Ui 1 1 1-; rXJ iyA V -i Jj f i s . i 7 VEIIY SATUIIDAY, BY HA3IILTON C. JONES, I EDITOR PROPRIETOIl. . I 1 ' I K it"' r:-. !;-: ''ir- i-: V' J ' - ' ' 1 -, i Ej mi y? : -Jay M Awmm pi $ . mm .WHulDILiB. LET it r...r MakI -day hereafter be j had i year, i is wtio W1JI I ; ..f.4H i" J-HT irid ITiN Gcnl9 P6 WIS? ft' M W 41 ; l,-'vwl,t&paf advance : f v;'t Sle 'femk' lermi r shall cimtinuej trance the feum ol will be Qbared as otaerpabscri :!r0.tlK Dollars in all case.!; j WJlti be 4i0ijtlnDed ; bat a the pp EJItor. oble?3 U arreargea are paid itSiftMlrfM jtheiEditormnst f)eo KfJite Swiir be Charged 25 ; pef4 cent lMatk!te abae rates. A dedii.on of fTOSLiiltfcal afffertfee by !be yearl 1 - t Mrileftt.,'.wiU:. be: Inserted Hbr lesa iSSfleifswiji cbntinQed until orders MMaMltep mm wnere no ouecuons .1 U-1 Iff. i SALISBURY, IS happy to iafuroi her friends and the public,' that she! hair socceedeJ in ensajin'', ad ia! teacher of the Fiajso and Caitar, Lli3a Kmma Dkktr of the Utrhamville Inaiitote. lha bigb qualifications if jlirs Baker which so eminently tit her to in$mct Xoane Laaies in tLese ele- Kant acoomHahxDents, are jalreadj well known to toe poblte, and Mrs. Hatch isoo trusts the in creased patronage of . her School, will jnstify the iBcreased eipense she has toe nr red. ; Sheiedef-; slrtMis to oiake the Salisbary Female Seminary; Worthy the pr.4dence of the State. It remains to behwDJ; niieiher she Will be sustained or! not. ! I OV?B'::VN--' f. S.i'i'he Second Qncrter of Mrs. H. School will comaienee on the lt of Jane, when she hupis Mis !l)aker :will commence her! tostxec lions !j :l ip 'j -April7,-1858 4w37. THE CILTj SEEK t . i : S by iMr. Iloppr that it wcsld be against all he ceremonies, to be called rv whslCtfr. it ia tn nrtJ Capiat a s. can a Til E DYING CHILD'S FARE V ELL ! iFarwell) motlierj I lam dying- ! Death's cold sweat is on my brow liapioiy iny iioie is uying- hi 1 Ap to&ffift' IbmsN 20 cts,; Bran WlikiSiUQ !P U ; X;otwiTper l ib, (in nrnM GMton bacins per yd. 18 22 1-2 PffiMib4-W.feir.ctSv.ci 8 cts ; Uastwiars per illc fcisi; iuoiwniyarni; irom-:ou.o t jo no. b oy; v neat pr usn a Ftewi piot fo i ft pu; r neat pr usn . pi i5;0ats pr whel St) cts j Corn pr bu3h 55 ctsj rJwJMf f "tts!;pad' per lb. 8 ajlDcts i W3tjttlrii.:l6i fctsi ; Nails per lb9 a JO (rf Htjr lb 0 ts V Bacon per lb 12j -Wtel jfgrf lb 1151 "eta ; Lard peTlb I2i c5alier bushel t 25 1 50 cts; SteelAineri . tUfi3tertpeffik cts'j Engflislii do. per lb yk'ilCast -fat (ptrib- 25 a 30 ctsj JSoar. Hft i24l 15 cts f Rom (Jamaica) jpie gal f. jiaikjl rid. f I ;lVool (clean) per lb . 40 HTaAlovNiai 1012 cts; Tow-linenr yd, rct i VVioe(Teneriffe) per pl.jl 50 . ftanl da.:&i ou la 91 y cts uiaret ao i gatl SA Jl I -.T$ ,:t8 ; Malaga,! (swegt) fgtif M;Whf y per jal. 45 a 50 cts,? i ...... i , v . ' ' ' , i ! . I r ' S . : Bacon from lleeswax ietUlO iwts; minz per yard p8,?24 '.tr, lie wpe? per so tt a j 2 5 cts j Untie, pr. i l i !t() Ms HCt'iton per J(V0 ..jhsftla. ICipfe bdshfl 75; a 80 cts t 'Kloor a-1: -air Beeiirt inariet peril '5 a 7 cts.1; tiili!i2 ; flauis du. 00 00 ; Iro? HO r"'?:'tt .1. s 50 a 7 50, froio stores OJbs 5 00 a !C50 y cu) assort- pe jib. 20 00 lbs A 1 50 lb 10 a 123 cts; Salt pr teel A pr lb 10 11371 cts; ijf lbt art ,2$ cts ; Tobacco ;mana- ij 1 f 4 fshct 3. .-(:-.;;; I YJ3TTEVILLE, i i ... i. - s Molasses, J 35 a 40 Nailscut, j 74: iSag-ar btown 1 7 ajll! Lump, ! I .1U LoarV I l8 a 20 Salt. f75cSl SafkS 2& a 501 Tobacco leaf j t Si 4 Cotton ba.l 16s25 Hale rone, -1 8a 124 Wheat new $ fa 1 10 Whiskey 1140 a 45 Wool,: 20 a 25 THE Propriltor of thiEstabliment pftes notice that he is reptairinv and fittitid: it op at considerable cxptose antf in a supertor style, aid will haye it ready for the; reception ol cwapHyjbir jh20th of My2 It iajsitoijtfd on the great Eastern and Western line 'ol ;Sta ; ges fron Saii&brj ru Lio rvlnton to Asheirille, (a Sa passing ihnf eyerjdaj- in! jihe week buit one ) 'Vbe epun Iry around lickn aod pro verbtaUy healthy, aud besides the miner al properties ofj the waters, there ate maj ;iri- aucemenis 10 tarn lire auenuon 01 inTsua ana others towards ibis place. Its proximity to the lower country j-t be-cb ea pness ol. Iiving-s the excellence &f the Aeiffoborinw society the abundance of game the rich field afforded jo scieoce-especially iff Mineralogj an4 1 Botany are (acts oot to be oyerlmiked by the trayelling world. But itjis in ihe MINERAL qualities or TH b SFttiNd3 that the baeaT attractjoi towards thisj spot consists. The Proprietor has no exaggerated; li of cores o present to the pab lic, fur he has just taken possession: nuf, would he dejem it a compliment either to the good taste or sagscify 'tit :be public to present such, if he had thetn. Bis; he has the assurance of some of the must scientific Physicians anc Chemists as.to thejrar anil , Valuable 'properties of these Sprigs 4-1(1 J4. Professpr'OImsted novf of Ya!y Coljg) ;n3d( a strfel analysis of lihis Watei acd (iruboun :ed its foreign ingredient to duipnuTtuta tiarogen Sulphate pIAm, JUuvutt oi JLime. u Fof a more extended statement see his geolojri C3i lirLwi oi torwi iaruunv, aumonseu aj act . c 4 - : t : ' i r( ,t f . . :n 01 A9cui!Uiy pages j 1 as aw. ; opacoi win iuoi ferinitiu4 jto add the very flattering remarks! of this Gentleman, bu any one at all acq'uajoted wighe;6joVjjet cannot help perceiving jiufrjpe-' cul;ar aJapaiion otjthese minerals to the disor dfrs!Uiat!mkt pTeTal ! in tle Suulh. 1 H( ; ; The Proprietor can only superadd his deter mination to merit, patrouage hy an unnincnjng a ttentioc 0 Mie wants , wiihes and comforts of his yisiirji: The Springs are-. -now, aW. wiH be ihroogliont the jear, open for the accommo-: datiois oti traveilersL , :. U 11, : I !:j S ff JOS. W. HAMPTON, r March' iassr-pifas "tCTT IjHe Camden Courier, Columbia Times. CtiarTestjun Mercury, Augusta Consitiutionajiftt. Millcdgeyilej Hf curder," Sa v an nah Rppublican - ana .feoiqmnpsjnqjuirer ym insen ; ineooyf i! :f t 1 1 : f H Let me have Uie last iuiMoviAit-i , dear mother ait thou Weeping T Pears w ill tjdt deaths angel move ; ; Soon thy dalif htir Will be sUjepitigj lo Hie arms of sovereign flovei 1 shall tliere mcetilittle rotlier And my lather see: agajn- j i Oh ! my heart is iiad, rov mother 'I parting pain.! 'ii-Csli:'1 " Fled is now the S I. a it y I M .To. - IP, 11, i'i. ; v,- Hjbppti tiiottM joirl ftim in tue stiesl i ILet me tell hitu;1nat I sawithee ; ; Sini(ing s death fixed my es j Music in my ears is,ringing4- jj Golden harps around me pUy, And a group of angels singing, jil , Smiling, beckon me away. 1 1 j f Voi JtfadtidMan. -:I$&r":M- -111 Oh life thwart a Weary :load -i . r .! As oft thebards havesangll-'l'i . Pleasure and pain Mrnateisel-u :j Alternate right and wrong.j J :t Could aogbt'avail tbr fieetinsr "charms. ! Thy ever. fading flayers. , !'! M ".. Thy fljwingjseas, thy radiant skies, ! In dissolution's hour-i !.;?!; ' jf;1 ! i Could . pleat jr With. her sjnilingjrain V ' Assuage the grh f worn sou!j:-j: j Could great hess sooth the 1 ruulled breast, : Each lisifg fear eonirol, j I Did not reTiion'-r hat dear rfdi I ! i With never cea -inj e6ice;:4tf -1' j Direct the soul firm courage lake- f ; j .! Aodj inidst its feki; rejoice It i Did not relipon; leach the souji?! ij f -f 'hat trials" wait' it here; Tlbat lifesro6a ttynAy ill not A -; ! In' cailliogf hope! ar.il (rar U: If',- j Forever ;-iijjbi! a l;apnr louii! i !i! 'Awatt:t& s.iuljiii tiruveu Joy to Inst Li evfeirn. ie, 1 j Fiooi std and suriov riven. 65 a. 70 Oi' a 10 it ft i'l S3 t:.:-! fl2iii ISi. 9b!a$i 54 7 50 :!-.' !i 40 - 54 a 6 two montlisivi tavTba Springs eekly, and send accounts ; to Ca- f : t - ! I . . ! it il AlitSBIJRY; RACES !IK places 'over the Salisbury Coujs wili and cbqtfdu 4; days. ; ;.-( ; - -i i--r lat Diiyiweiepitake fof 3 year old colts filiesJ rriifebeai!s-4Entrance A50. halt f forfeit' Isoetatiuo If urso $ 1 50 mite heats bnd WORJfcQUIv ! lU iM'LC PtlDLlNGr- Little PeMisw hu 2 oVilftl PJMi i ' . " i J . i : .- i SE.1 , p ( An all ai r ol lionof im jusi iidiirrd be place in spot was nay on To bektpiffperied -24-!p4yiAsc free for'ariy 'khingi stuut, b;!i luui.trly of the III .y4)utteers7 K.ljhuieeiiiiig ' taUjl p. aWkru"s SKitie-grundt and ilia selected Lecause litis beiriir Ithe wiuvi iwwciiyc is juciuaimeu :ior a.umis Siohi (the ground or all othfer divs n the week being obeued 'cra;ik the barW mterruption ilte, field by 3d Day4Assneiation Piirse $200, 2 mile beats. free jfr any jtbuii jexcept the wiaser on the pre? II Aft tefntne.d.from Philadelphia, whh a iiccorfmnnf if lV WKjVwa nrliAfofi 1 cecUhfr-day; 1 -U 4ih Day --Purse; of $100 added to ihr en trance and, gate money of the week, mile heats handira (ir Jj:e)lor any thing. ,.;.:: . ;!'-.-H'. t' E4'raiiJi'.4'fe4clj of the burse !dsye will be 10 per ceni! on !ihe amount in stake : Vhich it h' believediwilil be more in each ease than above stated bat by I no ineans less. The track Wilt . ! : 1'. K Lks: t j:.s sj .1 ?.k. ' J . i; ' pe pu Q goua cpiiaiiioa, anu iiib Associaiion ses me siriciesi aiiffniwn to proer.i 1 I ! F THE MANAGERS. iits would be in uo danger ol 'i'hey were :accoio pa med to their respeclite ecouds, InSPlddilbo 1'uddifoot and Mr. Perks Perks": and kmnl fre" ogy being out bi' die question,! thely ) tovlr yo; tiietrj ground at aMiftance of twelve pacesi upon lia any S aJonr lhat ress himself.! Captain S waits the honor of Captain; Ss 'ieariiest. attention to tnis. . i V mm No. 2 L. P., Toesday morninel . 31 minutes past 10 i'-; Ml! ' Capt Sniggerstonekfcas the! honor: to ac knowledge the receipt of Captain Snar gate'fnote,' dated Lite p; Tuesday aorn ing, 27 minutes part 9. Constderinlr the delicate nature of the sabiect fof iCani? ain Si; Captain S. begs to clechne send-- InglCaptaiii S a reply tills CjpUin 3 has lauan opportunity o! consulting a friend (nnk it proper to adorn under the cfrcucl-- il am, sir, your obedient servatiV ...Ai',!-7 .Thohas Xoppxj P S7 Should any impettinent dolbts be expressed of the 'ujutli ,of .what :-!I.r hfye .as sened, I shall certainly consi!ef iriyelf under j the ne.ee ssiiy of riak ti g ml state- mem, fipon oajiu iq me prcttiice Vil a ma gistrate Wiucb Captain S. ";'j';-j :-r. N ay - i will do without de- o. 3. i P4"T!uesday morning, i j 1 1 minute past 11. 1 j Capt Sniggerstone has the honor to jn- form Capt Snargate that he cannot have th'e $ igbU'st tbjeciiottUo snbstitatei it th ea. est opportunity, thc words JfaWe I ite far $ mall, beer, as rt quested in dapt jSJf leon tuunirationNo Jralid at the same time to express his regret-that the inadvertent use of the words pmallbejsr should have! jclus0d any pain to CdlH S's! feelings!: Bui !Capt iiitrftrt with the parenthesis, Capt S Ilecls uimscii unuer me necessity oi Reclining to remove ii. r, -j r No 4. ; 1 - - i i; . ! L P Tuesday morning. i f - ; 159 minutes! naat i 1.-1 Capt Snargate hat the honor to ackhow- leage uc receipt ) of Cant i SriiggersMmes cprainunication, dated L P Tuesdayi morn- ing, i rninute past il. Uapt S is happy that Capt S. lias consented to i retiraei the ouensive term smalt beer brewer?! but Capt S cannot as a man of honor, dispense with the removal ofnhe parerithesia.1 As Capt S considers that, from thjs point of the affair, it would be ins xpedient that any further communications should be made di rectly between Captain S and Cantain S : Captain S has the honor to inform Cap- tain o tnat tii:ti note will be delivered to Captaiu 13 by Capt S'a friend, Mr J Puddi- hol.- , , :; ;:- i ! t'. r i'i.".-; 'One side of this paper is) nearlv filled With letters. from persons w ho consider themselves either insulted or injuried lly Wsages in Prix's journal ot by the publi- catiou of letter addrt ssed to hiiniundh seal of privacy. II select a few of the inost intercsteiL Thev. are all address ... m i , . ii- ?v - I" i. i'. :'.!! i " To the FMurtf hs Utile PedlmgtonZ. IVetkhj Observer.'! Fit Sir..- Nix has allowed Mr. Yaw u st'H to allow 51 r lioppy to publish aS letter ol mine, wrote private and confidential to itr l?.te fallir. and only intended for tiie h sorn oi friendshipt and is as . foS 1'UIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. O !f en,v,i .tdperior to any in the wes- Iff! instate J Uall and see - - i l v - jw-oesana oiocks repaireaaas usuai tLF47?'.y w-we niqniiia., j llWfer: 4837--tfl6 ! ; ' ' ; -H- -r ; r- , 1 1 JOTte Entertainment. tajS tisrriebdaaM the publjc that hd 11 vf- B wuouse iinneriy occupiea oy feWHelijfrm the y iljageXW j Mccks4 f keeping : ji ;r-7 rrw j , iim iic view I t. 'r! if (?M! Mt exertions tot render satisfaetiori ikmi callon. him! Hi 'Pa hi a .'t,.lt MmtsL : .-. -"7.-;. T r " 1 " T '.j: :PP,,e w't toe eesi the conn USm!? hisjaar stored with Oaechujcea Nl Mi', tl. .-I ; - . I iainfnff in the Loaded pistolsjwere then placed in the hands ol the combatants, w ben thinking enough had been done, the pariiea expres sed tliemselves satisfied, shouktharids and withdrew in pgr feci good hunfor. ti3oih gen tlemeu we Vire aUurel,conducted Jiem selves with thi gteatest gallantry, ;btit we ti-ust it will no Jolten be our painful duty t&Jrecord the occur rence of such r murder ous scenes in I k pjlace Jtltte Pcdlingtun. m. 1 -r- Ll.l : 1 1 t ; i . . . i A uc ciiuso ui uicciiiig win ye; rxniaiucu Dear Pom no, I want to borrow voiir punch Tadle, as 1 ant got onct so put it jn your pocket when you come to night, and giv6 n me slyi . I ; ; .r,f, m 1 ours, truly, 4 i m John Juurs Spictfurs I Now sir ll don't think my rharlieria bit wore for not having got a punch lad) at uiai iiuief oui no man n&es to jiave it made the town talk, and Miss Nix iknows Well enough if I canf borrow I can fenil, Is the following! Will sHow, though it mignt not suit her to puDiisn max ; ifcui rti snn riow appear in thefacoofj all theriM'orld. winch I would notjolherwise liaye done.i The following! . possesses a A. pecnliar cnarm, as comine from the llev diMiaihan Jobb, the bard of Pcdliogtonia. . IXs : be ing the most interesting, so shall tk bs the r oir,As a lover of troth, a mihister of peace, and ther literary executor t)f the late Simcox jRumminsyp 3 A I (eef myself oudly called upon by the still small voice of justice, to dissipate, with a breath, the nickering cloud of calumny Which, like ne aove, is maaes to nover over trie well known character for hospitality !oflthat lU lustrioust man, now sleeping unconcious and defenceless in that grave or which the elegant tomb-stone, now just; finished, wuii am nappy to say, be placed in ttie course of this wek. 4:- Of JfM ''!' : In the jciuroil of Pomponioos NiXlFnow lost published, that ceat and cood maClricords with unerring precision, like the bow of! Apollo, that on the 29th bt September, J 801. he lined with the great antiquary.! It is aa true asjUhe needle to the pole that be-did so, for in my jown joutnal, which may one day i like inaatia fioiiollhea ven.be given lothe world.! find thefac corroborated. Bat like the pelictn, I'cgratflj turoing o& the breast fliat fed if he adds4--'Giose tolerabllguud, bat not so good as gUse ekt with Jack $rigin$ eight Tears a so. oiuianff- oeciaea ran: ana as ior 4nplesauee, not enough' toga twice rotfndiWilh gairt to tne goose and stuffing, 1 siy noflnng; at is a matter of opinion, of which-it can only be said, 'Twas mine, His hi?,aud hai been slave' to thousands.1 put, si r,w hen like t. voracious cormorant h complains that thefevas not t- nougtr apple eauce, iruth and jtisticelboth bid my voice, like thunder roaring in the deiert, and dis pel the calomny as the avalanche iweeps away the flimsy cobweb. Sufficient was tliere, then to have gone twice, nay thrice , round the gallant captaio, as was his j custom alwaysln the after noon, like the sea yawning for its ppy,took near ly the entire of it to his own; shall. U Let me. innuire of btph eandid rtiititi tha rausnthA cause, my soul why went it, not iwice rouo ? bpifii ot Kuniratn' (of whose Li and Tl inies. by ine'a few copies, price: bait air crown, may still be had at my publisher's.,) ad thoa, say ap- peascu r MR.TA ! JaaBajg MADGE'S LETTER. - !--' ii'' Hi -;:. fhtsgton Marclj; 28, 1837 : lliiv Hiruinn -ft i w ni 1 1 r Siii mt ask my opinion on the Subj'ieasury bill as it passed tno itnate. I will rave it as brief ly as possible. I . Before the bill was engrossed, the 23d section originally introduced by Mr Cal houn, and Nimmonly called the specie clause,; was ftrif keii out. Tipton then j the Executive jto pull down! oi t moved to insert a section In its place, re q.nrins the noted of suecie Wivios banks to t he could accamoltte its bills, if it c be received in bavmeftt of this onblic rcve. ed to 'do! ! business and sudJcnr nues, under stch restricttdr anrJ regula-1 them lorjipecilf 'fhe same rem?'! tions as Congress) should provide, which 1 applicable lojolr Calnoun'd pr was rejected. A section wa then adopted on motion of Mr Webster, taking from the Secretary j of the Treasury ! I power ofdis- unas to oe re sitd, Htt short and scj p:. (bank hqtcs) cra converted irk be !;cpl by the oHicers of tie trr jpf the rno4t st'ticus obstacles tut: tion wou d 'per fiaps, be reu-urt J. tain the tijtcs in the Treasury, r. reneari cjrWernotber fbrcir tha Ji public mppey to the tanks end i. constqutrfttherccn" H I took tie grotind, at tha extra that if the hank rjotes xsctp ! cr c convetted j inl specie, as above 1 1 ny tne rrcsitfcpt was imcaatcritl whether jsiecie o the notes H : ing fcanfcjsjwerf! t!o bo receive d-4t cal rileci Woujd he the esco ia 1: j v Mr Weight SnJLj his Speech at) t session, said; Fr" himself, t o c; r; the Tiewj )t . thas taaltcr whjcli 1 : stooU his hondrable colletla tojt:' in case tne ideposites were! ccr.f. safefceepifia o tfii ofScers! cf t!l ment, it javak i question cXInuch!!: est tq th banks than seemed to 1 ly S4iuoe;d'! 'Jlf the banks Wercfcc ; the depositories,! it could :hct td their notes, Jit jniade rtceivabre, j rttaincd for any; length of tune i4 r ; ' bg. J It Wotild te a necessary rch: mode of keeping ihe public fund j, t bank jioles rccTivcd mcst j be prf shiort int ;rya!s J loir ! pay went; an 4 I not seet aati it would be any very favor to ho banks, as a ptrmancht to receive tbit notes rnerejy for l:z ; pf.imuiedite presentment . and j ; At the presentsessioQ fill WnjL: the notes of the banks continue Ito ceived in payment cf the pjblic k!.. the depojsiloritv art dirtcted, as in ' they bnqutiunlbltrwould b, tr r quently and atnort interyafs for the cear sgaicst the. banks, ai.d to d :r.;. cie for. th(e. balances, this niutt c, a powerful chexk uj)C ii all the bii.1 vicinity -of htse i depositories v.L; collections are!lrge. j From the above quotation, en;1, f; sources from! Which they come, I tr can be no longeir. any doubt on t . mind as to tile maimer in Which t! Tteasuryj bill, f it snail bcioa e 1 present stop, -dl be earned ita and 1 leave ttlolthe judraent cf xi tional man to1 ajayt Whether tire reel:; notes of 'specie paying balks nr. regulations, iihd; under the d:: : power cJaimedl by the Ezcjcutivcl i worse than the positive and abt:!.:' tf gold land silVer : only l la t! case, tha banks would only zz'. : sequenctl of their specie bpi c;. thero, and deposited in these ul-'I vaults, by which the would Is ( extend those accommodations to mercantile community is entitle J. former, it would subject thjeca to t! inconvenience by the presentment uotes for epecte, and nut it in tie ; criminating as to the kind b UM Oil JLlETTERS Ren. tfKPStatefT,,,e,redeU lcuUttty? I liyt tlie cbrrespohdence subjoined. : CaKKna; 1st Anril 1838. - :V t J ,A -ii :Jl . i vi jea vramoerrT. a eT noweu. ATereii i i. . t r-i i-t.jT i. r ... i t . t t , i e WtU am 5i Norili II. P., morning, B4-Bruois Ann A care of A Simofiton.) Bss- past 9. i well NatBahiel; I3en.u James, Burgesa Miss 1 1 Capt Snargate presents 'his cpmpl Mil Sarah; Berry Hobtlrt F. Belt lloralia T . - o n. LrtiLL! tv:n:.J. r i 11 1 27 minutes In Captain- jS's iments Canslf illiam. Uwbell ames, eiiret History, ajlpended tojlMr.1 floppy's J A, Oowan William F, Caldwell 4o-1 1. ' r -.r;.w Ar.ii nJj.f-iiVju. j seen r 3 .i f sir -' r- rt . ; Pi: ! , , . 'iL-. - i.W,. - it- Lee- FKaHs njephilas 3 H"--Hiidj.on TbJotnas, flays Robert : .lf -' - JWJolius Juhnj Joties Alcxaoder, Jones Tho mas tUv'di to, Capu Sniggerstone CapU Pouiponius fiix twins nassage -So ! h ComplainedjtoColSuargatei ( the stnall- oeer oreweri wuo cunuuianueu tne corps lhau;de.');i ji::jt;: tj ill)',- As Col S Was well known tl beatrew- r Ml lahl. 410 Qurl r-t nf JaiILhs IT 1 Lrin loinra & - ITiirr lira uri. Kerr I : . . . , v.- , hi ... I -, i. V.TfifV I" - ii r vapl 5 consiuersf Uie use bfthe:iword iTi' a. TwrLv Mr lsmall-been brewer tp be .ouensivei to the mvinnry anu cuaracier oi pis i ate respectea Lewis Klaitt ii it: 2dUsirlialflFrederiek. Montffomery' James, ijfather ; and that byj, placing them i ri pa worr son Eptiraioi, Musbat John.Mcfienry Hen- renihesis (which renders fthni j more re ry ! -it 1 A A t " - ' -! markabitf) tt is 'adding insult ito injury ?T"',,r,y!!"cpp,Jlll"r.Dai :A ' moreso asCapt. a.lhimself auW carries on .grgW OT ? i f k 'd brewery &t Oie lablei ale SonlyfCapW Si-t5tison T M. bfann Joseph 4 Sh W i,,,, ' ulij.u.. inlJWtJi cA.iJtk (whilst bank notes are received,) I ; one aixto wa tol hi received in i; first year j aad so on till the w hcA a r of the nubltc revenue should b& tr- ceived in the different branScs of the pub-j filter.- Who '(can fail to .-e Ml v. hejjill passed j such a system,; every bank pbrou-t,. conntxy may bo destroy edf an.-i operation. Bv its i evils, which hfye been sol uy I ': during tbe discussion ot izis que : flictcd on the community. .It n in . i tt.. MAnii at the issrcv c. I a thisleCUtiveof Uf secrciary w fie revenue lu this shape the Senate. ; Now, as to its practical provisions the Government Its thrown back upon tbe Joint! Resolution! of 1816, under senbe the kind of funds be; receiyed, whether specie; or the nbtef of specie pay- in irtmitXadUvFir-,.ri...Uan r9 it Joint Uesolulioo, the late the specie circular by which a - - - i . pit i. . . J am i v rxri ri r t)r Snieev. Am horl of )m ipoons., ,pe'cie io the p.jjment ot pobUc laar, nn.. u, VV-.-'' S"... V. a Oozen wilU yoo; I gooa xmtWHUt under certain rrairicuons ; iiw , - virrji . . . - ..fV j! Your, truly.1 1 1 j . ttii; right of drltomrtion. Tbe . iSWJrti" " 'A ; A- -i :.'p Preident btberelorel either require hielrth. obolojW .dopu.. Now sir, as j .t r .rr. navinrr hanKft. i overctroio. . , , j f a a a mw t:. 5.1. K.i.!,.;. .pecie ot tiejf Pi; W'og nk. ?' L.wn I.Air K- niiKr4ehflnV BfllO U7:f HlSt I m Bit UIJUII lll.ICl.ll. U) IMWvll.lK WW . w - 1 r - ., i iS: !- i i . ..I Lm lliii Mifl lr N - I W. 1 V. Ill I m WW . UUD U M M - , M t .it .w - . - delicate act to ilo, In .he first ii)stance,he irrr.alifrni kind in ceited i thti present form ;tof ths L stqneaces ' 'ur f tu M .a. fiht tb strikf out the specie el: j. a v B . b.w mm innvi I ax ui.mr. a in ii mm mm mmmm a w . : - may thank herself for the cbnsea '-Yourlobedienl semnti .: p -' -r ; ii-' f f J! i' j t T Si Following these are 14 letters from other ladies anu genuemen, SJi oi tnem yigoroiis ly repelling the charge, if intended t aj)ply to tnem. . I ue next is curious Sir, -Allow roe through the medium of our valuable col urn as, to can tne auenuon of all Little Pedlinstbn to a fact of which they might otherwise have remained igno rant, or which, at least could bnly jbave been knowu to that small and select circle ol lnends who are the most intimately ac- "khich will h4o ? Wliave supposed and kWJ-kW hJ would auibofise thelecipt of the notes none woild Kpmisly think, ft p. .. o?sStSbansanlisburse t Q It contains fowers wh.ehacsd di::: of specie Lpayin? .";s- ;, . nnmitiirated despotism of cpimcn. r - . ji- MnnMa oh then, with the Who e -system-.. atowea in ueoa c, r:ri " u L .v;u.,tf; .Hd kales, tbcat bars.fc.r.j -- i .' i ' -. . J ai.clf a If H ! - Snnraftl: h;K tlltn. President as to mo vYY:ur"r t ...j iii:,.; ,nij and let there t. t .-i i- r!:L cu.,r.j j n'.i smi W "oic uucaw uiaiivipwiotoi will roersiEj.MMlii! t i t-TroittmaD IHenry:, Thomas James WPfM fmau-Deeratclt, are jOfjenstve to i blockhead in thev to -r . l,lBBf g:uueriii, to oe ex changed fof table ale, and the; parenthesis removed.: r ' -i r.r . f-i .5 : '.t ' ' - . . - ! '. ' quaimeu wiui me. j tnereiore earnesiiy re. V"", .IZryol, I distrust in the quest that, every body would turn tq Nix's .V;:r2 of journal, in wnicn, at page da, seven lines i. from the top, they will find ! the following his entry :"Jnst aw llV I inasa I the door he! i the ; pratist ! blocked in tw the town: as f call it. The res cannot be I be ifeioJiben reeurfebtcb of to r-r,H C J o deipaot, ;orJJ Let lb, CWi-.r.: : receive r I . tV I ;t drafts on those Cepcsitcn-, Thornas.Ilin.TbtericeiHoeh L W 4Welbei j Adam, IWeaver AaoosJ Wood- ward Mrs Jane. AVhite William, Walker John, Wolivejr David I , - ik AJ : ' i A J WA- Sheriff of Iredell Coanty 8, Secretary ot wt. nloria todge 2d f ' - Jb . : 1W.. -; .M;ii-;l.?W8Sprice!bfAdt.li50 -t-.-H I' !. J lat he canno ft lapum has to j add i that! he? cannot, consistently with his dignity is ah j officer and a gentleman, apply for ; redress to the publisher ; jfjjptalnr S. is Informed 1 have e distinct qaently passed tr'1 the firmen reHanceJre ie tblt tbey doa. resmfuo , -Hrg?: naiiifiiiHe will iv w - the firmest reliance, i assure "toe that consider cie peifectly justified in thinking so; The publication iof this Utterlwill pre pare LitUe Pedlira forany. steps I msy km Irk m tr from the fatts befoie m. il.nl in Iti'McSSSM St tblt MrMt; -B,-:fl.;. , TbePiest- extra7 session am utterly tstonished it the r ,h th mtisare b alter rtt d l: 1 -.. i tjpott Congreia and tbe people, ir ? lection of lbs revenue in Uu.u ... so essential for tbe general u-;;;.( why isit not equally so far eiery . - 1 1 it; Hjji S' ::: i j j-' 1 V'h ff ! j v -J-;! -,:-:v ' : i 5 , :: ' k I , ' ; 1 : ! . 5 -i - ; - - - . - . .. .. - 1 . , - - ' v ' ' - " J . . - it .,! - T - !.- i-t. -!lci h ' 1 r,."'1- 1;:- v.:. :; Nt ---R-v - ' :-: -.f u-:-i .-I I 'A J4r- rrr.-in :i'! t i -il-' ! fm liA IWl-i- -: ,'iu:r I ,;; . 3 - ; ! .. - ;.i :r-i 4- ' : -r'vL-.: .

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