i 4 - 'rr .-!' .v- i V i w - C .4 ; TEliMSL rj!Urs and. Fifty Cents per year. . 5 Cl JffO11; ncwl subscribers who . will :jaJr.inc the whole aaaiat one payment, hay3 the 'paper for Ue ear atjTwo Dor - i .no ougni lo go; tack to the Ia1 ';..",-"V'WMBleDPw to leant w r - ms inn iiiiim .iiHinriiiii a a iro 4Mh.B-. nation rfu, msLitcj that: lional cfisiri. :.t.i . 4vv? lnat the other coontriMi s..m . . "w "rthat in. casionrd: 5 door unfit h nf ; HT.II.-- -e. i . . .'' .i fe:tted: rery j macK thaii lie was not entitled tn n .h.r. r t.. :i.U ' . hiving i 'fpended, i eaMn- asiu"5"f inr tM,uw aKS snail rj? jthls -to pay in advance the som of rvJIar? the 6am! terras shall continue. ien.nniformly prededl fc. v"luw" cy hi re of lfM bPndSieri7, with r a byqneftdntil well II in h . ' wwu in if i hi ii n mb nsA a w . arm ' 'i- Ot iiavtO? first rnnmnor) il . f.:k --i.--- CFifSTTSTILLB JSTReEVRiSrkwlK'f was all due to. they greats financial wisdom of; the ex-PrriAtnt wT.L r-... ' i l ; of bankioff capiraJ VC' ITaaoont Snbers who. do nil pay doling tSe 'year i . , ; -- iiuii VI 'ID 13 thjt under wlnrh tK , I darkness ""g'J .oocepnooo fiad,. however, beeo Wasted J,rthetupidityVbf Cons: rho bad passed, tantrum tn ii:i r :iV and in other .w.TlT 1" byanka 'tuoaVill bejreceivcdfor less, than 2if rfBiurilup on the 1 first rir;.. j.i; "r ndj 836. will "'?.5 1835. ! y'jrr srill be disfoitinned bat atthe'op ,J ,f the Editor, uhlesill ajrearges are paid t - ' it-".. - niiuii7 wiii.ui rrcarr?ncy theryrnSdthr the real ants of in?. tt Proportioned u VV..i. ttr "ifi? ,lraIe- ".tbe LTnited AiC-. l.'.'.ivtic' J n Rolt3 m discnurse Vp. on, Koman Jieroism zh I nri m.-hi-I,. cxsisrrAG opErEnr tnrM iin IB"! 1 i t " . i ' -) -, ., vl. "i. i iruuncancy the1 nan-- Ifwe arose in tK.t,ii:- ?f ' Weney " I - aui,,ul -iemr truly, for aiufT3f ana All letters to th.fi Editor mast be post AiJt.n UiiHIJLaBLE OR , . "".' w sjc- puiKic nuances, Ibat should wither at a hint that we should of the ireat n pair. -u j-i Vu: ' o'herwise tney wm cenaiQiy u ue i- a siil UJY.WLE : - - o . ,r - wnicn ne-fead m I III W n 4 Jl M. ' " ' ' rfit I 7 . .. I - i,e4;. i4r;it ICH ih re OFAlTRRTISIIH OlX.y wo qr LatBer ijuarefor tAe pi iiwrli?. am Wshtrtynrtfor each ttutrwi njiencuraa !v.i5i.ffrtUeinent will be ! insetted for less ha ohe LfottAB. .j i - Mferuserneflis win oo 'Cuiinuwr" " .r.tred tastoo laem Dollar per month' (or .each sqoa where no directions .it- lifeiti'Mqiby the year ori-raonths will LmiiIa ill LMiuar per iohuiii lur .r.uH u u a iJb jheprireje of cbanjing the orw ..1, i " i ; s - IflARttETS. i ; lew V . i i m net Sit. 40 SALISBURY. r ib. 18 a" 20 cts, ;iBrandr, An- a ou cis : uouon per lb. fin Sets ; Cotton bajginff per yd. 20 5 - t- ' II1 ' 1 O .1 : fa IOm": per iu iv i jo vis i; vasiw?s ier l 4 a diets ; uoiion yarn, irom y O 10-fNO it t UniiaiiprM-i 00; Wheat prj lwsh ;$l 00 iJajVa&f tshel30 cia j Coro pi- bush 65 ets; WpcrM6 a ets; Lead per 1$. 8 a lOcts ; liissfsper gal, 624 cts j Nails per lb 9 a ill L Butut per lb 124 cts ;LaVd per lb 15 k Salt pet, bu ibel $t 25 I 50eti; Steel, Amcri (i Mister, per b. 1 6 cts ; English do: wer lb ha; Cast Jr. per lb 25 SOicU 6urar - - - r . fuuiiv JE"flfrai - If Slid lfminA kae. - - rllhprin cMin Cl.-.A i - -t. . 9 uf making i. jines. iheir t3'1 flytoisll Super llO eontiist f ihefollrwinff articles: Bine ani Blac V 4' do-A-ple Olire do Brown do do JLndon Brwn I do Kaoiilfin Vi.iIai Xa I i r r.r ui i van i is i Super Blue & Black (riaid)" do Greene cloths' d ff T)ove Si.Mr.Rra BtC MILLED ni4rterlr -tnciftfmont. . t i r-fSFlZS jiemonlhs ahead ' ut CM190fartonalerj;"lhff bill was PfMrd4--rathrr lob' rale tV afford even apre text to the adorafs of th late Pridenf s pyiroent, stte to the Senate as a fact conung with.n my own knowledge, that, b-forpilm,ditrilintion j 5 tallrixl nf . . t ; , . ' .... T '.V -vm jwesiaent ot a ii Southern' insti tllfflfn n'..l if t . t . . - w u nil nun as iiria . - m Js were eranied. wiiH w' JAt ,C.fi! t-.- v w si 'it aknmin - - - ".wvivuaiiu an iovaim ar - . . hi thru .fa, niir...-. ' pai in cii,a OIMJi,;m 'r i . " kir in ' oovmii' oDi- ii an I tnr cffi. i -7 .eiemied. in .L- k.n ' V "c-n :nina,u was ,vu w Proportioned in i t 7. -: f1"" iiaiucps cruelty a'la puitpss tyranny V piunaenflff thef-Kotnan which.: in-th. .-7;:.""" "P payhtenu. - - J t.Vehret . V j israred do " " Silk ' I Ir, 4iiow perj io. i u i-it cis; low-iirn pr yd. J i 20cta Wind Creneriffe) per fcalfl 50 r Vto2il doi it 50 a SI 7 cts -x C laret An Vf jil. It f VI 75 cts ; Malari,. (sweet) kr ; u ntsiiey per gal. 45 a 50 cts. - CIIERAW. dft Zfbra PlaM dy tStripedand er flain Silk.Verret EiCHJSc : puSa SaiiD VESTINGS. do do Valeniia do iJibair TOGETHER WITH A GENERAL M ASSORTMENT OF PASIIIONABLE' READY-MADE r x CLOTHING, Tennant's Celebrated Stocks, ' (SUITED- TOLLvWecKs' Suspenders, Hoskin : Gloves, nit! t7Ai9iein me untied states before ihe withdrawal of .Mdiicnesf ADeautiful system of ex changes,' this, which Wmilrl loai - .1.1.. sand mif'sfrom horttn in ' 4-ial paper of tbir neighbors Here re the evutenrp, rf .a. in ol t tie promises, that the. .".i.i give us a betirr currency, safVr ilerx.sitories anfl a cheaner stsirm nfc.i, local Uank.. whilst ihV",....- .t . .. , . "vu.-o.ics in uifir vaults were lar-Tp ? thp , , f ----.-- AtniiuiUif; and speclalton furnishing demands for iiio ney ever? where afir? froitila .:L if air . II Ix the most commercial points ; but the rno. meat these causes ceaafM i. . , , 'i-ifiic, anu tun uraneties of the United Sito- Betfio market per lb 4 a 6 cfs.: hacon nr 5A i t?l ilo illima An nl M .ii i n ' ' H'ttiS't 50 fcU 5 Bagffinanervaifd I8'a5 j, iwo i, j x o cis jj jnrtfe pr. uta i uiujvunuii per JUU IDS b tm And in lanl. inerii th;. ,V-rryT w6 y vusiness, to suit old or young. - All of.Unirh .'will b mSdp op to order, at short notice, in Ihe mm?, fashionable style (Jar workman are the hroi ik.i ... . rucurra a, me iorti,. and we think that, arf.lfld -r i v j - ua a. ir: iu iui iinrn r i. nnrivnivo ir 1 1 ... 1.1- 'T iivu osauii- i i" vuviiv K.xiiuiiairr'. an r.rorn i . roiitctf ro i ut iu ui8,yunuil per j Il'U llw o 5 pOj.Oornpfr lbushel1 s 000 a ets ; , Floor HHa' IIU IWr Un r ' I llllil trnm el..rw k.. ilO l tJi ; In.n rmf 100 Irw e.x . n. - , i 1 - (7 . . j f a v) nur !h S I ;Purk per lb J$9 9 ; Rice. per00 lbs $4 i0; Suur per lb. 10 121-2 a utsl rall pr WofTdr l 10 16cts;Tallowr lb 10 jihepjei Iraperial perlb ft 25 a 1 374 cts; ,1 f i uia iAooacco tuanih- jW.pWfb 75 3 80. ;Do.Applei60a 70 IlI TU T ,on Pr itf ia Hi rts jzai 14 ; O lour WJ. (1$7 a 8 I CV J I t tramprs r,r io uu a 40 fproosl ! 51 25iln.n prlb 54 aiU; Mo- 7Vvk ' pf I0-' 11 ; Tobacco; Ufiflfi"1! ,"JI55 Whiskey Beeswax 22 .'no . r f prompt attention. , CU)Uie v LlTCIIFORDSc OLIVER P. SPerSori'a furnimhin Aj t...J 1 1 ' . . . - ---.j "'""g u(rjna - lk r lenais c.nn.rru ttnnn ,. !r " m u f . f f I. C.7. Mii.wr t s ' N ff articles. alter inis that thev WPfH rnrntsl. ...... I. g a!.?,e!pl' as U,e UMted Slates Bank ever did, has leen mpro .!:. . fijiiiMUu ano not calculated to deem e any business man in the cummur.itv. Sir. uJtA i i L ; - i "i i nave gone to ihe verr counters of these banks' and asked for exchange at the pub hllv d r;jlfS. I ho snapr i.uni,,.IL if Ibey uere drawing .w.... ,t ' the punUshej HrJlrcS) but ih t&nA from Alissnnri1 Imri ., I pt. . . . . aiaicu iiihi svnan inn -' nftrortmA.i.Jj i. -" aa distress. 9U I iw.ikV"iT noarrasoieot r X . - "rone powerPbe ?'es&d 'ihJn?i V "- won tries we hare wit? -peailj Ucte .! Jiaiiou ; fh Mai98P' of spec .js-' Now iirwat kind f nrffi ' .pnC could huv. ,duced ibesttange op. ra i)n I have des; rii,i ? I . f. r , . v " itrtn if lonuud it friqi-nii; amonms to 15 and 17 5H1 . SUIIIfMIDf . I 'Lm .1.. ?t- 1 he oprntio., if I understand il, i . ; , ' rf . -"iji7 f' nearly so: PUt 1Q a Shnrl lima iL ern . . - ' a v ir n wc,c "ea o oyer flowing. Thereiiotnn . fi.,-- -jJ it book, or a document, to prove the Jinptr. tant fact. iThe fact was not doubted': but now were these plisbed? Let bis impoverished county and answer thev question. HowoW perhaps the nninrierino of tiia ra,i :..-t r - l 7-Miiunisi wa SironfflV rpmmmanAnA C. r . . . i . -i wyi ine laci mat ne largest and mrwt iimoU : -. . finances was made M ro6erv o o 6an: and that too h-nl r.i..?.,. v - "vinjjujg io one of the freest and most oqjmercial cities f buiun. Mr K. said be sw nothing in these fm perial precedents, ancient or modern, verv applicable or irerveantivt7nf.,n to wnotht rig tn the- happy vand prosperous condition nftiliA PAAi- r . - - - a i i ii ii n ffcf swa . j Icommercul niltons, Turkey and Spain, io fthis as a new anti tintried fexoenment., and as well made as thou rh tnp A.:..t ... ir I i . - "4 f IAI mm LSklm.r.1 l 1 IB I Clf '1 I li i . ft I t I . I -- -T-v". . new noior t j,e duvver ahigh2pcU20, 1837- 4wl5 X. 4 o. 1 -si SPEECH : op : i -. r ; MK. KING OP CEOnOTl. -- - -I FIRST RATE ! ONJTliE ;!LL JMPOSJN G ADDITlbl?: AL DVV IEPOSITAUiEiir rC I CERTMIN CASES, ? 5 tPUELIC OFFICERS? iver . i xc r. t7.7-sr?ie raimoa the Yadkin R it--. Mr ' - - . rt-j lion in W-lA-Ti, macnr. harlTorrence, ( im I. SHAVER. Vm Ir i. it.. vjiKiiu or ivpst. or St.iii io.'p. j. - . iifiroiu-4 to 6 jkt rv'ftt. and ,,(.ri.M,, ttins umlitr. I ii, iil '.. cliaseru-ing cstaTlbed netween the draV er and drawee) inVolfa. Nl draw,, on he nnjd, .und harged a. prpmtnm ? for buv Soul i. n f.in.1- - i. .-'U " I ff . iV "HV oiscount. and self ,,,0 ou j. atire.ni.nn.- but it the bill wri dioi,....-i K , . , . v-.."..w.uu, as irq i i:- J u"Pr,fiP rtofei -nd nearly WavS aft- r Ihe adoptwnSor-the s;,T.cie circular, the J,iii went-back L'po,, the New y,)rk llBW,r wi.b an acru.io.Ltton of charges and per cent damages for the dishonor. The draw er bad it to pay, though be bad sullen ? a heavy loss on the. disnnirii P., f bill a,,d damages furn.shed the drawer with a Northern fund. 4iri tthioh i.- ..... again Uiaw a premium oi S nor tu.. - i . - - v. ii v. Hug the senate h.II Pee the euonnous profit that una nhun i. I T ,.,T 1 M,,uc " ineqiscouiit of a sinole bill. & It was from exchanoM. add..! l er proms, Mrt King said, that accounted fbr doinrr sn. 1 7 "w" "'f. -Piofitt and heavy rtlvi. Tw6 olans r-h.,; 1. 1 e had bet. made by seme of the the SenaW one reiT.n ?a",e of which he mentioned to ori Finance, as proposed to beaSH h .l ' 5f,f,8,ou tWn fourteen the Senator from Soulh JS delivered in ThesSenal nf nhTT t tale firci p.. . r . . . f. VVI TJio Sonxiu :. -. vk c-it T unner- consideration the composing additional duties, as dey posilancsn. certain cases, oh- pablicM. . Air KING, of Georoia" ca l j notjntended to address the Senate oh the umecroe,ore untjl yesterday s evening Ue.had-5ffreat. diffirnlf in. m.L..;; . vuu macnamjra. CharIrTorr4, UTK 5Vejtl,fficulty in. mak og , K:t i yT, eKit' mind betwtne- projects urged gy... differ. rvU r ; - -y.-t ? KcumynAna, as he was .m.i t.A IfcnH7Vi. with l,Ga r .1 : i. TMM - - t " uiiiiiji'fii v i '-.iv, tiiciu. ue nan nnnnhi .. i Wtna VCiU VL i . , . iT' to nnclnnna ik .1.: .m .. . kika r,. T H "B te3onab e. and made tn yj euujcK. uu me regular ses- MT Pcbasers4 T S1t?Vnfilr S?emarks in explanation l i.' II I II mT "IOI HIS IPnUini tnr Hnln . 1 -T i" i.iun v i wir i TrT .t , i - , - digm ,( a imie better" before it w isado.d ir jvaauca, that the system tv'as ahead Jn.operaMon. as-the cTiangesi proposed did not alter essentially th tPt by the Executive since liuT suspension of '.specie navmem .Th .;J :.JL:i'. wotild gtve us a little more tirncfo observe thei wprkiHg -of the- system, flnd nsrerlnt,, the wisl.es of :th People, lie rta9 oU i ,o see 1 he. finance restored to Cougfefs, r.liy they;we.in sucr?.3 pathless and fW" WtUvln, fiomExeculivel mnipu lilvlhat it Was difficult to sav ivhai di position had better be made of them. Mr K sini tie donhted hilwJ iji detain the Senate ti say any thing upon he causes of the had called (onress tirether aJi,, ject had been dwelt upon, however, by ev- fHKcr wno nacl Drerede fum. nnH was oertainlv nf nrsat .,. . t-' i'"p.M nin e id I lie country, it was perhaps the duly of every iruiuer io give nis vies upon the snhjett. The siibjert, said be, is too important to be Infled.with l( comes to the doois anr1 dwellings, and reaches the bread and busi ness, ol every citizen, of every condition.; and I shall give my views, however unwil lingly, uninfluenced by all personal friend ships and party associations Unless we ascertain the causes which have so strange ly brought the (country into its bresent dis. Iressed condition, in I'timnf r.mr..nnj . r; . ulatioo ; fh Z ' iine MP'm of spec dtffleultUadVi same U,e same overwbermrna ast 'naterial difference bS Zi wb countries has only b-efl ht Zuk has also occurred zi TexVeir- a lh lhere tbe fiscal aflairs ofeVdeS ?!a specie paymenu by the banks a83io f -No teTfthatr nrf.K,i;- . . a, Mentioned b 7h. S??' been opemin 7T . . " cnif n belief. But. where did ih 7 common Oliest nn. A..,l ui' : "V. 19 ine W .h- d j HBrB.li: stated that the President -i . . - www a war w iiiibiia ir ... . - m - Government , -r. purn or V l'wuciner . Ui.ir-.t. Tint?- i r-i - - : . t-Jr.r?ypro. ! , V ?Ltnt$ durtnsr tht ntrinrih - wealth ?2sePj nalwnal t7a" ,wfl"t currency r stationary y M??fn-?ff-' , Tbat there, hid bWnnF t?w had been dAni-u.k t... . i, - liiat Snrrak UlemanC t.S .abor hadreatedjnme artiv ereaskK(rrmt i hi9-- - vOur.. m I hvrtkni . , va,,a tantl,t there - ; ;-vo? "pqaiiion, jiir; K said, "would rather astontshhr... wut. f W0?'? . . . vv uau lajen n rnr i tpl . k - , v -w vn, i an d vi. v 1 Zm ' w-. . " cvc ot -mere asaumn. grantxor, ecturesTJind bSS?' -overnrnent from the cfiarge of ti&gZ rtzmal. caused if.: mMr coumr.es iiaye been siHfciW niir.-.il nar to those finrT,r..i Lt: i . -V'T lereuce. to.trie flmmn, ,.r a ... tiilation m Gmi-Rriii,, l.r-Ja uvnirniaiinn ti fc at ff . - r- -. ..I wie. papercur? p m ijiii ill Wt" witness in both (illinlriov ft. . danc of paper money, am olher fatriliue9 of credit,' or 'the same ,nir.. r ' . ii'JU i liese nosiitona i. n ' i w..,.c.jr erroneous, and the facts he opposes have not a shadow of exist ence. lie said he did not of course, make these contradictions in nn fifTu. away disrespectful to the President He bad been in favor of his election, and did not reVret it. He moreover be- iievea mm to be a man of oatriolism"jirl Y'l KSSM ;cantent .with n erinpnw4rT, ii.-.; t --'.. hotfglu !ieion!diaaintain everyp:- -lion tolhe -aatisfariiW r .11 lY?9: er a jefefene: t .1.-. f 1. 7 ',c j ooo rami '1836.' wiU how an aitgmcntation ofntm ,w.- i :,"ow 0,1 r' r-?:tiiru . mere - aa mucro ;dipr..Wiiooed tohe wants of trade .as in ihe S - V C j , " ffMr. K thpn ffl, 11 . - .. ' 1834. J335, 1836, jdintttbek, and private batiks. . ia.UI:f IHRI 18.377,000 1,258,000 Total 28.568,000 V 1,100.000 1,188,000 Total 28.519.000 17,427,000 3,095.000 Total 28.875,000 1837, 17,868,000. 3.755,000 Total 28,88 rnnn The foreoointr fa'nl f r February monthly returns of the Bank of Jnglaud. and ih T)mU. - - vw'iuwot , :u marcn ny returns or the joint-aloek oanKi, as being the most lik wriy 10 approximate to the 8,733,000 7,258,000 the rch and for neither know bow to m.tda ! 1 rrv lea our at old similar evils in TVTAmT-- 1 on rmance, as proposed to be amended b mn,l,. ;": '"",u - ourieen k ..cu.co rifv 'he Senator from South Carolina- ihWoth ivl isi 01 larcn, t1837. u"r- - , , 3& thOffice of tie lKState balc system.Ta" feS ,hcnlsaid had; -not the slightest bfe,10d,ul) Store Gew been tried, and failed. " - 3 ftoni, .and who;ull,uatey,pa4iheui. Why do that mirldifficulties were owing en. eabhTf ?'yW bscii Ks to the fast; minus tfKifogiw fi'been 2'ndv2,l Jll'l lningso( ttrely-to the unftrtnate policy and Violent flfii1- P-jetievilla arid made here and elsewhere, for its fadureand f",duslnous c,a being clearly a ta: measures of the1 Eiecutivein relation to the CmiMISSlONPR 1 frtH.I?;arid:tbe 1- ?Dh U8SIQNERS.: h properly 10 have : failed. The mIw X8? - ' be capabilities fi?nt. Alr Kjsaid he could prove to any Usfe ndF,4n,o vot il V0 f':ft: L.A1JiA J- this -veiemih.ih K,'..fcV,:v:.. ,cefKoni8ed by it e stood noon firm d dose his ahderstandinV .inrV;. inenas irom Virginia and New York - If t A U " V "J - i "ra a coufd 1 uu 4 me, auniect tlo - bad I? i. ji-.:. j a -I or5 v I1 1 not charge htm ' with VhanA' v-s?:. i I andYrfr .1-Lir:2i:i: 'r.,-;-1.-.: 06 1 cy in this mailer mnA '-- .11 , I fiw.i .Wl f i t - 1" " wen Known. 1 M'a-ifcsiueni'a.aipfliTi i. Mm e'of President inl relation? to ",ua5 naa been cqi ally as tonishedat hennn , .. r,U r Vr netirlil ; ,nil ;w..l. t . i . : . . - I mi Carolina, aaopr. ineaer ThePresideni r.;.:i: :-..Lr enOSltf e.. iW..' L . I that WilHr RWJ?:;;"! i be :bdneverVb.d ,haf he NffiiSL Jwsl W?"tt m lm fromlhc bnnihrnd State bi S b a fitL ,nl?hl te for pne rnomept . The history of the Wcirld could d rkwt1- . To an? per. fTOf."? ?nce inlwlnch an.admioisV theExe Wnfe&o8 ira trjiitemeastireadritanyint i0dea brU. '.r-nJn thiaState.bdr whole eonimunitvMi.a.Vr,- . .? 1 r - - w no aggrcra(0 lor the month of Januarv Tli. ;.il.ii.! . 1 m mm WMMUumttvrm n rn integrity.- as well aa-intelliae.. WiS? el lu"r. were before him, Mr. Kin liopeil ,to be able to supportliia Adauni Z.' !be;.iervice' of.,nV gen- ration. Bufif jie was(as V-ww Zubl .TP 'bQ?y and irl monthly less) a sincere it.qnirerfter truth e SSiVLl.,? 'nVr8 circulalio was ao would , be;glad to be correal in the views . -icuiaieu io ueceiye tbe.Feopliv anddi- tu,uL ' ie oove uble, vert their minds from the true agency bv r, paper cor- wbicb they have been overwhelmed.MThe 1 ro .nd during the years 1834, President'sdinerence,' in fact. ongbV to l"?,1??19? mentioned have shWn him ;wlerabe fault layff He t SM,f a b sutes that one nation has ; become bank- ' -d e Jf jCCn,: 1 lfe enrrenqy. rupu' The other austaiiedCitserK TS& now neatly; recovered. Why this -'differ- pO.OOOOOr and the entire 'aogmen. ence . vVhy,8lmplV becausouL WiL ?ncksive, distress of the debtoh unald, i J,; ,L C1 one year earlier; ) waa oalr debt; theirs -.Mit-rt,, -:t. TcIe ruilene-na,(f P tor for wanVf mone vrdn. Vhim': rhV 4 nifreney, and aboqi oDe ti nPnf-. i..ii ilt '-ji."". V 1 ano ler cent on the i nan-r- .su.- wa a iraiiniuiJi la a rrri tinnti xr mn i - .i. a - aavaam' ace wnetnerthia In- Jt.eceasarily lollop ihatSe fr faring 'the And in no. case la he ,chargeablewith the fr?? '.r." n ' folhes and extravagancies 4abWnri Um V-vI- WuhuaateHein JolL10 ,icr ; iuaa netetorore; if . "r ine oetter nnderstanding of the sub- live would consenttolet a iiohev Wl-read the passages alludfd toJ .lbe, conunoal mterfereacesv by Ktben rread the passages fihico fot !nM b,ire been tofmented; and ,ow:V ?:; v 4 vl Mr T&2S2S 2 5i l2!.W''J.lir' UAVip5VTV. ino. M bel ered tho tltlemenu Which of ih'.TiiT ".r - ?H"ce mo.-plan luoft, cw.waiaMi. .'jribmmm m ft intent rtri'- r ? r-:ttt"VYf5n5,f hi ow ng is thratatefnent J the vant of hr8Hlebt,"be obliged to ortail I Z rflv ' i "? hirexpenseVbrotherwtseonbmtze t a. while hot ' hrinir ihri-rtriTiVr'' ni WTr tne gta!c nf - lore mrliKily the rclerihe iwd.ihe 'ir uY&P?1' Ua- iiikely eB'affir man ofiLtverpooIataung'thatifiere ta ho ;- ---w- t . i- -- - 1830 is20T; '1834 505 't 18355535 1836 .5C7f 4 252 1837 - 677if 324 200 S2' SC5 -591" By th abote tableyltin be seen that when we add Ihe ntimiiwi mAnn( f ciein 183 and . 163G. 5reanectivelT. ' we ir? is '"oo- fifld an e'encyXid MaT ry :ht, nearly 94rer;eent knB in": augmen-' if?rt al!n of papcrcirrjuJiiibn of nearly 00 per " . "-:"' ccjjt; - Oar own' entire "correiey wet du- ! .4 .