: -SB - "' i 'lA. - - ' -s I 1 i - - I ' ' , iw ) ':J- A- -CottsponJence'tjf ihe Na?kica3 Ii;!fVr . t . .' .- .-r :H'f,: t-.!': rf :': rVf:!l' !U'":. Hi i Ivi; i - ; ' I ,.'-.! ,4 -tl . f: r mm 'J:.jvl ': :; V :i' 1- tw u -1:-' .:i:t?;. '..JJ-:'.H 1. 4 ' W :'f : ' i-!- - ! i I rTt, "? fiilowinrr tJbeaotifol P T A. par I 3 iikVr-wirf writiin by Missjoi f ?!-i'.-.a 8?w..tj -..v. iwctet. T(ieHw4i. iU e I publication of theoi. ia .ewiHe 1 liirtrwui will. I am confident.; pr,.teoce 4 ftiftmgfe large ' ombji.tjyffr MWat if her maltfr which wojjd occupy j the C mn"- They will furnish) 0a ay iJWrwwwgr munity. memento of Jer. peculiwl j r f,o,n the rircerastanqes llfndiog If. Mboii; t 'Orible alike to he literary ta&te aflH Ja he Jn- r J itrkl W t. iilMht,B hour. h r ? i .'. When miM tre gamenog fninrmH,. Nik wiund iliiird i ye itmweHittf f Then hear ihe.echo w h iaperfttjf' irtf , ;'Wl'eai!nence reigns jhr-)slvearth,aod "ir tl ;Xnl ttuimii twines rqiw iihirui-q-' 1; oi , harK y uere cwie a wen icnurvrn oicr . i. ': . .'-' .-f f,lmA tlilu f4rofif hrnt Iipi f :l . . - '-'HI'' ' t ' :ri ' .- - When FaWr" lift her radieht i Ai"t Tp'rhtnif hirda around fhfe smg TViieniyffisr'bis.sp'lnnbeti And Lot e'u eocbanttneot Uw 8l5tgh i Wheo cajni Wue waiera aruurChee fi-uv, -, , .lwo. neaj iny msierv-ore.iMiP9iuw-: j j ; f $ i; :i K I ' Iuitb ihve dt-a.reit broiher I f- a1 h 4--liiHIafpMininMot' ihrrwg WoWtt f MM i fMiwgn ihy brrgtiiest . hdnM'eaib-p"i;J Galvesion ire io daneruf Wl the fn expertend-; ! ShoiH't FVieodAliip's trtist.in fyfiod made Nsd by tbe-manwM duW'YMd bis hnsjnpon! IK l(iafier y-ars pryve" faith bl-!ryeJ ; ' Furoh'Jitr heart will fondly bjrri av1 r To clatn her tlearest bfotberJ i' V: 8hrMiid rrow cloafljlfiy -cnraipg ye'ars. J :j A'ri ui 1117 l)iJ M.rspT-j; Olf llf irqs. i j-VHmn-iiii)er ib It bright mi(Tcl'iu'jM apd.sohshi tx ; .It ii-nwinlwV. 'l KmifT hi wn'rA i.uml!lit JiMt. 4 bf re lirea tw fur.d aid friiihf'ul heart: j J f ft ,11! - Tfil liivesi ber' Jearest brothe!.H JVifwlYirkj; SaturJay morn ng ,QcU 7 i7 fVoi ihs KiclifiionJ Whig, Z t y I -J Gehtiene,; leli-in jtliatlyour riderf woldj be inoth'graiified wijb hJ perual --f thruffiw B9, jq fWeling satisfied that Uer fJuldj b. n4 vioJitioo jf "Con'fidencfi alihuughfit : jwas : ;w rttH for private usi; or injnriuiis 'reiufC, JWwa'igiyinsj 1.1 puDiidty, i smicu lur ii a place in your pu nans., ! 'V' jf ;-;r; 'Li V'r ra'ite.fr.iH-r x ou ooedteut servant, j V" - ; , TEXAS. I Climate, Ferlil ity ( otmerC(fl2 Advantages n-J- yjdar.birltt;yiar-.4ir tbe iipyoa seak' iff-'-lW'lVla; in:' refereiVcie W jit-;eiinaie; Hfertjf: i 1 J:vAi artI c'Pnereial .'adfan'sietii arid -iyia- 'qfitsi j4":- mVge iny tijy, le apfn'iot,': .vi;a';;'1Ton-lrWs t jnu't ';;-: I d&e V-nchyfiMr.rteo!os demand Jwiifi iue in iin'pVVirijj, J tiair priced tf lejj tU all; 1 Idftjtvij Tti'8, tuwvfrj I aw'ri tii ;cipiejiS' js by ni nieans . exiep.ife a. i niiit bavu been, bad f tatert paiu io Lupoe ihe'raciirues li have! trfi-l - Ys 'r.-rj-t a trendy 4n fyrfneti , !j 'j. I made ; riijl oage h 'IVxat jl was iily ihree or f iuir JM irt'tbat rfteptib lc, j arid iufwe4Mtiky i.dii .ritMi4rit triiirh iif-j; i U y in-raMa!:! -c ber v at loh' . A0 bbivever, th I.ddfearnj''-u;i'it4! W priniuce ;a' i? ira-'edi n jr y : fa'rabjej I in pf s isl j j : -il -' j f.JI J-lviajwity in ir?-DTjj.HS enPtrylj and s(' thw rtnijwU?rw$ trftt;m-han!6.jfijrj ik'fr6ni hje,' isry fTlie jpTairiesj-Tsajv.'ejrft lht imy i Ji4is2iiiim liaUjpic'iired ihjjnVi'ITliy ;.-eij evejo? air- beiAHHtwjV A pl jiCirjis( tNi iromrabs wir-r'ie iflpr;ifcfi '$f jtdis'ryj afM:!'anteprisf ru3 muni ' ffricfH ebcleJ, j.ttgl' leMs j l liisi d.nrk ifttfi 9'U and- even at tlia't um blebruaryj .ilitf-jywbj bd been pled 1 wiisf riiffnl bW r-jri-3irt gpuufnfi -mai ; i.u rna nt corn in OfteeasM.! I he elunaiw Ro mil l iitsf I virtek 84-' n issyifwn o r. jnt kua i Hinan' in i air is rmnarkaW-j fMr Ua ouriit. Hfrr ih4t r;. - t! ' - i . -' i --n :Tr-j"-f"r - iii waror-eatner.lra-ilt meat: eon: k pure tofircie.frar dy,'f anj; that gwitbont 4h 1 tiiH Jtlfl nii'-m, rM-nest sua F-sti watered lapd.: I b .",'"' b itvers!,Aytti'i!tu Coitb- Jjevv dp adv J jthe.Guadalou J The! prkiriex 'kitili'ii .H 'sfciofs,-it:is.iBaMi ire n sriadbweJ kirtlt ey4?n kilnbi w bv those I sa w.if I T&iibr. it mU.r l w.wvnrtjFi tipverr woitdibft Jwe Iwipied by ivri jfirvanuania i relieve tPe iires4fn uniform xt frh?" ?rnery ;'fnf -rJeiene:ibt kftis ir.icile 7nJf parts of the country are attteiitkpit-vi)eP ; InreVrtacmerHa a4vanla4 lyirb fvH jei?eteol Ja nrm al jiiment. 1 have !ny iinjtrfnshs.; it is troe andy hfahrf is ref wor?h any -tJ(ng Jp VMU, you are wiplctme to them, j tbe K rfl,,trt .rtegfas w mwy d "pi t he'leeosd "U ;'Mevf-rfK Hri:pf Hhfc fiwaatrk' pafiruj-trly id ibe'rnziob anilSa A0Iup a. tho 'i- - ;';' irtmdio-beiiere' that tbera Iwljl 1 a i-'l'Hr'' li'TilhelTegiob: i- -i HN'' or s,wnijiber.afli mlhef tbi f I s cr thfln Anupip ardrtberye$tera Le2if 1 -nM tbtsi it-wjir: be?ij: W-Wafti ti MKTT,?''BJy.and many iber.rtrcumstaneetl M ;jyt vu-r ine meatum ora nwi U'bceitral rts of theHlennblic wUnbtnr!iiri iJli.k watei; lbfe w, r;.beJ.lMjP.-liaWairt - tihA )lepublt.GJesto inland bas beenUefeeted a ' ; b'lt bthe,r Ga)vHtwi ilj b4, a! .ia ousers prenct, tn weirwpidM, I yre.bjf J1xa -4e?tnito me sery-rn-fatioaMe-1 Iii priteoded . J.:i.iM'a - ttf 1 T.va Iv Mdal .4..' t . J' - U. ; Mbe Union the N-tbern aiid fiih Kaera Lt which -xbALldr--fl-Ws to Newl Orfcana k'! .R-?d--Ri.ye aojther1:ayewb, li -t.d, frcci' Us epeptj jctirrent jiand, cxn.0 1 within lisbttiv p ciwniryiWk sn ot- seek an out ir c y meaps of ntlrad; pr som oiberi ani!rifi-tt itf-M kJ.liilwAnr&l!tfM .I."- M ' 1 4 ft- ' I '- ;-i-f ! t "m f , nw gro) oepoi at uai vesion.; v licoitod tatscd in Ui Uart country is J"iiJ?;ridetalde M mU M ijiin M .:!;' --H ,Ui Hured ir tbeifi 5 tboasaadV lof bardy : ;Kfofc nptio.ttie.ba,!! i-tlis llTf mlt jillte . "1 "f 'LJ nnhJU 8iieard.jidj'ibflex4naUl 'Si. "B-siuk.-f t2 streai wt-iMK t u. j.I.jL : T-tn tf ;'T T1 f ''rrr I ""Kiu'P pr,: pnp -Tigtitf f -air ; iTi,,. 1 I .W: ;. UVrtiiiii t lliC Willi tw -..et.i.. iLi i-i 1 -V-ti-vV1l''"T v;!.-T.L r T. iiTr. lrm eJ lougtii ajave -itasi.adx:1 -f -4 ' t ' land ifier a!P U f. klmg&J f ?lMre? f " I - lfel'4ev sctitp, (if fcfBTO e i-'.-V:-ii'4::-rK.--: .t:''i:;-.-:ii!-.'j: -j .! i i :f i t' -y- LV r ! . -T 'n-,Miini kAfititlaksl(i iolbH;ome,ii - lh tMe fioct. .f :. Jan J titles, seem to-oie: jijie of thisifjrmmer pi-sen's the same as-s cinto battle frroond.aiine neaa i--muu- - r - ve emcieiiCV to Ihe Uwsu 1 Dlol!iinsr:6D0rt tichoober naJgatiab ii trial dtrecuon.P Tap ntm I apeak of is called UuEUrojayoa. vrioastonna only 15 miles! foarcs'orhef towns on the:Br--lt,(Fort BehdJ wlthl whicbtt pwbablf don be conneeted by rail roaf. If this IwL the 'case. ibt trade of that rirer wilMhaturallf s?ek ths ibfppin-r at Huston and Gal fegioo hy the way of Frt Bend f It. wjll be tiapjiy thojs to soid wrecks that: line the beach, no ln than the coni Wvbr dorinjr jadtx.t4 wtra tbe marinerl of bis danger. :';3j.-4r -vi Tl he commerce of oaf infant lister!, wit! '.tibt less be jyrraier deptlt IJO Velascii) 1 he between 5 and o teei, iay a iecdsin strangling-ye jibe- r; r f Jlf t vjfisfii i oVs for butWof whh we nan wanepm sivus-; tVn,5 feet is h- gutfr: and at , t&xv- : .V. - . J in li-wiifilpnt k.jwill wt adniit yefl? kits inlfif1 more than 13 feel. I be lnrnciwej I vi'e'niii. derotcodlalwSyrpafe thr aud she, I tnderstind, drew only 1 1? et drewoniT i ib- "- T. , i- "i . ; I4 lutrroated a doqbt as (o Malyesion - Dec4MiMog a ciy. My reason- is. . 1 - ' s t half Iff ' Is- a ' mere low oeacji oi quicK?anajii the Norib- Easiern point of iejUnd." wherls'l'b.e Mtthet (as fhey term fUe)r pecoliir windl) croingis thej dOWtth a: taie sweep acrossioe i)4y,are iiania iu arg ui vraefsin such a way las ttr lntc whhlej acre a;t once. In oiber wijds, t think the Propr.irturs W cial metrupolts of Jthl exijppsiveijecih-n of cmip 'tr' ac6aMsttif : ta tax I ttttt'spI'lav1 iV"j,(isblfi -ion, a snuri oisiance peiuw me oauje --,---" 1! !l beliereLair. tbat liaye iioir giyeb Jf)d ! Ihe itiforiDation wbicb 4uf rtobierration and my uiriesiostitujed MM li Texas, 6v ena- Wed file tusecore, touching its chmaiefertility 8t commerciat aJvanlag:s. i Ai ti thej slcietyv tbJe any thii.fi- from tne on iboJ topics---ihough, if y yu bad wisbed itfl si.ould beg, tor I he '.lojbe Excused , my po jj agerriejn la not-a Uuw i rig ms time to owciiss tlieetopics!wJt0 ; jl is ' jmocKj,' buwever, I Iwill say 4hai in ihsej matters tli rreiians'-have beeii gross)yfiIaiideredMh ill parts k VI i - M. w v w w f Tjie main ohiect I bad iolyiew when took up my pen! I must now alt tend tiic?' mid .f-1 tits. . I pave not seen the : legal gertiloman to Mruitn I allude! in rrv wber letter. I masi. t tejefore,do ihe bjbat! l ean ! wjlhual bis asiiii- ienee: , jj -J;- k ; 'tl . .v",-i : :jf -1- -- '. ! :' : -;: jg j This p-m of my letter ranges .me some embar-jra8suj-ni lor, as t atp not well inlorined as ':p the prrcisc import of leral technicalities, I fear that I shal tail to express myself with perspieui- ?y '-.Wv-I -''''--i: 1? ;f'j v fi". i '-I- , -I i i You a re a a re j sir," tba t; j la rore -tra!ts of j Te x; lab lands lave bela bought ;hd ;6Pjdwh4jfh( are eren vet: xioL nhlvi-unbelt led. but nnchcrSert. r,'r'm. 'i !'J 'TIr'T''. V ! J t - -. ' y I be claims to ibese Janus orginaii in varioas fWurces, om titles jvebieb are rior objects of jevery -day $reciiUtion, are founded inUhfl i lornfin-- al coloiiixifion fari others, in military' ser ce since he rvaltiHoH yin'p-nceJ o;hars,in actual r-sidnee under tbe!pfoisiialJand Jcoosli- t it? ionai got eriHiti iq ta of ,tbri Republic! of ' Te xas 'lbe:;manir in which tlievbpfdefl fofH ttitise elanns wof their rights br nop jresident of the Kep.ib tc. may j be -'ii i vers i rirl; Fbft t ft wilt teil you ol itie minfe, the biify uri I' have wit-' !pessed,; by wbicb ib! vjepdof 8CtrHS,to the a-n, a title to lands whtclt the said jaiitm , may JjlWe ptirchaserf. jPjrbjiri' t iMiiase,y.ji msyperbaiS' iirrivo t af'tiPbclbstti) as to the valid ifty of, titles.: Senor Q'lixidf Csiablis$f3 himslfiat Sap Ffl- tje; when; that g1! manilrf A jiip," -went utii, With" bis elnuiaisand bWr9i-i' jf'MiessW t( a'rigok', 1 1 s a league a n 4 Jt J a wr ff j a nd f : A fe w j tnori bs I since Silrn-ir SsjwJop, fakfogV Texas n . liis rouse frorn;Saniiav Fe! ioS the 4fbd Vif j steady ihabiis Stopped a the Knt of the exiled fcasdihan audt un. iii-; in? c-tjicnusi jwisneu '.iojbcii ne piirc?u the riahtju n atiiy 5000. fCte) jf.ra mer It fl f 'I rue, i h is: la nd )vis: nt locii ferf wl i- 4Siu nre r Ijain whenjliiA If ml H&:4 jw.Ud bji'niii',' obi; ccon was willing iftliake fjbe risk. ivi sbnrlt time, howpyef, b-pereeirved f iba bis Mxiean dollars weregeliog,scir: was ppt diicii.g "oibipg; hej moat Rii$e Jthb ir-w isq. He came joeriOrleansJ-)i!iu nirbi f ilr.Mrdeca't A.iptpiiyand c(n'sijered himejjf emlqenUyfhipyyiit obtaioinff mtinipabty sliiit tbe'cHRa orit-Uit which tie ilfjrit o pile J I-er IJTH ) Will " . i i I J ' i ..'. . . ii ., . ! i- ... . ? had bruht b. psse?sifti-r vnue in tne land or promute. - iie title wfneb MrJjjwop exhibiipsl ijoipe purcba&ef j I shall eudeayprflo explain Tbj dted roadfr by becofonttlafe'yvb jidvenliner, afVe UeljBs'aaiy preljtniiiarieai -yiant'imJtii say Wthajt' the said jSwoia1 jtre.agnee o-Tj'fcelsaid Qnix'otf, Was(olly1eppWerWi by ;hmi. Urn s&d ! Quixiite to obtrn irntu i6ef jprpei '.ft&cerajpf thfltepbMib. bf.TexasJal.l. iHeifacililies ifor sttrveviprt' iV hcaiv tgibe ind appertainifijg.ruiMler 4 he. colon cent ten JawV io liiia iQtixbti-:fv.bo j was tli!btlnil gran irei a no inptine said pwop was anipnrise(tf inisowh na rpe. Jid get "but patepVfor ihe sid land, &Xi-prfauied ;fte;-1aws of Texas should alioir S wpp ibt jiftjie j land in' bis ownl name. Sjvh to bold, then' in Chat event'. uui, ji -im , laws i j!jws enoaiu pot, perm i Senor botinjl Tai mseif, b is heir ia t trney fye. to caa&p a pat- ent'to be takejioul Hn the baine bf bim,etibr ui i xte, tb lurirnal j gtanteei which jateht. l6ecnre; wop, he gTKanf'.ttTto be gd-title. A part t!endrf obh-jation is rendered rvcessary by aVcfattfft in the C-ntiMii-.n, vtbtch says-'tbjtt no alien shall Md land, except the title emanae from tbej Governments ft i fexpected joy eobie thai law will be passed at the present-sesaidn 4 ii tbei r -fCopgreiw, allow i ng; t hts alietis i wbo mm pnrcuarta ctaiinso noia tne 5 property: indicate; aUrnfre. cv.ntuiency . ibe alien pureLaer j.seeire - hirnselr as. above ttionbd.'! biaye seeni deds like the one meb itoRed ' aov sf-pbej iRiri n'sMnee,- jw as- 'made" by Cut. Heeotfi, iihe tfallabt commander, whose bs- laieav ja pe'! Jjab f Anbtnto.) to a cejllemaP bf - 1 numh-a-ui -iJi it l iulr.ui. na - -a iuj iiirn oyvvu.o. waaacauirea py- Uwi w..Lw:;2- i ' i,-L.L:.ii : . . bad lf thecnfrtrlforavoidtihe $y-afei'H w ho; is a bigbminded, eoemy,e. e-otleman i1?4"'1 FTy Wf.lmixirmdu to be wood tr thi :txr.;i.L 7- V ."A- i VM,'yurw,' J ml VLill.il I t --I' .'l i;., opow,hrevfff lh 0ver;ttefttfiid 00 ,-' " r'f f" ? wnsi.rroOT.iiii. . , itaa. bis fireiily impeded byi he -citeuia .pay- ; pajm a.ier 4 peuWi: , ie thirig 'ongh at every rjarbor aiing me omsi w; B'tw-:K -. rnr r- .t-- , j Ftnatott ton !.!r woskpI At the CitkUltsf,?, optnedvand select jAAf-L -1 Utagorda, ves 1 f-.j - f OUSF ."SfkSV tfee rurchastdi Oorrcspdrtileiici bf he Nal " Jntcl iMter ceft'are alliiaelhilr yreo'tf'frnm'tri Li.oaJJ hot ly .frtt ftd at out (be piinciples involved inUbe tranlfef I aluli ad LiFEWeJ: I here.io4th'fideildy.- V" :fff H 'fif -:..!' ;' C";- '(" wetii dbbi ti pected in recrtTe, to i fejw ' weeks, some valaabil docomentsjl oi ! t6irvery'tobii-i;Re8rssMirir sir lbat f ;by th Jr any ot net means, I no any iflfnrmafit Hot herein given, I shall forward it to yoa ivithbot delay, p 14 XKt- J: q , s 'i win, 01 TOurse, craw yonr own mrerenecni as' to ion that cli inn can be buoght una i-an h b-iixrht in SUSlta vm lalDI incur 110 creaii risk on, that pintvr' ' T If tou; sbdnIS barrhafe, it wodld ! fee, we? ta police the tinUl when jthelright Was Mnifed If nince ih Declaratioil fof Independence Un survey oiticaiKm npotM use piac iiho monu t jfHxiari Isndm preflebi: t'td&i ootLsirotHjert indneemeots' to- tps j i(tJt$diirr4kr) Jw4Aa-WiB'bia! ""i:T"'"" i wT4" trnw - 7 - '--Mi f 1 F sea. prices nmtt I -1 MVofiepibw t: s,iai uiic ti:viii 3uiiuuifvo f; I. fiL t.i ' 'u . i t. ...1 l! if.. fr - aiowfaif - aw r4iji.Di,-iy-:Ku.-i9jriBfir iw i" . prtdAo1rjiiid .y Hlftig'jifai soil, whicbjnjly neeuf "je , aurreif ana jpuiu?o. -aj I sold the j article j myself at $2 50 per bui and bel ve If is winceUUies nigner.-r i neyOPg mtnif Yiglnia knowi : all about raisipg corjn-1 Vblici'heyiolth to Texas? Thejrio; not I'rioWl ie jpiifd hi iwafda .,'of iudostr'whf-h -wbnid; ajvjaii tf M AUuf; Jbe . plaiiters, ail .- h' ve atf44 J ! m nuoei, fra.199 mw!; 1 i f djbe 'better Ifojr i bM f w A iryV'l nd. 'pet ha iDrjre profit ' : aiblhlo t:fieiielvfi if they would yigorMisly pos 'ecbtf jtWeNtn)iiVa1tni)f corn ' 3 ,..r " , ;' j $4pjfef. jasl I bae ben ;able to learn,tbe eoontry is haihyi 8ine parts, it is" true,arp atUiCted I wiulagtt an4 ?rs. bui other portions ai re- mariablyisitaVrfeas: f t' '" ! 'i' -A 'i ' ' r ' ' r'As 'icrllh!e jsolUiii-i adaption to difiVrent purposes &e. 4c-' prefb.me joobave seen 1 be difityeni btkk:oti itlie sobjct. Airs Holley's Texas s, I beleivclbej be&t uork of the kind that hes ap- pearVdilj j ji j :f '' ' 1 .i: tbe relegrsph;prinied at Houston, h frvqueijiily contarfosaloable intormaUooj Sod iflrcan pro etit if iaey''.ieopi'es' f it at any lime, . 1 all ta kasure in: transmitting them to you yjti sentiments ot the! greatest respeet, 1 I remain vours. sinrarolv. i j. ;. : : y A GREEN NORTH New.O leans Dee. 7, 837 i .L "M:f' . . - TOE NIAGARA FRONTIER. We ftnVite the attention of all those rbib- lic udctqbates,Xegislai1ive, Judieial, nd HiXectitive, top wnoni are connuen trie care of the peace and honor of I this Nation,1 to the foiiowing account if the state of ffifirs. on the Uatiatltan ironiicr,twhich ts extrac ted Yrom a letter to a gentleman i nib Is ci iv from a1 citizen of biif h stabdin? anil in- doi&tefl Israel ty, 'Who telatei fairts within his own knowAede. i-JYatInti f 4M extract from a letter dated i J3uyriiii.DtrL 28. 18 . tf I'snppose youj have seen as repojrtet in burl bei wspipers thd thiirigsj liere aitfj aiitjll pibsiirne yob feel, as it stems to) m III III O " ICCI, SUliltlCIIlT rbi'etdipgsi J. LA I i i iiilprbiatiitn,? 1 1 yesterdayf i the present seat of war, jand near to Nvyi Islaud, jl tlitl- not g on to the islnnil, I Hi was tioy stirhcunn H v in tliei citiihUiiieej njiiiiie P.i .itriot. as they are Callj ed.vtoi lH'j admitted on the llaoil. r rouii what I Have neenx and from what I. A-uoi tit ; . if - -ti :'? ; ii:'. i -T ' J ' ! . S the wiioie matter, i am pcriet-uv'Ot.ifusiei3 at thelwHe;prrceedin;gs. It docs seeih ujj ietiai: :iuer!-never w ' - 1 ? Ji ' ; t i .' . .' I : L .' . . .. : .1 U !l (is a more unjusbiiaij biejau-o.jiii;e;ss pnocet- diiigjtiian has ciiar' actinud!i(i iv'iote mat let from beginiiirig 4r tVrl ! ' J L i, -i. : 1 tlkHbzi. at the head of 'a moh eojleck ted itv Buffui, ariAed and equipped Uterd has"p8Pse;d):o!ve ir aid tjakert! possess iob a ( J !-. I IL. 1 1 i -. ' t :i - : . . . ;9 lslatrd, and nvnes; volunteers u i ises of pay: and lahdjl st f liv libuii hiyrMeh him. blitMh i$Q'4 Mis c-tuissaiifs, m ct ficr 1?4 ia relien 1 1 s t ng yoHini-eers, proviwin J. l ' l..'L-.. . . :l I- L arins ammnmii h, ctrunmgi provisiotiS. some bV burcbastitr snme by voluniaryJhaoli .-...,4'il :"i Jilt - -A "H f - ' . M heso men i are 'oiieiii pniriirtngimen ana means in an tnese way forwArdin?therh'io Navy, Island lailu.i; oftentyl cfibg inierleirencej oi oppneiitiblu Tbeiwbkdelcotintfy-t tibpi-ibrriejs precious Patifiot. who: baw benjfotib in al the luxury that has be!n he6peti ipdbthert by tbejpympatiiie aiwl Ubraiiii r jbttrc onnlxjr people, who iab. btJfWi te4S! i!' bf that .hey were cop iribriibr lb ilhe cause of 7i ft eriv! :! ' K I ivijTftcJfpK constaift-1 4 IT augrneptiug irpin a,ti, parts w irie icopp- Uglhllbije, Hifln geberalifteb'ccb iiq mmdlo htinthdr it" 9 Xjjy U u 1 1 15 wii trf i ;ub re'rc uuuecu ii jji ft it tbemtandtuilndredsTab ireltaixi to be prf .Uiiy j.Oitrj'l Cabadiartn.'bighbi,; puf well they f mar tie J ire ib crmstant ilalrri; I lor fearjbr'ab inasidn ft rbtvbjcblTlbtediinf aTmvor'lwb'or Iihfee imiu?ami iu .ne Juiaa.cB Bz.rie i, inn UIl a1 iq mai, ion, in a ttmoi PTOlOUnnt Deader withitms nation.:; it does, seem to me tbt Ult tnis:riaiiiob."i It does, seem to i s fMV huItl terfere j ris f CTf '?P 8rlar w ances rrntour neighbiHs in Canada:! tltati ffh ;i?Jfj of the flending agitatbfsf lire 'Hi? - iit r -i - ' . I irifi j't? : i f. t- -t - 1 I - 1,. ; , -1 i oorreach; but l sfems rtrt' mehal' irie4 U. thal' tbei G.'ivernmnt rMtJnli !i - t ... .. i , ; ), . ! , - . I imniiKT in' tint rnxanp 1 .,.! r..LIti Wf-V-WTi ' V" "" " 'V ,1S,,'r We rnaus i carrying on this most u inrfh'arjAiau.jinougnjiiiat tne wmur : : r 1 ; i I : L l " . .'.'' ;flibgvd in a sbivt tinje bio Wiover; ppriijttr be, ' ij" any liingtgaliic but gathering is. M4Ir tion l)f i-rtdnes w hieh 1 wrmld far excel lot- ap -eeati cstaJM (Jfro always wllsb gb,klt bast contipae rtywre,Je 6rtigralioni ts aogieat. . . , 1 Bierv :rruo(-iiiis hi. ii a r-i: i Mil; iii: -jj i-J-li li -. - j: h.. ! : it. j ,1 . ,l : - 'i ;i M ! ' V 5 - v- ;. .vf ,,,- Hi,.; --' i..- :: 'i4--. u - I .;-- r-l-i" h ' ' I ' j i f-.f."- i".-';r: s . . ; : ' . - itfl l -i? , - - -; ,l(''!ii.-: ' j i I; -t' - .-J f -' r t- 1 if' !''"" - i. -r 1 bWber, in kbe ipresent jpxciied stitef jof ohi I very much doubt; r v W ItaV is proper to.pe uona nqwr now i f tie oiarsuarjoi Tl! lf im 1 Iir Kilt Via !min Untts I riff . i. i ' ' -' .. -: ' ! " rt t f i . r . I.:, Ti , p . . h i i T rl : 'I --W 111!'-. IIV ! ! W VfV ha liotifijedlthe rjrorjer- DfprlTrient? tfr the not tlinw. f x oi inav re IV ontio ttrtf leiai s Jji Jiae giyert yna as being current. lime- i" 1 1 1 to I Ie unc . f I write to state iNew YollK, : li ' i I here has beet a' fiht iiffaf-Natv'- Island. anU iltiif laSmilliMWij ari jn th h!ghes(siite br My loo.tcfcewmr uoes noi seein, iott I jprjss lli intl:tfrnellfii Mas rccteq natjenes iiport tnvniprwar-isttie. nu coilnceii an attack boSurtria- ! Islalrwt; Jbaat Gf n. j Yanj'SertsarajwMli bis carinbril ktutckeu his batteries f'to pieces aiiiu urove parn riia ouaw, i wiin-snnre iuss i bfj livesTiiJtirwg Ibis action, a frbnior teWlrim rl 4 fln ff d mane a ipugmerjiononurami isiant ,t -vimcri Fcf V'W'VP0" w",cn PfTOff61 'inimass, and demanded, if such wer fet. that the militia forthwith be called T" ouM io repet u c euai k. . i im ni i.ur, ...wercr, was nrifoundedijalthdugh it, does seem that ! sdme Indians inlllie btnpbiy of tltb Brfttsh had been sent there to cut off the (retreat of the Navy Island People, or, as other sour- si of rjilormation, say, tcj. hunt j fir1 i i! , i t . i i eli orontb. W ben ih'ey reach Cbipppwa, iissonie ri mei unnsn regulars uare reacn- Si .li- - r .L. f i I . ' CT i ' ' . 1 i ' ' iivm ii iayii iiiruy 11 at Navy Island will be a en- i t.l'-r ,-ir -rr - (:: 'IN if r". the Uttack upon cuts one. The city baa been. expecting a riot at Tjamtbarv Halj to-night : The Comicil of Sae hems 'lit is;$aid,have the control of j that tiail,.; it iieyj iiaYts iue. mm raoivvu-r-ayE iSi noes 14 that trie Conservatives, shall use tbe T EJiflrKt of I tbesfojireen am-hbtise officers. ! The Cohserva- ate custom lives thns voted out? of TanimanyL Iwtll rbeet id tbe Park, tn front of jibe City Hall, trjfxpresl thm opinions, b jlt isj npi im probablie thai tbe Ioeofocbs may; attempt lb riot againsjt them there.? Thus the old Pe,mocra:ic iNrty which ejected the Loco-fpcos- the Islam,-1 $ang, Fabn-W right Bye frbm Tommany Hall; are now them selves driven; to the same Park, where the iiicofoeoi'oiiee paratled tbflr" harjne'its and Ibaves of breatl, and! excited the people to an- attackfbniriartfs flour store - The Dem ocratic Party. "as it ts alledv is itownrt-tiy well used un in JMew Yrk cttv.and state. If: the Presidential rote were to tb-day,! it is my sincere opinion IftihiBpren wobkj be rejected by be taken that Mr. hie own the Siam, State, bv 50.000 maiorttv i With Bang Party iUf rarnrjfiany Hall, IV is utterly lib possible, t i ;M rj Vinl Buiren tr'ca'rrytbe; ajgrieultbtal cmiitiea. ui,4ber River, j The farmers lit I tern have a horror of that con cern. f ; Agai: ihis! eecf irtWiTl Tmma by is a Ijissof tbe ?buofHbe Pirtyl The pmbe are lejjriutthjere is jib ' sob' ie' them ' i The Sttlii iegiment was! to mfaVcb frjrm Sllomrpal toj Upper Canada5 on the 28iH jilt. The 85 ih regiVnent from . Halifax, was near Quebec by ihe lit "dates, The 34th ib-a'd Ifcljt Halifax lor Q;ie ec, to: march over lite disptitVtt terttorv by thf be wJ Oad jtbe Bfitiih regiments have been mol ing there. Jj j Tld ftoUriLwe hare tfrrJatjer from Liverpool The cotton sales vero going bit withSspiHtJ I -' I .: - t-t L -"-U fl v:' . . ii :j !..- ! !'!: - ! " jj j Qqjr New, Year's fro I wf i went off with jhb itbtsi ahd;but little drunkejiitess;: The weatbei' was charming, and the day was idtjielf the gayest eye.r seejis in the cuy; n Aniertcan gtiiti is fioni 2! to 3 premium, H .f;4b1lari:a to 3. U. S. liankl Stock L ti m. 'L -' 1 i 1 ii.i Torres -f - . MM . poiideBce of the ; National Intel igencer. New York, Jan. 3, i Thecloud n as burst in trie West. and all i 13 V ntt!orninou&l 1. ...- ' &: It-it I... ! ':! i The istfB tb boat Caroline, at Schlosser. oihe-ticar Side, j filled with j visiters whom curiosity had tempted: to visit 'Navy Islanrl, was attacked in the night of Decem ber 9th b 100 to 150 armed men in- five boati, 4 :hbl f lpr oaclied ! -the!' flea mier I! with' "i i-W''i"lf I'll if r II 'I -!.. 1 ii : J" ,M- , mi fued ,oa t8i ,u nsuspect i ng I a ny a 1 1 ark , a n d all jbn :boa asleep, jit; is sai The attack ing force irate: three cheers for Victbria,' wnicn iiarmen tne people, wnen a serine and fifibt ensued, the British, hbweverj sue I : i i BT .' . 1 . . s ? 1 . it . - ' l'---:i - . ceeded; i h 6ba ttt i p g bora plete mastery of the lioatl : IT weniy -two livespwerei lost some- li 5 i -ri . .-' I: ; - .! - ; J ill . - i. n " - . - hqwl oKfWbei&'iisttiepeA rushed to therf-scuo ttjey wete fired iipon,& one man was killed.wbfose body was taken to Btiffalo J he eteamboat, alter the capture; was set oo:fircLi towed into the stream, and thedead ' thsf has : created, m; estein tKew Joaiticul lirlt thfi friflhtfuV end nf lhn f scene a tury tits almost impossible to re- krain j. The mtii&ry are jcitllted 0it ;Buf. j fii ( I r armeb: men. fThet47iH,brljr i li if. -11' VI -1 '-"IT. ' L . ti ouiirdc7 o. P. Tk I no tiuitaio. Ariver. Grapd k, 01F if raons tjcao, in 11 is message the Lislatttrb or Opper Canafa ia ilery setere thrown uu tutu a fever i of excitement. Lie i w t , t - .1 i: n i:--.- ar uutm tiur irfHiiuK in tne iren. sun sat a iit ; iu innuitM ana iwriu- j k&ti2tteAki q-t0,h i'A-mi ft a't'.k? tl'ir! -PMbivlra'nia has 4 lonelr line bt p ilf: M.n.; ivih;..UiAw It i..2f..i- i thaii-an V Stale Mt be UiHn, a N i WUi-J ti-Aw u Ui bAJA oPtofcxneod iheially a bwipleting U J jbefd ijol bay to you all lhis rnewe '!.haa-traieed a "cb ar.'reelttJlf''peaIly-',fi,' I rv r'f f k 'E w lYpKa? Jan 4 HAlj, ay. rnor? than I ttJtd bf Upper Canada news, js ycuyrstf rilsy but too- true. Gon Jlarcy bats issued fa ipqeial Imfssie! wbtcb I send'yonjtogetlieriW tb(battiijr pb.'tn W. ; an ofiHat arc siipliiinished iiirrif - Mr Nabb, I learn ftemi Buffalo de nief any pMieipalioli ill'ri .'-'biilrage, S bbf -thefanihoriTics ia Bofldoil U rjagjinf sat win pruTH an tipon nirn, ii)e fpRaiterjjOf too Ildjnsq of Asst:tiibly ! rjlailso send jjou the stt pi irxciiornent byJ ih C-tbilaJj "new fl'..hWt'jfUt4 larjcyVtiiir niivl message1 -It is apivgi- ic'of the banks anjtl I be safety fund- systenf; rtcoimendsi a general ba. u k t ng ) a w ; jir i vat d , free bank tog. ' as itfsQraUetf giyeseidtf w ay jltft" ilhe ? je r 1 41 ;:idfjija(C: -jr stem re jyyr6vja f iVf jhe siikpfnsioitacl of May jasl, eirfifTfi Whij-j do not rJilcejt, birt will rJoti botii jt aad jtlumgH: the uocotois.wf!J it iup with itj' they w ill find; iry hii t,Ma t:i Gen. Jackson'tf S4e?sagt,s. r j l ' ' j jj ft;jT6eStfam6oat-Cro n sjwr a small ilcsttuc- tion has made the dr.iro ated the tiftf sound irt everv fillanc and ciif itff -lYesterti New 'YWfcp Att- the roub tes ''-Ari :itbcu W t stein f fronjuef secio to be under armsTtie;Ves- ierra oaDers are iuti 01 iuiihmii uiu-tjo. ! . : f " . ' : - , ..... . . I - 1 ! i f -other nradwhWliwI reived 97 votes J'W bT the llbilse 1 ul AssudtUy, and P,Mfmi ic ,' iWoftd !7. ta WhusA: oie Lccoibco only abieh 'hi 119 a a oia- toriiy, . . f Stocks have nofirerirbled ; : j -. dav ay 1! un- d;f lhe rffct of tbe rXti uordthaey sews ctnm tho frontb-r j The Conseri alt Conscri ativea liavei bbbhsbed ne ir manifpttn and rpaiilulioria. The! Richmond Enqnircr will 6nd in them k tiistbryof what he ca ed the floatinff scuuiiT- fthe rabble rout,' that. hang on to the rfury TJjDinocrattc, i . . . ...1 i I ! 1. iii- f .... -..I...-' Thts. 'rabble s is now oronipotfnti in 1am- many.. The bid filb leadctk of thifty years1 Standing have been bodied out, and tbob aa-UTCS oeo in ioe rat aiier iu-y The Conscrvslivfs have vdd u do ii a n entire Slate and City organ i They will be triumphant sgaTn in'l.'amu any fong before the (loating scum there caa ever carry lots State. I A petition, rolled wp in enough: for a dray-horsu l a i bnnuie large t(i haul, ts on its Way to Albany, a&kwg tor repeal of 4b e l-btll law 1 Treasury Notes to-day airejone per cent jbelow par. 'aijnobeytGovrnmen 1 Rag Barons ! Golrf anrifeilverjjlfiie comti tutional cbrency!, ICheiuingL people wjtb ragslf Frnd uptAi' th laboring classes ! ! Shin Dhslcrs!' IbWha t j tbinkest thou of-.thisrT thou Government tiloue Ij. ! if; ';' J; pd$Tscaiijr;:: i ji'f The Sheridan is inst frtim Livernbof with d.iiM tn the tfiih Nbv The cotton mar ket was active; and liad aciwahceri about) Jdr; I see as yei no political beks:of , The Charlemagne, tVomjHayrt?, is a bo n,i;" ri' 'K , ., . t' ' L. t L -ii . ' ,1' J. l..-r in- il. .: -.itp uphold theli' 1UI 1 IIIUSI ailTt- lltC TRXAS. A letter to the Editor o New Orleans 'CpminereJal Bu klate of Natehitoebes. De. ilOJ i I - : ?the Texians are talkinge)ijy iaibiiUxly 'positively of tnvadipg Uie exicajt Hej lir, and removing their s tbf iuveruuient to the City of Mexico! I The following is (be cf rrf etion, made by the erflitor of tbei Boston Atlas, pfjthe siate ments whicii appeared irilh at paper, rela- tivc to the publication hf Mr; Fletcher's' soeech, delivered iri Faifeuil IHn j! It-is Irom the Atlas of I hursday ? The lreiuab tif joufj Ipriutibg; offtce, "a most respectable I mart' a IstrreiJ us, hat it was his distinct itnDressiAn lhal tbe correc lions in the first two or three sheets pf the r iko TixUml Hall f ui- I i.iiiii . k r a jiiii". i mil a - in i kii u. jl -am aap-L. u a a : mtm - . . i . i.:JLi.L.Jl lations for e,t apetrrcu, its given iu , iiiis 'iri , nn? 111,0 1 ' ' t -'i' vl ; 1 .. jj.. 1 - ii -Li'-'-1" Maua-wrtiMig witn wnica. nejWps noi ta-miliar,-- and w Inch be ioncl ttdelt ioi'-Jtave been Mr. Fletcberts. ! -This assurapce in in with the. circ6mtaocf that i we knew that tbe mauuscrtijl had been submit ted to the iriBpection If ' tip ij Fletcher, (though it appears, "fro id! the tes-nbny of the gentleman wno iihKii io mm. tuai :ur F. w:as loo much qceupBed! even to (glance over it 'Med uato 'biake the assertion! in our own UJefence, aiiidelceof ;jhe jre-: 4.l ilia .niuiili n.IfcnnrlLl in IK0 At. las wasseen by him !(i!e; Mr Fleteher) previous to its appearane in prtilt, and was by himljpartiany jreyisedjaud corrected. SVe are jnp w :ifer fe11 ;f ? ll 'f J i1 JUJ-n the most unoueetinnablfl evidenclel Uiat ev. was made by a teptlemancnnnecten, witn ihis! offic.. ('W howis'fcejit fom i. ftie city at the time our extta wits Unied, and isstil abveoU though we bavekince seen and con-" versed wjlhliim;) and we jarepwrectly;satJ ipfie.1 that, in point t jjact, MjFletchei'i a8sertiop respecting i8m! tter.is: nios completely and literalljl lrue; that lie peyej' saw the :opy, por madi t ajsin jle correction .in tt, noy could be have read a line of the report ti,l I after; it app tared in1 prmt. ' It ,gaye us the. greatest: pa njo :brae into col lision wptti MrFleichin as to this matter of fact.antt it gires tjstbt stncerestrpleasurp to be abe torraake this correi tion.; f i . jf As'to!'tnerpjimpitete Jitioij of jtbe speech, we ar 1sVsM iv be before Mr Fletcher knw if its inten- Jled piljcalion, and Ual St ftasinot re vised :'':i'-Frbni'ine Bal tirjore American. j We fee, by ao officii itanerupni of. the Mate Treasurer; that ibeMtud f -rennsyvania; tas expended in Ihe oonstrUrt loa r, hi-r owe anajs 1 t.:i-.j- iko e..n ,.r tweAtv.ttro: raillinna. f 'and Railmads, the feurp o nine thousand doUira. blic works is still going her stojer iheso woiks er ceotl XptCLcd n a"'"--"-'- b tbeir cost, and t he bright teaij U, but r we.d .e t: , s on f(,nril uf f,. ; ' P '! llHV bi fu t ,, rf ot Jsnds an.! . ce tfi we. ver .1 1 f:':: . ; T'e. SfHilht-ro or.M s y-liH.s'ysieinM r , ai(rOpn Vh. fl ,u; ;. , trado dutdy nimn ; Oil i sburv. We perceive oy r. -. i- - Wingion Advfru per erpt jhas be.i atiK aid i: plders in ihis titi !. denris to be rai-J t'. lem accordingly. We tiko ibis t.c AviPtpj something cf i I Its not jonly suurvl, ' tpvst vHc ne iVr would bs a resurnrt! -: Ton fl We do not thi: df j lie; citizen 3 cf theirj year's r?p;U tntitjf, fhercfcf. be readily; sold ! on. Tl.r sUte that Cottcn ' (lent iretbo po;:i:;, brisk and livcJy. markers begin to : i nation', and sot::r iio! dahge of ct :t i he present dif.c market. VVbilo of exchanges, it i io demand. i-K- U The Editor cf : A 'M . - - in his teal to vi: . o is posed to for . wbicb he bclor- . ree.of concsderv ally a s tranger, I which be Iihs ; iXnvtil his I've? up But what shall :i'fi-"-1 : - the . of tbe Carolici. frtin? n?er iiubiication of a states inii i - ! J i . . tne one which i r the ' Mercury i compact, to hc f art ics ? : Or ti; cesed for the In because he de must not 'V.e f quarrel, eiilnr vHioItniarj; li l is a l.ttle in jof the letter ; caluinnlator to ( pubHshed u nified. bcanr State j . j For Jlr. C V humble indtvi reputation z:. ' whole life h : - - i - I lives,! and r - -. neveijbp t! ; But there 13 f i hotin has" r:v. to roconci!? bye. the dir. the irliaftt r: without 1. . And Ihe s ; not the Caa. ' But It l The; l. . Jiiiyj, Hi it tered ar:.! grave rr," for an or cxprit: If pfotf i look to t on tl " ihe io I We f quart-? i-.f. 1 1: ssi i ! ' Th a Willi We ! .that ' bal'y i but i o lh i " i j i ,: i ' ' 1 '-I - W I- 1 -' ! - : : I 1 .-';. " -- y :f : ! Sssgpi u: i-mn '4m? tafcw ft-; : " . T ': :'.:' - ' - ' -:--.:v"-irSw -hi -if p. si :W;fS x-. r . I - - ; -: -. -' :.!- . .'. - 1 . r K i I s - J , .t -I j . 4 J r 1 1 i- . iH f st t li-fe,-jK: 'i, - -'d "IlaiM S.L Jl ! - l.rrTWaraNi

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