnt- ."r- Cl uu aiiuauon. in trie period men-: tlon?4; ,Mas not one man forged lus own'- ": I . i will oii the nation ?.: ? Have not all those v- -: f disastrous measures- the veto 6f the bank: . 1 the al of the deposites t the rejecv 1 ' ' tinri nf itio torirt . I ?r.-. ... i ww v. -,. uuu win , uuu t icusurv oruer, . ?, . ivuicu uavejeu in our present unlortunate condition, been adonied. in'sbitf 'of thev - - Mishe3 of the enniitrv. nnd.in" nnnrMiliAn 7 : ' ' probably, to thosa of the dominant '-party " itself lily .. rjVf t "?VVS: n-.' "Our misfo been ' the Twant ; " ' . of wisdom,' but of firmnccs. The party .. t in yowcr wouU not haye governed the V- -coui.try very ill, if drhad been allowed its - V'J own v. ay. lis fatal error has been :to lend it s .jiiiic-:, Slid to bestov its subsequent. i, ap; Lusr.d support "upon Executive acts v.hich, in their oriiin. it previously deprc-. ' i lt concernneu. e nave ueea. 1: ...1 t .' i .. . t if 1 -- .. " I : previcjIy ihey haaonanimously . '.;me:.c:a : ip C3 wnoje states a- V.iirT "'iPir Innw..l'fri s fi nnKin an1 j I z : ictcresu in suiter incy to "Executive , " . . - - - . . ' - w u .'.(.. .i n V AAAI. dered tneir forces itself in everv. illustration to - - ? 5 I r s . f t -v - -1 1 i ? ... If i: f 1 . . - I - ' V? . ,ivti luey noi me t'j'.v ruj the crentleraan to wnom l - - tr . r- . ! u