,1 Y ... I i '. I V 4 " . ' i S. V 1. . mm 44Ai Ml: 1 '1 ITS K.-i; I 4-i . . '. H'. ,! -. I ( I . 5 ' .-if i . I. .. ". 'it. r i 1 . r:' 1 F . -. - Z 4 - fiiV aVifi mat hflreaneri oeaaa or IrVoixii.; new isnbcriher? , who will gljrtloftb lli same, class; shah tXiliti.'lftr samr ierra shall conlinpei 3 iytibr wHibehargefis oher useri- rliWotpay SMtfnJ M 4isbooftopcd bwt attbe op- iSlilletars i the Editor mnt bes pott y zfclM'pef wfafar the first insertion Tir&j&t'P 'T1' for each T iVH. lfL.MJ . OS imp oanl liinwna w in i: iia luai y iv -r itu f ihiii tbe swe raics. a japoociion .01 r ffdmr th .reoroiaf prides Will5 be i uA. iWrtiihar ad f ertise by tbfr ypkr. m With ib last iittmbthe fiftT-secom!) of ih Omniboa jlenijinated my connexion with hi r To th mapyl fncpd? wbo hare bitbertoi trteuea win me, i retarn yfrjoincere MBuwievuiri and" beg L ihjrrir patronige to iny i koccesror who will SneWTphr ehdeatour lo malff it deserr ' 102 of ibr ejipporW Those ho bai? paid ,t bj yond the year wilj be sbpplied : by, bn present proprirf to Whom in fere all communications m&9Cfiht&Mk are in arrears will oblige. W faiittinai Ui toMHe atpumnt, , ana -fnere more eon fanirnt to ubsciber io seOd f.theirlpr; aefti tu u!? 4itQCney may oo w, anu mo - mount shall M DinctuallTiransferrftf.' k- .f-ifr' M VKYADAM WALPlE.t.4 rbilsdlpWja,;!2J837;i;,rf ,,.L 4 av ;NE W- SERIES OF THE " .1 FURNIS 0lG books nt ui ! i has now i "f: .r: .... , iHv .-j - ,-U'4 V A LIJI E 4 IITE J A It if 4 0 M is I B bei ioisteneltwelfW mntha, and khas en joyed during ;thaf pertodja ery exteoiTe.fthM tifpoblio faotr iu lVhaaJurnished . foi Itco rfoij & vl ?fl Infill 41 0- WW M I w. -. - " -Vil ni'"-r"" . T . . - ' i i i, 1 ' &:V I. fl .5-a-U K u V t iMll 'wi&i & cts, ; Brandy, An- LWtil43 4 :8:v Coltoif twr. Ik; (in tjl i Wtpn&aging pe yd.F 18 22 1-2 ?tfti 18 cts ; Castinsper; C I'iJ-; jiebk! .Ciion"rnF-ibiibi Ncj. 6 to No rp$:Ui jl 75tOactis ; ' Feathers Vperlb; 35 K-Figiflif pr bl i$6 6 50; Wheat pr busb . $1 yperfe6f afcts ; I.ead er ib; B a lOcts V iifiaiesTiT kt-'--' "-'N-aiI"3pjr lb 9 : aIO Js ji"tltjOia- d "cts ; Bajcoolper lb 12i far tix$k?(veit 1 I5its ; Lard per lb 12 )$$3& rpjifsljej itiSTSO ci; Steel, Am'eii-. UlIi4iper u. i lOct8 ; EngHih do. per lb iJcts ;-d6'l"jef-Ib 25 a 30 jets ; Sugar i h i cts ; R u m (Jamaica j per gal $ s ;t isuKeef qo f i; v vooi (cie3Rs per io 4u t;Tai!6irfjet lb. 10 til cts; Tovr4irien pr yd. t M cti; Vtna(Toriffe) per eal. $1 50 , i 'MMw:fti50 d $1 1 ' -eta t Claret do ' M f i 1 75 j eta; Malaga, (sweet)' If h!iit-lhiske; pWrai;45 JaSOt e8.i "C Bfin raarket p$r 11? a 7 ct$.;r.;Uacoa per if (J ltts;! jlfatjia do; 00 00 cts j; Beeswax W k 'Bijraring4r yard" 1 8 a 25. H Bala ifooe ber lb d 12i 13 cts VCoftVe pr.' i $ ctsjUotton ier -1 00 It t6 -9 00 ; r OiOOpjirn perf bushel 1 75 000 k ots : Flour iiii aioij per brl ' Sla 7 00, from stores per klOH froo per 100 Ion fSjMi j :a 0 lr'gaS 40 5i) i cts j Nail cat assort i wt ib 8" ''a 9! OOets j Wrought da. per lb. 20 ktM iMl00I JB 7; Uiee per 100 lbi4 1 3 100 ar per lh: 4 1 0 12 1 -2 a I dis J Sa 1 1 pr T4- 'r4 M.- L TUE VIOLET'S SONG TO THE' LOST Floa !.T, lpentf vm icontlnued; htil orJer? .;ujy Un botl uf mrWry oiatiei,4eyiew bf ! i,i;-'ifRtfto them, where tto directions ! 4!.iTi i .nj u,nuii. 'ir. i.,rA;. LUf.?iyerT-IM--. r rf: I 1 1 f. Va4, -; . j - lv4 The otigtajl j)rorietpf, intending jto detote; hia thnej and! Mteftiiurfo hra other pfr'iti wurks, has idispcfse of 'nji interest to be Omqil;: bus to tliij prifsejtfpabnhftr boiH mk hf 'l farther cfe i ni'e jin its genmal character thaniiiU; suing it iromsanoOier-oClce. and xhanging it name. froi. ValteV' 10 JJriwi V f-ll ilito'wlf EWpitABrMKiBua' Uri4! be fcsoQ 1 a?ery-FrJy nrhirig; printed ;on!e:c4?llenpil i perinf a lirgi 6wpftj It w? 11 contain j vi'' : U Books, tfcef fewest ind . bjest J that, can be j procured, equa! siery wck to J a : London doiw iecirxd vblutnal! fJembraci'nNof elajj TVavels j Memoirs I icl md onllehm'ge.abUtBithi metol4 paper poaZiffge?; 'ti:il ' . ;; jp -' -t :"r: 1 1 : 2. Ut4rryfRe?tew3,Tale8, Sketches Kb tices of UMukSp ano ioformaiioor from the world of letters if etery! description, - .4'!l 3. The oe ws of the week, foreign and dome ticu rV .11 1 (if mf' ---f The price jwlll be fura dollars per annam toi clabsofs individuals j To clubs of (tco in diriduals "wo'doiUara and ahalf. orj fits dollars tor be t MfP; $gje mail isubscribers, three dolf laiSltplinceskifohe post paid f - 48errsiiigements fijir this undertaking are at j com plie teloeJ proprietor wks rrtmTJJetIe-rf ou9 public that cohsideraiion to which s t diffa site a 6cheriJf j0f circulating knowledge 4nd& momeiiia j'fijttedi' ' 44 4i ' . f u4''-l i The firii'imbpr of iitfiJVew Serict commenc ed 5n 5fthjf jjaniary , l$38, from- which penpd or trom any -lutore date! new: subscribers may commencd, il j t-. . , ' -4: v l' 1i' I ICJ1 JPtjmaMers anjlj agenis t" Xr periolicats tliroughoof iQej jUnion and i Cabadaiare . reie4 tei; to act a! jigefjts (or tb Omniboand f oon municate'Witli jtnjeXpropflejorJ.t: X- "tO Editoiraj of newsprs whoj receive - thU number, by iaserlinu the prospect is four ititues cnSpicutcaly rankl . torwrilinii::C'tiir -ji this ce, will bej f ntitUd rto karee4"hangeir twelve months. .1 a, , : ipe.rial per 101 , .1 u f fciffl-.. .-.riv: . j .. V&itoV4bib' a;15 !cU. . . 4tf I V h ' ,' ; i " fiSfSfiATETTO &i$k t3 4a POO jCotton pr lii 9 2 i ets fpiioiai 2a!i3 1 Flour.bW' $.a'6 ' 7 f 1 io a ; 1 earners pr 10 uu a 43 75 a - 000; !ror. nrlb oi a 6; Mo ;a t42;:Nailscmt7i 'a ;Salt l ie Tobacco; pi! 3; Wheat jr bpsh $ 1 "! I Fft560, leswtt 23 a 25 .. Whiskey hpEUayJF ; 7rw 1 837 n 4 , -: ' :ftfilifoTt4 ' V .1 - . 4I-tP ta. iv J 4ff I mU ., '. I "fi.3mUh Cefia4Bur.0riginai4:i rfpjolSmitb, Joseph Wash-; tBili U At iwlprndencehis wife, Wl jun on. ; t4obn;W WiUonjtnd I ' 4' !pJ(maU,io-ftih,:t!-,fi VPfjM! to th satisfaction fiTthe Court. iitmU anf Jtoatban Smith, (two of BW4U la thrs case) are not inhabitants f wiML4fciM ordered thit publicatioft be S Wweelit stccfessitely inithe Carolina ' flhat thj (saiy Abel SmiitN and Jona TO(pw:ai4:he next Term' of. the q??7tbe hjeld lor the -county of bg'-n at thejpourt honse, ih fthe TWn Ujl-WW? the fifth mondaf after the flilrcf Maici 183S.and answer the WiWlif M satne 7 Jili'he taken lHtolN W-44 f,---f, 4 fffllij 4m: " - State !: ! IP Ml . Address, post baid. :-4f, 411 i WILLIAM BROWN No. 5 0 i 5 irth jFfoKbj ki r ee 1 V hlladel pt ia. 1 1 :44'i potri tame, iryqqeenil Star's o'er thee lightly ing irj dazzling sheefi immers tit brightly--. Moonbea ms afj glittering J Oft each.; pure. blossonifW torn tip tuy weary wine-, Coroo to thy bosom. -.-.,'i' ?r .;.;-. :f 44r4;:&( -:t4.. Sleep like a dewy ;cfood at 1 ii . Bound thy form like a shroud 1 1 1Jrobp thy fair iresss Heavy thine. eye-!ids close r O'er thy glance shadetj-U ? si ril giTe the soft tepose, -r-1 ft- p- H Thau lost and faded, j? ':4nK:4'4- ?t4'4 v j. Eacji lily peaWy "cop"4 I "rSheds oqjt pale sleaoiroos : Roses aie folded up' Tpjheirw;eet! dreammg3--- - Hark ! how the night winds pass. ' . 1 4i Mournfully sighing Thro' the downtrailing gras$-i- Whfrre 4ri thou fiytng i 4' Hf l: f:i K 'Hi; M- i- - c f-rr i ii t W". i Jr. si ff Where the yoNg wiHowTbdt Greenly nrelwatin2--4:4; Vm ! -av . " - . . . ' . . m ! I t W here the blue streamlet llows Sdnnt-'bankilav.inijE'' ;L Their glances yeihng 4i Neath tears lliat fall like dew, lljy loss bew filling 1 1 - i.". 1 its 61 I! :. , s -i 1 5-l. . it . ! i - 1' .- J : -Si . ' : Hh'Wide to receive thee44 ' W hero if thoiuMi eter d wel ..iH.Kr-.! ';. -j-rl.t L 'litIf II 4 xone mayideceive tbeet- -p jll breath uiy (aint perfume r' ',4,G tbyJidnly f4l !. -1 . .11. liJ . r.5 i'i Lli'ii-lil.r.v ! j ; Thou iairfali d itoiljit1' I Sjll 'Ofi. AMELIA l DYi 1; is- ' : I fif. 4p Mac FtiA' il fDon'f for rnercey's I sake f med Ulisi Flease not to iiterfoplt ;ine ! jwf 4JtrfJ iti serious reproof4 'Captain Uiee 1 Ihtj gin DO! 5Ir ;RelMiried aiisVf Clubt indimv .1 I The old icolonelijaoghed thejofScers cmipea in-p-voang ,iouicem snoqict; a! ways laugn wnenine ctionei coes-r-and tiie la dies did the same oct of purei vexation.. 3 u AiTiunniguijiue pauj.oroKe up,ueii.prot rriissng &Iiss Club to ca.lL the oexL eventns i4.il n.i-4i Jn this raannerV day fter Rin vexi - As -old Craig Vode on he reflected 44 4 ' '."5hII-U"' Sly4)illard come oeb out bousd should have turned thefidke oS "Jim iuS ticuicu -yu muueraieu, ne reached live i .t ir r " fwMaby after 11 werj asleep.: , : le Kissiriimpef trhiclr mern pr CcxtaiA j Ailpart of my (;ree left IV; Gardner onj tielS)ih iiist and I left wit' the halance, (exceut a ainall fnrro trl r-, the soppliies at jhai fori ) 'On f. tn? morning,; arid aner a rapid rnarh xlo- nt I Keu;ieii m nana oo ; bis i shoulder and v t u' i-iin. r rn-.lsu,nl rea beard af Joice.: " b Evening of 'i!. r inghisefetbq w-soVyedto seeC VSJnf i .'arid I : . tiivAiZiwU'itfd hSU' ic:Vi.r-M.w' 1 ing rroin 4 prisiirl cantured on i! ,t ' '.-.-3it,HVri - r j 1 1 that AlUfiftofwith all i th uii, , Uie sound rang iri-bis ear. ' Cabtain Rice 11 lV" ' be!Kinrtreau'4' - k i 'i rr t r w " w wwa- as, vauic uui" a xt... .iTii 1 T - . . j. - - . a i 1 1 1 1 ri i t r- v u. i u 0tl this poor gir, til1, t4engto, snowas ja niiharlj cilled by .tbe'officeisi among thernl : I remarked ;. &thttihdj Ihal ita.i bfjvh-4;4y4 fl' i-vfii j Hlfet 4 .-.j. i . ij. .- fini f5ir i .u:. i-..rt f CUV uiy iMI paimciio mst they c denamttchirstanyM itnrS r'F ' fkn? 1 ilooklWrthnendabfpn hloreiyS SlSrJI? fer' ? Pu,i! ,ul andihepfierffed VffliPfJf r?p jpunuit or t ;;.iU: -til SixT:"! v tP-!1 f emmi after passing severe cvnr n liell ami bit lady tilt the tU LiflSi. ' an the: inrtiin'.r tha i K i Li.i- .... - Not at all said he ; she should riot nave vitro tu lorro me io sin? iish ; wbcjti she I saw 1 Iff.m 44Hrf 4 . t. if-. .a . ,1 !H;- Pi- f iw i "5. " t-r - '1- A short tim aher Air hd-hetrtcd man to visit usl and 1 wasi wnwil Crag' is rich Kino-netrtcd man to visit us and, being an ui mrna oi ncji sy tnesseaanq loagca wiin : Huw.je;,io5.' sarq neu, onei. eveninei returning jrorn para 9 e. -comeio my quarter after tej-oId crag fjias neverhed ,Cap tiiW Rice affair.' and I IVri ' got ng;b iei ' bj in have it Ttoie in don't. forget;'. andwp sepl arateo. n -1 : at the 4 anu Pra'gl vas deli larghed so violently! that wd were forced to 1 join nirc as soon as uis merriment had ; somef wiifat subdued !'. -,'Rlji;itb 'ji'dettijple-' iK commenced exnlaininff the storv. while wel ejwj'gthe4 consternation of" bisiterE'1 were convulsing wih' laughter Orais?d'tl aw Know wnai 10 loins ; no twisteu in nts .if. , -f! - .'' I cnair, lauguea, ana as stioneniy loosen serr- oiis : glanceif .at us then at Bell who: ha him by the button, and; in fac! trrar. 1:1 4 ' THE AUTHOR iV Til E LAY EH clerk. ." ,5 fi:;N EtEHRBODVi Ii uresnmpi! lisly firtarrl or 3rV!MVVpitlTj:TW sjeciiiien pf rjevala6ti:'iotiirjfn .'"gjen i i .! : V; fc - - -1 T 1 r - r- - ' '. i Si - i- . - - I- - . w : . t f cdcllWimnln -!--:---- - tMI :i- i . ; . ' i ' .,.(' . i.-. ;s Cditrt$fi$Uai tmd Quarter iJStmonslh PlitiHillnwK. 4 1 1 J.-4: -1 -.f ,,r H V f .:' : f-; ; ' ; j Aanilla WiJlianiR,' Iuisa William I jina Viiliarsf ;UKINGIrC0UNIT.'r- mFaU ;3Vmh37. 4 ld!'im h;- '1 . 1'-'' -v--rMt ; . Bill of r (Injunction and Order' of Se il .lct ralinn :.r'-Jc S tit Utitf Oehp. s U at this mmr-V ' tjute feij t is ordered t hat M1,ifu fhVJ Rkingm SiW.MMM town ofi-Weoiwurih. Kilin WilliamsLLocy W I- Velition Vbr Dower nams, ;. ti eity j ri t uanw, LtnrJsey WUliarhs,Melvina William fiPolinavWa- liams' 11 'A M - r Mi-J Ii l - -I- 01 u a ' r- I4fr f-14 4: . 1: 41; I William? i attl Liiia Williams, are i not inhabi tants of this Stated i: l is therefore (jirderedj publication i ,t L-i? i the CouH, . that Aquilla Williams, I jouiss that e for three weeks in the Cai pliria Watchminij for them toappeart ihe Co;iri of Pleas and jQiiarler Sessions, to bo held for the conn ly oifireqeiii ai mo iooorj nouse in oibtps- vine, on iqe pa monoay in r eornary nexi, inen and there!answer, plead .to or Deroor to said Pe tition ; Qtherwise, the same will be taken pro confesso as ttrf tiheirxi. r4-"r(i'"' r 4 -i-" , itness,iJ F Aiexanner.eiericot our .aj Court at office,? the 3d tnonda v inj Noverobe A- D. i8$7,knd; 62d. yeir of Amencan Inde- Jan 27, liSS3w2fiPrioter'sfee 0 4 J I. ' i I 'Ii J !! ' - -ii ii.' ' i ' List oil Letters remaining in the Post O fiee at IConcord,1 North I Carolina, 00 . : the first" day ;pr(aouaryv 'f rl i ' i ADf A iF. Alexaytf 44 H 'm B A IRahkiri BomanVMilas Bond"?1 C Rbbert CarriganlWtIUam Culp, Lenior CMie4Hl 4 44 mM H'A mo H ; .rU-.ufnnt poaierj ? John pMr man; F Miry jPreizelini Cowens Fry . 3 4 llWiliikm tlolbrUksJWm HadleyFH! :;: K4-Mt89: iMa'rffaretdsiBKiolytWilliaml h McKree.l Afldrew! I Kar rigob , Tobias Klot is , i b MKiu Mtley, .ChJritopheT Melcher, iLo- . L'.1J iJ".iiiil J 1 Li. tt" - , : tsf Mj tb fuur imondavr i .is ir 1 -:: pflice. '1 " SVi- ;- - F r h i -I'.. 5- . --. ' f - : IS 4- H'cjiebtU-:y wi(iiesses OjbiSjaijrc!iieb III rtilis;be.ead,':tuii;io iii pru'tx manner, : sitfa ; rigmarole , curniiienciiis! with , bantam nice 4a treaty iid 1 e n d 1 4 gt ftf H at i hg fV W iwoids ; III biipars Ib'atftMrbl has been a row at ihe houe of C&ptairi jljel, and j !a Mr Harris is railed , n. to itesiy,! iwhd, ah jihti tnsl i v - v - ' Teyirience, ,e g feaid mlhmi jjbout j the SMhjHjtiti.lwUh and that's the heitiht J knowol the tnattcr.1 f : ' H; -; ': - - ':' :4:V;: " kI! 4ni:f" 1 ' 4444 !v--..?j-4U -!tt- r ! H 'W Jli4 ;4.;; , r j i mr riei i was a nrsi rate ii ww near ana jhaooiieti;-:, t-fiaid but little, jjtfieryjpne Was welcome tb i share jof .itH& jflMef was b lieutenant of. oijr regimen biiriqveid b all the ofBcers,; old and y uung; j btit, jwhen be 5 E chose, he could Outbore any ;man "under the sun, ana wucu aeicruuuvu oa tuo tua ne 4!4-y44: Post office 1" t ... T-.'ii would ibave.4 ;H: ;L l i .: IS . H- I. - I- t 1 was some years since at the John N Sadler . T Jjjmei ,. I'uc t 1 S-.Ja Smith,Oweh Side; Kelson Sloogh : -4 tiK'.ii. it 4 ceo. KLurrs, F Ll Thi ngs C IVail 3 -1 with Jim, just after tbo arrival; Ibfl ithe rnail, '-m hen- opening his pa per he fobridilhe tbry : referred to abbvef ; it pleased him auiazl ng iyiiahdVin a shoiti time, 'evrrpnfe inf the garrison had beard or read itlaijd Jioi knew it by heart bowet er, it was at length forgot rJ$0fnf" months Jinr J-jCai pCalt fCtf jjsi-af er a pVrty, and conveirsation flaggirigjf lAdjutant $lraw was urged to singV wM"jhaTlng corn plied; tvine andjreakes again 5 made their rouDos j ah laaies i oi me xori anp neign borhood were present, jand, at: jnji, request, M isi Rirk, the eolonePs daughter sang: her exeeuubn-::wasivine.:;t1 4-4 litf f! Ir:4, 4T- y oa'fempy4 S4,y '-: A fwd TPr j mfcmia firiepIiediJio yfi 4.'.... tYrktft nl3t n ftnrra inctrnmpht?' ed.1144 44 1: 4te4 '24iS,!4 6 'rna'aml'HtS 4!f I :r fWpat can you do? exclaimed .AIiss Clob pettishly, mucbj4knnoyd byiUl,i back- waidness on two subjects iii which she knew bi'tn tbjbeadeptt--' l'.k!14-J 444 : 1 here was a comick leer m Jim's ete? as he answered--'lij LOt f 4!H-4;-h II :.r can tell' a story, if that wdald su it 'J A -"hi' f .P :.! v1;i hiiiirii. . - t)oj ! do ! rose from every Ifpi hfnlie, to .Deir oner fullr she nsk- '.J?!44- i you ii Shnrllw afto. andbad inot peen Jlell ami hit lady OOiK A:t icon . i I : . , - Tsrere, rmakuiM inanine aftnrnn I v. r i. T K?y" if. T 11 4 1 .1 l l 1-i w hands and j i liril - -9t r" v " - r r.rr norma, wnscri no doobt, bail been sehv -1 anotherfe acquaintances "when a , ragged f. iK IU1. W i " Li , r k , -' . - j. f , - oo -j for tne purpose of eivinfr me bstl c i h urchin carae-bv with a.numberjof papers i t J-, iXtLzA.lt W " ' , f '. it i.li f i .T v 38 was infcrrified,by a pnsoner 1 took t: . I, tanUeJ tl.eTR lOiReU pd.il, .wfte: fe, 4 Jj i ,wamp nearly a roiUi, well-dressed neroJ steoom? ud. ; iui.il "kUi f . : ' - 1 a , m "-r - r t 1 wiiirn iiiw LvirH Miminnnfi rAiAAn . . ? rne good rnorning.and as, I walked away J ,nemperji vrarm fireton the volun beheld jne Transcript ly ng on .the pave- AKRilU.-,t t,. ii i- ment, with thCoi sin Jr1.! r Hrtii! of f hm fell tack (UjWf , , "P' n ";'-:'l4.l::v if;-A' -4' - : fourlliand tiXiif4ntry; w(nch - corps, uu- . . : ! , .!, - '- . ,. -4 uer 01 wiejwarmesi anu nios :1"F?e,nc :'Thj-follow tive aiies evirlperienced from ts ab extract from ari act of the Scott- i,rfv:kiM sirih neit ish ParfuniehC passe44 jrt" Ithe f reign4 of Qneen Margaret.' about the year 1288; -4 4 1 It is statute and ordaint that during -the I reigne of her . mats t bliss it f Magestie, . il k raaioenjiauye oi uaime uigno ana lowe cs er be was being quizzed or. noL?;. il 4 i ne inneiaiigauie narrator sonsea up in Mory, by repetition,! upon repetition, that hi guests left, one bv one. and I was tbe lasr: as ;I shut the door; jto idepiirt, I heard huh telling pldf praig Ihjoke. or f oint lbf . his disastrous story. j i ,sl j HjH . 1 Ere day i had dawned Ion the foHowinfj cnornngj.ReU awok;oJ.Crajig ami -continiird his1 lecitat ; the lattier heard hirri patientljl, .at first then lnipatiPnily J and 'oAalliep; .ikIppo; hitt frll & nnt tt hm Ai(eniA lit hook him Justilfi-by the shoulrier,4andi as me ' sioeper oncntu nis eyeF.tus ears were astonished by the words i ,:: . Captain Rice helgin a Jtreal!--! ; fVoii have gone far enough with that joke 9iw vittig liuuair. .;K!.t,J;e!H1i-, i, troii see the beauty of it was, said Re fine wiiocss oio'iitsay a word about the row: the eburt interrupt him, and tlieni: tcllina i . would invaria ui'a tim to proceed, he gin in the bid way ' treat,' ' ' The fact is, thrre like bard words ; for Rill, bing stubborn, s was jtain Hicei i -i y-,J i fir to have leen some uerminrd, as hud c.bored' Craig out of i - . i i - r . !. ' - . . . . ... . " , I humour, to bore oira I back aain. But this was not to be r. for the'old f gentleman, oeing o-reaoiuiiy minen, oroeieo up, ni norse and sieign and pad a yveI. j It was a bitter co fiepl ikes j aTbeitfginhe re f dies io takeliir to be , his wilu.be shaljl be mulct t in ye suine of ane hondrejb. pundis or less, as liis estait moi be, ec epl kud alwais gif be can make it appear, that he is , betrothit to ane nher woman, then that hdv shall be 1 1 n)r i. " -i' ;." If f - 4 : 4 Advantages of'wto Jfriees A: gentle man in. JoijefJjhjjjieVrnbiiats - asked the, ie ward,' when became tonnd to coll en. the passage-money orie'sbUling- each for the be$ cabin) 'K;tjiere -asVn'cTabger ; of beingj bjown up. The j steward mptly replied No sir. notrlhltrje least; we ean- hot fftrd.t blow peopletup at a' shilling a-headrn. .r? ' -Ai h bv-it t4:..MHif 4p4,-tl4i: ':4f "4 .4-r-.4,i : 44 iii Net&fkind oi Spectacles n Impostor apparently lame in both legs, his arms, in aj slingtjarid a patch over one , eye, preseir-" ted him sell lor charity . toa crusty old lei jow o cojild.see as r U r through a milji' stone as most, people, 44 :4'4-s4::; 'if 1 4 X little charitvl lor the sakie of human! tjr !j I aye'heen almost cut to piecejs .fightr iing ineioaiue oi my country, anurani now, as ypu can perceive, quite ( Yes,' was the answer you quite distinctly.' a spteiaeis.l Ti see through n :y-V:- us a hasty fare r..i 4'-4t: iHi! d day.; thejthermonrief A Gbcf JVaHif A countryman carrying is son to oe papuzeu, ine parson as&eu what was to be his name ? V . ; : 4 Pe?ermy own name, and please your most tiestniC' Indian?,-forward,' - i ..: 3 1 . . - , I i - I I gained theha3ljmock, and after a sevr r struggle lor mf re than an hour, afjer hen joined Jby- t)j'e stj 7 Infantryj. wbipb tver held i!n reserve larfd two com nan ics tf t!; 4 tbiatjj bajrj y j t a cli e jl 1 tsi ., t h e- r i - f ; f , tirlirt !rtin((1 !i ihnrt lima oCm ,li ia 1 , urho&attlep te j eneray vas com pie 1 ! routed ano fen tii4 every! .direction, ,ar. 1 were fjurtn.iy .the troops ti'rltil near niS;t and tiri tl Jr thie tl i We r com r! ipI v"vm ,Wt f,! Yhj v ictdryl'was lear purchased ; hut iuatter myietf-iatthe reau t will he cq ii Valehjt Jottif Sacrifice! made, jThe! enerr.y fO"ade bisjrWe$t4efl)rts ti break Ithe cen tre of the 6lb, killing and wpandirlff cverr olBcer of four companies, with one execr- uon, ano every: orueny sergeant ol Mio .) comjwhies kiiltng its gallant comman-4 r and aklj ulan 1 , jwlh o fell fwheje S they fo u ? h t , inwth .fibitijpf xthe'liacUon4?and! mortally . .tajotridio'lif: rrge.aftt. majdrJwho1 is -tutrz deadjl The nett day! was employed in tho sad cISces of interring the dead, and take": care p( the nrounded, jand aliof whom nVr 1 brought backjjicross j the morass r fhp that 4?e!riin,""with4 bfierec:eptioii ne t V ing able to fifwl the bdy ; and in enrsin: 4 ting lijtfrsjtb jponveyjthe wojipded to i far on my vsay to that point, H and ; h .1 ! I leach there to-marrow, when I shall ui as good care? Ql.the wounded ! as -possiMe I V and recruit rny 1 men and horses at mv ev eral advaRcedjt epnts, particularlyvtlie ht-. ter, blefbre fCf i airrUke jihe field. 4. THe eneniyi all th ngs considered, prn bably surTtreq equally wi;ihiourselrcs hey Jeft ten bodies oh the field,! hesitlrs arrvinff rothHotT, without 1 doubt, as there werei traces! til blood to- the hanks of ihi Okeecho-kep lake, on the borders of which -"1 i toridowh ,V;VhereW:-nV!tlftfe baWc-!"hVi4 -J-'.. .---.I -.--?! . J - iitrLH i- Mi, fli. .4-iUili !.-liL..l J- F lt-. I '-' mrr , .' ' ill 'V j.l-g LA' l 1 '" - T' , r I tow ii was, qui on went vraig in a fury: . i j v jreier Hiat w a .uau uauic--rcwi;' ; tvisningyou neajinuanu nappines, i r Just as he was bJi-dfl.fefi'l ' hill Mn innhtMi nit -.miwm w J . " r" i - . : - s . . i-i k'J ;.-hy not take my, name- Joseph V..z, t f Josebab-! he jdenied bU Distress.' j ant Rell and told him he had been too his visiter. 1 - ; i J 'Tie bad no business to eet ahrrv.' j swered be; sucb trrends be as and! 1 should neve yet,' ii -"L"7kt ami v in nit V A t 'l I . .nit t. - --.1 :LJ 1 II sccjiic itrpiifsu) , .... ... , when he.c0tS :Ott four bring bun back against this north-wester! ill a ici jiu'ucui.fT up vaiicui uui ,actui, or "five ; miles. and feeing biai with half a dollar : j: (Jump on my horse,V said bfii'd gallop after -M T Craig, and tell, him busi ness of the last; importance; demands hu immediate prej ence.v ,4. ':' - 4" ! ;4 i j - & . il Cram wasi fulll 8ix; miles , from! the fort beb-the seianthlsl with foam, overtook bim and delivered! ois mesi In Diincee, Scdilaridt aftir enumerating the virtues of the Provost-- 4 K 4 ! ! . ilere lifs the body of Thomas Watson, j ( Read not wiih your bats, on) y 1.... j -..-j f -.i - ,i. . . : jfrovost oi xiundee, , ;4HaIlejujah-Uallelujee j4 An Irishman received fight a duel, but declined, v ibe reasbn-O'-b.l said PaL would you nave me leave nir muuici n uruu challenge to asked ) : A o von contrive to cet through ybui 3 iflacol ties S i o irc0 ; fcal jr Fitzroy Somerset bl Ai nniey r tiviinui.e grcar ii Jr..'-v-: -i . i-- . .. . '.. f i i commenced toe dire ftccbunt; ofi therb U i Capuia 1 Ure4 t6 rest;;! I l I thoagbt bid . jjack j bad ;tnlte sense tnan to bmhiA nfiVinriPrl tilh -mM! i - Tattoo beat shortly jafter and j'fre all ref the gei The; linsosDJcibos old raa'hJ turnerj k ease 1 imaginable 'i replied AI, : 1 pay all i ' 1 . . . ! , iW :: 1 t ' - ' ' ' . ' ii t. AAA t nnAn m a ir, nrn m - apoqi and drove back lunousiy: agiinst tne nnose who pave cnim ujy ,i"4r""r- cpiung mast. , v e were au gainerea on tm piazza, and as the old gentleman saw Rell no leapea irom tne weign, aoo iuuniDg v waroa him cried -;4 ,: 4 m -I t . For heaven's sake, what?sibe!mjatteir Were l3ut of sight. . ( .,( '54 f ;(( f 4 As we laughed oyer the affair in the ever ning, Jim remarked- ses. ( You must make an exception in my case theni' rejoined the Iadyl:jhalljex bect to be baid in the- Osa;il iWay4 And in fall you may defend! :cbncIoded gallant nobleman Maj.GenvTJ & TfAVrnn . ,4 i - . . 1 i t . 14 !Col commandinrr. IS. JfiSTJT. : llii-, i-i - i!fllw .4..A ; .bi.i CommanditigA Array pf the S Florid P. S. As soon as I can t!o so, I xriit of the t it! upw ; writs n ; mail ybn a p6re full 1 report and mr boeralibns44I I am Wltnoui canoie, wuu pinc-Kota as a ti,.; atitote,! in alcabbagetree hamniock,4in thn centre of a large prairie, on a j very dirty sheet of papcr9 which is the'oniy one in camp. 144 1 mi-: I - i :.'iV7ia':'c!&)mUWont- Officers' Tdllc end wounded. iSTIXEX) i..t THE! BATTLE ON THE KISSIMMEE. L- r f - r- j j .lt .til -. - OFFICIAL ACCOUNT- Wad Quarter. .First Brlsadsi iJ&M South of th inuniMOOcna, i; ! i-.-H Gamp abou ESfihtp. nuth DereabeT,J937f 4-t 4,.. . i.. r-v ,i , .4 10 miles castbfheKissimmee, Lient Col. A B Thompson, CabiJ i Van! Seabngeo i Uetit 4-AdjoUnt f P Centre, Pirt T.int F J Brooke, ;-r coi jOwiiryriiii 1 Clh rr- meribU'. S. Inf. rr wrr n - ant Georre Andrews nd "Uieo ?!.. Walker. Seco . . . r. - A I I -!: f! 1 - fjih j rer. t ; States lnf First Lieut J 0oppef, 4tb rrjg. U S. Inf. Capt J Childs, Missouri Vo Lieut C p WSrf, 00 Jlajor Sconpe, 1 LieotHaje, Lieut Qordooy SpiCB? . 3 unteer? . ll!W-4;4f 4I I. 1 - M lit' f ;r - I T til-- 4 - i 4-i-.i;-!i5;!f?i i. i r r;4-Ji?iP- ;"4 -44 i-f : --iwsi fi 1 j---j,r 4- ' f:l .nvrtl' i' 1 ' - J K! 'U.i-- 4 : .( i,v ! i i4.i 4vii :; j 4.'. iMi-i"' il l ;)i4f:4'i'1-i':4;J' '; " ;;-4 ' I '''' ' '. 1 -. ' " "il ! -' - j ; ' 4 4J4 I r4::r--; 1 -I4JI