jj7..7'7" 7 iiT I :7l Li ' 4,:!t,--- ill K- :4i; j ' f 1 ; 5 . - -,! St i ri. CasS received cff Jc!ia S GtUhic ; : Vrf meat of first bond, for parcase 01 lacds,-i',.4'n- s'-T " -f -itlh" S3 73. jc3rJGwjna,!:7.i:-f?v Trrrit nf r--.i . ! J V.f, to act arcr;. 'tr. v. .ca t. . anif r.. ; . . Ml lo V 7 v . f - ' A "V 4 - . i- -if? V-'. ; ii f - Wajr . ; t, 7 -J Aogost . r h7VS?5?Kflifi. iiae'bft ih. Attar-: B "rr. E:.tf A. Sit. of North ' 4--.f : 1 1 Cash feceited.oi vj it nfj" -'- - : eroor. the same havkgjpa 0D,,eJ . iciof Congress, fur tats' ; : i penduures daring , Tr" Britain s ' i ' . -' J: l ri t iin 2250 Uhareai of I f 1 t : t s e ! dq psojotjoo stock ... 'sJm! this month; teinar amoont olfi f , : Poblic Revende collectf d aad paid bj Sber- rK rit ed this taofrtb, beSo amoonf of s?t so. f- IK-."-' u ;: Poblic ReTenae col IfTs fur 1536 Cash receded of eetf4 aad paid bj Sber he! sarmeWr.ff irrrt of Poblic Rfveo be fcoilectfrd arid acoo nteT Jbf b Jh-m iaJhe aaqitiwai t?iuxh it 68 243 CcLcrt B Gillian Wcstoa UGalest rilliam A Grahaa i Siephfih Holiasswortb j Tboinas, Hooker Blichacl H6e ! Abner Hartlj. Williaoi SHams Thomas; M&wertpp i.; - WitlUm Tlnrton JatDeat. Hutchinson Frederick JflliU O W Holland m 1 & 1 r'- t V ; if- ' -Rank Tar -pfi cents v0n 1aclicdifidua:.-4?" ii i ! t i 1S37,V- - I: Fife, V r---ii-- -i. .u.ji n Aft Cam .Far fir h .il.i !- rri ruvivoii nf nrhkofi ' r" ' -nanJt Tax kjf '15 ctinislper shareoo S19Q !'Cali receifed4f tlbrl Spenwri Utt Lher- Kf- --j rj.'- r -- -I .--: .If-;-''.1 r 'i James W Howiraj v-w rinpJJrU irof,Hjde cb.. be .' " v . tax, collected, ana accouniua wrw,Jj 413,606 13 .Jarf. 19, "451 7 BY balance dae SBytaiterwh lalejc . v -Jj f 4 Treasurer, and transrerred to D .c "''?'-. T"::." '-. -7, fc-1-. .4. . -.rs. Ioh'Si; VV Courts. W 'Apt' 30- V.idUter-- v f.!ia?:Mji4:Uta?.vJ: t . . JOIW ait' T - ' - . . .- -. UCt 31r JLr iA Q.' nii..-AV:.-t-k-i-l llus moaln.- L; ; ; - T - ; - VvjiW 1 t Bj balance doe N;C aiyh iUf t 1..; 1 '.J- j I r INI v Tr -t;r.2!1iao;-6i - ' "- ' 'r .. it" ,60613 'Vf I: :-; i-i ' . W : GEN EUAt ASS. iBLY I -f Wadidell, ? J Jonathan Redding, i Thomas Ufolk ; - ' Wclden.Eilwardj y- f Samuel W hitaker John iBarnett- . V ; J OWilliams v. UVilJiVm VV Cowper Will lain Albright r.Da7Reer:h M icbael Rein liait ' AlfrejJ porker - John xt)oi -.' ;: S! t Daniel SBaanders vv Z SamufJ L 'Arriogtoa" fttfeyif t jsraea unager Tbmas Bnnting : j ;t 1 -Jaines: Bry ah ' :T-,fiv :ob n-.IXliawktn3; '; tfi-' Thomas Baker John :Ai Biyant ; ''trf--! Jo?uh Houlder r F f 0Uij u;nargravu tKdmund Jones . 1 )Kri;BKftUf : '.'TlaTiitil Iinrt J . .james-1 ttoieneaa :t '"' .-v t V.'. -i sajancan mcvoTmict- JChfistopher Melcbof ; r ' . -k. - ' . JLewis Aiarstellcr ti t4 p i 1, DMosgl:--tli4;ii Hs vusatpu flyers . George F pa?idson - vt JV ill i a m M obd t j t ' . f ! Alfred 51 ojeT r: Jesst? Cooper .j" ' Wiuiam jjodsoq Tnomas-G Stono i.OO .8.': ' . ! -I 1 : I -, , t 3 -a ----- .- . r. mw. , H f;- -!f .-t fc J i ;.t-5 M: SA. 1 . - i " ; : - v T tV;L:,lIo::.;:a,,4.!:jj:t .,-.,(,: j '.cierkl 63 ao7 J ; - 20 70 00 00 20 40 r . 5:-.st,F;. ? VV i,d6 193 I: ' ' f t 1 e I2 I 1222 .90 aocr!6o 09 00 222 150 206 ;50 . - t ' . ;2l6f0O 1 'i3,?qu I f 226 ,0a t qc inn U 42 Ida 199.00- 226 '00 191140 246120 216, 00 J3600 197 iQO M99jp0 ,233106 203 IBa 150 r7 L- c r-J. Tim' j 5 In Hit in lei - & Q K KfmorV Jimes A Kilig r tWifriaro.rAeX:: Hsaac:WtLane - SolarjT LoudermilR (IH-Rfaewiiim: Spehce McClennaUan I; iohi? Ap .MrNei fab't'-'Mattiews'j Baribolomew'Moore JobniMcAlistcr MatonrMoye Jofefi'A MICat V James McNight Ilred Perkins! " Jamea H Perkins M ich ael Pi nek st on MontreviUoPaitorj rveopuo nayner "Raleigb Rtmbuck Pleasant B Robert 'fftUtanietu .nana Johrr Spiers I)ix6n Sloari w -Frarjcis L Simnsoa John St6ckard;vVl WhUmell Stallirigs John S Smithy r Thomas II Speller jGeigej-Thomas,-.': W' f;v, ThobasTuarinsonj i HAIeiarder Watson Raifd Vhfi1y -, Kedar Whitlev James M VyUUamson Kiif;dp ii -rjiw ;4 i i mm bit -.3::sod;ca iisitoo : ;-200l;0 00 00 - - -' 5!'" P - t - i .: LV I i l.Ut. . 1 aLlttl '. lliu i - ; k - I . 1 1 . f t &7'v- rv "fr iiOCPCi'ricll things, thm ti cyuyJLheithU :.j ir t . ' v."rjwas ?uea 10 tna cnair,-, enq i soref, the r atchman woaU -ir.-.U .1 W U. j p in:?: i i. I yke tppqinted .SccrcUry. j Cn We bclieroat'ihis raotnetit; li3l a jnsjqrity of hctioa cfl)nn1s1DJ?erreb'2gia'; f T rdth Caralir:- whnU rr'fr:t n art.: OU florid cpressiTQ , &8-c-rcr 'cf the StU-T" n?J eaPa nnnMar?i.e ar iP? " CO feenU! Arthe?dep3rtnr4t6f Hr!r;lanJra;M. Carke fc re a pp-iini-i fjr0 nf'-tnps. onetir irpar.' illmhi'fi ' the rBi'o'O tontned 1oni1i; a rr. i 1 4!t Watchmarf; harfi ieirf .im xHI tn;the Rpprp to derto atiow tirne to thRibo-tfi -Ttv; XjTVf ?3.T .17 .... i hr Ww. til' t : tF-V-. il:tei21ij0d ctfcloclrtnltkt ifjt! ofemitter appUinteii iw tmhyci myiirvakWmi-nitir ifjlies fc &C3450n;tioris. Iiiia iMn h rtm.t I a.. i.. 41. . J '. L i:7.i ibf L !.7 . t . - L ""' .- . !d!d da it-l?S4l 7- ;222 ;oo 180 00 215 00 14$ 00 : i . 217 40 line Ins ai jt lli'e- tete;ildM.ai' : 1 a J 1 ivollin ' ft .ff u illumr aal I orlnrr urn. I nr 1 nr, iiiinv v tw va ra il.J. aitw a n; jj uj'ji.wi j t-ih i AVe i fur v v. Inter? f. a1ii Car; ,. C150 tn ; .. hs rr ,-7. . ; -remark h 'igontlcr..: rntid !.i arid lo r. i . jumuihu., 1 uai uur n? i nnr ! ion?- inipr. f T ;19a?nofci5rse:itb;himle Nar ;te3lim6fiy.to tb twmcei i -ilitiWM &mww& ?;WMm ? n inmivome tiL ill lh?3 17. bi aHasteor Qa84cal Ltteratiirel VLAnd exbcHsb'hfr lip-hatnis: trust v.-7 ! diiri highljf priced In bis nfcw spber Jof . '. Si Francis HeId. dtrtMi'l&PDcr 0.4 "Vn ' m!, - lborii;i-t-r.1-:h:H ' 1- --?Jf -I i. LI 1 1! .1 L-:J1 " .r 1 I itiit., , jr?e4fttbaitre f in Alhaoy.) emanrfing' jij mirror Mr vMrl lT virtistra'tiohl in lhle' sa hctuar?. and'nrdei.tlV lli McK"0xl fottrnorrfef, fflfiiiyiand fsn!. 0t oc Msh-tliittblmUdlandr ieibasbi iVfeqiieoilr presented Id us idair T!h W1 we sa, ' i t "t J ; ti v i i "M' ' tvayj'jLii j11eut4 j . ui coarse uu " 7 ' . V T 1 cannot arrenier njim BOm- 7M :9 7 : I'l" - ' 4 " r r . d f On'imoUoii of MrJ FmeWblt7was '! teJ tbtvedthat Ibe prjicepcJtngs ofjibik nieeltng Wfthayd and Home'; r I .r - Jams M. BcRKci Sec'r 1 'i ijlL'Li -7J:LI f -kiir J cugciucm was icuc.tu iiwiii ui;u -If . i L la J "J I la f ; rr rfl V "i J Charleslanl?, Principal Oferk otjl'be Ius?d, lssaftcTfoitUr vi'DoorHeepr j :do; J . v-"y. Jimes .P?ge,-As8!stan.t liU-tifri4 " t' : Thbtnas L Vest. Enarossing 1 James J TlKSmas - ! 'sdd PeterR' LillK.K- do S' W K failing : 7 nezeKian a oproni AIrrkMoVe Thumas G Foster 7 7 Isia"Trnu"tK.;7 7?tr Rf solution --7 Alsey H TwkerV i ! Jalijler Tiufit Reibtatioii concBrninjj ? j . . 4 v U-.t op 00 po 604 r04 oa -"2or. 3 1 1 20 X: 219 i 20 2!8k0 f - - ! L. -2 1 6-1 511 20()i:00 198:40 lt " l.-v": ! 1 . .- JamegMt Dodger 7 Tnbmas B Wheeler, Door Keepers 6frthi'SeaMe.&$ do?;.q'Oimu.M'-ifU' -i I:'-), " if''. !; ? 77 7 win ii iiayi00dir., &pFr.:airt)Uotatao&K; MVfe-L:;S5t 00 Peter; Adams, .aiivffe d0l-: - fnv4214!;60 4o: 70 7 :t p Peter Adams, Vc,lf;v4"Iiaiter::j 'Charles Brummell ; John tMajtdn i Wm 0 Ciawfordt JafinCoor ! j Henry Cansler ! f O Vt CaldeU . . f 1 J M Cotington I JRicbard C Cottoa , Peter Qntz I ' j". ;-J J "Calloway r - JJ ichael uor Tbomas Campbell Mcc Chambers John Clement ; f Daniel W Courts! J 11 Bedford I . Darenport ; 4dp S77- -") do1 QO V . 7. doj;, .; I j if! ;i - dl do do v "7: - ff-f t)0 ;iffr "7 it-- .7 Ti! .f 7 -lion i 1 : ' cbTQtuifftocies. W'A do Idnt 0 Pro lem f -- , 4, 7f5 '.f - P -'J i ' -.. .V: ' i. j 1.. v, t 1. i77i ifti fl 5 -1 L TM Thos Uufiln, C. J.;Sap William 'Gaston, judge Jos J Daniel 7 1 do -Z John L BUey Judge buj? Coitt - i- i :d07i 11 t $ John M DjrkVl7 Thomas ?NUle si R Ma'Jnders, KredWashi II: Pearsoti.?.' John.D Tditnefr Rrfiert Siranjg9l do do'- 1 -i?-rri mi,- t -1 n obeiitce toinUst-resolftli6n, a cony! flha forefoinj? haviOf been delivered lo . !, I 5 71 !V 1. :-7l " .I'h ' 7 I C A VT, th , 7t-' -j ., : -I - r .i . ! ' . . Jet9 i -nil - i '1 tok aim themseK.'?and4 I ml H-VA-h tiie nubli - I ' stbr.:is;thIrj, p99qoiji 'is'fartySrlinbprure ,' ischarged wiihi plmistiag thni 1:. 1 . . , nevrs. The fro9iierihoweerUs in tae bighest ta1 ? j stale or exritement; rNoatinck had Ven mai. hJen nfl ni iiif iasiuBve, upon i'ft'f risjaim. . u rairioi ,. -r - , rce WW increakg her4 W Uppr . CariaJa g abr wa3 in' Tety'diilnrbbd Aiie.i ' tlie day: '. 7 ;ln St.'Alba'nWil nib' thci;:: tot; arm themseps.'fand btTej 'defHiiheed Lr the I . prlamalion of the Gfoferrjor UqVrnnt-:-TVy fjlsly r-- assert lhat the Britih rew:jhMn .cme armed ill is t)c; t :ojeMbe lin ad W untrua 73 ireatiyt?? cui, hose irorn j so h a p p c ; It was hat I treceired tbrptigri Jtmf . ooiDittee'l nieelinv' here' eaTTj nxt!, niontbi to' tour communication ot the vtnpnstantL ex j LjcoUicoism, piam ,i!ingH5t. jp.,nuitoj ron p g . nressife i four esteem tor mviDerson.1 anai . ., it? wm imwuaui 7.1 y nur W ai .L.Uh.i liiirAJ t consequences j ultima ely U aflfect ihehoIe a- a .turn cv 9! 00 Such testitnoniea oftaffection and reaped VM?" -Ti? H ell ruTTl5 FT l"cc, 203 40 frCdoubif welt-oM I not onlf, as be.na .uTL.! 'i ahd not t! 1961 20 fcrAVf.l1ihilJi.V1i;wr 200 20 ?20fj 00 ; 20- 00 60); 00 434! 00 1)0 ffh j genWotts flowl of yptithfu 33,5 18 em Gotirti ? certificates,1 3 ; . do u half years Salary do i : do do do 1; do ' r certificate 1 . .$187$ 487 & 18T 975 hi 975 - T75 975 975 j'v97i 90 i 194 202! 00 209! 00 iV221r00 K:46.ii:46' tf 407 00 VI'SODO 198i)p ,TtJ4S!00 J'.xhit 11 -I nnil - Attnrntr0 ff4u?ralJ4 cerliiWaifs of 100 Dot- " t iars eacnianOr i :oo,oif" MW! fw7- 7. .:;7i ;.7..u 1 Jobh I Keodersotr? aay . C:y$atae Courttaiwnajy4v - Ti.. t. 7, it.'' 3' n ' :-- i ' ir" iJ.il iHf-"tO -Uf --7i-" .7 -1 ii !-"1R1:!n : '7 ' 7 7 - N . ... -j-. it820 180 .Edward-Sianlym. 'dif $1 i$ James KDodge do ii 16: Mailcha Hiuhjoh,lpra em!3 MdpKl rase nan u uim, onenn, aiicnuairucii.viijj'UMctiio vvji,.. -s NickKn 4lohnsnuntiBgBaittt Irid Detereux's Hepoils of 7 7 - 7-5 Mtff2itft2: OTldDL-OO -r -4MJ C2i! 10 !";Ci82J00 f .-r. .20Q 00 John J Daciel .i -: 7---: :-f-1-'i:dir?TdJ'Erwint ' ; 7; ChsilrfR Ealoa't r i -. - ' .J Charlc3 Fisher .- ' s do dp 7 , j d6U f- Ji'.'-' -- ff r 7 R- 7 i'--i .-- 1 i," ' 1 t - i fl. Br7l';z:,,;7iW'.:d3X-:fe t: f i..4-i James George JMGili&pjo -SlerliDgHXIfd f 210 00 f 22 t)0 207! 60 222 CO 19 0(f 21S 50 140 00 233 40 221 00 198 60 234 00 9Sj 60 238 00 132; 50 .182 40 19$ 20 211 40 204 60 215 40 I9& 00 Samuel T Sawyer; Solicitor,! ceniUfeateS f Datid Outlaw do-' 101 H do I Juhl F Poindexter h'da' 'UlA dJ .." . 'J .JA ' - '- -Kf I do 1 H.udO i.-r, j, - --caii t7 00 00' 00 00 00 00 00 00 m 00 00 ofilivea- !tnait.i I'fhe lite o a teacWer S t irfanufaeturing:;8ipriM declarctj;- Hueol mucrt toil and '-self-denial, and Hsub? "1. TirrB ;vfiv-Bi lw- mat u u : ecTto bccalional flactuationslof (avoi r la lt W? ,fH1 rael vc a cr L - i ."nil V . 5 -will nnver be quiet till w .hae a; crrency, no u,lVL a 1 ' HPfhililWf beTP f 'm4lar. in Butfafe-jJti' trd.flaVwWf Vords r buipose jpr:$lelty iff exertion, ip Inay om- Q-jeansi Jt Galenailor S0,t-eii I York; A, lB J, mu errors jfom tha inhrmily 4of judgment I Irepeaf -oneei rjoof e. Ibtrtiftt1; rieer jrmit r J";. an temper iwhich I he. Joro htiraai fna hfrself.as a Hie to be 4eot-T;3bVis as- "to',i: tiir. (Thatll hatelrjot soinettrnfesldoriej so, true to her i in t? restaJas ibid QfwH 4 thpuVs.-. did m:T::i It itoorild i-prtimHttois--rnf' biftb'iWnki a4"n?H asr4j3'k( .$;ib:if ;mtv;rV. HoW consoHng tnenjin the rot'lsl of tHiVde- hth ata l8 f f teto4pure ,r .ii. i J.: .1 . rU' ir . 1 4i i 'i-n 1 those iotereaf8.- vttw the 'quickest-.' t&nogbt ;and regret lertfd roistrtit of oneself, must it be, at the -et -7 i ? w i 1, I f i & , j ,7 , i M ; , ifi.i-... .i I . , i.'t'i, rj'!'rt . he Keenest eye. t. ii- - - 1 1. tall- rv-f fi -ifi-' r-4 frnm t! JiSSolutton of mv; connexion lith; TCMii that n..ii-ri iJi iiitiJi' .t"wi-i-.-iJt ,ri ."' hfu feeling 7has ( doVements U Ibis riiy . w!thi'e1?re!4toit.l queskl "ulnrl buried in Ulivion lerery 4 hi pg jlhat may j 11!! lhink I niay eayw. afiet fifr? -er : ft' was c iae been .wrong, arid poured itself forth in as a tHne-jwheii hjiwb.oJafi fjVlig fpajiy here ' cr hi affectjoiiit irfbnte to ml ell-iieantl :ere 4 raochiiisptoea ipMrge (jll f frstml r ' -te-Jl$J -LLwi" i ,UUi.!:. preferences; and .t sacrifice; 7fcree6ncfried :.nocs a.: 1 IIIIV-UIU'II 3, IVI lll l.trtU . :,t IVV. I . 1. i i !; . 1- 1j , .)Pt . I. 1 '". Ta.u .J. ik i.Jt t opinions as 10 men.as iney aiq nuwi 1 nwer 1 we CI the ingenuous youth who compose the stn-1 - - jV3..l Jt"lr-L J T 1. . f ... ; .. .y 2 . :r r. 1 1 1 ceiTea .the nomination at that narl: in Uonven- 1 7 U hlif fn 5fiirt tt la'jonrs nL their otiicers when conscientious 1 ininwuaiion nare ien-wjpicK;iraf ;ai i i , -. L J : .- it . ? "1 i - 7 . 1 . . . Jy tWatwM andl ihai whoet toils 40 00 WO I 00 00 00 . -:77-'rV7tk "!-:.'., 99 ':SnDremefdrtrf'y.''m.' -r -(11 Ihi KIL U?- Tbomas PDeeteox; Reporter to Sopreme Court, r ? 7fe R EB UI LD I NXS C A PITO T I West, Secreta?y to the Board ef Commissioners K 'D-rVrrdo----; .. 7 i:-;Jfdof; Nf,. .e- Ti. !do ;4.aa -s,-- u !. :V?' 1 tfa i ' bird . ... A i I I J" j j do ; 1 i S Bird'sall . SBirdsall SiJirdnll j 1 t,j f -kr L ' - 7 77 . 1.' nxECUTivf: pEPAirrMENT.i; x 1 t VS - tTfi, L-4 W 1 .1 U' Ji. 1 "i-i;-ul r 7t7 b K- 5 N 11 - - --.( . .Jit Mr t - tr fi7'i..-"',t 60 !O0 00 00 12 00 .7-w, - ', '. .-;''.' I it. ... - -r- . . 1 - -1 i vV ii' us on ;ri l : 6,300, 00 . -i !.IO,4UU.:VU ' , V4 X'OO-iOO v 5 :,450foo - ,i6;100 'L. -- 0Q 00 00 00 $34,395 C C Battle. Prt rate Secretary; Got Dudley's saLay fwfqcar- ter ending SIst March, 1837.,; fr n -' i-- : -500 Do do . 30th J une do s -r J i . w ; Do do , 30th Sept! do . vKKA J ,500 600 C O Battle,! private Secretary, bislary Jor- ipater end-O1" r f iog . . !st March 1937; H k'-C-V'H.Y. 00 00 1 urrir tviii tMntn.in ririiii in inti irsrir.! 1 nr-.. . to aerve them mjirhnaii? be rewarded " irm ' 2Air";"'iTl.i .n 1 w,P lWit' !fl , 3 12 i 4 prium All tbil M4mlim H uu!r -JT. witt f (deasef jiiji iyoor:t!etet to make Canivrt dates wef -WirtA'- lhe1.24d ogusi. brancc i 4atering Ifjantiori Jof. roy. ser,Ticp .to tlie jCol-; - iTbere.rs no newslof iaterestTtqiu rjL wouiJ : fee, end I itntiljr ftf texpresa i?ojiijropiriiin '?V'v- 7 f "i li-flt-ft' - -! ' ,,J , lli5Lt the ilossiof thfernlwill be felt by the in- Extract tf-M.&Uerffom -tirfeaw:d!JLic -i 0 stitutipnt 1 ut it1theyiiWe:ataii: tlierp4 iHock.loh(frdn4tn iHi'mii' Jfaruri seff cWif i W.;aimp.lf rageyA;sB!ection.now .i'S(edlQccemb&o;'lB& -A' ' : ' afitirdedi them. 11 cbbosihj m? auccessAri mvJt..j ..l.n.lni.i.iui.. u.tJi tr lottr. ' yorwill jbjgaincs gather j-tbaa iposeijs by hataday oriwowncerOijrSpeketH mv resibnalion. f HanDiI v our! cduntrv i Kaa I n( R6ref.enfatiT( 1 in ensenunce uf mibonsed mde sticb advances in scholarship, that tbe I irisuU offered by T,z memblr, came idovn fraili hs" 4- i- . -- !' I 1 S i 1? - f -f' :. .- ."I j :.t 7 t ,i: J! lrJI--Jj JL.. I.i. ti. yonng rnen-PlDl the present generation liate l sai nifa wun 3 uwiBKra. .1 jv jj f --F... .iM i:fi : ',- ! f 7' - '.-x ' tl J ,1.1; J f I I riia snitirrnnici 1 tti..r .1 .1 : Anthnnra With Hunt h- pveuaKen griy nairs, ena our goal 19 almost 1 .v "-d"-"t --m v" ,t "TK',r 7 .1 Cu LI.Ll ilLj i .liTfaii )iler .The rencbonierlastH baija mnoien when .... p"f " H v?. if i " i - " - AnthonV was left dead on1 the flof &tl,e;Speak UVIEIVIV U l ,IVV. w wu JW Vt U'i I . II. . ....I. Ml.. r.M nrl lha wffPP10!' NSfl PtfW7 W: oher sererely wounded. j T'hii He.iHproir OTrriled,iilb IbeJ ord jof tbe;Lacedet ita characteri fexpelled tha speaker) iT4oUelJoha' moriian motberK uponj bearing, of iho fall of VVHsun, of Clark county. . a mari li hb has lur 1? Hi -k ti i r.,-t f towfyrf ,-fr -.rH ' but violent in his feelings.? Fulue 4fi7 1 Lei me. m cone nsion. 1 exnresa-t m fer I ' nr , . .ni n ! 1 ' . 1 i ' rr ! t , J I H t : J !l . ... f i f. t I - I If virtue.' industiv and 'enthusiastic devotion I . -r,r 1 " ' jn to youf studies, reflect credit en the collfge " . T j; ! which baa bred y oil ; and that Tn'future days. - fLHIA 3 -! ' shoold. God bare mv life, Iraav hear of the T JB-i.Rj li- .. f. -J.- , .1 1- f I,- . .-T I ii .- 2 :.i . . I "- ; !. ..C- 3 1 ' ii celebrity of aome aona of Chapel Hill; and j , ; -ira rrtrr iu I irk : ttk ' htiS p. df.bermVtU: ItlB "W' r 14 El B 6AIH A Aimfll tm 1 k ffAVtMl 4 IU d- m J I 71 ' .' . I Ml H fl ! n 7M. t ' 1 i . t Mr ' . I 1 ' I M l f. I w,r at TakY i - ' r j: a ' ti . :T j- ua i i training' them op to honor.' Buob; how SLr, n T. nv " i . p Pj , i . -. t', 1 O hi Cabarras Coo'niy.i, N. Carolina, . moch higher the pleasure. ho much, more u 1 1 euoiioiBiine eniovBiem. u in mat ureal nnai i- rm 9 j.ix.lj gathering of the bnmaifami1 about th'e-tti Foot years old lat Spring, about fifieeji' hands bunal of God, I ahall discern the happy, fa- bish,witb a wbite'apotl in her forehead, well 00 00 00 ces oi manytwnom i nero gnow. and -assis-j ouui, ano in goou oraer,noi cer!,ni wnemer ted tojnstro.fct.; "God grant yoji grace -to aid 1 branded, bat if branded, ! branded wiiji J,1IB. at 1D1S nmil destlllT. and hw mtienl rn- I T'" ki r-r; i .u' .1 r . , -7. . I hnaifm n( btnh nrare and IbiSEf. or one ball lur-M. . i . i I li nK. ..c 7 eral l.( : i convcr. . . spoken c will C; 6tater:,: cnvir.l ' : gi'en ' and Cart lr for' Calho'.: of fii ; lrfstrr.7 prop , r ; riient rla vnl. i . if ctwr: 1 r edj-t!;::' sessi " grer.l .' Ti.c r '. 7i ;-7 i.7.f f1",.i-..tl . I . 'f , . 1 Vlt "T vVfTHa' no1 : '-:--.-73:.rT!v -lit 'IK-'1 .':.f;7Slt Owl' .1 - - f- i -4 ,V ,7-. w ' vv :i ft;," J --I - ;', v.-'! VU!. -i-.., i- S.J : j-tt-f .-ii. ... J Hli flfl ):. 1 ... " i : U I. M f.i - r if M '..,V ..: ' il.i T Jf - HI W" i viT-ciii I'lUPTI . k til III IBB f PTpri' M . t- i ... : i'. .:.".:--...". .i-.i..-. - ji- Kf. '1-y.irf m i ,. i- i a a be xfO.i nL lu.' i t : i iMihi hM'cr 'KitVihi o,.a . -.. . . -i-i tiiiiit; in. una vziirv. v. jtinuance in well domt to seek for glory and I honor 'and immortality." V i S -. . 1 remain, gentlemen. . - 1 ... Lyerj affection atejv. y on ra,. County. N, Carolina. ? Pf :! DecemSet9. 183721, ! 1:"' a. - - - - i. i i - ii i -r t : i . have inoniteiiblr shawu thattbe kLI "islittrre t - ; - - ' Jt , r?; .BIENAL-$IONSU-AGAIN , either," ' : fi j L-j- :UML vl " t N.B. Anj iwison wishing tagtra nj. Infwr- YntHtfexmemin mat at thief, can dOi SO bv directuig word rietter to Busk JklillVCabarrdt 4 - .' .. A :l 1 ' i! . i ' . ii T ,: L posesaihe ivwerjofaJjoarnih roeeiawiit-J. ! QfceVent dcSCripttOll'llCUtl tl r. . - DC-" . tf:en ! ckl ; : V, 7 . , consi;' NT 7 ".-: r-vi - V 7 !I;,.7 if-l: 7i:' -"1:th"7 i: 4-,. r.-7. 1 .if . J . I ,, "7 .', -t.ii.W' H 1 77 " JJ" i 5 i04FUfi;t.wJ44, f I 7 J ,7 . 4 1! " - .-I i

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