1 X:A- ir- tAUXXX 4 - 4 J, J sr l:. - ! v A v . ' - . f ' v:' j ' V V J. A I Is i V ' r ' ..r- r 1 ,1 A33 bi gon-'C g ansa i-1 ',: t. i f5S 4 SI fa.' Pi ) 1 t b1 V ji N 4 i iii ii -i t:" H . " . bEARTMENT OF STAfE. t I -J-l ..if Stat WiV !artr fur rnartcr enl- s - t- - ! 4 ! . an.k' Inn. , -Ha Cb PTRO LLKR'S DEPATiT.MET. : 3C0 00 -J- ' 2oa co i T I - 7 Do ..-..m - :"vi ending 3lst March, 1837sli V H? da SOih Jane . do SOih, Sept. do 530 00 250 00 t 250 00 Vj'f '"' - .fI50; 00 vvtGJbncs"-! . . : Va C do : Com pi rolle r V; 1 ! ' i t V , do Do ' Idd Eiecutifa - do' I of Hj.bwvl s liu iii, 1 - '5-4 j a. - " . " tj i ; I k r j i . , - .T . . -- - i. Y H A n L;7rA..'--trt ; Anson ,-T .vr --r. V v " '.'ryroB " l- ; a H0 !i . . ' 4 1 i T . :.i i 'u .- ...... it , r i i I.. u i s - - i 1- K4,;1 -r.-'fif-t. fTilEASU DEPAUTAIET, $, jf l I 1 VP Piiterwnjaie tMio Treasure, far mdtys eTtjec ?2KiiPubli(?STreiMrtr, hiswUry fat iheaailer tudr w '-tTIs i t .irt. i at Mar eft. 1 A7i SOih (Jane ' do nn i aa ! auto rfDi. u 79-03 236 91 - 373 -00 iN lQ J CTurrenVine HardtVWalter!! TKoroas J ni?n Robert B Datisr ::j ( f O'fH. w m-t-p jj p ! y J 1 3 1 !; . : 4 I Eviader Alcintosa 4 r s i- i u r Isaac uaxiep Naihta Bigley E J Peebles . George Philips .- I, j Slsl March SOtb Jaoe SOib Sept. .1937 do do u -1 i ynr i25 00fGprg Mooter A 155 00 1 JamesjOi!Bn : y WtUiim lYilkins 'Jf; til I 7 1G 4 - 11 C6 .r7J 83 kJ2,16 " - IP P Person v"r' Sorry 1 'j f'! "ii v: r-! - Do ; .d6' Executifa do -t j-. v: Do'Tf do' J Trcurir :fda HrBU 4' r; Currituck Perqiirabn3 II WOadi r 1 - i 1 Si riCTGENERAt-OFFlCE i; 4! 1" 1 PUBL(C PRINTING. j Hjrij. Uii'tetlf Editor of tbe Star, for priotiog ptjblic M : briiitM 500 copies of tbe acia of- ibe sanw and - v u 100 copies 01 oian ivi udinwuig .imsm I ' I ' . 1 1 $1,500 00 Martin Roberts -.!; f-. : ' i - . ! . . i. r Ale?oder Johnson; . Will 1 a 01 D Rascoe J - William Han J W poke ; Leslie Gi!Ihmy Thomas Foster Jaroes Truitt Vyillie Joties f J I S 21 Smith wck . j- . 1 - i for 187 I 1 ? t i . r. . - CI!.: tiilrt it Horrj priori Journals ol the General Aaseaibly til. 7T!t00 1 uurtis i hotDpsotl h ! John W Taylor James Simmons r. ( lii. i- 11: ; .Ml '!-;; thoopson, for 1836 , 'ii.m;Altftndfr. ' da r 1: i--.s..f! '. ;iy '' r 1,02 00 3,1125 k-? 50 00 75 :CJliincoln , . Sl'IlockiDamfli'ft iCiimbbnahd -.r 4 66 n 16 '1 ; 7 5b Do : Uo Wi,dd: ComptrQllei's ;OficffHiS t Da Mmyi Gjtfh V:JM: Do -',4;;: Compt!ro!fer,; do4 Mk Do"-;ii dp1- ' iTreasurj .departmenf I Df?jdA;j! i1 Eieciia'ido" i'lt7 Do do i Treasdrf klepaitiheotli 5 66fDltd Ruth and Matk MfjsWilliami for brk'arid paiat- H il jog to execulife ofee Anthony Urban repairing if do Do Do Do H cleawdg pobhq arms j JD6 19 68 : W - fi-8 17 ! i.. ( -4 ; 33 55 5 72 rir " .7 92 October 1 M . i't C3 G' -1 10V99 71 i: tie -ii h f4 4 fi4-" - ::; nti $ 63 T1iornpson Par bam work K I It' 11? -f I do:; Comp'rs Office 442 Rf 440 96 1176 30 fet 1 v .WW I ' 1 -- Li li - - 5!Pf56lJl--i.BJasper;!rres 666 f Faos J Hayw leofflceilvN-; 16 00 & 00 U 15 1-38 00 f lif 50 f Tbbiipxoii Pwpara book cas? for execut f t. 44 4 St a J 4 S3 -j-- i v - - 1 1 s - lift 1 ' 1 Nill McAtpm J.lSmitbf" Thomas L1 tea JoHri IlarmaQ Samuel Trry. JoiiirJ H llardio VViiliam fl Archibald Wuiiam Tbompspa fif 1 &fimiFE&FOR IXLITCO) TAXES, a ll Smith i ft ji Jin jllrma&lifi fjPeeble$:lii;M mm . i-ja Pixl ' 5 1 11 JtDiniel trfii V i - W i. . D Rwcoa ;r -; f cxiDCErqansoa. irtio ob'ttsMi -jiilSVfttkwii-p orseWrsleCt in,: iwj-iHt)ofer!i-v Sheriff" of Daicison Co. i . Caswell II ay wood ' Yancy 1 Chatham rjlichmond GraoviUe Lincoln: k ' 'ColanVbus PcrqiiimonS' ' Northampton, X v'Ashe ; " wraven ( ', ;'Stokes;;; ,. I- ' ' Bdgecomb , - ;i PueniTntiinli: 1 Jones. ! i.:'jHyd'ei;v Guilford' ; Cbowin ; : Brunswick'- Cumberland if i it; 'im 15 SO 3 50 5? 0? Tlffla. Guilford d,r'anyi!l9 Buocoinblfif iMartin ' Sampson; Greene i illjfai ,4 iDaftdsqn-:.M? -.1- -J ' ? I--- i i i J' f iUaswcII,!,:.. L i;y0hatlr8rn": Hichmnnd M: it- 4 aw 5 50 I -'J-' ;r .T Do printing ref'd statutes concemioc tnditia 4io - ; do lor ; literary-' toard i : I iqo aocAirnenis ana proc do . ireasury'ouice s - - -i - O ' Greeli Hill carrti 02 express! to council I i " $ 5 iTcjfner tt Hugbes for prin tng and publishing &i i: iHii0'83 iiM my; $ vt x j a St Cash recetvfti ar )!tti'.Lf . . : i AaiostJ Ca.hreceireJftrx' beP5 Caah received fur auction ux ( - : - 1 i- ln! ; f .. .; ; I . .. ,. '- ! Dp t do . Efltncstf Tarsal hnZi , l'idemj declared cb Shares held io xhl ll ffd haak by ifee Preaidenihtid - - Directors of the literary fosd 4 Jfd s b ; Cah received from aacSW tax f t! S-T-' v v!.? CjC B4iUf; S-cfctary r the V interest m note disroniiied bvikaSit ltJ.A i vARSembfyit.iiv, ( -1 . ,r J,- 7 . . Cjah receired ofC D '.44 'X'f C :v ; of Ifieiest ,. nates rdil-: - 1 : ' coonted by aid Biard H i-v -r V., - 'VCasb received 10. iJa ll! Siccretarvf C: 'ft 1 1 1Jord f Iniefnal Imrrof ementW b in inkiest i ! tomans miae oy tne uoird, and Appropriated - ! ! to the Literary frond bj U of AMX,?f , : ; . J 7 j;f",oo -1 of executive -'i;liV' !:'11'4l v-f S . A iy 6. !l U I $ I k or CoDTeBtion Debates; H Statihnar ?n : .' ! 'Iliilt X't -if ; 78 50 . ! 25 00 p.;t:3o: 6 00 -1: Uf f.t XS'X " -i t '-. sHi l i rjJaneedne Presideoft aabd Dii nacprs of the Uiterarfe FrI I t! r n' i l- 4 j,-,- t .j iijip 7D 1 -'i By IbU som pakl John & fTh elNrii'-. Uoi ireiunaea as navinor beeri nrr hiii -. ; w - q W i i ' i ! -1 i pvowan jCaUarrual 1 4 iliam A Williama tt fjft If dii hr .-1.1 j-'L V. . .V.f 1 f ; " -.-.T--,, w-. .-r "Ti -n"3 T., r'TTJ.-tt ll-Uf.'tt. CI i f M H Hiiy wood, jr expenses io negotiating state loan ; ; r if B -331 -' in 1 83 9 K f i; -B evtsedi J i ? "-U,Un f fabeiBg1 amorirtt paid :- ; U : '--Si Assernhly f -M -fi ininisHinr eiernnvR nmm i-ia ; 911 1 1-. --i.-i.- Aacort.Ki. i n -s .: 1 --.? u ihdl oew oan tothe hitefn? impmvemen land I mfVKV1 coiinrdissjweisj'to receive 'X ' ww , ;1 a pcyAmouiii 50 n i: - . i ' i T- r .' i ii ? r i. ' -;-: tv l CON V ENTi ON QET0 J Kenion 1 Sheriff Da oil a ft Can nt? COUNCIL OF .TAa i-:i-fjtnuf'J ? i-KirlU--. ..'- . ii 'A. -l ... '.FJ-jiJ.- iii;-.:-;:-!w.if, ft nJi.f.r -i:i-v li - ? -i- Subficnbd the .PrMkfenf arid sntMnri-lS.f-'tlJ"? ii uiviu ueiuv .mans mape4 oy me Altera rv n i" dlwiJL." do do :Fl V w i. li if -' 12 50 dd urt uovernor's v arrant, , :!?' i : li'l" ;;--! t s i. ' -J - - 3 1 Henry Whiuker do rwemus a, esi ; , oo Jaines Pdtre Ifii" do James Iredeli one of com pointing or revised statute! " inkhk Iiedelli inj pan for hi jservices as omrh'sr do f fl- ImI O ii J onriwoJ jr4airs:toillcutivy 'office f t f It tf f: -ft 107 62 CO Mm ssioners superintending ?L- il!44.i97 O 1,000 CO "'600 00 p lH:-Kj;,LyofeU Lan waiting pn); jj,u,d: ,: jjj; '.iJ; !' . ; q jt-LcaTih & Barriftr4, 'apprehrhjiing tibider procliraation! i i ' f; f . ji iJ! !1 wl oringmg back from JMjana G W boburli fdgitime I 64 ii ill Si : f - g : f 'fi ".t Si . ii , I i j .: ;. -i. : ; . : 1 I i's. -5,-1)0 Charle Manlyfltreks'r oif j Ifniversiiy J 5j tier ceat . r I -P; I?5,' 50 interest or 100.000 dollars loaned lh State by v , j : 1,3 20 i t.Tris.ces of tlUr Uriveiity;!-.fortlie- 6'imbths.sii i . 00 li-:Jin'!r!ilst. February I1837.1 - - 1 1 ' Ix-lx 1 I K 00 1 Deafieldi tnti rest ort 300 bonds hf the State of ju ' s 4 J .J UU I, IRftfi. In nth Mar-h- 2,500 00 te bfna 'fx js rwemto : Rockingham iutncnora IIUniilhbm psoa J filliaaiGJbnts MR -Allen i) ' frtieiireJiiv,;::,';! Bladen ' .! . . 1 ' .uates - Davie x ' Macon; f; v Buncombe l1.V f1altfT j r Robeson , Sampsoa n:x Bertie I' Rowan j-X.'; WW UXX- 18 bO i -& , B 11,-! ! J. i l'-: -- , 1,7 wU , f 111!' 1 rft.ii-l.'. inclusive el ft 9,000: 00 lauipiMii) oucriu our rj j 1 u 1 ,. 1 : J miX ttti IT :i4fvVT' ii UU I , t iHMi2;o;igs ! l:1nijB6! ... .r-i --i i j' : i . : ' . t Sfi-iiP AT--'-. . , . 1 1 f i -j 1 - . , I - i -J 1 11 ! . I 1 . - - t; I0 50 EdwFVi4iggUs,liWiff 4 ertfoirdj 0 5nfftjiViEi:;Hf Iienmrj h0 0 : liO 00 NaiHaii Bagley, . i Pjeiqiiimohs, ! I Y iti ww 1 wm;u Kscoe, onm taiowaui ; : : '1160 JamMR Uiddicic j-fr' GatesJr 10 50 Juhii VV Taylor J ji n Hutch ins ''ii;'-)' v ?. ; i, , ifor hauling public arms lli" ish'oo lllay -? - This Srhoohf loaned iaiiiidividbala , : aidjbok ' :.. ;: .5,. j j ik V;, .fai A .- - . 4 "0 C3 VP 1 vtPaitfpCarterco'mmfoktier f draining Mtuamca 14 - ! taiu v y uaiwe, w oeiray lxpenso of UneUtenry Brdirs-:r-.'vf .1:" ji :iiiM 4: hi i-i -i" ;i 1 Paid Isaac Croomi tax ftU tin h 24 00 A,Wfey; .t;; N-G3nipbcll (0 or Sarah Polk J irVeks of I.sU:n, box !' ievjsedtatuteii . . ,.;, J CSTurrcntinet sheriff Qranw 1 General, AssPmUlv for 18 V IP Atexandcr!a;Howeit j)o " do do do?f do do -! ' ,i; ;74'90 p-ii keet Lake : .;. ;j I. ". " AH v : ,500 ng :;"irrv' p-fi Dot. !'j ;f do - I ; : da; Mp- do '' ,3,0.00 i i j I 224 00 lDo C B Shaw, Civil Engine r, io porchase Instru 1 - V f7l 1 " Jtl A ?A 1 Pld Instalments on stock in tl e BanVnf Cafcl Fear 4. 140 tig, shipping; and insuring : : t v ir ? I! ! H HPid this amount beim? loans U ' Brd oatoftbefonds aUrop 1I4; 54 Ll ' ?t Sffimb I,andk if thiLai .1 1-. I X- i: -ill;-- I -J. . r . - Tw- . . VP v I 1 1st 1 .. 9 85: 1 Augl Paid D.CarterwOmmissioner for draining Mattamdt r insolvents alio Btudejby the Literary V lateu tor draining the s 220 1- X 13' ' ii- Mi! ' - '7 J ' i m Xi, towed W B D-ivia, slierifT bTlTVrreflr amount tixrattd cxnrn- .- - T ' ! f C6J00 U A 1: 'U 2,500 CD" ; ?,ooo co - r- fi 'it ili'i t 'wwn w,cimosii , i 'Minfrfrw 'i -: v 5:- VT:V Vj- -.-3 . Tj.-a -. 5, Ia1: 1 . ft.' tt flBiUarptoriii fJita'tKMf.-:s",lWlewSfr?-:i?4--fftsJKiBni;0Dl!; .6 .ft nilerviL" ltM.eIbK I;C;rBifrtl;i.il4 - it iTuMra:::f MiCwxnauief J; Wayne Warren xX0 Greenej ' , : ; Anson j Alontgdmery .Orarigei A-A Onslow "Moore j Franklin Camden .iiPersonfA ..Beaufort Iredell ! 'Washington Ilertford AXi i' i IG on Ma solWi 15 00 14 70 j : t- iij t flM ( : ' iA i 1 1 p - hx- a x-.l. ' X r :;. : V,' 4x-x .rixt -.1 f X ' h - r ; i i -'" n BOJGVE BANKS. ! ,49 i I. .; Greene ft llh! 50 4fiJ 66 3 7 i . . . . 3 (-. . 5jtjiS39.JS II 15 PHESfSIST TRE A$U UEtt: 13 (fern B Bell, 6f Beau fort. ICaiterei county, I t- hi j ' 1 1 ' '. -lit i .1 Is 'i't -A 5 if ' . i3;l I r!5 . W 4 r',v-t.!8 j C il! Johnson; 4 do i do-t-'doll-- ; uj-r tr flifiT unecic ont new x nru. lor f iimiitirn. 1 M : '5 75 Urderkol Uovernor Dudley, for Disbursemetts. i-.fr. I -ii!::.' ku-:--u-- e..Ji.LL: .L-. L.-u :r..i LLL:": ' v . -l - 15 00 I w'-wi wanou'w paiu 20 mm I co -a inn. I hli.fcii : I it i. -i i i'ii"- Vj'.L?'i.:f n.iar i" ttx VV n.J. iMArcbtbald1 v: 1 iDophn Johnston Carteret H Currituck ' xM I Alecilenburg Mn4 JLenoir ' j ----.Wilkea 1. x ASM - -j : ;T-V- ' Cabarrus IS Oo 1.8 70 15 50 ws on I l!l 50 fur, repairing. ; if ;4 ; f ; ;.-"" - It !- 1 I i E Ji 35 410 300 4 10 4600 ,;05t4w iy 589-I.62 00 00 00 00 J. i Rf in Riiiin(r Jtwt) trans ui lann. uti snmn iiavintr i " been purchis in by thj staifi; henanej of ! ilif)! j A .(ioyernoraid;fitei in th!ej$e?y "of !Stfs mce 4 j Edward K ifi jijits for going (io Uiclinjond, JVa. Jafler j j negro mau fiigmve vf :. j J 4 i-'f j..l4 'I 'i -;r''"H::"- r:i ff;i.-f ; -v.- r"-1! ., 4i:i )ppM;.: j J ; ' . . ,; : J -. - - i , a t. -f . iln, t rT; sr. a. ,,.J EM E NTS BY T m:wxn mm. mmx . - - . ' . 'i i . i ii ; ':.i li-i'i- if i ' i -I ; -W- 04. " "! :v. u . ;f t fa -.w.-ii'ii "i: or i f ;; i a- h i it r, n rv Hinv i: . a t i, . .. ::1 . iU ". J i i. : i -'I'R'Ml li! ''-J ii '" ..' -: C . ; ! I '. I i 'i Jl lr-TV i i! . I I;; l f ! ' , 4 r'-!;i- h ' 4l4ir m : maI 14 I L4-4 .,:i; -i i . v.il - Jul- . ' tii -'as . -, a - : r.t -. :4: . . Hi 44i:4'!i-:-imim . mi.- - i . ! r. k 'i' i . : 'w e XS . - ; - ' 1 -E . t i i " :i:i i It ,; h. - : - i i Adja an QfchTi Off II M H:.J ' 41 I'i- ;-i I 4 r,. : vi Ji j .1 n si-; civ'i.iM ? t 3 i in: i i :fi e it 'ri I I M fl i .1 I T If 1 -a I I .it L I 1 I' --r. ;r.. ... ii .. ,.. ... ... '. " : n .i . ' ! . -' 8 1 4 .U ' ?" t. i i-: ; :4 -x: 4tr4 L feijv Ii4 I.H j ir i,r 'ii ; i.l , W !- the Bank nf nr Past il fin ATI By balariee doe Liteiary Fund, Nov. lj 1337 Jr x 1-4 5.U0 7D -1L'l;sa;:i.W:4: ii :'iiiiti'H?.g1iii--- ,4 f3?3 -J .." ' 4, lfc,s,"a 32 40 4 50 lIlTT f ;r ; iComptroneTs Office N. CI Raleigh. Novi nt. I837J j $m m?Akx0x0. 'x;0i mr1-? vv. udmptroiier. .Ji t $17,530 93 ! i .( (ii ,. - li- 50 XNTtNGFJSrdlF5t"fi:;4 superintending public arsenal t -i' c? i .! L.li"":i ! Li-' L ' L ! f . (t- '.a fl:t.. i-i : rr ; p Co I r fl- "Dpf betiling and removing tomb stone era; r4 ?j 4,u4W duil:foidiL4V1j ;;il! 1' ... .: ; I iV lit h Trk ? If noiMnn nni ) Ll t ' ..1 Li'' J:' . i I 4 "444:4 yxi MlH 19 50 j Do t i Keeping arsenal and vlik-l -vi... 4 f V ' 216 !75 eg? W'am80n;laiel Sh'ff - Caswell fH 4iW on SatAuel Fj Patterson public treisurer i- " ' ' WllfinVn 1rri jsKottfT flamH.hrt . 1 V I ' - . ' -.If:" it ji L-S 121 00 oro1WH4Ji ; ; 50 I vioow oi late William, Uilli i wk:i'. . vviwuoffVf 1 : a j g '! 4iJki 1 'i 41. .; mRESSIONAL pejt jesoluiion ! j.2sfi i,;i ' co : : ;zuo s- ' -vr' i i '-.i - . . I I iS .lit lliani of Surrj ilioo Simo; Smithwick ISherif of :filirtin .Jxl George.ll oover 4!lm rk 1 ' " f '? li., 1- DISBURS firUJatiiry A Uonluoi4iicies- Uebiiildi rg Cpii Jadfciarf,:iV-,j;;4- r-reasury pajtt neo t (iu vjermrieti t rioue n,ieeiorai Vsiecunnn .Sheiiffs ;fr beltfing taxes InTBrest ion ataie iuau UAirtptrHler 0etnriraenk bxektuiif e- UKpaiiment biaW DHaituttot PaiW C. ifimtmg . Ciio'rjeil ?rSlaie Convention retbros ataniGuairariOfft Jwi:grsionai tjecihms Sen&turiul Ekctiutis '; Bujrue Banksri:- i'i. 120 175 m TV Cowrta, pwmtrcr tffalerjfa frat Man ana JJureelort ftmaUorfnlerntU Improvement. X .If-- i: -i f..M .i JJK1 ,.11 -! tA1 ; To cash; received of S F Patterson Ibrmer! Tteasnri' A " er Janoarv 19 1837 ? 141 lr.Un MXXxx m xj7 i!i i-LT 'n i- .V n.-ij'Jr.L:! r. "1: V . i! '1 ' . i " ., -'! Trr -a vbsii tpcriui uuiK uii apcir ear weinffin inn tvi $3.543 fl7,5wO .184,895 17,148 i i i nn fi - r-' 5.037 . !!-: V 1018 1100 750 4 J 93 x- A 00 52 iJi 80 00 )4 iXii, a dif idend of two per cent declared do 1353 an a res of stuck in Raidliank held by: the! hi ate and appro- . Caeb received on Cherokee Bifodt I I 1 i4i1 U t 00 J April .cash receivfd of surjiUs reveu haing bilanreap- o j v nroDnaied bv actol Aeinb tlloltiLer. Imn . VnnH 5 ll ;4.4i cash borrowed of Literary . Fu4d v V4,i; i f 1; u 1- 1 ',: . r f. ' ! I .:. . : ' ' 1 .1 I . casn reeeiTea oiaorpios reeneebetn ismoont abr :i i t propria led to Internal liiiprotfcmnj Fund by an act 1 i iJ . . i.l lhf laat lipmrI AsfiPtnUld IMti-T - : I -4-. . ,. , ; i , r I 00 iiSept.- cash rereived on Cherokeei Boids 41- si ' 2.7J6 C3 70 CO 5$.8w3 2S 3423 13 . 6f i00 ;m32. 25 14: : art lUii. i 1ft C R I hs? 4; . 2 : i Am recd by I 1 ...16 66. I0000 . ii 620 1 49 i ot, 1, 1837 To balance dft0 President 4 Direddrs 1 biard of internal i QTitL.'t!vlil P: 'l.f. ,i 39 96 j 173 liAprir By. Raleigh 4 Wilmingtor I&iljRoad Co ibis sea IL 1 ; . . i paia uamcs uien, rresHJtiu, rarinz ursn I05ai- iii4f tor, r. 11 - ' .YtL. ;nk..:iU. -ij.... ..r .1.: ItlF : 1- 1 1 CR.I vement 14 47719 13 P. 4 I SC8 5& 4 25,000 CO ' f i -' - $65wJ47 CD tf ibe 37,303 31 ! ' - : i..:.,io i January -"(ipwi - . . iv-t y-.-ifji.-? ' ,f rv- Am1 recd bj 1 W Courts to $lstdc ; -.iSi . is ii -S F. Patterson tO',t9ib. i V-nfri! f U, .f Tf. ,i 00 I J 10 20 00 axax-a Deduct atnoiiot doe S F Patte vemberl836ii' "xXxX pisorsed by S F Patterson, Do iby D W Uouxts, "ijl''i- pist r4i m Leayin? tn thw hinds of the 221600 13 4r-H:v,-..- . . men t of the 6ubscriplion miJeon tha nart of the - l.:tlL i- 44',- .1 fi ilt1-2;670i38 : lft4 lj 54,6611 99 .i.tf-H i.: lei?' 1 a 5. 'ywny li'LSii! vi iiii ! iff J." a-:' ,1 1 V ll .k.Lfi-' 67 60 ..: w 5. . : .' ii! ww; rw w: i Wo-1 VJ.f-:i xlW ELECTIONS. .00 i! or BandoiphLi t " 4ifei6iy so Robert Newmr services tci exectit)re;Qnlce ! 4T 4 k j ; 50 4.itt4i1'-- H , - Sambel FjPaMerson imces mi ixjjefaeMikti it"! v4 4'4?1 : 1 ii 4 I ?.Ptloa r Scrip XM .y ?y I. K :tVbW ! 1 v f ri 1 r uonn uri urner. aDDreuendinft w iiowe ruoittvi 1. t r fzofi Wiilia till 1 serf ices as librarian : frbrn Jab. i 1832 icf !":I14iKlt !-ti Iv "Visit"1' -: i. -xeauioji a :j Pasquotank ',':Stokes; iiVbVCtaveojj- ; : wrte: ' . .i. if V ii 3 i i- f ' X,.; ;3 -1 . IB5 rrrv .i j'vr 0 4 si" U1' i, Hertford 40 'Columbus n; y. Bladen . ' 4.1 ranKiin r . .1 T $mmx .'-:"- ' i ,! '-i i 4 i '.in 4. 633 h i -sat Ji'MM 33 P II Bj? 441 1 Do I ; Do J-i; 111857-lift ii)istribuling acts find resolutioraof Genfc 4'! 44 vi era! , seibblt'Br -: -I ii? - f 4i:v4 1 if" Siotf 'I v Extra senices as SecYicrState State ; i J Li wrarlar 4 1 48 ji - l .4; 4 .4. 37; .i 00 00 IfyfeWMixHW6' 44 ! , r ;il5 83 i.l S)o Xz State Librarian abd supertnte ?waJ f' -iy;:44:t; 1 ,4-1.4.2:50 i4i4- ifafreT ' tf4- 1 -wgQeJr '''f-'V? -- ih Do iM iQuarter'eSalaryjBa libririaa' 1 ta Iticliif T I-1 4-. 4, 1 Onslo w v4 .-f 'Xh xp . :; ,f j , Oo Jcs-pb Galea & Son binding Sic 4 34f I - i ,? :':-: ff v 1,; 44;Ileer laaoTr'.'4U ;1 -USisb -41 pbl,' pririting &z 1 i I r I '4: - l:4 1 -'i;y: tfi't 4 ' 1 i :: v 4' I 1 H M 4 h sH-i ' i v -? r ll 1 I ; ,v I. ::4 : r I ff -.fir i'rli '4 ; v ML' f -;tKri,5 -, --'- f viX'i-- iftin1 1 -v.MfMi -t v;'""--li i" -"-'.1 1.- 1p- - VhXlXX X V iiVf ii- -i:F-l- iM.fi,. ;, J ;.:V:-.': -j i :1 ,l , J ii'.V- , ' 1 '"r": :j;. i l:m; fsdl4: 4 ?U 'f':-f xx t xAX. mH4jH Mi t ) - rik-VvlHv.v4;: L ID 00 4H1E-5CI4; fit in inn l-v-cf?' i j V w-Vi t:l' ilff 2:50 4 of NoTem'jecJS37 i of the rublic Treasurer on !' H37; abalinciof jllir -;,.4f isr M V k seliinn the Cherokee ao-' onder an act parsed l'4 1P4"44'-'4: ' 18" prescribing ihe mbde of tsaryeying and , 150,000 CO 240,014 13 , - Tf SelliadT the Chmkee lar.dBl i nr - OjC Battle, this sani paid o ie3fray;expenses of -;' 4X)0 CI Xi : 2!8.827 52 .' lit . t - L i; : : 21490-61 '; .4 54 CO 123 25 34.823 13 mwxfxm: 141. : 4:i4 -fei;. vU - it 'm..4I Vllte ( w , ., -. .-Aw wjuiico icwuru vi j r , k anciaiiii. luimer ifea the board T!;i i 1 144 l-i1 i1 ife " May A XA- Clttk and members. raid! for t heir services ' 1 W 1 ti' X:$ tritwm n.mA iMttiihihMlr! i- -u 'o. ,U i,-f-i. fefX U :f t 'I WJ -Ali - r:iU ,u"1 ww iunnu j i . -: ' - r.-:-4 .11 ,. . .. ':! ' t- ' l.t. I ' ' ' - - - . " , ,juoaD8 rnaae oy me ooara oinnieniaj improvement 3aa,uu j l j -- , fJil M I ITinrr wimnliaainfl' Fur tnfMvim - ! - VVUIHJINWIfal fVf UIIMIV III selling -vberokee lands I i t I " -V ..Weldwo ToIlBrWgopjnyi i J lhi " 4 ;rrt Stephen BirdsalLclefk! to tie board I ! ; C C Battle, to defrat expefases of iba board JUWIUS D1AUO VI IUCUU4IU . , . Do:Mida:-0,4;!-r IT N J K'nj, commissioner survey (ds od jii; 4 '.I 37; So 1! i ,n -it 230:00 f Coovihff acts of assembl v for nse of rnm Htrilii IRl J'lij! :N kff ; rni9tnhjra tr.nrwrintn1 filial .inri : r o n opyiog 4 .acta oi; asseopiy.iorpuwicfipf service, postage on. enti j i taker's returc P t y. from Braes wick; and Jtidges certificate I v uuwueju.BUiuvuuivuuBg taws ?!.' i tsnrer.on ine-um kjapnarv.iisi i w mu ani j;, '- - ys receivacj tor enities vacant lanuj; ! f ; ftf do'reccif ed wf Bank of XJabe Feirilieins divl "i W 44' Cdenii oriwo per' cent msdfJ!.3bareiii0waed bj; fcLv-i?iFand.lbebaJf VwarendinDec:3lli836M4' !f'-vf Cash received of Canlc of Cape Fear, diridcnd . i.. ; 01 - per cnt aeciaiea on U4 snares i; stock in ; :, 1 naii year endiog jrau December V4--l! hropriated to the Literarv Foiiui Febryr4 ? Cash received fojr entries of vacant lands eheroke laod:;; v. Ii4' ? Loans made bv lb board 1 I C O B4ttle, to defray xp4oses of trie board ilJni nvl Nov 1st? Balance'dtte b0ard:ofinter4al-:$Byeaeai 25,193,04 ft, . -U:x.xaax r-.i Ax,- 1xAa:- MlfrrMiv. sellbu "A 66 85 n :.li :lfi !i-S it at -4. ionmals, i i iDo R 4 ; State Librariarj ibd supertnUndin2 bubS '15 4 i ' Li ilii i'i nu . t ' - : -i- r- - ,4 lj 1837,80- I ff iu.ivii. j yaf H ictcif ou Its UU 41 im-L liUW ii . v.. st W'! ...Ciah received of th cnmln YMVAnni tW. H - . T pjjt, ,r. T...w -....tw 1 100100 .i-l-i' 1 1 1837i F. si ::i.V'-? - A i.eca co 12.500 Med cd 4I.7C0 co 2a0wD Ct) ; -f- i 6,CwD C5 ,.j9,CC0 CO I 4- S3 CI f S7:s ni fC53.7S7 Cj CfiLtlKS '(CotniiL l'--'l 4 :v. Vi. IWiS . Tfe- cs-rfi a arl -vEif IS a sermon 91 "w 1w-iM .",.SH tSi&f so; Mi i ""ii f Mar Jone July ;il':i arnoqnt appropriatod by the last Gett. AssTdr I ,j ilfor draining tbe swamp lands of this Slate Ml 1200X00 00 W 1 . - - . " . ;; il . -:'. --v. i . 3 "i 1 tasll TPCIVM M JSrtmlna IMinj homir- ih i - i j- y J CaVeFear F-ivm1tf tWakf ifch1- --Cash received tor eittriea of facarA laid U & Mn M89 3 MPly-v w Cash receiTed Ma'MU. Maj , 1 219" j927P 4 Casht received tW. do ii:ilrl-doJ H rila MiMlMji ii L'1'' 97 37 I S ' i ;' T; i lf iA;4; If Ji The annexed bwautiful xtriLri lis! taxeb!iern 1 40800 loed and. much lamenteil IIkbxKj a short ti,mo-befon? 4186 f depart ; j 0no ok i i i ajjic uvaia us on iikb ine sirEanr oi a in ?niv river, ir.r U M bt boat, at litst, glides dowo ihenarTW;ehaonel. through the Uj f IMH of grassy tor- derv T he trees shed their b!wsotis thj flowers pb the bank seen? to offer tlieciseSiref-todur young fc.i;J. ; we are happy in nope, and we us but the stream Hurries 4Ki ji" (S: ?L. It ': Cwiimirl" f : v -..i-'ffcs,. asaoreceivea Kirio. .i.iioai : i a tiftfci -i Literary' Board, bfmg principal, antl interest jot M n0og disrofmtpd liV said Board; Mi Kr i.. yM.Ml y at the Joeauties i a dn andMf tUlj 1 tmtl hands, aro - . i-ii . J'! - - V-' .1: ii r- . . . : ' f i' V h i t" VailolrV ib bribing: td; bii; iifiQt thd first fsnrrsl M I ever Veen tm 'abore.aid,': ..Whatldlyet! tiiAld-tbridocs witli t:a : .. . . 1 '. U.r .L. -1.1. f 1 tv L t lf .L i . . Lit. 2 134 S3 1 fPat corpses asnoiv ( v T t1? o"w.- rrpued we cn.i. 1 Ca.-b received libeiii'T amoual cf kns 1 LjternalS-k.'A -t- A I f -i-ii-viaproveseai r yeiwse-i fff'tM ff' f .545 15 Pw ea up in bbiw, wha.ucc f-i f i 1 S : 'Nl t,if ' t;i' . i !i T S t I X v .i-ii U B fe ' Vi- kri -" : - T' - i v 6r i ' ' i ' ' f i i i T -"r m r i Iff mr 4n ; f. 3 ' V I f ! f. ,.( iS'- . t f 'ii1!1 .4M;4 '14'- 14" IMfi Mi- .Mt rani - -.'V-v i M 4 ! J1' i ifi 1 i . .. v S-t . t. .-- lit I I . ''I J " ; S - t.: -- M ' ' i'-'tu iii t..':? ''1- 1 3r.4 4 Wbyi Bill, may I nevet feblied iaclr, .1 : i- "ii i-i-ji.- ,r.i..-c.i.- i mi ; .' . i LJ I- i t ' ! i,aa-ii:m tii; iv i -i-iii .'is-ufii Hi ibi ter-; :4i:iii;y ! ' i i-i-ii: h i -j.i - ri-r jvel ii;; iiS--i-" - m:x;- r i.MM t i -m - tvJt tby i i-k. 3,i . 8 "l 1 !!- i!" -'-HlLM ,rU.-lM-ta:lr ) l '4j ' ' "" 1