V-Jr!.-: ' -1" l - i. '( '!' ' if.-a - &! J- t :;.F,t- lVl I Itemainedln-the Senate Chamber balf so hnrtbtat liulrt, intrMie3 in ih !ca7paratiyey. aniujpcatanfBioesf before tba f KJdj.j and amp; ' .w u- .......,;..;; ih aoantenapcea ol c Tu i i.ni in ihe eve off the 1 X.wdtlsL K Mr CUj wwered above the rest. iper-. ison tsViin rWM hl - Wbtfc lis weir as JRndare. ! I hew s; is ! m hi? trj countenance BdTrllrfiS , i wiuthe ndeacwaod aflVoo Ml who see AWaajNtor ha wiiiieo te" beileriihao p ,rua- f " Sporr hi. open brow, and he hs h been tme ? ..t?L.i2 V .likiincrh h : has been a smut fi . -.F muewsii. - f i'i ,.- t ;:ir4v'--taark- lUr iii?air0ws; w"5 "P" jUiiicaliy speaking, it tff,rM. tU." . . ..... LiftiMt ialnia res pec ana, sauuraiioo H"" ". . r"??t" j , -fii Uiiti tl.. mnt nnauiiied integrity and lhe . A r a ' I .1.11 a a. MMfVlilVfin Wt IT" V bulfd bp a TREiStrtlY RANK, ind oal!jr Jo iko strci of melted rast it eppper ci piher til 07 of theWeciop met? 5rtjfm. and !o o write odod ihe ooiiiknis: iblrou tbe pockeiaof ihe people. Tiiey disarmr; itus deaigonow, coxtrie-fof if they did tot fdisa tow it, the people woofd tise kn Anass tZ lbrm.Bat lei-e? erj'maa enquire ; for jfawweu what is to iconstitate i oo ctrcalatio i mediara .when-Mi Banfca 4riVdeubjredi I as fctlrtwt& they trill be. br ihd Sab--rretsarj ajsteda ?-j GJd aad isilver ? Delosie idea tl-TM of,the(d;thiogH ihey 4hld pr:;therr.enr lire annaarpdocwi ewiiwiw eijnw - -;. would be inadroaiieUpdr rfssitiea.vjA 'fP aobsuiutof aurce land, must, nptas os j puJ e4to opplyN tajEorn vcaJoned oj le withr ... T fnrMitJyii "fn the value itf oroDertt wwcnl would wineiwise reapu yvm wijh"'" And that papet wbsluiieotid be TKBAbu R1HNOTES1 hlch.instia4or beioff J8a(if as Ai fereseatf onlrio fre? laical imefsenciea fiiaa ofthe meai If; iiKfi, ahakeobui de vhiur bj ihe ahoelp .ThereJ too, I a Mrl Calhounf wiib hia fioe in feiioalphyaiogoMiiijr,- Jo Ipediiilie y iUimt if rntio ihoohCanwaTintf meta physical abittactiima. to pwaltkn4 eottfuaod the iaetetdv:hiwoTit Vhite wiib at5ounieoaoce - iooicaini5 hdu fiu'plicUy ot ;nianner and, ibeSiernea hnfay. Snd tickjed 4et wi ibihe pale fcaat (; Ihuugb XBeiltoo, the gtrttlipuogertd'Otig J;eoliukj iod ekjoeNaea, with; bis oa1txil face-jid many other mil onknowu to laoie. n Bui I tntist fbrbearihnhfr pencillig$ fot ihk pmehtiV-.l did not obre ehber Alf. tti?e" r r. Frestoor n - ibeiria -Kf rj1.r f if :4 I irmirked, iii my iaat letlef, that Mf.'j chy wa8 rfirdtid here as tlte oudinibied candidate iol tbe Ojpititt party lor the FretiidfOfiy i Hfar. tjier eoiry ixnifirias m in the jttotb of ttUof piniou,:and what i of more iiopot lanie, that hts n,.ininition wilt be hailed with tloordulily.if noi liib fthiMiasiuevo by naanyj ihiuetwboi ffuiu J'ical pueiUoo or persunaijassfJciAuoo rxpres a- pre&renee is olherjt tbdif idbals-! ' tiiaan 1 lhe foetid "of Gen. HairrigoO iidl Mt, :. WebVilr. I-'perceiTed; ' day for .ttire aiucei Un2 irin2 ofresolutiona aooted by meeting t '4 iba ijitnda of the first natnd gentletaaO in Hatobletoo count t. Ohio, and I fearvdfruni ihii Wnerai tenor that tbef were not disposed to.ac" oliitctin the Jiomination of any other inoividoil fenVhnuld soMibe tbegrajjwhilatrly a curtained, and l onequiVocHl)yj ikpressed.f,ihe great body of ibeir'VV'hio brrtbreft ibroagboel the Unioo. But in conei3auoo with an iotelli vent VYestirn trentleman this rootoing, was miorined tnai. aunouffb ine imuieotsie o'kowhs r ; v S I of Geh.l H r nson. are anxious thai, be shall again fr v; v 1 -hi put f in '.nomtnatioh, ihy fsillj ondoooteJly yield thetr piefereoce if aiioiber ihould obtain i and unike cordjally and warraly jn his support.--lldeedvthe.jidramottl wish f f Vhigt of all bccttonib of Ue (Juion, ia the. defeat of ,Mf . Van lureali teelectiMi.V;l,he" selefeiiij iorhe' toji--IridBalKbTi w horn this dsideratom shall bw ttfittcted though a matter of iniekesl uilall.ia jof I 1 . 'iriirfd, all diustbf. con teat to surrender mere per- .--tfial ibd sectioual preferences and. antipathies I ; K- aifij raiij onor m VAnniuun ua( wueiiever i bus I '.vr'; '::bti-ttilfttfled l'tbelMUlend,Uie breze.? iai wooionecomeino coum trLf h ti!v bff&dJ cine1" ol ine eonsiiiouoo ; n i jr" to it before they consent to Nrarm ibis Tiper; taie We; wt lingly insWrtbfelMlowinimbnono- ournt and !remarka 1 tiota the pea oTa teapeeled GorrespiriUeni..,i,'; f fjf!pwff. ii Wsv Iparu thrb 1! frie&d ibat Dr James A; Washing tobi late of Leooir ebtiniy , in tb is Stale; baa been elected Professor of JCIioieal Medicine In the Unitersity tf -New VrfeUTiiaisitov, oulshed honor is well4 waTthyf the ambition and toil of ibe.most iemiifent tidjf trientifid men of I be aae ot Itnett wtoee experience, attainments arid devoiioQv to the science 0f;;MfMiietne bad ren tiered tbem eonsnidiuws ta a high degjre jib roogh- dt thejworl4 -r'hia boaotir oo; is , a piedided (vidence of the. merit aad loalJDcatwnsol : JJr. Washington ?a it a8;Otsilict3pd Ion I hia . pari, and was conferred bf' an onanimous vote f . the dtsuhgoi9bedi curators y thl Uoirersiiy :4-He needed, bo wet er. no ' soch -teimoniais of hia merit sod atiainuteiits, as a I who knOwihim can beusareplo ieitioioity lo his reat worth as a genr tlsmaa'and ciimnamoti; and! rare- endowment as scholar tad," pbysiciah-iTbia f ; appointment whilst V-oaf eral sailcUon in isem York, will hafe;thef fleci iove strength! and popularity to ill. e School, at the i?uih, where Dr J VVaabinglon is So." weir uiuWiiBot-;i wo utber aVpoiatuints have at yet beett; mbdef and thes hae beenlcoiifred u Dr.5 Motr, now in Europe, and Dri Warren of Bosiobi This Uni- ;esityL bids ;jaijf to jbe witboo:! aivalj in fthis cottttiry'. and etery wy worth of the immense resources of-:be 4'Etnpire State J -Thsse of-our readersl whojhaVe j jaUlyP -edited) "Nej Xrk can jot have forgotten ihe.spleaolul cd ttnmense Gothic ; ife fronting oa ashinginn I squared which has benn erected f for this Uai firstly AVe believe re. hazard noth :ng in ih assertion, that in Ipoictiof iajtad architectural elegance ana taste tnisj outiaiug naa ow its superior ta au 01 lb America, r ter ars ft froMiths tls.1 jsWhea ihd cpcrttibrr la ffinisb cold and sUrer.freed Trom tbe jbaser,sdn)ix- lures, reaatn an lorra pi a bright rpsceq The dtCereocc of . weight or this remaining globule aijd jqf tbatjjpl 1 1be J dtianliiy pr weighed and placed in ,tbe cupplet will Ce terhtine toe proporttoa of baser tnttabto.tbe 4 If he ssit be JqH gold; itt necfesJari; tftffl eg!obtdei6f.i ter coaiaineo, woica;i3 coac 07 toe secpuu prbctta called partmskVy t 1' i 1 ' -I--J iiit! .1 ft ' 1 --r-. J - - Ti-,-.-tH.M . a ar -j. G.r?.Tr-- "TT.n- .-;vr-t 1 i- i ver ieii slier Uocaiton nrst uaiuneoaae idlled, I ypppirailV it sfterivkilt but Joto a tmalt! glais iresie! caHed a uartittff elass abd about twoor three tixn iif pe,h ':pfj-jdnmed ghiincljacidiit pbuii -npn; jittad :jibe Uts; jpladpd wtrmlilie lictd begiai tb! act upon thtV- cjirn Utaedfstlf i nd tJistol tfem.T he darnlf it coTcred; wilb uituQle globules j sad. nnttripus' acid fg me are efotted aad ris goli litojsif Here 'tialoldr iicej w-:!! Bilver cDntatned te the mixture, in a (rerltia proportioni the gold protects the a!lUr7f!m ihfe jdn":ictte;te nunc at? jjia,j; rr Aim it liAMtmM nnMWMri s ipaihl siivel to coajjieracj. tb is protect pa Inf ihft aod. and b't fftvioff an (etcessM tbe silsert enable in oituc ,a,Cia to uissoiTt-,i 11 Abtiaj ithref parti ot $Uyer to oaa of I jgd TIIETUONTIER J thf biyvjlip'faroeball pafefeJ fhrrtngh l iroaod f 80.000 for irav. : FrjRTpBrROM frbralDeirMite4Wdaybet02 tte Crei fur e last five darsi) but thev dd not cooQ op ht ihe data of our mfaraa- .r.i.; .r.l.F 'I wituia i ..pi 't '1- vr oiucq nc iaicr.ii om tue istier pitco pi th4tjiwe h yle refeiTed tbe i Howing.of f H iCarpAKbl (Ohio,) JatK j'SSSH. j ;..r :T ba?jio news to gift ryoo .mherjjthan ine amtai oi tnetteatoboat fitwngiana at this iorii; at 8 oVIoclc this ruorniriti j She it chartered br the Governmenl.wit U U. Slates Jrooria:ff boards ib'f the'1 auberior abbot JOO, omler the cyrnmand of -AJajor YtMing, prineBUnitd. Stated Arruy, Te 9t js comerjanded by Lteuleuanl Charnplic of ll.e tJaitd States T?avy. So lell itiit place at I ' Atl it now qoiet tbrbnghoat the:" whole fronUtsr, exrept. perhaps, in the ictiuty cf &Ia)dea; Jew err-thioe in that rei;iun,before tbit,' su bate' been set right, by ibel pre tence U IlitJ ;Coll; WoVtb?; irtius be so; K'lere will be no Renewal of otTensive opera bd4 agnbr to dLturb 6t3r heturaIify--lVaf. in. .1-1 J! Frpts FBon. t .,r. : NEW ORLEANS. tbe! True American of Jan 215. win conttnpe to act iur iy suiiiiuc altei:i1nnience ipiilie iwrlirjg glafl8.!f Dujinc tbit 'Bjfiiie :jrersrt y( k ilor anlfhA difulved am! "exlractd I 'The. Whigs tsieoibled last! night at the M ercsiittt'fi E!ct iarig4 toj ek press jlheir dpi aipn -; tn r c i uiion to tbe msolutians in tjoduced into the j Legislature by j John Sit dell. !Esq.i one ot the seven' cemternen e leeted to represent this city ; j but w ho baa siue'ebis eiectioni in uiore-tban'one,; poiott through hts sou's arm and ihen. W.o a tree. Il WM tnoskei:baiJ.y;i f -- y -'I j r :; ;.! ; .; . All these oCxrs showed tbe greatest gal lantry i :ik ght. Andrews (; severely woonded. and Walker, of the 6th. was li'eraliy shot to piece: ifour balls passed through him, and several ottire grazeo nira. ; ua ; s 138 eovertnghdweer; And islis raaalyi eader his severe woorids iat he was brave jia receiving .tbeni'IlHeJts mUii izjoGear. i f.i i t'?TK'1 1 hava ! Iha4 T)eo parucolar ; irt ! nanvg all these facts,-aril know ; lb Hr will he ibteiesting to TtiH. ft seems hard that so ouanj brave spirits sbootd fall in sucb'aa in2lrioo.warlare ' i -: "The lives of all the . Indians ; would not be sufficient to revenue one. of these o!2eers. ' -! iii iii l :-i i f .v ! Si :. the fljuatjtii trouble thee . ary and hasten lajvtsio.e to ino tnv. ing, etrniljlieaf ; : berap.itn thecau trutljsintolerab'p.it havean end. Tl. ! guardian jangel poin: intt mR anceis win am opnerallv considered tins uroper prouur SBh TT. T " " . . ; " i . I "St tibntirjot rabjr:.gbbdastayet foatidjtr tjwo tMH silvAr or a little over, as lufficibnt. U bbn!iriis i wo-thirdt f or ftWft'tibtfaiW silver coniaine.a in incP7Ttetv ipc wp.,Ffu, f ' i . vf y,6a,,iB-v,,i yvepwu .4 I i.n HruinH wi;... ! 'I'it. ..........MIA nr) fVem fAt CMtActf teu Codrpif. "L Manv, persons ! bav bpent a loss To ascertaiaj who General Jackson bad made bis ; model as a XTt kUtesiWn'At'i Wro; It was aitoraJ sapposJcet ne nac cuptea, as taras ineoiuenipiicunisian ccf of tbe casos woold admit, n less ! ar person a-e than Nafolkax CoitAfAHTtf Uut we be lieve very 1 w ba ve iever tuiamed 'that be . bad deri ved any of his political sentinit p t ot notions irota tnatv sooree ; ana ao ye ait, iac nis pecu liar ideas of banks awd . ranking: bsad of the irreat Gorsicail loineriali School.-- Bat a! late French work by Baroo l'tlet, a mem ber if the Chamber of Drnuties. and i under : B6- naparie, V member of the Council ef Stale, here he bid abendanl opporioaiiy to become arqoaia led witb tbe aeniimats aad opinions pi tuai ais-1 n : . - Unguis bed character, discloses some jo lor ma turn bo this subject that is worthy of attvUon. The work to which we have alladed cohtains many of those opintoos ; one of which wej have copied la the aatusemeut as well as the iicslVuctioa ; of our retakis. It onsy perhaps - have a tendency to lessen their respect for General Jacksun as an origiaal genius bat it. wiirshW.fiat the satue time, that he modelled his optDioos by a lofty suodard one who was " born 14 tvmmaiid," andwho suffered no ordinary obstruelwn lo check bis career in ibe race of glory', and loo "scruples to ninoer uis progress in . tne pain;, oi aiuoiuofi houiesand (! ifptj 15,C': r . the sir;pon's fi of feeding SOOO t;..:i and seventy. five i! Ipe U . runsl Yy,' may floar'wh awhi! . and Mr Renssaht r fool of hiro8f If. After th first rfr tains id the IUsiari autocrat; have tei think ibf autocrit cl pinl -Thnre rr.u 1 ea adrify thfm-!i it ; tJoO Hussra owe j ! - r i..vi;fOiv.ti 1 1 crqw a of KM" f: then Onto df at k, ; from the one-third oil one-quarter of gopd Thibpt, sbjution is then poared ioff akd acueti, 10 re i Y ii iThSiPrinciple, topic of conversation here is the v jSiiu Treasury scheuje. Which is the! order of the rjiiy io'lhe'SeuaUt for Tuesdapeit.rit is bs- Iieved tnat Air, wngni'soiu win pass tne oen-, ire. wiiboul aiateriai - jnodifioaUony andi thai jai Wlli.be! rejettHfi by ta, small uoajority,; in the i loose tiof Beroesentatives. Wrly lall lie f Iftijf. who support i his abominable lueasurer- hms monstrous, attempt - to. enlarge indefinitely fiie boundaries of Executive ' power, and make Jib Ptejsidenl ey . IH s- -1 .... . I1 ti fcC7 It has occurred tb.usl that a plain and intelligible outline of the process used to de'.crniining tre, purity and value of the precious rneUls rnigh be sornowhat inter esting if nol of general utilily tu a tnining country I'kej ouri,j and i Clitar? irae wlien crf?ii'trble quantities ot bid of very dtf fecif degrees of finirieait 41irl .yail t pr 9"i cbssed b our'insrcb'antsL' IrSii - deDOited id! tltljnji gageu in mining espernat y connot pe otn erwtse tiia'n curious, tn know by what'tneans tbe precise value of ! the gold offered for sale Id ascertained ;t'rn.; I. ASSAYING NO ft . . .i.-' u ii .. e President every men a king, "V la 'ail but i-i7;V . -r il i i it4 r -i . , aru gtren mass pacf anf jtiTrer asay- tntr js in principle ettreinely si nple, but nicu care, ana minute attention. iresb tcid fatbef ttroflge is tnolelU remains of Jilver, I allowed td boil onlt five minutes, alter the second solution is poured off arid tha corn erlwasbed in distilled water, m order to kpote,4i.''lrtiojj of the solutib - In tbis state the cornet is; spongir and briltlef but being dried and heated under. the mulue in a smalt erucible to rednfss, t shrinks in every direcliou, becomes! rm & assumes a ereat decree of brishtnett and metaiilGlilUstre. Tbiii it I most accirati Tne meeting, j notwithstanding the very j and power. ! It would seem that Bonaparte was short notice (oQly eight hours,!) land the in- troubled ,'amon other thiugs, by a natwnal bank. SltmtucfM tbe weathti;i was a elided e loaadjrdtmcali tu-anot moneyed IPLt'l.-i.: j j: I nuwer. Thii following ale Lis ser. raenls in re- lation to such au instituiioa la ' bis jwwti Jurlsdic tioa. ; ;. - ! . " 1:! I'h ; - .vj.lH; .With respect to the nomination bf the gov ernor of the bank I do not ihink 1 llj jriVh t t ihat 1 shoold oame a set uf candidates lo the ciHnrdittee of shareholdera ; for their prvcctdwg will limit, afid tmbqrrius tny caatce besides j placing me in a degraded position befoie the committee. ; I ' ,s t!l he!tery most l ean submit! to! Is, that the committee earne a governor of the bank, subject to tr9 approbation, In the case ofihe Acade- mictans. i mint insist, nowver, m oemg ine rill be found below. The preamble and resolutions weresupportedby Randal! Hunt, Esq.a niost able'andeloquieiit mariner, tie exposed ine fallacy and absurdity of the arguments' ot Mr SlideU-epressed j his houeit . rndtMnatidtn at the attempt of that gentleman to conhect the friends -of a Na but it it tfua-llyj tionai Bnk with the Abolitionists During bis remarks, Mr Hunt; incidental Iv baid a merited co inuliment to that great statesman and grand pacificator, 11 iRT I viastcr in all that 1 meddle wUhl especially in all CLtti which was received with unanimous- 4 '. 'J . iP. ! J 1 L ri.fl-'-. ; llh lit iy louu appiause ana cneering: snowing Dis tinctly that lie filled the bearts of the Whigs of Lbuisiana- .' i i PUBLIC MEETING. Agreeably to public notice given, a meet- weighed, and shows the proportion of pur onlrf in the assav. 1 he dltJHrence botween, the cold coitiet togetber with the sifter dd- rfed.;and,triei botlon aiet jfupeiiaiioni quailuty of Silm origitnally Alloyed ja rately I ing of the citizens of Louitiana opposed to I !I;1 ! 1.11' . .. Il- ' A.J .j attotfeifc ' i . .1 (?04L.iTidar. Vye Enqufier ;b were .originally Jacksouhtns who were driven dA 1 oyttne. rrociamauon. - as- iii .ine fatso .01 uoo .. kes and bis swe-jt, bean ' the jidd!fove ptovh strong for tbe newj ., and tee; they wil With Very few exceptions, 4f fall back, as v Ir.Clburii their fije-lji Jer, saysto bjs Ed H'-td leiter. bp.m ihebtlitA Rights principles " alias, the Jackson party of , and layer ihr f lata allies "tu scarry 00, t hope' to a suoeessful : issue, the greal contest against Executive osuf4 pstiooNfbicb ihejt-absuidly coutend has been fi . leady, ltiht;aud WBu! By ibe way, bave you oUftfvedl ibe ingeouiiywitli which the finai ce i CUamit!Uebf tho. Senate seek to get rid' uf i he v ildjum of; af bad oaoie, V jn their pw ! bill ?-! ; ?,yhtle ;ibe Rtclttnond Eiuirer, Ihe AladisotiiliQ r and.otiie.r cuuspici jus merubtirs of the! Dtrn; .crliti if: tip 'party jadinit that it-is even ' n- ieionabl 1. tan th acnrme proposed at the exi(a . nessivn yl Coogrtws, tbe cyminittse endeavour to con f ta their bjll by talking about tciaV Depoitt foriea'Jiostead of tbo Sub rreauries, aoo duU! bidg tbe Sab Treasurers with the uew liile,(ne!w in this 'cbuo try but borrowed fruta the fiuahcui byateai U Uie r rencb Uoternment,) f ,IImiv ii Usiieral "I : I be cotautiltee i do oot . believe 1 ii tue pu adage tbat' a rose, br Say tuber name houiq amen as sweet; ;'j ana tney evidealiy nojw lj smdggle through their obnoxious system-by JjbelliagJt with a deceptive title ! j (They miiar regard the -Conservatives young birds! f to fiaiighi by such; 4ttib'f. chaff, i Thel indications rexe as well as iu Ujchmond,-!are that the bVii Yvbicb laey have throwp oui -JwriXl nut calchope ct mem.) . - as as well ract ica I, experience are required to produce uniformly correct results. K " I f ;.-v-." : t ic ipef auiJiij ui BtssaTiiiguio niay oe divided Into; two urbcesset iMlst Tf)e sep uoia and sji- H r.-l-a - -t If is romored here that the Ten oesse Lesisla wiure has! adopted instructs 40 Ir. GniuJy M itote. against the Sub Ireaaory !bilU lie hts ivwnMi wvH loioruiaiion oioi&etf, and expects wNraniwis, 10 uc toria, nnxt j aioQUay,4 lie avows his determination to oibe ilheai lie ";TT , Vi "I IHIW 11 UOpod tUSt Him l-jMTieiatn f KT... i. ' , r, . " "w vciatjy.uoiio ana iew 4iim. wuiaaopt similar instruct r mt i.i 'Elln :h i Ubi UK I. BANK scheme. ihfiniilr h, r. :rs. wwwa oiaies Dauk m anv aspect ia?wbica a eomparisoa between the two :SWJ;likiei evot thia lyoihg wllercales of Corruption will bo atr.Au.i 1.. it' hriidhtbat lapftperaatf tion, whea they are to be roade it victinis H f f1 befiaries. Tbat conUas U ra- .1 : ,f -" Tr ; m8i vh H auoject, IS . j . hvked to here with irreat intiat lir .k . Vervatites 10 the legislators will remaia tirm ?f ?T ' Jfcr wf! 10 ins spirit - 01. eoncil ftion and cvmpromis?, so earneaUy brassed op-' vUtthe4 it wilUxertase a bappj iafluence i 0. ne acuon ot uoogiess ; bat if thev ' shiver In ;je;H .t-aWsgteio.:: recogatze! thel SoM s 4 Kasury jrwciife, under, a less obnoxious namW Vf wojf w. toiae -.I its most Jodiout lea The tepara which 'Gold which 1 ' . - - 1 - : 1 ' aralicn of the dlloti from the ver bv cupsllatkn. 2ui. lion of the: gold andeilyer froip each other OW.pariSftff.t. Ls .,4.v-:-ir-luH - Vpeafum. The principle upon this depends is the indestructibility o and silver irom nesi or Horn causes convert other metals into an tuid or powder. except goitt, stiver tmapiawiOn niet3iic bodies lose tbeir ruetstic espectalfy wheu ii5 ffusio air is aomiitea vpon xnet ly removing the oxidated surface, from meitea metal tue whole MrtcririxioIf-ttT&r form atfd oxidate, curreui of and by constant' ia ! bb .'converted e the venl eel cfi as gold and silver be tntxed with lb the ,r' MrJICUV ;jANb THC have seen that the Richmond ly, i.i nbticioo Mr. Clat,! and for the of injniing ih's disting8ishelsiai6fnan, course to the pi d and often refuted 'call e will qtoie, for thd the Coalition.! .At.tWj ltbth the resolutions introduced by Mr Slide! 1 in to the' State - Legislature and in favor of a sound : national currency. !was held at the Mercbant,4 Exchange yesterday evening, Wednesday the 24tU Jan instant . i J ! 1 ! purpose hd r4 lies n - i i e was-: r re ex; lion of those Who desire! to see a graphid flescrjp! tion! of this miatter, as bo was in January, lHdti the follbWina! oassaie ftiimthe cHleorated ieepb of M r. Webster,' in rep3'ib ' Senator !vho had alluded to ihe Coalition j ; j ; ! Bats siri'tselUinltikin n 1 ue i csntion Av. " the murdered Coslabin !" I'ha Hferu man asks if If W(?re ledior fi!te:ed; (nio debate by the 'spectre of the Cwitilti-., claiuisjf wnten naunted the f!iMui:r;tvm mms sacttuseites, and which, likH tne gssosi if Bain 1 qoolwoold ii4ver; down ? 1 i Th'e d?f4ered' Coalition ir, this charge of a :cpiiifb, M reference to the ; lale ' Administration, is not ori4 gtnat with ihei bisiorable mmbr. ? It did not spring op iu iuo oeoaie. ; j tvuviuet as a iaci,' Viat concerns the bank, which, after; all, is much holders, since it is ho Whosanciiboi their " com ingmoney. ' 1, ;. Mi'V. U'd:i''u The bank had well nigh fallen into tbe hands of an euvoy of Mr. Pin Mr.TaloO , and it was necessary toward off the danger, which' showed that the influence of ihe pUc authoti ties in the bank elections, tpas. (oa snudL IV t, must thertfihre, pldce'in the liuuidtrifnt of this institution a race of men trAo are aft diagerrf 0 the bank." ;. i .. - ,1 j) v.:-r l t ,V General Jaeksous sentiments respecting met-; chants, especially those wb i trade 4ori borrowed. Frie meettiig was called to order by ap- J capital, are( wsij known -jiiHe has fio charit for oiiem LiU Vton. E-Q . r resident. I such j pers-Mis. ooiTAPABTt aisai emertainsa opinions some wnat pneuuar resecting:mercnanis who were so unfortunate as to havei become iin solvent' f ' ; ! jiil! U think tob,j said this 'enlightened ;iea.-. man." that every bankruptcy pUghtib be , con- sideicd fraudulent , u n t i I 1 1 has beeii ascertained at it was r, I ne instant thai a! failure lakes place, the bankruvt should Otntr be rwti into the public prison or cotiJined jlq his tAcm house, as the judge might stetit .;! asdihtTshoul noi bH peruntiei to re$iuoe I business fjbefbre!! be shoo Id have pid all his creditor? ib toll. ' j These quotations seem to show that the maxim at the head of this article is ' founded ! ip truth. The probability !ia that General Jbsson was not acquainted with BoaatASTE seniiments respecung banks and bankioj.', aiid yet. the simi larity is SoStrkiiig, that it cannot be accounted . for, except upon the ground that the opinions and J inouuia 01 great men are apt to ruu 1 track. Messrs; J VV Justamond, M W Hoffman. Hnd H libekett, Vice Presideiitai and W CI Q ClatUorne and George Tkdfoid, Secrets- H Ii committee to draught resolutions! expressive tnhvjof I of the sense of this mimg. ; j " fedifi4tijjH -ct.inmiUee living retired, G W Scbabmburg, h, s chairmuii. r poi led ine lolliwnjc premt;le u and resolutions. whicb wore a t.!y supported by Raridali Hum, sq ,:aiin on riitHlon adopted i; VVheieas the time! has arrived when.it has become neitcssaiy fo the Jfuople to express ineir opinions uu tne grtai question 01 a national! tiuuk, intimately connected as it is with mtwt 1 1 in portent interests, and their fu ture propetit; and believing that this sub joctis nol fuirly judged of soma of our re- prescnutivps accoidiug to its merits, but ra ther to ihe malign, influence of arbitrary- 'par-, ty disci!ine; now in order that our ppm- lons tyny be: known on the propriety of es- A fJROOM A! A groom is ac!ii; : clekn his 'osses, an ! ! go jwrongv Tpey cr consequential besr , n6liing, rhy ihe t : young that they c: edge, j 1 1 always' r schools, and you'll 1. apply to those that ; es,as it will save a pair. The first ti gelf up early, and t ' blushes, robs or tour! s Should be kept Li t a pair of corderuy s,: size; and Jaggy, it h : : ; ' , trick of biting at cha ; thm ; and it is better, fu l; of corderoy , U, 2 r. 1! nothing tf the Vi ti thi time he "13 laU c p -Lectures THESOUICDl The following is t : Lieut. Welsted; !at i Z6b, l8S,and pui:; Asiatic Sbctetj , IJc: a :wiabr-tokaow!sur; ; 1 no j or soondinj r. there has been su r.. . 'EdropeLfX!tisitc'd n aated oh the sea eh ; : ToV. : A solid sloe cf teade on the sea ncc ; tail (aboat six hu:ui;, .degjees.: :yth ihe I cled, if the term ii tY stone rocks rising up s presenting little ? r; tjcho.-! It .tsrearkt'. ' 'nther slopes similar b lutpbring,'as UJLz t Jh alouei We d.?. and remained at the t bleid op. We did d ba attained a ccnii ' then began rolling 1! . strain resembling. 1 J s . liahharpior the f.-glass-rinreasinj; in ! ed the. base, when ii t dpr. It caused the r cd;io vibrate, and : t mala you jknow not I was perfectly &st ' I !" " and ihe rent t i it before in the w intr r 1 i the same as an argument, or as an ombelliAbuipnt, it is sll j tablishing a national bank, as well as on the oorroweo. wc vuuuis n, iHucru,tuuiu r.'ciip origin, ano im lower present tiivp f-i 11 isuuoui uc iiiuuctuu Miuuiuirs nun w hiuii the press teemed,' during an exciled political capitj imperfect or baser metals by keeping mixture in fusion with access of air. im'perfect'::.rwilf b4r;mtrbyefi or oxidated: Tbit oxidatibn of. tb-; iuiper;iect metals bp on this principle isjmuchjicilitated by ad dlng to inixtiireis oV :i:ibsbpf conp-, trn &c tv 0 qiantiiy (of !eadj ;or. bismiitbi wbicli teing Ibighly: fiisibieL boites with tbei original alloy of the j intxurel increases its v mm m , v w a-LB uii .tu 11 vrii m mm w-Tb nbtmrfea extracts Irota tbe mass all the imperfect metals and alloy, leaving the noble metals pure. I 1 I be process of capeltatibtl it perfprmed vass: It was a charge ol which there wks not only no proof or probability, but which . was, in itself whollyixipiSsible lo be true. No nrsn of cvojmolinnjrbaiibit ever believtd a syllable o( i ixefc It was of thai class of falsehoods Which j I it 1 U bltiiued repetition through all the organs of loe detracuoo and abuse, are capable ol miaQadingj inose wno are aireaay rar misieo, ano or lurmer tt. Jk:-! i a :i.. il I f .- . . i.i f i resoiuiioiispresautea uy ou ti ine rpro- seutatives ul the parish of Urle.ns, oppus- . J :. - .;;'. . . :i ... . .... it log sucn. an institution : I lierelore be it Kesolved, I hat this meeting of the citi zens of JLbuisiana regard a national bank as an instrument of prime necessity lo the consliiutiona! operations of the Upvernmeht and as the only adequate regulator of the currency bf the country. L I 2 Kesolveu, That we repel, with indig- SECUETS OF HEALTH With regard to exercise, judg between the two following extremes; A fox-hunter can get drunk every night ! in the year, and yet live to an old age : but ibeq lie is all exercise and Tib" Aodght '("Ibdenar) scholar shall not be able to get drank once in a year with impunity f but tbenlbe it til thoughl and.no exercise. Now j t)i great object it neither to get drunk, nbrjto be all exercise nor to be all thought ; but tb enjny then so faint as to te 1 ihe scorching heart f : and permitted it to r '. I cannot now form t! to khe cause of it. refeTtt tojlbf sand f ! might produce a st ihS; prolonged- Vll rati huge harpstrinj. I s! ulation but, ha v irj t shall lay.hem on ntj sorpe werbead tl:r. make any thing oat . ' sprightly season: of human ' life 1 nnlinri r .i.itiraiiinn. t.n SI.. fa.nniii(r nassious alreadv kiadlfld into a flame. i I ... ZP - . i i i f !! tn k fuiriac Untriled tor Ibjajf purposb arid capable ot producing beat enough at least to iuell goldr Intoabldilellbflhis furnace is placed an eartheri oven called a muffle ruuuded on tbo jlotVand fljai on the bottom, opein apne -id foci M IWw narrow Mnfef'ori t tbe liiiek fThe open :et.d n luted o door at ;t lie sfde pf tlie furbace aud theibbdy of lie jmuffle restjng U)bfi bais bf j wbn br lay is sWrbunoetJ a itb coalsr and tsjgraduilly bcatld lb retluess, Jlufb this tutilHeJ thus Jieale'dli'jirk poll small cTucibks bf Aluppeli as tb are called.made of bone, ashes and furmec 'tolas' to couUin .the litltied intal :to! 'liie-, akta)ed.- Ar tmall Iorf iuo pf the metal io b assayed iy 24 or more grainjs, is weighed ! j wilb extreme eccurac, in W bry) eiack i UiIaoce.- j This r I JneU ti too leq iisita q'ltuUty v. u. ana alter the abuffle an si ca, 4 f I 1 L . a . r, -. . " -i . - - ; -i-i m,v u,7 ueaieu, tbe uortiori uwm M.n L. Iff e ' Doubtless, it served in it day' aadia gseiter oi fOBCer9D e fmn,iy V P"cipie pr purpose less degree.tne end desi?nedrbv ft. HavsnJ done I between the supjMjrlers of a nalmnai bank that, ji has sank into the general mass ofjsfale! and the fanalicai anti-slavery societies btl without them loathed calumnies j Ins the ery cast-usloogr4 1 tiie-WjUrihte j i ! I of a polbted and shameless press. , Incaba'blejofj i 3 Resolved. That the thanks of this all , our' pleasurea with a The our ordinary secrets eatly rising exercise, personal , 'cleanliness. and tbe rising from the table with the stom ach unoppressed. ; I There! may. Ibe tbrrbws in snite of these', but thev will be less with them, and nobody can be trulycomfortable - -1 further mischief, tr lies in the sewer, - bides and a ' : . atn r a t;' i 1 t ' 4 1 :. v 5 t m k oesmsed. it ta not now. sir. in vtie ouwer ot tte honorable member to give U dignity or decency i by atlempting to elevate it and to ;nfruauce if iaXb the5enate ( lie cabnoilchange it trots w hat it .islftif obje of 'general $sgatt and to wrn.jf4 On the tniraryl la'b contact If be choose In UmfU community ire due to Col Wm. II. Snarls for'His able defence in the Legislature lof the Mate pi the common interests of the country ,i the character of the People of tne bouth and of tbe fvonorabie motives of the ends of a national bank : todi that Mi who has Hi 1 ii', t . V ii 4 : 1 - m. - - ' .1 -- J . it T 1 it, is more likely to drag him downtown!, to the tnanly; aud patriotic manner in which he placeivrereit'iies-itselfi ' M S'ltf refuted a grbSs calumny on the opponents ;r-r 4 !f 5?' rll !H j i; --r i$ n M f bribe iibHaT'Adiii HiE W'l'H111 sacceeded in JbfmipW articblariy tofthe tlianka of this meetingj late some fcrstatsrpf carboaie of uoie.tbidfta -tit -.- iJi- lillilw-,-1 -j- f:"'- ' f ot which are luore than two millimetre !fft7. fi hxiract Mu Utter from an officer of the. 17. s. minay 4oresttbey may give aa tha ahin' ll-tiKJ " - T r - M- W1 t ecoiivajwiii nave secured aplacs upon which to! H!? "" rest his lever, which will fAtetoeoabl hunH11 44corura at will lbs wholo Moaey pbwat of taes me,tei COveriitacat ! They should oevar fbnmt thli land a mt a no cbppels weighed. lor Kyeruiupui i ney sooaia oevar fumet that I ano a minuie siream of re i.oweverjcuiiningtae advocates of this prajel .1 runt dowo from the loo of WJ.. W WIWiJwaT fart kixd EilAkt ibio'lael iLU- metal Ibtgtu fb sendjoff thick fuu. mtauta sifwoj j bf raii! fuset: .Uttr bngbt glbbule an mehf inj widibwbicli hejbaa- prodet3t :M u. ui.uuu iu ivw uau uivuiHt ' MM9. UaBaidU annouifced that he bas suceded in foraiug ex 'ceedioj Ij small piano convex feeses" for kelei copes (leniiles) put of glass in a state of itsionj bya very 'simjila poa):je:pl;surf4ce jbfi the lens is formed by . ui4cbaoicat processes! tie convex surface by fusion oi.l?; aijd'jaccvrduig to! the inforuiation rooniouted by ' this gentleWan,' the quanjiiiy bttieoies iaat can be ' formedfin a! giveu titueby this method is an bundled! times j greaer than that by lbs old' lonea, M. Gkudln! has beeii fittule'erKogb togei quartzlJiiuo Jn 4frS?f formed minatef knsek oil of the fused crystal, hieh tie perfectly ajchrju : iwatie' A tpeciueu of &ocb a lei,s a ekuib-1 i ted io t b e Aadem f at af la te iuniin: i. 9 Ji 17 Imeai iuttnifiog jpowertdaiut tiuUTp J liisuiul:experiujhief hopes, by combin ing suU'leiSesiof flo.i and cruwo glastdu4d according m biametaWJio arrive aiL6 tiJLk . There is at otesent to indivicoa been confined on tne debtor's; side of tbe castle at York, for upwards of 22 years, and who bas for I long petiodV tuecessfully cahied on tbe 1 profession j of barber, to tbe unfortunate inmatetj of tal'iabf : The law, has humanely provided a certain 'week ly allowance of bread tt the cost of the country, ! to such poor debtors as are Una ble to support themselves, and jdqring the time of his incarceration, Ihe woribv knight of itbe razor hat consumed 2i34 loaves of bread,! weighing in the" aggregate, j no jess than 4634 tons, and which, if cut uo . into ofi? or! BrooU, Florida, under date lf fair ftiibstfinl tall, slieiMi. fur tnn1. 1 JTln Whieh "VrlP? sMrKr?hW3 i ll the barber it much attached.) and laid in s : w.. juonciuilieu UOUI l. unir OI aUIV CnS I rnhl Im.lnm.U i..H ......r.la1..r TnrU SStte mlletiUn. beratjOkeecbubeb Ukej! - wouIoVcoyer a surface . of e.Hy ightn a- -lUnCol-am'rwoaViiias atebj'd lW ih'rnlJJ. of ground; to that hejhat ctlnsumed, before he felli either bif wha h ..nM k. ..,Ji at the cbuntv-cbst,. nearly 70 loads ol wheat, fatal. The first ball past through tbe abdomea the leUj t be second . in the right breast; and lb last, tbfodgh lbs chiij and aerk; evidently sbo from a tree:;He fellfia a suiiog position laa diediBSUaiK4- ,;.,! . t; fvwiwringen Was shot In advance of hi owpwj. tn too lower part tf but neck; retired l 'e.ied brth hantki above bis. bead, an lei fl4t.outai faco, gave3 poe groan, and was a y U M, 8ho tho"gh the heart, a died with a sn,ile un his face. . ; I : M ' iilff 8hl I through imeliead fromt1 m ou Qieo instantiv. ! " . --'- . ! to o agi t the produce :of nine acres of Igood aver j land and supposing ihe worthy knight to have-ha 4 a propoitfonate allowance of outier to nis ureaa ne win, nave cooaumcu. nearly TOOO lui of butter, or the prjoduce ui a diarv of three cows for mote' than a 1 twelve montb. Yorkihircman. COST OF SYMPATHY! 1 ;The following jappropnaiHs are aksd byjthe Var Peps rt men i, lor the defenca of jtbje Ntlt? rn frontier and tbepriraiiba tfeiiir aHily Vtl9?.000 to pav the SOOO militia called r Origin cf ' A small octavo f ty I pages; bearing ' recently been pul ' byfj. Mackintci!;. geptleman, of c. bestowed much '. iuvolved in the ti ' bofthave been than to originsl ; ; Tlje theory of Mr. American India: ; origin a posit;, clusjvely, as we comparison of t! torjis, Sfe ef tha with those vf Nf. . lected many an J gard to their n ' dances, fessu, z appcrlainins: war N. V. C ram j The late Mr. I and!acc.-UDp!is!.f ' ScN to be iisc:!! jnd consequentlj I all,! including t! partake ol the i: Some of ihis fx sining reseu.1!: who, in pivii tf I rable Crichum shirt, uiar.J .' said, as an'' heir-! Hoddlestore! corrupt ion tf At' disbgushed :i r rnongst cthpri. I waSsuneiemlj ' iwo originals 'a . the respect i to on one of iS. Btooe was dii.' : waproIuntHj i kings fairly rt !! One of tbe y. teued. by H.- but be aiuriii'3 r mtoser the cadet. , Never ! ' , the LtiJ 1 Mix ou tLe CauiJayc Uer fur. lhfet; laonihs, tha i 3 : i J ' ' . mw i I ill "I If 1); '1- ' '-i. i, ii til .4 3 M-iJ'-ii ( : K l is r. I- s. if M ' rr . s :; 1 , I - i . f i jJ i !- l s. il '!!- 3' m 1 j '" " ".'! f::.4 .-4' .f!fSffftf . : - . '! V ' 'LI. : -- ' .- ' fi '.-ri ,$(' i tsrS v -fi " . - - j t". I ' ;. t -, r 4 ; . 1 ; iaf... . P,v. il ' ... l:

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