, i ' 'It ' , - I M, k. it k I i 1 t. . J ' ' ' : - f J, ,-v. , :,vn , .i ' - 1 ..yi K i J "v. f - i n 1 1 N Hi . , 4 I - r IcproTcaent, 6b,04T Bit i 1 I .n...i.J.n J! i Jr-.JO, : i C::h received cf r.:.!: cf ;r -rVV" '' . 4 per cr.l c;i 403 shares of i - ' . r .Al&iaM ri u V WW r mm - m w ; t ft, i .: : I I I j' s ' f i J I '. j 34 CD CCD CD 510 CD 140 CD i EXECUTIVE- DEIVVlfcl'MEiiT. fk- f I Mtr . r Ed5wd btiolj; Sulicitor, 6 da ' -H"- Reir of ttiilCoillptrollerVwhich hashfenmnde lo iVan AH of iUjIasl-frVsion f)f ibe- General As: '7 da stock-r.eia in aiu . uans. by- Yt :u ; ?u; 'f-j,; - i- l V x - - tt ! sx:d CD ! ;:. " i vc?renuin2 wan Lec. IKU, lGf3'TbU . 1 L i LL i' .!a HEQUILDUvd CAPITOL. 7 k West, Seerelarj' to the Board kd CuffiioUsiooirt, .i5,4fo n 5,5C3 CD 550 CD 1.000 CD 1 - 112.450 CD do Uo . . :do do do f LaIoC Saliibufy 4 nd Sj.cbtar, f Newberrt Uuuseri Wo- do' . n Hi. 1 1 i ill U na!8nrduXS,F. Patterson, C-.r 4 CoaUdIV OfficeHltJriibJ llik. 1837 'ij;, ; " CubiiiiliVg a KMideusedUieitfent oItttjcir fiscal few renrrk ' "!V 1 N'T V'" ) ! ( ! ,KaieK" ti the gatrrpari fr.S.ii'."nd ihe most tromisin? priiort-selertetJ and jsur; Vrt fenTk will be 'copimihiced. Dotti ihe - lille aud 5ands fXW&!ni oV.ComnjoScliOQjs will yet require jegis- lL: a su diraried bylaw, ha?e been loaned out u a illumed ' Tjib WtloDf-nihe scaler part orpotlrtn. IJie i fi ILntV'ia loan to "llie Uajvks ere strong and concHsirev ; i H?n'.S;Mhle turn' w.TuUi lioirure be pnron interest; 5tJd Ihe 1 f Ui unwell j.cmedas itia1d.possly ..be-frntt ;y-btt rl beek appojufea iiul ;a,jsooil 'J, ;r! ; :;f 4: , f -f Nor. 1836, iMr -'j iOpi :ff'- ' Jan.U9rfBaWeeS-PTAlewonfi:aQi20 S7 4 - - r TEBlf Af3.IMPRpVM,ErW FUR&fl l 3omplrDllei!?.O0cp,-Hs,leigh,tKjiJ, 1837; tft'l.V.. Receifelf Btnkl Fjeat iifi(?ds; l63540- -J-V lit r " - j ; rrettdcal and JJ(irtclor$ of lh UUrary Fwd, r ?!fir fln agreement t(ia indleenceou1d tielgrafld to r?T!tK,U to in eoHal or greater amount, and the moriny re- I i it'wiiLi4reeilIecid'rtat tTie General, Assemb!yvhaspprppri ; I .i tr.ii. h it,irln nrth: FiVnil Jon -'certaid coiidititins. - to il iji&mhls, and entitled itself.to'ifie patronage of he $late, cffiincked a. work -of greal magnitude, .il was neecssatry, to !;Bffllaed4om'ect the obligations of the State .faitlifulW and f L,arepgfm'of'th.evoTkwitlimorecer IJ I 1 1 am, ver lespectfully; jour uti'tlaerf 't - ErB" ptJDLEY; Arawnt received of theftjeneral Govern- - h l: - II I': m 13 each, V j - r , - , $1,433,7 3U ipprppmted by the,Iast sessioq of the Gj- - ' ; t . 1 Jdtbe.redempiTpn pf theSwtc, - .4. 1 To tie use of the TreinrjrPTHoOyOOO - . r, K d.$tork Dauk-o! UapeslFear $00,000 .00 Vt.;.' Road Cqmpa'uies, v 53,77 39, I y; .- X&ttivty Tund icttli thtrtitatt vt'jroTCaroVinak Ff." - ?pfil 5, To prance, then oo hanJ,''f; ?v'- $?715p 58 ' 2aiIijf of surplus, I i t , ?1 . 200.000 QjO :Merw( recvived on;seeralloansk' .; ' .15,8315 70; ! cfla iaXtVuctioii t8i, land' entrreff and1 . -1 V r : j f-i , 1 To Naflce on band; per contra, " '5,110-79 K i l.by imdu'nt loaned to sundry fndividtialsVu S21 l;8Sk OO ; I 4 i a A n - Nir."i, Tm balance-due :Prlf iifont tJ Directors I z f--A ; l ;i rf .: i j f Liu rary PahJ. NuV, JJ; 183fi-' , f Ii ' : r C.ash Kw4edr Aucttoii Tax from r"; ? if ' - Cash recjried-ol RiniMjUMaViita-' : j u' j ; 4 :V V ..lin C. for 4thi dirid uJ od- capjul : ? pj i i ..alwk f said '.Company owned bvtbV' -it: 1 f ' ulet an. appropriated tqtttio Liter- J - H'.il gi "! ft' -'-rr'f Fonrif- . - : ;.ooo ooiFir-'Axi" j k Ca,h rpnpWftd of the Bank hf Cane il1'! U J tVar, dividend t 8 pfr Wnt ,tfclar- ' - . . !f , T ed, on 704 Hiarcjs in capital Btiiclc -of . '. ; V"6;iid t)arIfi.owned by; The Siatd, and . ' j r -riT- " i - j . - 'l!mh' rpM veil uf K.Uik uf ! !ain ITiJ being a dtvidend of8 pecnn darlar- , ! of said batik. avvnd bv ihe President v. J , and JLirentttTS ( .Euerary Funtf, 400 00 land: from! 1st Pi'uv. J8JU, to 30th, in- ! : ! ir ehsive; ; 1 , vV. i' - C 2,059 48 Dee.- Sig-j f Gash received, fi Eiitric of vacant land frv(d 1st Dec. 1836, to 3 1st, in r- dart. 19, f r. . 1, , i 1 1 1.J e 3,741 47 ! 1 elusive. . 1 t . il 6'asfi recpived Tor'AiiRtionjraic from lst Dec. 1336, to Slst, inclusive 83 C7 L ? Cash reiTedwfbr Entrrpsuf cant; , i , -laods'froifc January 1st 1837, to l9li ' ! s iricl.jsiye; . I i' ? ' . 442 SO VCasli received of li.inkof the. 3a j i birir dividend if4 per ceui on'.?J9ii i - i ' y sbares in hp capUaLstock of satd bank fg , . coriedby he President iiid UirfctJST , of. .the Lrtterary Fund.tuf he half y-ar V .eudiog.ivilh Deceiober 1836, 7,768 00 ! K-4 I 1 I 4 U lit la ilaui-j 19, Tu balance dtfeL PresWent and Direetors t Hi 1 -1 f..ofr the Literary Fund- j I t -25,192 041 ICR- I 1637 . ? '-. . Matt.' -! x Bj halancedue President and -Directori" r .:of.th'd. Literary Fniid, I ' ' ' " 7i- -i -7,.- H".l9i !By DAV Codils, his successor in office $25,1 9-2 041 ! ii I.I 1 i 25 i , .Tnlttted in Bank SfQck;-? ; :V : ' Iit42'a.0( . ?Aj5pbpriation 'for draining Slattai03isketrut 41 '-'I ' Ue (drawn) , , . " , V V 8.00,0 U .ohapiroller's Office, llaleigh Nov IM, 1837-1 , 1 ' ! -s: ir.V'w 'H - .j. , i' - : - V ' ii ;-s If Sa)ntfer2,1V Patterson, Trtasw-tr-tf I'nUnuit Improremtiit F ) ; ' ! S i . . I Count with lUuurd uF Itttrmnl Imnrtivemul." i ! halt Pl.ilirta4 C-T r" . t . : CO BaUnce 'due loiernal f rapraTemeoi Fond 1st - t " i I Deduct diborsements to Jin II 1 f 4 I 57.094 48 VI. ' -t 1837 k " H '547. 87,1 rN '1 - .lift '. I' : S t"'; " 1 J V!W ' g ' - ! .."V. V.. Balance due Int. ItEproTedentiFundi JaV;10Jl837j ''K 56i54t cfi ii - 1 1 mI f . ' t - A - 1 - - I 9, - ' ' I , PUB Ltc ITREASspREU. ! , C t , Received f Public LtHdsInear lialeliibJ. ' 100-00:. I" Bmk of. Cane Fear dmdendsf't 80 O1 ,U,-& ' : Bank of the Slate ditiderwls. 'r 1632 0Or 'V N; -' I" -" I j t 'r6t - - . 1 4 fit " 1 in 1 "a. r. L4 Thomas Murry "t; Oanjnwj 1 JIM t . 4 Christopber'JJexliy . N, I J Wmas-Eweli"; V-J7'. 'Ann Mdrrisan" Vr u f U habelUJampbell ; -J', r:" " f 1 Elizabeth Rives j h j f;-' . : . f - . Alexander ; Taylor l'r " ooiin xinem; Mary Sloan. V 7. , " 1,SC3 11 184 tO 1 5L2 91 J 12 72 12 74 25 47 II;' t J - ( : . 1 ' ill- r vn 1 ? .! 7 , 7 5 Dednct aHjonnt dne 8.JF. Patterson, I 1 ! t November 1, 1836. 1837 N 1 . 11 Jad, I9j Sundry disbursement to' ; : date, 'Amount due S. F. Fattersun, Pub. Trea I h ' 1 1 'ft ir- Amount in the hands of S 2,670-38 -. 16,4U 00 - i Hi 34,661 99.37,332 37 ,V Jao; l9, 'isifr 20,920 &7 FJ Patterson. Ju 19 1837, 00,819 23 i?2 aj sAdinced Enoineer. C. B: Shaw. : ' ' 792: G&i 183: fargea ortne Uoaru, C - o . - . . r s44ji-07 I A' V 1 1 1 Vu oaiancq oue T)oaru.oi inieroat 4? it CI', rt if aBceooliaad.-'."'- '.--4" :t 0,14,0,79' If -F .':--r "':233;64:3-65 tomtifaimtvaneat 'Fund utfh thk State of -'M Carolina ;; ltlT.fiaoqnt then on hand, fJ . '$59,33301, ,"r Uilanqe ofsitrplus approd 16 IV Roads,. 533,757. 39 . filved. on "Cherokee bdpda1 r V.4-. ! 668, 57 , V , .'V 593,959 571 I, To balance on hand, per contra '? t S 3641CS..32. I -if.'. - 4 .- - -V -- r:.-' i f. .. - 4 . t . 1 1 . ; t837uf . u cR.f:-; r;A- J jj', -Byfirst instalment raid of subscnDtion .to-C ", !' 1 1 9- ..UTiejW Sc R :jUil Road Company 10,000 00, T hin&. In Rtiknf tKft Stat nnd ArprhanU' - -', . i' ; l .OinkrNewbern '! ' V.'n -f; 325,000 00 OUierVorporatwns or injj.ivrduals ' :'1,450 00 "aidexuense firi oanS SnrrfVinorCliefoke f! - Ctircs of Board ' . J- - t. nil. 45 V -- 1 ( 5 1 t Ii j 1 1 1 . J - , 1'. ' " ' . I - 1 , f . t ' , jiHprovotnent : ; . "Cash rcftuvetl of Bank 'of Cop . P r j Fearrltidend of-per cent. capital stoqfr ot said bank; held . .;.: ff l1" 1 . the. Stale,' and' appropriated ' j '4'' - to the fund for Internal Improve- "" ' T i K.i 1 'inen:?, ;4 - ' , . ' ' O -' - 4 ' -10,864 00 :' Oec. 31,;"- Cash received of Njnian Ed- : 1 i ' tU tuonslonj Cu-romissiobcr, 011 r ' 1 rmuot salt's of Cher in Litidsi 3,253 11 ; t ' v':!?J :.. Ci6lt',--TtJceied".triis':'6iotnf'n " r ;tS7;4l7 89 4i ii T! 1 I- cunuif UUIIUSA'I lilltlUUiilS.UC I if. 1 r " , " . I , . , ' ' 1 1 " . nominated liprnkpA hnri.!. .?"S.O-SS 47 ! !l? tali usw reirciveu 01 vcnauian j'miy - j- - 4 f 'i''. t ' I tps Chairman of Maron Co." " 1837-- i:- It 3415 36163 32j 11 VI " -i - - 1 . r,v - . t : ; : . , .... 1 i' J; ,:lC?MOVLERS OFFICE, Wo?. 10, 187. j hUdienw 4 an Act of.tli'e Genera! Assembly ol oriU fT'M passed at it M;kr ifirt-T tittiU.ir iaAWi Wnnil ; 4 v5 I 1: .' 1: Pf mptrollet8 Office 1 have the honor to handtyotf ?W t , l s.ls1, October, 1837, inclusive.' T , " ! ..r h rcuency 15. iUtdley, , 1 ernor of the1 State of North Carolina. -.1 --s 4 tl 1 1. - myroflcr's liciwrtfor 1837. ! '!;.;! 8f ;uiil 7;rrY; uiccounl withVut sLte.ef Lv ; C.f '1 ( linger, in full of the first in- ' ; 1j! "fiK,nJ?nt of a judgment ob; I J j.pnfJ byj the State against j ; 1 ! laid Barn ne'er." for. the nur. ! ' ' lirShasof wo lot of land nearl , 'ifj' j ,;.;. K Ralebh ahout the year 1820, V,i0O00.f llVtt 1 svcu 01 ine uanK 01 . t. . r " Court in part pajtneDt okthese- cbod instalment due for the pur . . chase of the balance of. the 400 - n 4 1 1 Tidiin W,- Taylor Jd&eph.W. Hampton J a lilies C Turrentioe J aijies W Doke Martin Roberts Yobng H JUIeh 2rge'Mo?er Samuel tTerrjj 1 1 1 1 ..if f . ivnex an tier J 011 nson Al)nGrr.st . Niijno'n M Smith wick J"Ua Frreman " Janies Strnfiiona' ' Jw Jl Bogle VVHb VVL Brjaot NVfil'MeAI-Mn. LEtiflnfwr.lfearne ii,vnJer rjotnsn. J NlcConnaujrliay AVrji V llhsrm Sahiihiei, Stone Jaines Troitt f" EtlIdred J Peebles I sail ft Baixiet' ii. VV ijlliam JUrfy Rusiin Perry Pasf hali B. Butt J It Ufddirk UUJertaDuvis G H Ah'Xa&der IsriHlB(k8nh VViSi Thompson v Joshua Wnhamson Urn Kenneoay ISfilbm Q Howell VV WilkinsL illie Junes Joshua A Pool v " Bffijamin M St-lby Thtifinas Wilson J des Qoepn j TNmas-J.' Lea - Abraham Jnlfnrd VViJi H Archibald . Joh J iraalt, : Geo Philips- 4F;m : ; . 1 - ELEUTQRllL EJjBCTIOJyS. t . .4 f Sheriff of brecnectirunty ? Uotvsn i Orange j : ; - j -Guilford j ) j Rockingham ! 1 1 Anson :' i " Randolph v . ! ; Richmond , ; I i ivumDerjana 1 f 1 I 1W -f! 1 . ! .-t , 1 j. v Bcre-trci on wbicti lte tovyn pt . : .v1! i f-llf'? rabkl.n, 1 10 "td county, i. IV VV-MI;.? 5' ' 14-Bonst'einif'WaViiientiOft 'oht r 111- ! tjcmg .piyments dUe on- rr.!--Cherokee, bonds, 4 f-t, 1T,500,0I il Mm i', ,"v?Cashvrecj?ivqd of4JJ RiSifdr, isi-K'll ' o) 1 Domud anj? JUwuord.vv fignte- 4' 1 . t: 19.676 59 L-; tw; vuc acre 0 juuu, iu auo , , :V-:. V. 1' county'of .Macon ' .filOcOO - ifU Jari. 19. TobalaneeridaeBoara bMnt, Ira- Ntf r !836iKft.- f nrfi lr.!; 'v:i-1 iUec.;3U ; TByVisJi 'id HinUn EdmqhsJohJ '.y W.'C -'okte uh'dsrt c;:202'87t.P T4;' ' 14 Cash paid OibrtanarStranle;"'?: Hjb?V FiyetteVilIcfcradrertisinssalei' 1-: . 1 1? "S v :;Cjerokeelandsrt rf v: 600'; fJ - H CashKNKonsroa:: f . V ;V M -r -f; i v coinmisiibner; contingent ex : - P h' ? f:-:tlandfiafcs inpVnruance of are-T -ff U - -T ;r olauoi ct the General Assw-' , W 4',' V-nw;!: r. :4-f-"i8s ooU ;-J. b t -V - vara paid uurnphrey-i'ocev.fis 'i ' "per Resolution of the GeLeral H L,i : Martin. .lieriio --jllalifar; : I red, 11 i N.'ish i il. Robeson i i JVl?i.itg(imery Ii Alcklenborff i1 j Chowan - st,.keS rr- t if ;i imMiw :if ' Alaain . ,; TNorlbarflpfon" i CurriHifk .-'0 Camden; - , Fisnkhd ! I Wake-1 j Washingtoa " Tyrrell ' : " ! Hyde-: f ayne t: i i .i 'L - -i .-it rUatidsonr.' A r- It t$13 33 22 00 ' Si 83 1C 16 : 19 16 ; ; 22 .50 I 15 00 19 16J , 12 50 n 21 70 19 16 t i . I 20 00 Il I' v:-i,yi5 83 10 83 17. 50 H 20 83 4f J2.56 'r'S29 16 . -ji-19 66 v. ! I Qft ' & Iff" 4 l & r. . . i . ii Nathaaiel as?elMaenrtr M 11 It ; J , lil - . 1 L - ' -,.4 It . V . " - , Ti r ' I ?? . - . . , LO John VVUfnntf, T. . ; Arim.W VerWb'iHfM iKitiberfurd .;t"Pasqoiatik rpiuT' .jYancy i Lincoln ;Vartereti ; Cabarrus be -;j ',, 4. jsian ui waison : 4. iivi i - " ----- l It .i.J -Mt.-tt -: a- -J " t ' :. Wui u Uwmi j j 4r". i - r ; rv i CidkOAlwHafiFj ; J'1!i .-. i 't: t i Genj'ae Bower - AVtn A Mowis. John JIM i-K' .fnni ihn Partr Archibald Henderson: vi. hjatnett'L6vV- V 1 r-Cc f ! 4 -t mi - 1 ri,1-,- 'si t I : SENATORIAL-ELECTIONS. - -Net: 8Q C Ilowel, Sheriff of Hiywood 00001,. l 1 -t- -KV irfkjCDIClARV. 'k; , . Nov. Hon Wo Norwood, Judge Sap'r Court, 1 certifidate. Dec V v f-of 6 percent, declared. . . y i - ' - v Ahctally ? '150 COti ' i - U -.v Hf 10 shares cf stock beldby ;' h M ' ; .-v-tf 'f- 4lij 46 V 1 :iSeS-N: Carolina -ifr .-,V 4 tl"'! - 1SD7. S-;-.' -.:-r W'- - t ft , ;.i ai ' fee capitil stacU of skid bank 60 00 " J Jai i9By Lilisccidus. rcirdlcMc&t:l;u; ' . i r i T . i - 4 " 4 T:i4 1 i -2 4 f 1 -l- 35 S3 61 66 HO 95 39 '16 .37 50 7 50 5 S3 27 50 27 50 "'n35 83 t 35 83 M 10 83. 23. 2o 20 00 5 2 ?0 40,00 Xhos. B. JTaywood;fOov.Spaighrs sa krj the 'WQ&r iter 1836; - - j : , ? T . VVm llil Secretary of State; sahirjt 4$h Quarter 1836, S F Patterson PobTTifctj 4th QuWri.r salary I8S6,1 A ' o tepnen irusaij,. lera; to I reasury iepanment j to n Z0 t 1 D C ) 4D CO I., C 10 CD (.D I .4. ; 41 H 1 tik .i4i. U - V: ,1 " MU'kJ.-i"--.'vn..i i' j- f I'M. ii A 1 pieamao, Comptroller; 4l& taalier; salary il836t Beverly Daniel, Adjutant;Gene1alj hilfear'a salary-1 . 100, - I Ji A. ! irHfior, abcjT'tinrv ! I- cD $:r.i cd izro cd S75 ro 125 1 J $500 O $250 CD John M Skinner, Thos. G. -Polk, Stephen Fox, GENERAL jlkSEMDLXA I'm. V M ici U I I .. . fi xuemoer 01 oeazsiei 4 -1 'Mi do lU iiM i l .: I - I ' : il Aiexanoer nieoaoe, -i ;i ThosH Hall, , 1 K 1 41 do 11 Weldon N Edwards. , ' do . " I do 1os Marshall, 11 - I Jlouse of .QDmhuotlj uiioajtraaa t . 1 co .1 r v : ; po Henry Blount,' .1 U 1 ido - '! do Saoo'l Smallwood Jc . , , 60 'So Wm; Fleming, , ? ' do. , r o I- CD ' v 2R2 CD 'J- Jattes A Dunn F B Salter thwaite, John Boon, ! ; -- r Ahner Neal.: 7L'' Blake W Brassvellj ' do John H J&rman, ; Dixon SIoan,i 1 i Vyindal Davis. j T,.l tX W.llr-.. VUUU Atl. If OiAClii 1 1 da do ao 1 1 do do do r .- CO . ; do lb do 1 'i 1 Lrl 1 mtrA .Ml ' f- 1 M -it - l - 202 I 3 210 CD 197 23 137 CD 1SS CD 195 23 15i CD 165 CO 213 CO K !0 ir.j td 2T2 0 t3 177 194 ( ) 163 CD . 13H CD It2 CD 143 0 165 CD 3.fe61 05 4 CONTINGENCIES, t i J ff' - il f ' rT LI f I - 1 4 Turner &. Hnrhes. for Stalionarv for Ithe iGenfral.Assembly tKiand public Offices i IPj't t ij ! ! - 09 t Henry J Brown, repairioj cbafs i the Sieeretary'i office ; . ; I D J H D'Carteret, for fldjngr andatiteiojRvised Sututes 45 "5- John H Hill, by resolntion. of General Ahly. t i I' : 1 4 1 i 1 Tbnmai Lor in o. for brinlinor. A 1 1 1 I L ' ' ' i 1 14D4 'KpbraimXox and Jamea VesUl, by alesolutioo of Ue General - j , - I . Assembly j xA llfj j - -k j ' fvJ 1 I"T tT l:tla yiMMi.Mt!Mii. a1m-1t IAiimnt!MMn,t fit.!! "Si IICIIIJ V V Ik 'IKII , WUIUCMBUIWI W. VIW1 f yauiwHnvwi..r I 1 k , pointed to tevtse poauc statoeies 1 ,j, VVillianxH Battle, on$ of said commiBsidftcri' r James Iredell, 1 - do , j v r da M - tr:"n;--"Hf:il.:-- inllVn WIT for" in. 1 V IIIltlLU : l IIKIII9, U1 V IJMjb 5'IW,'W M .f- M r" '47 53 li'S 83 liii-. - K ! 18133 it-1 f. .;k- 44 itu : ;si 04 : V.i 13.50 .r so 00 : , i 27 50 IIP "-mm 1 i m t 'HA .... f, - j UKIiVII " " . -T36"' 66 f .4, 81224 JD2 H m KIC'OO i Willis G Scott., do" I -do . NiWacon ! tbos. J Lmay; prioxm? lor me i resaury yepanmcyk Thomas J Lemay; prtntio lor Comptroller,; , . itreen iiut.oy.Ttoiuuon uenwii AOBrumij )i ' u William H Williamsraandriesose Ekecotife office T ..Inn (otiinff nltffea "I .Hil K )ffn i I I M1" Tarnef' Herbes tesolotion Geaeral Assembly - T ; - ; , r - 5 . I . m-m 1 . . . ! I W . . catire odes rjs oo KT40 t.ra S. . S2J)0 r .c. i .. . aria. . U ? 'T- 4 1 t:K- a. - f:20 40 .47 00 lr'"a6.40 k, ' L46 4D0 i : v 27 oa r .fVv,-J9 oo 3rr " 1 -1 27 oo. General AUembly I UU4'4W UWUW1VHW. ' 1: . "v jHoft Wm Norwood, Judge Sap'r Cour -Ii ,01 Saunders, John M Dick,. 1 4 9 4- do 0i oo 810 00 f WoV . : - 90 oo -1 , do I 90 00 10; f dd 1 200 00 U Z do't . : S2U. W s ;4do i tfo oo F.r.n I t' ' forming' him of hla.election jts snlctor k -John Nntt, i" ' k !d 1 L do j.J Joo'a Parker' Isaac Trottt, do - -t daji RWtLov0 laae Baxter. do' 1 do , I W B Lockhart Hiywood a Little, 'And Iron Cji Exe : ? : J:;.- - mv" ' Iff- 1 4 t v . ' Mfi tifnnTT' itECAPlTUtATI Electors, for PresidealindiVic PreVtdeoH Senatorial .elections, klkki'U1 Judiciary, ? , r; Rebaildinp Capitol? frre ir Motes burnt Bo2ueBuks:.l JPtkl PenstonerSf , A Li- .f r'i lLl Executively eparjmeni Department 14 5,at6 l i Comptroller Department Adjptani General vQfficei ii 4 1 )N. - If r 4 1 HK 4N 1 4- i4 I k ;tj ( iM -- 1 13 f - . 10 ( ; ; o c ;:d i: . ':17 T - ! ( " I '! t - 4,CZD i .j -. fc .1,2 : i c ;d c j C " ' ' 1 t ' r ' l': -I : . L5 r LCD C ) - ceo c ; tcd c - CZ0 ( "5 1C D C 3,ul f 4.c:d : 34.6C1 r ..do : - I j . ' if . 4 i 4t , do1-- w ; " ido " Hi 3 R J. DasieL-Attorneyl General , j ? N W. Alexander J Solwitbr.:p t T t John L Bailer. -I 'do .1 t.i . ,r':-j i. T.i"i. Jr.J.. if .i azl on - -obn 5I Dick, 4 lo . I 1 1 do ' 990 00 . 'Hubert &tra&s r ,k'd0'- -'".IIM Saender3,t.7i VfK vAlpsrlrderTroy.ScIicltc'r.T.k J0 JnhaPPinaeTtr. do , UoaJJ Danii?r,Jad2eSyrrenae,'Ctmrti 1 J"""! V,'ii,df:astoa-. Vd.f 'k 1 k t t-l'bc.-.as IUGiif o kt I .ltics f.Uevereu. IlerrteT. L IS , MP . tf,-i M i k f . " 4 Jl ! 1 ? , 1 " I -' 1 ' v 1 .11 12 1 do do do! do; , do do do dd 810 00 SO 00 220 00 220 00 '625 00 i 00 I 625 OO 150 00 k kThe above is a slatimentjof the oi&barsernents frrm tbd'lsi tf T.. reriibe'r 1836. to tbe lfllth January 183,7, inelntive. . ' -) - ' I I) i i - 111 ji 4 4 4 - ! . . . . i .i i tin i . : JanSl. TocashVitivedofB.nofC.p. dividends of stoci, oof pprnui- - ry i cent, oa 10 shares, for atho :half jfsr. ead- ; Subsist Dec, 1836 :v j 4 ''tl Crrecei7ed of WUtmen Siaffins. cem ber of ILegislatore, ovirpajJ hio CaV receded of JohaiW Erjta, aisr . .1.- 4. -r t ,:.Ufitre. ovircaid niA i Fcbl 23 CaA reeervedi 1 amouat appripnated from r ? f..nnA tA rrpi) ihAriril and eodtlomal expenses of the SUis Governmi, 1C9.C -Cash Wived of F. U. Haywood, beir? pnacpaiana w w r" ' for pfltcaasa iuu .wMi April ' ' ' ; il H ll I kin f f ' I H 4 J L 1 t 1 t , i-i'tti- 1 1 I ht i . k r?-rr irrtr h k-kl-klL kl i . d.4 N r tLE'l X k f ' i . J Hfk , I' 1 L 1 1 lrf'h I

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