M . UL74.,;- )''. , " V- 4. 7 ' i1- i, ..... : .. . ' , .,. 7 . :!''" I r ' k ' j I,,:' I ..-i jsliiH;,'. M . : " r I 7 4 '. ';. .. 4 '7 4 - , - . - ... -,- i ; I - . ; 4 4 V s r . j " - 7 4-;, (i, . 4 4j Li"4"'4. 1 h" 4 i i -1 f: it.' "I it' Ir 4 it T jr. ft" f.nl i "2 f I i "f WsilfacipuUv- disunjpUrred.Cl followir-j .cuci'al froclarnatlon, that tl.3 tnfjof a CizJic:,.r:-Ti-i:i aT,-.-u-d ..with; ;iiCr Iferself 4hc-ticaiivpnsUtcn. Itiwas . loirW of i lb? plcnll ot Rl tiritpr 1 , v Uh'll.s rfccuru; rt::j r:tnOAAp:;tt Jyr W jt Wtttntd Reels',: JIN .wiwun, coanuonsiGOTcrnor f,iii liecrctary -w.wUu-, j v'-u .., V".rt-'-"I r tf f siairs tl her tfisaasa hp hflrkii n'.4 ... ;jiH?6' :tbC veil TO n !i U cotirsc hi pbuld n t-W-J vMkA riffriCOUV OY if auripria flf.VlfcLLdiii iaW1;:fltei f dictum I " f v .si4.ii;.i.lMf! li i i x ire me . ill ' VhfV We 'roaci -rwou Id not. nave - " ' iTJl- r r i'.r- hie wi !.(! Tile J.keforettbCw KHfethtJio clown af .aspcraidru iiutiufts.1 will iur hia furiypi till H f tand auch lagging. I v 1 ,1. PAUntn of Ihe JVational InteUixericer. 1 1 r-fi r ; r i -i i h ' .: ".' f ' '. ' I :.W- .' t"'i ' ? - J &Mf,$&VMi!l in which . my liama., r?1 SdldlijpohndlU fiiiiir-WAft iGalhmio used my, name as Uvifitirt WhilW is Mil!e2l .10: bae taken r-bi4:.fib wthMdwj'the fourth jn iidy;tliedeitiie::acrfi$36t knd it I ilifcrerMlfc ibia alvtie I soppose "ihit Mr. rAfi ntMfih'i li'.rfloWtoarHBia pressions: ..eBa t r?ni Gp,T&dtbpso,f &oifi CaroH- UM 'Miff' Sfiejpcrd, bf North Canili-j ;i,.i3bcstfi.H5ji at tbii charge. It in &Mto,wf9j yPF't'PY- j have'; ati(hrrzrd efci?c of lh:i porTs conlrpued w ? . Ihe Whole rnioer iuin i rtrnco ihi ij, ir;Cf,.:irfWaifvea'lo" ihe'jwreBij fifth CngrVas frVwi lliia"3ial. - t liaf fybnd te aaihe to he aaUfbltysj 6.03 2 S.: STfpoiis. 5 I ( therk rrf declare ll.ai'Si Si Prcniiss arid T; J.;Votd, yiDrepeiir;d ibe greatest nof bet 'otyoea aredul an lgaiy elfded iiepre bp ntati vr 10 the t wenty fifth Coogress from the .Sta.elbrWisskiil4f;2:.-B! Witney mk hand, and ihegreat alf the State, at JacMntH14!H day of fH837j - S m l !-t!J:i . -.J..-:a.-rt J -i - t , . i! Jackson, ObcLIMJ lb7- - l iJ 1 &IX!C0 W!Ti?E UNITED STAESI , w The 51ytcaa goyccnmeBl havd passed ;a decree . 'jf n lhtf jCongressJ o;r tera la'idiapdtd .Ibel weed.thit j'counirr aril I ourj, lo tlib far hitMfent of sorne Jrienl werpr(vdfe jlbis rneislheTOncurjerte ot'otVr.vi!qfe that this ljkr&'iiffif thej 'should think igcoias of Bi?,? Hf1 ia frown,4f ci her disease h fee ;haai nsr!sct?q0;tr l:2i:; t'Ssfe Pf 2C "d- comfurt whicf stsW dfsir; and which j sac, t j tg3, 13 iuijj cioiaioea ; far sh9 Mpen; t ed, apa. fur iba kiogdoaa(of heaeo aa'wai per- t: aa tmrrcssion that has cot abroad wi&t be ' . --. v: ;-n!u!.V 1! r ' sfssociationi for ine improTeranttr Loo(k4 ed:li0rse 1 Oa the iSabbatS fcfecedin her deaili!. a ficena oocurxed which will. pot be $ooa eflTiced from the meinbrj of her,friehda. ilShjs apprehended I thai IhaUaj tvkjd oe ber lMUand "desired to be left and iftlur bed in her mediations and. prayers. ihroosb s iir juts ner JiTmrftqoU m$ Hpn i rrf -f? TPi. MH -T Pff u - ru i : t-:1 !! .'JiVt5JU.Ili,HJw' -ruicp cecame auaiowk aiw wnen aao ceased , r . jLi'tsH i - ii eacn one puio; Miutui acq apeetioaate mrarn- wish it to , ondjLoOUi lljat J LvAt tofteri wheoUdr oarhiaf fizahein. e t lr llllll hifl hvllVMn! !l.rm .r... OMM'r encbowgedynd!WiW.. afiard;1a Spring face Uiideinn iiarrf gt'ngifl aaiiht dUbtleas HWe! Jiertrafterwe shall cantormm our ! charea liter oj3e3i child, between! three and faoi jm of 1 : ;; - - . l . dL ,i ,i -: - t kl- S.-l TJ .:i cKa eiif . It "a.W .1- Jl-i. ..lit- f - . it.r l Conyentjoi?v urconrte!antfirirea f pcf ati xnTto the haida bt God fie good child ; fm comraci? -win remain us; uyrciujviu ui w Ihse elapses. faA aay-yoar Wafers both brbl knd WorBiiiiX tiilf If jJ Abd ;with.a kiswahe added !:? farewell fny. '5 ha, i sopetior !or. RctaiL .-. ' . ' 1 ' " 1 ': - - ! , 1 i -I . . . i . -- Hiree eases Isresehprt n..mAS.:J. K ITC AaiPS :Dr :p 'l y do Het & Iet Anchor Bohin'F fjj n Article nd!o pace,;l 40 32 $ this Coflee; ' 7'. i f bite Usrsfta White Oaii dtto SO Kr kit NV.U . j .fJ i w uo ni,B4jnii in uii. 60OjbsSprrpg steel, J. fcl . ft. i-' S." f ;.! il . " r - -i - i -, - rfajTStlfl it: 6n Cavdle Cri . ' , . 1 IT VVISIl! ta!d eocDly, eoBjtaiftin j : J : 38 lJ: L-. v- r-.-r t: wicu Jtnerei areU ni iltjfi' ! eleared. t'Thia landl Is theifUsUiry ijdditjoto'hciio Cir : from ConcM iVn.iles. 6t34'J lt heslfenalitjjiil aiteihft!i.n deblrijfacta:in!i'he cuuatiy;. . he taken in , uarcienr. I -t i - " C4h3jTGaeoaiy,;DremTir CD, I J'Aah M4!aQry.Kwrih Car.!;: .vtJafaryi:83&:;::j n ft iUlhftnin r..Tf '5... 7 . : i - a . w: t Li T t- i" . j . t . J T.;..:. UU ik. nffi.oln lt.ia t:mVpy AUtittiet aooaty Qine . moti.tnau!dr:Mfutld I f v., 4 4 f lTv r-'i; inltwRTltKjisnOrari 'the arms, kissed J- tei ; " ;! ! leiijid Cmnty ;Courf, and Hrwjpojf cj 1 SXM:-k deottoS6riCWUrtl?rlactie, i , ' 1 " " i Mite brothel lipomas inli Heiea li 4 bhei filien 1 '( UvriSl t r,"kr;-;.-' : oW-rfi?K!!?Nr;-r adiressed'lierelfio her 'ibrvituera and ammand " I tAa-' V JNd w,,,c- ,I"MW2 lWIHl MJ i iaMgUOKIJ B, k , , 7.., .... .Z--.-T -...7- ' ' . ', - ' pUrjrRit;.hldjat ihrseeiitife' Cfllee' Uiyn tlie 29ih oIi,-i MsinneI t'etti for lb lasti tea yearahvf ti enspi a tl ;f x vnrerious she liad nut oeen ameio 9rmK ihnfft k es H the Khishinjr ntroteViindfr lhesperiPw yee lrdnjabled her to UJelitf r all. ternniVirthi- Hr; IrMMhlenbur .-'t . r I ' ' i ?i J i 1 1 ,1 1- I Vnli0 lint lhavVpra .!Klli!lhprif Kfl In lia ; ( 6 - . I f i . 1 CAJYni.RSl. I H' : 4-'- L: : FRfJITS NUTP. tfi CHEESE; li - r $?vda Hisewi,, Carkers. r FiriiTaM Rh .1. pliipcu 1 imra-'K" ui aiibiru. tun s 'wsto f v j. , j. iheeTideneefjre thBuMi t'frnV lUt-itums'eT9 approach teg lief bed aide,Mked Brushes ?art!tM: kioda; SjaifmarV, 4ni CU reason 10 bcne that jirrHteriwiii-aifofe trai-j f,vs !. r ' . i? - is.i iimMiuaro : a a; ' ' ? . .. . a ' I ' - .V 3 I. .'i u ri Ananirf hrv au Asa l.u.UiiA aln hilra ; .nfkH,f 4 - T o ry 'fiatue aequismuri. 1 to ine n 1 rr ttoitna ?fiao pa f 3 ". .IT n rrf 1 ?tsv".ir v tW?rr-b:ah irmifajiorii hilhi Hild tby'l?: -M "g , -TT 'ta,e bl i thft Chssical Deftartaietififtiie Utfrer$My,;vHUF irea-.anjoy ;ibV Vrd ;has said lie, frmild l Fl T V'JK1 T U.' r..lii crt,.A.i 4 J l i ! 4 i S I M" S i ii t ba;witb' to pple always. teTen to Hbe end of ri an 6. IStW :T, H T" T rl T t If 1.1 fAi - the' world. and 1 have Toond i si,." l i ;? ' .! hfl;".. ' - I f1 pas. and itHey are hereby released; frotrilterT ii!4iioii to ar; I 'U4nr:cekiieoV j t liat' might V!liDciftk ireat libertv (o slate whal I said tfitf ayj; Mft$r 6ccaiHi.Y? A )n?ersatioa nfyii t.edl ffiihlIr i Cijhoan 4 fer.'.days' sce jMtHifa! ebablwl , hinci to iay how far I had liihortied niv! nim to be used i on ihe oeeasinn. ibed Motmw arm thatl had given, no aothor- f (of the pubiicationn bo t . j th a t S 1 dppused j MW8iiajf atatpieo t'was made from hat I tiitrw tune aitfc said to the editor twehinsr !:t miller of pi pablicatin ; tbt l ; hid , wrrt- H M lb Ifd itlv om jlai nin of this a nexpectd Uof kj oaeajrtd reveling the poablicaiionV;; 9taterCft4t iola conTersailort, however, Uftoliirred in KrilWahjnaiT.is. accori Wiiij4taid" tbit of Geo.' I jinikjiHu yir vKTwiiia(rariu utru. varier, tMivtarafi4 re '7 'J l tpoiwot ;of;ih'f;:, fjmrtlr ioatalrrleot; v ,lf . .tJifrwa Baidlie rnot htd l&nljo "it ;?Wfr f VUtMba moViey if we have to . take it ifl lf,i I iir'thisrversation laLfncons!sfr.t rith ii ! ?''.voM:-Mraruu?nfc.cura i noi lor ine 10 i-are'wlrml-i.- fnlspeakinsr of this!'. staa4 4jfUle ttMtt lhn Ouincr Iti iMinoi'?fr j V ; ,J ur -n ;f'?a"'g An rule ol war.as a relic of itoarbaasm: and all ihe tert- denciesof rr odjerri improvements Have becri to superfiede ii .! i I We hope in this rhaltef , ... . -i .j ;tfN'::!t. .' '.r i. . ir. t' -'"tji'-ouf rulers wi ll-place us al our proper grade in !he scale of ciHWzalfonr! r ? 41 draining ih$$wamg ZnadsVhnyH ' izens of WaiihiinffjibniN. G ' invited his Et-1 cellency Gov. IDudley, to partake; ot a pub lie dinner atftaat olace.iwhich was declined IW,lhevjantoHli ; The following pa sage froiifi the Cjoveiaori reply, is highly en- courairtnsM Mlihe Jiiorel so, Ihaii ll comes - I I i'' : . t . I : ' '. li- . i ,.- ft: . (I ' from a gen tie man who, has' ahown, himself lX will takejlhis! loppcirlnnity .Icj aay " that the oxarriinafion! the ilands i"h ihe rcitntv of II jrde. haamtiltMd the Tull eonvictioii, that'too iniich impoitane has not and can nobo Mmw to thN work: and fif th btry l:t! It ethehdons hub"oiO HeprejSCiitalivesi iwir pf ihe rlseif Hepresentatives th by Mr. Slade Jof Ver Wnt, lo discns i. .T. " VITII'iUft - A UUUUft IlUk I A" 1- : ? 1 .3 mm l I XI have KEV?KD STATU' nntWng thif Work in 0bf1ate "b"ld; . &iat1, ihal iho printed in Ii'ton; the; tin- dertakerj orctmlMetoiafjir-'the'btioyWr onrwn enterprising triiizens; Meksl. Tulnrj 41 Hughes. --1 Feol. h lufcerl ; Th khrf had 4a desire tdl deWi and I ' ' ' fV :wiilrHhriirwhich; rdent from hei freo'iehtltJifyiriKiff!:: j UomeL Ird 1 r f-ih-U TJm'..iK-. i jesus. cmne qoicUIv' Uih I how 1ik2 snail it.be I rBJ,,v.,,vCI.WBr'.w'?,HT Pwi wun mmseu m rtocRtoi-; Jha ; Shaver. 1 rank .i belbre I shaJI see mjr Savour 3J To a- christian to a smfUfrnainhef of ftopfhi, lhan hji her-TEtlzabeih ISfahghiirfJihn'iC $u frteodjwio,dn; leayingl e I Wished her ko he prr?ffntrtl'mfM .jPriiOol: flVV D 1 iirri. Jb Tr.t bierjshe repiled, wiiW ami!e: !? OhSldonk .mberjofiyt:.8oUxi Lwisn me better, bar wish; me tin eaven,ar.dt with nnsirucnw; rcpdiawrjiyoiie. oiiioo Muev'OtAli ,VVit.n .!.!, f! 1 my dear Saviour forhrJ.lwg to be 1-1.1$-50 JPfH' MIH- f vr't-r:. ;Ul S-tJJlJI K r 7 IDoxintir ih whle f h!'r. i i Inm fehft Rnmril IN 1 U lirsi aesswn win comniene tm ine i-.15M. if 1 ' :rr ' - - 1 ii f; : r JAIL. The Jail of Diiplin County was Mfntja few. .dayainc.'and a npgrn man.lhft frprty:if Pe-" 4eriGrlf9riVwho,!tt is sniipTSftJ flrttiihie 1 Jbulfif io eueci ins escape, perwuea iaaae;u ininK. V i 41- li! 1 ; . i . r n i. - I .( t At Can ton, Mpissippi,! on tMlfiihrof merj y ii ai e-..iciiq rgj Utran ty,i r loi Mrs. s iwcenuy in iviti.vri founty, iy ;y lrtiiide Poifcl, toJVlisli I.EAlf HpllLBRl of Hambv's Gri t k. k ' I i .L tii iJ5 :. 4 liteiv iin Anoii Iconhtr Gapt!:fl4l& LEE, to MissAHAU ALLEN; If: W: In Kj-hmonl rohniv, oft: rb'twday? 9Ut uhirnoiiMr: TIi(jiAS jisilf!tll iT fei- son; to Mi.-s f MAitY EAiidETTKIl, uaugtuer oi tne livVd Hirry LeaUbettor; VI- WT M ', : H i:,, r -1-1 t'.hij ifi. f I .bk' ? In Anson coo ii iv. a fetv wieks fpitice IC II A UD It USSEL LO IEN ZD DOV E rKRKjADGlLli, to ElfcAtJEfil i:-:l! I v. ? lfeiHiV. Wtri. M ; GreiJ M f.1 lOIf frE BEiWlEU iltJOHEtVPfof Vrf Alluft in L,a(-2'i;i;esin in Umv-rilv, m lI ssb .l;H I RtHdQFEa, datiiitel iii' ite!ilUvJiWou t'liNSiifH b4r-iuH 1.'-- 41 Slade jpfj 4,Ver rhnl, lo.disciissthe; jLVcf.i, t f'4--i " PwojTfVV1 fawrj.i!i o3t .ine'f.OiMiiiii-re i. iL Mifcii'i'liaiU. - aiemoers ieu tne imir, and as soon as me. ; J liouseaPdrheii, ihcy alii repaiied to a; !"Uia aftfiiheHunl Si TyCklhoafu'''iBT commiilee-'ribfui , and entered' iiiitn resoltil SfNl''l'ng Mr Calhoun ttons W the SsaiihhWrsufjstance whicli' NtCariiliii ' M r.,iA ii cunnl.j waa that on th . nresentttion i of an? oeti-4 i. ii f ! . . .3 , i " i. V-JtA-1!' iB-ffT'HA '.on -f ca. "-rtaLltia; out the l tiori ef this h attire, it sbnuld be received byi ft;..oai Jfirriibe -'to':lsaVhow faVthfr liV U, ! 1.! '.J -:-----Mi- J----. : - !l ,ttm. t jyyf pan sjieair tot toemsetves 4 li me laoie wiiqpuv a,ny ? action upon it wnai fhatiight imposfe alienee. UaW at Tbe next da aterihe adoptioa of ibis Bet , : . "4uai-c4 aa. Hi uili ikuuiiiv hi y sii & O yW?:-tirHt!appeard.: ;be -had :. eV ri:,.:-l t ir!K.yir Q'i Ci enotaabey-.wld haTe'beeb r 1 V4n i fir "Jr i.Vi - l i!n? a dr4-l application; me. if i PT fe10! m IJf ftlof r ppVrd shows'thatl ces ,ecT, "yftl1 hlSe frora-paraftceaj ?t flki ifik ,V YJ lHr.v juts proper for satiogit IS Tlthatmy rrcMiliction obeV - ,-L , 131 ncidta itBr thai iuf Mr ? 80 li that! wesuppofd ii-had stopped com- since then, bovie ver; It had reached tia I a - 21k i I -- ; j i tt s - -vi ii - riii.iii'iii .ip - 1 rprvniari w n , , i - i i k . - . t i 1 ' M; ; 1 , 1 - ' - TAf cipeeMwt.aroolV4 rv-l y I H Hf'a:tniat whifhyi'O snh diailirig theckteirptfH y Ffe?3S M'n. nihh:Mr faiSj troverstlrwl if thrfe oibing more ffi t,iTtWtp?red,.:a'nd hih oecnrrwl inrtonr -.. ri -" !'ki 'tr - r.M d jfefrh.K.C.Jolhis til Ull?taa)ess, I I Vi.t " ?!T M yu,'r: frQ'ifsi that I htoll stale $h iio:I -1 ' If41? rkf eln ti rfbitu 16- Mr vrHPi, w i-i n mj rrcoiise.tiOQ oi f.t ) V 'T; f 5hr,;,J fain,?'n had fx prefiRed himself 11 !" fRrM.ofhat inaiilmeotf wis sur- SM "'('! if -i ' ' -'r '"'J' .- wiu- DIED. ifi Sahsbarf on e ;i-f npmW ut,lrt intuit year ii in - ; iiirf?;r panJlu ilhie8s, jJ3. IIAHUUV1 li. 13UUW N wue of ii i. UQrge v i uroyvu. f i t f! the world, and I have jiiMa luiiy expt;eiea lOfCe in neaven npi,re iiip u ciC Jtrrepui'aiOrU 1 taceo,SnuiT,a vaHeiy of Perfumes. J"1 FPt eo and lor TVTIEELEU & BI7RNS. . J I Tj3 - I1rfe,l Vm Driaos; A' fobIJre.jtfasti llrowrt. Jpr-b 3fft..r. V I.i.i I: r .V i .1 . lardi Joel Cak er H'ji:h-: r I ; f rtCr-PC Caldw;it:Mary"CK3H.' -: Grawfwy General jCo-keJ Jades U WooH 2 f . n! v - L i ' i KD Edward Davis; George PVv, tepbJ T Dicksbri, John It.Da-ha (l ;KAY r;nrr.!Abrahia Esr ' f-FV EFarrari-u ! ! -'KGktratha4 Oiatonii-It fecn G 1 Goodman,Eli2ayelh Gher-, Wm II L Grahiip, MarylGrid,, .1 G:. r "J ' 1 H Wllliaaisiwl 1 jams 12 . ii 'a r i a ' ; dttif 3, Reytoal fl -kft ! Jc n- H. Cleminiinp lluielii'i.ancy i,. I, lower, II tr arc l!'eri4erso'ni:?tr-IJ. Harris. Hannah Hill, Dr l H,rd''; :Jistejhe B:joBeaV!fr J...y t K Ur Uaaea! Kerr, PiWr UrV F ; Lp-W LockrleJ 'peter i.estr. " ard jAhdr4w Vtckrid Vn G . pire-Lucie'tehihla liivtls- t .i- :s 4 i -i i- -i .- j u ? i i-i.': --. i. a ' MtVVthU McGojrriIenry m , E, McCorU, John filler, jDartiel Henry, Cjaitisij 15Tifs'n ifmrla -. tPfe4ihK P4lftl liinra. T p,j ij.J ' kellj Atriii" Palkl4lbor Pinkf. - ,: Ppe; Juiima Pihtt, rE C VicU-t, Sii iiJR SA,atk'ri.ie ftf ' i'-" ; - "I i-i - t . - - - . more thab isiisually the jcase ti that dtsjase ; 4,MJni 1,110 second asswr tilljeommfeeeol HSgf : rj arid tur Ihe hat Wlt xt ifiVr nir vLr r. tine ursiw JUJT.aiio enqon tne -ursLoi erem i i 1 . . . r,,T ' m. ; teh.'hut heMady-rMal onipair. 1 & :i :Kr. H00PER,!: ed. For an haorbhe hr death, she waa., en- f l Jaroary A: 133844 If:;r;y ggeo in constant and: e-ifisi praye?,ibongh ulr - ;y; vD' - . w ii . . ;. tered lu-so low a wiibpef that iho j bystanders fl - 1 Ollirar reejK " Aikilit (iiiYv ni-Ai-ia in thaiFleliA rii-nrviA(t f.r li, I .'--.v. . . '"4 '-'Jt . - ' ' V'- ! ' .' r - i t"-. Ti wJ ii v .a - ar-x ruir hiuhini4 liar llUrtn anil far uufV.nlo L t"i r . A 1 wa ft -ftftu ls ft ft, Kft ftftU .ftd S O". ft.tiT.T- . .mmeat-t of, her death, when he- nreain af piavitiiv as one Thf excellence if Mil will neyerirti.abiy, be I --;?.'i ThuaJshe coijjtiboed. engawedl till Wiihiojil ffw I " t. lltK 'Tr.i ieahe- I'row ftest jT ia theism fdlinjraslnep.' i i . I tiury 8?hool is eatty(oeededt "in secih.n . ... " ' f , oil eunmry. ?i aoeonjeci or inia lnsMiuiion is 10 fully i known in. this I nLn ,M nuJkii rn world) 'She,abMinded in .iho-is deeds of. liemd eiieok lo iirose who du not Wish la take a 'eotle. (ediii fil0 Into .rfaHVr-l' HPe-'prent rfay, arese Jjiaie ci)urse IheteoefitsAf sobiid arid praclical irsi.iijiaoie..t So prtjrate.wi'r h. rbent-farj-jfe uraiDarJ bustnessiof life 44" Av-'V 6m" prafrtid even by ll..f.o i"l fc,.l. I...I.J!k 'lI iik.lft k...i l .l. Ifc I- lt s . .J i i . . . i i II i he course or studies n naiifi Kitetv imi wrtai ier rignt nana oki. , ; li. - .L . 7i. t L L i n i , vk ... k Lv.. ...i.. ' Vr L !lwaeig ipsthiction in bheLa&n knd Gret-k.Lan- ,..! tr i . i.li Ji i .o-i ...:r safJiaes. s Iif Mati.emaiic8.Mlie course will - he e- wiA bJ. extensive. em- ' i4 i ' A 1 ft -.ri- nCoo1 of fpjilaJ inV' Q'tirttV S i 1 Levit J t mthanieliMoodj Leis I'riHy IN this eaieSis ordered bf tl.- r v puuiji;aH.iuif u iuiub in Hie i.i; man at Sapistryi jor aix weeks, ret;'' fcDdaht'tpjbe jSeTajjfar before ii .1 said CobriatthirCoarthi)nff' 1 1 C r. the lmonday in;Marchriext,tLv v davyir peji4 tostsueo jodgrcier.t -entered aga inst ii m t a n d th e f , demned tdsatisfyUhe-pJainiiff s lamuy may learnt r.th.n Amug ati.viion . - . tAk XuJt' ..1. Lil I ne1ralIealn-T: Gbtdtnrr tier!; ,.l Hffich.her servaais'viHrd for her ; as wfH sp e"'f f'r: ,r W her earnW. prayer; c .ih?r,a.t,n8 0 regulated Aca- in Anthmt tic, tvi ni i .in 1 1 Qiir was an rniintOH ii s- v - fc-a r r . " - 1 lireAtflii:lfij in r,.- lioarla .il.ii. nu.,ir I "",7' I"!,? rHC,,rn .,,,.-'r Utin.e the tiirt-t nl i Ipittpn haft tnntp dpMal:ite ii. I. , Sinre to hrovfl ueces.fnl in rtnv business re- i -yY --.- - -r-r ! r n. n -: i - - i . - . n' :ir : .t I iw)t in tf ie 'jiUiVeiHif lahnagir toejprrs.f lu quires an. induidtjar u&diviifed atimum, the re woti&l whtnf rilhe is irie fjsubscriher Iras deieruttnen t its vote bis iune to r'lfrsshmal i'peacher, La ... . .1 ' ; tl. t f - '4 ir 4bai she, ts an: I appearinjj iiire ine ptiniirt neftoes nn proiess seh.t frwui li.eT h.Hlv, stie is present with Ihe anyxrsorin4iry meihods f expiuaa the ac i.cird.--i-vp:Tt f , "- !- ;. i A r f..i 1 hi qii!niun oiiKnoHnHfe, out ma lour arearsex- iYo .,leknefs.:or .orro,or ihain, 4' ShiilfVfer disniiei her iibw : ic Fof-dwaih A 'iVr-jirM wasj Ean4 - :sueh a tmMiniP.r. ire wotuil whi!9perlihe j.aglMi0 uhscriber'i3i deieruiir whete if wfeUdei-ae ijroln liinihUft' tnl liiemry naruVtci a ir the.weary arei i 'rei.' " 1!N.w4hat t sheJ'i 'abi' appeariV; r-fre jthe pn 111- 1 1 4;!1l, 1 !: ?Mire Cliisi was Mr lite wliin;belowi, ! Thei deaih of i j is amiaile ktid ihlereaiiirifrilia dy iu ouiversailyi and j tiUy bhived Which las cluthed a family jit ni iKniu-T-ilepi'ved the doth inuintV t a' imjI Vaiuiiiilx riieirr4r-iiriiiA riUiil Z'-l " V- il-. 7 Til. T T- j; Hi.oo mi uer iiHiesk! urfkaitit nin i IOUQ ian-; ilftVjiied hos5anu ifc his Wi tarihl friejit-Jayd iwi:hiely tittle ofeeSi-.fi ibe tnderji ricrluleiaiiif adionn it fun of . . C brisiian -' mt heiiisi ifa& 1 W uuKe paiuiui events whii n cfip.?is us i we p, witfi i hose' ih a I w fcep. W iit Ih ke tm siibiril-sive I iy0t;der I he fmndj il the iii.et; ivheJjiM jr j iijeiiilareli'a -eieal abyis. iiid: vhjl4moih:i andf wavsare as fir above ouiia as tbe a re jabot e t he ea r i b '. i aeri r IMrs Harritl ll Browin Xdanghir j Akxaiujer Lon?, jSenV,) wa i burn wiiliiVi mlf SJahsb4.ry on 'the 2id if Jt.aaiy' 1$ t? oe geauencss ana suavity .01 tier utlunes evenness of leinper," li-geiher5 .with her rhhging andj kiijtrd ispiiiaadtiierii 4;fayir iteuiuiie her yujuHg aso. -ia'H1 :T,'i 'I -f'i0! si rucibrs, as well jischout maies,5 ffpt ieielsh '. In the year. 1 332. eiffht , month previ'wsi - to l. ' :-iw. . . i .1. . . ' i. .- .-.ii ! . t ! i . ) k -s .'byi'?Tran Ctturcn ih ihisrToWrtj of Which nniMiiueu iv iae lasi w-s' wwinr ana waiira i . ' t i'' . -v ' -ftft ' :. . E : j - " L i i- ' . j' we Lmember. o 1 neref, w waa a : retirins jiwdesi which characterised all her aciion a"d stamp. t which manif ef led; itself wnhj peculiar 1 loveliness i,the domestic circle. v JHer religiOnS was indeed, onifonn and cobslstent and like Ibe shinies' lightiit shooe brijhtef and brjjher nolo the per- ;;--jar ioonr nrsris snoaia oe .iDexaeaoorT 01 mose, wno onuuxiuiy aaomeq tne Uhnauan i - leasum py noiy, noiameauie uje aaa confersa4 Jiurijf; and who, faithful onto deathhave flrtiah ed their course with jiiy-, and .received the (drown oi rtgbteoosness whicn ebaji; never fadaaway. seerasf t oj that ahf civilized rnsn nyirhl to haTe oeen sausiiea who ine msciaimers maoe oy h nts; t - , r - t v tv-t-'-t. . l?.rA 5i;5f J iy rlr?f v v- i i n -llano; pare fsd just.and troe' to theifcharacter of adversary, ftot&ly. 0ce W repeatedly, hj parol UBosewilSWhooi ww once5 took fl jVe dpuhreatlyhimeTer. if t heij woe o"r faith, knd labor jof - love, and p bif side to thiljoestionV whictf 1 of Jope. tri preciom legacies tsfti feji tbt "----v. , ........... r. , 4. - J,' '-TltJ ' and in writing. there be not anqth i . . i. 3 ti.T. at--'"n llir i wnn prara,na nunc tui. uiviugwia appear i t rr r i f.t n I- r " .1 " f u Mi .liii- wLvV .H It BrowrTs bealtfi waa always de jc?e mr. t.i.M. IIV, Imal Ihkf Inch l llm f nft I . ( i n!1. i?.". !"",H'; - ;-r -.i .rrvrr-r.y v i n" ior more man a vear. previous ta -tier :ctmh Corealiyjf is,aad pjetarejaajDoyj preseateo. shapprehen3ed that? ber ptlgTimafciBre! f'ffow ' Ui-i K' " ''' 1 ' aryoid. soon: cotnr.to af elosevl'-Sb'i nrieutlr and 1 r7vr-.. n If ... i' ' L. I ll il ma f ,Tnk rT I rin(ll1l.IT4min.il kj eKmlnh clik J . k Her ' snul has now taken is flight J t inarisiims'of ohifly ahilivK T ill a u toinirie w no angeis oi i(go, And dwell in the Mhjjduti : i. .41- '! -:k! ft- . priene belieyps ihat the main principle consists in illusiratUms so ciar at to Interest,; tii'.enjrsje aiit nwn-aa lu Keep awatce ineir ieeiioos ana fi: QuarUr A AD. 1 :;4-i. r Qriainkl A?!- Levied i.r. - uSof love., 'it!,. M ...r, - 4 A n . ; u Whh ieatd to discipline, ihei more rnfld and tToi'cil iat I .met tWs. iy i IjlJ ri'SOTtrttg tqeverityJpxeei4 lr-caes of refaelo tor.a"nd!eitfriibleih iroeni and'airjnucia'ihn a tendency I to dnp their irdurndaUnate 11 fr..m the Inslibetor. .4 .All-IM V 4-Al ' -A ' i!L Xf If 'Pbe ffftsfttiitlon is! located jfrapheal thy oon IOtnf" Chohi'ihreerroltJeft. dis- lanvjrom-vparioiie, sutncieniiy reurea io avoiu is 7 ILL be hf-ld.at .Chtfksbarsvi IredVtt''. Ctf . IfTuiiioii' $12iji sfasion of nve f.inrmeriy raueo v,iUKSory,i n 4 ine IB ll aiu. can Of-1 'nen 1 . wiiBt. nuiiri 4Vu wUti n tMB unr hufne.ii hi Ih i 1 h ri-ia-Hi Wilt btf resumed OU thO St We-witr sell My bw ill wonly gel pv, vyiqlTuday f January nexti j-i-. ; " ' -.i.4 will ry lo hyje oy the lojsiH-Ve are decertified Hj P" .tatej; ft any woja.u &koWPZ 3ta snail ooi iav on our nanasr x erras mane inion aueneniennir wiimcuu v i" w9iwi,: koown oo thetdruye dafii -CtilLU : f ppt hsjekhjess. . jli-b NfXalluternems; of yire and distrbnandto ;siuratftenHn 1 tb'sinVsa. lllie morals of tlhe Wpil iwitl be carefaljyj guarded. j .1 : . - m on ms. 1 S .Williamson, I,' .C . H AtTARLY GATkLTOtt. Jaw 6, i83Sa3t?4 lr' d v - J f plb A) wrtsoft , ar.d JleS jWtsoa, v. w-J" H ! i- Ui "7'-: : 4!L l-4 -f 4- 4.i-7 Mi boirks tobeflpvnod .to the cotmnunity at large.1 irtj GUqbert Clrrisan, WilUaialColp, Lenior " each iC tMissid 'States. a0d-ssoitt jibe t late of I Coh? 4','ft' .4 ! k'.- opened ifor the first subscriptions of stock Jo said i'm IR . John Tldieroan- 4narntn2 to 2 o'clock in theaiterswjon; tof aer l G-fc-VVashmjton Greerf - , odjof oot less ihan.ihittr dajs or'oefr intd J J H Wjllbtn Hobroekat Wih Hadley rood .the subscribers for evert share subscribed I ' ICALni -aiarrrarei. Jt!l Kin'lv. Wit la jthe Rail Road 10 be erititled to the col rfspood; LfieKreeV Aildiew JCarrigooi TUiiaji KJuits -iotr share-in the Bank, ii I i'i i : "! I A -1 I - I T.iiaa Lemlr - ii-" 1 - .1 ?4 . A -. ' &ir iT -t-siLJ J! '-.Mri?! eL J I ; -'.-."r--TX. . f it7?L.-L.ttll vircuiars nave oeen issuea : la ine vrawnwtt ; m litZS Kotiej, -oniisvopnef nncuci, .i r j-. t li .i't-.i- I :rj7' v. -.L i.J.u..mi. 'i Merry man, j?eorjo wi 'LlafidXeweil f- r 4; ;.J f - V..t.. -n! Dkill.iw I Am PronI R Catharine Rice Ai, &has B ReveJs, ctten ZAereof and that aH DdrwAB ho l may he disposed to snbsenbe will be,entii9d to oit; so oy camng oo-any ope or jlQf uomrnisfiooers and paitns fire dollars od each ibare aa aubscri- 4 bed fur. . - : ; U 41:- livJj-l I -1 Srioiild:ny of tbt jCotiijbissaoiierf hot bivt re ceived notice herei f throon the mail, they twill consider h!iran yiothoiriti -'receive aooseripl uoa3,as ex)te mentioned J -7, , 4 :AUBr1 rdr of the BoaPd I AA 'f Jacob Saiith.Oweo Sidei John N Sadler ; ! riWaroesTackef.2 V Jhn Vite, Thomas C Vail 3 . Nelson Slocgb, 1 U-S2 GEOiKLUTTS. P ZL ' j , i . . , '7 '"i , ' ;f -4; f 4.. ---u-r--j M Amererm Reoieiv!;E Goldlllnj."i'- -tW'l4:;il;ij4 W K thi Ivfift is 6Wewd by tb C JL ieaitodhejmade1in :the Caralica ?. 41. afisbtify fW i wifks.rmiiff ii tl. toJxij and4pprapf forcj ilij Juttif 1 ,' Court t e GlfcuiiiS Irt Gerixian t , piohaajF; lrilarf ?x,V, ie arji tl p!ey.torr"fadiji9tkie ort judrnn: , be eniereqaFiiohilim.ano lhL,: ' ! cohdemhed iajjjsljf M1! c' U WitnReHea Ifjj; Guldip?, C' saul Court atinir-ei iht j&ccccd rr.c. '. ! ;:L-4-h RfcuBi!:N;D. feogpiNc JarfeSISSBiPiShler's )(Vw.:r . -jl,4' U 4-:if 1 ! i' MR'fMpTiDL:::.-, . l1-'B;fiM?rii!fT' , 174 . iw .JJii-. vur, --i; -4 pj-TiijlLi..,. - ' ; nn HE sH?n Quarter o tde . . r," iH t will-jwmmeaci bat the Cullday 8Sj.:il!vl.Hi-.VVl:.ri"-. 4 A' few more ptrpib ' can- U ac ' . Pxcllent Board may be hatll Lr I : First Class, eTn&acSn all 1h , ! hiher ibciies -lof -lenu.a lIiidlDlassiconfinedtc Zlfadin, J7 Wiiind, ArUhmfetic. En. 4 t-IiaW GratotBait01aeya -Gco- - 1-aphy,WV!i- "i V Oriental. l.niin4 ij ? V 1 1 j -. r -r Lamp Mai? 4 Cuecille Work, S CO .WarWl-Hfilf-M4 ! C P French 4;f44ilMH44 A-:-?Mr f Salisbart, peel;ll5-tf22 ' - ' -: ' -- r" i - 7'' ' '- . N -i 7-441 i ; liU'Tv" ' m 1- - -' :T Iil- k i 't:i: jf!VTHC'naiafCber8t7i 1. T. rt ! Xell llnownt4 travpllen.x: '.. ly. niriemuestrora Cheraw, cm ; WadesboJo.'',lHe:ffi!t net tut-j t!. -' ties that Selonj pa sur. '.r: of smoking viwda iarJer";' tract the pdbfi&bej resp ru, . worn and tfiirfty 'aasllef. . Orevede A-Al : j 74 A - -1 i ,. : 3. i K?7 AMm whs P?W .::-i-.7b.;'---L: Tv ;-"t' -.7-: :'7 (.-': V ' - I - . ......1. . - . :.......;v L 1.. : - i , J. r r i SIJ -l 1 vl. A . ..-is tA (.. !" 4- 3l';-:' -"' "" -4- M- - 4-! Brings, was'stjbt rd by, a pizn HAXNE.'rfiitfenC. P477i'7.4.!.:47.., ;: : , I .! I i, f, i - 7:- ' r7 1 '7 ,: V -iu 47 . 74 .i t4, ,7 i f : :i ' 7 j:

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