1 1 MKT ;:-TTT?Tv,m; "-TOilf 4;l:ffi).v:-;;i D EVERY SATURDAY, B 1 imilliTON; C , JPJTES, ilpEDITOR PRbPIETOn - 13 'if. 1 rnir-.tr M 1. t- -i . . E : ' -. . - . - . i ;. r- ' ,1 :','! ii ii I-: 1 . - E '1 WOT :ITOlX33:f S'J-H 1. - i ;--.4'" !1 . i : ! t IWI i tli'-dt THE: -:r- L i j - - ..r Ki it.K;i:.UiV.heiearie ad (!) mnfllJi l -!oW pajment, The 1 1- CloW Prince 1 iie snm of If 4 ioe ensuing season ' commcnc in? the loth of March and enfo? the 1 5i h of J ol t m l?alc Lowes, in LincoU coonlyl Iwu milr from t: TSta t ifl I Ft irrt : ,in Man Javal fSjife i'n-terin ehip; continue; Tuiesdajs ao4 VVteanesdajf in each weik J the SilMirto2i?9; her lttb?CM1 ba1aiceln week t ilofas Ueidslin 1 8- ! r-J i ? - -i "5 -. i- :.- . i "-.t-.t-"!-.?:. " i-"---rT--rr -7-,, r3cn3e 7 w 1 r i1.o in aVlcaSC. nt V tii m oaul att Winn 4(bn mra la kchprtiin ..ithfoa 1 unlaid i ' i . !i J -t r"-' -. w Mmpw v--' BU m YH..r. T !- ; -.1 ri. 1. thin f; .i i-..: j r 'ILi. 1 ;.-:ii vo rpppiTBU ivf " 1 su u uo in luat. unpariea wunior a single ibd na win - 1 - .i. ; ; ; 1 s. ...1 ' . t - ... ,,-.- t .. , 11 111 L ' filO will be charged. Datable as soon as khe ser Si-l&iiW wiscofftinoed was r" 1 ve Mrrepaerea.i x mj . ceiiM to'tne ;etoom lot I!C--W.M "t- Tl .. K ' t J - J I I .i . . L . - I ,Kv ,r- - - - H.- , .15. ' t "i ,:. .- i. - l-Fai ff -i -"-t lit-i""-'"---" s-"- -!"--:t r" H- 'r'-"- rEfyicailt he taken !i5iilirt.AW:ihe; Editor mo st be v ost ot escapes, but I Will net be if: to prevent arfci responsible : lor any espMi- sball have the I From Iheugvsta Smtm&rfauUiilt .5 o'ctpct, M. I as lrecommendt- ihe iacortmrioo f a .?ifiwivnflii'i uu y iijui. 1 1 1 . ue touomua members rsppearedi aod ruanK iq we uui br 40 miludns cawtat. I I x esjieraaf ati a; o'clock; the iJeJeg?tes to iUq5ea,MHL4 '! ji. the Merchants' 'ConTcntion' ! assemwld c- ! 'Atherjs-J E TSrj cJia? to freVioos iidl i On motion of Andrew the Delegates from ibis eitr Delagate frorn ChaIe$ton,1 the Chair, and N WiCooliq retajfjr.f for Uo 'parpose of brga uonveniioo4: Jt Miller, K.er 4 ih one of n. w Pendleton-fG R Cherry.! SaTanhah B K Stiles, Wm' Jones. U 3 Braniionv but! afterj sotoe Miscnssiori : beiWeeii M r: ilsorii 5Ir!.r Camming aid fiimp!f. k to stop in era. where no directions MP iBoHe,Aa n- J W fie MloBring jenlldmen were then nam- nirtif ikAicy v' luoJ "ijaeni, ins vconsututiugi me nauws, wnicn ouer t. r.KVSf-rl,i;ommittetf orjfti.- fnr thWir -"neural '1 1 ! I- AGenRvTiraWneJ: MS Charleston' -Gen hhaKhe'WerTenlidI?Jor! g?Ti " " - W'Tf earing; Athens ; Gen 1 :i NoirtH carolinaI i i - er. Aia.i : coi ri h ffilMR' i-r:! IK 11 M"' v! 1 S D AN IE ll 1 M O H G A N jV 'a beaolif. btood TiikM me charsred Sniper cent, bay with jbKicc Ieajai triage aid' tail 15 and a half mkU tbe iates. 1 A deduction of hand4bigh-4)f fin?: appearance and as goodj a feiasi ih- reiyular Prices a horse in a loihiMt adfertisebj thenar. ora toe js jnst jaoiinai bo mvmmmu--vt.u ?r'vHlwi'r produce the best lie wHj be setn IGREE m w a -m aiired hy Col idpodefs llyazi; he hy,M! Aireh ie ; bis dam was byithe irnborted Arch Duke ; g cam ojr ni inpi oieritng ine oesr rscer-s in H.njland iof hijgdaVi B 2 bvlnipuried Ob$curiVi 20 els.; BrancTy, Ap- e ov inejnTincibie H-pHpse ot Jngiantf, gg g Cotton! 1er-Mb..:'(in aam uio.piimmetKm dt in imported jvv iiair per yd. 1 18 22. 1-2 J oul pi ne imponea jua mar, uaniei ,ior Arcpie 8 Polij- dam fbv Bajlor'a Ixn parted. iFeatnaught; g g g g dam by ef i ffgf ggg dam;;by the ? e.ffff e dam the !by 0 cts ;; Bacon i tier lb ii Inpofted-8hopk. f The gentleman brewer will !i.rrtNt.l.ri kptllh ibk thus percireilhai Daniel Morgan U one of- Die Hstw,ilil Wfs ; Engli?H doJlperlb ng hfdoeithivery beRts crosses of ihe n- W.Wm&HWl a 3U icis ; iugar . ,"T "r " n I u 7"r " 4 f : Iftoetletmefxsrti Ed J ilule. ALABAMA, it i withdre wiit.i ? I i v i ;:B Alier a rood deal; of discussion imon the different cesointions mj amendments offer l. . i j- . i ; a .4 - i m luti iieig u id i uisieu in hip i ! :1f H.I iii-l v; U... il li?Mored. That a direct trade is the natural channel of commuiucaiion between' each ,6tuer the -best prmlacttons ; a hd third party must ngton, tlCWiU Jm19 ?! whti by fet Jin 'fljhabits arblcJ 1 merfial c6Cnesi'Xt-Isewhrre 'i eniijn,:tterefpn caunot ioi c it; comment the spey adoption tv - fellow ciiliensi of beasuips ir lmerc edticafilln amonj ur y d them on ila lifkit nf h: periby t e8ialH): a; body of i-;; wltce (etery "interlkt ind. feeling r ' . centered ia the cihtrY '-wrilch' 1. , t ind sustajnetl tfeitHli : J- H' I Ii 5i2e(r!-Tiit-this::conTcn Opinion" that the ciiiblishrnent by i v toe entei i soninerii'ports for ; trjcf f the 1raipWaHic! ij e.xporld by St the jUniteci StjtcfWould conduce : restoration lof; the! iiirect foreign 1 1: the 4oothi andjhay similar estali: : for the Safe ofdbrnMtic nianufaci jr : alio be reairableilil-i '! X il l . I i,i qJ7de(f. jTlgj a committee k! : appointnd lb"p'tje$fe an adjress tut! pie J of. tef blitfcitDn" and j' south. statea, urging :Apb them jhe csp.' or giving jtbeir pearly co-opcralion i accompliahmeiit oljihe great cbjc:: , - adjobfiifiitj shall Ifjjonni to ni'crt r.t gustiodiiie thfrdfnday n G-! ' -r and hara jciomifteof .corresp - !': aprnte,;Wlwsefity jt shall L,s . t th! orooer measurSi In ' enliai ih f of thk pe0p!,UmJecure i cordial ration! on Ithje' part ifl the States int in the ijobiectnof MU Com?ention, - lit.-' 'i-i i-iitir. -. oinnse-aiaries i 8 the ble and xnipoo iixi liexchanges be Geb BIcDuffin, lvn W.i3vtMl- f-M dm- yresof cerf. That the Southern &. South- wi .!- ;i 1 . " j n I i r. : L - - ! t . ' r r inrum it it 1 wrsirt ii isipx nr ima uninn aitnrn mn i'Wmtngwf jwhich' are. purchased nearly bert W Rron. nvni TI liAmm f,1 M nah Col A Bbindincri Colnmhia l Col A I the whole foreurn imnnrta of the rnnntrv, r) unyiici vuariesion; ioi t uammmg, i wiainey are ine consumer ol a large por- i a wp ,ui uijese imports, ana ougot naiuraiiy tneraseues to furnith the chancrl. through pn: lit uoDert tk uins, TMacon : tKet wmcn me exenanee ia made v that on no I 111 fl f 1 I Boyce, Charlestob ; Vy IV SiarU I Hamriurg: I occasion have their citizena been found in- oi maintaining tnemseives in. lair un oiner sections,- anu tnat om its natural must have beeri brought about by action of; th of federal . gover rj- ii if jf McDowell,! Charestbni J K. Douglas, Gam- them I,' ' dfd; Dr Robert Ctlibs, iMicont ; SKer whic ? ! Ci arfa fon-r Messrs Kci SOUTH CAROLINA Robeit :! , Resident of the Convention of Merchants mcnl, or by the abstraction of our people - and others.': was presented to the! conen- Pl?heVf?Sbt ayrie, ( P. hy the Presidentahd read. ltpprov opinion of this nch a state of thinri should mire, ;ffo pll SOjAVheatir bushVfl "VJV'Wm Mpbfl m cis Corn pr lu?h65 ctsj B?ylo Iflpleflif jfeWW;! Imperud lei jfepli tS Nails jper lb 9 a lO !! aMcts: Bacon rer lb IU Imported-Shock, iff J Tim ta u I Camden Messrs Henry R Doighss,-;;; 4 vj M:4'.!a1' t5 ets : ituin TJamaical oer ffal; 1 ! ftallow-.MlbJl!0Ja-fct8:Towil bieh. Tineu cnenue; per gai. ou ; 1 regularly traipea put from im partial trials mape, KijlBijldiliJip1 I; :'cts;VjClaret)lo',r. feel n o hesitancy inbsajfoig I bejieve hiifn tbbW ril.!ti'S75;jcts ; Malag, , (sweet), a horse of: fin.lBptejlahd,'.ni4t1 bo tiring'Jgro-f- ;f$ j'Msp jper. gaIj-45 a 5.0 ctsj .'.' and )' f properl f ft ritfp.fjl;. wpldi liave few I lot no lM I Hti i a xt: .:KH.-. 4 i -1-iv.-l-?'c f. snueTiorrih Nhriii Candina . I As to i i he1 truth U tj;!":'rrl:W'-jlM iUfw-'-V'r 'f,,-;-' ;'"-' ' Daniel Mqr2aln8 rsreeV tlto ! subjoinied Wri filsei J,wA.Wj lj-7 ew .iUac from cltMvill wiitetory Waiiy BPnt!ea.f Willi- ? im if i-.x cii . ir uiv" n iki vain ion 41 . , - ... 1 s . -(til -Ji I" 3'-:- ti 4 Vi J" i. ' it .Ji il 1 I Wlflrtila! j9i ets Wrooghl di. peir lb. 20 nWwUWl bO j Rice per iiOQ lbs $4 50 frpr Saltpr JOHN-PKRKtiVSl Mfjiidicts imtton ner il ai Arcftie;;Tami3y ifl(isto5.a:-80 htk ! riuur tt?1 WJiS darp fy Imported &lerr n3mrori - so.ou a t Diirom stores i : - r -i . . WimiMi;ioo ,?.!pVi406O cts i Nails cut alsort- .V , J. 1 iirviviriiiiM 1'he following is' the certificate civ en me, Ibr Biarni ana nolhers from the oiare Pandora fiiiNttter biwhef 87i $t Steel AU V?tP0Vfiwfil?? sa,d mV 13 cbe am Ufek Wm; I tanerial oef lb 4 1 25 a 1. 37 4 r tr W flo.rnr I S t a I i Sacts i '1 obaCeo ma n n. - i . ; .t i . ,. - i . i . p -, 7 - JrrjtlO a H 5 cis. i j-f- i I 'I-A X t 1 rK y IJLLE. 1 Hi: If ' T. -ii -f: -. - : 190 f70 hi a- l !i- it- i-p -r- 17 i;84 SO a 30 80 colli? K j i :i,i-al rift arnif Hffl 118 Nails, cut. Sugar bibwn, Lump, Loaf, salt, ,-.. Saek. 2 Topaccolea 174.1838. 35 a 40 -74 Tall lb- TS a 20. 75 a $1 5 a $3 50 3 a 4 Cottongbag. 16,aS5 ualerope, 8 a 124 Wheat new $1 a 1 10 Whiskey I; 40 a 45 Wool, : 1-20 a 25 J-?S-..-- , '--v.- I '-.-j-f';i-S a . raBBBBBaaaw- it -l . v Ii Mi ftHfew Pb.ladetph; a, with t ItEM wentlof the above articles. I SILiiW on 4sNrtineot of iWirf?' .Heeaa safely say, mSVgte !'o any in thwel: lM?H?cVs repiirei as usual, 3 efSbe 837- tff, 4- m y intertaiiirac u: ri '-.if Foster;!; Mfis,ntMl.epGMir,trtathe Mur'gan.l I IjVjnce Gearsre Qounty, Ya. if f l, Hi lot Hi Miy the 9ih 1800. f r fWe certify that the bay mare Pandora i - sold by Richarj Bf rid -id John Perkins as g&t by Symm's Wildaiii daoi bv vV0rmesIev!s iJolIv Roger ;; g dan by Baylors i OM Fearnaugnt g g dam by jolly Roger; ggg dam' by Imp. Dab ster, ui ot Hie Unpolled mare Mary Gray. fin; Kdra'd; Kffifl. ft - March 24; l(8.1si-4w35 " aw ua a aU;ap-.l Fairficid Messrs fclward iO 4 Myers - V. j Chester J B McColJy, J : I 1 ill an. Europe.-' j J ;':f': - "'j :j Mr Black, of Charleston, from t! 1 : S-ti I llll-l IK 'ii! fiitn.pi PMner, J 11 tfiersi M Galphtu, Geo Parrotti uiuidv) uunviu ..lll( L It a Smith, Turner; GotdsraiDi, F U rr- f . IW W I Beaufort Messrs Frampton. I ! ' i; -, t umes aw. con the f the existing 1 r I f 1" iaaa . s f' ' ' channels of trade, atTord an opportunity of I I m - !' k I, --.::.'... from the rbnwl oreaKS: oown ine5 irammeis wnicn nave . , b . s 3 i x a l it . m ttee anrio ntiul bn t!,Vi -iSihfi"iW CinL 80 long leuereu our commerce, ana or re ber, to memona 28 the Lesis aturo of South owT'"8 ? naiuiai aovanvagw; Carolina on ihW uUi4f k . ia a"M mat it is ncumoeni upon every man , -w. -...-... ...... t 1 . ' . : . Li. j : i . j . 1 NMp; J. authorising I ' limited.-'Dartnerah ibsJ Ire'ooted -I WI 0 nean me gooo 01 ma couniry Gilliam. L BdieJW n a Rnll.' I Smiih 4 that the committee hat) fulfilled their dutv. w.,enu n,s:De,81 exeruons to ine promouon that a la w hid bern passed in? compli, Ul CB 0,J ance, with' the memorial. j "Mr. RilVri! il rUtloctnn Mocenia!) 4 av a ar aa--- v aj B - V 1 al a J KM at - lj11 a LiiU n , i I if M - etrciilacjo llie cdnventioril addrissftd byltho I ' ?iw r difficuluef to be overcome ii 1 : I R ints. ;n rt....iJn...n il. Ln .i.i ii fir! in the nroseclition nf their enfernrise : bnt Greenvtlle-r-B Stratbiim. I Ipiil r IMH f?Pon,ia kn l Pni.ka n!i4 ..,o. nolhine daunked therebv, and -fuliY relvme Edgefield-IMessrsthomas Smi of ! the resumption of specU.pame!nts f 1 J OPon fhP; and zaloar coope- ects and to establish our trade upon a sound and oermanent basis. A, Resolved, Tim this convention isful si is recoromc;. ! After some cohvetsdion it was! refetred ration ot their lellow cititens, they are tie- - i -w a tn ihe.MimrhifiPA p-nf m i I if i I i i t i termtnea to auvance wttn? untiring perse- i. v . w. fi tvn' v, w ; i ii- i: "11-, , i - t 1 , i - TK f-.Mr.,'.nUr,ii-.mor, UU2 veraiice : Land with that view, do earnestlv the President as Dejecates from Nor lTW",f fcVc auuuwou o. uiu luuu wiug Starke Ldwaifd Jlernis, E L Anionyi J J i : a- ;: it fi r if. -Ft aOv : la If - : im i! !-;.iif, w. ' ! J v- Hi's r,u i I r i. .-.- . 1' - '. ;L ! i : -fc; L : i ; I mpltiirp i-ii. : . I ..1. i ifiiir. va...i'iBi arriipn -ii t :: r! s . I . m .aaa a a a a a a a j .11 m ii r a a a a ai ' 0 a aa a a a a . 1 - . . 1 t - ; i it m . ; !:; - Hi aid Row e, 51 (I Pi sei . 3 GEOBOIA. Ii. Way nesoriv'l'liiaas P.Verdery, W;ra E son Eans;w Its. t'fi Berrien, M -1;J: i (ii H OrangeburMesfdp FLfemisqriliDn- MiTson. " The ahnunctationas received f'rd to thef importers: and' purchasers of i. i L 'i n l , - t 1 3 : t I . a a 1 "h !f t ; : I - E . 1 I ' a ; a . t . 1 . a k j i . - W i 1 Augusta -5Ie?srs J hn Pltinrzy, PBiij Fitzsitnmons, A B L'eet, .VVni D'Ari tigna c, J p h n - Rc tit s. in the apply, a por- L H (I CummiM lAayin ard Slo!ej., Johnson; Jas Ilarprr, U i P! Kinyiimnf M Charleston Thomas I Kerr.i NIC Mbr- Adams, Andrew J Miil'r. B H ward Thomas,' John Krr, D Jas; Wi Daies CI Jeukins. E it Poe, E Reajl, N Y ll! Louisville Messrs jas; Pj Gairdne Ask I E Both well, 11 WarreU' Ed W SI John I : JOHN RANDOLPH Ol" I ROANOiC0 I 1 f H UiU, nroneriv of R. chard iv. MirVWnW JI by the. laifl Hon. John Rlndolph, will stand thai nroeAnil -frikn tM ' V tf t- M. r i! - j'"?l "r ")afuu 1 mi vforini Carolina, at the OUoscnber, at stable of the bfed the Union J- Hotel, Stateayillel I rede) I county, LV.c. JAUUJUlyi was sired 1i.y Monsieur Ton- son, vine Ajax w; bis day.) dam Jet, by theiim ported Bluster dgrandara Stitira ( imported") W Arexanderhei4reat; &c."i-. - j tC5 For fUrllier particulars see hand bills l0Et4:'.;'- pFHE,PPRIETOkJ The fonwioExtracts frofn the Toff llei gister will fesaugfactory to siich as may choose to cnsnlt tliat rery high authority. 1 i H JMAHBUm was by tTonson not she by Biosterqut of Stattra Statira byAlex' ander the Great J on t of Rose bv Rose out of Mprlington by Snap; she out of atisa Windsor by! the Godolphin Arabian j see Turf RegUtpr Vot j5. page 433 Bluster I wia by Oilarjdoi the son of Whiskey,1 out of a Hirh. ilyor mar sii'ehto EscapeJ by YPegasas her dam by; Jijtirrf t-pegasasi byi Eblipse.OHl bf a Bosphnrus taiareiMster to Gipcian Prineesa'flr larido as kutUf Aroeliar'bt I Hiffbflver f het dam Mli'lVns. Uisier Ui Maiden hv tMm - arte !il WIN villaire 6f with the view o Mocks. ing town, 7 TheiobriWir w i ; trn nn i iff....;r.....' flliir Me shall NlSr- lhe test the coun- Flih tlieehceest b lI&IMAhd alien: 'tr.k ; oaiiraiD eon J!i cupse cMJi ot aijalash mare y lit' rod : her dam iTfmrpvn h! uiinki-n Ll DL. jus by Gl4luhin Arabian-See Turf, Rp- iy 1 f I ' n;i nr a rii . " a a. t ; . i. . . . V A , . ' a 41 - - ' : ! y-w j BeauM i he Ihnvet see reference initbe Hand bill to ibe':SiurBoo-f.'- ui'i c-':j :-:v i I ' l- lifrHE-pRopRrEtoR.f Stateaville, itarcb 17, 18384-7 w34 I ! " ! I Having been requested to examine tbe Toff Kpi8turC which pt)) on the subject of the4e Pedigrees, H did so; and Hod this above statement entirely accerate.il IT i afl , a m. iraj f (nke BUlrKk' oil, U Ii lAikmsoid D S Macon M k'ssrs Robt Coll i n?l Jno La mar. &J Barilett, Wkp B Par r, ,0 3cgdrf Jno ' - a. ar - f) .5 I ar . at 'ai . a. -1 I 'af d '4 i I M Ualtlwin. CDaa J McDonald.) i;IH JI i Milledgevil eMessrs VVm 1 Rocfewe iA" Hi ' : ,i Cnhnilly decjai. L MfjVVijf , Cbe.mmitei' Georgetown, S C -i-J II Read,jrV Wflyneshoro Dr J P Garvin j H ! inn' ' i a . I i i.i -.; S - f T I ' li JJ alt news. : i wNh a round'of iprdaUseij i I I i I ! I S I 4uihern searidfts, ifie aole facilities which The President thon lanhonned that Mr are offered elsewhere S and with this view J fj Soultori was added" tejlhe committeef of if J j reeorii esended44hat the 21. '"M ! i , 5 I IH i K seaporU should immediately Tim AillnwintV addWSnrjal nmrltoa tioii ,of. their tesneciivc capitals, tothe peared and tookfibcir seats : i I " l-.' I 'l1rch5el:o'. (oretgri exchange, and to the r.,,. C O N .tiL 1Uill.i DILL I hiw-uibuicui ui w'-iimmn ;;rinrV1: 'irr f ' 8nd tiatthe should ad the use of the same tb the importing merchant upon a discount or ; collateral pledge of such good paper as he may take from the merchants tif the interior, and :hat this accommoda tion be afforded as well upon paper having mbre thaii six. months to pin, as upon thai having Jess and that the Banks of the in terior co-oTi frate 1 byfcol I ecli n g and rem i t- .1 ' ... i ; ', i - - J Ji a I--." . a ling the proceeds olr such paper to tne banks on ilie sea coast, that they maintain QliirksviHe-iJohn The fid lowing gen ileui nen were men aa- rr "ti ded.bv the PiesidMit to the committee iof I l Pra 1 1 T IV i I p anA CI fi IVTom minger, of Charleston,; and A Mitchell fert Mheir liU s apti keep down me Nathan MiGehee, Jer Beall. 1 Savannah jMessrs Jos Cur CurankitikyiE Pad4 o'clock lot day. Iff .Darien. a i . . .!! !-!"u 1 r " The Convention then eford, G B LImarl :i'J'- 1- ! ' iU ""J ! S t iff J ! I pTirhantrps irv redeem inff their own oaoer at thn fep fftnrts : am that on the other ! adjourned till 1 1 i,an(, the Banks in the Stmthern Atlantic cities make arrangements by which: the c..nn r!Li. rt o r.nU. . .1 I ,i L.J- ''I. . i ! . -ML Brunswick-T-Uoimiimas Bu , iWarreiifon?-Me3srs miah Ijutt. r ! ill hi l I r as AToooro iVil aitnv i4 tiavrioI v 1 1 "i jut v wi i a W Baxter, jCol Jiio A Cobblil Madison -Messrs iWifiiam phnsioni E Ef Jones, W I?1 Valandingliam, IL Joiinston , son. i Columbia Co Messrs C PSRpbertsonl f j CollTliimas W C Andrews; Jere- iilsil-! iam DHngiTbom- ft The Corivenlion met yestenHyt at 10 b'- notes of at) of them shall be at par in each. clock, according to. previous! adjourn- 2 That with a vidwj to the important merit. '" 1 H -IU";-,4 s- i: , .,,,!' lr;U ;; subject of equalizing , the exchanges be- Th follotrtng ddUibhat7D'eiesesMatM tween Southern,; Southwestern States and reared registered their) names, arid toiR Territoiesifthisfcconyehtion earnestly i re their seals r f j " I commend to the various bant HBhocKey fCrawfordtille -Messrs R Q W IrloiM AnldnlThamak Fs!p JjV '.Markesvijle4Messa';jnb kjllef ' , fZf i fjflerson- Messrf Geo R Grain Watsdni, Geo fcbwaniUi -'' ii iE . ;ii I , . :'l B ! I . ! f i lLigranEe--aIessrs J M Beill.U litlaf iein A fftlitchII. ,,-,v Mr '1 - U I f ,.- '1- - . ? - lEt0HonIIenry Brahham. ..i - i .!-,- - : - i i G r eeosboror- M essrs I.J as If i WM Robin- Columbus J S Calhonnf John JI How- Juscaloosa, Alabama A. M SI Peters Parish. Beaufort Dh Ni Catolina riiguej IVUmington :' ! I it - ! 1, ! i H I ' "T Dickinson. w,yn IE"! . 1 jsrunsivtcxrA. u iving. ,V C-i-WTTVinslow, If askington couh tyWiliii& I Pii Pour- . II - .- ' : - : T ' ' l n i i - .. i - V.I. Griffin j j ;? -i i ' i r . r f . i - mi i. IJerringi Byne, Jno C Pyt.hesk. 4 I AJleni . ti lit' Hi. I t -U sll f I'v f.r -. i L Si 4 Walter ijiaynesb6roJoh$ Charles Edgefield John 0 AI ! Ccri,csfofi--Thoma6i Benne Ut tmiirU Lowndes Ifht.U Tib n " ? , " i - i nir Knmnv A i icm nni s n r v s t- ' - i - : i a a. atuuaai a ai ai bl aji aak iif tun a : ill i i i i a na aa. a am , ij' ; a a arLtiv-i. - - . , w -- i ' i a E . -.7 r s l'TM V 'Mr jr.rj vmp-j uonyentton, wnicn were read, ana on bM M person L .Grtv em ! 1.1 tion of Mn VanlLaodinffham.1 . 4 i. : I i. '-. J : eseiited that the mo- onlered to On motion of Geri i 5IcDunlev&L Ttidl I be entered on the minutes, of the C6nven- MAS BUTtEjRiK19G;.,l,,feSwi1ij iM'ijH.fe1 'j ; I IMJ ' I irea uiiaiumuusii auuuuiiec resiapnt nt thn i y wbi vuuiiiiiiiwi i Cohventionivi"! Ii Ia i '1 f -b Wtt ff rt Y. Mi f made a lengUiyrepbrtflof freat clearness pn being conducted CduttiUee, CKing ressei! CooVe3tiaacpnIedb k veruoninaDrieiburapproOTi IPeing ; On motionCBLamarifesitba iel W Cocke, was auoointed fiprrMr. ik WHr MfisratiNCKR ras&iahd addressed the the. Conventioii.i - H :i-t;?-t.li l!s Jiiil jHr J Convention in a speech , of considerablt i 1 1 1 uo 10110 wing resolution prefacedibf fa I "Sr' nu I erainen. iapjiity, yinj :r .- f f . -. !' - -.1 . ki;.-- s s i t mnmm . . i j' i ii ' ? ji a i new remanis was men onered br Gen R Y ua which nave conspirea if 1-. . . i- ' : M ' ,j: -- - (- k ' "1' i - Vi mii.7v Mteg IE3IDD vve n t i r f ti fed 4T TU1S OFFICE. Vr t- :S 1- Htyne, and a to I break down the direct foreign trade of the South, to revive and .the remedies to be resorted - 1- --t- : " i Ori motion lofiGen flfcDufSfti ? entjbnthen idjonraed lontil S.otl Mem I Resolved That a committee oMif hn'lhp mM.fi.!AJ'i.' a-l Li ' Ti" "r- t TU8C a8TKEST IO IOWW1, flir wem? J'?0B"f'fi: - 1! 1 wmS Ume::H f ii:-- ; -: ; 'i. ; ,!l 'm!- ? fin mnlinn Uf r!Brt T.nfl:.! -.t.1 irJ- tij. a -r.! -1 '.- . - .4 I juugc xucxioxALD, also auuresseo tne PI Contention, aad proposed a substitute for some of the resolutions p the Committee IfiesohedlTk members of tlpconverjiion, to : the citizens; of llicir counties r?r i! - L'l . :"L i: 'i iJSi': - !. niacet oenira unem tneir nrnrf snirgai ppori;jdj the ex)ediet:y i mo ting themeMwrlfiecomfpcndcd convention,' ai(l !)articulrly of f Limited Iartn rsbjis, and Ihe lacs : by (the :souther 'flutes as'ajbresafd. -Oib?Wberea.asthei:'cdrnplptin;i line of commuBicllton bv Rail Kn:. ' nec tine the; South Eilantic iCi tics' v.-'r.'. great Valley of jthiMisjissjppi, is tl prominent and ruiiient measures t ) mote the uscful nnj patriotic ohjeci has called this Convention octh'cr, t" fore,lTM-;ihi !iiIf 1i i-v:- :-1i: - : ; - - ;J Kft?eThatlns Convention i ly jarulsolemnl pi prised with i! c i cendent ipporj;arJ;e of thejgreat y;c Interpal lmproVjient jwhich are ir,t to effect this inmmunicatinn mosliearnestiy jirivoke the people t f Soutbehl iandiSouth Western f. ..t.-. hrjpg alii their gppergies antl resdurc bear upon jtKis iial point,not douiir such efforts jw i co w n witli bril I b r. i ctsf asVtb' aoljleltnterprize.v- T rlOn motion ".Sa Mr. pinckhey, i YwReshlvtlwX the members eft? venuon, ui rpahlntinnai Southern and ,: banks of. the prin- .i . . .1 - . !"' . Si- cmal cities ot the tvro i Slates, op) sucn as4 may oe convenienuyiiocaicu, u receive the hilljs ofach bther iin helr general hu siness, and o adopt such arrangements : for settlements, at short periods, as they may deem suitable and proper , the Banks a eainslwhoni the bala1 ricelshould falUp fur nish funds for settling the same, or to; pay art interest of six-per jeerti from the period of setilemehand thata committee of five be appointed to take such measures as! in tlie ir j udgmen t will carry fully into efTect thVprededing .recommendations..;; .U 13 rTliat tile Merchkotsfof thepnth andJ Sljuth-Wesp be earnestly recommended to" give preference to the importers in their own raarkejfcand ithit jthpy afford 4heih an opportunityt of fair competition with other sections by! making their first calls for pur chasers ait Southern and Western seaports; and on theoipei handrhat the Mecrhants atjthe sea-potts shall forthwith,! st j about importing sudh stock i of 1 good, as; will en sure, at fair rates, a supjply to the demand from the merchants of the interior, j i 1 1 4 That! an earnest and united effort shoujd be made to draw 'home the capiul invested.by thSouth in Banks and Com pantes abroad and lu employ the same, together" wttb kucji suiilus capital as ex ists at home, in mercantile operations ; and that with this view men, of influence and character be earnestly invited to. afford the benefit oftteireiTO into Limited Partnerships, under the laws passed by the alateaj ot Virginia,! South Cro1ina,Georgia, Aiabainaf Tennessee and Fati&::iUi 5 Thit this ConTentior cannot botf iew with deep regret, the neglect of all Icom mercia! pursoiui which has hitherto prevail ed among the vonth of our country, and which has necessarily thrown its most im portant interests ' into, the hands of those ribdmmending the fnfer tojS their constituents cf okith Western Suites, Sa.xrrd ri-'tcm jj 'i'ttpst'-. undoubted I jof their sincery by adopting them : rule of thcirj djn; condiict, hereby deel r in the rnost sbllmn manner, in the tr r connn r de;Iing they rgivereference i reci importer, aj id zealously endeal cr, in cases, to csrryju -the views ;and rcc:. mendations of convention f 'jiL:yoUsroftnls;.' toj; the1:. Presbyter! Chjnrfhtb th$ citizens of Aiugusii to t f!resident1pf!tl convention to tho I' (rjjan1dvjtC( In e Chairman- of' the c mittei of 2jl jwirej inanimously adppu I. Mr fioyc!rflvedi ihatTths projreeJir ,fe.ri nted-.a:ti expense of the jChar!: tbnj I ielagjjtion'lhder the aiiithoritj' of t! conveption. ;i 1 k.-!- i ' M ? Mrt ;iMemimjgpri roovedjthat the Pre -lend nav tiieiS to appoint llicf varit the resolutions n:)d r.:.- noMncjed them lwrougb the pjiblic Gztit: . f'Thf conyenynj then abjourned iftnp c'i Stittci M Sttottft GavoU;; 1 IREDilCOyNTV., r V? rldr tl'VfSr! riir inil A 1 1 a ch tr: c n t i-J. J ' T?!r' il-i'C' Levied on Land. lirdm;McLeaj .;;'i - -;; j--- . rf appearing tdjilili satisfaction cf tie Ccurt, that thedefenfeloi in this cause, is not an iu- babiUfit of this !f Uto t It v ordered by t! t. Li . ,nt.Lij.:- l J- r.: i Uoort.inai p tbe Carolina Hiram McLi Plaaa alnrt Of JMlWltrV-l rMtitlt jwilicl Court House in! Siatf 5- f-i--Til n ; - ..i . ! i villeloA the 5th mSday after tbe 4tb tn&nday i MkrhTl888i then farij An. . T ' to iNoe, or jiidgmpt rjoai wjiijwcom-ic ........ h5m.fa3d ihe landifevled on, condoned, to tsi; isfy-fc4plalntiffsWttao -111 W'ti J- AALEXANDp.crcc ; ;i -Imsy 31, lslgg-PI 1' ' i f WILL self mylriwyard sed Coflcbrd, cn .Ummodatinjrms. ind lof lea M termofllWrs. There is no letter itlld for that Mod ofjbosiness in tbs Western pari Hbe Sut-al the necessary L bafryingon the pxsiness, and a dwe. LouSUd excellent f ater c the prercs. Int e wishing to Say or lease, fcy adJfc -fieail Concord, maykaow the f--;,r,p ::iCyiro,Cab i I r?;wfc Warrants, Lporsnlo Rutins OGcc H ! P il ': t-'i' i il ji-l it'i i5, ?.. . tm i.'i I Ht2 V -.f Hi i -hi-- ii urn 4j & - 4'i T 1 (V. IS' 1M til: - - i-1 1 f Ii i i" .Vis lil e Hit 1 Q. H-.' 1: -it "p;f list il ft ill i It 4- tto!kvlf;'i-- ''4? .l .f " " , sc-l ' ll- V 'i ' " ':- - -- . i i - "i